Eric's Permit Business Planv 1.4
Eric's Permit Business Planv 1.4
Eric's Permit Business Planv 1.4
Proprietary Information
BWJ Driving School
Contact Information
Telephone 073 DRIVING
073 374 8464 available
Customer Care Contacts
CEO (079) 467 5971
(073) 233 4680
a. Overview
BWJ Driving School cc is a close corporation that aims to capture the market by providing
driver taining of an unprecedented quality and nature. The legislation and the banking
regulations ensure that new vehicle purchasers should possess valid driver’s licences.
(i) the bank finance deal requires insurance cover because motor vehicles are
expensive assets
(ii) the Road Traffic Act requires that Vehicle registration be issued in the name of a
driver with a valid driver’s licence
One of our key dynamic strategies is to do sustainable business like Permit Assistance with VISA
applications and related services and take advantage of the politically necessitated opportunities that
are currently dominating the environment of South Africa
b. Keys to Success
i) Service Excellence
The business of BWJ Driving School is a people business that involves the private individuals
and government departments. It is the sensitivity of the needs, the variety of expectations &
specific requirements of these stakeholders that drive the nature for the service.
trustworthy conduct with client’s documents and moneys, provide excellent service and
good customer care in offering assistance with Learner and driver’s licence applications and
related services.
We have a Risk Management Strategy in which we have detailed the business risks that may
affect the welfare and survival of our business. These risks are likely to surface as new and
imminent business threats.
The business will drive quality by doing thing right the first time and doing things first time
right, because repeating the task without repeating the revenue is a loss of opportunity for
the next job, a waste and an inefficient use of income generating resources. Perfection and
zero error lowers input costs, improves throughput of the business system and drives costs
to a bare minimum. Good business profits come from service excellence wherever possible.
We shall work closely with the traffic departments and the public in our attempt to add value
to clients and keep up to date with intended changes and new developments, embrace new
laws and systems proactively so that we become knowledgeable. This will make us “Driving
School of choice” on the basis of consistency, reliability, quality, guarantee, and value for
money, suitability for purpose, and affordability. An effective business strategy is to mind
the communication, business documentation (professional envelops and sleeves) and
branding (logo) of the receipts and invoices. Marketing and Sales efforts need to be
articulated more through one-on-one selling in the field, signed referrals with photographs
and dates, inhouse presentations and adverts on the internet and local newspapers. We aim
to create value in the minds of clients by recreating an impression that our service is
quicker, cheaper more efficient and more reliable. Clients must perceive us as more client
friendly and we deliver service using highly knowledgeable and professional staff service.
Each Local government traffic department has a specific focus and Road safety strategy
which are most sensitive. Our liaison and the continuous reading and research ensures that
our business delivers service of highest ethical standards, maintain consistency of quality all
the time, and we use the most up to date procedures and methods for Learner and Driver’s
licence applications. This hallmark of success is portrayed by the equipment and business
systems we use. We have planned and budgeted for service operations and administration
to ensure we have visible display of customer care, professional conduct and that we are a
systematic and well-managed business. We use clear and easy to understand marketing
strategies, going green with our printing, using environment friendly materials in our
business, and energy saving devices in our offices. We advocate for an occupational health
and safety philosophy, we utilise Customer Relationship Management, straightforward
management and procedure structures for the service operations.
ii) Managing the Business
We believe only in intelligent business management that involves clear definition of
processes, methods, and document management. Management proactively participates in
the delivery of good customer service. We believe that maintenance of our cash flows,
motivation of our staff and service quality are the signs of good business management.
iii) Marketing
Marketing decisions and actions are the most ceremonious activity in the firm because
markets drive the business. Our business success will depend on how well we respond to
these needs in terms of our flexible methods, quick delivery, invoicing system, and effective
strategies of payment collection.
Our marketing is done to the book because only intelligent businesses who cover the scope
of the whole business scenario can survive. Business survival is a serious matter; so
planning, execution, evaluation and control of research, budgets, resource allocation,
strategies, and selling, adverting, customer care are all part of the ritual and ceremony of
running our business.
iv) Infrastructure
BWJ Driving School
The Corporation
BWJ Driving School was formed and incorporated as a Close Corporation at CIPRO in Pretoria
under the Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984 (s2) in the year 2009 on the 20th day of the
February month.
