Managing Nitrogen: Notes
Managing Nitrogen: Notes
Managing Nitrogen: Notes
Managing Nitrogen
he early 20th century discovery of how to synthesize
nitrogen (N) fertilizer was a transformational event in
human history. The ability to capture relatively inert N2
gas and convert it to the more reactive ammonia (NH3) form
ultimately led to dramatically increased agricultural productiv-
ity. It is estimated that about half of the world’s population now
depends on N fertilizer inputs for their food supply. In addition
to growing crops, N fertilizer is required to sustain activities
such as animal production, biofuel crops, and timber growth.
Only a portion of N fertilizer added to fields is removed
in harvested crops. The remaining N is involved in a set of
complex biological, chemical, and physical reactions that can
be challenging to predict and manage. This unrecovered N can
cascade through soil, microorganisms, plants, fresh water and
ocean ecosystems as it continues to react. The goal of respon-
sible stewardship is to use N fertilizer as efficiently as possible
and minimize preventable losses from the soil system.
A basic understanding of the reactions of N in soils provides
a solid foundation for making wise nutrient stewardship deci-
sions. This series of factsheets, outlined below, covers the major
N fertilizer transformations that occur in crop production. Due
to the wide range of conditions that are found on farms, these
guides provide only general information that must be adapted Depending on the soil conditions, the gas produced may be
to local conditions with the aid of experienced professionals. N2, N2O (nitrous oxide), or NO (nitric oxide). These last two
Nitrification - Soil bacteria convert ammonium (NH4+) to gases have detrimental effects on the atmosphere.
nitrate (NO3-) within a few days or weeks when soils are warm Urea transformations - Urea is the most commonly used
and moist. There are many sources of ammonium in soil such N fertilizer in the world. When applied to soil, it is first sub-
as composts, manures, crop residues, and commercial fertilizers. ject to breakdown by a naturally occurring enzyme (urease)
Regardless of the source of N, the resulting nitrate is identi- into ammonium. The ammonium is subsequently converted
cal and subject to the same soil processes. Most agricultural to nitrate through nitrifying bacteria. Understanding these
and horticultural crops use nitrate as their major source of N transformations helps with management decisions to use urea
nutrition. most efficiently.
Denitrification - Nitrate can be lost to the atmosphere Ammonia volatilization - In alkaline soil, ammonium in
when it is converted to gas by soil microbial reduction reac- fertilizer and manure is chemically transformed into ammonia
tions. Denitrification occurs most rapidly when soils are gas which can be lost to the atmosphere. This is not only an
saturated with water and the oxygen content of soil is low, economic loss of a valuable nutrient, but can be detrimental
but the process continues even in moist, unsaturated soils. for air quality. A number of practical management techniques
Nitrogen Notes is a series of bulletins written by scientific staff of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). This series was supported by
a grant from the California Department of Food & Agriculture and through a partnership with the Western Plant Health Association. This series
is available as PDF files at
Nitrogen NOTES