Self-Organizing Interference Management For LTE

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◆ Self-Organizing Interference Management

for LTE
Francis Dominique, Christian G. Gerlach, Nandu Gopalakrishnan,
Anil Rao, James P. Seymour, Robert Soni, Aleksandr Stolyar,
Harish Viswanathan, Carl Weaver, and Andreas Weber

In orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems such as

Long Term Evolution (LTE), it is extremely important to reduce interference
between neighboring cells, especially for cell edge users, since the only
interference in LTE is inter-cell interference due to the orthogonality of the
sub-carriers used in the transmissions. This paper describes a few self-
organizing and self-optimizing techniques to manage and reduce this inter-
cell interference. These self-optimizing network (SON)-based techniques are
inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) and uplink (UL) interference over
thermal (IoT) control. Simulation results are presented showing the
improvements that can be obtained with the use of such techniques in
interference limited operating scenarios. © 2010 Alcatel-Lucent.

Fourth generation (4G) cellular systems are cur- by modulating each of these sub-carriers. Further,
rently being developed and deployed. Long Term time is divided into slots consisting of a number of
Evolution (LTE) is one such 4G system and is an evo- OFDM symbols, and users are scheduled to transmit
lution of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project on an assigned set of sub-carriers in specific time slots.
(3GPP) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Scheduling can be either persistent, semi-persistent,
(UMTS) standard [2, 7]. These systems target signifi- or non-persistent.
cantly higher sector capacities and higher per user LTE is generally specified as a universal fre-
data rates compared to third generation systems. LTE quency reuse (or reuse 1) system to attain high
uses orthogonal frequency division multiple access performance through efficient use of frequency
(OFDMA) in the downlink (DL) and single carrier fre- resources. While there is no intra-cell interference
quency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) in the in LTE since users within a given cell are orthogonal
uplink (UL) as the physical layer radio access tech- due to the orthogonality of the sub-carriers, and the
nology. OFDMA has been selected as it provides high enhanced node B (eNB) scheduler ensures that a
spectral efficiency and robust performance in mobili- physical resource is allocated to only one user at any
ty and fading scenarios. Additionally, SC-FDMA pro- given time, there is interference because of trans-
vides a low peak-to-average power ratio. In LTE, the missions on the same physical resources in a neigh-
total system bandwidth is divided into a number of boring cell. This inter-cell interference has a major
orthogonal sub-carriers. Information is transmitted impact, especially on users at the edge of the cell, as

Bell Labs Technical Journal 15(3), 19–42 (2010) © 2010 Alcatel-Lucent. • DOI: 10.1002/bltj.20455
Panel 1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project OI—Overload indicator
4G—Fourth generation PDRPC—Partial direct reuse with power control
AWGN—Additive white Gaussian noise PRB—Physical resource block
BTS—Base transceiver station PSD—Power spectral density
CQI—Channel quality indicator QoS—Quality of service
DL—Downlink RACH—Random access channel
DPL—Delta path loss RB—Resource block
eNB—Enhanced node B RF—Radio frequency
FPC—Fractional path loss compensation RNC—Radio network controller
FSS—Frequency selective scheduling RNTP—Relative narrowband transmit power
HARQ—Hybrid automatic repeat request SA—Sector autonomous
HII—High interference indicator SC-FDMA—Single carrier frequency division
IBZ—Interference bearing zone multiple access
ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination SINR—Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
IoT—Interference over thermal SON—Self-optimizing network
IR—Inverted reuse SRS—Sounding reference signal
IRC—Interference rejection combining UE—User equipment
ISD—Inter site distance UL—Uplink
LTE—Long Term Evolution UMTS—Universal Mobile Telecommunications
MGR—Multi-cell gradient System
MGR-UL—MGR for uplink Univr—Universal reuse
OFDMA—Orthogonal frequency division VoIP—Voice over Internet Protocol
multiple access

their signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) frequency resource scheduled transmissions

is impacted by this interference and in fact may be enables flexibility of implementation.
the limiting performance factor for cell edge users. The various interference management techniques
3GPP has defined a number of techniques to used in LTE can be classified as follows:
reduce and manage interference. It is possible 1. Interference randomization
to implement these interference management tech- • Frequency selective scheduling (FSS)
niques because of the nature of the LTE standard, • Frequency hopping
which enables the following: • Cell planning of sequences for sync channels,
1. Time and frequency scheduling. The high granularity random access channels (RACHs), and pilot
specified in both the frequency and time domains channels
enables dynamic scheduling for users in these two 2. Interference control
dimensions. • Power control
2. Dynamic power allocation. Different sub-carriers can • Interference over thermal (IoT) control
have different power levels. 3. Interference cancellation and reduction
3. Frequency hopping. • Coding and signal processing at the transmit-
4. Restricting interference to specific subbands. Since sub- ter or receiver (e.g., interference rejection
carriers are orthogonal, interference in a subband combining [IRC] receivers, beamforming) to
comes only from the same subband in neighbor- suppress interference
ing cells. 4. Interference coordination
5. Easy implementation of different soft fractional fre- • Coordinated intelligent physical resource allo-
quency reuse factors. OFDMA’s use of time-slotted cation to reduce interference

20 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

In frequency selective scheduling, each cell sched- in certain portions of the total bandwidth, which can
ules users based upon the quality of the propagation then be exploited by the scheduler to improve sector
channel of the user equipment (UE) in various fre- throughput and cell edge bit rate.
quency subbands, which inherently provides ran- Interference management provides the following
domization of interference. In LTE in the DL, benefits:
narrowband channel quality indicator (CQI) reports 1. Improved SINR for cell edge UEs to achieve better
from the UE are used to determine the best frequency edge rates and cell throughputs.
allocation for the UEs. On the UL, the sounding ref- 2. Improved call setup access performance.
erence signal (SRS) is used for the same purpose. 3. Improved handoff performance for cell edge UEs
Frequency hopping on either the slot boundary, sub- (lower handoff delays and lower handover fail-
frame boundary, or across hybrid automatic repeat ure rate).
request (HARQ) retransmissions provides frequency 4. Increased UE talk time.
diversity and interference randomization. In this paper, we focus on two approaches to
UL interference control can be achieved through manage interference, inter-cell interference coordi-
a combination of power control and IoT control. For nation and uplink IoT control, and how they can be
the LTE UL, both closed loop and open loop power combined with self-organizing and self-optimizing
control are defined by 3GPP. The standardized power network (SON) principles to result in automated and
control performs a fractional path loss compensation robust techniques to manage inter-cell interference
(FPC), which allows a trade-off between near cell user in LTE networks.
throughput and cell edge user throughput. IoT control SON networks [3, 6] are being viewed by opera-
for the UL adjusts the UL SINR target based on inter- tors as a promising area to reduce operational expen-
ference reports from neighboring cells. These reports diture. SON aims to configure and optimize the
are the overload indicators (OIs) and the high inter- network automatically, so that the need for manual
ference indicators (HIIs), which are indicators that the intervention is reduced and the capacity of the net-
eNBs exchange with each other via the standards- work can be increased by having it adapt to operating
defined X2 interface. conditions automatically as required for optimum per-
Interference cancellation and reduction rely on formance.
coding and signal processing at the transmitter or The capabilities provided by a SON fit very nicely
receiver to suppress interference. Examples include with the operational requirements for ICIC and IoT
the use of interference rejection combining receivers control. ICIC requires that neighboring cells exchange
at the eNBs as well as beamforming techniques. An information about the specific portion of the total
IRC receiver calculates and applies a set of antenna bandwidth they are using. SON provides the ability
weights to maximize the SINR of the signal post- for self-configuration and self-optimization of which
combining, taking into account the direction of arrival portion of the total bandwidth a particular cell will
of the desired and interfering signals. use. In addition, ICIC techniques that adapt dynami-
Inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) relies cally can utilize SON principles to implement the opti-
on intelligent resource allocation to eliminate inter- mization. In a similar fashion, UL IoT control also
ference [3, 5]. LTE provides the ability to schedule requires cells to coordinate among themselves to
users over variable portions of the available band- maintain a desired optimal IoT level. This can be
width, in units of a physical resource block (PRB). implemented using SON principles.
This enables shaping the interference in frequency in
either a static or a dynamic fashion. Neighboring cells System Model
coordinate which portions of the bandwidth they use In this paper, we consider a multi-cell LTE system
in their own cell. Shaping the inter-cell interference with the sub-carriers grouped into resource blocks
spectrum allows for an improved SINR to be realized (RBs) in each cell. There is no inter-carrier interference

