BP 220 - Sustainable Housing in Navotas, Philippines

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Sustainable Housing in Navotas,

the Philippines
- A Minor Field Study on Low-income Housing in
Disaster Prone Areas

LTH School of Engineering at Campus Helsingborg

Housing Development & Management

Bachelor thesis:
Lina Olofsson
Sophia Truong
© Copyright Lina Olofsson, Sophia Truong

LTH School of Engineering

Lund University
Box 882
SE-251 08 Helsingborg

LTH Ingenjörshögskolan vid Campus Helsingborg

Lunds Universitet
Box 882
251 08 Helsingborg

Printed in Sweden
Lunds University
Lund 2007
This study has been carried out within the framework of the Minor Field Studies
Scholarship Programme, MFS, which is funded by the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency, Sida.

The MFS Scholarship Programme offers Swedish university students an opportunity to carry
out two months’ field work, usually the student’s final degree project, in a country in Africa,
Asia or Latin America. The results of the work are presented in an MFS report which is also
the student’s Bachelor’s dissertation or Master of Science Thesis. Minor Field Studies are
primarily conducted within subject areas of importance from a development perspective and
in a country where Swedish international cooperation is ongoing.

The main purpose of the MFS Programme is to enhance Swedish university students’
knowledge and understanding of these countries and their problems and opportunities. MFS
should provide the student with initial experience of conditions in such a country. The overall
goals are to widen the Swedish human resources cadre for engagement in international
development cooperation as well as to promote scientific exchange between unversities,
research institutes and similar authorities as well as NGOs in developing countries and in

The International Office at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,

administers the MFS Programme for the faculties of engineering and natural sciences in

Sigrun Santesson
Programme Officer
MFS Programme

KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm. Phone: +46 8 790 6000. Fax: +46 8 790 8192. E-mail: [email protected]

This study is about the housing situation of the urban poor in Navotas in
Metro Manila, the Philippines. The development in Manila is unsustainable,
13 million people live in an already congested area and people from provinces
move there to pursue jobs and the promise of a better life. These people often
end up on the streets or in slum areas.

The area we have been studying is located in Navotas, a municipality in Metro

Manila. It was once a fish pond of clay and silt. Presently, it is being
reclaimed to make way for a residential development by the government to
accommodate families affected by natural disasters or demolition. At present
there are 198 families in 176 structures living there with different backgrounds
coming from different parts of Metro Manila. Sanagmana is the community
based organization of the people who chose to live in the fish ponds of Tanza
in Navotas after they were demolished. The area occupied by Sanagmana is
owned by a private landowner. The organization signed a memorandum of
agreement with the landowner and the residents are currently paying the land
amortization on a regular monthly basis.

The local government does not approve of the Sanagmana relocation area in
Tanza. They think that the organization is bringing in a lot of urban poor
families in their municipality1. The relocatees are actually a mixture of
informal settlers whose houses were demolished in Navotas because of the
road rehabilitation project along Radial Road 10 (R-10) and those evicted
from a private property in Malabon, a neighbouring municipality, were among
other things the reason of relocating to Sanagmana. Recently, the local
government has bought the adjacent property to Sanagmana, which the local
government planned as a social housing site for Navotas relocatees.

TAO-Pilipinas is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which provides

technical assistance to marginalized groups in Metro Manila. They have been
assisting Sanagmana for the past five years. Initially, the project was
developed as the pilot Housing On Stilts (HOS) project by a collaboration of
NGOs, private firms, government and the people’s organization.

Other organizations working with housing development for the poor in the
Philippines are the National Housing Authority, NHA, Green Architecture
Movement and Asian Development Bank among others. These organizations
have different ways of developing and improving the living conditions of the

Based on an interview with the Municipal Planning Development Officer of Navotas
Our original idea with this thesis was to present a hand book of self-help
housing but after some research and field studies it became apparent that it
was not just technical assistance that was needed but that the problems go
deeper than that.

Keywords: The Philippines, Sanagmana, NGO, housing development, low-

income households

Detta arbete handlar om bostadsutvecklingen för det fattiga på Filippinerna,

med inriktning på ett område i Metro Manilla, Navotas. Vi har tittat på vilka
organisationer som håller på med bostadsfrågor i landet, allt från dem som
styrs av myndigheterna till de icke politiskt eller religiöst styrda
organisationerna. Utvecklingen i Manilla just nu är ohållbart, där bor 13
miljoner människor på en mycket koncentrerad yta och det flyttar ständigt dit
fler människor utifrån provinserna för att söka lyckan i städerna. Tyvärr
hamnar de ofta på gatan eller i slumområden.

Området som vi har studerat ligger i stadsdelen Navotas i norra Metro Manila.
Det är en ö som har bildats av att silt har samlats där det tidigare var bra fiske
vatten. Nu håller de på att fylla upp området för att kunna göra denna plats till
ett ställe att erbjuda människor som tvingas flytta från sina nuvarande hem på
grund av naturkatastrofer eller som blir bortförda. I området bor redan 177
familjer som kommer från olika sådana ställen. Sanagmana som området
kallas, är privatägt, men invånarna har skrivit kontrakt med ägaren och håller
på att betala av marken.

Den lokala regeringen tycker inte alls om detta område utan har köpt en bit
mark från samma markägare i ungefär samma område, dit de vill att
människorna ska flytta istället.

TAO-Pilipinas är en icke politisk eller religiös organisation som erbjuder

teknisk assistans, denna organisation är mycket aktiva i området Sanagmana.

Övriga organisationer som är aktiva inom bostadsutveckling för de fattiga på

Filippinerna är bland annat National Housing Authority, Green Architecture
Movement och Asian Development Bank. De jobbar på olika sätt för att
förbättra bostads och levnadsförhållandena för de fattiga.

Vår första idé var att göra en handbok för självbyggeri, men efter en tid av
undersökningar så kom vi fram till att det inte var teknisk rådgivning de
behövde i området, deras problem var mycket större än så.

Nyckelord: Filippinerna, Sanagmana, NGO, bostadsutveckling,


Rapid urbanization is occurring around the world. Soon, more than 50% of the
world’s population will be found in cities and urban centers. This fast and
unplanned development results in serious problems due to scarcity of land,
congestion and poverty.

Our thesis is about the present situation in a community in Metro Manila in

the Philippines called Navotas and the experience of a community-based
organization called Sanagmana in their strive for security of land tenure and
housing. What kind of problems they faced and how improvements could be
made on the situation of the people that could raise their quality of life.

Swedish International Development cooperation Agency, Sida, granted the

scholarship and made this field study possible. It has been a life-changing
experience to see and live in the slum areas in this metropolis.

We would like to thank especially Rachelle Navarro Åstrand, who helped us

with all our contacts in the Philippines, without her we may not be able to
present our thesis in time or even finish it. We would also like to thank our
supervisor in the Philippines, Faith Varona, without her we would have been
lost in this gigantic city.

We would also like to thank all organizations who have taken their time to
show us their projects, shared their knowledge as well as their experiences.

Thank you.

Lina Olofsson & Sophia Truong, 2007

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

AGM Assistant General Manager
CHB Concrete Hollow Blocks
CIB Concrete Interlocking Blocks
COPE Community Organizations of the Philippines
Enterprise foundation
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DSOP Dike-Side Organization of Punta Sta. Ana
FPRDI Forest Products Research Development Institute
GAM Green Architecture Movement
GM General Manager
HDM Housing Development & Management
HOMA Housing Materials Assistance Program
HOS Housing On Stilts
HUDCC Housing and Urban Development Coordination
KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
LGU Local Government Unit
LTH Lunds Institute of Technology, Sweden
MCR-tiles Micro-Concrete Roof tiles
MFS Minor Field Study
NBBS North Bay Boulevard South
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NHA National Housing Authority
PHP Filipino peso
PNR Philippine National Railways
PO People’s Organization
PRRP Pasig River Rehabilitation Program
R-10 Radial Road 10
SANAGMANA Samahang Nagkakaisa ng mga mavalita sa Navotas
SHEC Saint Hannibal Empowerment Centre
Sida Swedish International Development cooperation
TAO-Pilipinas Technical Assistance Organization-Pilipinas
TFA Task Force Arki
UAP United Architects of the Philippines
List of contents

1 The Objective .................................................................................................3

1.1 Problem Definition .................................................................................3
1.2 Method.....................................................................................................4
2 Background ....................................................................................................5
2.1 The Philippines .......................................................................................5
2.1.1 Language and Education ...................................................................6
2.1.2 Climate ..............................................................................................6
2.1.3 Economy............................................................................................6
2.1.4 Historical Political Development ......................................................7
2.1.5 Current Political Administration .......................................................8
2.1.6 Trade Unions .....................................................................................9
2.1.7 The Poor and Natural Disasters.........................................................9
2.1.8 Rental housing in the Philippines....................................................10
3 Experiences from Different Housing Projects in Manila ........................12
3.1.1 Baguio..............................................................................................12 The Construction ......................................................................13
3.1.2 Cabuyao...........................................................................................15 The Construction ......................................................................17
3.1.3 Pasay................................................................................................18 The Construction ......................................................................20 Guidelines.................................................................................21
3.1.4 Smokey Mountain ...........................................................................21 The Construction ......................................................................23
3.1.5 How does One Succeed in Housing Development?........................24
4 Organizations Involved in Housing ...........................................................27
4.1 TAO-Pilipinas .......................................................................................27
4.2 National Housing Authority ................................................................29
4.3 Green Architecture Movement ...........................................................31
4.4 Asian Development Bank.....................................................................32
5 Case Study - Navotas...................................................................................35
5.1 Sanagmana ............................................................................................36
5.1.1 Housing Design and Construction Materials ..................................40
5.1.2 AMH................................................................................................44 Construction .............................................................................44 Choice of Material....................................................................44
5.1.3 The Inhabitants’ Opinion on Sanagmana - Based on Interviews...45
5.2 The Local Government ........................................................................46
5.2.1 The Government’s Proposal to Improve Sanagmana .....................47
6 Discussion on Building Materials...............................................................49
6.1.1 Omniboard ...................................................................................... 49
6.1.2 CIB .................................................................................................. 50
6.1.3 Bamboo ........................................................................................... 50
6.1.4 Discussion ....................................................................................... 51
7 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 53
7.1 Sustainable Housing Development for the Urban Poor ................... 53
7.2 The Reality............................................................................................ 54
7.3 Evaluations ........................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX 4 .................................................................................................. 60

During the summer 2006 we discussed our diploma work and agreed on doing
the thesis with a connection to a developing country. During our first year at
Construction Engineering at Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, we had a
course about sustainable housing in Honduras and we both got influenced and
wanted to learn more about this subject. On the first year course we learned
how to work with this kind of topic, plan an area of fifty households and also
how to design a house according to the culture and standards in Honduras.

