Research On The Power Grid Operation Improvement by Static Var Compensators
Research On The Power Grid Operation Improvement by Static Var Compensators
Research On The Power Grid Operation Improvement by Static Var Compensators
ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 621.316.051.072.2:681.527
Keywords: reactive power compensation, increase in transfer capability, power transmission grid, voltage control, SVC device and system stability
Ključne riječi: kompenzacija jalove snage, povećanje prijenosne moći, prijenosne mreže, regulacija napona, SVC uređaj i stabilnost sustava
I SVC = -B SVC × V SVC . (8) t= . (18)
According to Fig. 3, the system characteristic is
expressed by a linear equation of negative inclination: The equation (15) suggests that the line transfer
capability becomes higher if using SVC devices
VSVC = V T - X T × ISVC , (9) considering part of the equation (1 – t)·P1 where:
P0 – line transfer capability with no SVC device connected
V × cos(d / 2) in the middle, MW or pu
V T = V m0 = , (10) P1 – line transfer capability with SVC connected in the
cos(Q / 2)
middle of the transmission line and maintaining the constant
Zn voltage value V at the connection point, MW or pu.
XT = × tan(Q / 2), (11)
2 The marginal areas of the stationary characteristic (Fig.
3) could be expressed by fixed susceptance BSVC:
VT – Thevenin voltage viewed from the SVC busbar side, kV B SVC = B CTSC , (19)
XT – Thevenin reactance viewed from the SVC busbar side
SVC, Ω when SVC reaches the capacitive margin (segment OA),
Zn – Wave resistance of the ideal line, Ω. and:
The wave resistance of the line is represented by the B SVC = -B LTCR , (20)
when SVC reaches the inductive margin (segment BC).
l If the expression for ISVC from the equation (8) is
Zn = . (12)
c incorporated in the equation (9), a relation for VSVC in
marginal areas of the SVC stationary characteristic is
V × cos(d / 2) reactive power injected into the AC system. This is the basic
V SVC = . (21)
(1 - X T × B SVC ) × cos(Q / 2) disadvantage as compared to TCR featuring continuous
control. However, the TCR's advantage is in the fact that it
In that case, the following relation applies for the line does not inject higher harmonics into the system and the
injected current is not distorted [2, 7].
transfer capability:
Since large quantities of current flow through the
capacitor when it is connected to the AC system, in order to
V 2 × sind
P= . (22) protect the power thyristors an additional reactor LTSC
Z n × (1 - X T × B SVC ) × sinQ should be connected in the series with CTSC (Fig. 1) to limit
the current and prevent the thyristor damage. Another
In the equations (21) and (22), the parameter BSVC reason for connecting an additional reactor is to prevent the
assumes the values from the relations (19) and (20) resonance with an AC grid. An optimal value of the reactor
depending on whether SVC reaches capacitive or inductive is determined by the reactance root ratio of XCTSC and XLTSC
margin. according to the equation:
2.2 X CTSC
TCR as a SVC structure element r= , (27)
Power thyristors are controlled by the reactor current
LTCR and the TCR control time [2,7]. The basis of the control where
is the thyristor trigger angle α. Dependent on the XCTSC – reactance of the TSC transversal capacitor, Ω
requirements imposed on SVC, the trigger (firing) angle XLTSC – reactance of the TSC additional reactor, Ω
ranges from 180° to 90°. The TCR current movement is The amount of reactor LTSC is selected by taking r > 3 for
determined by the control angle σ (dependent on the trigger the factor r.
angle), which could constantly change from 0° to the
maximum value corresponding to 180° angle. 2.4
The relation between the trigger and the control angles Higher harmonics and protection of SVC devices
could be expressed by the equation:
SVC is considered a generator of higher harmonics in
s = 2 × (p - a ) . (23) the system [2, 8], which is first of all due to the
implementation of TCR in the SVC structure being the first
The TCR current is non-sinusoidal and as such, it to blame for generation of higher harmonics. Another
contains higher harmonics that could be integrated in an consequence of injecting distorted currents by TCR is
extremely complex relation: distorted voltage at the point of the SVC connection. Most
of the problems refer to generation of low frequency
harmonics that can cause serious problems in terms of
V 4 é sin a × cos(na ) - n × cosa × sin(na ) ù
In = × ×ê ú, (24) electricity quality and stability of the system.
