Electrical Testing Procedure

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Testing and Commissioning BSC-User

Procedures for Electrical BEMCO Services CO

Components and Equipments in 2/7/2014

Power Industries
Sl No Equipments/Components Procedure No Revision Page No.

01 Current Transformer BS-TP-CRT01 0 1

02 Voltage Transformer BS-TP-VOT01 0 12
03 Ammeter BS-TP-CRM01 0 22
04 Voltmeter BS-TP-VOM01 0 26
05 Energy Meter BS-TP-ERM01 0 30
06 Power Factor Meter BS-TP-PFM01 0 34
07 Power Meter BS-TP-PRM01 0 38
08 Current Transducer BS-TP-AXDR01 0 42
09 Voltage Transducer BS-TP-VXDR01 0 46
10 Power Transducer BS-TP-PXDR01 0 50
11 Over Current Relay BS-TP-OCR01 0 54
12 Voltage Relay BS-TP-VOR01 0 63
13 Synch check Relay BS-TP-SYR01 0 70
14 Current Differential Relay BS-TP-DCR01 0 78
15 Tripping Relay BS-TP-TAR01 0 88
16 DC Supervision Relay BS-TP-DAR01 0 92
17 Trip Coil Supervision Relay BS-TP-SAR01 0 96
18 Timing Relay BS-TP-HAR01 0 100
19 Distribution Transformer BS-TP-DPT01 0 104
20 Power Transformer BS-TP-MPT01 0 114
21 Current Limiting Reactor BS-TP-CLT01 0 134
22 Low Voltage Circuit Breaker BS-TP-LCB01 0 141
23 Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker BS-TP-MCB01 0 153
24 Medium Voltage Dis Connect Switch BS-TP-MSD01 0 167
25 Low Voltage Bus Bar BS-TP-LBB01 0 177
26 Medium Voltage Bus Bar BS-TP-MBB01 0 185
27 Low Voltage Bus Duct BS-TP-LBD01 0 194
28 Medium Voltage Bus Duct BS-TP-MBD01 0 201
29 Induction Motor BS-TP-OMT01 0 200
30 AC Generator BS-TP-OGT01 0 215
31 Low Voltage Cable BS-TP-LVC01 0 221
32 Medium Voltage Cable BS-TP-MVC01 0 226
33 Liquid Batteries BS-TP-BTA01 0 234
34 Lux Level Measurement BS-TP-LUL01 0 239
35 DC Distribution Board BS-TP-DCDB01 0 247
36 AC Motor Control Center(MCC) BS-TP-ACMCC01 0 256
37 Grounding System BS-TP-GRD01 0 265
Testing Procedure
Current Transformer
Document No: BSC-TP-CRT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
2. Preconditions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1. Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2. Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3. Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4. Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------3
5.1. Visual Checks----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------3
5.2. Testing of Current Transformer
5.2.1.CT Winding insulation Resistance test------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.2.CT Ratio test by primary injection------------------------------------------------------ 4
5.2.3.CT Winding Resistance Measurement------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.4.CT Loop Resistance Measurements---------------------------------------------------- 6
5.2.5.CT Polarity Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
5.2.6.CT Burden test------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
5.2.7.CT Magnetizing Current Test (Knee Voltage test)----------------------------------- 8
5.2.8.Demagnetizing CT cores after above all test------------------------------------------9
5.2.9.Inter Core Coupling Test for bus differential test----------------------------------- 9
5.2.10. High voltage test------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
5.2.11. Verifying secondary circuits, terminals, shorting/isolating links
5.2.12. by primary injection--------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
5.2.13. single point earthing check------------------------------------------------------------ 10
5.2.14. phase identification--------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of the Current transformers, the
measuring circuits for protection, and closed-loop for instrumentation.

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.
2.2 Documentation
• The Schematic and single line diagrams are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available.
• Factory test results are available.
2.3 Personnel
• One Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in
commissioning of all the electrical equipments.
• One Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Single-phase variable-voltage transformer (approx. 0 -1200 V secondary voltage),
• 1 Ammeter (AC), or Fluke
• 1 Voltmeter (AC), or Fluke
• Multi-meter (A, V, Ohms) or Wheatstone bridge
• Primary Injection test set
• Insulation Tester 500V dc
• Instead of above all CPC100

3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered
in work permit area) is necessary.

4.0 Scope

• Testing cable connections,

• Testing of CT’s
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and core assignment,
• Checking of correct earthing,
• Checking of the function.

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Checking of the mounting position of the current transformers (polarity),
• Checking of the labelling of the individual cores, checking of the phase/core assignment
• Inspection for cleanliness of current transformers, connections and associated cable
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
5.2 Testing the Current Transformers
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the current transformer data with
the data contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. CT Winding insulation Resistance test

2. CT Ratio test by primary injection
a. CT Ratio
b. Phase Angle Error
3. CT Winding Resistance Measurement
4. CT Loop Resistance Measurement
5. CT Polarity Test
6. CT Burden test
7. CT Magnetizing Current Test (Knee Voltage test)
8. Demagnetizing CT cores after above all test
9. Inter Core Coupling Test for bus differential test
10. High voltage test
11. Verifying secondary circuits, terminals, shorting/isolating links by primary
12. single point earthing check
13. phase identification

In case of multi core type current transformers each winding must be tested

5.2.1 CT Winding Insulation Resistance Test

• Insulation resistance for the CT Winding is done by using 500V dc insulation

resistance tester as per following schematic
• Insulation resistance shall be checked at terminal of secondary winding with
respect to ground with 500V dc insulation tester.

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

Insulation test by CPC100

5.2.2 CT Ratio Test By Primary Injection/ Phase Angle Error CT Ratio

• Current ratio test can be done by injecting current in primary circuit

and measuring the current at secondary by Primary injection test set
as per following schematic diagram
• Check the CT ratio by injecting current as much as near to normal
current of the CT primary and measure the corresponding secondary
• The test is to be carried out individually for each core and phase.




Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

Use precision clamp meter and Ammeter to measure the primary and
secondary current respectively
Ratio test CPC100 Phase Angle Error

• Phase angle can be measured by using CPC100 as shown in above

figure, phase angle is the angle measured between primary
current through CT and the secondary current through the relay
• This test can also be performed by injecting current in primary of
the CT and angle is measured between primary and secondary
current flowing in to the relay.

5.2.3 CT Winding Resistance Test

CT Winding Resistance can be measured either by FLUK or Wheatstone bridge

as per fallowing schematic diagram
• Connect the Wheatstone bridge as shown below and measured the CT
secondary resistance and compare with name plate data
• While measuring the winding resistance note down the Ambient temperature
in order to correct the value to factory test results

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Winding Resistance by CPC100

5.2.4 CT Loop Resistance test

CT Loop Resistance can be measured either by FLUK or Wheatstone bridge as
per fallowing schematic diagram
• Connect the Wheatstone bridge as shown below and measured the loop

5.2.5 CT Polarity Test.

CT polarities can be checked by using 9 volts battery and a zero center
galvanometer as per the following Schematic Drawing




Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

On pressing the switch momentarily in above circuit, the needle on center zero
galvanometer or sensitive ammeter reads positive deflection thus polarity of the
transformer is subtractive. Subtractive polarity exists when current going into
the primary polarity terminal causes to go out of the secondary polarity at the
same instant in time

Polarity Test by CPC 100.

5.2.6 CT Burden Test

CT Burden test can be done by a variable voltage source with voltmeter and
ammeter as per schematic diagram

The burden in each core of each phase is determined by injection of a current of

1 A (or 5 A as appropriate) in the direction of the load and measurement of the
voltage with respect to earth. The voltage across the burden must decrease on
moving from burden to burden along the current path. The measured burden
should be compared with the rated data of the current transformer.

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

Burden measurement by CPC100

5.2.7 CT Magnetization Current test

CT Magnetization test can be done by a variable voltage source with voltmeter

and ammeter as per schematic diagram

• Apply the voltage gradually in 10% increment of the knee voltage and note
down the secondary excitation current
• Current values are obtained for every 10% voltage increment till the knee point.
Knee point is the condition where 10% increase in voltage results in 50%
increase in current
• Minimum two points over the knee point and five points below the knee point
shall be taken.
• Readings are tabulated on a excel from where a graph is generated

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

Magnetization curve By CPC100

5.2.8 Demagnetising the CT Core

After performing the above tests, a voltage greater than knee voltage shall be
applied gradually to CT secondary and reduced slowly back to zero. CPC 100 can
also be used for demagnetising the CT core

5.2.9 Inter Core Coupling Test for Bus Differential CT’s

In many instances several secondary windings are mounted in close proximity

on the same primary lead. It is possible, through failure of grading shields or
support structures, to have coupling between cores which is not detectible by
excitation tests, but it is still substantial enough to improperly operate bus
differential relays. The presence of abnormal coupling can be detected by
reading open circuit voltage on CT's adjacent to a CT being excitation tested.

By measuring the voltage across the secondary of differential CT’s when

adjacent core is excited during magnetisation current test.

5.2.10 High Voltage Test

• CT’s are subject to high voltage tests during High voltage test of switch gear.
• While performing high voltage test CT secondary should be isolated from
load and kept shorted/grounded

5.2.11 Verification of Secondary Circuits , Terminals shorting /Isolating Links by

Primary Injection

During primary injection check secondary circuit terminal shorting/isolation is

working properly by closing the shorting slid link and opening the slid link, there
should not be any current in direction of load.

Equipment: Current Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 10

5.2.12 Phase Identification Test

Check phase identification by injecting primary current in single phase

Check the current in all the three phase. Two phases should read zero current
and third phase whose primary has a current should read a secondary current

5.2.13 Checking the Protective Earthing and Single Point Earthing

Current transformers must be earthed on the secondary side in order to afford

protection to human beings. In order to avoid circulating currents such earthing
is permissible at one point only of a metallically connected system. (In case of
physical separation of the phases the three earthing points should be regarded
as being one earthing point.)

Meeting of both requirements is verified in a simple manner by opening of the

earthing point link and connection thereof to a secondary testing device while
simultaneously measuring the current I=0. Subsequently the earth connection is
to be restored.
6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each set of instrumentation transformers.
7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Main equipment

7.1 Testing of Current Transformer

7.2 Loop Resistance, Burden and phasing Checks of CT
7.5 Primary Injection of Current Transformer

***End of the procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Voltage Transformer
Document No: BSC-TP-VOT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task…………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2. Preconditions……………………………………………………………………………………2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation…………………………………………………………………………2
2.3. Personnel………………………………………………………………………………….2
2.4. Measuring Instruments & Tools………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions……………………………………………………………………………………….2
4. Scope…………………………………………………………………………………….………….2
5. Execution………………………………………………………………………………...........3
5.1. Visual Inspection…………………………………………………………………......3
5.2. Testing of Voltage Transformer………………………………………………..3
5.2.1.Winding insulation Resistance test…………………………………….3
5.2.2.Voltage Ratio test by primary injection………………………………4
5.2.3.Phase Angle Error……………………………………………………………….5
5.2.4.Winding Resistance Measurement…………………………………… 5
5.2.5.Polarity Test……………………………………………………………………….6
5.2.6.Loop Resistance Measurement………………………………………… 6
5.2.7.Burden test………………………………………………………………………..7
5.2.8.Phase Sequence test…………………………………………………………. 7
5.2.9.Fuse Failure checks…………………………………………………………….8
5.2.10. Protective earthing…………………………………………………………8
5.2.11. Back Energization Test at rated Voltage for 15 minutes…8
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………..9
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………….9

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The procedure comprises a complete description of testing of current transformer

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The Schematic diagrams & CPM of Switch gears are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays
• One Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Single-phase variable-voltage transformer (approx.0-1200 V secondary voltage),
• 1 Voltmeter (AC), or Fluke
• Multimeter (A, V, Ohms) or Wheatstone bridge
• Insulation Tester 500V dc
• Instead of above all CPC100

3.0 Precautions

• The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered
in work permit area).

4.0 Scope

• Testing of the transformer,

• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and core assignment,
• Checking of correct earthing,
• Functional checks of VTs.

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual checks

• Check the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Check the mounting position of the Voltage transformers (polarity).
• Check the labelling of the individual cores, check the phase/core.
• Inspect for cleanliness of voltage transformers, high voltage connections and
associated cable connections.
• Inspection of isolators, support structures and earthing connections if any.
• Check tightness of all bolted connection by torque wrench method.
• Check Rack in/Rack out of V.T’s along with its primary side fuse.

5.2 Testing the Voltage transformers

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the voltage transformer data with
the data contained in the circuit documentation.
Disconnect the primary-side connections at a suitable location and also remove the
secondary fuse. Following test to be carried out.
1. Winding insulation Resistance test
2. Voltage Ratio test by primary injection
3. Phase Angle Error
4. Winding Resistance Measurement
5. Polarity Test
6. Loop Resistance Measurement
7. Burden test
8. Phase Sequence test
9. Fuse Failure checks
10. Protective earthing
11. Back Energization Test at rated Voltage for 15 minutes
5.2.1 Winding insulation test
Insulation resistance for the Primary and secondary Winding is done by using
5000V dc insulation resistance tester as per following schematic
• Insulation resistance measurement is done between secondary winding and
ground with primary being grounded with the help of 500V dc insulation
resistance tester.
• Insulation resistance measurement is done between primary and ground
with secondary being grounded with the help of 5000V dc Tester for 13.8 KV
VT and 2500V dc tester for 41.6kv VT

Insulation test by CPC100

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.2.2 Voltage ratio test

Voltage ratio can be done by applying voltage on primary circuit and measuring
the voltage at secondary by variable single phase transformer as per following
schematic diagram
• Apply the maximum available voltage not exceeding the rated primary Voltage
to the primary winding.
• Measured the voltage at the secondary, thus primary voltage divided by
secondary voltage gives VT ratio
• The test is to be carried out independently on each core and phase.
• Test has to be carried out by using precision voltmeter at both primary and
secondary voltage measurement.






Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

Ratio test can also be done by using CPC100 as below

5.2.3 Phase Angle Error

 Phase angle can be measured by using CPC100 as shown in above figure ,

phase angle is the angle measured between Voltage across the primary
winding and voltage across the secondary winding with the relay in its circuit
 This test can also be performed by Applying voltage across the primary of the
VT and angle is measured between Primary and secondary voltages with
relay or meters connected

5.2.4 Winding Resistance test

Winding resistance can be measured either by FLUK or Wheatstone bridge as
per fallowing schematic diagram
• Connect the test lead on to the primary winding of the VT and measure the
• Connect the test lead on to the Secondary winding of the VT and measure the
• Repeat the test for second core if available.

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

5.2.5 Polarities Test.

VT polarities can be checked by 9 volts DC battery and Galvanometer as per the
following Schematic Drawing

- n1



On pressing the switch momentarily in above circuit, the needle on center zero
galvanometer or sensitive ammeter reads positive deflection thus polarity of the
transformer is subtractive. Subtractive polarity exists when current going into
the primary polarity terminal causes to go out of the secondary polarity at the
same instant in time


5.2.6 Loop Resistance test

Loop Resistance can be measured either by FLUK or Wheatstone bridge as per
fallowing schematic diagram
• Loop resistance shall be done for every used core

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

5.2.7 VT Burden test

VT Burden test can be done by a variable voltage source with voltmeter and
ammeter as per schematic diagram
• The burden in each core of each phase is determined by applying secondary
rated voltage in the direction of the load and measure the current flowing in
to the circuit. The product of current and voltage gives burden of the circuit.
The measured burden should be compared with the rated data of the
voltage transformer.

Burden measurement by CPC100

5.2.8 Phasing test

Phasing test can be done by applying three different voltages across the primary
side bus bar or line terminals of all three phase and measuring voltage at
secondary of all the three VTs
• Apply three different voltage across the bus bar or line terminals of the
switch gear say A-B= 100 volts B-C = 120 volts, and C-A 150 Volts
• Measure the voltage at the secondary of VT of all the three phase,.

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

• Small voltage at the corresponding secondary should read in sequence as

5.2.9 Fuse Failure Checks Primary Fuse

• Micro switch for fuse failure shall be checked for correct
• If required correct alignment to be carried out
• Fuse position shall be checked for correct striker operation Secondary fuse Failure Relay
• Relay shall be calibrated for pickup and dropout value
• Relay alarm contacts to be checked
• Alarm to remote (DCS) to be checked
5.2.10 Checking the protective Earthing

Voltage transformers must be earthed on the secondary side in order to afford

protection to human beings (In case of physical separation of the phases the
three earthing points shall be regarded as being one earthing point.)

5.2.11 Back Energization Test

Back Energization of the VT can be done by energizing the secondary circuit to

its rated voltage as shown in below diagram.

• In this test, load shall be disconnected and Primary fuses are removed so
that no voltage can exists on bus bar or line terminal of the switch gear
• Voltage shall be applied gradually across the secondary of the VT not more
than the rated voltage of the secondary winding
• When rated voltage is applied across the secondary winding, primary
winding will have full rated induced voltage across it.
• Voltage is applied for 15 minutes and observe for any abnormalities

Equipment: Voltage Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheet shall be completed for each set of instrumentation transformers.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear
7.1 Testing of Voltage Transformer – Single Core
7.2 Loop Resistance, Burden and phasing Checks of VT – Single Core
7.3 Testing of Voltage Transformer – Dual Core
7.4 Loop Resistance, Burden and phasing Checks of VT – Dual Core

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Document No: BSC-TP-CRM01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Ammeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing of Ammeter…………………………………………………………………………………………3
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Ammeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
All the moving coil, moving iron or digital ammeters shall be calibrated to check their accuracy

2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labeling of the equipment has been done.
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment or panels are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One Commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all types of
electrical equipment & instruments.
• One Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
3. Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4. Scope
• Test and calibration of meter.
• Ensuring correct mounting position.
• Ensuring correct earthing.
• To ensure wiring for correct connection, feruling and numbering.
5. Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing

5.2 Testing of Ammeter

Metering calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the ammeter data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out.

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Ammeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test

a. Check the function of ammeter selector switch
b. Check function of test switch or plug for correct function
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
• Connect the current test set on the ammeter terminals.
• Inject 25, 50, 75 & 100 % of the full-scale current of the ammeter.
• Record the corresponding ammeter readings.
• Percentage error is calculated by using following formula
% Error = Calculated value – Measured value x 100

Full scale value





5.2.3 Checking the Protective Earthing

• Check the Earthing on the meter for secured connection
6. Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every Ammeter.
7. Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respective their Switchgear

1.7 Test sheet for Ammeter

***End of the Procedure****

Testing Procedure
Document No: BSC-TP-VOM01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Voltmeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing of Voltmeter…………………………………………………………………………………………3
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Voltmeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
All the moving coil, moving iron or digital Voltmeters shall be calibrated to check their accuracy

2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labeling of the equipment has been done.
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment or panels are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One Commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all types of
electrical equipment & instruments.
• One Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
3. Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4. Scope
• Test and calibration of meter.
• Ensuring correct mounting position.
• Ensuring correct earthing.
• To ensure wiring for correct connection, feruling and numbering.
5. Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing
5.1 Testing of Voltmeter
Metering calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the voltmeter data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Voltmeter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.1.1 Electrical Function Test

• Check the function of ammeter selector switch
• Check function of test switch or plug for correct function
5.1.2 Secondary Injection
• Connect the Voltage test set on the voltmeter terminals.
• Inject 25, 50, 75 & 100 % of the full-scale Voltage of the ammeter.
• Record the corresponding ammeter readings.
• Percentage error is calculated by using following formula
% Error = Calculated value – Measured value X 100

Full scale value





5.1.3 Checking the Protective Earthing

• Check the earthing on the meter for secured connection.

6. Documentation
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every voltmeter.
7. Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

1.7 For single element voltmeter

1.8 For double element voltmeter

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Energy Meter
Document No: BSC-TP-ERM01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Energy Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ERM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing of Energy meter………………………………………………………………………………..…2
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Energy Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ERM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
All analogue or digital Energy Meters shall be calibrated to check their accuracy

2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labeling of the equipment has been done.
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment or panels are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One Commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all types of
electrical equipment & instruments.
• One Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
3. Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4. Scope
• Test and calibration of meter.
• Ensuring correct mounting position.
• Ensuring correct earthing.
• To ensure wiring for correct connection, feruling and numbering.
5. Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing

5.2 Testing of Energy meter

Metering calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the energy meter data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out.

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Energy Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ERM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test

• Check function of test switch or plug for correct function

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

• Connect the current test set terminals to the Energy meter current terminals.
• Connect the voltage test set terminals to the Energy meter voltage terminals.
• Apply 0, 25, 50, 75 &100% of rated load and with rated voltage and current at
angles of 0, 45,180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees for time.
• Record the corresponding Energy meter readings and time duration.
• Compare the calculated reading with energy meter reading obtained.
• The error is calculated by using the following formula
Error = Calculated Reading – Actual Reading x 100

Maximum Scale Reading











5.2.3 Checking the Protective Earthing

• Check the earthing on the meter for secured connections

6. Documentation
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every energy meter.
7. Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

1.7 Test Sheet for Energy Meter

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Power Factor Meter
Document No: BSC-TP-PFM01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Power Factor Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PFM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing of Power Factor meter……………………………………………………………………..…2
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Power Factor Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PFM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The analogue or digital power factor meter shall be calibrated to check its accuracy
2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment

2.2 Documentation
• The schematic diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available.

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning
of all types of the Electrical equipment,
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Secondary Injection test set
• Standard energy meter
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).

• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing cable connections,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Checking of correct earthing,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules

5.2 Testing of Power Factor Meter

Metering calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Equipment: Power Factor Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PFM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Enter the rating plate data in Test Sheet and compare the energy meter data with
the data contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be
carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test

• Check function pf test switch or plug for correct function
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
♦ Connect the current test set terminals to the Power factor meter current
♦ Connect the voltage test set terminals to the Power factor meter voltage
♦ Apply rated current and rated voltage and current at angles of 0, 30, 45,
60,180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees.
♦ Record the corresponding power factor meter readings.
♦ Compare the calculated reading with Actual meter reading obtained.











5.2.3 Checking the Protective Earthing

Check the earthing on the meter

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every power meter.
7.0 Attachment:
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgearr

7.1 Test Sheet For Power Factor Meter

*** End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Power(kw) Meter
Document No: BSC-TP-PRM01
Rev: 0

Power(KW) Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing of Power meter………………………………………………………………………………..…2
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Power(KW) Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The all analogue or digital Power meters shall be calibrated to check their accuracy

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment.
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available.
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning
of types of the electrical equipment systems employed in the plant.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Secondary Injection test set
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).

• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing cable connections,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Checking of correct earthing,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules

5.2 Testing of Power Meter

Metering calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the power meter data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Power(KW) Meter
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PRM01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test

• Check function of test switch or plug for correct function

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

♦ Connect the current test set terminals to the Power meter current
♦ Connect the voltage test set terminals to the Power meter voltage
♦ Apply 0, 25, 50, 75 &100% of rated load and with rated voltage and current
at angles of 0, 45,180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees.
♦ Record the corresponding Power meter readings.
♦ Compare the calculated reading like power factor, VAR, and WATTS with
meter reading.













5.2.3 Checking the protective Earthing

Check the Earthing on the meter

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every Power meter.

7.0 Attachment

7.1 Test Sheet for Power Meter

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Current Transducer
Document No: BSC-TP-AXDR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Current Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-AXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing Current Transducer………………………………………………………………………………3
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Current Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-AXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Current transducers shall be calibrated to check the accuracy for their output.
2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done.
2.2 Documentation
• The schematic diagrams of the electrical equipment are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
3.0 Precautions

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Current Transducer,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual checks

• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing
5.2 Testing of Current Transducer
Transducer calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in the test sheet and compare the transducer data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Current Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-AXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test

• Check function of test switch or plug for correct function
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
• Connect the current test set on the Current Transducer terminals.
• Inject 25, 50, 75 & 100 % of the full-scale current of the Current Transducer.
• Record the corresponding Current Transducer output.
• Inject 100 % of the rated current.
• Record corresponding Current Transducer output.
• Error is calculated by using the below formula
% Error = Calculated value – Actual value x 100

Maximum scale value (span)






6.0 Documents

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every current transducer.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet For Current Transducers

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Voltage Transducer
Document No: BSC-TP-VXDR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Voltage Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing Voltage Transducer .……………………………………………………………………………3
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Voltage Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Voltage transducers shall be calibrated to check the accuracy for their output.
2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done.
2.2 Documentation
• The schematic diagrams of the electrical equipment are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
• DC Milli ammeter

3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Voltage Transducer,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual checks

• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing

5.2 Testing of Voltage Transducer

Transducer calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the transducer data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Voltage Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function test

Check function of test switch or plug for correct function
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
• Connect the Voltage test set on the Voltage Transducer terminals.
• Inject 25, 50, 75 & 100 % of the full-scale Voltage of the Voltage Transducer.
• Record the corresponding Voltage Transducer output.
• Inject 100 % of the rated Voltage.
• Record corresponding Voltage Transducer output.
• Error is calculated by using the below formula
% Error = Calculated values – Actual values x 100

Maximum scale value (span)






6.0 Documents

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every voltage transducer.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for Voltage Transducer

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Power Transducer
Document No: BSC-TP-PXDR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Power Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Preconditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1. Work Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.3. Personnel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.4. Measuring Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Precautions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
4. Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
5.2. Testing Power Transducer .……………………………………………………………………………..3
5.2.1.Electrical Function Test………………………………………………..............................3
5.2.2.Secondary Injection………………………………………………...................................3
6. Documents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
7. Attachment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Equipment: Power Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Power transducers shall be calibrated to check the accuracy for their output.
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done.
2.2 Documentation
• The schematic diagrams of the electrical equipment are available
• Relevant Test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• One commissioning engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Standard Ammeter or Fluke
• Secondary Injection test set
• DC Milli ammeter

3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Power Transducer,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual checks
• Inspection for physical damage / defects
• Checking of the wires for any damage and that they are connected properly.
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection of isolating terminals and earthing connections
• Inspection for correct tightness of all connections
• Checking ferrules as per drawing

5.2 Testing of Power Transducer

Transducer calibration shall be done via front panel mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the transducer data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

2. Secondary Injection

Equipment: Power Transducer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-PXDR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function test

Check function of test switch or plug for correct function
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
• Connect the current test set terminals to the Power Transducer current
• Connect the voltage test set terminals to the Power Transducer voltage
• Apply 0, 25, 50, 75,100% of rated load with rated voltage and current at
angles of 0, 45,180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees.
• Record the corresponding Power Transducer O/P readings.
• Percentage error is calculated using the below formula
% Error = Calculated Value – Actual Value x 100

Maximum Scale Value

6.0 Documents

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every Power transducer
7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for Power Transducer

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Over Current Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-OCR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.2 Documentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
5.2 Testing of Over Current Relay-------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.1 Electrical Function test-------------------------------------------------------- 3 Functional check of Test Plug-------------------------------------------- 3 Shorting of links on relay case when relay is withdrawn------------- 3
5.2.2 Secondary Injection------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Relay Power measurement----------------------------------------------- 4 Configuration of the relay------------------------------------------------ 4 Testing of LEDs----------------------------------------------------------- 4 Testing of output relays-------------------------------------------------- 4 Testing of input Devices-------------------------------------------------- 4 Metering function-------------------------------------------------------5 Over current Pickup/Dropout test---------------------------------------- 5 Time current characteristics---------------------------------------------- 5 Testing of Instantaneous element ---------------------------------------- 7 Checking the protective Earthing ------------------------------------8
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the over current shall be tested to check their functions
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheets to be made available
• Approved relay settings should be available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of the electrical equipment’s.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope

• Testing of relays
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspect physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Remove the relay from the case and check for tightness and that all shorting terminals
are making proper contact
• Check the tightness of the connection on the relay case
• Check the ferrules
• Check that all the test and setting switches operate properly and all are labelled. Properly
by device number and individual function.
5.2 Testing of Phase and Ground over Current Relay.
Relay can be tested by using three or single phase secondary injection test set at the front
panel mounted test facilities. Final calibration test of all protective relays must be carried
out on approved settings,
Enter rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Electrical Function test
1. Functional check of Test Plug
2. Shorting of links on relay case when relay is withdrawn

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

2. Secondary Injection
1. Relay Power measurement
2. Configuration of the relay
3. Testing of LEDs
4. Testing of output relays
5. Testing of input Devices
6. Metering function
7. Over current Pickup/Dropout test
8. Time current characteristics
a. IEC-Normal inverse
b. IEC-Very inverse
c. IEC- Extremely Inverse
d. Long-time Inverse
e. Definite Time
9. Testing of Instantaneous element
10. Reduced voltage (at 90 Volts ) trip test for all output relays
11. Testing at final setting
12. Checking the protective Earthing

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test Functional check of Test Plug

Test Plug should be checked for its correct function, terminals should be
checked for its correct current, auxiliary power and tripping assignment as per
the circuit drawing. Shorting of links on relay case when Relay is Withdrawn
In case of withdrawal type relay, shorting facility on the relay case should be
checked as under.
• Connect the fluke to check the continuity across the current terminal on the
relay case and it shows some resistance.
• Pull the relay out and check the fluke which shows now resistance less then
when relay was inside.
• Repeat the test for other two phases too.

