Head and Neck
Head and Neck
Head and Neck
Original contributions
Decreased hearing after combined modality therapy for
head and neck cancer
Susan E. Pearson, MD, Abby C. Meyer, BS,
George L. Adams, MD, Frank G. Ondrey, MD, PhDT
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Minnesota, SE, Box 396, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Received 4 March 2005
Abstract Purpose: Combined platinum-based chemoradiation therapy is frequently being used as therapy for
head and neck cancer at multiple sites. These therapies are individually ototoxic, but little has been
reported on their combined toxicity.
Materials and methods: A retrospective investigation of 37 patients known to have undergone
therapy with both agents, in combination, for head and neck malignancy was performed. Sixty
percent of the patients had complaints of hearing loss subjectively. Reliable pretreatment and
posttreatment audiograms were obtained on 15 of these patients. Audiograms were analyzed for
sensorineural changes at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 kHz.
Results: By paired t test analysis, there were significant changes in the patients with pretreatment
and posttreatment audiograms at all frequencies. More than 50% of the patients had a change of
10 dB or greater in their pure-tone average. More than 85% of the patients experienced changes in
their hearing at 4 and 8 kHz.
Conclusions: We conclude that patients undergoing combined modality therapy for head and neck
cancer experience hearing loss. We recommend that hearing assessment, including pretreatment and
posttreatment audiometry, be performed in all patients undergoing combined platinum-based
chemotherapy and radiation for the treatment of head and neck cancer.
D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Overview of patients and platinum and radiation doses
Patient Platinum dose (mg/m2) XRT course XRT dose (cGy) Tumor stage/site Cochlear radiation dose (cGy)
1 75 Split 6186 T3/hypopharynx b 3600
2 100 Continuous 7000 T4/hypopharynx b 3600
3 100 Split 7200 T2/nasopharynx b 7400
4 100 Continuous 6800 T4/supraglottis b 500
5 100 Continuous 7000 T3/base of tongue b 2000
6 100 Split 7000 T4/supraglottis b 500
7 100 Continuous 6000 T2/base of tongue b 2000
8 100 Continuous 7020 T4/maxillary sinus b 7400
9 100 Continuous 7000 T4/supraglottis b 500
10 100 Split 7000 T4/base of tongue, oral pharynx b 2000
11 100 Continuous 7000 T4/pyriform sinus b 3600
12 100 Continuous 7000 T3/tongue b 500
13 100 Continuous 7000 T4/pyriform sinus b 3600
14 100 Continuous 7000 T4/oral cavity b 3200
15 100 Continuous 7000 T4/maxillary sinus b 7400
Patients undergoing split-course radiation had a 1-week treatment break after 3 weeks, and then their second course of CP was simultaneously given with
radiation. Three courses were delivered.
and inner ear both experimentally and in patients undergo- 2. Materials and methods
ing radiation treatment where the fields include the temporal
2.1. Patient information
bone. Radiation otitis, mastoiditis, and osteoradionecrosis in
addition to primary damage to the cochlea have been some In a database review, 37 patients who had completed
of the toxicities described [9]. During radiation treatment treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy in combina-
planning for several head and neck sites, the cochlea and tion with radiation were identified and had completed
temporal bone are included at the margin or within the treatment. All data collection was within the context of
treatment field. As a result, sensorineural hearing loss institutional review board stipulations of the University of
(SNHL) is a known complication of radiotherapy for head Minnesota. Of these patients, 24 had platinum-based
and neck cancer. A recent systematic review of the literature chemotherapy and a complaint of hearing loss during or
found that at least 1 of every 3 patients receiving XRT to the after treatment. Fifteen patients had pretreatment and
nasopharynx or parotid gland develops hearing loss of at posttreatment audiometry at least 1 month after treatment
least 10 dB in the 4-kHz frequency. Fortunately, this loss is completion. Many of the patients were on an unresectable
less pronounced in the lower frequencies [10]. This is in protocol for advanced disease and subsequently died; thus,
agreement with the knowledge that the basal turn of the long-term follow-up audiometry was not performed. The
cochlea, which represents the higher frequencies, is more patients ranged in age from 43 to 85 years with an average
vulnerable to the harmful effects of noise, ototoxic drugs, age of 64.6 F 10.2 years. Thirty-two of the patients were
chemotherapy, and irradiation. Because the outer hair cells men. Physical examinations were conducted as part of their
of the basal turn of the cochlea are arranged in 3 rows routine follow-up examinations for head and neck cancer.
