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2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

Design and analysis of the glass fiber composite truss beam


Lina Chen1,2 and Zhi Li3,4

School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei, China
Hubei ChuAn Construction Co. Ltd, Hubei, China
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation No. 701 Institute, Hubei, China

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. To exert the corrosion-resistant characteristics of the composite materials, which

have overcome the characteristics of low modulus of the truss structure design.We designed a
new kind of beam-slab structure and it can be applied to the desulfurization and denitration
tower.The kingpost is undertook by four successive FRP profiles and nodes connected by
hough; both ends are connected by a rod with the thread structure.This research analyzed the
structure of the finite element, and the result comes out that the stress, the strain and distortion
of the whole kingpost, are meet regulatory requirements as well.

1. Introduction
With the development of economy and science and technology, people are becoming more concerned
about environmental issues. National legislation and other means have used to control the enterprise
production damage to the environment by our country, it requires industrial waste gas, produced by
enterprises, such as steel, cement and chemical, must achieve purification standard through processing
before released into the atmosphere[1-2]. The treatment of desulfurization and denitration method, is
always being used to treat the exhaust gas, and completed in the desulfurization, denitrification
tower[3-4]. The desulfurization equipment and packing accordingly are placed in the desulfurization
tower, and to support these loads relies mainly on the reinforced concrete beam and slab structure or
composite beam slab structure with their characteristics respectively, the concrete structure has good
performance in temperature resistant but limited tower life for susceptibility to corrosion, and the
composite material which corrosion resistance is well with low modulus of rigidity and large
deformation[5-6]. This paper aims to make use of composite materials in a girder grillage structure,
overcome composite defects and improve the structure of the overall life.

2. Overall FEM calculations of the trussed beam

Due to the truss beam node is not the real form of articulate, those member bars, which belong to the
girder construction, cannot simply regard as a two-force member in the girder grillage structure. So we
chose the BEAM188 element for considering because it can integrallty reflect the flexural torque and
shearing action in the member bar and more close to the actual structure. The girder which is similar to

Address for correspondence: China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation No. 701 Institute, Hubei, China.
Email: [email protected]

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

the girdeer grillage strructure, com

mbined with m member bar of fiber glass reinforced plastics, its length of
span is 115 m and the arrangemen nt shows in fiigure 1.

Figurre 1. FEM caalculation off trussed beam

As it shows in thhe picture, thhe length of eeach arm is 15 m, and th he length of the short bars, which
connecteed between two-element
t girder grillaage is 0.5 m. Beam with both ends buuilt-in the wall
w of the
tower, wwith the formm of freely suupported beaam to consollidate entiretty. The total load that accts on the
girder is 166335 kN,, and the upp per limit loadd of the girdeer is 11089 N/m
N can obtaiin.
The m member bar is designed with a ring--type area off section. It can c ensure th the member bar has a
greater fflexural rigiddity and maakes the struucture safer while the arrea of sectioon is confirm med. The
member bar of the trrussed beam is made of ppultruded maaterial; there are four longg bars that arre located
up and ddown are connnecting link k whose lenggth are 15 m. m The obliqu ue stand barr and the cro
osswise is
connectiing link connnected to the t main poole in the form of thrreaded connnection. The type of
construcction of the connected
c noode as shownn in figure 2. 2 The node contains twoo pieces of the t upper
and lowwers which wrapped
w into one by uniidirectional fiber
f when adjusted.
a To pour some clay-like
substancce into the model,
m whichh is made oof chopped fibers
f mixed
d with resin,, after it freeezing the
thread caan be obtaineed, and so ass the thread oon the memb ber bar. Typee of thread onn the ends off member
bar is shhown in figurre 3. The threead in the foorm of trapezzoidal thread, the pitch iss 3 mm. To determine
the parameter of eacch size of th he thread, acccording to the t standard of “GB 579961-2005 traapezoidal
thread Part 1 dentofoorm”, the lenngth of the paart of the threead is 15 cm.

