Awc TR12 1510
Awc TR12 1510
Awc TR12 1510
Approval Date:
August 15, 2011
Equations for
Calculating Lateral
Connection Values
with Appendix A
The American Wood Council (AWC) is the voice of North American traditional and engineered wood
products. From a renewable resource that absorbs and sequesters carbon, the wood products industry
makes products that are essential to everyday life. AWC’s engineers, technologists, scientists, and
building code experts develop state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and standards on structural
wood products for use by design professionals, building officials, and wood products manufacturers to
assure the safe and efficient design and use of wood structural components.
General Dowel
Equations for
Calculating Lateral
Connection Values
with Appendix A
Copyright © 2015
American Wood Council
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Part/Title Page Part/Title Page
List of Tables
1-1 General Dowel Equations for Solid Cross A1 Dowel Bearing Strength, Fe...........................27
Section Members.............................................3 A2 Dowel Bending Yield Strength......................29
1-2 General Dowel Equations for Solid Cross
Section Main Members and Hollow Cross
Section Side Member(s)..................................4
1-3 General Dowel Equations for Hollow Cross
Section Main Member and Solid Cross
Section Side Member(s)..................................5
List of Figures
2-1 Connection Yield Modes – Solid Cross 2-5 Single Shear Connection –Mode II...............12
Section Members.............................................6 2-6 Dowel Bearing with Tapered Tip
2-2 Connection Yield Modes – Solid and Connector......................................................13
Hollow Cross Section Members......................7 2-7 General Conditions of Dowel
2-3 General Conditions of Dowel Loading – Hollow Cross Section Members..15
Loading – Solid Members...............................8 A1 Dowel Bearing Strength Test Specimen........26
2-4 Connection Yield Modes Assumed A2 Dowel Bending Strength...............................28
Loading – Solid Members............................. 11
A generalized form of the National Design The reference design value, Z, is the minimum of
Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction (AWC, the calculated, P/Rd, for all yield modes as follows:
2012) yield limit equations applicable to dowel-type P
fastener connections between members of solid cross Z= Minmum value of (1)
section is provided in Table 1-1 of this report. Rd
Equations are also provided for connections with side where:
or main members of hollow cross section, in Tables 1-2 Z = Reference lateral design value
and 1-3, respectively. The variables for these tables are
defined in Section 1.6. These general dowel equations P = Reference 5% offset yield value
are applicable to NDS connection conditions, allow for Rd = NDS reduction term for dowel type fastener
evaluation of connections with gaps between connected connections, see NDS Table 11.3.1B
members, and include separate equation variables to
better account for varying bearing and moment 1.4 Connections with Members of Solid
resistances of fasteners having more than one diameter Cross Section
along their length (such as threaded fasteners).
Equations in Table 1-1 are applicable for
1.2 Lateral Connection Values
calculation of reference 5% offset yield, P, for dowel
type fastener connections where connected members
Yield limit equations provided herein apply to are of solid cross section. The reference 5% offset
calculation of lateral values for single fastener yield, P, is calculated for each applicable connection
connections between wood-based members and yield mode, as depicted in Table 1-1. Example
connections of wood-based members to steel and applications of equations in Table 1-1 are provided in
concrete/masonry components. Design criteria for Part 3 of this report.
dowel type fastener connections are provided in the
NDS for Wood Construction and include the following 1.5 Connections with Members of Hollow
considerations: Cross Section
fastener design limit states (e.g. tension,
bearing, and shear);
Equations in Table 1-2 are applicable for
fastener spacing, edge, and end distance;
calculation of reference 5% offset yield, P, for dowel
connection fabrication and tolerances;
type fastener connections where the main member is of
connection geometry; solid cross section and the side member(s) have a
multiple fasteners and group action; hollow cross section. Equations in Table 1-3 are
member strength at the connection; applicable for calculation of reference 5% offset yield,
adjustments for end use (e.g. load duration and P, for dowel type fastener connections where the main
wet service) and fastener type (e.g. drift bolts member has a hollow cross section and the side
and drift pins). member(s) is/are of solid cross section. The equations
member bearing strengths; in Tables 1-2 and 1-3 are based on the assumption that
fastener bending strengths; the dowel penetrates both walls of the hollow member
reduction factors, Rd, to adjust reference 5% and the thickness of each wall through which the dowel
offset yield connection values, P, to reference penetrates, tws or twm, is the same. Connection yield
allowable stress design values, Z. modes are depicted in Tables 1-2 and 1-3. Example
applications of equations in Table 1-3 are provided in
Part 3 of this report.
