Warriors For Hire

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Warriors for Hire:


Drazhar, the Master of Blades- Easily the most famous and best payed mercenary in the galaxy.
Drahzhar is perhaps one the most if not the most talented killer the galaxy has ever seen and takes jobs
of all kinds from bounty hunting, assassination, bodyguarding and even occasional gladiatorial battles.
Drazhar never utters a word and so his clients must guess an appropriate price for what they wish
Drazhar to do for them. If the payment if found to be acceptable Drazhar will do the job and he has yet
to fail a job. If the payment is not up to his wants then he will leave without a word, but if the payment
is far too low, so low as to insult Drazhar, he will gut the potential client on the spot. As such most
people tend not to hire the Master of Blades unless they are truelly desperate or greedy.

Bolon Warbringer- The last member of the Marines Malevolant, as well as its former chapter master.
Bolon is clad in a suit of cataphractii terminator armor and armed with a multi-melta and a brutal
thunder hammer. Bolon has lost all purpose without his battle brothers and will take almost any job
provided it gives the right amount of coin. Bolon accomplishes most of his jobs with brutality and cruelty
making him an ideal hitman but his lack of subtly is a major turn off for some potential clients.

Agozz Gravesplittah- Few assassins are payed in a year even half of what Agozz makes on an average
job. Agozz is a massive Ork with a strong aptitude for mercenary work, however he is very strange for an
Ork for two reasons. First, he is actually extremelly smart (for an Ork) and is even able to understand
that it doesnt matter what kind of money he is payed in, teef, throwns it doesnt matter as he knows full
well that there are many markets with many things that take all kinds of currency. Agozz is also strange
for his strong reliance on stealth. Despite being over 10ft tall and built like a right propah warboss, Agozz
prefers to fire from the shadows and can do so with terrifying skill, able to sneak in and out of an
imperial fortress without the guards or the target hearing a single sound.

Zhuzar, the Swift- A sslyth bounty hunter, Zhuzar is known more than anything for his praticality. He
wont shoot people for the fun of it, however if even a small crying child is in his way he will tear him to
shreds to get to his target, and while he doesnt normally kill his targets, if a client asks for it to be so
then he will gladly do so, once he has his pay of course. Normally armored in a slightly heavier fashion
than most sslyth, he earned his nickname for his use of four rifles at the same time and being able to
wield them with deadly accuracy and speed.

Taazrur Bristlehide- Taazrur was once a proud beastman hailing from one of Valkia's conquered worlds.
He was raised a mighty warrior, however when his shuttle down to his first battlefield went down in a
fiery explosion those hopes of being a great warhero went up in flames like his shuttle. Taazrur's life was
saved by an interested imperial scientest. The scientest wanted to study beastmen, but was of the
mechanicus and thus gave Taazrur rather extensive implants to survive. It turns out that this was of
course a terrible idea and Taazrur turned on and killed his savior within minutes of waking. Realizing that
he was no longer part of his warband, but also realizing his newfound strength Taazrur set off to earn a
living the only way he knew how. Taazrur has made a name for himself as being a merc that will do just
about anything, killing, kidnapping, etc. He will do things that even Drazhar and Bolon would find
unsavory, but he does it even still, hoping to accomplish some unknown goal. Appearance: (different
guns clearly)

Xoshruk Highfury- A female Hrud intelligence agent. Wanted across Alliance space for the trading of
illegal and classified intel, Xoshruk is essentially a shadow broker. Trading secrets for secrets there is
little she does not know. What she cannot attain with diplomacy she can usually attain instead with her
highly flexible style of unarmed combat combined with a highly trained and very powerful psychic mind.

Gracia Crawn- Gracia is not known for her size, her looks or her manners. The young ratling is instead
known for her ability to acquire just about any object in the galaxy. Crawn is widely considered to be the
best thief in the known galaxy and has aqcuired everything from saint's bones in the Dominion to royal
jewels from the Empire. Crawn doesnt really do it for the money, in fact half of things she steals she
either sells for roughly half their valued worth or keeps them. Crawn does it for the thrill, whether a
client payed her to steal a family heirloom or she got bored and decided to steal a ships engine, she is
always doing it for the rush. Of course that doesnt change her level of skill and Crawn is so skilled that
she doesnt even carry a weapon so sure is she of her skill at stealth.


Sslyth- The sslyth are often stereotyped as viscous, cruel, unthinking brutes, and often prone to
worshipping Slaanesh. While it is true that the Sslyth are rather carefree and by some opinions
hedonistic, they are actually quite scornful of the dark prince. The reason the Sslyth tend to be carefree
is because they have a maximum age of around 50 standard years old, however it rare to see one that
lives past 20 with their constant fighting between their own clans. Sslyth are often wanderers and
almost always warriors and as such make excellent mercenaries. With the downfall of the Dark Eldar
Sslyth are a rare sight within Alliance space but in Enclave space they are far more common as it is
presumed their planet is located somewhere within.

Loxatl- Long thought to be brutal, remorseless and stupid mercenary Xenos, the Loxatl have since
proven humans wrong at least on the last part. With the emergance of the Aonthaus Empire, the Loxatl
have found a market for mercenary work, especially within the seedier elements on many imperial
worlds. While Loxatl arent actually banned from many worlds, their presence is often frowned upon and
they suffer certain rascism and biased laws. However Loxatl do have a well earned reputation for being
good mercs as despite their many faults, they always keep their word.

