The Basin Campsite To Heaton Gap

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The Basin Campsite to Heaton


4 Days Hard track

60.5 km One way 3206m
This four day walk starts at the Basin Campsite, in
the Olney State Forest, and follows the Great North
Walk, heading north. The walk passes through to the
Watagan State Forest and into the Congewai Valley,
continuing east into the Watagan National Park and
all the way through to Heaton Gap. The three
campsites can be found along the ridgeline before
dropping down into the Congewai Valley, at the
Barraba campsite, and at the Watagan Forestry H.Q
campsite on the corner of Watagan and Bakers
Roads in the Watagan National Park.

Olney State Forest
Maps, text & images are copyright | Thanks to OSM, NASA and others for data used to generate some map layers.
Basin Campsite Before You walk Grade
This large campsite sits by Wollombi Brook on the Great North Bushwalking is fun and a wonderful way to enjoy our natural places. This walk has been graded using the AS 2156.1-2001. The overall
Walk and is accessible by car. The campsite provides a range of Sometimes things go bad, with a bit of planning you can increase grade of the walk is dertermined by the highest classification along
facilities such as a pit toilet, picnic tables and chairs, wood BBQs your chance of having an ejoyable and safer walk. the whole track.
and fireplaces. Water is usually available from the water tank or the Before setting off on your walk check
nearby creek - treat before use.
Grade 4/6
1) Weather Forecast (BOM Hunter District) 4 Hard track
2) Fire Dangers (Greater Hunter, Greater Sydney Region)
Wollombi Brook Pool 3) Park Alerts (Watagans National Park)
The Wollombi Brook pool is located where two creeks come 4) Research the walk to check your party has the skills, fitness and
equipment required Length 60.5 km One way
together and is a deep pool surrounded by moist cool forest. On a hot
day, this spot would make an ideal resting spot or place for a cooling 5) Agree to stay as a group and not leave anyone to walk solo
Time 4 Days
Think before you TREK Quality of Rough track, where fallen trees and other
Mt Warrawolong track obstacles are likely (4/6)
The 'Think before you TREK' program developed by NSW Police &
At 642m above sea level, Mt Warrawolong is the highest point of the NPWS promotes the benefits of planning ahead for your
Great North Walk. bushwalking trip by using an easy to remember acronym: Signs Minimal directional signs (4/6)
Experience Moderate level of bushwalking
Watagan Creek Campsite T Take adequate supplies of food, water, navigation and first
aid equipment. Required experience recommended (4/6)
This is a Great North Walk signposted campsite, with plenty of room
for a few tents but providing minimal facilities ie. no water, toilets or
R Register your planned route and tell friends and family when
you expect to return. Weather Forecast, unforecast storms and severe
weather may impact on navigation and
tables. There is, however, a bench and room for a fire. E Emergency beacon (PLB's) should be carried on walks with
significant gaps in mobile coverage (check terrain profile). safety (4/6)

