European Standard Norme Europeenne Europaische Norm: Ultrasonic Testing of $teel Bars

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ICS 77.040.20; 77.140.6Q.

English version

Non-destructive testing
Ultrasonic testing of $teel bars
Essais non destructifs - Contrale par Zerst6rungsfreie ~rUfung - Ultra-
ultrasons des barres en acier schaliprUfung von Staben aus Stahl

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-09-30.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions. .
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Europaisches Komitee fUr Normung
«: Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels
I,) @ 2001. CEN - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10308 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.

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EN 10308 : 2001


Foreword '"'''''''''''''''''''''''' Page

1 Scope. m 3
2 Norm ative refere n ces , 3
3 Terms and defin itions " ." 3
4 Ite m s for agree me nts 0""""" 00"'" 00"" '"''''''''0''''''''''''''''' ..oo , 0""""'''''''''''''''''''''''' 4
5 Principie 0" 4
6 Proced ure oo , "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''OO'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 5
7 Personnel qual ifi cation ,. 5
8 UItraso nIc test eq uIpment ", , 0"'" 6
8.1 In stru me nt ., "0"'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 6
8.2 Probe o.0"""""" 0"'" 6
8.3 Cali bratio n blocks """"'''''''''''''''' , : 6
8.4 Refere nee bl oe ks m : 6
8.5 Co uPIant 0""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''' on 6
9 Routine cal ibration and checking ,.. 7
10 Sta ge of manufacture m 7
11 Surface cond ition ".. , ... """""" 7
12 Sen siti vity setti n9 0""""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 7
13 Sca nn in9 , ,..m 7
13.1 Gene ra I 7
13.2 Grid scan ning cove rage 7
13.3 Complete scan nin 9 coverage. ..,... .,.. 7
13.4 Scan n in 9 speed 8
14 Class ificati on ,.. n.. , 8
14.1 Class ificatio n of ind icati on s ..m """""""'''''''''''''''''''"""""", 8
14.2 Classification of discontinu ities... .., "''''''''''''OO'''''' " '"'''''''' 10
15 Recording level and acceptance criteria 11
16 S izin g 13
17 Test report oo , 13
Annex A (informative)List of equivalent terms in several European languages 14
Bibliography.. n 14

'" Foreword
.Q This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISSfTC 2 .Steel - Physico-chemical
non-destructivetesting", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
? This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by May 2002, and conflictingnational standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
<i May2002.
§ Annex A is informative.
E This standard includes a Bibliography.
:2 According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
.j:; countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
.s France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerlandand the United Kingdom.

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9 Page 3
EN 10308: 2001

1 Scope

This European Standard describes the techniques to be used for the manual, pulse-echo, ultrasonic testing of steel
bars of diameter or equivalent thickness less or equal to 400 mm or equivalent section. Mechanised,
semi-automatic or automatic techniques may be used but should be agreed between the purchaser and the

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 473, Non destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel- General principles.

EN 583-2, Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 2: Sensitivity and.range setting.

EN 583-5, Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 5: Characterization and sizing of discontinuities.

r-" EN 1330-4, Non destructive testing - Terminology - Part 4: Terms used in ultrasonic testing.
EN 12223, Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Specification for calibration block n01.

EN 12668-1, Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment - Part
1: Instruments.

EN 12668-2, Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment - Part
2: Probes.

EN 12668-3, Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment - Part
3: Combined equipment.

3 Terms and definitions

Definitions for general terms of non-destructive testing can be found in other European Standards, e.g. EN 1330-1
and EN 1330-2. For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions given in EN 1330-
4 apply, together with the following.

manual testing
testing by an operator applying an ultrasonic probe, or probes, to the product surface, manually executing the
appropriate scanning pattern on the product surface and assessing ultrasonic signal indications on the electronic
equipment screen either by direct viewing or by built-in signal amplitude alarm devices
" 3.2
"" automatic and semi-automatic testing
'" testing using a mechanised means of applying the ultrasonic probe or probes to, and executing the appropriate
"c: scanning pattern on the flat product surface, together with ultrasonic signal indication evaluation by electronic
,,; NOTE Such testing can be either fully automatic with no operator involvement, or semi-automatic when the operator
'" performs basic equipment operation functions.
<: A list of equivalent terms in several European languages in given in annex A.

