Pendens Had Been Annotated in The Title With The Filing
Pendens Had Been Annotated in The Title With The Filing
Pendens Had Been Annotated in The Title With The Filing
It has been stated that at present, not only agricultural 4. NO. In Heirs of Simplicio Santiago v. Heirs of Mariano
lands, but also residential lands, have been made E. Santiago, the Court ruled that the one-year
available by recent legislation for acquisition by free prescriptive period does not apply when the person
patent by any natural born Filipino citizen. seeking annulment of title or reconveyance is in
possession of the lot. This is because the action
2. NO. The Torrens title is conclusive evidence with partakes of a suit to quiet title, which is imprescriptible.
respect to ownership of the land described therein, and A person in actual possession of a piece of land under
other matters, which can be litigated and decided in claim of ownership may wait until his possession is
land registration proceedings. Tax declarations and tax disturbed or his title is attacked before taking steps to
vindicate his right, and his undisturbed possession gives
him the continuing right to seek the aid of a court of
equity to ascertain and determine the nature of the
adverse claim of a third party and its effect on his title.