Feasibility Report PDF
Feasibility Report PDF
Feasibility Report PDF
April 2015
Government of Kerala
Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................. 11
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 16
1.1 Project Background.................................................................................................. 16
1.2 Objective Outline ..................................................................................................... 17
1.3 Salient Features of Phase 1 Port Development ........................................................... 17
1.4 Amendments in Proposed Port Facilities .................................................................... 18
1.4.1 Fishing Harbor ..................................................................................................... 18
1.5 Setting of Port Location ........................................................................................... 18
1.6 Field Investigations and Studies................................................................................. 19
2 Functional Requirement................................................................................................ 21
2.1 Design Ship Sizes ..................................................................................................... 21
2.2 Container Ships ....................................................................................................... 22
2.2.1 General ............................................................................................................... 22
2.2.2 Container Vessels – World Fleet ............................................................................. 22
2.2.3 Container Ships Dimension .................................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Selection of Design Size of Container Ships............................................................. 23
2.3 Design Ship Size ...................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Berth Requirements ................................................................................................. 24
2.5 Container Terminal Requirements ............................................................................. 25
2.5.1 Container Terminal Capacity Analysis..................................................................... 25
2.5.2 Berth Requirements.............................................................................................. 25
2.5.3 Storage Requirements .......................................................................................... 27
2.5.4 Receipt and Evacuation of Cargo ........................................................................... 29
2.5.5 Container Terminal Summary ................................................................................ 31
2.6 Dredging and Reclamation ........................................................................................ 32
2.7 Fishery Landing Centre............................................................................................. 33
2.8 Other Requirements ................................................................................................. 33
2.8.1 Port Crafts Berth .................................................................................................. 33
2.8.2 Buildings.............................................................................................................. 33
3 Phase 1 Port Development of Vizhinjam Port ................................................................. 35
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 35
3.1.1 Breakwater .......................................................................................................... 35
3.1.2 Navigational Requirements.................................................................................... 35
3.1.3 Container Berths .................................................................................................. 38
3.1.4 Fishery Berths ...................................................................................................... 38
3.1.5 Port Craft Berths .................................................................................................. 39
3.1.6 Container Yard ..................................................................................................... 39
3.1.7 Container Freight Stations (CFS) & Warehousing ..................................................... 39
3.1.8 Truck Terminal ..................................................................................................... 40
Table 1-1 Past Studies carried out for Vizhinjam Port ................................................................ 20
Table 2-1: World Fleet of Container Ships and Order Books ........................................................ 22
Table 2-2: Dimensions of the Smallest and Largest Ship ............................................................ 23
Table 2-3: Design Container Vessels over Master Plan Horizon................................................... 24
Table 2-4: Summary of Design Vessels for Phase 1 Development ............................................... 24
Table 2-5: Container Berth Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port ................................................ 27
Table 2-6: Container Yard Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port ................................................. 28
Table 2-7: Container Yard Storage Split ................................................................................... 28
Table 2-8: Rail Yard Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port .......................................................... 29
Table 2-9: Gate Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port ................................................................ 31
Table 2-10: Terminal Development Summary for Vizhinjam Port ................................................ 32
Table 2-11: Terminal Development Capacity Summary for Phase 1 Development ........................ 32
Table 2-12: Dredge Areas for the Vizhinjam Port ...................................................................... 32
Table 2-13: Characteristics of Port Crafts ................................................................................ 33
Table 3-1: Limiting Wave Heights for Cargo Handling ............................................................... 35
Table 3-2: Approach Channel Width Estimation ........................................................................ 36
Table 3-3: Approach Channel Lane Requirement Estimation ...................................................... 37
Table 3-4: Phase-1 Container Terminal Elements ...................................................................... 38
Table 3-5: Summary of Phase-1 Marine Layout ......................................................................... 41
Table 4-1: Estimated Container Terminal Equipment Requirements for Phase-1 .......................... 48
Table 5-1: Peak Demand for Vizhinjam Port.............................................................................. 53
Table 5-2: Estimated Water Demand over Master Plan Horizon .................................................. 54
Table 5-3: Harbor Craft Requirements for Phase 1 Development ................................................ 55
Table 5-4: Vizhinjam Port Buildings ......................................................................................... 57
Table 6-1: Projected Container Traffic (‘000 TEU) for Vizhinjam Port 2018-2054........................ 65
Table 6-2: Terminal Development Capacity Summary for Phase 1 Development .......................... 66
Table 6-3: Potential future vessel sizes calling at Vizhinjam port ................................................ 66
Table 6-4: Potential future vessel sizes calling at Vizhinjam Port ................................................ 68
Table 7-1 Name of ports identified for benchmarking vessel and container related charges .......... 71
Table 7-2: Vessel related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing Indian ports ....................................... 71
Table 7-3: Vessel related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing foreign ports ...................................... 72
Table 7-4: Container handling related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing Indian ports ..................... 73
Table 7-5: Gateway-Container storage related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing Indian ports ......... 74
Table 7-6: Transshipment-Container handling related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing foreign ports
............................................................................................................................................ 74
Table 7-7: Transshipment-Container storage related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing foreign ports
............................................................................................................................................ 75
Table 8-1: Details of demographics in the city........................................................................... 80
Table 8-2: List of upcoming infrastructure projects in Kerala ..................................................... 83
Table 8-3: Hotel room tariffs in Kovalam region ........................................................................ 85
Table 8-4: Hotel rooms – demand supply gap ............................................................................ 85
Table 8-5: Capital & Rental values in residential segment ........................................................... 86
Table 8-6: Rental values in commercial segment ....................................................................... 87
Table 8-7: Demand Assessment of Retail Space ........................................................................ 87
Table 8-8: Area distribution of Port estate components (Built up area) ....................................... 91
Table 8-9: Port estate Development phasing schedule ............................................................... 91
Table 9-1: Project phasing ...................................................................................................... 94
Table 9-2: Phase-1 Port Development Cost Estimate Summary ............................................... 97
Table 9-3: Total project cost (port development) % wise bifurcation ............................................ 98
Table 9-4: Capex cost Escalation for Port Development ............................................................. 99
Table 9-5: Asset refurbishment/ replacement ........................................................................... 99
Table 9-6: Assumptions for Port estate Development ................................................................ 99
Table 9-8: CAPEX – Port estate Development Distribution........................................................ 100
Table 9-9: Vessel related charges (A) ..................................................................................... 101
Table 9-10: Vessel related charges (B) ................................................................................... 101
Figure 1-1: Vizhinjam Port Location Map .................................................................................. 18
Figure 1-2: Vizhinjam Port Location with respect to International East-West Shipping Route ........ 19
Figure 2-1: Depicts the distribution of world fleet container vessel sizes ..................................... 22
Figure 4-1: Schematic Container Flow Diagram ......................................................................... 46
Figure 4-2: Gate Procedure Diagram of Container Export .......................................................... 47
Figure 4-3: Gate Procedure Diagram of Container Export .......................................................... 47
Figure 5-1: Gate Procedure Diagram of Container Export .......................................................... 51
Figure 6-1: Gateway and transshipment hub container ports serving the ISC region ..................... 61
Figure 6-2: Vizhinjam port location with respect to international East-West shipping route ........... 63
Figure 7-1: Types of vessel and container related charges ......................................................... 70
Figure 8-1: Location of Site proposed for Port estate Development ............................................ 81
Figure 8-2: Land and road in Port estate land parcel ................................................................. 81
Figure 8-3: Growth drivers ...................................................................................................... 84
Figure 8-4: Hotel room analysis ............................................................................................... 86
Figure 8-5: Demand – supply gap: Hotels in Thiruvananthapuram ............................................... 86
Figure 8-6: Shopping complexes concentration ......................................................................... 88
Figure 9-1: Types of vessel and container related charges ......................................................... 92
Figure 9-2: Percentage share of the Main cost items ................................................................. 98
Abbreviation Expansion
It is understood that this Feasibility Report of the Project will be provided to the proposed bidders
for the Project. It is understood by all concerned that this Feasibility Report will be provided only as
a preliminary reference document by way of assistance to the Bidders who are expected to carry
out their own surveys, investigations and other detailed examination of the Project before
submitting their Bids. Nothing contained in this Feasibility Report shall confer any right on the
Bidders, and neither GoK/VISL nor its consultants shall have any liability whatsoever in relation to
or arising out of any or all contents of this Feasibility Report.
Information provided in this Feasibility Report is on a wide range of matters, some of which may
depend upon interpretation of law and upon commercial and technical assumptions that are deemed
to be reasonable in the assessment of the consultants that have prepared this Feasibility Report.
The information given herein is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements
or technical and commercial assumptions and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative
statement on the matters covered herein. Neither the consultants that have prepared this report,
nor the GoK/VISL accept any responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or
opinion on law or commercial or technical assumptions made herein.
The consultants that have prepared this report, the GoK/VISL, their employees and advisors make
no representation or warranty whatsoever, express, implicit or otherwise, regarding the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability and/or completeness of any assessment, assumptions, statement
or information provided by it in this report and shall have no liability to any person, including any
applicant or bidder, under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or
unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be
incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this report or otherwise, including the
accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of this report and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained herein or deemed to form part of this report or
arising in any way for participation in the proposed bidding process.
The consultants that have prepared this report and the GoK/VISL accept no liability of any nature
whether resulting from negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any
proposed bidder upon the statements contained in this report.
It is expected that the proposed bidders shall, prior to submission of their bids, after a complete and
careful examination, make an independent evaluation of all matters, including matters covered by
this report, Site, existing structures, local conditions, physical qualities of ground, subsoil, channel
and geology, meteorological and wave related data, traffic volumes and all other relevant
information, whether provided by GoK/VISL or obtained, procured or gathered otherwise, and shall
determine to its satisfaction the accuracy or otherwise thereof and the nature and extent of
difficulties, risks and hazards as are likely to arise or may be faced by it in the course of
performance of its obligations under the concession agreement and to make their own assessment
regarding the viability of the Project.
The bidders, if they rely on this report, are deemed to accept and acknowledge the risk of
inadequacy, mistake or error in or relating to any of the matters set forth in this report and are
deemed to acknowledge and agree that the consultants that have prepared this report, the
GoK/VISL shall not be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever.
Executive Summary
Ports Department, Government of Kerala (Authority) through its special purpose government
company (SPV) - Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd (VISL), intends to develop deep water
Multipurpose Greenfield Port at Vizhinjam (Project) in Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala
State. The SPV is fully owned by the Government of Kerala (GoK).
The proposed project is being developed as a PPP project on a design, build, finance, operate and
transfer (“DBFOT”) basis in accordance with the terms and conditions to be set forth in a concession
agreement to be entered into between the GoK and a concessionaire. The selection of
concessionaire (private partner) will be conducted through a transparent international bidding
process. The concessionaire shall design, finance, construct and operate the Port for the
determined concession term. The PPP structure is based on a land lord model where the land will
continue to be owned by the GoK/VISL instrumentality and the Port assets that will be developed
thereon by the concessionaire shall be transferred back to the GoK/ VISL instrumentality at the end
of the concession period. The GoK/VISL instrumentality shall fund a pre-determined amount to be
specified, towards construction of pre identified funded works, i.e. breakwater structures and
associated dredging for Phase 1 of the Project, reclamation and facilities for a new fishery harbor
comprising a fish landing centre and associated infrastructure facilities.
GoK is desirous of developing Vizhinjam port as a PPP project and its main objectives include:
► Development of modern deepwater port facility to improve the state’s transport
► Facilitating trade and attracting investment in the state.
► Promoting private sector participation in port and transport sector.
The port is envisaged to be developed in phased manner. Once fully developed, the Phase-1 of the
port is envisioned to have,
► Breakwater of total length 3,100m (main breakwater 2,960m with 140m extension for fish
landing harbor) to be developed in Phase 1.
► Dredging and maintenance of adequate draft
► Container berth length of 800m capable of handling up to current largest 18,000 TEU
container vessels.
► Container yard behind the quay length with depth of up to 500m.
► Port craft berth of 100m.
► Fish landing centre with a total berth length of 500m and associated infrastructure
The port is designed primarily to cater to the transshipment and gateway container business.
Port Location
The Site for the Port is located at Vizhinjam which is 16 (sixteen) km south of Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala. The geographical coordinates of the Site are Latitude 8° 22’ N and Longitude 76° 57’ E. A
2.5 km long waterfront at Vizhinjam near Thiruvananthapuram has been identified as part of the
Site for the development of the Port. The coastline is mainly oriented towards Northwest-Southeast
direction (bearing of the shore line is about 155° - 304°N).
Vizhinjam port’s immediate competition would be with Cochin (Vallarpadam) and VOC (Tuticorin) for
its gateway containerized cargo; however, the port would primarily be competing with Colombo in
Sri Lanka for container transshipment traffic. The port location is ideal to tap the potential of
development of a deepwater international container port in India that can handle the largest
container vessels serving the East-West shipping route.
Port Development Planning Overview – Phase 1
Based on the technical studies, the recommended layout for the Phase-1 development of Vizhinjam
Port is as shown below. The concessionaire will be entitled to modulate the design to maximize
operational efficiency, in accordance with the terms of the concession agreement.
Proposed layout for Phase-1 Port Development
The summary of the proposed port layout for Phase-1 development is provided in the table below:
Navigational Areas
As equipment forms a major component under port development, the table below provides a
summary of estimated requirements for various container terminal equipment for the Phase-1.
Quantity Productivity
S. No Container Terminal Equipment
(no.) (moves per hour)
3. Reach Stackers 2 12
Maritime consultant appointed by VISL had carried out study of the container traffic analysis and
traffic trade trend of the Indian Subcontinent as basis of container traffic forecast for Vizhinjam
port in 2010. In addition to the container traffic forecasted for transshipment, the Port is also
expected to cater to gateway traffic which will focus on captive or hinterland market in and around
Kerala. The gateway traffic is further segregated into two categories such as Loaded Containers and
Empty Containers.
