Avatars by Brett Nortje.

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Avatars of the Venetian Society ~ by Brett Nortje.


If you are familiar with wishes, which you collect throughout ages of birthdays you acquire, you
will understand the likeness to candle magic, yes? The theory follows that if you were to blow out a
candle and make a wish, it will come true, of course. The reliaty I have encountered is that you may
build upon your strengths as a person and then develop your personal strenghts faster as a muscle as
if you were exercising at the gym on steroids, if you will...

But, that is not the only thing you can wish for, there are more perosnal things to be had. With the
moods of someone being affected by what they see, are conscious of wearing, surrounds them and
what they wear, we should bear in mind that you can change your mood as if it were a color, okay?
This means that we can alter our moods to be more vibrant and spontaneous by weraing orange, or,
to make ourselves more calm by wearing blue, of course. This is because the rays of light from the
sun will take that density of color through our clothing onto our flesh where ‘the density,’ as colors
are merely shhades between white and black, where the more dense the color, the less reactive the
person or animal, we can see that the clothing and everything else willa affect them, okay?

Now, with that in mind, we can take on avatars where we wish to be more like someone else! This
affects moods and attitudes we admire and wish to have, or, find necessary, if you will? This guide
is here to guide you through the processes of selecting avatars for yourself where you will develop
to be more the way you choose, not completely, as, you will rememebr the previous states of being
with the memories you have, okay? Please enjoy these ‘musings...’

If you were to pray to Venus, or, in her two other forms I know of, Lakshmi of Inida and Aphrodite
of Italy, then these things will find you more naturally, of course.


Fashion and clothing.

Let’s begin with the clothing you will wear, even the styles of clothing? If you dress in a certain
style of clothing, then you will have a placebo – that is, a state of mind where you are aware of what
you have done, and, adopt a mental attitude where you basically pretned, with real results! - where
you feel different, and fit into different circles with the style. This is like Wearing a uniform, of
course, and, that means you will identify with certain things and not with others.

~ The most easy to identify uniform of course is the naked approach. This would be where we sahed
our clothes to embrace the natural form we were born into, and, if you followed the previous
sections of my work, then you will easily be able to alter that too!

So, colors are easy to understand, but is style scientific? I personally believe that every style
represents a person’s status, where the more detail there is, come the romantic era, of kings and
quees, lords and ladies, the more they though of themselves, and, the more detail you hade the more
you held yourself to be ‘detailed’ like your clothing. Interesting, alluring, exciting, benevolent and
well manners, etcetera etcetera...

If we were to use that as a guiide to the rest of the styles out there, and, maybe we should, maybe
we should compare it to the styles of the nineties? This would be where people dressed with much
less detail, where they would say they are ‘unfinished’ and it left a lot up to the imagination, yes?
This would be where we would see the focus shift from our clothing to our shoes and faces – those
in those times were highly detailed and cosmetically altered, with all sorts of eye shadow or shaved
mini beards. The focus was shifted to the person’s social rank through their appearance, which was
more superficial, as society became more media driven and only the beautiful found themselves on
television, a breakthrough of the time, refined to provide a plethora of channels and media, of

How about a third type of style to add to the mix, maybe something between the romantic era and
the recent era... how about Art Nouveau era? This was the era of the dawn of the twentieth century,
and, was more focused on certain areas of the body than the whole package, in fact, the focus was
on decorations, not the whole body being decorated or the face and feet being decorated, of course.
This was where the focus was on cuff links, corsets for women to wear under their clothers to make
them look more fertile, and, top hats and bonnets. This was an era of spreading the detail around,
where the making the eyes dart around would make someone more or a talking point, a mystery, a
riddle to be figured out.

So, drawing from or our three examples we can conclude that the focus of fashion is to decorate and
make the peron seem interesting. Think of ripped jeans – they are supposed to obviously show
hardship and youth in the form of rebellion, yes? Of course! That is what youth is all about, isn’t it?

If we were to be honest, we all want to stand out in a circle. This would mean being the most vocal,
the joker, the most beautiful, the model, the most loving, the confidant, and, so forth. These styles
and specific clothes would bring that effect about whetehr we like it or not, increasing our claim tot
hese things. This is what we know from when we are born as a child, but deny as we grow up, that
we deny that we seek to fit in, while the whole time of teenage years is spent trying to fit in, yes?