Later that summer we contacted Swedish International Development

cooperation Agency, Sida, and found out about the Minor Field Study, MFS.
The main objective of the MFS Programme is to promote scientific exchange
between universities and research institutes, authorities, enterprises and non-
governmental organizations, NGOs, in developing countries and in Sweden.
Another purpose is to enhance Swedish students’ and teachers’ knowledge
about developing countries, the difficulties and the opportunities. MFS within
the Engineering and Natural Sciences sector are administered by KTH, the
Royal Institute of Technology.
Our first idea was to present a hand book of self-help housing for poor on how
they can build their own houses with indigenous materials. After contacting Mr
Johnny Åstrand and Ms Laura Liuke, who taught the course about Honduras,
we realized that we had to go abroad to make relevant research. At first
Indonesia was suggested but after some investigations they proposed us to go
to the Philippines, due to the good contacts there. Still it was a long way of
preparing left until the trip to the Philippines would come true, but thanks to
Mr Johnny Åstrand we got all the relevant contacts we needed, which led us to
Ms Faith Varona.
During our study in the Philippines we met tons of obstacles. Along the way
we realized that those in need of housing in Sanagmana in Navotas, where we
did our field study, did not need a hand book of self-help housing; they already
have engineering construction solutions. The problem was much larger than

1 The Objective
In order to conclude our engineering studies we have to carry out a thesis of
15 Swedish credits. We have chosen to study International Sustainable
Housing more in depth. Consultation with our supervisors at Housing
Development & Management (HDM) at Lund University has led us to study
sustainable housing in the Philippines.

The original purpose of our study was to come up with a model of a house
construction that can withstand various natural disasters that periodically
happen on the islands. We would also study the area, in this case Tanza,
Navotas Municipality and the social and physical infrastructures that would
satisfy the needs of the people

Another aspect we had in mind is to use the materials the island provides and
that are easily accessible as well as adapted to the climate and purpose.

Along with our journey our objective changed due to facts and experiences
from different situations. We started to realize that the real problem is the
dialog between the different leading organizations as well as between the
organizations and the low-income households in need of a house.

1.1 Problem Definition

Sanagmana is a community based organization in Navotas Municipality that
has built a relocation site upon an old fish pond in Barangay Tanza. The
housing situation is poor and houses are not well built and good only for fair
weather conditions. This causes a huge problem when typhoon season comes
when the ground gets flooded and wind causes damage to the houses. The soil
condition is also very poor and is prone to subsidence (ground sinking).

Navotas is situated near Manila Bay, and the Philippines are visited by more
than 20 typhoons per year. This is a big problem for the poor communities
along the coasts.

Therefore, the problem the study aimed to address was: Is it possible to build
houses for the poor, which can withstand against minor natural disasters? How
will these houses be financed? Which groups/institutions/organizations could
provide knowledge to help these people?

The previous problem definitions changed as well as the objective during our
journey, our final definition is: “What do the different organizations do to
solve the housing problem for the low-income households?”
1.2 Method
Several methods were used including literature studies about the country and
urban areas. We also studied self-help housing in general analyzing qualities,
possibilities and difficulties.

In January-February 2007 we attended a course of 5 credits, which taught us

about “International Sustainable Housing” and gave us a better knowledge
about this subject. One of the lecturers on the course has her roots in the
Philippines, which was a benefit since she had a lot of experience and good
connections there.

When in the Philippines we collected data mainly by conducting interviews

with different organizations, government organizations, the inhabitants and the
University of the Philippines in Manila. In addition we also did field
observations on the local access to building material and the technique of
housing used today. We also collected maps, drawings and project

2 Background
2.1 The Philippines

Fig. 1 Map over the Philippines, Fig. 2 Map over Metro Manila,
http://www.worldcountries.info/Maps/Regi Postcard Maps collection MA-10
on/Asia-450-Philippines.jpg, 2007-05-17

The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ocean, north of Indonesia. It consists

of 7,107 islands, around which 900 are inhabited. The total area of the
Philippines is around 300,000 km2. The largest island is Luzon and it is
located in the north of the Philippines. The capital Manila, the second largest
city, is also located on this island. Quezon City is the largest city located in
Metro Manila in the Luzon Island.

There are about 88.7 million inhabitants in the Philippines and the density is
around 294.7 inhabitants per km2 making Philippines one of the world’s most
densely populated countries. Two thirds of the people live on the island

Metro Manila consists of the capital Manila and 13 cities and 3 municipalities,
including Quezon City. Metro Manila is the centre of government, culture and
economic activities in the Philippines. This area is the sixteenth largest
metropolitan area in the world. In 2005 around 11.3 million people lived in the

Segregation is a large problem in Metro Manila. It has everything from slum

areas to large business districts and a big supply of culture and shopping.

The nature on the islands is mostly forested volcanoes. The highest mountain
Mount Apo, which is 2,954 metre high, is in the island Mindanao.

The Philippines is often exposed to natural disasters. Many of the volcanoes

are still active, for example Pinatubo. Every year the country is affected by
various natural disasters, such as typhoons, earthquakes and floods.

2.1.1 Language and Education2

The mother tongue is called Filipino, often commonly referred to as Tagalog.
English is understood by almost everybody as it is taught in schools.
Newspapers are in English and daily tabloids are in Filipino. TV shows are a
mixture of both. Aside from that, there are a lot of dialects spoken by residents
depending on which region or province they come from.

The educational level in the Philippines is low compared to the rest of the
world in general. Only 64.6% of those 13 years and older have some high
school education.

Literacy rate in the Philippines is at 92.28%, males at 92.10% and females at

92.47%. The National Capital Region where Metro Manila is located has the
highest literacy rate at 98.14%.

2.1.2 Climate
The Philippines has a warm, humid and tropical climate. The average
temperature is 26.5°C. There are two different seasons, Tag-init or Tag-araw
and Tag-ulan, the first is the sunny and dry season and the last one is the rainy
and cool season.

2.1.3 Economy
The Philippines is an agricultural nation, but in the last years the industry and
business have grown in importance. On the countryside a lot of people earn
Literacy is defined by the Census 2000 as persons 10 years and above having the capability to read and
write. Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Philippines viewed May 2007.
their money on farming and fishing, although these are not major export
products. Many manufacturing companies have moved to the Philippines
because of the cheap labour, the government is very positive to manufacturing
companies coming to the Philippines. Half of the export is electronics, but also
clothes and sports shoes are produced. The long nice beaches attract tourists;
tourism is another large income for the country.

The Philippines has a large foreign debt. Lately a number of state-owned

companies have been privatized, but economic development has not been as
fast as in many other South-East Asian countries.

One of the largest problems in the Philippines is poverty. About 40% of the
population lives in poverty. This has created slum areas, since so many people
move into the cities hoping for work and a better life. In Manila there are
approximately 60,000 homeless children. Many of these children work with
washing cars, polishing shoes and collecting garbage. Some of the girls are
used for prostitution. Poverty has also led to guest workers abroad. This is a
necessity in order to prevent the economy from collapsing. Every year guest
workers send billions of PHP back into the country.

There are almost six million Philipino guest workers in other countries. They
are very important for the economy in the country. They work in other
countries so that the family back home in the Philippines can have a better life,
food and so that the children can afford going to school, instead of working.
Often the guest workers do not only support the nearest family, but other
relatives get their share as well. Unfortunately, their employers often take
advantage of them since they do not have much of a choice but to keep

2.1.4 Historical Political Development

The 27th April 1565 the very first Spanish settlement was established on the
islands. Spaniards brought Catholicism to the Philippines, which the majority
embraced but on Mindanao an opposition movement was crated by the

During the Spanish period the Philippines was ruled by the government in
Mexico (the New Spain). This ended as a result of the Spanish-American war
in 1898. Hence the Philippines was a Spanish colony right up to 1898. When
the war ended a revolutionary of the Spanish colonial period, Emilio
Aguinaldo, declared Philippines independent. Though Aguinaldo was ignored
during the negotiations about the Paris treaty in 1898, this led to that Spain
had to hand the Philippines over to USA. This in turn led to revolt in the
Philippines and war broke out in 1899 and lasted until 1913. Regardless of the
war the Philippines was still under the American occupation up to the World
War II, when it changed to be under the Japanese power. At the end of the
war, in the 4th July 1946, the Philippines was declared to be an independent

In 1965 Ferdinand Marcos was elected as president and in 1972 he proclaimed

martial law which gave him even more power. This new declaration though
was introduced through doubtful means. The latter years of Marcos
authoritarian regime were characterized by corruption, which still is a problem
in the Philippines. During the 1980s the dissatisfaction towards Marcos’
economic and political changes grew bigger. The martial law was lifted in
1981 and five years later he and his family were ousted through a people
power led revolution which exiled the Marcos family in Hawaii.This
complicated history made its impression in the Philippines and the unstable
economic and political situation of today is influenced by the historical
development. After a quick election, the widow of the murdered Senator
Benigno Aquino, Corazon Aquino, came into power. This led to a democratic
and reformed government. However, there are a lot of restrains that prevent
the country from working in a democratic way. Although the inhabitants have
the right to vote the deep-seated corruption is still a major problem. Other
constraints are economic instability, civil wars and insurgent activities by the
communists and the Muslim groups. Today the president of the Philippines is
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

2.1.5 Current Political Administration

The Philippines is a democratic republican form of government, with a strong
presidential power, patterned after the USA. The president has several
positions such as being the head of state, head of government and the
commander in-chief of the armed forces. The president’s term of office is six
years and the president elects the cabinet which she or he then manages. The
congress has two houses, a house of the representatives and the senate. In the
house of the representatives there are at the most 250 members with three
years as the term of office. In the senate there are 24 members, with a six year
term of office.

The Philippines is divided into 73 provinces, each with a governor who rules
together with a regional assembly.

The multi-party system in the Philippines allowed for the creation of

numerous political parties which often must work together to gain political
control like supporting a popular candidate to a presidential election. The
ideologies of the parties are diverse and plentiful, and political affiliations can
change and shift sides depending on the parties’ interest and political agenda.
Those who usually become elected or noticed in politics are the ones who are
famous through mass media or descendants of the traditional elite.

2.1.6 Trade Unions

Trade unions were forbidden under Marcos term of power and many of them
had to work in silence and became underground organizations.

However today there are a lot of trade unions in the Philippines. They all have
the same target but have noticeable differences of reaching it. Commotion
discussions between the unions and between themselves are usual. It is
common for trade unions to debate and have disagreements even among
themselves during discussions, which often result in disruptions and creation
of new factions instead of reaching the common goal. The unions are
politically strong and often religiously affiliated.

2.1.7 The Poor and Natural Disasters

The poor in the Philippines are not only affected by the usual every day
poverty, they are also affected by the numerous natural disasters, which occur
every year in the many islands. The poor are not as protected as the wealthy
due to the choice of locations of living areas. They are often found in danger
zones and the poor house construction and materials cannot stand up against
strong winds, typhoons and earthquakes among others. The Philippines is
located in the ring of fire and compared to many other countries it is more
prone to disasters every year.

The people in these areas often lose everything during disasters. They lose
their homes; have no food and no money. They often also lose the control over
themselves and it takes a long time for them to recover and usually before they
can recover a new disaster strikes. The infrastructure systems in poor housing
areas are often very poor and very expensive to repair.

It is hard to convince people to move from these dangerous zones because

their entire social support structure is there. The people would rather stay in
danger zones than move to a supposedly safer area and better house, which
National Housing Authority, NHA, has been tasked to produce. This because
of in the relocation sites the people lack jobs, the site is often too far from
sources of income, and it lacks basic services like schools health facilities and
utilities (water, sanitation and power).

2.1.8 Rental housing in the Philippines
It is hard to obtain capital to develop an area for low-income households and
in many cases the options presented do not match the needs and the economy
of people with low income.

First we need to describe the difference between tenant and sharer. Tenants are
not only those who rent homes but also those who rent lots or temporarily
build their house on lots that are not their own (e.g. backyard settlers). Sharers
are those who share or borrow homes, rent free or pay rent irregularly.