Based on the port components planned for Phase – 1 development, the container terminal capacity
for handling the projected traffic is 10,00,000 TEU at 70% berth utilization. In such case the
terminal handling capacity would nearly get exhausted in the FY 2026 wherein the forecasted
traffic would be around 9,51,467 TEU.
However, it is envisaged that the port will have state-of-art equipment to handle the projected
container traffic and according to global productivity standards, such ports can achieve a maximum
berth utilization rate of upto 80% at increased cost of vessel queuing. Therefore, container terminal
capacity in Phase-1 development of Vizhinjam Port is expected to cater to a maximum container
traffic up to 12,50,000 TEU. In such case, the projected container traffic of 12,50,025 TEU is
achieved in FY 2030. Thereafter unless capacity augmentation is undertaken the container traffic
remains constant.
Traffic (‘000 TEUs) 2019 2023 2028 2033 2038 2043 2048 2054
Gateway-Loaded 26 92 160 194 194 194 194 194
Gateway-Empty 11 40 53 64 64 64 64 64
Gateway– Total 37 132 213 258 258 258 258 258
Transshipment 112 566 878 992 992 992 992 992
Total 149 698 1,091 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
Tariff Structure
In India, there are primarily two components of port tariff, namely vessel related charges (Port
Dues, Berth Hire, and Pilotage) and container cargo related charges (cargo handling charges and
storage charges), and miscellaneous charges. The traffic is proposed to be capped to the maximum
tariff being levied by a similar Major Port in India and Colombo (specifically for transshipment
Based on the competition analysis and benchmarking with tariffs of competing ports, within a range
of 750 kms from Vizhinjam Port, it is suggested that Vizhinjam offer a container transshipment
tariff similar to current published tariff being levied for container operations at Colombo port and a
container gateway tariff similar to current published tariff being levied for gateway container
operations at the Cochin port.
Vessel Related Charges Container Related Charges
Coastal Vessel Foreign Vessel Gateway Transshipment
Cochin Cochin Cochin Cochin
► Development of the port will fuel Port estate and allied activities in and around the site area;
the area being well connected through rail, road and air as well. As per the detailed project
report, space for a cruise terminal is also feasible which can drive demand for hospitality
services in the area thereby contributing to the overall economic growth of the state
► It is proposed that, the land used for port estate development shall not exceed 30% of the
total area of the site. The total area earmarked for development of port estate development
is 105 acres or 42.5 Ha..
► The area allocation has been carried out based on a preliminary demand mapping of the
area. The maximum area proposed for Port estate development, is proposed to be 105
acres or 4.57 million sq.ft. of which the residential (33%), retail (42%), commercial (15%)
and hospitality (10%) may ideally constitute the Port estate development
► Project proponents – The proposed Port estate development mix is envisaged to constitute
one mid – market and a luxury hotel, commercial space and residential development being
spread over 4.57 million sq.ft.;
► Revenue estimates are based on primary and secondary survey of the current rental rates
prevailing in the market.
Financial Feasibility
► Project structure is based on Landlord model with a long term concession to the private
partner with a concession period of 40 years. In case Capacity Augmentation is undertaken
by the Port developer, an additional 20 years extension in the Concession Period shall be
provided. A further 20 years of concession may be granted on mutual agreement.
► Phase-1 Port Development is estimated to cost INR 4,089 Crores or USD 655.72 million of
which equipment accounts for the maximum share of around 27% which is followed by
dredging and reclamation cost which has a 18% share.
► The total revenue from all sources (including revenues from port estate development) is
estimated to go up from Rs 93 crore in 2018-19 to Rs 7,822 crores in 2053-54.
► Tariff – With intense competition from the ports of Colombo and Vallarpadam terminal in
Cochin and other ports, it was projected that Vizhinjam would need to aggressively price its
container handling services to be able to attract traffic away from the competing ports
► The aims of the detailed financial analysis are to:
o Assess the financial viability of the project;
o In case of non-viability of the project the extent of Government support required in
form of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for making the project commercially viable;
o Examining the financial Viability by including Port estate Development for additional
revenues from commercial exploitation for implementing the project on Public
Private Partnership (PPP) basis;
1 Introduction
1.1 Project Background
Ports are one of the most crucial links in the development of a country’s trade and its economy.
This is self-evident in the case of insular economies such as Hong Kong and Singapore or the United
Kingdom. Even for continental economies like India, globalization of trade is key to development of
the economy. Since this trade is carried primarily by sea-borne vessels, port development gains
strategic importance as the key to economic development.
India has an approximately 5,423 km long peninsular coastline and is located close to major
shipping routes linking East Asia, Europe and the Middle East. India therefore has the potential to
significantly grow its maritime trade with other countries and as its economy grows, necessity of
developing ports for international trade will also grow. Presently there are 12 Major Ports and 187
Non-Major ports in India. The Major Ports are all Government owned and handle around 64% of
India’s maritime trade.
The country’s ports sector has witnessed strong growth over the past decade with total traffic
handled by it increasing from nearly 300 million tonnes in FY01 to 883 million tonnes in FY11. The
traffic-handling capacity of major ports increased at a CAGR of 7.3% during 2006–2011 to reach
645 million tonnes. During the same year, traffic handled at non-major ports grew at 8.6% year on
year, largely due to the 12.4% year on year growth of Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) ports.
The 12 major ports carry about 64% of the total maritime transport of the country. The share of
non-major ports in cargo traffic has increased from less than 10 per cent in 1990 to the current
levels of 36% due to congestion and inefficiencies at major ports and with development of minor
ports by the respective states. There has been an impressive growth of about 11.6% per annum in
container traffic during the five years ending 2010-11. The container trade went up to 10 million
twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) by 2012 from 2.47 million TEU in 2000.
Along its coastline of nearly 585 km, Kerala has one major port at Cochin and 17 non-major ports.
The non-major ports are under the administration of Government of Kerala. Government of Kerala
intends to provide a boost to coastal shipping with further development of ports, which will ease the
burden on the heavily congested highways in the State apart from savings in transportation and
social-emissions cost. Government, besides acting as a catalyst for establishment of new ship repair
and ship building industries, also encourages other port based industries contributing to the
development of ports. Currently, Kerala government is in the process of modernizing ports at
Vizhinjam, Azhikkal, Beypore and Alappuzha.
The Government of Kerala (GoK) through its special purpose government company (SPV)-Vizhinjam
International Seaport Ltd (VISL), is developing Deepwater Multipurpose Greenfield Port at Vizhinjam
in Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala. The SPV is fully owned by the Government of Kerala.
The GoK through VISL had appointed a Transaction Advisor in 2010 to assist in the structuring and
implementation of the Vizhinjam Port project and also to help organize a well-structured and
transparent bid transaction as the port was initially proposed to be developed based on PPP model.
Transaction advisor with the help of maritime consultant carried out the market assessment and
technical consultant to prepare preliminary project plan for the proposed development. Maritime
consultants in their studies indicated that because of a small immediate hinterland, the biggest
potential for Vizhinjam project was to attract container transshipment traffic. However, because of
the intense competition from the ports of Colombo and Vallarpadam terminal in Cochin and other
ports, it was projected that Vizhinjam would need to aggressively price its container handling
services to be able to attract traffic away from the competing ports.
The project is being developed as a PPP project on a design, build, finance, operate and transfer
(“DBFOT”) basis in accordance with the terms and conditions to be set forth in a concession
agreement to be entered into between the GoK and a concessionaire to be selected through a
transparent international bidding process. The concessionaire shall design, finance, construct and
operate the Port for the concession term. The scope of facilities to be provided by the
Concessionaire will include, in addition to the berths, capital dredging, reclamation, container
terminal & yard development, gate complex development, installation of equipment and port
connectivity road. The PPP structure is based on a landlord model where the land will continue to be
owned by the GoK/VISL and the Port assets that will be developed thereon by the concessionaire
shall be transferred back to the GoK/VISL at the end of the concession period. The GoK/VISL shall
fund a pre-determined amount to be specified, towards construction of pre identified funded works,
i.e. breakwater structures and associated dredging for Phase 1 of the Project, reclamation and
facilities for a new fishery harbor comprising a fish landing centre and associated infrastructure
facilities. VISL will also provide utilities to an agreed upon “hand-shake” point and the
concessionaire will be providing the utilities for the rest of the container terminal and the Fisheries
It is envisioned to develop this port incorporating the proven and cost effective Green Port
initiatives in all aspects of construction and operation.
The port will be developed in three phases. Once fully developed, the Phase-1 of the port is
envisioned to have,
► Breakwater of total length 3,100m (main breakwater 2,960m with 140m extension for fish
landing harbor) to be developed in Phase 1.
► Container berth length of 800m capable of handling up to current largest 18,000 TEU
container vessels.
► Container yard behind the quay length with depth of up to 500m.
► Port craft berth of 100m.
► Fish landing centre with a total berth length of 500m and associated infrastructure
Fish Landing berths being developed as part of CSR activities as an outcome of the ESIA study to
improve the fisheries and tourism sector in the project vicinity.
Vizhinjam port would be competing with Cochin and Tuticorin for its gateway containerized cargo;
however, the port would primarily be competing with international ports like Colombo in Sri Lanka,
Salalah in Oman, Dubai and Singapore for container transshipment traffic. The natural water depth
available at proposed Vizhinjam port is more than any competing Indian port and more or equal than
competing international ports. It will be able to capture the increasing trend of larger container
vessels which none of the existing Indian ports can service, due to which majority of containers
destined or generated from India are being transshipped or double-handled from competing
international ports, resulting in higher import/export cost for Indian citizens. Vizhinjam port will
further enhance India’s ability to handle gateway and transshipment cargo while establishing a
strong supply chain network in Kerala. Apart from catering to the needs of hinterland cargo,
Vizhinjam Port will facilitate entire country’s maritime trade and boost the development of a Special
Economic Zones (SEZ) in the region due to opening up of new supply-chain networks.
The port location is selected to tap the potential of development of a deep water international
container transshipment port that can handle the largest container vessels serving the East-West
shipping route as shown in Figure 1.2. The proposed port location is just south to the existing
fishery harbor of Vizhinjam.
Figure 1-2: Vizhinjam Port Location with respect to International East-West Shipping Route
S. No. Description of the Study/Investigations Agency
(Month – Year)
Oceanographic/ Geo-Technical Investigations
L&T-RAMBØLL Consulting Engineers
Limited, Chennai, Rogge Marine
Consulting GMBH, Germany (RMC),
Field Surveys and Investigation Report, May
1. RAMBØLL, Hannenmann & Højlund May 2004
A/S, Denmark (RAMBØLL) and L&T
Capital Company Limited, India
2. Geotechnical and Geophysical Survey Works Fugro Geo-tech Pvt. Limited May 2011
Oceanographic Investigations for Tides
3. EGS Survey Pvt. Ltd. March 2013
Currents and Wave observations
Model Studies
Mathematical model studies by Royal
1. Royal Haskoning October 2010
L&T-RAMBØLL Consulting Engineers
2. Updated Mathematical Model Study May 2013
Limited, Chennai
3. Ship Simulation Study for Vizhinjam Port BMT Consultants India May 2013
Technical Studies
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment L&T-RAMBØLL Consulting Engineers
1. February 2004
Report Limited, Chennai
L&T-RAMBØLL Consulting Engineers
Limited, Chennai in association with
Rogge Marine Consulting GMBH,
May 2004,
Germany (RMC), RAMBØLL,
2. Detailed Techno-Economic Feasibility Study Revision June
Hannenmann & Højlund A/S,
Denmark (RAMBØLL) and L&T
Capital Company Limited, India
3. Preliminary Project Plan Report Royal Haskoning October 2010
DPR for Rail Connectivity from Neyyattinkara July 2011
4. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, Chennai
to Vizhinjam International Seaport May 2012
5. Integrated Master Plan Report AECOM India Private Limited November 2012
Centre for Earth Science Studies
6. CRZ Status Report April 2013
7. DPR for Development of Vizhinjam Port AECOM India Private Limited May 2013
Traffic Studies
1. Kerala Port PPP – Market Study Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. November 2010
2 Functional Requirement
2.1 Design Ship Sizes
Seaborne trade and traffic pattern have undergone tremendous changes due to technological
advances. The shipping sector was more or less dormant since mid-70, when suddenly there was a
movement towards bigger oil tankers due to oil crisis. After that not much happened in shipping
technology for next one and half decade. But in 90’s due to separation between demand and supply
regions and a huge surge in commodity, demand and willingness of parties to enter into long term
contracts along with the opportunity of access to cheap capital, led to the making of bigger ships
which brought economies of scale.
One of the main factors that influence the layout and sizing of the port facilities and therefore the
costs is the size of ships for different commodities. The design ship is the largest ship for a
particular commodity that is likely to be handled at the port and based on which the dimensions and
the design of the berth, the basin, the approach channel will have to be finalized. This, in turn will
influence the layout and alignment of the breakwaters, if required at a particular port.
When selecting the design ship size for a particular commodity, it is essential to consider the
development trends in the international maritime trade driven by the scale of economics in freight.
The size of ships calling at the port will also have a bearing on the facilities available at the ports of
The size of ships that would call at Vizhinjam Port will be governed by the following aspects:
► The trading route and distance between Vizhinjam Port and origin/ destination ports;
► The facilities available at the loading/unloading port including the draft;
► Availability of a suitable ship in the market;
► Future availability of vessel on the market including ‘trickle down’ effects from mainline
routes to secondary routes;
► Volume of annual traffic to be handled and the likely parcel size;
► Balance between capital costs for Vizhinjam port development and freight transport costs.
The traffic study has projected the following main cargo commodities for Vizhinjam Port:
► Containers
► General Cargo
o Fertilizer
o Raw Cashew
o Timber
► Cruise
Since ocean freight is a major component of the overall logistic costs for any consignee, the
operator always look for a modern port with large draft for handling big parcels and with modern
handling equipment which ensures faster and loss-free turnaround of ships.
