Grouper Culture: J W. T, J
Grouper Culture: J W. T, J
Grouper Culture: J W. T, J
Groupers are classified in 14 genera most species continue to stay near small (E. akaara), yellow grouper (E. awoara),
of the subfamily Epinephelinae, which caves for security. Wild grouper larvae squaretail grouper (E. areolatus), and king
comprises at least half of the 449 species at first eat copepods and other small zoo- grouper. Minor species are: blackspotted
in the family Serranidae. Throughout plankton, then larger crustaceans like am- grouper (E. amblycephalus), brownmar-
most warm and temperate marine regions, phipods and mysid shrimp. Wild juveniles bled grouper (E. fuscoguttatus, Figures 1
serranids are highly valued for food, and and adults eat mainly fish, crabs, shrimp, and 3), sixbar grouper (E. sexfasciatus),
both small and large species are kept in mantis shrimp, lobsters, and molluscs. bluespotted grouper (E. trimaculatus),
aquariums. Maximum size ranges from More than 20 grouper species have longfin grouper (E. quoyanus), kelp
about 12 cm total length (TL) for western been raised commercially, mostly by grouper (E. bruneus), polka-dot grouper
Atlantic Serranus species and the Pacific growing out captured wild juveniles in (Cromileptes altivelis), leopard coraltrout
creole-fish (Paranthias colonus) to more the Southeast Asian region. FAO (2002) (Plectropomus leopardus, Figure 4),
than 4 m TL (≥440 kg) for the king grou- reported that 9,488 tons of groupers and barred-cheek coraltrout (P. maculatus),
per, giant grouper, groper, or brindlebass sea basses worth US$65,339,000 were squaretail coraltrout (P. areolatus), hon-
(Epinephelus lanceolatus). grown out in Taiwan (5,053), Thailand eycomb grouper (E. merra), camouflage
Ages (months) at which some western (2,150), Malaysia (1,217), Indonesia grouper (E. polyphekadion), and greasy
Atlantic serranids reach 454 g in nature (1,159), Hong Kong (523), Philippines grouper (E. tauvina). For farming in the
are: Goliath grouper (E. itajara) about (167), Singapore (111), Kuwait (6) and southeastern U.S. and Caribbean region,
12, black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) Brazil (2) during 2000. Sadovy (2001) Nassau groupers (Figure 5), gags (Figures
17, gag grouper (M. microlepis) 18, red estimated that for the late 1990s about 6 and 24), black groupers (Figure 7), and
grouper (E. morio) 27, and black sea bass 60 million juveniles grown out per year Goliath groupers (Figure 8) seem to have
(Centropristis striata, subfamily Serra- resulted in 23,000 tons of live table-size good potential. Dusky (Epinephelus mar-
ninae) 51. Nassau groupers (E. striatus) groupers sold in Southeast Asia; however, ginatus) and white groupers (Epinephelus
reach 500 mm (about 2.5 kg) in 4-5 yr and at least hundreds of millions of wild aeneus) have been investigated in the
Goliath groupers reach 500 mm (about grouper juveniles were caught and sold Mediterranean.
2.7 kg) in about 2 yr. Maximum reported each year, so mortality from capture and Wild groupers tend to be very easy to
sizes are: 1,220 mm TL and about 27 transportation had to be very high and catch, especially species that form large
kg for Nassau groupers, 1,518 mm for wasteful. Despite improvements in recent aggregations for spawning like the Nas-
black groupers, 1,290 mm for gags and years, only 20,000-80,000 juveniles are sau grouper. This grouper historically was
about 2,500 mm and 320 kg for Goliath produced annually by hatcheries through- the most important through most of the
groupers. Nassau groupers live for at out the region, not counting those in Caribbean islands and coastal reefs, but
least 29 yr, black groupers 33 yr, gags Taiwan (Sadovy 2001). About two-thirds has been overfished to commercial extinc-
21-22 yr, red groupers 25 yr and Goliath of the groupers grown out in Taiwan were tion in many areas. Both commercial and
groupers 37 yr. from hatcheries. In 1998, about half of the recreational harvests are now prohibited
Juveniles and adults of some grouper groupers farmed there had been raised in the U.S. The gag and red grouper, be-
species live in coastal waters and estuar- from wild juveniles (Cesar et al. 2000). cause of their abundance and availability
ies, but others prefer the cleaner waters In 2000, Taiwanese hatcheries produced to the fishery, are economically the most
of offshore reefs. Eggs are planktonic 300,000 brownmarbled groupers and 2 important species in the U.S. They and
— single, non-adhesive and buoyant at million king groupers (Chan 2001). King many other grouper species throughout
normal salinities. Larvae of most species grouper culture has just been developed the world have been overfished, leading
spend at least their first few weeks drift- in the last few years and is continuing at to reduced numbers and reduced average
ing with the oceanic plankton. As they a strong rate. size. Once grouper production reaches a
become juveniles, groupers settle to the The primary farmed Asian species (Sa- high enough level, aquaculture will help
bottom, usually in shallow water, where dovy 2001) have been: orangespotted or protect wild stocks by reducing fishing
they can find hiding places. Then, until estuary grouper (E. coioides, Figure 1) and pressure.