Tenants are people who are given the right by the landowner or landlord to use
the lot and/or house in exchange for payment (monetary or otherwise). Sharers
on the other hand are those people who live with the tenants (i.e. relatives and
friends) in the housing unit, sometimes for free or they share with household
expenses depending on the arrangement with the rightful tenants. 3

Sharing, unauthorized housing and slum areas along the riverbanks, streets,
embankments etc. are usually called “informal” housing. These areas are often
overcrowded and unsanitary and have sadly become tolerated in developing
countries. These resulted in bad health and environmental conditions. In latter
years these areas have become a serious matter to the Governments’ economy.
For several years most of the governments in the third world have taken after
western policies of housing development, which often involve ownership of
tenure. Some of the policies are the tax relief and subsidies that have been
given to those with ownership of their own tenures. Nowadays, however, these
governments have realized that this model of development is not a secure way
of helping the poor.

Different countries around the world have started programs of rental housing.
These countries have shown that rental housing has noticeably improved the
living standards of the poor. But still the governments have a long way to go
with rental housing development for the poor and the low income households;
this is because of the different demands and needs of every individual.

The last decade rental housing has increased remarkably in the Philippines, to
be exact in 1990 there were 30% tenants and in 2000 it increased to 42%.4
There are rich tenants as well as poor ones but there are more non-owners,
sharers and tenants, among the low-income households in Metro Manila. Due
to the lack of land for housing development for ownership rental housing is
one of the solutions or options to tenure.

Rental housing for Urban Low Income Households in the Philippines, page 4.
Rental housing for Urban Low Income Households in the Philippines, page 5.
3 Experiences from Different Housing Projects in Manila
We have been studying different kind of projects; in literature and in the field
in the Philippines. Through these we have been able to see similar succeeding
factors in these projects.

The enumerated projects in chapter 3 distinguish the projects from each other.
For instance there are different organizations involved in each project and they
are also addressed to households with different standards. The choice of the
field studies was foremost based on giving an answer to the problem definition
of this thesis and also on the organizations’ volition of showing their projects.
The source of the different projects below is therefore taken from field studies
made in the Philippines with organizations mentioned later in this work.

3.1.1 Baguio5
The information about Baguio is conducted based on our field study with
Green Architecture Movement, GAM, in 2 May 2007.

Baguio is situated in the northern part of Metro Manila. There are several
projects going on in that area; one of them is for middle income households
and another one is for lower income households. The cost of one house differs
from 1.2 – 1.6 million pesos for the houses constructed mainly for the middle
income households and for the lower income households they cost 300,000 –
400,000 pesos. The high-priced area is planned for 108 units but none is yet
sold. They will finish the model houses first and then sell the concepts of
them. In the low-priced area of 4.3 hectares, 613 units are planned and each
one of them is sold to average people with a monthly income of 8,000 pesos.
The rent there is approximately 500pesos/month.

Fig. 3 For Middle-income housing, Baguio, Fig. 4 For Low-income housing, Baguio,
2007-05-02 2007-05-02

Field study in Baguio with GAM, 2007-05-02
12 The Construction
In both of the Baguio projects the construction is of concrete. The frames are
of galvanized steel with concrete constituting the walls. After the rising of the
steel frames the concrete is shot, with a special tool, on 9 mm concrete boards.
The reason the concrete boards are suspended between the steel studs, with
space of 90 cm, is to make it easier for the concrete to stay in place.

Fig. 4 The construction, Baguio,


The galvanized steel is pre-cut before it is transported to the sites hence the
only thing to do on the sites is to assemble it and rise it.

The houses in the high-priced area have either one storey or two; 36 m2 and 60
m2 each but both lots are 80 m2. These constructions have one side without
windows, a so-called zero lot line, to future expansions of the house.

Fig. 5 One storey house with zero lot line, Fig. 6 Two storey house with zero lot line,
Baguio, 2007-05-02 Baguio, 2007-05-02

In the low-priced area two units are connected to one septic tank and these are
buried in the ground in front of the main entrance. Each lot is 40 m2 and the
floor area is 34 m2 excluding the loft.

Fig. 7 Preparation for the septic tank, Fig. 8 The septic tank, Baguio, 2007-05-
Baguio, 2007-05-02 02

3.1.2 Cabuyao6
The information about Cabuyao is based on a field study made with Green
Architecture Movement, GAM, in 25 April 2007.

Cabuyao is a first class urban municipality located south of Metro Manila, in

the province of Laguna with a population of 106,630 people in 22,552
households. This is the fastest growing municipality in Laguna.

A relocation site for families affected by the government’s railroad

rehabilitation project has been established in Cabuyao. In this area there are at
present around 8,000 families and it is still expanding. In every block there are
16 units. Cabuyao has many industries like Nestlé-Philippines, Asia Brewery,
and SONY where the inhabitants work.

Once the Philippine National Railways (PNR) had trains running through the
city and along the railway easements many people lived. These were often
slum areas that were very congested and posed a problem to the passing trains
because of frequent accidents along its tracks.

Informal settlements expanded into the railroad tracks over the years and
lately, when the government was able to get funds for the PNR rehabilitation
the relocation of this families became a huge problem.

Field study in Cabuyao with GAM, 2007-04-25
Fig. 9 Slum area along the railway in Cabuyao, 2007-04-25

To get rid of the informal settlements in public or private lands along the
railways, the landowner if it is the government provides the legitimate
beneficiaries with a relocation site and some monetary compensation to start
up. Unfortunately, there are a lot of professional squatting syndicates in these
areas which profit from these situations. Professional Squatters (as defined by
Republic Act 7279) applies to persons who have previously been awarded
home lots or housing units by the government but who sold, leased or
transferred the same to settle illegally in the same place or in another urban
area, and non-bona fide occupants and intruders of lands reserved for
socialized housing. The term also refers to individuals or groups who occupy
lands without the expressed consent of the landowner and who have sufficient
income for legitimate housing. This definition excludes individuals or groups
who simply rent land and housing from professional squatters or squatting
syndicates. These syndicates accept the money and build again in another
informal settlement. The government should have a sound policy to monitor
and stop these syndicate activities as the legitimate beneficiaries of the
relocation package are the ones that suffer and are being tagged as
opportunists and land grabbers, this according to opinions expressed by local

One private landowner did not evict the people but instead built a residential
development adjacent to the railways. The landowner built small and simple
houses in cooperation with the National Housing Authority, NHA. NHA
bought the real estate development from the private developer and sold it to
those families living along the railways. This became a social project for
NHA. One house costs only 50,000 pesos and is about 20 square meters.
Household size is assumed at around four persons per family but in some more
than eight persons live in the house.

NHA gives the families, who are interested in getting a house in the new area,
a loan. To get a loan the families have to fulfil some requirements, which the
government checks before they can sign the contract. This is to ensure that the
families can pay back the loan. The loan by NHA is payable within 25 years
with an option to advance payment. For those who cannot afford to buy a
house and a lot have the option to rent but this alternative is more expensive.

After a while the same landowner in Cabuyao could not afford to develop new
housing projects, so he sold some of his land directly to NHA and NHA is
currently developing the area. The Construction

The houses were designed by one of the architects belonging to the Green
Architecture Movement, GAM. The construction is very simple, the walls are
made of concrete blocks and the roofs are made of metal (galvanized iron
sheets which is very common in the Philippines). For better ventilation there
are openings between the roof and the walls, which give cross ventilation.

Fig. 10 Ventilation seen from outside, Fig. 11 Ventilation seen from inside,
Cabuyao, 2007-04-25 Cabuyao, 2007-04-25

In front of every house there is a little garden. To get water every family has
one share-a-well in the backyard.

The houses are constructed with the toilets inside the houses but some families
have moved the toilets to the backyard instead.

Fig. 12 Share-a-well, Cabuyao, Fig. 13 Toilet, Cabuyao, 2007-04-25


3.1.3 Pasay7
The field study in Pasay was made together with TAO-Pilipinas on 17 April
2007, hence the information is based on our experiences and communication
with the organisation.

Pasay is an area in the southern part of Manila. Informal settlements can be

found along the creeks and the Maricaban retarding pond located in Malibay
that joins the main river ways and empties out to Manila Bay.

SHEC (Saint Hannibal Empowerment Center) is the organization that assists

these informal settlements and tapped the technical assistance from TAO-
Pilipinas for the families in several areas located around Maricaban retarding

Field study in Pasay with TAO-Pilipinas, 2007-04-17
pond. The government agency DPWH (Department of Public Works and
Highways) wants to clear the area because it is considered a danger zone.

This is a project where an organization tries to buy the area around the river
from the real estate owner and build better houses for the homeless there. The
organization Saint Hannibal Empowerment Centre, SHEC, wants to pursue
on-site development under the principle of maximum retention and minimum
dislocation. If they move the people to a new area which is far away, many
will opt to stay in Pasay anyway because of their social life and jobs. On the
other hand they want to improve the construction of their houses as much as

On-site development is not supported by the government (DPWH) so if the

people want to have security of tenure they have to look for another site.
According to DPWH the land is unstable, prone to liquefaction and flooding.
There is also the problem of garbage that clogs the creeks and the retarding
pond aggravating flooding and posing serious health threats. There was a fire
recently in the area and until now the fire victims are still in evacuation
centers and rehabilitation has not been implemented yet forcing many families
to move elsewhere.

Fig. 14 Houses along the river in Pasay, 2007-04-17 The Construction

One housing project by SHEC that pushed through was the clearing and
relocation of around 300 families living along the creek. They were able to
find a site within the area - a bank foreclosed property and they have enlisted
the help of Habitat for Humanity to help in the building of the houses. They
have so far built more than 60 houses each 24 m2 in area with a loft, toilet and
bathroom. These houses are built with concrete interlocking blocks that look
like Lego (further information see 5.2.2 ).

Fig. 15 Ready construction, Pasay,
2007-04-17 Guidelines
Guidelines are used and shall be followed by the inhabitants in the
community, this to keep it safe and orderly. These are decided by the
inhabitants in each community. Some of the guidelines include rules against
domestic violence, gambling, drug and alcohol consumption.

If one breaks one of the guidelines, the individual will be sent to what is
referred to as Village Hall. There the crime will be filed and decision will be
made if the person will be given a second chance to stay in the community or
evicted. The decision will be done by the local council after deliberation.

3.1.4 Smokey Mountain8

Information about Smokey Mountain is based on field study made with
National Housing Authority, NHA, 27 April 2007.

Smokey Mountain was a 21.2 hectares garbage dump, located in the port area
in Manila City closed down in 1995. In 1988 then President Aquino had
already envisioned the transformation of the garbage dump into a modern and

Field study in Smokey Mountain with NHA, 2007-04-27
productive community9and mandated NHA to find a solution to the problem
which was finally implemented in 1992 as the Smokey Mountain Project with
11 government agencies assigned to the task.

Around 25,000 people in 4,000 families lived in this area - primarily

scavengers making their living on the garbage dump. The government floated
bonds to raise funds for the project with assistance also from several
international organizations, European donors and NGOs. The British
government financed a school, which yet is not finished. New Zealand funded
the wet market and the faith-based group of Gawad Kalinga raised funds for
housing. At present, there is a school which is financed by Senator Manny
Villar and built by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

Fig. 16 Mountain of garbage, Smokey Mountain, 2007-04-27

NHA started to develop the area back in 1996 a few years after the dump was
closed. They cleared the area incrementally and built medium-rise building.
They planned for 30 units but at present there are only 21 units. The
construction of the last nine units stopped because the funds ran out.

