Monster: A Tool For Analyzing The Interaction Between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Monster: A Tool For Analyzing The Interaction Between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Monster: A Tool For Analyzing The Interaction Between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
David Nagle
Richard Uhlig
Trevor Mudge
To enable computer designers to better evaluate the architectural needs of operating sys-
tems, we have developed Monster, a tool which combines hardware and software monitor-
ing techniques to unobtrusively obtain system performance data. This report is split into
two major parts. In Part I, we argue the need for OS performance evaluation tools, summa-
rize previous hardware and software based monitoring techniques, discuss our design of
Monster and finally present an analysis of compilation workloads which test and demon-
strate Monster’s capabilities. In Part II, we detail our plans for future studies in which
Monster plays a central role.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Part I: Monster
1 Introduction
In recent years, a number of architectural and operating system trends have become evi-
dent. In architecture, semiconductor advances have allowed processor SPECmarks to dou-
ble every 18 months [SPEC 91]. Coupling this with denser integration levels, designers
have been able to change and better integrate register files, pipelines, memory manage-
ment hardware, floating point hardware and cache organizations in ways that previous
semiconductor technologies would not allow [Hennessy and Jouppi 91].
In operating systems, new technologies and demands on system software have also forced
a number of changes. For example, high speed networks have enabled distributed comput-
ing while multiprocessors are bringing parallel programming into the computing main-
stream. Further, rapid computer design cycles have increased the need for more portable
and modular software systems, resulting in a movement toward microkernel structured
operating systems such as Mach [Golub et al. 90].
These trends have caused a considerable change in the way that operating systems and
computer hardware interact which in turn has created a need to reconsider and evaluate
these interactions. In their paper entitled “The Interaction of Architecture and Operating
System Design,” [Anderson et al. 91] discuss some of these effects:
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
In summary, Anderson et al. argue that the frequency and duration of time that hardware
spends performing fundamental OS operations is changing. Furthermore, while current
architectural features have done much to improve SPECmark performance, these same
structures are providing little help to applications that are more reliant on operating system
resources. For example, the multistage instruction pipelines and larger register sets of new
microprocessors can adversely affect the speed and complexity of trap and interrupt han-
dling. Also, while on-chip data caches can boost performance once a working set becomes
cache resident, they are of little utility when data regularly comes from or goes to
uncached I/O buffers as is often the case with block memory operations. Finally, the float-
ing point unit hardware which has done so much to boost SPECmarks in newer systems is
of little assistance to the operating system.
Computer designers need to begin considering architectural features which better support
the operating system. But to make sensible choices, they need tools that are capable of
viewing both user and kernel modes of execution and which cause minimal disturbance to
the system under analysis. This paper seeks to address these issues by presenting Monster,
a new tool which combines hardware and software monitoring techniques to enable the
analysis of systems built from new computer architectures and operating systems.
The rest of Part I is organized as follows: Section 2 summarizes previous work on hard-
ware and software based analysis tools. Section 3 discusses issues regarding the design of
Monster. Section 4 demonstrates some of Monster’s capabilities on a test analysis of com-
pilation workloads. Finally, Section 5 summarizes major observations from the test analy-
2 Previous Work
Previous work in performance analysis falls into two basic categories: software-based and
hardware-based. Both of these approaches offers advantages and disadvantages. For
example, software techniques provide flexibility by being easy to port to new machines
and by not requiring any special equipment. However, software techniques cannot make
fine-grained1 measurements without perturbing the system. Conversely, hardware tech-
niques are more passive and provide access to finer-grained events not visible to software,
but often require special equipment and are tied to a specific machine architecture. The
following two sections summarize some common software and hardware analysis tech-
1. “Fine-grained measurements” involve the monitoring of events that can change as fre-
quently as once every machine cycle.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
To overcome this speed limitation, several code annotation systems such as AE, pixie
and IDtrace have been developed [Larus 90, MIPS 88, Pierce 92]. These tools embed
extra code directly into an executable image so that when a program is run, the extra code
will output data describing the program’s behavior. This data can be processed to provide
execution statistics and instruction or memory address traces. The trace data can either be
output to a file, piped directly into a simulator or stored in a special RAM trace buffer
[Mogul and Borg 91]. By processing the trace on-the-fly, it is possible to analyze billions
of trace addresses or instructions without the need for disk storage [Mogul and Borg 91,
Olukotun et al. 91].
In general, software-based techniques are useful for locating gross system bottlenecks.
