Coa Memo Salary Grade 2nd Tranche

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July 01, 2010

FOR : All COA Officials and Personnel

SUBJECT : DBM National Budget Circular (NBC) No. 524 dated June 23,
2010 on the Implementation of the Second Tranche Monthly
Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel and Base Pay
Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel in the
National Government

Enclosed is a copy of DBM NBC No. 524 dated June 23, 2010 from the
Department of Budget and Management, treating on above subject.

For your information and guidance.

Building II, General Solano Street, San Miguel, Manila

No. 524

TO Heads of Departments, Bureaus, Offices, and Agencies of the

National Government, Including State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs); Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations
(GOCCs) and Government Financial Institutions (GFIs); and All
Others Concerned

SUBJECT. . Implementation of the Second Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule

. for Civilian Personnel and Base Pay Schedule for Military and
Uniformed Personnel in the National Government

1.0 Purpose

This Circular is issued to prescribe the guidelines, rules, and regulations to govern
the implementation in the National Government of the second tranche of the
modified Salary Schedule for civilian personnel and. the modified Base Pay
Schedule for military and uniformed personnel, both provided under the Senate and
House of Representatives Joint Resolution No.4, s. 2009, approved on June 17,
2009, and as mandated under Executive Order (E.G.) No.. 900, issued on June 23,.
2010. .

2.0 Coverage

The following are coveted by this Circular:

2.1 All positions for civilian personnel, whether regular, casual, or contractual
in nature, appointive or elective, full-time or part-time, now existing or
hereafter created in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches, the
Constitutional Commissions/Offices, SUCs, GOCCs, and GFIs covered by
the Compensation and Position Classification System under Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 6758, "Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989,"
as amended; arid

2.2 Military personnel under the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Department
of National Defense; and uniformed personnel under the Philippine National
Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, and Bureau of Jail Management and
. Penology under the Department of the Interior and Local Government;

Philippine Coast Guard and National Mapping and Resource Information

3.0 Exclusions

The following are excluded from the coverage of this Circular:

3.1 Positions for civilian personnel in government entities which are exempted
from R.A. No. 6758, as amended, and are authorized by law to adopt, and
are actually implementing their respective compensation and position
classification systems approved by the Office of the.President;

3.2 Those hired without employee-employer relationships and funded from

non-Personal Services appropriations/budgets, as follows:

3.2.1 Consultants and experts hired for a limited period to perform specific
activities or services with expected outputs;

3.2.2 Laborers hired through job contracts (pakyaw) and those paid for

3.2.3 Student workers and apprentices; and

3.2.4 Individuals and groups of people whose services are engaged

through job orders, contracts of service, or others similarly situated.

4.0 Second Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel

The new salary rates shall be in accordance with the Second Tranche Monthly
Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel of the National Government attached as
Annex "A," which shall be implemented effective June 24, 2010. This Salary
Schedule, however, shall not apply to officials and employees whose terms of office
are coterminous witll the incumbent President of the Philippines, including the
.coterminous employees of these officials,

4.1 Rules for Adjusting Salaries

4.1.1 The salaries of incumbent civilian personnel shall be adjusted to the

rates in the Salary Schedule in Annex "A" which correspond to the
designated salary steps of the salary grade allocations of their
positions as of June 23, 2010, provided their. positions and salary
grades are in<accordance witn the Index of Occllpational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and Salary Grades issued under
Budget Circular No. 2006-3 dated May 17, 2006, and the Index of
Occupational Services attached to Corporate Compensation Circular
No. IOdated February IS, 1999, and additions/modifications thereto.

4.1.2 If the actual monthly basic salary of an incumbent as of June 23,

2010, falls between salary steps of the salary grade allocation of
his/her position due to the grant of service award.or as a result of
."' .

demotion or transfer due to the exigency of the service, his/her salary

shall be adjusted to the rate for the higher step in the Salary Schedule
in Annex "A."