Great North Walk Campsite K Keep

to your planned route and follow the map and walking
Infrastructure Limited facilities (such as cliffs not
fenced, significant creeks not bridged)
This neat little signposted campsite consists of a brick fireplace with (4/6)
a couple of basic wooden seats and some room for a few tents. There Topo Maps
is no water available at this campsite. The maps provided on wildwalks are helpful, but there are times
where you may need maps covering a broader area. Maps that cover
End of day 1 this walk include;
1:25 000 Map Series:91323S WOLLOMBI, 91322S
This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 1, happy QUORROBOLONG, 91314N MURRAYS RUN, 91311N
camping. MORISSET
1:50 000 Map Series:91323 WOLLOMBI, 91322 CESSNOCK
1:100 000 Map Series:9132 CESSNOCK, 9131 GOSFORD
Flat Rock Lookout
Flat Rock Lookout is a natural rock platform that offers magnificent
views across the Congewai Valley to the east and north. There are,
however, no fences or safety railings at the lookout, so walkers will
need to exercise extra caution.
Are you ready to have fun? Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk heads north along Walkers sign) up along the track until it flattens out and winds down to the top of a
Please ensure you and your group are well prepared and equipped for all Ridge Road until coming to the intersection with Murrays Forest Road. ridgeline. The track then follows this ridgeline through an open wooded forest
possible hazards and delays. Check park closures, weather information and Veer left: From the intersection, this walk heads north-west along Murrays for about 300m, to find an unsignposted area that has been used as a campsite,
Fire Danger Rating before setting out. Optional side trips and alternate routes Forest Road, following the Great North Walk arrow down the hill then back at the end of a mostly flat section.
noted are not included in this walks overall grade, length or time estimate. up the other side, winding to the top and on to the intersection with the Fire Continue straight: From the rest area, this walk follows the track down along
Please allow extra time for resting and exploring areas of interest. The Tower trail. Now Turn right to rejoin the main walk . the ridge line. The track winds steeply down into a saddle, where the track
authors, staff and owners of wildwalks take care in preparing this information flattens out to lead through thicker green forest to the intersection with the
but will not accept responsibility for any inconvenience, loss or injury you 2.2 | Int of GNW tracks & Lyrebird Trail narrow Bar Trail.
may experience. Please take care, have fun - Happy Walking. (280 m 7 mins) Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the
Getting there Traveling by car is the only practical way to get to Basin 'Lyrebird Trail' & 'The Great North Walk' sign , north along the track whilst 9.35 | Int of GNW and Bar trail
Campsite (gps: -33.104, 151.2309). Car: There is free parking available. keeping the valley to your left. The walk leads through the dense forest for (860 m 18 mins) Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the
Traveling by car is the only practical way to get back from Heaton Gap Track about 250m, until crossing a mossy creek with many small boulders. This GNW arrow post north-east along the narrow, overgrown trail. The trail
Head (gps: -32.9653, 151.4794). Car: There is free parking available. creek may become impassable after heavy or prolonged rain. On the other begins to widen and after about 800m, this walk turns left to follow a 'The
side of this side creek, the walk comes to the edge of the delightful Wollombi Great North Walk' sign down for about 20m to an intersection with the wide
Find up to date and more information inlcuding; travel directions, weather, Brook Pool (on the left, at the junction of this side creek and Wollombi dirt Warrawolong Road.
park closures and walker feedback at Brook).
10.21 | Int of Bar trail and Warrawolong Road
0 | Basin Campsite 2.48 | Wollombi Brook Pool (360 m 7 mins) Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
This large campsite sits by Wollombi Brook on the Great North Walk and is The Wollombi Brook pool is located where two creeks come together and is arrow post north, gently down along the the dirt road for about 400m to find
accessible by car. The campsite provides a range of facilities such as a pit a deep pool surrounded by moist cool forest. On a hot day, this spot would the intersection with the dirt Turners Road, just past the 'Mt Warrawolong'
toilet, picnic tables and chairs, wood BBQs and fireplaces. Water is usually make an ideal resting spot or place for a cooling swim. sign.
available from the water tank or the nearby creek - treat before use.
2.48 | Wollombi Brook Pool 10.57 | Optional sidetrip to Mt Warrawolong Fire Tower
0 | Basin Campsite (3.6 km 1 hr 23 mins) Turn right: From Wollombi Brook Pool, this walk (2 km 56 mins) Turn left: From the intersection, this walk heads north-west
(2.2 km 54 mins) From the Basin campsite, this walk follows 'The Great follows GNW arrow post north-east steeply uphill, initially keeping the main down along the dirt road, initially keeping the 'Mt Warrawolong' sign on your
North walk' sign, gently uphill , initially keeping the campsite on your right. pool behind and to the left. The walk zigzags up through dense forest, up a left and keeping the valley on your right. The road leads gently downhill
The walk continues through tall open forest for about 300m, until coming to a series of timber and rock steps and past some large rock walls for about along the side of the hill for just over 300m to come to a Y-intersection with
saddle, with a GNW arrow marker (pointing ahead) and a 'The Basin 500m, until coming to the the wide and flat area at the end of the dirt Wild the Mt Warrawolong trail (on your left).
Camping Area' sign (Rock Lilly Trail, on the left). Boar Road. Veer left: From the intersection, this walk heads uphill along the upper trail
Continue straight: From the intersection at the edge of the saddle, this walk Continue straight: From the end of Wild Boar Road (aka Piglet Point Road), past the 'Authorised Vehicles Only' sign. After about 200m, the walk heads
follows the GNW arrow east and gently downhill. The track leads downhill this walk follows the dirt road fairly gently uphill to the north. The roads around a locked gate then continues moderately steeply uphill, winding up
to come close to Wollombi Brook (on your left), where the track gently leads distinctly uphill for about 500m, and then gently undulates along the the hill for about 1.5km to come to a large flat clearing and the tall fire tower
undulates as it leads into the dense vine and mossy forest for about 1.2km. ridge through forest for about 2.5km. Here the walk comes to a clear and at the top of Mt Warrawolong. At the end of this side trip, retrace your steps
Then over the next 700m or so, the track leads past a few sandstone caves signposted four-way intersection with 'Walkers Ridge Road' route and 'The back to the main walk then Veer left.
and crosses a few small creeks to come to a signposted three-way intersection Great North Walk' track.
with 'The Great North Walk' and the 'Lyrebird Trail' track, where a sign 10.57 | Mt Warrawolong
points back to 'Basin Camping Area'. 6.08 | Int of GNW track & Pig and Sow Ridge Rd At 642m above sea level, Mt Warrawolong is the highest point of the Great
(970 m 29 mins) Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows North Walk.
2.2 | Alternate Route Int of GNW AND Lyrebird trail to I 'The Great North Walk' sign north along the track that heads moderately
(8.7 km 3 hrs 5 mins) Turn sharp right: From the intersection, this walk steeply downhill. The walk continues through forest(with occasional timber 10.57 | Int of Turners and Warrawolong Roads
follows 'The Great North Walk' sign steeply up the timber steps. The walk and rock steps) for about 500m, to cross the usually small Wollombi Brook. (2.3 km 53 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'The
continues up, using a series of timber and rock steps) for about 140m. The Then the walk climbs moderately steeply uphill for about 400m, until coming Great North Walk' sign, (away from face of the 'Mt Warrawolong' sign) to
walk then continues along the side of the hill for about 700m, until a to the end of the dirt Kangaroo Point Road. head east along the dirt Turners Road. After about 150m, this walk turn left at
climbing steeply again to an intersection with a trail. Here the walk crosses another 'The Great North Walk' sign to follow the trail as it gently undulates
the trail and follows another short track that bends right to come to an 7.04 | End of Kangaroo Point Road along the top of the ridge for just over 1km. Here the trail begins to wind
intersection back at the trail (a little further uphill). (1.3 km 34 mins) Continue straight: From the end of Kangaroo Point Road, downhill, becoming steeper as it goes, for about 1.1km to head around a rock
Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker this walk follows the GNW arrow post north, gently uphill along Kangaroo road block and find the signposted rest area, where a 'Sydney Cove' sign
moderately steeply up along the eroded management trail. The walk Point Road. The walk continues through forest (with the road gradually points back up the trail.
continues through the forest for about 400m, become less steep as it climbs, widening) for about 1.3km, until coming to a signposted four-way
until coming to a T-intersection with a trail in a small clearing. intersection with Murrays Forest Road (and a wide trail directly ahead). 12.91 | Watagan Creek Campsite
Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the dirt road, away from This is a Great North Walk signposted campsite, with plenty of room for a
the face of 'The Great North Walk' sign. The walk continues through forest 8.33 | Int of Kangaroo Point & Murrays Forest Road few tents but providing minimal facilities ie. no water, toilets or tables. There
(ignoring side roads as it leads over a gently rise for about 400m, then comes (140 m 2 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the dirt is, however, a bench and room for a fire.
to a T-intersection, with Walkers Ridge Road, marked with another 'The Murray Forest Road north-east, gently uphill and directly away from the face
Great North Walk' sign. of the 'Kangaroo Pt' sign. After about 150m, this walk comes to a signposted 12.91 | Signposted Rest Area
Veer left: From the intersection, this walk heads east along Walkers Ridge three-way intersection with the 'Great North Walk' trail (on your left). (100 m 3 mins) Turn right: From the rest area, this walk follows 'Newcastle'
Road over a hill, coming down the other side to the intersection with sign gently downhill towards the valley, along the narrow track. The track
Kingtree Ridge Road. 8.47 | Int of Murrays Forest Road and the GNW leads downhill for almost 100m, coming to a T-intersection with the dirt
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the road along the (880 m 19 mins) Turn left : From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW Watagan Creek Road, marked with a 'Great North Walk' sign pointing back
ridge to the 'Y' intersection with Pig and Sow Ridge Road, marked with a arrow post north along the dirt road for about 20m to another intersection uphill.
Great North Walk arrow. with a 'The Great North Walk' sign. Here the walk veers right (following the
13.01 | Int of GNW track & Watagan Creek Road(eastside)
(40 m 1 mins) Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
arrow along the dirt Watagans Creek Road over the small rise, while keeping
the main valley to your right. The road soon come to an intersection, marked
with a GNW arrowpost with a track and paddock gate (with 'Laguna' sign) on
the right.

13.05 | Int of GNW track & Watagan Creek Road (westside)

(190 m 4 mins) Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
arrow post down the short but steep road embankment, and passes through
the paddock gate (with a 'Laguna' sign on it). The walk continues gently
downhill across farmland for about 200m, until coming to, and heading
through, a paddock gate with a 'Great North Walk' sign (and a yellow electric
fence box).