Eric Akumanyin Antwi and Amanda Opisso the owners and directors of BWJ Driving School
has identified a business Opportunity in the Cape Town Metropolitan area. The following
factors make it feasible for BWJ Driving School to attain profits in this line of business.
a. Business Opportunity
BWJ Driving School
i. For many years, South Africa has been a popular destination for holiday
makers, students, work seekers and business owners, investors and retirees. Many
foreigners coming to South Africa are touched by the diversity and beauty of the
country and its people, and many decide to prolong their stay or settle here altogether.
ii. The independence of the country in 1994 implied that doors were open
for the former host countries that provided sanctuary for our comrades in the past to
come and visit and even choose to stay, study, work, invest or do business in South
iii. The situation was further exacerbated by anarchy, military rule,
dictatorship, human rights abuse, war and embezzlement of government funds that all
lead to hunger and human suffering. With that we extended a gesture to open our
doors to the rest of the continent be a safe haven for our fellow brothers and sisters.
b. Financial Resources
i. The Eric Akumanyin Antwi is at the prime of his time being a
seasoned entrepreneur who understands the intricacies of the business and its
markets. He has Business and accounting background, good banking record, clean
credit record, and a number of assets of considerable value, is able to access finance
through a number of alternatives such as normal lending from First National Bank,
Standard Bank and Nedbank. The South African Reserve Bank’s monetary policies and
favourable lending rates are structured to encourage business risk taking and
investment rather than idle fixed deposits so that banks can dispense capital to the
businesses that deserve the chance. There is also State Enterprises which ensure that
entrepreneurs access funding for their businesses through credit guarantee.
c. Economic Conditions
i. Our nation is rich in natural resources. Current economic
policies favour immigration into this country and the Immigration Consultancy industry
is one of the keystones in this regard. Many foreigners come in huge numbers to take
advantage of this situation and come to South Africa.
d. Growing Markets
i. The attraction of better education, health care and
the quality of life creates a growing market due to increase in immigrants from Africa
and abroad.
ii. International business brings many visitors to
prospect for new opportunities in South Africa as a whole and Cape Town in particular;
this growth in the number of potential applicants for permits increases the demand for
our service.
iii. Political unrest and dictatorship, military rule and
‘coup d`é tat’s imply an increases the number of potential clients for our services.
iv. Immigrants intending to reside, study, work or start
business in South Africa also contribute to the increase in the demand for the services
we offer.
v. More foreigners more business
e. Political climate favours
i. Political climate favours sound foreign policies and
international relations. The nation stands as a global symbol of a nation with a system
of governance to emulate. The governing party “the ANC” is ranked as one of the best
rated political parties in the world in terms of policy making and policy implementation.
f. Government Intervention
i. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
subscribes to global standards of Human Rights and one of them is the right to reside,
work or study in any place of one’s choice on the globe: this is evidenced by the ease
of applying for a Visa and Residence Permit.
ii. In order to alleviate the workload that the
department is so inundated with, there are structures to support privately operating
Immigration Consultants with training in the processes and procedures the
BWJ Driving School
recent amendments to the Immigration Act and Regulations were intended to correct
legal errors, to close gaps, to make the application of the laws simpler and to improve
the conditions for investors to South Africa.
iii. As is the
case in all areas of South African politics, the situation of South Africa’s immediate
neighbours and of the entire African continent is taken into special consideration.
iv. Although
South Africa’s dire need for direct foreign investment is acknowledged, the government
is increasingly differentiating between various types of investment and puts more and
more value on a particular investment or foreigner’s contribution to the country’s
sustainable growth and to employment creation.
BWJ Driving School
For many foreigners, however, obtaining the relevant residence permit poses a great challenge. As
applicable laws, regulations and practice are complex and success is vital for the foreigner’s future
life, seeking professional assistance is advisable.
In choosing the permit category and the application procedure and in preparing the application, there
are numerous pitfalls which can cause enormous delays and may jeopardise the application. Once an
application has been rejected, obtaining a permit is a time-consuming exercise and may be
impossible. Further, Departmental officials’ interpretation and application of the laws still lack
transparency and consistency, which may lead to misunderstanding and frustration on the side of the
applicant. With the help of a professional advisor, however, a foreigner’s immigration can be a
pleasant and stressfree
j. Technology
i. Modern Technology is a dynamic and globally
competitive allowing the Home Affairs departments to easily access their databases,
rapidly process queries and through integration with the International Police (Interpol)
or by means of other diplomatic treaties governments department are sharing secure
information across borders.
ii. Technology facilitates better screening of citizenship
and permit applications.
iii. World class technology is readily available in South
Africa and this makes it easy for DHA and agents to inter-operate.
Price S1
S1 D
Definition of Demand: The demand for our service is the amount of permits and visas
applications and related services a single consumer will require in a given time. An
individual or consumer is a single person or a child or single organisation. Sector demand
looks at the total applications for permits in a month, quarter or year for the service
whether or not it is provided by Eric is Permit Assistance, our competitors, or even
provided by the Home Affairs itself. This is the annual usage in millions of Rands. Market
share is the % of the pie chart that BWJ Driving School or our competitors have in the
annual business (or sales).