1.6 Dowel Bearing Strength and Fastener Mbm = main member dowel bearing maximum
Bending Yield Strength moment, in.-lbs
Mbs = side member dowel bearing maximum
Dowel bearing strengths, Fe, and fastener bending yield moment, in.-lbs
strengths, Fyb, are provided in Appendix A. Mds = side member dowel moment resistance,
Fyb(Ds3/6), in.-lbs
1.7 Notation Mdm = main member dowel moment resistance,
Fyb(Dm3/6), in.-lbs
Ms = maximum moment developed in side
D = dowel diameter, in.
member at xs, in.-lbs
Ds = dowel diameter at maximum stress in side
Mm = maximum moment developed in main
member, in.
member at x, in.-lbs
Dm = dowel diameter at maximum stress in main
P = reference 5% offset yield lateral connection
member, in.
value for a single fastener connection, lbs
Dr = fastener root diameter, in.
p = dowel penetration, in.
E = length of tapered dowel tip, in.
qs = side member dowel-bearing resistance, FesD,
Fe = dowel bearing strength, psi
Fe‖ = dowel bearing strength parallel to grain in
qm = main member dowel-bearing resistance,
wood, psi FemD, lbs./in.
Fe = dowel bearing strength perpendicular to t = thickness, in.
grain in wood, psi tws = wall thickness in hollow side member, in.
Fes = side member dowel bearing strength, psi twm = wall thickness in hollow main member, in.
Fem = main member dowel bearing strength, psi vs = length of void space along the axis of the
Ftu = tensile ultimate strength, psi dowel in hollow side member, in.
Fu = specified minimum tensile strength, psi vm = length of void space along the axis of the
Fy = specified minimum tensile yield strength, dowel in hollow main member, in.
psi x = distance from shear plane to maximum
Fyb = specified minimum dowel bending yield moment, in.
strength of fastener, psi Rd = NDS reduction term for dowel type
G = specific gravity fasteners
g = gap between members, in. Z = reference lateral design value for a single
Ls = side member dowel-bearing length, in. fastener connection, lbs
Lm = main member dowel-bearing length, in. Zʹ = adjusted lateral design value for a single
fastener connection, lbs
Table 1-1 General Dowel Equations for Solid Cross Section Members2
Mode Single Shear Double Shear Description
Im P = qm Lm P = qm Lm
Is P = qs Ls P = 2 qs Ls
Table 1-2 General Dowel Equations for Solid Cross-Section Main Member and Hollow Cross Section Side Member(s)2
Mode Single Shear Double Shear Description
Im P = q mLm P = qm Lm
Is P = 2q st ws P = 4 q s t ws
B + B - 4 AC
B + B - 4 AC
General equation for member bearing
II-IV P= P= and dowel yielding
2A A
Inputs A, B, & C for Yield Modes II-IV
1 1 Lm qm L2m
II1 A= + B = tws +vs g + C = - q stws (t ws vs ) -
4 qs 4 qm 2 4
1 1
B = g + Lm
A= + qm L2m
IIIm1 C= - M s-
2 qs 4 qm 2 4
1 1
4 qs
2 qm
B = tws vs + g C = - q stws (t ws vs ) - M m
1 1
IV A= + B= g C= -Ms- Mm
2 qs 2 qm
Yield Modes II and IIIm do not apply for double shear connections.
