Application and Maintenance of Steam Traps
Application and Maintenance of Steam Traps
Application and Maintenance of Steam Traps
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(continued on back cover)
EPRI Powering Progress
BACKGROUND In a power generating station, there can be hundreds of
Maintenance practices steam traps. Improper functioning of steam traps can result in loss of steam,
Nuclear plant operation and equipment unavailability, damage, and corrosion. These factors have economic
maintenance consequences on plant operation. This Tech Note has been developed to
Engineering & technical provide utility personnel with information on steam trap design, selection,
support application, and maintenance.
• To provide general information on the types of steam traps normally used in
power plants
• To provide the necessary guidance to power plant personnel responsible for
Steam traps the selection, operation, and maintenance of steam traps
APPROACH A scope of work was prepared with input from a number of utility
personnel familiar with the maintenance of steam traps in a nuclear power
plant. Based on this input, a draft document was developed and submitted for
review by the Technical Review Committee consisting of the utility personnel,
trap manufacturers, and vendors of trap checking equipment. Comments from
this committee were evaluated and incorporated into the final document.
RESULTS This guide presents information necessary for plant engineers and
maintenance staff to diagnose and solve the problems with steam trap mainte-
nance. It describes the operation of various types of steam traps, their selection
and installation, available trap checking devices, and inspection and mainte-
nance requirements for proper operation. This document is divided into eight
sections and five appendices. The appendices provide specific information on
topics like drip traps, tracer line traps, safety factors in trap selection, and so
on. An appendix is also included that shows a method of calculating steam trap
survey and repair costs.
Final Report
December 1996
Prepared by
Jack Scott
Prepared for
Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center
1300 Harris Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
Operated by
Electric Power Research Institute
3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304
EPRI Project Manager
Vic Varma
Nuclear Power Group
Price: $3,000
Requests for copies of this report should be directed to the Nuclear Maintenance
Applications Center (NMAC), 1300 Harris Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28262,
800/356-7448. There is no charge for reports requested by NMAC member
Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of Electric
Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright © 1996 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
All rights reserved.
EPRI Licensed Material
Application and Maintenance of Steam Traps
Steam traps are found wherever steam is used. Steam traps are automatic
valves that allow condensate to pass into drains while preventing the loss of
steam. In a large industrial complex like a power generating station, there
might be hundreds of steam traps in use. Improper functioning of the steam
traps can result in loss of steam, equipment unavailability, damage, and
corrosion. All the above factors have direct economic consequences on plant
operation. There is no single trap that will satisfy all applications. Due to the
variety of applications and the wide range of available steam traps, it is
important to fully understand their operation. Because of the large number of
steam traps in a power plant, some of which can be located in inaccessible
places, their maintenance is usually neglected.
This document addresses the basics of selection, application, and mainte-
nance of steam traps. It also shows the common installation errors to avoid. A
detailed list of references is provided for those who want to obtain additional
information on this topic.
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
References ................................................................................................... 51
Table A-1 Typical Condensate Loads for Steam Line Drip ...................... 54
Table G-4 Steam Trap Maintenance Cost Estimate (Blank Form) ........... 80
Steam traps are automatic valves the function of which is to allow the con-
densate to pass while preventing the passage of steam. Steam traps are also
expected to pass air and other non-condensible gases without the loss of
steam. There is no universal trap for all applications. Traps come in a variety
of shapes and sizes, designed for use on a wide range of pressures and
condensate load conditions. A trap must be selected carefully for its function.
Criteria for selection might be its responsiveness to changing system pres-
sures and condensate flow rates, installation requirements, or ease of mainte-
nance. This document discusses only the type of steam traps generally used
in nuclear power plants.
Trap applications can be divided into two major groups:
• Traps designed for draining process equipment, such as heat exchangers
and room heaters. These traps are often referred to as process traps.
• Traps designed to provide a protective function. These include applica-
tions where the normal condensate loads are small, such as steam header
drip, tracer heating, and turbine drains.
Figure 1 is a schematic showing a typical steam condensate system.
Steam Header
High Trap
Steam Heat
Turbine End of
Drain Main
Figure 1
Typical Applications of Steam Traps
An organization called the Fluid Controls Institute has been active for several
years on the subject of steam traps. It has developed a number of standards
that have been voluntarily implemented by the industry. At present, the
following are the accepted industry standards in the United States:
• ANSI/FCI-85-1: Standard for Production Testing of Steam Traps
• ANSI/FCI-69-1: Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps
• ANSI/FCI-65-3: Operating Principles and Standard for Determining
Steam Trap Capacity Ratings
• ANSI/ASME PTC-39.1: Condensate Removal Devices for Steam Systems
(this standard covers the steam trap testing for capacity and steam loss.)
Definition of a Steam Trap: ANSI/FCI 85-1 and 69-1 define a steam trap as a
“self-contained valve which automatically drains the condensate from a
steam containing enclosure while remaining tight to live steam, or if neces-
sary, allowing steam to flow at a controlled or adjusted rate. Most steam traps
will also pass non-condensible gases while remaining tight to live steam.”
Expanding on this definition, a more detailed understanding of the expected
capabilities and limitations of steam traps can be obtained. This understand-
ing is important to steam trap checking and troubleshooting.
A steam trap:
• Discharges condensate
• Prevents or limits the discharge of steam (it is preferred to have tight
closing on steam to avoid confusion in trap checking.)
• Automatically opens and closes (or throttles) the flow:
— At the saturated steam temperature
— Below the saturated steam temperature (also called subcooled con-
• Discharges liquid for freeze protection
• Drains non-condensible gases, such as air and CO2 during:
— Start-up
— Normal running conditions
Proper functioning of a steam trap as defined can be achieved when:
• A pressure differential exists, that is, the trap inlet is greater than the
pressure at the outlet that will promote flow.
• Condensate and non-condensibles are fluids and require a positive
differential pressure for flow to occur.
• Some heat exchange takes place to form condensate. This can be acciden-
tal, intentional and at a constant or variable rate.
• It is desirable that both condensate and non-condensible gases be dis-
charged. Among the reasons for this are: to avoid corrosion, shock,
vibration, or water hammer, and to provide effective heat transfer.
• External and internal materials must be suitable for both the design and
operating conditions (for example, pressures and temperatures).
Some of the technical terms related to the steam traps used in this document
are defined below.
air binding When a steam trap closes due to the presence of
air rather than steam. This slows down the ability
of a steam system to reach its desired temperature.
blow-down valve A valve used to blow pipeline dirt or scale from a
strainer, screen, or boiler drum.
British thermal unit (BTU) A unit of heat measurement defined as the
amount of heat required to raise one pound of
water through one degree Fahrenheit. This unit is
used to indicate the amount of heat “stored” in
any source.
capacity (of a trap) The amount of condensate discharged by a steam
trap at specific conditions of condensate tempera-
ture and pressure differential (between its inlet
and outlet). Capacity is measured in pounds per
hour and usually is the maximum rating for the
condensate The liquid formed as a result of steam changing
from vapor back to a liquid.
Steam trap selection requires evaluating the relative benefits and limitations
associated with each trap type (thermostatic, thermodynamic, and mechani-
cal), and matching them with the needs or criteria of the application. A long
list of criteria needs to be evaluated for proper selection of a steam trap:
• Design pressure and temperature (range) of the system. The trap shell
should be adequate for these conditions.
