Unicast Routing

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Unicast Routing Protocols

Chapter 20 – Module 4 continued…

Chapter 20: Outline




Chapter 20: Objectives

 The first section introduces the concept of unicast routing and

describes the general ideas behind it. The section then
describes least-cost routing and least-cost trees.
 The second section discusses common routing algorithms used
in the Internet. The section first describes distance-vector
routing. It then describes link-state routing. Finally, it explains
path-vector routing.

 This section first describes RIP, a protocol that implements the

distance-vector routing algorithm. It next describes OSPF, a
protocol that implements the link-state routing algorithm.
Finally, the section describes the BGP, a protocol that
implements the path-vector routing algorithm.

Unicast routing in the Internet, with a large

number of routers and a huge number of hosts,
can be done only by using hierarchical routing:
routing in several steps using different routing
In this section, we first discuss the general
concept of unicast routing in an internet. After
the routing concepts and algorithms are
understood, we show how we can apply them to
the Internet.

20.20.1 General Idea
In unicast routing, a packet is routed, hop by hop, from its source
to its destination by the help of forwarding tables.
The source host needs no forwarding table because it delivers its
packet to the default router in its local network.
The destination host needs no forwarding table either because it
receives the packet from its default router in its local network.
This means that only the routers that glue together the networks in
the internet need forwarding tables.
So, routing a packet from its source to its destination means
routing the packet from a source router to a destination router
The question is what other routers the packet should visit?

Figure 20.1: An internet and its graphical representation

An internet is modeled as a weighted graph: set of nodes (routers) and edges

(networks), in which each edge is associated with a cost.
the cost of an edge has a different interpretation in different routing protocols. If there is
no edge between the nodes, the cost is infinity.
20.20.2 Least-Cost Routing

When an internet is modeled as a weighted graph,

one of the ways to interpret the best route from the
source router to the destination router is to find the
least cost between the two. In other words, the
source router chooses a route to the destination
router in such a way that the total cost for the route
is the least cost among all possible routes.

Example: In Figure 20.1, the best route between

A and E is A-B-E, with the cost of 6.

Figure 20.2: Least-cost trees for nodes in the internet of Figure 4.56

A least-cost tree
is a tree with the
source router as the
root that spans the
whole graph (visits
all other nodes) and
in which the path
between the root
and any other node
is the shortest.


Several routing algorithms have been

designed in the past. The differences
between these methods are in the way they
interpret the least cost and the way they
create the least-cost tree for each node. In
this section, we discuss the common
algorithms; later we show how a routing
protocol in the Internet implements one of
these algorithms.
20.2.1 Distance-Vector Routing
The distance-vector (DV) routing uses the goal we discussed in
the introduction, to find the best route.
In distance-vector routing, the first thing each node creates is its
own least-cost tree with the rudimentary information it has about
its immediate neighbors.
The incomplete trees are exchanged between immediate
neighbors to make the trees more and more complete and to
represent the whole internet.
We can say that in distance-vector routing, a router continuously
tells all of its neighbors what it knows about the whole internet
(although the knowledge can be incomplete).

Figure 20.3: Graphical idea behind Bellman-Ford equation

Bellman-Ford equation is used to find the least cost (shortest


Dxy = min{(cxa + Day), (cxb + Dby), (cxc + Dcy), ......}

Dxy = min{Dxy, (cxz + Dzy)}

Figure 20.4: The distance vector corresponding to a tree

Distance Vector : a one-dimensional array to represent the least-cost tree.

Name of the distance vector defines the root
Indexes define the destinations.
Value of each cell defines the least cost from the root to the destination.