From Where there is Smoke, there is fire(In Defense of Housing and Urban Development) by Hon. Eduardo
C. Zialcita, Ph.D. in his speech as the congressional representative of the 1st District of Paranaque City in
November 8, 2004.
Fig. 17 Green and red blocks are ready constructions, white blocks are planned and the
green area is still a garbage dump, Smokey Mountain, 2007-04-27

The monthly rent for the apartments on the fifth floor is 200 pesos and the
tenants become owners after 30 years of regular payment. The apartments get
more expensive the further down you get, this is because there is no elevator.
Many of the families cannot afford the rent because of the lack of livelihood.
The government tries to support and subsidize the livelihood. Some NGOs
conduct workshops where people can learn how to do handicrafts out of
recyclable waste materials, which the people then sell to help with the rental

The area around and in Smokey Mountain is still dirty; the mountain of
garbage is still there. The area around the mountain of garbage is still
environmentally unhealthy as the garbage still emits harmful gasses and
leacheate from decomposing waste. The Construction

In each unit there are 120 apartments and every unit has five levels. The
apartments are 22 m2 with a loft as sleeping area. They also have their own
toilet and bathroom inside the apartment. The material used in the entire

building is concrete and the loft as well as the extension is made of wood. The
foundation of the building has to be on piles since the ground is not stable.
The area used to be a swamp and the ground is soft.

Fig. 18 One of the units in reality, Fig. 19 Elevation of one unit, Smokey
Smokey Mountain, 2007-04-27 Mountain, 2007-04-27

In one of the apartments four families, 18 people, were living together. To be

able to fit everybody in the apartment extension of the loft has been made.
Apart of that they have also beautified the floor. The loft is the only option to
expand the apartments. In and around the apartments there are no spaces for
washing and cleaning. There is also a problem with congestion; more people
relocate to this area regularly

3.1.5 How does One Succeed in Housing Development?10

From private projects one can see that there are some factors that are
important for one to succeed in housing development projects.

From the beginning it is important that one should have a good look at the
demands of those in need for housing, such as:
• What are the problems in the area?
• How do the people want their future to look like? What do they want for
their children?

11 lyckade bostadsprojekt – En inventering av genomförda bostadsförbättringar i tredje världen
• What kind of knowledge, materials and buildings do the people already
have in the area?
• How much can the inhabitants afford?
If one allows this point of view, one can in a more efficient way help the
people and one does not have to spend a lot of money on things that they
already are satisfied with.

During the entire process it is also very important that the inhabitants are
informed about what is going on in their area, and it is also important that all
the inhabitants can make their voices heard. It is important that they are a part
of the whole process so they can feel that they are a part of the development of
their future communities. It is also important to give the people knowledge on
new materials and educate them in new kinds of construction so they would
understand and know what they can use and do.

According to Johansson, B. & Åstrand, J. another important matter occur; the

inhabitants want to own their houses and lots. Renting is often not an option.
They want to invest their money in ownerships so that one day they can pass it
on to their children. The poor often live illegally on private or government
land because they cannot afford to buy land.

The last thing that one can see in the successful projects is that one does not
leave the project when the houses are finished and let the inhabitants handle it
by themselves.

Evaluations should be done after a period of time. Questions like: why do

people sell the properties they have been awarded and do they live by the
policies imposed in the community that they themselves helped put together,
should be asked.

After project construction, the people would still need help. As the people
have not been homeowners before, they are unfamiliar with how to manage
their community and finances like payment of amortization and other financial
obligations. Added to that is the maintenance and upkeep of their houses and
the community (estate management).

To sum up the discussion above one can specify three major factors that a
country needs to succeed in housing development:

• The government’s support in knowledge, as well as financially, in

housing development projects.
• Communication between the government and the poor.
• Provision of adequate land for housing.
4 Organizations Involved in Housing
Chapter 4 is about different organizations such as our host organization TAO-
Pilipinas. The reason for contacting these organizations is based on their
impact on the sector. Another organization is the Philippines’ most dominating
national organization, the National Housing Authority. Asian Development
Bank was chosen foremost of the coincidence location of its headquarter,
which was in Metro Manila. The last but not least Green Architecture
Movement, which was introduced to us by our host organization.

4.1 TAO-Pilipinas11
The organization TAO-Pilipinas was established in 2001 and formally
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in August 20,
2002. The founders of the organization are Arch/EnP. Arlene Christy D.
Lusterio, Arch/EnP. Maria Faith Y. Varona, Arch. Gertrudes C. Samson,
Laura T. David, Ph.D. (Oceanography), Ana Marie O. Dizon (Sociologist).

The creation of TAO-Pilipinas was the idea of the three architect-founders,

graduates of the University of the Philippines College of Architecture and
members of the student organization Task Force Arki (TFA). TFA provided
the venue for the architecture students’ exposure to community work (in a
community in Tondo, Manila) which provided the foundation for their
involvement in development work later. After graduation and a decade of
experience working with various private firms, non-government organizations
and also people’s organizations, they finally decided to actively pursue
development work by creating TAO-Pilipinas, a non-stock, non-profit,
technical service, non-governmental organization.

TAO-Pilipinas first started working with several informal settlements affected

by the Pasig River Rehabilitation Program (PRRP) in partnership with another
organizing NGO. PRRP is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The communities wanted to stay on-site and fought the government’s attempts
to demolish and relocate them. The technical assistance by TAO-Pilipinas
included the drafting of the conceptual community development plan using the
people’s ideas gathered during the community planning workshops. The
people’s plan was used to advocate for on-site development and secure tenure

Communication with our supervisor Faith Varona, TAO-Pilipinas
The vision of the organization is a sustainable human settlement that includes
people-centered, environment-friendly and also an equitable distribution of
and access to resources. And the mission is to promote and pursue:
1. Participatory human settlements planning, development and
management processes
2. Enhance technical knowledge and skills among stakeholders in housing
and the urban development sector especially the marginalized groups
3. Holistic urban development.

The organization has no political/religious affiliation whatsoever. Their main

purpose is to work with the poor communities in Metro Manila and
neighbouring provinces like informal settlements in danger zones, such as
riverbanks and railway easements, industrial zones, garbage dumpsites and
flood-prone areas. As well as helping communities seeking security of tenure,
on-site development or voluntary relocation through housing programs by the
government or private organizations, are typical clients of TAO-Pilipinas.

At present there are eleven fulltime workers at TAO-Pilipinas. Aside from

these there are nine interns, four architecture students, three civil engineering
students and two geodetic engineering students. These are working with three
different projects; one of them is the Sanagmana-project in Navotas.

TAO-Pilipinas is cooperating with other organizations; some are People’s

Organizations, PO and some are NGOs. Community Organizations of the
Philippines Enterprise foundation, COPE, and Saint Hannibal Empowerment
Center, SHEC, in Pasay are two main NGO co-operators. Dike-Side
Organization of Punta Sta. Ana, DSOP, in Manila City and Samahang
Nagkakaisa ng mga mavalita sa Navotas, SANAGMANA, are some of the
POs they work with. Damayan ng mga Maralitang Pilipinong Api in Quezon
City is an organization which is a PO federation and a NGO.

In the future TAO-Pilipinas wants to, like at present, be a primary

organization for technical assistance in housing, human settlement and urban
development of the poor in urban and rural areas. But they are also trying to
create a resource center, in which they want to have a library, multimedia and
publications available for the people. One of the wishes is letting all kinds of
people meet there and exchange experiences and as well creating a network
between NGOs, people from the government, students and professionals. They
would also want to have education and training programs for everybody and
promote it to students. TAO-Pilipinas will in due time document experiences
from their former projects to let others have free access to these.

4.2 National Housing Authority12
National Housing Authority, NHA, is owned and also controlled by the
government. NHA was founded in 15 October 1975. Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council, HUDCC, has the administrative
supervision of NHA. The present General Manager of HUDCC is the vice
President: and the General Manager, GM, and the Assistant General Manager,
AGM, of NHA are elected by the President of the Philippines. The GM and
the AGM are re-elected every time a new President gets elected every sixth

NHA has more than 1,800 employees, which are distributed all over the

NHA’s vision is to be13:

- A viable and self-sustaining corporate institution committed to provide
homes to low-income and homeless Filipino families and contribute to
the improvement of the quality of life of their beneficiaries.
And their mission is to:
- Provide responsive housing programs primarily to homeless low-
income families with access to social services and economic
opportunities with excellence while ensuring corporate viability.

NHA has different programs such as: Production Program, Community-Based

Housing Program and Programs for Families Affected by Calamities, to
provide the low-income people with own houses.

The Department of Production has different ways to improve people’s

standard of living and these are:
- Resettlement Program for the people who are relocated because of the
present area they are living in will be used for government infrastructure
projects or dangerous because of the nearness to waterways, chemical
substances and railroad tracks. NHA acquire and develop large areas for
these people, who need to move. To make this program possible the
National Government supports it with subsidies.

- Housing Materials Assistance Program provides with building materials

for the construction of houses, that are completed and developed by
NHA’s Resettlement program.

Conducted interview, 2007-04-20, and literature studies
PRIMER, Information division, page 1.

- Resettlement Program for Local Government Units is developed
together with NHA. LGU contributes with land and NHA with funds to
cover the cost of land development. LGU with help from beneficiaries
cover the project cost and as well the maintenance of the projects or
purchases and/or develops new resettlement sites.

- Slum Upgrading is an activity where NHA help people who live in

occupied land, to improve their houses so they can buy their plot from
the owner of the area or from the government. They also help them with
basic services such as water and power supply, as well as roads and
alleys. The land tenure matters are determined by selling the lots to
these people.

- Site and Service Development is the program in which NHA acquires

and develop raw land. They turn the raw land to home lots, which is an
alternative to the informal settlements and catchment areas. This land
will also be available for immigration and population growth.

- Medium Rise Housing is an alternative for the situation in the cities.

The constructions are usually three- to five-storey buildings. The
Medium Rise Public Housing Program is implemented directly by
NHA, units are made available under lease arrangement. The Medium
Rise Private Housing Program is sometimes also directly implemented
by NHA or in cooperation with other government agencies or with the
Private Sector.

- Core Housing Program is similar to the Site and Service Development

Program, in terms of acquisition and developing raw land. Differences
occur though; namely the development of the constructions of housing
units. They provide core housing which is designed to match the
affordability of the target market consisting mostly of low-income
employees of the government and the private sectors. In this program
NHA cooperates with the private sector or LGUs. In terms of land or
funds the partners either invest or contribute fairly between different
projects such as land development and house construction.

Besides acquisition of land and the production, NHA has a Community-Based

Housing Program, which provides tenurial assistance and technical assistance.

The main part of the Department of Programs for Families Affected by
Calamities is the Emergency Housing Assistance Program. To help these
affected people three options will be given14:
1. Temporary Shelter and Evacuation Centres
2. Housing Materials Assistance Program (HOMA) for the ones who only
need material to repair their houses or the construction
3. Resettlement for those who lost their entire home and are in need of
permanently relocation.