4.1.3 If the actual monthly basic salary of an incumbent exceeds that for
Step 8 of the salary grade allocation of his/her position as of June 23,
2010: . His/Her salary shall be adjusted to the salary for Step 8 of the
salary grade allocation of his/her position in the Salary
Schedule in Annex "A"; or He/She shall not be entitled to salary increase if the actual

salary as of June 23, 2010, exceeds the rate for Step 8 of the
salary grade allocation of his/her position in the Salary
Schedule in Annex "A."

4.1.4 If supported by sufficient funds, the salaries/wages of incumbent

contractual/casual personnel as of J!ille 23-,1.010,may be adjusted to
the rates corresponding to Step 1 of the salary grade allocations of
their positions effective June 24, 2010. The adjusted daily wage rates
of casual personnel shall be computed by dividing the monthly
salaries corresponding to Step 1 of the salary grade allocations of
their positions in the Salary Schedule in Annex "A" by 22 work

4.1.5 Compulsory retirees, whose services have been extended beyond

June 23, 2010, shall be entitled to salary increases effective June 24,
2010, following items 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 of this Circular, whichever is
applicable. However, their retirement benefits, including Terminal
Leave Benefits, shall be computed based on their monthly salaries as
of the day prior to the effectivity of their retirement, consistent with
existing laws, rules, and regulations.

4.1.6 The salary increase for the month of June 2010 shall correspond to
the incremental salary for 5 work days, computed as follows:

Incremental Salary
for June 2010 = [ Monthly Salary
as ofJune 24, 2010 -
Monthly Salary I [
as ofJune 23, 201~
5 work days
[22 work days/month J
4.2 Salaries for Constitutional Officials

Pursuant to Section 6 of Article VII and Section 10 of Article VI of the

Constitution, the salaries prescribed under this Circular shall not apply to the
incumbent President of the Philippines, Vice-President of the Philippines,
and Members of the 14thCongress, including Senators whose full tem1Swill
expire in the year 2013.

5.0 Implementation of the Salary Schedule in GOCCs and GFIs

5.1 The implementation of the Second Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule in

GOCCs and GFIs shall be as determined by their respective governing
boards. GOCCs and GFIs which do not have adequate or sufficient funds to
implement fully the Salary Schedule in AImex "A," may formulate and
implement their respective salary schedules which shall be at uniform
percentages of the salary rates in AImex "A."

5.2 In the formulation of such salary schedules, GOCCs and GFIs shall ensure
that they can fund on a sustainable basis the increased salaries, including the
government counterpart to the Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums
(RLIP), PAG-LB.LG. Contributions, PHILHEALTH- Contributions, and
EmployeesCompensationInsurancePremiums. .

5.3 In the adjustment of the salaries of incumbent personnel effective June 24,
2010, the pertinent rules under item 4.1 shall be applied.

6.0 Second Tranche Monthly Base Pay Schedule ~for Military.-1lnd Uniformed

6.1 The new base pay rates shall be in accordance with the Second Tranche
Monthly Base Pay Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel Effective
June 24,2010, attached as Annex "B."

6.2 The monthly base pay as of June 23, 2010, of incumbent military and
uniformed personnel shall be adjusted effective June 24, 2010, in
accordance with the Base Pay Schedule in Annex "B."

7.0 Conditional Applicability to Entities Exempted from R.A. No. 6758, as


7.1 Pursuant to item (9) of the Senate and House of Representatives Joint
Resolution No.4, s. 2009, entities which are exempted from R.A. No. 6758,
as amended, but are still following the salary rates for positions covered by
said Act, may be entitled to the salary increases authorized under E.O. No.
900 and as prescribed under this Circular, until such time that they have
implemented their respective compensation and position classification
systems approved by the Office of the President.

7.2 Accordingly, the payment of salary adjustments to the personnel in these

entities shall be subject to the pe11inentprovisions of this Circular.