instead of the 4 rows seen in the apical turn, higher Patients who complained of hearing loss or who had middle
frequency sounds are represented by fewer cells. Thus, ear fluid on clinical examination were audiometrically
exposure to ototoxins results in fewer surviving cells in the tested. Patients with fluid and a hearing complaint under-
basal turn than in the apical turn, which is seen as increased went tympanocentesis. Doses of platinum and radiation as
hearing losses at higher frequencies [11]. These losses well as their schedules are shown in Table 1. Expected
would be expected to influence the general hearing of a maximal radiation doses to the ipsilateral cochlea are listed
patient because normal hearing extends to 20 000 Hz for under b Cochlear radiation dose Q and are derived from a
younger patients and to 10 000 Hz for patients at the age of recent analysis of computerized treatment plans for radiation
50 years [12]. by anatomic site [14].
It is accepted that CP interacts with radiation to enhance
2.2. Audiometric testing
tumor cell killing in both aerated and hypoxic cells by
several mechanisms, including the depletion of endogenous Testing was conducted in a double-walled sound booth
radioprotective agents [13]. However, there are few pub- using a Virtual model 320 clinical audiometer (Virtual
lished studies on the combined effects on hearing of CP Corp, Portland, Ore). The audiometric test battery consisted
chemotherapy and XRT. The current retrospective analysis of air and bone conduction measures, speech, and imped-
of our combined modality patients will attempt to describe ance audiometry. Speech was screened with a 25-word list
the incidence and severity of SNHL in patients undergoing (NU-6). During clinical follow-up at the time of treatment
CP/XRT for head and neck cancer. and thereafter, careful questioning about changes in hearing,
78 S.E. Pearson et al. / American Journal of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 27 (2006) 76 – 80
3. Results
3.1. Posttreatment hearing of all patients
Of the 37 patients who underwent treatment with
platinum and radiation, 24 had complaints of hearing loss.
This group had at least 10-dB decreases in hearing at all
frequencies compared with age- and sex-controlled subjects
from several studies on age-related presbycusis [15]. Fifteen
of these 24 patients with subjective hearing loss had
pretreatment and posttreatment audiograms performed.
The remainder of the analysis presented here will focus on
the findings of the 15 patients with pretreatment and
posttreatment audiograms.
Posttreatment audiometry was performed at least 1 month
after the completion of therapy. Fourteen of the 15 in this
group were men. Audiograms were analyzed for changes in
PTAs in their hearing at 4 or 8 kHz. The number of patients
with frequency-specific hearing loss is shown in Fig. 1.
Typically, platinum is not expected to have significant
effects at the lower frequencies, but 8 of 15 patients did
experience a loss of 10 dB or greater in their PTA. The
average loss in PTA for this group was 10.0 F 12.5 dB.
Paired t test analysis for this increase in PTA for the group
was also significant ( P b .001). These results are depicted
in Fig. 2. Of note, patients 3, 8, and 15 from Table 1 were
the only patients who received greater than 4000 cGy to
either of their cochleae, a level that might cause toxicity to
neural structures. In a subset analysis of these 3 patients,
however, only 1 of the 3 experienced a significant increase
Fig. 1. Patients with hearing loss of 10 dB or greater after combined in their PTA. At 4 kHz, all patients had a loss of 10 dB or
radiation and platinum. Eight of 15 patients experienced loss of their PTA. greater compared with pretreatment audiometry. The aver-
Fifteen of 15 and 13 of 15 patients had losses at 4 and 8 kHz, respectively. age hearing loss in the entire group was 26.5 F 22.3 dB
compared with pretreatment values. This average hearing
loss for the group at 4 kHz was highly significant by paired
tinnitus, and vertigo was conducted in these patients. The t test analysis ( P b 1 10 6). This is also shown in Fig. 2.
24 patients with hearing complaints had audiometry Similarly, at 8 kHz, 13 of 15 patients experienced a loss of
performed at the time of the complaint and at later patient 10 dB or greater as well. For the entire group, the average
visits. The hearing status of some patients dictated further
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