13.23 | GNW Paddock Gate

(1.3 km 44 mins) Continue straight: From the paddock gate (with the yellow
electric fence box), this walk follows GNW arrow down the moderately steep
grassy bank towards the creek. After about 10m, the walk crosses the creek,
usually just over ankle deep. This creek maybe impassible after rain. The
walk continues following GNW arrow markers along the fence for about
100m, passing through two more paddock gates), until heading through
another paddock gate with a 'Please Shut Gate' sign, just before the forest.
Continue straight: From the paddock gate in the Watagan Valley, this walk
follows the track moderately steeply uphill. The walk heads through the
wooded forest, up a series of timber and rock steps as the track winds up the
hill. About 1km after leaving the open farmland, this track leads to an
intersection with the turning area at the end of the dirt Langans Road.

14.51 | End of Langans Rd

(2.2 km 47 mins) Turn right: From the turning area at the end of Langans
Road, this walk follows the GNW arrow post gently uphill along the dirt
road. The walk continues generally uphill for about 800m and comes to a
three-way intersection with the signposted 'Cabans Road' (on the right).
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow
post north-west along the dirt road, initially keeping Cabans Road on your
right. The walk continues, gently undulating up along the top of the ridge for
about 1.4km, until coming to the signposted 'Walkers Rest Area'.

16.71 | GNW Campsite

This neat little signposted campsite consists of a brick fireplace with a couple
of basic wooden seats and some room for a few tents. There is no water
available at this campsite.

