Familybiblewithb01nyam PDF
Familybiblewithb01nyam PDF
Familybiblewithb01nyam PDF
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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1801, by the Ameuican Tract Society, in the Clerk's office of the District
Court for the Southern District of New York.
This book is the word of God. In it he makes known to men his character and
will. It is all given by inspiration of the Holy Grhost, and is profitable ;
teaching men
what showing them in what they are wrong instructing them in what is
to believe ; ;
right; and loading them, through the grace of God, to do it. Although written by
men, God directed them what to write and how to write it, that as a rule of human
faith and conduct it might be perfect. Having been all written, not in words taught
by the wisdom of men, but the wisdom of God, it is " perfect, converting the soul
sure, making wise the simple ; and right, rejoicing the heart." Of course a knowledge
of this book is more to be desired than gold, even much fine gold ; because in under-
standing, believing, and obej-ing it, there is great present and great future reward.
Hence, every person who can, should own a copy of it, and should read it every
day; asking God to teach him, by his Spirit, rightly to understand, cordially to believe,
and faithfully to obey it. It will then be spirit and life to his soul, and make him wise
to salvation. It will be a lamp to his feet, and a light to his path ;
guiding him in the
way of righteousness, that way of pleasantness and path of peace. He will be wiser, in
the things of God, even than his teachers, if they do not understand, believe, and obey
the Bible. Through it he will get understanding and will hate every false way ; and
by it he will be furnished thoroughly for every good work.
On the Sabbath he should study this book in its divinely inspired aspects and con-
nection ;
not merely that he may obtain a greater knowledge of it himself, but also that
he may be better qualified to communicate this knowledge to others. He should also,
as he may be able, avail himself of the assistance of his fellow-men, that he may receive
from the treasures of revelation things new and old.
For this purpose he should confine his worldly business, cares, travelling, and
amusements, to six days in a week, and should rest on the Sabbath and keep the day
holy. He should not only, as on other days, pray to God, morning and evening, him-
self in secret and also in the family, but he should meet with others and worship God
in public; hearken to the preaching of the gospel by the ministers of Jesus Christ; and
when he goes home and has opportunity, he should examine the Bible and see whether
wliat lie has licard is accordiiiir to it. If it is. lie sIkhiM receive it and ti'i'at it as the
truth of (Jod. If it is not, he shoidd reject it; for if any one preaches contrary to the
Bible, he does not preach the truth, and is not to be believed. Each one should there-
fore study this word of God for himself, that he may be able rightly to judge whethei-
what he hears is according to it or not. Every true minister of Christ will wi.'^h to have
his hearers do this; and like Paul will rejoice, (see Acts 17 :11,) when lie learns that
they are "searching the Scriptures daily." By this law and testimony of God all
Innuan teaching from the pulpit and the press should be tried. If men speak nol
Reader, make this book your own. By it try your faith, and your practice.
Hearken to it daily, as the voice God speaking to you, telling you words by which
you may be saved, and by which j'ou may also be instrumental in saving others. Fol-
low' its heavenly teachings, and all things shall work together for your good. God will
guide you by his counsel through life; he will support and comfort you in death; and
after death he will receive you to glory; Avhere witli him, and all his people, you will
In that grand enunciation of the dignity and design of the sacred vohnne which is
given by the apostle Paul, we are told that "all scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
IN righteousness; that the man of GrOD MAY BE PERFECT, THOROUGHLY FURNISHED
unto all GOOD WORKS." 2 Tiui. 3 : IG, IT. But it must be evident that the Scripture
could not be effectually profitable for these great ends, nor make the man of God per-
fect, if it were not perfect itself; if its different parts were at variance with each other:
if, notwithstanding all the variety of matter, and multiplicity of detail, which such a
book required, the doctrines revealed, and the moral duties enjoined, were not substan-
tially and essentially the same throughout ; and if all the parts did not concur in the
plan of the whole. To exhibit then the harmony of the sacred writers on the subjects
of which they treat, has been the primary design of this selection. And as there arc
some subjects of leading importance, in which all the rest are included, and by means
of which the harmony and perfection of the inspired pages are written as with th(;
beams of the sun, to these especial care and attention have been devoted.
I. It has appeared an object of the first magnitude, that the reader of the holy
Scriptures should be assisted by references from text to text, to have constantly in
view the connection of all the divine attributes, and the holy uniformity of God in his
government both of his church and of the world. A display of the true character ami
perfections of God is, without dispute, one chief design of the inspired volume. Here,
as in Isaiah's miraculous vision, may Jehovah be seen, sitting upon a throne, high and
lifted up; his train fills the temple, and ihc sacred writers, like the seraphim, cover
themselves, and cry one (n :iiintlier, and say, "IIoja', iioi.y, holy is tue Loiu) of
iiosTr!, THK wiioLK KARTii IS vviA. 01' HIS OLORY." It is tliis wliidi gives to tlie t^cripture
its superlative grandeur. By it God is known; his will is promulgated; his ]mrposes
are revealed : his mercy is announecil : and lie is everywhere exhibited as wortliy of
the supreme adoration, love, service, and praise of all his intelligent creatures. Little
«lo those who neglect the Bible think what refined delight they lose by thus turning
away their eyes from the most sublime, the most glorious, and the most beatifying
object of contciiiplalion that the whole universe affords.
II. But this manifestation of the divine character and government is not presented
interest. The holy Scriptures are designed to j)roniote the glory of God by the salva-
tion OF MAN. The peculiar jwrpose of the whole is to turn men from darkness to
light, and from the power of Satan to God ; to raise them from the ruins of the fall, and
to put them in possession of the blessings of redemption ; to lead them from sin to holi-
ness ; to conduct them through a state of conflict and trial on earth, to a state of rest
and felicity in heaven ; and so to assist and direct them in all possible conditions in life,
that they may not fail of these great ends, except by their own wilful rejection of the
counsel of God against themselves. The salvation of his own soul should therefore be
the grand concern of every reader of the Scripture. Here the iiimiortality of the soul
is brought to light, and placed in unquestionable evidence. Here, its defection from
original purity is clearly demonstrated, the means of its restoration are set forth, and
its future destiny is declared. It is an awful responsibility which they incur who wil-
fully neglect this holy book, and devote all their time and the powers of their minds to
terrestrial and subordinate objects. They slight the pearl of greatest price, which is
nowhere else to be found ; and seem as if they were determined to frustrate, as far as
respects themselves, all that divine wisdom and goodness have done to rescue the
immortal mind of man from spiritual ignorance, error, vanity, vice, and ruin. Those,
however, who are seeking to enjoy the blessings which the gospel reveals, will, as they
are able, search the Scriptures ; and such persons will receive great help from having
references at hand to assist their inquiries. " It were to be wished," says Bishop Hors-
ley, "that no Bibles were printed without references. Particular diligence should be
used in comparing the parallel texts of the Old and New Testaments It is
incredible," he adds, " to any one who has not made the experiment, what a proficiency
may be made in that knowledge which maketh wise unto salvation, by studying the
Scriptures in this manner, without any other commentary or exposition than what the
different parts of the sacred volume mutually furnish for each other. Let the most
illiterate Christian study them in this manner, and let him never cease to pray for th(!
illumination of that Spirit by which these books were dictated, and the whole conqjass
of abstruse philosophy and recondite history shall furnish no argument with which the
perverse will of man shall be able to shake this learned Christian's faith." So great
and perfect is the coincidence of every part of the word of God in the grand and mer-
ciful design of the whole!
III. This is more apparent, and the harmony and perfection of the holy Scriptures
are rendered more peculiarly evident and distinct, by the constant reference of all its
writers to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. "To him give all the prophets wit-
XESS." Acts 10 43. : The things which were written in the law of Moses, and in all
the prophets, and in the Psalms, concern him, Luke 24 27, 44 : ; and would come to
nothing if he were separated from them. He is the bright and morning Star ; the true
Light that must lighten every man who comes to see the glory of divine revelation.
Rev. 22 : 16 ; John 1:9. It has therefore been a chief design of- this work to connect
and to exhibit the testimony which all the sacred penmen bear to the adorable Imman-
uel ; to the proper and unequivocal divinity of his nature, the necessity of his media-
tion, the reality, and design of his incarnation, his spotless and exemplary life, his
unparalleled sufferings, his vicarious death, the verity of his resurrection and ascension
into heaven, the sufficiency of his righteousness, the prevalence of his intercession, the
spirituality of his kingdom, his sovereignty in the church, his constant care and love of
his people, and the certainty of his second coming to raise the dead and judge the
world in righteousness: grand and sublime truths, in which every individual of the
human race is deeply and eternally interested.
IV. The chief purpose of Christ's mission being that such as believe on him might
be saved from sin, which is the transgression of the divine law, and from the punishment
due to it, it has been thought important frequently to connect those texts which speak
of transgressions, with those in which the law concerning them is to be found, and in
which punishment is threatened; and sometimes with those in which the atonement is
way. Thus, from those words in Ezek. 23 :49, "Ye shall bear the sins of your idols,''
the reader is referred first to Num. 14 34 : as a parallel passage, showing God visiting
sin upon the transgressors themselves; then to Num. 18 : 23, to show the typical visita-
tion of it upon the Levitical priesthood; then to Isaiah 53 : 11, to show the prophetic
declaration of its being laid on Christ; and lastly, to 1 Pet. 2 : 24, to show the actual
fulfilment of that prophecy, and the end to be answered by it; for there we are told
that He that judgeth righteously, "his own self, bare our sins in his own body on the
V. The cimnirrrncc of the Old ami New TestamenLt with eaeh other. \\w\ Uio relation
of the types before and under the Mosaic law to their eoinpletiou inider the gowjjeV
have been studiously reirarded, so as to render it evident, that whatever variations may
have been made in tlie form and administration of external worship, true religion,
under tlu' foriner dispensations, was always essentially (lie same as true religion under
the ))resent; that "he is not a Jew which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision
which is outward in the llesh: but he is a .Tew which is one inwardly; and circumcision
is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the lett(>r, whose praise is not of men but
of God." For "in every nation he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is
accepted of him.'" Rom. 2 : 28, 29; Acts 10 : 85. Tn this, the revelation made before
the institution of the Lcvitical priesthood, that made during its continuance, and that
which has been made since its termination, all agree. The Mosaic ritual was the
shadow of good things to come; so were the priesthood and kingdom of Melchizedck:
and the body is Christ, who is essentially "the same," both in his person and in his
VI. But the instruction diffused through the Scriptures respecting the gracious and
indispensable operations of the Holy Ghost the Sanctifier, has not been forgotten ; and
the references on this article will show that, as to his sacred infiuence on the minds of
the inspired penmen we are indebted for all I he truths they have taught us, so to his
influence on the minds of those who receive and regard them must such persons be
indebted for all they have learned or can learn of them. His work completes the
great design of the whole ; and his assistance and blessing are distinctly promised to all
YII. As the Scriptures harmonize in their primary and general objects, so do they
with regard to the particular subjects comprehended in their plan. Historical accounts
are verified by other coincident ones, or by accounts of the persons or places to which
they refer. The prophecies of one prophet concerning events which were to take place,
relating either to kingdoms, families, individuals, or the world at large, are consistent
with those pronounced by other prophets. The accounts of the Jewish polity under its
various vicissitudes, are confirmed by the writings of the prophets who lived during
or after those vicissitudes ; while the former tend reciprocally to establish the authen-
ticity of the latter. The histories of the four evangelists have a regular connection
and parallelism, especially those of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The recital of the
transactions of the apostles, after the ascension of our Lord, strongly authenticates the
apostolic epistles : and Archdeacon Paley has well shown the confirmation which the
epistles of St. Paul derive from the circumstances recorded by St. Luke in his book of
the Acts. Prophecies are connected with their accomplishments as far as those accom-
plishments are included in the Scripture history. Promises and threatenings are con-
and the prayers of believers with the answers they have received. All these relation?
VIII. Further, the Scriptures are not merely intended to lead men to godliness,
they are intended also to exemplify it. Repentance, faith, hope, charitj', and devotioi:
are here exhibited in the most perfect models ; and it has therefore entered into the
design of this work to show the corresponding emotions and conduct of the saints, both
of the Old Testament and the New, when under the influence of those dispositions,
contemplations, and emotions which are most peculiarly characteristic of true piety
and also to connect the devotional parts of Scripture with the occurrences which gave
rise to them, as far as they can be ascertained. Thus is religion known by its fruits
not as a thing merely of times and circumstances, but a living principle in the mind,
which times and circumstances call into action and contribute to display.
IX. The aphoristic ami poetical parts of the sacred writings are also connected, so
as to illustrate and enforce each other, that the reader may be constantly impressed
with those momentous truths, and that sublime language with which they abound, and
which afford perpetual food for the best exercises of the understanding and the finest
emotions of the heart ; at once furnishing materials for the most rational entertainment,
and the most solid instruction. In this respect, the Scriptures will be found to resem-
ble the garden of Eden, in which the Lord God has made to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight, and good for spiritual food. But no cherubim or flaming sword
are here to prohibit access to the tree of life. The children of the second Adam may
freely, and without fear or interruption, now put forth their hands to its soul-reviving
X. The agreement of the sacred writers with each other will be found not only to
exist in the subjects on which they treat, but to extend to their own individual charac-
ters. It will appear that they were all animated by the same Spirit; that they were all
holy men, speaking as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, calling men to holiness, as
ness, and of the mercy of God through Christ Jesus, as their only refuge from his just
displeasure. In short, they were men fearing God ; loving God ; loving his character,
his laws, his will ; admiring his great and wonderful purposes, and voluntarily, deliber-
ately, and determinedly devoting themselves to his service, whatever it might cost
them, and to whatever it might expose them. On all these accounts, they are held
forth as examples, whose faith, patience, and practice, Christians are to follow. 1 Cor.
It is thus that the Scriptures are profitable to all the purposes for which they arc
L2 llAlv'.MoNV OF 'I'lIK llol.V SC l{ ir'JT R HS.
•iestinod, and arc calculated to make the man of Goil 'iicilcct, tliDPOughly furnished
unto all good works." To the inspired pages at large may be aj)])lied the remarks ol'
the excellent Bishop llorne on the Psalms: "Indited under the iiilluence of Iliiu to
whom all hearts are known, and all events foreknown, they suit mankind in all situa-
tions, grateful as the manna which descended from above, and conformed itself to every
palate. The fairest productions of human wit, after a few perusals, like gathered flow-
ers, wither in our hands and lose their fragrancy; but these unfading plants of Para-
dise become, as we are accustonuHl to them, still more and more beautiful ; their bloom
appears to be daily heightened, fresh odors are emitted, and new sweets extracted from
them. He who hath once tasted their excellences, will desire to taste them yet again;
and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them best."
Happy in having labored to facilitate the acquaintance of the Christian with this
invaluable treasure, the editor has now only k) implore the blessing of Him by whom
its exhaustless stores have been bestowed on sinful man; and to hope that his feeble
endeavors may be instrumental in advancing the reader's edification, and in their hum-
ble measure tend to promote that hapj)y state of things so long foretold, and so ardently
to be desired, in which "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the
ULORY OF Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.'' Heb. 2 : 14; Isa. 11:9.
T. c.
The five books of Moses are called collectively the Pentateuch, which signifies in Greek, the five, bnoh
The church has in all ages received them as the writings of Moses, the closing chapter of Dcutcronomy
alone having been added by a later hand.
Genesis signifies in Greek, generation, or in a wider sense, origin. The book is so named because it
opens with an account of the origin of the heavens and earth by God's creative power. It is the only
authentic record which we possess of man's creation in God's image, of his fall, and through this fall o!'
the universal apostasy of the human race. The narrative proceeds to show how man's apostasy mani-
fested itself in the murder of Abel by Gain how, in consequence of Cain's departure from the presence ol
the Lord, the human family was early divided into two branches, the worshippers of God and the ungod-
ly how from tlie intermarriage of these a universal corruption followed, which God punished by the
deluge and how, after the deluge, God confounded men's language, and scattered them abroad. Thus
CHAPTER I. 5 And God called the light*' Day, and the dark-
1 The creation heaven and earth. 3 of the light. 6 of the firmament,
ness he called Night. ^And the evening and the
9 of tlie earth, separated from the waters, 1 1 and made fraitful, 14 of morning were the first day.
the sun, moon, and stars, 20 of fish and fowl, 24 of heasts and cattle, 6 IT Aud God said," Let there be a ^firmament
20 of man in the image of God. 29 Also the appointment of food.
in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the
N the beginning" God created" the waters from the waters.
"?rheaven and the earth.
7 And God made the firmament,' aud divided
4004" ' 2 And
the earth was"^ without form, the waters which were under the firmament from
and void and darkness was upon the face of the
; the waters which were above^ the firmament and :
deep. And the Spirit" of God moved upon the it was so.
face of the waters. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And
3 And God said,'' Let there be light -^ and there the evening and the morning were the second day.
was light. 9 1 And God said, "Let the waters under the
And God saw
4 the light, that it was good : and heaven be gathered together unto one place, and
God divided *the light from the darkaess. let the dry land appear and it was so.
