Cpoh6 Contents PDF
Cpoh6 Contents PDF
Cpoh6 Contents PDF
Section A – Process summaries
1. Introduction 10
1. The basics of cement manufacture – 2. History of cement manufacture – 3. Portland cement in today’s world
2. Raw materials 14
1. Raw materials – 2. Raw mix – 3. Reserves – 4. Crushing – 5. Drying – 6. Pre-blending – 7. Storage and handling
6. Cement milling 94
1. Storage of clinker and other components – 2. Cement milling – 3. Separators (classifiers) – 4. Ball mill circuit
control – 5. Cement storage – 6. Cement dispatch – 7. Distribution – 8. Quality assurance and customer service
8. Maintenance 144
1. Maintenance benefits and costs – 2. Failure modes – 3. Computerised Maintenance Management Systems
(CMMS) – 4. Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) – 5. Maintenance cost management – 6. Maintenance
organisation – 7. Role, planning and control – 8. Mobile equipment maintenance – 9. People and indicators
References 276
Index 287