A distance vector does not give the path to the destinations as the least-cost
tree does; it gives only the least costs to the destinations.
Figure 20.5: The first distance vector for an internet
Each node in an internet, when
it is booted, sends some
greeting messages out of its
interfaces and discovers the
identity of the immediate
neighbors and the distance
between itself and each
neighbor. It then makes a simple
distance vector (rudimentary) and
leaves the value of other cells as
These rudimentary vectors
cannot help the internet to
effectively forward a packet.
For example, node A thinks that it
is not connected to node G
because the corresponding cell
shows infinity.
To improve these vectors, the
nodes in the internet need to
help each other by exchanging
Figure 20.6: Updating distance vectors

After each node has created its vector, it

sends a copy of the vector to all its
immediate neighbors. After a node
receives a distance vector from a
neighbor, it updates its distance vector
using the Bellman-Ford equation (second

The figure shows two events:

In the first event, node A has sent its
vector to node B. Node B updates its
vector using the cost cBA = 2.
In the second event, node E has sent its
vector to node B. Node B updates its
vector using the cost cEA = 4.

Table 20.1: Distance-Vector Routing Algorithm for A Node S

Figure 20.7: Two-node instability
Count to Infinity
If a link is broken (cost becomes infinity), every other router
should be aware of it immediately, but in distance-vector
routing, this takes some time.
Example: Two-node loop problem.
1. At the beginning, both nodes A and B know how to reach
node X.
2. Suddenly, the link between A and X fails. Node A changes
its table. If A can send its table to B immediately,
everything is fine.
3. The system becomes unstable if B sends its forwarding
table to A before receiving A’s forwarding table. Node A
receives the update and, assuming that B has found a
way to reach X, updates its forwarding table.
4. Now A sends its new update to B. B thinks that something
has been changed around A and updates its forwarding
5. The cost of reaching X increases gradually until it reaches
infinity. Then, A and B know that X cannot be reached.
The system is not stable. Node A thinks that the route to X is
via B; node B thinks that the route to X is via A. Packets
destined for X will bounce between A and B, creating a two-
node loop problem.

20.2.2 Link-State Routing

A routing algorithm that directly follows our discussion

for creating least-cost trees and forwarding tables is
link-state (LS) routing.
This method uses the term link-state to define the
characteristic of a link (an edge) that represents a
network in the internet.
In this algorithm the cost associated with an edge
defines the state of the link. Links with lower costs are
preferred to links with higher costs;
If the cost of a link is infinity, it means that the link
does not exist or has been broken.
Figure 20.8: Example of a link-state database

link-state database (LSDB): The collection of states for all links.

The LSDB can be represented as a two-dimensional

array(matrix) in which the value of each cell defines
the cost of the corresponding link.
There is only one LSDB for the whole internet; each
node needs to have a duplicate of it to be able to
create the least-cost tree.
Figure 20.9: LSPs created and sent out by each node to build LSDB
how each node can create
this LSDB?
By flooding: Each node send
LS packet (LSP) to all its
immediate neighbors (each
interface) to collect two
pieces of information for
each neighboring node:
1. The identity of the node.
2. The cost of the link.
When a node receives an LSP,
it compares the LSP with the
copy it may already have. The
node check the sequence
number in both LSP to know
which one is old and
discards it, and keep the new
Then the node sends a copy of it out of each interface except the one from which the
packet arrived. This guarantees that flooding stops somewhere in the network (where a
node has only one interface).
Each node creates the comprehensive LSDB. This LSDB is the same for each node and
shows the whole map of the internet. In other words, a node can make the whole map if it
needs to, using this LSDB.
Compare link-state routing with
distance-vector routing

In the distance-vector routing algorithm, each router

tells its neighbors what it knows about the whole

In the link-state routing algorithm, each router tells

the whole internet what it knows about its

Table 20.2: Dijkstra’s Algorithm S
To create a least-cost tree for itself, using the shared LSDB, each node needs to run
the Dijkstra Algorithm:

1. The node chooses itself as the

root of the tree, creating a tree
with a single node, and sets the
total cost of each node based on
the information in the LSDB.
2. The node selects one node,
among all nodes not in the tree,
which is closest to the root, and
adds this to the tree. After this
node is added to the tree, the
cost of all other nodes not in the
tree needs to be updated
because the paths may have
been changed.
3. The node repeats step 2 until
all nodes are added to the tree.

Figure 20.10: Least-cost tree S

The figure shows the formation of the least-cost tree using Dijkstra’s algorithm. We
need to go through an initialization step and six iterations to find the least-cost tree.