Maybe if we were to observe that with colors coded in, we could also set our mood when people see
us, not that we are not feeling like this today, instead, we feel like representing this today, we will
understand how we dress better?


Expression through walking.

From an early age of childhood, we all want to walk a certain way. There are power walks, like a
soldier marching, there are sloppy walks, like a summy asocial degenrate that is care free and in
control of their own world, and, there are wlaks of success, where it is brisk and progressive, no
nonsense stuff. There are many types of ways to walk, and, the way you walk defines your attitude
towards life, belive it or not! This would be where we give off energy where we feel the reaction of
the world to us, that we get what we give, of course. This is where we will adjust each step to
prodcue the effects of the energy and style we are deferring to, of course, and, that means that we
will be affected by the energies of others too, mind you. This is a fateful exchange of energy, where
we process and manipulate energy from outside with our conscious through senses feeling the
outside, and, then translate that energy into something we feel, emotionally.

~ This means it is not actually us walking, but rather a event of mass moving, if you will?

So, how do we express ourselves better? This could be down to making it easier to do what comes
naturally, are you expressing yourself in a manner you want to, or, are you trying to make others
happy, ‘fitting in’ so to speak? Yes, sometimes it requires strength to break free of the staggeredness
and stiffness that overcomes us, but, if we try to, for example, ‘push gently,’ we can maybe
accomplish that? Alternatives would be to relax, so as to free up muscles to work freely, or, to
intsntify so as to emit power, but stiffness is something nobody wants, as it is induced by stress,
and, that means we can use this stored enegy to express ourselvs better. That can be done by taking
up one of my three examples, you migth jerk around with excessive energy, but you will get rid of
the stress inferred by ‘worry’ and ‘anxiety,’ okay? By the way, orange is the anxious color, beware
of it, as it is ‘nervous social energy!’


Oratory prowess.

This is speaking, and, it is about gaining levearge with the sounds you make. Did you know that
some presidents came to power through popularity and showorthiness of their voices? It is true! It is
because people like to listen to them that they became such a voice and mouthpiece fo the parties
they represented, and, spoke so well that they appealed to every mind, much like glancing through
an art gallery or listening to the latest songs on media, selecing one for yours through taste for

~ In fact, it is true tht anything popular in any muscial category is liked by others, they just need to
be in the mood to listen to it, and, that means they need to take on the mental discipline to apodt this
new taste, for the expression of themselves through the emotions they feel when they listen to it, of

So, how do we make people want to listen to us? This would be where we need to take the audience
and alter our voices for them, artificially. Yes, this is falseness, but if you change, you make the
other more comfortable, so it is social, yes? Expecting others to find you appealing to listen to
through them changing the way they listen, that is rude!

If we want to make a baby sleep, we speak gently, as they are small and we are bigger than them,
so, we would want to make them feel seure and that we are not going to hurt them. This feeble
sound is supposed to make them feel in control, make them feel we wre weak, and, make them feel
bigger than us, like their toys. Well, they would either feel bigger than us if they have toys around
that are small, associating them with us, or, they would ave huge teddy bears, things that seem to be
snuggly, no?

Then there is a salesman at work, trying to secure new orders for the company. They would need to
sound, well, marketable fot eh product to be promoted, yes? This means they need to change to the
type of calls they usually receive – do they like receiving calls? Does the person answering the
phone need something, are they actually calling you? Does the other person want to be the patron? I
would think yes for that one, but, most importantly, how do you get the person’s attention? Folling
from the walking section, we could emit personal power, following from the dress codes, we could
focus on certain syllables in words, to make us sound like parents of theirs, or, even, we could try to
sound like someoen on the news or public life, altering our voices to be more like a famous singer,
or, a politician, depending on where you live, yes?

In fact we do these things automatically! Yes we do! We always alter our voices to be more like the
people we admire in the public eye and that we find others will admire. Yes we do! This is where
we copy cat others words and phrases, the more we know about them the more we copy them, it is
impossibel not to. It is as if we are in a chasm with an echo, yes, echoing the sounds of the others
around us, merely processing sound waves and then emitting vocal outbursts that manifest, if you

To gain nice voice, therefore, we need only copy the person that we admit to admire, be they a
sloppy care free uncle or an aggressive boxing legend. Choosing our phonic avatar will supplement
ourselves no end, as the more we are aware of who we are emulating, and, amdit it to ourselves,
hell, even laugh about it and admit it to our peers, the more comfortbaleb we will be with our
voices, mind you.