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4 Relay Power Measurement

• Apply rated DC or AC auxiliary voltage to the power terminal of the relay
through suitable ammeter and voltmeter
• Measure the current and voltage. Product of two gives power consumption
of the relay. Configuration of the Relay

Relay should be configured for inputs, outputs, and LED assignment as per final
setting either through front panel of the relay or through lap top
communicating with relay. Testing of LEDs

• Check the operation of LEDs first by pressing reset button, all the LEDs should
light for 2 to 3 seconds
• Check the operation of LEDs for their function by injecting current or by
simulating the software. Testing of output Relays

• By simulation or by performing secondary injection, check the operation of
output relays as per the relay configuration.
• Measure the contact resistance of the each output relay with fluke Testing of Digital Inputs

• Connect a variable auxiliary DC or AC voltage to each and every Digital input
• Increase the voltage till the digital input picks up (a temporary LED may be
assigned to see the pickup) thus a minimum voltage required to operate
digital input is noted. Metering Function

• Configure the relay for Phase CT and neutral CT ratio.
• Apply three phase 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nominal current on phase
over current relay and note down the corresponding readings on the relay.
• Apply Single phase 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nominal current on Ground
over current relay and note down the corresponding readings on the relay. Over Current Pickup/Dropout test

Apply the test relays setting for over current on the relay as follows.

• Definite Time Curve with minimum time delay.

• Disable all other protection elements.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one at a time as
o Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
o Yellow phase to Neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
o Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

o Single phase current on Ground element(ground over current relay)

o Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
• Slowly increase the current until the relay picked-up.
• Record the operating current.
• Slowly decrease the current until relay reset
• Record the operating current Time Current Characteristics

• Apply the test relay setting for over current on the relay as follows.
o Disable all other protection elements.
o DT curve with 500ms delay.
o IEC NI curve with 0.1 TMS.
o IEC VI curve with 0.1 TMS.
o IEC EI curve with 0.1 TMS.
o IEC LT curve with 0.1 TMS.
o IEC DT Curve with 1.0 TMS
• Select the time over current curve one at a time on the relay.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one at a time as
o Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
o Yellow phase to Neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
o Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
o Single phase current on Ground element(ground over current
• Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
• Inject testing current 2 times, 5 times and 10 times of the pickup settings and
note down the operating time of the relay.
• Record the operating time.
• Cross check the time as per figure below or calculate the time using below
• Test shall be done for all the characteristics and all the phase and ground

Note: Testing should be done at minimum, middle and maximum range of the

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7 Instantaneous Unit Verification

• Apply the test relays setting for phase and ground over current on the relay as
• Disable all other protection elements.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one at a time as
o Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
o Yellow phase to Neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
o Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
o Single phase current on Ground element(ground over current
 Pickup/dropout test
• Slowly increase the current until the relay picks-up.
• Record the operating current.

Equipment: Over Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

• Slowly decrease the current until relay reset

• Record the operating current
 Timing test
• Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
• Inject testing current 2 times the pickup settings and note down the
operating time of the relay.
• Tripping time should be actual definite time multiply by TMS setting
• Test shall be done for all the phase and ground element Checking the Protective Earthing
Check the earthing connection on the relay.

6.0 Documents

Test Sheet shall be completed for each and every Phase and Ground over Current Relay.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Ground Over Current Relay

7.2 Phase Over Current Relay

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Voltage Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-VOR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
5.1 Visual Checks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Relay-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2.1 Electrical Function test------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Functional check of Test Plug
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Relay Power measurement------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Configuration of the relay Testing of LEDs------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Testing of output relays---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Testing of input Devices--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Metering function----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Under Voltage Function--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Over voltage test------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Voltage Relay Testing by SVERKER-750
6. Documents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
7. Attachment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the voltage relays shall be tested for under and over voltage function
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheets should be available
• Approved relay settings should be available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Over & Under Voltage Relays.
• Checking that the mounting position is correct.

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules

5.2 Testing of Over and under Voltage Relay.

Relay can be tested by using three or single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities. Final calibration test of all protective relays must be carried out on
approved settings,

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

a. Functional check of Test Plug
2. Secondary Injection
a. Relay Power measurement
b. Testing of LEDs

Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

c. Testing of output relays

d. Testing of input Devices
e. Metering function
f. Under Voltage Function
i. Pickup/dropout test
ii. Timing test
g. Over voltage test
i. Pickup/dropout
ii. Timing test

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test Functional check of Test Plug
Test Plug should be checked for its correct function, terminals should be
checked for its correct current, auxiliary power and tripping assignment as per
the circuit drawing

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure below.





Apply rated DC or AC auxiliary voltage to the power terminal of the relay
through suitable ammeter and voltmeter
Measure the current and voltage. Product of two gives power consumption of
the relay. Configuration of the Relay
Relay should be configured for inputs, outputs, and LED assignment as per final
setting either through front panel of the relay or through lap top,
communicating with relay. Testing of LEDs
Check the operation of LEDs first by pressing reset button, all the LEDs should
light for 2 to 3 seconds
Check the operation of LEDs for their function by injecting Voltage or by
simulating the software. Testing of output Relays
By simulation or by performing secondary injection, check the operation of
output relays as per the relay configuration.
Measure the contact resistance of the each output relay with fluke

Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4 Testing of Digital Inputs

Connect a variable auxiliary DC or AC voltage to each and every Digital input.
Increase the voltage till the digital input picks up (a temporary LED may be
assigned to see the pickup) thus a minimum voltage required to operate digital
input is noted. Metering function
Configure the relay for VT ratio.
Apply three phase 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nominal Voltage on Voltage
relay and note down the corresponding readings on the relay. Under Voltage Function
i. Pickup/dropout test
♦ Apply the testing relays setting with instantaneous tripping time on the
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Slowly Increase the applied voltage until the relay Drop out
♦ Record the Drop out voltage
♦ Slowly Decrease the applied voltage until the relay pick-up
♦ Record the pick-up voltage
ii. Timing test
♦ Select the operating time on the relay
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Apply the testing voltage(fault Voltage) and monitor the operating time of
the relay
♦ Record the operating time. Over Voltage Test
i. Pickup/dropout test
♦ Apply the testing relays setting with instantaneous tripping time on the relay
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Slowly Increase the applied voltage until the relay Picks up.
♦ Record the Pick-up voltage
♦ Slowly Decrease the applied voltage until the relay Drops out
♦ Record the Drop-out voltage
ii. Timing test
♦ Select the operating time on the relay
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Apply the testing voltage(fault voltage) and monitor the operating time of
the relay
♦ Record the operating time. Voltage Relay Testing by SVERKER-750
To test the voltage relay by SVERKER-750 follow the below procedure

Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5


Equipment: Voltage Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-VOR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

6.0 Documents
Relevant Test sheet shall be completed for each and every Relay.

7.0 Attachment

7.1 Test Sheet for Voltage Relay :

7.2 Test Sheet for Under Voltage Relay :
7.3 Test sheet for Neutral over voltage relay

***End of the Procedure

Testing Procedure
Synchronous Check Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-SYR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Checks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Synchronous Check Relay-------------------------------------------------------------------2
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Functional check of Test Plug------------------------------------------------------------ 3
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Relay Power measurement--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Configuration of relay---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Testing of LEDs------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Testing of output relays------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Testing of input Devices------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Metering function-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Live line- Live bus (synchronous ) test-------------------------------------------------4
a. Difference in voltage test------------------------------------------------------------- 4
b. Difference in frequency -------------------------------------------------------------- 4
c. Difference in phase angle-------------------------------------------------------------4
d. Under voltage blocking test----------------------------------------------------------5 Dead line-Live bus test-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Dead Bus-Live line test--------------------------------------------------------------------6 Dead Line – Dead bus-------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 MCB for bus and line under voltage trip blocking--------------------------------- 7
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task:
All the Synchronous check relays shall be tested for their correct function.
2. Preconditions:
2.1. Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment
2.2. Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Test sheet BS-PP10-TS-SR01 is available
• Approved relay settings should be available
2.3. Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4. Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Phase Shifter
• Fluke
3. Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4. Scope
• Testing of synchronous check relay
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules
5.2. Testing of Synchronous Check Relay.
Relay can be tested by using three or single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities. Final calibration test of all protective relays must be carried out on
approved settings,
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation.
The following test shall be carried out

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2..1. Electrical Function Test

• Functional check of Test Plug
Test Plug should be checked for its correct function, terminals should be
checked for its correct current, auxiliary power and tripping assignment as per
the circuit drawing
5.2..2. Secondary Injection
Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure below.






5.2..2..1. Relay Power Measurement

Apply rated DC or AC auxiliary voltage to the power terminal of the relay
through suitable ammeter and voltmeter
Measure the current and voltage. Product of two gives power consumption of
the relay.
5.2..2..2. Configuration of the Relay
Relay should be configured for inputs, outputs, and LED assignment as per final
setting either through front panel of the relay or through lap top,
communicating with relay.
5.2..2..3. Testing of LEDs
Check the operation of LEDs first by pressing reset button, all the LEDs should
light for 2 to 3 seconds
Check the operation of LEDs for their function by injecting Voltage or by
simulating the software.
5.2..2..4. Testing of out Put Relays
By simulation or by performing secondary injection, check the operation of
output relays as per the relay configuration.
Measure the contact resistance of the each output relay with fluke
5.2..2..5. Testing of Digital Inputs
Connect a variable auxiliary DC or AC voltage to each and every Digital input
Increase the voltage till the digital input picks up (a temporary LED may be
assigned to see the pickup) thus a minimum voltage required to operate digital
input is noted.

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.2..2..6. Metering Function

Configure the relay for VT ratio
Apply three phase 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nominal Voltage on Voltage
relay and note down the corresponding readings on the relay.
5.2..2..7. Live line- Live bus (synchronous ) test
5.2..2..7.1. Difference in Voltage test
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Only live line- live bus function is enabled.
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage.
o Zero differential frequency.
o Zero differential phase angle.
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly increase the bus voltage in order to increase the voltage
difference until output relay for CB close permissive drops out.
• Record the differential voltage
• Slowly decrease the bus voltage in order to reduce voltage
difference until the output relay for CB close permissive picks up.
• Slowly increase the line voltage in order to increase the voltage
difference until output relay for CB close permissive drops out.
• Record the differential voltage
5.2..2..7.2. Difference in Frequency
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Only live line live bus function is enabled.
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage.
o Zero differential frequency.
o Zero differential phase angle.
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly increase the Frequency of bus voltage in order to increase
the Frequency difference until output relay for CB close permissive
drops out.
• Record the differential Frequency

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• Slowly decrease the Frequency of bus voltage in order to decrease

the Frequency difference until output relay for CB close permissive
picks out.
• Slowly increase the Frequency of line voltage in order to increase
the Frequency difference until output relay for CB close permissive
drops out.
• Record the differential Frequency
5.2..2..7.3. Difference in Phase Angle
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Only live line live bus function is enabled.
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage.
o Zero differential frequency.
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly increase the phase angle difference until output relay for CB
close permissive drops out.
• Record the differential phase angle
5.2..2..7.4. Under Voltage blocking Test
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Only live line live bus function is enabled.
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply rated voltage to the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage
o Zero differential frequency
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly reduce both of line and bus voltage simultaneously till the
under voltage blocking output relay operate
• Record the under voltage blocking voltage
5.2..2..8. Dead line –Live Bus Test
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Enable live line live bus function
• Enable Dead line live bus function
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

• Apply rated voltage to the line and bus voltage with

o Zero differential voltage
o Zero differential frequency
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly reduce line voltage until the output relay for CB close
permissive drops out.
• Continue reducing line voltage until the output relay for CB close
permissive picks up
• Record the dead line voltage
5.2..2..9. Dead Bus-Live line Test
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Enable live line live bus function
• Enable Dead bus live line function
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply rated voltage to the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage
o Zero differential frequency
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly reduce bus voltage until the output relay for CB close
permissive drops out.
• Continue reducing bus voltage until the output relay for CB close
permissive picks up
• Record the dead line voltage
5.2..2..10. Dead Line – Dead Bus
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Enable live line live bus function
• Enable Dead line Dead bus function
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply rated voltage to the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage
o Zero differential frequency
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Slowly reduce line and bus voltage simultaneously until the output
relay for CB close permissive drops out.

Equipment: Synchronous Check Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SYR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

• Continue reducing line and bus voltage simultaneously until the

output relay for CB close permissive picks up.
• Record the dead line voltage
5.2..2..11. MCB for Bus and line Voltage trip blocking
• Apply the testing relay setting on the relay noting that.
• Enable live line-live bus function
• Enable Dead Bus –live line function
• Enable Dead Line –live bus function
• Enable Dead line Dead bus function
• Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
• Connect test set stop input to the relay output contact
• Apply rated voltage to the line and bus voltage with
o Zero differential voltage
o Zero differential frequency
o Zero differential phase angle
• The relay should operate now giving CB close permissive signal.
• Simulate MCB Trip input to the relay and Reduce Bus voltage
• Check there should not be any permissive from the relay for CB
• Repeat the test for Line voltage MCB trip

6. Documents
Relevant Test sheet shall be completed for each and every Relay.

7. Attachment
Test Sheet for Synchronous Relay

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Differential Current Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-DCR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Differential Relay------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2.1 Electrical Function test------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Functional check of Test Plug--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Shorting of links on relay case when relay is withdrawn----------------------------- 3
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Relay Power measurement------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Configuration of Relay Testing of LEDs--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Testing of output relays---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Testing of input Devices---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Metering function----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Differential Function------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Differential current Function-------------------------------------------------------- 4 Differential restraint characteristic ----------------------------------------------- 5 Harmonic Function-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Instantaneous Differential current function------------------------------------ 5 Timing Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Backup over current -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 current Pickup/Dropout test-------------------------------------------------------- 5 Time current characteristics--------------------------------------------------------- 6
a. IEC-Very inverse---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
b. IEC- Extremely Inverse-------------------------------------------------------------- 7
c. Long-time Inverse-------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
d. Definite Time-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Testing of Instantaneous element------------------------------------------------- 8
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Differential current Relays shall be tested to check their functions
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheets to be made available
• Approved relay settings should be available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning protection
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Differential Current Relays
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules
5.2 Testing of Differential Current Relay.
Relay can be tested by using three or single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities. Final calibration test of all protective relays must be carried out on
approved settings,

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Electrical Function test

i. Functional check of Test Plug
ii. Shorting of links on relay case when relay is withdrawn

2. Secondary Injection
i. Relay Power measurement
ii. Testing of LEDs

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

iii. Testing of output relays

iv. Testing of input Devices
v. Metering function
vi. Differential Function
1. Differential current Function
2. Differential restraint characteristic
3. Harmonic Function
4. Instantaneous Differential current function
5. Timing Test
vii. Backup over current
1. current Pickup/Dropout test
2. Time current characteristics
3. IEC-Very inverse
4. IEC- Extremely Inverse
5. Long-time Inverse
6. Definite Time
7. Testing of Instantaneous element

5.2.1 Electrical Function test Functional Check of Test Plug
Test Plug should be checked for its correct function, terminals should be
checked for its correct current, auxiliary power and tripping assignment as per
the circuit drawing Shorting of links on Relay Case when relay is Withdrawn
In case of withdrawal type relay, shorting facility on the relay case should be
checked as under.
• Connect the fluke to check the continuity across the current terminal at low
side on the relay case which shows some resistance.
• Pull the relay out and check the fluke which shows now resistance less then
when relay was inside.
• Repeat the test for other two phases at low side too.
• Repeat the test for all three phases at high side current of the relay

Note: Above test can also be checked with secondary current injection. Relay
can be pulled out while injecting the current and reading on the relay must
show zero.
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4








Apply rated DC or AC auxiliary voltage to the power terminal of the relay
through suitable ammeter and voltmeter
Measure the current and voltage. Product of two gives power consumption of
the relay. Configuration of the Relay
Relay should be configured for inputs, outputs, and LED assignment as per final
setting either through front panel of the relay or through lap top
communicating with relay. Testing of LEDs
Check the operation of LEDs first by pressing reset button, all the LEDs should
light for 2 to 3 seconds
Check the operation of LEDs for their function by injecting current or by
simulating the software. Testing of output Relays
By simulation or by performing secondary injection, check the operation of
output relays as per the relay configuration.
Measure the contact resistance of the each output relay with fluke Testing of Digital Inputs
Connect a variable auxiliary DC or AC voltage to each and every Digital input
Increase the voltage till the digital input picks up (a temporary LED may be
assigned to see the pickup) thus a minimum voltage required to operate digital
input is noted. Metering Function
Configure the relay for Phase CT Ratio at low and high side.
Apply three phase 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nominal current on high and low
side CT connection of the relay and note down the corresponding readings on
the relay. Differential Function Differential Current Function
• Disable the harmonic restraints, and enable the differential function
• Apply the testing relays setting.

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• Apply current to High side and low side windings .so that the relay will
have a differential current of 0.00.
• Increase the current in the High side, and check that it trips when the
differential occur.
• Check that it trips with an error margin of less than 5% for different
through currents, and different sensitivity and percentage restraint
settings. Differential Restraint Characteristic.
• Disable the harmonic restraints, and enable the differential function
• Apply the testing relays setting.
• Apply current to High side and low side windings.
• Increase the current in High side, and check slope1 is achieved
according to the relay specification.
• Repeat the test to check slope2 is achieved. Harmonic Function
• Enable the harmonic restraints, and the differential function.
• Apply the testing relays setting.
• Apply current to High side and low, so that the relay will have a
differential current of 0.00.
• Apply a second harmonic current at high side, besides the current it
already had.
• Increase the current in the High side, and check that it trips when the
differential occur.
• Check that it trips with an error margin of less than 5% for different
through currents, and different sensitivity and percentage restraint
settings Differential Instantaneous Function
• Disable the harmonic restraints, and the differential function, and
enable the instantaneous function.
• Set the instantaneous function to 4 times the tap.
• Apply current to High side, and check that it trips when the differential
current reaches the set value.
• Check that it trips with an error margin of less than 5% for different
differential currents, and different instantaneous function settings. Timing Test
• Check that it trips with an error margin of less than 5% for different
through currents, and different sensitivity and percentage restraint
settings Backup Over Current Function
While checking Backup over current function differential function has to be
disabled Over current Pickup/Dropout test
Apply the testing relays setting for over current on the relay as

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

• Definite Time Curve with minimum time delay.

• Disable all other protection elements.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one
at a time as follows.
• Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
• Yellow phase to Neutral(for Phase over current Relay)
• Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
• Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
• Slowly increase the current until the relay picked-up.
• Record the operating current.
• Slowly decrease the current until relay reset
• Record the operating current Time current characteristics
Apply the testing relays setting for over current on the relay as

• Disable all other protection elements.

• DT curve with 500ms delay.
• IEC NI curve with 0.1 TMS.
• IEC VI curve with 0.1 TMS.
• IEC EI curve with 0.1 TMS.
• IEC LT curve with 0.1 TMS.
• IEC DT Curve with 1.0 TMS
• Select the time over current curve one at a time on the relay.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one
at a time as follows.
• Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
• Yellow phase to Neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
• Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
• Single phase current on Ground element(ground over current
• Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
• Inject testing current 2 times, 5 times and 10 times of the pickup
settings and note down the operating time of the relay.
• Record the operating time.
• Cross check the time as per figure below or calculate the time
using below formula.
• Test shall be done for all the characteristics and all the three
phases and ground element.

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8 Instantaneous Unit Verification

Apply the testing relays setting for phase and ground over current on the
relay as follows.
• Disable all other protection elements.
• Connect the current test set on the relay current terminals one at
a time as follows.
• Red phase to Neutral.( for Phase over current relay)
• Yellow phase to Neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
• Blue phase to neutral. ( for Phase over current relay)
• Single phase current on Ground element(ground over
current relay)
 Pickup/dropout test
• Slowly increase the current until the relay picked-up.
• Record the operating current.
• Slowly decrease the current until relay reset
• Record the operating current

Equipment: Differential Current Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

 Timing test
 Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
 Inject testing current 2 times the pickup settings and note
down the operating time of the relay.
 Tripping time should be actual definite time multiply by
TMS setting
 Test shall be done for all the phase and ground element

6.0 Documents

Test sheet shall be completed for each and every differential Relay.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Testing of High Impedance Bus Differential Relay

7.2 Testing Of Transformer Differential Relay-

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Tripping/Lockout Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-TAR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Tripping/Lockout Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-TAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Tripping Relay----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Manual operation checks--------------------------------------------------------------------2
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification-------------------------------------------------- 3 Operating time Measurement------------------------------------------------------------- 3
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

Equipment: Tripping/Lockout Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-TAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the tripping or lockout relays shall be tested for correct operation
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing cable tripping or lockout relay.
• Checking that the mounting position is correct.
5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules
5.2 Testing of Tripping Relay.
Relay can be tested by using single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities.
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Electrical Function test
a. Manual operation checks
2. Secondary Injection
1. Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification
2. Operating time Measurment
3. Measurment of coil Resistance
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Manual operation checks
Lockout or tripping relay should be checked for manual operation by operating
plunger or the lever

Equipment: Tripping/Lockout Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-TAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure






♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Slowly increase the voltage until the relay pick-up
♦ Record the pick-up voltage
Delay Time Verification
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Apply the testing voltage and monitor the operating time of the relay
♦ Record the operating time. Coil Resistance Measurement.
♦ Connect the fluke across the terminal of the coil and measure the
6.0 Documents
Test sheet shall be completed for each and every lockout or tipping Relay.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for Tripping Relays(Manual Rest) –

7.2 Test sheet for Tripping Relays (Electrical Reset)

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
DC Supervision Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-DAR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: DC Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of DC Supervision Relay
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Manual operation checks-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification--------------------------------------------------- 3 Operating time Measurement-------------------------------------------------------------- 3
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

Equipment: DC Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the DC Supervision relays shall be tested for correct operation
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Test sheet is available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing DC Supervision relay.
• Checking that the mounting position is correct.
5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules
5.2 Testing of DC Supervision Relay.
Relay can be tested by using single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities.

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Electrical Function test
a. Manual operation checks

2. Secondary Injection
1. Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification
2. Operating time Measurment
3. Measurment of coil Resistance
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Manual operation checks
Relay should be checked for manual operation by operating plunger or the lever

Equipment: DC Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.2 Secondary Injection

Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure






♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Slowly increase the voltage until the relay pick-up
♦ Record the pick-up voltage
Delay Time Verification
♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Apply the testing voltage and monitor the operating time of the relay
♦ Record the operating time. Coil Resistance Measurement.
♦ Connect the fluke across the terminal of the coil and measure the Resistance
6.0 Documents

Test sheet shall be completed for each and every DC supervision Relay.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for Tripping Relays

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Trip Coil Supervision Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-SAR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Trip Coil Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Trip Circuit Supervision Relay---------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2.1 Electrical Function test Functional check of Test Plug--------------------------------------------------------- 3 Shorting of links on relay case when relay is withdrawn----------------------- 3
5.2.2 Secondary Injection Voltage Pick-Up Verification---------------------------------------------------------- 3 Voltage Drop-Out Verification-------------------------------------------------------- 3 Function Check--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
7. Attachment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Equipment: Trip Coil Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Trip circuit supervision relays shall be tested for Breaker trip circuit supervision in for both
breaker open and close position
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment to be done
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Required test sheet to be available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of Electrical equipment’s.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing trip circuit supervision relay,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules

5.2 Testing of Trip Circuit Supervision Relay.

Relay can be tested by using single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities.
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Electrical Function test
a. Functional check of Test Plug
2. Secondary Injection
a. Voltage Pick-Up Verification
b. Voltage Drop-Out Verification
c. Function Check
a. The CB Is In Open Position
b. The CB In Close Position

Equipment: Trip Coil Supervision Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-SAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.2.1 Electrical Function Test Functional check of Test Plug
Test Plug should be checked for its correct function. Terminals should be
checked for its correct, auxiliary power and tripping assignment as per the
circuit drawing
5.2.2 Secondary Injection
Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure







• Slowly increase the voltage until the relay pick-up
• Record the pick-up voltage. Voltage Drop-Out Verification
• Slowly increase the voltage until the relay pick-up
• While relay is still picking-up, slowly reduce the voltage until the relay
• Record the dropout voltage. Function Check
All the internal and external wiring should be completed When CB Is In Open Position

• At the CB control panel / box open tripping coil circuit.
• The trip circuit supervision relay should operate. When CB in Close Position.
• At the CB control panel / box open tripping coil circuit.
• The trip circuit supervision relay should operate.