20.2.3 Path-Vector Routing

Both link-state and distance-vector routing are

based on the least-cost goal. However, there are
instances where this goal is not the priority. For
example, assume that there are some routers in the
internet that a sender wants to prevent its packets
from going through. In other words, the least-cost
goal, applied by LS or DV routing, does not allow a
sender to apply specific policies to the route a packet
may take. To respond to these demands, a third
routing algorithm, called path-vector (PV) routing
has been devised.

Figure 20.11: Spanning trees in path-vector routing

The Figure shows a

small internet with only
five nodes. Each
source has created
its own spanning tree
that meets its policy.
The policy imposed by
all sources is to use
the minimum number of
nodes to reach a
-The spanning tree
selected by A and E is
such that the
communication does
not pass through D.
- The spanning tree
selected by B is such
that the communication
does not pass through
Figure 20.12: Path vectors made at booting time S

Figure 20.13: Updating path vectors S

Table 20.3: Path-vector algorithm for a node S


We discuss three common protocols used

in the Internet:
1. Routing Information Protocol (RIP),
based on the distance-vector algorithm.
2. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), based
on the link-state algorithm.
3. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), based
on the path-vector algorithm.
20.3.1 Internet Structure

• Before discussing unicast routing protocols, we

need to understand the structure of today’s Internet.

• The Internet has changed from a tree-like structure,

with a single backbone, to a multi-backbone
structure run by different private corporations

• Although it is difficult to give a general view of the

Internet today, we can say that the Internet has a
structure similar to what is shown in Figure 20.14.

Figure 20.14: Internet structure

The Internet has changed from a tree-like structure, with a single backbone,
to a multi-backbone structure run by different private corporations today.

20.3.2 Routing Information Protocol

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is one of the

most widely used intradomain routing protocols based
on the distance-vector routing algorithm we described
RIP was started as part of the Xerox Network System
(XNS), but it was the Berkeley Software Distribution
(BSD) version of UNIX that helped make the use of RIP

RIP is normally used in small Autonomous systems

Figure 20.15: Hop counts in RIP
The cost is defined as the number of hops, which means the
number of networks (subnets) a packet needs to travel through
from the source router to the final destination host.

1 hop (N4)

2 hops (N3, N4)

3 hops (N2, N3, N4)

Figure 20.16: Forwarding tables A forwarding
table in RIP is a
1. Address of
2. The address
of the next
router to
which the
should be
3. The cost (the
number of
hops) to
reach the
Figure 20.17: RIP message format
RIP has two types of messages:
Request and Response

A request message: can ask about

specific entries or all entries. It is sent
by a router that has just come up or by
a router that has some time-out

A response (or update) message can

be either solicited or unsolicited.
- A solicited response message: sent
only in answer to a request message.
It contains information about the
destination specified in the
corresponding request message.
- Unsolicited response message: sent
periodically, every 30 seconds or when
there is a change in the forwarding
Figure 20.18: Example of an autonomous system using RIP (Part I) S
Example 20.1
Figure 20.18 shows a more realistic example of the operation of RIP in an
autonomous system. First, the figure shows all forwarding tables after all routers
have been booted.

Figure 20.18: Example of an autonomous system using RIP (Part II) S

Then we show changes in some tables when some update messages have
been exchanged.

Figure 4.73: Example of an autonomous system using RIP (Part III) S

Finally, we show the stabilized forwarding tables when there is no

more change.

RIP Algorithm

RIP implements the same algorithm as the distance-vector

routing algorithm we discussed in the previous section.
However, some changes need to be made to the algorithm
to enable a router to update its forwarding table:

❑ Instead of sending only distance vectors, a router

needs to send the whole contents of its forwarding table
in a response message.

❑ The receiver adds one hop to each cost and changes

the next router field to the address of the sending router.
We call each route in the modified forwarding table the
received route and each route in the old forwarding table
the old route. The received router selects the old routes as
the new ones except in the following three cases:
1. If the received route does not exist in the old forwarding
table, it should be added to the route.
2. If the cost of the received route is lower than the cost of
the old one, the received route should be selected as
the new one.
3. If the cost of the received route is higher than the cost
of the old one, but the value of the next router is the
same in both routes, the received route should be
selected as the new one.