NHA has four different ways of working with housing15:

1. Joint Venture. They cooperate with private landowners, private
developers, local government units, non-government organizations,
NGOs, and peoples organizations, POs, and their strategy is to share
resources and expertise equity contribution taking the form of land or
funds for development.
2. Origination. Together with National Home Mortgage Finance
Corporation under Community Mortgage Program NHA originates
housing loans. NHA also provides technical assistance and negotiation
with landowners and preparation for required plans and maps. Besides
these responsibilities NHA coordinates together with the national
government agencies the formulation of disposition and collection
3. Direct delivery. NHA helps in areas were there are no potential partners,
neither government nor private, where the magnitude of the project is
beyond local capabilities and as well as major projects of national
concern is within NHA’s work frame. NHA deliver directly project
planning, financing, implementation supervision and disposition of
housing units.
4. Technical assistance. The technical assistance covers any of the various
aspects of project development, such as project planning and packaging,
project implementation, works engineering, project supervision,
beneficiary selection and estate management. NHA also extend
technical service to Local Government units.

4.3 Green Architecture Movement16

Green Architecture Movement, GAM, is a group composed of architects that
are members of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), the duly
recognized professional organization for architects in the Philippines. They
have different architectural backgrounds, some are working with the

PRIMER, Information division, page 14.
PRIMER, Information division, page 15.
Conducted interview, 2007-04-18, and literature studies
government, and others are more into private practice. GAM was founded four
years ago by a member of UAP. GAM works using the LIA principles; Learn,
Impart and Apply.

GAM has not so many employers; only enough to make conventions possible.
But all of them have a common interest; they want to design houses, which
care for the environment. That is why they call themselves The Green
Architecture Movement. The group has a regular meeting every Wednesday
evening. Their projects include regular forums on sustainable or green

Their vision is to get architects around the world to be aware of GAM, as well
as promoting public awareness of their concepts and work.

Every year GAM has a one-day-seminar in June, called the Green Forum.
Everybody is welcome; architects and private persons. Green Forum raises
money on members’ fee, donors and as well as sponsors. The rest of the year
they hold several seminars promoting their work.

4.4 Asian Development Bank17

Asian Development Bank, ADB, has its headquarter in Manila in the
Philippines with 2,000 staff members from over 50 countries. Except the
headquarter there are 26 other offices around the world.

ADB is working against poverty in Asia and Pacific region, which in this
region locates two thirds of the world’s poor. But in recent decades progress
has been made, for example the number of poor has diminished from 900
million to 720 million in the period of ten years in the 1990’s.

ADB is working with partners like governments, other international

organizations, civil society and the private sector are the ones.

The management of ADB comprises a Board of Governors that meets

annually. The Governors in turn elect twelve members to the Board of
Directors. The President of ADB manages the business of ADB together with
four Vice-Presidents and a Managing Director General.

ADB’s main focus is to improve the lives of the poor and reduce poverty by
promoting pro-poor, sustainable economic growth, social development and
good governance.

Literature studies
Resources such as loans and grants are of importance for the poor in the Asia
and Pacific region. Contributions recycling repayments, Asian Development
Fund, which provides the least developed member countries within the ADB
region, and donations are the financial resources.

ADB traditionally offers loans in foreign currency, mainly in US dollars,

Japanese yen and euro. This to avoid currency mismatches in projects held by
different countries.

ADB’s policy in resettlement is18:

- Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible.
- Where population displacement is unavoidable, it should be minimized
by exploring all viable project options
- People unavoidably displaced should be compensated and assisted, so
that their economic and social future would be generally as favourable
as it would have been in the absence of the project.
- People affected should be informed fully and consulted on resettlement
and compensation.
- Existing social and cultural institutions of resettlers and their hosts
should be supported and used to the greatest extent possible, and
resettlers should be integrated economically and socially into host
- The absence of a formal legal title to land by some affected groups
should not be a bar to compensation; particular attention should be paid
to households headed by women and other vulnerable groups, such as
indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, and appropriate assistance
provided to help them improve their status.
- The full costs of resettlement and compensation should be included in
the presentation of project costs and benefits.

To human existence fresh and clean water is necessary but this source is
limited due to humans’ use of it. In the Pacific and Asia region lack of
water has made impact on people’s health, the availability of food and on
the standard of living. Demand for water in domestic and industrial matters
increase in such speed that ADB has calculated it to accelerate from 70 to
345% just between 1995 and 2025. This demand of water will outstrip the
supply with certainty.

ADB has already provided 280 million US dollars to technical assistance

for research of a solution to these water supply problems.

Summary of the Handbook on Resettlement, Box 1.1.
ADB’s water policy is to19:
- Promote a national focus on water sector reform.
- Foster the integrated management of water resources.
- Improve and expand the delivery of water services.
- Foster the conservation of water and increase the system efficiencies.
- Promote regional cooperation and increase the mutually beneficial use
of shared water resources within and between countries.
- Facilitate the exchange of water sector information and experience.
- Improve governance.

Water for All – The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank, page 13-14.
5 Case Study - Navotas20
The case study was carried out in Navotas because it was one of the current
prime projects of TAO-Pilipinas, our host organization.

Navotas is a municipality in Metro Manila. It is directly north of Manila, west

of Malabon City, and south of Obando, Bulacan. Navotas is part of the
informal sub-region of Metro Manila called Camanava. Since Navotas is a
first class municipality and highly urbanized the standard of living is high.

Fig. 20 Map over Sanagmana in Navotas,


Navotas has the highest population density in Metro Manila with 220,000
people living in a 10.77 km2 strip of land, which is mainly made up of
fishponds. Since the land is almost only fishponds 70% of the people live of

There is natural gas power plant located in Navotas which provides the
municipality with electricity. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and
typhoons are common in the Philippines and especially near the Manila Bay
torrential rains usually cause flooding and strong winds destroy houses. There
are still some mangrove left along the bay and this has (so far) protected the
Communication with our supervisor Faith Varona, TAO-Pilipinas
residential area from storm surges. But it was also recently reported that an
adjacent fault line has become active again and there is a risk of tsunami
occurring if there is an earthquake.

5.1 Sanagmana21
It is very difficult for people to move from their present homes, even if the
condition of the homes is poor and the inhabitants are offered to stay in a
better place. In oreder to move they need to be convinced that the new location
offers at least as secure tenancy an livelihood.

The community based organization in the area, Sanagmana, is also an option

for families from other municipalities, if they get evicted or their houses get
demolished. The area is planned and is soon in progress, if someone wants to
move to Navotas they are allowed after the approval of the screening
committee and the officers of the organization.

Sanagmana has sixteen members but only four are active. These four are
women appointed by officers of the organization and the committee elects the
head among its members. TAO-Pilipinas, upon the request of the organization
sits in the committee meetings.

Sanagmana has formed a committee that is the one of most important

committees in this project. The committee is called Solid Waste Management.

Field study in Sanagmana with TAO-Pilipinas, 2007-04-14 and 2007-04-28
Fig. 21 The committee, Sanagmana, 2007-04-14

Many of the people who have moved to Sanagmana were once living by
roadsides and riverbanks, for example in Malabon, Navotas and Caloocan.
Presently there are 176 families in the area with approximately five members
in each family. The area is planned to fit 1,600 families. TAO-Pilipinas and
the committee together arranged workshops so the inhabitants in the area can
make themselves heard. To collect information and opinions, they make
everyone write down their opinion on a piece of paper, this to let even the shy
ones share their minds.

The government wants the people to have a legal title but they cannot afford
this. Sanagmana has a contract with the landowner that they will pay
15,000,000 pesos for the area and the organization has already paid 2,300,000
pesos. This contract guarantees that the people have priority over the land and
that the landowner cannot sell it without notice. Department of Public Works
and Highways, DPWH, has in 2003 allocated the people in Sanagmana
4,000,000 pesos as financial assistance for the relocation of 200 families that
were due to be relocated. This financial support is still with DPWH though.
The local government is not involved in the buying of the land at all. Every
month each family has to pay 750 pesos to Sanagmana. At present 196
families pay the amortization and 177 families of the 196 are living in

Sanagmana. People who are interested in living in this area are also committed
to pay the amortization, through Sanagmana, to the landowner. 50 families are
still living in temporary houses; they will be the ones who will move to the
already permitted area of 1 hectare.

The local government has already bought a piece of land from the same
landowner adjacent to the Sanagmana area. The government wants the NGO
Gawad Kalinga to build the houses. These houses will be built for those who
have to be relocated from other areas in Navotas.

Fig. 22 One of the days we were visiting the area Sanagmana held a meeting and the
children had a small workshop facilitated by one intern of TAO-Pilipinas, an architecture
student at Mapua Institute of Techology. This was to make a proposal for the design of a
chapel combined with a recreation centre. To satisfy everybody’s wishes the youth and
children drew creatively what they thought of was a chapel for the community,
Sanagmana, 2007-04-14.

The families in Navotas may someday earn enough to buy their own lots and
if they do, they have to build their houses according to regulations that have
been decided upon together in the community. Some of these rules are to build
the first floor more than two meters above the surface of the ground and the
foundation at least one meter into underground. They are not allowed to build
a solid foundation, because of the flood and the typhoons. The stilts are

necessary because the strong winds swirl in all directions. The construction of
the roof is also an important matter; the roof has to be anchored so it cannot
blow off and take the house with it. Another positive aspect with the houses on
stilts is that the families can keep pets under the houses.

Fig. 23 Solid foundation, Sanagmana, 2007-04-14

A regulation regarding the construction of toilets is that the toilets have to

have walls and floor of material that can resist water and damp.

Presently they have already started to fill up the area with silt dredged from
the river. The inhabitants of Sanagmana have decided to regulate garbage
dumping; people are not allowed to throw anywhere other than in places
reserved for garbage. Although they have this regulation the river is still very
dirty because those living on the other side of the fishpond throw their garbage
in the river. Every Friday the Local Government Unit, LGU, collects the
garbage in Sanagmana.

Fig. 24 Filling up the land with silt, Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

5.1.1 Housing Design and Construction Materials

The president of the community has already built a house based on the
approved plan. It is the type of house that the organization regulates and that
the rest of the families in the area should follow. However, there are many
who already built their houses with a solid ground that is not allowed
according to the building regulations.

Fig. 25 The President’s house,
Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

At present, the people are using many different kinds of materials for their
houses such as: wood, sheet metal, concrete, bamboo, plywood, steel, sand,
soil etc. They make their own roof tiles of cement, sand and gravel.

Fig. 27 Production of the roof tiles, Fig. 26 Production of the roof tiles,
Sanagmana, 2007-04-14 Sanagmana, 2007-04-14

Bamboo is a very good material to build with, it is strong and when you build
walls of bamboo the ventilation in the house is very comfortable. Even

plywood can be made with the wood from bamboo. The president’s house is
made of some of these materials.

Fig. 28 House partially made of bamboo,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

The stilts are made of concrete, steel and wood from coco lumber. The coco
lumber is the raw material of palm trees and it as strong as the bamboo and
very cheap. The house construction itself is made of only coco lumber. The
roof and house frame construction is specially made to resist earthquakes and
strong winds.

The people are trying to work as much as they can with mature wood because
it is stronger and better than the premature ones. The roof is made of tiles that
they have made themselves; to reassure that the tiles would not fall off they
are anchored with nylon to the roof beam.

Fig. 29 Roof construction, Sanagmana, Fig. 30 Tile anchored with nylon,
2007-04-14 Sanagmana, 2007-04-14

Under the toilet, outdoors, is a septic tank especially for the faeces. The toilet,
which has to be built with a material that can withstand water and damp, is
made of Minerit. This material is a very sustainable material that is also
resistant to termites. Minerit is often used as facade material in Sweden.

