Carotenoids and Retinoids Nomenclature

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Chapter 1

Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature,

Chemistry, and Analysis

Earl H. Harrison and Robert W. Curley, Jr.

Abstract Carotenoids are polyenes synthesized in plants and certain microorgan-

isms and are pigments used by plants and animals in various physiological pro-
cesses. Some of the over 600 known carotenoids are capable of metabolic conversion
to the essential nutrient vitamin A (retinol) in higher animals. Vitamin A also gives
rise to a number of other metabolites which, along with their analogs, are known as
retinoids. To facilitate discussion about these important molecules, a nomenclature
is required to identify specific substances. The generally accepted rules for naming
these important molecules have been agreed to by various Commissions of the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and International Union of
Biochemistry. These naming conventions are explained along with comparisons to
more systematic naming rules that apply for these organic chemicals. Identification
of the carotenoids and retinoids has been advanced by their chemical syntheses, and
here, both classical and modern methods for synthesis of these molecules, as well as
their analogs, are described. Because of their importance in biological systems, sen-
sitive methods for the detection and quantification of these compounds from various
sources have been essential. Early analyses that relied on liquid adsorption and par-
tition chromatography have given way to high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) coupled with various detection methods. The development of HPLC
coupled to mass spectrometry, particularly LC/MS-MS with Multiple Reaction
Monitoring, has resulted in the greatest sensitivity and specificity in these

Keywords Carotenoid • Retinoid • Nomenclature • Vitamin A chemistry • Retinoid


E.H. Harrison (*)

Department of Human Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
R.W. Curley, Jr.
College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016 1

M.A. Asson-Batres, C. Rochette-Egly (eds.), The Biochemistry of Retinoid
Signaling II, Subcellular Biochemistry 81, DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0945-1_1
2 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.


CTCL cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
HWE Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons modification
IUB International Union of Biochemistry
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
LC/MS liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
LC/MS-MS liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry
MRM multiple reaction monitoring
RAL retinal
RA retinoic acid
RAR retinoic acid receptor
RXR retinoid X receptor
ROL retinol
TTNPB tetrahydro-tetramethyl-napthalenyl-propenyl-benzoic acid
UV ultraviolet


Carotenoids are synthesized in plants and in certain microorganisms such as some

bacteria, algae, and fungi. They are a group of pigments that are widespread in
nature and responsible for the yellow/orange/red/purple colors of many fruits, flow-
ers, birds, insects, and marine animals. Over 600 carotenoids have been isolated
from natural sources and new ones continue to be discovered or synthesized. All
carotenoids are derived from the basic linear structure of lycopene that contains 40
carbon atoms and an extended system of 13 conjugated double bonds. Carotenoids
derive from this parent structure by cyclization at one or two ends of the chain and
by dehydrogenation and/or oxidation.
The carotenoids and retinoids are all biosynthesized beginning with activated
forms (pyrophosphates) of the five carbon molecule “isoprene” (see Fig. 1.1). The
product of “head-to-tail” condensing of two of these units produces a “monoterpene”.
When three of these isoprene units are combined, the important sesquiterpene relay
compound farnesyl pyrophosphate is produced. Using different enzymes and path-
ways, this sesquiterpene is converted into, for example, the sterols, the dolichols and
other triterpenes. Four of these units combine in a similar manner to produce the
diterpene geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate which is the precursor of quinones such as
ubiquinone, the carotenoids, and other diterpenes [24].
Carotenoids are fundamentally important in the evolution and ecology of many
taxa. Because they absorb light in some part of the visible spectrum, carotenoids are
colored and carotenoid-based coloration is used by both plants and animals as
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 3



dimethylallyl pyrophosphate

O O dolichols,
sterols P P triterpenes,
O O etc.
farnesyl pyrophosphate

geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate

CAROTENOIDS, quinones, diterpense, etc.