X L p êë n × (n 2 - 1) úû Generally, SVC contains filters for elimination of the
rd th th
n = 2 × k + 1; k = 1,2,3,... 3 , 5 , and 7 order harmonics. The higher harmonics
amplitude primarily depends on the thyristor valve
where switching frequency. A transformer connected to the SVC
n – higher harmonics, – device (Fig. 1) solves the problem of the third-order
V – effective value of connected voltage, kV harmonics. The star-delta connection prevents that the
XL – teactor reactance LTCR of basic frequency, Ω. third-order harmonics enter the AC system. For other
harmonics, different filter structures are used (combinations
of capacitors, reactors and resistance; passive and active
Higher (odd) harmonics affect the current injected by
filters) depending on the place of the SVC device
SVC, which requires installation of additional filters to
installation and the funds available.
cancel the negative impact of higher harmonics on the
The use of a 12-impulse configuration of TCRs is also
system and on the consumers as well.
possible (TCR divided into two sections), which results in
The basic component of the TCR current depends on th
the control susceptance BLTCR and the control angle σ, which penetration of the 15 order and higher (odd) harmonics.
However, this structure requires more capital. As a rule, the
could be expressed by the equation: th
15 order (and higher) harmonics are disregarded because
they hardly have any impact on the electrical quantities at
I1 = B LTCR (s ) × V, (25)
the SVC device connection point.
where the control susceptance is expressed as: Since the basis of all FACTS devices is power
electronics, each element requires adequate protection. This
s - sins primarily refers to the power thyristors, which are very
B LTCR (s ) = . (26) sensitive to different voltage and current overloads,
p ×XL temperature overloads, and similar. Basic defects related to
power thyristors are:
2.3 ! Thyristor failed to trigger at the right moment,
TSC as a SVC structure element ! One thyristor, or the whole section, failed to trigger,
! Voltage and current (temperature) overloads of
Switching (on/off) parallel capacitors is done by the thyristors, and
power thyristors and the result therefore is a step change of ! Mechanical damage of thyristors.
The use of the break-over diodes (BOD) for automatic at the same time the following:
triggering of thyristors could solve the problem if a thyristor ! Voltage control and reactive power compensation
(a single one or the whole section) fails to trigger. ! Swing attenuation in the system
TRCs could be divided into two sections with the ! Restriction of higher harmonics in the system
thyristor switches connected in the middle of the sections. In ! Compensation of asymmetries in the system
such way, the short circuit is prevented throughout the TCR ! Higher stability of the system and the transfer
device and it is very unlikely that the short circuit will capability.
happen at the same time in both sections. This design is
typical for a 12-impulse configuration of TCR, which is As previously noted, the consequence of the SVC
financially more expensive. advantages is mass use of the devices in the transmission
Adequate cooling solves the problems relating to the systems regardless of slightly higher capital costs per
temperature overloads. Cooling by water has proved to be generated kVAr (Tab. 1).
the best solution.
Among other defects that could affect the operation of 3
the SVC devices, the most significant are: Connection of the SVC device to a section of the EPS
! Short circuits close to SVC transmission grid: Melina SS – reversible Velebit HEPP –
! Surge loads Konjsko SS
! Short circuit within SVC.