16.71 | End of day 1

This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 1, happy camping.
valley and the Tuscan style olive groves. The cottage has an outdoor BBQ arrow post uphill. After about 700m, the track becomes narrower and much
16.71 | Walkers Rest Area kitchen and both rooms have a satellite TV, Wi-Fi Internet access, bar fridge, steeper as it climbs up to, then follows, the main ridge line. After about 600m
(350 m 8 mins) Continue straight: From the 'Walkers Rest Area', this walk toaster and kettle. Rooms are from $202 a night including breakfast, meal of mostly steep climbing, the track then leads more gently uphill, enjoying the
follows the trail west, initially keeping the rest area on your left. The walk packs are also available. A two night min. stay is normal, but chat with Keith views through trees (on the right). The walk continues gently up this section
continues to gently undulate for about 250m, until coming to the unfenced about mid-week and other options. Your friendly host is also happy to pick for another 400m, then heads over a small rise and comes down to a T-
signposted 'Flat Rock Lookout' (on your right). you up or drop you off at Watagan Creek Rd for about $75. Ph 02 4998 1693 intersection with the dirt Georges Road marked with a 'Great North Walk'
17.06 | Flat Rock Lookout 24.72 | Int of GNW track & sealed road
Flat Rock Lookout is a natural rock platform that offers magnificent views (930 m 16 mins) Veer right: From the intersection, follows the GNW arrow 34.54 | Int of Georges Rd AND GNW track
across the Congewai Valley to the east and north. There are, however, no marker gently downhill along the sealed road. The road becomes unsealed (130 m 2 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
fences or safety railings at the lookout, so walkers will need to exercise extra after about 50m as the dirt road then undulates gently through farmland for arrow marker gently downhill along the dirt road. After 80m, this walk passes
caution. about 900m to a T-intersection with Congewai Valley Road at the Congewai a small dam and comes to an old tin hut (on the left).
Valley west trackhead, just past the cattle grate.
17.06 | Flat Rock Lookout 34.66 | Old Loggers Hut
(4 km 1 hr 25 mins) Continue straight: From 'Flat Rock Lookout', this walk 25.65 | Congewai Valley west trackhead This Old Hut found beside Georges Rd, is in a state of disrepair. The
follows the trail north west, initially keeping the lookout on your right. The (5.2 km 1 hr 28 mins) Turn right: From the Congewai Valley west trackhead, corrugated iron and wooden hut has a dirt floor and a simple fire place. The
walk continues, undulating gently for about 800m, to find a three-way this walk follows 'Barraba Trig' sign south along the unsealed road. The walk hut's condition is poor and would not provide suitable shelter. Just south of
intersection with 'Langans Road' (on the left). Here, this walk turns right and continues (undulating gently) for about 4.4km (part of the road is sealed), to the hut is a small dam. The hut was once used by loggers harvesting timber
continues for about 3km (ignoring many side trails) to find a significant and cross a timber bridge. Here the walk continues through farmland for about from these hills
wide intersection with 'Cedar Ridge Road'. The walk veers right to walk 500m, to a signposted intersection, at the Congewai Valley east trackhead,
along the dirt road for about 40m to find a large 'The Great North Walk' sign where a sign points back to 'Congewai Valley' and where there is a stile (on 34.66 | Old Loggers Hut
pointing back to 'Sydney Cove'. the left) (and some wetlands on the right). (300 m 5 mins) Continue straight: From the old loggers hut, this walk follows
the dirt road north-east along the top of the ridge, initially keeping the hut to
21.05 | Congewai Communications Tower Management Trail 30.85 | Congewai Valley east trackhead your left. After about 300m, the trail leads to a large clearing with great
(3 km 1 hr 11 mins) Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk (760 m 17 mins) Turn left: From the Congewai Valley east trackhead, this views on the left, Georges Road rest area.
follows the 'Congewai Valley' arrow on the large 'Great North Walk' sign up walk follows the 'Newcastle' sign over the stile. Here the walk follows the
hill along the trail, following the ridge line for about 100m to the end of the track gently uphill through the open forest, leaving the Congewai Valley 34.96 | Georges Road Rest Area
trail, beisde the Congewai Communication Tower. This walk now follows the Road behind. After about 500m, this walk comes to a stile (with farmland This campsite is located above Wallaby Gully, off Georges Road. The
track and GNW arrow marker, keeping the tower and metal fence on your and a fence on the left). clearing has a scattering of trees, and has awesome views of Wallaby Gully.
left. Near the end of the fence, this walk follows the GNW arrow right and Continue straight: From here, this walk climbs over the fence using the stile There is room for a few tents and small campfire.
steeply downhill. Then the walk continues steeply downhill (rocky and and follows the track gently uphill, keeping the more open farmland on your
eroded in places) for about 900m, to find a level section of track (where the left. The walk continues for about 300m to an intersection with a wide dirt 34.96 | Georges Rd rest area
track bends right). The walk then continues undulating moderately steeply trail, just before a vehicular gate, marked with a GNW arrow post. (320 m 6 mins) Continue straight: From Georges Road rest area, this walk
(mostley downhill) for about 1.5km, to find an intersection with a GNW follows the dirt road gently uphill, initially keeping the rest area on your left.
arrow post. The walk then continues, gently uphill for about 150m, across the 31.61 | Optional sidetrip to Crawford Tank AND Hut The walk continues for about 200m until coming to a three-way intersection,
open farm land to a paddock gate (with a fence on your right). (180 m 5 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the marked with a GNW arrow marker.
'Drinking Water' sign up along the wide trail, away from the gate. The trail Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'Barraba Trig
24.03 | Paddock Gate leads gently uphill for about 150m before coming to a large clearing with a Rest Area' sign north-east, gently uphill along the trail. Following a few
(690 m 13 mins) Continue straight: From here, walk through the paddock hut and water tank. At the end of this side trip, retrace your steps back to the GNW arrow markers over about 90m, this trail then comes to a large flat
gate, this walk follows the trail gently uphill, while following the fence on main walk then Veer right. clearing signposted as 'Barraba campsite', with some lovely large grass trees.
your right. The walk continues, undulating gently for about 450m, then
crosses a small creek. Then the walk continues for about 60m and crosses a 31.61 | Crawford Tank & Hut 35.28 | Barraba Campsite
stile at a closed gate. The walk then continues for about 200m until coming to This clearing is home to a water tank and hut on the 'Brown Muir' farm. The Barraba campsite, near Georges Road on the Great North Walk, is quiet rest
an intersection with a sealed road. water tank was installed by LPMA in 2011 for walkers undertaking the Great area where campers can stay the night and set up a campfire. The small, semi-
North Walk. This farm and property have been in the owner's family since secluded campsite is surrounded by lovely large grass trees. The campsite has
24.72 | Optional sidetrip to Lonely Goat Olives original land grants. You are welcome to camp here and use the hut as a 'Walker register' book so you can note your intentions. The campsite has no
(930 m 22 mins) Turn left: From the intersection, this walk heads steeply shelter. The hut is a simple structure with an earth floor, some tables, seating facilities or water.
uphill following the sealed Eglinford La to the west. The road leads steeply and some beds, although best to sleep in your tent. There is an old pit toilet
uphill for about 180m to the top of the rise, where the road becomes dirt. on the side of the clearing. A sign reminds visitors not to light fires, this is a 35.28 | End of day 2
Over the next 500m, this walk stays on the dirt road as it leads down across a fuel stove only area. Wave and say hello to the owners Jill and Martin if you This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 2, happy camping.
gully beside farmland to head uphill again to the timber fence and signposted see them.
entrance to 'Ffynnon Garw' AND 'Lonely Goat Olives'. Turn left here and
follow the driveway for almost 300m to find the large workshop building. 31.61 | Property Gate
There is a bell to attract your hosts' attention. The accommodation is over the (1.2 km 31 mins) Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the wide
small rise on the left. At the end of this side trip, retrace your steps back to trail gently downhill and through the gate, and into the signposted 'Edwin
the main walk then Veer left. Crawford Conservation Area'. The trail bends right, then starts to lead gently