Fig. 1.1 Biosynthesis of carotenoids and other terpenoids

attractants (e.g. of pollinators for plants and of mates for animals) and to communi-
cate fitness [2] (Fig. 1.2).
One of the principal functions of the carotenoids in the plant and animal king-
doms is as antioxidants. Singlet oxygen is a high energy reactive form of molecular
oxygen which can be produced from ground state triplet oxygen by light-induced
photosensitization as well as other chemical reactions. Other damaging reactive
4 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

Fig. 1.2 Carotenoids and

mate choice. Male
American goldfinch,
Carduelis tristis, an avian
species in which females
choose mates based on
variation in the extent of
carotenoid-based plumage

oxygen species include peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals. The carotenoids can protect
cellular components from the damaging reactions of photo-oxidation and reactive
oxygen species by multiple mechanisms including: 1) their very large molar absorp-
tion coefficient for light that allows them to protect directly against photo-oxidation;
2) their ability to quench directly highly reactive singlet oxygen; and 3) their loss of
protons in response to interactions with reactive species that produces a much less
reactive radical center in the carotenoid molecule which is stabilized by the polyene
network [26]. Indeed, all three of these mechanisms are involved in the role that
carotenoids play in the fundamental process of photosynthesis (see [3]) and in their
putative roles as antioxidants in human health (see [40]).
Some of the carotenoids are metabolically converted to the essential nutrient
vitamin A or retinol [18]. Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for higher animals,
including humans. The vitamin is needed for normal embryogenesis and develop-
ment and for vision, immunity, reproduction, and the maintenance of differentiated
epithelial tissues. Vitamin A is the generic term used for all naturally occurring
compounds containing a β-ionone ring, other than the carotenoids, that exhibit qual-
itatively the biological activity of retinol. In [34] Sporn et al. coined the term “reti-
noid” to refer to the natural and synthetic chemical derivatives of retinol and retinoic
acid, regardless of whether they have vitamin A activity.
Retinol is a C20 isoprenoid (or a diterpenoid). It can be derived from metabolic
conversion of some dietary carotenoids, which are C40 isoprenoids (or a tetraterpe-
noid). Such carotenoids are termed provitamin A carotenoids. In order to exhibit a
provitamin A activity, the carotenoid molecule must have at least one unsubstituted
β-ionone ring and the correct number and position of methyl groups in the polyene
In this chapter we discuss the nomenclature and classification of retinoids and
carotenoids as well as the chemical synthesis and quantitative analysis of these two
classes of compounds.
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 5

Retinoid/Carotenoid Nomenclature and Classification


Karrer [23] established the structure of the dietary component in fat (“fat soluble
A”, now “vitamin A”), that McCollum and Davis had first discovered was essential
for growth in mammals [31]. Soon after, Wald isolated a substance from frog and
mammal eyes that he called “retinene” [38], and Morton suggested that the sub-
stance that Wald had isolated from eyes was the aldehyde of vitamin A which he
called “retinaldehyde” [32]. In 1960, the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) published recommendations on the nomenclature of the vita-
mins and proposed that the parent retinoids should be known as retinol (ROL; 1;
Fig. 1.3), retinal (RAL; 2; Fig. 1.3) and retinoic acid (RA; 3; Fig. 1.3) [7]. These
names recapitulated the importance of these substances for vision in the retina and
also made use of the suffixes normally used in organic chemistry to indicate one is
dealing with an alcohol (“-ol”), aldehyde (“-al”), or carboxylic acid (“-oic acid”)
oxidation state at the polar terminus of the molecule. The accepted numbering
scheme for the positions in these molecules is shown in Fig. 1.3. It should be noted
that when there might be confusion between the molecule retinal and the adjective
retinal (pertaining to the retina), that the use of retinaldehyde is still
The names for various vitamin A metabolites, and the accepted numbering con-
vention for the positions within the molecules differ substantially from the system-
atic names and numbering system that would be used if one were to apply the
accepted rules of nomenclature for organic chemicals. For example, using the latter
nomenclature, RA with its carboxylic acid carbon as position 1 would be: (all-E)-
3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2,4,6,8-nonatetraenoic acid.
In the early 1980s the Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature of the
IUPAC-International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) issued the recommendations on
the nomenclature of retinoids. At that time [6], retinoids were defined as compounds
composed of 4 isoprene units joined head-to-tail such that the products were mono-
cyclic compounds with 5 conjugated double bonds and a functional group at the
terminus of the acyclic portion of the molecules.
Following the Commision’s recommendations, if the functional group at the
15-position is changed, the remainder of the hydrocarbon is referred to as the “reti-
nyl” radical and the new functional group identified, for example there are esters of
retinol known as retinyl acetate (4 Fig. 1.3) and retinyl palmitate (5; Fig. 1.3).
Changes to the state of hydrogenation of the parent structure are denoted by indicat-
ing the position(s) involved and “hydro” for addition of hydrogen or “dehydro” for
removal of hydrogen. For example, the ROL derivative originally termed “vitamin
A2” would be 3,4-didehydroretinol (6; Fig. 1.3).
In the parent retinoids, all of the double bonds are in a trans, or E, configuration.
Changes from this starting stereochemistry are described by using the lowest
numbered carbon in the double bond effected and identifying it as now being cis, or
6 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