Fig. 31 The septic tank, Sanagmana,


5.1.2 AMH22
AMH cooperates with TAO-Pilipinas and it is responsible for the structural
design of the site and housing in the Sanagmana housing development project.
They also did the hydrogeology testing of the site in Navotas although this is
not part of their usual service to clients. Construction
The soil condition in Navotas consists of twenty four meters of clay and silt
which is not a good and stable material for foundation. For the type of house
that was designed for Sanagmana (single detached lightweight house
construction), the foundation used consists of individual footings and columns
shaped like a T that needs to be buried approximately one meter below the
surface or natural grade line. This would prevent damages during earthquakes
and seismic wave motions in the ground23, see Drawing 1. The units can also
be joined in a straight line for row housing. The ground floor is located two to
three meters above the ground to protect against flooding and allow strong
winds to circulate, see Drawing 2.

The units usually have two floors, with the ground floor used as a living room
as well as kitchen and study area, and the second floor as bedroom. The area
under the house is commonly used for agriculture or as storage.

During typhoons the wind capacity is approximately 200 kph in Navotas. The
wind swirls around the houses so it does not matter how one orients the roof,
as long as it is well anchored to the unit and the unit is well anchored to the
ground on stilts.

Self-help housing in this project is planned. Each family builds their own
home and AMH provides technical support and supervising. Choice of Material

The choice of material depends on many conditions. It should be resistant to
termites, rodents, humidity and corrosion. Besides it should be relatively
cheap and easy to work with. As much as possible the materials, which usually
are bought in bulks, should be found and produced in the Philippines.
The materials that are used in the construction are wood wool (omniboard),
plywood, fiber cement-bonded boards (hardiflex), micro-concrete roof tiles
(MCR-tiles), posts made of concrete, and sometimes coco lumber instead of
the expensive steel.

Interview with Roy Anthony Luna, AMH, 2007-04-16
Earthquake Tips – Learning Earthquake Design and Construction, page 3.
Woodwool/omniboard is resistant to fire and rodents. Hardiflex is also fire
resistant. Both of the materials are used everywhere in the unit because of
their termite and fire retarding qualities.

The MCR-tiles are made in Navotas by the inhabitants themselves using sand,
gravel and water. The tiles are put in plastic moulds and then water cured and
air dried for 28 days. These are then attached to the roof beams with nylon.

Mature coco lumber is commonly used as beams because it is much cheaper

and locally available. Optional is steel which is more expensive, easily
corrodes and needs special equipment and skills/expertise to construct. It also
needs maintenance every five years to prevent corrosion.

5.1.3 The Inhabitants’ Opinion on Sanagmana - Based on Interviews

Most of the inhabitants are relocated from disaster affected areas, that have
been either demolished or they have been evicted by the landowners will. Like
in North Bay Boulevard South, NBBS, or due to the road widening in Letre,
Malabon. They have either moved to another slum area around the previous
one or directly to Sanagmana. Some just needed an environmental change, like
the ones form Caloocan and Pandacan.

Sanagmana was in many cases an optional choice that they heard friends and
relatives talk about. Some were members or neighbours to Kapit Bisig, where
the vice-president of Sanagmana used to be the president of the people’s
organization, and were offered relocation to Sanagmana area. The President of
Sanagmana also promoted this area to the disaster affected families either
through other organizations like Kapit Bisig or directly in the affected areas.

The inhabitants have lived in Sanagmana for one year in the average. They
like living there and think they will live there all their lives if possible and
cannot think of moving to other places where rental is an option. This is
because they want to own their homes so in due time they can pass it on to
their children.

Although they are aware of the many natural disasters in Sanagmana they
think their future constructions will sustain them once they are exposed to
these disasters. Many of the inhabitants have private savings or are members
of a saving group to save for future construction. They are also paying the
monthly amortization for the lot.

Since Sanagmana is not yet fully planned the inhabitants wish for a proper
school, a chapel, a health centre and a proper road instead of the present
bamboo bridge in the future. Some kind of livelihood in the community is also
one of the demands.

5.2 The Local Government24

Sanagmana is located in the municipality of Navotas therefore the
organization needs to secure permission from the local government for
housing development. This caused a huge problem to the housing project since
most of the inhabitants were relocated after their houses were demolished and
built houses without building permit from the local government. This means
that the peoples’ houses are not regulated. But since the inhabitants have
already settled there and they have nowhere else to go, the local government
decided to let them stay but that no more families will be allowed to relocate
to Sanagmana until the area has secured a development permit. The local
government also allowed only temporary housing to be built by the people.

The president of Sanagmana has also built a model house of plywood and
coco lumber based on the design given by a technical assistance group. The
President’s house is illegal technically even though it is according to
regulations. The only allowed construction work was the bamboo bridge,
which connects the community to the main land mass.

It is difficult to improve the housing situation since the site has social, legal
and natural constraints. The community does not trust the local government
because of a bad past experience. But the community is being assisted by a
church-based group which helped Sanagmana get assistance for some of the
needs in the community like construction and repair of the bamboo bridge and
some livelihood projects. TAO-Pilipinas, through technical assistance helped
the community comply with the technical documentation for the development
permit and also coordinate with other groups including the local government.

Sanagmana is a pilot project, an alternative relocation site for demolition

affected families in several municipalities. If it will be successful, additional
land may be made available for residential purposes from the fish ponds. Until
then no more families, other than the ones living there, will be allowed to
move to Sanagmana. The local government does not know where the
inhabitants’ previously lived, if they did they might cooperate with former
communities to legally relocate or subsidise each other with money to help
these affected families.

Interview with the local government of Navotas, 2007-04-18
As mentioned in 2.1.8 there is lack of capital to social housing developments
and donations are not common. The national government of the Philippines
has a budget for social housing but with millions in housing backlog this is
insufficient. Internal revenue allotment from the national government to local
government units that is allocated for development projects often gets used in
other priority projects of the local government. In the Philippines the taxes are
distributed to all communities according to the number of inhabitants and land
area. So there may be a budget for road-widening but not for dislocated
people. The local government has sourced funds from the Dutch government,
this because of the similar situation with the housing near the water. However,
loans are more common because of the policy that aims for the inhabitants to
become more independent.

5.2.1 The Government’s Proposal to Improve Sanagmana

Since Sanagmana is below sea level the land must be filled to elevate it from
the water. To be sure that elevation will be high enough, research on tidal
schedules has been made.

Help has been promised from the Netherlands embassy. The housing situation
is, as previously mentioned, similar in both countries. The local government
has built a so-called river wall to seal the area from the water along the Manila
bay. They are planning on sealing Sanagmana from the other side of the area
with another river wall. These walls require regular maintenance, either to add
elevation or just to improve the present one.

Besides the river walls, dikes will be dug around the area for protection
against the flood. A pumping station, bombastic, will be installed to pump
away the water.

The cost per square meter of housing construction in the pilot project is 320
pesos and the entire project will cost around 160 million pesos.

6 Discussion on Building Materials
Chapter 6 is a discussion on different building materials that were observed
during the different field studies. The materials discussed are used in
Sanagmana, Navotas or are a proposal for additional materials. These proposal
of materials are environmentally adapted to the Philipino culture and standard,
and they are easily accessible.

6.1.1 Omniboard25
Omniboard is a material that can be used almost anywhere in the house as the
name implies, Omni is a Latin word meaning everywhere. It is a wood wool
board and uses a renewable fast-growing local wood species called Gemelina
for wood wool fibres. Other fibre materials that may be used for Omniboard
are bamboo, corn husks or rattan strips. These fibres are then bonded with
Portland cement and pressed to the desired strength and density.

Fig. 33 House made in Omniboard, Fig. 34 Different density of Omniboard,

Quezon City, 2007-04-16 Quezon City, 2007-04-16

The Omniboard is resistant to water and is a good insulation material. Tests

have shown that the environment indoor temperature can be changed from
100°C to 35°C by using the Omniboard, which is good considering the hot and
humid weather condition in the Philippines. It has also a good acoustical
properties. Aside from being water resistant it is also durable to fire, termites
and fungi.

It is easy to work with Omniboard. It can be sanded, nailed, screwed, drilled,

riveted, plastered or topped with concrete and painted with water-based paints
and it is best sawn with a circular saw.26

Interview with David S. Nestor, Omniboard, 2007-04-16, and research on http://www.omniboard.net/
http://www.omniboard.net/prod_desc.html, 2007-04-30
Since it is a relatively new material, though research had been carried out for
20 years in the Philippines by the Forest Products Research Development
Institute (FPRDI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the
inhabitants are hesitant to use it. They do not think it is strong enough to carry
the weights in a house construction. However the inventor hopes for a
revolutionary change in the future.

The technology of this material was developed almost 94 years ago by an

Austrian company called HERAKLIT. In 1921 similar products were
developed in Germany.

6.1.2 CIB27
Concrete Interlocking Blocks (CIB) are an alternative material to traditional
Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) that are popular in the Philippines. These look
like the toy LEGO. They have three holes for the reinforcement bars and
special niches to accommodate electrical conduits. The bricks are made of
cement, sand and water and are a very good material to build with in these
climatic conditions. It is also a very good material for core constructions.
Besides being easy to handle, it is also sustainable in many ways.

Fig. 35 Lego block, Pasay, 2007-04-18 Fig. 36 Reinforcement and installation,

Pasay, 2007-04-18

6.1.3 Bamboo28
Bamboo is gigantic tree-like grass that grows in tropical countries like the
Philippines. It has got an extremely hard exterior surface and grows ten feet
per week. Bamboo’s flexibility makes it different from other wood materials
and it needs special handling techniques because of this. But with the right

Communication with head of the the municipality Pasay, 2007-04-18
Bostadsbyggande med självbyggeri och prefabrikation
knowledge one can build advanced and sustainable constructions such as;
house constructions, scaffolds, etc.

Because of its special properties, one cannot nail bamboo without pre-drilling
and therefore it is usually plaited or tied together. Another negative property,
which is negative, is the lack of durability to humidity and insects. But like
wood, one can impregnate bamboo with substances like copper, chrome
arsenic, etc. to strengthen it. This must be done when the bamboo is still green
and before it has been dried.

The status of the bamboo is not high because of its properties and is therefore
often used as walls for storages, gable decorations and in similar

6.1.4 Discussion
Omniboard might be the best choice out of these materials. It has great
resistant against the climatic effects in the Philippines. It is relatively new in
the market but it will probably expand in the near future.

CIB got similar qualities as the traditional concrete hollow blocks but it has
gone through some changes and has better properties. Thus it gives inspiration
to develop the traditional building materials.

As already mentioned the status of bamboo is not high because of its

properties and it will probably remain like that. The use of bamboo will
probably also remain low.

7 Conclusions
7.1 Sustainable Housing Development for the Urban Poor29
The concept of “sustainable housing” does not only mean a durable
construction; the concept is wider than that. A sustainable housing includes a
functioning society where one can find necessities such as medical service,
employment, food etc.

When you look at successful projects from the past, you can see factors that
contributed to success. Of course it is hard to compare projects from different
places in the world; each of the projects has their own conditions for success,
but still there are some things they have in common. One of the big question
is; how does a country get a good national housing development?

