Cracking in Brickwork

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Crack Stitching Wall Repair

Description Benefits Distinction
Helical crack stitching rods are available Retrospectively applied helical bed joint Radial fins and ribs are formed on stainless
in 1, 1.5 and 2 meter lengths. reinforcement enables crack repairs to steel wire in a cold rolling process that
be made discreetly and with minimum significantly increases its tensile strength.
The crack stitching ties are grouted into
disturbance.The repair restores the
existing masonry to repair cracks in walls The profiled wire is twisted via torsional
structural integrity of masonry and
and to increase their flexural strength. stresses that are so evenly applied that the
provides resilience against further cracking. resulting helix is formed with precise pitch
WHO60® is a thixotropic, shrink
Rendered walls can have crack stitch ties accuracy, (European Patent No 1307303)
compensated cement-based grout with
installed directly into masonry units to making Thor Helical crack repair rods the
polymer additives. The grout sets in
bind them together and, where shear most consistent and reliable helical wire
and around the troughs of the helix and
strength is an issue, to permit use of products available
rapidly develops compressive strength to
diagonal reinforcement and\or use of
restrict axial deflection of the rod under
heavy duty rods.
load conditions.

1 Method statement Product specification

1. Chase slots at 300mm intervals along a Reinforcing Bar
length of wall that extends 500mm Material: Austenitic Stainless steel - (304)
each side of crack. Ultimate Tensile Strength:
2. Clear loose detritus from slots and = 1050-1200N/mm2
2 flush thoroughly with water, 5mm Rod – Nom. CSA = 6 mm2
6mm Rod – Nom. CSA = 7mm2
3. Pump bead of WHO60® cement 7mm Rod – Nom. CSA = 9mm2
grout to rear of slot, filling it evenly to 8mm Rod – Nom. CSA = 12mm2
approximately two thirds full. 9mm Rod – Nom. CSA = 15mm2
3 4. Push helical crack stitching tie
into grout to approximately two thirds WHO60® Grout at 28 Days at 20˚c
of slot depth. Trowel displaced grout Compressive Strength: = 55N/mm2
to firmly encapsulate rod. Tensile Strength: = 5N/mm2
Flexural Strength: = 12N/mm2
5. Make good wall chase to disguise
4 slot. Repair cracks between the CRACK REPAIR GUIDE
helically reinforced masonry with Tolerances = + 5mm / - 0mm
appropriate and discreet filler. DEPTH OF

102mm 30mm 20mm 20mm

215mm 45mm 30mm 30mm

Twistfix Ltd
6th Floor, 8 Exchange Quay, Manchester M5 3EJ
Southern Office: 81 Oxford St, London W1D 2EU
© Twistfix Ltd 2009 Doc CSW v 0801

Reinforced Brick Beam Lintel Repairs

Description Benefits
Failed brick and masonry arch lintels can Cold rolled helical bars have a nominal
be reinforced with the insertion of twin tensile strength that is twice that of rebar,
6mm helical bars embedded in two mortar four times that of epoxy glass-fibre and
beds spaced 450-900mm apart.The highly seven times that of wound helix plate. The
profiled reinforcement bars extend 500mm deep and continuous helical trough ensures
beyond the window openings to form maximum interlock with the masonry
tendons representing the upper and lower repair grout, enabling the helical bars to
flanges of a beam. progressively accumulate and redistribute
stress to alleviate the incidence of any
The upper tendon combines with the two sudden or catastrophic failures.
surrounding brick courses to enhance
compression and the other tendon acts in Brick lintel repairs and masonry arch
tension to significantly increase the tensile WHO60® is a thixotropic, cement-based reinforcement can now be carried out
and flexural capacity of the masonry. masonry repair grout with polymer additives. effectively without the need to dismantle
BRE have published factored load tables that The shrink-compensated grout has been and rebuild, ensuring that costs are kept
show the load capacity of the reinforced formulated to bond helical reinforcement bars low and the disruption to occupants is
brick lintel to be 2.6 tonne for openings up to masonry.The grout sets in & around the minimized.
to 3.2m wide troughs of the highly deformed helix, rapidly
developing compressive strength to restrict
the bar from deflection under load conditions.

Method statement Product specification

1. Chase out two slots of appropriate 6mm Helical Reinforcing Bar
depth along a length of wall that Material: Austenitic Stainless Steel (304)
extends 500mm each side of window
Nominal CSA = 7.4mm2
opening. Slots must be spaced apart
vertically by 450mm to 900mm Ult.Tensile Strength = 1050-1200N/mm2
(4-12 brick courses).
WHO60® Grout at 28 Days at 20Oc
2. Clear loose detritus from the slots and Compressive Strength = 55N/mm2
flush thoroughly with clean water. Tensile Strength = 5N/mm2
Flexural Strength = 12N/mm2
3. Pump bead of WHO60® cement Youngs Modulus = 13N/mm2
grout to rear of slot, filling it evenly to
approximately two thirds full.
Installation Notes
4. Push first helical bar into grout to Ensure 450mm-900mm between slots
approximately three quarters of slot No slip planes between slots (e.g. DPC)
depth. Trowel displaced grout to
firmly encapsulate rod. Grout two helical bars in to each slot
Bars to extend 500mm beyond opening
5. Pump second bead of WHO60®
cement grout filling slot evenly to Lintel Repair Guide
approximately 15mm of wall face. (Tolerances = +5mm/-0mm)
6. Push second helical bar into grout to
approximately half of slot depth,though MASONRY SLOT BAR1 BAR2
at least 10mm from first bar.
Trowel displaced grout to 102mm 40mm 30mm 20mm
encapsulate rod.
215mm 55mm 45mm 25mm
7. Make good wall chase to disguise slots.
Carry out crack stitching repairs to areas Twistfix Ltd
between the new helically reinforced brick 6th Floor, 8 Exchange Quay, Manchester M5 3EJ
beam lintel. Southern Office: 81 Oxford St, London W1D 2EU
© Twistfix Ltd 2009 Doc RBB v 0902

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