Figure 2. Connecting format. Figuure 3. Type of

o thread on end of member bar.
Accoording to the calculation,, it can be foound that thee maximum of pulling fo force of each
h member
bar in thhe girder did not have mu
uch change w with changinng area of seection while the load is certained.
The valuue stabilizedd at around 120
1 kN. To facilitate thee optimal deesign, we asssumed the maximum
value off pulling force, which thhe member bbar can bearr, is approximate 120 kN N. The axiall force is

2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

mainly kkind of streess that actss on the meember bar of o the girderr grillage sttructure. Though the
connecteed type of thhe member bar designed in this paperr is not a gird der grillage sstrictly, the force
f and
momentaal conduct thhat between those membber bars are similar
s to thee girder grillaage. So the stress
s that
producedd by flexuraal torque is much
m lower,, compared with an axiaal force thatt is considereed as the
main facctors during the designatiion of the arrea of the secction of mem mber bar. Forr pultruded fiberglass
material,, assume the allowable sttress of 45 MMPa, then determine the area a of the seection of meember bar
is about 2667 mm2. Considering g the entity ddeflection off the girder iss the minimiize, while th he area of
the section is confirmmed, and the inner diameeter and the external
e diammeter of the m member bar is 80 mm
and 100 mm, then we w can calcu ulate the booom displacem ment with th he influence of working load and
dead loaad. The displaacement show ws in figure 4.
As it shows in thhe picture thaat the maxim mum displacement is 4.3 3 cm, scratchh span ratio, which is
satisfiedd with the stanndard. Then the designedd sectional dimension is deemed
d to bee reasonable.

Figurre 4. Verticall displacemeent nephogram

m of
Figure 5.
5 Axial forcee diagram.
truss bbeam.

3. The ddesign of thee node conn nection in thee beam

As it shoows in the figures
f 4 andd 5, the defoormation and d the axial force
f of the girder comees out the
symmetrric distributioon along the middle of thhe beam, and d the maximu um of the axxial force and
d flexural
torque oof the girderr bear can be obtained w while the no ode locates in
i the middlle of the girrder bear.
Considerr to calculatee the stress an
nd strain disttribution of the
t node with h two forms that the midddle.

Figure 6. Form of nodde and the giirder elementt coupling.

The aapproach of connecting node
n has desscribed as prreviously, using the SOL LID185 elem ment to do
the calcuulation. The connecting link is TAR RGE170 and d CONTA174 between th the connect node
n and
member bar, and so as a the connection of threead. The conttact element produced booth on the ou uter of the
member bar and inneer of the gusset plate. Dooes not consiider about pretightenin foorce while co onnecting
in the foorm of a thread, and then chosen partt of the node to calculate, and conneccted with ano other part
by the mmethod of a degree
d of freeedom couplinng. The nodaal point of en
ntity elementt, which locaates in the

2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

connecteed position, was

w chosen to t couple witth the node ofo girder elem ment. Then tthe cross secction, that
entity ellement girdeer element connected,
c iss formed wiith the district of stiffneess. It will affect
a the
calculatiion results off member baar within a ccertain scope, but, it will not cause immportant effefect to the
entity noode, while thhe imitative range
r this neearby the district of thosee two elemennts connectin ng. In the
figure 6,, here shows the connecteed form of enntity elementt and girder element.

3.1. Anaalysis of stresss along lenggth directionn of member bar

Figure 7 shows nephhogram of the t stress thaat along the length direcction of the beam bar. FromF this
picture, it can be found
fo that th
here are connsiderable sttress focusess in the locaation wheree the two
elementss connected on the mem mber bar andd the scope is about 20mm, whereaas the stress of other
positionss is normal. During the process
p of annalysis the stress of mem
mber bar, whiile not chosen the end
part elem
ment, then thhe stress nephhogram can bbe obtained, as shown in figures 8, 9 and 10.
m the picturees above, we w can find that the maaximum of stress s in thee direction of
o radial,
circumfeerential and axial of meember bar is 3.8 MPa, 3.19 3 MPa, an
nd 50.3 MPPa, respectiveely, from
which wwe can assuree that the streess condition is satisfied with
w the strenngth of the ddesigned matterial.

