Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks Lec 1

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Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks

Lecture 1
Introduction to WSNs

Carlo Fischione
Associate Professor of Sensor Networks
e-mail:[email protected]∼carlofi/

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden

August 31, 2015

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Course goal

After finishing the course, you will know the essential control,
networking, programming, and signal processing tools to cope with
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

You will understand the design issues of WSNs and will be able to
develop WSNs applications

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Wireless Sensor Networks

Networking Wireless

Systems and Control

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Course overview
Introduction to WSNs

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Course overview
Introduction to WSNs
I Definition
I Applications
I Components
I Protocols

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EL2745 Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks

I 7.5 credits
I 13 lectures, 14 exercise sessions, 3 homework, 1 project
I Carlo Fischione, lecturer, [email protected]
I Piergiuseppe Di Marco, lecturer, [email protected]
I Hossein Shokri-Ghadikolaei, teaching assistant, [email protected]
I Yuzhe Xu, teaching assistant, [email protected]
I Gerd Franzon, administration, [email protected]

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Course content
Part 1
I Lec 1: Introduction to WSNs
I Lec 2: Introduction to Programming WSNs
Part 2
I Lec 3: Wireless Channel
I Lec 4: Physical Layer
I Lec 5: Medium Access Control Layer
I Lec 6: Routing
Part 3
I Lec 7: Distributed Detection
I Lec 8: Static Distributed Estimation
I Lec 9: Dynamic Distributed Estimation
I Lec 10: Positioning and Localization
I Lec 11: Time Synchronization
Part 4
I Lec 12: Wireless Sensor Network Control Systems 1
I Lec 13: Wireless Sensor Network Control Systems 2

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Course material
Book: lectures will be based on various chapters from
I C. Fischione, “An Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2015, draft
book, online. The book will be updated during the course from time to time
I Solution manual: exercise solutions available online
I everything available online
Additional useful books: some chapters of these books might be useful but they
are not necessary:
I G.J. Pottie and W.J. Kaiser “Principles of Embedded Networked Systems
Design”, Cambridge, 2005
I W. Dargie and C. Poellabauer, “Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Network”,
Wiley, 2010
Lecture slides: available online before the lecture, see the Schedule section on the
course’s webpages
Homework: 3 exercises to hand in. First deadline, September 18
Software: TinyOS and (occasionally) Matlab

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Practical Information

Office: Osquldas väg 10, floor 6

Office Timings: Whenever you like, by appointment, e-mail to [email protected] to book

the time. Welcome!

Prerequisites: The course is self-contained, only familiarity with linear algebra and

Grades: A,B,C,D,E based on

1. Homework admits to exam: pass/fail
2. Project admits to the exam: up to 10 points
3. Exam: up to 50 points
Example: you get A by 10 project’s credit + 40 exam’s credit

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Form groups of 2 (preferred) or 3 students each

Every group gives first and second preference for two topics below:
I The wireless channel: how the wireless channel behaves?
I Physical layer: how to shape signals to transmit information?
I Mac layer: how to access the wireless channel to transmit messages?
I Routing: how to route messages over the network?
I Topology control: how to design the topology of a network?
I Distributed detection: how to detect phenomena?
I Distributed estimation: how to estimate signals corrupted by noises?
I Positioning and localization: how to estimate the position of nodes?
I Time synchronization: how to synchronize nodes?
I WSNs control systems: how to close the control loop over WSNs?
To choose the topic, give a glance to the topic’s description in the draft book “An
Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks”

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The project is a 10-15 pages double column written report. 5 pages per student. 2
students group = 10 pages
Must contain experimental results of your proposal
Time line:
1. Sept 4: Every group communicates to [email protected] the preferences on the
2. Sept 9: Carlo sends out the study material with detailed instructions
3. Sept 9: The groups start working on the writing and experiments
4. Sept 17: Every group e-mails to [email protected] the proposal for report table of
5. Sept 18: Carlo sends feedback on the table of content of the proposal
6. Sept 9 - Oct 13: Groups work and ask feedback if needed to the teaching
assistants and Carlo
7. Oct 14: Every group submits the final project report

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Course overview

Introduction to WSNs
I Definition
I Applications
I Components
I Protocols

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Today’s learning outcome

What are typical applications of a WSN?