several centimeters long, they hide almost Malabar grouper (E. malabaricus, Figure In some areas where wild juveniles are
constantly. Their boldness increases with 2). Other major species are: duskytail caught for growout, supplies (catch-per-
size and they move to deeper water, but grouper (E. bleekeri), redspotted grouper unit-of-effort) have decreased in recent
32 September 2003
Fig. 2. Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus)
broodstock in Thailand. (Photo by John Tucker)
World Aquaculture 33
years (Johannes et al. 1998),
especially near Hong Kong,
Taiwan, and China (Sadovy
2001). Possible factors in-
clude not only overfishing of
juveniles but also overfishing
of adults, habitat loss, toxic
pollutants, and population
cycle variations. In other areas,
supplies of juveniles have been
relatively constant, despite 20
Fig. 9. Concrete raceways (3.0 x 12.2 x 1.0 Fig. 10. Spawning cage (5 x 5 x 3 m deep) in
m deep) in which wild and reared Nassau which polka-dot groupers (Cromileptes altivelis) or more years of collecting. As
groupers (Epinephelus striatus) spawned in spawned, between Singapore and Malaysia. groupers grow in nature, their
Florida. (Photo by John Tucker) (Photo by John Tucker) numbers naturally decrease.
Harvesting small juveniles
has less impact than harvest-
ing a similar number of larger
fish, and is less likely to be a
determining factor of popula-
tion size. The more that a given
grouper population is limited
by predation or lack of habi-
tat for fish larger than those
caught for growout, the less
the impact of such catches will
be. If heavy losses naturally
occur after the collected stage,
Fig. 11. A 26-m2 concrete larval rearing tank then protecting a number of the
Fig. 12. Concrete larval rearing tanks, each 50
at the National Institute of Coastal Aquaculture,
m2, in Japan. (Photo by John Tucker) fish on farms actually could in-
Thailand. (Photo by John Tucker)
crease the total numbers avail-
able for harvest. At least, if col-
lection of moderate numbers is
small compared to those lost to
natural mortality, significant
losses of wild stocks would not
result. Therefore, traditional
grouper farming in Asia (i.e.
wild groupers grown in ponds
or cages) has been encouraged
by some environmental organi-
zations. But at the same time,
grouper hatchery technology
Fig. 13. A 50-m3 concrete larval rearing tank Fig. 14. Concrete larval rearing tanks in Taiwan, needs to be perfected, because
in Japan (from the group in Fig. 12). (Photo by usually shaded when larvae are stocked. (Photo the wild supply does fluctuate
John Tucker) by John Tucker)
and there is no guarantee that
it will continue indefinitely.
Survival of collected juveniles also must
be improved.
Shipping of infected wild or reared
juveniles to distant growout areas has
transferred diseases, especially viral and
Fig. 15. The main bay of parasitic ones. There are strong move-
Lamma Island (southwest of ments to have national and international
Hong Kong, in background), regulations and agreements enacted to
which contains houseboats reduce and eventually prevent such
and a fairly large number of
fish cages. (Photo by John
Tucker) In 1998, there were about 600 grouper
hatcheries and farms in Taiwan, producing
34 September 2003
5,000-7,000 tons/yr, 90 percent of which is especially important
was orangespotted and Malabar groupers for both broodstock and
(Cesar et al. 2000). The large number larvae, but not as critical
of participants, strong government sup- for the other stages.
port, intense research and specialization, Broodstock
availability of large areas of coastal land
Most groupers that
and mass production of eggs are factors
have been studied will
contributing to the Taiwanese success.
mature within 2-6 yr
(Tucker 1998). Many
Culture Methods serranids are proto-gy-
Facilities nous hermaphrodites
Saltwater is needed for broodfish, (i.e. most individuals
eggs and larvae. Juveniles and adults of mature first as females Fig. 16. A pond used for growing out groupers in Taiwan.
many species can live in brackish but and some of them be- (Photo by John Tucker)
not freshwater. Groupers have spawned come males later). Some
voluntarily in fiberglass, concrete (Fig- of those species, as a
ure 9), or plastic tanks with volumes of rule, change from female to male as they without aggregating. A few of the small
1-21,200 m3, concrete ponds of 1.8-860 grow older, while others might change serranids are simultaneous hermaphro-
m3 and cages (Figure 10) of 26-75 m3 only if there is a shortage of males. In dites (male and female at the same time)
(Tucker 1994, 1998). Larvae have been nature, Nassau groupers typically spawn but self-fertilization seems to be rare.
reared mainly in fiberglass or concrete in large distinct aggregations (hundreds Broodstock can be captured or reared.
tanks (Figures 11-14) holding 1-60 m3 and to thousands of fish) with a sex ratio near Most groupers studied have quickly
sometimes in concrete ponds of up to 500 1:1. Gags spawn in harems, frequently adapted to captivity. Adults usually are
m3; while a minimum of 3.5 m3 is good, 7 within aggregations, with a sex ratio captured by traps or hook and line. With
m3 or larger is better. Tanks (Figure 9) and often near 1 male:10 females. For both protogynous hermaphrodites, sex control
cages (Figure 15) up to at least 75 m3 and species, individual spawning events usu- sometimes is considered necessary to
larger ponds (Figure 16) have been used ally involve small numbers of fish (e.g. ensure an optimal male:female ratio for
for growout. Good environmental control 2-5). Small serranids often spawn in pairs maximizing egg production. If males are
World Aquaculture 35
difficult to collect or do not occur in reared broodstock when
the females have become mature, sex-reversal of females with
dietary or injected methyltestosterone could provide the needed
males. When too many females could become males, suppression
of sex-reversal has been accomplished by administering female
hormones like estradiol or by maintaining enough large males
in the tank. With simultaneous hermaphrodites, mature fish of
similar size usually can be paired.