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 21

among the different RBs in the same cell. However, traffic type, and propagation speed, among other
simultaneous communications in the same RB in dif- parameters, all play an important role in determin-
ferent cells create inter-cell interference. The spec- ing the ICIC gains.
trum efficiency for a particular user is given by Simulations have been used to characterize the
performance of various algorithms. While the simu-
C  W log2 a1  b
(1) lators and simulation conditions are different for the
N0  I
various techniques, a view of relative performance
Where W is the allocated bandwidth for the user, P is can be obtained by comparing performance against
the power spectral density of the user’s transmission, the baseline, which is universal reuse.
G is the propagation channel gain between the user
and his serving cell, N0 is the noise power spectral Core ICIC Algorithms
density, and I denotes the interference from other The core ICIC algorithms are those that determine
cells. For cell center users, the interference plus noise how available resources (time, frequency, and power)
term in the denominator in equation 1 is dominated are managed to realize interference coordination
by the noise component. For cell edge users, inter- between the cells. Various algorithms have been devel-
cell interference is the dominant component of the oped with differing complexities and performance. We
denominator. The objective of the optimization in an will begin by examining downlink ICIC algorithms and
interference management scheme is to maximize a follow with a study of uplink ICIC algorithms.
user’s throughput without creating large inter-cell
interference. Downlink ICIC
Interference on the DL in an OFDM system is pre-
SON Based Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
dictable and avoidable. In the downlink, the common
theme of inter-cell interference coordination is to
ICIC schemes [3, 5] basically involve the intelli-
apply restrictions to the downlink resource manage-
gent coordination of physical frequency resources
ment in a coordinated way between cells [5]. These
between neighboring cells to reduce interference from
restrictions determine the time/frequency resources
one cell to another. Each cell gives up use of some
currently available to the resource manager, or restric-
resource in a coordinated fashion to improve perfor-
tions to the transmit power that can be applied to cer-
mance for cell edge users which are impacted the
tain time/frequency resources. These restrictions
most by inter-cell interference. The cells coordinate
shape the interference power spectrum of a given cell
the transmission powers across various frequency
on the DL. The power constraints on the transmitted
resource blocks. This coordination and configuration
PRBs in one cell lead to improved SINR and cell edge
of which resources to use and how can be done in
data rates/coverage for the corresponding time/fre-
either a static or a dynamic fashion.
quency resources in a neighbor cell.
Figure 1 shows the various components and
interactions of a self-organizing ICIC scheme. The Static ICIC Algorithms
purple circles represent the basic components of a In static schemes, the restrictions are distributed
SON ICIC scheme while the gray circles represent the to different cells and are generally constant on a
other major functional areas of the eNB that interact timescale corresponding to days. Different kinds of
with ICIC. There are three basic components to a SON restriction distributions can be used which involve
ICIC implementation: frequency or cell planning in an area, resulting in dif-
1. Core ICIC algorithm, ferent reuse factors.
2. Frequency planning, and The inverted reuse static ICIC scheme. Figure 3
3. Inter-eNB communications. illustrates the concept of the inverted reuse scheme.
ICIC performance is dependent upon a number of Here, the eNBs transmit at a certain nominal power
factors, as shown in Figure 2. Cell sizes, cell load, across the entire bandwidth except for the restricted

22 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

X2 based
with other
base stations

IoT control

ICIC core Self-organizing

algorithm frequency

Power control

ICIC component

3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project IoT—Interference over thermal

BTS—Base transceiver station X2—3GPP interface specification for inter-BTS communication
ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination

Figure 1.
ICIC components and interactions.

PRBs. In the restricted PRBs, transmissions are at a Figure 4 shows simulation results for a 7/6
lower power, which results in a soft partial frequency reuse scheme, also known as a 1/7 inverted reuse
reuse scheme, or there may not be any transmissions scheme [5]. The test configuration is 3GPP case 1
at all in the restricted PRBs, which results in a hard [1] with an inter-site distance (ISD) of 500 meters
partial frequency reuse scheme. The neighboring cell for a bandwidth of 10 MHz. Three different CQI
can then schedule its users (typically cell edge users) feedback types are studied. A difference of 6 dB
in the restricted PRBs of its neighbors and realize an between the best server and highest interferer path
improved SINR since the neighboring cells are either loss is used to classify users into cell inner and cell
transmitting with a lower power or not transmitting at outer groups. Additional detail on the simulation
all on those PRBs. Users are generally classified into parameters and results can be found in [5]. Good
two groups: cell inner and cell edge groups. This clas- gains can be obtained with ICIC under conditions
sification can be made based upon a number or com- where it is not possible to exploit frequency selec-
binations of such metrics as: tivity in the propagation channel, such as at high
1. User’s path loss to serving cell, and vehicular speeds, or when use of semi-persistent
2. Differential path loss between the serving cell and scheduling is necessary, such as for Voice over
the strongest neighbors. Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications. One thing to

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 23

CQI Propagation MIMO
feedback interference scheme
scheme environment ant config
(for DL) (for DL) Open-loop/
closed loop spatial multiplexing

max-min rate
Scheduling ICIC
policy performance
QoS-constraints deployment
(GBR/MBR) Femto/pico/micro/macro

Traffic Cell load

models # users

Ant—Antenna GBR—Guaranteed bit rate MIMO—Multiple input multiple output

Config—Configuration ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination Min—Minimum
CQI—Channel quality indicator Max—Maximum Propfair—Proportional fairness
DL—Downlink MBR—Minimum bit rate QoS—Quality of service

Figure 2.
Determinants of ICIC performance.

be noted (and which is true for all the techniques a.If K is the reuse factor, (K  1) proximate
shown) is that while the simulations assume a neighbor cells each have similar but distinct
hexagonal layout, such a geometric layout is not pieces of cleared spectrum that partition the
possible in the real world. However, since the algo- whole bandwidth.
rithms use metrics (such as the server and neighbor b. Cleared spectrum is assumed frequency diverse.
path loss reports) which reflect the true interference 2. Each cell distributes its total transmit power in
conditions as seen by the users, no issues are antici- the following fashion:
pated with irregular topology. a. A high transmit power spectral density (PSD)
The partial direct reuse with power control static on the cleared spectrum of bandwidth W/K
ICIC scheme. In contrast to the inverted reuse scheme dedicated to edge users.
where each cell has power restrictions on certain
b. A low transmit PSD on the remaining com-
PRBs, the partial direct reuse with power control (K  1)W
(PDRPC) takes a more direct approach. mon spectrum of bandwidth .
The PDRPC algorithm implements the following c. Boosts the PSD in the cleared spectrum with
steps, as shown in Figure 5: respect to reuse 1 by a factor of aK. a  (0, 1),
1. In each cell, a part of the spectrum is cleared for is a fairness control parameter.
edge users to operate at low interference (cell d. From power conservation (assuming total
coloring). power used is dP), the de-boost factor b for