What are the components of a WSN?

What are protocols?

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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) make Internet of Things possible

Computing, transmitting and receiving nodes, wirelessly networked together for
communication, control, sensing and actuation purposes
Characteristics of WSNs
I Battery-operated nodes

I Limited wireless communication

I Mobility of nodes

I No/limited central manager

Typical power consumption of a node

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Applications of WSNs

Let us now see some applications of WSNs

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History of WSNs

DARPA DSN node, 1960

Tmote-sky, 2003

Mica2 mote, 2002 Smart Dust

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Applications of WSNs
Environmental Monitoring
Industrial Control

Autonomous Cars Wearable sensors

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Wearable Sensors

Smart watches and phones have many sensors onboard

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Autonomous Robots
Sensors to make it possible autonomous robots

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WSNs in Industrial Automation

Added flexibility
I Sensor and actuator nodes can be placed more appropriately
I Less restrictive maneuvers and control actions
I More powerful control through distributed computations
Reduced installation and maintenance costs
I Less cabling
I More efficient monitoring and diagnosis

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Smart Buildings

WSNs for controlling temperature, light, air and humidity, doors, alarms
E.g., in Stockholm, one of the most technological urban districts in the world with
hundreds of Smart Buildings

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Smart Energy Grids


Sensors to activate home appliances when energy costs are reduced

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Water Pollution

The pollution level can be estimated by sensors on the water pipes

Robotic sensors flowing underground in the water distribution lines
The estimates are reported centrally only when needed

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Components of a WSN

What are the participants and how is a node of a WSN?

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Participants in a WSN
Sources of data: Measure data, report them “somewhere”
I Typically equip with different kind of actual sensors

Sinks of data: Interested in receiving data from WSN

I May be part of the WSN or external entity, PDA, gateway,...

Actuators: Control some device based on data, usually also a sink

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WSN node components


Communication Sensor(s)/
device Actuator(s)

Power supply

1. Controller
2. Communication device(s)
3. Sensors/actuators
4. Memory
5. Power supply

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Transceiver states

Transceivers can be put into different operational states typically:

I Transmit
I Receive
I Idle: ready to receive, but not doing so
• Some functions in hardware can be switched off, reducing energy consumption a
I Sleep: significant parts of the transceiver are switched off
• Not able to immediately receive something
• Recovery time and startup energy to leave sleep state can be significant

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Components in a wireless node


Communication Sensor(s)/
device Actuator(s)

Power supply

Let’s now focus on the protocols that are followed at the communication device

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WSN Protocols, the ISO-OSI stack

The behavior of a node is specified by a set of protocols, or set of rules with which
the node operate


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The Physical Layer Application

How messages are successfully transmitted and received over the wireless channel?
Aim: mathematically modelling the probability to successfully receive messages as
function of the wireless channel characteristics and available design parameters
(e.g., transmit radio power)

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Medium Access Control (MAC) Application

When a node gets the right to transmit messages?

What is the mechanism to get such a right?
How to model mathematically such a behaviour as function of the relevant design
parameters (e.g., transmit radio power, time available)?

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Routing: how to choose paths

Maximum total available battery

I Path metric: Sum of battery
I Example: A-C-F-H
Minimum battery cost routing
I Path metric: Sum of reciprocal Application

battery levels Presentation

I Example: A-D-H Transport
Conditional max-min battery capacity
routing Phy
I Only take battery level into
account when below a given level
Minimum total transmission power

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Detection/Estimation/Control over WSNs


The state of a process is sensed by wireless nodes

State information may reach the detector/estimator/controller via multi-hop routing
How the protocols and the detector/estimator/controller interact?

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Useful Links



University courses:

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Useful Links

WSNs Standard:

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We have seen the key aspects of WSNs

I Applications
I Protocols
Reading material: Chapter 1 of “Introduction to WSNs”
Next Lecture, Tuesday Sept 1: Introduction to WSN Programming
I You have to install TinyOS on your laptop before the lecture
I Download instructions on Week 37 of Schedule in

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