Starting A Server Using Unix
Starting A Server Using Unix
Starting A Server Using Unix
Please specify the Unix version used ( e.g. HP-UX ) . In order to start the Informatica
services on Unix ,which includes Repository services & Integration services ,please do
the following :
1) Verify with DBA or if you can find that Repository Database( Oracle,DB2 etc depends
on setup ) is up and running .
3) Check if the Informatica Services are still running by using following command :
4) Another way to check would be using Internet explorer browser and trying to log in to
admin console ,the url is usually like this (works on most version of informatica ) :
http://<domain host name>:<port no>/adminconsole
If you see the message "Page not displayed" ,you can be sure Informatica service is not
running .
5) On the Unix box then go to the directory where Informatica is installed . If the .profile
is set up correctly and environment variables are set you can use $INFA_HOME .
As an example : It is usually at :
( Note 811 is version of informatica ,important thing is locate the /server/tomcat/bin
directory .)
6) In that directory you will find a script called .All you have to do is type
the command startup and press enter .
It will take few minutes and all services should be up and running including the
Repository services .
Generally any mapping is run from UNIX i..e UNIX shell script calls work
flow intern calls mapping. Suppose i am generating a flat file in unix from informatica
mapping if i need to keep track of file when it has come today or yesterday...... For this
append the trgt tbl name with current date time stamp. In order to achieve u can use Unix
shell script in post session command. A samll example i have given ...............U can do a
lot ...........If you are using doing MLOAD or Fload.Here even u can sort the flat file
generated before doing Mload or Fload.
To start
Use command pmserver
To shut down
go to pmcmd
Connect -s ipaddress:port number -u username -p password
Eg Connect -s -u infodbo -p infodbo
shutdownserver -complete