Case of Chest Pain in A Young Man: Ankit Gupta, Atul Vijay Palkar, Priya Narwal
Case of Chest Pain in A Young Man: Ankit Gupta, Atul Vijay Palkar, Priya Narwal
Case of Chest Pain in A Young Man: Ankit Gupta, Atul Vijay Palkar, Priya Narwal
Case report
Pulmonary and Critical Care Summary
Medicine, Hartford HealthCare, A young man with a history of smoking presented with
Hartford, Connecticut, USA acute-onset chest pain after lifting weights. He also
Rhode Island Hospital,
noticed a change in his voice, tightness in his neck and
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
difficulty breathing. A chest radiograph showed soft
tissue emphysema in the neck. A CT scan of the chest
Correspondence to
Dr Ankit Gupta, revealed moderate amount of pneumomediastinum
ankitguptapulmonary@gmail. tracking into the neck and down to the diaphragm.
com He was haemodynamically stable and had no hypoxia
or dysphagia. He was monitored for 48 hours and
Accepted 1 January 2018 discharged home after resolution of his symptoms. A
chest radiograph repeated after 6 weeks was normal.
This case describes a rare cause of chest pain in the Figure 2 CT soft tissue neck: moderate amount of
young. Pneumomediastinum without any compli- pneumomediastinum and soft tissue emphysema in the
cations can be managed with supportive treatment. neck.
Discussion Contributors AG, AVP and PN were all involved in writing the manuscript,
literature review and proof-reading.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is a rare cause of chest
pain.1 It is more common in young men. It usually occurs due Competing interests None declared.
to a sudden increase in intra-alveolar pressure during pressure Patient consent Obtained.
swings in the thoracic cavity with alveolar rupture into the Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
bronchovascular sheath.2 Predisposing factors include asthma, © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article)
2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly
Patient’s perspective
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cases with return to flying duty. Aviat Space Environ Med 2005;76:63–5.
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