Maths FPD Final

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The document outlines a lesson plan for teaching time and chance concepts to Year 4 students according to the Australian curriculum.

The document provides a forward planning document and lesson plans for teaching time and chance concepts to Year 4 students over 3 weeks.

The document covers converting between units of time including seconds, minutes, hours and days, using am and pm notation, and solving simple time problems.




General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

LINKS (include learner diversity)

WEEK 6 Identify 1. Ordering chance Mental Math Vocabulary

events Understandin vocabulary from Maths Split into Parts ÷ Chance
where the g certain to Checklist Likely
chance of (U) impossible. Booklet Lesson 1 Unlikely
one will not Vocabulary Wall – Intro to Chance Impossible
be affected 2. Creating a Certain
by the spinner that Watch Video: Highly unlikely/likely
occurrence resembles the!/media/2119341/what Even chance Apple TV
of the one described. -are-the-chances- Probability
other (AC Odds
MSP094) 3. Estimate the Brainstorming Chance vocabulary. Whiteboard
colours of blocks Looking at words that are related to chance (e.g.
Imagine you have a bag of coloured
Identify in a paper bag, probability, odds, certain, impossible etc.). lollies. In the bag there are two red
everyday by determining and two green lollies. What is the Whiteboard
events their chance of Discuss words that are related to chance and outcomes. chance of pulling out a yellow lolly? Chance vocab cards
Would you say unlikely, possible or
where one being drawn. Describe certain events to students and ask them to use impossible?
cannot words to describe the chance of them happening.
happen if Look out the window. What is the
weather like? What do you think is
the other In groups, students are given cards with a word related the chance of it raining tomorrow?
happens (A to the chance of something happening. They are to Why?
CMSP093) place the cards on a probability scale in order from 100%
chance to 0% chance.
possible What they already know about chance. Chance in
everyday everyday situations. E.g. Chances of flying to the moon Number Line
events and tomorrow, brushing my teeth tonight… Chance Vocab Words
order their
chances of Using a chance number line - Certain to impossible.
occurring ( - Ordering words that relate to chance.
ACMSP092 Explain to students that a chance of something being
) impossible means it will never happen and the chance of
being certain will always happen. E.g. It is certain that Paper bags
today is Monday. Unifix Blocks
Students order scenarios from impossible to certain.
Students are to then stick the chance vocab words on
the number line from certain to impossible.
Put 5 pink, 4 blue, 1 green in a paper bag.
Students are to be on the mat trying to guess what the
blocks are that are in the bag. Mini Whiteboards

The teacher will take one block out of the bag at a time
and replace it as well. The teacher will create a tally on
the whiteboard and mark each colour as it is pulled out
of the bag.

Students are to estimate what block are in the bag. Tell

them there are 10 blocks in the bag. From the tally, they
are to write down what colours and how many of each
they believe are in the bag.
Paper Bags
Reasoning Give students a paper bag each. They must put in 5 Unifix Blocks
(R) blocks of their chosen colours. They are to test their bag
with a partner, with their partner estimating what each
block is (E.g. You have 3 blue and 2 green in your bag).
Their partner will then tell them what they really have
and discuss the chances.

Get kids to draw up the blocks in the bag, colour them in

and then start looking at the chance of each colour in
Fluency the bag.
Can make more than 10 blocks. For weaker students
have them draw the bag and the blocks then discuss the
Lesson 2
Class will recap chance number lines, ordering the
chance vocabulary cards on the whiteboard.
Look through Chance PowerPoint – Solving examples Whiteboard
with students. Chance Number Line

Looking at spinners and the chances of landing on Chance PowerPoint

certain colours etc. Going through page 138 with
students on the AppleTV.

Give the students the following task:

We spun a spinner a lot of times.

Problem It landed on blue most of the time, on red some of the
Solving time and only once on white and once on yellow. Spinner Open Ended Activity
(PS) Draw a diagram to show what this spinner might look (Differentiated)

Georgia, Lucas P to use the spinner sheet that has a
spinner template. They are to colour the blank spinner
according to the scenario.

Extension Task:
1. Draw two different spinners that could give the
same results as the one you just designed.
2. If you spin one of your spinners ten times, will it
land on white once and yellow once? If you spin
it one hundred times, will it land on white once
and yellow once? Explain your answer.
3. This time, draw a spinner that will land on blue Blank Spinner Sheet
50% of the time, red 40% of the time, white 5% of
the time and yellow 5% of the time. Students to
make the spinner and test it out! Record the
results. What do the results tell you? Spinner Probability Sheet
IMaths pg 138-139
Students are to create spinners and design the outcome. Chance Cards
Teacher Directed: Spinner Probability Sheet http://www.mathplayground.c
Skills Practice 2: IMaths p.g.138-139 – Designing om/probability.html
spinners. or
Hands On: Chance Cards Match ups/ Chance Game
Interactive –
Chance Test