The Cape Town Metropolitan immigrant population is unofficially ±0,469 million persons
including children and infants all of which by legislation require permits to reside in this
What drives demand?: Tyranny, dictatorship, human rights abuse, war, hunger, study,
personal choice, business, sound legislation raises the need for residence/study/work
permit applications. The exacerbation of the above factors means more opportunity for
‘BWJ Driving School’ to make money due to a greater possibility that we provide what
is in demand.
This is our assurance: that the immigrants need the necessary paperwork to stay here
and avoid arrest fines, deportation and embarrassment. A second factor is the fact that
they cannot bank, open any account, study, work, open own business, rent premises or
drive a motor vehicle without a valid permit.
We seek to take advantage of this opportunity to make profit for the business owners.
b. Market Forecast
The applications are set to increase with the continuation of dictatorship and tyranny on
the African continent impelling immigration, thereby contributing immigrant influx into
Cape Town and South Africa in general. There is an imminent unexpected boom due to
the post-FIFA 2010 referrals and consequently the highlighting of the splendour of the
country or more sports events in the future due to availability of stadiums and
infrastructure and our ability to market RSA on the globe.
BWJ Driving School
c. Duration of Opportunity
The permit assistance Permit Assistance business has been reported as being one of the
fastest growing industries in South Africa today. The DHA is having trouble with keeping
up with demand. The DHA system gives temporary permits that require continuous
renewal. This trend is set to continue as much as humans continue to live on this planet.
d. Market Potential (Viability of the opportunity for Permit Assistance Business)
i. Foreigners all in all, earn or spend over R830 million
per year on permit applications
ii. The City of Cape Town immigrants alone spend above
R11 million per month
iii. The family influences, stemming from the need to be
together by bring families together often pull relatives and friends into this country
when immigrants send them invitations to come into the country
iv. The media (magazines, radio, television, and cinema)
and the tales from our own people visiting other parts of the globe and giving
invitations to the natives of those countries influence their desire to come into South
v. Alienation due to apartheid policies in the past made
many political activists to seek refuge in host countries; the policies of the new South
Africa have seen more and more individuals who were in host countries like
Zimbabwe, Zambia take this opportunity to visit the land.
vi. The Colonialist Policies such as Witwatersrand Native
Labour Act (WNLA) of 1937 saw the procurement of African (so called native) Labour
from British colonies like Botswana Protectorate, former Southern Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe), Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), Nyasaland (now Malawi) and
Moçambique (now Mozambique).
vii. This advertised the country as a regional employment
hub for the sub-continent. The famous tales and allure of the returning labourers
lingers long in the minds of the growing up young men and women who then make
an exodus into this country hoping to make a fortune from gainful employment.
With this endless list, market drivers and the amount of opportunities available in the country
the need for immigration services is ever rising and in more demand.
The business shall always have a steady streamflow of clients requesting assistance.
Obtaining the relevant residence permit poses a great challenge. Applicable laws,
regulations and practice are complex and success is vital for the foreigner’s future life,
seeking professional assistance is advisable. In choosing the permit category and the
application procedure and in preparing the application, there are numerous pitfalls which
can cause enormous delays and may jeopardise the application. Once an application has
been rejected, obtaining a permit is a time-consuming exercise and may be impossible.
Further, Departmental officials’ interpretation and application of the laws still lack
transparency and consistency, which may lead to misunderstanding and frustration on
the side of the applicant. With the help of a professional advisor, however, a foreigner’s
immigration can be a pleasant and stressfree process.
making it profitable to run the business. The volumes of incoming foreigners are high
while business incomes are either growing and continuous.
Financial analysis of the business model reveals that the incomes (at 80% output
capacity of per monthly) against customer orders (at 3 day payment period) will see
monthly revenues exceeding monthly operating expenses.
g. Market Share
Market estimation has been on the basis of the immigration figures for Cape Town and
for the `country as given by the DHA figures
Conservative immigrant patterns showed an influx of about ±900 persons a day entering
the country and not exiting
On average there were applications for permits of over 12 000 per month
Average office clientele are 6 daily and 35 per week
A benchmark consultation price of R3.700 per consultation job with 50% down payment
to commence the job
At weekly revenue of R 7,600
An estimated monthly revenue of R32.100
At 100% service capacity and 100% payments, BWJ Driving School will have a 1% market
BWJ Driving School
need be, but most instances ordinary courtesy and politeness works better. The
business always delivers revenues as per weekly Sales projections. Continuous
uninterrupted operation will ensure we meet contractual obligations to our
clients. We shall take Mutual and Federal Insurance as a Risk Mitigation
The relationship between the Incomes and the Cost of running the business is the
profit. Profit is the main goal of BWJ Driving School and no matter how much Sales
and other Income we bring in, but if we do not make profit (gain) then we are
losing; sooner we will be out of business.