Year end (‘000’ TEU) 2011 Order Book & Delivery Schedule
‘000’ ‘000’ %
Fleet (TEUs) 2007 2008 2009 2010 No No 2012 2013 2014
3,000-7,999 5,419 6,084 6,638 7,304 1,606 7,694 94 505 7% 381 124 0
8,000+ 1,228 1,664 1,999 2,685 371 3,678 98 1,117 30% 896 167 54
Total Fleet 10,385 11,877 12,969 14,562 5,348 16,053 234 1,697 11% 1327 315 55
There is a continuing trend towards larger container vessels and a number of vessels at the top end
of the size range are already on order as of December 2012:
► 32 no. 12,500 TEU minimum ships ordered for delivery between 2010 and 2012.
► 8 nos. 13,100 TEU ships ordered by Hamburg based Nord Capital group on Hyundai Heavy
Industries. Delivery between April 2010 and March 2011.
► A series of 16,000 TEU ships have been ordered from Samsung Heavy Industries.
► MAERSK Lines have ordered 20 new 18,000 TEU ships from Daewoo Shipbuilding.
► Other shipping lines like K-Line and United Arab Shipping Company are also looking at
acquiring 18,000 TEU ships.
Historically, as the mainline vessel sizes have increased, larger vessels operating in primary routes
have ‘trickled down’ to the second tier routes. It is expected that vessels in the range of 8,000 TEU
will ‘trickle down’ to serve secondary or feeder routes in the future.
Figure 2-1: Depicts the distribution of world fleet container vessel sizes
In order to establish Vizhinjam port’s position as a Major Transshipment port, it will need to be able
to handle ships normally in the range of 9,000 to 18,000 TEU.
overall throughput capacity of Port facilities. If one component of the facility has a much lower
throughput capacity than the others, then the entire facility must operate at the capacity of that
lower-functioning component.
The following table summarizes the key inputs to PRECAP for each terminal element.
► Cargo moved per vessel ► Mix of cargo types ► Number of rail cranes ► Gate to vessel move
call ► Dwell time in use ratio
► Cranes used per vessel ► Static storage ► Rail crane ► Hourly arrival pattern
► Crane productivity capacity productivity ► Number of gate
► Work hours ► Inventory peaking ► Working hours stages
► Non-work time at berth factors ► Switching delay ► Fraction of trucks
► Seasonal peaking factors ► Static working track that visit each stage
► Maximum allowable berth capacity ► Truck processing
utilization time at each stage
PRECAP was used to analyze a range of options, such as comparison of high/med/low capacity
forecast based on specific input assumptions like crane productivity, or calculation of static density
that is expected to increase as a result of a particular project, or evaluation of impacts of statistical
factors – like working hours or vessel size – that are expected to change over time due to external
► Design Vessel Size: Size of vessels is increasing day by day to accommodate more number
of TEU per vessel call. Considering the order-book of vessels and the vessels under
construction, the typical average maximum size of the vessel for direct call at Vizhinjam
port in Phase-1 is considered as 12,500 TEU (for capacity analysis).
► Available Berth Length: The berth length should be optimized to be able to cater to the
largest design vessel along with mix of average vessels.
► Container Moves per Vessel Call: Based on a combination of mainline and feeder vessels,
and market data relating to average number of containers handled per vessel call at peer
transshipment ports, 1500 container moves per vessel call is used as the maximum average
number of containers handled per vessel call. This includes a range covering small feeder
vessels and large mainline container vessels.
► Dock Cranes Assigned per Vessel: Number of dock cranes deployed per vessel call varies
based on the vessel size and number of containers to be handled per vessel call. For the
vessel of size up to 12,500 TEU, up to six dock cranes are being used and for smaller feeder
vessels two to three dock cranes will be deployed. On average, four dock cranes per average
vessel call are considered for the capacity analysis.
► Productivity per Dock Crane: As per prevailing practice in India, an average productivity of
25 moves per hour is used for initial development of the Vizhinjam port. Once the operation
stabilizes and core traffic achieved at the proposed port, the productivity is assumed to be
reaching 30 moves per hour.
► Maximum Practical Berth Utilization: It is a key subjective variable in a Berth Capacity
Analysis. No berth can effectively run at 100% full. Shipping lines expect a certain level of
customer service when calling a terminal; they do not want to queue out at sea for too long
waiting for a berth to become available. Conversely, shipping lines work on fairly rigid
vessel schedules around the world and filling a berth on a given day of the week may prove
difficult to accomplish by changing sailing patterns. Due to the variable nature of vessel
arrivals (delays at berth, storms, etc.), and the market-driven need to service vessels in a
timely manner, the maximum practical berth utilization should be limited to avoid vessel
queuing. In some locations, especially in Asia where feeder vessels will in fact queue for
berth space, terminals can operate at berth occupancy up to 80%. Longer contiguous berths
allow for greater occupancy than shorter berths. Vessels start queuing on a two berth
facility when average berth utilization goes over 70% on a transhipment terminal, whereas
for a single berth, it happens at around 60%. For a transshipment terminal, the overall
productivity and berth utilization can be increased without impacting the operations. At Port
of Vizhinjam, the initial Phase-1 development will comprise of two berths and hence a value
of 70% has been used for capacity calculations, however up to80% berth utilization will be
feasible for the operator in longer run.
► Operational Time: Being an all-weather port, it is assumed that Vizhinjam Port will work
seven days a week for 365 days. Further, it is assumed that the port will operate round the
clock i.e. three shifts of eight hours each with allowance for one hour break between each
shift. This result in an effective working of 21 hours a day used in the capacity analysis.
► Unproductive Time at Berth: It accounts for ship tie-up and untie time, which represents
time where the berth is physically occupied by a vessel (i.e. no other vessel can be in that
berth position) but there is no crane activity, excluding breaks which are captured by the
work hours per day input. This activity includes mooring, line fastening, unlashing prior to
first container move, administrative clearance, etc. These activities are assumed to take, on
an average, 4 hours per vessel call.
► Peak/mean Week Seasonal Demand: It is assumed that a peak week demand of berth will be
20% higher than the average week demand to account for changes in seasonal demand and
adjust peak week berth capacity down to an average week berth capacity for calculation of
the annual berth capacity.
Table 2-5 describes step-by-step assessment of annual berth capacity for the Port of Vizhinjam
Container Transshipment Terminal. The right most columns provide formulas along with the
variables description.
Table 2-5: Container Berth Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port
With two berths of total quay length 800m in Phase-1 Vizhinjam Port can handle approximately
10,00,000 TEU over the berths. It is estimated that once a steady stream of bigger vessels are
calling at the port (such as 18,000 TEU vessels) with higher parcel size per vessel call, additional
throughput can be handled from the proposed two berth facility with potential to go up to 1.2
million TEU on two berths. This additional throughput will depend on the actual mix of different
vessels calling at the port.
Another important factor in the capacity of a container terminal is the size and operation of the
container yard. Ideally, the capacity of the berth and the container yard should be balanced to
achieve maximum throughput from the terminal as a whole.
► Mean Dwell Time: The number of days a container sits inside the container terminal (dwell),
which significantly varies for transshipment (usually 2 to 3 days) vs. the gateway traffic
(varies from 3 to 7 days). For the gateway traffic, it varies by import vs. export vs. empty
container. For the capacity calculation, an average of 5 days is used.
► TGS Capacity: Represents the static storage capacity in terms of total number of twenty
feet ground slots (TGS) or net acres available to store those containers inside the container
► Mean Storage Height: A mean storage height is calculated which takes into account the peak
stacking height of the machine and various utilization factors than can be applied. It
represents the maximum overall desired height for grounded operations. Most operators
feel that 70-80% of the peak theoretical capacity is a reasonable level for planning purposes
in order to account for sufficient empty slots for reshuffling and yard marshalling moves.
Mean storage height used for this case is 3.5 high for capacity calculations.
► Seasonal Peaking Factor: It is assumed that a peak week demand of container yard will be
10% higher than the average week demand to account for changes in seasonal demand and
adjust peak week container yard capacity down to an average week yard capacity for
calculation of the annual container yard capacity.
► Weekly Inventory Peaking Factor: During a week, when a vessel arrives or departs, there is a
sudden surge of inventory of containers that needs to be handled in the container yard,
based on the size of the vessel and number of containers handled per vessel call. The factor
applied to account for this surge is 10%.
Table 2-6 describes calculation of container yard capacity and formulas used to derive it.
Table 2-6: Container Yard Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port
With available number of TGS in Phase-1 development, the Vizhinjam port will be able to handle the
berth throughput from the planned container yard. The container yard capacity calculated in here is
higher than the berth capacity at average five days of dwell time. However, with higher utilization of
berth capacity of up to 1.4 million TEU is achieved on the berth, the additional throughput will be
also possible from the container yard by reducing the average dwell time to 4 days, which is very
much feasible and the current practice on existing transshipment ports.
The TGS is split into the following as indicated in Table 2-7 below to accommodate the empties and
reefer storage to cater the required capacities.
Table 2-8 describes calculations to determine the number of working tracks to handle the
forecasted demand.
Table 2-8: Rail Yard Capacity Analysis for Vizhinjam Port
In order to meet the traffic forecast, one working track will be required in Phase-1 development.
Just one working track will provide almost twice the capacity than the overall requirement. It should
be noted that if the rail yard can be operated 24/7 then additional capacity can be achieved to
handle even non-containerized cargo from the rail yard area.
Container will be stacked at container yard and brought to railway siding by Internal Transfer
Vehicles (ITV). Reach Stackers will load/unload them on the railway rack.
Gate Capacity
Gate capacity analysis is essential feature to get essence of seamless inward and outward traffic
movement including major share of trucks having containers. Following factors impact gate
throughput capacity:
► Throughput share handled by trucks: Share of throughput which is forecasted to be handled
by truck is key factor for gate capacity planning. Amount of TEU handled by truck will
determine the daily truck traffic at port and the movements at gate complex. For capacity
analysis, it is assumed that 70% of the gateway traffic will be moved by trucks as compared
to 30% by rail.
► Peak Ratio: For weekly mean moves 20% peak factor is considered. For daily traffic
movement 30% peak in daily traffic is considered. For hourly traffic, 50% peak is considered
for mean hourly traffic.
► Working Hours: Working hours of gate directly impacts the gate capacity. For Phase-1
development 8 hour gate shift is assumed. The gate working hours will be increased if
additional demand for gateway traffic is experienced at the port and for future phases.
► Moves per Truck visit: Moves per truck visit reflect the container handling movement per
truck. It reflects the number of trucks which come with a container and leave port with a
container. The amount of such truck traffic is assumed 10% of total daily truck traffic.
► RPM Capacity: Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) are passive radiation detection devices used
for the screening of vehicles and cargo for detection of illicit sources at port gates. Number
of trucks that can be screened by this device per hour determines its capacity, which is
being considered as 120 trucks per hour for capacity calculation. This number can increase
with reduction in screening time.
Number of required lanes in above calculation relates to container truck traffic only. Additional two
lanes are required for each entry and exit gate for the vehicles participating in port operation
facilities such as port staff vehicles, vehicles of customs, vehicles for supporting services, oversize
cargo etc. Therefore, total five lanes each for entry and exit gate will be required.
elements for the Port of Vizhinjam. The Phase-1 plan has been prepared to meet this development
Based on the port components planned for Phase-1 development, Table 2-11 shows a summary of
the estimated traffic and the planned capacity for the Vizhinjam Port. As evident from the table, the
Phase-1 development will provide optimum capacity for handling the projected traffic for Phase-1.
It is estimated that around 5.9 million m3 of material will be required for reclamation. This would
require total dredging to be of the order of around 6.6 million m3. This additional dredging of
around 1.6 million m3 over the required dredging may be obtained by over-dredging the
navigational channel.
The suitable dredged materials will be discharged by the dredging equipment into one of the
reclamation areas.
2.8.2 Buildings
The Phase-1 development of port has identified the conceptual foot print and location for various
terminal buildings required for the functional port operations.
Typical buildings common to a container terminal includes:
► Administration Building;
► Entry/Exit Gate Inspection Canopy;
► Security Guard Booths;
► Pre-gate and Customs Building;
► Maintenance Workshop and Repair Building;
► Quay Crane Maintenance and Marine Operations Building.
Apart from these terminal buildings, the other functional building required for the port operations
► VISL Port Administration Building for functioning of VISL in managing the port operations.
► Substation buildings to house the transformers and other electrical equipment as per the
load requirements in the different parts of the port area.
Buildings not shown or considered in the Phase-1 development plan include those that may be
needed to handle possible general/multipurpose cargo and port operator need based facilities. A
provisional location for these buildings is shown on the plan but no additional details are provided to
keep the flexibility for future expansion.
3.1.1 Breakwater
For carrying out cargo handling operations at the berths, there is a limiting wave conditions at the
berths to ensure that there are no excessive movements of the ships that will hamper the
loading/unloading operations. This limit varies with the handling system for the different types of
cargo. Hence, the breakwater configuration and the overall port layout should ensure adequate
tranquility at the berths so that cargo handling may continue even when the offshore wave climate
exceeds the limit for ships’ movement in and out of the harbor.
The maximum acceptable wave conditions for cargo handling operations at the berth are dependent
on ship size, the type and method of cargo handling, and the direction of the wave attack. Beam
waves cause the vessel to roll and affect the cargo handling operations more than head waves. The
limiting wave heights (Hs) for different wave directions for cargo handling operations are
summarized in Table 3-1 below. These numbers are based on IAPH guidelines and apply to the worst
wave periods for each direction.
The breakwater alignment for Phase-1 development have been chosen to maximize the operations
time by effectively blocking all of the bigger South-West monsoon waves and providing enough
protection against rest of the year waves.