24 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

Example: soft re-use with inverted 1/7 re-use pattern
Tx PSD is reduced by 10 dB (relative to other PRBs) in a
different 1/7 of the PRBs in each cell. 10
For a UE connected to the black cell which is at the edge close
to the darkest purple cell, it can experience an improved SINR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
if the black cell schedules the UE in subband #3.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3GPP support:
The transmit PSD mask utilized by each cell is made known
to the neighboring cells through RNTP reporting via the X2
interface (see TS 36.423)

3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project SINR—Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio

ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination TS—Technical specification
PRB—Physical resource block Tx—Transmit
PSD—Power spectral density UE—User equipment
RNTP—Relative narrowband Tx power X2—3GPP interface specification for inter-BTS communication

Figure 3.
Downlink static ICIC operation: inverted reuse concept.

PDRPC in the common spectrum is reuse 1 can be fully compensated by a propor-

(d a)K tional increase in PSD with respect to uniform.
b .
(K 1) Low SINR users have diminishing returns with
This results in the following: coding as incremental coding gain S 0 as W S .
1. The signal PSD of edge users is boosted in every Being power limited, the capacity improvement
cell, in this region is due to additional energy per
2. Interference from neighbors on a cell’s cleared channel use and/or interference reduction.
bandwidth is reduced, and 2. High SINR users operate in the logarithmic region
3. Average bandwidth occupied by edge users is with respect to SINR and in the linear region
typically reduced and the bandwidth savings are with respect to bandwidth. Thus, PSD decreased
transferred to center users. (with respect to uniform) operation is compensated
The rationale behind this design is as follows: with bandwidth expansion. High SINR users have
1. Low SINR users operate in the linear (with slowing returns with energy increase. Being essen-
respect to SINR) region of Shannon capacity. tially bandwidth limited, capacity improvement in
Bandwidth decreased operation with respect to this region is due to the increase in bandwidth.

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 25

3 km/h, ISD 500 m, carrier 2 GHz, BW 10 MHz, indoor penetration loss 20 dB, 10 UEs in average per sector
Reuse 7/6, high resolution CQI
700 Reuse 1, high resolution CQI
Reuse 7/6, Rel. 8 resolution CQI
Cell border throughput (kbps)

600 Reuse 1, Rel. 8 resolution CQI

Reuse 7/6, wideband CQI
500 4.0 2.0 Reuse 1, wideband CQI
Proportional fair alpha

0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz/sector)

3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project DL—Downlink Rel—Release

BW—Bandwidth ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination UE—User equipment
CQI—Channel quality indicator ISD—Inter site distance

Figure 4.
Spectral efficiency versus cell border throughput for DL static ICIC for 3GPP case 1.

Figure 6 and Figure 7 show performance results are lumped into one center cell user location with
obtained for two different populations of center cell values for received symbol energy and interference
users using lumped user analysis. In lumped user (relative to thermal noise) representing good radio
analysis, as opposed to using some user distribution frequency (RF) conditions, and the remaining users
across cell geometries, a parametric fraction of users into a cell edge user location representing poor RF
conditions. Figure 6 shows that when the fraction of
center cell users is small, performance gains are seen
simultaneously for the edge user, the center user, and
average sector throughputs with respect to the uni-
Universal reuse Tx PSD versal reuse (Univr) scheme, while variants of the

inverted reuse (IR) schemes over most of the edge

user’s range of power boost values. The center and
average gains diminish as expected when the center
6W/7 W/7 user fraction is much higher, as seen in Figure 7. The
gains at a power boost operating point near 5 dB are
PDRPC—Partial direct reuse with power control robust to the center user fraction parameter.
PSD—Power spectral density
W—Total bandwidth
Dynamic ICIC Algorithms
The disadvantage of a static ICIC scheme is that it
Figure 5. does not adapt to changes in the operating environ-
PDRPC operation. ment. A better solution is to distribute the restrictions

26 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

PDRPC gains, center user fraction  0.1
Edge gain over univr
Ctr gain over univr
Throughput gain (linear)

Avg gain over univr

5 Edge gain over IR2

4 Ctr gain over IR2

3 Avg gain over IR2

Edge gain over IR1

Ctr gain over IR1
Avg gain over IR1
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Power boost αK (linear)

Avg—Average IR2—Inverted reuse with restricted band being un-used

Ctr—Center PDRPC—Partial direct reuse with power control
IR1—Inverted reuse with de-boost of Univr—Universal reuse
10 dB for restricted band

Figure 6.
PDRPC lumped user performance for center user fraction of 0.1.

between various cells on a dynamic basis based upon simple and may be built on top of static schemes by
a number of factors such as cell load, traffic distribu- dynamically changing the restrictions on the resources
tions, user distributions, quality of service (QoS) con- through a simple request-grant mechanism employed
straints, and other parameters. For example, between the cells of interest. They can also be more
depending on the load (e.g., a geometric concentra- complex where an optimization problem involving a
tion of terminals at the border between two cells), the utility function is solved.
restrictions are distributed between the two cells Semi static ICIC with request-grant mechanism. The
involved and possibly other neighbors. This allows an semi static ICIC approach [5] builds on top of the
increase in spectrum efficiency. In this way, with dif- static ICIC approach with resource assignments on a
ferent loads, lightly loaded cells can help higher load demand basis. This enables the network to adapt to
neighbors. changing network conditions in a self-optimizing way.
The reconfiguration of the restrictions can be The network is initially set up for nominal static ICIC
done on a timescale of the order of milliseconds or operation. In addition to the existing exchange of fre-
longer, depending upon the operating scenario. Inter- quency coloring information between the cells
eNB communication corresponds to information required for static ICIC operation, additional messag-
needed to decide on reconfiguration of the scheduler ing is required for this dynamic reconfiguration of
restrictions as well as the actual reconfiguration deci- resources between cells. Two additional messages are
sions. The signaling rate could be on the order of sec- required: a request message from a requesting cell
onds to minutes, depending upon the operating and a grant message from a grantor cell. A requesting
scenario. Dynamic ICIC schemes can be relatively cell is typically a heavily loaded cell or a cell with a

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 27

PDRPC gains, center user fraction  0.5

Edge gain over univr

Ctr gain over univr
Throughput gain (linear)

Avg gain over univr

Edge gain over IR2

1.5 Ctr gain over IR2

Avg gain over IR2

Edge gain over IR1
Ctr gain over IR1
Avg gain over IR1

3 4 5 6 7
Power boost αK (linear)

Avg—Average IR2—Inverted reuse with restricted band being un-used

Ctr—Center PDRPC—Partial direct reuse with power control
IR1—Inverted reuse with de-boost of Univr—Universal reuse
10 dB for restricted band

Figure 7.
PDRPC lumped user performance for center user fraction of 0.5.