2 R
8 14
1 R = CH2OH
2 R = CHO
3 R = COOH
5 R = CH2OOC(CH2)14CH3


7 8 COOH 9


10 R 11 R = -OH 13
12 R = -O


14 38

Fig. 1.3 Structure of retinoids; 1 = retinol, 2 = retinal, 3 = retinoic acid, 4 = retinyl acetate, 5 =
retinyl palmitate, 6 = 3,4-didehydroretinol, 7 = 11-cis-retinal, 8 = 9-cis-retinoic acid, 9 = 13-cis-
retinoic acid, 10 = α-retinol, 11 = 4-hydroxyretinoic acid, 12 = 4-oxoretinoic acid, 13 =
5,6-epoxyretinoic acid, 14 = TTNPB, 38 = bexarotene

Z in configuration. Important examples would be 11-cis-retinal (7; Fig. 1.3) and

9-cis- (8; Fig. 1.3) and 13-cis-retinoic acid (9; Fig. 1.3). If a double bond moves its
position from that of the parent molecules, a more complicated naming situation
arises. As an illustration, the form of the vitamin with the non-conjugated ring dou-
ble bond known as α-retinol would also be named 4,5-didehydro-5,6-dihydroretinol
(10; Fig. 1.3) and results in the parent retinol (1; Fig. 1.3) occasionally being referred
to as β-retinol. Many of the important retinoid metabolites are the result of oxidation
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 7

of the parent molecule at other than the 15-position. In these cases, as expected,
the position(s) and type of substitution is identified. For example 4-hydroxy- (11;
Fig. 1.3) and 4-oxoretinoic acid (12; Fig. 1.3) as well as 5,6-epoxyretinoic acid (13;
Fig. 1.3) are known, although the latter metabolite would formally be named
5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydroretinoic acid.
In efforts to increase the selectivity or potency and/or reduce the toxicity of phar-
macologic doses of RA, many synthetic analogs of the parent molecule have been
prepared. Those that are closely related to the parent retinoid structure have names
that also resemble many of the modified structures above. However, the greatest
success in preparing useful RA analogs have resulted from structures which bear
limited resemblance to the classical retinoid parent molecules and thus have very
different names than those described above. For example, one of the first very potent
RA-like agonists to be synthesized was the stilbene known by the acronym TTNPB
(14; Fig. 1.3) [29]. This compound is named systematically as 4-[(1E)-2-(5,6,7,8-
tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphthalenyl)-1-propen-1-yl]benzoic acid, making
it easy to understand why the acronym TTNPB is popularly used to refer to this
A nomenclature for retinoids is essential to ensure that when we speak or write
about a specific compound, there is no ambiguity about which chemical is being
referred to. The nomenclature and classification of the retinoids has become stan-
dardized and well accepted. However, it is possible that the range of structure types
that get classified as “retinoids” may continue to expand, particularly as the explora-
tion of the non-genomic actions of retinoids are further elucidated.