uphill for about 1.2km, until coming to a faint three-way intersection with a
24.72 | Lonely Goat Olives track (on the right), marked with a couple of GNW arrow posts.
Lonely Goat Olives is a tranquil country cottage in Congewai Valley, about
900m from the GNW. The cottage has two separate bedrooms, both with en- 32.81 | Int on GNW bushtrack
suites. The bedrooms open on to a veranda with views over the gorgeous (1.7 km 52 mins) Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
39.16 | Top of the 125r Lookout trail
35.28 | Barraba Campsite (1.3 km 31 mins) Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
(770 m 16 mins) Continue straight: From the Barraba campsite, this walk arrow marker east along Georges Road as it first bends left, initially keeping
follows the 'Newcastle' sign east, downhill along the grassy trail. After about the 125r Lookout track on your right. After about 400m, the road leads down
220m, the walk heads past the 'Barraba Trig Rest Area' sign (pointing back and across a flat saddle, then leads moderately steeply up for about 400m,
uphill) to then climb the fence using the stile (beside the gate). where the trail mostly flattens out then comes to the top of the hill. There are
Continue straight: From the locked gate, this walk heads downhill along the views from the unfenced cliff here, on the left.
wide dirt trail, directly away from the 'Barraba Trig' sign. The trail leads
down for about 400m, moderately steeply for a while. As the trail mostly 40.48 | GNW Rest Area
flattens out, the walk climbs over another fence beside a locked gate using This is a small rest area on the side of Georges Road, providing room to rest
the stile. The walk continues down along this trail for almost 200m to pass up and for a small campfire. There are also some nice views through the trees
'The Barbara Lowes Conservation area' sign. Here, the walk climbs over the but be careful as this rest area is near a steep drop.
fence using the stile beside the vehicular gate. There are filtered valley views
to your left. 40.48 | Northern rest area
(1.5 km 33 mins) Continue straight: From the rest area, this walk follows the
36.05 | The Barbara Lowes gate dirt George Road east, initially keeping the views on your left. The road
(1 km 27 mins) Continue straight: From the locked gate, this walk follows the gently undulates along the ridge for about 1.5km, coming to the unsignposted
trail gently downhill, while keeping the views on your left (and ignoring the Narrow Place Lookout, where there is a short metal post fence and wide
trail on your left). This walk undulates gently up and down the side of the hill valley (on the left).
for about 1 km, until coming to a saddle, with views on the left and dam on
the right. 41.99 | Narrow Place Lookout
Narrow Place Lookout is perched high on an partially-fenced cliff and
37.09 | Saddle Rest Area provides great views north over the farmland and bush towards Cessnock.
This rest area consists of a clearing on a saddle, with a small dam nearby. The lookout is beside a dirt road and a fairly large clearing.
There is space for a number of tents and access to water after rain (treat
before use). 41.99 | Narrow Place Lookout
(4.8 km 1 hr 32 mins) Continue straight: From the Narrow Place lookout, this
37.09 | Saddle Rest Area walk follows Georges Road east gently downhill, initially keeping the views
(730 m 17 mins) Continue straight: From the saddle, this walk follows the to your left. The road leads through forest for about 1.8km, ignoring a few
trail gently uphill, initially keeping the views on your left and fire dam on smaller side trails until coming to a three-way intersection (with the
your right. The walk continues with the cliffs on your right for just shy of Congewai Creek track, on the right), marked with a GNW arrow post.
300m then after another 400m, just past the 'Private Property/Walkers Only' Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow
sign, this walk heads over the fence using a stile beside the gate. There are post east along the dirt Georges Road as it leads gently downhill, initially
wide valley views from here, and a clearing on the left. keeping the main valley to your left. The road leads along the ridge among
the tall trees, past a few small clearings and side tracks for about 2.2km to
37.82 | GNW Rest Area pass a gate and timber fence (on your left). The walk continues along this
Located on George Road, this rest area is situated by a steep, unfenced drop main road for another 600m, coming to a T-intersection with the dirt Heaton
with spectacular views. There is space for a few tents and a small campfire, Road, marked with a 'Watagans National Park' sign.
there are no facilities or water here.
46.76 | Int of Georges & Heaton Rds
37.82 | Int of Georges Rd AND Watagans National Park bound (1.2 km 25 mins) Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'The
(1.3 km 33 mins) Continue straight: From the locked gate, this walk follows Great North Walk' sign gently uphill along the dirt Heaton Rd. The road leads
the dirt Georges Road moderately steeply downhill at first, keeping the views up along the ridge through the tall forest for about 1.1km, until coming to a Y-
on your left. The walk undulates, moderately steeply in a couple of places, intersection with Bakers Rd and a large sign with many names.
winding around the side of a few hills for about 1km, and then heads around Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'Hunters Lookout' sign
a sharp left-hand bend (passing a faint roadside clearing, on the right). The gently uphill along Bakers Road. The walk continues along this road for a bit
walk continues for another 500m along the dirt road to come to a three-way over 150m, coming to a three-way intersection, just in front of the signposted
intersection, with 125r trail and '125r Lookout' sign (on the right). 'Watagan Headquarters' campsite.
39.16 | Optional sidetrip to 125r Lookout Rest Area 48 | Watagan Headquarters
(860 m 17 mins) Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the '125r Watagan Headsquarters campsite (aka Forestry HQ) is located in the Heaton
Lookout' sign south gently downhill along the grassy trail. The walk State Forest, beside Bakers Rd, near Heaton Rd. This campsite has wood
continues through forest for about 900m, until coming to the end of the road fired barbecues, picnic tables and a garbage bin. The large, flat, cleared area
and an unfenced lookout with wide valley views. At the end of this side trip, allows plenty of room to pitch a tent. In 2010, a series of vandalism attacks
retrace your steps back to the main walk then Turn right. occurred on the water tank, so there is no longer water available.
39.16 | 125r Lookout 48 | End of day 3
The 125r Lookout, in the Watagan National Park, is located on a track off This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 3, happy camping.
Georges Road. This unfenced clearing is on a cliff edge and has broad views
o over the surrounding valleys. This small clearing has been used as a
(130 m 4 mins) Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the track the GNW arrow east, directly away from the face of the 'Barniers Road' sign.
48 | Forestry H.Q campsite gently downhill, while keeping the 'Glenn Rd' sign on your right. The walk The walk continues along the old trail for about 450m to find an intersection
(1.6 km 27 mins) Turn left : From the intersection (Forestry H.Q. campsite), continues through forest for about 120m, until coming to a three-way with a track (on the right). Here the walk turns right, following the 'The Great
this walk follows Bakers Road gently downhill, while keeping the GNW intersection with a track and GNW arrow marker (on the left). North Walk' sign moderately steeply down the narrow track for about 220m
arrow marker on your right and the large 'Great North Walk' sign on your and then crosses a creek. The walk continues moderately steeply uphill around
left. The walk continues, undulating gently for about 900m until coming to a 51.12 | Int of GNW track & a wide bushtrack another gully and after about 500m, comes to a T-intersection with Heaton
three-way intersection with Rocky Creek Road (on the right). (720 m 21 mins) Turn left : From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW trail and Heaton Lookout directly ahead.
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows Bakers Road north arrow marker moderately steeply down along the track. The walk continues
and gently uphill, while keeping Rocky Creek Road (no signpost) on your for about 100m, to find a forested mossy creek where the track bend right and 56.27 | Heaton Lookout
right. The walk continues, undulating gently for about 400m until coming to continues close to the creek for about 70m to then bend left and crossing the Heaton Lookout is one of the larger lookouts located on Heaton Road. This
a three-way intersection with Glen Road (on the right). creek. The walk now follows the track undulating gently for about 280m fenced lookout faces south-east. There are wood fired barbecues, picnic