However, because software monitoring distorts the original program, it does not work well
for collecting traces of the operating system or for collecting fine-grained OS data and
hardware events. To obtain this information, it is sometimes necessary to turn to hardware-
based monitoring techniques.
• Event counting monitors: The monitor triggers on specific events and then
increments a counter.
• Event tracing monitors: The monitor captures interesting events and
stores them in a trace buffer for post processing.
These two different approaches have various advantages and disadvantages. Typically,
event counters can monitor for virtually indefinite periods of time without having to stall
the system under analysis. This compares favorably to tracing monitors that use memory
buffers which may fill within a microsecond. The monitor then must resort either to sam-
pling the complete execution or to stalling the system while the trace buffer is emptied.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Trace buffers provide the advantage that they can be post processed, whereas event count-
ing must be performed in real time1. Hence, tracing allows more sophisticated data analy-
sis without the cost of elaborate hardware triggering facilities.
One of the best known event counting monitors is the “micro-PC monitor” [Emer and
Clark 84] built for the VAX-11/780. This monitor’s registers formed a histogram of how
many times each microinstruction executed. From this histogram Emer and Clark were
able to compute instruction distributions, memory system stalls, some statistics on user
code behavior and the average number of micro cycles per VAX instruction.
An example of the event tracing approach is Agarwal’s modifications to the VAX 8200
microcode [Agarwal 89]. Here, microcode was added to produce traces of user and kernel
memory references. Agarwal’s results showed the VAX’s traces contained up to 50% sys-
tem references. These system references can double the cache miss rate when compared
against traces with only user references [Agarwal 89]. This is one of the first studies to
show that operating system references can substantially impact overall performance.
There are also several examples of hardware monitoring facilities designed directly into a
computer’s architecture. The CRAY X-MP has four groups of performance counters that
can measure a variety of machine functions [Nelson 89]. Also, the IBM RS/6000 [Groves
and Oehler 91] and the DEC Alpha [DEC 92] provide high resolution timers that can mea-
sure different aspects of the system’s performance.
3 Monster
Monster’s primary purpose is to serve as a tool that will enable us to examine the interac-
tion between operating systems and computer architectures. The design of Monster is a
hybrid approach that attempts to combine the strengths of traditional hardware and soft-
ware based techniques while avoiding their weaknesses.
The software portion of Monster consists of the DECstation operating system, Ultrix,
which has been annotated with markers to indicate the entry and exit points of different
regions of code. These software markers assist the hardware portion of Monster by mak-
1. By real time we mean that the processing must be done at the same speed and concurrently
with the system being monitored.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
FPU ethernet EECS
R2000 data
& Logic Analyzer godzilla
CPU ctrl
R2000 Pod RAM
State Machine dracula
ing it easier to detect code boundaries so that monitoring can be turned on and off depend-
ing on the current region of execution.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
if (instruction_bus == add)
then counter++;
Unfortunately, this counts many more add opcodes than are actually executed. Why? The
problem stems from how the R2000 handles instruction cache misses. A miss is detected
one cycle after the opcode has been fetched from memory and is read into the processor.
From Monster’s perspective, cache misses and cache hits look the same during the fetch
cycle. Therefore, if only the fetch cycle is monitored, every miss that outputs an invalid
add (a stale add opcode that is still in the cache), will get counted as a valid add. We call
these phantom opcodes because the monitor sees them enter the processor, but they are not
To overcome this problem, Monster must keep track of both the current and previous
cycles and only count an opcode that is seen in the first cycle if a miss signal does not
occur during the next cycle. We call this a one-cycle-history state machine and is shown
Pipeline flushes due to hardware interrupts can also affect the accuracy of event triggering.
Upon return from an exception, instructions that are flushed will be refetched. A simple
state machine will count these opcodes twice, once before the flush and once again during
the refetch. To overcome this problem, Monster interprets the R2000 control signals to
detect pipeline flushes and takes corrective action. Basically, this was implemented by
extending the one-cycle-history state machine to a four-cycle-history state machine.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Many of our experiments only monitor within a specific region of execution. To assist the
monitoring hardware, we surround regions of interest with special “marker” opcodes.
These markers were formed from nop instructions and embedded in the OS to mark ker-
nel entry, kernel exit and other interesting regions of code. To simplify detection of the
markers by a Monster state machine, they were placed in uncached memory with inter-
rupts turned off. This technique guarantees that markers will not be flushed from the pipe-
line or appear as phantom opcodes. Markers are one way that Monster’s software and
hardware work together to simplify monitoring. The next section discusses some of the
other ways that Monster’s software component assists it’s hardware component.
