Security Service Contract Format

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This SECURITY SERVICE CONTRACT, made and entered into by and


Client/Establishment, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of

the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at 163 Legaspi Street,
Legaspi Village, Makati City, represented herein by its President, MR. xxxxxxxxx,
hereinafter referred to as the “COMPANY”;

- and–
Security Agency Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of
the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at (COMPANY
ADDRESS), represented herein by its VP and General Manager,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, hereinafter referred to as the “AGENCY”.

W I T N E S S E T H : That

WHEREAS, the COMPANY is desirous of engaging the services of a security

agency for the purpose of safeguarding and protecting the properties of the COMPANY
located at 163 Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, from theft, pilferage, robbery,
vandalism, arson, malicious mischief, and other unlawful acts by strangers or third persons,
as well as, to enforce and implement COMPANY rules and regulations;

WHEREAS, the AGENCY is duly licensed in accordance with law to engage in

security services such as safeguarding persons, properties and maintaining peace and order,
among others.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the terms and conditions

hereinafter set forth, the parties have mutually agreed that:

1. The COMPANY hereby retains the services of the AGENCY and the latter
hereby undertakes to safeguard the properties and installations of the former within its
premises as well as enforcement of company rules and regulations and as a consideration
therefore, the COMPANY hereby undertakes to pay the AGENCY the amount of
AMOUNT IN WORDS( P AMOUNT IN NUMBERS ) a amount per guard per month
for twelve (12) hours daily duty;

2. The AGENCY obligates itself to provide the COMPANY an initial of Five

(5) guards to render duty for twelve (12) hours daily from 7AM to 7 PM. This number
maybe increased or decreased. It is so decreased, parties should see to it that the
effectiveness of the security operations will not be jeopardized;

3. The AGENCY hereby acknowledges that it is the employer of the guards

assigned at the premises of the COMPANY and such being the case, the former assumes
the responsibility in the proper implementation of the provisions of Minimum Wage Law,
SSS, Retirement Benefit, Medicare and other Labor Laws which are in force during the
effectivity of the contract;

4. The COMPANY shall have the right to request for the replacement of any
and all guards whose behavior, conduct, appearances and performance are not satisfactory
to the COMPANY;

5. The AGENCY shall, at its own expense, provide its security guards with
serviceable firearms with adequate number of ammunitions;

6. The AGENCY may be liable for any and all losses/damages that maybe
sustained by the COMPANY provided that the former shall be notified in writing of such
loss twenty four (24) hours from knowledge thereof, and provided further, that the
loss/damage, after an investigation conducted by the representatives of the parties, have
been established to have been due to the fault and negligence of the guards of the
AGENCY. The COMPANY however, shall exempt the AGENCY from liability or losses
placed in the premises and buildings such as rooms, stockrooms, offices and the like where
the guards have no access to and control of the same, unless there is concrete and
incontrovertible evidence that there was force entry into said places. The AGENCY shall
not be held liable for losses/damages caused b y force majeure even if foreseen but
inevitable acts of GOD. Should there be valuable items which could not be placed in safe
places within the premises, the same should be turned over to the guards on post to preclude
loss of the same. Payments of such loss/damage should not be automatically deducted
from the billings for security service fees;

7. This CONTRACT, which supersede the contract that has taken effect since
the 01st day of January 1990, shall take effect on January 2008 and shall continue from
year-to-year unless otherwise terminated at any time, as follows:

a. Mutual agreement of both parties;

b. By either party due to any violation of its Terms and Conditions, provided a
written notice thereof is served upon the other party; or
c. By either party for any reason, provided a written notice thereof is served upon
the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the effectivity of the termination

8. In case of any litigation arising from this contractual relationship, the same
maybe filed before the regular courts of Quezon City.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this _______
day of __________________, 2008.

(Agency) (Company)

By: By:
VP and General Manager President


_________________________________ ________________________


Republic of the Philippines)

Quezon City, Metro Manila) S. S.

BEFORE ME, a notary public, for and in Quezon City, personally appeared:

Name Community Tax Cert. Date/Place Issued

_________________ ______________
16452343 01 Feb 08 / Q.C.

all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Security Service Contract, consisting of three (3) pages including this page of
acknowledgement and signed at every page by the parties and their free and voluntary acts
and deeds.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature and notarial seal

this ______ day of _____________, 2008.

Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2008.

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