• Safety, including plant standards.
• Efficiency. Generally a consideration of steam loss.
• Service life.
• Ease of checking. Usually while the trap is installed and operating.
• Sensitivity to backpressure.
• Resistance to freeze damage.
• Dirt sensitivity.
• Installation versatility.
• Air venting.
• Responsiveness to changing loads.
• Resistance to shock, vibration, and water hammer.
• Predominant failure mode.
• Discharge mode.
• Condensate discharge temperature relative to saturation curve.
• Magnitude of condensate subcooling.
• Ease of maintenance.
• Supplementing accessories or features.
• Commercial consideration.
• Appropriate size for the pressures and loads.
Selection of a thermostatic, thermodynamic, or a mechanical trap for a
particular service depends on the needs that are considered most important
for plant operation. Each trap technology has its unique advantages and
disadvantages (see Section 6).
Up to this point, emphasis has been focused on matters relating to the heat
4.1 Additional
Selection Criteria content of steam and water. However, there are some additional consider-
ations associated with steam systems that have special significance for the
steam trap user and designer alike. All steam systems must deal with prob-
lems of corrosion, air and gas venting, dirt (usually corrosion products), and
water hammer. Steam traps are both a victim of these problems and a poten-
tial solution.
An important part of getting any steam system to operate efficiently is the
removal of air from it. Air is a poor conductor of heat, and mixtures of air
and steam have less heat content than steam alone at the same pressure. Both
of these factors have an especially adverse affect on heat transfer rates. Air is
eliminated from the steam system by thermostatic air vents and by steam
traps. Some traps are much more effective air eliminators than others.
All steam systems and their associated components suffer from the effects of
corrosion. Corrosion attacks boiler tubes, steam piping, heat exchangers,
valve components, and fittings such as steam traps. Over time all these items
can fail due to corrosion. The primary defense against corrosion is a carefully
monitored and maintained feedwater treatment system that controls the
gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) that promote corrosion. Carbon dioxide
(CO2) by itself is not corrosive, but it can combine with free hydrogen to form
carbonic acid, which is corrosive. A principal reason that stainless steel is
used extensively in steam traps is to resist the effects of corrosion and pro-
long the life of the trap.
The trash and accumulated debris in a newly installed piping steam system
can be extensive. In older systems dirt, corrosion products, and sealants used
to repair leaky joints continue to plague components such as small valves,
instruments, and steam traps. Y-type strainers are recommended to protect
important components from trash and dirt.
Carbon dioxide, oxygen, and occasionally hydrogen are present in steam
systems. Free oxygen is a normal constituent of water, but it is principally the
boiling process that volatilizes the carbonates in water to produce carbon
dioxide. Both carbon dioxide and oxygen foster corrosion. An important
function of a steam trap is to assist in purging these non-condensable gases
from the steam system.
Water Hammer
Condensate always collects in the low points of a steam system unless a
special effort is made to drain it away or to eliminate the low point. Figure 2
shows a sagging steam header that has allowed condensate to accumulate.
Steam flowing in the main steam lines, often at surprisingly high speeds (90
miles per hour or more is not unusual), will pick up slugs of condensate and
slam them into valves, elbows, steam traps, or other such equipment with
devastating effects. Steam trap users are best advised to correct water ham-
mer at its source by following good piping design practice.
Additional sources of water hammer include hydraulic shock and thermal
mixing. Both of these sources require piping that is flooded with liquid to
produce the noise.
Figure 2
Accumulation of Condensate in a Sagging Steam Line
Steam trap application is the process of matching a steam trap to the needs of
a steam system and its associated equipment. This involves a three-step
1. Identify the equipment to be drained along with its pressure and tem-
perature ratings.
2. Correctly size the equipment by calculating the condensate load. These
calculations are not discussed here because most trap manufacturers offer
computer discs to do the job.
3. Select a type of steam trap that is suitable for the application and load. Do
not select a steam trap based solely on the pipe size.
It is possible to classify steam trap applications in a number of different
ways. This guide addresses only industrial steam trapping in contrast to the
steam trapping associated with low pressure (below 15 psi) heating, ventilat-
ing, and air conditioning (HVAC) field. There is some overlap, of course, but
industry has tended to recognize these two major groups of users.
As mentioned earlier, industrial steam trapping applications can be divided
into two major classifications: protection and process service.
Steam line drip. Drainage of the condensate that forms in the pipes delivering
5.1 Protection
Service steam from a boiler to a specific point of use. This helps prevent damaging
water hammer and promotes the delivery of dryer steam to plant equipment.
Adequately sized and properly positioned drip pockets are needed. These
drip pockets are placed at the inlet to turbines, valves, expansion loops/
joints, and various locations along a steam line. See Appendix A for addi-
tional details about condensate loads, and so on.
Steam tracing. Drainage of the condensate that forms in the small steam lines
or steam jackets used to heat valves, field instruments, and the liquids in
larger pipelines during freezing conditions or when product temperature
must be maintained at specified levels. See Appendix B for additional details
about condensate loads, and so on.
Condensate loads experienced by protection traps in tracer and steam main
drip service can be calculated by the use of standard formulas. These loads
are generally quite small and normally steady. Experience has shown that
trap oversizing is a common problem in this area. In general, oversizing
means that the trap has too much capacity for the condensate load. Some-
times oversizing can occur if too high a safety factor (a factor of 10:1 or
higher) is used during trap selection. As noted in Appendix E, safety load
factors usually range from 1–4.
Drainage of the condensate that normally forms when steam is used to heat
5.2 Process Service
liquids, gases, or solids in any industrial process. Traps must be sized to
match the condensate drainage requirement of a particular piece of equip-
ment with a steam trap’s condensate handling capacity at the operating
pressure and temperature conditions to which it will be exposed.
Standard formulas exist to calculate the condensate loads that process traps
will experience when serving any of the following four classes of equipment:
1. Steam heats a liquid indirectly through a metal wall (see Appendix C).
2. Steam heats air or a gas indirectly through a metal wall (see Appendix D).
3. Steam heats a solid or slurry indirectly through a metal wall.
4. Steam heats a solid through direct contact.
Note: Items (3) and (4) are usually not applicable in a power plant.
Calculated condensate loads for process traps are normally increased by
using a safety load factor to compensate for system unknowns. Guidelines
for the selection of safety load factors are given in Appendix E. In general,
the more that is known about the conditions associated with an application,
the smaller will be the factor. Most steam trap manufacturers can offer and
provide computer discs to perform all the needed calculations, sizing, and
Table 1
General Operating Characteristics of Steam Traps
Trap Types → Disc Impulse/ Bellows Bimetallic Float and Inverted Orifice
Piston Thermostatic Bucket
Condition ↓
Discharge Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic/ Modulating/ Modulating Cyclic Continuous
Modulating Cyclic
Discharge Hot Hot Hot/ Hot/ Hot Hot Hot
Temperature Subcooled Subcooled
Air Venting Fair Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Limited(1) Fair(6)
Dirt(5) Good Good Good Fair Good Good Fair
Superheat Excellent Excellent Good (2) Good Limited(2) Limited(1) Excellent
(2) (2)
Water Hammer Excellent Excellent Limited Good Limited Excellent Excellent
Response Good Excellent Excellent Fair Excellent Good (6)
(3) (4)
Failure Mode Open Open Open/ Open Closed Varies (6)
1. Available with an extra large vent in the bucket or a separate air vent.
2. The manufacturer should be consulted.
3. Normally fails closed if the float collapses or the differential pressure is too high. It can fail open if the bellows fail to open or float mechanism
breaks due to shock and water hammer.