❑ The new forwarding table needs to be sorted according

to the destination route (mostly using the longest prefix

Timers in RIP
RIP uses three timers to support its operation.

1. The periodic timer controls the advertising of regular update

messages. Each router has one periodic timer that is randomly set
to a number between 25 and 35 seconds (to prevent all routers
sending their messages at the same time and creating excess
traffic). The timer counts down; when zero is reached, the update
message is sent, and the timer is randomly set once again.

2. The expiration timer governs the validity of a route. When a router

receives update information for a route, the expiration timer is set
to 180 seconds for that particular route. Every time a new update
for the route is received, the timer is reset. If there is a problem on
an internet and no update is received within the allotted 180
seconds, the route is considered expired and the hop count of the
route is set to 16, which means the destination is unreachable.
Every route has its own expiration timer.
3. The garbage collection timer is used to purge a route
from the forwarding table.
When the information about a route becomes
invalid, the router does not immediately purge that route
from its table. Instead, it continues to advertise the route
with a metric value of 16.
At the same time, a garbage collection timer is set
to 120 seconds for that route. When the count reaches
zero, the route is purged from the table. This timer allows
neighbours to become aware of the invalidity of a route
prior to purging


Before ending this section, let us briefly discuss the performance of RIP:
❑ Update Messages - The update messages in RIP have a very simple
format and are sent only to neighbours; they are local. They do not
normally create traffic because the routers try to avoid sending them at
the same time.
❑ Convergence of Forwarding Tables - RIP uses the distance-vector
algorithm, which can converge slowly if the domain is large, but, since
RIP allows only 15 hops in a domain (16 is considered as infinity), there is
normally no problem in convergence. The only problems that may slow
down convergence are count-to-infinity and loops created in the domain;
use of poison-reverse and split-horizon strategies added to the RIP
extension may alleviate the situation.
❑ Robustness - As distance-vector routing is based on the concept that
each router sends what it knows about the whole domain to its
neighbours. This means that the calculation of the forwarding table
depends on information received from immediate neighbours, which in
turn receive their information from their own neighbours. If there is a
failure or corruption in one router, the problem will be propagated to all
routers and the forwarding in each router will be affected.
20.3.3 Open Shortest Path First

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is also an

intradomain routing protocol like RIP, but it is based
on the link-state routing protocol we described
earlier in the chapter.
OSPF is an open protocol, which means that the
specification is a public document.

Figure 20.19: Metric in OSPF

In OSPF, like RIP, the cost of reaching a destination from the host is
calculated from the source router to the destination network.
However, each link (network) can be assigned a weight based on the
throughput, round-trip time, reliability, and so on. An administration can also
decide to use the hop count as the cost.

Total cost: 4
Total cost: 7

Total cost: 12

Figure 20.20: Forwarding tables in OSPF

Each OSPF router can create a

forwarding table after finding the
shortest-path tree between itself
and the destination using Dijkstra’s

Comparing the forwarding tables for

the OSPF and RIP in the same AS:
The only difference is the cost

Figure 20.21: Areas in an autonomous system

OSPF was designed to be able to handle routing in a small or large AS.

The flooding may not create a huge volume of traffic in a large AS.
To prevent this, the AS needs to be divided into small sections called areas. Each area
acts as a small independent domain for flooding LSPs.

One of the areas in the AS is designated as the backbone area, responsible for gluing
the areas together.
The routers in the backbone area are responsible for passing the information collected
by each area to all other areas.

Figure 20.22: Five different LSPs (Part I)
OSPF requires that a router advertise the following to all neighbors for the formation
of the LSDB:
• The existence of different entities as nodes.
• The different types of links that connect each node to its neighbors.
• The different types of cost associated with each link.
This means we need different types of advertisements, each capable of advertising
different situations.
We can have five types of link-state advertisements:
1. Router link.
2. Network link.
3. Summary link to network.
4. Summary link to AS border router.
5. External link.