To solve this problem, several pieces of code were added to the kernel. First, a marker was
placed at the kernel entry so that when an interrupt or exception occurs within the region
of code being monitored, the kernel will reenter itself and emit the entry marker. The
Monster hardware looks for this entry marker and stops monitoring until the kernel returns
to the region of code being analyzed. However, because the kernel may not return directly
back to that region of code, Monster cannot resume monitoring when it sees any kernel
exit. Therefore, a small piece of address check code was inserted into the kernel exit()
routine. This code checks the return address to see if it falls within the bounds of the rou-
tine being monitored. If it does, then another special marker is emitted to alert Monster to
resume monitoring. This scheme is depicted in Figure 2
kernel entry
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
SPEC mark
SPEC int
80 SPEC gcc
SPECmark 60
R2000 R3000 R3000 RS/6000 R6000 PA-RISC
16 MHz 20 MHz 25 MHz 42 MHz 60 MHz 66 MHz
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
doduc eqntott li espresso gcc
because it shows the least improvement of all the benchmarks in the suite, and because it
is the most difficult to analyze because of the time it spends kernel mode.
The benchmark data in Figure 3 show some clear trends. First, floating point performance
tends to be much better than the overall SPECmark. This is particularly true for the
RS/6000 and the PA-RISC based systems. Second, performance of the integer SPEC
benchmarks consistently lags behind the overall SPECmark. This is most pronounced for
the SPECint rating of the RS/6000. Finally, and of most relevance to our study, SPECgcc
performance tends to fall below the SPECint average.
In the remainder of this section, we analyze the reasons for poor gcc performance and
extend this analysis to other compiler workloads. Our technique permits us to view the
entire execution of a benchmark, despite the fact that a good portion of it might execute in
kernel mode. Furthermore, Monster enables us to take a hardware view that includes mea-
surement of events such as cache misses, write buffer stalls and floating point unit stalls.
This data would be unattainable by using purely software based monitoring techniques.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Figure 4 shows the first step of our analysis. Monster was programmed to measure the
time a given workload spends in either user or kernel mode. One floating point SPEC
benchmark (doduc) and all four of the SPEC integer benchmarks (eqntott, li, espresso and
gcc) were selected for this experiment. The results show that most of the SPEC bench-
marks spend very little time in the operating system. The one major exception is gcc
which spends approximately one quarter of its execution time in kernel mode. For doduc,
eqntott, li and espresso, these results justify an analysis restricted to just user mode; the
kernel portions of their execution will have little effect on overall performance. An analy-
sis of gcc, on the other hand, could miss some significant effects if it only considered user
mode. Referring back to Figure 3, this is precisely what has happened. Performance of
newer machines on floating point benchmarks such as doduc and several of the integer
benchmarks has steadily increased, while performance on gcc has lagged behind.
Before we proceed, some explanation of how the gcc benchmark works is in order. A typ-
ical C compiler consists of three basic phases: a source code pre-processing phase, a com-
pile phase which generates object modules, and a linking phase that combines the object
modules into an executable file. The SPEC gcc benchmark only performs part of the mid-
dle compile phase on already pre-processed input files. It’s output is a collection of Sun
assembly language files, so the final linking step is not performed.1 Since we were inter-
ested in a more complete representation of the compilation process, we designed three
other compilation benchmarks: cc1, cc2 and cc3. cc1 uses the MIPS cc compiler to pre-
processes and compile all of the C source files for the SPEC espresso benchmark and then
links the resulting object modules into a final executable. cc2 compiles just one of the
espresso object modules and then links all of the espresso object modules together.
Finally, cc3 simply links all of the espresso object modules into an executable file.
The same experiment that measured the time spent in kernel and user mode was per-
formed on these three additional compiler workloads (Figure 5). The data clearly show
that benchmarks that spend less time compiling and more time linking (cc2, cc3) tend to
spend more time in the kernel. The data also show that since the SPEC gcc benchmark
consists of only the middle phase of the compiler, it strips away a good portion of kernel
execution time that would have to be spent for a real compilation to a final executable file.
The regions of execution shown in Figure 6 include the kernel idle loop, bcopy, bzero
and bcmp. The kernel idle loop is entered whenever there is no ready process waiting to
1. Only performing the middle phase of a compilation and stopping at assembly language
files makes the SPEC gcc benchmark easier to port to other machines.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
gcc cc1 cc2 cc3
execute on the process run queue. The primary reason for this condition is that the
machine is waiting for an I/O transfer to complete. This provides the first clue to explain-
ing the SPEC gcc benchmark’s lagging performance; it is more I/O bound than the other
SPEC benchmarks. Note that the SPEC gcc benchmark removes a good deal of I/O opera-
tions when compared with real compilation benchmarks that generate executable files.
