Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Profile of Valsartan: A Review
Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Profile of Valsartan: A Review
Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Profile of Valsartan: A Review
ISSN: 2231-3354
Received: 27-05-2011 Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Profile of
Accepted: 10-06-2011
Valsartan: A Review
Valsartan is a potent, orally active nonpeptide tetrazole derivative and selectively inhibits
Angiotensin II Receptor type 1 (Flesch et al., 1997) which causes reduction in blood pressure and
is used in treatment of hypertension. It was first developed by Novartis and has a wide market in
the developed and the developing countries. It is also available in combination with other
antihypertensive drugs. It is a lipophilic drug and possesses moderate onset of action than other
drugs of the same category. The drug is a very good target for the generic industries. It is soluble
in the neutral pH range. It belongs to the BCS class III drug classified as low permeability and
high solubility drug. Valsartan is soluble in acetonitrile and methanol. The drug is rapidly
absorbed orally and has limited volume of distribution and is extensively bound to plasma
proteins. Valsartan is not extensively metabolized and is mainly excreted by non-renal routes.
Valsartan is effective in treatment of pediatric, adolescents and the elderly patients with mild to
moderate hypertension. Monotherapy with Valsartan with 80 mg as the starting dose has shown
considerable efficacy in patients with CHF and renal impairment alongwith hypertension and add
on therapy helped control BP in large population of patients with severe hypertension not
responding sufficiently to β-blockers, ACE inhibitors or diuretics. The importance of aggressive
blood pressure control is undisputed, but the therapeutic focus is now extending to end-organ
protection as a treatment goal of equal importance to BP reduction. Thus, the value of ARBs like
Valsartan in slowing the progression of kidney disease due to high blood pressure or diabetes has
very positive medical as well as commercial implications. Many clinical trial studies like VALUE,
*For Correspondence: VALIANT, VAL-Heft, PREVAIL and many more have been conducted of which valsartan
E-mail: [email protected]
administration is a part. From these studies comparison of valsartan with other antihypertensives
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (04); 2011: 12-19
have been made extensively. Valsartan was well tolerated in PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES
clinical studies and with most treatment related adverse effects Valsartan is 3-methyll-2-[pentanoyl-[[4-[2-(2H-tetrazoyl-
related to the drugs of same category and ACE inhibitors. Many 5-yl)phenyl]phenyl]methyl]amino]-butanoic acid (Structure
analytical methods have been developed for the quantitation and 1)with empirical formula C24H29N 5O3. Its molecular weight is
determination of valsartan in biological fluids and pharmaceutical 435.519g/mol (Flesch et al., 1997). Valsartan is a white coloured
dosage form. powder that is freely soluble in ethanol, methanol, acetonitrile and
sparingly soluble in water. The drug is listed officially in USP
monograph alongwith its three impurities (R)-N-valeryl-N-{[2’-
Valsartan was first developed by Novartis and was sold
(1H-tetrazole-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]-methyl}valine, (S)-N-butyryl-N-
under the brand name DIOVAN and it currently holds the largest
{[2’-(1H-tetrazole-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]-methyl}valine and (S)-N-
market share for the drug of its kind in the market. In the USA,
valsartan is registered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
benzyl ester. Valsartan appears in the melting range of 105-110˚C
for use in the treatment of hypertension in children of 6 years and
and the specific rotation [α]D/20 in methanol being 68˚. The
older and adolescents in the December 2008.
partition coefficient of Valsartan is 0.033 (log P=1.499),
suggesting that the compound is hydrophilic at physiological pH.
Present and Future Scenario
The compound is stable under storage in dry conditions (Saydam et
Diovan (valsartan) was labelled as the world’s number-
al., 2007).
one selling high blood pressure medication and accounted for $6
billion in sales in 2010 worldwide. In near future its patent
protection on its active ingredient is ready to expire in most of the
major territories.There are two types of dosage forms of valsartan O
available in the market. One comprising of single-active
component valsartan and other comprising three dosage froms HN NH
containing a combination of valsartan with one or more active N N C
ingredients hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine besylate, aliskiren (Z) O OH
hemifumarate. Ranbaxy Laboratories filed a Paragraph IV (structure 1: Valsartan)
certification in 2007 and claimed the US5399578 patent as invalid
and thereby pledged not to make, use, sell, offer to sell, or import Valsartan is a tetrazole derivative that contains acid
Valsartan until November 2012 expiry date. Ranbaxy along with (pKa=4.73) and carboxylic (pKa=3.9) groups making the
Teva has got tentative approval for many strengths of the tablet and compound soluble in the neutral pH range (Flesch et al., 1997).