Voluntary spawning of captive groupers has occurred mostly
with well-fed uncrowded fish during the natural spawning sea-
son under conditions of ambient temperature and partial or total
natural light (Tucker 1994, 1998). Day length seems to be a less
important stimulus for spawning than temperature. More than
30 serranid species have spawned voluntarily in captivity, with
Fig. 17. Nassau groupers (Epinephelus striatus) spawning in groupers spawning in 1- to 21,200-m3 tanks or ponds and 26- to
a concrete raceway (3.0 x 12.2 x 1.0 m deep) in Florida. In the 75-m3 cages. Eggs are collected in automatic strainers or with
center are a female flanked by two males; at the lower right soft, fine dipnets. It should be kept in mind that some species
are two females that have ovulated but are not yet spawning. spawn near certain moon phases and others spawn any day of
(Photo by John Tucker) the lunar month. With good timing and luck, groupers can be
caught just before spawning and held in tanks or cages for up to
a few days until they ovulate naturally. The eggs are stripped,
or rarely, the fish are left in the tank for voluntary or accidental
fertilization to occur, if the males are running ripe.
A 6 kg female Nassau grouper can produce about 900,000
eggs per day by natural or hormone-induced ovulation and
3.3 million eggs in a 4 day period when spawning voluntarily
(Figures 9 and 17).
Hormone-induced ovulation of ripe wild or captive groupers
and sea basses generally is reliable (Tucker 1994, 1998). More
than 31 serranid species have been induced to ovulate
Fig. 18. Giving (Figure 18). Typically, a female with fully yolked oocytes
an intramuscular (immature eggs) will ovulate (release mature eggs into the
injection to a female centers of the ovaries) within 24-72 hours (usually 36-50
squaretail coraltrout
hours) after the first of 1-3 injections of 500-1,000 IU
areolatus) in Palau human chorionic gonadotropin/kg body weight. Similar
to induce ovulation. results have been obtained for several species given 1-3
(Photo by John injections of 10-50 µg gonadotropin releasing hormone
Tucker) analog (GnRHa)/kg body weight, and GnRHa implants
also have worked. If newly caught broodfish are used, the
hormone should be administered as soon after capture as
possible to limit stress effects on oocyte development.
For six grouper species with egg diameters of 800-1,000
µm, the minimum effective oocyte diameter, as seen in
Fig. 19. Stripping eggs from a squaretail biopsy samples, before injection was in the range 41-61
coraltrout (Plectropomus areolatus) in Palau. percent of the fertilized egg diameter. Ovarian biopsies
(Photo by John Tucker)
are not necessary if external characteristics can be relied
upon as indicators of oocyte development. Females are
handled as little as possible, but are monitored closely for
swollen abdomen, protruding genital papilla, stretching of
the membrane holding eggs in and spawning coloration. They
are checked more often, such as once an hour, just before the
predicted time of ovulation (Figure 19). For Nassau groupers,
the time from ovulation to over-ripeness (deterioration of eggs)
is only 1-2 hours at 26˚C.
Transparency, buoyancy, roundness, normal egg size, size
uniformity, lack of stickiness, possession of a single oil globule
and normal oil globule size are initial signs of quality. High
(Continued on page 38)
36 September 2003
rent and/or not feed well. Early grouper larvae, especially when
stressed, sometimes exude a large amount of mucus, which can
cause them to stick to each other, to the surface film, or to solid
Gorging on Artemia is another source of mortality for mid-
stage larvae, and cannibalism among early juveniles is a potential
problem. Gorging can be minimized by adding the Artemia in
small amounts and by feeding rotifers and copepods for at least
several days after Artemia are started. Cannibalism can be mini-
mized by feeding the fish well, weaning them as soon as possible
and removing extra large fish regularly (grading).
Fig. 20. A nursery cage (1 x 1 x 1m) used for groupers
in Singapore. (Photo by John Tucker)
In the Philippines and other areas, when fish are too small to
stock directly in growout ponds, the early juveniles are raised
in cages (Figure 20) in the ponds, usually from 20-30 mm to
fertilization rate, normal cell division, high hatching rate and 50-100 mm (Figures 21-23) in about 30-45 days (Baliao et al.
successful first feeding are subsequent signs. Usually, eggs are 1998). About 60 fish/m3 are stocked in the cages (size range 4 x
transferred to rearing tanks just before hatching, or larvae are 2 x 1.5 m to 8 x 4 x 1.5 m, with 0.5-cm mesh).