Figure 20.22: Five different LSPs (Part II)

Figure 20.23: OSPF message formats (Part I) S

1. Hello message


2.Database description

Figure 20.23: OSPF message formats (Part II) S


OSPF Algorithm

OSPF implements the link-state routing algorithm we

discussed in the previous section. However, some
changes and augmentations need to be added to the

❑ After each router has created the shortest-path tree, the

algorithm needs to use it to create the corresponding
routing algorithm.

❑ The algorithm needs to be augmented to handle sending

and receiving all five types of messages.

Before ending this section, let us briefly discuss the
performance of OSPF:
❑ Update Messages. The link-state messages in OSPF
have a somewhat complex format. They also are flooded
to the whole area. If the area is large, these messages may
create heavy traffic and use a lot of bandwidth.
❑ Convergence of Forwarding Tables. When the flooding
of LSPs is completed, each router can create its own
shortest-path tree and forwarding table; convergence is
fairly quick. However, each router needs to run Dijkstra’s
algorithm, which may take some time.
❑ Robustness. The OSPF protocol is more robust than
RIP because, after receiving the completed LSDB, each
router is independent and does not depend on other
routers in the area. Corruption or failure in one router
does not affect other routers as seriously as in RIP.
20.3.4 Border Gateway Protocol

• The Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP4)

is the only interdomain routing protocol used in
the Internet today.

• BGP4 is based on the path-vector algorithm we

described before, but it is tailored to provide
information about the reachability of networks in
the Internet.

Figure 20.24: A sample internet with four ASs
In our example, data exchange between AS2, AS3, and AS4 should pass through AS1.
Each autonomous system in this figure uses one of the two common intradomain
protocols, RIP or OSPF.
Each router in each AS knows how to reach a network that is in its own AS, but it does
not know how to reach a network in another AS.
To enable each router to route a packet to any network in the internet, we install:
• External BGP (eBGP) on each border router.
- Internal BGP (iBGP), on all routers.
So, the border routers will run three routing protocols (intradomain, eBGP, and iBGP),
but other routers are running two protocols (intradomain and iBGP).

Figure20.25: eBGP operation
eBGP allows two physically connected border routers in two different ASs to form
pairs of eBGP by creating a TCP connection using the well-known port 179.
A simplified update messages sent by routers involved in the eBGP sessions.
For example, message number 1 is sent by router R1 and tells router R5 that N1,
N2, N3, and N4 can be reached through router R1.
Router R5 add this information at the end of its forwarding table.
When R5 receives any packet destined for these four networks, it can find in its
forwarding table that the next router is R1.

There are two problems that need to be addressed:
1. Some border routers do not know how to route
a packet destined for nonneighbour ASs. For
example, R5 does not know how to route
packets destined for networks in AS3 and AS4.
Routers R6 and R9 are in the same situation as
R5: R6 does not know about networks in AS2
and AS4; R9 does not know about networks in
AS2 and AS3.
2. None of the nonborder routers know how to
route a packet destined for any networks in
other ASs. To address the above two problems,
we need to allow all pairs of routers (border or
nonborder) to run the second variation of the
BGP protocol, iBGP.
Figure 20.26: Combination of eBGP and iBGP sessions in our internet
The iBGP protocol is similar to the eBGP protocol in that it uses the
service of TCP on the well-known port 179, but it creates a session
between any possible pair of routers inside an autonomous system.
In this stage only four messages are exchanged.
For example, the first message (1) is sent by R1 announcing that
networks N8 and N9 are reachable through the path AS1-AS2, but the next
router is R1.

Figure 20.27: Finalized BGP path tables (Part I)
The updating process
continue. Then, each
router combines the
information received
from eBGP and iBGP
and creates a path table
after applying the
criteria for finding the
best path.

Figure 20.27: Finalized BGP path tables (Part II)
The updating process
continue. Then, each
router combines the
information received
from eBGP and iBGP and
creates a path table after
applying the criteria
for finding the best path.

Figure 20.27: Finalized BGP path tables (Part III)
The updating process
continue. Then, each
router combines the
information received
from eBGP and iBGP and
creates a path table after
applying the criteria
for finding the best path.

