Acetate Rayon
Acetate Rayon
Acetate Rayon
If the cellulose is treated with acetic acid under certain conditions the free
hydroxyl groups of cellulose are converted into ester groups.
Manufacturing Process
Unlike inthe case of viscose rayon and cuprammonium rayon, where cellulose is
dissolved and regenerated, cellulose acetate is manufactured by converting
cellulose into a chemical compound of cellulose ( or chem modified cellulose)
which is then dissolved in a suitable solvent ( chloroform or acetone) and spun by
evaporating the solvent. Thus while viscose and cuprammonium rayons are
regenerated fibres, acetate rayon is regenerated modified fibre.
Raw Material : Cotton linters and wood pulp are the most common employed raw
materials for the manufacture of acetate rayon
Acetylation Process :
The pretreated purified cotton linters are fed into an acetylator ( closed vessel)
containing a mixture of acetic anhydride, glacial acetic acid and a small amount of
concentrated sulphuric acid. For every 100 kg of cotton linters, 300 kg of glacial
acetic acid, 500 kg of acetic anhydride and 8-10 kg of concentrated su;phuric acid
may be used. The acetylator consists of a metal tank having a circular door at the
top. The door is sealed after adding the mixture of chemicals and cotton linters. A
stirrer having many blades rotates in the acetylator to mix the ingredients
thoroughly. The acetylation reaction is an exotherimic reation. Heat is removed
by circulating cold water through a jacket fitted to the acetylator. The acetylation
reation is completed in 7-8 hours at 25-30 deg c. Triacetate is formed at this stage
and it is in the form of a suspension in the acetylation mixture called the acid
Hydrolysis ( Partial Deacetylation) : The acid dope from the above process is
stored in jars for ageing. Acetic acid, water and sulphuric acid are added and
allowed to stand for 10-20 hours. During this period, called ripening period,
partial conversion of acetate groups to hydroxy groups takes place. The mixture is
then diluted with water and stirred continuously when white flakes of acetate
rayon get precipated. The flakes are placed in a centrifuge and the excess water is
forced out of the cage through perforations. The flakes are then dried.
The details are as follows. Dried acetate flakes are mixed with three times the
weight of acetone in enclosed tanks which are provided with powerful stirrers.
The acetate dissolves slowly in the solvent. It takes about 24 hours for the
complete dissolution to give a thick clear liquid called dope. The solution is
filtered and deareated.
Spinning Process
The dope is spun into acetate rayon filaments on the dry spinning process. The
dope is fed from a spinning tank into spinning cabinets. The dope coming out of
the spinnerette travels a distance of 2-5 meters vertically downwards to a feed
roller, from where it is guided on to a bobbin at a much greater speed than the
speed of spinning. This imparts twist to the filaments.
Moisture content of sec. Cellulose acetate is 6.5% at 70 deg F and 65% RH.
( Moisture Content= Wt of water in a material /Total wt of material) ( Moisture Regain=
wt of water in a material/ oven dry wt of material)
( RH= actual humidity/ humidity of air saturated in water).
Tenacity of Acetate rayon is 1.4 gpd at dry state and 0.9 gpd at wet state.
Acetate Rayon is more sensitive to heat. It begins to weaken at 93 deg C. At 175 deg C it
becomes sticky and melts at 260 deg C. Like nylon and polyester it is thermoplastic. Thus
permanent crimp, pleats and creases can be imparted to the garment under carefully
controlled conditions.
Some degeneration takes place when this fiber is exposed to light but not very serious.
It can also withstand treatment with soap or alkali solution having a pH of not more than
9.5 at temp upto 100 deg C. Therefore it can undergo normal scouring and dyeing
operations without affecting the lustre.
It is resistant to attack by bacteria and fungi. Its low moisture content contributes to
resistance to mildew.
Only a few striations ( 2-3) are present in the fibre as can be seen from the longitudinal
view. The cross section of the fiber have individual lobes and are round and smooth. It is
the smaller number of lobes or serrations of acetate fibres that distinguish the fibre from
more numerous serrations of viscose rayon.