transferred just before first feeding, but it is best to avoid handling In Taiwan, up to 2,000 juveniles are raised per cage (1.2 x
of grouper larvae. 0.8 x 0.8 m) in small ponds (about 100 m2) for 1-3 months until
Hatchery they reach about 6 cm TL (Rimmer 1998). Larger ponds are used
mainly for over-wintering. Pond temperatures are about 26˚C
Known egg diameters are in the 0.8 to 1.0 mm range and total
in summer and about 20-24˚C in winter. To limit cannibalism,
length of hatchlings in the 1.4-2.3 mm range. Larvae of most
grading is performed at 5-7 d intervals.
grouper species are small and fragile and have small mouths at
first feeding. Yolk and oil, which nourish early larvae until after Grow-out
feeding begins, tend to be exhausted quickly, generally within In the Indo-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions, several spe-
2-5 days (Kohno et al. 1994, Tucker 1998). Typically, the larval cies of grouper are farmed in cages, ponds and tanks, but mostly
period is long (often about 50 days, range 35-70 days), and they are raised from wild juveniles and are fed trash fish. They
groupers tend to require live food longer than most marine fish
that have been reared. They have been stocked at 0.3-60 eggs or
larvae/l, usually 5-20. Careful administration of thyroid hormones
could be used to increase health and survival of grouper larvae
and to accelerate transformation.
Commercial-scale Asian hatcheries Fig. 21 (below). Minimum stocking-
have raised large batches of juveniles, sized Goliath grouper in Florida (55
with survival as high as 34 percent from mm, 2 g). (Photo by Lewis Bullock,
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
hatchlings. The best survival has occurred
in larger tanks (60-500 m ) under partial
38 September 2003
sometimes are fed small tilapia and groupers seen at 297 days and
sometimes are polycultured with one at 16 months probably were
them. Typical market size is 500- released fish.
1,000 g, which can be reached in 6-8
months of growout. The usual mini- Nutrition
mum size to begin growout, 75-100 Foods for Larvae
mm, about 10 g (age 3-4 months),
Grouper larvae usually are raised
can be obtained in nursery tanks,
in green water, mostly with the
cages, or ponds. Initially, they are
phytoplankton Nannochloropsis,
stocked up to 60 fish/m (<1kg/m )
3 3
Tetraselmis and/or Chlorella spp.
in cages. Density usually is reduced
stocked at 10-500 cells/µl during
somewhat as they grow. Fig. 24. Gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) in Florida (32 0-3 days after hatchinging to 12-
In the Philippines, 500- to 10,000- mm, 1 g). (Photo by Lewis Bullock, Florida Fish and
40 days after hatchinging. At first
m rectangular earthen or concrete Wildlife Conservation Commission)
feeding, most species can easily eat
ponds with depths of 1-2 m and level
small rotifers, but oyster, clam, or
bottoms are the preferred types for
mussel eggs and larvae sometimes
growout. Double water gates, aeration devices, and emergency
are used as a supplement. Growth and survival tend to be better
water pumps should be present. Typically, juveniles are stocked
if copepods or mixed zooplankton are included in the diet, but
at 5,000/ha and grown from 50-100 mm to 400-1000 g. Foods
care must be taken to avoid introduction of pathogens or preda-
include trash fish and sometimes tilapia living in the ponds.
tors. Certain ciliates (with widths of about 20-80 µm) could be
In Taiwan, undersized (25-mm) juveniles are raised in 100-
added to improve survival during the first few days of feeding,
m nursery ponds or tanks to about 60 mm before being stocked
but some types are not nutritious. Cladocerans (water fleas) are
in 2,000 m growout ponds. Sometimes cages (1.2 ´ 0.8 ´ 0.8
sometimes used for early to mid-stage larvae. Artemia enriched
m), with a maximum of 2,000 fish each, are used in the nursery
with essential fatty acids can be a staple food beginning at 10-30
ponds. Intensive pond farms have stocked juveniles at 60,000-
days after hatchinging, but their abundance should be controlled
80,000/ha and harvested 80 percent of them, for a production
to minimize gorging and incomplete digestion by the larvae. It
density as high as 30,000-40,000 kg/ha (usually 10,000-30,000
is best to delay feeding of Artemia as long as other foods are
tons) with aeration and 20 percent water exchange/day. Those
sufficient (until 20 days after hatchinging or later). Mysid shrimp
groupers are fed mostly trash fish and can grow from 46 mm
sometimes are used for late larvae and early juveniles. Unless
(2-3 months old) to 600 g in 12 months and can reach 2 kg in
the water is very well mixed, the live foods are not distributed
19 months. Orangespotted groupers can grow from 60 mm TL
evenly in the tank and average prey density is only of theoretical
to 400-800 g after 8-10 months in cages or 10-14 months in
value. What matters is that the fish can find and catch nutritious
ponds (Rimmer 1998). King groupers can grow from 75 mm
prey with a minimum of effort, maximize their intake of nutrients
to 2.4 kg in 1 yr and 15 kg in 2 yr.
and grow fast. Depending on age and number of larvae, an aver-
Improvement of early growth rates (e.g., with better tem-
age density of 5-20 rotifers/ml seems appropriate if larvae are
perature control and earlier weaning) will allow production of
feeding well enough to prevent the rotifers from becoming more
600 g Nassau groupers within 12 months, 1 kg groupers within
numerous and crowding the fish. Artemia usually are stocked at
18 months and 2 kg groupers within 24 months.
about 1-2/ml when first given to the larvae, but as many as 6/ml
Stock Enhancement can be used if the fish eat them within 12 hours, before their
nutritional quality deteriorates.