Zoat- Formally slaves to the Tyranids, the Zoat have since settled in the wild space between Alliance and
Enclave space. They are usually very xenophobic and normally the only Zoat encountered outside of
their colonies are their worst criminals as exile is the main capital punishment. As such Zoat are
commonly regarded as murderous bandits and pirates, with the best ones being bloodthirsty mercs that
care only for coin. Within their colonies however Zoat are very peaceful and friendly but they all have a
bad name unfortunately. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Zoat
Lacrymole-After the great war with Chaos, the Imperium under Valten's rule gave official apology to the
Lacrymole people and the Emperor's Children actually offered some unknown treasure to the race as
repentance. Since then the Lacrymoles have walked amoung the humans, the humans just dont
normally know it. When they are found, Lacrymoles can often find work as spies or assassins although a
great many find work instead as dancers or artists as well. The bulk of the Lacrymoles are in Enclave
space however so it is rare to see one in Alliance space, and even rarer to know you did.

Jokaero- The mighty monkey people have since moved on to better things with the near total
destruction of the Grey Knights. With no planet to call home, the Jokaero are nomads who often wonder
from planet to planet, or settle down on random planets. They can almost always find work as engineers
or techs and are usually payed rather well for their work. They enjoy quite a bit of respect from most
races, except the Eldar of course who are just plain dickish.

Slayers- The only slayers that generally work as mercenaries are Night Lords or Alpha Legion. Alpha
Legion does so to spy on illegal activities within Alliance space, while Night Lords see no problem with
earning coin doing work, so long as it is legal work. Many horror stories are told around the Empire
about bussinessmen who lied to the Night Lords about their activities, tried to trick the slayers into
doing shady work, only to wind up as bloody chunks haning from chains in a town square.

Mercenary Bands:

Lucifer Blacks- The Drazhar of mercenary bands, the Lucifer Blacks are an elite commando unit that
specializes in just about every facet of warfare. They are often contracted by only the wealthiest clients
and have been known to do everything from killings, bodyguarding, all the way to corperate espionage.
While the Lucifer Blacks arent picky about their jobs, they are extremelly particular about their men.
Often taken as orphans or taken from the best of the best solo mercs around. Its no question however
that the Lucifer Blacks are the best however so this pickiness is often well justified.

Blood Pact- Existing since before Morkar was raised to championhood, the Blood Pact is a band of
Khorne worshipping warriors from all races. Since the 13th Black Crusade the Blood Pact has gone from
a fanatical warband to a warband for hire. They often spill blood in the name of their god and for the
coin as well. Their general use however is banned across Alliance space and only those truly desperate,
brave, or corrupt would ever even think to hire them.

Silver Sails- A band of Eldar corsairs that have banded together in order to make some serious coin. They
are a small private fleet that is often hired for transport, naval support, or selective piracy. The Sails hire
only Eldar into their ranks, however the skill of those men and women, along with the condition of all
the ships in the fleet, varies widely. However their inner circle is very well versed in naval warfare and as
such the Silver Sails have gained a reputation for their deadly ability in the void.

Blood Axes- The Blood Axes are as they have always been. The only real difference is that since the
Great Ork Wars they have been hired more and more by Alliance races and Orks, at least Blood Ax orks
are not too uncommon within their space.
The Archangels- A group of ex-military Nemians. The Archangels are known for their strict proffesional
attitude and their excellent marksmanship. Most within the company are trained snipers and all have
elite commando training. However the Archangels have a certain code of ethics, and although they have
no trouble killing rival mercs, armies or even rival businessmen, they dont fire on innocent civilians and
clients that try to trick them into doing so usually end up with a shot between the eyes.

Crimson Fury- Formally a pack within the Kroot military, the Crimson Fury is a group of elite kroot
carnivores that excell in melee combat. Instead of the usual Kroot weaponry the Crimson Fury prefers to
arm its members with Imperial power weapons and more specifically the use of Power Glaives and Axes.
While not particularly noble or proud, the Fury refuses to work for Chaos and any even remotely
suspected of working with the ruinous powers.

The Black Hand- Perhaps the deadliest assassins in the known galaxy, the Black Hand is a group not to be
triffled with. Its member are trained from a young age or are recruited from the various assassin orders
from across the galaxy, from Succubi to Vindicare. Their goal is simple, earn money and do the job. To
do so however they require the right customers, and as such the Black Hand has settled in its perfect
territory; Alliance space. The Black Hand also realizes that the Alliance can be fragile at times. As such it
takes great pains to preserve it. When not engaged in assassinations for clients, the Black Hand chooses
its own targets, those viewed as a threat to the Alliance and in need of killing. The organization also likes
its privacy, and as such the only people who even know of The Black Hands existance are clients, ex-
clients aka targets, and members. Anyone who discovers the organizations existance will soon be dead,
or if they have vast quantities of money, a client.


Noriego Consortium- Headed by the Noriego family, the Noriego Consortium, or the Consortium as it
usually called, is the most expansive crime network in the galaxy. Located mainly in Alliance space,
however they do have offices in Enclave, Tellarian, and even Marshan space. They deal in drugs,
smuggling, blackmarkets, prostitution, and just about any other crime known to man or xenos. The
Noriego family itself is mostly human, however years of marriage and even adoption has left the family
with a number of xenos members. This is rather similar to the organization as a whole, as many of its
thugs, mercs and flunkies are human, however a good number come from all sorts of xenos races.

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