The breakwater alignment consists of breakwater that is around 3,100m (2,960 main harbor
breakwater and 140m breakwater for fishery harbor extension) long. The deepest depth contour for
breakwater is around -20m CD. The crest height of the breakwaters has been chosen so as to only
allow industry standard overtopping discharges.
The location and details of breakwater are as shown in Drawing# CA/B/V
The outer approach channel would be unprotected with vessels in transit along this section sailing
under their own power without tug assistance. The inner entrance channel would be protected and
should be fairly sheltered from wave attacks. Tugs will be able to meet and fasten to the vessel
before it enters the turning area and starts to manoeuver towards the allocated berth.
The vessels will start slowing down after tugs are attached in the inner approach channel. As per
PIANC (1997) guidelines, sheltered inner approach channel should have around 4-5 times length of
the design ship. However, considering the capital cost of longer breakwater, it is expected that
breakwaters will provide an effective length of 3-4 times the design vessel length overall for Phase-
1 operations which is deemed adequate. The vessel navigation study has further confirmed the
inner approach channel length adequacy for the vessel operations for Phase-1.
Dredged Depth at Port
The depth of the approach channel is a very important parameter in approach channel design. The
Vizhinjam port location has a very favorable bathymetry and natural depth. Water depth in the
channel region is around 15 to 18m depth below CD. This will minimize the initial capital dredging
cost involved. The depth in the channel is determined by the vessel’s loaded draught; trim or tilt due
to loads within the holds; ship’s motion due to waves, such as pitch, roll and heave; character of the
sea-bottom, soft or hard; wind; influence of water level and tidal variations; the increase in draft of
the vessel due to squat or bottom suction.
The dredged depths at the port entrance channel and maneuvering areas will be governed by the
fully loaded draft of the design ship. Based on PIANC guidelines, the following dredged depths (after
rounding off) are provided at different parts of the harbor for the design ships.
Approach Channel outside Inner channel and Depth at Container
Vessel Size
Breakwater Maneuvering area berths
(Loaded draft+30%) (Loaded draft+15%) (Loaded draft + 15%)
18,000 TEU
20.8 18.4 18.4
(16.0m draft)
Thus the outer approach channel which will be unsheltered will have a minimum dredging depth of
20.8m CD, whereas in the inner approach channel area, turning circle and harbor basin, a water
depth of 18.4m CD will be provided. Berthing pockets will have a dredged depth of 18.4m CD. These
dredge depths will also be able to accommodate the 18,000 TEU ships. The vessel navigation study
has further confirmed the adequacy of the depths provided at various navigational areas.
Turning Circle Diameter
As per the PIANC guidelines, diameter of the sheltered turning circle with tug assistance should be
1.75 times length of the design ship. The design ship length is taken as 400m so the turning circle
diameter required would be 1.75 times 400m which is 700m. The vessel navigation study has
further confirmed the adequacy of the turning circle diameter and location.
Width of Harbor Entrance
The width of the single lane approach channel has been estimated considering the design ship beam
of 59m. The various factors considering the base width of the channel have been taken from PIANC
guidelines. A suitable factor for each parameter is taken and it is multiplied with design ship beam to
get the total base width of the channel. Channel width calculations are shown in in the table below
From the above table, it can be concluded that as per PIANC guidelines outer approach channel
(unsheltered) and inner approach channel (sheltered) will need approximately 295m and 266m of
base width respectively.
The ship navigation simulation study has recommended that the outer approach channel be widened
to 400m and inner approach channel be maintained at 300m. For Phase-1 development, outer
approach channel width is sized as 400m gradually reducing at the breakwater mouth to an inner
approach channel width of 300m.
The approach channel can be a single lane or a two lane channel. For busy ports which handle very
large throughput and have a large number of vessel calls, it is recommended to have a two way
approach channel. In order to establish the approach channel width and number of lanes, technical
consultant has performed a spreadsheet analysis. Based on the operating assumptions made, Table
3-3 shows the impact of vessel traffic on the channel utilization rate for various phases.
The parameters considered for channel traffic level analysis are vessel speed (it is assumed that
vessels would transit slowly in the approach channel at an average speed of 5 knots), length of the
approach channel, and time for operations such as pilot boarding, tug fastening and maneuvering
operations in turning circle. Traffic parameters (total ship calls) are taken from maritime
consultant’s report.
Approach channel utilization for Phase-1 is calculated at 20% for commercial vessels. The actual
usage of these berths will vary and hence these are not currently included in the utilization
calculations. With these utilization figures, it can be concluded that a single lane, one way channel
will be sufficient to serve the expected number of ship calls up to the final phase of development
along with the naval and coast guard vessels. In addition, with the removal of south breakwater and
widening of approach channel to 400m, smaller vessels may be allowed to pass each other as
deemed adequate by the pilot authorities.
b) Landside facilities
► Auction hall and loading area facility
► Administrative building
► Net mending shed
► Gear Shed
► Toilet Block
► Facilities for Effluent treatment
► Vehicle parking area
► Access roads
► Security
► Electric & Water Supply etc.
It is proposed to provide 500m fishing jetty with differential landing facility for the fishing trawlers
and country boats fitted with outboard engines.
The technical consultant had applied the site-specific physical constraints, based on the
infrastructure assessment, to identify the master plan while keeping VISL objectives in mind. These
constraints include proximity to an existing fishing harbor and fishermen settlements in the north; a
temple in the middle; a fishing village with long beach (Adimalathura) in the south (Phase-3 end) and
steep topography of the backup area.
In summary the Master Plan addresses four main factors:
► Market: The master plan is based on the traffic analysis performed by IFC/Drewry (2010)
and is planned to accommodate the 2044 high case scenario. In addition, expansion
potential of the master plan will allow to port to expand beyond 2044. The master plan is
flexible enough to accommodate various types of cargoes depending on the market
situation (cruise, multi-purpose cargo). Based on the market forecast, it is recommended
that Port of Vizhinjam be developed in three phases with Phase-3 bringing it up to the final
master plan development.
► Technical: The master plan presents the most technically sound option after taking into due
consideration the physical constraints at the site and providing a futuristic world class
efficient facility with green design concepts.
► Environmental: The master plan takes into account various environmental aspects such as:
o Provides a 300m clearance between the existing fishing harbor to avoid disturbing
the existing facilities due to proposed port;
o Minimizes the land cutting with efficient arrangement of terminal facilities;
o Minimizes tree uprooting in the back land by locating terminal facilities away from
existing shoreline;
o Provides flexibility to incorporate green initiatives.
► Social: The Master Plan has been carefully arrived at to minimize impact on the adjoining
population, some of the factors considered are:
o Fishing community near the proposed port site;
o Additional fish landing centre is provided for the fishing community;
o Additional beach area developed by reclaiming into the sea for the local community
o Rail access has been planned for minimal impact on the adjoining village;
o Tourism industry to improve through cruise vessels and the proposed land use will
match the current land use in the cruise terminal area;
o Master plan preserves the existing Mulloor Naga temple and provides for unimpeded
access to it.
split of gateway traffic coming through rail is assumed to be 30%. The number of rail lines has been
sized to accommodate this traffic.
In future, the proximity of the planned cruise berths to the rail yard can also be utilized to handle
the multipurpose/ bulk cargo from the cruise berths using rail for landside transfer.
Provisional future expansion space east of rail yard and north of the gate complex can be also used
for bunker fuel storage, which can also avail the proximity of rail yard, for bringing in the liquid
petroleum products in the port by rail.
Quantity Productivity
S. No Container Terminal Equipment
(no.) (moves per hour)
1. Rail Mounted Quay Cranes (RMQC) 8 25
2. Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes 24 15 to 20
Quantity Productivity
S. No Container Terminal Equipment
(no.) (moves per hour)
3. Reach Stackers 2 12
4. Empty Container Handlers 6 15 to 20
5. Internal Transfer Vehicles 55 4 to 6
RVNL has carried out detailed project report for the rail connection from Nemom station to port.
Nemom is a block station having 2 main lines. 2 full length siding lines with linkage to the main line
at both ends are proposed at Nemom railway station along with a station building to cater to the
generated rail traffic by port.
The location and details of exchange yard are as shown in Drawing 12086/DPR/261.
The total length of the internal rail link to the Container Terminal is estimated at 2870m. The rail
terminal is planned with 3 sidings (a working siding and two loop sidings) with clear length of 700 m.
The track spacing for the Rail Terminal is 6m between two adjacent rail sidings to allow for
maintenance access and inspection of containers and wagons. Spacing between working siding and
loop siding is planned considering the future deployment of extra rail sidings to cater to the future
hinterland traffic. A secondary storage area for containers is provided adjacent to working sidings.
All roads will be merging with the road connecting port to the NH-47 bypass and forming rotary
junction. Road from rotary junction to custom gate and container terminal will be of four lane wide
road and the other roads from rotary junction to VISL Port Administration Building.
It can be seen from above that daily water demand for the Phase-1 development is estimated to be
around 0.5 MLD (million litres per day). Out of this the potable water demand is 0.32 MLD which will
accommodate the requirements for the port personnel, township with balance being the raw water.
The total water demand over the master plan horizon is expected to go up to 1.0 MLD. This would
comprise of 0.7 MLD of potable water with the balance being raw water. Kerala Water Authority has
already sanctioned 1.0 MLD of potable water for Vizhinjam Port use.
The mooring launches with good maneuverability will be about 10m long with open deck and single
screw. The propulsion power shall be delivered by an electrically starting diesel engine of
approximate 75-100 kW, driving the propeller shaft via a reverse reduction gearbox. Two mooring
launches will be provided at the port.
S. No. Harbor Craft
1. Tugs
· 70 T bollard pull 3
· 40 T bollard pull 1
2. Mooring Launch 2
3. Pilot cum Survey Vessels 1
VTMIS will have the requisite communication, Radar system integrated into it.
► Sabotage;
► Pilferage and thefts;
► Encroachments by unauthorized persons;
► Trespassers and antisocial elements.
The security system must comply with the requirements of ISPS Code. Keeping in view the
importance of various areas in the port, the following proposals are made:
► Port boundary provided with a rubble masonry wall 2.4m high with barbed wire fencing of
1m high;
► Perimeter Fence CCTV System - comprising high sensitivity colour cameras
► A security office and check post at the entrance to the terminal;
► Provision of watch towers at suitable intervals for manual monitoring;
► Adequate Container scanners are provided to scan percentage of boxes as per security plan;
► Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) for the screening of vehicles and cargo for detection of
illicit sources;
► Adequate isolated area would be allocated for storage of dangerous goods;
► The lighting in the port area shall be to the acceptable standards.
For Phase-1 development, it is proposed that the boundary wall needs to be constructed only
around the actual operational areas.
The security arrangements proposed would have to be to the approval of the Director General of
shipping who is the designated authority under the ISPS code.
5.10Port Buildings
5.10.1 Administration Building
The Administration Building is located adjacent to the entrance and exit gate. It will be 3-storeyed
building with a total floor area of 800sqm. The building is located on the site plan to allow visual
access to the gate complex from the Customer Service Department and the second floor Control
Room. Office areas on the third floor will have visual access to the container yard, container ship
wharf, rail yard, and all gate areas. Building will be located on reclaimed land and will be RCC
structures with piled foundations.
Floor Area
S. No. Particulars
1. Administrative Buildings
· VISL Administrative Building 800
· Private Operator Administrative Building 800
2. Port Marine Operations Building 630
3. Yard Operations Building 300
4. Crane Maintenance Building 830
The IT infrastructure will encompass a wide range of port functions, including planning operations
and financial processing. This will allow the Licensee to optimize the management functions,
respond in a timely manner to events, and readily provide shipping lines with information
requested. In addition, these systems will enable the service of electronic data exchange and
stowage planning to be offered to the shipping lines.
The Personal Computing (PC) network will include PC workstations for all relevant port employees,
communication devices such as RDT, internet links and adequate servers, storage capacity for the
operational database, and network management. Provision for data security and uninterrupted
power supply will be included in the hardware, network, and communications systems.
A Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) will be installed at the new port with the system being
built up from a family of advanced maritime information applications and sensors. It will be based
on a well proven, concept of software modules and components that will make the system highly
flexible and able to be augmented in both functionality and scalability.
The VTMS provided will allow it to be used as an aid to navigation (AtoN), ship reporting, Automatic
Identification System (AIS) and voyage management. It will have features such as message and
voice communications, multi-media logging and replay. It is intended that the system software will
use a programming language that enables the software to be executed on virtually any kind of
computer platform to reduce costs and ensuring a maximum system life-length.
A VTMS control centre will be designed and built to suite operational requirements. The console
display units for VTS operators’ workstations will provide state-of-the-art presentation and control
systems. The software to be installed will permit several functions to be combined in a single
workstation such as radar, AIS, AtoN management, seamless handling of voyage management
information, CCTV, weather information, air situation picture, multi-fuel chart and GIS presentation
etc. as applicable.
The efficiency of a port container terminal is synonymous with the information systems that
practically drive and track the movement of containers as well as acting as an interface between the
user, the vessel and the terminal. The container terminal with a huge amount of data being
generated would naturally require sophisticated IT infrastructure with connectivity to its users. The
system provided is likely to have data base servers, a large number of PCs, printers, Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS), terminal operation/planning software (supplied by NAVIS, Cosmos or Total
Softbank) etc. In particular, the Terminal Operating System should have ship planning, Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI), BAPLIE, external tracking and billing modules.
A computer system for port operation takes the form of a central computer processor with hard disc
storage on which information files are stored and updated. It is linked to a variety of terminals
where operators can access, update or supplement this information at any time.
The operator terminals may have visual display units comprising screens and keyboards, printers for
obtaining ‘hard’ copy or gaining access to printed information, card or tape readers, etc. depending
on the specific system requirements.
