ATM Threat and Risk Mitigation: Enhancing Security
ATM Threat and Risk Mitigation: Enhancing Security
ATM Threat and Risk Mitigation: Enhancing Security
ATM’s and Point of Sale (POS) Card Targeted ATM’s include major bank video and other data. The thieves will
processors in the Asia-Pacific region. and commercial ATM’s throughout return to the ATM to repeat the proc-
The study showed that 70 % of their the city, some of which are located in ess, and at the same time begin using
incidents occurred in Thailand, which clear public view and in highly traf- other ATMs to withdraw money from
subsequently drove them to new and ficable areas. The thieves will conduct accounts captured. In a one-month
innovative methods to counter the a visit to the area to determine the period, criminals stole approximately
criminals and mitigate the threat. location of security cameras, type of U.S.$18,000 from 14 ATMs, using six
Thai-American Business
keypad and card reader on the ma- successfully cloned accounts. In total
ATM SECURITY chine and law enforcement presence. over 800 accounts were compromised
during this period.
The primary tactic for this theft is Once the components are installed on
“skimming,” a process in which your the machine, the process begins. When POINT OF SALE TRANSACTIONS
card’s magnetic strip is scanned and a user inserts their card it is instantly
recorded on a hard disk drive (HDD) scanned and the scanned data is wire- POS transaction machines are victim
to be later paired with your PIN code lessly transmitted to a recorder HDD. as well. In one recorded case a store’s
and used to access your account.
Today’s thieves are getting more
technical and tactical in their efforts
to steal your property and, in some In a one-month period, criminals stole
cases, personal identity. The process is approximately U.S.$18,000…using six
comprised of three major elements: a
pinhole camera, card skimming device successfully cloned accounts.
and a wireless HDD recorder located
28 False gel keypad capturing your PIN in place over an original bank keypad.
enhancing security