E4 Coupl Ident Chart
E4 Coupl Ident Chart
E4 Coupl Ident Chart
(Outside of ASME)
(Under the Standardization & Testing Department &
Safety Codes and Standards Department)
Last Updated: April 2017
Designation Transferred to
A112.20.1-2004; Qualification of Installers of High Purity
Piping Systems American Society of Sanitary Engineering [December 1, 2009]
A112.20.2-2004; Qualification of Installers of Firestops
On April 3, 2015 A112.20.1-2004 and A112.20.2-2004 were withdrawn
Systems and Devices for Piping Systems as ANSI standards.
A112.20.3; Qualification of Installers of Residential Fire
Sprinkler Systems - DRAFT
B5.15-1960 Involute Splines, Serrations and Inspection
B5.26-1950 Involute Serrations
ANSI B92.1, Involute Splines and Inspection
B5.31-1953 Involute Spline and Serration Gages and
B15.1 Safety Standard on Power Transmission Apparatus Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT) [January 2006]
B16.37 Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves The International Society of Automation (became ISA 75.19.01)
B19.1 Safety Standard for Air Compressors Systems and
B19.3 Safety Standard for Compressors for Process Compressed Air & Gas Institute (C.A.G.I.) [February 2006]
B56 Safety Standards for Power and Nonpowered
Industrial Trucks:
B56.1 Low Lift and High Lift Trucks
B56.5 Guided Industrial Vehicles
B56.6 Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks
B56.7 Industrial Crane Trucks
B56.8 Personnel and Burden Carriers Industrial Truck Association (ITA) [September 2005]
B56.9 Operator Controlled Industrial Tow Tractors
B56.10 Manually Propelled High Lift Industrial Trucks
B56.11 Standardization of Powered and Nonpowered
Industrial Trucks
B56.12 Subcommittee on Sweepers and Scrubbers
B56.14 Subcommittee on Vehicle Mounted Forklifts
B92.22, Punches Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) Standard
B94.20, Specification for Carbide Blanks for Twist Drills, ANSI B212 (Redesignated ANSI B212.8) Cemented Carbide
Reamers, End Mills and Random Rod Producers Association
B94.47M, Carbide Chip Breakers Used with Indexable
Cemented Carbide Producers Association
Inserts for Clamp Holders
B95.1, Terminology for Pressure Relief Devices CCPA Standard
HTI B173.1 thru B173.8 have been transferred to the ASME
B173 Striking Tools (from Hand Tools Institute)
B107 Committee. Became B107.400
HTI B209.1 thru B209.7 & B209.9 thru B209.11 have been
B209 Struck Tools (from Hand Tools Institute)
transferred to the ASME B107 Committee. Became B107.410
F2.1-1986 Food, Drugs, Beverage Equipment National Sanitation Foundation (later withdrawn April 1991)
MH-1-2005 Pallets, Slip Sheets, and Other Bases for Unit
Material Handling Industry of America
MH5.1 Specification for Freight Containers ANSI
MC88.1 A Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure
Society for Measurement and Control (ISA) [August 1996]
MC88.2 Procedure for Bench Calibration of Tank Level
Gaging Tapes and Sounding Rules
N551 Pump Qualification Transferred to the ASME QME Committee
IEEE STD 120 (please note ASME has been working to revise
PTC 19.6, Electrical Measurement
this code)
Y10.1-1972 Glossary of Terms Concerning Letter
Y10.11-1984 Letter Symbols and abbreviations for
Quantities Used in Acoustics
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Y10.18-1967 Letter Symbols for Illuminating Engineering
Y10.19-1969 Units Used in Science and Technology
Y10.20-1975 Mathematical Signs and Symbols for Use in
Physical Sciences and Technology
Y32.2 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Y32.16 Reference Designations for Electrical and IEEE Std 200 (note transferred back to ASME, revised and
Electronics Parts and Equipments published as Y14.44-2008)