A system whereby the central computer is connected with computers with Pentium processors
through local area network (LAN) is required. The computers would be able to work independently
as well as ‘in linked’ mode with the container terminal’s central computer. The capital cost of this
would also include developing specialized software, computerization of all operations including the
management information system etc.
5.13Bunkering Facility
As Vizhinjam port is developing as a container transshipment port the fuel bunkering facilities will
be required for fuelling of vessels. To meet the bunkering requirements of ships (HFO and Marine
Diesel), a provision for laying a 350mm dia pipeline will be made in the berths. The bunkering tank
farm will also serve fuel to port crafts and port vehicles/equipment.
Fuel bunkering facility is not planned for Phase-1, but it will be a part of the master plan. It is
proposed that in Phase-1, vessels are supplied bunker fuel through mobile fuel tankers/ trucks
bringing the fuel from outside the terminal and directly feeding the vessels. However, the selected
port operator may decide to upgrade to an automated bunkering hydrant system.
For future phases, it is estimated (based on the vessel calls for master plan) that a throughput of 1
MTPA of bunker fuel will be required. This will need space for bunker fuel storage, fuel hydrant
system from tanks to berths, and unloading berth. It is estimated that approximately 100,000 tons
of static storage capacity will be able to meet the annual throughput needs. These tanks may be
supplied by the unloading berth or using rail. Based on various types of tanks, provision for 2 Ha
land is provided in the port master plan in the future expansion area east of rail tracks and north of
gate complex. It is anticipated that the provision of necessary infrastructure such as tanks, pipelines
and pumps would be provided and operated by an interested oil company.
5.14Pollution Control
5.14.1 General
One of the essential regulatory functions of a Port Authority is to ensure that the Port waters are
free from pollution. To this end, pollution control assumes a significant role in any port operations.
The main sources of pollution in the port are:
► Discharge of oil by ships / crafts.
► Discharge of bilge by ships / crafts.
► Discharge of dirty / contaminated ballast by ships.
► Discharge of cargo overboard.
► Spillage of cargo during unloading / loading operations.
► Discharge of garbage, sweepings, sewage, etc.
► Discharge of industrial effluents.
► Municipal sewage and drainage.
► Dust from cargo.
► Smoke from ships, vehicles.
► Noise from vehicles, machinery.
Containers being low hazardous cargo, no specific pollution control facilities are required for a
container terminal. The following steps will be taken for pollution control at the port:
► For containment and cleaning of oil spillage from fuel stations, a special drainage system
will be installed for the area which can separate oils from drain water. The reefer wash down
area will also be provided with an oil-sediment separator unit as part of the drainage
► For containment and cleaning of oil spillage from vessels, a portable inflatable type oil spill
containment booms and oil skimmer is proposed.
► High mast lights with shielding arrangements will be used at the terminal to minimize light
The port is envisaged as a green port and usage of eRTGs and hybrid ITVs is proposed amongst
other measures to reduce the environmental impact of the port. In addition, the port is planned as a
world-class facility with efficient systems that minimize processing times which reduce fuel
consumption and air pollution, thus positively impacting the environment.
Figure 6-1: Gateway and transshipment hub container ports serving the ISC region
In principle, container transshipment is needed to transfer the containers from a smaller feeder
vessel to a much larger mainline vessels transiting along the East-West corridor and vice-versa.
Larger (>10,000 TEU) container vessels tend to provide cost savings of at least 30% per TEU as
compared to feeder vessels of sizes less than 4,000 TEU. Note that almost 60% of the ISC
transshipment cargo is being handled by Ports outside of ISC, who are fed from ISC feeder ports
mostly using smaller container vessels of less than 6,000 TEU.
Colombo is the largest transshipment hub for ISC traffic in the region and handles around 35% of
the total ISC transshipment traffic, whereas 4.1% of the ISC transshipment volume is handled by
ports other than Colombo within the ISC region, while it is important to note that almost 61% of the
ISC transshipment traffic is handled by hub ports outside ISC, namely Singapore, Salalah, Jebel Ali,
Cost of importing/exporting from India is relatively higher than in other developed countries,
primarily due to inefficiencies in the logistics chain, lack of deep draft port facilities and capacity
constrained hinterland cargo evacuation system.
Vizhinjam is strategically located along south of the Kerala coast and is only 10 nautical miles away
from the East-West world shipping corridor. Its planned location is endowed with natural deep draft
water and is estimated to have minimal maintenance dredging needs. The Greenfield location has
enabled for the master plan to be developed to provide world class infrastructure for efficient
services and to cater for future development potential.
Figure 6-2: Vizhinjam port location with respect to international East-West shipping route
Any party involved in coastal trade in India can employ foreign flag vessels subject to clearance by
Indian National Shipowners’ Association (INSA) that no suitable Indian flag vessels are available.
Further it should be approved by DG Shipping.
Currently, Indian flagged container vessels cater to only less than 5% of transshipment volume. The
Indian flagged container vessels have only 15,000 TEU carrying capacity vis-à-vis foreign flag,
which touches Indian shores, has cumulatively close to 1 mn TEU capacity and in future, the overall
capacity is going to manifold due to acquisition of bigger vessels by foreign shipping lines. Due to
economy of scale & simultaneously carrying international containers help bring down cost of feeder
movement by foreign flag vessels. Hence, for transshipment to be successful, cabotage has to be
relaxed. In the absence of which, even if Vizhinjam is developed, shipping lines may not call at this
aforesaid in the basic assumptions, it is assumed that for the period of 6 years, i.e. from FY 2049-
2054, the traffic will grow at a similar growth of 8% on a pro-rata basis. The proposed CAGR also
nearly matches with the transshipment traffic forecasted till FY 2025 for South East Asia region by
Ocean Shipping Consultants.
Gateway Traffic Forecast – India
Gateway container traffic for Vizhinjam Port was forecasted based on linear equation considering
estimated GDP growth. The average growth in import-export traffic in the region has been about
13% per annum in the last 11 years. The west coast of India has shown the strongest growth,
nearing 15% per annum, whilst Sri Lanka has seen a more modest 6.7% per annum growth rate.
Total gateway traffic reached 11.6 million TEU in 2008, up from 3.1 million TEU in 1997. For
Gateway (Loaded & Empty) containers, Drewry study has estimated the traffic forecast till FY 2044
with a CAGR of 10% & 8% respectively. As aforesaid, it is assumed that for the period of 6 years, i.e.
from FY 2049-2054, the Gateway (Loaded & Empty) containers traffic will grow at a similar growth
of 10% & 8% respectively on a pro-rata basis. The proposed CAGR also nearly matches with the
gateway container traffic forecasted till FY 2025 for South East Asia region by Ocean Shipping
Consultants. Based on the analysis the transshipment and gateway traffic considering the base case
scenario, forecasts for Vizhinjam are as below in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1: Projected Container Traffic (‘000 TEU) for Vizhinjam Port 2018-2054
Following assumptions have been taken by the Drewry study into account to calculate the
anticipated volumes available for mainline and feeder vessels.
Table 6-4 shows the expected vessel traffic anticipated at the Vizhinjam port during the forecast
period in the base case scenario for Phase 1 Port Development.
As per forecast in the Base case scenario, it is estimated that the total number of vessel calls would increase from 2 calls per week in 2018 to 11 calls per
week in 2054 for Phase 1 Port Development. As discussed in the previous section, the port will achieve its maximum planned berth capacity by the year 2030
and hence post that the traffic forecast for the balance period would remain constant and hence, it is evident from the above table that the vessel calls per
week also remains constant at 11 from F 2031 to FY2054.
7 Tariff Structure
7.1 Introduction
Tariff levels and operating costs are an essential component in the competitiveness of a port. It is
important to offer a competitive tariff that may attract potential customers. Since, competitive
price provides the impetus to overcome inertia in terms of switching ports.
Generally, there are two types of charges that need to be considered, those applicable to the vessel
and those relating to the cargo i.e. container itself. However, rather than simply giving a total
estimated cost for calling at a facility and discharging/loading container cargo, the consultant has
searched some of the components that comprise cost of a port call in India on individual tariff items.
The following is a representation of the key types of vessel and container related charges that are
supposed to be levied on each vessel call.
Tariff Structure
The best gauge of the level of charges that the port should levy is available by looking at what other
major container handling ports in the region are currently charging. In order to draw comparison
between the charges, benchmarking of tariffs applicable in various ports has been conducted for
both vessel and container handling charges. Ports situated within 750 km from Vizhinjam have been
studied for both vessel and container tariffs. The following indicates the name of the ports
considered for both the categories and further segregated to Coastal and Foreign Vessel.
In addition to above, the cargo tariff structure study stated in the following section is limited to
container cargo tariff. This is due to the reason that Phase-1 port development stage does not
envisage any bulk cargo berth terminal capacity.
Table 7-1 Name of ports identified for benchmarking vessel and container related charges
Vessel related charges are applicable on various type of vessels based upon their Gross Registered
Tonnage (GRT) value. According to the maritime terminology, GRT or gross tonnage (GT) represents
the total internal volume of cargo vessels. Note that the GRT cannot be equated with measurements
of weight such as carrying capacity – nor should it be confused with the standard displacement used
to rate a warship.
In order to draw some useful comparison of rates amongst various ports, the consultant has
classified the vessel size into three different categories against the number of containers (in TEU)
these vessels can carry:
► Upto 30,000 GRT – Upto 2,500 TEU
► 30,001 to 60,000 GRT – 2,501 TEU to 5,000 TEU
► 60,001 GRT and above – 5,001 TEU and above
These vessel size wise classification have been based on the global estimate of containership fleet
wherein container vessels upto 30,000 GRT accounts for 60% of the total containership fleet
followed by vessels from 30,000 GRT to 60,000 GRT which accounts for 30% of the total
containership fleet and remaining 10% share is of vessels above 60,000 GRT which can carry more
than 5000 TEU. In addition to this, the vessel related tariff at Indian Ports is separately charge for
Coastal Vessels (with Indian Flag) and Foreign Vessels (with Foreign Country Flag).
In this report, the tariff calculations have been based on the published port charges as mentioned in
the port’s website, which provide overall charges per vessel to be paid for each vessel call on these
It is evident from the above tables that the vessel related charges for Foreign Vessels at Indian
Ports are higher than the foreign ports. This is due to the reason that the Indian Ports are primarily
governed by the TAMP rules, unlike foreign ports where charges are primarily determined by market
competition where the rates are aligned with tariff published by competing ports. These rates are
often a starting point for negotiation of a time/ volume agreement, a first or last port of call status
agreement, or an increase in throughput from a shipping line. Foreign ports like Colombo offers
huge discount (15-20%) over the published rates depending on the frequency of the calls and
throughput generated by the shipping line.
In addition, it is also evident that old ports such as Chennai, Tuticorin, New Mangalore and Colombo
offer lower rates in comparison to new ports such as Cochin, Ennore& Dubai. This is due to the
reason of owning in-place port infrastructure (offshore and onshore) for many years and hence, can
provide a better edge in the competition on pricing. However, for Vizhinjam Port, Cochin & Colombo
Ports are the prime and immediate competitors which indicates that the tariff order for vessel
related charges to be proposed for Vizhinjam Port could be capped on highest rates of Cochin &
Colombo Ports published rates and then the discount for initial operational years could be offered
on the proposed rates to attract shipping lines for port calls at Vizhinjam Port.
For this category, tariffs have primarily been mentioned for loaded and empty twenty feet
equivalent units (20’ TEU) and forty feet equivalent units (40’ FEU). The type of container related
charges levied on the shipping line or agents are as follows:
► Discharging/loading of Containers
o Loaded
o Empty
o Oversize
o Reefer
o Hazardous
► Lift on / Lift off charges for containers
► Stuffing & de-stuffing at Container Freight Station (CFS)
► Storage of Containers
o Loaded & Empty
Table 7-4: Container handling related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing Indian ports
From the above table it is evident that Cochin Port container handling charges are substantially
higher than other two ports in all the categories. All three ports are governed by TAMP which
constraints them to price beyond the stipulated ceiling. There have been cases in Indian Ports where
container terminal operated by private sector have requested TAMP for an increase in tariff for a
brief period where the volumes were anticipated to go down and hence, few of those cases were
accepted by TAMP for a brief period. However, though there is a tight supply/demand scenario for
container handling in India, ports such as JNPT has been unable to price accordingly. It is important
to note that market driven pricing is more acceptable globally by the governments and port
developer particularly in case where the developer has to build an entire Greenfield port through a
concession. This may be possible in the future as overall objective of the regulator is to continue to
shift towards market driven competitive pricing.
generating revenue but also a deterrent for laggard who intends to use the precious container yard
space as a warehouse. Indirectly, it also provides impetus to the movement of container by
rewarding the efficient shippers.
Table 7-5: Gateway-Container storage related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing Indian ports
All three ports provide free storage days specifically for the purpose of customer relations. The
maximum free days for Full Container are 7 days and for Empty Container it is 5 days. However,
both Cochin and Chennai offers 7 free days for Full Container and 3 days for Empty Container. It is
evident from the above table that Tuticorin Port offers lowest storage rates than other two ports.
The reason for high storage rates at Chennai would be because of the inadequate storage capacity
at terminal area and huge congestion for evacuation of cargo and hence, terminal operators have
little choice other than to charge higher storage rents in order to ensure smooth facilitation of
Table 7-6: Transshipment-Container handling related tariffs at Vizhinjam’s competing foreign ports
Colombo port charges equal tariff for Transshipment of loaded and empty containers and their rates
are lowest primarily for all categories when compared to other two Transshipment hub ports. In
addition, Colombo port offers a huge discount in the range of 15-20%, hence the effective charged
rate goes even lower.
It is evident from the table above that Colombo Port provides maximum free days for a container
stored in the terminal area as compared to Dubai and Salalah Ports. However, in case a container
exceeds the free day limit, the charges mentioned above shall apply to the shipper from the first day
of storage itself till the date of loading on the ship.