4. Excessive differential pressure might cause the trap to fail closed. The trap will fail open if priming is lost.
5. Indicates how well the trap type can "tolerate" dirt.
6. The orifice is always “open” and usually is sized to handle a maximum of condensate load. If the orifice is fully “loaded” (as on start-up), it
cannot vent air, because the opening is sealed with condensate.
Disc traps utilize the heat energy in hot condensate and the kinetic energy in
6.1 Disc Trap
steam to open and close the valve disc. They sense the difference between
liquid, and gas or vapor. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) illustrate a disc trap.
Note: Each type of trap is illustrated using two figures. Figure 3(a) is a
schematic showing the basic principles of trap operation. Figure 3(b) is a
cross sectional view of a typical industrial trap.
Inlet Flash Vapor Closes
Seating Surface Port Valve Disc
Bonnet Chamber
Valve Disc
Steam &
Condensate In Liquid & Flashing
Condensate Out
Figure 3(a)
Disc Trap (Schematic)
During start-up, pressure created by cold condensate lifts the valve disc off
the seating surface. This opens the inlet port and outlet port, allowing dis-
charge. As fluid reaches the inlet port, there is a decrease in pressure and an
increase in velocity (in accordance with the laws of fluid dynamics). If the
fluid is hot condensate near steam temperature, the lower pressure will cause
it to flash into steam or vapor (in accordance with the laws of thermodynam-
ics). The resulting high velocity flow beneath the disc, with its attendant
localized pressure reduction under the disc, causes it to snap shut. Flow
through the trap stops until the pressure in the chamber over the disc drops
sufficiently to allow the inlet pressure to force the disc off its seat. This cycle
(that is, the disc opening to allow the flow to condensate, and closing on high
velocity flash vapor) repeats itself.
Outlet Port
Inlet Port
Figure 3(b)
Disc Trap (Cross Section)
Disc traps are most frequently used in light condensate load applications
such as drips and tracers and are known as “hot” traps, that is, quickly
discharging very hot condensate immediately after it forms.
• Simple construction.
• Small size and light weight.
• Can be mounted in any position.
• Rugged, withstands water hammer.
• Not damaged by freezing.
• Not impaired by superheat.
• Suitable for wide pressure range.
• Discharge temperature closely follows the saturation curve.
• Easily checked in field.
• Failure mode, gradually and predictably open over time .
• Limited air handling capability.
• Excessive backpressure can prevent the trap from closing.
• Discharge noise level can be high.
• Dirt can increase the cycle rate, causing premature wear.
Piston (or impulse) traps utilize the heat energy in hot condensate, and the
6.2 Piston/Impulse
Trap kinetic energy in steam to open and close a valve. Like disc traps, they sense
the difference between a liquid, and gas or vapor. Figures 4a and 4b illustrate
a piston/impulse trap.
Piston Valve
Steam &
Condensate In Liquid & Flashing
Condensate Out
Figure 4(a)
Piston/Impulse Trap (Schematic)
Introduced in the 1930s the impulse piston trap was the first thermodynamic
trap. It is a “hot” trap that provides excellent service in high pressure
At start-up, pressure created by the inlet fluid lifts the piston valve, allowing
discharge of condensate. During this phase, the control chamber pressure
remains low because the second or control orifice, can discharge more liquid
than can be supplied to the control chamber through the first orifice. When
the temperature of the condensate arriving in the control chamber ap-
proaches steam temperature, that is, saturation temperature, flashing will
occur due to the low pressure in the control chamber. This flashing of the hot
condensate in the control chamber chokes the flow through the control
orifice, causing an increase in control chamber pressure. This increased
pressure, acting on a larger effective area of the piston valve than the inlet
pressure, causes it to snap shut—preventing steam flow through the trap
seat. When cooler condensate reaches the trap, causing the control chamber
pressure to drop, flashing ceases and the trap opens again to repeat the cycle.
Flash Vapor
Closes Piston
2nd Orifice
Liquid &
Steam & Flashing
Condensate Condensate
In Out
Figure 4(b)
Piston/Impulse Trap (Cross Section)
• Excessive backpressure can prevent the trap from closing.
• Limited operating pressure range.
• Difficult to field check because of the continuous control flow discharge.
If the condensate is completely absent in the system, a small steam
discharge might be noticed through the control orifice.
The closed float trap is one of the oldest type of steam traps on the market,
6.3 Closed Float and
F&T Traps but it is still in widespread use. The opening and closing of the valve is
caused by changes of the condensate level within the trap shell.
When the trap is empty, the weight of the float closes the valve. As conden-
sate enters the trap, the float rises and opens the valve, allowing condensate
to be discharged. The float is designed to provide sufficient force to overcome
the differential pressure across the valve. The internal float and valve con-
figuration is such that the condensate level is always above the valve, thus
creating a continuous water seal at its seat. Actual construction varies widely
depending upon the manufacturer. While most designs employ a linkage-
pivot system, one particular design uses no linkage at all and relies on a free-
floating ball to achieve the desired action.
An inherent disadvantage of a simple float trap is that it cannot discharge air
or non-condensible gases. It is, therefore, necessary to install an auxiliary
thermostatically activated air vent. For this reason, these traps are known as
float and thermostatic (F&T) traps (see Figures 5(a) and 5(b)).
Steam &
Condensate In
Air Vent
Figure 5(a)
Float and Thermostatic Trap (Schematic)
Steam &
Condensate In
Steam Space
Bellows/Air Vent
Liquid Level
Liquid &
Flashing Condensate
Out (side)
Figure 5(b)
Float and Thermostatic Trap (Cross Section)
• Quick response to changes in condensate load.
• Continuous discharge.
• Simple construction.
• The condensate discharge temperature closely follows the saturation
• Unaffected by sudden pressure changes.
• The function is not impaired by high backpressures.
• Requires auxiliary air vent, which is an additional source of potential
• Continuous discharge can make field checking difficult.
• The primary failure mode is closed.
• Not self-draining.
• Float easily damaged by water hammer.
• Relatively large and heavy.
Inverted bucket traps are members of the mechanical trap family, and use an
6.4 Inverted Bucket
Traps open “inverted bucket” as the actuator. The trapping principle utilizes the
difference in density between a gas and a liquid. For steam traps, steam is the
gas and condensate is the liquid. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) illustrate an inverted
bucket trap.
Steam Spaces
Liquid & Flashing Condensate Level
Condensate Out
Steam Bubbles
Steam &
Condensate In
Figure 6(a)
Inverted Bucket Trap (Schematic)
The construction of the trap is such that the trap inlet leads into the bottom
and open end of the inverted bucket. Discharge is through an outlet valve
above the inverted bucket.
