The Branch of Science Concerned With The Origin, Small-Scale Structure, and Composition of Rocks
The Branch of Science Concerned With The Origin, Small-Scale Structure, and Composition of Rocks
The Branch of Science Concerned With The Origin, Small-Scale Structure, and Composition of Rocks
28. d
29. Primary oil recovery is affected by
the wettability of the system because a
water-wet system will exhibit greater
primary oil recovery, but the
relationship between primary recovery
and wettability has not been
developed. Studies of the effects of
wettability on oil recovery are
confined to waterflooding and
analyses of the behavior of relative
permeability curves. The changes in
waterflood behavior as the system
wettability is altered are clearly
shown in Figure 6.9. Donaldson et al.
treated long cores with various
amounts of organochlorosilane to
progressively change the wettability
of outcrop cores from water- wet
(USBM Iu = 0.649) to strongly oil-wet (I,,
= -1.333) [48]. After determining the
wettability, using a smd piece of the
core, they conducted waterfloods,
using a crude oil. The results show
that as the system becomes more oil-
wet, less oil is recovered at any given
amount of injected water. Similar
results have also been reported by
Emery et al. and Kyte et al. 18, 91
30. Several methods have been used to
alter wettability:
(1) treatment with organosilanes of
general formula (CH&3iClx; the silanes
chemisorb on the silica surface,
producing HCl and exposing the CH;
groups which produce the oil
wetting characteristics; (2) aging
under pressure in crude oil; (3)
treatment with naphthenic acids; (4)
treatment with asphaltenes; and (5)
addition of surfactants to the fluids.
31. Darcy’s law is a simple proportional
relationship between instantaneous
discharge rate through a porous
medium, the viscosity of the fluid and
the pressure drop over a given
distance. It forms the scientific basis
of fluid permeability used in earth
sciences particularly in
hydrogeology. It is based on the flow
of water through beds of sand. An
application of Darcy’s law is to water
flow through an aquifer.
32. The changes of porosity and
formation resistivity factor obtained
by Longeron et al. for sandstone and
limestone cores, when stressed to a
moderate pressure of 20 MPa, are listed
in Table 6.5. At this total overburden
pressure, the deformation was found
to be completely elastic-that is, the
cores returned to their original
porosities when the overburden stress
was removed. If greater stress is applied,
however, inelastic deformation will
take place and a reduction in
porosity will result.
33. The basic physical properties needed
to evaluate a petroleum reservoir are
its permeability, porosity, fluid
saturation, and formation thickness.
These parameters can be estimated from
three common sources: core, well
logging, and pressure test analyses. A
less common source is geochemistry.
The application of geochemical
techniques to oil and gas
exploration has only recently
achieved widespread acceptance
among exploration geologists;
however, it is beyond the scope of this
text. It is not the purpose of this
section to make complete discussion
of core analysis, well logging and
well testing but rather to highlight
the significance of the measuring
Well logging can be defined as a
tabular or graphical portrayal of
any drilling conditions or subsurface
features encountered that relate to
either the progress or evaluation of
an individual well [46]. The ultimate
aim of the well log interpretation,
however, is the evaluation of
potential productivity of porous and
permeable formations encountered by
the drill.
35. A petroleum engineer designs and/or
develops plans for a gas field and oil
drilling and product treatment and
recovery. They supervise, design, and
monitor the evaluation of new and
old wells. They determine and estimate
economic value of gas and oil wells
and it’s production capabilities.
A petroleum engineer analyzes data in
order to advise a company in the
placement of wells and ways to
enhance production. They evaluate
producing rates and if needed plan
rework processes to improve it’s
performance. He or she would assist
personnel or engineering in the
solution of operating problems and
interact with technical personnel,
engineers or scientists to resolve issues
in design, testing or research.