Evidence for this is given by the greater proportion of time spent in the idle loop with cc2
and cc3. The other three regions of execution: bcopy, bzero and bcmp are memory
block operations that copy, zero fill and compare regions of memory, respectively. Later,
we will see that although they comprise relatively little of the kernel’s execution time on
the 16MHz DECstation, there is reason to believe that future machines will spend signifi-
cantly more time performing these operations.
It should be noted that the experiments described so far could also be performed using
software methods alone. For example, the data in Figure 4 and Figure 5 could be obtained
through the use of the UNIX time command. Approximations to the data in Figure 6
could be obtained by embedding profiling code in the kernel. But both of these software-
only techniques are subject to some error and excessive profiling can result in distorting
the kernel’s true behavior. Monster’s light software instrumentation, combined with exter-
nal hardware monitoring result in measurements that are precise to a nanosecond and
cause little distortion of kernel behavior. The data from the next experiment gives an
example of results that cannot be obtained by using software-only techniques.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Figure 7 shows the average cycles per instruction (CPI) of different benchmarks in user
and kernel mode. These measurements were taken by counting the number of run cycles
and stall cycles in each region and then applying the formula:
runCycles + stallCycles
Because the idle loop cycles do not represent useful computation, they were subtracted
from the run and stall cycles used to compute the kernel CPI [Emer and Clark 84].
The data in Figure 7 expose several points. First, on a DECstation 3100, the CPI of a float-
ing point dominated code (such as doduc) is high. This shows the room for floating point
performance improvement over the VAX-7801 that processors like the RS/6000 and the
gcc cc1 cc2 cc3
6 bcopy
gcc cc1 cc2 cc3
Figure 6: Decomposition of Time Spent in Different Kernel Regions
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
PA-RISC have exploited. Second, CPI for the integer codes (eqntott, li, espresso and gcc)
is low. Even with superscalar instruction issue, processors like the RS/6000 have had diffi-
culty improving integer code performance. A puzzling fact is that with a user CPI of 1.50,
gcc seems the most open to performance improvements. Yet, as previously noted, gcc per-
formance is scaling the worst with respect to processor speeds. The final point is that ker-
nel CPI is consistently higher than user CPI for all of the benchmarks. This is of most
significance to the compile benchmarks which spend the greatest portion of time in the
kernel. Applying Amdahl’s law to these results allows us to conclude that as CPUs get
faster and faster, they must spend greater proportions of time in kernel mode because of
this CPI differential.
The results from the next experiment show one of the reasons why kernel CPI tends to be
higher than user CPI. Figure 8 shows CPI in the kernel bcopy, bzero and bcmp regions
of execution while running the four compile benchmarks. The measurements expose a
memory bandwidth problem on a machine that operates at only 16 MHz. Future systems
with cycle times 10 times this rate can expect to spend significantly more time in these
regions of execution unless architects pay more attention to the interface between main
memory and the cache.
The next experiment shows precisely which hardware resources are the bottleneck for dif-
ferent types of codes (Figure 9). We classified stalls into four basic categories: write stalls,
read stalls and floating point unit stalls. Read stalls are caused by instruction and data
cache misses which result in a 5 cycle penalty to access main memory. Write stalls occur
CPI 2.5
doduc eqntott li espresso gcc cc1 cc2 cc3
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
when the 4-entry write buffer fills to capacity. The DECstation 3100 uses a write-through
policy, so all stores must be placed into the write buffer before being retired to main mem-
ory at a rate of one word per 5 cycles. Finally, floating point stalls are due to the floating
point coprocessor.
Figure 9 shows that the kernel stalls primarily on memory requests. Thus, improving float-
ing point performance will do nothing to improve overall kernel performance. The data
write stalls
70 read stalls
fp stalls
% of stalls
cc2 in user cc2 in kernel cc2 in bcopy cc2 in bzero doduc
CPI 2.5
gcc cc1 cc2 cc3
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
also provide more information regarding performance bottlenecks in bcopy and bzero.
Figure 9 shows that in bcopy, the limiting factor is memory reads which account for
about 90% of bcopy stalls. In bzero, on the other hand, the bottleneck is with memory
writes which account for nearly 80% of stalls in that region. To clear out an entire region
of memory, bzero quickly fills the write buffer which limits performance to the rate at
which stores can be retired to main memory. This explains bzero’s 4.5 CPI value.