Table 1-3 General Dowel Equations for Hollow Cross Section Main Member and Solid Cross Section Side Member(s)2
Mode Single Shear Double Shear Description
Im P = 2q mtwm P = 2q mt wm
Is P = qs Ls P = 2 qs Ls
B + B - 4 AC
B + B - 4 AC
General equation for member bearing
II-IV P= P= and dowel yielding
2A A
Inputs A, B, & C for Yield Modes II-IV
1 1 Ls qs L2s
II1 A= + B = twm +vm g + C = - q mtwm (t wm vm ) -
4 qs 4 qm 2 4
1 1
IIIm1 A= + B = g +twm vm C = - M s - q mtwm (t wm vm )
2 qs 4 qm
1 1 Ls q s L 2s
IIIs A= + B= +g C= - - Mm
4 qs 2 qm 2 4
1 1
IV A= + B= g C= -Ms- Mm
2 qs 2 qm
Yield Modes II and IIIm do not apply for double shear connections.
See Section 1.6 for notation.
Figure 2-1 Connection Yield Modes – Solid Cross Section Members Section Members
2.2 Equation Derivation for Connections simplifies equation derivation. These basic conditions
with Members of Solid Cross Section are shown in Figure 2-3. In Case B, maximum
moment is based on dowel bearing. In Case C,
2.2.1 Mode I maximum moment is based on dowel bending.
Yield modes Im and Is model connections limited Maximum moments for both cases occur at points of
by uniform bearing in the main and side member(s). zero shear. Maximum moment due to dowel bearing,
Figure 2-3, Case A, shows that the maximum value for shown in Case B of Figure 2-3, represents a load
shear, P, is determined by the following equations: condition where the dowel’s moment capacity is
sufficiently large to prevent yielding of the dowel
P = qmLm (2) (dowel bending). For calculation purposes, let q define
P = qsLs (3) member bearing resistance (lb/in.) (q = FeDb), L,
define member bearing length (in.), and let x represent
Similarly, considering the geometry of a double the location of zero shear (x = L – 2a). The resulting
shear connection, the maximum value for shear, P, is maximum moment due to dowel bearing, Mb, equals
determined by: qa2. Recognizing that a = (L – x)/2 and x = P/q and
P = qmLm (2) substituting results in Mb = (q/4)(L – P/q)2 for single
shear connections.
P = 2qsLs (4) Subscripts s and m indicate side and main member
2.2.2 Modes II-IV in the following equations for maximum moment due
For modes II-IV, considering conditions where to dowel bearing:
limiting or maximum moments act on the dowel
Figure 2-2 Connection Yield Modes – Solid and Hollow Cross Section Members
P 1 + 1 + P g -
M ds + M dm = 0 (18)
4 2q s 2q m 2
Single Shear
Dowel Joint
Single Shear
Dowel Joint with
Uniform Loading
P = qm p E qm E (19)
The Mode Im equation can be further simplified to:
P = qm p - (20)
For single shear connections, bearing in the side
member is based on diameter, D. Maximum load P is
determined by the characteristic equation:
P = qs Ls (3)
Considering the geometry of a double shear
connection, where the tip is in the side member,
maximum load, P, is determined by:
P = qm Lm (2)
P = q s 2L s (21)
2.3.2 Modes II-IV
Figure 2-6 illustrates a general dowel bearing
scenario with a tapered tip connector. For calculation
purposes, let q define member bearing resistance
(lb/in.) determined by the equation q = FeDb, p define
penetration length (in), E define the length of taper
(in), and let x represent the location of zero shear (x =
p-a-b-E). The resulting maximum moment due to Substitution of values of maximum bearing
dowel bearing, Mb, equals qa2 + qE2/24. Recognizing resistance and maximum moment resistance as
that am = p/2 – xm/2 – E/4 and x = P/q results in the applicable for the yield mode into characteristic
following equations for maximum moment due to equation for single shear (equation 10) and for double
dowel bearing: shear (equation 11) result in equations the maximum
load, P, as follows:
Subscripts s and m indicate side and main member ideally plastic behavior, is expressed in equations 8
in the following equations for maximum moment due and 9.
to dowel bearing: Following the method established in Section 2.2,
the maximum load, P, can be determined using the
Single Shear: same characteristic equations used for solid members
(equations 10 and 11).