In isolated locations where groupers have been severely Microfeeds have been tried as a supplement during the first
depleted, it might be possible to replenish spawning stocks with week but probably are not digested much until at least 2-4 weeks.
reared fish. In an experimental study, 27 Nassau grouper raised Weaning from live food to dry crumbles or small pellets can be
in tanks in Florida (309-367 mm TL, 579-1,098 g, mean 909 completed just before or during transformation, which occurs
g) were released and monitored by a diving team on an open at 35-70 days after hatchinging, depending on species. Minced
ocean reef with depths of 1-15 m at St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin seafood, such as muscle of fish, shrimp or scallop often is used
Islands (Roberts et al. 1995). For three months before release, as an appetizer or transitional food.
live and frozen foods were added to their diet. Although they
Taiwanese hatcheries use a range of systems to raise grouper
had been raised on pellets, the groupers ate live goldfish and
larvae, and survival of seven percent to four weeks (25-30 mm)
crabs within seconds after they were placed on the bottom of
is considered good (Rimmer 1998). Indoor systems include
their raceway. After release, they exhibited behavior until then
fiberglass or concrete tanks holding up to 100 m3 where larvae
expected only from wild groupers. Within 1 hour after release
from a holding cage, all the groupers had gobies and shrimp are reared in green (50,000-500,000 cells/ml) or clear water with
remove ectoparasites obtained while they were in the cage. oyster trochophores (about 4-6 days after hatching), small rotifers
Within 2 days, some were seen hunting alongside a moray (beginning about 4 days after hatching), and Artemia and/or adult
eel or octopus. It was surprising that these behaviors known copepods (beginning 16-22 days after hatching). Outdoor systems
for wild groupers were innate and did not have to be learned include concrete or earthen ponds of 200-5,000 m2 (sometimes 1
by the hatchery fish. Although their tags had been lost, two (Continued on page 57)
World Aquaculture 39
shore (especially reef, species). is to lubricate the water surface with oil
Grouper Culture Most groupers that have been reared
are warmwater fish that spawn and grow
extracted from omega yeast for the first
few days after hatching, but the oil has to
best in the range 24-30˚C; most can toler- be removed before larvae begin gas blad-
ate a range of 15˚C to at least 35˚C. Eggs der inflation (Yamaoka et al. 2000).
of groupers that spawn at sea will require a Usually, a moderate growth of phyto-
(Continued from page 39)
salinity of about 30 ppt or higher for them plankton is maintained in rearing water
ha), which are filled through a fine-mesh
to float, but slightly lower salinity can be for grouper larvae (greenwater culture).
sock filter 1-2 days before stocking eggs
tolerated even though the eggs sink. Salin- Besides being food for the zooplanktonic
to limit the size of zooplankters. Stocking
ity tolerance usually increases with age. prey of the fish, the algae also can remove
rate is 600-1,500 eggs/m2. Larvae are held
Oceanic species are healthiest at close ammonia, generate oxygen and keep pH
in floating bags for the first 2 days of feed-
to seawater salinity (35 ppt), but some high, release anti-bacterial or growth-
ing (about 4-6 days after hatching) to keep
estuarine species can survive at less than promoting substances, promote growth of
the trochophores concentrated. Rotifers,
10 ppt. Some natural light is good for all beneficial bacteria and stimulate behavior,
copepods and other zooplankters raised in
stages. Continuous natural and artificial feeding or digestion. However, algae de-
separate ponds of 0.05-0.1 ha are pumped
light at 1,000-3,000 lux should be suitable composition products can contribute to
directly into the fish ponds or collected in
for larval rearing, but higher intensities formation of a sticky surface film.
nets and transferred.
have been used. For most warmwater ma-
Feeds rine fish to be healthy, dissolved oxygen Health
In Southeast Asia, groupers have should be at least 5 mg/l and, preferably, Good management of the microbial en-
been fed mainly trash fish supplemented near saturation. Safe limits for ammonia, vironment can protect larvae from patho-
with vitamins and minerals, secondarily nitrite and nitrate are only approximately gens and eliminate the need for antibiotics
moist or semi-moist pellets, and rarely known. Ammonia should be kept near and other drugs. As a major management
high protein dry pellets. Nursery foods zero (£1 µg/l [ppb] unionized ammonia component, we routinely inoculate larval
include larger zooplankton, chopped fish nitrogen for larvae, £5 µg/l for adults); rearing systems with probiotic (beneficial)
or shrimp and compound feeds. About 70 10 µg/l unionized ammonia can be toxic bacteria isolated from healthy fish raised
percent of Taiwanese farmers were using to larvae, and juveniles and adults are in our hatchery (Kennedy et al. 1998).
compound (mainly moist) feeds in 1998 only slightly more tolerant. Likely limits Without this seeding, the bacteria popula-
(Rimmer 1998). for nitrite nitrogen are 0.1 mg/l (ppm) for tions can vary from bad to good.