The impact of the SVC devices on electrical
The surges could be restricted by the metal-oxide circumstances in a 400 kV transmission grid section (400
varistors limiting the overvoltage to the desired value in a kV) of the electric power system connecting two basic
very simple way. substations was analysed: Melina SS and Konjsko SS with
the reversible Velebit hydroelectric power plant (HEPP)
2.5 connected (Fig. 4). Two generator sets have been installed in
Cost specification the reversible Velebit HEPP. They are designed to meet the
requirements of the turbine and pumping operation. The sets
Cost specification considers the capital costs by in the model are defined to satisfy the turbine operation at
generated kVAr, a level of operating costs of each device fixed output that is available apparent power of 155 MVA
that could participate in voltage, and the reactive power per each set and the power factor of 0,89. According to Fig.
control in the electric power system. Determination of the 4, the grid consists of three 400 kV busbars (nodes) (Melina
generation costs or the reactive power consumption in the SS, the reversible Velebit HEPP, and Konjsko SS), two
electric power system is very complex and a number of overhead lines connecting the nodes (Melina SS – Velebit
criteria should be taken into account. The market HEPP and Velebit HEPP – Konjsko SS), the reversible
liberalization further complicates the situation because of Velebit hydroelectric power plant with two generator sets
the additional services necessary for a normal and stable connected to a 400 kV grid with the associated transformers,
operation of the system (primary and secondary control of and a stiff grid connected to the busbars in Konjsko SS. The
voltage and reactive power, cold and spinning reserve and energy transfer is in the east-west direction i.e. from
similar). The problem is in charging these additional Konjsko SS to Melina SS.
services to the single generators in the system. With the All lines in the model in Fig. 4 are characterized by their
market liberalization, this could be any electricity length, operating voltage, reactance, susceptance, and the
undertaking satisfying the conditions prescribed [9]. maximum allowed current under regular mode of operation
When analyzing the costs of generation and (maximum apparent power).
consumption of the reactive power (capital and operating
costs), the grid compensation devices taken into account are Melina SS Konjsko SS
synchronous compensators, capacitor banks, SVC devices
Melina SS Velebit RHEPP
and other FACTS compensators (STATCOM-Static Velebit RHEPP Konjsko SS
Synchronous Compensators, UPFC-Unified Power Flow
Controller, and TCSC-Thyristor Controlled Series Stiff grid (SL)
Capacitor). A comparison of the devices with respect to the
capital costs (in $/kVAr(kW)) is shown in Tab. 1 [9].
LOAD Velebit
Table 1 Comparison of capital costs for conventional and FACTS devices RHEPP
Type of device Capital costs / $/kVAr(kW)
Synchronous compensator 35 ÷ 50
Capacitor bank 10
SVC 35 ÷ 45 Figure 4 A model of the analyzed transmission grid
STATCOM 50 ÷ 55
UPFC (series branch) (50) The transformers are defined by apparent power,
TCSC 40 transmission ratio, short circuit voltage, magnetizing
current, short circuit losses and idle operation, control
capabilities, and the connection group.
The reason for wide use of the SVC devices is their The synchronous generators in the power plants are
relatively low operating costs and exceptionally high represented by the rated apparent power, rated power factor,
operating reliability. The SVC compensator could achieve rated and minimal active power, maximal and minimal
reactive power according to the operating chart of the hydro Table 3 Voltages in the grid nodes according to the loads defined
set, and the associated reactances in the longitudinal and with the SVC device connected
transversal axis. Melina Velebit SVC
The load is connected on the Melina SS side because of SS HEPP device
the east-west energy transfer and is modelled with the P /MW Q /MVAr U /kV U /kV Q /MVAr
required active and reactive power (PQ). On the other side, a 100 10 400 423,41 166,37
stiff grid is connected to the busbars in Konjsko SS making 200 20 400 423,32 140,34
possible to cover the grid losses but also the power supply to 300 40 400 422,94 98,45
consumers (load in Melina SS) with the necessary quantity 400 65 400 422,24 45,48
of active and reactive power taking into account also the
500 70 400 421,22 6,140
output of the reversible Velebit HEPP. At the connection
point, the stiff grid maintains the voltage at 1,05 p.u. 600 75 400 419,84 –39,97
Tab. 2 shows the amounts of voltage in each grid node 700 80 400 418,08 –93,35
with the operating conditions (loads) defined, and with no 800 85 400 415,91 –154,68
SVC device connected.
way, the voltages in the neighbouring grid nodes are also
Table 2 Voltages in the grid nodes according to the loads defined stabilized with respect to the SVC connection point.