Steam entering the inverted and submerged bucket, produces buoyancy and
causes it to float upward and close the outlet valve. This prevents the dis-
charge of steam. Steam in the bucket, both condenses and leaks through the
vent, allowing the bucket to sink and pull the valve off the seat to discharge
condensate. The weight of the bucket must be sufficient to overcome the
closing force created by the differential pressure across the valve. Inverted
bucket traps discharge condensate intermittently at very near saturation
temperature. The cycle is repeated after each discharge. If for any reason the
bucket sinks and does not refloat, the trap will continue to lose steam along
with the flow of condensate. This is known as “loss of prime.”
After each discharge, fresh condensate enters the bucket.
Steam Space
Liquid Level
Vent Hole
Figure 6(b)
Inverted Bucket Trap (Cross Section)
Air or non-condensible gases entering the trap cause the bucket to float and
close the valve. Because they cannot condense as steam does, these gases
cause the trap to remain closed. In order to overcome this problem, the
bucket has a hole to vent air and steam. The size of this hole has to be rela-
tively small to prevent excessive loss of steam in addition to the air.
While most inverted bucket traps utilize a linkage system to obtain their
desired action, one particular design uses no linkage at all and depends upon
a free-floating, open, spherically-shaped float in its operation.
• Simple construction.
• Rugged.
• The condensate discharge temperature follows the saturation curve.
• Reliable.
• Cyclic operation.
• Marginal air handling during start-up.
• Not self-draining.
• Subject to freeze-ups.
• Not suitable for superheat when insulated.
• Can lose prime, and is not always self-priming.
• Can be mounted only in a single position.
• Failure mode is unpredictable (open or closed).
• Continuous venting of steam through the bucket vent.
Bimetallic steam traps utilize the sensible heat in the condensate in conjunc-
6.5 Bimetallic Traps
tion with line pressure to open and close a valve mechanism. Figures 7(a) and
7(b) illustrate a bimetallic trap.
Hot or Subcooled
Liquid Condensate Bimetallic Elememts
Steam or
Condensate In Liquid & Flashing
Condensate Out
Valve Seat
Figure 7(a)
Bimetallic Steam Trap (Schematic)
The valve and seat system is usually arranged to produce a “flow under the
seat” condition. Supply pressure, in other words, tends to open the valve.
The bimetallic elements are in the form of small discs and are arranged to
produce a closing force with increasing temperature. This closing force is in
opposition to the opening force created by the supply pressure. Some bime-
tallic traps use a single leaf element rather than the stacked disc elements
shown in Figure 7(a).
Hot or Subcooled
Figure 7(b)
Bimetallic Steam Trap (Cross Section)
Bellows traps are thermostatic traps that respond to changes in the tempera-
6.6 Bellows Traps
ture and pressure of the steam supply to open and close a valve. The valve
actuator is a capsule or bellows filled with a vaporizing liquid, and because it
has both a fixed and a free moving end, it opens or closes the valve in re-
sponse to internal pressure changes. Temperature changes in the fluid out-
side the bellows produce temperature and pressure changes within the
bellows (Note that “fluid” here means liquid or gas in the system). The most
frequently used actuating element is a corrugated bellows. Single-diaphragm
capsules are also used but provide a correspondingly shorter stroke. Figures
8(a) and 8(b) illustrate a bellows trap.
Steam &
Condensate In Liquid & Flashing
Condensate Out
Figure 8(a)
Bellows/Thermostatic Steam Trap (Schematic)
Bellows Seat
Liquid &
Steam & Flashing
Condensate Condensate
In Out
Figure 8(b)
Bellows/Thermostatic Steam Trap (Cross Section)
• Excellent air handling capability.
• Energy efficient.
• Self-draining.
• Various condensate discharge temperatures are available, depending on
the bellows’ design.
• Condensate discharge temperature follows the saturation curve.
• Can be mounted in several positions.
• Simple construction.
• Small size and weight.
• Bellows elements tend to be failure prone, especially when subjected to
water hammer.
• Difficult to field check when operating in a throttling mode.
• Generally not suited for high pressure applications.
• Limited superheat capability.
• The short stroke diaphragm design is susceptible to dirt-initiated failures.
• Failure mode unpredictable but usually open.
• Tend to discharge continuously on small condensate loads, making it
difficult to check function.
Fixed orifice traps or drainers are seldom used because of their limitations.
6.7 Orifice Traps
This device consists of one or more successive orifices. Where two or more
orifices are used, condensate passes through a number of successive cham-
bers where flashing occurs. This creates a restricting or choking effect and
allows the use of larger and less dirt-sensitive orifices for a given condensate
capacity. In some designs, these “fixed” orifices are actually adjustable
valves. Figures 9(a) and 9(b) illustrate one form of a fixed orifice drainer.
Steam &
Condensate In Steam and/or Flashing
Condensate Out
Figure 9(a)
Fixed Orifice Drainer (Schematic)
• No moving parts.
• Suitable for high pressure application.
• Rugged, withstands water hammer.
• Not damaged by freezing.
• Function not impaired by superheat.
• Can be mounted in any position.
• To ensure condensate drainage and control steam loss, the orifice size
must be carefully selected for each installation. To prevent steam blow,
the orifice must be flooded with condensate.
• Cannot respond to varying condensate loads.
• Inefficient if oversized.
• Dirt particles can impair performance.
• Difficult to field check because of continuous discharge.
• In the absence of condensate, the trap passes live steam.
Figure 9(b)
Fixed Orifice Drainer (Cross Section)
Steam trap problems are often traceable to the piping design. This section
deals with piping system problems (for example, water hammer, freezing,
dirt, air binding, and so on), basic installation, trap location, siphon and/or
lift fittings, distribution drainage, condensate lift, vacuum breakers, air vents,
multiple heating coils, unit trapping, bypasses, and so on.
Condensate should be free to drain to and from a steam trap by gravity.
Restrictions that can increase flow resistance or elevate backpressure should
be avoided. Such restrictions might be the result of undersized valving or
excessive reduction in pipeline size. When condensate must be lifted (or
raised) to a trap or to an elevated return main, care must be taken to avoid
steam binding or excessive backpressure.
Steam traps should be installed so that operational checks and maintenance
activities can be easily performed. Adequately sized strainers with a blow-
down valve can be justified for steam trap protection and as a device for trap
checking. Air vents, vacuum breakers, and check valves might be needed to
solve specific problems that otherwise adversely affect a steam trap’s func-
tion and operation.
Condensate removal from a steam system cannot be an after-thought. The
absence of problems associated with water hammer, corrosion, dirt, and
freeze-ups is usually the result of careful planning and conscious effort to
avoid the root causes of these problems.
There are piping practices that must be followed if steam trapping problems
are to be avoided. Some pieces of heat exchange equipment might have
Steam Tee
Drip Header Valve
Strainer Union
Trap Check
Dirt Valve
Strainer & Pocket
Return Line
Figure 10
A Typical Steam Trap Installation
Swing Check Return
Process Valve
Pipe To
Steam Large
Figure 11
A Typical Lift Fitting Application
The steam header itself should have a slope of about one inch in twenty feet
to facilitate condensate drainage by gravity. Steam supply lines should
always be tapped off the top of the steam main. This helps deliver dry steam
to the equipment.