A suitable starter feed for groupers larvae and 1 mg/l for older fish, but zero Viruses (viral nervous necrosis, golden
would contain 50-60 percent high qual- is best. It is probably best to keep nitrate eye disease, herpes, Lymphocystis),
ity protein, 12-16 percent fat (half or nitrogen lower than 20 mg/l for young gram-negative bacteria (Vibrio, Aeromo-
more from marine sources), £15 percent stages and 50 mg/l for older fish. nas, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium,
carbohydrate, <3 percent fiber and <16 One of the greatest problems for Pasteurella spp.), gram-positive bacteria
percent ash (Tucker 1998). By the time grouper larvae is a surface film that is (Streptococcus, Mycobacterium), ec-
they reach 500 g, Nassau groupers (and sticky, suffocating and/or toxic. Films toparasitic protozoans (Amyloodinium
others) can be given a feed with about 45 that are so thin that they have no effect on ocellatum, Cryptocaryon irritans, Brook-
percent protein, about 9 percent fat, £20 other species can kill grouper larvae on lynella spp., Ichthyophthirius sp., Tricho-
percent carbohydrate, £4 percent fiber contact. The film-producing substances dina sp.), monogeneans (Benedenia spp.,
and £22 percent ash. Lower quality feeds (polysaccharides, organic oils, proteins, Neobenedenia spp., Diplectanum spp.,
likely would result in worse feed conver- inorganic oils, soaps, plasticizers) have to Megalocotyloides epinepheli, Pseudo-
sion and possibly slower growth. be excluded from larval tanks as much as rhabdosynochus epinepheli), copepods
possible, so that removal efforts are not and leeches are among the most important
Environmental Conditions necessary while larvae are too vulner- pathogens of cultured groupers (Baliao
able. For the first several days of feeding, et al. 1998). Many internal parasites
Tanks with diameters of 3-5 m or
skimming the surface with air jets and (microsporans, myxosporans, trematodes,
more are better for grouper larvae than
standpipes can be dangerous, because cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans)
smaller ones because surface film removal
early grouper larvae tend to drift with the also have been reported. Nervous suf-
is safer, temperature and water quality
current rather than swim against it and fering disease (signs could include gill,
changes are moderated, and the fish con-
they cannot tolerate much turbulence, blood, gas bladder, liver, heart, brain,
tact the tank walls less often. Although
especially when they are near the surface. nerve damage) probably was caused by
eggs or larvae have been stocked up to
The larger the tank, the safer the larvae rancid dietary fats.
40/l, 5-20/l is safer. Providing habitat,
are from such localized disturbances and Bacterial diseases usually result from
such as milk crates, near the end of the
from going down the drain. Standard mechanical injury (e.g., excessive han-
larval stage can accelerate transformation
skimming devices can be used once larvae dling) combined with low water quality,
to the juvenile stage. Juveniles and adults
can swim well enough to avoid them. and signs often include darkening, hem-
of estuarine and coastal species tend to be
A possible alternative approach to orrhaging, ulceration and erosion of skin
more tolerant of environmental extremes,
prevent larvae from sticking to the surface (including the fins), cloudy eyes, anorexia,
turbidity and pollutants than those of off-
World Aquaculture 57
loss of coordination and mortality. and $33/kg retail. In Nassau (Bahamas), their fast growth in this size range (≥4.0
Parasitic ciliates and dinoflagellates live Nassau groupers are sold for $11.00- g/d), the groupers should be raised to at
(Trichodina spp., Cryptocaryon irritans, 13.20/kg by dealers who buy directly least 1.8 kg. Overall feed cost would be
Amyloodinium sp.), have caused high from fishing boats. In Hong Kong, live $0.70-1.40/kg of fish (feed $0.55-1.10/kg,
mortality of early and older juveniles. groupers (0.5-2 kg) are worth $22-44/kg overall feed conversion ratio 1.275, over-
The most common problem reported for wholesale, depending on species, but all protein conversion ratio 0.757). The
western North Atlantic species has been prices can drop to near $13/kg (Chan 1.8 kg groupers would be worth at least
infestation of the gills, eyes and skin 2001) when supply is high. Cesar et al. $7-10/kg whole and at least $15-20/kg as
by monogenean or protozoan parasites, (2000) reported that Hong Kong market fillets (wholesale).
which feed on blood, skin and mucus. prices for live groupers were $15-65/kg A $36.3 million recirculating intensive
They also frequently infest caged Asian in May 1999. tank farm (including hatchery and pro-
groupers, causing small hemorrhages and Although studies have been conducted cessing plant) in the southern U.S. that
secondary bacterial infections. on spawning and larval rearing of dozens can produce 7.8 million kg of live marine
Routine monitoring combined with of serranids, grouper farming fluctuates warmwater fish per year with gross sales
the latest rapid detection methods will because of the lack of sustained hatchery of $50.3 million has been estimated to
help prevent the spread of disease. The production for most species and vari- have $18.7 million annual operating costs
current published treatment methods and ability in the (mostly decreasing) supply and $2.9 million depreciation (Tucker
government regulations always should be of wild juveniles. Inconsistent quantity 1999). Itemized operating costs would
consulted before treating fish. Vaccines and quality of trash fish and the lack of be: feed 33 percent (assuming $0.55/kg);
for certain grouper diseases might be economical compound feeds have also utilities 12 percent; labor 40 percent;
available in the near future. Many drugs been handicaps in some areas. The ex- marketing, sales and freight 10 percent;
still used in certain regions are dangerous tended larval period and variable survival and miscellaneous 5 percent.