► Hence the following is the proposed card rate (without any discounts) for Vizhinjam Port
for vessel related charges:
► It is assumed that the escalation factor for the tariff rate would be 100% of the Wholesale
Price Index increase for each year. On an average estimated 7% y-o-y increase in WPI has
been estimated over the forecast period.
20 ft 40 ft
Coastal Foreign Coastal Foreign
From vessel to CY or vice versa- Full
1500 3300 2300 4900
Containers (Import /Export)
From vessel to CY or vice versa – Empty
1500 3300 2200 4900
Containers (Import /Export)
Wharfage Charges - Full Containers 500 820 750 1250
From vessel to CY or vice versa - Over
1900 4100 2800 6200
Dimensional Container (Full/Empty)
*CY: Container Yard, Proposed rates have been rounded off from the original rates
► It has been assumed that a large share of the traffic at the Vizhinjam port would be
generated from Indian ports. As per TAMP guidelines, the coastal vessel gets a discount of
approximately 40% on the both vessel and container related charges, however that
guideline is binding only on major ports and doesn’t cover state ports. If Vizhinjam port
offers the discount to coastal vessels, then the overall cost benefit for a shipping line would
further increase.
► It is assumed that Reefer and Hazardous containers will be charged as similar to normal
containers and 50% of surcharge on normal containers respectively.
► It is estimated that 85% of the revenue generated by a terminal is contributed by container
handling charges stated above. The other 15% revenue is generated by miscellaneous
services like re-stow, hatching, internal movements of containers, washing, etc.
► It is assumed that the escalation factor for the tariff rate would be 100% of the Wholesale
Price Index increase for each year. Tariff is being escalated on an average is estimated
7.6% y-o-y increase has been estimated over the forecast period.
► It is assumed that the escalation factor for the tariff rate would be 100% of the Wholesale
Price Index increase for each year. Tariff is being escalated at an estimated 6.7% y-o-y
increase has been estimated over the forecast period.
► It is estimated that 90% of the revenue generated by a terminal is contributed by container
handling charges stated above. The other 10% revenue is generated by miscellaneous
services like washing, weighing, etc.
► It is assumed that Hazardous containers in both gateway and Transshipment will be
charged 50% more than the normal full containers.
► The proposed Tariff has be computed on the assumption that any cost deviation in terms of
shifting transhipment hub from Colombo to Vizhinjam based on the premise that the
shipping lines are being offered 20% discount on the published tariff rate for both vessel
and container handling charges.
► Though the benchmarked ports are being governed by TAMP, to be competitive and
generate initial traffic base, the proposed Vizhinjam port should offer a substantial discount
from competition. The consultant estimates that once the traffic builds up at the Vizhinjam
port, then the port can reduce the margin of discount offered vis-à-vis competing port.
2011 was 3,307,284 as per provisional reports of Census India. The male and female population
constitutes about 52% and 48% of the total population respectively. The Literacy levels in the city
are close to 85%.
8.1.2 Connectivity
The NH-66, which runs from Panvel to Kanyakumari connects the city to Kochi, Kozhikode and
Mangalore. The Main Central Road (MC Road) which is an arterial State Highway in Kerala and
designated as SH 1 starts from Kesavadasapuram in the city.
Thiruvananthapuram comes under the Southern Railway zone of the Indian Railways. There are five
railway stations within the city limits including the Thiruvananthapuram central station.
Thiruvananthapuram Pettah, Kochuveli and Veli stations are located towards north direction and
Thiruvananthapuram Nemom is located in south direction from the central station. The Central
railway station is located at Thampanoor in the heart of the city, and is about 5 km from the new
international air terminal and nearly 8 km from the domestic air terminal. It is the largest and
busiest railway station in the state. Kochuveli railway station is developed to ease congestion on
central station and it act as satellite station to Thiruvananthapuram Central. The city is well
connected by rail to almost all major cities in India such as New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,
Bangalore and Hyderabad. Thiruvananthapuram is also the first major South Indian city on the
longest train route in India, Kanyakumari to Dibrugarh.
Thiruvananthapuram is served by the Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, which is the first
international airport in India outside the four metropolitan cities then. It has direct connectivity to
the Middle East, Singapore, Maldives and Sri Lanka and is a gateway to the tourism-rich state of
Kerala. The International terminal of the airport is approximately 3.7 kilometres (2.3 mi) due west
and the domestic terminal is approximately 8.0 kilometres (5.0 mi) from the central business
district. The importance of the airport is also due to the fact that it is the southernmost airport in
India and also the closest option for neighboring countries like Maldives and Sri Lanka, and the only
option to Maldives from India. Also, apart from the regular scheduled flights, charter flights,
primarily carrying tourists, also serve the airport.
All the port facilities are proposed to be developed entirely on reclaimed land whereas all the
infrastructure facilities are planned to be developed on the landward side in area of 237 Ha, about
87.6%% of which has been acquired by GoK till date.
Figure 8-2: Land and road in Port estate land parcel
IT township near Pallippuram. In future, the figure of directly employed professionals is expected
to be much higher, which in turn will boost the Port estate demand.
► Facilitating infrastructure
The Government has approved various projects in the field of IT, textiles, commercial space etc.
under Emerging Kerala 2012 summit and specifically the expansion of IT infrastructure in IT
Technopark. Most of the Port estate growth is happening in the heart of the
Thiruvananthapuram city.
► Tourism
Thiruvananthapuram has been a tourist hub since the 1970s; today it attracts 30% of all foreign
tourist arrivals in Kerala and 20% of domestic tourists. Tourism is the most potential sector
which has the ability to grow in respect to economic aspects by which the quality of life of the
local community as well as the entire region could be elevated. Thiruvananthapuram has
immense potential in all the different types of tourism including natural, heritage, religious,
cultural, health – care and educational tourism. Thiruvananthapuram is well linked with all modes
to travel, there are many hotels, restaurants and home stays in and around the city but lacks
toilets and basic amenities along the corridor and near tourist spots. Also the quality assurance
of food from restaurants and hotels is necessary.
► Connectivity
The site is well connected through rail, road and air (the nearest airport being 15 kms away from
the proposed site) and is seen as a catalyst for growth and a major economic boost to the area.
Most of the Port estate development is being done in and around the city area, same being approx.
18 kms away from the proposed site (Vizhinjam Sea Port).
Snapshot of the existing room rental, per night, at Kovalam (nearest to the site) has been elucidated
in the table below:
For the purpose of financial analysis, we have assumed Rs. 4,500 per night and Rs 8,000 per night for a mid – market and a
luxury hotel respectively, the location being ~ 6 kms away from Kovalam.
Particulars Figure
Average room penetration (per 1,000 people) 0.63
Total population of Thiruvananthapuram 35,33,512
Demand for rooms 2,226
Existing rooms (As per FHRAI) 1,562
Gap 664
5 star 5 star deluxe 4 star Heritage 3 star
4000 664
Numnber of rooms
3000 1,562
1000 2,226
Demand - Supply - Gap
As per the above analysis, the average room penetration has been arrived at based on the report/ white paper published by
HVS – Hotel room supply, capital, investment and manpower requirement by 2021. The demand has been calculated based
on the population and the factor (as per HVS report) for Thiruvananthapuram. The record of the Federation of Hotel and
Restaurant Association of India suggests the number of rooms currently in Thiruvananthapuram is ~1,562 and as per
analysis a gap of 664 rooms persists.
8.4.2 Residential
The current rates for a 2, 3 BHK flat is Rs 10 – 14sq.ft. per month and Rs 14 per sq.ft. per month
based on interactions with local property dealers. For the purpose of financial analysis we have
considered Rs 10 per sq.ft. per month.
Table 8-5: Capital & Rental values in residential segment
Residential Demand in the city is expected to be high owing to large scale commercial activities in
the region. The demand for residential spaces is also increasing due to expansion of IT Park. The
site is easily accessible and well connected to various parts of the city via road and Rail. Moreover,
its proximity to Airport is one of the most important advantages in its future outlook.
Place Lease Rental (Rs per sq.ft.per month)
Kowdiar 70
Vazhuthacaud 55
Sasthamangalam 50 to 55
Palayam 50-80
Poojapurra 35-40
M G Road 50-55
The estimated supply of mall space is expected to be around 2.42 million square feet in
Thiruvananthapuram in 2014 and about 2.66 million square feet in 2015. Based on demand
analysis, the total demand for retail would be around 9.21 million square feet in 2015 which would
mean a supply gap of about 6.55 million square feet.
Ernst & Young Global Shared Services Center, Allianz Cornhill, RR Donnelley, UST Global, Tata Elxsi,
IBS Software Services, NeST Software, SunTec Business Solutions etc.
Hospitality: Hospitality specifies hotels under various starred categories. Revenue from hotels
would come from room rents, restaurants, banquets halls and other recreational facilities.
Retail: A mall space includes retail outlets for various international and domestic brands of apparel,
food and beverages, electronic items, jewellery and other accessories etc. Apart from these, most
common tenants in a mall would be hypermarkets/supermarkets, foods chains at the food courts,
gaming zones, multiplexes etc.
Residential Space: These include high end luxury apartment complexes with facilities such as
parking, swimming pool, gymnasium, park/playground etc.
The total construction time is assumed as 5 years for Port estate. The project phasing schedule is given below:
Construction phasing forms one of the key assumptions in any Port estate project. The phasing in
this sector depends upon various factors which are very dynamic in nature and may have to be
reviewed from time to time. Commercial Port estate projects generally comprise of retail mall
space, Grade A and Grade B office spaces, different categories of hotels and service apartments,
residential complexes etc. The decision on phasing depends majorly on the demand-supply scenario
in each of these type of projects listed above. The phasing has to take into account the financial
viability by estimating the expected dynamics between absorption rates and capital/rental values.
Six year construction phasing has been proposed keeping in view the large area of 105 acres
available for port estate development and the overall growth in the port traffic which as per
estimates is >3 lakh. Majority of the construction activity has been proposed from 4th year onwards
and from 6th year, from the appointed date, the revenues starts to accrue from the project.
9 Financial Feasibility
In this chapter financial viability of the project is analyzed and determined. This analysis conducted
to justify the (large) initial investments for construction of the port and to investigate whether the
port will become profitable in the course of time. The financial analysis includes profitability
indicators like Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV) and a sensitivity analysis.
Before the financial analysis, a brief snapshot of the recommended structure of the project is
discussed to understand the modality of the structure.
The GoK intends to develop this port on a “Landlord Port Model”. Though there have been few
variations in the terms of the structure drafted in the present model from the previous one, the
overall concept and principles of the proposed model remains the same. The following section
highlights the key elements of the recommended project structure model for Vizhinjam Port.
The project structure is based on the Landlord Port Model and the role of GoK/VISL and
Concessionaire is as follows:
► GoK will grant a concession on a DBFOT basis for developing, operating, maintaining and
managing the entire Port including the civil infrastructure and supra-structure (terminal)
and to provide cargo handling services and other ancillary services to Users at the Port.
However, the funding of pre identified civil infrastructure works (breakwater and fishing
harbor) will be borne by GoK/VISL. The Concessionaire will be required to undertake provide
these services to the Users at specified performance levels.
► Concessionaire will be entitled to set, levy and collect tariff from Users for the use of all
infrastructure at the Port and the provision of cargo handling services and other ancillary
services to Users. The GoK will notify the tariff set for vessel and container handling related
services in accordance to the concession agreement, which will be the ceiling. The
Concessionaire will also be entitled to generate revenues from the Port estate Development
for the entire concession period.
► Project assets will be owned by the GoK, the Concessionaire will be entitled to create
security over its leasehold rights in assets, its concession rights, the Project assets and
Project revenues earned by the Concessionaire. These assets will be transferred to the GoK
on expiration or early termination of the concession.
► During the bid process, the bidders will be required to bid for the extent of government
financial support required (in form of capital grant) from the GoI/GoK for developing and
operating the supra-structure (terminal). Alternatively, in case bidders find the construction
and operation of the supra-structure (terminals) to be very profitable, they will be free to
bid for a premium to GoK.
Section 80-IA Deduction: Granted for infrastructure projects – can deduct 100% of operating profits
for ten consecutive years, starting on or after COD and ending on or before 15 years after COD.
Sponsor still pays MAT when applicable during years of 80-IA exemption.
Debt terms
Port Development - Assumed at 70% of the total fund required and at 12.50% interest rate. The
start year of disbursement is 2015 and the start year of repayment is assumed by 2019. Capital
grant if sought by the Concessionaire would be released only after entire equity has been invested.
Port estate Development - It is assumed at 50% of the total fund required and at 12.50% interest
rate. The start year of disbursement is 2015 and the start year of repayment is assumed by 2019.
Other Port estate Development Assumptions
Port estate Development assumptions are presented in the Chapter 8 and under Cost & Revenue
Estimates sections in this Chapter.
► The components of the port such as Breakwaters & associated berths, VISL Building, Rail
Yard and External connectivity, land etc. are VISL’s responsibility and the costs of these
components will become part of Funded Works, hence are not mentioned in the total project
cost summary. Costs for environmental studies and potential mitigation have been
estimated by LTR as part of the EIA studies.
The following exclusions were used during the development of these estimates:
► No taxes such as Service Tax, VAT etc. are included.
► The costs to furnish buildings and to operate the facility are not included.
► General administrative supplies are not included.
This includes the cost involved in site preparation & development for construction activities, pre-
operative expenses, initial surveys & project studies.
2. Dredging and Reclamation
Dredging and reclamation is one of the major cost parameter for any port project. Based on the
bathymetry contours provided by VISL and as per the proposed phase wise development plan, the
dredging and reclamation quantities have been estimated.
It is estimated that reclamation quantity required for Phase-1 development will be met by dredging.
The initial reclamation bund and shore protection revetment costs have also been included. The
ground improvement costs are estimated over the complete gross reclaimed area of the port.