a. Anticipated Revenues
Monthly revenues at full capacity gives output of 108 consultation sessions adds up
to R79,550 per month and R954,600 per year
Sales Projections
Weekly Incomes R 7,500
Monthly Incomes R 30,000
Annual Incomes R 360,000
Marginal Analysis
For our purpose, a margin is a value per unit i.e. per client consultation
1. Our Service =Needs analysis Consultation+communicating of DHA procedures+form
printing+form completion+Submission of permit application+communication with
client+follow up+collection+Packaging +delivery to client+Label+Branding
2. Direct Labour = Administration+Typing+Submission+ Lawyers fees
3. Indirect Labour = Management+Secretary+Sales demonstration+Cleaning
4. Direct Expenses =Electricity+Copy paper+Printer
5. Indirect Expenses= Marketing+Office Administration+Tax+Bank Charges+Telkom+Internet
+Cellphone calls
+Printer wear & tear+Office coffee/tea +Business travel
Immigration Consulting-
Profitability Analysis
Sales forecast Margi R3,700 R3,700 R3,700 R3,700
n X1day X5days X21,5days X258days
Volumes (Consultation Sessions) 5 25 108 1300
Marginal income per session R1.75 R1.750 R18,500 R79,550 R954,600
Revenue 0
Marginal Cost Cost of one session R R 650 R 3,250 R13,000 R156,000
Marginal Profit Unit Profit per R1.10 R1.100 R 15,250 R66,550 R798,600
session 0
The healthy profit should be in the region of R1.100 per consultation at full capacity
Financial Accounts
The Close Corporations Act, Income Tax Act, Insolvency Act, requires that proper
Accounting Books be kept. It is recommended as a daily procedure and the books
balanced every month by the 30th /31st. The balances are brought down the 1st day
of the month. Final Accounts are done at the end of 6 months and maybe 12
BWJ Driving School
months. They are known as Financials. This is history of past events (Historical
Profit Projections
Profit Planning involves the Projections of Monthly Sales minus Monthly Expenses. It
is these small contributions of small gains that give us the total year end profit.
Profitability Analysis
J an Feb Mar Apr J un J ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Financial Period
The strategy for Gaining Profit is to increase the Profit Gap. The common two ways
1. Move Sales Curve higher e.g. by Increasing Price of our services
2. Move Expenses Curve lower e.g by
a. Service costs: improve process efficiency to reduce operation costs
and minimising waste like ink and copy paper,
b. Quality improvement: do things perfectly the first time. A
correction equals loss of opportunity to do the next task so avoid doing the
same job twice.
c. Administration: A simple Quotation and Invoicing system saves time and money
d. Salaries: Work on time to avoid overtime payments
Both these methods assist the business to increase and plan for our profits.
b. Cost Planning
Carefully considering the running costs and looking at the marginal cost, what
makes up every cost and what can we do better to reduce/avoid waste in the
business. This we do so that we can lower operating the costs while we maintain
revenues to increase the profit. Every additional benefit must be priced and
charged to the customer without necessarily making it obvious. We clearly have a
policy that states: we do not subsidise the customer but we give value for money
for every service and we receive value for our efforts and use of our business
resources. We have stringent service costing Policy.
c. Tax Planning
We shall build into the cost of running the business a 28% provision for Tax so that
after deducting all operating expenses the business realises a safe profit without
having trouble with the Collector of Revenues at SARS.
Value added Tax is not an issue to us as most big clients are VAT registered and
VAT exempt so this does not affect our pricing or quotation. The only expense is
paying and accounting for VAT which costs us administration time and costs us
money to do VAT Accounting and bank charges when we make the bank transfers
to SARS.
d. Budgetary Planning
We shall always do budgetary planning so that we properly regulate the use of our
finances and for the moneys spent, we shall set financial performance targets for
the year in question. Variance analysis is a tool which we will use to monitor the
monetary fluctuations in the value of our business. Our Profit and Loss Accounts,
Cash Flow Statements and Management Accounts will be drawn from Month to
Month to track changes and progress so that we have a sound Finance system. This
BWJ Driving School
will enable us to always have the working capital and cash flow we crucially need to
e. Profitability Planning
For BWJ Driving School
a. Definition of Profit= Sales minus Expenses.
b. Profitability is a measure of how the resources are fully utilised to make the most
profit for the business owner.
c. We measure the efficiency of use of Capital.
d. We are interested in the Return on Investment (ROI).
e. We are interested whether the profits grow or decline (% growth in Profits).
f. Increase the events that increase profitability-Gross Profit as a % Sales (GPP)
g. Decrease the events that decrease profitability- Ratio of Debtors: Capital
h. The cash invested must give us maximum profit. This profit maximization is our
Total Capital employed in the business is our Input given by:
Materials+Labour+Maintenance+Management is our operating expenses
Throughput is Consultation+Research+Processing applications+customer
The approved permit printed and presented in a formal manner is our Output
Input +Throughput =Output
We look at every rand spent; how much more it brings or what percentage it brings.