Carotenoids are 40-carbon organic pigments that are commonly biosynthesized in

plants and also by some bacteria and fungi. Hydrocarbon forms of carotenoids are
known as “carotenes” while oxygenated forms are termed “xanthophylls”. As a
class, these molecules are “tetraterpenes”, that is they are made up of 4 monoter-
pene units which is equivalent to the joining of 8 isoprene units in a manner such
that the arrangement of the isoprene units is reversed at the center of the molecule.
The structure of the important orange plant carotenoid β-carotene (15; Fig. 1.4),
commonly found in carrot (Daucus carota), was elucidated by Karrer and co-
workers in 1930 [22]. They also suggested based on the chemical similarity, that
central cleavage of 15 might be the source of two molecules of vitamin A.
Because there are many different carotenoid structures found in nature, there
have been numerous Commissions that have attempted to systematize the nomen-
clature of carotenoids with updates occurring frequently as new structures were
determined which forced modification to the rules. However, the rules for nomen-
clature of carotenoids have been reasonably stable since the joint IUPAC-IUB
Commission approved rules in 1974 [5]. According to these rules, all carotenoids
should be named using the stem “carotene” with the balance of the name indicating
8 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

7 15 14' 8'
8 14 15' 7'





18 R1 = OH, R2 = H
20 R1 = OH, R2 = OH





21 22

Fig. 1.4 Structure of carotenoids; 15 = β-carotene, 16 = α-carotene, 17 = lycopene, 18 =

β-cryptoxanthin, 19 = lutein, 20 = zeaxanthin, 21 = β-apo-14’-carotenal, 22 =
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 9

the nature of the end group(s), state of hydrogenation, oxygenation, etc. The basic
numbering of these molecules is shown on the structure of β-carotene in Fig. 1.4 and
reflects the symmetry of the molecule through a plane between the 15 and 15’
carbon atoms. If both end groups are a cyclohexene ring with double bonds in the
5,6-position, the end group prefix is “β”, as in β-carotene, which should technically
be called β,β-carotene because it has two ring end groups. If the double bonds are
instead in the 4,5-position, the prefix “ε” is used. The carotenoid known by the
trivial name α-carotene (16; Fig. 1.4) would thus correctly be β,ε-carotene. If the
terminus of the carotenoid is acyclic, the accepted prefix is “ψ” and thus the red
tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) pigment lycopene (17; Fig. 1.4) would be formally
known as ψ,ψ-carotene.
Since both β-carotene and α-carotene can be centrally cleaved enzymatically to
yield at least one vitamin A molecule, as the aldehyde precursor retinal (2; Fig. 1.3),
they are referred to as having provitamin A activity. Xanthophylls with only one
oxygenated terminal ring, such as the one known by the trivial name β-cryptoxanthin
(18; Fig. 1.4), can also have provitamin A activity and would correctly be called
(3R)-β,β-caroten-3-ol. Other major xanthophylls that do not have provitamin A
activity would include lutein (19; Fig. 1.4) and zeaxanthin (20; Fig. 1.4). Of course
both of these carotenoids would be alternatively named as carotenes applying the
rules for carotenoid nomenclature summarized here. Similar to the accepted naming
of retinoids, β-carotene’s name would be much different and quite a bit more com-
plicated if the systematic rules for nomenclature of organic chemicals were applied:
When the carbon skeleton of a carotenoid has been shortened by removal of frag-
ments the nomenclature rules prescribe the prefix “apo” preceded by its position
(locant) to indicate that all of the carbon atoms beyond the carbon at the locant have
been replaced by hydrogen atoms. Of course retinal (2; Fig. 1.3) would represent a
very important apo-carotenoid derived from β-carotene but is rarely referred to by
other than its accepted name. However, cleavage of a carotenoid such as β-carotene
at other than the central double bond results in products without common names.
The products are therefore named as apo-carotenoids. For example, cleavage of
β-carotene at the double bond adjacent to the central double bond results in forma-
tion of two possible apo-carotenoid products, 14’-apo-β-caroten-14’-al (21; Fig.
1.4) and 13-apo-β-caroten-13-one (22; Fig. 1.4), more commonly referred to as
β-apo-14’-carotenal and β-apo-13-carotenone.
While the agreed upon nomenclature used to define carotenoids has been useful
to facilitate communication and has been reasonably stable since the mid-1970’s,
new examples of carotenoid natural products are discovered regularly. Thus, it is
possible that new carotenoid chemotypes will be found that will necessitate exten-
sion or modification of the currently accepted nomenclature rules. Otherwise, it
appears likely that interest will continue in determining the occurrence and biologi-
cal relevance of the apocarotenoids. For example, surprisingly, the β-apo-13-
carotenone (22; Fig. 1.4) mentioned above has been found to be a potent antagonist
of the actions of RA at both the nuclear retinoid X receptors (RXR) and the RA
10 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