6.0 Documents

Test sheet shall be completed for each and every Trip circuit supervision Relay.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for Trip Coil Supervision Relay –

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Timing Relay
Document No: BSC-TP-HAR01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Timing Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-HAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2 Testing of Timing Relay------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5.2.1 Secondary Injection-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification------------------------------------------------ 3 Operating time Measurement----------------------------------------------------------- 3
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

Equipment: Timing Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-HAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All the Timing or Timer Relays shall be tested for correct operation
2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment
2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Test sheet is available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of
Protection Relays.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Three or single phase Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke
3.0 Precautions
• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
4.0 Scope
• Testing cable connections,
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for damage and that they are connected correctly,
• Inspection for physical connection as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking ferrules
5.2 Testing of Timing Relay.
Relay can be tested by using single phase secondary injection test set at the front panel
mounted test facilities.
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the Relay data with the data contained in
the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
Secondary Injection
1. Minimum Voltage Pick-Up Verification
2. Operating time Measurment

5.2.1 Secondary Injection

Connection between the relay and secondary injection set is made as per figure below.

Equipment: Timing Relay
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-HAR01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3







♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Set Timing dial to minimum or zero
♦ Connect the timer to the relay output contact
♦ Slowly increase the voltage until the relay pick-up
♦ Record the pick-up voltage Delay Time Verification

♦ Connect the voltage test set on the relay voltage terminals
♦ Connect the timer to the relay tripping contact
♦ Set the time on time dial
♦ Apply the Rated voltage and monitor the operating time of the relay
♦ Record the operating time.
♦ Repeat the test for different time dial.

6.0 Documents

Test sheet shall be completed for each and every timing Relay.

7.0 Attachment

Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for timing Relays

***End of the Procedure***

Testing Procedure
Distribution Transformer
Document No: BSC-TP-DPT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
2. Preconditions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.1. Work Status-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.2. Documentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3. Personnel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.4. Measuring Instrumentation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.1. Visual Checks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.2. Testing of Transformer
5.2.1. insulation resistance / Polarization index test---------------------------------------------------4
5.2.2. Voltage Ratio Measurement-------------------------------------------------------------------------5
5.2.3. Vector Group/Phase Displacement----------------------------------------------------------------5
5.2.4. Winding Resistance Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
5.2.5. Excitation current Measurement-------------------------------------------------------------------7
5.2.6. Transformer oil testing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
5.2.7. Temperature indicator and sensor Calibration-------------------------------------------------8
5.2.8. Bushing Current Transformer-----------------------------------------------------------------------8
5.2.9. Testing and commissioning of cooler control cabinet-----------------------------------------8
5.2.10. Transformer protection devices functional check-------------------------------------------9
5.2.11. Protective Earthing Checks------------------------------------------------------------------------9
6. Documents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
7. Reference-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
8. Attachment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of oil and dry type
distribution and auxiliary transformers.

2. Preconditions
2.1. Work status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has
been carried out.
2.2. Documentation
• The circuit diagram of Electrical equipment ,cabinets, etc. are available at site
• Test Sheet for object transformer is available at site
• O&M manual of the transformer is Available at site
• Factory Test Results of the transformer is available at site
2.3. personnel
• Testing and Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with minimum two years’
experience in testing and commissioning of the transformer.
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department
2.4. Measuring instrument
• Ratio meter (calibrated)---1
• Multi Meter (calibrated)—2
• Insulation resistance meter –Megger(calibrated)—1
• CT tester-CPC100 or CT Analyzer ( calibrated)-1
• DC shunt 100 amps or winding resistance meter 50 Amps( calibrated)--1
• Mini clamp(calibrated)—2
• Tan delta measurement test equipment—1
• Current injection set(calibrated)—1
• 3 phase relay tester(calibrated)—1
3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the test.

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic

discharge (ESD measures).
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly
designated as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be
considered in work permit area) is necessary.

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no
unauthorized persons are working at the corresponding load, where ever necessary,
barriers should be provided.
4. Scope
• Testing of Transformer(core and winding)
• Checking all the mechanical protective devices
• Checking Auxiliaries and cooling system
• Testing of bushing CT
• Checking of correct Earthing,
5. Execution
5.1. Visual Inspection.
Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the transformer should be carried
out paying particular attention to the following points

• Correct labeling of devices and cables

• Equipment and cables are undamaged
• Correct execution of the cable gland/sealing end
• Name plate data, match with drawing and ambient condition
• Firm cable termination/terminal connection and ferruling

5.2. Testing of Transformer

Following tests to be carried out

1. insulation resistance / Polarization index test

2. Voltage Ratio Measurement
3. Vector Group/Phase Displacement
4. Winding Resistance Test
5. Excitation current Measurement
6. Temperature indicator and sensor Calibration
a. Winding Temperature
b. Oil Temperature
7. Bushing Current Transformer
8. Testing and commissioning of cooler control cabinet
9. Transformer protection devices functional check
10. Protective Earthing Checks

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.2.1. Insulation resistance/polarization index test

Checking of the insulation resistance and polarization index should be carried

out as under

Apply the test voltage on following Connection and note down the readings

Two Winding Transformers

HV – LV + Earth

LV – HV + Earth

The insulation resistance Measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute

with 15 seconds interval and then for every minute up to ten minutes. Value
obtained at 10 minute divided by value at 1 minute gives polarization index

Please refer below for connection and test arrangement

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

5.2.2. Voltage Ratio Measurement

The voltage ratio measurement for two or three winding power transformer can
be done either by conventional method by using Voltmeters or by using Turns
ratio Meter

The test shall be done for each and every phase at all tap position as follows.

For Two winding Transformer

• Apply 3 phase Voltage more than 220V on HV Winding and measured the
corresponding voltages at the LV winding
• Note down both HV and LV winding side voltages on all the three phases
and all tap positions.
5.2.3. Vector group check
The vector group or phase relationship can be checked by injecting three phase
supply and measuring the voltages as per the figure below.

One of the phase say 1U and 2U between HV and LV should be shorted together
and three phase low voltage is applied on HV terminals.

Then the voltage between various pairs of line terminal should be measured and

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Example: condition for Dyn11 is, the voltage between

1W-2V> 1W-2W=1V-2W=1V-2V

5.2.4. Winding Resistance Measurement

The Winding resistance measurement can be done by either conventional
method using 2V DC battery with voltmeter and Ammeter or by Transformer
resistance meter.

The winding resistance will be measured by a drop of potential method on all

windings by injecting direct current through the phase winding as shown below.

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

For the Y connected transformer the measurement should be made between

each line bushing and single phase value is half of the measured value. For the
delta connection, the measurement should be made between each pair of
bushing and then single phase value is three half of the measured value.

The measured values should be compared with factory value, for that, a
conversion for the temperature correction should be done by following formula.

R 75 = Ra x 234.5+75


Whereas R75 = Corrected Resistance in ohms

Ra = Measured Resistance at ambient temperature in ohms

Ta = Ambient temperature in 0 C

5.2.5. Magnetization Current Measurement.

The test connection is done as shown in the following drawing. Apply 200 V to
the transformer HV terminals and measure the current and corresponding
voltage for all the tap position.

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

5.2.6. Oil Testing

Oil sample should be taken from bottom, top of the main tank, OLTC chamber
and also from the conservator tank,

De-electric test for the oil should be performed as per IEC 156 using de-electric
test machine

5.2.7. Temperature indicator and sensor. Oil Temperature
The oil and winding temperature indicators shall be calibrated by heat sink
with thermometer. Winding Temperature

The winding temperature indicator shall be checked by current injection at
the heater element.

5.2.8. Bushing current transformer

Following tests should be done on all the bushing transformers

• Ratio test
• Magnetization curve
• Polarity test
• Insulation test
• Winding resistance test
• Loop resistance test
All the test results shall be entered in the CT test. Refer TP-CRT01 for the test

5.2.9. Testing and commissioning of cooler control cabinet

Prior to power up cooler control cabinet with auxiliary 3 phase/single phase/dc
voltage, following checkups shall be carried out.

Equipment: Distribution Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

 Winding insulation resistance and winding resistance for the fan motors should
be carried out.
 Insulation resistance test for the control circuit should be carried out.
 After obtaining all the results and found satisfactory auxiliary power can be
switched on and voltage/phase sequence measurement should be carried out.
 Manual/auto operation of the fans should be checked
 Heater and lighting circuit should be checked and made functional.
5.2.10. Transformer protection devices functional check
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from buchholz relay. tripping of protection
relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote annunciation
shall be observed
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from pressure relay. tripping of protection
relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote annunciation
shall be observed
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from pressure relief relay. tripping of
protection relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote
annunciation shall be observed
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from oil and winding temperature indicator.
tripping of protection relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local
and remote annunciation shall be observed
 Results for above tests shall be entered in the test form No.TS-AT01 of the
power transformer.
5.2.11. Protective Earthing Check
Transformer protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford
protection to human beings.

6. Documents
Relevant Test sheets to be prepared according to the size and type of the transformer.
7. References:
8. Attachment
8.1. Test Sheet for oil filled transformer 13.8/4.16KV
8.2. Test Sheet for oil filled transformer 13.8/0.480KV:
8.3. Test Sheet for oil filled transformer 4.16/0.48KV
8.4. Test for Dry Type transformer

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Power Transformers
Document No: BSC-TP-MPT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5. Execution---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.1 Visual Checks----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2 Testing of Transformer-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.1 Pressure or leak test for the transformer tank-------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.2 Core insulation test------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.3 insulation resistance / Polarization index test--------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.4 Voltage Ratio Measurement------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
5.2.5 Vector Group/Phase Displacement-----------------------------------------------------------------8
5.2.6 Magnetic Balance test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
5.2.7 Winding Resistance Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
5.2.8 Impedance measurement---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Single phase impedance measurement-------------------------------------------------- 12 Zero sequence impendence measurement---------------------------------------------- 13
5.2.9 Excitation current Measurement ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
5.2.10 Insulation Power factor or Tan delta measurement------------------------------------------ 14
5.2.11 Measurement of capacitance and tan delta of transformer bushing---------------------14
5.2.12 Measurement of breakdown voltage, moisture content of transformer---------------- 15
5.2.13 Temperature indicator and sensor Calibration------------------------------------------------ 16
5.2.14 Bushing Current Transformer---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
5.2.15 Sweep Frequency Response Analysis------------------------------------------------------------- 16
5.2.16 Testing and commissioning of cooler control cabinet---------------------------------------- 17
5.2.17 Functional checks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
5.2.18 Testing and commissioning of Remote tap changer control panel----------------------- 18
5.2.19 Measurement of inrush Current and inrush current withstand test---------------------- 18
5.2.20 Measurement of Neutral current in no load and load condition-------------------------- 18
5.2.21 Particulate content of transformer oil ----------------------------------------------------------- 19
5.2.22 DGA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
6. Documents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 19
7. Reference--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
8. Attachment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 19

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of the generator step up
transformer GSU
2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried out.
2.2 Documentation
• The Schematic diagrams of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Test report to be made available
• Product manual of the transformer
• Drawing number shall be specified along with electrical diagram
• Factory acceptance report (FAT) shall be in hand during testing in order to refer reference value
• SEC approved manufactured drawings shall be available at site during field testing
• Valid Calibration Certificates for the test equipment to be used shall be available at site before
starting the tests.
2.3 Personnel
• Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with experience in commissioning of transformer and
switch gear.
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department
2.4 Measuring Instruments
• Ratio meter (calibrated)---1
• Multi meter(calibrated)—2
• Insulation resistance meter –megger(calibrated)—1
• CT tester( calibrated)-1
• DC shunt 100 amps( calibrated)--1
• Mini clamp(calibrated)—2
• Tan delta measurement test equipment—1
• Current injection set(calibrated)—1
• phase relay tester(calibrated)—1
• Voltmeter
• Transformer resistance meter
• Sweep frequency Response Analyzer (SFRA)
• Power Analyzer which can also record the in rush current
3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no unauthorized
persons are working at the corresponding load-where ever necessary barriers should be
4. Scope
• Testing of Transformer
• Checking Auxiliaries and cooling system
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Testing of bushing CT
• Checking of correct earthing,
• Testing of Protective devices
• Adjustment of OLTC AVR for final operation

5. Execution
5.1 Visual Inspection.
Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the transformer should be carried out
paying particular attention to the following points

• Equipment and cables are undamaged

• Correct execution of the cable gland/sealing end
• Firm cable termination/terminal connection and ferruling
• Check name Plate data for correctness in accordance with approved drawings
• Check all components are installed
• Check for any damages, oil leakage, defectives
• Check all groundings are securely connected “at least two points
• Check that piping for Buchholz relay has proper slope and direction towards the conservator
• Check that Inlet &Outlet valves of Buchholz relay are OPEN
• Check that the valves for Protective relay of OLTC are OPEN
• Check all valves between main tank and radiator are OPEN
• Check the color and quantity of Silica gel in the breather and oil pot level
• Check labeling of both High & Low Voltage Bushings
• Check labeling of all Aux. Devices and cables in accordance with drawings
• Check proper Installation of all Aux. Devices
• Check Oil level in the conservator and Bushings.
• Check tightness of all wiring
• Check installation of Gas Monitoring Unit “CALISTO” , sample valves are open
• Check installation of On Load Tap Changer
• Records from the impact recorder shall be checked once the transformer is in position for
any abnormalities caused during transportation, if recorder is electronic then stored data
shall be sent to vendor for analyzing (this is part of the erection activity)
• Tightness of all bolted connection to be checked and torque according to the manufacture
recommendation (this is part of the erection activity)
• Horizontal and vertical clearance of live parts to adjacent ground part to shall be checked
and confirm to the standard (this is part of the erection activity)
• Bushing and Neutral CT’s shall be checked for damages on connections

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.1.1 Commissioning of OLTC

Commissioning of OLTC will ease the testing of transformer as tap changer can be operated
electrically. Prior to power up OLTC control panel with auxiliary 3 phase/single phase/dc voltage,
following checkups shall be carried out.

• Winding insulation resistance and winding resistance for the motor should be carried out.
• Insulation resistance test for the control circuit should be carried out.
• After obtaining all the results and found satisfactory auxiliary power can be switched on
• voltage/phase sequence measurement shall be entered in test form
• Complete operational check including interlock and alarm shall be checked
5.2 Testing of Transformer
Following tests to be carried out

1. Pressure or leak test for the transformer tank.(this is part of erection activity)
a. Vacuum with stand test
b. Pressure test
2. Core insulation test
3. Insulation resistance / Polarization index test
4. Voltage Ratio Measurement
5. Vector Group/Phase Displacement
6. Magnetic Balance test
7. Winding Resistance Test
8. Impedance measurement
a. Single phase impedance measurement
b. Zero sequence impendence measurement
9. Excitation current Measurement
10. Insulation Power factor or Tan delta measurement
11. Measurement of capacitance and tan delta of transformer bushing at voltage of 2kv to
12kv in steps of 2kv
12. Measurement of breakdown voltage , moisture content of transformer insulating oil
13. Temperature indicator and sensor Calibration
i. Winding Temperature
b. Oil Temperature
14. Bushing Current Transformer
15. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis
16. Testing and commissioning of cooler control cabinet
17. Functional checks
a. Functional checks of protection devices
b. Functional checks of alarms
c. Functional check of measuring devices
18. Testing and commissioning of Remote tap changer control panel
19. Measurement of inrush Current and inrush current withstand test
20. Measurement of Neutral current in no load and load condition
21. Particulate content of transformer oil after completion of testing and three days of

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

22. DGA shall be carried out transformer insulating oil after three days and after month of
5.2.1 Pressure or Leak Test for the Transformer Tank.(this is part of erection activity) Vacuum with Stand Test
After complete assembly including coolers, bushings, conservator and other
accessories, transformer tank has to be vacuumed to <1 mbar or 750 tar and
maintain for minimum six hours Pressure Test /Leak Test

After complete assembly including coolers, bushings, conservator and other
accessories and oil filled, the transformer tank has to be filled with nitrogen or dry air
and maintain pressure to 0.3kgf/cm2 for 12 hours

5.2.2 Core Insulation Test

The insulation resistance between core and earth shall be done for one minute with
3500 V dc megger, as per following connection

Core – Earth

5.2.3 Insulation Resistance/Polarization Index Test

Testing of insulation resistance and polarization index shall be carried out as under

Apply the test voltage (5KV DC) on following Connection and note down the readings

Two Winding Transformer

HV – Earth

LV – Earth


Three Winding Transformer

HV – Earth

LV1 –Earth

LV2 –Earth



LV1 -LV2

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute with 15 seconds
interval and then for every minute up to ten minutes. Value obtained at 10 minute divided by
value at 1 minute gives polarization index

Please refer below figures for connection and test arrangement



Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7


5.2.4 Voltage Ratio Measurement

The voltage ratio measurement for two or three winding power transformer can be done
either by conventional method using Voltmeters or by using Turns ratio Meter

The test will be mad for each and every phase at all tap position as follows.

Figure -4

For Two winding Transformer

• Apply 3 phase Voltage more than 220V on HV Winding and measure the corresponding
voltages at the LV winding
• Note down both HV and LV winding side voltages for all the three phase and at all tap
For Three winding Transformer

• Apply 3 phase Voltage more then 220V on HV Winding and measured the corresponding
voltages at the LV1 and LV2 windings.
• Noted HV ,LV1and LV2 winding side voltages on all the three phase and at all tap positions

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

5.2.5 Vector Group Check

The vector group or phase relationship can be checked by injecting three phase supply
and measuring the voltages as per the figure below

One of the phase say 1U and 2U between HV and LV should be shorted together and three
phase low voltage is applied on HV terminals.

Then the voltage between various pairs of line terminal should be measured and


Example: condition for Yn1d1d1 is, the voltage between

1V-2W> 1W-2W=1W-2V=1V-2W


Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

5.2.6 Magnetic Balance Test

This test can be done by applying 380 volts 60 Hz single phase supply across phase and
neutral of HV winding and voltage induced on other two phases are measured

Test shall be carried out at lowest, middle and highest tap


5.2.7 Winding Resistance Measurement

The Winding resistance measurement can be done by either conventional method using
2V /50A DC battery with voltmeter and Ammeter or by Transformer resistance meter.

The winding resistance for HV winding will be measured by a drop of potential method
on all windings by injecting 50A DC through the winding as shown below.


Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 10


The winding resistance for LV winding shall be measured by a drop of potential method
on all the three windings by injecting 100A DC through the winding as shown Figure-10
to 12.



Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 11


For the Y connected transformer the measurement should be made between each line
and neutral bushing and for the delta connection, the measurement shall be made
between each pair of bushing and then single phase value is equal to three half of the
measured value.

The measured values should be compared with factory value, for that a conversion for
the temperature correction should be done by using following formula.

R 75 = Ra x 234.5+75


Whereas R75 = Corrected Resistance in ohms

Ra = Measured Resistance at ambient temperature in ohms

Ta = Ambient temperature in 0 C

5.2.8 Impedance Measurement Single Phase Impedance Measurement
The impedance should be measured at lowest, nominal, and highest tap position as

Connection will be made as shown in below figure. Apply about three phase 220 Vac to
the transformer HV terminals and measure the current and voltages. Single phase
Impedance can be calculated as follows

Zu =1/2(Zuv+Zwu-Zvw)

Zv =1/2(Zvw+Zuv-Zwu)

Zw = 1/2(Zwu+Zvw-Zuv)

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 12


In case, exclusively single phase measurement is required, where some experts do not
agree with above test, follow the figure given below

Impedance voltage will be calculated to the rated current.

Figure-14 Zero Sequence Impedance Measurement

The Zero sequence impedance is usually measured for all-star or zigzag winding
connected transformers

Open Circuit zero sequence impedance is measured by applying single phase 220V
60 Hz between neutral and all the three phases shorted with other windings open

Connection shall be made as shown in figure-15.

Zzq = 3V/I

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 13


Short Circuit zero sequence impedance is measured by applying single phase 220V
60 Hz between neutral and all the three phases shorted with other windings short

Measurement connection shall be made as shown in figure-16.

Zzq = 3V/I


5.2.9 Magnetization Current Measurement.

Test connection will be done as shown in the following drawing. Apply 380V, 60 HZ to the
transformer HV terminals and measure the current and corresponding voltage for all the
tap position

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 14


5.2.10 Insulation Power Factor or Tan Delta and Excitation current at 2 to 12KV Measurement
• The test shall be made on each winding to ground and between the windings with
Doble or Megger tan delta equipment. Please refer the tan delta measurement
equipment guide to perform the test
• Reading shall be obtained from 2KV to 12KV in every 2 kv step.
• Same time Excitation current for all the windings are noted down.

Note: SEC-ERB standard SEC-GMSS01 ask for 2-20KV but most of the equipment
available in the market is only up to 12 KV even DOBLE 2H is up to 12 KV only.

5.2.11 Measurement of Capacitance and Tan Delta of Transformer Bushing at Voltage 2kv to
12kv in steps of 2kv
• Usually bushings above 23kv will have a power factor or a capacitance tap which can
be used to perform capacitance and dissipation factor measurement without
disconnecting the bushing from the winding.
• The test is done under UST (ungrounded specimen test) mode as shown in figure
• the readings of capacitance and dissipation factor for the bushings shall be obtained
for the test voltage of 2kv to 12kv in steps of 2kv

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 15


Above figure Measures main bushing insulation C 1

C HG , C HL , and C 3 shunt power supply, therefore no influence on measurement C 2 shunts

bridge winding, therefore negligible influence if less than 5000 pF

5.2.12 Measurement of Breakdown Voltage, Moisture Content and DGA of Transformer

Insulating Oil.
• Oil sample shall be taken from bottom, top of the main tank, OLTC chamber and also
from the conservator tank,
• De-electric test for the oil should be performed as per IEC 156 using de-electric

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 16

Except for the dielectric breakdown and power factor tests all other tests must be
performed at a SEC approved laboratory and the results are to be submitted to SEC-COA
for review and approval.

a) Dielectric strength:

i) ASTM D 877 (with 2.5 mm gap) for unprocessed oil & for oil in OLTC

ii) ASTM D 1816 (with 1.0 mm gap) for oil in Transformer Main Tank b)
Neutralization Number (ASTM D 974)

c) Interfacial tension (ASTM D 971)

d) Color (ASTM D 1500)

e) Moisture content (ASTM D 1533A)

f) Power factor test (ASTM D 924)

g) Dissolved gas in oil analysis (ASTM D 3612)

5.2.13 Temperature indicator and sensor. Oil Temperature
The oil and winding temperature indicators shall be calibrated by heat sink with
thermometer. Winding Temperature

The winding temperature indicator shall be checked by current injection at the
heater element.

5.2.14 Bushing Current Transformer

Following tests should be done on all the bushing transformers

• Ratio test
• Magnetization curve (measurement shall be for minimum 5 points below and 2 points
after the knee point)
• Polarity test
• Insulation test
• Winding resistance test
• Loop resistance test
All the test results shall be entered in the test form related to CT of the transformer.
Refer BS- TP-CRT01 for the test procedure

5.2.15 Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

Sweep frequency response analysis is tool which gives an indication of winding or core
movement, deformation of winding axial or radial, spiraling short or open turns etc.

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 17

The test can be performed by using DOBLE M5100 test equipment (please refer M5100
manual for test procedure). Test results are stored as a baseline reference and can be
verified with results obtained during factory testing or can also be verified with the
results of sister transformer in case factory results are not available.

The test can also be performed once the transformer arrives and bushings are connected
with no oil, provided no combustible gas in. This gives confidence in the mechanical
integrity of the unit prior to further work and commissioning.

5.2.16 Testing and Commissioning of Cooler Control Cabinet

Prior to power up cooler control cabinet with auxiliary 3 phase/single phase/dc voltage,
following check s shall be carried out.

• Winding insulation resistance and winding resistance for the fan motors should be
carried out.
• Insulation resistance test for the control circuit should be carried out.
• After obtaining all the results and found satisfactory auxiliary power can be switched on
and voltage/phase sequence measurement should be carried out.
• Manual/auto operation of the fans should be checked
• Heater and lighting circuit should be checked and made functional.
• 2KV, 60HZ, Power frequency withstand test on all control/auxiliary and CT secondary
circuit shall be performed
• Measurement of power, current/inrush current for the individual fan and group shall
be carried out
5.2.17 Functional Check Functional Checks of Protective Devices
• Trip shall be simulated from buchholz relay. tripping of protection relay and
breakers should be observed,
• Trip shall be simulated from pressure relay. tripping of protection relay and
breakers should be observed,
• Trip shall be simulated from pressure relief relay. tripping of protection relay and
breakers should be observed,
• Trip shall be simulated from oil and winding temperature indicator. Tripping of
protection relay and breakers should be observed.
• Results for above tests shall be entered in the test form No.TS-PT01 of the power
transformer. Functional Checks of Alarms
• Alarm Shall be simulated from buchholz relay and observe at local and remote
• Alarm shall be simulated from pressure relay and observe at local and remote
• Alarm shall be simulated from pressure relief relay. and observe at local and
remote annunciator

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 18

• Alarm shall be simulated from oil and winding temperature and observe at local
and remote annunciator
• Results for above tests shall be entered in the test form No.TS-PT01 of the
power transformer Functional Checks of Measuring Devices
• Measuring devices like temperature transducer shall be checked for its
functionality by using multi loop calibrators
5.2.18 Testing and Commissioning of Remote tap Changer Control panel(RTCC)
Prior to power up RTCC with auxiliary Single phase/dc voltage, following checkup shall
be carried out.