localized high concentration of cell edge users. If the the expanded PRB region of operation for its own
grantor cell is lightly loaded at the time of the request, cell edge users. See [5] for detailed simulation
it may change the size of the restricted PRBs in its results.
own cell, thereby enabling users in a neighboring cell The adaptive partial direct reuse with power control
to experience a better SINR over a larger portion of algorithm. An adaptive version of the static PDRPC
the total bandwidth than before. A grantor cell can algorithm can be formulated by adapting the parame-
receive multiple requests simultaneously from neigh- ters a and K. The adaptation would be based upon
boring cells, and hence there has to be a mechanism some measure of the ratio of center cell users to cell
at the grantor to evaluate the priority of the requests. edge users.
As part of this process, every requesting cell sends a The multi-cell gradient algorithm. The multi-cell
soft metric on a per subband basis in its request mes- gradient (MGR) algorithm [9] adjusts the transmit
sage, which is a function of the importance or ben- powers of the different subbands by systematically and
efit of its request. The grantor cell will prioritize its continuously pursuing local maximization of the over-
incoming requests based upon this soft metric and all network utility U, which is the sum of all cell utili-
may also use additional metrics such as application ties U (k). In turn, each cell k utility U(k) is the sum of
type and QoS constraints. Once the grantor cell has utilities Ui(Xi) over all users i in cell k, where Xi are
determined which of the incoming requests it will the users’ average throughputs and Ui are the users’
grant, it sends a grant message back to the appropri- utility functions. This maximization can be done semi-
ate originating cell, which can now take advantage of autonomously by each cell with periodic exchanges

28 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj


∂U(3) ∂Pj(3)

MGR requires partial derivatives to be exchanged

with the strongest interfering neighbor cells periodically.

MGR—Multi-cell gradient

Figure 8.
Inter-cell coordination of partial derivates for MGR.

between the neighboring interfering cells of a few key j, to each cell m  k. It also periodically receives val-
ratios that arise from the optimization approach. An ues of Dj(k,m) for all j from each cell m  k, as shown in
important fact to be noted about the MGR and the Figure 8. Cell k maintains the current values of
sector autonomous (SA) algorithms (described in Dkj  a D(k,m), for each subband j. Dkj is the estimate
m j
the next section) is that these algorithms are only con- 0U
of the partial derivative (m)
cerned with power allocation (and re-allocation) among 0Pj .
the subbands by each cell, and this is done on a rela- Periodically, cell k does the following:
tively slow timescale. Given the power levels set by Let ∆  0 be a fixed parameter and denote by
either algorithm, each cell can perform an opportunis- P(k)  aj Pj(k) the current total power in the cell. Then
tic propagation channel aware scheduling. No a priori the powers are updated sequentially as follows:
frequency planning is required for this approach. 1. Pick j* (if it exists) such that Djk* is the smallest
Consider a network of K cells and J subbands. among those j with Dkj  0 and Pj(k)  0, and do
W is the bandwidth of one subband and N0 is the
Pj*(k)  max5Pj*(k)  ¢, 06 (2)
noise power spectral density. Pj(k) is the power allo-
cated in subband j of cell k. 2. If P(k)  P*, pick j* (if it exists) such that Dkj* is the
Each cell k constantly adjusts its power allocation largest among those j with Dkj  0 and do
to different subbands in a way that improves the total
utility U of the system. Each cell k maintains the esti- Pj*(k)  Pj*(k)  min5¢, P *  P(k) 6 (3)
mate of the utility U (k) which the cell could poten-
3. If P(k)  P* and maxj Dkj  0, pick a pair (j*, j*) (if
tially attain given its current power allocation Pj(k)
it exists) such that Dkj* is the largest, Dkj* is the
among the subbands and current interference level
smallest among those with Pj(k)  0 and Dkj*  Dkj*.
from other cells. Cell k maintains estimates of partial
0U(k) Then
derivates Dj(m,k)  (m) of its utility on the power levels
Pj*(k)  max5Pj*(k)  ¢, 06 (4)
Pj(m) in all cells m (including self, m  k) and all sub-
bands j. Cell k periodically sends values of Dj(m,k) for all Pj*(k)  Pj*(k)  min5¢, Pj*(k) 6 (5)

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 29

per cell for a total of 57 cells. Average sector through-
400 puts versus 5-percentile throughputs are shown for
Average sector throughput (bits/slot)
380 SA additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and fading
360 MGR
channel cases. Different points are obtained using dif-
ferent values of the minimum rate parameter in the
scheduler (see [9] for details). When the average cell
throughput is 360 bits/slot, the 5-percentile through-
put improvement is 20 percent for the SA algorithm
and 56 percent for the MGR algorithm in the fading
case. The improvements are larger for AWGN. It can
be observed that the gain in cell throughput increases
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 with increasing edge throughput. This is expected
5% throughput (bits/slot) since more significant interference is experienced by
(a) AWGN a cell as a whole, with higher edge throughput require-
450 ments that result in more transmission resources
Average sector throughput (bits/slot)

being assigned to cell edge users.
400 MGR The sector autonomous algorithm. The SA algo-
rithm [9] adjusts powers in each subband indepen-
350 dently in each cell using a non-trivial heuristic. This
algorithm is completely autonomous, desirable in situa-
300 tions where information exchange between the
relevant cells is not possible. No a priori frequency
250 planning is required for this approach.
A virtual scheduling algorithm (different from
200 that employed by MGR) is run in each cell, which
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5% throughput (bits/slot)
tries to selfishly solve an “artificial” optimization prob-
(b) Fast fading
lem. This problem is not the “true” original cell utility
384 bits/slot  1 bit/s/Hz maximization but has the following features:
AWGN—Additive white Gaussian noise
1. It is “highly correlated” with the original prob-
DL—Downlink lem, and
MGR—Multi-cell gradient
2. It inherently “encourages” an uneven power allo-
SA—Sector autonomous
cation to subbands (when such is beneficial).
Assume a cell operates the following way.
Figure 9. Suppose a parameter P0, P*J  P0  P*, is fixed. In
DL throughput versus cell edge performance for MGR
and SA algorithms for full buffer best effort traffic. each (virtual) time slot, in each subband j, the cell
either transmits to exactly one of the users i at power
level P0 (and then the transmission rate is Rij, as it is
To estimate and update the values of the partial dependent upon the measured SINR of user i) or does
derivatives Dj(m,k), each cell k continuously runs a vir- not transmit to any user at all (in which case the
tual scheduling algorithm (see [9] for details). power used is 0). Given this setting, a scheduling strat-
Figure 9 shows simulation results for the MGR egy is employed which, over time, solves the follow-
and SA algorithms for an ISD distance of 2.5 km, ing problem:
penetration loss of 10 dB, lognormal (8.9 dB standard Maximize ΣiUi(Xi), where Xi are the users’ aver-
deviation) shadow model, and bandwidth of 1.25 MHz age throughputs and Ui are the users’ utility func-
with six subbands for full buffer traffic with 20 users tions, subject to the constraint on the total average

30 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

3GPP support:

β HII (high interference indicator;

indicates interference mask)

γ α
β β OI (overload indicator) are per-
PRB quantities exchanged on X2
interface to allow frequency
γ α γ α IoT shaping of interference

Sector α 0 1 2 3
γ α
β β 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

γ α γ α

γ α Sector β 4 5 6 7
Try to concentrate
0 1 2 3 8 9 10 11
interference in
these interference
bearing zones


Sector γ 8 9 10 11

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project

ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination
IoT—Interference over thermal
PRB—Physical resource block

Figure 10.
Uplink static ICIC operation: the interference bearing zone concept.