In 1890 both Sweden and the Philippines had four million people, today the
Philippines has around 89 million people and Sweden only nine million. Here
the large population is a big factor to housing problems. Some of the factors to
a successful national housing development shall be the government’s support
to the housing development. They have to institute the laws and strive to
seriously improve the living conditions of the people, especially the poor. The
Philippines has a major problem, the government talks a lot and not much is
done, except for elections. During election time the politicians help the people
to win their votes. The government of the Philippines has got a large budget
for improving the situation for the poor but the funds are not distributed to the
target beneficiaries.

Another factor affecting the housing situation is the availability of land; there
has to be enough land for all people to live in. More than half of the
population in the Philippines lives in urban areas, only in Metro Manila there
are 13 million people. To feel safe the people like to own the piece of land
they build on but there is not enough land for everybody. Another problem is
that the land is very expensive, often owned by select private individuals or
groups. The poor occupy private land without permission from the landowner
because they cannot afford to buy the land. The scarcity of land is also
aggravated by land speculations of some private groups which add to the high
land prices especially in urban centres.

The people also have to be involved in the development, their knowledge is

very important. If you do not know their needs, how can you help them? This

11 lyckade bostadsprojekt – En inventering av genomförda bostadsförbättringar i tredje världen
is another problem in the Philippines; the national and the local governments
do not listen to the people in need, they would rather just get rid of them.

Positive factor in the Philippines is the knowledge of many local architects

and construction engineers. In the Philippines there are also materials and
knowledge about the use of different materials. Unfortunately there is lack of
money. Many of the well educated people work for the private companies or
go abroad to make a better life. Working for the government or helping the
poor does not pay very well. In the Philippines there are a lot of non-
governmental organization, NGOs, which help the poor in many different
ways. They also act as mediators between the governments and the
marginalized groups.

One can clearly see that in the Philippines there are not very good conditions
to begin with. Still there are many housing projects sponsored by the
government but most of them are sponsored by international organizations or

7.2 The Reality

The Philippines do have the proper knowledge to build good constructions
sustainable to natural disasters. The problem is not related to construction; it is
the lack of dialogue and understanding between the poor and the government.
To do a hand book in self-help housing is not necessary, what is really needed
are money and coordination between the empowered ones and their money.
Many NGOs are trying to help in many different ways but this is not enough,
the country can only develop to a better one when the government decides to

NHA makes drastic moves and decisions; they want to relocate the affected
people and do not think about the circumstances. Some might have lost
material things but not their social lives, which NHA seldom have in mind
during relocating. ADB on the other hand works for the people’s rights; social
lives, fresh water and to prevent future problems. But a conditionality where
they have to work via a local government units often creates problems in the
implementation of a program or a project. In the end of the day, the actual
beneficiaries do not really benefit as they should from the projects.

Positive private firms do exist in the Philippines, such as AMH. They

undertake profitable projects which largely support the company and as an
expression of corporate social responsibility, assist NGOs that are working
with the poor in housing. In a certain sense, the poor indirectly benefit from
the money of the rich. If only other companies did the same as AMH the
housing situation would be better for the poor; if not with knowledge but with
financial matters.

The NGOs help and have many projects at the same time but it is usually the
financial matters that keep them from doing even more. These NGOs are
sponsored with subsidies from other countries but still the power to make the
situation better is with the government of the Philippines.

7.3 Evaluations
We have evaluated how different organizations, such as; ADB, GAM, NHA
and TAO-Pilipinas cooperate with each other. We have observed that it is not
only technical issues that matter, but also cooperation between the different
actors. The question is how architects, local people and politicians shall work
together in order to reach a sustainable housing development. We recommend
better coordinating and dialogue between the organizations and the families in
need of housing. Another aspect is that funds should be granted to
organizations that are willing to develop a better housing situation for low-
income households.

An opinion expressed by a local actor, that we also have evaluated to be an

important issue to have in mind, is the following: “The government should
have a sound policy to monitor and stop these syndicate activities as the
legitimate beneficiaries of the relocation package are the ones that suffer and
are being tagged as opportunists and land grabbers.” (see 3.1.2).

Presently, we do not think it is necessary to present a handbook since the

inhabitants have a lot of other serious problems. In due time it might be of a
good help to them but it is far from what they need today.

The conditions in the Sanagmana community in Navotas, are unique and

different from other places in the world. Hence a handbook can only apply in
this area and nowhere else. In case of analphabetic people one would have or
want to present a handbook explaining the different steps of constructional
matters with pictures. The construction has to conform to each project and its
conditions. If others are interested in continuing our work we think that they
could fulfil our original idea, but with a small change. Instead of making a
handbook for a specific country or area, we recommend that guidelines and
issues to consider when creating a Handbook in Self-Housing for families in
need are put together.


Asian Development Bank
2005 ADB’s Local Currency Loan Product. ADB, Metro Manila, the

Asian Development Bank

2005 Water for All – The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank. ADB,
Metro Manila, the Philippines

Asian Development Bank

2006 Asian Development Bank – Profile. ADB, Metro Manila, the Philippines

Asian Development Bank

2006 Summary of the Handbook on Resettlement – A Guide to Good Practice.
ADB, Metro Manila, the Philippines

Ballesteros, Marife M.
2004 Rental housing for Urban Low Income Households in the Philippines.
Philippines Institute for Development Studies, Makati City, the Philippines

Ignacio, L & Perlas, A

1994 From Victims to Survivors
UP Manila Information, Publication and Public Affairs Office (IPPAO)

Iwansson, P& Ouahrani, D

1993 Faults & Failures of Prefabricated Housing, Case studies from three
countries. LCHS, Lund, Sweden

Johansson, Lennart
1997 Filippinerna – Himmel eller helvete. Samarbetsgruppen för fackligt
biståndsarbete i Västsverige, Göteborg, Sweden

Johansson, B & Åstrand, J

1988 11 lyckade bostadsprojekt – En inventering av genomförda
bostadsförbättringar i tredje världen. Svenska missionsrådet, Lund, Sweden
(Also available in English: 11 Successful Housing Projects)

Mossberg, B, Wong Jere, A & Åstrand J

1994 Experience, Competence and Sustainability. LCHS, Lund, Sweden

Murty, C.V.R
2005 Earthquake Tips – Learning Earthquake Design and Construction.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India

National Housing Authority

2005 PRIMER, Information Division. NHA, Quezon City, the Philippines

Svenska Missionsrådet
1994 Att bygga i U-land. Ekblads i Västervik, Stockholm, Sweden

Tannerfeldt, G. & Ljung, P.

2006 More Urban Less Poor, an introduction to urban development and
management. Earthscan, James & James (Science Publishers), UK

Varona, Maria Faith Yson

2006 Enhancing the Role of Technical Assistance NGOs in Housing of the
Poor – A Case Study of TAO-Pilipnas, Inc. HDM-Lund, IHS-Rotterdam, the

Von Wachenfeldt, Johan

2004 Bostadsbyggande med självbyggeri och prefabrikation. Chalmers
Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden

Asian Development Bank
http://www.adb.org/, 2007-04-24

http://www.amhphil.com/, 2007-04-23

Green Architecture Movement

http://www.united-architects.org/, 2007-02-17

Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

http://www.hudcc.gov.ph/, 2007-04-23

National Housing Authority

http://www.nha.gov.ph/, 2007-04-23

http://www.omniboard.net/, 2007-04-30

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, SIDA
http://www.sida.se/, 2007-02-23

http://www.tao-pilipinas.org/, 2007-01-28

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Philippines, 2007-05-02

Interview, 2007-04-16

Green Architecture Movement

Interview, 2007-04-18

The Local Government in Navotas

Interview, 2007-04-18

National Housing Authority

Interview, 2007-04-20

Interview, 2007-04-16

Interview, 2007-04-13

Questionnaire to the Families Living in Sanagmana, Navotas

1. How many are you in your family?

What do you do for living?

2. How long have you been living here in Sanagmana?

3. Where did you live before?

Why did you move to Sanagmana?

4. What do you think is missing here?

If you get the opportunity to change something, what would you

5. Are you aware of the risks to live here?

Do you think the construction of your house is sustainable enough to
natural disasters?

6. If there are a safer and a better place in the future can you consider

7. If rental housing was an option to this, would you take this option?

Family A – Eduardo & Edna Millar, 42 years (Temporary housing)

1. Presently we are 6 members in our house.

I am a housewife and my husband, Eduardo, is a vegetable vendor in

2. We have lived here for 1 year.

3. We used to live on a private lot, together with 200 other families, in

Letre in Malabon. This got demolished by the landowner and we had to
move across the road but this got demolished as well. Due to my sister-
in-law we heard of Sanagmana and decided to move here.

4. I think a capital, from the vice president, for livelihood is missing.

Maybe we could get a livelihood loan from the church based
organisation AGAPE.
The reason why we came here is to own the lot and a better house.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks and I have experienced it. So far we have
been stroked by the typhoon 5 times since we moved here, including the
“typhoon-milenyo”, a super typhoon. The dike broke so the flood was
1.2 meters high, the roof blew off but the house sustained. I have no
money to buy GR-sheet so I use different material as a roof.
I got personal saving for our future house and I pay 750 for the lot
amortization monthly. I have fulfilled the obligations to get a lot and the
organisation so I am just waiting for the 1 hectare land to get started
with the construction of our new house.

6. No, I do not want to move. I have already adapted to the environment


7. No, I will not rent a house. I want to be able to pass it on to my children

in the future.

Fig. 37 Family A’s house, Sanagmana,


Family B – Marcelo & Maria Judith Pales, 35 years (Temporary housing)

1. I got 4 children and totally we are 6 living here.

I am a housewife and my husband, Marcelo, is a vegetable vendor in

2. Since April 6th last year.

3. We lived in Letre, Malabon (for more information about Letre,

Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A).
We heard of Sanagmana in our former organisation.

4. Lot of things is missing, such as a school because the present school is

on the other side of the bamboo bridge, and also a church/chapel.

5. I know about the situation and I hope the flood caused by the “typhoon-
milenyo” was a one-time-life-experience.
During the typhoon some walls and roof were destroyed but my
husband used to work as a construction worker so he fixes everything
on his own.
We are also paying for the amortization of the lot through the
organization AGAPE.

6. No, we want to stay here. Our leader in our former organization brought
us here so I want to stay here.

7. No, we want to stay here but if we have to rent I could consider doing

Fig. 38 Family B’s house, Sanagmana,


Family C – Jerry & Edith Matiag, 37 years (Temporary housing)

1. We are 2 children, me and my husband.

My husband is a vegetable vendor here in the area, he is unlike the
others; mobile.

2. Since March 2006.

3. We came from the same area as our present neighbours (for more
information about Letre, Malabon, see conducted interview with Family
A). But after the demolition we moved to the other side of the road.
People from the municipality came and offered us to move to
Sanagmana. More than 100 families lived by the dangerous road.

4. Developing a road, it is hard to transport right now.

5. I know about the situation but we do not have a choice, it is better here
than by the road.
During the transfer we were told a house was ready for us to move in
but it was not true. We do not have a saving but we pay the monthly
amortization for the lot. We were also promised a capital for livelihood
since February but still we have not seen it.

6. Yes, we would move.

7. Yes, if I have to I would rent.

Fig. 39 Family C’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28
Family D – Raymundo & Emma Lee, 49 years (Temporary housing)

1. We are 7 in the family whereas 5 are our children.

I am a housewife and my husband, Raymundo, is a vegetable vendor in

2. Since March 2006.

3. Same as my neighbours from Letre, Malabon (for more information

about Letre, Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A and C).