3. Berths
Cost estimated for the berthing structures includes container terminal berths and Port craft berths
(8m apron width). The cost estimates are done considering the basic design of an open pile berthing
structure with stone pitching underneath the berth. These include costs for piles, diaphragm wall
crane rails where applicable, fenders, bollards, in-situ and pre-cast concrete works.
4. Container Yard
Major items included in the cost estimate for container yard development are site grading,
pavement and RTG beams.
5. Equipment
Costs for required equipment as discussed in Section 11 have been considered for Phase-1
development. Major equipment are Rail Mounted Quay Cranes (RMQC), Rubber Tire Gantry (RTG for
container yard), Reach Stackers, Empty Handlers and Internal Transfer Vehicles (ITV).
6. Buildings
► Canteen
► Fire Station
► Utilities Building
► Electric Substation
► Guard booth (Entry & Exit Gate)
► Fuel Station
► Fish Landing Centre Buildings
o Auction Hall
o Administration Office
o Net Mending Shed
o Gear shed
o Cold Storage
o Toilet Block
o Security Block
► Other Miscellaneous Buildings
7. Utilities
The following within the terminal utilities have been included in the cost estimate:
► Electric supply & distribution including high mast lighting for container yard
► Fire fighting
► Lighting & Earthing
► Water supply
► Drainage & Sewerage
► Communication & IT (including Terminal Operating System)
► Compound wall for land side port area
► Workshop equipment
► Security infrastructure
The terminal will need tug boats for berthing, stopping & turning manoeuvers for the container &
other vessels. The other port crafts include mooring launch and pilot cum survey launch. Aids to
Navigation requirements have been assessed as per the IALA guidelines.
9. Gate Complex & Terminal Road
The gate complex, customs processing area and main terminal road (4 lane road along the container
yard) costs have been included.
Total Project Cost (TPC) Estimation Summary – Tabulated below is the breakup of component
wise project cost as per the project phasing estimated after escalations.
Table 9-2: Phase-1 Port Development Cost Estimate Summary
Total project cost
Financial year
(in Cr)
Civil costs
Project preliminaries and Site Development 11
Dredging & reclamation 720
Berths 426
Buildings 28
Container Yard 218
RMQC 723
The estimated project for the project is Rs 4,089 crores; the base cost as provided by the technical
consultant, i.e., Rs. 2,806 crores. Cost provided by the technical consultant does not include the
financing cost & Interest during construction and the escalation in the base cost due to the project’s
phasing schedule. The same has been highlighted in the table below.
4% Project Preliminaries and Site
12% Dredging and Reclamation
Container Yard
14% Utilities and Others
Cost Inflation
In order to determine cost escalation relating to price inflation over the project term, Whole Price
Index, as reported by Office of Economic Advisor, for long term and medium term has been
analysed. For long term 15 years WPI from 1995 to 2010 (post liberalization period) was
considered and has been elucidated in the table below:
The cost estimates have been summarized in Table 9.2. The Phase-1 development is estimated to
cost INR 4.089 Crores or USD 655.72 million. As it is evident from the Figure 9-2, equipment
accounts for the maximum share of the total civil cost i.e. around 36% which is followed by dredging
and reclamation cost which has a 23% share.
Replacement /
Purchase Cost (in
Equipment Quantity Unit price Refurbishment
RMQC 8 75,44,00,000 6,03,52,00,000 20
Reach Stackers 2 3,31,20,000 6,62,40,000 8
RTG (Yard) 24 9,30,00,000 2,23,20,00,000 20
Empty Container Handler 6 2,30,00,000 13,80,00,000 20
ITVs 55 69,00,000 37,95,00,000 10
Maintenance Vehicles 2 15,00,000 30,00,000 20
Workshop Equipment LS 5,00,00,000 20
Spares 44,51,97,000 10
The pre – operative expenditure has been assumed at 4% of the Port estate Development cost, contingencies has been
assumed at 6% of commercial development cost and the financing fee of 1% of the total debt amount has been assumed in
the financial analysis; the escalation rate are used similar to what has been proposed in port development.
CAPEX escalation
The cost has been escalated by 5% y.o.y.
As can be seen from the table below, major portion of the Port estate development is being
proposed under commercial and residential use (combined ~48% of the total area) and the total BUA
envisaged is 5.95 million sq.ft. , the snapshot of the area proposed for each component under Port
estate development and the phasing schedule, has been given in the tables below.
The phasing for the entire Port estate development is proposed to be carried out in 6 years.
segregated in two categories such as Gateway &Transshipment charges. For financial analysis we
have discounted the port tariff by 35%.
Recommended Tariff Structure for Phase 1 Port Development
1. Vessel related charges
Vessel related charges are port dues, berth hire and (un)berthing charges, pilotage fees, tug and
ancillary charges. These charges are generally based on the type and size of the vessels measured
in the maximum amount of TEU of the container vessels or in gross registered tonnage (GRT) of
other cargo vessels. For the purpose of this study, EY has considered GRT as a unit to measure the
vessels for levying the charges.
Table 9-8: Vessel related charges (A)
Description/Type Pilotage*
Coastal Vessel
Upto 30,000 GRT 21.00
30,001 – 60,000 GRT 19.00
60,001 GRT & Above 19.00
Foreign Vessel
Upto 30,000 GRT 50.00
30,001 – 60,000 GRT 40.00
60,001 GRT & Above 40.00
Cargo related charges are discharging / loading of containers, (de)stuffing and storage charges.
Throughput of the vessels in TEU is the measurement for these charges.
20 ft 40 ft
Coastal Foreign Coastal Foreign
From vessel to CY or vice versa- Full
1,300 2,900 1,900 4,350
Containers (Import /Export)
From vessel to CY or vice versa – Empty
1,300 2,900 1,900 4,350
Containers (Import /Export)
Wharfage Charges - Full Containers 2,550 5,800 2,550 5,800
From vessel to CY or vice versa - Over
1,300 2,900 1,900 4,350
Dimensional Container (Full/Empty)
b. Transshipment
Transshipment charges are cargo charges including the double crane service, terminal handling and
the storage at the terminal. Because of these extra services the transshipment charges are higher
than the cargo related charges.
It is assumed that Hazardous containers in both the categories will be charged 50% more than the
normal full containers.
Table 9-13: Total Revenue Forecast for Vessel & Container related charges (INR Crores)
Revenue assumptions
The rentals rates for retail and commercial have been mentioned below: The rates have been taken
on the conservative side taking in to account the present developments near the site. These rates
are expected to increase in the near future.
Table 9-15: Revenue / Rent Assumptions
Escalation in lease rentals y.o.y. has been on the similar lines for revenues from port development
The occupancy rates have been studied for the last few years. Though the occupancy levels have
been found to be slightly on the lower side, the absorption is expected to increase significantly in
the region in the next few years. Though in short term, the vacancies are expected to be high but
the absorption is envisaged to increase in medium and long term. The occupancy rates assumed
have been mentioned below:
Table 9-16: Assumptions for Occupancy
Hotel type
Particulars Unit
Mid – market Luxury
Number of hotels Nos. 1 1
Hotel Room Rate INR per day 4,500 8,000
No. of Rooms # 457 288
F&B revenue % of Annual Revenue 45% 60%
Other revenue % of Annual Revenue 13% 15%
Average area of the room sqft 400 900
Total Area of hotel sqft 1,82,952 2,59,182
Projected revenue
The revenue for city side development in Vizhinjam has been estimated till the year 2054 (i.e. for
40 year concession period). The revenue predictions for retail, commercial and hospitality have
been done considering the above mentioned assumptions.
Table 9-18: Projected revenue: Port estate Development
The table below elucidates the assumption details for each of the O&M component:
Table 9-19: O&M Cost Assumptions for Port Development
The cost per TEU for labour and administrative/overheads/salaries/general management has been
provided by the technical consultant.
Cost Inflation
In order to determine cost escalation relating to price inflation over the project term, Whole Price
Index, as reported by Office of Economic Advisor, for long term and medium term has been
analysed. For long term 15 years WPI from 1995 to 2010 (post liberalization period) was
considered and has been elucidated in the table below:
Snapshot of the operating expenditure has been elucidated in the table below:
Commercial, residential
Administrative expenses 3% of revenue
Maintenance 2% of construction cost
Marketing Expense 3% of revenue
Housekeeping expenses 12.5% of room revenue
F&B expenses 55% of F&B revenue
Other revenue related expenses 65% of other revenue
Administrative expenses 10% of revenue
Maintenance 5% of capital costs
Marketing Expense 3% of revenue
Power expenses 7.5% of revenue
Cost escalation
In order to determine cost escalation relating to price inflation over the project term, Whole Price
Index, as reported by Office of Economic Advisor, for long term and medium term has been
analysed. For long term 15 years WPI from 1995 to 2010 (post liberalization period) was
considered and has been elucidated in the table below:
analysis identifies and estimates various revenue streams, project costs, phasing or implementation
schedule, cash flows and the financial viability of the project along with analysis for Commercial
Exploitation for the Greenfield Vizhinjam Port. The financial analysis of the Vizhinjam Port is based
on set of assumptions and inputs based on the industry benchmarks and from analysis & experience
in the Port sector in India and globally.
A detailed financial model has been developed for a Concession period of 40 years; the financial
viability of the project has been assessed on the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Internal Rate of
Returns (IRR) method. IRR is the annualized effective compounded return rate which can be earned
on the invested capital, i.e., the yield on the investment. If IRR is higher than the Weighted Average
Cost of Capital (WACC) for the project, it means that project is generating net positive value.
The financial analysis shows that the project is not viable on a standalone basis; the key profitability
metrics for the base case are tabulated below:
Table 9-25: Base Case - Key Profitability Metrics
Please refer to annexure for detailed financial projections. The Project is not financially viable
because of long gestation periods and limited financial returns, and that financial viability may be
improved through Government support and the port tariffs have been discounted by 35% in line with
Colombo tariff structure.
The Model Concession Agreement for State - Ports provisions for payment of Concession Fee to the
Authority from the 15th (Fifteenth) anniversary of the Commercial Operation Date (COD). The
Concession Fee as % of revenue share to the Authority to start from 15th (Fifteenth) anniversary of
COD and shall start at 1% to be increased by 1% year on year till the end of Concession Period.
Further, the concessionaire shall pay to the authority commencing from 7th anniversary from CoD
10% of gross revenues, including the proceeds of any rentals, deposits, capital receipts or insurance
claims, received from the Other Business).
Keeping all this in mind, a financial analysis has been undertaken to arrive at the maximum
concession fee payable to VISL, considering an Equity IRR of 15.0% to the concessionaire. An equity
rate of return has been proposed due to the development of Port estate infrastructure as well as the
post facilities and ancillaries.
► Scenario 1
Government Support is required for improving the financial viability as the Vizhinjam International
Deepwater Multipurpose Port is found to be unviable on a standalone basis. The profitability metrics
under this scenario are discussed below:
Please refer to annexures for detailed financial projections of Scenario 1. With 60% VGF, the Project
is financially viable. In order to attract investor’s interest, Port estate development may be being
offered as a sweetener to the PPP Port developer to make the project financially viable.
► Scenario 2
The possibility of allowing Port estate development on 30% of Site area acquired by VISL for the
purpose of developing Truck Terminal, CFS Yard and Cruise Terminal has been explored in the
previous sections so that sweetener is being offered to the potential concessionaires for developing
the Port on PPP mode.
An assessment of revenues from Port estate Development has been carried out to make the project
financially viable and accrues a higher rate of return to the concessionaire. The quantum for both
Investments and revenues from Port estate has been assessed as per current market estimates.
Along with the VGF, the profitability metrics under this scenario with Port estate Development are
discussed below:
Table 9-27: Scenario 2 - Key Profitability Metrics
Quantification of investments and revenues for Residential, Retail, Commercial and Hospitality
assets under Port estate have been undertaken to increase the project’s financial viability after
provision of VGF. Along with VGF, with additional revenues from Port estate Development, the
project is financial viable with Equity IRR of 15.0%.
10 Conclusion
Phase 1 Port Development Planning- Overview
► Breakwater of total length 3,100m (main breakwater 2,960m with 140m extension for fish
landing harbor) to be developed in Phase 1.
► Container berth length of 800m capable of handling up to current largest 18,000 TEU
container vessels.
► Container yard behind the quay length with depth of up to 500m.
► Port craft berth of 100m.
► Fish landing centre with a total berth length of 500m and associated infrastructure
► Summary of the port layout and container handling requirement for Phase-1 development is
provided in the table below:
Traffic Potential
► The total container traffic is estimated to increase from 0.15 mn TEUs to 1.250 mn TEUs in
FY 2054.
► Container terminal capacity in Phase-1 development of Vizhinjam Port is expected to cater
maximum container traffic upto 12,50,000 TEU. In such case, the projected container
traffic of 12,50,025 TEU is achieved in FY 2030 which will remain constant for the rest of
the horizon period till FY 2054.
► As per forecast in the Base case scenario, it is estimated that the total number of gateway
traffic would increase from 37,459 TEUs in FY 2019 to 2,57,864 TEUs in FY 2054 for
Phase 1 Port Development. In the same period, it is also estimated that the total number of
Transshipment traffic would increase from 1,11,687 TEUs in FY 2019 to 9,92,161 TEUs in
FY 2054.
► As per forecast in the Base case scenario, it is estimated that the total number of vessel
calls would increase from 2 calls per week in FY 2019 to 11 calls per week in FY 2054 for
Phase 1 Port Development.
► The Gateway to Transshipment traffic ratio is in the range of 20-25% to 75-80% respectively
Tariff Structure
► Vizhinjam Port is located between two established gateway and transshipment ports such as
Cochin and Colombo respectively. Once developed, Vizhinjam port will face intense
competition from these ports. Hence, the tariff structure is capped at the highest rates of
tariff charged at these competing ports.