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EN 10308 : 2001

4 Items for agreements

The following aspects concerning ultrasonic testing shall be agreed between the purchaser and supplier at the time
of the enquiry or order:

a) the manufacturing stage(s) at which ultrasonic testing shall be performed (see clause 10);

b) the volume(s) to be tested and whether grid scanning coverage or complete scanning coverage is required
(see clause 13);

c) the Quality Class required, or the Quality Classes and the zones to which they apply (see clause 15);

d) the applicable evaluation level and acceptance criteria if different from those detailed in Tables 2 and 3;

e) whether any special scanning coverage, equipment or couplant is required in addition to that detailed in
clauses 8 and 13;

f) the scanning technique to be used if not manual;

g) the sizing techniques to be used for extended discontinuities (see clause 16);

h) the technique(s) to be used for setting sensitivity (see clause 12);

,-- i) whether the test is to be conducted in the presence of the purchaser or his representative; .,

j) whether a written procedure shall be submitted for approval by the purchaser (see clause 6).

5 Principle

The method used is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves (generally longitudinal), the direction of which is
approximately perpendicular to the surface of the product. The examination consists of:

a) locating and evaluation of discontinuity by comparing the amplitude of the discontinuity echo with the
amplitude of the echo of a flat-bottomed hole of a given diameter and located at the same depth as the

NOTE Only those discontinuities giving an echo in amplitude equal to or greater than that obtained with the reference flat-
bottomed hole are taken into consideration.

b) determining the area of the discontinuity according to the - 6 dB beam width technique.

If areas with particular permeability are located, the testing conditions shall be adjusted in order to test these areas
with the required sensitivity level.

The examination is carried out during the first ultrasonic scan (first back wall echo) for all the product thicknesses or
diameter and from one side only.



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EN 10308 : 2001

6 Procedure

The inspection is normally carried out in the place of production or on the premises of the supplier. If specified on
the order, the inspection may take place in the presence of the purchaser or his representative 1).

Ultrasonic testing shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure. Where specified in the enquiry or
order, the written procedure shall be submitted to the purchaser for approval prior to testing.

This written procedure shall be in the form of:

a) a product specification or;

b) a procedure written specifically for the application or;

c) this European Standard may be used if it is accompanied by examination details specific to the application.

The procedure shall contain the following details as a minimum requirement

a) description of the item to be examined;

b) reference documents;

c) qualification and certification of examination personnel;
d) stage of manufacture at which the examination is carried out;

e) examination zones specified in terms of the applicable Quality Classes;

f) any special preparation of scanning surfaces, if applicable;

g) couplant;

h) description of examination equipment;

i) calibration;

j) scanning plan;

k) description and sequence of examination operations;

I) recording level;

m) characterisation of discontinuities;

n) acceptance criteria;

0) examination report.

7 Personnel qualification
'" It is assumed that ultrasonic testing is performed by qualified and capable personnel. In order to prove this
<: qualification, it is recommended to certify the personnel in accordance with EN 473 or equivalent.

- " In this case, all steps should be taken to ensure that the production process is not disturbed.

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EN 10308 : 2001

8 Ultrasonic test equipment

8.1 Instrument

Instrument for manual testing shall feature A-scan presentation and shall comply with the requirements of
EN 12668-1.

8.2 Probe

8.2.1 General

Single transducer probes and double transducer probes shall conform to the requirements of EN 12668-2.

Additionally, other types of probes may be used. Such supplementary probes need not to comply with EN 12668-2
requirements. .

8.2.2 Contouring

Probes shall be contoured when required according to EN 583-2.

8.2.3 Nominal frequency


Probes shall have a nominal frequency in the range from.. 1 MHz to 6 MHz.

8.2.4 Type of probes

The greatest transducer dimension shall be in the range from 9 mm to 25 mm, unless otherwise agreed. Double
transducer probes can be used for bars with sizes up to 150 mm diameters or thickness.

Single transducer probes shall be used for bars with diameter or thickness greater than 60 mm.

8.3 Calibration blocks

Calibration blocks shall conform to the requirements detailed in EN 12223.

8.4 Reference blocks

References blocks shall be made from a material having similar acoustic properties to the product to be examined.
The surface condition of the reference block shall be representative of the surface condition of the bars to be
examined. Unless otherwise specified the reference block shall contain at least three reflectors covering the entire
depth range under examination.

The form of the reference block will depend upon the application.

The bottom of the holes shall be as flat as practicable, parallel to the ultrasound entry surface and free from pits or
score marks that significantly degrade its ultrasonic reflectivity. The tolerance on the diameter of the flat-bottomed
'> hole or width of recess shall be :!: 5 %.
~'" 8.5 Couplant
~ The couplant used shall be appropriate to the application. The same type of couplant shall be used for calibration,
.':> setting sensitivity, scanning and evaluation of discontinuities.