8.0 Procedural Guidelines

8.1 Preparation of Notices of Salary Adjustment (NOSAs)

8.1.1 The Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO)/

Administrative Officer (AO) of a national governn1ent agency
(NGA), GOCC, or GFI shall prepare NOSAs for incumbent civilian
personnel following the forn1at marked as Annex "C," for approval
by the Head of Agency.

8.1.2 For personnel whose actual monthly salaries as of June 23, 2010
exceed the rates corresponding to Step 8 of the salary grade
allocation of their positions in Annex "A," the HRMO/AO shall no
longer prepare NOSAs.

8.1.3 The original copies of the NOSAs shall be issued to the personnel
concerned. Copies of the same shall be furnished the Oovernn1ent
Service Insurance System (OSIS), if the personnel concerned are
. members thereof.

8.2 Preparation of Plantillas of Personnel and Salary Adjustment (PPASAs)

8.2.1 The HRMO/AO of the OOCC or OFI shall prepare the PPASA for
regular positions following the fonnat marked as Annex "D," for
approval by the Head of Agency.

8.2.2 The original copy shall be submitted to the DBM Budget and
Management Bureau (BMB) or Regional Office (RO) concerned,
together with a copy of the duly approved salary schedule (under
item 5.1 of this Circular). Copies thereof shall be furnished the Civil
Service Commission (CSC) Regional Office-(RO)/Field Office (FO)

8.2.3 Separate PPASAs for casual and contractual personnel of NOAs,

OOCCs, and OFIs shall be similarly prepared and submitted to the
DBM BMB/RO and CSC RO/FO concerned.

8.3 Preparation of Notices of Base Pay Adjustment (NOBPAs)

8.3.1 The HRMO/AO of an NGA shall prepare NOBPAs for incumbent

military/unifonned personnel following the fonnat marked as Annex
"E," for approval by the Head of Agency.

8.3.2 The original copies of the NOBPAs shall be issued to the personnel

8.4 The salary/base pay adjustment under this Circular shall be subject to review
by the authorities concerned, and to appropriate re-adjustment if found not
in order. The recipient personnel shall refund any overpayments received.

9.0 Fund Sources

9.1 The an10unts required to implement the salary/base pay adjustments,

including such related compensation and fixed expenditure adjustments of
regular personnel in NGAs, shall be charged against the Miscellaneous
Personnel Benefits Fund authorized under R.A. No. 9970, the FY 2010

General Appropriations Act, and from any available savings in the FY 2010

9.2 The amounts required to implement the salary/wage adjustments, including

such related compensation and fixed expenditure adjustments of casual and
contractual persOlmel in NGAs, shall be sourced from the respective agency
lump sum appropriations included in the FY 2010 budgets.

9.3 For GOCCs and GFIs, the amounts shall be charged against their respective
corporate funds in the approved corporate operating budgets (COBs),
provided that the national government shall not release funds for salary
adjustments or for any compensation-related exp_enditures;provided, further,
that the GOCCs and GFIs shall not resort to borrowings for the purpose; and
provided, furthermore, that the performance targets in their DBM-approved
COBs are met and their programs/projects for the year are not adversely

10.0 Release of Funds

10.1 'Initially, agencies may charge the requirements~of the salary adjustment of
their personnelagainsttheirreleasedallotmentsfor PersonalServices. .
10.2 The specific Special Allotment Release Order for this salary adjustment
shall be released by the DBM to the agency based on the number of filled
positions as of June 24, 2010. Additional fund release for this purpose shall
be subject to the submission of the following reports:

10.2.1 Report of newly filled authorized regular positions from June 25,
2010, up to the date of report, to include information on the item
numbers, positions. and salary grades, names of incumbent, salaries,
dates of assumption to duty, and summary of additional funding
requirement; and

10.2.2 Statement of Allotments, Obligations, and Balances, highlighting the

amount of allotments received and corresponding obligations
incurred for compensation adjustments.

10.3 DBM shall issue additional Notices of Cash Allocation to cover the six (6)
months and five (5) days requirement of the salary adjustment of agency
personnel, consistent with the procedural guidelines under DBM Circular
Letter No. 2008-11.

