Teacher Guide

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teacher’s guide

primary source set

Symbols of the United States

Every nation has symbols—specific objects that represent

beliefs, values, traditions, or other intangible ideas that make
that country unique. While these symbols may change over
time, they can help to bind a nation together by reminding its
people of their nation’s history and most important principles.
Six U.S. symbols are depicted in this primary source set:
the Liberty Bell, the U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the national
anthem, Uncle Sam, and the Statue of Liberty.

Betsy [sic] Ross

Historical Background item/94507644/

The Liberty Bell was commissioned by the mythic proportion; the crack’s appearance may
Pennsylvania colony in 1752. The colony’s leaders have added to the bell’s symbolic power.
wanted a bell for its state house (now known as
Independence Hall) that could be heard around The flag of the United States is commonly known
the city. One side of the bell has a biblical quote: as the “Stars and Stripes” or “Old Glory.” On June
“Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted a
the inhabitants thereof.” The most notable feature of resolution stating: “Resolved, That the flag of the
the bell, though, is a crack in the metal that runs up United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and
from the bell’s lip. Although there is no proof, many white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a
people believe that the Liberty Bell was rung to mark blue field, representing a new Constellation.” It is
the reading of the Declaration of Independence on unknown whether Betsy Ross sewed the first flag
July 8, 1776. In the 1830s, abolitionists adopted created under this resolution; many historians view
the bell as a symbol of their struggle to abolish this story as a myth. The current 50-star flag is the
slavery; they popularized the name the Liberty Bell. 27th “edition” of the flag and the one that has been
Between 1885 and 1915, the bell traveled around in use the longest, since 1960. In 1818, Congress
the country for exhibitions and patriotic events. The passed a law stating that a new star be added
bell currently resides in the Liberty Bell Center on for each new state; the 13 stripes would remain
Philadelphia’s Independence Mall. The bell’s crack is constant to represent the 13 colonies. (At the time
the source of many stories that have reached nearly this law was passed, the flag had 15 stripes; two

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stripes had been added to represent the first two recruiting tool for the U.S. Army during World War I.
states added to the union—Vermont and Kentucky.) A poster by artist James Montgomery Flagg, shows
a stern Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer over the
The bald eagle has long been the national bird of caption: “I Want YOU for the U.S. Army.”
the United States. In 1782, the Continental Congress
adopted the Great Seal The Statue of Liberty (its formal title is Liberty
of the United States, Enlightening the World) was a gift to the United
which depicts a bald States from the people of France. Dedicated in 1886,
eagle holding 13 olive the statue shows Libertas,
branches in one talon and the Roman goddess of
13 arrows in the other. freedom. Located in New
The olive branch stands York Harbor, the statue
for the power to make holds a torch in one hand
peace, while the arrows and a tablet representing
The eagle, emblem of America
http://www.loc.gov/pictures/ stand for the power to the law in the other. The
make war. date of the Declaration of
Independence is inscribed
The Statue of Liberty
The national anthem, “The Star-Spangled on the tablet. A broken http://www.loc.gov/pictures/
Banner,” has a colorful history. Francis Scott Key chain sits at Libertas’s
wrote the lyrics to the anthem as a poem in 1814, feet. The statue is an iconic symbol of freedom.
after he witnessed the British Navy bombarding Protestors around the world have used the image of
ships during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War the statue in their struggles for political freedom; a
of 1812. The melody was “borrowed” from the tune replica was erected in 1989 in Beijing’s Tiananmen
of a popular British song. The song became the Square.
official national anthem in 1931, replacing several
other songs commonly sung at public events. The
anthem is somewhat controversial because of its
war-related imagery and the challenge that the
music poses to singers.

Uncle Sam, whose image appeared during the War

of 1812, is a symbol of
the U.S. government. He
is portrayed as an older,
bearded man dressed in
clothes that evoke the
U.S. flag. Uncle Sam
is commonly used in
political cartoons, as well
as in advertising. Perhaps
the best-known image http://www.loc.gov/pictures/
of Uncle Sam was as a

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Suggestions for Teachers

Before having students work with the documents in this primary source set, you may find it useful to print
multiple copies of each document, mount them on poster board, and affix a brief caption to each document.

Create a display of symbols—an object that represents something else—in your classroom. Some symbols may
be actual objects, such as the U.S. flag (if one is displayed in your room) or a stuffed animal representing a
local sports team. Other symbols may be pictures, including images from the primary source set, a photo of
your school mascot, etc. Write the word symbol on the board and tell students that all of the items you have
displayed are symbols. Talk through how your school mascot represents your school; for example, you might say
“Snortner the Dragon represents Emerald School. It represents our history because it is named after the first
principal of the school. It represents our students because dragons are fierce and fun, just like our students.”
Students can add to the display by bringing in symbols that represent things about their own lives.