"'. After examination, couplant shall be removed if its presence could adversely affect later manufacturing or
<> . inspection operations or the integrity of the component

~ NOTE Water is normally used but other coupling media may be used at the discretion of the supplier.
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EN 10308 : 2001

9 Routine calibration and checking

The combined equipment (instrument and probes) shall be calibrated and checked in accordance with the
requirements detailed in EN 12668-3.

10 Stage of manufacture

Ultrasonic testing shall be performed after the final quality heat treatment unless otherwise agreed at the time of
enquiry and order.

11 Surface condition

Scanning surfaces shall be free from paint, non-adhering scale, dry couplant, surface irregularities or any other
substance which could reduce coupling efficiency, hinder the free movement of the probe or cause errors in
interpretation. The surface condition shall be considered acceptable providing the specified quality class can be

12 Sensitivity setting

Sensitivity shall be sufficient to ensure the detection of the smallest discontinuities required by the
recording/evaluation levels (see Tables 2 and 3).

One of the following techniques shall be used to establish sensitivity for scanning with a particular probe. The
procedure to be used in each case shall be as detailed in EN 583-5.

a) Distance Amplitude Curve (DAC) technique, based upon the use of flat-bottomed holes (FBH);

b) distance gain size (DGS) technique.

13 Scanning

13.1 General

Manual scanning shall be performed using the manual contact pulse-echo technique.

The minimum scanning coverage required is dictated by the type of bars and whether grid scanning coverage or
complete scanning coverage has been specified in the enquiry or order.

Table 1 classifies two types of bars according to their shapes and specifies the requirements for normal scanning
coverage for bars.

13.2 Grid scanning coverage

" Grid scanning shall be performed with the probe or probes traversed along the grid lines defined in Table 1.
<: Where recordable indications are revealed by grid scanning, additional scanning shall be performed to determine
J!. the extent of the indications.
<; 13.3 Complete scanning coverage
Complete scanning coverage shall be performed over the surfaces specified in Table 1, by overlapping consecutive
2;. probe traverses by at least 10 % of the transducer diameter.


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EN 10308 : 2001

13.4 Scanning speed

Manual scanning speed shall not exceed 150 mm/s.

Table 1 - Scanning coverage with normal probes

Type Grid scanning a b Complete scanning ab

1a Diameter, D or Scan lines C

thickness, t
D ~ 200 2 at 900 Scan completely around at
least 1800 of cylind rical
200 < D ~ 400 3 at 600 or 1200 surface

1b t ~ 150 1 line on 2 faces Scan completely on two

perpendicular surfaces
150 < t ~ 400 3 lines on 2 faces d

1c t ~ 150 1 line on 2 faces Scan completely on at

. I least half adjacent faces
1 Ime on at Ieast hal f

150 < t ~ 400
number of faces

Additional scanning may be carried out if specified in the enquiry or order.

b A scanning may be carried out following a sinusoidal pattern or zigzag line over the complete length of the area giving
the same degree of control.

C For type 1a or 1b, if the presence of a bore prevents the opposite surface being reached, the number of scan line
shall be doubled symmetrically.
The grid line separation shall be equal to the part thickness up to a maximum of 200 mm.

14 Classification

14.1 Classification of indications
'"" Indications shall be classified according to their echodynamic patterns, as follow:
:x: a) Pattern 1

As the probe is moved, the A-scan display shows a single sharp indication rising smoothly in amplitude to a
"'" maximum and then falling smoothly to zero (see Figure 1).
§ This pattern corresponds to discontinuity dimensions smaller than or equal to the - 6 dB beam profile, such as the
. echodynamic pattern obtained from the side-drilled holes used to plot the beam profile.

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EN 10308 : 2001

1 1

2 3

1 Amplitude
2 Range
3 Probeposition
A-scan presentation (at typical probe position) Echodynamic pattern (variation in signal amplitude
as probe is moved)

Figure 1 - Pattern 1 A-scan presentation and echo envelope presentation

b) Pattern 2

As the probe is moved, the A-scan display shows a single sharp indication rising smoothly in amplitude to a
maximum which is maintained with or without amplitude variation, and then falling smoothly to zero (see Figure 2),

This pattern corresponds to discontinuity dimensions greater than the - 6 dB profile.