Steam In
5 psi
Pipe Flooded
Swing Check With Condensate
Figure 12
Elevated Discharge and Backpressure
when a trap is discharging to an overhead return line. Note that pipe, valves,
and fitting pressure losses will contribute to the backpressure. In the example
shown, a check valve is installed at the bottom of the riser. This is to prevent
backflow from the return into the heating coils. If this happens, corrosion
will occur when the system is shut down. Check valves tend to leak over
time and, in this example, would be effective only during relatively brief
shut-down periods. For longer shut-downs, the coils and pipes should be
completely drained of any accumulated condensate.
When a steam system is allowed to cool down, it is not just the temperature
7.5 Vacuum Breakers
that drops. If the system is closed and pressurized, the pressure in the
system will decay to a vacuum unless some mechanism permits the entrance
of atmospheric air to achieve atmospheric pressure. Such a mechanism is
called a vacuum breaker. It is essentially a check valve, closed to internal
pressure, but open when that internal pressure becomes less than atmo-
spheric. Figure 13 shows schematically the installation of a vacuum breaker
on a air heating coil. If the upper shut-off valve is closed while the heating
unit is in operation, condensate cannot drain out of the unit. As the heating
unit cools, it is possible for condensate that has drained into the return
system earlier to be drawn back into the unit, unless a vacuum breaker
functions to permit air to enter the system.
Steam In Vacuum
Condensate Return
Figure 13
Typical Installation of Vacuum Breakers and Air Vents
Air is a poor conductor of heat, and if trapped in a heating coil, it reduces the
7.6 Auxiliary Air
Vents system heating efficiency. Air films on pipes and heat exchanger tubes reduce
the heat transfer rate through their metal walls. Steam mixed with air con-
tains fewer BTUs at a given pressure than steam alone. It is the function of a
steam trap to aid in venting air from a steam system, but auxiliary thermo-
static air vents are often required. Thermostatic devices open when in contact
with cooler air and then close to hotter steam. They greatly speed up the air
purging process. When frequent start-ups and shut-downs are the rule, rapid
air purging is an important consideration. Thermostatic traps are often
favored for their good air-handling characteristics. Figure 13 shows an
installation with auxiliary air vent.
When air is heated as it passes through multiple banks of coils, the first
7.7 Multiple Heating
Coils several coils form the heaviest condensate load. Therefore, traps on the first
and possibly the second coil should be larger than those draining the others.
Steam Line
Traps Return
Figure 14(a)
Unit Trapping (Recommended)
Steam Line
Figure 14(b)
Group Trapping (Not Recommended)
Due to risk of steam loss when left open unnecessarily, by-passes are seldom
7.9 By-Passes
used in most industrial plants. Where shut-down for even a few minutes
cannot be tolerated on a critical installation, the use of a second trap in the
by-pass line can help reduce the risk of steam blow. This is illustrated in
Figure 15. If a by-pass is necessary, make sure it is not left open when not
needed. If used with a bucket trap, arrange the by-pass piping so it is at a
higher level than the trap to avoid losing the prime in the trap.
Steam Condensate
Figure 15
Typical By-Pass Installation
Table 3
Trap-Checking Frequency with Respect to Trap Applications
Trap checking can be done by three separate methods without opening the
piping system:
• Sight
• Sound
• Temperature (thermal)
These three basic methods of trap checking are detailed in Section 8.3.
Also, a fourth method can be used, and is briefly mentioned in Table 4, as an
additional checking method. This method uses a pressure gage installed on a
test “T.” The pressure gage can indicate pressure pulses of trap discharge.
This method, however, is inconclusive for continuous flow type traps. Gages
require frequent maintenance (calibration) if they are subjected to shock or
To use the various checking methods, different devices or tools are needed.
8.2 Trap-Checking
Devices Some tools are simple, some combine methods, and others are quite complex.
For example, a listening device can simply be a long-handled screw driver or
a piece of pipe, or some amplified/electronic devices can be used. Ampli-
fied/electronic devices make listening possible. Most electronic devices (if
not all) have a meter of some form. The motion of the meter can be observed
(that is, sight), which is especially valuable in places with high ambient noise
level. The motion of the meter needle indicates if a steam trap is open, closed,
or modulating.
A squirt bottle with water can be used and the results can be observed by
sight and/or sound. This is particularly useful on small traps (like disc
traps). Spraying water on the trap bonnet makes it cycle at a high rate and
confirms that it is functioning. If the cycle rate slows down after the water
dries, it implies satisfactory operation.
Temperature can be sensed by simple or complex devices. A safely gloved
hand can tell if the trap is hot or cool. Surface pyrometers, which are rela-
tively inexpensive, provide a meter that can indicate some cycling. Some
pyrometers might not even need a battery for their operation. The surface
temperature of a clean pipe is usually 90%–95% of the internal temperature.
When using a surface pyrometer, measure the trap outlet pipe first and then
the inlet pipe. A clean pipe surface is required for accurate reading.
When using amplified devices, it is important to apply the probe consistently
(for example, probe pressure and location, pipe surface cleanliness, and so
on). When using surface pyrometers, a uniform pressure for 15–30 seconds
on a clean pipe surface is required to achieve consistent results. Infra-red (IR)
devices can provide misleading results due to target size and background
emissivity. For instance, if the IR device is looking at a 4-inch trap 20 feet
away, the device can see everything within a 4-foot diameter circle and
everything behind the trap
When planning to check steam traps, review the following tables and keep
the following points in mind:
• Understand the characteristics of any type of steam trap.
• Use at least two of the three methods for trap checking (sight, sound,
• Understand the advantages and limitations of the checking methods.
All checking methods require training, experience, and interpretation. Ob-
served checking results are compared with expected results. Unexpected
results should be investigated further using another method. In closed return
systems, overpressurization can be caused by open by-pass, faulty stop or
check valves, or undersized piping, piping components, and collecting tank.
When using the temperature or sonic probes for checking traps, it is essential
that the test conditions be uniform and consistent for proper comparison and
trending. The contact probes must be placed on clean bare pipe surfaces at
the outlet and inlet of the trap. The measurements must be taken as near the
trap end connections as possible. This is particularly important when using a
sonic probe, because the probe must be closest to the seat orifice. Avoid
measurement on the trap body. The pipe surface provides greater uniformity
of location and wall thickness.
There is no published evidence at this time that any commercial checking
method can actually quantify a leak. The calorimeter test of ASME PTC 39.1
is the generally accepted method for measuring or quantifying steam loss.
Information on some of the commercially available trap-checking methods is
given in Appendix F, but this is not a complete list of all service providers.
There might be other vendors who might provide equipment or services for
trap checking. Also, descriptions given in this appendix are abbreviated and
very basic. For more detailed information, contact the specific supplier.
Table 4 lists the advantages and limitations of the three basic trap-checking
8.3 Basic Trap-
Checking Methods methods. These methods are:
• Sight (visual observation)
• Sound (audible sound, ultrasound, amplified sound)
• Thermal (touch, thermometer, infra-red camera)
Assuming that the traps are installed in accordance with Figure 10, all of the
methods have some common advantages and limitations. All checking
methods require training, experience, and interpretation of the results.
Observed checking results are compared with the baseline or the expected
results. Any unexpected occurrence should be investigated further using
another method. In closed return systems, overpressurization can be caused
by an open bypass, a faulty stop or check valve, or undersized piping, piping
component, and collecting tank.