Although bzero and bcopy only account for about 1.5% and 5.0% (respectively) of total
execution time on the DECstation 3100, a machine with a processor that is 10 times as fast
could spend a significantly greater portion of time performing this function if its memory
bandwidth does not increase proportionately. To avoid this, architects need to consider
ways to provide higher main memory bandwidth or perhaps move to write-back caching
policies, despite the memory coherency complications that they cause.
For the regions of execution that contain large percentages of read stalls, we performed
another experiment to further decompose this activity (Figure 10). We classified read stalls
I cache refill
80 D cache refill
70 Uncachable
% of read stalls
cc2 in user cc2 in kernel cc2 in bcopy
into three categories: those that result in an instruction cache line refill, those that refill a
data cache line and those that are associated with references to non-cacheable memory.1
The most notable data in Figure 10 are the high percentages of uncacheable references
when running in the kernel in general and in bcopy in particular. Over 80% of the reads
performed by bcopy are not eligible for caching. This once again underscores the impor-
1. All references from user mode are cacheable, but the kernel specifies regions of memory
(I/O buffers in particular) that are not cacheable.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
tance of improving main memory bandwidth, or perhaps considering some form of snoopy
DMA which preserves cache consistency when performing I/O.
Our last experiment was to study the relative frequency of instructions in user and kernel
mode to determine if there are any differences. Table 1 shows an instruction mix for cc2
when executing in user and kernel mode. The measurements were made by programming
Monster to detect and count the frequency of different classes of instructions when execut-
ing in either user or kernel mode. The same measurements where taken while executing in
the idle loop (not shown here) so that the idle loop instructions and cycles could be sub-
tracted from the other kernel instructions. In other words, the kernel mix shows the rela-
tive frequency of instructions executing in kernel mode, but not in the idle loop.
The numbers reveal several differences between the dynamic frequency of instructions in
kernel mode and user mode. First, the kernel executes 6% more nops than user code does.
Over one fourth of all kernel instructions are nops. Second, the kernel does not seem to
execute significantly more branch or jump instructions, at least relative to a compile
benchmark. Third, in user mode the ratio of loads to stores is close to 2:1, while in kernel
mode it is closer to 1:1. This reflects the kernel’s role as a “mover of data” in contrast with
user code’s role of operating on that data. This observation is also supported by the rela-
tive infrequency of ALU, floating point unit and integer multiply/divide operations in the
kernel. Finally, notice that the frequency of marker instructions added for the purpose of
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
triggering supports our claim that the impact of our instrumentation to the kernel is very
5 Summary
The previous section has shown the sort of system data that Monster is capable of obtain-
ing. The analysis of compiler workloads was performed to validate our approach and has
exposed some of the reasons for poor compiler performance relative to other applications.
These include:
• Kernel CPI is almost a full point higher than user CPI. An analysis of stall
types showed that high kernel CPI is due mostly to a very high CPI in
bcopy and bzero caused by inadequate main memory bandwidth and a
write-through caching policy.
• When in kernel mode, a significant portion of time is spent spinning in the
idle loop, waiting for disk I/O to complete.
• Even when disk blocks are found in the file block cache, they must be cop-
ied from uncachable memory. This results in a surprisingly high number of
uncachable memory references which place a bound on the maximum
achievable hit rate for the CPU caches.
• Instruction mixes show some interesting differences between the kernel
and user modes of execution. In particular, the ratio of loads to stores
shows that the kernel functions primarily as a “mover of data”. This is an
indication that the perhaps the best way for hardware to support the operat-
ing system is to make it easier to quickly move data from place to place.
With our future work, we hope to examine more complex interactions between architec-
tures and operating systems. Part II of this report presents in greater detail our immediate
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
To get started, we will restrict the scope of our studies to improving application perfor-
mance with respect to a machine's instruction and data CPU caches. In particular, we will
focus on complex applications. When we say complex application, we mean a program
which is implemented using multiple address spaces, multiple threads of control and tends
to spend a large fraction of time executing operating system code. We contrast this with
other cache studies that consider "simple" applications which use only one address space,
one thread of control and spend little time invoking operating system services.1
We will focus on reducing conflict2 misses in both the instruction and data caches by using
two basic techniques:
(a) The use of page allocation policies to carefully map pages into CPU
caches. If a cache is physically addressed and is larger than the virtual
memory page size, then the selection of physical page frames determines
where data will be physically placed in the cache. A careful page alloca-
tion policy attempts to evenly distribute pages in the cache to minimize
potential cache conflicts.