»ProT. 8:23; John 1:1, 2; Heb. 1:10. b Job.'!S:4; Psa. 33:6; Isa. 40:2S; 4:6; Eph. 5:14. ' Heb. between tlu light, and between the darkness, e Psa
Jer. 51:15; Zech. 12:1; Acts 14:15; Rom. 1:20; Col. 1:18. c Job 2«:7; 74:10; Isa.45:7. 1 Heb.Ajld the evening was, and the 7norning ivas. hJol
Jer. 4:23. d Job 26:13; Psa. 101:30. e Psa. 33:9; Mat. 8:3. t 2 Cor. 37:18. t Heh. expansion, Jer. 10:12.
j Prov. 8:28. l'Job38:3.
The beginning;
CHAPTER I. not know. The deep; the abyss of waters. Moved; in the
1. of the creation here spoken of. Cre- original, brooded or hovered over the mass of matter, and
ated; brought into being out of nothing. The heaven and thus prepared it for being brought into an orderly form,
the earth ; the matter out of which these were afterwards and for bringmg forth, at the command of God, various
formed. productions.
2. Without form ; the materials existed, hut the different
_ 6. Firmament ; in the original, expanse namely, that
kinds had not been separated or put into shape. Void; above and around the earth, which we call sky.
empty, and destitute of the vegetation and living crea- 9. Waters dry —land; the earth had before been cov-
tures which were afterwards brought forth. How long ered with water; but now the water and the dry land
the earth remained so, God has not revealed, aud we do were separated.
10 And God callod tlio dry Imtil Karlh; and llic 22 And God blc^.-^ed tlicni, saying, Be | J,,!; ,,
pathcrinj? togcllier of tlie watt'is called he Seas: fruitful, and multiply, anil fdl the waters iu the
and God saw that vns good. it seas, and let fowl niulti])ly in the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth" l)ring forth 23 And tiie evening and the morning wore the
grass,* the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree fifth day.
yielding'' fruit after his kind, whose seed is in 21 'l And God said, Let the earth bring forth
it-elf, ui)on the earth: and it was so. the living creature after his kind, cattle, and
12 And tiie earth brought forth grass, and herb creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his
violding seed after his kind, and tlie tree yielding kind and it was so. :
i'ruit, wliosc seed was in itself, after his kind: and 2.5 And God made the beast of the earth after
t!od saw that it teas good. his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every
13 And the evening and the morning were the tiling that creepoth u])on the onvlh after his kind:
tliird day. and God saw that it was good.
14 1 And God said, Let there bc'= lights in the 26 1 And God said. Let us make man in our
firmament of tlic lieaven, to divide the 'day from image, after our likeness: and let them have do-
the night and let them be for signs, and'' for sea- minion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
sons, and for days, and years of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the
1.5 And let them be for lights in the firmament earth, and over every creeping thing that crccp-
of the heaven, to give light upon the earth : and ctli n])Oii tlie earth.
it was so. 27 So God
created man in his oun image,' in
16 And God made two great lights; tlie great- the image of God created he him; male and fe-
er light *to rule tiie day, and the lesser ligiit to male created he them.
rule the night he made the stars also.
: 28 And God ))lc.~sed tlieni, and God .said unto
17 And God them in t!ie firmament of the
set them, Be fruitful, and nndtiply, and replenish the
heaven to give light upon the earth, earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the
18 And to 'rule over tlic day and over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
and to divide the light from the darkness
nigiit, : over every living thing that 'moveth njion the earth.
and God saw that it was good. 29 ^ And God said. Behold, I have given you
19 And the evening and the morning were the every herb 'bearing seed, which is upon the face
fourth day. of ail tiie earth, and every tree, in the which is
20 1 And God said. Let the waters bring forth the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to ^you it shall
abundantly the ^moving creatui-e that hath 'life, be f-^r racat.
r.nd 'fowl that may fly above the earth ia the 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every
open' iirmament of heaven. fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth
21 And God created great whales, and every upon the earth, wherein t/tei-c is ^life, / have given
living creature that moveth, which the waters every green herb for meat and it was so.:
brought forth alnmdantly after their kind, and 31 And God saw every thing that he had made,
every winged fowl after his kind and God saw : and behold, it was very good. And the evening
that it was good. and the morning were the sixth day.
»Mat. C:aO. • Heh. te7iatr grass, b Luke 6:44. c Psa. 136:7. t Heb. ment of lieaven, ver. 7, 14. ' Kcol. 7:29; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:1U. t Heb.
tltween the day, and btlween the night, i I'sa. 104: 19. 1 Heb. for the rule creepeth. Psa. 69:34. t UA>. seeding seed. « ch. 2:16; 9:3; Job 30:31;
u/tluday. eJer. ai:3o. i HA. creeping. lKmg.s4:33. \ lleh. a living Acts 14 17. 5 Heb. a living soul.
soul, Ter. 30; Eccl. 3:21. 1 Heb. let fowl fly. • Heb. face
of the firma-
11. Yielding seed; to perpetuate by natural growth the plants,such as wheat, pulse, etc.; leaving to the cattle
same kind. the green herbage.
lt-19. Lights; light and heat had been made before, on 31. Very good ; each part is separately pronounced good,
but now there were two great bod-
the first day, ver. 3-5 ; but the whole is very good, because it is only in the whole
ies in the heavens to occasion, through their motions and that each part finds its perfection.
those of the earth, day and night, summer and winter,
seed-time and harvest. INSTRUCTIONS.
20. Life; vegetable bfe had been given before, ver. 11, 1. The existence, wisdom, and greatness of God are
fowl fly. The fowl, as well as the beasts, were formed and yet do not adore him, are without excuse. Rom. 1:20.
out of the ground. Chap. 2 19. : 3. Light exists independently of the sun, as in electric-
21. Whales; the original word denotes the large sea ani- ity, lightning, and fire. God caused the light to shine out
2t. Cattle ——
mals generally sea-monsters.
creeping thing beast of the earth; the usual
of darkness, and he can .shine into dark hearts, and give
them the light of the knowledge of his glory iu the face
Hebrew division of land animals. The beast of the earth of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 4:6.
denotes wild beasts, and the creeping thing all small ani- 10. In separating and combining the elements, assigning
mals that move with a low or gliding motion, as moles, to each its appropriate place, and upholding it there, no
serpents, etc. less really than in its creation, God showed his infinite
26. Us; such are the nature and manifestations of God, power, wisdom, and goodness, lie spake, and it was
that he can properly speak of himself as I or we, me or done; he commanded, and it stood fast. Psa. 33:9; Heb.
us thus our Saviour said, We
will come unto him, and 1:3.
make our abode with him. Jolm 14:23. Our image our — 12.In the continuance of the great law which God at
likeness; like his Creator, a rational Si>irit, exercising do- firstgave, that each seed should produce its kind in all
minion. future time, we have evidence that he sees and governs
29, 30. Every herb bearing seed —
every green herb; God —
throughout the vegetable creation is of one mind, and
fwes to man for his food the fruits and seed-bearing none can turn him. Job 23:13; Isa. 46:10.
cntli day from all his work whicli he had made. 11 The name of the first is Pi.son: that h it
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sancti- which compasseth 'the whole land of Havilah,
fied it; because that in it he had rested from all where thtre is gold
iiis work which God 'created and made. 12 And the gold of that laud is good: there is
4 IT Tiiese are the generations of the heavens and bdellium and the ony.x-stone.
of the earth when they were created, in tlie day 13 And the name of the second river is Gihoii
that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, the same is it that compasseth the whole land of
5 And every plant of the field before it was in Ethiopia.'
tiie earth, and every herb of tiie field before it 14 And the name of the third river is Ilidde-
grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to kel :' that is it which goeth toward the cast of •
rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to As.syria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
till the ground. 15 And the Lord God took Hhe man, and "put
G But there went up a mist from the earth, and him into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to
8 1 And the Lord God planted' a garden east- 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good
ward in Eden; and there he put tlie man whom and evil,' thou slialt not eat of it; for in the day
he had formed. that thou catest thereof thou *shalt surely die.
18. The sun, moon, and stars are bright manifestations implies eternal, independent, unchanging self-existence,
of the wisdom, power, and goodness of God. can We and infinite perfection.
see and enjoy them without being able to understand When the word Lord in the Bible is printed in small
their nature, or how they produce their effects. So we capitals, it is in the Hebrew, Jehovah.
can beheve truths, and enjoy the benefits of faith, with- 5. Every plant —
before it was in the earth —
ei'ery herb —
out comprehending how those truths exist, are related, or before it grew; many prefer to render the original, "And
operate so usefully on us. no plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no lierb of
28. The fear of man manifested by fishes, fowls, and the field yet grew," the sacred writer again commencing
beasts, testifies to his dignity as the representative of his with the time when the earth was void.
Maimer and by yielding to him to whom God gave domin-
; 7. Formed man ; chap. 1 27. He was not born as men
ion, they acknowledge God's authority, and thus honor now are, and did not grow up gradually; but as other
him. They also suffer in consequence of man's sin. Gen. things were formed by the power of God at once, he was
6:7; Rom. 8:20. created full-grown and perfect.
31. .411 that God does is very good like its Author,
; 8. Eden; a country east or north-east of Palestine,
perfect. Nothing could be better; and in our treating aU through which flowed the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
things according to his will there is great reward. 9. The tree of life; whose fruit would be to man, if obe-
dient, a pledge of endless life. Tree of knowledge ; by
CHAPTER n. man's treatment of which his character would be known
Tints; as described in the previous chapter.
1. and concerning which he knew by express revelation the
2. Rested; not in the sense of weariness, or ease from will of God: by obeying that will, he would know good
fatigue God is never weary. Isa. 40:28.
; But he ceased and good only and by disobeying, he would know evil,
from the work of the six days. He rested, as men should, and transmit it to his posterity.
after six days of labor; and as the friends of God, who 10. Was parted—four heads; was divided into four head
rightly understand their duty, will. Having made man in streams. But whether we are to reckon downward from
his own image, he now sets hira an example. Eden, so that the garden lay at their common source, or
3. Tlie seventh day; that which succeeds the six work- upward, so that it lay below their junction, is not agreed.
ing days and which was made to be a day of rest from
,• 13. Ethiopia; in the Hebrew, Cush not the Ethiopia in
secular employments and of devotion to religious duties. Africa, but a country in Asia, inhabited by descendants of
Sanctified it; set it apart from other days for sacred em- Cush the son of Ham, and father of Nimrod. Gen. 10:6, 8.
ployments. 14. Hiddekel; the river Tigris, which empties into the
4. " are the generations ;" this expression is always Euphrates. Euphrates; a river which rises in Armenia
prefixed to the account to which it belongs. Chap. .'5:1; and flows south into the Persian Gulf.
10:1; 11:10; 25:12,19; 3G:1; 37:1. Here it introduces a 15. Dress; cultivate.
second further account of the creation, containing impor- 16. Of every tree; except the tree of knowledge, ver. 17.
tant particulars which could not be brought into the pre- 17. Thou shalt not eat of it; this was a test of his obe-
ceding narrative without interrupting its orderly plan. dience to the known will of God. Surely die; in the orig-
Lord; in the original, Jehovah. This is the first time this inal, dying thou shalt die. He would lose the moral
word is used in the Bible. It is the peculiar name of image and the favor of God become mortal and exposeH
Him, who is, and was, and is to come, the Almighty and ; to endless sinfulness and misery.
18 f And tlio Lonn God said, // is not pood .\nd he said unto the woman, 'Yea, h.*: JI,,!
every livin<r creature, that icas tiie name thereol'. eat of it. neither shall yc touch it, lest ye die.
20 And Adam 'iravc names to all cattle, and 1 And the ^serpent said unto the ''woman, Ye
to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the shall not surely die:
field; but for Adam tlierc was not found a help 5 For God doth know, that in the day yc cat
meet for hiin. thereof, then your eyes shall be ojiened and yc :
21 And the Loup God caused a 'deep sleep to shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
fall npon Adam, and lie sl('])t; and he took one of (5 And when the woman saw that the tree %ms
his ribs, and closed up liie liesh instead thereof: good for food, and that it was 'pleasant to the
22 And tlie rib, which tiie Lord God had taken eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
from man, ''made he a woman, and broughf* her she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and
unto the man. gave also unto her husband with her, and he did
23 And Adam said, Tliis /*• no^\- bone" of my eat.
bones, and flesh of my flesh: she sliail l^e called 7 And the eyes of them lioth were opened,
Woman,' because she was taken out of ' J\[an. and tliey knew that they were naked;' and they
2-4 Therefore shall a man leave 'liis father and sewed tig-leaves together, and made themselves
his mother, and siiall cleave unto his wife: and afirons.'
they shall be one flesh. 8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God
25 And they were both naked, the man and his walking in the garden in the *cool of the day:
wife, and w'ere not ashamed. and Adam and his wife "'hid themselves from the
presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of
CHAPTER III. the garden.
1 The serpent deceiveth Eve. 6 Man's shameful fall. 9 G-od arraign- 9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and
eth them. 14 The serpent is cursed. 15 The promised seed. 16
The punishment of mankind. 21 Their first clothing. 22 Their said unto him, AVhere art thou?
casting out of paradise. 10 And he said, 1 heard thy voice in the gar-
"VTOW the serpent was more "subtle than any den, and I was afraid, "because I was naked; and
XN beast of the field wliich the Lord God had I hid myself.
al Cor. 11:9; 1 Tijn. 2:13. ''Reh.asbeforehim. b Psi. S;6. t Or, Me •
Vieh. yea, because, etc. i oh. 2:17. J John !-:ll. kl Tim. 2:14.
man. I YL«h. railed. = ch. 15:l->. i lUh.'builded. d Prov. 1S:23. c Eph. a desire. 1 ch. 2:23. I Or, tilings to gird about, i Heb. wind.
5:30. 1 Heb. /s/m. t |Hel). /.lA. f M:irk 10:7. e Rev. 12:0. li2Cor. 11:3. 23:24 ; Amos 9:2, 3. >> 1 John 3:20.
18. Alone; without a liumaii companion. Meet for him; istej-s of the gospel to live unmarried, set up their wis-
suited to his nature, condition, and wants. dom in opposition to his, deprive themselves of many
23. Woman —
man ; in Hebrew, man is Ish woman, Isha, ; blessings,and set an evil example to their fellow-men.
the feminine of man. 23. The manner in which, and the object for which woman
24. Therefore; on account of her likeness to man, her was made, show that the husband and wife should love each
suitableness to be his companion, the appointment of God other with tender affection cultivate union of views, inter-
with regard to it, and the mutual affection which he would est, and effort and mutually seek each other's highest good.
cause to subsist between them. One flesh; united in 24. Marriage, according to the will of God, is a union
bonds more tender and strong than those which unite for life of one man witli one woman, and with one only;
relatives by birth. and the fact that it is a divine instit\ition, shows that men
25. Not ashamed ; shame is the fruit of sin, and as they should enter into it for the glory of God in the promotion
had never sinned, they felt none of its evils. How long of their own happiness and usefulness.
they continued in this state, God has not told us and we ;
live immarried, those who contend that it is best for min- expectation of coming evil.
; : ;
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the 23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from
woman, and between "^thy seed and ''her seed °it ; the garden of Eden,'' to till the ground from
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his whence he was taken.
heel. 24 So he drove out the man: and ho placed at
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly mul- the east of the garden of Eden cherubim,' and a
tiply thy sorrow and thy conception: in sorrow flaming sword™ which turned every way, to keep
thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire the way" of the tree of life.
shall be* to thy husband, and he shall '^rule over
17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast
1 The birth, trade, and religion of Cain and Abel. 8 The murder of
hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast Abel. 11 The curse of Cam. 17 Enoch the first city. 19 Lamech
eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, say- and his two wives. 25 The birth of Seth, 26 and Enos.
said, I
and she con-
have got-
the days of thy life ten a man from the Lord.
a Job 31:33; Prov. 23:13. b Isa.. 65:25; Micah 7:17. = Mitt. 13:38; John cause to bud. 1 Heb. Chavah, that is, lit ug. e Acts 17:26. b Isa. 61:10;
8:44; lJohn3:8. d Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:35. e Rom. 10:20; Eph. Phil. 3:9. ver. 5. J Rev. 2:7. k VBr. 19
i 1 Psa. 80:1, etc. 99:1. n> 1 Cht.