• Insulation resistance test for the control circuit should be carried out.
• After obtaining all the results and found satisfactory auxiliary power can be
switched on and voltage/phase sequence measurement shall be entered in
test form No TS-TP01.
• AVR should be calibrated
• Manual/auto operation of the tap changer should be checked
• Alarm on annunciation shall be checked
• Remote operation that is from DCS and SCADA should be checked
• Tap position indication should be checked both on local panel and DCS/SCADA.
• Heater and lighting circuit should be checked and made functional.
5.2.19 Measurement of Inrush Current.
• Inrush current measurement shall be carried out by chart recorder or inrush current
measurement instruments
• As inrush current depends on switching instant, minimum three readings shall be
taken at different occasion.
• Inrush current can also be noted down from the Transformer management relay by
programming the relay to trigger the oscillography for the pickup current
5.2.20 Measurement of Neutral Current in No Load and Load Condition
Neutral current under no load and load condition shall be measured once the
transformer is energized, this can be measured directly on the neutral of the transformer
with clamp meter

Values for no load current may be more than that of under load condition; this is due to
unbalanced magnetization current.

5.2.21 Particulate Content of Transformer Oil after Completion of Testing and after three days
of Energization
Please refer 5.3.12 of this procedure

5.2.22 DGA of Transformer Insulating Oil.

DGA prior to energization, three days and one month after the energization must be
performed at a SEC-COA approved laboratory and the results shall o be submitted to
SEC-COA review and approval.

Equipment: Power Transformer
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MPT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 19

6 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each every Power transformer.

7 References
1. SEC-ERB Standards SCS-P-105, SEC-GMSS-01
2. IEC 60076
3. Manual of DOBLE-M5100

8 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Size and type

8.1 Test Sheet for Three Winding Transformer

8.2 Test Sheet for Two winding Transformer

8.3 Test Sheet for auto power transformer

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Current Limiting Transformers
Document No: BSC-TP-CLT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.1. Work Status--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.2. Documentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.3. Personnel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.4. Measuring Instrumentation------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
5. Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.1. Visual Checks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5.2. Testing of Current Limiting Reactor
5.2.1.Measurement of Insulation resistance----------------------------------------------3
5.2.2.Measurement of Winding Resistance-----------------------------------------------3
5.2.3.Measurement of Impedance.---------------------------------------------------------4
5.2.4.High Voltage Test for Dry or Air core Reactor-------------------------------------5
5.3. Testing of protection devices for oil type reactor--------------------------------------5
6. Documents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7. Attachment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1. Task.
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of the oil and dry type Current
Limiting Reactor

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

2. Preconditions
2.1. Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried
2.2. Documentation
• The circuit diagrams and Single line Drawings are available.
• Commissioning checklists TS-CL01.
• Product manual of the Current limiting Reactor is available.
2.3. personnel
• Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with experience in commissioning of transformer
and switch gear.
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department
2.4. Measuring Instrument
• Multi meter (calibrated)—2
• Insulation resistance meter 5KV –megger(calibrated)—1
• AC High Voltage tester up to 30 kv (calibrated)—1
• Variable Auto Transformer-----1
• Mini clamp(calibrated)—2
• Fluke
3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
• Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no unauthorized
persons are working at the corresponding load-where ever necessary barriers should be

4. Scope
• Testing of Current Limiting Reactor
• Checking that the mounting position is correct,
• Checking of correct earthing,
• Checking of protection devices for oil type reactor

5. Execution
5.1. Visual Inspection.

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the CLR should be carried out paying
particular attention to the following points

• Correct labeling of devices and cables

• Equipment and cables are undamaged
• Correct execution of the cable gland/sealing end
• Name plate data, match with drawing and ambient condition
• Firm cable termination/terminal connection and ferruling
5.2. Testing of Current Limiting Rector
Following tests to be carried out

1. Measurement of Insulation Resistance

2. Measurement of Winding Resistance.
3. Measurement of Impedance.
4. High Voltage Test for Dry or Air core Reactor
5. Testing of protection devices for oil type reactor
5.2.1. Insulation Resistance Before High Voltage Test
Checking of the insulation resistance should be carried out as under

Apply the test voltage between winding and ground and note down the readings

The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute with 15

seconds interval.

Please refer below for connection and test arrangement

5.2.2. Winding Resistance Measurement

The Winding resistance measurement can be done by either conventional method using
2V DC battery with voltmeter and Ammeter or by Micro ohmmeter.

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

The winding resistance will be measured by a drop of potential method by injecting

direct current through the winding as shown below.

Measurement should be made between line to line bushing

The measured values should be compared with factory value, for that a conversion for
the temperature correction should be done by following formula.

R 75 = Ra x 234.5+75


Whereas R 75 = Corrected Resistance in ohms

Ra = Measured Resistance at ambient temperature in ohms

Ta = Ambient temperature in 0 C

5.2.3. Impedance Measurement

The impedance should be measured as follows.

Test connection is done as shown in figure below. Apply about 22 0 Vac between the
line terminals and measured the current, voltage divided by current gives Impedance.

5.2.4. High Voltage Test

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site. The test
shall be carried out on dry type or air core reactor as under

• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R
and ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y
and ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B
and ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
5.2.5. Insulation Resistance After High Voltage Test
Checking of the insulation resistance should be carried out as mention in 5.5.1

5.2.6. Oil Testing( for oil type Reactor)

Oil sample should be taken from bottom, top of the main tank, also from the
conservator tank,

De-electric test for the oil should be performed as per IEC 156 using de-electric test

5.2.7. Temperature Indicator and Sensor. Oil Temperature
The oil and winding temperature indicators shall be calibrated by heat sink with
thermometer. Winding Temperature

The winding temperature indicator shall be checked by current injection at the
heater element.

5.3. Protection Devices Functional Check (for oil type CLR)

 Trip and alarm should be simulated from buchholz relay. tripping of protection relay and
breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote annunciation shall be
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from pressure relay. tripping of protection relay and
breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote annunciation shall be
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from pressure relief relay. tripping of protection
relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote annunciation shall
be observed
 Trip and alarm should be simulated from oil and winding temperature indicator. tripping
of protection relay and breakers should be observed, alarms on local and remote
annunciation shall be observed

Equipment: Current Limiting Reactor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-CLT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

 Results for above tests shall be entered in the test form No.TS-PT01 of the power

5.4. Checking the Protective Earthing

Bus duct protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to human beings.
Protective earthing bond should be checked for continuity.

6. Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each every Current Limiting Reactor

7. Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Size and type

7.1. Test Sheet for Current Limiting Reactor

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Document No: BSC-TP-LCB01
Rev: 0

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5. Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
5.1 Visual Inspection--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Testing of LV CB and Feeder----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.1 Operation and alignment Checks of breaker lifting Trolley------------------------------ 4
5.2.2 Tests on the CB--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Breaker Manual closing/opening, and manual spring charging------------------ 4 Contact Resistance test----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Insulation resistance test before hipot------------------------------------------------ 5 High Voltage test.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Insulation resistance test after hipot.------------------------------------------------- 6 Minimum operating voltage for close and trip coil.-------------------------------- 6 Breaker operating time. (Only Main Breaker which has Synch. Facilities)---- 7 Spring charging motor current and time measurement.--------------------------- 7 Stored energy and spring charge mechanism checks.------------------------------ 7
5.2.3 Breaker operation CB Racking IN and OUT Checks---------------------------------------------------- 8 CB operation in service position mechanical and electrical---------------------- 8 CB operation in test position electrical---------------------------------------------- 8 Functional test of local controls, alarm and Indication---------------------------- 8 Functional Test of Remote control, alarm, and indication------------------------ 8
5.2.4 Checks for operation of Auxiliary switches ,limit switches for test, service ---------- 9
5.2.5 Operation of Earth Switch.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
5.2.6 Functional check of interlock and limit switches.------------------------------------------ 9
5.2.7 Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices-------------------------------------- 10
5.2.8 Protective Earthing check---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
5.2.9 Checks for interchangeable of CB of same rating for interference interlock---------- 10
5.2.10 Commissioning of Heater Circuit----------------------------------------------------------- 10
5.2.11 Checks before and After initial Energization --------------------------------------------- 11
6. Documents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
7. Attachment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test, commission and document LV circuit breaker feeder in
metal enclosed switchgear assemblies of 220/380/480V levels.

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried out.
2.2 Documentation
• The schematic and single line diagram of the medium voltage switchgear are available
• Relevant test sheets to be made available.
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of Electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring instruments and tools
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 1000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 2 KV)
• Discharge hot stick
• Secondary Injection
• Fluke-2 Nos
3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury to
personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with valid
calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe handling
and draining of residual voltage.
• Breaker should be withdrawn from the cubicle during breaker testing.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding stick
/ wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

4.0 Scope
• Testing of CB
• Testing of Anti pumping facility
• Operation of CB inside the feeder
• Operation of Earting switch
• Checking CB mounting.

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check nameplate information for correctness.
• Inspect enclosures for proper alignment, foundation fixing and grounding.
• Inspect covers, panel section and door for paint work and proper fit.
• Check for smooth and proper movement of racking mechanisms for alignment, shutters,
rollers, rails and guides.
• Check for proper alignment of the breaker primary and secondary contacts.
• Check operation of all mechanical interlocks.
• Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method).
• Check bus and supports for defects such as cracked welds, chipped porcelain, cracked
insulation, etc., and free of dust accumulation.
• Verify that all front panel mounted devices (meters, push buttons, switches, indicator lamps,
mimic buses, etc.) are installed as per drawings
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on the circuit breaker.
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on disconnect and grounding switches.
• Check for correct breaker position indication.
• Check for correct spring status indication (spring charged/discharged).
• Perform all specific checks on the breaker and spring operating mechanism.
• Check that all control wiring is correct according to the approved drawing and terminal
connections are secure.

• Ensure the numbers on the ferules are from left to right beginning at the terminal block i.e. at the
end of the wire and from bottom to top.
• The wire nos. should be checked against the wiring table and the schematic drawing.

5.2 Testing of CB and Feeder

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the CB data with the data contained in the
circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Operation and alignment Checks of breaker liftingTrolley

2. Tests on the CB
a. Breaker Manual closing/opening, and manual spring charging
b. Contact Resistance test
c. Insulation resistance test before hipot
d. High Voltage test.
e. Insulation resistance test after hipot.
f. Minimum operating voltage for close and trip coil.

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

g. Breaker operating time. (Only Main Breaker which has Synch. Facilities)
h. Spring charging motor current and time measurement.
i. Stored energy and spring charge mechanism checks.
3. Breaker operation
a. CB Racking IN and OUT Checks
b. CB operation in service position mechanical and electrical
c. CB operation in test position electrical
d. Functional test of local controls, alarm and Indication
e. Functional Test of Remote control, alarm, and indication
4. Checks for operation of Auxiliary switches ,limit switches for test, service and
5. Functional check of interlock and limit switches.
6. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices
a. Testing of protection devices
b. Testing of CT and VT
c. Testing of Transducers
d. Testing of Alarm Devices
7. Protective earthing check
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
c. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
d. Measurement of Current and voltage
9. Checks before and After initial energization

5.2.1 Operation and Alignment Checks of Breaker Lifting Trolley.

Lifting trolley shall be checked for alignment, correct loading and unloading of the
breaker as under

• Aligned the trolley to the breaker roller guides in the cubicle

• Engage the trolley with roller guides
• Check for correct locking and unlocking of trolley with roller guides
• Check for smooth rolling of the breaker in to the trolley
• Check locking of trolley when breaker is boarded on the trolley
• Disconnect the trolley from roller guides
5.2.2 Tests on Circuit Breaker
Breaker can be withdrawn from the feeder cubicle and test out side the feeder as this
will ease the testing as under Breaker Manual Closing/Opening and Manual Spring Charging

Mechanical operation of the breaker is checked as under

• Charge the spring manually with help of lever.

• Observe the spring charging indicator position, it should be showing spring
• Push the mechanical push button for close. Breaker should be closed.
• Observe the breaker close indicator it should be red or “I”.

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• Once the breaker is close spring will get discharged and indicator shows spring
• Push the mechanical push button for open. Breaker should be. opened.
• Observe the breaker opened indicator it should be Blue or “O”.
• Operation shall be done several times. Contact Resistance Test
Breaker Contact resistance can be measured using micro ohm meter on each
pole of the breaker when breaker is closed

• Connect the current and voltage leads of the micro ohmmeter across the pole
of the breaker
• Apply a current of 100 amps and note down the reading
• Repeat the test for other two pole also
• For judgment, the resistance values from one pole to another pole should not
vary with big difference and the value should also be cross checked with
manufacturer recommendation.



CB CONTACT RESISTANCE TESTING ARRANGEMENT Insulation Resistance Test Before High Voltage Test

Before performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test with
1000Vdc insulation tester.

• Close the breaker.

• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B
and ground and note down the readings.
• Open the breaker,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6 High Voltage Test

Note: high voltage test shall be done only in case breaker is not tested for high
voltage along with the bus

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site.
The test shall be carried out on LV CB in both close and open position. Test is
performed as under

 When the CB is Closed( shown in figure below)

• The test voltage to carry out the test is as per below table.
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase R and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase Y and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase B and ground. Record the leakage current




 When the CB is Open(as shown in figure below)

• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side of the breakers to the ground.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side of the breaker to the test set.
• Apply the test voltage gradually between ground and cable side terminal
of the breaker and ground
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.



Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7 Insulation Resistance Test after High Voltage Test

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with
1000Vdc insulation tester as describe in 5.2.2 Minimum Operating Voltage for Close and Trip Coil Close Coil

Minimum voltage required to close the breaker is measured by applying variable
DC voltage to the closing coil of the breaker

• Connect the DC source to the closing coil of the breaker in series with dc
• Increase the voltage slowly till the breaker get closed , note down voltage
and current readings Trip Coil
Minimum voltage required to Trip the breaker is measured by applying variable
DC voltage to the Trip coil of the breaker

• Connect the DC source to the Trip coil of the breaker in series with dc
• Increase the voltage slowly till the breaker get opened , note down voltage
and current readings
• Test should be repeated for both trip coils Breaker Operating Time(Only Main Breakers which has Synch Facility)
Breaker closing and tripping time can be measured either by a timer or a
breaker analyzer

Timing Test Using An Electronic Oscillograph.

• Connect the test set to the CB.

• Perform the following operations at the rated DC
• Close ( C ) , Open ( O ) , Close - Open ( C – O ) & Open – Close – Open ( O –
• Record the corresponding readings.


CH. 1

CH. 2

CH. 3





Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8 Spring Charging Time and Motor Current Measurement

Spring charging motor current is measured by ammeter or DC clamp meter as

• Switch off the CB of motor circuit

• Connect the clamp meter in spring charging motor circuit
• Discharge the spring if it is charged
• Switch on the CB for motor circuit
• Note down the current Stored Energy and Spring Charge Mechanism Checks
Stored energy and spring charging is checked by performing several operations.

5.2.3 Breaker operation CB Racking IN and OUT Checks
CB Racking IN and OUT must be checked for a smooth movement. This should
be checked several times CB Operation in Service Position Mechanical and Electrical

• Put the breaker in service position
• Perform several Close and Open operation of the breaker manually by
operating mechanical buttons
• Performer several Close and Open operation of the breaker electrically both
local and remote CB Operation in Test Position

• Put the breaker in Test position.
• Perform several Close and Open operation of the breaker manually by
operating mechanical buttons.
• Performer several Close and Open operation of the breaker electrically from
local. Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.

• Alarm and Indication for spring charging once the spring is charged shall be
• Alarm and indication for mal function of the drive should be checked by
interrupting the dc power to charging motor while charging.
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked.
• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked.
• Indication for closing, opening, rack in and rack out of the breaker shall be
checked. Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.

• Alarm and Indication for spring charging once the spring is charged shall be
checked on remote or DCS
• Alarm and indication for malfunction of the drive should be checked by
interrupting the dc power to charging motor while charging shall be checked
on DCS or remote

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked on DCS or

• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked on DCS or
• Indication for closing, opening, rack in and rack out of the breaker shall be
checked on DCS or Remote.

5.2.4 Checks for Operation of Auxiliary switches, Limit Switches for Test/ Service.
Contacts of auxiliary switches for breaker position, MOC, earth switch etc shall be
checked for its correct operation, and contacts resistance is measured for each and every
contacts output.
5.2.5 Operation of Earth Switch
Operation of earth switch for closing and opening to be checked, also indication to be
5.2.6 Functional Checks of Interlocks and Limits Switches
Following Interlock should be checked as per manufacturer instruction manual
• Positive interlock
• Negative interlock
• Spring discharge interlock
• Interference interlock
• Closing spring gag interlock

Limits switches should be checked for its proper operation and function an adjustment is
made if required.

5.2.7 Electrical Control and Protection/Measuring Devices Insulation Resitance Measurement for Control Wiring and cabling with 500 V
• Insulation resistance measurement shall be done for control circuit, motor circuit,
tripping and closing circuit with help of 500 v dc Insulation resistance tester
• All the external control and protection cables shall be checked for loop check and
insulation resistance measurement. Control Power and Current Measurement

• Current on MCB of each circuit to be measured when all the devices are in service
• Mixing of voltage between the two circuits should be checked by keeping off
MCB of one circuit and checking the voltage on other circuit MCB towards load
side +V and –V terminals with respect to ground
• Above test should be done for closing, tripping, charging and power to the devices
circuits. Testing of Protection Devices

All the protection and monitoring relays to be tested, please refer related test
procedure. Testing of CT and VT

All the CT’s and VT’s shall be tested, please refer related test procedure

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 10 Testing of Transducer

All the current, voltage, frequency and power transducer shall be tested, please
refer related test procedure Testing of Alarm Devices
All the current, voltage, frequency and power transducer shall be tested, please
refer related test procedure

5.2.8 Protective earthing check

Switch gear protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Minimum two point’s preferable extreme end of ground bus shall be
connected to the ground mesh
• Check all protective relays have been grounded
• Check the doors have been grounded

5.2.9 Checks for interchangeable of CB of same rating for interference interlock

CB should be checked for interference interlock
• Remove the breaker from the cubicle
• Put the breaker of same rating in to the cubicle, breaker should move freely inside.
• Remove the breaker again from the cubicle
• But the breaker of different rating , breaker should not move inside the cubicle, do
not put more force in order not to damage the beaker and interface plate

5.2.10 Commissioning of heaters

Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters
• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating with
respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance

Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage

Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load
with mini clamp meter Functional Checks of Thermostat

Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in and cut out

5.2.11 Checks After Initial Energization

After Energization service load checks to be performed as under
• Current should be measured on all the secondary terminal of the current
• Phase to phase and phase to ground Voltage measurement should be done on all the
phase and core of the voltage transformer.

Equipment: LV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 11

• Phase sequence checks to be done on Voltage transformer.

• All the measuring devices including protective relay to be checked for their
metering function.
6.0 Documents

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every breaker and its feeder.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their switchgear

7.1 Test sheet for testing of LV CB:

7.2 Test sheet for functional check of LV Feeder:

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
MV Circuit Breaker and Its
Document No: BSC-TP-MCB01
Rev: 0

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
a. Visual Inspection------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
b. Testing of MV CB and Feeder-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1. Operation and alignment Checks of breaker lifting Trolley------------------------------------ 4
2. Tests on the CB
a. Breaker Manual closing/opening, and manual spring charging--------------------------- 4
b. Contact gap Measurement for main contact of the VCB----------------------------------- 5
c. Contact Resistance test----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
d. Insulation resistance test before hipot---------------------------------------------------------- 5
e. Vacuum Integrity test on VCB--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
f. High Voltage test.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
g. Insulation resistance test after hipot.----------------------------------------------------------- 7
h. Minimum operating voltage for close and trip coil.------------------------------------------ 7
i. Breaker operating time. (Only Main Breaker which has Synch. Facilities)--------------- 8
j. Spring charging motor current and time measurement.-------------------------------------8
k. Stored energy and spring charge mechanism checks.--------------------------------------- 8
3. Breaker operation
a. CB Racking IN and OUT Checks----------------------------------------------------------- 8
b. CB operation in service position mechanical and electrical----------------------------- 8
c. CB operation in test position electrical----------------------------------------------------- 9
d. Anti-pumping functional check-------------------------------------------------------------- 10
e. Functional test of local controls, alarm and Indication---------------------------------- 10
f. Functional Test of Remote control, alarm, and indication------------------------------ 10
4. Checks for operation of Auxiliary switches ,limit switches for test, service -------------- 10
5. Functional check of interlock and limit switches.---------------------------------------------- 10
6. Operation of Earth Switch------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
7. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices------------------------------------------ 12
8. Protective Earthing check-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
9. Check for interchangeable of CB of same rating for Interference interlock---------------- 12
10. Commissioning of Heater Circuit--------------------------------------------------------------- 12
11. Checks before and After initial Energization ------------------------------------------------- 13
6. Documents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
7. Attachment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test, commission and document feeder and MV circuit breaker
feeder in metal enclosed switchgear assemblies of 4.16kV and 13.8 kV levels.

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done

2.2 Documentation
• The schematic and single line diagram of the medium voltage switchgear are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of Electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 5000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 50 KV or DC (up to 80 KV)
• Discharge hot stick
• Secondary Injection
• Fluke-2 Nos
3.0 Precautions

The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury to
personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with valid
calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe handling
and draining of residual voltage.
• Breaker should be withdrawn from the cubicle during breaker testing.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding stick
/ wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of CB & Feeder
• Testing of Anti pumping facility

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Operation of CB inside the feeder

• Operation of Earting switch
• Checking CB mounting.

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check nameplate information for correctness.
• Inspect enclosures for proper alignment, foundation fixing and grounding.
• Inspect covers, panel section and door for paint work and proper fit.
• Check for smooth and proper movement of racking mechanisms for alignment, shutters,
rollers, rails and guides.
• Check for proper alignment of the breaker primary and secondary contacts.
• Check operation of all mechanical interlocks.
• Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method).
• Check bus and supports for defects such as cracked welds, chipped porcelain, cracked
insulation, etc., and free of dust accumulation.
• Verify that all front panel mounted devices (meters, push buttons, switches, indicator lamps,
mimic buses, etc.) are installed as per drawings
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on the circuit breaker.
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on disconnect and grounding switches.
• Check for correct breaker position indication.
• Check for correct spring status indication (spring charged/discharged).
• Perform all specific checks on the breaker and spring operating mechanism.
• Check that all control wiring is correct according to the approved drawing and terminal
connections are secure.
• Ensure the numbers on the ferules are from left to right beginning at the terminal block i.e. at
the end of the wire and from bottom to top.
• The wire nos. should be checked against the wiring table and the schematic drawing.

5.2 Testing of CB and Feeder

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the CB data with the data contained in the
circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Operation and alignment Checks of breaker liftingTrolley
2. Tests on the CB
a. Breaker Manual closing/opening, and manual spring charging
b. Contact gap Measurement for main contact of the VCB
c. Contact Resistance test
d. Insulation resistance test before hipot
e. Vacuum Integrity test on VCB
f. High Voltage test.
g. Insulation resistance test after hipot.
h. Minimum operating voltage for close and trip coil.
i. Breaker operating time.
j. Spring charging motor current and time measurement.
k. Stored energy and spring charge mechanism checks

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

l. Functional check of C.B Operation counter

3. Breaker operation
a. CB Racking IN and OUT Checks
b. CB operation in service position mechanical and electrical
c. CB operation in test position electrical
d. Anti-pumping functional check
e. Functional test of local controls, alarm and Indication
f. Functional Test of Remote control, alarm, and indication
4. Checks for operation of Auxiliary switches ,limit switches for test, service and
5. Operation of Earth Switch
6. Functional check of interlock and limit switches.
7. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices
a. Testing of protection devices
b. Testing of CT and VT
c. Testing of Transducers
d. Testing of Alarm Devices
8. Protective earthing check
9. Check for interchangeable of CB of same rating for Interference interlock
10. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
c. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
d. Measurement of Current and voltage
11. Checks before and After initial energization
5.2.1 Operation and Alignment Checks of Breaker Lifting Trolley.
Lifting trolley shall be checked for alignment, correct loading and unloading of the
breaker as under

• Aligned the trolley to the breaker roller guides in the cubicle

• Engage the trolley with roller guides
• Check for correct locking and unlocking of trolley with roller guides
• Check for smooth rolling of the breaker in to the trolley
• Check locking of trolley when breaker is boarded on the trolley
• Disconnect the trolley from roller guides
5.2.2 Tests on Circuit Breaker
Breaker can be withdrawn from the feeder cubicle and test outside the feeder as this
will ease the testing as under Breaker Manual Closing/Opening and Manual Spring Charging

Mechanical operation of the breaker is checked as under

• Charge the spring manually with help of lever.

• Observe the spring charging indicator position, it should be showing spring
• Push the mechanical push button for close. Breaker should be closed.
• Observe the breaker close indicator it should be red or “I”.

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• Once the breaker is close spring will get discharged and indicator shows spring
• Push the mechanical push button for open. Breaker should be opened.
• Observe the breaker opened indicator it should be Blue or “O”.
• Operation shall be done several times. Contact Gap Measurement for Main Contact VCB
Contact gap measurement is done with the help of dialed caliper as described in
Vendor Manual

Curtsey: Cutler and hammer Contact Resistance Test

Breaker Contact resistance can be measured using micro ohm meter on each
pole of the breaker when breaker is closed

• Connect the current and voltage leads of the micro ohmmeter across the pole
of the breaker
• Apply a current of 100 amps and note down the reading
• Repeat the test for other two pole also
• For judgment, the resistance values from one pole to another pole should not
vary with big difference and the value should also be cross checked with
manufacturer recommendation.


CB CONTACT RESISTANCE TESTING ARRANGEMENT Insulation Resistance Test Before High Voltage Test

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Before performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test with
5000Vdc insulation tester.

• Close the breaker.

• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B
and ground and note down the readings.
• Open the breaker,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings. Vacuum Integrity Test
Vacuum integrity test is done when breaker is opened. In this test a dc high
voltage is applied across the interrupter for around 5-10 cycles and observed
healthiness of the vacuum interrupter as under

• Breaker shall be kept open

• Tester shall be connected across the vacuum bottle of one of the phase , other
two phase to be grounded both at top and bottom
• Test Voltage is applied on the object to be tested for 5 cycles and condition of
the vacuum bottle is observed
• Test shall be repeated for other two phases too
• Test voltage value to be noted from the vendor manual.
• Test can be done by using Programma Vacuum integrity tester
Note: the vacuum integrity tester usually are of half wave rectified DC out put
which can generate X ray when it is applied across the vacuum bottle, hence
maximum distance to be maintained from the test object High Voltage Test

Note: high voltage test shall be done only in case breaker is not tested for high
voltage along with the bus

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site.
The test shall be carried out on MV CB in both close and open position. Test is
performed as under

 When the CB is Closed( shown in figure below)

• The test voltage to carry out the test is as per below table.
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase R and ground. Record the leakage current

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase Y and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage gradually
between phase B and ground. Record the leakage current



 When the CB is Open(as shown in figure below)

• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side of the breakers to the ground.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side of the breaker to the test set.
• Apply the test voltage gradually between ground and cable side terminal of
the breaker and ground
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.




AC Testing

High-potential DC Testing
Rated Partial Discharge Test
Equipment Voltage,
kV Test Pulse Test
Time, Extinction Time, Time,
Level, Magnitude, level,
Min Level, kV Min Min
kV pC kV

4.16 14(19) 1 3.5(3.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8 Insulation Resistance Test after High Voltage Test

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with
5000Vdc insulation tester as describe in 5.2.2 Minimum Operating Voltage for Close and Trip Coil Close Coil
Minimum voltage required to close the breaker is measured by applying variable
DC voltage to the closing coil of the breaker

• Connect the DC source to the closing coil of the breaker in series with dc
• Increase the voltage slowly till the breaker get closed , note down voltage and
current readings Trip Coil
Minimum voltage required to Trip the breaker is measured by applying variable
DC voltage to the Trip coil of the breaker

• Connect the DC source to the Trip coil of the breaker in series with dc
• Increase the voltage slowly till the breaker get opened , note down voltage
and current readings
• Test should be repeated for both trip coils Breaker Operating Time
Breaker closing and tripping time can be measured either by a timer or a
breaker analyzer

Timing Test Using an Electronic Oscillograph.

• Connect the test set to the CB.

• Perform the following operations at the rated DC
• Close ( C ) , Open ( O ) , Close - Open ( C – O ) & Open – Close – Open ( O – C
• Record the corresponding readings.


CH. 1

CH. 2

CH. 3





Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9 Spring Charging Time and Motor Current Measurement

Spring charging motor current is measured by ammeter or DC clamp meter as

• Switch off the CB of motor circuit

• Connect the clamp meter in spring charging motor circuit
• Discharge the spring if it is charged
• Switch on the CB for motor circuit
• Note down the current Stored Energy and Spring Charge Mechanism Checks
Stored energy and spring charging is checked by performing several operations. Functional Check of C.B Operation Counter

Check the operation of the counter each time breaker is operated.

Reading for the counter shall be recorded as reference

5.2.3 Breaker operation CB Racking IN and OUT Checks
CB Racking IN and OUT must be checked for a smooth movement. This should
be checked several times CB Operation in Service Position Mechanical and Electrical
• Put the breaker in service position
• Perform several Close and Open operation of the breaker manually by
operating mechanical buttons
• Performer several Close and Open operation of the breaker electrically both
local and remote CB Operation in Test Position
• Put the breaker in Test position.
• Perform several Close and Open operation of the breaker manually by
operating mechanical buttons.
• Performer several Close and Open operation of the breaker electrically from

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 10 Anti-Pumping Functional Check

Anti-pump Relay function should be checked as per table below
Trip signal Breaker
Step Operation Breaker status
applied Operation

Breaker control
switch switched to Breaker
1 NO remains
“CLOSE” and held in CLOSED
CLOSE position

Breaker Trips
Breaker control
YES and does not Breaker
2 switch held in
Electrically attempt to remains OPENS
“CLOSE” position

Breaker control
3 switch returned to NO None
remains OPEN

Breaker control
switch switched to Breaker
4 NO remains
“CLOSE” and held in CLOSED
CLOSE position

Breaker Trips
Breaker control
YES and does not
5 switch held in Breaker OPEN
Mechanically attempt to
“CLOSE” position

From the above table it is noted that

• When the breaker is closed and the control switch is held in CLOSE
position. The breaker was still closed.
• when the breaker was tripped either Manually or Electrically, the
breaker does not attempt to re close if a permanent closing signal is
applied Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.

• Alarm and Indication for spring charging once the spring is charged shall be
• Alarm and indication formal function of the drive should be checked by
interrupting the dc power to charging motor while charging.
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked.
• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked.

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 11

• Indication for closing, opening, rack in and rack out of the breaker shall be
checked. Functional test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.
• Alarm and Indication for spring charging once the spring is charged shall be
checked on remote or DCS
• Alarm and indication formal function of the drive should be checked by
interrupting the dc power to charging motor while charging shall be checked
on DCS or remote
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked on DCS or
• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked on DCS or
• Indication for closing, opening, rack in and rack out of the breaker shall be
checked on DCS or Remote.

5.2.4 Checks for Operation of Auxiliary Switches, Limit Switches for Test/ Service.
Contacts of auxiliary switches for breaker position, MOC, earth switch etc shall be
checked for its correct operation, and contacts resistance is measured for each and every
contacts output.
5.2.5 Operation of Earth Switch
Operation of earth switch for closing and opening to be checked, also indication to be
5.2.6 Functional Checks of Interlocks and Limits Switches
Following Interlock should be checked as per manufacturer instruction manual
• Positive interlock
• Negative interlock
• Spring discharge interlock
• Interference interlock
• Closing spring gag interlock

Limits switches should be checked for its proper operation and function an adjustment is
made if required.

5.2.7 Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices Insulation Resistance Measurement for Control Wiring and cabling with 500 V
• Insulation resistance measurement shall be done for control circuit, motor circuit
, tripping and closing circuit with help of 500 v dc Insulation resistance tester
• All the external control and protection cables shall be checked for loop check and
insulation resistance measurement. Control Power and Current Measurement

• Current on MCB of each circuit to be measured when all the devices are in
• Mixing of voltage between the two circuits should be checked by keeping off
MCB of one circuit and checking the voltage on other circuit MCB towards load
side +V and –V terminals with respect to ground

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 12

• Above test should be done for closing, tripping, charging and power to the
devices circuits. Testing of Protection Devices

All the protection and monitoring relays to be tested, please refer related test
procedure. Testing of CT and VT

All the CT’s and VT’s shall be tested, please refer related test procedure Testing of Transducer
All the current, voltage, frequency and power transducer shall be tested, please refer
related test procedure Testing of Alarm Devices
All the current, voltage, frequency and power transducer shall be tested, please refer
related test procedure

5.2.8 Protective Earthing Check

Switch gear protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Minimum two point’s preferable extreme end of ground bus shall be
connected to the ground mesh
• Check all protective relays have been grounded
• Check the doors have been grounded

5.2.9 Checks for interchangeable of CB of same rating for interference interlock

CB should be checked for interference interlock
• Remove the breaker from the cubicle
• Put the breaker of same rating in to the cubicle, breaker should move freely inside.
• Remove the breaker again from the cubicle
• But the breaker of different rating , breaker should not move inside the cubicle, do not
put more force in order not to damage the beaker and interface plate

5.2.10 Commissioning of Heaters

Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters

• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating
with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance

Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage

Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load
with mini clamp meter

Equipment: MV Circuit Breaker and Its Feeder
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MCB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 13 Functional Checks of Thermostat

Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in and cut out

5.2.11 Checks After Initial Energization

After energization service load checks to be performed as under
• Current should be measured on all the secondary terminal of the current
• Phase to phase and phase to ground Voltage measurement should be done on
all the phase and core of the voltage transformer.
• Phase sequence checks to be done on Voltage transformer.
• All the measuring devices including protective relay to be checked for their
metering function.

6.0 Documents

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every breaker and its feeder.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their switchgear
7.1 Test sheet for testing of MV CB:
7.2 Test sheet for functional check of MV Feeder:

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
MV Disconnect Switch
Document No: BSC-TP-MDS01
Rev: 0

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Testing of MV DS and Feeder------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
1. Test on Disconnect switch
a. Contact Resistance test.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
b. Insulation resistance test before hipot.--------------------------------------------------------- 5
c. High Voltage test.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
d. Insulation resistance test after hipot------------------------------------------------------------ 6
e. Switch operating time /motor current measurement---------------------------------------6
f. Minimum voltage operation (open/close) at 90V dc.---------------------------------------- 6
2. Disconnect switch operation
a. Disconnect Switch operation at rated Voltage.----------------------------------------------- 7
b. Functional test of local controls, alarm and indication.------------------------------------- 7
c. Functional test of Remote controls, alarm and indication.---------------------------------8
d. Correct settings of motor limit switches.------------------------------------------------------- 8
e. Check correct operation of auxiliary switches.------------------------------------------------ 8
f. Automatic disconnection of supply to the motor on insertion of handle---------------8
3. Operation of Earth Switch.------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
4. Correct Functioning of Interlocks---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
5. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices -------------------------------------------- 8
a. Insulation resistance measurement for control circuit-------------------------------------- 8
b. Control power and current measurement.----------------------------------------------------- 8
6. Commissioning of Heater Circuit-----------------------------------------------------------------------8
7. Protective earthing check.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

6. Documents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task

The purpose of this procedure is to test, commission and document feeder and MV Disconnect and
Ground switch in metal enclosed switchgear assemblies of 4.16kV and 13.8 kV levels.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried out.

2.2 Documentation
• The schematic and single line diagram of the medium voltage switchgear are available
• Commissioning checklists TS-MD01

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of the electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 5000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 50 KV or DC (up to 80 KV)
• Discharge hot stick

3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury to
personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with valid
calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe handling
and draining of residual voltage.
• Breaker should be withdrawn from the cubicle during breaker testing.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding stick
/ wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Disconnect switch

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Testing Ground Switch

• Operation of Disconnect switch
• Checking Disconnect switch mounting.

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Check nameplate information for correctness.

• Inspect enclosures for proper alignment, foundation fixing and grounding.
• Inspect covers, panel section and door for paint work and proper fit.
• Check for smooth and proper movement of closing and opening mechanisms for
• Check operation of all mechanical interlocks.
• Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method).
• Check bus and supports for defects such as cracked welds, chipped porcelain, cracked
insulation, etc., and free of dust accumulation.
• Verify that all front panel mounted devices (meters, push buttons, switches, indicator
lamps, mimic buses, etc.) are installed as per drawings.
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on the Disconnect switch.
• Check that all control wiring is correct according to the approved drawing and terminal
connections are secure.
• Check simultaneous closing of all the three poles.
• Check that end of travels stops are correctly adjusted, set and locked in position.
• Check open gap and minimum clearance between phases and ground.
• Check that the switch can be pad locked in both closed and open position.
• Check that switch operating handle is grounded properly.


• Ensure the numbers on the ferules are from left to right beginning at the terminal block i.e. at
the end of the wire and from bottom to top.
The wire nos. should be checked against the wiring table and the schematic drawing.

5.2 Testing of Disconnect and Feeder

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the DS data with the data contained in the
circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Test on Disconnect switch

a. Contact Resistance test.
b. Insulation resistance test before hipot.
c. High Voltage test.
d. Insulation resistance test after hipot

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

e. Switch operating time /motor current measurement

f. Minimum voltage operation (open/close) at 90V dc.

2. Disconnect switch operation

a. Disconect Switch operation at rated Voltage.
b. Functional test of local controls, alarm and indication.
c. Functional test of Remote controls, alarm and indication.
d. Correct settings of motor limit switches.
e. Check correct operation of auxiliary switches.
f. Automatic disconnection of supply to the motor on insertion of handle
g. Operation of Earth Switch.
h. Correct Functioning of Interlocks
i. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices
j. Insulation resistance measurement for control circuit
k. Control power and current measurement.
l. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
m. Visual Checks
n. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
o. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
p. Measurement of Current and voltage
q. Protective earthing check.
5.2.1 Contact Resistance Test.
Disconnect switch Contact resistance can be measured using micro ohm meter on each
pole of the Disconnect switch when it is closed

• Connect the current and voltage leads of the micro ohmmeter across the pole of
the disconnect switch.
• Apply a current of 100 amps and note down the reading
• Repeat the test for other two pole also
• For judgment, the resistance values from one pole to another pole should not vary
with big difference and the value should also be cross checked with
manufacturer recommendation.




5.2.2 Insulation Resistance Test before Hipot.

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

Before performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test with
5000Vdc insulation tester.

• Close the disconnect switch.

• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y
and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B
and ground and note down the readings.
5.2.3 High Voltage Test
Note: high voltage test is to be done only in case disconnect switch is not tested for high
voltage along with the bus.

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site. The test
shall be carried out on MV Disconnect switch in close position. Test is performed as

 When the Disconnect Switch is Closed( shown in figure below)

• The test voltage to carry out the test is as per below table.
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage gradually between
phase R and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage gradually between
phase Y and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage gradually between
phase B and ground. Record the leakage current




Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6


AC Testing

High-potential DC Testing
Partial Discharge Test
Rated Test
Equipment Voltage,
Test Test
kV Time, Extinction Pulse Time
Level, Magnitude, level,
Min Level, kV Min Min
kV kV

4.16 14(19) 1 3.5(3.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

5.2.4 Insulation Resistance test after hipot

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with 5000Vdc
insulation tester as describe in 5.2.2

5.2.5 Switch Operating Time/Motor Current Measurement

DS closing and tripping time can be measured either by a timer or a breaker analyzer

Timing Test Using An Electronic Oscillo graph.

• Connect the test set to the DS.

• Perform the following operations at the rated DC
• Close ( C ) , Open ( O )
• Record the corresponding readings.
• From the graph check the simultaneous touch of the contact of all the phases

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7


CH. 1

CH. 2

CH. 3





5.2.6 Minimum Voltage Operation (Open/Close) at 90V dc. Closing
Minimum voltage operation is checked at 90 volts

• Connect the DC source to the closing circuit of the disconnect switch in series
with dc ammeter
• Maintained voltage at 90 volts and check the operation of the disconnect
switch , note down the current Opening
Minimum voltage operation is checked at 90 volts

• Connect the DC source to the opening circuit of the disconnect switch in series
with dc ammeter
• Maintained voltage at 90 volts and check the operation of the disconnect
switch , note down the current

5.2.7 Disconnect Switch Operation Tests. Switch Operation at Rated Voltage
• Perform several Close and Open operation of the Disconnect switch manually by
operating mechanical Levers
• Performer several Close and Open operation of the disconnect switch electrically
both local and remote

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8 Functional Test of Local Controls, alarm and indication.

• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked..
• Indication for closing, opening, of the disconnect switch shall be checked. Functional test of Remote Controls, alarm and Indication.

• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked on DCS or remote
• Indication for closing, opening, of the disconnect switch shall be checked on DCS
or Remote. Correct Settings of Motor Limit Switches.

Limits switches should be checked for its proper operation and function an
adjustment is made if required. Check Correct Operation of auxiliary Switches.

Contacts of auxiliary switches for switch operation, earth switch etc shall be
checked for its correct operation, and contacts resistance is measured for each and
every contacts output. Automatic Disconnection of Supply to the Motor on Insertion of Hand

While Operating Handle is inserted in to the notch, operation of the disconnect
switch checked electrically, no operation should occur.

5.2.8 Operation of Earth Switch.

Operation of earth switch for closing and opening to be checked, also indication to be

5.2.9 Correct Functioning of Interlocks

Interlock should be checked as per manufacturer instruction manual

5.2.10 Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices Insulation Resitance measurement for control wiring and cabling with 500 V DC
Insulation resistance test for control wiring and auxiliary circuit should be done
with 500V dc Insulation tester. Control Power and Current Measurement.

• Current on MCB of each circuit to be measured when all the devices are in
• Mixing of voltage between the two circuits should be checked by keeping off
MCB of one circuit and checking the voltage on other circuit MCB towards
load side +V and –V terminals with respect ground

5.2.11 Commissioning of Heaters

Space heater shall be commissioned as under.

Equipment: MV Disconnect Switch
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MDS01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9 Visual Checks of Heaters

• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating with
respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance

Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage

Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load
with mini clamp meter Functional Checks of Thermostat

Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in and cut out

5.2.12 Protective Earthing Check

Switch gear protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings.
6.0 Documents
Test Sheet shall be completed.

7.0 Attachment
7.1 Test Sheet for MV Disconnect Switch
7.2 Test Sheet for MV Earth Switch

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
LV Bus Bar
Document No: BSC-TP-LBB01
Rev: 0

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task Preconditions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.1 Visual Inspection---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Testing of LV Bus Bar--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.1 Bus continuity and phasing test-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.2 Torque test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.3 Contact Resistance test------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
5.2.4 Main Circuit Contact Resistance test------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.5 Insulation resistance test before hipot----------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.6 High Voltage test--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.7 Insulation Resistance test after hipot------------------------------------------------------------- 6
5.2.8 Protective earthing check---------------------------------------------------------------------------7
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test and document the integrity bus bar of metal enclosed
switchgear assemblies of 480V levels using an ac/dc source.

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried
2.2 Documentation
• The bus bar diagram of the electrical equipment cabinets are available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available.
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of the electrical equipments
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Torque wrench
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 5000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 2 KV )
• Discharge hot stick
3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury
to personnel and damage to the property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with
valid calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe handling
and draining of residual voltage.
• Switch gear should be disconnected from the bus duct by removing the flexible braid. The bus
bur of the bus duct should be connected to ground.
• Ensure that all voltage transformers are disconnected for the duration of the test and that all
current transformers are short-circuited.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding
stick / wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Test equipment operation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

4.0 Scope
• Testing of bus bar
• High voltage test on complete switch gear assembly
• Circuit resistance for complete switch gear assembly
• Checking that the bus bar mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and continuity
• Checking of correct earthing,
5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check the bus bar for any damage and that they are bolted correctly,
• Check the insulating boots on joints
• Inspect for cleanliness, connections etc.
• Check that complete bus bar is insulated and no damage of insulation
• Check that all bus bar joints are silver plated
• Check the enclosure for paint work
5.2 Testing the Bus Bar
Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the switch gear data with the data contained
in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Bus continuity and phasing test
2. Torque test
3. Contact Resitance test
4. Main Circuit Contact Resitance test
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot
6. High Voltage test
7. Insulation resistance test after hipot
8. Protective earthing check
5.2.1 Bus Continuity and Phasing Test
Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or fluk

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground and check the
resistance between phases and ground. All the phases should read infinity except the
grounded phase. Thus the phase is identified and continuity is checked. Repeat the test
on remaining two phases.

5.2.2 Torque Test

Torque shall be applied to all joints made at site. The bolts shall be tightened according
to manufacturer instruction after the bus bar erection completion. Spot check shall be
carried out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is reference in case data from manufacturer is not available

Bolt tighten maximum value,

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance: ± 20 %

5.2.3 Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test will be carried out after torque completion and will be
applied to all bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very small fluctuations in
resistance while simulating actual operating conditions. A DC power source will inject
the test current up to 100 A and digital voltmeter will measure the voltage drop across
the joints under test, Thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as shown in figure

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm meter 100 A.
• Check the overall resistance of the bus bar for each phase using micro-ohm meter




5.2.4 Main Circuit Contact Resistance Test.

• The main circuit resistance test shall be performed by 10A or 100 Ampere DC micro-
ohmmeter from panel to panel on each phase from cable spouts with all circuit
breakers racked in service and close position.

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• For judgment, the resistance values from panel to panel should not vary too much if
the number of joints and length of bus bar remains the same.
• Contact Resistance Measurement shall be performed on all the bus including ground

5.2.5 Insulation Resistance Test Before High Voltage Test

Before performing high voltage test perform the Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc
for LV switch gear as under

• Close all the breakers in service position make sure outgoing cables and bus duct is still
not connected.
• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary of all the feeders
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R and
ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y and
ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B and
ground and note down the readings.
• Open all the breakers in service position,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

5.2.6 High Voltage Test

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site. The test
shall be carried out on LV Bus bar with all CB’s racked in close and open position. Test is
performed as under

• Incoming and outgoing cables disconnected

• Voltage transformers primary disconnected.
• Current transformer secondary shorted.
• Electronic component of measuring and control equipment, if assembled to be
removed to avoid damages.
• Test voltage for LV switch gear is 2kv.
 When all CBs are Closed
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R
and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y
and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B
and ground. Record the leakage current

Equipment: LV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

 When all CBs are Opened

• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side of all the breakers to the ground.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

5.2.7 Insulation Resistance Test after High Voltage Test

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc
for LV switch gear as describe in 5.2.5

5.2.8 Checking the Protective Earthing

Switch gear protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for it continuity between each
panel, it is preferable to check total resistance of grounding bus.

6.0 Documentation

Relevant test sheets to be completed for each set Bus Bar of the switchgear..

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Contact Resistance test of Bus Bar for LV SWBD along with
7.2 High Voltage test of Bus Bar for LV SWBD along with CBs

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
MV Bus Bar
Document No: BSC-TP-MBB01
Rev: 0

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.3 Personnel------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
5. Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
a. Visual Inspection--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
b. Testing of MV Bus Bar
1. Torque test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2. Bus continuity and phasing test---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
3. Contact Resistance test-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4. Main Circuit Contact Resistance test---------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot--------------------------------------------------------------- 5
6. High Voltage test--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
7. Insulation Resistance test after hipot----------------------------------------------------------------8
8. Protective earthing check------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
6. Documents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
7. Attachment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task

The purpose of this procedure is to test and document the integrity bus bar of metal enclosed
switchgear assemblies of 4.16kV and 13.8 kV levels using an ac/dc source.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is done

2.2 Documentation
• The bus bar diagram of the switch gear is available
• Relevant Test sheets to be made available

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of the electrical equipments
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Torque wrench
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 5000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 50 KV or DC (up to 80 KV)
• Discharge hot stick

3.0 Precautions

The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury
to personnel and damage to the property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with
valid calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe
handling and draining of residual voltage.
• Switch gear should be disconnected from the bus duct by removing the flexible braid. The
bus bur of the bus duct should be connected to ground.

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Ensure that all voltage transformers are disconnected for the duration of the test and that
all current transformers are short-circuited.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding
stick / wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Test equipment operation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered
in work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope

• Testing of bus bar

• High voltage test on complete switch gear assembly
• Circuit resistance for complete switch gear assembly
• Checking that the bus bar mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and continuity
• Checking of correct earthing,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Check the bus bar for any damage and that they are bolted correctly
• Check the insulator for any cracks or damage
• Check the insulating boots on joints are in place
• Check that complete bus bar is insulated and no damage of insulation
• Check that all bus bar joints are silver plated
• Check the enclosure for paint work
• Check the anti-condensation heaters are mounted at the bottom

5.2 Testing the Bus Bar

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the switch gear data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out

1. Torque test
2. Bus continuity and phasing test
3. Contact Resistance test
4. Main Circuit Contact Resistance test
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot
6. High Voltage test
7. Insulation resistance test after hipot
8. Protective earthing check

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.2.1 Torque Test

Torque shall be applied to all joints made at site. The bolts shall be tightened according
to manufacturer instruction after the bus bar erection completion. Spot check shall be
carried out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is reference in case data from manufacturer is not available

Bolt tighten maximum value,

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance: ± 20 %

5.2.2 Bus Continuity and Phasing Test

Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or fluke.

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground and check the
resistance between phases and ground. All the phases should read infinity except the
grounded phase. Thus the phase is identified and continuity is checked. Repeat the test
on remaining two phases.

5.2.3 Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test will be carried out after torque completion and will be
applied to all bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very small fluctuations in
resistance while simulating actual operating conditions. A DC power source will inject
the test current up to 100 A and digital voltmeter will measure the voltage drop across
the joints under test, Thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as shown in figure

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm meter 100 A.

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

• Check the overall resistance of the bus bar for each phase using micro-ohm meter




5.2.4 Main Circuit Contact Resistance Test.

• The main circuit resistance test shall be performed by 10A or 100 Ampere DC micro-
ohmmeter from panel to panel on each phase from cable spouts with all circuit
breakers racked in service and close position.
• For judgment, the resistance values from panel to panel should not vary too much if
the number of joints and length of bus bar remains the same.
• Contact Resistance Measurement shall be performed on all the bus including ground

5.2.5 Insulation Resistance Test Before High Voltage Test

Before performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc
for LV switch gear and 5000Vdc for MV switch gear as under

• Close all the breakers in service position make sure out going cables and bus duct is
still not connected.
• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary of all the feeders
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R and
ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y and
ground and note down the readings.

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B and
ground and note down the readings.
• Open all the breakers in service position,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

5.2.6 High Voltage Test

AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site. The test
shall be carried out on MV Bus bar with all CB’s racked in close and open position. In LV
panel all Breakers to be kept racked out. Test is performed as under

• Incoming and outgoing cables disconnected

• Voltage transformers primary disconnected.
• Current transformer secondary shorted.
• Electronic component of measuring and control equipment, if assembled to be
removed to avoid damages.
• The test voltage to carry out the test is as per table below for different voltage levels
• Test voltage for MV switch gear is as per below table.
 When all the CB are Closed

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase R and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase Y and ground. Record the leakage current
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground. Record the leakage current

 When all the CBs are Opened

• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side of all the breakers to the ground.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

Equipment: MV Bus Bar
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8


AC Testing

High-potential DC Testing
Rated Partial Discharge Test
Equipment Voltage
Test Extinction Pulse Test
kV Time Time Time,
Level Level, Magnitude, level,
Min Min Min
kV kV pC kV

Bus Duct :

Isolated phase Bus

25 45(60) 1 19 100 2 64 1

Metal-Enclosed Rigid
13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 37(50) 1

4.16 14(19) 1 3.5(3.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

5.2.7 Insulation Resistance test after High Voltage Test

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc
for LV switch gear and 5000Vdc for MV switch gear as describe in 5.2.5

5.2.8 Checking the protective earthing

Switch gear protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for it continuity between each
panel, it is preferable to check total resistance of grounding bus.

