TF Estimators KDD Paper
TF Estimators KDD Paper
TF Estimators KDD Paper
Flexibility in
High-Level Machine Learning Frameworks
Heng-Tze Cheng† Zakaria Haque† Lichan Hong† Mustafa Ispir† Clemens Mewald†∗
Illia Polosukhin† Georgios Roumpos† D Sculley† Jamie Smith† David Soergel†
Yuan Tang‡ Philipp Tucker† Martin Wicke†∗ Cassandra Xia† Jianwei Xie†
† ‡
Google, Inc. Uptake Technologies, Inc.
Figure 4: Current usage of Estimators at Google. [1] Running your models in production with TensorFlow
Serving. https : / / research . googleblog . com / 2016 / 02 /
running-your-models-in-production-with.html, accessed 2017-02-
transformed into embedding columns before being fed into the 08.
hidden layers. The FeatureColumn API greatly simplifies how [2] Martı́n Abadi, Paul Barham, Jianmin Chen, Zhifeng Chen, Andy
we construct the input layer of our model. Additionally, the Davis, Jeffrey Dean, Matthieu Devin, Sanjay Ghemawat, Geoffrey
Irving, Michael Isard, Manjunath Kudlur, Josh Levenberg, Rajat
train-to-serve support of TensorFlow Estimators considerably Monga, Sherry Moore, Derek Gordon Murray, Benoit Steiner,
reduced the engineering effort to productionize the Watch Paul A. Tucker, Vijay Vasudevan, Pete Warden, Martin Wicke,
Yuan Yu, and Xiaoqiang Zheng. 2016. TensorFlow: A System for
Next model. Furthermore, the Estimator framework made Large-Scale Machine Learning. In OSDI. 265–283.
it easy to implement new Estimators and experiment with [3] Amit Agarwal, Eldar Akchurin, Chris Basoglu, Guoguo Chen,
new model architectures such as multiple-objective learning Scott Cyphers, Jasha Droppo, Adam Eversole, Brian Guenter,
Mark Hillebrand, Ryan Hoens, Xuedong Huang, Zhiheng Huang,
to accommodate specific product needs. Vladimir Ivanov, Alexey Kamenev, Philipp Kranen, Oleksii
The initial version of the model pipeline was developed Kuchaiev, Wolfgang Manousek, Avner May, Bhaskar Mitra,
using low-level TensorFlow primitives prior to the release of Olivier Nano, Gaizka Navarro, Alexey Orlov, Marko Padmilac,
Hari Parthasarathi, Baolin Peng, Alexey Reznichenko, Frank
Estimators. While debugging why the model quality failed to Seide, Michael L. Seltzer, Malcolm Slaney, Andreas Stolcke,
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[4] Rami Al-Rfou, Guillaume Alain, Amjad Almahairi, Christof
ment of missing features such as shared embedding columns. Angermueller, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Nicolas Ballas, Frédéric
Shared embedding columns allow multiple semantically simi- Bastien, Justin Bayer, Anatoly Belikov, Alexander Belopolsky,
lar features to share a common embedding space, with the Yoshua Bengio, Arnaud Bergeron, James Bergstra, Valentin Bis-
son, Josh Bleecher Snyder, Nicolas Bouchard, Nicolas Boulanger-
benefit of transfer learning across features and smaller model Lewandowski, Xavier Bouthillier, Alexandre de Brébisson, Olivier
size. Breuleux, Pierre-Luc Carrier, Kyunghyun Cho, Jan Chorowski,
Paul Christiano, Tim Cooijmans, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Myriam
Côté, Aaron Courville, Yann N. Dauphin, Olivier Delalleau, Julien
5.2 Adoption within Google Demouth, Guillaume Desjardins, Sander Dieleman, Laurent Dinh,
Mélanie Ducoffe, Vincent Dumoulin, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou,
Software engineers at Google have a variety of choices for Dumitru Erhan, Ziye Fan, Orhan Firat, Mathieu Germain, Xavier
how to implement their machine learning models. Before we Glorot, Ian Goodfellow, Matt Graham, Caglar Gulcehre, Philippe
developed the higher-level framework in TensorFlow, engi- Hamel, Iban Harlouchet, Jean-Philippe Heng, Balázs Hidasi, Sina
Honari, Arjun Jain, Sébastien Jean, Kai Jia, Mikhail Korobov,
neers were effectively forced to implement one-off versions of Vivek Kulkarni, Alex Lamb, Pascal Lamblin, Eric Larsen, César
the components in our framework. Laurent, Sean Lee, Simon Lefrancois, Simon Lemieux, Nicholas
An internal survey has shown that, since we introduced Léonard, Zhouhan Lin, Jesse A. Livezey, Cory Lorenz, Jeremiah
Lowin, Qianli Ma, Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, Olivier Mastropietro,
this framework and Estimators less than a year ago, close Robert T. McGibbon, Roland Memisevic, Bart van Merriënboer,
to 1,000 Estimators have been checked into the Google Vincent Michalski, Mehdi Mirza, Alberto Orlandi, Christopher
Pal, Razvan Pascanu, Mohammad Pezeshki, Colin Raffel, Daniel
codebase and more than 120,000 experiments have been Renshaw, Matthew Rocklin, Adriana Romero, Markus Roth,
recorded (an experiment in this context is a complete train- Peter Sadowski, John Salvatier, François Savard, Jan Schlüter,
ing run; not all runs are recorded, so the true number is John Schulman, Gabriel Schwartz, Iulian Vlad Serban, Dmitriy
Serdyuk, Samira Shabanian, Étienne Simon, Sigurd Spieckermann,
significantly higher). Of those, over half (57%) use imple- S. Ramana Subramanyam, Jakub Sygnowski, Jérémie Tanguay,
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