Work Instruction. - Tensile Testing NEW
Work Instruction. - Tensile Testing NEW
Work Instruction. - Tensile Testing NEW
CONTROL No. MSW/T- ISO 9001:2015 ISO 50001:2011 Issue No.: 04 Issue Date:
QA/07 ISO 14001:2015 OHSAS 18001:2007 Revision 01.04.2017
No.:00 Rev. Date: NIL
Preparation, Revision, Distrib. & Control : ISO Coordinator - QA
Review : HOD - QA (Tube Div.)
Approval : Division Head – Tube Division
Master Copy Holder : Management Representative (M.R.)
Controlled Copy Holder : HOD - QA Tube Division, and Displayed at Quality lab.
D. Objective : Tensile, Yield stress & Elongation test.
E. Scope : This method covers the mechanical properties testing of tubes.
F. Responsibility : HOD - QA Tube Division
G. Procedure
Safety Precautions to be taken before start:
1. Ensure safety shoes, Cotton hand gloves & helmet.
2. Ensure safety while testing to avoid accident due to tube edge.
Now you are ready to start your work, Please follow below steps :
Operational instruction:
A – UTS 1 ( Near ERW section )
Another dialogue box will appear asking for "Start" & "Modify
Parameters". For start the test grip the sample in lower crosshead and
click on "Start" or for any modification in parameters click on "Modify
The loading application done by servo load control. When sample is
properly gripped between the jaws, the load start increasing. To view the
graph click on icon of graph.
When the sample breaks, the machine stops automatically. Remove the
broken pieces of sample. Close the Supply valve and open Relive valve.
A dialog box open for final gauge length. Enter the final G.L.(essential
for % elongation) and click “Done” icon. The software will give the final
To obtain the test certificate click on "HOME" and find "Report" option
and click on it. A computer generated test certificate is display on
screen. To change the unit in certificate slide over your finger on unit
icon then click on "Refresh". You can take printout of this certificate.
Enter the graph scale Xmax value & Ymax value. Click “OK” button.
On machine, lock the sample in lower crosshead.
In software, click “Tare Load” button to make load display.
Click “Start Test” button in software.
Open RCV slightly to particular position, to start the test.
When the load display value goes to 3-4 kN, release the lock from lower crosshead.
With extensometer test, when the extensometer display reaches the entered value, the software gives
message “Remove Extensometer”. Then remove extensometer. If the load starts decreasing before
reaching to extensometer entered value, then click ”Stop extensometer test” button in software &
remove extensometer.
When extensometer test stops, the standard test will continue up to rupture of sample.
When the sample breaks, the machine stops automatically. Remove the broken pieces of sample.
Close the RCV and open LCV.
In software enter the final G.L. & final dia. (essential for % elongation & %RA calculation ) and
click “close” button. The software will give message “Result Saved”.
Then result window will appear. You will get two graphs, one is load vs extension & other is load vs
displacement. Selection is given in “Select graph option”. You can take print of both results.
H. Instruments/Apparatus Used: Universal testing machine, venire caliper, micrometer, hydraulic press.
“Software required: UTNSRL serial software”
I. EHS instructions:
1. Ensure proper housekeeping at work place to avoid accident.
2. Ensure that tested sample, used hand gloves, cotton & waste to be store in designated bin
(Hazardous/Non Hazardous) & shift to scrap yard / Store for proper disposal.
3. Ensure that tested tube sample should be kept in metal bin for proper disposal.
J. EnMS Instructions:
1. Please switch off equipment / lights / any accessory if not in use to avoid wastage of energy.
K. QMS Instructions:
1. Ensure that only calibrated instruments are used for inspection.
M. Documentation:
Document Name Document Control No.
Final Inspection & Test report( ERW) As per master list of Document
Final Inspection & Test report( CEW) As per master list of Document
Final Inspection & Test report( CTL) As per master list of Document