Figure 20.28: Forwarding tables after injection from BGP (Part I)

Figure 20.28: Forwarding tables after injection from BGP (Part II) S

Figure 20.29: Format of path attribute

The following gives a brief description of each attribute.
❑ ORIGIN (type 1) -This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which
defines the source of the routing information. This attribute can be
defined by one of the three values: 1, 2, and 3. Value 1 means that the
information about the path has been taken from an intradomain protocol
(RIP or OSPF). Value 2 means that the information comes from BGP.
Value 3 means that it comes from an unknown source.

❑ AS-PATH (type 2) - This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which

defines the list of autonomous systems through which the destination
can be reached. We have used this attribute in our examples. The AS-
PATH attribute, as we discussed in path-vector routing in the last
section, helps prevent a loop. Whenever an update message arrives at a
router that lists the current AS as the path, the router drops that path.
The AS-PATH can also be used in route selection

❑ NEXT-HOP (type 3) - This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which
defines the next router to which the data packet should be forwarded.
We have also used this attribute in our examples. As we have seen,
this attribute helps to inject path information collected through the
operations of eBGP and iBGP into the intradomain routing protocols
such as RIP or OSPF.

❑ MULT-EXIT-DISC (type 4) - The multiple-exit discriminator is an

optional intransitive attribute, which discriminates among multiple exit
paths to a destination. The value of this attribute is normally defined
by the metric in the corresponding intradomain protocol (an attribute
value of 4-byte unsigned integer). For example, if a router has multiple
paths to the destination with different values related to these
attributes, the one with the lowest value is selected. Note that this
attribute is intransitive, which means that it is not propagated from one
AS to another.

❑ LOCAL-PREF (type 5 ) -The local preference attribute is a well-known
discretionary attribute. It is normally set by the administrator, based on
the organization policy. The routes the administrator prefers are given
a higher local preference value (an attribute value of 4-byte unsigned
integer). For example, in an internet with five ASs, the administrator of
AS1 can set the local preference value of 400 to the path AS1 → AS2 →
AS5, the value of 300 to AS1 → AS3 → AS5, and the value of 50 to AS1
→ AS4 → AS5. This means that the administrator prefers the first path
to the second one and prefers the second one to the third one. This
may be a case where AS2 is the most secured and AS4 is the least
secured AS for the administration of AS1. The last route should be
selected if the other two are not available.
❑ ATOMIC-AGGREGATE (type 6) - This is a well-known discretionary
attribute, which defines the destination prefix as not aggregate; it only
defines a single destination network. This attribute has no value field,
which means the value of the length field is zero.
❑ AGGREGATOR (type 7) - This is an optional transitive attribute,
which emphasizes that the destination prefix is an aggregate. The
attribute value gives the number of the last AS that did the aggregation
followed by the IP address of the router that did so.
Figure 20.30: Flow diagram for route selection

Messages BGP uses four types of messages for communication between
the BGP speakers across the ASs and inside an AS: open, update,
keepalive, and notification. All BGP packets share the same common
❑ Open Message. To create a neighbourhood relationship, a router
running BGP opens a TCP connection with a neighbor and sends an open

❑ Update Message. The update message is the heart of the BGP protocol.
It is used by a router to withdraw destinations that have been advertised
previously, to announce a route to a new destination, or both. Note that
BGP can withdraw several destinations that were advertised before, but it
can only advertise one new destination (or multiple destinations with the
same path attributes) in a single update message.

❑ Keepalive Message. The BGP peers that are running exchange

keepalive messages regularly (before their hold time expires) to tell each
other that they are alive.

❑ Notification. A notification message is sent by a router whenever an

error condition is detected or a router wants to close the session.
Figure 20.30: BGP messages S


• Update : BGP performance can be compared

with RIP. BGP speakers exchange a lot of
messages to create forwarding tables,but
usually does’nt create congestion

• Convergence : BGP is free from loops and

count-to-infinity and converges fast

• Robustness : The same weakness we mention

for RIP about propagation of failure and
corruption also exists in BGP, hence not very

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