6.0 Documents
Relevant Test Sheets shall be completed.
7.0 Attachment

7.1 Contact Resistance test for MV Bus Bar

7.2 High Voltage test for MV Bus Bar

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
LV Bus Duct
Document No: BSC-TP-LBD01
Rev: 0

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Checks-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of LV Bus Duct
1. Bus continuity and phasing test--------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Torque test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
3. Contact Resistance test------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
4. Main Circuit Contact Resistance test--------------------------------------------------------------4
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot-------------------------------------------------------------5
6. High Voltage test-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
7. Insulation resistance test after hipot---------------------------------------------------------------5
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit -----------------------------------------------------------------5
9. Protective earthing check---------------------------------------------------------------------------6
6. Documents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7. Attachment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test and document the integrity of bus bar of metal enclosed
assemblies of non-segregated bus duct of 380V and 480V, levels using an ac/dc source.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.

2.2 Documentation
• The bus duct diagram and single line diagram are available
• Relevant Test Sheet to be made Available

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning
of all types of electrical equipment.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Torque wrench
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 1000V dc
• High voltage tester AC (up to 2 KV )
• Discharge hot stick
3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid
injury to personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with
valid calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe
handling and draining of residual voltage.
• Switch gear and transformer flexible brad should be disconnected from the bus duct.
Switchgear end and transformer end should be shorted and grounded.
• Ensure that all voltage transformers are disconnected for the duration of the test and that
all current transformers are short-circuited.

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding
stick / wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Test equipment operation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be
considered in work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of bus bar
• High voltage test on complete bus duct assembly
• Circuit resistance for complete bus duct assembly
• Checking that the bus bar mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and continuity
• Checking of correct earthing,

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check that the bus bar is not damage and that they are bolted correctly,
• Check that insulator does not have any cracks or damage.
• Inspect for cleanliness, connections etc.
• Check for water tight seals at all joints including expanding interface points
• Check for quality of paint work both inside and out side
• Check that ventilation openings are not blocked and that they are screened
against ingress of insects and rain
• Check that moisture drain holes are available at the bottom of enclosure
• Check anti-condensation heaters are mounted at bottom

5.2 Testing the LV Bus Duct

Enter the rating plate data in test Sheet and compare the bus duct data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out
1. Bus continuity and phasing test.
2. Torque test.
3. Contact Resistance test
4. Main Circuit Contact Resistance test
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot
6. High Voltage test
7. Insulation resistance test after hipot
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
c. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
d. Measurement of Current and voltage
9. Protective earthing check

5.2.1 Continuity and Phasing Test

Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or fluk

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground and check
the resistance between phases and ground. All the phases should read Infinity
except the grounded phase. Thus the phase is identified and continuity is
checked. Repeat the test on remaining two phases.

5.2.2 Torque Test

Torque test shall be applied to all joints made at site. The bolts shall be
tightened according to manufacturer instruction after the bus duct erection
completion. Spot check shall be carried out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is the reference value in case data from manufacturer is not available

Bolt tighten maximum value,

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance : ± 20 %

5.2.3 Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test will be carried out after torque completion and will
be applied to all bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very small
fluctuations in resistance while simulating actual operating conditions. A DC
power source will inject the test current up to 100 A and digital voltmeter will
measure the voltage drop across the joints under test, Thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as shown in
figure below.

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm meter at
100 Amps.
• Check the overall resistance of the bus bar for each phase using micro-
ohm meter 100Amps.

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5




5.2.4 Insulation Resistance test Before High Voltage Test

Before performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test for
one minute with 5000Vdc insulation tester as under

• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary if installed on bus duct
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase R and ground and note down the readings after I minute of
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase Y and ground and note down the readings after I minute of
Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground and note down the readings after I minute of

• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground and note down the readings.
• Insulation resistance measurement shall also be made of heater circuit
by applying 500V dc for one minute
5.2.5 High Voltage Test
AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site.
The test shall be carried out on LV Bus bar.

• Bus duct is isolated from the transformer and switch gear

• Voltage transformers primary is disconnected if it is installed on the bus
• Current transformer secondary is shorted if it is installed on the bus
• The test voltage to carry out the test is mention in table below against
different voltage levels
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase R and ground by increasing gradually to 2kv, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec

Equipment: LV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase Y and ground by increasing gradually to 2kv, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground by increasing gradually to 2kv, Record the leakage
current at 15 Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
5.2.6 Insulation Résistance Test after High Voltage Test
After performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test with
1000Vdc for LV Bus as describe in 5.2.4

5.2.7 Commissioning of Heaters

Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters
• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for
correct rating with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit
with 500 VDC megger Measurement of Current and Voltage

Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual
heater load with mini clamp meter Functional Checks of Thermostat

Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in and
cut out operation
5.2.8 Checking the Protective Earthing
Bus duct protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for its continuity.

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each every LV Bus Duct.

7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared

7.1 Test Sheet for LV Bus duct

***end of the procedure ***

Testing Procedure
MV Bus Duct
Document No: BSC-TP-MBD01
Rev: 0

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.2 Documentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5. Execution---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.1 Visual Checks----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Testing of MV Bus duct
5.2.1 Bus continuity and phasing test--------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.2 Torque test----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.3 Contact Resistance test------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.4 Main Circuit Contact Resistance test--------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.5 Insulation resistance test before hipot------------------------------------------------ 4
5.2.6 High Voltage test---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.7 Insulation resistance test after hipot--------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.8 Commissioning of Heater Circuit ------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.9 Protective earthing check-----------------------------------------------------------------7
6. Documents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7. Attachment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test and document the integrity of metal enclosed medium voltage bus
duct assemblies of 13.8 kV and 4.16kv level using an ac/dc source.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried

2.2 Documentation
• The bus duct diagram is available
• Relevant test sheets to be made available

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning of all
types of electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Torque wrench
• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 5000V dc
• High voltage tester (AC up to 50 KV or DC up to 80 KV)
• Discharge hot stick

3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid injury to
personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with valid
calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe handling and
draining of residual voltage.
• Switch gear and transformer should be disconnected from flexible connection with the bus duct.
Switchgear and transformer should be connected to ground.
• Ensure that all voltage transformers are disconnected for the duration of the test and that all
current transformers are short-circuited.

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding stick /
wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Test equipment operation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of bus bar
• High voltage test on complete Bus duct assembly
• Circuit resistance for complete Bus duct assembly
• Checking that the bus bar mounting position is correct,
• Checking of the phase and continuity
• Checking of correct earthing,

5.0 Execution
5.1Visual Checks
• Check that the bus bar for any damage and that they are bolted correctly,
• Check that insulator does not have any cracks or damage.
• Inspect for cleanliness, connections etc.
• Check for water tight seals at all joints including expanding interface points
• Check the insulating boots on joints are in place
• Check that complete bus bar is insulated and no damage of insulation
• Check that all bus bar joints are silver plated
• Check the enclosure for paint work
• Check anti-condensation heaters are mounted at bottom

5.2Testing of the MV Bus Duct

Enter the rating plate data in test sheet and compare the bus duct data with the data contained in
the diagram. The following test shall be carried out
1. Bus continuity and phasing test
2. Torque test
3. Contact Resitance test
4. Main Circuit Contact Resitance test
5. Insulation resistance test before hipot
6. High Voltage test
7. Insulation resistance test after hipot
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
c. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
d. Measurement of Current and voltage
9. Protective earthing check

5.2.1 Continuity and Phasing Test

Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or fluk

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground and check the
resistance between phases and ground. All the phases should read infinity except the

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

grounded phase. Thus the phase is identified and continuity is checked. Repeat the test
on remaining two phases.

5.2.2 Torque Test

Torque shall be applied to all joints made at site. The bolts shall be tightened according
to manufacturer instruction after the bus bar erection completion. Spot check shall be
carried out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is the reference Value in case data from manufacturer is not available

Bolt tighten maximum value,

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance: ± 20 %

5.2.3 Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test will be carried out after torque completion and will be
applied to all bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very small fluctuations in
resistance while simulating actual operating conditions. A DC power source will inject
the test current up to 100 A and digital voltmeter will measure the voltage drop across
the joints under test, Thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as shown in figure

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm meter at 100 Amps.
• Check the overall resistance of the bus bar for each phase using micro-ohm meter at

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5




5.2.4 Insulation Resistance Test Before High Voltage Test

Before performing high voltage test, perform the Insulation resistance test for one
minute with 5000Vdc insulation tester as under

• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary if installed on bus duct
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R and
ground and note down the readings after I minute of application.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y and
ground and note down the readings after I minute of application
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B and
ground and note down the readings after I minute of application
• Insulation resistance measurement shall also be made of heater circuit by applying
500V dc for one minute
5.2.5 High Voltage Test
AC high- pot test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC standard at site. The test
shall be carried out on MV Bus bar as under

• Bus duct is isolated from the transformer and switch gear

• Voltage transformers primary is disconnected if it is installed on the bus duct.
• Current transformer secondary is shorted if it is installed on the bus duct.
• The test voltage to carry out the test is mention in table below against different
voltage levels
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between phase R and
ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage current at 15
Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between phase Y and
ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage current at 15
Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between phase B and
ground by increasing gradually at the rate of 2kv/sec, Record the leakage current at 15
Sec, 30 sec , 45 sec and 60 sec

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6


AC Testing

High-potential DC Testing
Rated Partial Discharge Test
Equipment Voltage,
kV Test Pulse Test
Time, Extinction Time, Time,
Level, Magnitude, level,
Min Level, kV Min Min
kV pC kV

Bus Duct :

Isolated phase Bus

25 45(60) 1 19 100 2 64 1

13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 37(50) 1
Rigid Bus

4.16 14(19) 1 3.5(3.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

13.8 27(36) 1 10.5(10.5) 100(100) 2 N/A N/A

Voltages shown in parenthesis are factory test value

5.2.6 Insulation Resistance Test after High Voltage Test

After performing high voltage test Perform the Insulation resistance test with 5000Vdc
for MV switch gear as describe in 5.2.4

5.2.7 Commissioning of Heaters

Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters
• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating with
respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage

Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load with
mini clamp meter

Equipment: MV Bus Duct
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MBD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7 Functional Checks of Thermostat

Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in and cut out
5.2.8 Checking the Protective Earthing
Bus duct protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to
human beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for its continuity.
Shorting plate between the bus duct enclosures at transformer end and switch gear
end should be checked for firm connection and grounding. The shorting bar between
bus duct enclosures carries the circulating current induced on the bus enclosures.

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each every MV Bus Duct.
7.0 Attachment
Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Type

7.1Torque & CR test of Bus bar of MV Segregated Bus Duct:

7.2High Voltage test of Bus Bar of MV Segregated Bus Duct:
7.3Torque & CR test of Bus bar of MV Non Segregated Bus Duct:
7.4High Voltage test of Bus Bar of MV Non Segregated Bus Duct:
7.5Torque & CR test of Bus bar of MV Iso-Phase Bus Duct:
7.6High Voltage test of Bus Bar of MV Iso-Phase Bus Duct:

*** End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Induction Motor
Document No: BSC-TP-OMT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Induction Motor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OMT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Work Status----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Personnel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.4 Measuring Instrumentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.1 Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Testing of Motor---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.1 Resistance measurements through bolted connections------------------------------------- 3
5.2.2 Insulation-resistance tests--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2.3 Stator resistance test phase-to-phase.----------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.4 Insulation-resistance test on bearing pedestal------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.5 Resistance tests on RTDs.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.6 Commissioning of Heater Circuit.------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
5.2.7 Rotation test to insure correct shaft direction.------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.8 Measurement of current and voltages----------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2.9 Vibration baseline test------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.2.10 Protective Earthing Check-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

Equipment: Induction Motor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OMT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of the MV and LV Motors.

2. Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been carried out.

2.2 Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of Motor is available
• Relevant test sheet to be made available
• Product manual of the Motor is available
2.3 Personnel
• Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with experience in commissioning of Motors and its
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department
2.4 Measuring Instrument
• Multi meter (calibrated)—2
• Insulation resistance meter –megger(calibrated)—1
• Wheat stone bridge to measure the winding resistance
• Vibration Meter
3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
• Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no unauthorized
persons are working at the corresponding load-where ever necessary barriers should be
4. Scope
• Testing of Motors
• Checking RTD’s and Thermocouple
• Checking of the mounting pad,
• Checking of correct Earthing,

5. Execution
5.1. Visual Inspection.
Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the transformer should be carried out
paying particular attention to the following points

Equipment: Induction Motor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OMT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications.

2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition.
3. Inspect anchorage, alignment, and grounding.
4. Inspect air baffles, filter media, cooling fans, slip rings, brushes, and brush rigging.
5. Verify the unit is clean.
6. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following
a. Use of low-resistance ohmmeter.
b. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated
7. Verify correct application of appropriate lubrication and lubrication systems.
8. Verify the absence of unusual mechanical or electrical noise or signs of overheating
during initial test run.
9. Verify that resistance temperature detector (RTD) circuits conform to drawings.
10. Verify that metering or relaying devices utilizing RTDs have the correct rating.
5.2. Testing of Motors
Following tests to be carried out

1. Resistance measurements through bolted connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter, if

2. Insulation-resistance tests
a. Motors larger than 200 horsepower: Test duration shall be for ten minutes. Calculate
polarization index.
b. Motors 200 horsepower and less: Test duration shall be for one minute. Calculate the
dielectric-absorption ratio.
3. Stator resistance test phase-to-phase.
4. Insulation-resistance test on bearing pedestal in accordance with manufacturer’s published
data, if applicable.
5. Resistance tests on RTDs.
6. Commissioning of Heater Circuit. If applicable
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater.
c. Measurement of Current and voltage
7. Rotation test to insure correct shaft direction.
8. Measurement of current and voltages
9. Vibration baseline test
5.2.1 Resistance Measurements through bolted connections with a low-Resistance
Bolted connection shall be torque and contact resistance measurement shall be done with
the help of low resistance meter

5.2.2 Insulation-Resistance Tests

The test voltage for LV Motors is 1000 V dc and For MV motors 5000V dc

Equipment: Induction Motor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OMT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

Apply the test voltage between Phase to ground and then phase to phase.

Checking of the insulation resistance shall be carried out as under Motors larger than 200 horsepower: Test duration shall be for ten minutes.
Polarization index.
The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute with
15 seconds interval and then for every one minute up to ten minutes. Value
obtained at 10 minute divided by value at 1 minute gives polarization index Motors 200 horsepower and less: Test duration shall be for one minute.
Dielectric-absorption ratio.
The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute with
15 seconds interval and then for every one minute up to ten minutes. Value
obtained at 60 seconds divided by value at 15 seconds gives Dielectric absorption

5.2.3 Perform Stator Resistance Test Phase-to-Phase.

Winding Resistance Test shall be done with wheat stone bridge or fluke

In this test the resistance measurement is done on each phase winding

5.2.4 Insulation-Resistance Test on Bearing Pedestal in accordance with manufacturer’s

published data, if applicable.
This test is done by measuring the insulation resistance between the rotor shaft and
ground in accordance with manufacturer’s manual. The test voltage in this case is 500v dc

5.2.5 Resistance Tests on RTDs.

Resistance measurement shall be carried out for all the RTD’s and compare with
corresponding temperature. For this test a multi loop calibrator can be used

5.2.6 Commissioning of Heaters. If Applicable

Space heater shall be commissioned as under Visual Checks of Heaters

• Check the rating of the heater on name plate match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating
with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage
Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load with
mini clamp meter

Equipment: Induction Motor
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OMT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

5.2.7 Rotation or Bump Test to Insure Correct shaft Direction.

Direction of rotation shall be checked by running the motor momentarily on uncoupled
motor. Direction of rotation should match with mark on the motor enclosure

5.2.8 Measurement Current and Voltages No load Measurement
Voltage, running Current, inrush current and vibration shall be checked by running
the motor uncoupled No load Measurement

Voltage, running current, inrush current and vibration shall be checked by running
the motor coupled to the load

5.2.9 Vibration Baseline Test.

Vibration measurement is done when motor is running on full load; the following table
gives the approximate acceptable values.

5.2.10 Protective Earthing Check

Motor protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to human
beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for it continuity between motor and
the grid,

6 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every motor

7 Attachment

Test sheet for following equipment to be prepared with respect to their Switchgear

7.1 Test Sheet for MV Motor

7.2 Test Sheet for LV Motor

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
AC Generator
Document No: BSC-TP-OGT01
Rev: 0

Equipment: AC Generator
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OGT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation------------------------------------------------------------------------2

2. Preconditions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Checks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of Generators
1. Resistance measurements through bolted----------------------------------------------3
2. Insulation-resistance tests-------------------------------------------------------------------4
3. Stator resistance test phase-to-phase----------------------------------------------------4
4. Insulation-resistance test on bearing pedestal-----------------------------------------4
5. Resistance tests on Reds. If Applicable---------------------------------------------------4
6. Commissioning of Heater Circuit. If applicable-----------------------------------------5
7. Insulation-resistance tests on the main rotating field winding,
, exciter-field winding and the exciter-armature winding--------------------------- 5

6. Documents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
7. Reference----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
8. Attachment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Equipment: AC Generator
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OGT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of the MV and LV Generators.

2. Preconditions
2.1. Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.

2.2. Documentation
• The circuit diagrams of Motor is available
• Test Sheet TS-GT01 is available
• Product manual of the Motor

2.3. Personnel
• Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with experience in commissioning of Motors and
its control.
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department

2.4. Measuring Instruments

• Multi meter (calibrated)—2
• Insulation resistance meter –megger(calibrated)—1
• Wheat stone bridge to measure the winding resistance
• Vibration Meter

3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

• Observe the rules for handling electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD
• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
• Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no unauthorized
persons are working at the corresponding load-where ever necessary barriers should be

Equipment: AC Generator
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OGT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

4. Scope
• Testing of Generator
• Checking RTD’s and Thermocouple
• Checking of the mounting pad,
• Checking of correct Earthing,

5. Execution
5.1. Visual Inspection.
Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the transformer should be carried out
paying particular attention to the following points

1. Compare equipment nameplate data with drawings and specifications.

2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition.

3. Inspect anchorage, alignment, and grounding.

4. Inspect air baffles, filter media, cooling fans, slip rings, brushes, and brush rigging.

5. Verify the unit is clean.

6. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following methods:

1. Use of low-resistance ohmmeter.

2. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque-


7. Verify correct application of appropriate lubrication and lubrication systems.

8. Verify the absence of unusual mechanical or electrical noise or signs of overheating during
initial test run.

9. Verify that resistance temperature detector (RTD) circuits conform to drawings.

10. Verify that metering or relaying devices utilizing RTDs have the correct rating.

5.2. Testing of Generator

Following tests to be carried out

1. Resistance measurements through bolted connections with a low-resistance ohmmeter,

if applicable
2. Insulation-resistance tests
a. Generators larger than 15O KVA: Test duration shall be for ten minutes. Calculate
polarization index.

Equipment: AC Generator
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OGT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

b. Generators 150 KVA horsepower and less: Test duration shall be for one minute.
Calculate the dielectric-absorption ratio.
3. Stator resistance test phase-to-phase.
4. Insulation-resistance test on bearing pedestal in accordance with manufacturer’s
published data, if applicable.
5. Resistance tests on RTDs. If Applicable
6. Commissioning of Heater Circuit. If applicable
a. Visual Checks
b. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater.
c. Measurement of Current and voltage
7. Insulation-resistance tests on the main rotating field winding, the exciter-field winding,
and the exciter-armature winding
5.2.1. Resistance Measurements through Bolted Connections with a Low-Resistance
Bolted connection shall be torque and contact resistance measurement shall be done
with the help of low resistance meter

5.2.2. Insulation-Resistance Tests

The test voltage for LV Generators is 1000 V dc and For MV Generators is 5000V dc

Apply the test voltage between Phase to ground and then phase to phase.

Checking of the insulation resistance shall be carried out as under Generator Larger than 150 KVA: Test duration shall be for ten minutes.
Polarization index.
The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute
with 15 seconds interval and then for every one minute up to ten minutes.
Value obtained at 10 minute divided by value at 1 minute gives polarization
index Generators 150 KVA and less: Test duration shall be for one minute. Dielectric-
absorption ratio.
The insulation resistance measurement is done from 15 seconds to 1 minute
with 15 seconds interval and then for every one minute up to ten minutes.
Value obtained at 60 seconds divided by value at 15 seconds gives Dielectric
absorption ratio

5.2.3. Stator Resistance Test Phase-to-Phase.

Winding Resistance Test shall be done with wheat stone bridge or fluke.

In this test the resistance measurement is done on each phase winding

5.2.4. Insulation-Resistance Test on Bearing Pedestal in accordance with manufacturer’s

published data, if applicable.

Equipment: AC Generator
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-OGT01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

This test is done by measuring the insulation resistance between the rotor shaft and
ground in accordance with manufacturer’s manual. The test voltage in this case is 500V

5.2.5. Resistance Tests on RTDs. If Applicable

Resistance measurement shall be carried out for all the RTD’s and compare with
corresponding temperature. For this test a multi loop calibrator can be used

5.2.6. Commissioning of Heaters. If Applicable

Space heater shall be commissioned as under Visual Checks of Heaters

• Check the rating of the heater on name plate match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for correct rating
with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit with 500 VDC
megger Measurement of Current and Voltage
Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and individual heater load
with mini clamp meter
5.2.7. Insulation-Resistance Tests on the Main Rotating Field Winding, the Exciter-Field
Winding, and the Exciter-Armature Winding
Insulation resistance measurement shall be done with 500v dc megger between Rotor
winding and Rotor Shaft, Exciter –field winding and ground, and Exciter Armature
winding and ground

5.2.8. Protective Earthing Check

Motor protective earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford protection to human
beings. Protective earthing bond should be checked for it continuity between motor and
the grid,

6. Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for every Generator according to the size and type

7. Reference

8. Attachment

8.1. Test Sheet for Generator to be prepared and attached

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Low Voltage Cable
Document No: BSC-TP-LVC01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Low Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Inspection------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of Cable
1. Conductor continuity and phasing test.----------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Insulation Resistance---------------.---------------------------------------------------------------4
6. Documents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
7. Reference-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
8. Attachment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Equipment: Low Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All newly installed power and control cable (1KV) in the electrical system
requires field testing.

2.0 Preconditions
2.1 Work Status
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is complete
2.2 Documentation
• Test Sheet TS-CM01
2.3 Personnel
• 1 Testing engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in high voltage
testing of electrical equipment.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.
2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools
• Fluke
• Insulation Tester 5KV

3.0 Precautions

• The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit
area has been obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation
during the testing works.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is
to be considered in work permit area) is necessary.
• The test site shall have sufficient protective barriers and warning signs to
conduct the tests.
• All cable section ends under test shall be grounded from accidental
contact. Also the minimum separation from all ends or elements not being
subject to test shall be 25.4mm/10kV of test voltage.
• Before cable test operation started, conductor under test and all cable
accessories shall be checked as being de-energized using reliable voltage
indicator. The voltage indicator should be tested for proper operation with
an independent voltage source prior to operation.
• While the voltage indicator is still in contact with each component and is
showing de-energized, a hot line grounded device for the purpose shall be
continuously attached to all conductors under examination except while
test equipment is ready for energization.
• All adjacent conductors in cable circuit not on test should be de-energized
and left grounded while testing the other conductor.
4.0 Scope
• Checking termination,
• Checking shield
• Checking of correct earthing,

Equipment: Low Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Checking of the cables for any damage
• Inspection for termination.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking labels
5.2 Testing of Cable
Enter the rating plate data in check list TS-CM01. The following test shall
be carried out

1. Conductor continuity and phasing test.

2. Insulation Resistance test Before Hipot.

5.2.1 Conductor Continuity and Phasing Test

To ensure the continuity and phasing of the cable conductor from
terminal to terminal, the cable conductor shall be tested by using a
500VDC megger or a fluke as per figure below; tests results shall be
noted down.

Conductor continuity test

Phase verification


Equipment: Low Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

5.2.2 Insulation Resistance test

Insulation resistance test by mega ohmmeter at 500VDC shall be
performed for one minute on each cable, between the conductor and
the metallic shield with the adjacent cable conductors and shield
grounded as per figure below.

Grounding sheet

Insulation Resistance Test


Minimum insulation resistance of conductor for new cables shall

be determined by the following.

5.2.3 Checking the protective Earthing

Check the earthing for the armour and shield is properly connected

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheet to be completed for each set of three phase cable
7.0 Attachment:

7.1 Test Sheet of Cable

*** End of the procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Medium Voltage Cable
Document No: BSC-TP-MVC01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Inspection---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of Motor
1. Cable Sheath Testing-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Conductor continuity and phasing test.-------------------------------------------------------3
3. Insulation Resistance test Before Hipot.------------------------------------------------------4
4. High voltage AC test for XLPE cable.-----------------------------------------------------------5
5. Insulation Resistance test After Hipot---------------------------------------------------------7
6. Documents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7. Attachment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
All newly installed power cable (1-33kV) in the electrical system requires field testing.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment is complete

2.2 Documentation
• Test Sheet TS-CM01

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Testing engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in high voltage testing of
electrical equipment.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Fluke
• High Voltage Tester Up to 100KV AC/DC or VLF
• Insulation Tester 5KV

3.0 Precautions

• The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered
in work permit area) is necessary.
• The test site shall have sufficient protective barriers and warning signs to conduct the tests.
• All cable section ends under test shall be grounded from accidental contact. Also the
minimum separation from all ends or elements not being subject to test shall be
25.4mm/10kV of test voltage.
• Before cable test operation started, conductor under test and all cable accessories shall be
checked as being de-energized using reliable voltage indicator. The voltage indicator should
be tested for proper operation with an independent voltage source prior to operation.
• While the voltage indicator is still in contact with each component and is showing de-
energized, a hot line grounded device for the purpose shall be continuously attached to all
conductors under examination except while test equipment is ready for energization.
• All adjacent conductors in cable circuit not on test should be de-energized and left grounded
while testing the other conductor.
4.0 Scope
• Checking termination,
• Checking shield
• Checking of correct earthing,

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Checking of the cables for any damage
• Inspection for termination.
• Inspection for correct tightness for connection
• Checking labels

5.2 Testing of Cable

Enter the rating plate data in check list TS-CM01. The following test shall be carried out

1. Cable Sheath Testing

2. Conductor continuity and phasing test.
3. Insulation Resistance test Before Hipot.
4. High voltage AC test for XLPE cable.
5. Insulation Resistance test After Hipot

5.2.1 Cable Sheath Testing

Cable sheath testing is carried out in order to detect damage to cable sheath. To do this DC test
is carried out.