P2 Similar to solid members, yield modes II and IIIm
Mbs = Ptws vs qstws
qstwsvs (33)
4qs are not possible for double shear connections, as the
assumed symmetry of double shear connections does
P2 not permit these modes to occur.
M bm = P twm vm qstwm
qmtwmvm (34)
4qm 2.4.3 Mode II
Yield Mode II models a connection limited by
Double Shear: dowel bearing in the side and main members. The
maximum induced moment was previously determined
P2 t v 2 (equations 33 and 34). Substituting Mbs and Mbm into
M bs = P ws s qstws qstws vs (35)
16qs 2 2 the characteristic equation for Ms and Mm results in the
following quadratic equation, expressed in terms of
Maximum moment due to dowel bending is shown known properties for dowel-bearing resistance (qs and
in Case C of Figure 2-7. In this case, maximum qm), dowel-bearing length (Ls and Lm), and the gap
moment is limited to the moment provided by the between members (g), and a single unknown variable, P.
dowel in bending which is represented by a
concentrated moment acting at the point of zero shear
(x = P/q). Moment resistance of the dowel, assuming
Figure 2-7 General Conditions of Dowel Loading – Hollow Cross Section Members
Single Shear:
1 (36)
+ + P t ws vs + g t wm +vm
- q t qs tws q t
s ws
m wm
qmtwm vm = 0
+ + tws vs + g
4 4 q s 2q m 2 (39)
Single Shear:
1 1
- q t qs tws vs + M dm = 0
s ws
+ + P g +twm vm
P 2.4.6 Mode IV
2q s 4 q m (37) Mode IV models a connection limited by dowel
- M ds + qmtwm
qmtwm vm = 0 bending in the main and side member(s). Substituting
Mds and Mdm (equations 8 and 9) into the characteristic
2.4.5 Mode IIIs equations for Ms and Mm yields the same quadratic
Mode IIIs models a connection limited by dowel equations developed for solid sections (equations 17
bearing in the side member(s) and dowel bending in and 18).
the main member. Substituting Mbs (equations 33 and An alternative, energy based derivation,
35) and Mdm (equation 9) into the characteristic producing the same results in different equation
equation for Ms and Mm results in the following format, is provided in Parsons (2001).
quadratic equation(s) expressed in terms of known
Problem Statement: Determine the reference design Given: Both side and main member thicknesses are
value, Z, for a wood-to-wood single shear bolted 1.5 in. Each connection uses a single ½ in. diameter
connection. Compare values for gap distance, g, equal bolt (SAE J429 Grade 1).
to 0 in., ¼ in., and ½ in. Connection end and edge Ls = Lm = 1.5 in.
distances are assumed to be in accordance with D = 0.5 in.
applicable NDS provisions. Fyb = 45,000 psi
Fell = 4800 psi, Fe = 2550 psi
g = 0, 0.25, 0.5 in.
Connection values have not been adjusted for end use conditions such as load duration, wet service, and temperature. Z is the
minimum of P5%/Rd for each yield mode. The controlling yield mode value is underlined.
Problem Statement: Determine the reference design other threaded fasteners such as bolts and wood
value for a wood-to-wood single shear lag screw screws by accounting for specific attributes (diameter,
connection. Compare values for different connection root diameter, dowel bending strength) of those
conditions described in Cases 1–4. The main member fastener types.
is loaded parallel to grain for all cases. Connection end
and edge distances are assumed to be in accordance Given Data:
with applicable NDS provisions. Parallel and perpendicular to grain dowel bearing
Note: This example illustrates the application of TR12
Fell = 5600 psi, Fe = 3650 psi
equations to account for varying bearing and moment
resistances of lag screws in a wood-to-wood Fyb = 45,000 psi
connection. A similar approach can be applied to
Ls = 1.5 in.
Figure 3-2 Wood-to-wood single shear lag screw comparison of different diameter and thread
location conditions.
Reduced body
diameter lag
diameter lag
screw, Dr
screw, Dr
(A) Case 1 (B) Case 2
Connection values have not been adjusted for end use conditions such as load duration, wet service, and temperature. Z is the
minimum of P5%/Rd for each yield mode. The controlling yield mode value is underlined.