(b) The use of static analysis and dynamic execution profiles during code
generation to carefully place instructions and data in CPU caches. A
compiler that knows which instructions and data are frequently accessed
could use this information to spread out references to the cache (in space
and time) and thus reduce conflict misses.
Technique (a) is most naturally implemented by an operating system, while technique (b)
is best realized by a compiler. Throughout this paper, we will refer to technique (a) as care-
1. A typical example of application of this sort can be found in the SPEC 1.0 benchmark suite studied
in Part I. Each of these applications runs in a single UNIX process and usually makes very few sys-
tem calls. [SPEC 91]
2. Conflict misses occur when an item is evicted from the cache by a reference to a different item,
but then must be re-fetched later on. This is in contrast with compulsory (cold-start) and capacity
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
ful mapping, while technique (b) will be referred to as careful placement. We also plan to
study ways to combine careful mapping and careful placement:
(c) Information stored with the pages of an executable image could be used
by the page allocation algorithm to avoid overlapping incompatible1
pages. When forced to map pages that will overlap in the cache, the operat-
ing system could use information provided by the compiler to select pages
that minimize cache conflicts. Information that would guide page place-
ment might include marking portions of the page which are "hot spots", i.e.
those portions of the page which are likely to be frequently accessed.
The rest of this proposal motivates this work, summarizes previous work in the area and
describes the above techniques in greater detail. We then present a plan for implementing
these techniques and finally conclude with the possible impact of the work.
2 Context
Caching data and instructions in fast memories close to the CPU has long been recognized
as an effective technique for improving performance. Recently, the importance of this tech-
nique has grown due to the dramatic decrease in CPU cycle times. In a next generation
computer system, it is possible that a memory access which misses the cache could result
in a penalty of hundreds of CPU cycles to fetch the data from main memory [Olukotun et
al. 91] [Hennessy & Jouppi 91]. This trend underscores the importance of finding new
techniques to more effectively use CPU caches.
The conflict misses caused by multiple processes competing for room in a cache has been
studied by [Stone & Thiebaut 86] and [Mogul & Borg 91] using mathematical analysis and
trace-driven simulation. In [Kessler & Hill 90], trace-driven cache simulations are used to
investigate different page mapping policies designed to minimize conflict misses from
overlapping pages in the CPU cache. This work corresponds to technique (a) (careful map-
ping) as described in the introduction. Although the policies described by Kessler attempt
to minimize conflicts within a single address space, they could be extended to minimize
1. Pages are more compatible with each other if their contents are not likely to interfere with each
other (in space or time) during the execution of the application.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
conflicts between the multiple address spaces of several processes. In [Taylor et al. 90], a
heuristic called page-coloring is used to assign page frames so that physical pages tend to
be distributed in the same way that virtual pages are. Page coloring is actually one of the
heuristics that Kessler uses.
In [Hwu & Chang 89], dynamic execution profiles are used by an optimizing compiler to
place instructions in a way that minimizes conflicts in the cache. Experiments based on
trace-driven simulation show that miss rates for carefully placed code in a direct mapped
instruction cache (I-cache) are consistently lower than unoptimized code in larger I-caches
and I-caches with greater degrees of associativity. In [Lam et al. 91], static code analysis
and blocking algorithms are used to re-order accesses to large data structures (e.g. large
arrays) so that they are operated on in chunks or blocks. This reduces conflict misses in the
data cache (D-cache) due to repeated reloading of array items. Experimental results (again,
based largely on simulation) show speed-ups of between 3 and 4.3 on matrix multiply code.
This compiler based work corresponds to technique (b) (careful placement) from the intro-
duction. Hwu’s work focuses on I-cache improvements, while Lam’s work concentrates on
D-cache improvements.
First, most of the previous work uses purely simulation models or mathematical analysis.
We would like to validate the previous work with experimental data from an actual
machine. Monster enables us to perform these experiments because we can directly mea-
sure I-cache and D-cache misses (among other hardware events) on a DECstation 3100.
Second, many of these previous studies have been restricted to applications which spend
very little time executing operating system code (or they factor OS code out) and consist of
only a single UNIX-style process (one address space and one thread of control). Some
studies have considered the effects of multiple processes, but they neglect the OS code that
schedules and manages the processes. There are many interesting complex applications that
consist of multiple address spaces, multiple threads of control and spend significant por-
tions of time executing operating system code. We intend to examine these complex
applications in our studies.