Table 4
Advantages and Limitations of Trap-Checking Methods
Table 5 outlines general observations of normally acceptable trap operation and how to interpret specific
failure indications.
Table 5
Expected Trap Characteristics
Indications of Acceptable Trap Indications of Trap Failed Open or Indications of a Trap Closed or
Operation Leaking Backing-up Condensate
SIGHT - Flash condensate SIGHT SIGHT
• Intermittent Discharge − Continuous discharge of steam— − No discharge
– Most thermodynamic, inverted − Some discharge, but flow rate is low, or
bucket, and properly sized − No sign of liquid condensate in continuous and little flash
bellows thermostatic discharge
• Continuous Discharge − No intermittent discharge
− No flow or low gravel like noise level
– F&T, some thermostatic on light SOUND
load − Continuous whistle like noise
− Inlet temperature more than 15% less
– Some thermodynamic types with TEMPERATURE than steam temperature.
control flow
− High inlet (pyrometer does not
– Some traps produce no flash
indicate cycling)
− Return line indicates excessive
− Intermittent or continuous sound-as pressure via high temperature.
above with sight
− Condensate has rough or gravel
− Condensate sound level greater than
− Can feel vibration
− Surface pyrometer might indicate
fluctuation due to expected
intermittent discharge
To assist in checking the individual steam trap, Table 6 shows normal operat-
8.4 Steam Trap
Failure Causes ing characteristics and causes for a trap to fail open or fail closed. The listing
under “All Types” should be used along with the conditions shown for the
specific type of trap under investigation. Table 6 expands on the information
included in Table 5.
8.4.1 By-Passes
Open or leaking by-passes can produce misleading operating results. Often,
leaking or blowing by-passes induce trap failures and/or over pressurize
return lines.
A temperature check on the inlet and outlet of the pipe (not valve body) at
the by-pass usually provides a good clue to the situation. If the by-pass inlet
and outlet temperatures are about the same as the steam trap, there is a
strong indication of an open or leaking by-pass.
Sound levels at the by-pass outlet should be the same as that observed at the
inlet. If outlet noise is greater than inlet noise, a leak is a safe guess.
Table 6
Normal Operation and Failure Causes for Various Types of Traps
Type of Trap Normal Operation Fail Open Causes Fail Closed Causes
All Types Should observe relatively high trap inlet Excessive valve seat wear Temperature control valve throttled,
temperature, but not superheat Dirt on trap seat insufficient steam pressure
Should observe flash on discharge to Open by-pass constantly blowing Overloaded trap, backing-up cold
atmosphere and see normal condensate
characteristic discharge Overloaded trap, that is,
discharging continuously Clogged strainer
Should hear normal, characteristic Closed stop valve upstream
Closed return line stop valve or check
Disc Traps Normal discharge intermittent Worn seat, disc, or bonnet Installed backward
Should see flash Leaking internal seals/gaskets Air bound
Should hear intermittent discharge, Excessive backpressure See above—all types of traps
possibly clicking of disc on seat See above—all types of traps
Should observe relatively high inlet
Impulse/Piston Traps Normal discharge intermittent (with Worn internals Excessive wear on first orifice
continuous flow between discharges) Excessive backpressure Excessive wear on second orifice
Should see flash (continuous and Condensate load too small See above—all types of traps
See above—all types of traps
Should hear continuous and
intermittent flow
Should sense relatively high inlet
Inverted Bucket Traps Normal discharge intermittent, can be Loss of prime (low load, Dirt-plugged vent
continuous under some conditions of fluctuating pressure differences, Excessive differential pressure
pressure and load superheat)
Worn, oversized seat
Should see flash Worn mechanism, valve, or seat
leak Body filled with dirt
Should hear intermittent discharge—
possibility rattle of bucket or bubbling See above—all types of traps Air bound
of vent flow See above—all types of traps
Should observe relatively high inlet
Thermostatic Traps Normal thermostatic discharge Thermal element failure (some Thermal element failed closed
intermittent or continuous depending types) Excessive backpressure (some types)
on load, pressure, or type Improper adjustment or setting See above—all types of traps
Should see flash unless adjusted for Worn valves or seat
subcooled operation
Leaking gaskets
Should hear continuous or modulating
flow See above—all types of traps
Should observe temperature near rated
discharge temperature
Float and Normal discharge continuous, but on Thermal element leaking Thermal element failed closed
Thermostatic Traps light loads might be intermittent Mechanism worn, broken, or held Float collapsed, main valve failed closed
Should see flash open due to dirt or oxides Excessive pressure difference across disc
Should hear continuous discharge Leaking internal seals or gaskets Seat worn (that is, seat diameter too large)
Should observe relatively high inlet See above—all types of traps See above—all types of traps
After checking and confirming that trap failure has occurred, corrective
8.6 Corrective
Actions action is needed. Table 8 suggests corrective actions for either failed open or
failed closed traps.
Table 8
Corrective Actions
Application. Drip legs with traps are generally installed on steam headers,
turbine drains, control valves, risers, expansion loops, and so on. Adequately
sized drip pockets on the bottom of piping or entrances to devices collect
condensate, which then flows to the steam trap. The trap discharges the
condensate into a closed pressurized return line or into an open atmospheric
drain. Drip traps are classified as protection service traps.
Purpose. To remove condensate from piping, prevent water hammer damage
to the piping, turbines, valves, and other steam-driven equipment. Also
ensures dry steam supply at the point of use.
Steam pressures. Generally constant, with some seasonal variations. Typical
industry pressures are 100 psi–600 psi, but can be as high as 4500 psi. Steam
supply design pressures and actual operating pressures can be different.
Also, superheat is frequently encountered.
Condensate loads. Usually small and constant while in normal operation. Start-
up loads can be heavier. Boiler carry-over produces slugs of condensate that
are unpredictable in magnitude and frequency. De-superheaters that are
malfunctioning can produce unexpectedly high loads. Typical loads are
shown in Table A-1.
Table A-1
Typical Condensate Loads for Steam Line Drip
1. No safety factors are included for trap sizing. See Appendix E for safety load factors.
2. Warm-up rates, 400˚F/hr from ambient to saturation temperature.
3. Moisture in steam will increase normal loads. To obtain actual condensate load, multiply a normal load by the amount of
moisture (for example, if moisture is 5%, then multiply by 1.05).
4. For other conditions (that is, pipe sizes, pressures, insulation efficiency, etc.) consult steam trap sizing computer programs
available from trap manufacturers.
Figure A-1
Steam Line Drip Piping
(a) Vertical Piping for Freeze Proofing (b) Vertical Piping for Freeze Proofing
(c) Vertical Piping Alternative for Extreme Cold Environment
Table A-2
Drip Pocket Size
Application. Steam tracer lines are small diameter pipes or tubes that run
parallel to a pipeline carrying a product that requires heat. Some grades of
fuel oil, certain chemicals (such as boric acid and sodium hydroxide) used in
power plants might need heat tracing to prevent them from solidification or
crystallization. In other industries, materials like asphalt, sulfur, and wax also
need heat tracing.
Water lines, safety showers, pumps, valves, and other equipment might be
heat traced to prevent them from freezing.
Heat tracing might also be used to maintain uniform temperatures in and
around certain sensitive instruments.