We make sure that every rand does its job in the business, and everything for
which a rand is spent does its job as well.
A business can still make a profit but not work to the best of its potential. We will
draw up work flowcharts our business activities and periodically inspect the
processes for non-value adding activities, like duplication, waste, bad time
management, theft, inadequacy of training and system bottlenecks that eat away
our profits. Profitability is not luck but a carefully planned and structured event. The
nuts and bolts of the profitability equation are all in the first picture and vision of
the business at the beginning of every calendar year.
f. Financial Efficiency
We shall have our accountants making final accounts and using Financial ratios and
assisting us to be more efficient with our stock, payments, use of Financial
resources so that the Financial input we make gives favourable Financial Outputs in
Some of our tools for measurement will be
The Return on Investment ROI
Return on Capital Employed ROCE.
deliver continuous uninterrupted service, and we have working capital for smooth
running and to meet our short term liabilities
a. Anticipated Markets
Market Penetration Phase One -Cape Town
• Business owners and Spouses
• Business Investors and Spouses
• Retirees
• Foreign students and Spouses
• Refugees and Spouses
• Holiday makers
• Work seekers and Spouses
• Immediate family
• Consulates and Embassies
Market Penetration Phase Two-Western Cape
• Other areas in Western Province beyond Cape Town
Market Domination Phase Three
• National
b. Anticipated Processes
To be highly competitive, our processes are based on the Japanese Quality model:
“Good quality, aggressive price strategy, high volumes, market domination”.
To balance quality consistency, customer satisfaction and to continuous
Customer Satisfaction
we have ISO 9001:2000 Standards detailing Policies, Procedures, Forms and Work
Instructions so that every action and every decision in regard to the provision of the
service is in line with service excellence.
The Key Policy Areas are :
BWJ Driving School
1. Management Responsibility
2. Resource Management
3. Service Realization
4. Measurement, Analysis &
c. Anticipated Labour
BWJ Driving School will run a two shift working system similar to all Permit
Assistance businesses. The morning shift will have initially two Immigration
consultants. The length of each shift is 8 hours long. The off days are Sundays and
then a casual worker is hired for 2 days per month.
The company has a strict Restraint of Trade Policy and will charge any perpetrator
for fraudulent misconduct which will carry heavy internal disciplinary consequences
and criminal charges will also be laid on the wrongdoer who will have to face fraud
We will continuously have a document to be read and signed to affirm and remind
the individuals that they are under solemn commitment to refrain from professional
malpractice and that they are still under restraint of trade. We shall make a non-
competition payout to validate the restraint should the employee in question leave
the employ after more than 12 months.
Week 2
Day Shift Shift1 Shift1 Shift2 Shift2 Shift1 Shift1
Shift Shift2 Shift2 Shift1 Shift1 Shift2 Shift2 Week 3
As part of our team we will have Immigration Consultants, Marketing Person, Legal
Consultant, Admin Clerk work and a Messenger
BWJ Driving School
d. Anticipated equipment
At the present moment we shall utilise the following equipment for the business
i. 2 X Laptop computers;
ii. 2 X Desktop computers
iii. 1X Scan/copy/printer/fax machine,
iv. Large Office Printer
v. 5 X Office Desks
vi. 5 X High-back Office chairs
vii. 2 X Visitors Couches
viii. 1 X Flat screen monitor to run 90second Promos and ads about our services
and benefits
ix. 3 X Office fans
x. 1 X Water Cooler
xi. 1 X Coffee maker
xii. 1 X Microwave oven
xiii. 1 X Pot plant
xiv. 1 X Newspaper and magazine rack
xv. 1 X Coat and Jacket Hanger
e. Capital Expenditure(Capex)
f. Budgetary Planning
Anticipating costs and operating expenses required to yield the planned revenues
and to fund the overall running of the firm both in short run and medium term is
carefully planned using different methods of budgetary planning. Stock and other
low value items we use a Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) approach and for other
contingencies we shall use Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB).