4:8 Rev. 12:7, 8. * Or, suiject to thy husband. ' 1 Cor. 14:34. t Heb. 21:16. n Heb. 10:20. 5 That is, g-oHen, ( acquired-
11. Who told thee; bow didst thou become ashamed and resemble Satan, do his work, and will partake of his tor-
fearful? This was asked, not for the information of God, ment. Rev. 21:8.
but for the conviction of Adam. Sin makes men ashamed of themselves, afraid of
12. She gave me ; this was true, but it did not excuse him. God, and desirous to escape his notice. But their efforts
13. Beguiled; deceived. to hide themselves or their sins are vain, and only show
14. The serpent; the instrument through which Satan the reality of their guilt and the dreadfulness of their
acted. Cursed; lie would be greatly degraded, and de- condition.
tested. 13. Impenitent men try to cast the blame of their sins
the seed of the woman, or, as it might be ren-
15. It; on others while those who are penitent, take it to them-
dered, He, referring especially to Christ, who in due time selves. Luke 15:21.
would come to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John Duty, safetj', and interest sometimes require us to
3:8. Bruise tliy head; overcome him and destroy his refuse compliance with the wishes of our dearest friends
power. JSruise A(s Ace/; inflict upon him temporary evil, i and if we do not, we shall bring upon ourselves a dread-
16. And thy conception; in thy conception. Tliy desire — i ful curse.
to thy husband; he should control her, and she be subject 19. Theevilof sin surpasses all finite conception. Every
to him. instance of death is an evidence of its power, and of the
18. The herb of the field; for which he must laboriously truth of God. When the word hath gone out of his
toil, instead of living any longer in paradise. mouth, it standeth for ever. All who disbelieve his
Eve; meaning life.
20. known declarations, demonstrated in the universal mor-
supposed to be of animals offered in sacrifice
21. Skins; tality of men, are without excuse.
to God, pointing forward to the great atoning sacrifice of 21. When oiu" first parents had vainly endeavored to
Christ, the promised Conqueror of Satan. Through faith hide their shame by a covering of their own invention.
in Christ, God would forgive men, sanctify, and save them. God, in his great mercy, provided for them a suitable cov-
22. Une of us; chap. 1:26. Man had vainly attempted ering. This truly shadows forth the righteousness which
to elevate and bless himself, by taking his own way, in God gives through faith in Christ, to all who humbly ask
compliance with Satan's temptation, and in opposition to him for it, with a hearty acknowledgment of the worth-
the known will of Gorl thus he knew good and evil, by
; lessness of their own righteousness.
losing the one and suffering the other. 24. There is nothing in the nature of holiness which is
24. Cherubim; this was some visible appearance of a security against apostasy and ruin. Those that are
celestial beings, but its exact nature is unknown. perfectly holy may commit sin; and thus change their
character, condition, and prospects for eternity.
1. The great means of safety to man is continued, hearty CHAPTER IT.
belief in the truth of God's declarations. Hence Satan Cain; meaning possession.
1. A man; man-child, a
tries to prevent this, that by their own voluntary trans- son. From the Lord; these words may be rendered, with
gressions, he may destroy them. the Lord; that is, by intercession with him, and with his
4. Satan tries to make men disbelieve God's declarar aid. Some suppose she thought this son to be the prom-
tions, in order to lead them to break his commands. Liars ised Seed, who should bruise the serpent's head.
Cain slay it A Abel, and GENESIS IV. hiimneth a fii^/ire.
A. M 25 T And Adam knew his wife again; eight hundred and forty years, and begat" sons
B. r.'.BToand slie bai-e a son, and called his name and daughters:
Seth For God, said she, hath appointed me an-
14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hun-
other seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. dred and ten years and he died.' :
26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a 15 TI And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years,
son; and he called his name *Enos: then began and begat ' Jared :
men * to call upon the name of the Lord. 16 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared
eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons
V. and daughters:
1 The genealogy, age. and deatli of the patriarchs, from Adam unto 17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight
Noah. 24 The godliness and translation of Enoch. hundred ninety and five years and he died.^ :
THIS is the book of tlie generations of Adam. 18 IT And Jared lived a hundred sixty and two
In the day that God created man, in ''the years, and he begat Enoch
likeness of God made he him 19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight
2 Male" and female created he them; and bless- hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
ed them, and called their name Adam, in the day 20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred
when they were created. sixty and two years and he died.'' :
3 IT And Adam lived a hundred and thirty 21 'i And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and
years, and begat a son in his own likeness,'^ after begat "Methuselah:
his image and called his name Seth
; 22 And Enoch walked with God' after he begat
4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons
Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat and daughters:
sons and daughters:*^ 23 And all the days of Enoch were th.rce h.un-
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine dred sixty and five years
jumdred and thirty years and he died.' : 24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was
6 1[ And Seth lived a hundred and five years, not; '"for God took him.
and begat Enos :
25 1 And Methuselah lived a hundred eighty
7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hun- and seven years, and begat *Lamech:
dred and seven years, and begat sons and daugh- 26 iVnd Metkuselah lived after he begat Lamech
ters: seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat
8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred sons and daughters
and twelve years: and he died. 27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine
9 1" And Enos lived ninety years, and begat hundred sixty and nine years and he died. :
gat Mahalaleel hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and
13 And Cainan lived after ho begat Mahalaleel dauixhters
• Ilfb. Sltf^lk, that is, appointed, or put. t Keb. Enosh. X Or, to call 9:'J7. f ch. 4:26. S Heb. Kenan, g ver. 5. I Ileb. MaUlee:. h ver. 4.
themselves hi/ the name of the Lokd. Deut. 2r>:l"; Psa. 116:17; Isa. 44:5; iver. 5. 1! Ileb. Jered. > vcr. 5. t ver. 5. • Gr. Mathnsala. ch. 6:0; '
Jocl2::iJ; 1 Cor. 1:2. » ch.l:27; 1 Cor. 11:7; 2 Cor. .3:18. b Mai. 2:15. 17:1; Deut. l:J:4; 2 Kings 20:3; Psa. 10:3; Amos3::5; Mai. 2:6. m Heb.
« Job 43:4; John 3:6; 1 Ccr. 15:39. d ver. 7, 10, 13, 10, 22, 26, 30. e Heb. 11:5. t Ucb. iemcf/i. 1 Gr. A'ot; that is. rest, or rom/orl. n ch. 3:17; 4:11.
In the declaration that the seed of the woman should
4. 1. Book of the generations; history of Adam and his
bruise the serpent's head, and in the appointment of sac- posterity.
rifices, chap. 3:15, 21, God revealed the certainty of a 2. Their name Adam ; that is, man.
coming Saviour, and laid a foundation for faith, by the 3. In his own likeness; a human being, and depraved;
exercise of which men might be justified, and for Christ's who, without the renewing grace of God, would never be
sake be accepted as righteous, lleb. 11:4. holy, but would live and die in sin.
5. Faith in what God has revealed with regard to the 24. Walked with God; was cordially reconciled to him,
Redeemer, and the way of life through him, is, to those Amos 3:3; sought his guidance, believed his declarations,
who know this revelation, essential to acceptable wor- obeyed his commands, and enjoyed his presence. ICci
ship. He that rejects the Son rejects also the Father, not; was not found on the earth nor did he die, but God ;
and will be rejected by him. John 15:23; 1 John 2:23. took him to heaven. Heb. 11:5.
9. Sins have a close connection, and the commission of 27. He died year of the flood.
; in the
one leads to the connnission of others. He who will 29. Noah; signifying rest; expressive of the hope and
commit murder will also tell lies. expectation that he would be a rvent blessing.
Noah begat Shorn, llaiu, and Japiietii." a justman and ''perfect in Ids generations, and
Noah walked with God.
CHAPTER VI. 10 And Noah begat three sons, Sheni, Ham, and
1 The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrntli, and
caused the Hood. 8 Noah findoth grace. 14 The order, form, and 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and
en 1 of the ark. the earth was filled with violence.
VXD came it to pass, when men'' bcijan to 12 And God looked upon tlie earth, and behold,
multiply on liio face of the earth, and daugh- it was C()nii])t; for all flesh had corrupted his
ters were born unl« them, way upon the earth.
'1 That the sons of God saw the daughters of 13 And God said unto Noali, The end' of all
men that they were fair;'' and they took them flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled
wives'* of all which they chose. with violence through them and behold, I will ;
3 And the Loud said, "My Spirit shall not al- destroy them 'with the earth.
ways strive with man, for that he also is 'llesh: 11 *1 ^lake thee an ark of gopher-wood : ^rooms
yet his days shall bo a hundred and twenty years. shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it
•i There were giants in the earth in those days within and without with pitch.
and also after that, the sons of God came
when 15 And this is thefasliion which thou shalt make
in uuto the daughters of men, and they bare chil- it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred
dren to tlicui, the same became mighty men, which cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height
were of old, men of renown. of it thirty cubits.
5 1 And God saw that the wickedness'^ of man 16 window shalt thou make to the ark, and A
was great in the earth, and that every "imagina- in a cubit shalt thou finbsh it above and the door ;
tion of the thoughts'' of his iicart was only evil of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof: imth
continually.^ lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made 17 And behold, I, even I, do Ijring a flood^ of
man on the earth, and it grieved hiii^ at Jiis heart. waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein
7 And the Loud said, I will destroy man whom is the breath of life, from under heaven and ;
I have created from the face of the earth; *both every thing that is in the earth shall die.
man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the 18 But with thee will 1 establish my covenant;
fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy
made them. sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
Erri U:-J; Neh. 13;a6, 27: 2 Cor. G:M. Neh. 9:3U; Isa. .5: 1; 03:10; jer.
e 12; Mat. 15:19. t Heb, every day. I Heb. from man unto beast, i Or,
11:7. 11; 1 Pet. 3:20, r Psx. 7S:.':9. Rom 3:9. -Or,
f Tsa. 14:2; SJ:2; upright, il Pet. 4:7. I Or, from the earth. 1 Heb. nests. iPsa. 03:3, 4,
the itiltoU imagination. The Hebrew word signifies not only tlu iniaffitia- Amos 9:C.
31. He died; five years before the flood. 8. Grace; favor, as being a righteous man.
32. Japheth; he is generally thought to have been the 9. Perfect; not in the sense of being sinless; but in the
elder; see note to chap. 10:21; but Shem ie mentioned sense of being sincere, upright, and truly devoted to God.
first, because from him would descend the Messiah. 14. Gopher; a species of resinous wood; perhaps the
INSTRUCTIONS. 15. Length; about four hundred and fifty feet. Breadth;
24. To walk with God is the highest
duty, the greatest seventy-five feet. Height; forty-five feet: proportions
honor, excellence, and blessedness of man. Jude U, 15; according to which the best ships are now built.
Ueb. 11:5, 6. IC. And zn a cubit slialt thou finish it above; literally, unto
Parents often hope for great comfort from their chil-
29. a cubit shalt thou finish it above that is, thou shalt make
Noah and his family, when the rest of the world should
ed, who seem to have belonged to Cain's descendants.
be destroyed.
Chap. 4:16. All which they chose; being governed in this
matter by their own wills, not by the will of God.
3. Strive with man ; to bring him to repentance and sal- Intimate connections with the wicked are sources of
vation. Is flesh; corrupt, John 3:0. A hundred and twen- great moral corruption and danger.
ty years; so long would God wait before ho would destroy 7. When God, instead of preserving and blessing men,
the world. turns against and destroys them, he is said in the Bible
4. Giants; men of great stature and wickedness. 3Ien to repent, because he changes his conduct as men do
of renown; famous for their deeds of I'apine. when they repent. Not that he alters his purposes, or
G. Repented the Lord grieved him;—he would change his does what he did not always intend to do. In this sense
conduct towards men, as men change their conduct when he is of one mind, and none can turn him. Job 23:13; he
sorry for what they have done and instead of continuing ; is not a man that lie should lie, nor the son of man that he
them on the earth and granting them his favors, as be had should repent. Num. 23:19. There is no contradiction
done, he would destroy them. in these texts they refer to difi"erent things, and express
7. Sec Instruction, chap. 1:2S. different truths. In studying the Bible, we should not
; 1 ; ;
1 Noah, witli )iis family, and the living ere enter into the ark. 15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two
17 The be^'iniiin^, increase, and contj of tlie flood.
and two of all flesh, wherein is the breatli of life.
AND the Lord said unto Noah,
all thy house into the ark
Come thou and 16 And they that went in, went in male and fe-
for nhee have I male of all flesh, as God had commanded him:
seen righteous before me in this generation. and the Lord shut him in.^
2 Of every ''clean beast thou shalt take to thee 17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth
by sevens,* the male and his female; and of beasts and the waters increased, and bare up the ark,
that are not clean by two, the male and his female. and it was lifted up above the earth.
3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male 18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased
and the female to keep seed alive upon the face
; greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon
Lord commanded him. 21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth,
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of
the flood of waters was upon the earth. every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,
1 1 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his and every man
the ark, the male and the female, as God had earth and Noah'' only remained alive, and they
Noah knew tliat
off the earth.
the waters were abated 'J,-."; J^;
Uie dove, l-'i Noah. Xmng commanJoa. IS jfoolh fortli of tlio 12 And lie stayed yet other seven days, and
ark. 'JO H« Imiiaotli an altar, and ofTfrelli sacrifice, 21 vhicli Go<l sent forth the dove; wliich returned not again
accepteth, and proIni^^'th to curst* t!io cartli no more.
unto him any more.
A ND rciiicinboml Noah, and every liv-
God" V.'j "i And
it came to pass in the si.x hundredth
1\. iiig tliinir. and all the fattle'' that was with and year, in the Iirst month, the iirst day of
liiin in tho ark: and God made a wind" to pass the month, the waters were drieil up from otV tlic
over the earth, and the waters assuaged earth: ami Noah removed tiu! covering of the
2 The fountains'' also of the deej), and the win- ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the
dows'' of lieaven were stopped, and llic rain from ground was dry.
heaven wa.s restrained It And in the second month, on the seven and
3 And the waters returned from off the earth twentieth day of the month, was the earth drieil.
continually:* and after the end of the hundred 1') IT And God spake unto Noah, saying.
and lifty days the waters were abated. 1() Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and
4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee.
the seventeenth day of the month, upon the moun- i" Bring forth with thee every living thing that
tains of Ararat.' M with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle,
5 And the waters ^decreased eontinually until and of every creeping thing that creep(!th upon the
the tenth month in the tenth month, on the iirst day
: earth that they may breed abundantly in the earth,
of the month, were the tops of the mountains .seen. and be fruitful" and multiply upon the earth.
G 11 And it came to pass at the end of forty 18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his
days, that Noah opened" the window of the ark wife, and his sons' wives with him
which he had made : 19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every
I And he sent forth a raven, which went forth fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth,
to* and fro, until the waters were dried up from after their 'kinds, went forth out of the ark.
oif the earth. 20 IT And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord,
8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the and took of every clean beast,' and of every clean
waters were abated from off the face of the ground; fowl, and offered liurnt-offerings on the altar.
9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her 21 And
the Lord smelled ^a sweet J savor; and
foot, and she returned unto him into the ark for ; the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse
the waters were on the face of the whole earth the ground" any more for man's sake *for the im- ;
then he put forth his hand, and took her, and agination' of man's heart is evil from his youth:
pulled^ her in unto him into the ark. neither will I again smite"^ any more every thing
10 And he stayed yet other seven days, and living, as I have done.
again he sent forth the dove out of tiic ark; 22 While ^tlie earth remaineth,"^ seed-time and
II And the dove eanio in to him in the evening; harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and win-
and lo, in her mouth was an olive-leaf plucked oif: ter, and day and night, shall not cease.
foTth ami returning, i Heb. caused her to i h ch. 1:22. I Heb. fam-
possibility of escape.
1. Kememftcrerf; showed that he remembered. A.mtaged;
be,£;an to abate.
3. Hundred and fifty days; from the time it began to rain.
4. Seventh month; called Nisan, and answering to the
last part of March and the first part of April. Mountains
of Ararat; in Armenia.
5. Tenth month; called Thammuz, and answering to the
last part of June and the first part of July.
6. Forty days; after the mountains were first seen.
S.2!S CHAPTER IX. neither shall all flesh bo cut off any more by the
1 God blesseth Noah. 4 Blood and murder are forbidden. 8 God's waters of a flood neither shall tlierc any more
covenant, 13 signified by llie rainbow. IS Noali replenisheth tlie be a flood to destroy the earth.'
world, 20 planteth a vineyard, 21 is drunken, and mocked of Iii-s
son, 2-3 curseth Canaan, 26 blesseth Shem. 27 prayeth for Japhetli, 12 And God said, This is the token of the cov-
29 and dieth. enant which I make between me and you, and
ANDuntoGod blessed Noah and his sons, and said
them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
every living creature that is with you, for perpet-
ual generations:'"
replenish the earth." 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall
2 And the fear of you, and the dread of you, be for a token of a covenant between me and the
shall bo upon every beast of the earth, and upon earth."
every fowl of the air, upon all that raoveth upon 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a
the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea;'' into cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen
your hand are they delivered. in the cloud
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is
for you ;" even as the green herb'' have I given you between me and you and every living creature of
all things." all flesh and the waters shall no more become a
4 But flesh with the life thereof, lohich is the flood to destroy all flesh."
blood thereof, shall ye not eat.'' 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I will look upon it, that I may remember the ever-
require: at the hand of every beast will I require lasting covenant between God and every living
it, and at the hand of man y at the hand of every creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.''
man's brother will I require the life of man. 17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token
6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall of the covenant wliich I have established between
his blood be shed:'' for in the image of God made me and all flesh that is upon the earth.
lie man.' 18 ^ And the sons of Noah, that went forth of
7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth :' and
fortli abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. Ham is the father of Canaan.'