4. I want to fill up the land to make the ground more stable.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks. I have not seen the plan of the new area yet
so I do not know if it will be sustainable.
I used to save for our new house but I had stop due to my breast cancer.

6. I want to stay here in Sanagmana all my life.

7. I do not like rental so my answer is no.

Fig. 40 Family D’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family E – Ralph & Jennifer Daque, 25 years (Temporary housing)

1. I got one son so we are 3 in this household.

Ralph works in a hotel in St Cruz, Manila. The transportation takes
more than 1h for one fare only. I am a housewife.

2. Since May 2006.

3. We rented a house in Caloocan. Nothing serious happened, we were just

offered a lot here but not a lot in the “1 hectare”-area.

4. I want to refine the walls, roof, floor etc. we were luckily not affected
by the typhoon.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks. We got plans on how the construction of

our new house will be. I got private savings and we pay the
amortization of the lot monthly.

6. No, I rather not move. I rather have a nice house here.

7. It is ok to rent. We did it before but the place was too small. Here I can
have a bigger place to stay and I will own my property which I can pass
on to my kids.

Fig. 41 Family E’s house, Sanagmana,


Family F – Dionecel & Irishelle Detos Santos, 25 years

1. We have 1 son so we are 3 in the family.

We have a private business; we cook sticky-rice and sell it outside

2. October last year after the typhoon.

3. We rented a house for five years in Pandacan, Manila City.

We were in Adalpa when we heard about this area and decided to move

4. I would like to have a school, drug store and a health centre because my
son has astma and it is far to other centres. But his illness has decreased
since we moved here probably because of the fresher air here.

5. Yes, as long as I do not have to rent and the house is strong enough. My
husband built our house together with my uncle.

6. No, I will not move.

7. Perhaps but now the location is better here.

Fig. 42 Family F’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family G – Aureo & Elena Tano, 60 years

1. I have 4 children and 3 of them are married and have already moved
out. In this household we are three; me, my husband and my youngest
son, 23 years.
My husband is a driver for private firms in Quezon City, since it is far
from here he only comes home during the weekends.
I run a store here, where I sell everything from candy to soap.

2. Since December 11th, 2006.

3. We lived along the North Bay Boulevard South, NBBS. Due to the
road-widening our house was demolished.
Thanks to the vice-president of the community, Linda, we are here.

4. I am happy how things are right now. I own my own place unlike

5. I have not experienced the typhoon yet so I do not know if the

construction will sustain. I will hire someone to build our house though.

6. I think it is beautiful here and I also think it is difficult to move to

another place.

7. No, I do not like renting. I did it before and now I want a ownership of
my house.

Fig. 43 Family G’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family H – The president and wife Rebecca

1. We are 3 in the family. Me, my husband and our daughter.

I am a housewife and my husband is the coordinator for the church
based organization Urban Poor of Ministry in Diocese.

2. We just moved here, only 1 month.

3. We used to live in Sipac Alma Centre Navotas, besides Malabon River.

It was no present threat of demolition but there were plans on cleaning
the river so we wanted to move in advance.

4. I find it ok. I prefer the other location though, since we got a business
there which we had to leave. We bought metal by the dockyard and sold
it in Sipac.

5. Yes, when we first moved here the flood was very high and our house
was vibrating due to the wind. I was so scared of the sound that I stayed

6. I support my husband’s choices so wherever he goes I go. We lived for

47 years in our origin home and I think it is safer there. Since my
husband is the President of the community everybody seeks him if
conflicts occur so I am very concerned of him. But I do support him.

7. If I have to rent I can perhaps considering it.

Fig. 44 Family H’s house, Sanagmana,


Family I – Diolard Shilana & Rosemarie Culanca Lutao, 22 years

1. We are 4 in this house, me, my husband and our 2 kids.

I am a housewife and my husband is a fruit and vegetable vendor in

2. Since March 2006.

3. We lived in Letre, Malabon (for more information about Letre,

Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A).
We heard of Sanagmana through my mother-in-law.

4. I would like to change and fix my house. Better water supply and a
health centre is what I want.

5. We were here during the flood. Due to the strong wind our house fell,
like many houses did here, so this is our second one.

6. I might move due to the typhoon and it is also far from the market.

7. But I will only move if it is ownership and not rental. So no, I will not
I have a private saving to our new house.

Fig. 45 Family I’s house, Sanagmana,


Family J – Rolando M. & Dina A. Caingcoy, 43 years

1. I got 4 children so we are 6 people living in this household.

My husband makes furniture only when someone hires him to do it.
Sometimes I sell hot dogs, fish balls.

2. We have been here since December 2006.

3. We used to live in NBBS (for more information about North Bay

Boulevard South, NBBS , see conducted interview with Family G).
We were members in Kapit Bisag where Linda (the vice-President) is
the President and she told us about Sanagmana.

4. I would like to have a road instead of a bamboo bridge and livelihood.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks.

I do not know if the construction will sustain but we have concrete in
the columns. Presently we are lacking of money.

6. I do not want to move. I like it here because it is near of employment

and perhaps in the new area it is far from a school.

7. No, I do not like renting. We transferred because of the ownership. We

pay the monthly amortization but we do not save due to no job.

Fig. 46 Family J’s house, Sanagmana,


Family K – Esmeraldo & Juvilyn S Mirambel, 34 years

1. 4 children, me and my husband live here.

I am a vendor and my husband is a fisherman.

2. Since December 2006.

3. We used to live in NBBS (for more information about North Bay

Boulevard South, NBBS, see conducted interview with Family G and

4. I would like to fill up the land, refine my house and livelihood.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks and yes, I think the construction will be

6. No, I want to stay here.

7. Rental is not an option to me. We save and pay the amortization of the
lot monthly

Fig. 47 Family K’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family L – Dositio & Ana Mari Angana, 34 years

1. We got 4 children hence we are 6 in this household.

I am a housewife and my husband drives the sidecar.

2. Since December 2006.

3. We used to live in NBBS (for more information about North Bay

Boulevard South, NBBS, see conducted interview with Family G and

4. I would like a road and drainage or canal.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks. I still do not know if the construction will
be sustainable enough but in due time we will find out.

6. No, I want to stay here.

7. Yes, I could consider rental housing if the place is good enough.

Fig. 48 Family L’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family M – Gil & Julie Resco, 45 years

1. I have 8 children so we are 10 in this household. The eldest is 17 years

and the youngest is 2 months
I am a housewife and my husband drives the tricycle from Boulevard to

2. Since May 2006.

3. We used to live in Marcello beside the Boulevard but it got demolished.

We attended a meeting where the President gave them two options of
areas to move to; Sanagmana and Bulacan. We chose Sanagmana.

4. Humble people and not angry ones.

I want to improve my house. A school where they can easily go to since
the present one is so far away.

5. Yes, I am aware. After the typhoon my house leaned but luckily it did
not fall.

6. I want to stay here.

7. If it was rental here I would still move to Sanagmana.

Fig. 49 Family M’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family N – Roberto & Corazon Z Cordeta

1. We are totally 11 in the house; me, my husband, my father and mother,

3 brothers and 4 children.
I am housewife and my husband is a pick-up driver in Navotas.

2. Since December 2006.

3. We used to live in Letre, Malabon (for more information about Letre,

Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A and C).

4. I would like to have a school which goes up to high school and the
bamboo bridge should be changed to a road.

5. Yes, I am aware. I am not sure about the house when the “typhoon-
milenyo” strikes because the old one destroyed.

6. I am willing to move if it is safer for the kids.

7. Ok, if the rent is very low but my father cannot. I am not into savings
but I am paying the lot.

Fig. 50 Family N’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family O – Roger & Shirley Mentigar, 30 years

1. We got 4 children hence we are 6 in this household.

I am a housewife and my husband is a fish vendor, he buys fish in
Navotas and sells it in Manila.

2. I have been here for 10 months (June 2006)

3. We used to live in NBBS (for more information about North Bay

Boulevard South, NBBS, see conducted interview with Family G).
We were neighbours to Kapit Bisag but we were not a member.

4. The road should be more stable because the bamboo bridge is not safe
during the typhoon.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks. She is confident about the sustainability of

her construction. The GR-sheet bent a little but nothing else happened
to the rest of the house.

6. I do not think there are safer and better places to move to anymore, the
good ones are all occupied.

7. I can only consider rental housing if the location is safer. I am paying

the monthly rent for the lot.

Fig. 51 Family O’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family P – Daniel & Luzviminda S. Tinoy, 40 years

1. We are 3 in our house.

My husband is a fisherman and I am selling mango here in Sanagmana.

2. Since December 2006.

3. We used to live in NBBS (for more information about North Bay

Boulevard South, NBBS, see conducted interview with Family G and
O). Linda was also a teacher to her child in the chapel.

4. To develop the place, flood prones and a stronger house when the
typhoon strikes.

5. Yes, I am. I cannot be sure if the construction will sustain the disasters
since I have not experienced it yet.

6. No, transferring will only lead to longer distances to my husbands work.

7. I took the opportunity to come here due to the demolition so if it was

rental housing here I would come anyway. Since February this year I
have been paying the monthly rate of amortization.

Fig. 52 Family P’s house,

Sanagmana, 2007-04-28

Family Q – Salvador Brando, 54 years (Temporary housing)

1. I have 4 daughters living in my home, so we are 5 members in the

household since I am a widower since 2005.
I work as a carpenter.

2. Since March 2006.

3. We used to live in Letre, Malabon (for more information about Letre,

Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A). An organization
called Gabriella approached the Public Commission for Urban Poor,
PCUP, about Sanagmana. PCUP in turn helped us here.

4. I would like to have a chapel and a better road. The congressman, who
is running for the mayor, has promised to build a road instead of having
the bridge as transportation.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks of living here. I and my family were here
during the typhoon. The flood reached there sleeping area so I elevated
it. The roof folded a little but it was nothing serious otherwise the house
was intact. But still it has to be mixed even more.

6. I will have to think about this question, if I like it here in Sanagmana I

will stay here with my daughters.

7. Rental is not of consideration. I pay the amortization but have no


Fig. 53 Family Q’s house, Sanagmana,


Family R – Jeofila Escala Qilina, 58 years

1. I and my husband live here but one of my sons lives here with his
family in waiting of their own house to be ready. So presently we are 2
grandparents, my son and his wife with 5 children.
My husband used to be a driver, so if the jobs are available he will take
it. But in present my fishing is supporting our family.

2. We are one of the first ones who moved here in March 2006.

3. We used to live in Letre, Malabon (for more information about Letre,

Malabon, see conducted interview with Family A and C).

4. A livelihood program for the women. They could for example sew dish
rags or weave mats out of dish rags. I know where to get the material
but I have no capital to buy large stocks. Vendor is not enough of
income to pay the lot.
When I have enough money I want to beatify my house.

5. Yes, I am aware of the risks. My house collapsed due to the strong

winds. There were not that many houses back then so the area was
exposed but now when there are more houses maybe it will be more

6. No, this is a safe place for me and my family.

7. I want to own my own place so renting is not an option.

Presently I am not paying the amortization regularly because some
months I do not have enough money to do it.

Fig. 54 & 55 Family R’s house, Sanagmana, 2007-04-28


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