We shall always do budgetary planning so that we properly regulate the use of our
finances and for the moneys spent, we shall set financial performance targets for
the year in question. Variance analysis is a tool which we will use to monitor the
monetary fluctuations in the value of our business. Our Profit and Loss Accounts,
Cash Flow Statements and Management Accounts will be drawn from Month to
Month to track changes and progress so that we have a sound Finance system. This
will enable us to always have the working capital and cash flow we crucially need to
g. Return On Investment
BWJ Driving School
a. Supply factors
These are production capacity and demand based factors that affect the volumes
we can sell and produce. Demand and supply are called market forces. An increase
in demand in the short run causes an increase in supply.
Factors which can cause the demand to rise in our Industry
a. Annual spend on Learner and Driver’s licence applications
b. Family influences: the need to be together often pull relatives and friends to RSA
c. Media influences:(magazines, radio, television, cinema) influence the desire to come to SA
d. The Colonialist Policies such as Witwatersrand Native Labour Act (WNLA) of
1937 saw the procurement of African (so called native) Labour from British
colonies like Besuthuland (now Botswana), Southern Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe), Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), Nyasaland (now Malawi) and
Moçambique (now Mozambique). Migration in which job seekers and
refugees come into our country and settle in this city
e. The history and legacy of SA being a regional employment hub for Africa
draws young men and women who then make an exodus into this country
hoping to make a fortune from gainful employment.
f. Alienation due to hunger, disasters, war, dictatorship, oppression, human
rights abuse military rule, tyranny and other political factors influence
immigration to RSA
g. Better medical care causing natural population increase due to lower death rates
h. The pleasant climate fabled to cure Cecil John Rhodes which attracts holiday makers to RSA
i. Affordable lifestyle and better standards of living attract business owners
and investors to stay in South Africa
j. Business opportunities caused by the development and growth potential of
the country attracts foreign nationals to come and reside for a while in RSA
k. Sound foreign policies and leadership in Africa and Latin America frontiers
make it convenient to come to SA to dwell, work, invest, own a business and
l. Better education, better discipline and lower cost on global comparison
attracts the rich and famous foreign nationals to enrol their children at our
prestigious schools
Demand & Supply
BWJ Driving School
Price S1
D1 S2
S1 D1
Q1 Qo
There are changes and shifts in demand. A change in demand can be caused by an
increase in price. A price increase causes a drop in the quantity demanded because
fewer immigrant clients are prepared to pay for the service at the increased price.
The availability of competitor services though typically inferior but cheaper for
example the new and inexperienced in the industry affect the demand side of
things. They have poor turnaround times, easily lose client documents, are
unreliable when it comes to client monies, cannot easily make reimbursements for
unsatisfactory work and clients may need to wait longer to receive their money.
This may pose a cashflow difficulty to clients when the alternative solution needed
to meet DHA deadlines is by quickly turning to a more professional immigration
consultant firm. This implies starting the application process from the beginning
and with the new system in place the turnaround time will double to more than 60
days. To be honest they are ineffective take much longer to deliver and the cost
savings proves more expensive to the customer in the long run.
The supplier needs to treat the customer as King. The customer’s customer as a
king’s King. Suppliers should demonstrate this by giving margins that are profitable
and sustainable for the survival and continuance of the business that further
distributes the finished goods in a market of middlemen (wholesale and retail), sells
against competitor brands and to immigrants in economic crisis.
c. Seasonal Opportunities
Marketing philosophy is the way the business thinks about the a) the company
Services in relation to the consumers.
1. Sales orientation-the sell, sell, sell and make the buyer buy approach! The
problem more customer returns 2. Service orientation-make a Service then
convince the clients it is the best thing to buy; the problem- a ‘hit and miss
business’ can spend lots of money to produce what consumers dislike or a
discontinued Service 3. Marketing orientation-research into the market types,
particular details of consumer needs in each market type evaluate the spending
potential on these needs and wants.
d. Capacity Planning
Our marketing philosophy is marketing orientation. This approach begins with the
market, backward into business operations to create and mass produce the service
package that best addresses specific requirements of a targeted immigrant market.
BWJ Driving School thrives by providing the right service, of the right quality, to the
right customers, at the right price, at the right place, at the right time, and in the
right procedures.
Decisions are made to down scale or increase staff intake in order to cope with the
imminent demand.
Market Intelligence will be the major driver of operations and this provide the
impetus to marketing to attract the volumes of clients required to meet business
targets. We are planning on 100% capacity and a lower Level variance of 80% in
the case of changes in market forces.