power, Σj P0j  P*, where P0j is the average power (per interference bearing zone to bear the brunt of
virtual slot) allocated in subband j. the interference from neighboring cells. Through
Then, the actual per-subband power levels Pj are event-triggered reporting, the serving cell knows the
set and adjusted to be equal to the average powers P0j , identity of the strongest neighboring cell for each
continuously produced and adjusted by the virtual mobile. For mobile devices at the cell border, the
scheduling. See [9] for a detailed description of the uplink scheduler preference is to assign resources in
virtual scheduler. the IBZ of the mobile’s strongest neighboring cell. If
the scheduler needs to assign the device outside the
Uplink ICIC IBZ, it does so with a reduced transmit PSD level,
In the uplink, it is the UEs near the cell border implemented through an absolute power control com-
which cause most of the interference to adjacent cells. mand in the UL scheduling grant. The concept here is
Figure 10 shows the concept of the interference bear- to concentrate the bulk of the inter-cell interference in
ing zone (IBZ) [5]. The concept here is to designate a a small portion of the total bandwidth, thereby pre-
portion of the bandwidth in each cell known as the venting any impact to the majority of users since the

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 31

NGMN case 1 (500 meter ISD, 10 MHz BW), 20 UEs per cell, typical urban 120 km/hr channel profile
Curves provided using different fractional power control α  1, 0.8, 0.7
FPC α  1.0
Cell edge bit rate (kbit/s) 110

FPC α  0.8


No ICIC (PF scheduler) FPC α  0.7
70 ICIC inverted reuse-3 (PF scheduler)
ICIC inverted reuse-9 (PF scheduler)
3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Sector throughput (kbps)

BW—Bandwidth NGMN—Next generation mobile networks

FPC—Fractional power control PF—Proportional fair
ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination UE—User equipment
ISD—Inter site distance UL—Uplink

Figure 11.
Sector throughput versus cell edge bit rate for UL static ICIC.

interference is now localized to certain sub-carriers For situations where FSS gains can be exploited, there
and the sub-carriers are orthogonal to each other. is no ICIC gain over FSS with universal reuse.
Static ICIC Dynamic ICIC Algorithms
In static schemes, the size and location of the IBZ As seen in the downlink discussion, better per-
are distributed to the different cells and are generally formance can be obtained by adapting the restrictions
constant on a timescale corresponding to days. on a dynamic basis, based on factors such as cell load,
Different kinds of restriction distributions can be used user distributions, traffic distributions, and other
which involve frequency or cell planning in an area, parameters. This improves spectral efficiency globally
resulting in different reuse factors. across cells since lightly loaded cells can help higher
Figure 11 shows simulation results for different load neighbors.
reuse factors. The test configuration is 3GPP case 1 Semi static ICIC. A concept similar to the downlink
[1] with an ISD of 500 meters for a bandwidth of semi static ICIC can be applied to the UL. In the UL, it
10 MHz. Vehicular speed is 120 kph with a typical is the size of the IBZs that is being adjusted dynami-
urban multipath profile. The various points in the cally. A larger IBZ in a particular cell implies that a
curves correspond to different FPC alpha factors. More neighboring cell can now allocate cell edge users in its
details of the simulation parameters and a detailed own cell over a larger portion of the bandwidth,
discussion of the results can be found in [5]. A small thereby providing improved performance.
improvement in edge bit rate is seen with a bigger The multi-sector gradient for uplink algorithm. The
gain for sector throughput. The concentration of multi-sector gradient for uplink (MGR-UL) algorithm
the interference in the IBZ benefits all the users in the [8] continuously tries to improve system-wide utility
cell, leading to an improvement in sector throughput. U, which is the sum of all cell utilities U(k). In turn,

32 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

each cell k utility U(k) is the sum of utilities Ui(Xi) over each cell k determines per-user i, per-subband j
all users i in cell k, where Xi are the users’ average optimal transmit powers per resource block (if
throughputs and Ui are the users’ utility functions. scheduled):
The key feature of the algorithm is the notion of
Pij  arg max c U i (Xi )Rij(Pij )  a aj(l)GliPij d (7)
“interference cost”: namely, the scheduling done by lk
each eNB takes into account not only the utility of where Xi is the current average rate of user i, Rij is
the users currently served, but also the “damage” the transmission rate, and the argmax is taken
being done to the utility of users in neighbor eNBs. No over Pij values from 0 to the max user power.
a priori frequency planning is required for this 3. Transmit scheduling. Independently carried out by
approach. each cell k, according to instantaneous scheduling
The steps involved with the MGR-UL algorithm weights
are as follows:
Zij  U i (Xi )Rij(inst) (Pij )  a aj(l)Gi(l)Pij (8)
1. Interference costs. Each cell k continuously estimates lk
the sensitivities aj(k) of its utility U(k) to the inter-
where Rij(inst) is the estimate of instantaneous rate,
ference Ij(k) it receives in subband j:
given the instantaneous propagation gain to cell k.
dU(k) Namely, the objective of the scheduler in each time
aj(k)   (6)
dIj(k) slot is to maximize the sum of Zij over all scheduled
This is done along with step 3 below. Updates to users, subject to users’ total power constraints.
these costs are then signaled to neighboring cells. Along with scheduling, costs aj(k) are updated.
2. Transmit power optimization. Using average propa- Figure 12 shows the performance of the MGR-UL
gation gains Gj(l), from users i to neighbor cells l, algorithm relative to the baseline algorithm. The x-axis

Parameter Simulation assumptions

3 sector layout, total of 57 sectors, 1.9
Cell layout 20 users/sector
Average sector throughput (bits/sec/Hz)

Inter site distance 2.5 km 1.8

Path loss model L  133.635log10(R )

Shadowing Lognormal 8.9 dB standard deviation

Penetration loss 10 dB 1.6

Noise bandwidth 1.25 MHz

Mobile power 23 dBm, 1 antenna

Base station antenna gain 15 dB 1.4

Universal MGR-UL
Mobile antenna gain 0 dB
Base station noise figure 10 dB 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
5%-throughput X number-of-users (bits/sec/Hz)
Channel model Fast fading

Number of subbands 6

ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination

MGR-UL—Multi-cell gradient for uplink
Baseline–Universal reuse

Figure 12.
Sector throughput versus cell edge bit rate for the MGR-UL ICIC algorithm.