WEEK 7 Solve 1. Calculate the Maths Mental Math Vocabulary

problems amount of Checklist Doubling and Halving x (two by one digit) Transactions
involving change given Money
purchases from simple Lesson 1 Change
and the transactions. Vocab – ‘Money’ will be written onto the whiteboard. Purchases
calculation Students are to brainstorm all the words they know that Dollars
of change 2. List the relate to money… Buy
to the combinations of Discussing what we use money for, how we calculate Sell
nearest five notes and coins Cents Whiteboard
change, the different money we use and their worth…
cents with for given Dollars
and amounts of Small examples of transactions… Using images, Coins
without money. quantities and prices. Go through transactions on the Notes
digital whiteboard.
es (ACMN Activity
A080) Money Combinations Sheet
Weaker (Mat) – Looking at calculating change from
purchases. Students will be given an amount of money.
They are to write down all the possible combinations of
money that add up to their amount. E.g. $5 - $2+$2+$1
etc. When they understand it leave them and move
Reasoning onto another group, e.g. Middle and extension.
Middle/Extension – Give the students an amount of
Coles Catalogues
money and they are to calculate the change. They are to
add the things they are to buy and calculate the change
of their chosen amount.

Lesson 2
Spend or save game
Looking at transactions, what makes a transaction and
Math books
how do we calculate costs…

Spend or save game – demonstrate as whole class and

then allow kids to play in groups of no more than 5.
Students will need to keep track of their transactions in
their math books as they play the game.
Extension stays on the mat. Vertical addition and
subtraction with giving change.

Teacher Directed – Working through money problems Shopping Catalogues
together on the board. Discussing how to calculate Math books or Purchasing
change and problem solving. Table
Skills practice 2 – Cutting out two or three images and
adding up the money. Extension get $50 etc and
calculate the change. Catalogue calculating – using
grocery catalogues to calculate shopping purchases and
Hands On – Spend or Save Board Game.
Interactive – Mathletics

Problem Solving
Working Backwards.
WEEK 8 Solve 1. Calculate the Maths Mental Math Vocabulary:
problems cost of Checklist Doubling and Halving x (two by one digit) Buy
involving purchases as Sell
purchases well as the Anecdotal Lesson 1 Receipt
and the change from Notes Looking at transactions with decimal change. E.g. Purchase
calculation transactions. Spending $10.75 and giving $20, how much change will I Save
of change receive? Spend
to the Class to work through examples on the board. Teacher Change
nearest five 2. Perform to model that students can work up, using addition, or Notes
cents with purchases and work down, using subtraction. Coins
and transactions Transaction
without using given Activity
digital prices and items. Canteen Spending Activity. Canteen Menu
technologi Using the canteen menu, students work in pairs “buying” Canteen Sheet
es (ACMN treats from the canteen menu. One student acts as the Maths Books
A080) customer and one as the sales person. Students use the
count on strategy to calculate the correct change. Laminated Receipt Sheet

- The student selling calculates the cost of

purchasing the food and creates a receipt.
- The student purchasing shows the strategy
used to work out how much money they have
left after each purchase.
Students show the counting methods and strategies
used to find the amount to be paid for purchasing the
food and the change to be given back to the student
Students take turns to be a customer or a sales person.

Lesson 2
Provide each student with a ‘money wallet’ (small zip
lock bag with play money).
Write an amount of money on the whiteboard. E.g.
$1.00/1 dollar.
Ask students to read the amount of money and use their
own money to show one way of representing this
amount of money.
Ask student to represent the same amount of money in
a different way. Use questions to help them such as ‘if
you didn’t have any gold coins how else could you
represent this amount of money?’ As a class discuss the
multiple ways of representing $1.00/1 dollar. Maths Books

- Using your copy of the play money, blue tac it

to the whiteboard or show it on the whiteboard
so students can see the different ways an
amount of money can be represented.
Students will then need to represent their own money in
many different ways. Shopping Worksheet
Boxes of items (Collect from
Students will need to use their money to go shopping. students as well a home)
They will be given a series of items from the ‘shop’
(students may begin with 1 item if they are having Fake Money
difficulty adding money amounts together). Zip lock bags

Using their items students will then fill out the ‘items Price Tags
purchased and their price’, ‘total cost of items’, ‘money
paid’ and ‘how much change?’ on their shopping
Students take their items, money wallet and their ‘Let’s Shopping Sheet
go shopping’ worksheet to the cashier (Teacher).

The cashier checks the student has filled in the necessary

areas of the worksheet. The student pays for their items
and sees how much change they receive and writes it
under the ‘change received’ section of the ‘Let’s go
shopping’ worksheet. Students will then check if they
calculated the change correctly?
Students may then go back and ‘buy’ more items.