8 TT And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons 19 These are the three sons of Noah:"" and of
with him, saying, them was the whole earth overspread.
9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with 20 And Noali began to be a husbandman, and ho
you, and with your seed after you ]' planted a vineyard :'
10 And with every living ereaturc that is with 21 And he drank of the wine,' and was drunk-
you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast en and he was uncovered within his tent. ;
<jf the earth with you from all that go out of the
; 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the na-
ark, to every beast of the earth.'' kedness" of his father," and told his two brethren
11 And I will establish my covenant with you; witliout.
» Ver. 7, 19; ch. 10:3->. b Psa. 8:(i; Hos. 2:13; Jls. 3:7. c Deut. 12:1.5 Dent
14:4, etc.; Acts 10:12-14; ITim. 4:3,4. dch.l:2U. eHom.l4:3. (Lev
17:10-14; I9:2G; Deut. 12;-ii; 1 Sam. 14:31. g Ex. 21: 12, 3:^. hLev.24:17;
1 King32:5,6,.32. ch. T
i - " "
.,..11, 17; ch. e:IS.
' k ch. -. -
12Peter3:7. iich.l7;l ;ek. 1:2S; Rev. 4:3; 10:1. 2U:42,45..
trials any longer tlian will promote his glory and their
highest good. Let them place implicit confidence in him
in due time all his promises will be fully accomplished.
12. In the days of Noah, as at the creation and in the
days of Adam, time was divided into weeks or periods of
seven days marked, not by the revolutions of heavenly
2. lalo your hand; tlicy shall be subject to you, to be
used for your benefit.
'23 Shorn and Jiipliotli took a panncnt, and and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, aud h. r ^15:
laid upon liolli tlicir ;ilii)nldris. and went l)ack- Meshcch, and Tiras.
ward." and covitimI tlic nakoilness of tlieir i'atlier 3 And the sons of Gonicr; Aslikenaz, and Ri-
and llicir t'aifs u-irc liackward, aud they saw not phath, and 'J'ogannah.
tlieir fallier's nakedness. 4 And thcsuns of .lavaii; Elishah, and Tarshish,
24 And Noali awoke from Ids wine, aud knew Kitlini, and 'Dodauim.
wliat Ills yonnirer son liad done unto liini. 5 J{y lliesc were the isles' of the Gentiles di-
'Hi And' lie said, Cursed'' be Canaan; a servant vided iu their lands: every one after his tongue,
of servants shall he lie unto his l)retliren. after their I'aniilies, in their nations.
2() And lie said, JJlessed be the Loito God of G " And the -«ons of ilaiu: Cush, aud Mizruini,
Siieni; and Canaan sliall be "his servant. and Phut, aud Canaan.
27 God siiall *enlar<re Jajiheth,'' and he shall 7 Aud the soils of Cush; Scba," ami llavilah,
dwell in tlic tents of Shem aud Canaan shall be aud Habtali, and Raaiuaii. and Sabteeiia: aud the
28 'i And Noali lived after the flood three hun- 8 And (hisli bi'gat Ninirod:'' he began to be a
ilred aud fifty years. mitrlity one in the earth.
29 And all" the days of Noah were ''nine hun- 9 lie was a mighty hunter' before the Lord;
dred aud fifty years: and he died. wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty
hunter before the Loud.
CHAPTERX. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was *Ba-
1The :;onerations of Tfo.ih. 2 The sons of Japhcth. 6 The sons of bel, aud Erecli, aud Aeead, aud Caluch, in the
Haul. S Nimrod the first monarch. 21 liie sons of Shcm. laud of .Shi liar.
OW these arc the generations of the sons of 11 Out ot that laud 'went forth Asshur, and build-
Noah ; Shem, Haiu, aud Japheth : aud unto ed Nineveh, aud ^thc city Rehoboth, and Calah,
them were sous born after the flood. 12 And Resen, between Nineveh aud Calah the :
25. Cmiaan; God mercifully restricted the curse to Ca- ply individuals, but nations, or families of nations sprung
naan the son of Ham, aud father of the Canaauitea, whom, from them.
;is a just punishment for their eins, God in after-ages 2. Gomer; probably the Cimmerians north of the Black
directed the Israelites to destroy. Ex. 34: 10-14; Deut. : sea, around which and north of it his sons settled, ver. 3.
7 17-24.
: Servant of servants ; the meanest of servants. Magog; a powerful people of the north. Ezek. 38:15;
27. Enlarge .Japhcth ; greatly extend the territory of his 39:2. Madai; the Modes east of Assyria and south ofthe
descendants. Dwell in the tents of Shem; partake ofthe bless- Caspian sea. Javan; the lonians on the western coast of
ings enjoyed by him. The Jews came from Shem. The Asia Minor, and then the Greeks generally. Tubal, and
chief civilized and Christian nations of modern Gentiles Meshcch ; probably inliabiting the region between the Cas-
;tre from Japhcth. pian and Black seas, and further north.
INSTRUCTIONS. 3. Togarmah; probably the Armenians, or a people iu
;ind all wanton destruction of them, or jjutting them to countries aroimd the Black sea and the Caspian, and the
pain, is sinful. vast region to the north and east of them.
C. God is the rightful disposer of human life, and as he 6. Cush; from whom camo the Ethiopians, south of
directs that the murderer shall by man be put to death, it Egypt. j)/(crc;m; from whom came the Egj'ptians. Miz-
is morally wrong for government not to do it. It is a vio- raim is the Hebrew word for Egypt.
lation of duty to God and to men. 7. Seba ; a ])eoi)le of Ethiopia, the same as the Sabeans,
15. Whenever we see the rainbow we have evidence of mentioned in Isa. 45 14, along with Egypt and Ethiopia. It :
the truth of Gud's declarations, and that he remembers must not bo confounded with the Sabeans of Jol) 1:15,
them; and we slimild ft'cl that not one jot or tittle of what where a different word is used in the Hebrev/. Uavilah ;
he has said will fail, but that all will be fulfilled. different from the Havilah mentioned ver. 29. Sheba, and
21. Wine is an intoxicating hquor. Those who, at Dedan; to bo distinguished from the Sheba and Dedan
home or abroad, on ordinary or on festive occasions, drink named, chap. 25:3, as descendants of Abraliam. There
it, are in danger of becoming drunken nor is piety tow- was also a third Sheba, descended from Shem, ver. 28.
ards God, nor benevolence to men, nor a long course of
13. Ludim; that is, children of Lud, m being tlie He- the Lydians in Asia Minor. Aram; a general name for
brew plural. Another Lud is mentioned ver. 22, the de- ancient Syria, lying north and north-cast of Palestine, and
scendant of Shem. Pathntsim; the people of Pathros, in the wider sense, including Mesopotamia.
that is, Upper E^'jpt. 23. L'z; several persons of this name are mentioned in
14. Philistim; the Philistines, who occupied the south- Scripture, chap. 22:21 36:28; and from which of them the
western angle of Palestine. From Deut. 2:23, and Amos 9 7, : land of Uz in Arabia was peopled, is not known. Probably
we learn that they came out of Caphtor. We may suppose Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash all occupied parts of Syria.
that from the Casluhim came first the Caphtorim, and from 24. Eber; or Heber in Mesopotamia beyonil the Kiiphra-
these the Philistim. According to the ancients, the Caslu- tes. He was the ancestor of Abraham, and many suppose
him and Caphtorim were Egyptian colonies, the former in- that from him is derived the word Hebrew.
habiting Colchis, at the eastern extremity of the Black sea 25. Peleg; meaning division. The earth divided; among
the latter Cappadocia, in the eastern part of Asia Minor. the different tribes of men. Chap. 11:8.
Some understand by Caphtor the modern island of Crete. 26. Joktan; liis children seem all to have settled in Ara-
la. Zidon; from whom came the Zidonians. Hcth; the bia, or further east. Hazarmaveth; the same as Hadra-
father of the Hittites. mant in south-eastern Arabia.
19. Zidon; the chief city of the Zidonians, in the north- 28. Slveba; the Sabeans in the southern part of Arabia
west corner of Palestine on the Mediterranean sea. As Felix.
thou earnest to Gerar, unto Gaza; that is, extending from 29. Ophir; probably in India. JIavilaJi; on the Persian
Zidon to Gaza, as one goes south to Gerar. Gaza was the gulf.
southern city of tlie Phihstines, and Gerar was near it. The posterity of Shem occupied Arabia, SjTia, and the
As thou goest unto Sodom unto Lasha; extending from Zi- region east, in a more southern line than that of the pos-
don south-east to Lasha, as one goes towards Sodom, etc. terity of Japheth.
Lasha seems to have been east of the Dead sea. Sodom Many changes were afterwards made among the de-
and the three cities named with it lay in the vale of Sid- scendaiits of Noah's three sons, by colonization and con-
dim, which is now covered by the Dead sea. quest.
The posterity of Ham occupied Egypt and Africa gen- INSTRUCTION'S.
erally, the whole eastern coast of the Mediterranean, the 32. As all common origin and sprang
nations had one
great plain around the lower Euphrates and its branches, from one family, they should all love each other as bretli-
and some parts of Asia Minor and of Arabia. ren, and seek to promote each other's good doing in all ;
2L Eber; see below, ver. 24. Tlie elder; tliese words, as things to others as they ought to wish that others should
they stand in the original, may refer to either Shem or do to them.
From the fact that in the genealogical tables
Japheth is named first, as also from chap. 5 32 compared
with chap. 11:10, it is inferred with probabihty that Ja-
1. —
One language one speech; these words denote union
pheth was the elder brother. in counsel and in language.
22. Elam; inhabiting the country now called Persia. 3. Go to; come now. Slime—for mortar; bitumen; a
Asshur; see above, ver. 11. Lud; according to Josephus, pitchy substance which they used for cement.
: ; : ;
and a lower" wliosc toji may reach unto Iieavon begat lieu :* «. ior. <•
and lot us niakc us a niuni-,'' lest wo bo scatleroil ]'.) And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hun-
al)i()ad'' u|ifiii llic face of llio whole eartli. dred and nine ycar.^i, and begat sons and daugh-
Andtlic LoKi) canio down'' to sec the city and ters.
tlic tower, wliieh the ehihlicn of men huiklcd. 20 And Reu lived two and thirty years, and be-
G And tlie Loud said, IJeliold. tlic jjeoplo is one, gat 'Sorug:
and tliey have all one language; and this they 21 And Ken lived after he begat Serug two
bagin to do: and now nothing will be restrained hundred and seven years, and begat sons and
from them, which tliey have imagined" to do. dauglitcrs.
7 Go to. let us go down, and tliere coiilnund 22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat 'Na-
their language,' that they may not understand hor
one another's speech. 23 And Serug lived after ho begat Nahor two
8 So the Lord scattered tlicni altroad from hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
thence upon the face of all the earth: and they 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and
left off to build the city. begat ^Torah:
9 Therefore is the name of it called Bal)el,' be- 25 And Nahor lived after he begat Terah a
cause the LoKU did tiicre confound the language of hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and
all the earth and from thence did the Lord scat-
: daughters.
ter them abroad upon the face*"' of all the earth. 26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat
10 ^\ These'' are the generations of Shem: Shem Abram," Nahor, and Haran.
was a hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad 27 Now these are the generations of Terah Te- :
tvvo years after the flood: rah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran and Haran ;
4. A name ; a tower of renown, which may serve as a been daughters of Haran, the elder brother of Abram and
centre of unity. Nahor. If so, these two brothers married their nieces
C. Notluiif; irill be restrained; if permitted to go on, thoy but it seems that Haran and Abraham, though both sons
will acL-omplish their designs. of Terah, had not the same mother. Chap. 20:12.
7. Confound their language; by an influence from God 31. Into; towards. Caiman; a country on the eastern
their speech was confounded, and their counsels divided, shore of the Mediterranean sea. Haran ; a place in Meso-
60 that they separated themselves into different families potamia between the rivers Euphrates and Chebar. It is
speaking different languages. called in the New Testament, Charran. Acts 7:i.
9. liiibel; meaning confusion.
10. Shem; the progenitor of Abraham, whose histoiy
Moses, the writer of this book, is about to give. 4. It is men to seek to be distinguished, and
natural for
26. Lived seventy years; and after that, begat Abram, Na- as natural to seek it in a wrong way and for a wrong end.
hor, and Haran; but not, it is supposed, in this order. In doing this they will be disappointed. Would they be
Haran was the first-born, and Abram was the youngest. truly great, and permanently honored, which they may
He is mentioned first as Shem was, chap. 5:32, because and ought to desire, they must seek these blessings, not
from him was to spring the Messiah. See chap. 5, and in the indulgence of selfish gratification, but in learning
Matt. 1. and doing the will of God.
28. Ur of the Chaldees , a place it is supposed between !). The effects of the confusion of tongues are seen
the Tigris and the Euphrates, aliout four hundred miles down to the present day, in the variety of languages
north-east of Canaan. This is tlie first time the Chaldees which are spoken, and in the difficulty thus occasioned
are mentioned in Scripture. They lived in the north part of holding intercourse and communicating freely the
of Mesopotamia, now Koordistan. Afterwards they went knowledge which multitudes need, and without which
south into the land of Shinar, which was afterwards called they are exposed to perish.
Chaldea and Babylonia. Chap. 10:10. 31. The statements of the Old Testament are in various
29. Sarai —
Milcah; these are both supposed to have ways confirmed by the New, and tlius they mutually sup-
A. M. :ns.-i.
ATOW the Lord had said unto Abram,'' Get to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his
j^N thee out of tliy country, and from thy kin- wife. Behold now, I know that thou art a fair
dred, and from thy father's house, unto a laud woman to look upon:
tliat I will show thee: 12 Therefore it shall come to pass, when the
2 And I will make of thee a great nation," ami Egyjitians shall see thee, that they shall say, This
I will bless thee, and make thy name great;'' and is his wife: and they will kill me, but tliey will
tliou shalt be a blessing save thee alive.
3 And I will bless them that bless thee,*^ and 13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister:" that
curse him that curseth thee and iu thee shall all
: it may be well with me for thy sake; and ray
families of the earth be blessed." soul shall live because of thee.
4 So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken 14 1[ And it came to pass, that when Abram
unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the
was seventy and five years old when he departed woman that she was very fair.
out of Haran. 15 Tlie princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and
5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his commended her before Pharaoh:" and the woman
brother's son, and all their substance that they was taken into Pharaoh's house."
had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten 16 And he entreated Abram well for her sake:
in llarau; and they went forth to go into the and he had sheep, and o.xen, and he-asses, and
land of Canaan;' and into the laud of Canaan men-servants, and maid-servants, aud she-asses,
they came. and camels.
6 "[ And Abram passed through the land unto 17 And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house
the place of Sichem,^ unto the plain of Moreh. with great plagues because of Sarai, Abraiii's
And the Canaanite" was then in the land. wife.
7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram,' And IS And Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What
said, Unto thy seed will I gh-e this land:J and is this that thou hast done unto me? Why didst
lliere builded he an altar'' unto the Lord, who thou not tell me that she was thy wife?''
appeared unto him. 19 Why saidst thou. She is my sister? so I
And he removed from thence unto a mountain might have taken her to me to wife: now there-
on the east of Beth-el,' and pitched his tent, hav- foi'e, behold thy wife, take her, and go tliy way.
ing Beth-el on the west, and *Hai on the east: 20 Aud Pharaoh commanded his men concerning
and there he builded an altar uuto the Lord, aud him ; and they sent him away, and his wife, and
called upou the name of the Lord."" all that he had.
aCii. 11:31; 15:7; Neh. 9:7; Isa. 41:2; Acts 7:.3; Heb. 11:8. b ch. 17:(;; 4:2S. k ch. 13:4, 18; 20:25; 33:20. Ich. 2^:19. •
Heb. j4i"; Josh. 7:2.
21:35. c oh. lo:ld; i-<:4. d Num. 24:9. e I'sa. 72:17; Acts 3:2-3; Gal. mch. 21:33. t Heb. ingoing and joiirmying. n ch. 20:2; 20:7. o Mat.
3:«. f Heb. 11:3. S Deut. 11:3U; Judg. 7:1. t ch. 10: IS, 19. icii. 17:1; 5:28. PPsa. 105:14; Prov. 0:29; Heb. 13:4. q ch. 20:10: 20:10; Ex. 32:21.
16:1. J ch. 13:15; 17:8; 20:3; aS:13; Psi. 105:9-11; Rom. B:S; Gal. 3:10;
being the progenitor of Jesus Christ. they will find abundant reward.
3. Be blesssd; in his seed, which is Christ. Gal. 3:S-1G. 8. When called to remove from one place to anotlicr, it
C. Sichem ; called also Shechem ; and in the New Testa- isa groat comfort to take with us our friends. AVhcrevor
ment, Sychar. John 4:5. It lay between mom^t Kbai on we are we should worship God, and commit ourselves and
the north, and Gerizim on the south. It is now called our friends to his merciful guidance and care.