to the environment, the fish and/or the make the effort and cost of producing For fish farming in the southeastern
consumer. It is better to prevent disease grouper juveniles in hatcheries higher United States and Caribbean region, Nas-
by practicing good sanitation methods, than for most other types of fish. Once sau groupers, gags, black groupers and
such as stocking specific-pathogen-free the juvenile stage is reached, survival Goliath groupers are good candidates. In
juveniles, not using raw trash fish for should be near 100 percent. Good growth the U.S., growout most likely will occur in
food and raising fish in a clean environ- and feed conversion will make growout offshore cages or recirculating tanks.
ment. Spread of diseases from shipping economical; however, water quality must Traditional Asian style grouper farm-
of infected stock should be avoided. For be maintained at a higher level than for ing is not appropriate for the U.S. Inshore
maintenance of good health, factors to be purely estuarine or coastal fish. In many areas suitable for cage culture, such as
avoided are: overstocking, underfeeding, areas, cages have been preferred for well-flushed deep bays, are very rare
low oxygen, low water quality, handling growout, but there has to be good water in the southern U.S. Collection of wild
injuries and lack of sanitation. exchange and a minimum of 3-5 m of juveniles is seasonal, unreliable and in
water below the cages to limit diseases most cases, unethical and illegal. The use
Economics and self-pollution. Ponds are not neces- of trash fish for food is wasteful and could
Nearly all species in this family large sarily better. If the value of the fish is result in disease transmission. It would be
enough to eat are preferred food fish. high enough, recirculating tank systems unwise to initiate such non-sustainable
Groupers usually are very easy to catch, can be justified. methods.
and in many areas, stocks have been Sophisticated hatcheries with good
highly depleted by overfishing. Future Prospects environmental control and very dedicated
Typical market sizes are 400-700 g in With one larval rearing tank, six nurs- staffs are necessary for raising groupers
the Philippines, 600-900 g in Singapore ery tanks, six phase-I growout tanks, and from eggs. Obtaining eggs from most
and >1kg in Kuwait (Baliao et al. 1998). 24 phase-II growout tanks, it would be species is relatively easy. However, larvae
The usual minimum market size for possible to raise 54,545 kg of Nassau of most are fragile, and reported survival
groupers in the U.S. is 2 kg, but smaller groupers worth US$382,000-$545,000 from eggs to juveniles often has been
fish can be sold in specialized markets, in 2 yr (Tucker 1999). Hatchery costs only 0-1 percent. With a good hatchery
especially in large cities. Recent whole- would be less than $1.00 per weaned, and staff, routine survival of at least 10
sale prices for dead groupers in the eastern 70-day-old, 50-mm juvenile. In nursery percent is attainable. Juveniles and adults
U.S. were in the range $6.15-9.37/kg de- tanks, those early juveniles would be are among the hardiest of fish and their
pending on species and season. Skinless, raised to robust 125-mm juveniles, with feed conversion is good.
boneless fillet yield for groupers is about pellet size increasing from 1.6 to 2.4 mm. Year-round egg production in environ-
36-40 percent, at least as good as channel During growout, those juveniles would be mentally controlled spawning tanks will
catfish, tilapia and hybrid striped bass. raised to 230 mm (pellets up to 4.0 mm) permit a continuous supply of market size
Fillets typically sell for $15 to $20/kg in the first phase and 450 mm (pellets up groupers. Good management of brood-
wholesale and $24-33/kg retail. In east to 9.5 mm) in the second. The culture fish and the larval rearing environment,
central Florida during summer 2002, gag period would be about 115 d shorter for including the bacteria, will allow produc-
fillets sold for up to $20/kg wholesale 1.36 kg fish, but to take advantage of tion of specific-pathogen-free juveniles,
58 September 2003
which greatly reduces the risk for growout Chan, P. 2001. Taiwan grouper hatchery Powell, A.B., and J.W. Tucker, Jr. 1992. Egg
operations. Vaccination of groupers for production in 2000. Secretariat of the and larval development of laboratory-
major diseases, such as vibriosis, is likely Pacific Community, Live Reef Fish reared Nassau grouper, Epinephelus
in the future. Information Bulletin (8):32-33. striatus (Pisces, Serranidae). Bulletin of
FAO. 2002. Aquaculture Production 2000. Marine Science 50:171-185.
Notes Food and Agriculture Organization of the Rimmer, M. 1998. Grouper and snapper
United Nations, Rome, Italy. Yearbook of a q u a c u l t u r e i n Ta i w a n . A u s t a s i a
John Tucker is Head of the Fish Biology
Fishery Statistics, Vol. 90/2. Aquaculture 12(1):3-7.
