Specific Performance Article

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The paper examines Malaysian court approaches in determining awards of specific performance. Specific performance refers to compelling a breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations. The Specific Relief Act 1950 and court discretion govern awards of specific performance in Malaysia.

Specific performance refers to a remedy that compels a defaulting party to perform their promised obligations under a contract. It is a discretionary remedy determined by the court based on fixed rules and principles.

The Specific Relief Act 1950 provides that specific performance involves ordering a party to fulfill their contractual obligations. The innocent party may be granted this remedy at the court's discretion based on equitable rules and principles.



Faculty of Laws, 2,3Faculty of Business Management,University Teknologi Mara Melaka, ,
Department of General Studies Kolej Profesional Mara Bandar Melaka, Malaysia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract— In Malaysia, a remedy of specific performance is governed by the Specific Relief Act 1950. Section 11 of the
Specific Relief Act 1950 does provide the cases which specific performance may be granted. However, the section is not an
exclusive right of a claimant because the court is given a discretionary power to award this remedy. Thus, the objective of this
paper is to examine and analyze the current possible circumstances used by the Malaysian court in determining the award of
specific performance. To achieve this objective, secondary data from Malaysian court cases year 2014 up to October, 2015
were collected from Current law Journal (CLJ) and Malayan Law Journal (MLJ). Statistical Package for the Social Science
(SPSS) was used to analyze data.

Index Terms— Discretionary power, Remedy, Specific Relief Act 1950, Specific Performance.

I. INTRODUCTION undertaken to do. It is an equitable remedy. It cannot

be asked for as of right. It is certainly a discretionary
Remedies are defined as an order of court to a person remedy but the discretion cannot be exercised
whose right has been infringed. 1 It also refers to a arbitrarily or capriciously. The exercised of the
relief granted by the court to a party who initiates legal discretion is always governed by fixed rules and
action against a party who has failed to perform a principles.
contract. Since British intervention, the Malaysian This remedy is meant to compel the performance of an
court has provided several remedies such as damages, act of a breaching party so that he ought to complete
specific performance, injunction and quantum meruit his obligation pursuant to contract entered.4 However,
with different functions. However, this paper will only it is not an exclusive right of a claimant but completely
focus on the specific performance which operates subjected to the discretion of the court and the court
upon a decree of court. shall not be bound to award this remedy.5 Therefore,
Specific performance is not stipulated in the Contracts this study was conducted to examine the other possible
Act 1950 but mainly governed by the Specific Relief approaches upon court verdict in granting the specific
Act 1950. Previously, specific performance was performance. Thus it is hope that the findings are
governed by the Specific Relief Enactment 1899 expected to be guidelines for future cases.
which derived from the Indian Specific Relief Act
1977. This Enactment was later substituted by the II. SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT 1950: SOME
Specific Relief (Malay States) Ordinance 1950 and GUIDELINES
presently it is set out in the Specific Relief Act 1950.2
Specific performance refers to a relief for an innocent Specific Relief Act 1950 (after this is referred to
party to force a defaulting party to perform his “SRA”) was published in Gazette on 13 June 1974 as
promise. 3 This relief is given to a plaintiff upon a Laws of Malaysia Act 137 and enforceable in 4th July
discretionary power of court to compel a contracting 1950.6 According to section 4(b) of SRA provides that
party to perform his or her obligation that has been specific relief is given by ordering a party to do the act
promised in the contract. In the case of MMI which under his obligation stipulated in the contract.
Industries Sdn Bhd v Let Sin Industries Sdn Bhd This emphasizes that the innocent party by an order of
[2010] 1 CLJ 36, Abdul Malik Ishak, JCA said that; court may compel the breaching party to perform his
An order for specific performance has the effect of obligation in the contract. The SRA does provides
ordering a contracting party to do what he has
Rose, H. L. (2004). On the Enforcement of Specific Performance
Birks, P. (2000). Rights,Wrongs and Remedies. Oxford Journal in Civil Law Countries. International Review of law and Econamic
and Legal Studies. 24, 473-487.
Fong, C. M. (2010). Contract Act In Malaysia. Selangor: Sweet Dahlan, N. H. (2004). Limitation Period of Action For Specific
& Maxwell Asia. Performance In Contract of Sale of Land: Malaysian Legal Position.
Ping, T. H. (2013). Seeking Specific Performnace in Cases Of IIUM Law Journal, 111-143.
Breach of Sale and Purchase of Land in Malaysia. Malayan Law Specific Relief Act . (1950). Kuala Lumpur:
Journal. International law Book Services.
Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1
A Study on Malaysian Court Approaches in Determining the Award of Specific Performance