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 33

is the normalized 5-percentile of the user throughput 1. Two neighboring cells must have different colors.
distribution across the system. The y-axis is average 2. As far as possible, a cell should not have two
sector throughput. Different points on the curves cor- neighbors with the same color.
respond to different values of the minimum rate 3. Colors should be assigned such that cells of the
parameter used in the scheduling algorithm, which same color are as far apart as possible.
range from 0 to 10 bits/slot. The MGR-UL algorithm
Inter eNB Communications
provides substantial improvement in the 5-percentile
ICIC requires the exchange of messages between
throughput. For the baseline scheme, increasing mini-
the eNBs of various cells for interference coordination.
mum rate does not increase cell edge user throughput.
3GPP has defined an inter-eNB communications inter-
This is because the baseline technique tries to equalize
face specification called X2 [4] for LTE, used to exchange
all user SINRs, and hence user throughputs within a
both standards-defined and proprietary metrics.
cell as well. Hence, attempts to increase edge user
The standards-defined metrics useful for ICIC are:
throughputs within the framework of baseline are
1. High interference indicator,
ineffective. The interference cost based power-setting
2. Overload indicator, and
in MGR-UL allows users with good RF conditions to
3. Relative narrowband transmit power (RNTP).
achieve much higher SINRs. This improves spectral
Proprietary metrics are:
efficiency and also frees up time-frequency resources
1. Coloring information for frequency planning,
for cell edge users, when necessary, thus allowing a
2. Request messages for semi static ICIC, and
trade-off between total and cell edge throughputs.
3. Cost information for the MGR algorithms.
Frequency Planning
All the ICIC techniques (except for the MGR, SA, SON-Based Uplink IoT Control
and MGR-UL algorithms) require that every cell des- IoT control refers to the control of the uplink
ignate a certain portion of the bandwidth for some interference level through the measurement of IoT
kind of restriction. These restrictions correspond and exchange of UL overload indicators between cells,
to the PRBs for the IBZs for the UL and in the DL to so as to influence the UE transmit PSD levels being
those PRBs that are transmitted at a lower power. In utilized in neighboring cells to prevent excessively
addition, these restricted PRBs on both the UL and high interference levels. Figure 13 provides a high
DL should not overlap across neighboring cells. This is level concept of IoT control.
classic frequency planning. IoT control is important since interference in LTE
It is desirable that this frequency planning be is purely inter-cell. For small to medium cells, inter-
completely automated for LTE as operators do not cell interference is a dominant factor (as can be seen
want to deal with the logistical complexity of manual from equation 1) in the throughput performance of
frequency planning and deployment. Frequency plan- cell edge users and hence ultimately cell throughput
ning is a classic mathematical coloring problem where performance. The overload indicator is a per PRB
a unique color must be generated in every cell of a binary indicator, which reports whether the interfer-
given network layout. Such a self-configuring and ence from a neighboring cell is above or below an
self-optimizing distributed coloring approach has been interference threshold. The interference thresholds
developed by Bell Labs and the reader is referred to are coordinated between the various cells.
[5] for the details. An important question in IoT control is the deter-
This is a distributed algorithm, run in each eNB. mination of the most efficient value of IoT to be used
Once a particular color has been assigned to a cell, it for a given operational scenario. Edge throughputs
informs its neighbors of its transmit PSD mask generally increase with increasing IoT up to a certain
through RNTP reporting over the X2 interface. point where higher UE transmit power improves the
Some of the constraints of the frequency plan- decode performance of the eNB receiver and then
ning are: starts to decrease as the increased UE transmit power

34 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

Overload indicator
(X2 interface)
PC parameters PC parameters Based on overload
Measure indicator from
interference, emit Interference
neighbor cell,
overload indicator adapt power
control parameters

3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project IoT—Interference over thermal

BTS—Base transceiver station UL—Uplink
ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination X2—3GPP interface specification for inter-BTS communication

Figure 13.
High level concept of UL IoT control.

results in increased inter-cell interference that begins 1. Each eNB must make measurements of the cur-
to impact eNB receiver performance. The point at rent IoT level and signal OIs to its neighbors if the
which this transition occurs is a complex function of IoT level is greater than an IoT threshold.
cell size, propagation channel conditions, and cell 2. Each eNB processes the OIs from neighboring
load. Hence a single value of IoT is not suitable for all eNBs and adapts the open loop power control
deployment scenarios. The optimization of the choice parameters that it is broadcasting to UEs it is serv-
of the IoT level is something that lends itself readily to ing.
SON operation, where various parameters across dif- 3. Inter-eNB communications.
ferent cells can be optimized in a self-organizing and IoT measurements and emitting the IoT overload
self-optimizing manner. indicator. IoT is defined on a per-resource unit basis.
Figure 14 shows the various components and IoT is the total uplink interference measured in a
interactions of a self-organizing IoT control scheme. resource unit divided by the thermal noise estimate
The purple circles represent the basic components of over the bandwidth of a resource unit (12 subcarriers
a SON IoT control scheme while the gray circles rep-  180 kHz). Defining IoT on a per resource unit basis
resent the other major functional areas of the eNB provides flexibility when supporting ICIC techniques
that interact with IoT control. There are three basic where significantly different planned average inter-
components to a SON ICIC implementation: ference levels are used in different parts of the total
1. Core IoT control algorithm, bandwidth.
2. IoT measurement, and A measurement of the total uplink interference
3. Inter eNB communications. plus noise power per resource unit is available from
IoT control performance is dependent upon a num- layer 1 processing. To obtain the thermal noise esti-
ber of factors, as shown in Figure 15. Cell sizes, cell mate, techniques similar to those used in the radio
load, propagation conditions, and other parameters play network controller (RNC) of the UMTS system can
an important role in determining IoT performance. be used.
IoT Control via Adaptation of Open Loop Power Two things must be decided when signaling an
Control Parameters OI: a desired IoT operating point and the bandwidth
To implement IoT control, three basic components over which to make IoT measurements. The desired
are required: IoT operating point is chosen from link budget

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 35

X2 based
from other

IoT control
core ICIC

UL SINR IoT control component


3GPP—3rd Generation Partnership Project SINR—Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio

BTS—Base transceiver station UL—Uplink
ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination X2—3GPP interface specification for
IoT—Interference over thermal inter-BTS communication

Figure 14.
UL IoT control components and interactions.

considerations as well as taking into account the serving cell and the UE’s strongest neighbor cell as
normal system stability considerations required for follows [8]:
systems with power control. Once an average IoT
measurement is available, it is compared to the TARGET_SINR(dB) 
1  (1  a)
desired IoT operating point and an OI is signaled if (PLstrongest-non-serving
(dB) (dB) 
d )
the measurement is greater than the operating point.
Adaptation of open loop power control parameters. Or another improvement is:
A number of power control schemes can be used for
LTE. FPC [8] is the standard power control technique TARGET_SINR(dB) 
1  (1  a)(
d ) (10)
defined in 3GPP. However, FPC only accounts for

DL(dB)  10 log a a b
serving cell path loss. A simple modification to regu- (11)
is pi
lar FPC that reduces the variance of inter-cell inter-
ference is to set the target SINR of the UE as a where ps is the linear path loss to serving eNB, pi is the
function of the path loss difference between the UE’s linear path loss to eNB i, ΓDL(dB) is the downlink SIR

36 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

UL power
UL SINR target

IoT control
ICIC strategy performance Cell size

QoS Propagation
constraints environment

Cell edge
# users

ICIC—Inter-cell interference coordination SINR—Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio

IoT—Interference over thermal UL—Uplink
QoS—Quality of service

Figure 15.
Determinants of UL IoT control performance.

available approximately as the DL CQI converted to Tx PSD(dBm)  min(TARGET_SINR(dB)  I(dBm)


equivalent SINR and averaged sufficiently to remove (12)

(dB) , MaxTxPSD(dBm) )
fast fading, (PL(dB)  10log(Pi)) is the UE’s path
loss to its strongest neighbor, (PL(dB) serving
 10log(Ps)) is Where Iserving
(dBm) represents the interference seen in the
the UE’s path loss to its serving cell, Γ1 is the target serving cell and MaxTxPSD(dBm) is the maximum UE
uplink SINR in dB for a  1, and a(0  a  1) is the transmit PSD which is a function of the UE power
fractional compensation factor. The strongest neighbor class and assigned transmission bandwidth. There are
cell is the neighbor cell from which the UE measures two parameters in the power control schemes used
the strongest received downlink reference signal for LTE: Γ1 and a. Given that a is chosen to control the
power. The uplink target SINR equations shown in fairness of the power control scheme by balancing
equation 9 and equation 10 are referred to as delta- average cell throughput with edge rate, a is chosen a
path-loss (DPL) and CQI power control methods, priori to support a particular deployment environ-
respectively. ment. Γ1 is adapted to achieve the desired IoT level.
To achieve the target SINR in equation 10 or An “outer loop power control” type of algorithm
equation 11, the UE sets its transmit PSD as follows: is used. The algorithm runs at the rate at which IoT