Department, Division of Marine Science,
Johannes, R.E. and N.J. Ogburn. 1998. Is Roberts, C.M., N. Quinn, J.W. Tucker, Jr. and
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution,
harvesting wild groupers for growout P.N. Woodward. 1995. Introduction of
5600 North U.S. One, Fort Pierce, Florida
sustainable? Pages 30-31 In M.E. Hatziolos, hatchery-reared Nassau groupers to a coral
34946 USA.
A.J. Hooten and M. Fodor, editors. Coral reef environment. North American Journal
For a more in-depth review, see John Tucker’s
Reefs: Challenges and Opportunities for of Fisheries Management 15:159-164.
chapter on Grouper Culture in A. M. Kelly
Sustainable Management, Proceedings Sadovy, Y. 2001. Summary of regional
and J. Silverstein, editors. “Manual of
of an Associated Event of the Fifth survey of fry/fingerling supply for grouper
Fish Culture”, Volume III, to be released
Annual World Bank Conference on mariculture in Southeast Asia. Secretariat
in 2002.
Environmentally and Socially Sustainable of the Pacific Community, Live Reef Fish
Development, Washington, D.C. USA. Information Bulletin (8):22-29.
References Kennedy, S.B., J.W. Tucker, Jr., C.L. Neidig, Tucker, J.W., Jr. 1994. Spawning by captive
Baliao, D.D., M.A. de los Santos, E.M. G.K. Vermeer, V.R. Cooper, J.L. Jarrell and serranid fishes: a review. Journal of the
Rodriguez and R.B. Ticar. 1998. Grouper D.G. Sennett. 1998. Bacterial management World Aquaculture Society 25:345-359.
Culture in Brackishwater Ponds. Southeast strategies for stock enhancement of Tucker, J.W., Jr. 1998. Marine Fish Culture.
Asian Fisheries Development Center, warmwater marine fish: a case study Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
Aquaculture Extension Manual No. 24, with common snook (Centropomus Massachusetts USA.
Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. undecimalis). Bulletin of Marine Science Tucker, J. W., Jr. 1999. Grouper aquaculture.
Cesar, H.S.J., K.A. Warren, Y. Sadovy, P. 62:573-588. Species profile. US Southern Regional
Lau, S. Meijer and E. van Ierland. 2000. Kohno, H., R.S. Ordonio-Aguilar, A. Ohno Aquaculture Center (USDA). Publication
Marine market transformation of the live and Y. Taki. 1997. Why is grouper larval No. 721.
reef fish food trade in Southeast Asia. rearing difficult?: an approach from the Yamaoka, K., T. Nanbu, M. Miyagawa,
Pages 137-157 In H.S.J. Cesar, editor. development of the feeding apparatus T. Isshiki and A. Kusaka. 2000. Water
Collected Essays on the Economics of in early stage larvae of the grouper, surface tension-related deaths in prelarval
Coral Reefs. CORDIO, Department for Epinephelus coioides. Ichthyological red-spotted grouper. Aquaculture 189:165-
Biology and Environmental Sciences, Research 44:267-274. 176.
Kalmar University, Kalmar, Sweden.
Book Review
(Continued from page 52) the distinction between the two. contaminants such as: Insects, Hair, Filth,
part of the 41 percent of aquacultured Table 4.6 “Hazard Analysis for Bread- Spoilage, Economic fraud and Violations
product, in which case it might very well ed Shrimp,” states that battering and of regulatory food standards not directly
be a CCP. Also, if this is the point where breading is not a critical control point related to safety.”
shrimp will be assessed for excessive when in fact it is a CCP, and is addressed Combining monitoring and sampling
bisulfite (an additive, and listed here un- in detail in Chapter 15 of the US Food and in the same chapter is confusing in that
der hazards) then this indeed is a critical Drug Administration’s (FDA) Fish and monitoring is routinely performed (con-
control point, as sulfites are a potential Fisheries Products Hazards and Controls tinuously if possible) under the “moni-
health hazard and not only must be used Guidance, 3rd edition, 2001. toring” part of a CCP, whereas sampling
correctly so as not to exceed 100 parts Chapter 6 discusses sampling and is more often thought of as a periodic
per million, but also must be included on monitoring. While providing an excellent procedure used in the “verification” part
the package label. Unfortunately, sulfite reference on designing sample schedules, of a HACCP Plan.
use is not considered critical further on carrying out organoleptic analyses, physi- As I stated in the introductory para-
in the worksheet under either Additive cal testing and determination of filth in graph, I found several chapters in this
Treatment or Packing/weighing. shrimp this chapter again could confuse book to be excellent references. However,
When teaching the seafood HACCP the reader as to just what HACCP is all I would recommend that a shrimp proces-
class I never list critical limits, preventive about; that is, food safety, not quality. I sor also consult the FDA HACCP manuals
measures, monitoring procedures, correc- would quote from the FDA training man- referenced above before undertaking a
tive actions, records and verification for ual entitled HACCP: Hazard Analysis and hazard analysis and subsequent develop-
processing steps that are not critical, as Critical Control Point Training Curricu- ment of a HACCP Plan for their particular
was done in table 4.4. Most of the com- lum, 4th edition, 2001. “In HACCP, ‘haz- shrimp processing operation.
ments describing these “non-CCP” pro- ards’ refer to conditions or contaminants —Russell Miget
cessing steps describe quality, not safety in foods that can cause illness or injury. It Texas Marine Advisory Service
issues and further confuse the reader as to does not refer to undesirable conditions or Corpus Christi, Texas USA
World Aquaculture 59