The workflow
• Walk in /Appointment scheduling
• Reception and welcome,
• Waiting to be attended to
• Consultant Interview
• Affirmation of need for assistance and fees payable
• Application forms and down payment
• Document and ancillary paperwork
• Submission of Application
• Follow up and liaison with Department or Embassy
• Collection from Department or Embassy
• Client liaison
• Full payment and handover of document to client
BWJ Driving School
Management of Quality is a business strategy that we shall employ to eliminate waste
save costs due to substandard output, customer returns and customer complaints that
lead to loss of repeat business. BWJ Driving School believes in doing things right and
doing the right things.
a. Service Excellence
The first aspect of quality management to begins with the suppliers/service providers.
This is careful selection of the best machines, equipment and materials. Quality control
of incoming materials makes sure that they meet our equipment specifications, our
client expectations and operational requirements. Our machines are only as perfect as
the materials we use. Otherwise, it will be garbage-in garbage-out and the Business
sits with client documents we cannot use for applications or administrative work.
Quality planning rests with us to ensure our Services meet customer requirements at
competitive price. Our competitors should spend more money to match our standards.
This means we can afford to price low and get customer preference before
competitors. Quality will involve our processes, our machines and equipment, our
finished Service, our price.
We shall ensure quality in consultation, handling enquiries and customer care. We will
invest in low cost, but effective packaging to avoid soiling, moisture and damage to
Quality saves operating costs, improves profit margins and keeps customer loyalty.
b. Client Specifications
c. Communication Techniques
d. Standard Documents and Formats
e. Delivery Turn around times
f. Client Base
The following list are the Key Executives who are links to our client base
We have registered on a number of consulate databases list of Preferred Service Providers
of Permit Application assistance. We have our BEE Verification Certificate, our Tax
Clearance Certificate for Tender and for Good Standing, our VAT Registration in progress.
We have made our value proposition to a number of organisations and have secured a few
orders on start.
Our targets clients include are the nationals from these countries
9. Seasonal opportunity
Sales are less sensitive to seasonal influences as is the demand is less variable due to
seasons. Variability is expected as a result of more immigrants coming into our country
with an intention to study, stay, work or start business hence increasing demand for the
Permit Assistance Service.
b. Sales/Profit/Volume Analysis
c. Selling Strategy
The Product Lifecycle is a powerful tool which BWJ Driving School will use to analyse
market behaviours in terms of customers buying behaviour, middlemen, competitor
brands, competitor prices and to leverage around these in order to remain in the market
and keep market share and Profits.
Our major strategies will variations of Skim Penetration-Strategy whereby we vary the
different combinations of the amount of advertising and price (High/Low).
• High Skimming
• Low Skimming
• Rapid Penetration
• Slow Penetration Strategies
Marketing Goals
Marketing our Service involves the setting of marketing goals so that we can develop a series of
actions that will enable us to meet our ultimate business objectives.
Our main goal is to ensure that the sales team meets the sales objectives of the business. Sales
mean pride and dignity of a business and this can be the most rewarding or most embarrassing
issue about a business.
Our successful strategy for managing business risks is built on a solid foundation of
management-to-worker understanding each other, shared commitment by managers and
workers, and top-down/bottom-up support.
The definition of a risk typically covers three areas: an event in the future, a potential
threat, or a potential opportunity. The definition that we adopted was as follows:
III. The major risks, to which the business is exposed, are set out below:
A combination of these risks occurring concurrently would be the most likely cause of
significant loss. The firm’s approach to managing risk on a holistic basis therefore
ensures that risk types are not managed in isolation.
Risk appetite is the quantum of risk BWJ Driving School is willing to accept in the
normal course of business in pursuit of its strategic and financial goals. Risk taken
within appetite may give rise to expected losses, but these should be sufficiently
more than expected earnings.
Risk tolerance is an assessment of the maximum risk the firm is willing to sustain
for short periods of time. Emphasises is on the downside of the risk distribution, and
the firm’s capacity to absorb unexpected losses. The capacity for unexpected losses
is dependent upon having sufficient capital and liquidity available to avoid
insolvency. Risk tolerance typically provides an upper boundary for the group’s risk
a. Diplomatic Relations
Diplomatic relations may be easily strained due to a minor event and governments
may go to war over a decision made irrationally or even without considering the
impact or the consequences of the impact.
b. Competitor Retaliation
The immediate risk due to the competitors would be price wars, large suppliers
forming cartels where there can be price fixing, more competitive Service strategies,
cost efficiencies due to economies of scale, efficient distribution strategy that would
lower competitor costs and hinder profitable sales, market entry, and generally
tougher marketing strategy. Competitors can ignore minor activity form isolated
small competitors but will definitely respond to the pack of wolves with a massive
blow that would make marketing life uneasy.
c. Deregulation of Conditions
Labour Action
Strikes and labour action are a prevalent event in nowadays in this country.