receptors (RAR) [13, 14] and is present in foods and human plasma. Similarly, there
is interest in determining whether apocarotenoids derived from lycopene
(apolycopenoids) are also biologically active species derived from the parent carot-
enoid [28].

Retinoid/Carotenoid Chemistry

Development of the Field

The natural retinoids, as well as their carotenoid precursors, all contain relatively
long chain conjugated polyene units. Because of the presence of this type of unit,
the molecules are fairly sensitive to allylic oxidation and epoxidation, as well as
isomerization which can be effected primarily by acid, light, or heat. Given the pres-
ence of these polyene units, olefin forming reactions feature prominently in the
syntheses of retinoids. Classically, the Wittig reaction has been so extensively
employed in retinoid and carotenoid syntheses that an important early review of the
Wittig reaction shows many applications in this specific retinoid/carotenoid field
[30]. For example, as shown in Scheme 1.1, the base-catalyzed Wittig reaction of
phosphonium salts such as 23 (Scheme 1.1) with carbonyl-containing compounds
can be used to prepare the ROL precursor retinyl acetate (4; Fig. 1.3) as well as the
ethyl ester of RA (24; Scheme 1.1).
In most instances it is trans olefin linkages that are present in natural retinoids,
such as 1–3 (Fig. 1.3), and trans-selective olefin forming reactions are desired. One
difficulty with employing the Wittig reaction in these retinoid and related syntheses
is a tendency to form isomer mixtures at the newly created olefinic linkage, often
with the cis isomer predominating. Thus, a number of modifications and alternatives
to the Wittig olefination have been developed. For example, the replacement of the
phosphonium salts such as 23 (Scheme 1.1) with phosphonate esters (the Horner-
Wadsworth-Emmons [HWE] modification), results in more nucleophilic phospho-
nate stabilized carbanions which in many retinoid syntheses can strongly favor
formation of the trans or E-olefin. For example, the HWE modification can be used
to prepare the ethyl ester of RA 24 (compare Schemes 1.2 and 1.1) via the base-

P+Ph3Br- + OHC R R


Scheme 1.1 Synthesis of retinoids via Wittig reaction

1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 11

CHO base
+ (CH3CH2O)2P(O) COOCH2CH3 24

25 26

Scheme 1.2 Synthesis of retinoids via Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons modification

2) H2O/base
27 28

1) MCPBA 1) MnO2
2) saponify
2) saponify

13 12 11

Scheme 1.3 Synthesis of retinoic acid metabolites; NBS = N-bromosuccinimide, MnO2 = manga-
nese dioxide, MCPBA = meta-chloroperbenzoic acid