guideline for a claimant in Chapter II (section 11 to Moreover, with regard to the contract involving on
section 29) to claim the specific performance. transfer of immovable property the specific
However, section 11 does not guarantee that a claim of performance may specifically enforceable.11 The land
specific performance will be enforced. Being an matters are assumed to be unique and payment of
equitable relief, the specific performance will depend damages from the breaching party would not afford
on a decree of court.7 adequate relief to a claimant thus persuading the court
Section 11(a) of SRA does stipulate that, the court may to grant the specific performance.12
enforce the specific performance in the case when the Besides section 11 of SRA, section 20 and section 21
act agreed to be done is in the performance of a trust. of SRA also can be referred where these two sections
When a person is appointed as a trustee and provide the order for specific performance that cannot
misapplied the trust, the specific performance may be be granted. According to section 20 of SRA, among
granted for those beneficiaries. However, specific the contracts which specific performance cannot be
performance cannot be granted in the event the granted are where monetary compensation is adequate
contract is made by the trustee in excess of his or her relief, unreasonable certainty of terms of contract and
power or in breach of contract.8 a contract involves continuous performance.
Section 11 of SRA further provides that, the specific Furthermore, section 21 of SRA emphasizes that a
performance may be granted in the event of decree of specific performance cannot be granted if the
uncertainty of actual damage or inadequate of performance of a contract can cause unfair advantages
monetary compensation. The SRA is silent on what and hardship to the breaching party. This section
constitute uncertainty or inadequacy of damages to promotes justice to both parties even the breaching
enable the court to award specific performance. The party has caused difficulties to the innocent party.
court will refer to the precedent and well-established
situations where damages are deemed to be III. ANALYSIS AND FINDING
inadequate. However, the approach used only as a
reference and guideline because at the end only the Current study collected 37 Malaysian Court cases
court will determined either damages is adequate in either from MLJ and CLJ from year 2014 up to
granting or refusing the specific performance.9 This October 2015 in order to know the current approach
could be referred to the case of Mesuntung Property taken by the court in determining the award of specific
Sdn Bhd v Kimlin Housing Development Sdn Bhd performance. Since 2014, there were only 21 cases
[2014] 7 CLJ, where in this case, David Wong Dak brought to the High Court and 16 cases were brought
Wah JCA held that, . to the Court of Appeal and Federal Court. The
…the appellant's claim of specific performance is not frequency and percentage was analyzed in the
a frivolous and baseless claim. Neither is it a futile descriptive analysis. The background of the cases, the
claim in that it is bound to fail. Whether it fails or not application of specific performance at the Malaysian
should be determined by the courts. High Court and the appeal stage of specific
Furthermore, being an equitable remedy, the court performance either at Court of Appeal or Federal
upon its discretionary power will consider different Court was tabulated as follows.
approaches depending on the subject matter of the
contract to determine the adequacy of damages. If the Table 1: The Background of Cases. N=37
contract involves transfer of movable property or sale
of goods, the unique of the goods on the ground that
impossible for the purchaser to acquire the goods at
the market shall be taken into consideration.10 In the
case of Eicobina (M) Sdn Bhd v Mensa Mercantile
(Far East) Pte Ltd [1994] 1 MLJ 553, the court held

the specific performance could not be granted to the

appellant due to availability of goods in the
market.Damages would be an adequate relief.
Table 1 showed that, the application for specific
performance were decreased about 24.4% in 2015 as
compared to year 2014, taking into consideration that
Fong, C. M. (2010) the current study only studied the cases reported up to
Section 20(e) of SRA and could refer to the illustration a, b, c or d of October 2015. Table 1 also showed that, the plea of
section 20
Cunnington, R. M. (2006). The Adequacy of Damages as a Remedy
for Breach of Contract. Retrieved September 30, 2015, from
https://www.academia.edu Section 11(2) of SRA
10 12
Ibid, 2006 Ping, T. H. (2013)

Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1
A Study on Malaysian Court Approaches in Determining the Award of Specific Performance

specific performance via originating summon at first No.1 of Table 2 that since 2014 up to October 2015
trial was not only limited in one state but was filed at only 18.9% cases involved the application of specific
all over Malaysia where the highest cases was reported performance was allowed and 37.8 % was dismissed
at Central Region either Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam or by the High Court. The court was not bound to grant
Putrajaya. Not even reported at the High Court in its specific performance merely because the contract
original jurisdiction, the originating summon for entered by a claimant was involving immovable
specific performance was also appealed up to Court of property as referred to section 11(2) of SRA. In
Appeal or Federal Court in appellate jurisdiction. determining the enforceability of specific performance
Section 11(2) and illustration (c) to section 11(1) of the court was guided by judicial principles which is
SRA provides that the court may enforce specific about 61.9% and also referred to sections available in
performance when the contract involved transfer of the SRA. Among the popular section used by the court
immovable property such land or house and transfer of was section 11 which is about 14.3%, followed by
share. Thus, by referring to section 11(2), Table 1 section 21 about 4.8 % and section 23 about
hereby revealed that, the most popular types of 4.8%.Beside these sections, the court also referred to
contract involved on the application of specific other sections such as section 26 and Chapter VII of
performance was the contract of the sale and purchase SRA and the rules of equity.
of immovable property which achieved 64.9% more As mentioned earlier, the SRA provides guidelines to
than the contract of sale of shares only 10.8%. The the court and lawyers with regard to the application of
claims for specific performance from year of 2014 up specific performance. In this study the authors found
to October 2015 were not only limited to the types of that despite of the SRA the court also looked at the
contracts that are specified in the SRA but also possibility on part of plaintiff to perform his obligation
involved the concession contract, joint venture in the contract. Table 2 revealed that almost 33.6% the
agreement, lease agreement, sale and purchase court considered on whether plaintiff was in the state
agreement of debt, memorandum of understanding of readiness to complete the contract or not. In the case
even oral agreement. of Agrokor Sdn Bhd v Perkayuan TM(M) Sdn Bhd,
THNG Bay SNG & Ors [2015] 6 MLJ 594. The
Table 2: The Application of Specific Performance plaintiff in this case had been discharged its onus of
at High Court in its Original Jurisdiction proving readiness and willingness to perform his part
in the contract once he tendered the purchase price
with its solicitor. Lim Chong Fong JC has referred to a
decision made by Abdul Malik Ishak JCA in the case of
MMI Industries Sdn Bhd v. Let Sin Industries [2010] I
CLJ 36 and held that, it is imperative that the party
seeking for specific performance must show to the
satisfaction of the court that he is ever or continuous
ready and willing to complete the contract.
This appears to be subjective as to what amount to
readiness and willingness on part of plaintiff to
perform. From the cases studied, the court considered
that the state of readiness on part of the plaintiff was
proven once the plaintiff had tendering the balance
purchase price. This approach is seems to be lenient in
the case of Zakaria Mohammad & Anor v. Datuk Syed
Sobri Syed Hashim & Anor [2015] 1 LNS 300, when
the court discharged the state of readiness and
willingness on part of plaintiff after it was proven that
he had obtained the Citibank loan to settled the
balance of purchase price and accordingly specific
performance was granted to the plaintiff.
Furthermore, failure on part of the plaintiff in proving
his readiness would fatal his claim of specific
performance. No.5 of Table 2 revealed that about
9.6% the court dismissed the plea of specific
Table 2 concerned with the application of the specific performance once the plaintiff failed to prove his
performance by a claimant in a first stage of trial at the readiness and willingness to perform the contract. In
Malaysian High Court (the court). Section 21 of SRA the case of Perisai Wira Sdn Bhd v. Harum Minat Sdn
states that, the jurisdiction to decree specific Bhd [2014] 5 CLJ 88, the court held that specific
performance is discretionary and this was tabulated in performance was not available to the plaintiff because
Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1
A Study on Malaysian Court Approaches in Determining the Award of Specific Performance