is expecting 180 days exclusivity and being first to file upon the Hence, it exists as solution at physiological pH values as the
expiry of the US5399578 patent. Data exclusivity (DE) delays undissociated acid, the mono-anion and the di-anion. On increasing
generic competition even if the patented period has expired and the pH from 4 to 6 the solubility of valsartan increases by a factor
hence is a cause for trouble for companies interested in developing of about 1000, but it favors the anionic form and decreases
a generic equivalent. As the DE periods for the combination lipophilicity, hence the rate of absorption of valsartan is influenced
periods by Novartis are scheduled to expire in US by intestinal pH along the (GI)tract. In vitro dissolution is
(Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide expiring in 2011; Valsartan/ complete and rapid at pH 5.0 and above. As valsartan has pH
Hydrochlorothiazide/Amlodipine and Valsartan/ Aliskiren expiring dependent solubility it belongs to a special case in a proposed
in 2012). Similarly in Europe, data exclusivity for Valsartan alone general classification system that categorises drugs with respect to
has expired, and the combination products are scheduled to expire their biopharmaceutical and absorption properties.In the
as follows: Valsartan/Aliskiren expiring in 2017 and biopharmaceutical classification system, valsartan has been
Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide/Amlodipine expiring in 2019. classified as Class III drug with low permeability, poor metabolism
Hence, the originator of Valsartan, ‘Novartis’ aims to secure its and high solubility (Saydam et al., 2007). The pKa of Valsartan
credentials in the market by focusing the combination products by varies with the percentage of acetonitrile in ACN:water mixtures,
convincing the medical practitioners and patients with their with 60% ACN, pKa of carboxyl group is 5.321 and that of
benefits. tetrazole is 6.189 with 55% ACN, pKa of carboxyl group is 5.143
The combination of Valsartan and Hydrochorothiazide is and tetrazole group has pKa of 6.163. Under the influence of 50%
not protected by any patent but only the Valsartan molecule, hence ACN pKa of carboxyl group is 4.982 and that of tetrazole is
the generic versions of this product is expected to be launched at 6.6130. These studies help in selection of mobile phases for the
the same time as the single active product. development in RP-HPLC (Demiralay et al., 2010). Valsartan has
From the past eight years, it has been observed that there bioavailability of about 25% due to its acidic nature. Being acidic
has been an increase in the patent filing of Valsartan and its in nature it is poorly soluble in the acidic environment of GIT and
combination products clearly indicating the importance of the drug is absorbed from the upper part of GIT that is acidic in nature and
molecule. where its solubility is low.
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (04); 2011: 12-19
Valsartan is 0.18 g/L soluble in water at 25˚C.In a buffered According to the AUC values obtained, the bioavailability
solution a dianion salt is formed due to which its solubility is of capsule was 23% and that of solution was 39%. The
increased. In phosphate buffer (pH 8.0), valsartan is 16.8 g/L deconvolution results of the plasma levels, measured after
soluble at 25˚C (Saydam et al., 2007). administration of the two oral formulations with the i.v. bolus dose
as three unit impulse response showed that valsartan was 24%
absorbed from capsule and 41% from the solution. Valsartan is
Valsartan belongs to the family of angiotensin II type1
absorbed rapidly, 50% of it in capsule being absorbed within 1.6 h
receptor (AT1) antagonists and posseses about 20,000 fold greater
and 90% within 4.6 h. The absorption occurs by a passive diffusion
affinity for it than for the angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2)
process. Food has not been reported to affect the absorption of
(Saydam et al., 2007). This action exert effects on blood pressure
valsartan. Hence, it can be administered with or without food
(BP) reduction, as well as decreases vascular smooth muscle
(Iqbal et al., 2010).
contraction, inhibits sympathetic outflow, improves renal function
and also leads to reduction in progression of atherosclerosis lesions Distribution
(Burnier et al., 2000). Also blockade of AT1 receptor by valsartan Valsartan has only limited distribution outside the plasma
leads to increase in local angiotensin II concentration that compartment and is extensively bound to the plasma proteins (94-
stimulates the unblocked AT2 receptor (McInnes et al., 1999). The 97%) and hence is only limited distributed outside plasma
increase in AT2 receptor stimulation causes vasodialation through compartment. Because of the presence of carboxylic groups
local production of bradykinin which in turn leads to a signaling Valsartan is soluble in neutral pH range and is mainly present in
cascade that increases the production of nitric oxide and cyclic the ionized form at physiological pH. The volume of distribution at
guanosine 3’-5’-monophosphate at the endothelial level that steady state is about 17l (Flesch et al., 1997).