Drip trap
Separate y-strainer
and blow-off valve if needed
Tracer traps
Union Condensate
manifold Traps discharging
to atmosphere
Test Valve
Use short, pitched
discharge lines
To return at low point
main or
Figure B-1
Typical Steam Tracer Piping
Figure B-1 shows a typical heat tracing installation. Whenever possible,
locate traps close together using a condensate return manifold. This also
simplifies maintenance and trap checking. Provide strainers, test “T,” and
suitable block valves. Ensure adequate pressure differential across the trap
for good drainage when discharging to a closed and elevated return system.
Purpose. The heat of steam flows to the product line. Steam condenses and
runs out the end of the pipe or tube to a steam trap. By removing the accu-
mulated condensate in the tracer lines, the heat transfer efficiency is im-
proved. The trap normally discharges the condensate into an atmospheric
Pressure. Typically 75 psi–400 psi when tracing process materials, but 15 psi–
150 psi is more common in freeze protection applications. Below 40 psi,
condensate return problems increase in closed systems when pressure
differentials are not adequate for good drainage.
Condensate loads. Low (0–40 lb/hr) and relatively steady, varying with
seasonal changes. Long tracing runs, poor insulation, submerged lines can
produce higher loads. Table B-1 illustrates typical condensate loads. Table B-
2 shows recommended maximum lengths of tracer lines.
Table B-1
Typical Condensate Loads for Steam Tracer Lines (Lbs/Hr/100 Ft)
Assumptions made to arrive at the typical condensate loads are:
• Installation - outdoors
• Temperature - 0 ˚F
• Wind velocity - 15 mph
• Dry waterproof insulation - 85% efficient
Table B-2
Suggested Length of Tracer Lines (1/2” Tube)
• The data given above are for 1/2-inch tube.
• For 3/8-inch tube, multiply the length by 0.5.
• For 3/4-inch tube, multiply the length by 2.3.
• Avoid using 1/4-inch tubing.
Shock, vibration, water hammer. Modest. If severe, it usually comes from the
return system or an improperly trapped steam supply.
Dirt, corrosion. Generally modest.
Ambient conditions. Outdoors. Freezing, wind, and rain are considerations.
Air venting. Modest need, only on start-up which is usually seldom.
Drainage to trap. Usually by gravity. Lift is sometimes encountered, and this
requires special treatment.
Steam trap recommendation. Desired characteristics of the trap to be used are
fail open, self-draining, light weight, and capable of being installed in any
position. This is due to the fact that tubing is frequently used for tracing and
is not properly supported. There can be many traps installed on this applica-
tion, so a trap that can easily be checked and maintained is desirable.
Table C-1
Estimated Condensate Loads for Heating Liquids (Lbs/Hr)
1. Multiply above condensate loads by a safety load fa ctor (usually 2–4) to select a suitably sized steam trap.
Application process. Steam heats a gas (air) indirectly through a metal wall.
Purpose. To raise and/or maintain air (or gas) temperatures passing through
finned coils, such as unit heaters, air heaters/preheaters, and HVAC units.
Description. Steam flows inside the finned tubes of various designs. Air is
passed over the outside of the finned tubes, usually with a predetermined
velocity. Steam gives up heat, condenses, and the condensate flows to a low
point to be drained.
Steam pressures. Usually low to moderate 15 psi–150 psi. Pressures vary if
heated air temperature is controlled.
Condensate loads. Variable due to varying air temperature (inlet air) and
possibly air velocity, if a thermostatically controlled fan is installed in the
system. Some typical condensate loads are shown in Table D-1.
Shock, vibration, water hammer. Important due to somewhat fragile, thin wall
tubing used for this application. Shock and vibration can also result if
condensate or cool air is entrapped in the heater.
Dirt, corrosion. An important consideration for thin wall tube. The corrosion
source can include carbonic acid from dissolved CO2.
Ambient conditions. Freezing inlet air is an important factor if the condensate
does not drain from the heater.
Air venting. Important to be free of air and non-condensable gases.
Table D-1
Typical Condensate Load for Heating Air
1. Unit heaters are rated for 2 psi steam and 60 ˚F entering air temperature. Other operating conditions (that is, steam pressure and entering air
temperature) modify the rating.
Examples: — If entering air is 30˚F and steam is 100 psi, the heater consumes and provides nearly twice (2.02) the rating.
— If the rating was 100,00 BTU/hr, (or about 1000 lb/hr of condensate), the "corrected" rating is approximately 200,000 BTU/hr
(or 2000 lb/hr of condensate).
Table E-1
Recommended Safety Factors
Table F-1
Suppliers and Services
Several trap manufacturers offer devices for checking steam traps. One
Trap Management
Systems manufacturer (TLV ® America) offers a device called TrapMan. Trapman is a
computerized steam trap evaluation and management system that incorpo-
rates two independent test techniques—the measurement of the ultrasonic
waves generated by steam flow and the inlet temperature of the trap. The
system computer has an onboard Read Only Memory (ROM) that carries a
database of a large variety of steam traps from various manufacturers. The
field-recorded measurements are instantly compared with the stored data to
indicate the trap condition (for example, good, leaking, blowing, blocked, not
in service, and so on). TrapMan is comprised of two basic components:
hardware (TM2) for testing and diagnosis of the traps in the field, and
software (PS1) for creating and maintaining the database in a PC. The data
files can be transmitted between the PC and TM2 via an RS-232 cable.
Trap management software supplied by EPD Technology Corporation also
allows the user to maintain trap maintenance and performance records,
conduct audits, and produce reports with graphs and charts. EPD also pro-
vides a total system analysis kit, which, in addition to the software, includes an
ultrasonic detector, infra-red thermometer, and training materials.
Armstrong offers Trap Scan/Trap Alert equipment that can be permanently
installed for automatic trap testing or used as stand-alone systems.
This appendix discusses an approach to making cost estimates for steam trap
inspection, maintenance, and repairs of steam traps in a power plant. In
making a purely economic decision for trap maintenance, the cost of lost steam
from failed traps need only to be compared with the cost of trap survey and
maintenance. However, a subjective assessment should also be made for the
equipment protection provided by the steam traps and the avoided cost of
equipment failure. An example is shown in Table G-3. Also, a blank calculation
table (Table G-4) is provided for use with plant-specific data.
The object of a steam trap survey is to uncover failures and take corrective
action. Any steam trap survey or inspection is likely to uncover a number of
failed steam traps.
At any given time, 80%–90% of the installed trap population might be deter-
mined to be operating normally or as expected. The balance are so-called
failed traps. These failed traps include traps that are failed open, failed
closed, valved out, out-of-service, or failed from indeterminate causes. For
the purpose of clarification, these conditions are discussed below.
Failed open. These are traps suspected of or determined to be blowing steam.
It is seldom known if the trap has failed full-open, if it is just not closing drop
tight, or how much condensate is present in the observed blowing. These
are the costly failed traps that waste steam. Their repair can be justified
It is also difficult to determine when a trap failure first occurred. For ex-
ample, if a trap has failed between the time of two surveys, 12 months apart,
did the trap fail immediately after the first or just prior to the second survey?
For the purpose of this economic evaluation, assume that all fail open traps
failed midway between two surveys.
