Stabbing 2

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2 DERBY TELEGRAPH  FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2018 @derbytelegraph

National news......... 20&21
Letters...................... 24&25
Columnist........................ 25 ‘A worrying A forensics officer

trend’ as
gathers evidence
Bygones........................... 26 following the incident in
TV................................ 27-29 London Road early on
Puzzles .......................30-31 Thursday morning.
What’s on...................32-47
Announcements ........... 52

violent crime
Classified ........................54
Pullout .....................Motors

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01332 411811 But police say they are working
hard to tackle the problem
Open until 6.30pm unless stated: By Isaac Crowson knives and targeting those that do,
Derby: Friar Gate Pharmacy (10.30pm); Abbey,
Stockbrook Street; Asda, Spondon (10pm); Astons, [email protected]
using messages from people previ-
Osmaston Road (7pm); Boots, Kingsway (8pm);
Buxton’s, St Thomas Road (7pm); Day/Night ously involved in gang culture, doctors
Pharmacy, Wilson Street, and Osmaston Road, Derbyshire police say they are com- who have to deal with knife wounds
Allenton (midnight); Dean and Smedley,
Heatherton (6pm); Dixon, Vernon Street (7pm); mitted to reversing the “worrying and families of victims still dealing
Duffield Pharmacy, Town Street, Duffield; EJ’s, trend” of violent crime after latest fig- with the aftermath of their loved ones
Crayford Rd and Keldholme Lane, Alvaston; Good
Life, Hatton (6pm). Jhoots, Witham Drive, Hilton ures show an 11% increase. being victims of knife crime.
(11pm); Lander and Hunter, Normanton Rd; Lock, The rise has been revealed as the city Police have also targeted retailers in
Chellaston Road, Shelton Lock (6pm); Manor,
Burton Rd; London Road, Alvaston, and Osmaston reels from the shocking death of the city to ensure they do not sell
Rd (6pm); Morrisons, Meteor Centre (8pm); 100-year-old Zofija Kaczan following knives to youngsters.
Sainsbury’s, Kingsway (9pm) and Wyvern (10pm);
Tesco, Mickleover (8pm); Wilsons, Wiltshire Rd, an alleged mugging in Normanton and Superintendent Harrison said: “Our
Chaddesden, and Victoria Avenue, Borrowash as police continue to investigate a stab- message to young people in Derby is
(6pm); North St, Derby, and Oakwood District
Centre; Sinfin District Centre (7pm); Rosehill, bing in Derby city centre in the early clear: knives kill and should not be
Normanton Rd (11pm). Districts: Ashbourne: hours of yesterday morning. carried. If you do carry a knife, we will
Lloyds (6pm). Ashby: Owen Jones (6pm). Barton:
Peak (6pm). Belper: Morrisons (9am-8pm). According to police statistics, there catch you and you will face the full
Burton: Co-op, Morrisons (8pm); Asda, (9pm). were 787 more violent crimes resulting legal consequences.
Castle Gresley: Wilson (6pm). Draycott: Wilson.
Long Eaton: Dales (7pm). Newhall: Newhall in injuries in the county from April 1, “If you know someone who carries a
Pharmacy (6pm). Riddings: Powell and Hughes. 2017, to 31 March, 2018, compared to knife, please pass that information to
Ripley: Boots (midnight). Sainsbur y’s (7am-11pm).
Sandiacre: Burrows and Close. Swadlincote: KM the previous year. Since the beginning of us or Crimestoppers so we can take
Brennan (5.30 6.30pm). Swanwick: Tambers April, other incidents include a man steps to prevent future tragedies from
(6pm), KM Brennan. Uttoxeter: Tesco (10.30pm).
Wirksworth: Hannage. being seriously injured on Monday in an happening.”
Ilkeston street attack, two men injured Hardyal Dhindsa, the county’s
Corrections&COmplaints following an alleged brawl in Derby on police and crime commissioner, said
If we have published anything that is factually
incorrect, please contact the editor, Steve Hall, Sunday and a stabbing in a Normanton the spike was also partly linked to seri-
on 01332 411999, via e-mail at shall@ street on May 30. ous organised criminals and the caused violence in the county. and that’s what county lines is. We or write to Steve Hall,
editor, Derby Telegraph, 2 Siddals Road, Derby, The previous week there was an “county line” drug trade. He said: “Criminals are exploiting have to look and think whether the
DE1 2PB. Once verified, we will correct it as soon alleged knife attack on an 18-year-old This is where the mobile number vulnerable people with this crime. people being exploited are criminals
as possible. The Derby Telegraph newspaper is
published by Local World, a subsidiary company of in Friar Gate and a man was charged used by drug dealers is being man- There has been some violence on the or are they vulnerable victims. We
Reach PLC, which is a member of IPSO, the with attempted murder following a aged out of the area, making it harder back of county lines and we have seen need to think about how we’re going
Independent Press Standards Organisation. We to deal with them.
adhere to the Editors’ Code of Practice as shooting in Derby at the end of April. for the police to tackle. Vulnerable some of that in Derbyshire.
enforced by IPSO, who are contactable for advice In response to the new figures, Super- people are being targeted and “More cocaine is being supplied, “We have a group at a local level
at IPSO, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London, looking at this issue. Organised crimi-
EC4M 7LG. Website Telephone: intendent Tracy Harrison, who is in exploited as the criminals use their which has led to more violence.
0300 123 2220; email [email protected]. If you charge of operational policing in the homes to set up and sell drugs. “Organised criminals are constantly nals are identifying vulnerable people
have a complaint concerning a potential breach of and using them, taking over their flat
the Code of Practice, we will deal with your south of the county, said: “Derby, like a Mr Dhindsa said this problem had finding new ways to cause problems
complaint directly or IPSO can refer your lot of urban areas across the country, or property and using it as a drug deal-
complaint to us. Please go to ing base. It’s very worrying.”
howtocomplain where you can view our has seen a recent rise in knife crime
Complaints Policy and Procedure. A“How To and violent crimes such as robbery. Mr Dhindsa said he was concerned
Complain” pack is also available by writing to the generally about the new figures.
Legal and Compliance Department, Reach PLC, One “We are committed to reversing this
Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AP worrying trend and we are working He added: “It is a significant
hard alongside our partners to tackle it. increase.
“We know that the rise in knife crime “We’re doing some analysis on the
is predominantly caused by young men reasons behind this rise.”
who are increasingly carrying knives as Derby City Council leader Chris
a matter of course and then using them Poulter said: “We’re watching these
About uS to commit crime. We are working to
change this mind-set – people who
trends closely and it’s important the
community need to be on their guard.
The Derby Telegraph has no allegiance to any
political party but seeks to serve what it believes carry knives often have them used “People should not be walking the
are the best interests of its readers. We are Supt Tracey
committed to and passionate about our region. We against them.” streets having to worry about being
endeavour to be fair and accurate at all times. If She said the force was continuing Harrison attacked but in the real world we all
you have any comments about anything we
publish, write to Steve Hall, editor, Derby with Project Zao, an initiative aimed to have to be aware of these threats.
Telegraph, 2 Siddals Road, Derby, DE1 2PB. discourage young people from carrying “We need to look out for each other.”

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