catalyzed coupling of β-ionylidene acetaldehyde (25; Scheme 1.2) and phosphonate

26 (Scheme 1.2) with high trans-selectivity. Other conceptually similar olefin-
forming reactions have also been used in retinoid syntheses such as the Julia [20]
and Peterson [25] olefinations.
With the parent retinoids in hand, preparation of many of the oxygenated metab-
olites of these molecules is relatively straightforward. As others have similarly
shown, we demonstrated that the 4-oxygenated RA metabolites such as
4-hydroxyretinoic acid (11; Fig. 1.3) and 4-oxoretinoic acid (12; Fig. 1.3) can be
prepared (see Scheme 1.3) by allylic bromination of methyl retinoate (27; Scheme
1.3) with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) followed by solvolysis of the unstable
bromide with aqueous base, giving 28 (Scheme 1.3), and ester hydrolysis to give
4-hydroxyretinoic acid (11; see Scheme 1.3 and Fig. 1.3). Allylic oxidation of 28
(Scheme 1.3) with activated manganese dioxide (MnO2) and saponification smoothly
provides 4-oxoretinoic acid (12; see Scheme 1.3 and Fig. 1.3) [9]. The tetrasubsti-
tuted ring double bond of RA can also be directly epoxidized with peracid to pro-
vide 5,6-epoxyretinoic acid (13; see Scheme 1.3 and Fig. 1.3) [19].
There have been many approaches to the synthesis of the carotenoids. However,
for the symmetrical carotenoids such as β-carotene (15; Fig. 1.4), the most effective
method for synthesis has been the base-catalyzed double Wittig condensation of,
for example, the C10 dialdehyde 29 (Scheme 1.4) with a C15 phosphonium salt such
12 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

P+Ph3Br- + CHO 15

23 29

Scheme 1.4 Synthesis of β-Carotene via Wittig reaction

as 23 as shown in Scheme 1.4. At least 34 examples of this approach using 29

(Scheme 1.4) and various cyclic end group phosphonium salts were described in a
review a number of years ago [39].

Current State of the Field

As chemists and biologists began to recognize that structures without the classic
extended polyene chain could be effective retinoids, the range of structures that
were synthesized for study expanded dramatically. The forerunner of this develop-
ment is generally agreed to be the polycyclic structure already mentioned above:
TTNPB (14; Fig. 1.3). While it was synthesized in 1980, TTNB was eventually
found to be a highly potent ROL/RA mimic [35] due ultimately to its metabolism
resistance and high affinity for the later discovered nuclear RARs.
A broadened array of structures and chemistry used to make analogs now exists
for making molecules called retinoids. The outlines of the range of chemistry used
to make these molecules has been extensively reviewed in the classic text “The
Retinoids: Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine” [10]. Using TTNB to illustrate the
much different chemistry that can be used to prepare these synthetic retinoids, we
[1] and others [29] have used strategies such as those shown in Scheme 1.5 making
use of both the Friedel-Crafts alkylation (reaction of 31 with 32) and acylation
(joining of 33 and 34) and our old friend the HWE modification (coupling of 35 and
36). More recently, very comprehensive updates of the chemistry used to synthesize
retinoids and precursor carotenoids have been published [11, 37]. Particularly use-
ful for readers here may be the sections in the Dominguez reference [11] that
describe the use of various modern metal-mediated coupling reactions being used in
C-C bond forming processes in retinoid syntheses.

Relevance and Future Directions

Robust syntheses of the natural retinoids and carotenoids have been necessary to
confirm their structure and explore their biological activity. Significant progress has
been made in applying older and more modern techniques to the preparation of
these molecules. However, in the future, it is probable that conceptually new C-C
single bond, and in particular C-C double bond forming methods that show good
control of stereochemistry, will be developed for application to this field.
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 13

+ + CI

30 31 32 33 34

COOCH2CH3 base
O + (CH3CH2O)2P(O)

35 36



Scheme 1.5 Synthesis of TTNPB

Once the nuclear RARs/RXRs were discovered, there was a tremendous burst in
efforts to prepare synthetic retinoids, particularly with receptor subtype selectivity
(not only for the RARs vs. RXRs but also for each of the α, β, or γ isoforms of each
receptor subclass). In the 1990s and into the early 2000s a large array of these types
of molecules were synthesized, many of which had the desired subtype and isoform
selectivity. Because of their role in epithelial differentiation, there was expectation
that retinoids would find use in cancer therapy or prevention. However, with only a
few exceptions, clinical trials of retinoids and rexinoids (a term analogous to “reti-
noid” now used for RXR selective retinoids) showed limited, if any, therapeutic
value for these new single agent drugs.
Developments in the recent past have revived interest in retinoid/rexinoid analog
studies. These new efforts were brought about by a recognition that there might be
a role for combination therapies that include retinoids or rexinoids. For example, the
modestly RXR-selective agonist bexarotene (38; Fig. 1.3), which has only been
approved for treatment of the relatively rare cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL),
has shown good activity when combined with the epidermal growth factor tyrosine
kinase inhibitor drug, erlotinib, in lung cancer [12]. There have also been some
surprisingly successful, but controversial studies of this rexinoid in a mouse model
of Alzheimer’s disease which, if confirmed, may be an important advance [8]. The
modest selectivity and residual toxicity of bexarotene suggests that reexamination
of other RXR-selective agonists may be warranted.
14 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