Nabulus or Nablus, and is about forty miles north of 10. Though obedience to God will not, iu this world,
Jerusalem. Plum; the original word means oak. secure ns from trials, it will prepare us to meet them,
8. Bethel; the meaning of this word is house of God. make them blessings, and fit us, when we leave this world,
Tliis name was afterwards given to this place by Jacob. to be freed from aU trials and receive unmingled and
Chap. 28 19. The city was before called Luz, and is about
: everlasting joys.
tliirty miles south of Shechem. Hai; called Ai, Josh. 8:1; 12. The best of men are far from being faultless; they
a few miles east of Bethel. do many things in which it is neither wise, nor safe, nor
13. My sister; see note to chap. 20:12. Tliat it may he right for us to imitate them; and whenever we trust to
veil with me; that I may be well treated for thy sake. Sec human expedients instead of trusting in God, we may
ver. IG. My soul simll live; my life shall be spared. expect to be punished for our folly.
If). He Imd sheep —
camels; Abraham had them as presents 15. Great beauty is a source of great danger, and often
from Pharaoh. the means of great evil to its possessor.
1". Plagued Pharaoh; and also in some way revealed
to 20. The Lord watches over his people for good, and takes
hiiu the cause of these plagues. Compare chap. 20:3. much better care of them than they do of themselves.
Abram itiitl Lot sffHtrnlr. GENESIS XIV. Gfitrs cmTnant with Abram.
1 Abram und Lot riliirii out of V.mvU 7 liy disagreement they part
uiuider. 10 I/Ol yorih to wicfeiJ Sodom. 11 Ood reneweili the
promitc to Abram. 18 He reruovcth lo Hubron, and there buildciii
an altar.
be 'brethren.''
9 Is not whole land before thee?' Separate
thyself, I jiray tlicc, from me if thou wilt take tiie
A. M. about 3 All these were joined together in the 14 And when Abram heard that his brother was
n. a 1913. vale of Siddim, which is the salt sea.* taken captive, he *armed his * trained servants,
4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and born in his own house, three hundred and eigh-
in the thirteenth year they rebelled. teen, and pursued them unto Dan.J
5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlao- 15 And he divided himself against them, he and
mer. and the kings that icere with him, and smote his servants, by night, and smote them,'' and pur-
the Rephaim'' in Ashteroth-karnaim,'' and the Zu- sued them unto Ilobah, which is on the left hand
zim'' in Ham, and the Emim in *Shaveh Kiria- of Damascus.
thaim, 16 And he brought liack all the goods,' and
6 And the Horites in their mount Scir, unto also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods,
El-paran,* which is by the wilderness." and the women also, and the people.
7 And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, 17 IT And the king oT Sodom'" went out to meet
which is Kadesh, and smote all the country of the him, after his return from the slaughter of Che-
Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in dorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him,
Hazezon-tamar.f at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale."
8 And there went out the king of Sodom, and 18 And Mclchizedek" king of Salem brought
the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, forth bread and wine: and he was the priest" of
and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, the most high God.''
the same is Zoar; and they joined battle with 19 And he blessed him, and said. Blessed be
them in the vale of Siddim Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven
9 With Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and and earth:"'
with Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king 20 And blessed be the most high God, which
of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar four kings hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And
and fell there: and they that remained fled to the self.
mountain.'^ 22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I
11 And they took all the goods of Sodom and have lifted up my hand unto the Lord,* the most
Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,"
way. 23 That I will not take from a thread even to a
12 And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, shoe-latchet,'' and that I will not take any thing
who dwelt in Sodom,'' and his goods, and departed. that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made
13 If And there came one that had escaped, and Abram rich
told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the 24 Save only that which the young men have
plain of Mamre the Amorite,' brother of Eshcol, eaten, and the portion of the men which went
and brother of Aner and these were confederate with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them
a Deut. 3:17; .Tosh. 3;10. bch- 15:20. c Jo=h. 1-2:4. d Deut. 2:10, 20. Jl:2, 3. 1 1 Sam. 30:S, 1?. n 1 I
2 Sam. 1S:1S, o Heb. 7:1.
Or, the plain of Kiriatliahn. 1 Or, plain of Faran. e ch, 21 21 ; Num.
: P Psa. 110:4; Heb. 5:0; 7:3, 11. r ver. 22; Psa. 34:1; 50:10,
12:16. (2Uhl.20:2. S ell. 19:17, 3U. b ch. 13: 12; Num. 10:20; 1 Tim. sHeb. 7:1-10. I Heb, iouh. t rer, 19: ch. 21:33. » Esth.
0:9. ch. 13:1S. i 0^, Udfortli. i Or, instructed. J Deut. 34:1. ' 9:15,16. wl Tun. 5:13.
3. Joined togetlier ; assembled as allies. Vale of Siddim which did not receive this name till long after the death
the southern part of the valley of the Jordan, in which of Moses. Judges 18:29.
were the cities above mentioned, and which is now cov- 15. Left hand; to the north. Damascus; the capital of
ered by the Dead sea. ancient Syria on a plain east of Anti-Lebanon.
Plain of Mamre; chap. 12:6. Confederate with Abram, death: sins as odious and hateful when committed by
united with him in opposing his enemies. rulers and nations, as when committed by private indi-
14. Brother; here used for nephew. Chapter 12:1,3. viduals.
Dan; perhaps Dan-jaan, mentioned 2 Sam. 4:6, and dif- 12.When men, for worldly purposes, choose to dwell
ferent from the Dan in the northern limit of Palestine, in places distinguished for wickedness, they e.xpose them-
Gt>d tncourngfth Ahnnn GENESIS XV. •with the promise cf a son.
God cncmiragflli Abmin. 2 Abrain complalncth for want nf nn heir.
4 Ood proninctli him » non. unci a muUipljini; of liii hoihI. (i Alirnin
caino unto
llicso lliines the word of
AVtrniii in a vision," ?ayin<r, Fi-ar
the Loup
to the voice of Sarai. him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all
3 And Sarai, Abram'.s wife, took Hagar lier his brethren."
maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten 13 And she called the name of the Lord that
years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her spake unto her. Thou God seest me:' for she
husband Abram to be his wife. said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth
5 And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong 5e upon 15^ And Hagar bare Abram a son "' and Abram :
thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and called his sou's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.
when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised 16 And x\brani was fourscore and six years old,
in her eyes the Lord judge between me and thee.*' when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram.
fountain of water in the wilderness, by the foun- ham and Ishmael are circumcised.
tain in the way to Shur.*^
8 xVnd he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence
when Abram was ninety years old and
nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said
earnest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And unto him, I mn the Almighty God;° walk before
she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. me,° and be thon perfect.*^
a Ch. ai ;9. IJ Gal. 4;24. t ch. 2U: 18. 1 ch. 30:3. 9. • Heb. be bailded t nh.
by her. « I Sara. 1:6, 8; Pror. SUiSl. f ch. 31:53; 1 Sam. 24:15; 2 Chr.
Jl:22. si Pet. 3:7. tHeb. that which is lAinefi/M. lUeh. afflict-
ed her. bch. 25:18. ilPet.2:lS. S That is, (rod sAa// Aear. jch.21:20.
2. May obtain children by her ; her present purpose was
» Ch
; : P ;
.-servant didst laugh.
•1 Let a little water,'' I pray you, be fetched, and 16 And the men rose up from thence, and looked
wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree toward Sodom and Abraham went witli them to :
5 And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and *com- bring them on the way.''
fort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: 17 IT And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abra-
li>r therefore ^are ye come to your servant. And ham that thing which I do ;
I hey said, So do, as thou hast said. 18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a
6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto great and mighty nation, and all the nations of
.Sarah, and said, 'Make ready quickly three meas- the earth shall bo blessed in him?"
ures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon 19 For I know him, that he will command his
the hearth. children and his household after him,' and they
7 And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and
a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abra-
man and he hasted to dress it.
; ham that which he hath spoken of him."
8 And he took butter,' and milk, and the calf 20 And the Lord said. Because the cry of Sod-
which he had dressed, and set it before them and om and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin
lie stood by them under the tree, and they did eat. is very grievous,"*'
9 If And they said unto him, Where is Sarah 21 I will go down now,''' and see whether they
lliy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. have done altogether according to the cry of it,
10 And he said, I will certainly return unto which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.'''
lliee according to the time of life;" and lo, Sa- 22 And the men turned their faces from thence,
rah thy wife shall have a son.'' And Sarah heard and went toward Sodom but Abraham stood yet :
I Pet. 4:9. e ch. 43:24. ' Heb. stay, t Heb. ye have pissed, t Heb. Has- Acts 3:25: Gal. 3:8. t Dent. 4:9, 10; 6-7; Psa. 73:5-S; Eph. 6:4. u 1 Sam.
ten, f Judg. 5:25. e ver. 14; 2 Kings 4:16. h ch. 17:19, 21 Rom. 9:9;
; 2:30. »ch. 13:13; 19:13. w ch. 11:5; Ex. 3:H. i Josh. 22:22; Psa. 139:1;
Gal. 4:23. Rom. 4:19; Heb. 11:11, 12. j ch. 31:35. t ch. 21:6; Psa. Jcr. 17:10; Luke 10:15. y Jer. 30:21; Heb. 10:22; Jas. 5:17.
I2G-2. 1 Luke 1:18. m 1 Pet. 3:G. n .Vum. 11:2:3; Jer. 32:17; Matt. 10:26.
13. It is the will of God that servants, as well as mas- giving thee a son by Sarah. According to the time of life
ters and their children, should have the means of grace, supposed to mean the usual time from the conception to
be instructed iu the way of life, and be treated in all the birth of a child. But some prefer to render, " at the
respects as rational, accountable, and immortal beings, reviving of the year."
for whom Christ died, and who, through faith in him, may 12. Sarah laughed ; a sign of unbelief, for which she is
shine as the brightness of the firmament and as the stars rebuked.
forever. Ex. 20:9-11. 13. The Lord; Jehovah.
18. As God
is the author of parental affection, he de- 16. Looked toward Sodom; as if they would go that way.
lights in its exercise, and in answering the hearty, fervent 20. The cry of Sodom; the cry concerning the sin of
prayers of parents for thgir children. Sodom. So ver. 21.
23. True and lively faith not only trusts the promises 21. J know; act with knowledge, and treat them as
of God. but yields prompt, implicit, and hearty obedience their case may require.
10 God's commands. It thus shows itself by works, and 22. Tlie men the two beings in human form, who ac-
by works is faith made perfect. James 2:22. companied Jehovah, and who at evening entered Sodom.
Chap. 19:1. The Lord; Jehovah, who had been speaking
CHAPTER XVIIL to Abraham. A'er. 13-20.
providentially directed there, that he might thus enter- the least of his disciples, he will remember and reward,
tain them. as if done to himself. Matt. 10:42; 25:40; Heb. 13:2.
10. I will — return; will visit thee again; namely, bv 1,). The commission of one sin makes way for the com-
:5 :i:5
thou also destroy the riglitcous with the wick- 2 And he said. Behold now, niy lords, Vr fJw.
ed?* tnrn'' in, Ipray you, into your servant's house, and
24 Peradvcnture there be fifty righteous within tarry all night, and wash ymir feet, and ye shall
the city: wilt thou also dostroy and not spare rise up early, and go on your ways. And they
the place for tiie iifty riglitcous that are therein? said. Nay; but wc will abide iu the street all
25 That be far from thee to do after this man- night.'
ner, to slay the righteous with the wicked; and 3 And he pressed u])on them greatly, and they
that the righteous should be as the wicked, that turned in unto him, and entered into his house;
be far from thee:'' Shall not the Judge of all the and he made them a fcast,^ and did bake unleav-
earth do right? ened bread, and they did eat.
2l> And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty 4 •[ But before they lay down, the men of the
righteous witiiin the city," then I will spare all city, TOf?! the men of Sodom, com]passcd the house
the place for their sakes. round, both old and young, all the people from
27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold every quarter:
now, 1 have taken upon mo to speak unto the 5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto liim.
Lord, which am but dust and ashes:'' Where are the men which came in to thee this
28 Peradvcnture there sliall lack five of the night? bring them out unto us, that we may know
fifty righteous: wilt tiiou destroy all tiie city for them.''
lack of five? And he said, If 1 find there forty 6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and
and live, I will not destroy it. shut the door afler him,
29 And he spake unto him yet again, and said, 7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so
Peradventure there sliall bo forty found there. wickedly.'
And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. 8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have
30 And ho said unto him, Oh, let not the Lord not known man let mc, I pray you, bring them
be angry, and I will speak: I'eradveuture there out unto you,™ and do ye to them as is good in
shall thirty be found tliero. And he said, I will your eyes only unto these men do nothing for
: ;
not do it, if I find thirty there. therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
31 And he said. Behold now, I have taken upon 9 And they said. Stand back. And they said
me to speak unto the Lord Peradventure there
: again. This owe fellow came in to sojourn, and he
shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will will needs be a judge:" now will we deal worse
not destroy it for twenty's sake. with thee than with them. And they pressed sore
32 And he said, Oh, let not the Lord be angry, upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break
and I will speak yet but this once :" Peradventure the door.
ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not 10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled
destroy it for ten's sake.*^ Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.
33 And the Lord went his way, as soon as he 11 And they smote the men that were at the
had left communing with Abraham and Abraham door of the house with blindness," both small and
returned unto his place. great: so that they wearied themselves to find
the door.
12 IT And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here
CHAPTER XIX. any besides? son-in-law, and thy sons, and thy
1 Lot entertaineth two angels. 4 The vicious Sodomites are stricken daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city,
with blindness. 12 Lot is sent for safety into the mountains. 18 He
obtaineth leave to go into Zoar. 24 Sodom and G-omorrah are de- bring them out of this place
stroyed. 26 Lot's wife is a pillar of salt. 30 Lot dwelleth in a 13 For we will destroy this place, because the
cave. 31 The incestuous original of Moafa and Amraon.
cry of them is waxen great before the face of the
came two angels to Sodom at
and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom:
Lord ;" and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it.''
1-1 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons-
and Lot, seeing them, rose up to meet them, and in-law, which married his daughters, and said.
he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. Up, get you out of this place;'' for the Lord will
« Num. 1G;22. b Job 8:3; 34:17: Psa. 53:11; 94:2. ' Isa. 10:22; Jer.
19:22; Isa. 1:9; 3:9; Jer. 3:3; 6:15; Ezek. 10:19, 51; Matt. 11:23,21; Rom.
5:1; Ezek. 22:30 dch. 2:7; 3:19; Job4:19; Psa.8:4; 144:3; Eccl. 12:7; 1:23, 41, 26, 27; 1 Cor. 0:9; 1 Tim. 1:10; 2 Tim. 3:13; Judo 7. I Lev.
Isa. 6:5; 64:8; Lnke 5:8; 1 Cor. 15:47, 48; 2 Cor. 5:1, 2. e Judg. 6:39. 18:22; 20:13; Deut. 23:17; Rom. 1:24; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Judo 7. » Rom.
fJob33:23. 6 ch. 18:22. t Heb. 13:2. i Luke 24:23. i ch. 18:6-8; 21:8; 3:8. n Ex. 2:14; 2 Pet. 2:7, 8. o 2 Kings 0:18; Acts 13:11. P ch. 18:20.
Luke 5:29; John 12:2; Heb. 13:2. k ch. 4:1; Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Judg. qlChr. 21:15; Isa. 30:10. r Num. 10:20; Jer. 51:0; Rev. 18:4.
*1 Aliinetocti ii rrproveJ for her in a dream. 9 Ho rebukoth Abrn- what have I olTended thee, that thou hast brought
hftin, 14 restoreth &;irikh, 10 luid reproveth her. 17 He is healed by on mo and on my kiiigdoiii a groat sin?' thou hast
Abraham's prayer.
done doods unto mo that ought not to be done.''
VXD Abraham journeyed from thence toward 10 And Abimolooh said unto Abraham, What
country, and dwelt bi'twoen Ka-
tlio siiutli sawest thou, that thou hast done this thing? and Sluir," and .sojourned in Uerar.'' 11 And Abraham said. Because I thought. Surely
2 And Abraham said of Sarah She is
his wife, the fear of God is not in this jilaee;' and they
!ny sister f and Abiiuelech kinjj of Gerar sent and will slay mc for my wife's sake.
took Sarali. 12 And yet indco(l she is my sister;"' she is the
3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by daughter of my father, but not the daughter of
nifiht,'' and said to him, Bcliold, thou art but a dead my mother; and .she became my wife.
mun, for tlic woman which thou liast taken; for 13 And
came it to jiass, when God caused mc to
slie is 'a man's wife. wander from my father's house, that I said unto
•i But Abimelech had not come near her and he : her. This is thy kindness which thou shalt show
said. Lord, wilt thou slay also a riglitoous nation?'' unto me; at every place whither wc shall come,
5 Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and say of me. Ho is my brother.
she,. even she hcr.self said, lie is my brother: in il And Abimolech took sheep, and oxen, and
the integrity* of my heart' and innoceney of my men-servants, and women-servants, and gave them
hands have I done this. unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife.