11.0 Responsibilities of Heads of Agencies

Heads of Agencies shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the

provisions of this Circular. They shall be held liable for any payment of salary or
base pay not in accordance with the provisions of this Circular.

12.0 Saving Clause

Cases not covered by the provisions of this Circular shall be referred to the DBM
for resolution.

13.0 Effectivity

This Circular shall take effect immediately.

~ J
IN '-'.

Annex" A"

SecondTranche Monthly Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnelofthe NationalGovernment

(In Pesos)

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
1 7,575 7,697 7,820 7,947 1,,077 8,209 8,342 8,480
2 8,189 8,321 8,456 8,594 8,733 8,876 9,022 9,170
3 8,854 8,997 9,142 9,292 9,443 9,599 - 9,756' 9,917
4 9,536 9,690 9,848 10,008 10,172 10,339 10,509 10,683
5 10,271 10,437 10,607 10,780 10,957 ] ],137 1] ,320 11,508
6 11,062 1] ,242 11,425 11,612 ] 1,803 11,997 12,194 12,397
7 ] 1,869 ] 2,060 12,257 ]2A57 ] 2,662 12,870 ] 3,082 ] 3,299
8 12,735 12,941 13,15] ] 3,366 ] 3,584 13,807 14,035 ] 4,267
9 13,663 ] 3,884 14,] 10 14,340 14,575 14,813 15,058 15,305
10 ]4,641 ]4,878 ]5,118 ] 5,364 ]5,615 15,872 16,132 16,398
11 15,649 15,900 16,] 57 ] 6,419 i 6,687 16,959 -17,237 17,5] 9
12 16,726 ] 6,995 ] 7,269 ] 7,548 17,833 ] 8,123 ] 8,419 18,720
13 17,880 18,166 ]8,457 18,755 19,058 19,367 19,683 20,004
14 19,1] 2 19,418 19,728 20,045 20,369 20,699 2] ,034 21,376
15 20,490 20,827 2],172 2] ,523 21,882 22,247 22,6] 9 22,999
16 2] ,969 22,329 22,697 23,073 23,455 23,845 24,243 24,64 7
17 23,555 23,941 24,334 24,734 25,144 25,560 25,984 26,416
18 25,259 25,671 26,09] 26,5] 9 26,956 27,399 27,853 28,3] 5
19 27,088 27,528 27,977 28,434 28,90] 29,375 29,859 30,352
20 29,052 29,522 30,001 30,491 30,988 3] ,495 32,012 32,539
21 30,945 31,443 3] ,949 32,465 32,99] 33,527 34,074 34,630
22 32,973 33,499 34,034 34,580 35,] 36 35,703 36,280 36,867
23 35,144 35,70] 36,268 36,845 37,432 38,032 38,642 39,264
24 37,473 38,061 38,66] 39,27] 39,894 40,526 4],]72 4] ,830
25 39,966 40,590 4] ,224 41,870 42,528 43,] 98 43,880 44,577
26 42,639 43,299 43,97] 44,655 45,352 46,06] 46,784 47,520
27 45,505 46,205 46,9] 7 47,641 48,378 49,129 49,894 50,674
28 48,579 49,320 50,074 50,84] 5] ,623 52,4] 8 53,228 54,053
29 5] ,876 52,66] 53,460 54,274 55,] 02 55,945 56,803 57,676
30 56,943 57,8]4 58,70] 59,603 60,522 6] ,458 62,4] 0 63,380
31 69,458 70,564 7] ,690 72,839 74,008 75,20] 76,4]5 77,653
32 79,45] 80,7] 7 82,005 83,3] 9 84,657 86,020 87,409 88,824
33 95,000

Annex "B

Second Tranche Monthly Base Pay Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel
Effective June 24, 2010
(In Pesos)