Case 1 represents assumptions used to develop NDS tabular values. Since the NDS equations utilize only a single diameter in
calculation of reference design value, the least diameter (e.g. Dr) is conservatively used to estimate moment and bearing resistances.
In this example, Cases 2-4 demonstrate that more efficient designs can be achieved by considering the varying moment and bearing
resistances of the fastener in lieu of the least diameter assumption.
1 ½” P M
x a a
Shear plane
Shear, V x
Figure 3-3B Mreduced
Moment, M
M x Mm
Shear plane
Example 3.4 Steel Side Member to Wood Given: Dowel bearing strength is 4700 psi. Side
Main Member – Tapered Tip Effects member is 16 gage ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel. Nail
diameter is 0.131" and is of adequate length to
Problem Statement: Compare reference design accommodate the given penetrations. Tapered tip
values, Z, for a single shear nail connection at 12D, length, E, is equal to 2D. Main member is loaded
10D, 8D, 6D, and 4D penetrations. Connection end and parallel to grain.
edge distances are assumed to be in accordance with
applicable NDS provisions.
Ls = 0.06 in.
For “EYM tip derivation” case: D = 0.131 in.
Lm = p E = 0.262 in.
Use tapered tip equations 24 through 29 Fem = 4700 psi
For “NDS” case: Fes = 61,850 psi
Lm = p – E/2 Fyb = 100,000 psi
Use general dowel equations in Table 1-1 g = 0 in.
Connection values have not been adjusted for end use conditions such as load duration, wet service, and temperature. Z is the
Example 3.5 Bolted Connection through Given: Main member is an HSS 3x3x¼, side members
Solid and Hollow Members – Double Shear are 1.5" thick. A single ½" diameter SAE J429 Grade 1
bolt is used to make the connection.
Problem Statement: Using equation in Table 1-3,
determine the reference design value, Z, for a double twm = 0.233 in.
shear bolted connection with a hollow section main
member and solid cross section side members shown vm = 2.534 in.
in Figure 3.5. Connection end and edge distances are
Ls = 1.5 in.
assumed to be in accordance with applicable NDS
provisions. D = 0.5 in.
Fem = 87,000 psi
Figure 3-5 Fes = 4800 psi
Fyb = 45,000 psi
g = 0 in.
PART 4. References
ANSI/AWC NDS-2012 National Design Specification
(NDS) for Wood Construction. American Wood
Council, Leesburg, VA, 2012.
This Appendix provides dowel bearing strengths, Dowel bearing strengths, Fe, for wood, steel, alumi-
Fe, and fastener bending yield strengths, Fyb, for use in num, and concrete used in calculation of lateral connection
calculation of reference lateral design values, Z, using design values, Z, are summarized in Table A1.
Technical Report 12 (TR12) General Dowel Equations for For wood, dowel bearing strengths are determined
Calculating Lateral Connection Values. Dowel bearing from dowel bearing tests in accordance with methods
strengths and fastener bending yield strengths provided outlined in ASTM D5764 Standard Test Method for
herein are identical to values established in the National Evaluating Dowel-Bearing Strength of Wood and Wood-
Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction for Based Products [2, 3]. These tests are used to define the
materials included in connection design value tables [1]. specific gravity-based relationships for wood members in
Additional information on dowel bearing strengths and Table A1. Dowel bearing strengths for structural compos-
fastener bending yield strengths is provided including in- ite lumber are specific to each manufacturer’s product and
formation on dowel bearing strengths of aluminum and are typically reported on the basis of an equivalent specif-
stainless steel, and bending yield strengths for stainless ic gravity, Geqv, using equivalency methods described in
steel nails. ASTM D5456 Standard Specification for Evaluation of
Structural Composite Lumber Products [4]. The bearing
A.2 Notation strength and associated equivalent specific gravity may
vary by product grade, fastener type, diameter, and ori-
D = dowel diameter, in. entation. The equivalent specific gravities are generally
f′c = specified concrete compressive strength, psi not equivalent or correlated to the actual product density.