G And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, 1 15 And Abimelech said, Behold, my laud is be-
know that thou didst this in the intcirrity of thy fore thee:" dwell 'where it pleaseth thee.
heart; for I also withheld thee'-' from sinning 16 And unto Sarah he said. Behold, I have given
against mc:'' therefore suffered 1 thee not to touch thy brother a thousand pieces of silver: behold,
her. he is to thee a covering of the eyes unto all that
7 Now
therefore restore the man his wife for ; are with thee, and with all other: thus she was
he a prophet, and he shall pray for thee,' and
is reproved."
lliou shalt live and if thou restore her not, know
: 17 IT So Abraliam prayed unto God: and God
thou that thou shalt surely die, thou and all that healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maid-ser-
are thine. vants and they bare children.
8 Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morn- 18 For the Loud had fast closed up all the
ing, and called all his servants, and told all those wombs of the house of Abimelech,'' because of Sa-
ihin'is in their ears and the men were sore afraid.
: rah, Abraham's wife.
»Ch. 16:7, 14. bch. 28:0. « ch. 12:13; 2I);7. <i Job 3']:lo; Psa. IO:i; i 1 Sam. 7:5: Job 42:3; Jls5:16. J Ex. 32:21; Josh. 7:2.5. k ch. 31:7.
Ileb. marrttd to a husband.
' 1 Chr. 21:17. t Or, simpUdty, or simer 1Neh. 5:15; Psa. 30:1; Prov. 16:6. mch 11:29. « ch. 47:6. 1 Heb. 0.5 is
I 2 Kings 20:3; 2 Cor. 1:12; 1 Tim. l:l:i. K ch. 31:7; 3o:5. h Psi. 5 good inthine eyes, o Prov. 12: 1 25:12; Rev. 3:19. Pch. 12:17;
; 1 Sam, 16.
pravity has a strong tendency to blunt their moral feel- interpretation. According to our version they seem to
ings. They who needlessly expose their offspring to such mean. Acknowledge thy brother (with allusion to Abra-
a corrupting influence, cannot reasonably hope that they ham's excuse) as thy husband. 'Then he will be to thee
will walk in the ways of virtue. a covering of the eyes to all men of thy company, and with
36. In sohtude we are often more exposed to tempta- all others that is, will protect thee from their unlawful
tion, and in greater danger of complying with it, than in gaze, and from aU harm. But some prefer to render. Be-
the crowded city and the use of intoxicating drinks ex-
; hold, it (the gift) shall be to thee a covering of the eyes
cites to the greatest abominations. that is, an honorable atonement, so called because it leads
the injured party, and all concerned, to overlook the in-
CHAPTER XX." jury received.
1.From the groves of Hebron, where he had for
some time resided. Cliap. 13:18; 18:1. Gerar; a city of 2. The best of men are entirely dependent for persever-
the Philistines, south-east of Gaza. ance in holiness, for integrity, uprightness, and even ex-
3. A dead man; he would be, should he not return Sarah ternal morality, npon the grace of God. If left to them-
to her husband. selves they will distrust Jehovah, give way to temptation,
4. A
rigliteoiis nction; that is, mo and nation, which my commit sin, and bring disgrace on religion, and distress,
will be involved in my
destruction, though we are guilty if not destruction, on themselves and others.
of no intentional 'wrong. 3. Before men had the Bible to guide them, God often
7. Sltalt surely die; this shows God's abhorrence of the made known his will in dreams but now we have no rea-
crime of adultery, and his indignation against those who son to expect a revelation of his will in this way, as all
commit it. needful directions in duty may be obtained from prayer-
9. Brought on me and on my kingdom; exposed us to ful study of the Scriptures.
commit a great sin. 7. Adultery is a sin which exposes all who commit it to the
12. Not —of my mother; Terah, Abraham's father, is sup- wrath of God, both in this world and in the world to come.
;)0sed by many interpreters to have had two wives Ila- ; 13. The guilt of sin is greatly increased when it is made
ran, Sarah's father, to have been a son of Terah's first wife, a part of a settled plan, or conmiitted with forethought,
and Abraham to have been a son of the second so that ; deliberation, and fixed purpose and were it not for the
Sarah was his niece, and granddaughter of his father, but boundless grace of God, those who so sin would never be
;iot of his mother. The term sister was tlien often given brought to repentance, but would inevitably perish.
to a niece, and brother to a nephew, uncle, or near rela- 16. The conduct of worldly men is often a reproof to
tive, ver. 5, 13; chap. 11:29; yet this use of these terms, professed Christians-, such as ought to make them asham-
i:i this case, was designed to deceive, and was wrong. ed, and arouse them to greater confidence in God and
!;. A covering of the eyes —
all other; words of ditiicult greater devotion to his service. Luke 16 8. :
Isaac is lorn. GENESIS XXI. Abraham's treaty trilh Aiunchrh.
1 Isaac is born. 4 He is circumcised. 6 Sarah's ioy. 9 and
Ishmael arc cast for*. 1.5 Hagar in distress. 17 The angel com-
forteth lier. 22 Abimelech's covenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba.
AND LordLord
the visited Sarali as lie
did unto Sarah as he had spoken."
had said,"' and
32 Tliiis tlioy iiiailo a covenant at Bcor-shcl)a: wood : but where is the lamb' for a burnt- !,,": iwl
tlion Aliinu'lecljrose up, and I'liicliol tlic cliief offering?
captain <if his host, and they returned into the 8 And Abraluim said. My son, God will provide
land of tiie Piiilistines. himself a himi) for a imrnt-offering :" so they went
33 'i And .lliraJiam planted a prove* in Becr- botii of thoin together.
sheba." and calk-d tlierc on the name of the Loud,'' i) And they came to the place which God had
the everlastinu: God."" told him of; and Abraham built an altar there,
34 And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines" and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his
laud many days. son,'' and laid him on the altar upon the wood.'
11) And Abraham stretched forth Lis hand, and
him, Abraham: and ho said, 'Behold, here I am. withheld thy son, thine only so7i, from nic.
2 And ho said, Take now tliy son, thine only so7i 13 And Abraliam lifted up his eyes, and looked,
Isaac, whom tiiou lovest, and get thee into the and behold, behind him a ram caught in a thicket
land of iloriali;'' and oiler him there for aburnt- by his horns:'" and Abraham went and took the
oifering upon one of the mountains which I will ram, and offered him up for a burnt-offering in
tell thee of. the stead of his son.
3 "i And Abraham
rose up early in the morning, 14 And Abraham called the name of that place
and saddled his ass, and took two of his young Jchovah-jireh:' as it is said to this day, In the
men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the mount of the Lord it shall bo seen."
wood for the burnt-oircring, and rose up, and 15 TF And the Angel of the Lord called unto
went unto the jilace of which God had told him. Abraham out of heaven the second time,"
4 Then on the tliird day Abraham lifted up his 16 And said. By myself have I sworn,'' saith the
eyes, and saw the place afar off. Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and
5 And Al)raham said unto his young men. Abide hast not withheld thy son, thine only son,
ye here with the ass, and I and the lad will go 17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in
yonder and worship, and come again to you. multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars
6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt- of the hcaven,i and as the sand which is upon the
offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son;'' and he sea-shore ;^ and thy seed shall possess the gate of
took the lire in his hand, and a knife; and they his enemies
went both of them togctlier. 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the
7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, earth be blessed;'' because thou hast obeyed my
and said, My father and he said, *IIere am I,
: voice."
my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the 19 So Abraham returned unto his young men
14. In cheerful and prompt obedience to God, and hearty 7. Where is the lamb; Isaac knew that Abraham was
commitment of ourselves and our friends to him, he will keep going to offer a burnt-offering, but did not know that he
us in peace, and provide for us according to all our wants. intended to sacrifice him.
18. God hears and tenderly sympathizes not only with 12. Now I know; it had been made evident that Abra-
the voice of supplication, but with that of distress. Not ham regarded God more than he did Isaac, or any creature.
a groan, a tear, or a sigh escapes his notice, or fails to Let God command what he might, Abraham would obey.
reach his heart. He hears the young ravens when they 14. Jehovah-jirch ; meaning, the Lord will provide. As
cry, and delights to feed them. Job 38:41; Psa. 147:9; it is said to this day; said as a proverb. It shall be seen;
Luke 12:24. rather, it shall be provided. Hence the proverb, " Man's
26. They who would live in peace should not only avoid extremity is God's opportunity."
contention themselves, but exercise a diligent supervision 15. Angel of the Lord; here, as often elsewhere, Jehovah
and a wise control over those under their care, lest wrong himself.
and injury should be done of which they are ignorant. When l(i. Sy myself have I sworn; Heb. 6:13-20.
injured it is wise to go directly and kindly to those who can 17. Possess the gate; be victorious over all theu: foes.
give redress, rather than publish the injury to others. l.S. Thy seed; Chvisi. Gal. 3:10.
: 1 ;
1 The age and death of Sarah. 3 The purchase of Macbpclah, 19 12 And Abraham bowed down himself before
where Sarah was buried.
the people of the land.
Sarah was a hundred and seven and
years old: these were the years of
13 And he spake unto Ephron in the audience
of the people of the land, saying. But if thou wilt
the life of Sarah. give it, I pray thee, bear me: I will give thee
2 And Sarah died in Kirjath-arba the same is ;''
money for the field :' take it of me, and I will
Hebron" in the land of Canaan: and Abraham bury my dead there.
came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. 14 And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto
3 1 And Abraham stood up from before his him,
dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth, saying, 15 My lord, hearken unto me the land is worth :
4 I am a stranger and a sojourner with you:*' four hundred shekels of silver what is that be- ;
give me a possession of a burying-place with you, twixt me and thee ? bury therefore thy dead.
that I may bury my dead out of my siglit.' 16 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron, and
5 And the children of Ueth answered Abraham, Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver which he
saying unto liim, had named in the audience of the sons of Heth,
6 Hear us, my lord: thou ai-t *a mighty prince four hundred shekels of silver, current money with
among us:'' in the choice of our sepulchres bury the merchant.
thy dead none of us shall withhold from thee
; 17 And the field of Ephron,*^ which ivas in Mach-
his sepulchre, but that thou mayest bury thy dead. pelah, which tvas before Mamre, the field, and the
7 And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself cave which was therein, and all the trees tliat were
to the i^eople of the land, even to the children of in the field, that were in all the borders round
Heth. about, wei-e made sure
a Job 1:1. b .Tob 32 2. = ch. 21:1.5. •
Rebecca,- Rom. 9:10. d Josl 1 Heb. fun money. S Heb,
14:15; Judg. 1:10. e < 1. 13:18; ver. 19; 2 Sam. 5:3. f 1 Chr. 29:15; Ps: 25:9; 49:30; 511:13; Acts 7:1
39:12; Heb. 11:9; 1 Fe . 2: 11. B Acts 7:5. t Heb. a prince of God. h cl
1. The children of God, while in this world, must ex- tites was generous, but it did not meet the wishes of Abra-
pect trials and often, tlio most severe come last. But
; ham. He was unwilling to bury Sarah in any sepulchre
they need not despond. If they trust in God, he will sus- of the Canaanites, choosing rather to have a burying-place
tain them and cause them to triumph. Rom. 5 3-j Jas. : ; which should be exclusively his own.
1:2-4: 1 Peter 1:6-9. 9. Machpelah ; a tract of laud owned by Ephron, in which
2. As God is the giver and preserver of life, he has a was a cave. Ver. 17-20.
perfect right to direct when and how it sliall be taken 15. Four hundred shekels; about two hundred dollars.
away. Tliough to take life in opposition to his loiown 16. Weighed —
the silver; to determine its value, as was
will is murder, and subjects the murderer to his curse, the custom in those days, there being no coined money.
to do it in obedience to liis command is a duty, and will Current money with the merchant; in respect to both weight
receive from him a gracious and glorious reward. and quality.
5. To believe heartily and fully tlie divine declarations,
and expect their fulfilment, it is not necessary to know, or
be able to conceive, how they can be accomplished. 1. The longest life must come to an end, the dearest
8. A permanent conviction that God will provide, is an connections be sundered, and the most intimate friends
anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast. Under its intluence, part to meet no more on earth.
though tlie winds rage and the tempests roar, men may 4. The bodies of those we most love must soon be buried
outride the storm, and in due time calmly and joyfully out of our sight.
enter the port. 9. A burial-place, as a memento of the evil of sin, should
18. Fidelity under great trials is peculiarly pleasing to lead us to abhor sin, and by believing in Ilim who is "the
God and useful to men. It will receive specisil tokens of resurrection and the life," to obtain deUverance from its
divine favor, and bo followed by a rich and lasting reward. power. John 11:25, 26.
18 Unto Abrnham for a possession in tlio pros- camels of master, and departed; (for* *, r f";
oncc of tl)0 cliildron of Iletli, before all that wont all the go(jds of his master ?/•(;•(' in his hand:) and
in at tlie frato of liis city. he arose, and went to Mesopotamia,'" unto the city
1!) And after this. Abraliam buried Sarah liis wife of Nahor."
in the eavc of the Held of M:ieli|)elali, before Mam- 11 And he made his camels to kn(^<'l down Avith-
re: the same is Ildiron in the land of Canaan. out tlie city by a well of water, at tlie time of tlie
20 And llic field, and the eavc that is therein, evening, even the time Hliat women go out t()
were made sure" unto Abraham for a possession draw water."
of a burying-place by the sons of Ileth. 12 And he said, Lord God of my master
Abraham,!' I pray thee, .send me good .>-^peed thi.?
CIIAPTErt XXIV. day," and shoAV kindness unto my master Abra-
1 Alir:ili.iin 10 The servant's journey: 12 liis
fwcarcth \\a servant.
prayir: 11 his sijn. 15 13 Behold, I stand here by the well of water;'
Rebckah meetelh him, 18 fulfillelh his
nign. 22 23 ahoweth her kindred, 2.5 and invitclh
rcceiveth jewels,
tiie men of the city come
and the daughters of
1im home. 26 The Ber»-ant blesseth God. 29 Laban enterLainelh
him. 31 The servant showelh his message. out to draw Avater
50 Laban ,Tnd Bethuel
14 And let it come to pass that the damsel to
hpprovc it. 53 Ilebekah consenteth to go. G'3 Isaac mccteth her.
VXD Abraham Avas old and *Avell-striekon in Avhom I shall say. Let down thy pitcher, I ]iray
aw: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in thee, that I may drink and she shall say. Drink, ;
;:11 tliino;.^.'' and I Avill give tliy camels drink also: kt the
2 And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of same he she that thou hast a])])oint('d for tliy ser-
his housc,"^ that ruled over all that he had,'' Put, vant Isaac; and thereby shall 1 know tliat thou
I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:" hast siiowcii kindness unto my master.'
3 And I will make theo swear by the Lord,'' tlic 15 1 And it came to pass, before he had done
Clod of heaven, and tiic God of the earth, that thou speaking,' that behold, Rebekah came out, Avho
slialt not take a wife unto my son of the daugh- was born to Betliuel. son of Mileah, the wife of
ters of the Canaaniles among whom I dwell:''-' X'ahor, Abraham's brother, Avitli her pitcher upon
4 But thou shalt go unto my country,'' and to her shoulder.
my kindred, and take a wife unto my .son Isaac. 16 And the damsel was ^A-ery fair to look upon,
5 And his servant said unto him, Peradventurc a virgin, neither had any man known her: and
tlio woman will not be willing to follow me unto she went down to the Avell, and filled her pitcher,
this land: must I needs bring thy sou again unto and came up.
tiic land from wliencc thou earnest? 17 And the servant ran to meet her, and said.
6 And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy
that tiiou bring not my son thither again. pitcher.
7 1 'J'he LoKD God of heaven,' which took mc 18 And she said. Drink, my lord and she hast- :
from my father's house.J and from the land of my ed, and let down her pitcher ujjon her hand, and
kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware gave him drink.
inito me, saying. Unto thy seed will I give this 19 And when she had done giving him drink.
hind: he shall send his angel before thee,'' and she said, I Avill draw u-atcr for thy camels also,
ihou shalt take a wife unto my sou from thence. until tliey have done drinking."
8 And if the woman will not be willing to fol- 2(J And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher
low thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my into the trougii, and ran again unto the well to
oath:' only bring not my son thither again. draw water, and drew for all his camels.
9 And the servant put his hand under the thigh 21 And the man, Avondering at her, held his
of Abraham his master, and sware to him con- peace,'' to Avit Avhcther the Lord had made his
cerning that matter. journey jirosjicrous or not.
10 1 And the servant took ten camels, of the 22 An(i it came to pass, as the camels had done
« Jer. 32:10. ' Heb. gone into days, b ch. 13:2; ver. 35; Psa. 11-2:1- 10; Acts 2:9. » ch. 11 :31 . I Heb. tkat wome.n which draw water go forth.
3. « ch. 15:2. d ver. lU; ch. 39:5. t ch. 47:29; 1 Chr. 29:21. f Dent. Ex. 2:10; 1 Sam. 9:11. P ver. 27; ch. •26:24: Ex. 3:6; Matt. 2-2:3-2.
(1:13. S ch. 6:2, etc.: Deut. 7:3; 2 Cor. 0:14. ti ch. 11:25, elc; 22:i0| q Neh. 1:11; Prov. 3:0. r ver. 43. • Judg. (i: 17, 37; 1 Sam. 20:7. t Isa.