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 37

5 MHz uplink LTE sector throughput versus edge rate for
IoT target variation (point labels are IoT targets)
13 dB 11 dB
11.5 dB 9 dB

(Mb/s) full load normalized

Mean sector throughput 3 6 dB CQI_428 m ISD
7 dB
9.5 dB
5 dB
5 dB 7.5 dB FPC_428 m ISD
2.5 5.5 dB
4 dB 3.5 dB CQI_856 m ISD

3 dB FPC_856 m ISD
CQI_1520 m ISD
2 dB
1.5 FPC_1520 m ISD

40 60 80 100 120
Edge rate (kb/s)

CQI—Channel quality indicator based power control ISD—Inter site distance

FPC—Fractional path loss compensation power control LTE—Long Term Evolution
IoT—Interference over thermal UL—Uplink

Figure 16.
Performance of UL IoT control for different UL power control algorithms.

overload indicators arrive from neighboring eNBs, and Simulation results. Simulation results show that
the mechanism is to adjust Γ1 as follows: edge throughput has a maximum at some IoT level. In

_StepUp_dB * addition, sector throughput may also have a maxi-
(13) mum at some IoT. This is shown in Figure 16, where
TARGET_IoT_OvershootRate the performances of IoT control with FPC- and CQI-
(1  TARGET_IoT_OvershootRate) based power control methods are compared in sector
Where Γ_Step Down_dB and TARGET_IoT_OvershootRate throughput and edge rate for various IoT targets and
are parameters specified a priori. The target SINR com- ISDs for an AWGN channel. The various points on a
ponent Γ1 is then adjusted using the equations below. curve in the figure correspond to different IoT targets
IF (overload indicators are set), adjust in units of 0.1 dB. Point values are shown only for
the CQI-based method since they are the same for the

_StepDown_dB (14) FPC case. A value of 20 in the figure maps to a value
ELSE of 2.0 dB, and so forth. One can see that the optimal
IoT varies with cell size. At an 856 meter ISD, the best

1 (dB) 
_StepUp_dB (15)
IoT level is 9.5 dB. At larger ISDs, the best IoT is less.
These updates in general ensure that the eNBs The FPC- and CQI-based methods provide similar
do not exceed a specified IoT target more than edge performance, but the CQI-based method—
TARGET_IoT_OvershootRate fraction of the time. Con- through better choice of the target SINR—provides
straints are also usually applied on the dynamic range higher sector and user peak throughputs. Results for
that Γ can be adjusted over to ensure that UL SINR the DPL method are not shown since the DPL and CQI
targets are bounded. Variations of this approach such methods yield very similar results when ICIC is not used
as unequal step sizes or adaptive step sizes can also be and both methods are simulated in an ideal fashion
implemented. assuming continuous amplitude and timing knowledge

38 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

5 MHz uplink LTE IoT versus edge rate for IoT target variation
(point labels are IoT targets)

13 dB

11.5 dB 11 dB
CQI_428 m ISD

10 9.5 dB FPC_428 m ISD

Mean IoT (dB)

9 dB
7.5 dB CQI_856 m ISD
7 dB FPC_856 m ISD
6 6 dB CQI_1520 m ISD
5.5 dB 5 dB
5 dB
FPC_1520 m ISD
4 dB
3.5 dB
3 dB
2 dB
20 40 60 80 100 120
UL edge rate (kb)
CQI—Channel quality indicator based power control ISD—Inter site distance
FPC—Fractional path loss compensation power control LTE—Long Term Evolution
IoT—Interference over thermal UL—Uplink

Figure 17.
Mean IoT levels for different cell sizes for different UL power control algorithms.

of the DPL and CQI information. Figure 17 shows the

variations in edge rate versus achieved IoT for various 25814.htm.
cell sizes. This figure also shows that the IoT control [2] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, “Evolved
algorithms are stable, with the realized IoT converging Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA),
Physical Channels and Modulation (Release 8),”
in the mean to their IoT targets. The best algorithm
3GPP TS 36.211, v8.2.0, Mar. 2008,
will depend on implementation errors, sampling
opportunities (the DPL metric is only available in dis- html-info/36211.htm.
crete reports triggered at specific thresholds), and the [3] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, “Self-
effect of uplink versus downlink loading that affects Configuring and Self-Optimizing Network Use
the relevance of CQI. Cases and Solutions (Release 9),” 3GPP TR
36.902, v2.0.0, Aug. 2009, http://www
[4] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, “X2 General
The authors would like to acknowledge Sridhar
Aspects and Principles (Release 9),” 3GPP TS
Gollamudi, Ingo Karla, and Michael Wilhelm for their 36.420, v9.0.0, Dec. 2009, http://www.3gpp
contributions to this work. .org/ftp/Specs/html-info/36420.htm.
[5] C. G. Gerlach, I. Karla, A. Weber, L. Ewe,
References H. Bakker, E. Kuehn, and A. Rao, “ICIC in DL
[1] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, “Physical and UL With Network Distributed and Self-
Layer Aspects for Evolved UTRA (Release 7),” Organized Resource Assignment Algorithms in
3GPP TR 25.814, v2.0.0, June 2006, LTE,” Bell Labs Tech. J., 15:3 (2010), 43–62.