Fe = dowel bearing strength, psi For wood structural panels, a value of specific grav-
Fe|| = dowel bearing strength parallel to grain in wood, psi ity, G, is provided that establishes the appropriate Fe for
Fe⊥ = d owel bearing strength perpendicular to grain in use in calculating lateral connection design values, Z, but
wood, psi generally does not represent the actual product density.
Ftu = tensile ultimate strength, psi For example, the specific gravity applicable for deter-
Fu = specified minimum tensile strength, psi mination of Fe for wood structural panels, plywood and
Fy = specified minimum tensile yield strength, psi oriented strand board (OSB), with D ≤ ¼ inch is based on
Fyb = dowel bending yield strength of fastener, psi results of dowel bearing strength tests. A value of specific
G = specific gravity of wood (oven dry weight and gravity is derived from testing to establish the appropri-
oven dry volume) ate bearing strength when used in the applicable bearing
Geqv = test-based equivalent specific gravity of structural strength equation [5]. For plywood used in bolted joints,
composite lumber where fastener diameter is greater than ¼ inch, the use
t = thickness, in. of dowel bearing strength of 5600 psi regardless of ply-
Z = reference lateral design value for a single fastener wood species and direction of face grain has been shown
connection, lb. to result in conservative design values when compared to
Z′ = adjusted lateral design value for a single fastener the tested strength of bolted plywood joints [6].
connection, lb. An illustration of a typical half-hole dowel bearing
test specimen used to determine dowel bearing strength
of a wood specimen is shown in Figure A1.
Proportional Limit
Loading block
Load (lbs.)
Fastener Dowel bearing specimen
5% of diameter
For steel designed in accordance with AISC-360 steel by 1.6 when calculating the lateral connection design
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, the nomi- value, Z, is intended to apply to steel of other thicknesses,
nal bearing strength is 2.4Fu when deformation at the with other specified minimum tensile strengths, and that
bolt hole is a design consideration [7]. The result- vary from ASTM A36 and ASTM A653 steel, for which
ing nominal bearing stress is 139 ksi for ASTM A36 steel design standards are applicable.
steel with Fu = 58 ksi [8]. In the NDS, tabulated design For stainless steel [11,12] designed in accordance
values for wood-to-steel connections using these steel with AISC Design Guide 27 Structural Stainless Steel
bearing stresses are divided by 1.6, providing a dowel for hot-rolled structural stainless steel, the nominal bear-
bearing strength, Fe, of 87,000 psi. While the 1.6 factor ing strength is limited to maximum value of 1.25Fu when
is intended to permit use of load duration increases for deformation at the bolt hole is a design consideration
calculation of the adjusted lateral design value, Z′, per [13]. Dividing this bearing stress value by 1.6 for consis-
the NDS, it is not intended to supersede requirements tency with the bearing strength approach for carbon steel,
for design of metal parts in accordance with accepted provides a dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 1.25Fu/1.6. For
engineering practice (see NDS 10.2.3). cold-formed structural stainless steel designed in accor-
For steel designed in accordance with AISI S100 dance with SEI/ASCE 8-02 Specification for the Design
North American Specification for the Design of Cold- of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members, the
Formed Steel Structural Members, the nominal bearing nominal bearing strength for single shear connections
stress is determined by the expression (4.64t + 1.53)Fu, with a washer under the bolt head and nut is 2.0Fu [14].
which is applicable where deformation around a bolt Dividing this bearing stress value by 1.6 for consistency
hole is a design consideration [9]. The resulting ASTM with the bearing strength approach for carbon steel, pro-
A653 [10] nominal bearing stress for steel with Fu = 45 vides a dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 2.0Fu /1.6.
ksi ranges from 76 ksi to 119 ksi for thicknesses rang- For bolts bearing on aluminum designed in ac-
ing from 0.036 to 0.239 inches, respectively. In the NDS, cordance with ADM-1 Aluminum Design Manual, the
tabulated design values for wood-to-steel connections are nominal bearing stress on bolts is 2Ftu [15]. Dividing this
based on 2.2Fu divided by 1.6, providing a dowel bearing bearing stress value by 1.6 for consistency with the bear-
strength, Fe, of 61,850 psi. The use of 2.2Fu for the range ing strength approach for steel, provides a dowel bearing
of steel thicknesses addressed in NDS wood-to-steel strength, Fe, of 2Ftu /1.6.