there was no evidence proved that the plaintiff was Furthermore, the enforcement of specific performance
ready to perform the contract once the court found that will also subject to Section 29(1) of the Government
there was no enforceable contract entered between the Proceeding Act 1956. This section barred the court
parties. from granting specific performance against a state
Beside the above, according to section 9 of the government. Table 2 showed that since 2014 up to
Limitation Act 1953 provides that all action relating October 2015 only 4.8% case involved the originating
to recovery of land should be made within 12 years summon against a state government. Moreover, Table
from the date of accrual of the cause of action. This 2 also revealed that only 4.8% case the specific
limitation of time should be observed in applying the performance cannot be enforced against defendant if
specific performance with regard to immovable the land as the subject matter of the contract has been
property. From the cases studied, almost 14.4% the disposed to the third party as a bona fide purchaser
plea of specific performance involved the issue of before the completion of the contract. This remedy is
limitation of time. From 14.4% cases, about 9.6% the also impossible to be granted if the defendant as the
court granted the specific performance for the action seller was not the true owner of the land.
taken within 12 years and 9.6% the application of
specific performance were fatal due to the delay on Table 3: The Application of the Specific
part of the plaintiff in commencing an action against Performance at Court of Appeal or Federal Court.
the defendant. N=16
Different approach has been taken in the case of Somy
Seethiah v Intensiftek (M) Sdn Bhd [2014] 4 CLJ 44,
where Lee Swee Seng JC introduced an alternative
approach in order to know whether specific
performance was enforceable or not. In this case
plaintiff had two times sent the letter of termination to
the defendant. It was unfortunate if the notice of
termination was effective so that it waive the
plaintiff’s right for the specific performance. The
court found that the letter were not reached the
defendant thus it would appear that the parties has no
intention to terminate the contract and specific
performance was ordered to the plaintiff.
It is a trite law that there must be a complete contract
executed between the plaintiff and the defendant so
that specific performance may be enforced13. No.5 of
Table 2 exposed that almost 14.4% uncompleted
contract were unable to enforce specific performance.
The award of specific performance cannot be granted
if the land was still under caveat in which about 4.8%.
From the cases studied, the court has also considered
on whether the defendant has breached the contract or
not. Table 2 showed that about 14.4% the court
reluctant to enforce specific performance when the
court found that the defendant had breached the
contract and the court normally grant damages in lieu
of specific performance. In addition to the above, the
court dismissed the application of specific
performance when the court found that the defendant
had sold the land to multiple buyers and the specific In Malaysia, the Federal Court is the highest court and
performance had been granted to the first buyer so that its decision will bind all the lower courts but it is not
it waives another buyer to obtain specific performance bound by its own decision. This is known as stare
under the same subject matter. Table 2 also revealed in decisis or doctrine of binding precedent which was
which 4.8% case the court appended that no room for adopted from the common law. Since 2014 up to
two courts to order specific performance of the same October 2015, there were only 16 cases brought to the
land to two different persons14. appellate jurisdiction either Court of Appeal or
Federal Court (the appellate court). Among the
Mahabuilders Berhad v. Hotel Rasa Sayang SBn bhd [2014] 3 decided cases, only 31.3% applications of specific
CLJ 661 performance were allowed and the rest were
Edwin Ak Omang &Anor v Jemin Ak Longun [2014] 11 MLJ
399. dismissed. The appellate court has also referred to the
Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1
A Study on Malaysian Court Approaches in Determining the Award of Specific Performance