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows Bakers Road before finding a large rock overhang. The walk then continues moderately tables and a pit toilet. Heaton Lookout is a great place to stop for a snack, and
gently uphill, while keeping Glen Road on your right. The walk continues, steeply uphill for about 200m until coming to a T-intersection with a wide the amazing view feels like a bonus. This lookout was named after Richard
undulating gently for about 250m until coming to Hunter Lookout picnic area trail and GNW arrow marker. Heaton, a timber cutter who came to Australia as a convict. There is a water
(on the left). tank here, due to vandalism in the area this is not a reliable water source.
Veer left: From the intersection, this walk heads off the road and up the hill 51.84 | Int of GNW track & a wide track
following the Hunter Lookout picnic area sign, past the wooden gate and the (340 m 8 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows 'Watagan 56.27 | Heaton Lookout.
public toilet, to the picnic area area and the lookout. Forest Road' sign uphill along the trail for about 200m to a three-way (2.4 km 54 mins) Turn left: From 'Heaton Lookout', this walk follows the
intersection, with another 'Watagan Forest Road' sign (on your left). 'Heaton Gap' sign gently uphill along the dirt Heaton Rd, past the toilet. After
49.62 | Hunter Lookout Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the wide track about 250m, the road leads past the 'Heaton Loop Trail' side track, then about
Hunter Lookout can be found on Bakers Road, along the Great North Walk. gently downhill, while keeping the 'Macleans Lookout 2km' sign on your 250m later (staying left at the Y-intersection) the road passes another section
This fenced lookout has everything you will need snack-stop, including right. The walk continues for about 140m to a three-way intersection, with of the same signposted track as the road bends left, enjoying the views over
toilets, picnic tables, chairs and wood-fired barbecues. This lookout has Fosters Road on your right and 'Fosters Road' sign on your left. the clearing (on your right). The road now leads gently uphill for about
fantastic views over much of the Hunter region. In 2010, a series of 1.7km, ignoring a series of side tracks until coming to a clear three-way
vandalism attacks occurred on the water tank, so water is no longer available 52.18 | Int of GNW track and Fosters Road south intersection just past the brick building and fenced communication tower (on
at Hunter Lookout. (920 m 32 mins) Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the right, and a small dam on the left).
the GNW arrow post down along the wide old trail, passing the 'Fosters
49.62 | Hunter Lookout picnic area Road' sign on your left. The walk continues for about 100m, where the wide 58.71 | Heaton Communications Tower
(700 m 16 mins) Continue straight: From the picnic area, this walk heads track then leads moderately steeply downhill for about 150m more. The walk (620 m 13 mins) Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the
north, past the metal gate to the intersection of Bakers Road. then crosses a gully and heads up over another rise for about 70m to where GNW arrow marker off the main road, heading east along the wide trail,
Veer left: From the Hunter Lookout picnic area (on Bakers Road), this walk the track narrows then bends left at a GNW arrow post. About 180m past the initially keeping the fenced tower on your right. The trail follows the power
follows Bakers Road north and gently downhill, while keeping Hunter post, the walk crosses a gully then heads up the other side, past a termite lines[ref img=359237 for about 600m and then bends right, coming to the
Lookout on your left. The walk continues for about 400m until coming to a Y- mound to an unfenced cliff with distance valley views. Here the track bends Heaton Gap Lookout. The unsignposted and unfenced clearing has wide,
intersection (Bakers Road loop). right and leads up a short distance to a dirt road. The walk turns left and uninterrupted views to the south.
Continue straight: From the intersection (Bakers Road Loop), this walk follows the road down for just a few metres to the 'Hammonds Road' sign,
follows the track gently uphill, while keeping the other end of Bakers Road where the 'MacLean Lookout' arrow points back along the road. 59.33 | Heaton Gap Lookout
Loop to your right, gently downhill. The walk follows the road for about Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'Heaton Heaton Gap lookout is a fantastic spot to stop and catch your breath in
130m until coming to Macleans Lookout. Lookout' sign downhill along the road a few metres, then veers left to follow Heaton State Forest. This unfenced lookout offers exhilarating views over the
the GNW arrow down the old trail. The walk leads fairly steeply down for valleys towards Tuggerah Lake and Lake Macquarie. this unsignposted view,
50.32 | Mcleans Lookout about 180m then passes around a timber barrier. Here the track narrows and as with many features in the area, was named after Richard Heaton, a timber
McLeans Lookout offers magnificent views of the valleys in Heaton State continues more steeply downhill through forest for about 250m to a gully and cutter who came to Australia as a convict. More info.
Forest. Located on Bakers Road, this fenced lookout also has picnic facilities creek crossing (with many fallen dead trees).
including tables with seats and open grassy areas. 59.33 | Heaton Gap Lookout
53.1 | Creek Crossing (860 m 22 mins) Continue straight: From Heaton Gap Lookout, this walk
50.32 | Maclean Lookout (2 km 58 mins) Continue straight: This walk crosses the creek and follows the follows the track east, moderately steeply downhill, initially keeping the view
(490 m 12 mins) Veer right: From Mcleans Lookout, this walk follows track, while keeping the valley on your left. The walk follows the track from Heaton Gap Lookout on your right. After about 60m, the track leads to
Bakers Road gently downhill, while keeping Macleans Lookout behind you steeply up for a short distance, then follows along the base of a cliff for about a timber platform with more views, underneath the power lines. The walk
on your left. The walk continues for about 80m until coming to a three-way 120m to pass through a long sandstone cave. The rocky track leads steeply continues past some handrailing for about 20m to come to the 'Great North
intersection with a wide track and GNW arrow marker (on the left). down through the dense rainforest for 700m, following a series of GNW Walk Walker Register' post. After noting your intentions, the walk continues
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the trail gently arrow posts to the bottom of the gully beside Wallis Creek. steeply downhill with stone and timber steps and sections for handrail for
downhill, while keeping the 'Heaton Lookout' sign on your right. The walk Continue straight: From here, the walk crosses Wallis Creek, and follows the about 200m, past the rock boulders and grass trees where the track widens
continues (becoming moderately steep downhill) for about 280m until GNW arrows south gently uphill along the track. The walk continues into a narrow grassy trail. Here the walk follows this trail and the power lines
coming to a three-way intersection with a track on the left. (crossing over a tree trunk with carved steps) and after about 500m, comes to downhill, steeply in places, for about 600m, until coming to a level
a creek and a tree trunk with a directional arrow carving. Then the walk unsignposted three-way intersection with the Freemans Drive trail (on the
50.81 | Int of GNW track AND a wide track follows the track for about 130m (crossing the creek a number of times) to right).
(170 m 5 mins) Turn sharp right: From the intersection, this walk follows the find the track leaving the creek. The track is followed moderately steeply
track moderately steeply downhill, while keeping the GNW arrow marker on uphill through forest for about 400m, until coming to a level four-way 60.18 | Int of GNW track and Freemans Drive trail
your left. The walk continues (descending moderately steeply into and out of intersection with a 'Barniers Road/Mt Faulk Road' sign on your right. (360 m 10 mins) Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW
a gully) for about 150m, until coming to a three-way intersection, Glen Road. arrow post and power lines steeply downhill along the trail. The walk
55.08 | Int of GNW track and Barniers Road continues for about 180m to find a three-way intersection, with a GNW
50.99 | Int of GNW track & Glen Road (1.2 km 29 mins) Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows arrow marker on the right (where the power line trail bends left). The walk
turns right, leaving the power lines and following the GNW arrow marker
steeply down a narrower forested track. The track winds down some timber
steps, towards the sound of traffic for about 160m then down a timber
staircase to the edge of Freemans Drive. Here the walk crosses Freemans
Drive (busy road, please be careful to look and listen for traffic) and comes to
the Watagan Forest Motel, petrol station (on the left), picnic area and
signposted 'Heaton Gap Track Head' (on the right).