provides protection against vascular dysfunction (Verdechhia et al.,
Metabolism and Elimination
Valsartan does not require any metabolism in the body to
PHARMACOKINETIC PROFILE become active. After the oral administration of 80 mg of [14C]-
The pharmacokinetics of valsartan had been examined in radiolabelled valsartan (Waldmeier et al., 1997) only one
healthy male volunteers after administration of 20 mg of valsartan pharmacologically inactive metabolite was found in plasma nearly
as an i.v bolus injection and 80 mg of valsartan as capsule about 11%. The primary metabolite was identified as valeryl 4-
formulation and as a buffered solution (Flesch et al., 1997). (Table hydroxy Valsartan (M1) accounted for about 9% of the dose and is
1) inactive in hypertension. M1 has about 200 fold lower affinity for
the AT1 receptor than valsartan (Waldmeier et al., 1997). Valsartan
Table 1: Pharmacokinetic Profile of Valsartan
is mainly excreted in faeces via biliary excretion and hence it is not
Dose Cmax Tmax AUC f(%) t1/2 Ae(%of
administered (mg/l) (h) (mg/l/h) (h) dose)
recommended for patients with hepatic dysfunction and biliary
cirrhosis (Martin et al., 2005). After the administration of an i.v.
20mg of Valsartan 4.02 1 9.39 - 9.45 4.02
administered as dose in healthy volunteers, plasma clearance of Valsartan was
an i.v bolus found to be ~2 l/h (Iqbal et al., 2010). Renal Clearance (0.62 l/h)
80mg of valsartan 1.64 2 8.54 23 7.05 7.34
administered was found to be only 30% of the total plasma clearance. Hence, it
as an oral capsule is clear that Valsartan is eliminated mostly by non-renal routes. It
80mg of valsartan 3.25 1 14.32 0.39 7.50 12.55
is only slightly metabolized and excreted mainly unchanged in bile
as an oral solution (<80%) and urine (20%). M1 is formed by oxidative
biotransformation and accounts for 9±3 % of the dose in excreta.
Cmax= maximum plasma Concentration f(%)=
percentage bioavailability Dose adjustment is not needed based on age, but for an average
t(max)= time to reach maximum t1/2= half life in 70year old patient, plasma concentration generally falls by 22%
terminal phase
plasma concentration Ae(%of dose)= compared with an average 55 year old patient (Martin et al., 2005).
amount of drug Hence, dose reduction needs to be considered in this group.
AUC= area under curve indicating excreted
concentration of valsartan in body with time
The therapeutic efficacy of valsartan has been evaluated
Absorption in a number of dose ranging and comparative studies in patients
Valsartan is rapidly absorbed orally. After oral with varying degrees of hypertension, diabetes and renal
administration of Valsartan 80mg capsule and solution formulation impairment.
in 12 healthy volunteers, maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax)
Comparison of Valsartan with placebo
of Valsartan (1.64mg/l and 3.25 mg/l) were respectively reached in Hypertension
~ 1-2 h. Plasma levels and the area under the plasma concentration-
Efficacy had been studied from nine double-masked,
time curve were not linearly related to dose, indicating a saturable
randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel studies on 4067 patients.
first pass metabolism (Flesch et al., 1997). Patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension were given a range of
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (04); 2011: 12-19
doses of valsartan 10-320 mg once daily or placebo. The integrated that valsartan gave almost same response as that of amlodipine
analysis resulted in a linear relationship between increasing dose of (Ferdinand et al., 2009).
valsartan 10 to 320 mg and blood pressure-lowering efficacy. Another clinical trial study VALIANT (Valsartan in
(Placebo-subtracted mean changes from baseline to endpoint for Acute Myocardial Infarction) conducted on about 10,000 patients,
valsartan were reported to be systolic diastolic blood pressure patients were treated beta blockers and ACE inhibitors or Valsartan
(SDBP), -1.3 to -9.0 mm Hg in a dose dependent manner). or both. The resulted showed that there were no concerning
The dose recommended for starting the medication is 80 differences between the two strategies (Ferdinand et al., 2009).
mg o.d or hydrochlorothiazide may be added (Martin et al., 2005). In the PREVAIL study conducted on about 1200 patients
In nine double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled studies of showed that 82.7% of the patients receiving valsartan showed
similar design conducted on 4067 patients with mild-to-moderate control in BP than 81.6% patients with lisinopril therapy. Adverse
hypertension, administration of valsartan doses > 8 0 mg showed effects were observed in about only 5.1% patients receiving
reduction in supine or seated diastolic blood pressure(SDBP) and Valsartan than with 10.7% patients receiving lisinopril (Malacco et
systolic blood pressure (SSBP) as compared with placebo (P<0.05) al., 2004).