Third, to our knowledge, no one has studied technique (c) which combines careful mapping
and placement. We believe that in order for careful mapping and placement to work well in
actual systems, the operating system and compiler must cooperate. For example, we antic-
ipate potential problems with Lam’s blocking techniques if the operating system maps
different virtual pages onto the same physical cache page, thus thwarting the compiler’s
careful data placement attempts. To avoid this, the operating system must be made aware
of the compiler’s efforts. We also believe that only if careful mapping and placement are
integrated will they be applicable to the complex applications we wish to study.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Finally, we would like to pay special attention to the operating system kernel. For example,
we would like to study the effects of dedicating portions of the D and I-caches solely to the
kernel. This is a variation of careful mapping. Also, because Monster can monitor execution
in kernel mode, we can use technique (b) to profile and then carefully place and optimize
the execution of frequently referenced kernel code and data. Because the kernel plays a role
in the execution of all applications, it makes sense to apply extra effort to optimizing it. A
faster kernel will automatically make many applications run faster.
3 More Details
3.1 Technique (a): Careful Page Mapping
A basic design choice for operating systems that implement virtual memory is the page
replacement policy. Page replacement involves selecting a page to evict when main mem-
ory starts to get full. Usually the new page is mapped to a physical page frame according
to an approximation of a LRU or MRU policy and without regard to where the page will
reside in the CPU cache. The goal of careful mapping is to slightly modify the page replace-
ment policy so that the CPU cache is taken into consideration.
In a direct-mapped cache, multiple main memory page frames map to the same physical
cache page frame. So, cache page frames can be viewed as "bins" for holding multiple page
frames. By distributing pages among the cache bins as evenly as possible, the frequency of
cache conflicts can be minimized. For example, Figure 11 shows two possible mappings of
virtual pages to physical page frames. In the first mapping (a), some cache bins are not
mapped at all (thus rendering entire portions of the cache useless), while other cache bins
are over-utilized (which is likely to cause more cache conflicts). The second mapping (b)
evenly distributes pages among the cache bins and is clearly more desirable. The ultimate
goal of careful page mapping is to arrive at distributions more like the second type.
For example, a compiler that knows about the I-cache can use the following instruction
placement algorithm1:
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
every arc is a function call. A weighted call graph is a call graph in which
all the nodes are marked with their execution frequencies.
(3) The weighted call graph is used to place functions with overlapping life-
times into memory locations which do not contend with each other in the
cache. This has the effect of reducing cache mapping conflicts.
Figure 12 shows a weighted call graph and two possible instruction placements. The call
graph shows that function f() repeatedly calls function g(), perhaps from within a loop.
Thus, the instructions that make up f() and g() will repeatedly be fetched close together
in time. The figure also shows two instruction placements. In the first placement (a), the
compiler has positioned the functions in the upper portion of separate pages so that they
could overlap in the cache. Usually, the operating system will map the pages into different
cache bins (c), but if the pages are mapped into the same cache bin, as in situation (d), then
the two functions will conflict in the cache and performance will drop dramatically.
Although this situation is unlikely, when it does occur, the penalty can be severe; nearly
every instruction fetch may have to go to main memory. The compiler can avoid this prob-
lem by using the simple heuristic of placing the two functions on the same page, as shown
A Cache Bin
Page Frames
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
A Simple Weighted Call Graph
(a) (b)
Page Frames
A Cache Bin
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 12: Examples of Instruction Placement Options
in placement (b). This ensures that they won’t conflict in the cache as shown in placement
As a second example, consider a compiler which knows about the D-cache. Suppose that
static analysis reveals that an array larger than the D-cache is being accessed in some reg-
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
ular striding pattern (say for a matrix multiply). Without optimizations, different parts of
the large array would continually be re-fetched into the cache. An optimization known as
"blocking" or "tiling" can avoid this situation by doing the following1:
(1) Reorganize (block) the data so that only a small section of a large data
structure is loaded into the D-cache at a time.
(2) Operate on the blocked, cached portion of the data structure.
(3) Block another portion of the data structure into the cache and repeat (2).
Note that blocking can only be applied to very regular and predictable code such as that
typically found in scientific applications. Also note that if the operating system maps pages
into the cache without regard for the compiler’s carefully data placement efforts, much of
the performance gain could be lost.
• By making the operating system and the compiler aware of each oth-
er’s optimization efforts, they are less likely to interfere with each
other. For example, if the OS knows that the compiler has based an optimi-
zation on the assumption that two virtual pages will not overlap physically
in the cache, then the operating system can try to make the assumption true.