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 39

[6] NGMN Alliance, “Next Generation Mobile on a new air interface, and became an Alcatel delegate
Networks Recommendation on SON and O&M to 3GPP Radio Access Network 1 (RAN1), where he
Requirements,” v1.23, Dec. 5, 2008. contributed to the standardization of the LTE physical
[7] A. M. Rao, A. Weber, S. Gollamudi, and R. Soni, layer. Dr. Gerlach has driven Alcatel-Lucent’s 3GPP
“LTE and HSPA: Revolutionary and standardization activities on inter-cell interference
Evolutionary Solutions for Global Mobile coordination. He holds more than a dozen patents and
Broadband,” Bell Labs Tech. J., 13:4 (2009), his research interests include cross layer techniques
7–34. such as interference coordination, self-optimization
[8] B. Rengarajan, A. L. Stolyar, and and organization strategies, and coordinated
H. Viswanathan, “Self-Organizing Dynamic transmission and reception techniques. He is a member
Fractional Frequency Reuse on the Uplink of of VDE/ITG and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
OFDMA Systems,” Proc. 44th Annual Conf. on
Inform. Sci. and Syst. (CISS ’10) (Princeton, NJ, NANDU GOPALAKRISHNAN is a member of technical
2010). staff with Alcatel-Lucent's Wireless CTO
[9] A. L. Stolyar and H. Viswanathan, “Self- organization, and a member of the Alcatel-
Organizing Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse Lucent Technical Academy focused on
for Best-Effort Traffic Through Distributed Inter- technical problems and strategy questions
Cell Coordination,” Proc. 28th IEEE Internat. in LTE networks pertaining to radio
Conf. on Comput. Commun. (INFOCOM ‘09) resource management, end-to-end QoS, VoIP, video
(Rio de Janeiro, Bra., 2009), pp. 1287–1295. streaming, ICIC, and SON. Prior to this posting, he was
with the Forward Looking Work Department working
(Manuscript approved May 2010) on standards and proprietary solutions in the physical
and MAC layers for 3G and 4G cellular networks. He
FRANCIS DOMINIQUE is a consulting member of specializes in rate allocation and packet scheduling
technical staff in the Wireless CTO algorithms for wireless communications systems.
organization at Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Dr. Gopalakrishnan was a key contributor to Lucent
Hill, New Jersey. He received his M.S.E.E. Technologies' high speed downlink packet access
from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. (HSDPA) scheduler, and the solutions he developed for
During his tenure at Alcatel-Lucent, he has the physical layer found adoption in the 3GPP HSDPA
worked on modem designs for 3G1X Code Division and 3GPP2 3G1x evolution data and voice (1x EV-DV)
Multiple Access (CDMA), Wideband CDMA (WCDMA), standards suite. For this, he was recognized with the
and LTE. He was a manager for nine years leading the Bell Labs President's Gold Award. He has numerous
Channel Element ASIC Algorithm and Simulations patents and publications in the above areas, and is
Group developing L1 modem designs for various slated to appear in Who's Who in America 2011. Prior to
product releases. He has received numerous awards joining Alcatel-Lucent, he served as instructor, principal
including the Bell Labs President Award in 2003 and engineer, and software product manager for LCC
the Bell Labs Technical Journal’s Best Paper Award in International, working on code division multiple access
1998. He has been awarded 18 patents with an (CDMA) network planning, modeling, and optimization.
additional 30 pending. He won the RCR Silver Award for his presentation on
CDMA system voice quality auditing. Dr. Gopalakrishnan
CHRISTIAN G. GERLACH is a research engineer in the holds a B.E. in electrical and electronics engineering
MAC and Advanced Packet Scheduler from Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli,
Department within the Alcatel-Lucent Bell India, an M.S. in electrical engineering from Louisiana
Labs Wireless Access Research Domain in State University, Baton Rouge, and a Ph.D. in electrical
Stuttgart, Germany. He received his diploma and computer engineering from Purdue University, West
and doctoral degree (summa cum laude) in Lafayette, Indiana.
electrical engineering from Aachen University of
Technology, Germany. His thesis was on speech coding ANIL RAO is a member of technical staff in
and speech transmission for mobile radio. After Alcatel-Lucent’s Wireless Research and
working for Texas Instruments in Dallas, Texas, 12 years Development organization in Naperville,
ago he joined Alcatel Research in Stuttgart, where he Illinois. He received a B.S. in applied
continued work in speech coding and noise reduction. mathematics from the University of Alaska
He later joined the radio department, working there Fairbanks and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in

40 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at ALEKSANDR STOLYAR is a distinguished member of
Urbana Champaign, where he held a National Science technical staff in the Industrial Mathematics
Foundation graduate research fellowship. Dr. Rao and Operations Research Department at
joined Alcatel-Lucent nine years ago after assignments Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New
with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and with TRW. Jersey. He received a Ph.D. in mathematics
His work at Alcatel-Lucent has involved various aspects from the Institute of Control Sciences, USSR
of system design, performance analysis, and algorithm Academy of Science, Moscow. Prior to his tenure at Bell
development for UMTS, HSPA/HSPA, and LTE. He has Labs, he was with the Institute of Control Sciences
actively contributed to both the standardization and (Moscow), and Motorola and AT&T Labs-Research in
product realization of these technologies. His interests the United States. His research interests include
include intelligent antennas, scheduling and resource stochastic processes, queuing theory, and stochastic
allocation algorithms, and optimizing the end-to-end modeling of communication systems, especially wireless
performance of mobile broadband wireless systems. systems. He developed models and algorithms for
resource allocation and QoS support in wireless systems
and holds several patents in these areas. He is a
JAMES P. SEYMOUR is director of RAN Strategy in the
member of INFORMS and an associate editor of
Alcatel-Lucent Wireless Networks CTO
Operations Research and Queuing Systems—Theory
organization in Naperville, Illinois. He is
and Applications; in 2004 he received the Bi-Annual
currently focused on standards and product
Best Publication Award from the INFORMS Applied
strategy for Alcatel-Lucent’s broadband
Probability Society.
wireless technologies and solutions. He
received B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from
HARISH VISWANATHAN is a director in the CTO
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, where his
Advisory Group in the Alcatel-Lucent Bell
research focused on improved phase synchronization
Labs CTO organization in Murray Hill, New
techniques for mobile communication systems. He joined
Jersey. He received a B.Tech. degree from
AT&T Bell Laboratories 16 years ago as a member of
the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai,
technical staff in the Network Wireless Radio Performance
India, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
and Analysis Group, and later he became technical
electrical engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca,
manager of the Wireless Algorithms Development
New York. During his tenure at Bell Labs and at Alcatel-
Group in the Advanced Technologies organization at
Lucent, he has worked on multiple antenna technology
Lucent Technologies. Dr. Seymour was named a Bell
for cellular wireless networks, network optimization,
Labs Fellow in 2006 for his outstanding and seminal
mesh networking, and base station router mobility
contributions to wireless technology and standards
management. Dr. Viswanathan’s current responsibilities
spanning 2G, 3G, and 4G systems and significant
include strategy development and end-to-end solution
impacts on Alcatel-Lucent’s business through outstand-
architecture development. His research interests
ing technical support of Alcatel-Lucent’s customers.
include information theory, communication theory,
wireless networks, and signal processing.
ROBERT SONI is a technical manager in Alcatel-Lucent's
Wireless business group in Murray Hill, New CARL WEAVER is a consulting member of technical
Jersey. He supervises a group which is staff in the Wireless CTO organization at
investigating and developing new advanced Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
antenna, physical layer and MAC layer He received a B.Ap.Sc. degree from the
technologies for 3G/4G cellular systems. He University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
received a Ph.D. and MSEE in electrical engineering Canada, and an M.Eng. and Ph.D. degree in
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, electrical engineering from McMaster University,
and received his BSEE, summa cum laude, from the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Prior to joining AT&T
University of Cincinnati in Ohio. Dr. Soni began his almost 20 years ago, he worked for Raytheon in
career as a member of technical staff at Alcatel-Lucent terrestrial point-to-point microwave systems, secure
twelve years ago. He also teaches part-time at satellite communication systems, and space-based
Columbia University in New York City, and the New radar. During his tenure at AT&T, Lucent Technologies,
Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, New Jersey. and Alcatel-Lucent, he has worked on the PHY and

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 41

MAC layers of IS-54, IS95A, IS95B, CDMA 2000 (3G1x,
EV-DO), WiMAX, and LTE, specializing in power control
and system analysis. He has been awarded more than
10 patents.

ANDREAS WEBER is team leader of the mobile system

performance evaluation group in the
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs Radio Access
research domain in Stuttgart, Germany. He
received Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in
electrical engineering from the University of
Stuttgart, Germany. Prior to joining Alcatel-Lucent,
Dr. Weber worked in the field of satellite communica-
tions as a member of scientific staff at the Institute of
Communications Switching and Data Technics, University
of Stuttgart. During his tenure at Alcatel Research &
Innovation and later at Bell Labs, he worked on the
performance evaluation and optimization of 2G, 3G,
and beyond 3G mobile communication systems.
Currently, he and his team work on LTE Advanced
system performance optimization. ◆

42 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

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