60.55 | Watagan Forest Motel

Watagan Forest Motel is located on Branxton-Toronto Road. This retro-style
motel is located right on the Great North Walk. The motel offers six rooms
for around $99 per night - each with a double bed (four rooms also have twin
singles), a television, bathroom with shower, air conditioning, and breakfast
included. Room service is available. Adjoining the motel is a service station,
which also offers dining room meals as well as a small grocery selection
(bread, milk, bottled water, rice, pasta, etc), open until 8:30pm daily. A rest
area is situated next to the motel, with covered picnic tables and garbage
bins. For further information, phone (02)4938 0149.
Summary navigation sheet for the The Basin Campsite to Heaton Gap
km From Up/Dwn Length Initial directions (Use full tracknotes and maps for more detail)
0.00 Basin Campsite 180 2.2 km From the Basin campsite, this walk follows 'The Great North walk' sign, gently uphill , initially keeping the
-33.104,151.2309 (GR Murrays Run, 349358) -129 54 mins campsite on your right.
2.20 Int of GNW AND Lyrebird trail 531 8.7 km Alternate Route Int of GNW AND Lyrebird trail. Turn sharp right: From the intersection, this walk follows
-33.0963,151.2425 (GR Murrays Run, 360367) -225 3 hrs 5 mins 'The Great North Walk' sign steeply up the timber steps.
2.20 Int of GNW tracks & Lyrebird Trail 19 280 m Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'Lyrebird Trail' & 'The Great North Walk' sign ,
-33.0963,151.2425 (GR Murrays Run, 360367) -27 7 mins north along the track whilst keeping the valley to your left.
2.48 Wollombi Brook Pool 256 3.6 km Turn right: From Wollombi Brook Pool, this walk follows GNW arrow post north-east steeply uphill, initially
-33.0942,151.2435 (GR Murrays Run, 361369) -65 1 hr 23 mins keeping the main pool behind and to the left.
6.08 Int of GNW track & Pig and Sow Ridge Rd 91 970 m Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows 'The Great North Walk' sign north along the track
-33.0737,151.2547 (GR Morisset, 371392) -108 29 mins that heads moderately steeply downhill.
7.04 End of Kangaroo Point Road 146 1.3 km Continue straight: From the end of Kangaroo Point Road, this walk follows the GNW arrow post north, gently
-33.0672,151.2552 (GR Morisset, 371399) -9 34 mins uphill along Kangaroo Point Road.
8.33 Int of Kangaroo Point & Murrays Forest Road 2 140 m Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the dirt Murray Forest Road north-east, gently uphill and
-33.057,151.2598 (GR Morisset, 375411) -1 2 mins directly away from the face of the 'Kangaroo Pt' sign.
8.47 Int of Murrays Forest Road and the Great North 14 880 m Turn left : From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post north along the dirt road for about 20m
Walk -93 19 mins to another intersection with a 'The Great North Walk' sign.
-33.0563,151.261 (GR Morisset, 376411)
9.35 Int of Great North Walk and Bar trail 27 860 m Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post north-east along the narrow,
-33.0498,151.2646 (GR Morisset, 380419) -54 18 mins overgrown trail.
10.21 Int of Bar trail and Warrawolong Road 8 360 m Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post north, gently down along the the dirt
-33.0459,151.2711 (GR Morisset, 386423) -12 7 mins road for about 400m to find the intersection with the dirt Turners Road, just past the 'Mt Warrawolong' sign.
10.57 Int of Turners and Warrawolong Roads 245 2 km Optional sidetrip to Mt Warrawolong Fire Tower. Turn left: From the intersection, this walk heads north-west
-33.0431,151.2726 (GR Morisset, 387426) -31 56 mins down along the dirt road, initially keeping the 'Mt Warrawolong' sign on your left and keeping the valley on
your right.
10.57 Int of Turners and Warrawolong Roads 40 2.3 km Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'The Great North Walk' sign, (away from face of the 'Mt
-33.0431,151.2726 (GR Morisset, 387426) -267 53 mins Warrawolong' sign) to head east along the dirt Turners Road.
12.91 Signposted Rest Area 1 100 m Turn right: From the rest area, this walk follows 'Newcastle' sign gently downhill towards the valley, along the
-33.0293,151.2739 (GR Morisset, 388441) -25 3 mins narrow track.
13.01 Int of GNW track & Watagan Creek 0 40 m Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow along the dirt Watagans Creek Road over
Road(eastside) -2 1 mins the small rise, while keeping the main valley to your right.
-33.0286,151.2739 (GR Morisset, 388442)
13.05 Int of GNW track & Watagan Creek Road 0 190 m Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post down the short but steep road
(westside) -31 4 mins embankment, and passes through the paddock gate (with a 'Laguna' sign on it).
-33.0285,151.2735 (GR Morisset, 388442)
13.23 Great North Walk Paddock Gate 243 1.3 km Continue straight: From the paddock gate (with the yellow electric fence box), this walk follows GNW arrow
-33.0268,151.2738 (GR Morisset, 388444) -10 44 mins down the moderately steep grassy bank towards the creek.
14.51 End of Langans Rd 129 2.2 km Turn right: From the turning area at the end of Langans Road, this walk follows the GNW arrow post gently
-33.0186,151.2745 (GR Morisset, 388453) -28 47 mins uphill along the dirt road.
Summary navigation sheet for the The Basin Campsite to Heaton Gap
km From Up/Dwn Length Initial directions (Use full tracknotes and maps for more detail)
16.71 End of day 1 0 0m This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 1, happy camping.
-33.0054,151.2737 (GR Morisset, 387468) 0
16.71 Walkers Rest Area 12 350 m Continue straight: From the 'Walkers Rest Area', this walk follows the trail west, initially keeping the rest area
-33.0054,151.2737 (GR Morisset, 387468) -25 8 mins on your left.
17.06 Flat Rock Lookout 182 4 km Continue straight: From 'Flat Rock Lookout', this walk follows the trail north west, initially keeping the lookout
-33.003,151.2715 (GR Morisset, 385471) -142 1 hr 25 mins on your right.
21.05 Congewai Communications Tower Management 71 3 km Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'Congewai Valley' arrow on the large 'Great
Trail -373 1 hr 11 mins North Walk' sign up hill along the trail, following the ridge line for about 100m to the end of the trail, ...
-32.9794,151.2464 (GR Wollombi, 361496)
24.03 Paddock Gate 5 690 m Continue straight: From here, walk through the paddock gate, this walk follows the trail gently uphill, while
-32.9732,151.2594 (GR Quorrobolong, 373503) -48 13 mins following the fence on your right.
24.72 Int of GNW AND Eglinford La 76 930 m Optional sidetrip to Lonely Goat Olives. Turn left: From the intersection, this walk heads steeply uphill
-32.9673,151.2609 (GR Quorrobolong, 375510) -18 22 mins following the sealed Eglinford La to the west.
24.72 Int of GNW track & sealed road 7 930 m Veer right: From the intersection, follows the GNW arrow marker gently downhill along the sealed road.
-32.9673,151.2609 (GR Quorrobolong, 375510) -30 16 mins
25.65 Congewai Valley west trackhead 71 5.2 km Turn right: From the Congewai Valley west trackhead, this walk follows 'Barraba Trig' sign south along the
-32.9671,151.2701 (GR Quorrobolong, 383510) -60 1 hr 28 mins unsealed road.
30.85 Congewai Valley east trackhead 54 760 m Turn left: From the Congewai Valley east trackhead, this walk follows the 'Newcastle' sign over the stile.
-32.9952,151.3004 (GR Quorrobolong, 412480) -12 17 mins