2-!:2. Ezra. 1:2; Dan. 2:44; Jonah 1:9, Rev. 11:13. J ch. 12:1. 7; C5:'24; Dan. 9:21. 5 Heb. good of countenance, u 1 Pet. 4:9. » Luka
13:15; Dent. 1:3; 31:4; Acts 7:5. t Ex 23:2:3; 33:2; Psa. 31:7; Isa, 2:19,51.
(13:9; Heb. 1:14. 1 Josii. 2:17-20. \ (Jr, and. m Deut. 9:J:4; Juclg. 3:-,
12. True politeness, and a courteous, gentlemanly de- 2. Eldest servant; supposed to be Eliezer. Chap. 15:2.
meanor are the indispensable duty of all, especially of the Under my thigh; a form of making solemn engagements.
friends of God; and the more distinguished men are, the Chap. 47:29.
[greater is the importance of their being patterns of dis- 3. Make thee swear; put thee under oath, or make thee
cretion, propriet}', and good manners. enter into a sacred engagement.
Perfect honesty in making bargains, and strict punc-
16. 4. My coimtnj, Mesopotamia. Kindred; relatives.
tuality in fulfilling them, are duties sacredly binding upon 7. Send his angel; to make thy Avay prosperous.
all and those who do not thus act, violate the first prin-
; 10. The city of Nahor ; Uaxa.\\. Chap. 11:27-32.
ciples not only of morality, but of religion. 11. Kneel down; the posture in which camels take their
20. All conveyances of property from one person to rest.
another should, at the time, be made sure, and thus occa- 12.Send me good speed; prosper me in my undertaking.
siou of contention be prevented. \5.Rebekah; c\\a.\>.ti:fi.
21.Wondering at her; to see how exactly his prayer
CHAPTER XXIV. Avas answered. To wd ; to know, from the indications of
1. Was old; aged one hundred and forty years. Providence.
for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold, of my kindred, and of my father's house.
23 And said, Whose daughter art thou? tell me, 41 Then shalt thou be clear from this my oath,
I pray thee: is there room in thy father's house when thou comest to my kindred; and if they
for us to lodge in ? give not thee one, thou shalt be clear from my
24 And she said unto him, I am the daughter of oath.
Bethuel the son of Milcah,'' which she bare unto 42 And I came this day unto the well, and said,
Nahor. Lord God of my master Abraham,' if now thou
25 She said, moreover, imto him. We have both do prosper my way which I go:'"
straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in. 43 Behold, I stand by the well of water and it ;
26 And the man bowed down his head,'' and shall come to pass, that when the virgin cometh
worshipped the Lord. forth to draw wafer, and I say to her, Give me, I
27 And he said. Blessed be the Lord God of my pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink
master Abraham,'' who hath not left destitute my 44 And she say to me. Both drink thou, and I
master of his mercy and his truth :" I being in the will also draw for thy camels; let the same be the
way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's woman whom the Lord hath appointed out for
brethren. my master's son."
28 And the damsel ran, and told them of her 45And before I had done speaking in my heart,"
mother's house these things. behold, Ecbekah came forth with her pitcher on
29 \ And Rebekah had a brother, and his name her shoulder; and she went down unto the well,
icas Laban and Laban ran out unto the man,
and drew icatcr : and I said unto her. Let me
unto the well. drink, I pray thee.
30 And it came to pass, when he saw the car- 46 And she made haste, and let down her pitch-
ring, and bracelets upon his sister's hands, and er from her shoulder, and said, Drink, and I will
when he heard the words of Eebckah his sister, give thy camels drink also: so I drank, aud she
saying, Thus spake the man unto me, that ho made the camels drink also.
came unto the man and behold, he stood by the
; 47 And I asked her, aud said, Whose daughter
camels at the well. a7-t thou? And she said, The daughter of Be-
31 And he said. Come in, thou blessed of the thuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto him:
LoRD;^ wherefore staudcst thou without? for I and put the ear-ring upon her
I face,"" aud the
have prepared the house, and room for the camels. bracelets upon her hands.
32 ir And the man came into the house and he : 48 And I bowed down my head,'' and worship-
ungirded his camels, and gave straw and proven- ped the Lord, and blessed the Lord God of my
der for the camels, and water to wash his feet, master Abraham, which had led me in the right
and the men's feet that wei-e with him. way"' to take my master's brother's daughter unto
33 And there was set meat before him to cat: his son.
but he said, I will not eat until I have told mine 49 And now, if ye will deal kindly and truly
errand.'' And he said. Speak on. with my master,^ tell me and if not, tell me
: ; that
3-1 And he said, I am Abraham's servant. 1 may turn to the right hand, or to the left.
35 And the Lord hath .blessed my master great- 50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered, and said,
ly,' and he has become great :' and he hath given The thing proceedeth from the Lord :' we cannot
him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and speak unto thee bad or good."
men-servants, and maid-servants, and camels, and 51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee take Iter, and
asses. go, and let her be thy master's son's wife, as the
36 And Sarah, my master's wife, bare a son to Lord hath spoken.
my master when she was old and unto him hath
: 52 And it came to pass, that, when Abraham's
he given all that he hath. servant heard their words, he worshipped the
37 And my master made me swear," saying. Lord,*' bowing himself to the earth.
Thou shalt not take a wife to my son of the 53 And the servant brought forth jewels + of
daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I silver, and jewels of gold," and raiment, and gave
dwell: them to Rebekah he gave also to her brother and
38 But thou shalt go unto my father's house, to her mother precious things.''
and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son. 54 And they did eat and drink, he and the men
39 And I said unto my master, Peradventure that tcere with him, and tarried all night; and
the woman will not follow me. they rose up in the morning, and he said, Send
40 And he said unto me, The Lord, before whom me away unto my master.
• Or, jewl for the fore/itad. " Ezek. 16:11, li; 1 I'et. 3;3. b ch. 2-J:S3. 3n-3
Cyer. S-2; Ex. 4:31; 34:g; Neh. 8:0; Psa. 'J.J:(i. d Ex. 1H:10; Ruth 4:U.
t ch. 32:10LPia. 9S:3; Luke 1:63. I oh. SO:.?. S ch. 26:29; Judg. 17:2;
Ruth3:10; Tsa. 113:15. h Psa. 132:3-5; John 4:34; Eph. 6:5-7. iver. 1;
ch. 12:2; 13:2; Prov. 10:22; 22:4. j Psa. 1S:35. k ver. 3. 1 Ter. 12. mch.
his way.
62 And Isaac came from the way of the well
Lahai-roi for he dwelt in tlie south country.
G3 And Isaac went out to meditate* in the field
at the eventide:* and he lifted up his eyes, and
saw, and bcholil, tlie camels v;ere coming.
64 And Reljckali lifted up her eyes, and when
she saw Isaac, she lighted oil" the camel."
65 For she had said unto the servant, What man
is thisthat walketh in the field to meet us ? And
the servant had said, It is my master: therefore
she took a veil and covered herself.'
C() And the servant told Isaac all things that he
had done.
67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sa-
; :
Birth of Esau and Jacob. GENESIS XXV. Esau sellefh his birthright.
Isaac dwelt by the well Lahai-roi. shall be stronger than the other people and the ;
12 1 Now tiiese are the generations of Ishmael, elder shall serve the younger.'
Abraliam's son, whom Hagar tlie Egyptian, Sa- 24 And when her days to be delivered were ful-
rah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham. filled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
13 And these are the names of the sons of Ish- 25 And the first came out red, all over like a
mael, by their names, according to their genera- hairy garment and they called his name Esau. ;
tions: The first-born of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and 26 And after that came his brother out, and his
Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, hand took hold on Esau's heel f and his name
14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, was called Jacob and Isaac was threescore years :
15 Hadar,' and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kede- old when she bare them.
mah: 27 And the boys grew and Esau was a cunning :
16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are hunter,"^ a man of the field and Jacob was a plain ;
their names, by their towns, and by their castles man, dwelling in tents.'
twelve princes according to their nations.'' 28 And Isaac loved Esau, because *he did eat
17 And these are the years of the life of Ish- of his venison :" but Rebekah loved Jacob.
mael, a hundred and thirty and seven years: and 29 1i And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came
he gave up the ghost and died, and was gathered from the field, and he was faint.
unto his people. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray
18 And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur,'' thee, * with that same red pottage ; for I am faint
that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward As- therefore was his name called Edom.'
syria: and he died+ in the presence of all his 31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birth-
brethren. right.
ly 1 And
these are the generations of Isaac, 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am ""at the point
Abraham's son: Abraham begat Isaac: to die: and what profit shall this birthright do
20 And Isaac was forty years old when he took to me?°
Rebekah to wife,* the daughter of Bethuel the 33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day and ;
Syrian of Padan-aram," the sister to Laban the he sware unto him and he sold his birthright
treated of him," and Rebekah his wife conceived. and went his way : thus Esau despised his birth-
22 And the children struggled together witiiin rio-ht.^
» Oh. 23:16. • Or, Hadad; 1 Chr. 1:30. b ch. 17:20. c 1 Sun. 15:7. 11:9. : Heb. uemsonwas in AiSJnouM. mch. 27:19. i He\>. with that
tHeb,/rf/. dch. 24:67. e ch. 23:.i. f 1 Sim. 1 11 Luke 1 :13. E 1 Chr,
: ; red, with that red pottage. 1 That is, red. 1 Heb. going lo die. » Job
5:20: 2 Chr. 33:13; Ezra 8:23; Psi, 145:19; ProT. 10 24; Rom. 9:10. 21:15; Mai. 3:14 o ch. 27:36; 36:6; Heb. 12:16. P Isa. 22:13; 1 Cw.
t 1 Sim. 22:15; Ezek. 20:31; 36:.37. ch. 27:29; Psi. 60:8; Isa. 63:1-6;
i 15.32. qPsa. 106:24; Malt. 22.5; Acts 13:41.
Obid. 1-16; Mai. 1:2-4; Rom. 9:10-12. J Hos. 12:3. k ch. 27:3. 1 Heb.
11. Lahai-roi; chap. 16:14; 24:62. 34. Lentiles; a kind of pulse or coarse grain resembling
13. T/ie sons of Ishmael; all these were heads of Arabian peas and beans. Despised his birthright; by giving up its
tribes. temporal and spiritual blessings for the gratification of his
16. Twelve princes ; chap. 17:20. appetite. Heb. 12:15-17.
18. ; the
Tliey descendants of Ishmael. From Havilah
unto Skiir ; the country between the Persian gulf and the
Red sea. He died all his brethren; rather, his lot fell, 8. No
degree of faith in God, or fidelity in his service,
that is, he dwelt. See note on chap. 16:12. can prevent the approach of death; but as sin has en-
20. Padan-aram; meaning the plains of Aram, one of tered, and death by sin, so the sentence of death has
the Hebrew names of Mesopotamia, more especially the passed upon all men, because all are siimers, Romans
level part of it. 5:12-14,
23. Two nations ; those from whom should descend two 18. The declarations of God, with regard to this world
nations, the Edomites and the Israelites. Serve the youn- as well as the future, and with regard to bad men as well
ger; the descendants of Esau would be subject to the as good, will, in due time, all be accomplished. Num.
descendants of Jacob. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29.
25. Esau; hairy. 23. The liord sees the end from the beginning, and can
26. Jacob; meaning a supplanter, as by taking hold of describe events which are future with as much minute-
the heel one causes another to fall, or overcomes him. ness and accuracy as those which are past and the truth ;
29. Sod; boiled. Pottage; a nutritious soup of lentiles, of his declarations is abundantly proved by the dispensa-
ver. 34. tions of his providence.
30.Edom ; which means red. 28. Partiality of parents towards their children is a
31.Birthright; that right which belonged to the first- fruitful source of manifold evils, and will be conscien-
born, of succeeding, on the death of his father, to the tiously avoided by all who duly regard the comfort and
government and spiritual instruction of the family, offici- welfare of their families.
ating as their priest, offering sacrifices, and thus securing 34. To disregard spiritual privileges and blessings, and
the blessings with which the performance of these duties treat them as less valuable than personal gratifications, is
would be connected. A
double share of the inheritance a great sin. It is viewed by God as profane, and exposes
also fell to him. the soul to the loss of his favor. Heb. 12 17. :
: :
1 Isaac because of fainiiie wint lo (lerar. 2 God instnicteth, anil
bicueth him. 7 He is reproveJ by Abimelech for denyinjj bis wife.
1'2 i{e i;roweth rich. IS ile di^'i^eth Esck, Sitnah, and Rvhoboth.
26 Abimelech maketh a covenant with him at Beer-sheba. 3-t Esau's
AND , the
was a famine in tlic land, besides
that was in tlic days of Abra-
tirst liiniine
ham." And Isaac wont unto Abimelech king of
the Piiilistinos, unto Gerar.""
2 .\iid llio LoiiP appcarpd unto him, and said,
Go lint down into Eii'vpt:
dwell in the land which
I shall tell thocof.
3 Sojourn in this land,'^ and I will be with thee,''
and will bless thee: for unto thee, and unto thy
seed, I will give all these countries," and I will
jioribrm the oath which 1 sware unto Abraham
thy father;'
4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the
Ftars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all
those countries: and in thy seed shall all the na-
tions of the earth be blessed \^
5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice,*" and
kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes,
and my laws.
6 IT And Isaac dwelt in Gerar:
7 And the men of the place asked him of his
wife; and he said. She w my sister:' for he feared
to say. She is my wife :' lest, said he, the men of the
place should kill me for Rebekah; because she
teas fair to look upon.
8 And it when he had been there
came to pass
a long time, that Abimelech king of the Philis-
tines looked out at a window, and saw, and be-
hold, Isaac teas sporting with Rebekah his wife.
9 And Abimelech called Isaac, and said. Behold,
of a surety she is thy wife and how saidst thou,
blessed him
13 And the man waxed great, and ^went for-
ward, and grew until he became very great
14 For he had possession of flocks, and posses-
sion of herds, and great store of servants;* and
the Philistines envied him.™
15 For all the wells which his father's servants
A.M. .bout32 And it came to pass the same day, two good kids of the goats and I will make them
B.C. 1804. that Isaac's servants came, and told him savory meat for thy father, such as he loveth:*^
concerning the well which they had digged, and 10 And thou shalt bring it to thy father, that
said unto him. We have found water. he may eat, and that he may bless thee before his
33 And he called it Shebah :* therefore the name death.
of the city is Beer-sheba* unto this day. 11 And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother. Be-
3-1 ir And Esau was forty years old when he hold, Esau my brother is a hairy man,^ and I cm
took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the a smooth man
Hittite, and Bashemath" the daughter of Elon the 12 My father peradventure will feel mo,'' and I
Hittite: shall seem to him as a deceiver and I shall bring ;
85 Which were *a grief of mind unto Isaac and a curse' upon me, and not a blessing.
to Eebekah. 13 And his mother said unto him, Upon me he
thy curse, my sou;^ only obey my voice, and go
CHAPTER XXVII. fetch me them.
1 Isaac sendeth Esau for venison. 6 Rebekah instmcteth Jacob to 14 And he went, and fetched, and brought them
1.5 Jacob under the person of Esau obtaineth
obtain the blessiug. to his mother : and his mother made savory meat,
It. 30 Esau bringeth venison. 33 Isaac trembleth, 34 Esau com-
plaineth, and by importunity obtaineth a blessing. 41 He threaten- such as his father loved.''
etli Jacob. 42 Rebekah dlsappointeth it. 15 And Rebekah took 'goodly raiment of her
it when Isaac was old,
came to pass, that
were dim,'' so that he could not
his eyes
eldest son Esau, which ivere with her in the house,
and put them upon Jacob her younger son
see, he called Esau his eldest sou, and said unto 16 And she put the skins of the kids of the
him, My son and he said unto him. Behold, here
: goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his
am I. neck:
2 he said, Behold now, I am old, I know
And 17 And she gave the savory meat and the bread,
not the day of my death :''
which she had prepared, into the hand of her son
3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, Jacob.
thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, 18 IT And he came unto his father, and said. My
and take me some venison
** father: and he said. Here am I; who art thou,
4 And make me savory meat, sucli as I love, my son ? i
and bring it to me, that I may eat that my soul 19 And Jacob, said unto his father, I am Esau
may bless thee before I die.* thy first-born;' I have done according as thou
5 And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my
his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt_/br venison, that thy soul may bless me.
venison, and to bring it. 20 And Isaac said unto his son. How is it that
6 1 And Rebekali spake unto Jacob her son, thou hast found it so quickly, my son ? And he
saying. Behold, I heard thy father speak unto said. Because the Lord thy God" brought it ^to
Esau thy brother, saying, me.
7 Bring me venison, and make me savory meat, 21 And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, I
that I may eat, and bless thee before the Lord, pray thee, that I may feel thee," my son, whether
before my death. thou be my very son Esau or not.
