Betamethasone + Lignocaine HPLC
Betamethasone + Lignocaine HPLC
Betamethasone + Lignocaine HPLC
ISSN 2250-3153
Phenylephrine Hydrochloride is a vasoconstrictor that reduces swelling and relief itching and discomfort by tightening blood
vessels. Freely soluble in water and in ethanol (95%); practically insoluble in chloroform.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 2
ISSN 2250-3153
Betamethasone Valerate is an adrenocortical steroid that suppresses inflammation. It is freely soluble in chloroform; soluble in
ethanol (95%); practically insoluble in water and in light petroleum.
Lidocaine Hydrochloride is a local anesthetic to temporarily relieve pain. It is very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethanol (96
per cent). Melting point is 74 °C to 79 °C.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 3
ISSN 2250-3153
Standard Stock Solution for Betamethasone Valerate HCl, Lignocaine HCl and Betamethasone Valerate UV-detector
Weigh accurately 10.0 mg Betamethasone Valerate and were used. The chromatographic conditions used for the
transfer to 10.0 ml volumetric flask, add 5.0 ml purified estimation were given below.
methanol and allow it to dissolved with sonication and make up Column : Merck’ C18 (250mm
the volume with methanol to 10.0ml. Take 5ml stock solution in X 4.6mm, 5µ)
100.0ml volumetric flask and dilute with methanol up to the Wavelength : 270 nm
mark. (Solution B) Injection Volume : 20µl
Flow rate : 1.5 ml/min
Standard Stock solution for Lignocaine HCl Column Temperature : Ambient
Weigh accurately 250.0mg of Lignocaine HCl and transfer
it in to 100.0ml volumetric flask, add about 50.0ml of methanol
and make up the volume to 100.0ml with methanol. (Solution C).
Combine Standard Method development
Take accurately 5.0ml of each of the above solutions (i.e. The primary target in developing this stability indicating LC
solution A, B and C) in 50.0ml volumetric flask and dilute up to method was to achieve the resolution between Phenylephrine
the mark with mobile phase. HCl, Betamethasone Valerate and Lignocaine HCl and the
formulation excipient. To achieve the separation of related
Sample Solution substances, stationary phase of C18 and a combination of mobile
Take an accurately 5.0g weighed amount of the sample in phase phosphate buffer with methanol and Acetonitrile were
100.0ml of beaker add 40.0ml of methanol and warm on water used. The separation of formulation excipient and all three active
bath at 60ºC for about 10-15minutes; cool with stirring. Transfer ingredients was achieved a Merck” C18 column and a mobile
the supernatant liquid to 100.0ml volumetric flask keeping the phase composed of [potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer and
ointment in beaker. Repeat the procedure thrice with another Acetonitrile in the ratio 460:540 and Triethylamine was used to
fresh quantity of methanol. Allow to cool the volumetric in ice adjust the pH of the mobile phase to 7.0. Mobile phase flow rate
bath and make up the volume to 100.0ml with methanol. Dilute was maintained at 1.5ml/min and eluent were monitored at
5.0ml of the above solution to 50.0ml with mobile phase. 270nm. A 20µl of the sample was injected using a fixed loop.
The developed method/chromatograms showed that the method
Chromatographic Conditions was highly specific and all the actives were well resolved from
The mobile phase was filtered through 0.45µm, Nylon each other. The Chromatograms of all the actives and sample
membrane filter and degassed using vaccum before delivering it (ointment) are given below (Figure 4a & 4b).
in to the HPLC system. For detection of analyte Phenylephrine
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 4
ISSN 2250-3153
STD – 3-0028E1201
Control Method:
Control Method:
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 5
ISSN 2250-3153
Linearity and range hydrochloride at different levels. The data were subjected to
The linearity of detector response to different concentrations statistical analysis using a linear model; the calibration curves of
of actives was studied in the range of 1.0 to 12.0mcg/ml for PH-HCl, L-HCl and B-Val are shown in (figure 5(a), 5(b), 5(c)).
Phenylephrine hydrochloride, 1.0 to 8.0mcg/ml for Regression characteristics of the proposed HPLC method are
Betamethasone Valerate and 40.0 to 320.0mcg/ml for Lignocaine given in (Table 1).
120000 Series1
60000 Linear (Series2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Concentration (mcg/ml)
Linearity of Betamethasone Valerate
Linear (Series2)
Area Under Curve
120000 y = 17457x
100000 R2 = 0.9995
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Concentration (mcg/ml)
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 6
ISSN 2250-3153
600000 y = 1525.5x
R2 = 0.9995
Area under curve
400000 Series1
300000 Series2
200000 Linear (Series2)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Concentration (mcg/ml)
Precision to be 0.909, 0.804 and 1.093 for PH-HCl, L-HCl and B-Val
Precision was measured in terms of repeatability of respectively (Table.2). This shows that the precision of the
measurement, performed by injecting the standard solution six method is satisfactory as relative standard deviation is not more
times (n=6) and measuring the peak areas. The RSD was found than 2.0%.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 7
ISSN 2250-3153
PH- L-HCl B-Val PH- L-HCl B-Val PH- L-HCl B-Val PH-HCl L-HCl B-Val
HCl µg/ml µg/ml HCl µg/ml µg/ml HCl µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml
µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml
10 250 0.5 8 200 0.4 18.19 449.75 0.908 101.055 99.94 100.88
10 250 0.5 8 200 0.4 18.20 449.55 0.915 101.11 99.90 101.66
10 250 0.5 8 200 0.4 18.10 450.55 0.910 100.55 100.04 101.11
10 250 0.5 10 250 0.5 20.33 500.38 10.08 101.65 100.10 100.80
10 250 0.5 10 250 0.5 20.25 500.29 10.20 101.25 100.10 102.00
10 250 0.5 10 250 0.5 20.29 500.45 10.11 101.45 100.09 101.10
10 250 0.5 12 300 0.6 22.10 549.98 11.01 100.45 99.99 100.09
10 250 0.5 12 300 0.6 22.10 549.97 11.08 100.45 99.99 100.72
10 250 0.5 12 300 0.6 22.11 550.00 11.05 100.50 100.0 100.45
Mean % Recovery 100.94 100.01 100.98
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