Test voltage 3kv is applied between PVC sheath and ground provided shield is grounded and
insulation resistance or leakage current is measured.

5.2.2 Conductor Continuity and Phasing Test

To ensure the continuity and phasing of the cable conductor from terminal to terminal, the cable
conductor shall be tested by using a minimum 500VDC megger as per figure below; tests results
shall be noted down in the test sheet.

Conductor continuity test

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

Phase verification


5.2.3 Insulation Resistance test Before High Voltage Test

Prior to performing the high voltage test on the cable, insulation resistance test by mega
ohmmeter at 5000VDC shall be performed for one minute on each cable, between the
conductor and the metallic shield with the adjacent cable conductors and shield grounded as per
figure below.

Grounding sheet

Insulation Resistance Test


Minimum insulation resistance of conductor for new cables shall be determined by the

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

5.2.4 High Voltage Test

High Voltage test for medium voltage cable can be accomplished either of the following method
in agreement with the SEC/Consultant AC High Voltage Testing

The AC power frequency voltage shall be applied through the test set as per figure 5-3.
While test, all cable conductors and shield not on test shall be grounded. The test voltage
shall be pure sinusoidal wave shape. As per IEC 60840 the test voltages are as follows

The maximum phase to phase voltage of the system shall be maintained for line to ground
for five minutes,


2 X U 0 for 60 Minutes


A. C. test volts = .75(2 X equipment maximum voltage + 1kV) for one minute (as per ARMCO)

In all cases voltage at the rate of 1 kV per second shall be increased until the maximum
recommended test voltage is reached and maintained for required time duration.
The AC high potential test results are evaluated on a go, no-go basis by slowly raising the
test voltage to the required value of final test voltage and maintaining for required duration

HV tester

Grounding sheet

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

AC High voltage Test


AC test set shall have adequate volt-ampere capacity to supply the required cable charging current.
The KVA capacity of the test set shall be determined by the following

KVA= 2πfCE2X10-3

C= Cable capacitance in μf/km

f= Supply frequency

E=Test voltage C High Voltage Testing

The high voltage DC shall be applied to each individual cable of a 3-phase circuit. All cable
conductors and shield not on test shall be grounded.

High voltage DC test shall be as per IEC 60502 that is 4XU 0 for 15 minutes.


1.7[.75(2 X equipment maximum voltage + 1kV)] for 15 Minutes (ARMCO)

The test connections are as shown in figure 5-3.

A DC high potential test (controlled over voltage test) is one in which the increase of applied
direct voltage is controlled. The measured current is continuously observed for
abnormalities with the intention of stopping the test before breakdown occurs

The initially applied voltage shall not exceed 1.8 times the rated AC phase to phase voltage
of the cable. After that the rate of increase of the test voltage shall be approximately
uniform and shall not more than the maximum test voltage in 10 seconds or less than the
maximum test voltage in 60 seconds.

The maximum test voltage shall be maintained for 15 minutes, leakage current shall be
recorded in TS-CMO2. No breakdown of the insulation shall occur.

Maximum allowable leakage current for new cables shall be determined by the following

I L =E/RX10-3 Amps

Where I L = Leakage current in Amps

E= DC test voltage in Kv

Equipment: Medium Voltage Cable
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-MVC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

R= Insulation resistance in MΩ

OR VLF High Voltage Testing

VLF is used for the cable testing where power requirement for the test is high; VLF uses very
low frequency (0.01 to 0.1 HZ) that’s why power requirement for the cable under test is less.

Test voltage equal to 3U 0 is applied through the test set as shown in figure 5.3. While test,
all cable conductors and shield not on test shall be grounded.

Test voltage is applied at the rate 1KV/second till the maximum test voltage is reached and
maintain for 60 Minutes. Leakage current is recorded.

5.2.5 Insulation Resistance Test After High Voltage Test

Insulation resistance test by mega ohmmeter at 5000VDC shall be performed for one minute on
each cable, between the conductor and the metallic shield with the adjacent cable conductors
and shield grounded after the high voltage test.

Recommended Field Test Levels

AC Testing DC Testing
ed Voltage, potential Test(PF) Partial Discharge Test VLF @0.1HZ
kV nction Level, se Magnitude,
Level, kV me, Min me, Min t level, kV me, Min level, kV me, Min
kV pC
Power Cable: 3XUo 60 4XU 0
Unshielded 4.16 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.6 5
4.16 9(13) 5 4.5(4.5) 3(3) 2 7.2 60 9.6 15
Shielded 8 13(18) 5 7.5(7.5) 3(3) 2 13.85 60 19 15
ding Cable Bus) 13.8 19(27) 5 13(13) 3(3) 2 23.9 60 32 15
1. Factory tests are shown in brackets.
2. The values recommended for field ac high-potential tests are at 75 percent of the factory levels, for
switchgear assemblies 70 percent of factory levels.
3. The values recommended for field dc high-potential testing of cable as per IEC-60502 is 4times U 0
Whereas U o is U/1.732.
4. The value recommended for field AC VLF testing is 3Uo for 60 minutes
5. above values shall be used in case Vendor recommended values are not available otherwise
5.2.6 Checking the protective Earthing
Check the earthing for the armour and shield is properly connected
6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheet to be completed for each three phase cable

7.0 Attachment:
7.1 Test Sheet of Cable *** End of the procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Liquid Batteries
Document No: BSC-TP-BTA01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Liquid Batteries
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-BTA01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation-----------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Checks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of Batteries
1. Torque for the battery inter-cell connection---------------------------------------3
2. Battery Internal Resistance Measurement-----------------------------------------3
3. Battery Initial Charging------------------------------------------------------------------3
4. Battery Discharge Test-------------------------------------------------------------------4
6. Documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
7. Attachment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Equipment: Liquid Batteries
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-BTA01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1. Task
This instruction comprises a complete description of the testing of Batteries

2. Preconditions
2.1. Work Satus
• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.
2.2. Documentation
• The single line diagram for the battery system, charger schematic drawings
• Test Sheet TS-BT01 is available
• Product manual of the Batteries
2.3. Personnel
• Commissioning engineer: - (1) engineer with experience in commissioning of Battery and
Chargers usually
• Technician or helper:- (2) skilled worker with adequate on -the-job training
• Witness from the client‘s concern department
2.4. Measuring Instruments
• Multi meter (calibrated)—2
• Clamp Meter DC(calibrated)—1
• Hydro Meter to Check Specific Gravity
• Battery Tester
• Load Bank up to 300 Amps
3. Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been obtained.
The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

• Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated as”
electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be considered in
work permit area) is necessary.
• Nickel Cadmium Batteries contain a corrosive alkali causing chemical burns if it comes into contact
with skin or eyes. Eye wash and safety facilities must be in place prior to any work on the
batteries. Also operators working on batteries must wear protective clothing like rubber, gloves,
face mask, etc. and eye protection and use insulated tools and correct working techniques,
which forbids lone working.
• As part of the charging cycle the cells will give off hydrogen gas. Hydrogen/ Air mixture is an
incendiary mixture that can be ignited by electrical sparking/ arcing / naked flame. For this
reason correct ventilation of cells and the battery room is essential to prevent the build up and
ignition of hydrogen / air mixtures.
4. Scope
• Testing of Batteries
• Checking that the mounting,
• Testing of Cables

Equipment: Liquid Batteries
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-BTA01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Checking of correct Earthing,

5. Execution
5.1. Visual Inspection.
Prior to carrying out electrical tests, a visual check of the transformer should be carried out
paying particular attention to the following points

• Correct labeling of devices and cables

• Equipment and cables are undamaged
• Correct execution of the cable gland/sealing end
• Name plate data, match with drawing and ambient condition
• Firm cable termination/terminal connection and ferruling
• Battery Rack is in good condition
• Vent Plugs are Installed correct
• Inter-cell Connections are checked and torque
• Electrolyte Level in all cells is correct
• Battery and Bus are free of grounds
• Battery Room has Proper Ventilation and in service
5.2. Testing of Batteries
Following tests to be carried out

1. Torque for the battery inter-cell connection

2. Battery Internal Resistance Measurement
3. Battery Initial Charging
4. Battery Discharge Test
5. Protective Earthing
5.2.1. Torque for the Battery Inter-Cell Connection
Tightness of the bolt on inter cell connection shall be checked and torque to the value
recommended by the manufacturer.

5.2.2. Battery Internal Resistance Measurement

Battery internal resistance can be measured by the battery tester

5.2.3. Battery Initial Charging

For those batteries which were delivered pre-filled perform a new or initial
commissioning charge with a constant Voltage at 1.63V/Cell for duration of 20 hours
with a current limit to 0.2itA and electrolyte temp within 20 degC with Specific Gravity
of 1.19-1.22.

If the charger has a limit to deliver the charging current, then duration for charging to
meet 100% battery capacity can be calculated by Battery 2*Ah * 1.63/Charging current

Cell voltage gradually rises with progress of the charging, so that it is necessary to raise
the rectifier’s output voltage accordingly by means of its manual output voltage
regulator in order to maintain the charging current constant at the specified rate

Equipment: Liquid Batteries
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-BTA01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

When the charging is to be carried out online where charger is supplying power to the
load as well and the voltage cannot be controlled. The charging shall be done on a part
of the bank at a time, say half the bank (48 cells) per charge.

Also, if the discharge test fails the first time, then a second test shall be done after
another commissioning charge.

After Constant charging the batteries shall be kept on float charging at the rate 1.43/cell
for at least 1 hour.

5.2.4. Battery Discharge Test

Ensure that all the preliminary tests listed above are completed. Also ensure that the
battery has been fully charged to 100% Capacity before the discharge test start. The
discharge test shall be made on each individual battery bank.

The duration of the test is five hours and the discharge current shall be the battery AHr
capacity divided by 5. The voltage per cell at the end of discharge shall be at least 1.0
Volt (or as per Manufacturer’s data). This is true for cells which are 5 hour rated. For
cells which are 8 hour rated, the discharge time may be less than 5 hours and this has to
be taken into consideration while interpreting the results.

The step by step procedure is as follows:

• Open battery disconnect switch or disconnect battery supply cable from 125
volts terminals of the charger.
• Connect battery discharge resistance bank, but leave open circuit.
• Measure and record individual cell voltage and ensure each cell is within
tolerance as stated in 5.2.3,
• Record Individual cell specific gravity, and temperature of electrolyte
• Put on load which is equal to 0.2C; Take the readings of cell voltage, specific
gravity for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and every 15 minutes after 4th hour till 5th hour.
• At the end of the test, total battery voltage is recorded

6. Documents
Relevant Test Sheet to be completed for each every battery bank

7. Attachment

7.1. Test Sheet for Battery Testing to be prepared.

***End of the procedure***

Testing Procedure
Lux Level Measurement
Document No: BSC-TP-LUL01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
5. Execution----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
a. Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Illuminance Measurement
1. Illuminance Measurement for interior and exterior lighting-------------------------------3
2. Illuminance measurement of road lighting------------------------------------------------------4
6. Documents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7. Reference----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8. Attachment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
This instruction deal with the measurement of illuminance in lighting installation indoors and
outdoors of power plant/substations
2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Lights are illumenated
• Diffusers are cleaned
2.2 Documentation
• Lighting layouts are available
• Test sheets TS-LT01

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Engineer or technician with experience in measurement of lux level
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring Instruments and Tools

• Lux Level Meter or photo cell
• Measurement Tape
3.0 Precautions
• In order to carry out test , a PTW shall be obtained from the concern department where
ever test to be carried out
• Room or building occupants shall be informed before start the test and where ever
switching of lights is required.
4.0 Scope
• Lux level measurement of indoor lighting installation
• Lux level measurement of outdoor installation
• Lux level measurement of street or road lights,

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Inspection for physical installation as per approved drawings.
• Inspection for damages of the lighting fixture or diffusers
• Inspection for Correct Ratings, type, and model of the lighting fixture
• Checking for correct labelling and circuit numbers

5.2 illuminance Measurement

Illumination measured values that is illuminance are mean values which refer to the over all
empty or furnished room or work place, outdoors and which are measured 0.85 Meter
above the ground and if working planes are involved, directly on them or on the work piece.

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

Regarding transportation routes indoors and outdoors measurement are made 0.2 meter
above the floor or ground at several places in the middle of the track.

Clean lamps and lighting fittings, reflectors and glass covers are a basic requirement for
accurate illuminance measurement, unless the actual operating state to be determined. The
air should be free from dust and vapour etc. the nominal voltage U n of the lighting
installation (measured at the distribution board) should be adhered to and the actual value
recorded for determining the operating state.

At the instant of measurement fluorescent lamps and discharge lamps of new lighting
installation should have a service life of at least 100 hours and incandescent lamp of 10
hours but not more than 20% of their mean life should be over

In order to achieve stable lighting characteristics of the lamps the lighting installation should
be switched on about 15 minutes and approximate 30 minutes in case of discharge lamps,
before measurements are made.

5.2.1 Illuminance measurement for interior and exterior lighting

To measure the illuminance, subdivide the room, particular zones thereof or

areas into measuring grids with square of section of equal size (See the figure
below) the centres(measuring points) of the grid sections should be 1 to 2
meters apart. The usual grid dimensions for the halls, major luminaire mounting
heights and spacing are up to 5 meters. The grid sections must not coincide with
grid dimension of the luminaire arrangement in longitudinal or transverse
Measurement shall be done in the middle of the grid sections. The photocell for
the measurement shall be held parallel to the area to be measured or
horizontally above the floor at the measuring level. Additional illuminance
measurements are required for peripheral zones of the room or working planes

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

The Arithmetic mean of the values obtained is the illuminance En in lux to be compared with the
nominal illuminance specified.

OR if more accurate results are required then following method can be implemented

5.2.2 Illuminance measurement for Road lighting

For illuminance measurement, the assessment scheme must be divided in to
subsection, the size of these subsections is determined by luminaire spacing “a”
and width “b” of the carriage ways or illuminated

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

a Luminaire Spacing in m
Δa Subsection length in m
Δb Subsection width in m

Length of the Subsection Δa must not be greater then 5 meters

Luminaire spacing “a” of up to 50m.
Length of the subsection Δa =a/10
Subsection length should be selected at Δa ≤ 5 m at luminaire spacing “a”
greater than 50m

For determining subsection width Δb , the carriageway width b/2 is divided by 3

The illuminance is measured in the middle of the subsection at a level of ≤

0.20m above the carriageway. Interference from shadows and other light
sources should be avoided

The arithmetic mean of the measured values E in lux is the horizontal


The uniformity of illuminance g1= Emin/E

Emin is minimum value in assessment scheme

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Reference Valve of illuminanace

Equipment: Lux Level Measurements
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-LUL01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheet shall be completed for each and every Lighting Installation.

7.0 References:
A. Electrical Engineers Portable hand book by MCGraw-Hill
B. Measurement of illuminanace installation instruction by SEIMENS dated1985

8.0 Attachment

8.1 Test sheet for Lux Level measurement)

***End of the Procedure****

Testing Procedure
DC Distribution Board
Document No: BSC-TP-DCDB 01
Rev: 0

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Inspection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of DC Switch Board---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1. Testing of Bus Bar------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2. Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB)--------------------------------------------------------------------6
3. Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication-----------------------------------------6
4. Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.-------------------------------------7
5. Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the MCC------------------------------7
6. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices --------------------------------------------7
7. Protective earthing check -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit-----------------------------------------------------------------------7
9. Checks before and After initial energization --------------------------------------------------------8
6. Documents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
7. Attachment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test, commission and document the 125V DC Switch board

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.

2.2 Documentation
• The schematic and single line diagram of the low voltage motor control centre are
• Commissioning checklists TS-DB01

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning
of all types of Electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring instruments and tools

• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 1000V dc
• Primary injection test set
• Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke-2 Nos
3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid
injury to personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with
valid calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe
handling and draining of residual voltage.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding
stick / wire which is directly connected to earth.
• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be
considered in work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Testing of Bus Bar

• Testing of MCCB
• Operation of MCCB inside the feeder
• Checking CB mounting.

5.0 Execution

5.1 Visual Checks

• Check nameplate information for correctness.
• Inspect enclosures for proper alignment, foundation fixing and grounding.
• Inspect covers, panel section and door for paint work and proper fit.
• Check operation of all mechanical interlocks.
• Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method).
• Check bus and supports for defects such as cracked welds, chipped porcelain, cracked
insulation, etc., and free of dust accumulation.
• Verify that all front panel mounted devices (meters, push buttons, switches, indicator
lamps, mimic buses, etc.) are installed as per drawings
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on the circuit breaker.
• Check for correct breaker position indication.
• Check that all control wiring is correct according to the approved drawing and terminal
connections are secure.


• Ensure the numbers on the ferules are from left to right beginning at the terminal block
i.e. at the end of the wire and from bottom to top.
• The wire nos. should be checked against the wiring table and the schematic drawing.

5.2 Testing MCC(Motor Control Centre)

Enter the rating plate data in check list relevant test sheet and compare the data with the
data contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out on
whole DC Switch board
1. Testing of Bus Bar
a. Bus Continuity and phasing test
b. Torque Test
c. Contact Resistance test
d. Main Circuit Resistance Test
e. Insulation Resiatnce Measurment
2. Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB)
a. Breaker Manual closing/opening
b. Tripping by trip test button
c. Primary Injection and Trip time measurement
3. Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.
4. Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.
5. Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the MCC

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

6. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices

d. Testing of protection devices
e. Testing of Transducers
f. Testing of Alarm Devices
7. Protective earthing check
8. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
g. Visual Checks
h. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
i. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
j. Measurement of Current and voltage
9. Checks before and After initial energization

5.2.1 Testing of Bus Bar Bus Continuity and Phasing Test
Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground
and check the resistance between phases and ground. All the
phases should read infinity except the grounded phase, thus the
phase is identified and continuity is checked. Repeat the test on
remaining two phases. Torque Test

Torque shall be applied to all joints which are made at site. The
bolts shall be tightened according to the manufacturer instructions
after the bus bar erection is completed. Spot check shall be carried
out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is reference in case data from the manufacturer is not


Bolt shall be tighten to maximum value,

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance: ± 20 % Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test shall be carried out after torque check is
done on all the bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very
small fluctuations in resistance while simulating actual operating
conditions. A DC power source will inject the test current up to 100
A and digital voltmeter will measure the voltage drop across the
joints under test, thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as

shown in figure below.

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm
meter of 100 Amps.
• Check the overall resistance of the bus bar for each phase and a
ground by using micro-ohm meter of 100 Amps.




5.2.2 Main Circuit Resistance Test.

• The main circuit resistance test shall be performed by 10A or 100
Ampere DC micro-ohmmeter from panel to panel on each phase from
cable spouts with all circuit breakers racked in (service) and close
• For judgment, the resistance values from panel to panel should not vary
too much if the number of joints and length of bus bar remains the
• Contact Resistance Measurement shall be performed on all the bus
including ground bus

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

5.2.3 Insulation Resistance Test

Perform Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc for LV MCC bus and Breakers as

• Close all the breakers in service position make sure out going cables and
bus duct is still not connected.
• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary of all the feeders
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase R and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase Y and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground and note down the readings.
• Open all the breakers in service position,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

5.2.4 Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB) Breaker Manual closing/opening
All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for its
operation by closing and opening the breakers several times Tripping by trip test button
All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for
tripping by pressing the test button and at the same time resetting
of the breaker shall be checked.

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7 Primary Injection and Trip time measurement(for the breaker 100
amps and high)
All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for
tripping by injecting the primary current equivalent to 2 or 3 times
of breaker rated current

In this the test current is injected through the phases of the breaker
and tripping time is noted. Trip time shall be verified with the
manufactures thermal curve.

Test shall be done for all the three phases

Note: Only breaker 100 Amps and above will be tested for time test
5.2.5 Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked.
• Indication for closing, opening, of the breaker shall be checked.
5.2.6 Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked on DCS or
• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked on DCS or
• Indication for closing, opening of the breaker shall be checked on DCS or
5.2.7 Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the DC Switch board
• Current on MCB of each circuit to be measured when all the devices are in
• Mixing of voltage between the two circuits should be checked by keeping
off MCB of one circuit and checking the voltage on other circuit MCB
towards load side +V and –V terminals with respect to ground
5.2.8 Testing of Protection Devices
All the protection and monitoring relays shall be tested for their functionality
and integrity, please refer related test procedure. Testing of Over/Under Voltage, and Ground relays
All the voltage and ground relays shall be tested, please refer
related test procedure Testing of Transducer
All the current and voltage transducer shall be tested, please refer
related test procedure Testing of Alarm Devices
All alarms from the voltage and ground detection relays shall be
checked, please refer related test procedure
5.2.9 Protective Earthing check
Switch gear protective Earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford
protection to human beings. Minimum two point’s preferable extreme end of
ground bus shall be connected to the ground mesh
• Check all protective relays have been grounded

Equipment: DC Distribution Board
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-DCDB01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

• Check the doors have been grounded

5.2.10 Commissioning of heaters
Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters
• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for
correct rating with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit
with 500 VDC megger Measurement of Current and Voltage
Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and
individual heater load with mini clamp meter Functional Checks of Thermostat
Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in
and cut out operation
5.2.11 Checks After Initial Energization
After energization service load checks to be performed as under
• +V to –V and phase to ground Voltage measurement shall be done.
• All the measuring devices including protective relay to be checked for their
metering function.
6.0 Documents
Relevant Test sheet to be completed for each and every DC DB

7.0 Attachment
7.1 Test Sheet for MCC
7.2 Test Sheet for DC DB

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Document No: BSC-TP-ACMCC 01
Rev: 0

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1


1. Task
a. Work Status--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Documentation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
c. Personnel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
d. Measuring Instrumentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. Preconditions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. Precautions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
4. Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Execution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
a. Visual Inspection-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Testing of MCC(Motor Control Center)-------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1. Testing of Bus Bar-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2. Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB)---------------------------------------------------------------------6
3. ATS functional check---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
4. Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication------------------------------------------6
5. Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.--------------------------------------6
6. Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the MCC-------------------------------7
7. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices ---------------------------------------------7
8. Protective earthing check --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
9. Commissioning of Heater Circuit------------------------------------------------------------------------8
10. Checks before and After initial energization --------------------------------------------------------8
6. Documents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
7. Attachment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

1.0 Task
The purpose of this procedure is to test, commission and document the motor control center of
220/380/480V levels.

2.0 Preconditions

2.1 Work Status

• Erection has been completed.
• Labelling of the equipment and designation of live enclosed plant sections has been
carried out.

2.2 Documentation
• The schematic and single line diagram of the low voltage motor control centre are
• Commissioning checklists TS-MM01

2.3 Personnel
• 1 Commissioning engineer: Engineer or technician with experience in commissioning
of all types of Electrical equipments.
• 1 Helper: skilled worker with adequate on-the-job training.

2.4 Measuring instruments and tools

• Micro ohm meter 10A and 100A
• Insulation Tester 1000V dc
• Primary injection test set
• Secondary Injection test set
• Fluke-2 Nos
3.0 Precautions
The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works.

Special attention will be given to:

• Due to high voltage being used, adequate safety precautions should be taken to avoid
injury to personnel and damage to property.
• Cordoning off specified working area and provision of applicable safety warning sign board.
• Ensure that all the necessary test equipment are made available at the test area and with
valid calibration stickers and certificate.
• Hand insulating gloves and grounding sticks / wire jumpers shall be provided for safe
handling and draining of residual voltage.
• Immediately after testing of each phase, voltage residue shall be drain by using grounding
stick / wire which is directly connected to earth.

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

• Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be
considered in work permit area) is necessary.
4.0 Scope
• Testing of Bus Bar
• Testing of MCCB
• Operation of MCCB inside the feeder
• Testing Of ATS
• Operation of Earting switch
• Checking CB mounting.

5.0 Execution
5.1 Visual Checks
• Check nameplate information for correctness.
• Inspect enclosures for proper alignment, foundation fixing and grounding.
• Inspect covers, panel section and door for paint work and proper fit.
• Check operation of all mechanical interlocks.
• Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method).
• Check bus and supports for defects such as cracked welds, chipped porcelain, cracked
insulation, etc., and free of dust accumulation.
• Verify that all front panel mounted devices (meters, push buttons, switches, indicator
lamps, mimic buses, etc.) are installed as per drawings
• Perform mechanical check and visual inspection on the circuit breaker.
• Check for correct breaker position indication.
• Check that all control wiring is correct according to the approved drawing and terminal
connections are secure.

• Ensure the numbers on the ferules are from left to right beginning at the terminal block
i.e. at the end of the wire and from bottom to top.
• The wire nos. should be checked against the wiring table and the schematic drawing.

5.2 Testing MCC(Motor Control Centre)

Enter the rating plate data in relevant test sheet and compare the data with the data
contained in the circuit documentation. The following test shall be carried out on whole
1. Testing of Bus Bar
a. Bus Continuity and phasing test
b. Torque Test
c. Contact Resistance test
d. Main Circuit Resistance Test
e. Insulation Resiatnce Measurment
2. Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB)
a. Breaker Manual closing/opening
b. Tripping by trip test button
c. Primary Injection and Trip time measurement

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

3. ATS functional check

4. Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.
5. Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.
6. Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the MCC
7. Electrical control and protection/Measuring Devices
d. Testing of protection devices
e. Testing of CT and VT
f. Testing of Transducers
g. Testing of Alarm Devices
8. Protective earthing check
9. Commissioning of Heater Circuit
h. Visual Checks
i. Measurement of insulation resistance of heater and lamp circuit
j. Functional checks of thermostat , Heaters,
k. Measurement of Current and voltage
10. Checks before and After initial energization

5.2.1 Testing of Bus Bar Bus Continuity and Phasing Test
Continuity and phasing test can be done by simple ohm meter or

Connect the extreme end of the single phase of the bus with ground
and check the resistance between phases and ground. All the
phases should read infinity except the grounded phase, thus the
phase is identified and continuity is checked. Repeat the test on
remaining two phases. Torque Test

Torque shall be applied to all joints which are made at site. The
bolts shall be tightened according to the manufacturer instructions
after the bus bar erection is completed. Spot check shall be carried
out using a calibrated torque wrench.

