The Origin of The Lagrangian: by Matt Guthrie

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The Origin of the Lagrangian

By Matt Guthrie

During my first year in undergrad I would hear the upperclassmen talk about the great Hamiltonian
and Lagrangian formulations of classical mechanics. Naturally, this led me to investigate what
all the fuss was about. My interest led to fascination, an independent study of the subjects,
and ultimately I developed a sort of intuition for Lagrangian mechanics in my Junior mechanics
class. One of the biggest frustrations I had while studying the subject was not from something
traditionally frustrating, but from the fact that the Lagrangian,

L = T − U, (1)
is never derived. Everywhere I had seen it, the equation was assumed. For example, from Taylor:[1]
“The Lagrangian function, or just Lagrangian, is defined as
L=T −U
...You are certainly entitled to ask why the quantity T − U should be of any
interest. There seems to be no simple answer to this question except that it is,
as we shall see directly.”
Another example, from d’Inverno:[2]
“We start from the Lagrangian functional... defined in terms of the metric by
L = gab (x)ẋa ẋb 2 .”

What struck me most is this is from a book on General Relativity, any reader would absolutely
understand the differential geometry required for a proper derivation of the Lagrangian.
One last example is from Boas[3] , in her book on Mathematical Methods in physics:
“...this assumption is called Hamilton’s principle. It says that any particle or
system of particles always moves in such a way that
Z t2
I= L dt

is stationary, where L = T − V is called the Lagrangian...”

One should not expect a book on math methods to expound upon every subject presented, but
again, this book introduces all the required differential geometry used in my derivation.
The main purpose for this writeup is to show that, not only is there a perfectly sound derivation for
L = T − U , the derivation is not that complicated. The method I use does require some knowledge
of differential geometry, but in a future version of this paper I will derive L without the use of
much differential geometry, if at all. I am positive it is possible.

The Covariant form of Newton’s Second Law
By using generalized acceleration components, it is possible to state Newton’s second law for a
single particle as

Qk = mak , (2)

d  1 ∂gij i j
ak = gki q̇ i − q̇ q̇ , (3)
dt 2 ∂q k
where gij is the metric tensor for the manifold containing the coordinates q. The components Qk
are the covariant components of the force, but they are usually called generalized force components.
The derivation of ak is outside of the scope of this paper, but its origin is somewhat important.
Because the generalized force is a vector, it is valid in all coordinate systems. Using the general
line element,

ds2 = gij dq i dq j , (4)

the kinetic energy of a particle can be expressed as a quadratic form in the generalized velocities:
1 ds 1
T = m = mgij q̇ i q̇ j . (5)
2 dt 2
Calculation of ∂q i is easier than it may seem because the kinetic energy is a function of the

generalized coordinates only through the dependence of the metric tensor on the coordinates:

∂T 1 ∂gij
= m k q̇ i q̇ j . (6)
∂q 2 ∂q
The metric tensor does not depend on the velocities, so

= mgki q̇ i . (7)
∂ q̇
The factor of 12 disappears because there is a double sum in equation (5)1 . With these two relations
known, it is now possible to express Newton’s second law, equation (2), in the convenient form
d ∂T ∂T
Qk = − . (8)
dt ∂ q̇ k ∂q k

Lagrange’s Equations
Let a particle that is moving in three dimensions without constraints be acted on by a conservative
force. The particle then has three independent coordinates or degrees of freedom. Recall that the
generalized force components obey the covariant transformation law:
Write out the chain rule yourself if you have trouble seeing this. Remember that gij = gji .

∂qi0 0
Qk = Q (9)
∂qk i
Suppose that the qi0 are rectangular coordinates. Then Q0i = Fi are the rectangular components of
force and
∂xi ∂xi ∂U ∂U
Qk = Fi = − =− . (10)
∂qk ∂qk ∂xi ∂qk
Thus, equation (8) can be expressed as
d ∂T ∂T ∂U
− =− . (11)
dt ∂ q̇k ∂qk ∂qk
Moreover, U does not depend on velocity2 , so it is possible to rewrite equation (11) as
d ∂(T − U ) ∂(T − U )
− =0 (12)
dt ∂ q̇k ∂qk
or, equivalently:
d ∂L ∂L
− = 0, (13)
dt ∂ q̇k ∂qk
where L = T − U . It is obvious from this representation that L is a clever change of variable to
make equation (12) and related equations in the Lagrangian formulation look a little neater.

Once you’ve derived the Lagrangian from Newton’s laws and established that Lagrangian mechan-
ics is an alternative interpretation of Newtonian mechanics, it’s interesting to note how, beyond
that, the formalism doesn’t really care where the Lagrangian comes from. The Lagrangian is
simply an assignment of a number to every point on a manifold. This frees up the possibly for the-
orists to postulate any sort of functional form for the Lagrangian. The core of the whole mechanics
machinery is contained in this association of a vector field for every function (the field satisfying
that function’s Euler-Lagrange equation). As a result, this whole strange business of 12 mv 2 van-
ishes because all we’re talking about is curves on some sort of generalized surface. This makes the
Euler-Lagrange equation tremendously powerful! More generally, I would like to emphasize that
the lack of derivation of the Lagrangian leaves the impression on students that it’s magical and
mystical when really it can be quite accessible.

In the odd case where U does depend on velocity, the correction is trivial and resembles equation (8) (and the
Euler-Lagrange equation remains the same).


[1] John R. Taylor. Classical Mechanics. University Science Books, 2005.

[2] Ray d’Inverno. Introducing Einstein’s Relativity. Oxford University Press, 1995.

[3] Mary L. Boas. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

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