Teacher Directed: Working through Party Investigation Coles Mini Items

together on the mat. Catalogues
Spending Sheet
Skills Practice 2: Mathletics pg.
Maths Test
Hands On: Spend or Save Game

WEEK 9 Convert 1. Convert seconds Maths Mental Math Vocabulary

between to minutes, Checklist Short and long multiplication Time
units of minutes and Whiteboard activities Seconds
time (ACM hours, hours Focus on 6 times tables… Link to time. Minutes
MG085) and days etc. Hours
Lesson 1 O’clock
Use ‘am’ 2. Create a TV Warm Up: Give students clocks, ask them to show a Quarter past
and ‘pm’ Schedule using certain time, how do we write this time, e.g. 2:15, how do Half past
notation TV programmes, we say it, e.g. ¼ past 2 or 15 mins past two. How do we Day
and solve time durations write it in am and pm. Analogue
simple time and time frames. Digital
problems ( Clock
Vocabulary – Looking at time in our lives.
ACMMG08 - Looking at converting time. Anti-clockwise
Discuss 6 times tables. Explain to students that we will be Clock
using our 6 times tables a lot when looking at time. Ask
them why they think this might be?

How can we multiply by 60 easily? (Times by 6, then add

the zero).
Examples: Multiply numbers by 60, then divide numbers
by 60.
6 x 6 = 36, 60 x 6 =360… In seconds 360 seconds is 6 Clock Creation Sheets

When do we use the time? What words are associated

with time? What is analogue? What is digital time? Are
they the same or different?
What is the time now?
Students to create a clock. Looking at the hands on the
clock… What do we count up in? What direction does a
clock tick?
- How many seconds in a minute?
- How many minutes in an hour?
- How many hours in one day?
TV Guide Sheet
Activity –
Students will then be investigating TV shows. They will
need to look at a TV guide of programmes and create a
TV schedule that can work with the programs included.
This is an open ended task and they can fir the different
programs into the schedule in many different ways.

Go through an example on the AppleTV together and

show students how to work out how to create the

Differentiation: Give Lucas P and Georgia the sheet to

work on, other students to use their Math Books and
leave the schedule on the AppleTV.

Lesson 2
Warm Up: Draw a blank clock on the board. Ask
students to help label the clock and what each number
represents in terms of minutes past. What direction does (
a clock go? What is it called?
Looking at a working clock on the AppleTV

Ask the class to close their eyes and count up to 60 in Whiteboard

their heads, when they think a minute is up, raise their Mini Whiteboards (To
hands. estimate)
Ask how many seconds are in 2 minutes, 2.5 minutes etc.
How did they calculate this? (x by 60). For example, if we Maths Books
have 2 minutes it would be 2 x 60 = 120 seconds.

Explain that we have converted seconds into minutes.

Then convert minutes to hours (x by 60). For example if
we had 2 hours it would be 2 x 60 = 120 minutes.

Ask how many minutes 65 seconds would be (1 min, 5

secs). How many minutes and seconds would 90
seconds be? (1 min 30 secs OR equivalent to 1 ½
minutes). Explain that we have converted seconds to
minutes. Activity Sheet

Activity –
Students will be estimating how long certain activities will
take. E.g. Doing 10 star jumps, walking the length of the
classroom etc. Students to partner up and test their Time Task Cards
estimation against their real time. The class will then Time Board Game
discuss the results and how fast time is… Time Dominoes
IMaths pg. 120-121
Recap with students
- How many seconds in a minute?
- How many minutes in an hour? Two hours? 24
- Hour many hours in a day?

Skills Practice 2: Time task cards
Hands On: Time board game
Teacher Directed: Time Dominoes
IMaths pg. 120-121 to work through with teacher.
Extension: Elapsed Time Problems

Interactive: Time Interactive
ty?activity_id=22937 (Converting Time)
ty?activity_id=21347 (Am and Pm)

Quizziz Time Quiz

Problem Solving
Act it out

WEEK 10 Convert 3. Convert seconds Maths Mental Math Vocabulary:

between to minutes, Checklist Short and long multiplication Elapsed time
units of minutes and Passed
time (ACM hours, hours Lesson 1 Minutes
MG085) and days etc. Warm Up: Give students clocks, ask them to show certain Hour
times, how do we write them, how do we say them and Days Elapsed Time Word Problems
Use ‘am’ 4. Calculate how do we write it in am and pm. Weeks
and ‘pm’ elapsed time Months
notation word problems, Discuss elapsed time word problems. Students will work
and solve beginning and through time problems on the AppleTV. The teacher is
simple time ending times. to work through examples of elapsed time, how we can
problems ( work out time problems and how we use them in our
ACMMG08 everyday lives.
Activity –
We will be playing Quizmo – B.E.E on TIME. It is a bingo
series on beginning, ending and elapsed time.

Class can either be split into groups or played as a whole

class game. Students are to listen closely to the word
problems (Targeted at different levels) and calculate the
elapsed time. I Have A, Who Has A Cards
Math Test
Lesson 2 Time Task Cards

Warm up – I have a, who has a (Time). Students are to

read out their card when they hear their time.
Crack the Code sheet
Time Task Cards – Students will be completing their Time Numero
Time Test
Math Test on time at this time. If finished early they are Time Bingo
to complete Time Task Cards in their Math Books. MacBooks

Skills Practice 2: Time Crack the Code
Hands on: Time Bingo (Quizmo)
Interactive: Mathletics or Quizziz Time Quiz
Teacher Directed: Elapsed time problem solving.

Problem Solving
Act it out

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