3.2. Anaalysis of stresss of memberr bar along tthe vertical direction

d of member
m bar

Figurre 7. Stress nephogram

n n the radial ddirection Figure 8. Stress nephoogram in th
in he radial
of meember bar. diirection of member
m bar.

Figurre 9. Stress nephogram

n in
n the circumfferential Figure 10. Stress nephhogram in the
t axial
directtion of membber bar. diirection of th
he member bbar.
Figurres 11-13 shoow part of sttress nephogrram of the th hread of the crosswise
c coonnected mem mber bar.
And at thhe end of thrread, it can finds
fi or squeeze thhat generates end with
out thatt there is a large stress, fo
the casinng wall whicch caused by y the affect of flexural torque
t entity
y, and also ccomes out th hat in the
position that nearby the upper, th he direct streess decreased or even neegative stresss. However, the large
stress thaat appears inn the smoothh segment off member barr, may due to o the big vallue of the elaastic ratio

2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

in the district where member bar and loop baar connected. Under the condition
c of tthe same defformation,
large strrain turned out
o at the roo ot departmennt of the mem mber bar with short threead and will due to it
broken ddown. It can find out thatt the maximuum stress in three
t directio
ons happenedd at the end of o thread.
So we m must be avoidded in the prrocess of de signation. We
W also can getg that the m maximum off stress is
4.46 MP Pa. In spite of
o the stress at
a the end poosition may oversize,
o the force in thee crosswise connected
member bar is tiny and
a the stresss is low correespondingly,, which is sattisfied with tthe design sttrength of
the mateerial. The thrread of membber bar with oblique poliing, requires capsulation and it does notn list in
this papeer, and must be paid remaarkable attenntion during designation.

Figuure 11. Strress nephog gram in thhe radial Figure

F 12. Stress neephogram in n the
direcction of crosswise member bar. circumferent
c tial directioon of crossswise
m bar.

Figurre 13. Stress nephograam in the axial Figuure 14. Strress nephogr
gram in the radial
directtion of crossw
wise member bar. direcction of T-no

Figurre 15. Streess nephog gram in thhe Figure 16.

1 Stress nephogram in the axial dirrection
mferential diirection of T--node. of T-nod

2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012030

3.3. Analysis of the stress on barrel with thread

According to the designation standards of straight thread connecting, the carrying power in barrel is
1.2 fold of that in the member bar, the thickness of the barrel is 15 mm. As a result, the size of the
inner diameter is 100 mm while the external diameter is 130 mm.
The thread barrel plays a decisive role to the effective of member bar connecting, the figures 14-16
shows the barrel of T-node, which is used to connect some different parts of the member bar, and it is
an important guarantee for the mechanical properties of the overall structure. As we can see from the
figure 14-16, that the stress of barrel mainly concentrated at the connection point, and the maximum
stress in radial direction is 2.29 MPa, occurred inside of the barrel and root of the thread, as we have
analyzed before; while the maximum stress in circumferential direction, which is compression stress,
brought out inside the thread, is 3.1 MPa; the maximum of stress in axial direction is 1.39 MPa, which
happened on the position that the T-node connected. During the process of constructing the darrel,
some treatments of consolidation should put on the connected position, to avoid the situation that the
materials would be broken down and lose working ability. Then, we know that the stress on the node
is small, that is suit with the design strength.

4. Conclusions
During the process of trussed beam designation, various complicated factors, combined with the
calculation and analysis in the former part of the article. While in the case of the stress conditions have
been fit, we should consider about the usefulness of economic as well. The difficulties of designation
are the treatment of the member bar connecting, while good design could improve the force and
decrease the requirements of stress strength, as a result, it can improve the life of the structure in the
case of the same sectional dimension.

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