SRA in determining the award of specific judge that the application of specific performance will
performance in which 12.6% of section 11 and 6.3% be subjected to the Limitation Act. According to Table
of section 21. Despite these two sections, the court also 3, about 6.3% cases were barred by the Limitation Act
used other sections stipulated in the SRA such as 1953 because the action commenced by the plaintiff
section 28 and section 18 of SRA. However, most of was outside the time limit. Furthermore, this studied
the cases in which about 62.5% the court had not used encountered that the appellate court shall also have
SRA 1950 as its main references but preferred judicial taken into consideration on the ability of the parties in
basis. the contract. For instance about 6.3% cases where the
The appellate court has affirmed the approached used court dismissed the specific performance and declared
by the High Court in allowing the award of specific that the sale and purchase agreement was null and
performance particularly on the capability on part of void due to a party in the contract has been adjusted
plaintiff to perform the contract. In the case of bankrupt.
Reignmont Estate Sdn Bhd v. Jaya Ikatan Plantations Being a special remedy in its character, the specific
Sdn Bhd [2014] 5 CLJ 134, the court appended that: performance would only be available to the plaintiff
the legal position of readiness on part of plaintiff upon discretionary of the court. Indeed, section
where it was referred to financial capacity, while 21(2)(a) provides that the court may not enforce
willingness referred to conduct wanting performance specific performance if it caused hardship to the
or disposition. Readiness also consisted of having defendant. In the case of Shirley Koh Gek Ngo & Anor
access to funds and this was not defeated merely v Tanah Emas Bio-Tech (M) Sdn Bhd [2014] 6 MLJ
because the party was depending on a loan to be 77, the appellate court dismissed the application of
advanced. specific performance because to compel the defendant
The conduct of the plaintiff had been inferred from the to perform his obligation in the contract would cause
facts and circumstances of the cases prior and hardship to him due to his financial distress.
subsequent to the filling of the suit in order to adjudge Therefore, specific performance was not fit and a
the availability of the plaintiff to perform the contract. proper remedy.
The application for the specific performance was fatal
when the plaintiff failed to pay the balance purchase CONCLUSION
price as agreed in the contract even though the deposit
has been paid. No 5 of Table 3 showed that 18.9% This study revealed that since 2014 up to October
cases the court dismissed the application of Specific 2015, the court has not only referred to the SRA as its
performance when the plaintiff failed to tender the main references in determining the possibility of the
balance purchase price. specific performance. This study encountered several
Furthermore, the appellate court rectified the approaches taken by the court in either granting or
approached taken by the High court at first instance on refusing the specific performance. As for the first
whether defendant has breached the contract or not. If approach, the court will refer to the SRA as it primary
the answer is in the affirmative, the court will refer to reference. The reasons given by court in allowing the
section 18 of the SRA that is to substitute the specific specific performance would be the second approach
performance with the monetary damages due to the then, the reasons for refusing the award of specific
fact that the defendant has breached the contract and performance will be the third. From This study also
unable to perform his obligation in the contract. Table the authors found that in allowing the award of
3 revealed that the specific performance was enforced specific performance, the court will refer to the SRA
to 6.3% cases when the appellate court satisfied that and shall consider the reasons under the second
the defendant had not breached the contract and about approach as mentioned above however, the
18.9% specific performance were not available due to approaches might have a possibility to be overlap on
defendant breached. one another. This means, the court shall not refers to
Beside the SRA and the above approaches, the only one reason in order to allow the application for
appellate court also referred to the rules of equity in specific performance to one case but sometimes will
allowing the specific performance as in the case of consider both reasons or any other reasons. This
Badan Pengurusan Tiara Duta v Timeout Resources approach was also applied to the cases where the court
Sdn Bhd [2015] 1 MLJ 110. The parties in this case had dismissed the application of the specific
have entered into a lease agreement for the lease of performance.
premises for a period of five years. The lease was not
registered at any relevant land office so that it was null REFERENCES
and void. However, the court of the opinion that the
lease was still good and enforceable in equity thus a [1] Birks, P. (2000). Rights,Wrongs and Remedies. Oxford
Journal and Legal Studies.
decree of specific performance was available. [2] Cunnington, R. M. (2006). The Adequacy of Damages as
In addition to the above discussion and analysis, the a Remedy for Breach of Contract. Retrieved September
appellate court upheld the decision of the High Court 30, 2015, from https://www.academia.edu

Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1
A Study on Malaysian Court Approaches in Determining the Award of Specific Performance
[3] Dahlan, N. H. (2004). Limitation Period of Action For [6] Rose, H. L. (2004). On the Enforcement of Specific
Specific Performance In Contract of Sale of Land: Performance in Civil Law Countries. International
Malaysian Legal Position. IIUM Law Journal, 111-143. Review of law and Econamic 24, 473-487
[4] Fong, C. M. (2010). Contract Act In Malaysia. Selangor: [7] Specific Relief Act . (1950). Kuala Lumpur: International
Sweet & Maxwell Asia. law Book Services.
[5] Ping, T. H. (2013). Seeking Specific Performnace in Cases
Of Breach of Sale and Purchase of Land in Malaysia.
Malayan Law Journal.


Proceedings of 22nd ISERD International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-74-1

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