Open Yale Courses: Philosophy and The Science o Human Nature
Open Yale Courses: Philosophy and The Science o Human Nature
Open Yale Courses: Philosophy and The Science o Human Nature
Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature pairs central texts from Western philosophical tradition
(including works by Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Rawls, and Nozick) with recent
findings in cognitive science and related fields. The course is structured around three intertwined sets
of topics: Happiness and Flourishing; Morality and Justice; and Political Legitimacy and Social
Required texts
Blackburn, Simon. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, second edition. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Epictetus. The Handbook (The Encheiridion), translated by Nicholas White. Hackett Publishing, 1983.
Haidt, Jonathan. The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. Basic Books,
Plato, Republic, trans. G.M.A. Grube and C.D.C. Reeve. Hackett Publishing, 1992.
Shay, Jonathan. Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character. Simon & Schuster,
Course Packet/Online
Annas, Julia. “The Phenomenology of Virtue,” Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences 7, 2008. 1/4
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Ariely, Dan. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. Harper Collins, 2008.
Batson, Daniel C. “Moral Masquerades Experimental Exploration of the Nature of Moral Motivation,”
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 51 66.
Boorse, Christopher and Roy Sorensen. “Ducking Harm,” The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 85, No. 3,
March, 1988. pp.115 134.
Darley, John and Thane S. Pittman. “The Psychology of Compensatory and Retributive Justice,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2003, pp. 324 336.
Evans, Jonathan St. B. T. “In two minds: dual-process accounts of reasoning.” Trends in Cognitive
Science, vol 7, (2003), pp. 454 459
Freud, Sigmund. The Ego and the Id. ed. James Strachey. W. W. Norton & Company; The Standard
Edition edition (September 17, 1990)
Gendler, Tamar Szabó. “Alief and Belief,” Journal of Philosophy (2008), pp. 634 663.
Gendler, Tamar, Susanna Siegel and Steven M. Cahn, eds. The Elements of Philosophy: Readings from
Past and Present. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Hume, David. Treatise on Human Nature, eds. David Norton and Mary J. Norton. Oxford University
Press, 2000.
Kahneman, Daniel. “A Perspective on Judgment and Choice: Mapping Bounded Rationality.” American
Psychologist, 58 (2003), pp. 697 720.
Kant, Immanuel. “The Right to Punish,” an excerpt from The Philosophy of Law (Rechtslehre). trans. W.
Hastie, 1887, pp. 194 198. 2/4
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LeGuin, Ursula. “The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas: Variations on a Theme by William James”
New Directions 3, 1973.
Lewis, David. “The Punishment that Leaves Something to Chance” Philosophy and Public A airs Vol. 18,
No. 1, Winter, 1989, pp. 53 67.
Milgram, Stanley. “Behavioral study of obedience.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol. 67
(1963), pp. 371 378, reprinted in Elliot Aronson, ed. The Social Animal, pp. 26 40.
Nozick, Robert. “Love’s Bond,” from The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations. Simon & Schuster,
Plato, Phaedrus, trans. and ed. R. Hackforth. Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Rawls, John. “Two Concepts of Punishment,” an excerpt from “Two Concepts of Rules,” Philosophical
Review 64: 1955, pp. 3 13.
Stockdale, James “Courage Under Fire: Testing Epictetus in the Laboratory.” Speech delivered at King’s
College, 15 November 1993.
Sunstein, Cass. “Moral Heuristics,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28, 2005, pp. 531 542.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis. “The Trolley Problem” The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 94, No. 6, May 1985.
All students must read the assignment for each class, attend lecture regularly and participate actively
in weekly sections.
Students will be expected to complete ten brief directed exercises roughly one exercise per week;
equivalent to very short problem sets), write two short essays (approximately 1000 words each), and
take a final exam, for which all questions will be distributed in advance.
Attendance and participation: 10%
Brief directed exercises: 35%
Two essays: 20% (stronger essay: 15% + weaker essay: 10%)
Final Exam: 30% 3/4
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Tamar Szabó Gendler is Vincent J. Scully Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Cognitive Science at Yale
University, and Chair of the Department of Philosophy. She received her BA in Humanities and Mathematics
& Philosophy from Yale in 1987 and her PhD in Philosophy from Harvard in 1996. After a decade teaching
first at Syracuse University and then at Cornell, she returned to to Yale as a professor in 2006. Her
professional philosophical work lies at the intersection of philosophy and psychology, and she is the author
of Thought Experiments (2000) and Intuition, Imagination and Philosophical Methodology (2010), and
editor or co-editor of Conceivability and Possibility (2002), Perceptual Experience (2006) and The Elements
of Philosophy (2008). She has been honored with fellowships from the National Endowment for the
Humanities, the National Science Foundation, the American Council for Learned Societies, and the Mellon
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