• By sharing information, the operating system and compiler can sim-
plify each other’s optimization efforts. For example, if the OS knows
that two virtual pages are unlikely to interfere with each other in the cache
(i.e., they are compatible), it has some additional freedom when mapping
pages (namely, it can overlap the compatible pages in the same cache bin
without concern for performance). Or, if the compiler can mark two pages
as incompatible, then it can be reasonably certain that instructions from
those pages won’t conflict in the cache and relax its attempts to group
related instructions on the same page.
• Integrating the operating system and compiler’s optimizations enables
more complex applications to benefit from careful placement optimiza-
tions. Although many older applications are constrained to a single UNIX-
style process, some more recent applications utilize multiple address
spaces and threads of control. However, because the compiler’s careful
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
Compatible Pages
Incompatible Pages 1
Figure 13 shows how compiler hints might be used by the OS to improve page mapping.
With page shading, different fragments1 of a page would be shaded2 by the compiler to
indicate compatibility. Two page fragments are considered compatible if they are shaded
differently. The first two cache bins in Figure 13(a) show page mappings that are com-
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
pletely compatible. The third cache bin, on the other hand, shows a mapping in which pages
are completely incompatible. Varying degrees of page compatibility are also possible, as
shown by the mapping in the fourth cache bin. Page shading gives the compiler a way to
tell the operating system which pages should not be overlapped in the cache or which pages
could freely be overlapped without affecting performance.
With page numbering, sets of pages are ordered in a sequence ranging from 1 to N, where
N is the number of cache bins. The operating system would then attempt to order these
pages in the same sequence when it maps them to cache bins. Note that the sequence need
not begin in the first cache bin. It can begin in a middle bin and then "wrap around" the end
of the cache. Page numbering would be useful for a compiler that uses data blocking tech-
niques and relies on pages being spread out in the cache.
4 Approach
This section explains how we plan to proceed with this work. Our basic strategy is to bor-
row hardware and software developed by others as much as possible. We are interested in
studying different optimization techniques and their interactions, not in completely re-
implementing an operating system and compiler. Section 4.1 lists the hardware and soft-
ware that we have and Section 4.2 describes how we hope to pull everything together.
We also have access to the following operating systems, compilers and optimization tools:
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
The pixie profiling tool uses program annotation techniques to construct dynamic execu-
tion profiles. The MIPS optimizing compiler can be invoked with a special -cord option
which uses this profile data to carefully place instructions in the program’s virtual address
space to improve cache performance. This tool provides us with a full implementation of
careful instruction placement.
The GNU gcc 2.1 compiler generates code for MIPS based machines (among others) and
has many procedural hooks for influencing the code generation phase. Because the source
code is freely available and is reasonably well documented, we hope that it might serve as
a starting point for implementing careful data placement (blocking) algorithms.
4.2.1 Experiments
Here are the different classes of experiments we would like to perform:
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
• For Ultrix, we can modify the page replacement algorithms in the kernel.
Specifically, we have looked at some of the code and it appears that the
modifications could be made by changing the memall() and vme-
mall() routines.
• For OSF/1 (Mach 2.5) and Mach 3.0, we can modify a user-level pager
process. We hope to draw on work by [Sechrest & Park 91] and [McNamee
& Armstrong 90] in which the Mach external pager interface is extended to
allow the page replacement policy to be implemented in a user-level pro-
To perform the experiments in Class 2, we need to influence the way a compiler places
instructions and data. For instructions, this will be easy. We have a comprehensive set of
compiler optimization tools [MIPS 88]. In particular, we can:
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
To perform the experiments of Class 3, we need to solve the basic problem of getting page
shading or page numbering information from the compiler to the operating system. This
could be implemented by modifying the object file format and the loader.
Finally, to implement the experiments of Class 4, we first need to collect some dynamic
execution profiles for the kernel. We can’t use pixie and prof for this because they only
work on user-level applications. However, we can use Monster to obtain this data. We have
studied the cord format required by the MIPS C compiler for its instruction placement
optimizations. It is a very simple format that should make it easy for us to encode the profile
data we obtain with Monster. Reserving portions of the cache for the kernel should also be
straightforward once we have the page mapping controls in place.
5 Summary
The second part of this report has presented a collection of optimizations which reduce con-
flict misses in instruction and data CPU caches. Most of these optimizations have only been
evaluated with simulation techniques. We intend to use Monster to obtain realistic data on
actual implementations of these optimizations to determine whether and under which cir-
cumstances they make sense.
Monster: A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architectures
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