31.61 Property Gate 21 180 m Optional sidetrip to Crawford Tank AND Hut. Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the
-32.9888,151.302 (GR Quorrobolong, 413487) 0 5 mins 'Drinking Water' sign up along the wide trail, away from the gate.
31.61 Property Gate 125 1.2 km Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the wide trail gently downhill and through the gate, and into
-32.9888,151.302 (GR Quorrobolong, 413487) -1 31 mins the signposted 'Edwin Crawford Conservation Area'.
32.81 Int on GNW bushtrack 239 1.7 km Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post uphill.
-32.9819,151.3056 (GR Quorrobolong, 417494) -36 52 mins
34.54 Int of Georges Rd AND GNW track 0 130 m Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker gently downhill along the dirt road.
-32.9703,151.3031 (GR Quorrobolong, 414507) -8 2 mins
34.66 Old Loggers Hut 2 300 m Continue straight: From the old loggers hut, this walk follows the dirt road north-east along the top of the ridge,
-32.9696,151.3042 (GR Quorrobolong, 415508) -2 5 mins initially keeping the hut to your left.
34.96 Georges Rd rest area 13 320 m Continue straight: From Georges Road rest area, this walk follows the dirt road gently uphill, initially keeping
-32.9674,151.3058 (GR Quorrobolong, 417511) -3 6 mins the rest area on your left.
35.28 End of day 2 0 0m This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 2, happy camping.
-32.9661,151.3086 (GR Quorrobolong, 419512) 0
35.28 Barraba Campsite 4 770 m Continue straight: From the Barraba campsite, this walk follows the 'Newcastle' sign east, downhill along the
-32.9661,151.3086 (GR Quorrobolong, 419512) -94 16 mins grassy trail.
36.05 The Barbara Lowes gate 74 1 km Continue straight: From the locked gate, this walk follows the trail gently downhill, while keeping the views on
-32.9671,151.3135 (GR Quorrobolong, 424511) -70 27 mins your left (and ignoring the trail on your left).
37.09 Saddle Rest Area 36 730 m Continue straight: From the saddle, this walk follows the trail gently uphill, initially keeping the views on your
-32.9695,151.3224 (GR Quorrobolong, 432508) -57 17 mins left and fire dam on your right.
Summary navigation sheet for the The Basin Campsite to Heaton Gap
km From Up/Dwn Length Initial directions (Use full tracknotes and maps for more detail)
37.82 Int of Georges Rd AND Watagans National Park 99 1.3 km Continue straight: From the locked gate, this walk follows the dirt Georges Road moderately steeply downhill
boundary gate -53 33 mins at first, keeping the views on your left.
-32.9722,151.3292 (GR Quorrobolong, 439506)
39.16 Top of the 125r Lookout trail 15 860 m Optional sidetrip to 125r Lookout Rest Area. Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the '125r
-32.9771,151.3382 (GR Quorrobolong, 447500) -50 17 mins Lookout' sign south gently downhill along the grassy trail.
39.16 Top of the 125r Lookout trail 76 1.3 km Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker east along Georges Road as it first
-32.9771,151.3382 (GR Quorrobolong, 447500) -68 31 mins bends left, initially keeping the 125r Lookout track on your right.
40.48 Northern rest area 57 1.5 km Continue straight: From the rest area, this walk follows the dirt George Road east, initially keeping the views
-32.9735,151.3454 (GR Quorrobolong, 454504) -90 33 mins on your left.
41.99 Narrow Place Lookout 134 4.8 km Continue straight: From the Narrow Place lookout, this walk follows Georges Road east gently downhill,
-32.9765,151.3589 (GR Quorrobolong, 466501) -153 1 hr 32 mins initially keeping the views to your left.
46.76 Int of Georges & Heaton Rds 60 1.2 km Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the 'The Great North Walk' sign gently uphill along the dirt
-32.9695,151.401 (GR Quorrobolong, 506510) -7 25 mins Heaton Rd.
48.00 End of day 3 0 0m This is the planned overnight stay for the end of day 3, happy camping.
-32.9756,151.4117 (GR Quorrobolong, 516503) 0
48.00 Forestry H.Q campsite 21 1.6 km Turn left : From the intersection (Forestry H.Q.
-32.9756,151.4117 (GR Quorrobolong, 516503) -38 27 mins
49.62 Hunter Lookout picnic area 39 700 m Continue straight: From the picnic area, this walk heads north, past the metal gate to the intersection of Bakers
-32.9626,151.4138 (GR Quorrobolong, 518517) -38 16 mins Road.
50.32 Maclean Lookout 7 490 m Veer right: From Mcleans Lookout, this walk follows Bakers Road gently downhill, while keeping Macleans
-32.9572,151.4172 (GR Quorrobolong, 521523) -74 12 mins Lookout behind you on your left.
50.81 Int of GNW track AND a wide track 19 170 m Turn sharp right: From the intersection, this walk follows the track moderately steeply downhill, while keeping
-32.9605,151.4205 (GR Quorrobolong, 524520) -12 5 mins the GNW arrow marker on your left.
50.99 Int of GNW track & Glen Road 12 130 m Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the track gently downhill, while keeping the 'Glenn Rd' sign
-32.9614,151.4217 (GR Quorrobolong, 525519) -8 4 mins on your right.
51.12 Int of GNW track & a wide bushtrack 75 720 m Turn left : From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker moderately steeply down along the
-32.9625,151.4222 (GR Quorrobolong, 525518) -59 21 mins track.
51.84 Int of GNW track & a wide track 30 340 m Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows 'Watagan Forest Road' sign uphill along the trail for about
-32.9633,151.4257 (GR Quorrobolong, 529517) -17 8 mins 200m to a three-way intersection, with another 'Watagan Forest Road' sign (on your left).
52.18 Int of GNW track and Fosters Road south 79 920 m Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post down along the wide old trail,
-32.9649,151.4285 (GR Quorrobolong, 531515) -203 32 mins passing the 'Fosters Road' sign on your left.
53.10 Creek Crossing 236 2 km Continue straight: This walk crosses the creek and follows the track, while keeping the valley on your left.
-32.971,151.4332 (GR Quorrobolong, 536508) -79 58 mins
55.08 Int of GNW track and Barniers Road 58 1.2 km Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow east, directly away from the face of
-32.9836,151.4441 (GR Quorrobolong, 546495) -115 29 mins the 'Barniers Road' sign.
56.27 Heaton Lookout. 144 2.4 km Turn left: From 'Heaton Lookout', this walk follows the 'Heaton Gap' sign gently uphill along the dirt Heaton
-32.9837,151.4548 (GR Quorrobolong, 556495) -54 54 mins Rd, past the toilet.
58.71 Heaton Communications Tower 3 620 m Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker off the main road, heading east
-32.9674,151.4631 (GR Quorrobolong, 564513) -69 13 mins along the wide trail, initially keeping the fenced tower on your right.
Summary navigation sheet for the The Basin Campsite to Heaton Gap
km From Up/Dwn Length Initial directions (Use full tracknotes and maps for more detail)
59.33 Heaton Gap Lookout 1 860 m Continue straight: From Heaton Gap Lookout, this walk follows the track east, moderately steeply downhill,
-32.9678,151.4695 (GR Quorrobolong, 570512) -190 22 mins initially keeping the view from Heaton Gap Lookout on your right.
60.18 Int of GNW track and Freemans Drive trail 5 360 m Veer left: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post and power lines steeply downhill along
-32.9666,151.4778 (GR Quorrobolong, 577514) -82 10 mins the trail.

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