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EN 10308: 2001

2 3

1 Amplitude
2 Range
3 Probe position
A-scan presentation (at typical probe position) Echodynamic pattern (variation in signal amplitude
as probe is moved)

Figure 2 - Pattern 2 A-scan presentation and echodynamic pattern

14.2 Classification of discontinuities

Discontinuities shall be classified according to their echodynamic patterns as follows:

a) point discontinuity;

Echodynamic pattern 1 and/or dimension equal to or less than the - 6 dB beam width (see Figure 3 a).

b) extended discontinuity;

Echodynamic pattern 2 and/or dimension greater than the - 6 dB width (see Figure 3 b).

c) isolated discontinuities;

The distance d, between points corresponding to the maxima of the indications of adjacent discontinuities
exceeds 40 mm (see Figure 3 c).

d) grouped discontinuities.
0 The distance d, between points corresponding to the maxima of the indications of adjacent discontinuities is
~t: less than or equal to 40 mm (see Figure 3 d).


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EN 10308: 2001


1 1

a) Point discontinuity (L S Dp) b) Extended discontinuity (L > Dp)

c) Isolated points discontinuities (L < Dp. d> 40 mm) d) Grouped point discontinuities (L < Dp. d S 40 mm)

Conventional outline of - 6 dB discontinuity

Symbols used

Dp Width of beam at depth of discontinuity

d Distance between two discontinuities
Conventional length of - 6 dB discontinuity
Figure 3 - Classification of discontinuities

, 5 Recording level and acceptance criteria
::: Several Quality Classes may be applied to bars. The applicable Quality Class(es) shall be agreed between the
0 purchaser and supplier. Tables 2 and 3 details recording level and acceptance criteria, which shall be applied to
'- three Quality classes for normal probes.

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EN 10308: 2001

Table 2 - Quality classes, recording level and acceptance criteria for ferritic and martensitic steel bars
Parameter Quality Class
1 2 3 4

Recording level
>6 >5 >3 >2
Equivalent flat bottomed holes (EFBH) deq mm a

Ratio R for rapid backwall echo reduction b c $0,1 $0,3 . 0,5 $0,5

Acceptance criteria
$12 $8 $5 $3
EFBH (Isolated point type discontinuities) deq mm a
$8 $5 $3 $2
EFBH (Extended or grouped point type discontinuities) deq mm a
deq =Equivalent diameter of flat bottomed hole.

b F


n = 1 for 1 60 mm;

n = 2 for 1< 60 mm;

Fn = amplitude (screen height) of the nth reduced backwall echo;

Fo. n =amplitude (screen height) of the nth backwall echo in the nearest discontinuity-freearea at the same range as Fn'
If the reduction in backwall echo exceeds the recording level, this shall be further investigated. Ratio R applies only to rapid
reduction of backwall echo caused by the presence of a discontinuity.

Table 3 - Quality class, recording level and acceptance criteria for austenitic and austenoferritic steel bars
Bars thickness a Acceptance criteria for isolated Acceptance criteria for
Recording level deq
discontinuities deq a extended and grouped
discontinuities deq a
mm mm mm mm
Quality class 1
1$ 75 >5 $8 $5
75 < I <;250 >8 $ 11 $8
250 < 1$ 400 > 14 $19 $14

Quality class 2
1$ 75 >3 $5 $3
75 < I $ 250 >5 <;8 $5

-'" 250<1$400 >8 $ 11 $8

Quality class 3
~ 1<;75 >2 $3 <;2
:c 75 < 1 <;250 >3 $5 $3
::> 250 < 1$ 400 >5 $8 $5
.; a
::: "eq= Equivalentdiameterof flat-bottomedhole.


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EN 10308 : 2001

16 Sizing

Where the extent of a discontinuity is required to be evaluated, one or more of the following techniques, as agreed
between the purchaser and the supplier, shall be used. These techniques shall be carried out in accordance with
the requirements detailed in EN 583-5:

a) - 6 dB-drop technique;

b) 20 dB-drop-technique;

c) maximum amplitude technique.

17 Test report

The test report shall include the following information as a minimum requirement:

a) name of supplier;

b) order number;

c) identification of product(s) under examination;

d) scope of examination: examination zones and applicable Quality Classes;

e) stage of manufacture at which ultrasonic testing was performed;

f) surface condition;

g) equipment used (instrument, probes, calibration and reference blocks);

h) technique(s) used to set sensitivity;

i) reference to this standard or reference to the written procedure used (where applicable);

j) results of examination: location, classification of all discontinuities exceeding the appropriate recording level;

k) details of any restrictions to the scanning coverage;

I) date of examination;

m) name, qualification and signature of operator.



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