Tell students that they are going to be looking at symbols of the United States.
Organize the class into small groups and give each group a picture of one symbol
from the primary source set. You may want to begin by choosing the image of each
symbol that is the most straightforward. Ask students to identify the symbol that is
shown and to explain how it represents the United States. Have groups share their
ideas. Give each group a second picture of their symbol and ask them what they can
learn from the second image. Their statements can be relatively simple. For example,
they might say, “The arrows in the eagle’s claw make me think of fighting. Maybe this
means that the United States is powerful.”
Territory of Hawaii registration
day July 31
Invite students to look closely at the three documents related to the flag. How do these item/00652949/

images show that symbols can change over time? For example, there are different
numbers of stars on each image. Why might some symbols change and others stay the same? Note that while
the United States may change over the years, some of its people’s ideas about the nation remain the same.
Challenge students to think of other examples of symbols that have changed over time.

Show students the “All American Medley” quilt. Ask students to identify the symbols of the United States
that appear on the quilt (the Liberty Bell, the bald eagle, the flag, fireworks, popular American foods, figures
representing the diversity of the American people, and so on). You may need to help students identify symbols
not already covered in discussion of the primary source set. Ask students why they think this quilt was made.
Explain that the quilt might have been designed to show the quilt maker’s pride in America. Ask students how
they feel about living in the United States. Challenge students to create their own design for a quilt that uses
American symbols to show how they feel.

Play the sound recording of the national anthem. Ask students where they might have heard this song before.
Do any of the students know the words to the song? Give students a chance to sing the song. Then, use “The
Star-Spangled Banner” public school song sheet and the sound recording to teach the class the national anthem.

Additional Resources

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers


Prints and Photographs Division


Posters: WPA Posters


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Primary Sources with Citations

“Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Liberty Bell.” Photograph. Washington, D.C.: Federal Works
Agency, between 1935 and 1945. From Library of Congress, Farm Security Administration -
Office of War Information Photograph Collection.

“The Human Liberty Bell; 25000 Officers and Men at Camp Dix…” Photograph. 1918. From
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Ludwig, Janet, quiltmaker. “1992 Wyoming State Winner; All American Medley.” Quilt. Story,
WY: 1992. From Library of Congress, Quilts and Quiltmaking in America: 1978-1996.

“Betsey [sic] Ross.” Lithograph. 1908. From Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs

Root, C.S., composer and Hayward, W. H., lyricist. “ The Flag with thirty four stars, or Hurrah
for the dear old flag with every stripe and star.” Sheet Music. A.C. Peters & Bro., Cincinnati,
1862. From Library of Congress, Performing Arts Division.

Palmer, Alfred T., photographer. “High above, Over a True “Home of the Brave,” The Floating
Folds…” Photograph. June 1942. From Library of Congress, Farm Security Administration -
Office of War Information Photograph Collection.

Svendsen, Otto, author. “The Great Seal of the United States.” Broadside. Baltimore, MD:
Otto Svendsen, 1941. From Library of Congress, An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries
of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera.

Highsmith, Carol M., photographer. “Great Hall. Detail of Eagle Carving. Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson Building.” Photograph. 2007. From Library of Congress, Highsmith Archive.

Bull, Charles Livingston, artist. “Keep Him Free—Buy War Savings Stamps Issued by the
United States Treasury Dept.” Poster. Ketterlinus, Philadelphia: 1917. From Library of
Congress, World War I Posters.

Whitehead, Lee, artist. “I Did a Bald Eagle.” Drawing. Knoxville, TN: Sequoyah Elementary
School, 2001. From Library of Congress, September 11, 2001, Documentary Project.

“Star Spangled Banner.” Song sheet. Philadelphia, PA: Johnson, n.d. From Library of
Congress, America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets.

Smith, John Stafford, composer, and Key, Francis Scott, lyricist. “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
[Service Version]. Sheet music. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1918. From Library of Congress:
Performing Arts Encyclopedia.

“Star Spangled Banner/Sousa’s Band.” Sound recording. New York: Berliner, April 7, 1898.
From Library of Congress, Performing Arts Encyclopedia.

Kilburn and Mallory. “Uncle Sam’s coffee.” Engraving. c1863. From Library of Congress,
Prints and Photographs Division.

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“The New Uncle Sam—Bicycle Edition.” Cartoon. Twinkles: A Serio-Comic Weekly Published
by the New-York Tribune, May 16, 1897. From Library of Congress, Chronicling America:
Historic American Newspapers.

Flagg, James Montgomery, artist. “I want you for the U.S. Army.” Poster. James Montgomery
Flagg. From Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Fernique, Albert, photographer. “Workmen Constructing the Statue of Liberty in Bartholdi’s

Parisian Warehouse Workshop…” Photograph. 1882 or 1883. From Library of Congress,
Prints and Photographs Division.

“Liberty Enlightening the World.” Chromolithograph. New York: Root and Tinker, 1884. From
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

“Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, Manhattan, New York, NY.” Compiled after 1968. From
Library of Congress: Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering
Record/History American Landscapes Survey.

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