(Pool et al., 1998).
Chronic Heart Failure
Chronic Heart Failure
In general, Angiotensin Receptor Blockers like Valsartan
Valsartan had favourable acute and chronic
are more effective inhibitors of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone
neurohormonal and haemodynamic actions in CHF according to a
system than ACE inhibitors. Valsartan appears to be better
large randomized, double blind placebo study (Val HeFT-Valsartan
tolerated in context with side effects like cough and angidoedema
Heart Failure Trial) conducted on a 5010 group of patients and had
as seen with the ACE inhibitors (Martin et al., 2005). .
no effect on mortality among patients but patients receiving
valsartan showed 13.2% reduction in morbidity. This study proved Post myocardial infarction
the fact that valsartan is a good treatment for patients with A study named VALIANT (valsartan in acute myocardial
hypertension receiving ACE inhibitors as Valsartan has shown to infarction) conducted on patients with LV systolic dysfunction,
decrease hospitalization(27.5%) in such patients (Ferdinand et al., HF, or both following an acute myocardial infarction, compares the
2009). efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with Valsartan,
Captopril and their combination in 14,703 high risk patients after
Renal Impairment
MI. It is a multi centre, double blind, randomized, active controlled
A study was conducted in a randomized, double-blinded
parallel group study. The study showed no differences in mortality
group of patients with chronic renal failure and hypertension. It
among patients being treated with captopril 50 mg TID, Valsartan
showed that Valsartan (80 mg) considerably lowered the mean
160 mg BID, or the combination of Valsartan 80 mg BID with
arterial blood pressure, when compared to placebo. It had no affect
Captopril 50 mg TID (Pool et al., 1998).
on the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) or renal blood flow when
compared to placebo, but showed significant reduction in Diabetes Mellitus
proteinuria(26%) and albuminuria(41%) (Martin et al., 2005). Valsartan (80 mg) gives similar response as compared to
Amlodipine (5 mg) in blood pressure reduction. But Valsartan
Comparison of Valsartan with other agents
shows a significantly greater reduction in urinary albumin
The antihypertensive efficacy of Valsartan is quite similar
excretion ratio when compared to amlodipine. (Spinola et al.,
to that of the other antihypertensive agents like thiazide diuretics,
2009) A clinical trial study named MARVAL (MicroAlbuminaria
beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers.
Reduction with VALsartan) conducted on 332 patients, showed
In treatment of moderate hypertension 80 mg Valsartan is
that Valsartan considerably decreased albuminaria in patients with
as effective as 20 mg Enalapril.
diabetic nephropathy. Patients were randomized and received
In elderly patients Valsartan 80-160 mg daily provides
either valsartan or amlodipine in a 24-week period. Patients of the
comparative short and long term anti-hypertensive efficacy as
group receiving valsartan showed significant reduction in urinary
compared to lisinopril 10-20 mg (Malacco et al., 2004; Martin et
albumin excretion (Pool et al., 1998).
al., 2005).
Valsartan (80 mg) has been as effective as Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Hydrochlorothiazide and amlodipine in treatment of mild-to- In a randomized double-blind study of 69 previously
moderate hypertension. untreated hypertensive people, it was shown that Valsartan (80 mg
In a clinical trial study VALUE (Valsartan daily for 8months) reduced left ventricular mass index by 21 g/m2
Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation) conducted on as compared to 10 g/m2 with atenolol (Martin et al., 2005).