Some recent efforts are also being made to fine tune the structure of retinoid
receptor binders in order to exploit subtle differences in the interactions of receptors
with, for example, heterodimeric receptor protein partners as well as accessory pro-
tein coregulators in order to more selectively and successfully target disease pro-
cesses [27]. The recognition that retinoids affect stem cell and cancer cell
differentiation in part by effects on epigenetic modifications suggests the possibility
that a role for the many previously or yet to be discovered receptor subtype selective
retinoids may emerge as a consequence of new knowledge regarding molecular
processes that influence aberrant cell proliferation and development [17].


Development of the Field

The analysis and quantification of individual retinoids and carotenoids begins with
the separation of the individual analytes from synthetic reaction mixtures or from
extracts of complex biological samples. For both retinoids and carotenoids this has
almost always been done by some form of liquid chromatography. Indeed, the
development of chromatography itself is often credited to the Russian botanist
Mikhail Tswett, who in 1903 achieved a colorful separation of plant pigments by
passing extracts of green leaves through a column of calcium carbonate [15]. He
found two green pigments (chlorophylls) and several yellow ones (carotenoids).
Liquid-adsorption chromatography methods using insoluble substances, includ-
ing alumina, charcoal, and silica gel, were critical to the early development of both
the carotenoid and vitamin A fields. These methods were crucial in work conducted
by both Karrer in Switzerland and Kuhn in Germany, who were awarded the Nobel
Prize in Chemistry in 1937 and 1938, respectively, for their independent work in
carotenoids and vitamin A. Later, liquid-liquid partition chromatography (paper
chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography) methods
were developed and used to separate vitamin A and carotenoids. Quantitative analy-
sis was achieved primarily by either determining the UV absorbance of the purified
analyte or by specific colorimetric measurements of chemically-derivatized

Current State of the Field

Today, almost all quantitative analyses of retinoids, carotenoids, their metabolites

and derivatives use high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with
various modes of detection [16, 33]. The HPLC columns most often used are so-
called “reverse-phase” columns packed with hydrophobic (C18) matrices.
Compounds elute in order of polarity with more water-soluble compounds eluting
first and more non-polar compounds eluting later. Separations are optimized by
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 15

