Visible Consulting Services
Visible Consulting Services
Visible Consulting Services
developed ad hoc without uniform busi- Planning Division and
ness rules and meta-data. Many organizations spend over 70 Manager, Enterprise Data
When possible, Visible uses a top- percent of their IT budgets on main- Management Program
tenance of current applications and have Texas Education Agency
down approach to building applications
by helping organizations implement an too much data but not enough informa-
“information blueprint,” called an tion. This legacy system problem results assumes that a company’s meta-data is
Enterprise Architecture. This is the only from departmental “stove-pipe” systems, already defined. Unless a company’s
way an organization can manage strate- which are poorly documented and have existing databases and corporate data
gic information, implement interopera- been patched too many times. Some models are part of an Enterprise
ble systems, and establish true data companies have unsuccessfully tried to Architecture, there is no way to be sure
sharing. An Enterprise Architecture: integrate these systems through appli- that information is consistent, accurate,
1. facilitates communications cation interfaces or force fit data into and reusable.
2. provides a medium for better com- purchased packages, data warehouses, Visible helps companies manage
municating with potential vendors enterprise portals, or middleware. XML through meta-data management.
3. improves productivity and saves Working with our clients, we forward-
development time engineer the Enterprise Architecture
4. can be easily ported to new tech- model into XML designs. We can also
In helping to develop the largest human
nology platforms
resources system in the world by consoli- reverse engineer legacy systems and data
dating the personnel and payment systems warehouses into XML designs. Our
Corporate Portal and Data of every U.S. military branch, including their clients can manage XML meta-data using
Warehouse Engineering components such as the Reserves, Visible’s the same modeling notations and tools
Today, an organization’s information senior consultants provided highly valuable that are used to manage structured data.
requirements span beyond corporate enterprise engineering expertise in bringing
our DOD clients to agreement on the busi-
walls. Many organizations are unable to Software Productivity
ness rules and meta-data needed to build a
provide internal and external users with
first-rate information architecture. With the
Improvement and SCM
meaningful access to information be-
resulting blueprint, we will be able to build The biggest stumbling block to pro-
cause they lack an integrated repository an extremely well-designed ducing high-quality software on time
of legacy, structured, and unstructured and well-accepted and on budget is the lack of internal
data. If some applications use the word system. David O’Neill
controls on the software development
“product” and others use the word “sys- Technical Lead
SRA International, Inc. process. With Visible’s assistance,
tem” to define the same entity, how can clients improve processes and proce-
meaningful information be extracted? dures until they are able to consistently
Visible has an effective Enterprise develop quality information systems
Architecture-based approach for de- Visible has pioneered a method and that exactly meet their customers’ infor-
veloping corporate portals and data tools that unify these approaches and mation needs.
warehouses that are easy to design and integrate legacy applications. We help We help clients quickly meet the
maintain and provide strategic informa- clients do the hard work necessary to requirements of ISO 9001 and the
tion that is accurate, valid, and timely. meet the important goals of Strategic Software Engineering Capability
We lead clients in the following steps: Enterprise Application Integration: Maturity Model (CMM).
First, we interview key enterprise shared, non-redundant data, trusted
managers and analyze pertinent docu- strategic information, and reusable
mentation to determine whether the software components.
enterprise is ready to develop a strate-
gic information warehouse or portal. XML Meta-data Integration for
We help define critical success factors E-commerce and E-business
for strategic information systems devel- XML is enabling companies to inte-
opment and develop a preliminary plan grate unstructured text and structured 201 Spring Street • Lexington, MA 02421
for overcoming shortfalls. We model databases for next-generation e-com- (781) 778-0200 • Fax (781) 778-0208
the information and then facilitate focus merce and EDI applications. Yet XML Email: [email protected] •