Ligot Vs Mathay
Ligot Vs Mathay
Ligot Vs Mathay
LIGOT, petitioner,
ISMAEL MATHAY, Auditor General and JOSE V. VELASCO, Auditor, Congress of the Philippines, respondents.
G.R. No. L-34676 April 30, 1974
Benjamin Ligot served as a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the Philippines for three
consecutive four-year terms covering a twelve-year span from December 30, 1957 to December 30, 1969. During his
second term in office (1961-1965), Republic Act No. 4134 “fixing the salaries of constitutional officials and certain other
officials of the national government ” was enacted into law and took effect on July 1, 1964. The salaries of members of
Congress (senators and congressmen) were increased under said Act from P7,200.00 to P32,000.00 per annum, but the Act
expressly provided that said increases “shall take effect in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution .”
Ligot’s term expired on December 30, 1969, so he filed a claim for retirement under Commonwealth Act No. 186,
section 12 (c) as amended by Republic Act No. 4968 which provided for retirement gratuity of any official or
employee, appointive or elective, with a total of at least twenty years of service, the last three years of which
are continuous on the basis therein provided “in case of employees based on the highest rate received and in case
of elected officials on the rates of pay as provided by law .” The House of Representatives granted his petition
however, Jose Velasco, the then Congress Auditor refused to so issue certification. The Auditor General then, Ismael
Mathay, also disallowed the same.
his claim for retirement gratuity computed on the Jose Velasco, the then Congress Auditor refused to so issue
basis of the increased salary of P32,000.00 per certification. The Auditor General then, Ismael Mathay, also disallowed
annum for members of Congress (which was not the same.
applied to him during his incumbency
which ended December 30, 1969, while the Court
held in Philconsa vs. Mathay that such increases
would become operative only for members of
Congress elected to serve
therein commencing December 30, 1969) should
not have been disallowed, because at the time of
his retirement, the increased salary for members
of Congress “as provided by law” (under Republic
Act 4134) was already P32,000.00 per annum.
Whether or not No. To allow Ligot a Ligot’s claim cannot be sustained as far as he and other members of
Ligot is entitled to retirement gratuity Congress similarly situated whose term of office ended on December
such retirement computed on the basis of 30, 1969 are concerned for the simple reason that a retirement gratuity
benefit. P32,000.00 per annum or benefit is a form of compensation within the purview of the
would be a subtle way of Constitutional provision limiting their compensation and “other
increasing his emoluments” to their salary as provided by law. To grant retirement
compensation during his gratuity to members of Congress whose terms expired on December
term of office and of 30, 1969 computed on the basis of an increased salary of P32,000.00
achieving indirectly what per annum (which they were prohibited by the Constitution from
he could not obtain receiving during their term of office) would be to pay them prohibited
directly. emoluments which in effect increase the salary beyond that which they
were permitted by the Constitution to receive during their incumbency.
As stressed by the Auditor-General in his decision in the similar case of
Ligot’s colleague, ex-Congressman Melanio Singson, “Such a scheme
would contravene the Constitution for it would lead to the same
prohibited result by enabling administrative authorities to do indirectly
what cannot be done directly.”
Section 10. The salaries of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives shall be
determined by law. No increase in said compensation shall take effect until after the
expiration of the full term of all the Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives
approving such increase.