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Original Article
Background: SBAR has been suggested as a means to avoid unclear communication between health care
professionals and in turn enhance patient safety in the healthcare sector.
Aim: to evaluate hospital-based health care professionals experiences from using the Situation, Background,
Assessment and Recommendation (SBAR) communication model.
Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive, comparative pre- and post-intervention questionnaire-based pilot
study before and after the implementation of SBAR at surgical hospitals wards. Open comments to
questionnaire items were analyzed qualitatively.
Results: The introduction of SBAR increased the experience of having a well-functioning structure for oral
communication among health care professionals regarding patients’ conditions. Qualitative findings revealed the
categories: Use of SBAR as a structure, Reporting time, Patient safety, and Personal aspects.
Conclusions: SBAR is perceived as effective to get a structure of the content in patient reports, which may
facilitate patient safety.
International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2015 Volume 8 | Issue 3| Page 531
International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2015 Volume 8 | Issue 3| Page 532
from the two time points were treated as independent particularly when nurses reported to physicians
groups. Thus, quantitative data were analyzed using substituting for patients’ regular responsible
the Mann-Whitney U-test. P-values of <0.05 was physician. It was proposed that patient safety can be
considered significant. Written comments were enhanced by supplementing oral communication with
analyzed qualitatively according to conventional available written documentation.
content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).
Personal aspects
Nursing staff felt that the success of the SBAR model
The questionnaire was answered by 116 staff to improve communication between staff was
members before and 86 after the implementation of dependent on the person communicated. For
the SBAR model. A larger proportion of the staff example, the ability of the SBAR model to facilitate
reported that they found the structure and content of patient safety was considered related to exactly what
oral communication regarding patients efficient after was reported regarding a patient's condition. Other
as compared to before the introduction of the SBAR aspects related to the person reporting were the time
model; no other differences were found (Table 1). taken for reports and compliance to the SBAR
The written comments showed four themes: Use of model. Furthermore, the extent to which staff felt
SBAR as a structure; Reporting time; Patient safety respected for their knowledge and skills varied. For
and Personal aspects. example, one nurse felt that physicians did not
always respect her competence.
Use of SBAR as a structure
The majority of nursing staff described that SBAR
was "very helpful" and provided a good structure to This pilot study aimed at evaluating health care
use in oral reporting on patients' conditions. Some professionals’ experiences of communication before
respondents felt that they always had reported in a and after the implementation of the SBAR model at
similar manner already before, so the introduction of three hospital wards. The study showed that SBAR
SBAR was not seen as something new. There were was perceived to be a good structure to use when
some who had not used the model after its reporting patients' conditions. This was also shown in
introduction, which mainly was due to forgetting to the study by Beckett and Kipnis (2009).
use it. One of the nursing staff did not think the ward
actively used the SBAR model as intended. However, some nurses in this study indicated that it
sometimes took longer time to report when using the
Reporting time SBAR model. This could be seen as negative but
The time taken for patient reporting was in part may also mean that time was spent on ensuring that
considered dependent on the person reporting. Some important aspects were reported and that nothing was
felt that the time for reporting had decreased since missed (Whittingham & Oldroyd, 2014). The study
the SBAR structure "taught them to report correctly", shows that SBAR was considered to facilitate patient
while others felt that this took equally long or longer, safety. SBAR can be seen as a checklist to ensure
but that the SBAR structure provided more efficient that all significant aspects will be covered when
communications. communicating patient reports, which may contribute
to patient safety. Although patient care should be
Patient safety safe, indirectly we found indications of deficiencies
Patient safety was considered promoted by the SBAR in patient safety. For example, when the SBAR
model since it reduces the risk that certain aspects are model was not used, which led to a risk that
missed when reporting. Sometimes staff experienced important information was not communicated. It is
some deficiencies in patient safety in the oral important that all members of the health care team
communication between health professionals, take responsibility when introducing a new model.
International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2015 Volume 8 | Issue 3| Page 533
Assess the patient, Read medical records, Have current information from medical records available
International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2015 Volume 8 | Issue 3| Page 534
Today's oral communication ensures high patient security c 3 (2-3) 3 (2-3) 0.257
When I receive a verbal report on a patient, I get a good 3 (3-3) 3 (3-3) 0.624
overview of the patient's condition c
Dta are median (q1-q3) unless otherwise noted.
Mann-Whitney U test. Md = median, Q1-Q3 = interquartile ranges.
0 = Strongly disagree; 1 = Disagree; 2 = Neither agree or disagree; 3 = Agree; 4 = Strongly agree.
0 = Never; 1 = Rarely; 2 = Sometimes; 3 = Often; 4 = Always
International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2015 Volume 8 | Issue 3| Page 535
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Both this and other studies have shown that the Ko CH, H., Turner, T. J., & Finnigan, M. A. (2011).
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Acknowledgements SBAR: Improving patient communication and
We are most grateful to the members in the project- satisfaction. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27, 760-
group from the hospital, Laila Adolfsson, Lisbeth 762.
Eklund, Ann-Margret Persson and Viktoria Åkesson. Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2004). Nursing Research:
principles and methods. Philadelphia: Lippincott,
We are also grateful to all the respondents who
Williams & Willkins.
participated in the study. Rytterström, P., Cedersund, E., & Arman, M. (2009). Care
References and caring culture as experienced by nurses working in
different care environments: A phenomenological-
Beckett, C., & Kipnis, G. (2009). Collaborative hermeneutic study International Journal of Nursing
Communication: Integrating SBAR to Improve studies, 46 689-698.
Quality/Patient Safety Outcomes. Journal of Wallin, C.-J., & Thor, J. (2008). SBAR-Modell för bättre
Healthcare Quality, 31(5), 19-28. kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal. Läkartidningen,
Gawande, A., Zinner, M., Studdert, D., & Brennan, T. 105(26-27), 1922-1924 [Swedish].
(2003). Analysis of errors rereported by surgeons at Whittingham, A., & Oldroyd, L. (2014). Using an SBAR -
three teaching hospitals. Surgery, 133, 614-621. Keeping it real! Demonstrating how improving safe
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social networks and integration: a co-operative degree program. Nurse Education Today, 34, 47-52.