Industry norms are now a serious matter as labourers are even manhandled by
picketers if they attend work during strike action. Strikes may be in essential
services and may hinder the fulfilment of client applications in any manner.
Vandals, arsonists, and saboteurs can deface and bring equipment and premises
to bring business to a standstill.
• Risk identification: Determining which risks might affect the business and
documenting their characteristics
• Risk analysis: Examining the risks in detail to determine the extent of the risks,
how they relate to each other, and which are most relevant
• Risk response planning: Developing procedures and techniques to enhance
opportunities and reduce threats to the business’s objectives
• Risk monitoring and control: Monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks,
executing risk reduction plans, and evaluating their effectiveness throughout the
project life cycle
• Risk documentation and communication: Documenting and communicating risk
information to facilitate the decision-making process
more accurately, using the most valuable resource to the firm: it’s information about
clients (CRM), markets, supplies, operational performance. The ability for clients to
visit our website, download or communicate with us without using any Graphic user
interface (GUI) based programme like Microsoft Outlook 2007/Outlook Express or
their Gmail, Webmail , Yahoomail etc but simply complete their information on the
spaces provided and press the send button with the result of an auto reply email or
auto reply text message for South Africa mobile number beginning with “+27....... “
acknowledging their enquiry and promising a response as the soonest possible time.
Macromedia flash player is another way of uploading information in a format which
the client cannot easily copy and imitate. Information is presented more
professionally and clearly and in format which is more dynamic than video and far
more superior than conventional static Html, Xhtml. This guarantees more hits on the
b. Online Customer Registrations
Consumers thrive on service quality, value for money and time saving. Anything be it
a 3-D product, or a distinguishable service that bears a brand and logo of any
company is judged alongside any brand the customers can get their hands on. These
are customer feelings and transcend the realms of our daily lives without regard for
place, money and time: typical to this is browsing a state of the art website of a
blue chip company with a top notch e-Strategy only to return to a dull
unprofessionally designed website, that is crowded, uninteractive, time and
bandwidth wasting. Customers still make perceptual differentiation of the quality
thresholds of each scenario whether this is done consciously or subconsciously.
Bandwidth does not come cheap so the design of web based business processes
should be designed around customer traits and behaviours.
f. Offshore Business
BWJ Driving School
Our own waters proffer limited opportunities for growth through limited scope of
performance, slow paced pulse of business and markets in general and inadequate
structures for consumer credit. The global village accessed through the World Wide
Web opens doors to offshore business and offshore risk. The ability to count revenues
in Euro, the British Pound and the American Dollar while sitting at our doorstep in our
own hometown.
g. International Laws
International Laws are very unpredictable, are not subject to debate by foreign
countries are the forte and domain of the Sovereign nation, republic, Royal Kingdom or
monarchy. Their change affects normal patterns, established methods and procedures.
Our own internal processes will need to be changed to customise our business in
adaptation to this changed environment.
b. Enterprise Solutions
More and more smaller businesses are investing in enterprise softwares either through
government grants or through OpenSource software that is wittingly customised to
suit the business system of doing things. This brings with it the benefit of system based
standards like ISO 9001:2008 for all documents and procedures .
c. IT Security
Information security and data integrity, are the key critical issues of doing business.
Information is a valuable resource, its significance is priceless and its compromise a
huge embarrassment and maybe even loss of reputation (goodwill). In International
business where the adoption of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of the USA in a must, loss of
information may be a fraudulent excuse to eliminate criminal evidence of fraud and
illegal activities within the business. Under normal circumstances data is archived in
the sequence of grandfather, father, son generations of how old information should
be kept. Any deletion or loss due to virus attacks should be detected and prevented.
d. Networking
The computers should be linked as a single LAN Network which is connected to one
database. Thi will enable data management, real time processing and automatic
updates, and better sharing of files folders and information.
a. New Service ideas
New services and ideas are either through deliberate research and development
attempts, company innovation strategy which may involve innovation forums, team
incentive and prizes for innovation and creativity. Customers may even bring new ideas
into the business and apporproiate finders fees must be carefully structured to reward
the clients for their income generating or cost saving suggestions.
d. Financial
Red Costs
e. Finance Strategy
The business strategy is to work on a net Return on Investment of above 25%. The
Return on Investment should take into consideration
Cost of Capital which is Interest ±11.5% per annum
Corporate Taxation of 28%
The loan repayment shall be entirely from the business and this shall be insured
against any unforeseen events including sickness and disability. The loan Strategy is
to repay the loan in a shorter period in order to reap the benefits of early payment
that comes in the form of low total interest paid.
BWJ Driving School