Failed closed. These are traps suspected of not adequately draining all the
condensate. They can be fully or partially failed closed. There is little cost
justification for repair except for the fact that condensate back-up can cause
equipment damage. To prevent equipment damage, sometimes by-pass
valves are opened, blowing more steam than any steam trap. For example, a
1-inch by-pass globe valve that is 10% open will blow approximately 200
lbs/hr of steam at 150 psi. Sometimes large orifice drains are used on steam
turbines in place of steam traps. This is to prevent turbine damage from traps
that might fail closed. In these cases, the steam loss is economically justified
as good insurance for the protection they provide.
Valved out. These are traps that are valved out or isolated for reasons that
might not be immediately known. It might be that the trap has failed open,
failed closed, or is in need of repair and the Operations Department has
temporarily isolated the trap. It might also be that the system is not in
service. However, because it is not operating normally, a routine inspection
could place it into the failed closed category.
Out-of-service. These are traps that are no longer required for operation but
are part of the overall trap population. They should be physically removed
from the piping system as soon as practical.
Indeterminate. These are traps that are in areas that are inaccessible for
regular inspection. The performance of the traps is unknown and, therefore,
is considered as not operating normally.
Assume that there are 200 traps in a plant; and at the beginning of a plant
Basic Assumptions
operating cycle, and all failed traps were repaired and left fully operational.
The survey conducted during the next maintenance outage after one year
might show the following result:
Table G-1
Survey of Plant Operations
Table G-3 shows an example that illustrates the cost estimating method. This
Cost Estimate Example
work sheet lists a number of variables. Given below is the purpose and
definition of each line of the worksheet. A number of assumptions have been
made for the purpose of this illustration. This table is presented for reference
only and can be altered and modified based on actual plant data. Table G-4 is
a blank table, which can be opted into the steam trap maintenance planning
procedures, if desired.
Explanation for Data in Table G-3
• Line 1: Quantity of traps surveyed. This might or might not include all of
the installed and operating traps. When gathering data for actual failure
rates from survey data, it is important to include the same traps in
sequential surveys. For this example, it is assumed that surveys are
conducted 12 months apart.
• Line 2: Number of people doing the survey. This might be a single person
or more than one for safety reasons. Include all people.
• Line 3: Survey labor costs, $/hr. The hourly cost, including all benefits
and overhead expenses for people doing the trap survey. It is assumed
that the survey is done during normal working hours (8 hours per day).
• Line 4: Traps surveyed per day. A typical value can range from 50 to 100
traps per day per person, depending on the experience of the persons
involved and the ease with which traps can be accessed and checked.
• Line 5: Repair Labor Costs, $/hr. These are the fully burdened labor
costs, including all benefits and overhead expenses, for the technicians
repairing the steam traps.
• Line 6: Number of repair technicians employed for this job. This can be a
one person or more than one. Include all people.
• Line 7: Material cost. This is for materials to repair or replace the failed
traps. The total cost can include the administrative cost of material
— Line 7(a): Parts/kits. This is the cost of parts for replacing the trap
internals only. This cost varies widely and can be from a few dollars
to several hundred.
— Line 7(b): Complete trap. This is the material cost of the steam trap to
be replaced. Some low pressure traps might cost only $40–$50, while
high pressure traps might run as high as $600–$700.
• Line 8: Cost of steam. Usually expressed in dollars per 1000 lbs of steam.
If this is unknown, $5.00/1000 lbs is typically used.
• Line 9: Annual steam trap failure rate in percent (%). This may have to be
assumed or calculated based on past experience or successive surveys of
the same identical operating trap population.
— Line 9(a): Annual total failure rate (%). This is the failure rate from all
causes. For this example, assume a rate of 14%. In practice, this rate
will vary with applications and operating pressures, but overall in a
well-maintained plant, a total trap failure rate of 14% is not unusual.
— Line 9(b): Annual fail open failure rate (%). For this example, assume
a rate of 7% or half of the total annual failure rate.
• Line 10: Repair/replacement ratio. This is ratio of failed traps that can be
repaired to the ones that need to be replaced. Normally this will be based
on plant maintenance records or past survey data. A certain percentage of
failed traps can be repaired by replacing internal parts, while other traps
might need to be completely replaced. For this example, assume that 95%
of failed traps can be repaired and the other 5% will be replaced.
• Line 11: Trap repair rate. The rate at which the traps can be repaired or
replaced per day on a 8-hour shift.
— Line 11(a): Repair/day. This is the repair rate for traps that need
replacement parts. Some products are easier to repair than others.
Assume that 10 traps can be repaired in a 8-hour day using two
repair technicians.
— Line 11(b): Replace/day. This is the rate at which the traps can be
replaced in a 8-hour day. Assume that 4 traps can be replaced per day
using two repair technicians.
• Line 12: Steam loss. This applies to the traps identified as failed open.
Typical steam loss values provided in Table G-2 assume that:
— The trap is failed open 75% of the time.
— There is condensate present in the discharge.
— The range of steam loss shown is for the range of pressures indicated.
— The failed traps are reasonably sized and selected and not grossly
Table G-2
Typical Steam Loss Values with Condensate in Discharge
For the purpose of comparison of steam loss, a single 1/8-inch diameter by-pass orifice installed for protection of the
turbines is calculated to blow at least 290 lbs/hr of steam. This works out to approximately $6,350 over 6 months at
$5/1000 lbs of steam.
When calculating steam loss it is better to avoid over estimating the cost of
steam loss for the purpose of cost analysis. Be as reasonable as possible.
• Line 13: Cost of trap survey equipment. This is the purchase cost of all
steam trap survey equipment. This can range from a few hundred to
many thousand dollars. In addition, this equipment will have to be
replaced at the end of its life period.
For this example, assume an equipment purchase cost of $5,000 with a total
equipment life of 5 years. Based on a straight line depreciation method,
annual replacement cost of the survey equipment will be $1000.
• Line 14: Estimated life of survey equipment. Use an average estimated
life of all the survey equipment used for trap checking. For this example,
assume a life of 5 years.
• Line 15: Cost of lost steam/yr. The purpose of this exercise to compare
the annual cost of lost steam with cost of repair/maintenance of steam
traps. From the above data, use the following formula to calculate the
cost of steam loss per year. An assumption has been made that all fail
open traps failed midway between two surveys. Therefore, the value in
this formula has been divided by 2.
• Line 17: Cost of trap repair. This is the material and labor cost for the
repair and maintenance of the failed traps that could be repaired instead
of using repair parts or kits (that is, no replacement trap required). Use
the following formula to arrive at this cost,
• Line 19: Depreciated cost survey equipment. This is simply the annual
depreciation of all the trap survey equipment. This represents the annual
cost that will be required to replace the equipment at the end of its life.
For this example, assume a straight line depreciation method. Use the
following formula to arrive at this cost,
Line 13
Line 14
• Line 20: Total cost of trap maintenance per year. This is simply an addi-
tion of all the survey, labor, material, and equipment cost. Use the follow-
ing formula to arrive at this cost,
Table G-3
Steam Trap Maintenance Cost Estimate (Worked-Out Example)
Note: If line 20 is less than line 15, then trap survey and repair is economical.
Table G-4
Steam Trap Maintenance Cost Estimate (Blank Form)
Note: If line 20 is less than line 15, then trap survey and repair is economical.
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