Admitting it to yourself is the most important thing to do. Keeping it secret will create stress.



This is where we make facial expressions to verbalize our messages to the other person. As we learn
what makes people feel comfortable, we often resort to the same expressions, with some pulling a
look of surpise to show their interest, but, it often looks ‘stupid,’ yes? Then there are those that
smils to show pay homage to your being there, often taken as ‘falseness,’ yes? Maybe you will also
recognize the fake laughs some give, often sounding very ‘patronizing’ or false, hey? These forms
of expression are where we try to show our feelings, where if we try to alter how we feel, be it out
of desire to be civil, where we want to continue the conversation or meeting, we will often feel out
of it and make a mistake, gathering stress and makinghte affiar asocial.

So, how do we fix it? There is no denying there is paranoia out there, where we try to negotiate with
others we do not like, or, think do not like us. Sometimes we feel afraid of others, others we feel
drawn to them... it depends, and, we often need to look in the mirror to see what they see, no?

If we were to be completely honest, if we feel the rejection before the meeting, we mess it up. On
the other hand, if you were to grab the emotion you have been feeling for so long, and, accept it,
then you will shine through, okay? It is like seeing a wave in the ocean and either trying to smash it,
like a child, where they often feel the power of fighting something that is greta nd cannot fight back,
or, using it and surfing it, where you realize it is useful, yes?

~ Are people useful? Are you opening up, why not open up, fear is the doubt of self, and, the snare
of the faces emotions expressed.

So, how to smile? If you see someoen you like, speak before you smile. This will make your words
sketch your lips, and, if you really o like them, youe lips will open up and ‘kiss’ them! If you speak
or prepare what to say, then you will curl your lips inwards and ‘stifle’ what you say, where you
mess the smile up, hey? If you were to think of kissing them - you know the great panache of
Northern Europeans? They kiss mean and women when they greet them! - then you will naturally
smile more truly, yes? Smiles are a great way to get the initial energy for the event under way, of

Eye contact is important, as, it is a awarness of the other through the other being aware of you, yes?
This is where you can make eye contact to a degree of social exchange through mutual awarenss,
where if you were to focus onto their nose, for a moment, you could make them blink. This would
be where you poke their nose, or, bring both lids down, resetting the topic to be changed, if you
will? Otherwise, another trick is to look at their hair, and, that would imply they are well kept, that
you like their mantle, where the top of the head implies their title, and that is is good – a
complment, mind you. Opening your eyes wide would imply that you have woekn up, and, would
get them to listen to you. If you observe the pleading of some, they will open their eyes wide when
they want you to listen, yes? By that token, if you quickly open your eyes wide, you could say to
them, under normal conditions, that they have woken you up and that you realize their wisdom,
gaining their acknowledgement of you by acknowledging their own ‘fine lesson.’ On the other
hand, if we were to narrow our eyes, we could make them feel thretened, you know, like when you
want to get your point across? Or, taken from predation, like a cat with narrow eyes, where they
hone in on their prey? Naturally, where the widening of eyes is based on respect, narrowing of eyes
could be where we say that we are accusing htem of something,making them listen or doubt

~ Of course, in the dating game, the women could narrow their eyes to imply interest, like a cat to a
bird, or, widen them to imply them being allowed to flee the scene, little bird...



This is where our body language shows how we are approaching the conversation of meeting, or,
event. If a politician was to leanboth nahds on the lecturn, then they would be pressing the point, or,
hammering the deal. Maybe they would be hard pressed, but the key term here is that something is
under pressure, and, they are trying to make it look like they are the ones doing it, okay?

So, before we continue, lets all admit we want to give off good body language? Unlike my last jaunt
into this area, I am no longer under constriants, so, this may be more easily interpreted, okay?

To make someone feel more akin to us, to indentify with us more, we could open our arms, or, hold
our arms to make it more like a hug or embrace. If we want to make them feel more like accepted
by the circle you identify with, where your codes becomes mixed, then you could put your hand up
to your face, so as to imply your admiration of their face, and, your other hand to your ribs, so as to
show your embace of them, yes?

The rest is rather easy to figure out.


Thank you for reading my styles guide, and, remember, to develop more to your liking simply listen
to some music you like while reading, or, light a candle and place it to your right hand side, so as to
activate the subconscious with dominant gamma rays so as to overrride your conscious and let your
cortex auto accept things you might have trouble admitting, yes?

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