Nanshwar Singhprojct Rport On Mploy Satisfation
Nanshwar Singhprojct Rport On Mploy Satisfation
Nanshwar Singhprojct Rport On Mploy Satisfation
Submitted by
Vinay Sharma
New Delhi” is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other institution for
The perfect way to document this project would be to start with acknowledging all
those people who directly or indirectly encouraged, supported me with their
value added inputs without them this project would not have been this better.
To start with I would like to thank Mr. XXXX, director Halcyon Technologies for
giving me an opportunity as an internee in their esteem organization.
My sincere thanks to my faculty Mr. XXX and Mrs. XXXX for helping in me out
various aspects of my project and I would like to thank college management for
coordinating with me all during this six months of my project.
organization of study
Table of contents:
1) Introduction
5) Company profile
6) Methodology / approach
Annexure (Questionnaire)
A Study on Analyzing levels of
Although committed and loyal employees are the most influential factor to
becoming an employer of choice, it's no surprise that companies and
organizations face significant challenges in developing energized and engaged
workforces. However, there is plenty of research to show that increased employee
commitment and trust in leadership can positively impact the company's bottom
line. In fact, the true potential of an organization can only be realized when the
productivity level of all individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and
energized to successfully accomplish the goals of the organization.
On the revenue side of the balance sheet, loyal and committed employees are
more likely to go "above and beyond" to meet customer needs and are highly
motivated to work to the best of their ability.
On the cost side, loyal employees stay longer, resist competitive job offers, do not
actively look for other employment and recommend the company to others as a
good place to work. These four behaviors positively influence the cost side of the
balance sheet.
In other words, rather than focusing only on retention (that is, trying to retain
employees who have already decided to leave), organizations should proactively
recognize the benefits of understanding, managing and improving employee
satisfaction. The most successful organizations are those that can adapt their
organizational behavior to the realities of the current work environment where
success is dependent upon innovation, creativity and flexibility.
A company is only as strong and successful as its members, its employees, are. By
measuring employee satisfaction in key areas, organizations can gain the
information needed to improve employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity.
However, a recent study by the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)
indicated that often the HR department's perceptions of employee satisfaction
versus the true measure of employee satisfaction are not always in sync.
Employees who aren’t satisfied with their jobs are very likely to leave. If they don’t
leave they can become a source of bad morale and do a great deal of harm in the
organization. In many cases employers without proper data will assume the wrong
reasons for employee dissatisfaction. Many bosses will automatically think that
money is the top reason for leaving a job. Wouldn’t it be better to have real data
and react accordingly?
Surveying employees on a regular basis is a great way to stay in touch with the
pulse of the business. Before launching a survey though it is important to establish
the ground rules.
Many employees will be unwilling to express their honest feelings if they think
they will be singled out. Make sure that the surveys are conducted with
anonymity. Be certain to have the support of company management all the way to
the top. Employees want to know that the leadership is behind the survey and
that their responses will be taken seriously.
Explain that employee comments are important to the company. State what will
be done with the results. And then live up to those statements. Employees will
become doubtful of management’s intentions if they don’t follow through.
There are many resources to assist companies in the survey process. However
most human resource managers are very capable of designing and conducting
their own employee satisfaction survey.
Objectives of the study
Since this has been a startup company entering into second year, it wanted to
check out levels of satisfaction before coming up with new policies to take future
course of actions. I was given the task to understand the various aspects related
to Employees satisfaction in the organization.
Halcyon also wanted to make out an external survey in indentifying the benefits
other company offers to its Employees and compare those things along with the
benefits offered by the company.
Company also wanted to check Employees satisfaction levels with their team
leaders, with the Management and within the team members.
The study covers all levels of Employees and various aspects of Employees like:
This study gives us an insight of how Employees see and perceive about
Interpersonal relations,
Working conditions,
3. How confident is the employee about the Company’s ability to reach its
Goal ?
6. Work Environments
With HALCYON Technologies, the clients can rest assured of transport fair working
partnership and quality work processes. HALCYON Technologies offers cutting-
edge technologies that help the client business improve, and more well ahead of
their competitors in the market.
BPO Solutions
HALCYON offer product development services enriched with their experience and
technology expertise. HALCYON has developed products on leading technologies
with a strong orientation toward standards-driven architecture.
Which latter on edited to 65 questions precisely. Our motive was to cover all the
areas which were related to Employees and measure his/her satisfaction level in
those areas.
In order to get a clear, unambiguous and confidential report we used the third
party tools for getting survey report. We used the web portal, this web portal generally holds these kind of surveys.
We used this portal because of the fact that individually getting feedback may not
give the actual opinion as they may feel that their confidentiality may be lost and
the results may be biased due to influence of other’s opinions.
When the Employee finishes the survey it automatically generates the word
document of that report and sends it to survey mail id.
Consolidated report
Individual report
Team wise report
Reports based on gender
Reports based on seniority
Reports of Newcomers
All the reports were generated using the except the
consolidated report which was prepared manually using Ms-Excel. The reports
that I am enclosing would be consolidated report
Custom insight was founded in 1998 as a technology spin-off from a Silicon Valley
HR consulting firm. The technology behind the Custom insight survey solution was
developed in support of large-scale survey projects administered by that firm for
the purposes of executive development, cultural assessments, and corporate
consulting. The technology was so widely acclaimed; the consulting firm
recognized the value of the underlying technology to other organizations wishing
to run surveys. As a result, Custom insight was born.
