Intercontinental Bshrs LLC
Intercontinental Bshrs LLC
Intercontinental Bshrs LLC
NOTE: The Annual Report of Holding Companies must be signed Date of Report (top-tier holding company's fiscal year-end):
by one director of the top-tier holding company. This individual
should also be a senior official of the top-tier holding company. In December 31. 2016
Month / Day / Year
the event that the top-tier holding company does not have an
individual who is a senior official and is also a director, the chair- N/A
man of the board must sign the report. Reporter's Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) (20-Character LEI Code)
Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to vary from 1.3 to 101 hours per response. with an average of 5.25 hours per response , including time to gather and
maintain data in the required form and to review instructions and complete the information collection . Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets. NW, Washington, DC 20551 , and to the
Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0297), Washington , DC 20503.
Form FR Y-6
Intercontinental Bank
West Miami, FL
OK : If the branch information Is correct, enter 'OK' In the Data Action column.
Change: If the bninch Information is incorrect or incomplete, revise the data, enter 'Change' in the D•t• Action column and the date when this Information first became valid in the EffectNe Date column .
Close : If a branch listed was sold or dosed, enter 'Close' in the Data Action column and the sale or closure date in the Effective Date column,
Delete: If a branch listed was never owned by this depository Institution, enter 'Delete' in the Data Action column.
Add : If a report.1ble branch is missing, insert a row, add the branch dat.1, and enter 'Add' in the Data Action column and the opening or acquisition date in the Effective Date column .
If printing this list, you may need to adjust your page setup In MS Excel. Try using landscape orientation, page scaling. and/or legal sized paper.
Submission Procedure
When you are finished , send a saved copy to your FRB contact. See the detailed instructions on this site for more information.
If you are e-mailing this to your FRB contact, put your institution n.1me, city and state in the subject line of the e-mail .
To satisfy the FR V-10 reporting requirements, you must also submit FR Y-10 Domestic Branch Schedules for each branch with a Data Action of Change, Close, Delete, or Add .
The FR Y-10 report may be submitted In a hardcopy format or vi.a the FR Y-10 Online .application - https ://
• FDIC UNINUM, Office Number, .and ID_RSSO columns are for reference only. Verification of these v;;alues is not required .
Data Action Effective Date Street Address City State Zip Code County Country FDIC UNINUM• Office Numbe,.. Head Office Head Office ID_RSso• Comments
Form FR Y-6
Current securities holders with ownership, control or holdings of 5% or more Securities holders not listed in 3(l)(a) through 3(l)(c) that had ownership, control or holdings
with power to vote as of fiscal year ending 12-31-2016 of 5% or more with power to vote during fiscal year ending 12-31-2016
(4)(b) (4)(c)
Percentage List names of other
(2) (4)(a) of Voting companies (includes
Principal Percenta~c Shares in partnerships) if25% or
Occupation if (3)(a) (3)(b) (3)(c) of Voting Subsidiaries more of voting securities
(I) other than with Title & Position Title & Position with Title & Position with Shares in (include are held (List names of
Name Bank Holding with Bank Subsidiaries (include Other Businesses (include Bank Holding names of companies and percentage
City, State, Country Company Holding Company names of subsidiaries) names of other businesses) Company subsidiaries) of voting securities held)