► Development of the port will fuel Port estate and allied activities in and around the site area;
the area being well connected through rail, road and air as well. As per the detailed project
report, space for a cruise terminal is also feasible which can drive demand for hospitality
services in the area thereby contributing to the overall economic growth of the state
► It is proposed that 30% of the land acquired for development of the Project (say 105 Acres)
would be the maximum permissible area proposed to be utilized for commercial exploitation.
► The area allocation has been carried out based on a preliminary demand mapping of the
area. The maximum area proposed for Port estate development, is proposed to be 105
acres or 10.25 million sq.ft. of which the residential (33%), retail (42%), commercial (15%)
and hospitality (10%) may ideally constitute the Port estate development
► Project proponents – The proposed Port estate development mix is envisaged to constitute
one mid – market, a luxury hotel and commercial space development being spread over
11.28 million sq.ft.;
► Revenue estimates are based on primary and secondary survey of the current rental rates
prevailing in the market.
Financial Feasibility
► Project structure is based on Landlord model with a long term concession to the private
partner with a concession period of 40 years. In case Capacity Augmentation is undertaken
by the Port developer, an additional 20 years extension in the Concession Period shall be
provided. A further 20 years of concession may be granted on mutual agreement.
► Phase-1 Port Development is estimated to cost INR 4,089 or USD 655.72 million out of
which equipment accounts for the maximum share of around 36% which is followed by
dredging and reclamation cost which has a 23% share.
► The total revenue from all sources is estimated to go up from Rs 93 crore in 2018-19 to Rs
7,822 crores in 2053-54.
► Tariff – With intense competition from the ports of Colombo and Vallarpadam terminal in
Cochin and other ports, it was projected that Vizhinjam would need to aggressively price its
container handling services to be able to attract traffic away from the competing ports
► The aims of the detailed financial analysis are to:
o Assess the financial viability of the project;
o In case of non-viability of the project the extent of Government support required in
form of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for making the project commercially viable;
o Examining the financial Viability by including Port estate Development for additional
revenues from commercial exploitation for implementing the project on Public
Private Partnership (PPP) basis;
► The project is not financially viable (EIRR is 11.54%) on a standalone basis, i.e. without VGF.
However, with substantial funds in the form of VGF up to 60% and offering a discount of 35%
on port tariff; the Equity IRR is 15.0%, and accordingly, the project is viable;
► As per the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) Scheme for financial support to PPPs in
Infrastructure the maximum permissible (VGF) is 40% of the Total Project Cost. In our case
additional revenues from Port estate Development, offering a discount of 35% on the Tariff,
the project is still viable with an Equity IRR of 15.0% with a VGF of 40.7%;
► Revenue share of 1% to the Authority are expected to commence from the 15th anniversary
of COD as per the Concession Agreement.
► Revenue share of 10% (of the gross revenues, including the proceeds of any rentals,
deposits, capital receipts or insurance claims, received from the Other Business) to the
Authority are expected to commence from the 7th anniversary of COD as per the Concession
Annexures - Financials
Base case: No VGF and No Port estate Development
Profit & loss statement (Rs in crores)
Financial yr 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036
Total Revenue 93 199 244 327 412 497 553 603 640 673 880 1,010 1,062 1,115 1,171 1,233 1,299 1,366
Operational expenses 110 141 165 193 225 259 286 301 319 337 419 465 490 521 551 583 616 650
Concession fee 12 26 41
EBITDA -17 58 79 134 187 238 267 302 321 336 461 545 572 594 620 638 657 675
Depreciation 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 141 131 185 33 33 33 33 33 51 33
PBT -624 -504 -438 -339 -241 -145 -71 9 180 200 270 512 538 561 587 604 605 642
PAT -624 -504 -438 -339 -241 -145 -175 -57 140 155 202 421 439 454 472 484 481 511
Financial yr 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
Total Revenue 1,438 1,515 1,592 1,675 1,765 1,860 1,960 2,060 2,168 2,278 2,393 2,520 2,656 2,791 2,937 3,094 3,251 3,421
Operational expenses 688 728 770 814 863 912 964 1,020 1,080 1,142 1,207 1,278 1,350 1,429 1,511 1,598 1,691 1,788
Concession fee 58 76 95 117 141 167 196 227 260 296 335 378 425 474 529 588 650 718
EBITDA 692 712 726 744 760 780 800 813 828 840 851 864 881 888 898 909 910 915
Interest 43 43 1 1 21 21 2 2
PBT 659 635 352 413 429 560 737 780 795 807 818 810 462 708 816 875 877 881
Tax 135 131 102 162 209 222 234 244 254 262 269 269 251 266 272 281 286 291
PAT 524 504 251 251 220 337 504 536 541 545 549 541 210 442 544 594 591 591
Particulars 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
PAT - (624) (504) (438) (339) (241) (145) (175) (57) 140 155 202 421 439 454 472 484
Depreciation - 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 141 131 185 33 33 33 33 33
Changes in WC - (3) (8) (3) (6) (6) (6) (4) (4) (3) (2) (15) (10) (4) (3) (4) (4)
Total - (356) (241) (170) (74) 24 120 92 210 279 284 371 444 469 484 502 513
Equity 27 241 306 652 714 599 528 431 334 238 265 150 - 45 - - - - - 5
VGF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Repayment of debt - (358) (358) (358) (358) (358) (358) (358) (358) (8) - (106) - - - - -
Total 89 805 1,020 2,175 356 241 170 74 (24) (120) (92) (200) (8) 151 (106) - - - - 17
Net cash flow - - - - - - - - 271 284 265 444 469 484 502 513
Ending cash balance 271 555 819 1,264 1,732 2,216 2,718 3,232
Particulars 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
PAT 481 511 524 504 251 293 234 337 504 536 541 545 549 541 210 442 544 594 591 591
Changes in WC (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (6) (7) (7) (8) (8) (9) (9) (10) (11) (10) (11)
Total 527 540 552 532 577 618 559 550 558 563 567 571 574 566 599 611 614 617 614 613
VGF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial year
t cost
(in Cr)
Civil costs
Project preliminaries and Site Development 11
Dredging & reclamation
Container Yard
Reach Stackers
RTG (Yard)
Empty Container Handler
Maintenance Vehicles
Workshop Equipment
Utilities and Others
Port crafts and Aids to Navigation
Gates Complex & Road Development
Engineering and project management fee at 5% 156
Total Base (Civil and Equipment) Cost 3,272
Escalation for Interest during construction and other financing cost @ 25% as per Planning
Total Project Cost 4,089
Scenario 1: VGF (at 60%) + No Port Estate development (EIRR fixed at 15.0%)
Financial yr 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036
Total Revenue 93 199 244 327 412 497 553 603 640 673 880 1,010 1,062 1,115 1,171 1,233 1,299 1,366
110 141 165 193 225 259 286 301 319 337 419 465 490 521 551 595 642 691
EBITDA -17 58 79 134 187 238 267 302 321 336 461 545 572 594 620 638 657 675
Depreciation 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 141 131 185 33 33 33 33 33 51 33
PBT -422 -329 -290 -219 -147 -78 -31 22 180 200 270 512 538 561 587 604 605 642
PAT -422 -329 -290 -219 -147 -78 -46 -8 140 155 202 421 439 454 472 484 481 511
Financial yr 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
1,438 1,515 1,592 1,675 1,765 1,860 1,960 2,060 2,168 2,278 2,393 2,520 2,656 2,791 2,937 3,094 3,251 3,421
746 804 865 931 1,004 1,079 1,160 1,247 1,340 1,438 1,542 1,656 1,775 1,903 2,040 2,186 2,341 2,506
EBITDA 692 712 726 744 760 780 800 813 828 840 851 864 881 888 898 909 910 915
Interest 43 43 1 1 21 21 2 2
PBT 659 635 352 413 429 560 737 780 795 807 818 810 462 708 816 875 877 881
Tax 135 181 165 195 209 222 234 244 254 262 269 269 251 266 272 281 286 291
PAT 524 455 187 218 220 337 504 536 541 545 549 541 210 442 544 594 591 591
Particulars 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
PAT - (422) (329) (290) (219) (147) (78) (46) (8) 140 155 202 421 439 454 472 484
Depreciation - 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 141 131 185 33 33 33 33 33
Changes in WC - (3) (8) (3) (6) (6) (6) (4) (4) (3) (2) (15) (10) (4) (3) (4) (4)
Total - (154) (66) (22) 46 118 187 221 259 279 284 371 444 469 484 502 513
Repayment of debt - -143 -143 -143 -143 -143 -143 -143 -143 (8) - (106) - - - - -
Total 89 805 1,020 2,175 154 66 22 (46) (118) -143 -143 (132) (8) 151 (106) - - - - 17
Net cash flow - - - - - 44 78 116 271 284 265 444 469 484 502 513
Ending cash balance 44 122 238 509 792 1057 1501 1,970 2,454 2956 3,469
Particulars 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
PAT 481 511 524 455 187 218 220 337 504 536 541 545 549 541 210 442 544 594 591 591
Changes in WC (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (6) (7) (7) (8) (8) (9) (9) (10) (11) (10) (11)
Total 527 540 552 483 513 543 546 550 558 563 567 571 574 566 599 611 614 617 614 613
VGF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Repayment of
(12) - - - (756) - - - (20) - - - - - (357) - (33) - - -
Total (12) - - 1,079 (756) - - 28 (20) - - - - 510 (357) 47 (33) - - -
Net cash flow 515 540 552 483 (243) 543 546 550 538 563 567 571 574 566 242 611 581 617 614 613
Ending cash
3,984 4524 5077 5,559 5,317 5,860 6,405 6,956 7,494 8,057 8,624 9,195 9,769 10,335 10,578 11,188 11,769 12,386 13,000 13,613
Financial yr 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036
Total Revenue 93 501 615 772 939 1,114 1,266 1,419 1,569 1,724 2,061 2,332 2,536 2,724 2,858 3,004 3,158 3,318
Operational expenses 110 249 289 335 386 442 491 530 575 623 817 908 981 1,049 1,114 1,196 1,280 1,362
EBITDA -17 252 325 437 553 672 775 889 994 1,101 1,243 1,424 1,554 1,674 1,744 1,808 1,878 1,956
Depreciation 310 334 341 348 355 362 368 375 253 249 268 82 82 82 82 82 100 82
PBT -526 -415 -349 -209 -48 129 284 452 725 846 969 1,341 1,472 1,592 1,661 1,725 1,777 1,874
Tax 27 75 117 151 184 231 266 298 318 336 355 375
PAT -526 -415 -349 -209 -48 129 257 376 608 696 785 1,110 1,206 1,294 1,343 1,388 1,422 1,498
Financial yr 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
3,481 3,655 3,832 4,023 4,221 4,432 4,653 4,883 5,122 5,371 5,631 5,907 6,191 6,485 6,796 7,130 7,464 7,822
1,450 1,543 1,643 1,748 1,861 1,979 2,104 2,239 2,381 2,531 2,690 2,862 3,039 3,231 3,432 3,648 3,874 4,114
EBITDA 2,031 2,111 2,189 2,275 2,360 2,453 2,549 2,643 2,740 2,839 2,941 3,044 3,151 3,254 3,364 3,481 3,590 3,708
Interest 43 43 1 1 21 21 2 2
PBT 1,948 1,986 1,766 1,895 1,980 2,183 2,437 2,561 2,658 2,757 2,859 2,941 2,683 3,025 3,233 3,399 3,508 3,625
Tax 544 658 634 691 730 771 810 850 889 928 967 999 1,013 1,062 1,103 1,149 1,190 1,235
PAT 1,404 1,327 1,131 1,204 1,250 1,412 1,627 1,711 1,769 1,829 1,891 1,941 1,670 1,963 2,130 2,250 2,317 2,391
202 202
Particulars 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
7 8
Cash flow from operations
PAT - (526) (415) (349) (209) (48) 129 257 376 608 696 785 1,110 1,206 1,294 1,343 1,388
Depreciation - 310 334 341 348 355 362 368 375 253 249 268 82 82 82 82 82
Changes in WC - (3) (8) (3) (6) (6) (6) (4) (4) (3) (2) (15) (10) (4) (3) (4) (4)
Total - (219) (89) (11) 133 301 484 621 748 858 942 1,038 1,183 1,285 1,373 1,422 1,467
Civil costs -68 -613 -829 (2,215) (1,321) (1,016) - - - - - (11) - -151 - - - - - (17)
Preliminary &
-21 -192 -249 (599) (226) (100) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
other expenses
Total -89 -805 -1,078 (2,814) (1,547) (1,116) - - - - - (11) - -151 - - - - - (17)
Net cash flow - (70) (37) (11) 54 (123) 52 143 270 584 942 932 1,183 1,285 1,373 1,422 1,467
Ending cash 1,80
(70) (107) (118) (63) (187) (135) 8 278 862 2,736 3,919 5,203 6,577 7,999 9,466
balance 4
Particulars 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054
Changes in WC (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (6) (7) (7) (8) (8) (9) (9) (10) (11) (10) (11)
Total 1,576 1,482 1,405 1,507 1,579 1,624 1,675 1,731 1,787 1,844 1,904 1,966 2,015 2,108 2,181 2,250 2,322 2,389 2,462
Cash flow from investments
Civil structure - - - - - - (28) - - - - - (510) - (47) - - - -
Preliminary & other
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - (28) - - - - - (510) - (47) - - - -
Cash flow from financing
VGF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Annexure – Drawings
Recommended layout for development of Vizhinjam Port 1 (Port Master Plan) – Drawing# CA/A/II - R
The feasibility report has been prepared for Phase – I development of Vizhinjam Port, however the developer has the options to augment the port capacity based on the terms
and conditions mentioned in the Draft Concession Agreement for Phases II, III & IV.
Development of Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Port through PPP 123
This feasibility report has been collectively prepared by Ernst & Young LLP, AECOM and HSA Advocates,
for and on behalf of Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd. / Ports Department, Government of Kerala