Work Environment
Compensation and Benefits
Respect for Employees
Respect for Management
Opportunities for Growth
Team work
Feed back
These were certain limitations of my project if these limitations would have been
taken care of project would have been catered to its need in a better way
Survey was conducted in 2 days due to which Employees did not get enough
time to complete the survey properly.
Employees thought that the questionnaire was too big and too specific.
Responses to open ended questions were not been given as the employees
were reluctant in giving responses due, to which we could not decipher the
exact opinion of the Employees for most of the questions.
Due to the following limitations the desired objective for conducting
Employee Satisfaction Survey was not achieved
After being a part of entire survey i.e. from preparation of questionnaire to the
preparation of final report, I was able to identify the benefits from the survey
conducted and also recognized some of the areas where Employees showed
dissatisfaction, which are as follows:
3. Most of the Employees were not clear about the mission & vision
statement of Halcyon.
6. Employees feel that they are unable to balance their personal and
professional life.
9. Employees are very much happy with their respective team leads.
10. Individuals working in teams are happy with cooperation which they get
from their respective teams.
11. People working in Halcyon felt that they can freely share their opinion on
various things relating to work and personal life with others.
12. Employees strongly feel that they have Opportunity for their career growth
at Halcyon.
17. Most of the Employees are dissatisfied with the lack of feedback they get
from their team leaders.
After the successful completion of the survey i.e. when all Employees submitted
their feedback we analyzed it in following ways
Consolidated report of all the Employees taken and difficulties faced by them
were taken into consideration. Then team wise about the perception and
problems faced in teams were analyzed. Then reports were divided according to
gender and analyzed and finally reports according to seniority were prepared from
which the consolidated report that had been enclosed shows the overall levels of
Employee Satisfaction at Halcyon Technologies.
After analyzing the consolidated report, I thought the below suggestions given by
me would help Halcyon to create an amicable & peaceful environment where
people feel proud to work.
1. Some of the questions for which negative feedback was expected were
deleted , in my view when they were planning to take an overall opinion
about employee satisfaction levels all the factors related to employee
satisfaction should be covered.
2. Quick and prompt action should be taken for the areas found in Employee
feedback which need improvement.
3. Employee should be given more time to fill up the survey.
6. Most of the employees felt that they should be a balance of work between
personal and professional life. This kind of stress can be reduced by
encouraging fun related activities in the office regularly.
7. Employees says that there should be more space in the pantry and they also
require more chairs as employees cannot go together for lunch and hence
hampers the mutual communications. This can be overcome by providing
more chairs or by making the sitting arrangements more spacious.
8. Halycon should try to encourage its employees by taking them out for an
outing or team dinner so as to boost up the team and give them relaxation
from their routine activities.
10.Team leads should give them a feedback for every fifteen days so that they can
asses themselves and work on their weakness to convert them into strengths.
11.Lack of discipline has been found with respect to time ,I would like to
recommend Halycon to go for an effective time sheet.
Sample Questionnaire on Employee Satisfaction survey
First Name
Last Name
Working Since
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
3. Doing my job well gives me a sense of personal satisfaction.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
5. My job is important in accomplishing the mission of Halcyon.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
6. My company provides me regular information about the mission and the goals of Halcyon.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
This section is related to the facilities at your workplace and the resources available to you to do your job
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
9. The necessary information systems are in place and accessible for me to get my job done.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
10. My workplace is well maintained.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
12. My workplace is safe.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
14. I feel comfortable expressing my views and raising concerns at work.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
15. I can approach management in the company, if I feel the need to do so.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
16. The environment at Halcyon supports a balance between work and personal life.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
17. The pace of the work in this organization enables me to do a good job.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
18. I am very much satisfied with the kind of work I do.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
20. I have a dedicated commitment to the work I do.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Work Environment
21. Give us your final feedback of what you think of the resources and facilities that are provided at
22. Are there any suggestions or any areas of improvement that Halcyon should concentrate on?
Compensation and Benefits
In this section you are supposed to give your feedback on how satisfied are you with the pay and the
benefits that you get at Halcyon.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
24. My salary & benefits is competitive with similar jobs I might find elsewhere.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
25. I understand my CTC plan.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Compensation and Benefits
27. Give us your final feedback in detail about how satisfied are you with your salary.
Respect for Employees
This section deals with the organization attitude towards its employees.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
29. My Superiors & Management values my talents and the contribution I make.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
30. My team leader always treats me with respect.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
32. Everybody is treated fairly in this organization.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
33. The management is always consistent when administering policies concerning employees.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
34. I am comfortable sharing my opinions at work.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Respect for Management
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
37. Our HR Manager knows his job well.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
38. I have confidence in the top management of Halcyon & their competencies.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Opportunities for Growth
This section deals with opportunities that Halcyon provides for professional & personal growth.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
41. Halcyon is actively interested in my professional development and advancement.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
43. My work is challenging.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
45. I have a mentor at work.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
This section deals with how good are you working in teams.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
48. New members are welcomed warmly and they easily mingle with the team.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
49. Do you think the learning buddy concept helps the new employee in getting acquainted with the
Company work environment with out any difficulty?
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
50. Do you feel that we all are part of a team and are working towards a shared goal?
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
53. Management communicates well with the rest of the organization.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
This section deals with concept of taking feedback from the employees of Halcyon.
56. I receive useful and constructive feedback from my manager, that helps me improve my
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
58. I have an opportunity to participate in the goal setting process.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
60. My work is being rewarded or recognized at appropriate times.
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
61. What do you like best about working for this company?
64. Is there anything else that you would like to share on the employee satisfaction?