hypertensive patients ≥50 years of age, blood pressure reduction Valsartan with other antihypertensives
for valsartan and amlodipine based treatment strategies were In a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group superiority
compared for fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction. It was shown study conducted on 838 patients, it was found that combination of
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (04); 2011: 12-19
2 Valsartan in p’ceutical BEH C18(100mm X RP-UPLC Gradient mixture of solvent A Krishnaiah et al., 2010.
dosage form 2.1mm,1.7µ) and B
3 Valsartan in tablet UV Gupta et al., 2010
dosage form
4 Valsartan in Venusil XBP C-18,5µ RP-HPLC 0.1 M Phosphate Thanusha et al., 2010
Pharmaceutical dosage Buffer:Acetonitrile(20:80)
5 Valsartan in Tablet Thermohypersil ODS RP-HPLC Water:acetonitrile:glacial Reddy et al., 2010
Dosage Form (150mm x 4.4mm)5µ acetic acid(500:500:01)
6 Valsartan and its HIQ sil C18 ODS RP-HPLC Methanol:water[70:30v/v]pH Bhatia et al., 2009
degradation products (250mm X 4.6mm)5µ 7.2
7 Valsartan and its Atlantis C18(100mm x SPE-HPLC-UV Gradient: ACN with 0.025% Iriarte et al., 2006
metabolites in human 3.9mm)3µ TFA and 5mM phosphate
plasma buffer with 0.025% TFA pH
8 Valsartan or candesartan Tandem mass Levi et al., 2009
in human plasma spectroscopy
9 Valsartan and other Bondapak C18 HPLC- Gradient: Acetonitrile-5mM Gonzalez et al., 2002
ATII antagonists in flourescence acetate buffer(pH4)
10 Valsartan and HCTZ Precoated silica gel HPTLC Chloroform:methanol:toluene Shah et al., 2009.
60F254 :glacial acetic acid(6:2:1:0.1
11 Valsartan and HCTZ in Precoated silica gel G HPTLC Chloroform:ethyl Kadam et al., 2007.
tablets 60F254 acetate:acetic acid(5:5:0.2v/v)
12 Valsartan, Aliskiren, Purosphere Star RP HPLC 0.2%v/v TEA buffer(pH Pachauria et al., 2010
Ramipril,HCTZ 18(250mmX4.6mm) 3.0):ACN
13 Valsartan and HCTZ in HIQ sil ODS (250 Ion pair Methanol:0.0025M Bhatia et al., 2010
tablet dosage form mmX4.6mm) chromatography orthophosphoric acid(70:30)
pH 4.6: 0.1%hexane
sulphonic acid
14 Valsartan and Kromasil C18(250 X RP-HPLC Acetonitrile:phosphate Chitlange et al., 2008.
Amlodipine 4.6mm) buffer(0.02M,pH3.0),(56:44v/
15 Valsartan and Precoated silica gel TLC Toluene:methanol:acetic Dhaneshwar et al., 2009
Amlodipine 60F254 acid(7:3:0.1 v/v/v)
16 Valsartan and HICHROME Nucleosil RP-HPLC Phosphate buffer(pH Celebier et al., 2008
Amlodipine 100-5,C18(250X4.5mm) 3.6;0.01M):acetonitrile:metha
17 Valsartan and X Terra RP18, 5µ, RP-HPLC Mixture of solution A and Patel et al., 2009
Amlodipine 150mm X 4.6mm solution B
18 Valsartan, HCTZ, Hypersil C18 (250mm X RP-HPLC ACN:Phosphate buffer pH6.8 Younus et al., 2010.
Amlodipine 4.6mm) (55:45)
availability of the apparatus. The HPLC methods used for routine CONCLUSION
analysis are rather time consuming, cumbersome and require too Valsartan is an effective and well tolerated once daily
many solvents and are expensive (Tatar et al., 2002). antihypertensive agent in patients with mild to moderate
Various analytical methods have been developed for the hypertension. In addition, the drug may reduce BP when used as
determination of valsartan in the biological fluids and they mainly monotherapy in patients with severe hypertension or when used
use the liquid chromatographic techniques. Various HPLC methods adjunctively in patients with resistant hypertension. Importantly,
have been described in the literature for determination of valsartan Valsartan appears to be at least as effective and well tolerated as
in biological fluids with photometric (Soldner et al., 1998), other commonly used antihypertensive agents. The drug therefore
fluorimetric (Kondo et al., 1996; Gonzalez et al., 2002) or mass represents a useful therapeutic option in the management of
spectrometric (Danaeshtalab et al., 2002) detection after extraction patients with hypertension and will be particularly useful in
from plasma. patients not responding to, or intolerant of, anti-hypertensive
Very few methods have been reported in literature for the agents from other drug classes. Valsartan is an appropriate choice
determination of valsartan in pharmaceutical dosage form that are for first-line treatment of patients with mild-to-moderate
based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC- hypertension, and its predictable dose-responsive efficacy provides
MS/MS) (Koeski et al., 2007; Selvan et al., 2007; Levi et al., a rational basis for titration in clinical practice.
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