Following is reference in case data from the manufacturer is not


Bolt shall be tighten to maximum value,

Bolt Maximum

Size value

M6 8 Nm

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

M8 20 Nm

M 10 40 Nm

M 12 70 Nm

M 16 140 Nm

Tolerance: ± 20 % Contact Resistance Test

The contact resistance test shall be carried out after torque check is
done on all the bus bar joints. The test requires to measure very
small fluctuations in resistance while simulating actual operating
conditions. A DC power source will inject the test current up to 100
A and digital voltmeter will measure the voltage drop across the
joints under test, thus V/I gives Resistance

Contact resistance can also be measured using micro ohm meter as

shown in figure below.

• Check the resistance for all the bus bar joints using micro-ohm
meter of 100 Amps.
• Check the over all resistance of the bus bar for each phase and a
ground by using micro-ohm meter of 100 Amps.




5.2.2 Main Circuit Resistance Test.

• The main circuit resistance test shall be performed by 10A or 100
Ampere DC micro-ohmmeter from panel to panel on each phase from
cable spouts with all circuit breakers racked in (service) and close
• For judgment, the resistance values from panel to panel should not vary
too much if the number of joints and length of bus bar remains the

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

• Contact Resistance Measurement shall be performed on all the bus

including ground bus

5.2.3 Insulation Resistance Test

Perform Insulation resistance test with 1000Vdc for LV MCC bus and Breakers as

• Close all the breakers in service position make sure out going cables and
bus duct is still not connected.
• Isolate the VTs and short the CTs secondary of all the feeders
• Connect the phases Y, B to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase R and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases B, R to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase Y and ground and note down the readings.
• Connect the phases R, Y to ground and apply the test voltage between
phase B and ground and note down the readings.
• Open all the breakers in service position,
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Cable side to the ground on all the breakers.
• Connect the phases R, Y, B Bus side to the test set.
• Record the corresponding leakage current readings.

5.2.4 Testing of Circuit breakers(MCCB) Breaker Manual closing/opening
All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for its
operation by closing and opening the breakers several times Tripping by trip test button

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for

tripping by pressing the test button and at the same time resetting
of the breaker shall be checked. Primary Injection and Trip time measurement(for the breaker 100
amps and high)
All the MCCB's (Moulded Circuit breaker) shall be checked for
tripping by injecting the primary current equivalent to 2 or 3 times
of breaker rated current

In this the test current is injected through the phases of the breaker
and tripping time is noted. Trip time shall be verified with the
manufactures thermal curve.

Test shall be done for all the three phases

Note: Only breaker 100 Amps and above will be tested for time test
5.2.5 ATS functional check
If ATS (Automatic Transfer System) is provided on the MCC needs to be checked
as per the circuit diagrams
5.2.6 Functional Test of Local Controls, Alarm and Indication.
• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked.
• Indication for closing, opening, of the breaker shall be checked.

5.2.7 Functional Test of Remote Controls, Alarm and Indication.

• Alarm and indication for DC supervision relay shall be checked on DCS or
• Alarm and indication for trip coil supervision shall be checked on DCS or
• Indication for closing, opening of the breaker shall be checked on DCS or
5.2.8 Control Power ,Current and Voltage Measurement of the MCC
• Current on MCB of each circuit to be measured when all the devices are in
• Mixing of voltage between the two circuits should be checked by keeping
off MCB of one circuit and checking the voltage on other circuit MCB
towards load side +V and –V terminals with respect to ground

5.2.9 Testing of Protection Devices

All the protection and monitoring relays shall be tested for their functionality
and integrity, please refer related test procedure. Testing of CT's and VT's
All the CT’s and VT’s shall be tested, please refer related test
procedure Testing of Transducer
All the current, voltage, frequency and power transducer shall be
tested, please refer related test procedure

Equipment: AC Motor Control Center
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-ACMCC01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8 Testing of Alarm Devices

Alarms for DC supervision, trip coil supervision, spring charging etc
shall be checked up to the DCS
5.2.10 Protective Earthing check
Switch gear protective Earthing bond must be earthed in order to afford
protection to human beings. Minimum two point’s preferable extreme end of
ground bus shall be connected to the ground mesh
• Check all protective relays have been grounded
• Check the doors have been grounded
5.2.11 Commissioning of heaters
Space heater shall be commissioned as under. Visual Checks of Heaters
• Check the rating of the heater match with the supply voltage.
• Check the KW rating of the heater match with drawing.
• Check the breaker which supplying power to heater circuit for
correct rating with respect to total load of the heaters. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
Perform insulation resistance measurement on space heater circuit
with 500 VDC megger Measurement of Current and Voltage
Switch on the breaker and measured the total current and
individual heater load with mini clamp meter Functional Checks of Thermostat
Check the operation of the thermostat and hygrometer for cut in
and cut out operation
5.2.12 Checks After Initial Energization
After energization service load checks to be performed as under
• Current should be measured on all the secondary terminal of the current
• Phase to phase and phase to ground Voltage measurement should be done
on all the phase and core of the voltage transformer.
• Phase sequence checks to be done on Voltage transformer.
• All the measuring devices including protective relay to be checked for their
metering function.

6.0 Documents
Relevant test sheets to be completed for each and every MCC

7.0 Attachment
7.1 Test Sheet for MCC

***End of the Procedure ***

Testing Procedure
Grounding System
Document No: BSC-TP-GRD01
Rev: 0

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |1




2. SCOPE 02








Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |2

The purpose of this procedure is to test and document the integrity of Grounding Grid, Ground
Impedance, and touch and step potential for power plant and substation grounding in accordance to
the IEEE 80 and 81.

This procedure applies to large ground of power plant and substation newly built where following
tests are done

a. Potential Rise Measurement

b. Step Potential Measurement
c. Touch Potential Measurement

3.1 IEEE Standard 80 and 81


4.1 Ground Impedance

Ground impedance measurement are made

(1) To determine the actual impedance of the ground connections
(2) As a check on calculations
(3) To determine
(a) The rise in ground potential and its variation throughout an area, that results
from ground fault current in a power system.
(b) The suitability of a grounding connection for lightning protection, and
(c) The suitability of grounding connection for radio-frequency transmission at a
(4) To obtain data necessary for the design of protection for buildings, the equipment
therein, and any personnel that may be involved.

4.1.1 Method of Measuring ground impedance Two-Point Method (Ammeter-Voltmeter Method).

In this method the total resistance of the unknown and an auxiliary ground is
measured. The resistance of the auxiliary ground is presumed to be negligible in
comparison with the resistance of the unknown ground, and the measured value in
ohms is called the resistance of the unknown ground.

The usual application of this method is to determine the resistance of a single rod-
driven ground near a residence that also has a common municipal water supply system
that uses metal pipe without insulating joints. The water pipe is the auxiliary ground and
its ground resistance is assumed to be in the order of 1 Ω and must be low in relation to
the permissible driven ground maximum resistance which is usually in the order of 25 Ω.

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |3

Obviously, this method is subject to large errors for low-valued driven grounds but is
very useful and adequate where a go, no-go, type of test is all that is required. Three-Point Method.

This method involves the use of two test electrodes with the resistances of the test
electrodes designated r 2 and r 3 and with the electrode to be measured designated r 1 .
The resistance between each pair of electrodes is measured and designated r 12 , r 13 , and
r 23 ,
r 12 = r 1 + r 2, r23= r 2 + r 3, r 13 = r 1 + r 3
Solving the simultaneous equations,
r1 = (r 12 ) — (r 23 ) + (r 13 )
For the measurement, the electrodes must be at some distance from each other;
otherwise absurdities may arise in the calculations, such as zero or even negative
resistance. In measuring the resistance of a single-driven electrode the distance
between the three separate ground electrodes should be at least 5 m with a preferable
spacing of 10 m or more. For larger area grounding systems, which are presumably of
lower resistances, spacing in the order of the dimensions of the grounding systems are
required as a minimum, This method becomes awkward for large substations and power
plants, and some form of the fall-of-potential method is preferred, if high accuracy is
required. Fall of Potential Method

Fall –Of – Potential Method

The method involves passing a current into the electrode to be measured and noting the
influence of this current in terms of voltage between the ground under test and a test
potential electrode.

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |4

A test current electrode is used to permit passing a current into the electrode to be
tested (see Fig 1),
The current I through the tested electrode E and the current electrode C, results in earth
surface potential variations. The potential profile along the C, P, E, direction will look as
in Fig 2. Potentials are measured with respect to the ground under test, E, which is
assumed for convenience at zero potential.

The fall-of-potential method consists of plotting the ratio of V/I = R, as a function of

probe spacing X. The potential electrode is moved away from the ground under test in
steps. A value of impedance is obtained at each step. This impedance is plotted as a
function of distance, and the value in ohms at which this plotted curve appears to level
out is taken as the impedance value of the ground under test (see Fig 3).

Apparent Resistance for Various spacing X

Impedance verses distance
In order to obtain a flat portion of the curve it is necessary that the current electrode be
effectively outside the influence of the ground to be tested. This influence is sometimes

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |5

called extent of station ground and may be considered as the distance beyond which there
is a negligible effect on the measured rise of ground voltage caused by ground current.
Theoretically the influence extends to infinity; but practically there is a limit, because the
influence varies inversely as some power of the distance from the ground to be tested. Step and Touch Potential

The magnitude of step and touch voltage (see Fig 4) may be scaled off of a potential
contour map of the site or actually measured by the voltmeter- ammeter method. These
values are proportional to the earth current and (provided that the deep soil resistivity is
constant) to the top soil resistivity.

Step Potential

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |6

Touch Potential


Basic Shock situation

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |7

4.2 Ground Potential Rise (GPR):

The maximum electrical potential that a substation grounding grid may attain relative to a
distant grounding point assumed to be at the potential of remote earth. This voltage (GPR) is
equal to the maximum grid current times the grid resistance.

NOTE— under normal conditions, the grounded electrical equipment operates at near zero
ground potential. That is, the potential of a grounded neutral conductor is nearly identical to the
potential of remote earth, during a ground fault the portion of fault current that is conducted by
a substation or power plant grounding grid into the earth causes the rise of the grid potential
with respect to remote earth.

4.3 Mesh Voltage:

Maximum touch voltage within a mesh of a ground grid.

4.4 Metal-to-Metal Touch Voltage:

The difference in potential between metallic objects or structures within the substation or
power plant site that may be bridged by direct hand-to-hand or hand-to-feet contact.

4.6 Step Voltage:

The difference in surface potential experienced by a person bridging a distance of 1 m with the
feet without contacting any other grounded object.

4.7 Touch Voltage:

The potential difference between the ground potential rise (GPR) and the surface potential at
the point where a person is standing while at the same time having a hand in contact with a
grounded structure.

4.8 Transferred Voltage:

A special case of the touch voltage where a voltage is transferred into or out of the substation
from or to a remote point external to the substation site.

4.9 Effect of frequency on human body:

Humans are very vulnerable to the effects of electric current at frequencies of 50 to 60 Hz.
Current of approximately 0.1A can be lethal. Research indicates that human body can tolerate s
slightly higher 25 HZ current and approximately five times higher than direct current. At
frequency of 3000 to 10 000 Hz even higher current can be tolerated.

4.10 Effect of Magnitude and duration on human body

The most common physiological effects of electric current on the body, stated in order of

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |8

increasing current magnitude, are threshold perception, muscular contraction, unconsciousness,

fibrillation of the heart, respiratory nerve blockage and burning.

Current of 1 mA is generally recognized as the threshold of perception; that is. The current
magnitude at which a person is just able to detect a slight tingling sensation in his hands or
fingertips caused by the passing current.

Currents of 1—6 mA, often termed let-go currents, though unpleasant to sustain, generally do
not impair the ability of a person holding an energized object to control his muscles and release

In the 9—25 mA range, currents may be painful and can make it difficult or impossible to release
energized objects grasped by the hand. For still higher currents muscular contractions could
make breathing difficult. These effects are not permanent and disappear when the current is
interrupted, unless the contraction is very severe and breathing is stopped for minutes rather
than seconds. Yet even such cases often respond to resuscitation.

It is not until current magnitudes in the range of 60-100 mA are reached that ventricular
fibrillation, stoppage of the heart, or inhibition of respiration might occur and cause injury or
death. A person trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should administer CPR until the
victim can be treated at a medical facility.

Hence, Grounding system shall be designed to keep fibrillation threshold below the above
values of shock current in order to prevent injury or death.

the non-fibrillating current of magnitude ‘ at durations ranging from 0.03—3.0 s is related to the
energy absorbed by the body as described by the following equation:

S B = (I B )2 X t S

I B is the rms magnitude of the current through the body in A
t S , is the duration of the current exposure in
S B is the empirical constant related to the electric shock energy tolerated by a certain
percent of a given population

Hence Tolerable Body Current Limit According to IES-80 for 50 to 60 Hz Current is

IB = 0.116 for 50 Kg Body Weight

√t S

IB = 0.157 for 70 Kg Body Weight

√t S

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 Page |9

4.11 Step and touch voltage criteria

The safety of a person depends on preventing the critical amount of shock energy from being
absorbed before the fault is cleared and the system de-energized. The maximum driving voltage
of any accidental circuit should not exceed the limits defined as follows.

For step voltage the limit is

E Step = (R B + 2R f ) .I B

For body weight of 50 kg Step Voltage is

E Step50 = (1000 + 6C S .ρ S ). 0.116

√t S
For body weight of 70 kg Step Voltage is

E Step70 = (1000 + 6C S .ρ S ). 0.157

√t S
Similarly, the touch voltage limit is

E Touch = (R B + R f /2) .I B

For body weight of 50 kg Touch Voltage is

E Touch50 = (1000 + 1.5C S .ρ S ). 0.116

√t S
For body weight of 70 kg Step Voltage is

E STouch70 = (1000 + 1.5C S .ρ S ). 0.157

√t S

E step is the step voltage in V
E Touch is the touch voltage in V
CS is determined from Figure II or Equation (27)
ρS is the resistivity of the surface material in Q-m
ts is the duration of shock current in seconds

If no protective surface layer is used, then C S =1 and ρ S = ρ.

The metal-to-metal touch voltage limits are derived from the touch voltage equations, Metal-to-
metal contact, both hand-to-hand and hand-to-feet, will result in ρ, = 0. Therefore, the total
resistance of the accidental circuit is equal to the body resistance. R B ,
With the substitution of ρ S = 0 in the foot resistance E touch voltages equations the metal-to-
metal touch voltage limit is

E mm-touch50 = 116 for 50 Kg Body Weight

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 10

√t S
E mm-touch70 = 157 for 70 Kg Body Weight
√t S

E mm is the metal-to-metal touch voltage in V

The actual step voltage, touch voltage, or metal-to-metal touch voltage should be less than the
respective maximum allowable voltage limits to ensure safety. Hazards from external transferred
voltages are best avoided by isolation or neutralizing devices and labeling these danger points as
being equivalent to live lines.


• Grounding mesh installation should be completed.

• All the Electrical equipment should have connected to the grounding grid.

• Grating and gravelling work should be over for all the transformers.

• Leveling of the soil for the complete plant shall be over.

• Permit to work shall be sought from the concern department

• Transformer Neutral to be disconnected from the transformer with transformer shutdown.


The work will only proceed when a Permit to Work (PTW) in work permit area has been
obtained. The PTW will be kept on site for consultation during the testing works

a. Special safety arrangements shall be made for all areas which are not explicitly designated
as” electrical operating areas” when performing tests at voltages in excess of 50V.

b. Closing of the work permit after completion of the work (if the test area is to be
considered in work permit area) is necessary.

c. Before test voltages are applied a check shall be carried out to ensure that no
unauthorized persons are working at the corresponding load-where ever necessary
barriers should be provided

d. This test should be performed only by personnel who are properly trained on the test
equipment. Safety rules, testing procedures and interpretation of the results.

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 11


Test is done by injecting current of 100- 150 A to grounding mesh by using a long cable who’s
length shall be equal to 3 times of the radius of the grounding grid as shown in following figures.

In order to get a flat portion of the curve it is necessary that the current electrode be effectively
outside the influence of the ground to be tested

Cable Size Requirment:

In order to have 150A injection the cable size is
Total Resistance to be = 277/150 =1.85 Ohms
Cable Resistance =( 1.85- R ground ) = 1.85-0.1 = 1.75 Ohms hence single core 185 mm2 cable to be

7.1 Potential Rise Measurement

7.1.1 Convention Method

Connections are made as shown in figure-7 below, where current injection (100-
150Amps) is made between the neutral point of the generator transformer and current
electrode at remote end (West of the plant- around 500 Meters outside of the plant )

Test Circuit for Ground potential Rise Measurement

SW-1 Fuse Switch

SW-2 Change over Switch (Polarity)
SD Variable Transformer

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 12

• Voltage readings are taken for different spacing in all the three direction of the plant for
forward current direction (Polarity)
• Voltage readings are repeated for the same spacing in all the three direction of the plant
for Reverse current direction (Polarity)
• Readings are tabulated and corrected to actual fault current and then Graph is plotted
as Potential rise verses Distance

7.1.2 Ground Impedance by SGM

This section illustrates the procedure for performing ground impedance measurements with
the SGM. The general configuration of the SGM setup is illustrated in figure.11. Step-by-step
instructions for setting up and performing this measurement are given next.

Figure 11. SGM setup for Ground Impedance Measurement for Probe location Guidelines.

Caution: Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have been made. Install the voltage probes 1Y, 2Y, 3Y (yellow assembly), B1, B2, B3 (blue assembly)
and the current return electrode. It is recommended that the current return
electrode be placed at a distance from the substation fence of at least 2 times the
maximum diagonal length of the substation. The voltage probes should be placed at
a distance of at least 100 feet from the substation fence in a radial direction and no
further than 60% of the distance to the current return electrode. In many cases
there are space limitations around a substation. In these cases, the voltage probes
can be placed in any available space. In any case, try to locate all probes at least 100
feet away from the perimeter of the substation, in a radial direction if possible, and
as far as possible from other ground structures such as lines, pipes, etc. In addition,
make sure that the six voltage probes are closer to the grounding system under test
than the current return electrode. Figure 3.2 illustrates the area where the voltage
probes must be placed relative to the grounding system under test and the current
return electrode. Practical Hint: Allow several feet of cable slack at every voltage
probe to facilitate the relocation of the probe if it is necessary.

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 13 Connect the black and green terminals to a grounding conductor of the grounding
system under test. Practical Hint: Cleaning the grounding conductor with a wire
brush or sand paper before attaching the SGM alligator clips. Setup and connect the Smart Ground Multi meter and computer via the RS23 (serial
port) cable. Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have
been made. Connect the voltage probe assemblies Y (yellow) and B (blue), as well as the current
return electrode cable to the corresponding SGM receptacles. All connectors are
color-coded. Turn on the SGM power switch, turn on the personal computer and execute the
program. Setup a new measurement case file as follows:
Click on the New Case icon ( ). In the pop-up dialog type the name of the
measurement case in the Case Name entry field. The case name must not contain
any tabs or spaces. Also do not type a file name extension, since the SGM software
automatically assigns extensions. Select the measurement Function: “Ground
Impedance”. You may optionally select the directory where the case files are to be
stored by clicking on the Browse button.

Click on the OK button to proceed. A new pop-up dialog appears with the
measurement parameter options. Modify the measurement parameters as desired,
and click on the OK button to proceed. Note that in most cases the default
measurement parameters should be accepted without any modification.

Enter the approximate shape of the grounding system under test and the relative
positions of the SGM, the voltage probes, and current return electrode. (See
Appendix F: Using the Ground System Editor). For further information on how to
select various options and parameters see also Appendix E: User Selectable Controls
and Parameters. At this point you are ready to perform the measurement. However, before initiating
the measurement, in order to ensure safety, make sure that no persons may touch
the current electrode during the measurement process. Initiate the measurement
by clicking on the button MEASURE.

During the measurement process you can monitor the measured data quality via
dynamically updated screen plots. Note that the measurement process consists of
two phases. The first phase collects data for the purpose of voltage probe
calibration. The second phase collects the ground potential difference data with
which the ground system impedance is computed.

See section 1.1 Important Recommendations for additional guidance for successfully
completing this test.
After completion of the measurement process and data analysis, the final report

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 14

window will appear. An example final report is illustrated in Figures 3.6 and 3.7.
The first report window provides the system ground impedance as a function of
frequency. The red curve is the impedance magnitude and the blue curve is the
impedance phase angle. The numerical values for a specific frequency can be
obtained by placing the cursor (mouse) at the desired location of the graph.

Figure 3.6

The statistical analysis button opens a statistical analysis report window, which is
illustrated in

Figure 3.7 this report provides the Probe Performance Index (PPI) and the expected
error (Error %) for specific values of confidence levels (Conf %).

Figure 3.7

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 15

Note that all data collected during measurements are automatically stored in several
data files. These data files are named as follows:

File Name Description

scname.AQG Raw Measurements File
scname.CLG Autocalibration Data File
scname.DTG Measurement Parameters File
scname.CQG Raw Probe Calibration Data File
scname.FCG Factory calibration file
scname.NMF Measurement System Network Data
scname.001 Grounding System and Probe Placement Data
Where “scname” is the user selected case name. These files contain the raw acquired
data. Using these data files the SGM software can “play back” the field measurements
for the purpose of closer examination, incorporating measurement results in reports

7.2 Step Potential Measurement

7.2.1 Convention Method

Connections are made as shown in figure-8 below, where current injection (100-150Amps)
is made between the neutral point of the generator transformer and current electrode at
remote end (West of the plant- around 500 Meters outside of the plant )

Test Circuit for Step potential Measurement

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 16

SW-1 Fuse Switch

SW-2 Change over Switch (Polarity)
SD Variable Transformer

• Voltage readings are taken between two electrodes weighing 35 Kgs each (weight of
human body considered as 70 Kg) and they are kept on the ground at 1 meter apart.
• Measurements are done at different places
• Readings are tabulated and corrected to actual fault current

7.2.2. Step Potential Measurement by SGM

This section illustrates the procedure for performing step voltage measurements with
the SGM. The general configuration of the SGM setup is illustrated in figure.9. Step-by-
step instructions for setting up and performing this measurement are given next.

Figure.9. Standard Probe Arrangement for Step Voltage Measurements

Caution: Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have been made.

Note: It is recommended that this test performed immediately after the ground impedance
measurement test using the already installed current return electrode. The voltage probes must
be placed at the locations where the step voltage is to be measured. This can be any locations,
as long as the coordinates of these locations are accurately entered the program via the “Edit
Geometry” function.

1. Install the voltage probe assemblies Y (yellow) and B (blue) and the current return electrode
(see note above). Use the standard arrangement ST1, which is illustrated in Figure 9. Note
that voltage prove 1Y is placed at the location where the step voltage is to be measured and
the remaining voltage probes are arranged in a circle around voltage probe 1Y with radius
about 3 feet. The current return electrode should be a distance of at least 2.0 times the

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 17

maximum linear length of the grounding system.

2. Connect the black and green terminals to a grounding conductor of the grounding system
under test. Practical Hint: Cleaning the grounding conductor with a wire brush or sand paper
before attaching the SGM alligator clips.

3. Setup and connect the Smart Ground Multi meter and computer via the RS23 (serial port)
cable. Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have been made.

4. Connect the voltage probe assemblies Y (yellow) and B (blue), as well as the current return
electrode cable to the corresponding SGM receptacles. All connectors are color-coded.

5. Turn on the SGM power switch, turn on the personal computer and execute the program.

7.3 Touch Potential Measurement

7.3.1 Convention Method

Connections are made as shown in figure below-9, where current injection (100-150Amps)
is made between the neutral point of the generator transformer and current electrode at
remote end (East of the plant- around 500 Meters outside of the plant)

Test Circuit for Touch potential Measurement

SW-1 Fuse Switch

SW-2 Change over Switch (Polarity)

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 18

SD Variable Transformer

• Voltage readings are taken between two electrodes weighing 35 Kgs each (weight of
human body considered as 70 Kgs) and they are kept on the ground at 1 meter apart.
• Voltage readings are taken between the equipment or structure and the electrode
whose weight is about 70 Kgs (weight of human body considered as 70 Kg) kept on the
ground at 1 meter height.
• Measurements are done at different equipments or Structure
• Readings are tabulated and corrected to actual fault current

7.3.2 Touch Potential Measurement by SGM

This section illustrates the procedure for performing touch voltage measurements with
the SGM. The general configuration of the SGM setup is illustrated in figure10. Step-by-
step instructions for setting up and performing this measurement are given next.

Figure10. Slandered Probe Arrangements for Touch Voltage Measurements

Caution: Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have been

Note: It is the recommended that this test performed immediately after the ground
impedance measurement test using the already installed current return electrode. The
voltage probes must be placed at the locations where the step voltage is to be
measured. This can be any locations, as long as the coordinates of these locations are
accurately entered the program via the “Edit Geometry” commend.

1. Install the voltage probe assemblies Y (yellow) and B (blue) and the current return
electrode (see note above). Use the standard arrangement ST1, which is
illustrated in Figure 10. Install the current return electrode at an approximate
distance of at least 2.0 times the maximum linear length of the grounding system.

Equipment: Grounding System
Doc. No.: BSC-TP-GRD01 First Issue By: MAH Date: 01/02/2014 Rev : 0 P a g e | 19

2. Connect the black and green terminals to a grounding conductor of the grounding
system under test. Practical Hint: Cleaning the grounding conductor with a wire
brush or sand paper before attaching the SGM alligator clips.

3. Setup and connect the Smart Ground Multi meter and computer via the RS23 (serial
port) cable. Do not power the SGM or the computer before all connections have
been made.

4. Connect the voltage probe assemblies Y (yellow) and B (blue), as well as the current
return electrode cable to the corresponding SGM receptacles. All connectors are

5. Turn on the SGM power switch, turn on the personal computer and execute the


Please Refer
Grounding Calculation of Site to be tested

8.1 Results and Conclusion


Following Test Sheets to made and filled during and end of the test.
9.1 Testing of Grounding System
9.2 Earth Resistance Measurement

***End of the procedure ***


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