DND BJMP and BFpl PNP and PPSC2 PCG and NAMRIA Base Pay
Candidate Soldier 9,508
Private Fire/Jail Officer I Police Officer I Apprentice Seaman/ 12,150
Seaman Third Class
Private First Class Seaman Second Class 12,993
Corporal Fire/Jail Officer II Police Officer II Seaman First Class 13,785
Sergeant Petty Officer III 14,509
Staff Sergeant Fire/Jail Officer III Police Officer III Petty Officer II 15,307
Technical Sergeant Petty Officer I 16,413
Master Sergeant Senior Fire/Jail Officer I Senior Police Officer I Chief Petty Officer 17,599
Senior Master Senior Fire/Jail Officer II Senior Police Officer II Senior Chief Petty Officer 18,873
Chief Master Senior Fire/Jail Officer III Senior Police Officer III Master Chief Petty Officer 20,241
First Chief Master Senior Fire/Jail Officer IV Senior Police Officer IV First Master Chief Petty 21,709
Sergeant - Officer
Cadet Cadet 21,709
Probationary Second - 21,709
Second Lieutenant Ensign 23,787
First Lieutenant Inspector Inspector Lieutenant Junior Grade 25,338
Captain Senior Inspector Senior Inspector Lieutenant Senior Grade 27,190
Major Chief Inspector Chief Inspector Lieutenant Commander 28,572
Lieutenant Colonel Superintendent Superintendent Commander 30,461
Colonel Senior Superintendent Senior Superintendent Captain 32,485
Brigadier General Chief Superintendent Chief Superintendent Commodore 34,655
Major General Director Director Rear Admiral 36,981
Vice Admiral 39,476
Lieutenant General Deputy Director-General Admiral 43,355
General Director General 47,500

1Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and Bureau of Fire Protection

2 Philippine National Police and Philippine Public Safety College

Annex "C"

Notice of Salary Adjustment


Pursuant to National Budget Circular No. 524 dated June 23, 2010, implementing
Executive Order No. 900 dated June 23,2010, your salary is hereby adjusted effective June
24, 2010, as follows:

1. Adjusted monthly basic salary effective--June24, 2010, under the--

new Salary Schedule; SG-' Step - I!

2. Actual monthly basic salary as of

June 23, 2010; SG , Step -
Monthly salary adjustment effective June 24,2010 (1-2) I!

It is understood that this salary adjustment is subject to review and post-audit, and
to appropriate re-adjustment and refund if found 119tin order.

Very truly yours,

Head of Agency

Position Title:
Salary Grade:
ItemNo./UniqueItemNo., FY - PersonalServicesItemization
and/or Plantilla of PersOlmel:

Copy Furnished:

Annex "D"
, \
Plantilla of Personnel and Salary Adjustment
As Required Under Item 8.2 of National Budget Circular No. 524 dated June 23, 2010
Department! Agency:
Item No.! Monthly
Unique Item No. Actual Adjusted Salary
FY Monthly Monthly Adjustment
Personal Services Basic Salary Basic Salary Effective Tax Date of Date of Status of
Itemization and/or Salary alary as of June 23, Effective June 24, 2010; Identification Original Last Appoint
Plantilla of Personnel Position Title Grade Step 2010 June 24, 2010 (6) - (5) Name of Incumbent Date of Birth Number Appointment Promotion -ment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
r r
Total Per Office
PreparedlCeltified Correct by: Approved by:
Human Resource Management Officer! Head of Agency
Administrative Officer
- ,

Annex "E"

Notice of Base Pay Adjustment


Pursuant to National Budget Circular No. 524 dated June 23,2010, implementing
Executive Order No. 900 dated June 23, 2010, your base pay as (rank) is
hereby adjusted effective June 24, 2010, as follows:

1. Adjusted monthly base pay effective June 24,2010 p

2. Actual monthly base pay as of June 23, 2010

3. Monthly base pay adjustment effective June 24, 2010 (1-2) ~

It is understood that this base pay adjustment is subject to-review and post-audit,
and to appropriate re-adjustment and refund if found not in order.

Very truly yours,

Head of Agency


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