using gradient elution with mixtures of various organic solvents. In the case of
carotenoids, a special “C30” column has been developed to facilitate resolution of
the cis-isomers of carotenoids. For more polar compounds (viz., RA and its deriva-
tives and apocarotenoic acids) “normal-phase” silica-based matrices are often used,
and compounds elute in reverse order of polarity.
Quantitation of compounds present in sufficient amounts is commonly achieved
by using UV absorption detection, often with a diode array detector that allows
recording of the complete UV absorption spectrum of each peak. Thus, peak purity,
identity and amount of analyte can all be assessed, provided that appropriate puri-
fied standards are available.
Because the sensitivity of UV detection precludes unambiguous quantitation of
analytes, including RA, apocarotenoids, and minor isomers that are present in only
very small amounts [21], more sensitive methods of analysis and detection have
been developed. Today, the most powerful analytical techniques available for the
unambiguous quantitative analysis of retinoids and carotenoids and their metabo-
lites are those involving HPLC coupled with various modes of mass spectral detec-
tion, broadly called LC-MS. A number of mass spectrometer configurations can be
used with differences in mode of ionization and configurations of single or multiple
mass analyzers. See Kane [21] for a review of this topic as it specifically applies to
RA analysis, which is beyond the scope of the current chapter.
In general, the application of LC/MS-MS techniques with Multiple Reaction
Monitoring (MRM) gives the greatest reliability in terms of sensitivity and specificity
of analyses. By selecting a major initial “parent” ion of the molecule of choice and
then simultaneously detecting one or more specifically produced “daughter ions”,
the interference by other isobaric molecules in the mixture is greatly minimized.
These methods still depend critically on the availability of purified standards.
Indeed, the most rigorous quantitation is best achieved by having standards of the
compound of interest that are labelled with stable isotopes such as 13C or 2H. Figure
1.5 shows an example of the quantitative analysis of the endogenous β-apo-13-
carotenone (22; Fig. 1.4) in human plasma, a β-carotene derivative present at nano-
molar concentrations [14]. The biggest drawback to LC/MS-MS analyses is that the
instrumentation is very expensive and complex and requires a high degree of skill
for its maintenance and operation. Also, it requires rigorous and time-consuming
assay validation.
Because mass spectrometry is the only analytical technique that can detect stable
isotopes in trace amounts, it is the only practical way to study the intestinal absorp-
tion, transport and metabolism of dietary carotenoids and retinoids in living humans.
Indeed, most of what we know about the metabolism of dietary provitamin A
carotenoids and vitamin A has come from such studies [36]. An example of using
deuterated β-carotene to study its intestinal absorption and conversion to retinyl
esters is shown in Fig. 1.6. When plasma kinetics of isotopically labelled retinol are
combined with compartmental analysis, we can begin to understand whole body
retinoid metabolism in both experimental animals and humans in quantitative
terms [4].
16 E.H. Harrison and R.W. Curley, Jr.

Intensity, cps

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8
Time, min

Fig. 1.5 Analysis of β-apo-13-carotenone in human plasma by HPLC/MS. Multiple reaction mon-
itoring (MRM) chromatogram of β-apo-13-carotenone in blood plasma (top) and a standard (bot-
tom) as analyzed by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in positive mode after C30
HPLC. The MRM was composed of three transitions – m/z 259.2 > 175.1 (blue), 119.1 (red) and
69.0 (green) and the matching elution time and relative intensities of the transitions confirm the
peak identity (from [14])

Relevance and Future Directions

It is clear that advances in chemical separations and analyses have been critical at
all stages of the development of the retinoid field throughout the twentieth century
and now into the twenty-first. We can expect that rapid advances in mass spectrom-
etry and chromatography will continue and development of this technology will
have profound effects on progress in retinoid and carotenoid research. We can antic-
ipate that LC/MS-MS will be less costly and generally easier to carry out and hence,
more laboratories will be able to adopt the technology. Increases in speed and low-
ering of costs will make large scale population studies of retinoid and carotenoid
metabolism more feasible. Increases in sensitivity and specificity will likely allow
us to discover “new” metabolites and to better quantify those that we already know.
Increased sensitivity will also allow the analysis of smaller samples from experi-
mental animals or isolated cells. Ultimately, we may see unanticipated advances
that will someday make it possible to study the metabolism and action of retinoids
and carotenoids at the level of the single cell.
1 Carotenoids and Retinoids: Nomenclature, Chemistry, and Analysis 17

7.0E-11 d4 Total

6.0E-11 d8bcar
mol/ml plasma

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4.5E-11 d8bcar
4.0E-11 RL
mol/ml plasma

3.5E-11 RO
3.0E-11 RP
2.5E-11 RS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 1.6 Quantitative HPLC-MS of β-carotene and retinoids in a chylomicron fraction from the
plasma of an individual given an oral dose of d8-β-carotene which is converted to d4-retinyl esters
in the intestine. X-Axis shows time after dose. The top panel shows the total d4-retinyl esters (d4
Total) and d8-βC (d8bcar) while the bottom panel contains the individual d4-retinyl esters (retinyl
linoleate, RL; retinyl oleate, RO; retinyl palmitate, RP; retinyl stearate, RS) and d8-βC for the
same subject. Individual retinyl esters followed the same trend as the total retinyl esters and
β-carotene with the peak concentrations of both d4-RE and d8-βC at 5–6 h post-dose (from
Fleshman et al., J Lipid Res 53:820–827, 2012)


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