connection design value tables for ASTM A653 steel is Theoretical modeling of dowel bearing strength of
based on bearing stress provisions in prior editions of concrete and dowel bearing tests in concrete with maxi-
AISI S100 in lieu of more recent AISI S100 provisions mum f ′c = 2700 psi are the basis of the relationship 3f ′c
that adjust bearing stress based on steel thickness. representing the approximate 5% offset limit state value
This bearing strength derivation approach for steel, for concrete dowel bearing strength [16, 17]. Information
which includes dividing the nominal bearing stress for on design of dowels in concrete pavements suggests
dowel bearing strength of concrete in this range, and design of concrete or anchors in concrete in accordance
also dependence on dowel diameter with larger bearing with accepted practice [19] (see NDS 10.2.4).
strengths associated with dowels of smaller diameter NDS reference values of dowel bearing strength,
[18]. For the design of wood-to-concrete connections, a Fe, in Table A1 and in NDS Table 12.3.3 are rounded
concrete dowel bearing strength of 7500 psi is considered values and are generally associated with smaller and
applicable for concrete with a minimum compressive larger values than would result from the direct use of
strength of 2500 psi. The use of a dowel bearing strength the equations. The rounded values of Fe are used to cal-
of concrete for calculation of lateral connection design culate the lateral connection design values, Z, tabulated
values, Z, is not intended to supersede requirements for in the NDS.
A.4 Dowel Bending Yield Strength F1575 Standard Test Method for Determining Bending
Yield Moment of Nails for determination of the 5% offset
Dowel bending yield strengths, Fyb, for bolts, lag limit state value [20, 21]. A typical fastener bending test
screws, wood screws, and nails for use in calculation specimen is shown in Figure A2. Stainless steel nails
of reference lateral design values, Z, are summarized in have been shown to display similar bending strength to
Table A2. comparably sized carbon steel fasteners [22]. For either
For nails and small-diameter wood screws and lags carbon steel nails or stainless steel nails, bending yield
screws, the value of Fyb increases with reduced diameter values are evaluated in accordance with supplementary
and depends on the hardness of the steel. The empiri- requirements of ASTM F1667 Standard Specification for
cal relationships are based on testing of carbon steel Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples for engi-
nails in accordance with procedures outlined in ASTM neered construction [23].
Load (lbs.)
5% of diameter
Deformation (in.)
a) b)
For bolts and lag screws with diameter of ⅜ inch NDS reference values of fastener bending yield
and greater, Fyb = 45 ksi is associated with the equation strength, Fyb, in Table A2 are rounded values. The rounded
Fyb = Fy /2 + Fu /2 for bolts having Fy = 36 ksi and Fu = values of Fyb are used to calculate lateral connection design
60 ksi. This bending yield strength equation applies for values, Z, tabulated in the NDS. In some cases, such as
steel fasteners for which steel design standards are ap- for nails of 0.344 to 0.375 inches in diameter as well as
plicable, including both carbon steel and stainless steel hardened nails greater than 0.192 inch, the equations pro-
[24, 25, 26]. duce slightly greater values of Fyb than used as the basis of
lateral connection design values, Z, tabulated in the NDS.
A.5 References [6] APA E825E, Fastener Loads for Plywood – Bolts,
APA – The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma,
[1] ANSI/AWC NDS-2012 National Design Washington, 1997.
Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction. American
Wood Council, Leesburg, VA, 2012. [7] AISC 360-10 Specification for Structural Steel
Buildings. American Institute of Steel Construction,
[2] ASTM D5764-97a (2013) Standard Test Method for Inc., Chicago, IL, 2010.
Evaluating Dowel-Bearing Strength of Wood and Wood-
Based Products. ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013. [8] ASTM A36-12, Standard Specification for Carbon
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