Rev. Velebit The voltage circumstances, with or without the SVC
LOADS Melina SS device, are illustrated in Fig. 5. Under the condition of the
P / MW Q / MVAr U / kV U / kV system low load, the voltages in Melina SS and in the
reversible Velebit HEPP assume high values. Likewise,
100 10 441,34 437,73
when the system load increases, the voltages in the same
200 20 435,38 435,57 nodes fall due too high flows of the reactive power. The
300 40 425,55 431,80 SVC device reduces the flows and because it is connected to
400 65 412,33 426,54 the Melina SS node, it takes from and gives to the grid a
500 70 401,74 421,83 certain amount of the reactive power, which results in
600 75 387,92 415,53 voltage stabilization in the broader region and in the nearby
700 80 368,78 406,69 nodes respectively. Since the SVC device is connected at the
800 85 336,89 392,01 Melina SS node, it maintains a constant amount of voltage at
that node in accordance with its control model. Fig. 5 shows
It is understood from Tab. 2 that at the low load the lowest amount of voltage in Melina SS due to the
connected to Melina SS, the voltages in the nodes assume identified reactive power flows in the associated grid model.
too high and consequently do not allow values particularly
in Melina SS. The higher the amount of load in the system,
the lower is the amount of voltages in the nodes, which
creates a problem of too small amounts of voltages in the
nodes (Melina SS in particular). The problem is solved by
adequate control of voltage and reactive power in the
system for which a SVC device could be used since this is its
fundamental purpose.
Results of the analysis with a SVC device connected in
Melina SS
In order to have adequate voltages in each grid node, a Figure 5 Voltage circumstances with and without a SVC device
SVC device consisting of a thyristor-controlled reactor
(TCR) and two thyristor-switched capacitors (TSC) was In order to have the exact voltage of 400 kV at the
used. The SVC is modelled with 300 MVAr maximum Melina SS busbars, the SVC device injects into the grid a
reactive power of TCR and two TSCs of the reactive power certain amount of reactive power. The consequence of the
of 150 MVAr / capacitive. In order to maintain the exact lower grid loads are high amounts of voltage in the grid and
amount of voltage of 400 kV (1,00 p.u.) at the SVC vice versa. The control of reactive power flow acts on the
connection point (Melina SS), a balanced control was amount of voltage in each grid node, which is manifested
selected. The SVC device transformer and additional filters through the SVC device operating area with respect to the
eliminating the harmful effect of higher harmonics of static characteristic according to Fig. 3. The limit value of
distorted injected current by SVC have been disregarded. the load at which the SVC device gets from the inductive to
Tab. 3 shows the voltages in each grid node provided the capacitive area is 516 MW / 70 MVAr. The SVC device
with the SVC device in Melina SS. Tab. 4, Tab. 5, Tab. 6, and current for this grid load value is zero, and consequently,
Tab. 7 show the calculation of the power flow through the there is no injection of reactive power into the grid. The
present lines, Melina SS – Velebit HEPP and Velebit HEPP – SVC device operates in the inductive area in case of any
Konjsko SS with and without the SVC device connected. lower grid load. In contrast, in case of any higher value of
Tab. 3 also shows the amounts of reactive power the loads with respect to the reference value, the SVC device
(MVAr) injected into the grid by the SVC device (or taken gets into the capacitive area of operation.
from the grid) to maintain the voltage at the connection
point at the exactly desired and predefined amount. In such a
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