8 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice," ac- 22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father
cording to that which I command thee. and he felt him, and said. The voice is Jacob's
9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
• That is. >4re oart. t That is, Me
WfH o/(Ae <mM. ach. 36:2,3. t Heb. J 1 Sam. 25:24 2 Sam. 14:9; Matt. 27:25. k ch. 25:23; Prov. 23:3; Luke
hiutrness of spirit, b ch. 48:10; 1 Sam. 3:2; Eccl. 12:3. c Prov. 27:1; 21:34. I Heb. desirable. I 1 Kings 13:18; 14:2; Isa. 28:15; Zech. 13:4.
I.ulce 12;4U; Jas. 4:14. S Heb. hunt, i ver. 25; ch. 43:9; 49:28; Deut. 1E.-C. 20:7; Job 13:7. 1 Heb. ie/orir me. n ver. 12.
;0:1. ever. 13. f ver. 4. Ech. 23:35. h ver. 22. i ch. 9:25; Deut. 27:18.
33. Beer-sheba ; Abraham had named the well Beer-she- their sins, but according to the greatness of his mercy
ba, well of the oath, from the oath between himself and and every new blessing lays them under new obligations
Abiraelech, chap. 21:31. Now Isaac, from a like transac- to love and obey him.
tion,names the place also Beer-sheba. 22. Men who cannot live near each other without con-
34. The Hittite; the Hittites were descendants of Heth tention, sejjarate and live further apart. There
had better
the son of Canaan, and one of the nations that were after- is room enoughfor all; and let all do to others as they
wards to be destroyed. Chap. 23:3. ought to wish that others should do to them, and all may
live in peace.
INSTRUCTIONS. 31. A wise man, when he has been injured, will not be
5. As great
blessings often come upon children in con- disposed to take revenge, but will be ready to overlook
sequence of the piety and faithfulness of parents, by the and forgive past transgressions.
exercise of like piety and faithfulness children should
endeavor to confer similar blessings on their posterity.
10. The Bible describes men as they arc records not ; Old ; about one hundred and thirty-sis years.
oiJy their virtues but their vices, and often without com- 3. Quiver; a case or sheath for arrows.
mending the one or condemning the otlier. Whether an 4. Savory meat; seasoned with spices and other things
action is right or wrong must be determined not from to give it a pleasant taste.
the fact of its being recorded in the Scriptures, but from 13. Thy curse; tlie evil that would come in consequence
its agreement or disagreement with the requirements of of Jacob's deceiving his father.
God. 19. lam Esau; an utter and deliberate falsehood.
14. God deals with men in this world not according to 20. The Lord thij God brought it; this was an aggrava-
J^.inu threitcuflh GENESIS XXVII, Jiicdh his brother.
t J' k'S"
CHAPTER XXVIII. 11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and
tarried there all night, because the sun was set:
1 Isaac bifsseth Jacob, and sendeth him to Padan-aram. fi Esau mar-
rieth Mahalalh the daughter of Ishniael. 10 The vision of Jacob's a'd he took of tlie stones of that place, and put
ladder. IS The stone of Beth-el. 20 Jacob's vow. them for his pillows, and lay down in that place
Isaac called Jacob, and blessed liim, and
hiui, and said unto him, Thou shalt
to sleep.
12 And he dreamed,' and behold, a ladder set
not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan." up on the earth, and the top of it reached to
2 Arise, go to Padan-aram," to the house of heaven and behold, the angels of God ascending
Bethuel thy mother's father ;'' and take thee a and descending on \i.>
wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy 13 And beliold, tlie Lord stood above it, and
mother's brother.'' said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father,''
3 And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou
fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be "a liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.
multitude of people 14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the
4 And give thee the blessing of Abraham," to and thou shalt ^ spread abroad to the west,
earth ;
thee, and to thy seed -with thee that thou mayest ; and
and to the north, and to the south
to the east,
inherit the land + wherein thou art a stranger, and
in thee and in thy seed shall all the families
which God gave unto Abraham. of the earth be blessed.™
5 And Isaac sent away Jacob and he went to 15 And behold, I am with thee," and will keep
Padan-aram unto Laban, son of Bethuel the Syri- thee in all places whither thou goest," and will bring
an, the brother of Rebekali, Jacob's and Esau's tliee again into this land;P for I will not leave
mother. thee, until I have done that which I have spoken
6 1 When Esau saw tliat Isaac had blessed Ja- to thee of.'i
cob,' and sent him away to Padan-aram, to take 16 IT And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and
him a wife from thence; and that as he blessed he said. Surely the Lord is in this place;'' and I
him, he gave him a charge, saying. Thou shalt not knew it not.
take a wife of the daughters of Canaan 17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful
7 And that Jacob obeyed his father,'' and his is this place! this is none other but the house of
mother, and was gone to Padan-aram God, and this is the gate of heaven.
8 And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan 18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning,
pleased* not Isaac his father; and took the stone that he had put for his pil-
9 Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto lows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil
the wives which he had, Mahalath^ the daughter upon the top of it.^
of Ishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, 19 And he called the name of that place Beth-
to be his wife. el:* but the name of that city was called Luz at
10 1 And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba,*" and the first.'
went toward Haran." 20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will
a b Hos. 12:12.
c ch. 25:20. d ch. •i):29. • Heb. on assembly
Ch. 24:3. Heb.
of ptoplt. ech. 12:2. Keh. of tky sojournings. ' ch. 27:33. Bch. 27:43.
I Heb. were evil in the 5 ch. 3G:3, is called Bashemath.
eyes. h Hos. 12: 12.
I Acts7:2, ciiled C/mrran. ch. 41:1
i Num. 12:0; Job 4:13. JJohnl:51;
4. By depriving us of the use of our senses, or dimin-
ishing their power as age advances, God admonishes us
that we are not at home in the body, and that what our
hands find to do in serving him, we should do witli our
might for in the grave, to which we are hastening, there
is no work.
10. When parents tempt their children to sin, they lay
the foundation for great and lasting sorrow.
13. To imprecate on one's self the curse of evil-doing
is high-handed iniquity it is assuming a load which may
Jacob Cdiiul/i III Jfaraii. GENESIS .\.\1.\. Jlis covenant with lAiban.
ijo, anil will jrive me
le bread to eat, and raiment to that Jacob went near, and rolled the stone <. itbo ii.
put on, from the well's mouth,' and watered the flock of
•21 So that I conic airain to my father's house in Laban his nidlher's brother.
peaie; then shall the Loun bo my God:** And Jacob
kissed Rachel, and lifted up his
22 And this stone, whieh 1 have set for a pillar,'" and wept.^ voice,
shall be God's house: and of all that thou slialt 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he wa^ her fa-
Sivc ine, 1 will surely give the tenth uuto thee.' ther's brother,'' and that he was Rcbekah's son;'
and she ran and ttdd her father.
13 And it came to jiass when Laban heard the
CHAPTER XXIX. tidings' of Jacob his sister's son, that he ran to
IJacob comcOi to the well of Haran. 9 He taketh acquaintance of meet him, and embraced him, and kissed him,'"
Rachel, Laban cntertaineth him. 18 Jacob covenantetii for Ra-
"^3 He is Jeceived with Leah. 28 He marrieth also Rachel. and brought him to his
house. And he told La-
and serveth for her seven years more. 32 Leah beareth Reuben, 33 ban all those things.
Sjneon. 31 Levi, 3-1 and Judah.
14 And Laban said to him, Surely thou art my
^T^^IIEX Jacob 'went ou his journey, and came bone and my flesh. And he abode with him 'the
J., into the land of the ^people of the cast. space of a month.
2 And he looked, and behold, a well in the field, 15 Ti And Laban said uuto Jacob, Because thou
and there were three flocks of sheep lying by
lo, art my brother, shouldcst thou therefore serve me
it;"^ watered the flocks;
for out of that well they for naught"? tell me, what shall thy wages be 1
and a great stone was upon the well's mouth. IG And Laban had two daughters: the name of
3 And tliither were all the flocks gathered and : the (jldcr was Leah, and the name of the younger
they rolled the stone from tlic well's mouth and was Rachel."
watered the sheep, and put the stone again upon 17 Leah was tender-eyed, but Rachel was beau-
the well's mouth in his place. tiful and well-favored.
4 And Jacob unto them. My brethren, said 18 And Jacob lovcdRachel and said,Iwill serve
whence be ye '? And they said, Of Haran are we.' thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.
5 And he said unto them. Know j'C Laban the 19 And Laban said, // is better that 1 give her
son of Xahor And they said, know hiin.
"? We to thee, than that I should give her to another
6 And lie said unto them, ^ Is lie well And ?'^'
man; abide with me.
they said. He is well: and behold, Rachel his 20 And Jacob served seven years for Rachel;'"
daughter cometli with the sheep. and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the
7 And he said, Lo, ^it is yet high day, neither is love he had to her."
it time that the cattle should be gathered togeth- 1W And Jacob said unto Laban, Give me my wife,
er water ye the sheep, and go and feed them.
: for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in uuto her.
8 And they said. cannot, until all the flocksWe 22 xVnd Laban gathered together all the men of
be gathei'ed together, and till they roll the stone the place, and made a feast.''
from the well's mouth ;'' then we water the sheep. 23 And it came to pass in tlie evening, that he
9 IT And while he yet spake with them, Rachel took Leah his daughter, and brought her to hira
came with her father's sheep for she kept them. ; and he went in unto her.
10 And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel 24 And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah,
the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and Zilpah his maid, /or a handmaid.^
»aSam. 15;8. b Deut. aGil?. c oh. 35:7, 14. <1 Lev. 27:30. • Heb. lift 14:14,16. lch.24:2S. I V.e\>. hearing, m Rom. 16:16. n Judg. 9:2; 2Sini.
uphisfat. ^ Heh. ehildreil. e Psa. 23:2; Cant. 1:7; Ezek. 34: 14. f ch. 5:1; 19:12. 1 Heb. a moHI/i o/rfay.'. o Ruth 4:11. pHos. 12:12. q Cant.
27:43. ' I there peace to him? g ch. 4;J:27. 5 Heb. yet the day is great,
Is S:7. rjudg. 14:10; John 2:1,2. • ch. 30:9; 46: 18.
li Mark 1G:3; Luke 24:2. Exod. 2:17. 1 ch. 3:J:4; 45:14. k ch. 13:8;
for this Hfe or the future, or that of their descendants, delay, consecrate ourselves and all that we have to his
wiU especially desire that they be connected with pious service.
9. When
persons undertake to cure or to lessen one
evil by
commission of another, they must expect to
tlie 3. Wert all the flocks gathered they rolled —
watered—put the —
be disappointed. The further they go in transgression stone again; these words describe what was the daily
the greater the mischief, and the greater the danger of custom.
utter ruin. 7. High day ; the sun is yet high. Be gathered together ;
11. If men, through their own fault, are deprived of that is, for the night.
numerous blessings, and are left desolate and alone, they 8. We cannot; either because they had not bodily
sometimes, during the silence and darkness of night, or in strength till more of the shepherds should come, or be-
scenes of solitude, gloom, and peril, reflect on their condi- cause it was contrary to established usage.
tion, and are brought into such a state of mind as to be 12. Her father's brother; Jacob was Laban's sister's son;
prepared, tlirough grace, for new and glorious manifesta- of course not his brother in our sense of the word, but
tions of divine favor. his nejihew. Ver. 15.
God is much nearer to us than we are apt to imag-
16. 14. il/i/ bone and my flesh; my near relative.
ine. Wherever we go, and whatever we do, we are sur- 23. He took Leah; it was then customary for a bride to
rounded continuallv with his presence. He keeps the be t;dcen at niirht to her husband covered with a veil.
1 Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, giveUi Bllhah her maid unto Ja-
cob. 5 She beareth Dan and Naphtali. 9 Leah giveth Zilpah her
niaid, wlio beareth Gad and Asher. 14 Reuben findeth mandrakes,
with which Leah buyeth her husband of Rachel. 17 Leah beareth
Issachar, Zebulon, and Dinah. 22 Rachel beareth Joseph. 25 Ja-
cob desireth to depart. 27 Laban stayeih him on a new covenant.
37 Jacob's policy, whereby lie became rich.
18 And Leah said. God Imlli pivcn nic my Iiiro, and the spotted and sfieckled among the b.c!i?S!
because I have piven my inaidon to ray luisljand goats: and of suck shall be my liire.'"
and she called his name Issaeliar.'" 33 So shall my righteousness" answer for mc
19 And Leali conceived aurain, and bare Jacob in^ lime to come, when it shall come for my hire
the sixth son. before thy face: every one that ?.v not sjieckled
2(1 .\n(l Leah God hath endued me with a and spotted among the goats, and l)rown among
good dowry; now will my husband dwell with the sheep, that shall he counted stolen with me.
nic,'' becau.«e I have ])orne him six sons: and she 34 And Ijaban sai<l. Behold, I would it might be
called his name Zobulun.* according to thy word.
21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, and 35 And lie removed that day the he-goats that
called lier name Dinah.* were ring-streaked and spotted, and all the she-
22 'i And God remembered Rachel," and God goats that were sjieckled and .'J])ott(>d, and every
hearkened to her, and opened Iier woml). one that iiad some wliilc! in it, and all the In-own
2:5 And
she conceived, and bare a son; and said, among the sheep, and gave them into the hands of
God hath taken away my reproach:'' ills sons.
24 And she called his name Joseph;^ and said, 3() And he set three days' journey betwixt him-
The Lord add to me another son.
sliall self and Jacob and Jacob fed the rest of La-
and to my country white streaks in them, and made the white appear
2G Give me my waves and my children, for whom whicii was in the rods.
I have served thee, and let me go for thou know- : 38 And he set the rods which he had pilled be-
est mv service which I have done thee.''' fore the flocks in the gutters in the watering-
27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they
have found favor in thine eyes, tarry : for I have should conceive when they came to drink.
learned by experience that the Lord hath blessed 39 And the flocks conceived before the rods,
mo for tliy sake.' and brought forth cattle ring-streaked, speckled,
28 And he said. Appoint me thy wages,' and I and spotted."
will give it. 40 And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set
29 And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I the faces of the flocks toward tlie ring-streaked,
have served thee,'' and how thy cattle was with me. and all the brown in the flock of Laban and he ;
30 For it was little whicli thou hadst before I put his own flocks by themselves, and put them
came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; not unto Laban's cattle.
and the Lord hath blessed thee 'since my com- 41 And it came to pass whensoever the stronger
ing and now, when shall I provide for mine own cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods be-
house also?' fore the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they
31 And he said. What shall I give thee ? And might conceive among the rods.
Jacob said, Thou slialt not give me any thing if 42 But when the cattle were feeble, he put them
thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed not in so the feebler were Laban's, and the
l;(3ilsa. 4:1. i Tbo^t is, Adding, e ch. 24:54. fell. 31:55. s ch. 31 6.
t Eloii.3:21; Neh. 1:11; Dan. 1:9; Acts 7:10. ich. 39:3. 5; Paa. 1:3; Isa.
. 1739. CHAPTER XXXI, unto him, Is there yet any portion or inheritance
for us in our father's house ?
1 Jacob upon displeasure departeth secretly. 19 Rachel stealeth her
1 Are wc not counted of him strangers ? for he
f;itKer"s images. 2"2 Laban pursueth after liim, 'J6 and cnmplainefh
of the wrong. 31 Rachel's policy to hide the images. 36 Jacob's hath sold us," and hath quite devoured also our
complaint of Laban. 43 The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed. money.
AND he heard the words of Laban's sons, say- 16 For all the riches which God hath taken
ing, Jacob liath taken away all that wns our from our father, that is ours, and our children's:
fatlicr's; and of f/iat which was our father's hath now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.
ho srotten all tliis glory." 17 1 Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and
2 And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban,*" his wives upon camels ;"
and behold, it icas not toward hiin "as before.'' 18 And he carried away all his cattle, and all
3 And the Lord said unto Jacob, Return unto his goods which he had gotten, the cattle of his
the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and getting, which he had gotten in Padan-aram for ;
to the field unto his flock, chel had stolen the images* that were her father's."
5 And said unto them, I see your father's coun- 20 And Jacob stole away ^unawares to Laban
tenance, that it is not toward me as before; but the Syrian, in that he told him not that he fled.
the God of my father hath been with me.'' 21 So he fled with all that he had and he rose ;
6 And ye know that with all my power I have up, and passed over the river,^ and set his face
served your father.'' toward the mount Gilead.'
7 And your father hath deceived me. and changed 22 And it was told Laban on the third day, that
my wages ten times;' but God suffered him not Jacob was fled.
to hurt me."" 23 And he took his brethren with him, and pur-
8 If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy sued after him seven days' journey and they ;
wages; then all the cattle bare speckled: and if overtook him in the mount Gilead.
he said thus. The ring-streaked shall be thy hire 24 And God came to Laban the Syrian in a
then bare all the cattle ring-streaked. dream by night," and said unto him. Take heed
9 Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your that thou speak not to Jacob either 'good or bad.
father, and given them to me. 25 1 Then Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob
10 And it came to pass at the time that the cattle had pitched his tent in the mount: and Laban
conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a and his l)rethreu pitched in the mount of Gilead.
dream, and behold, the rams* which leaped upon the 26 And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou
cattle vjere ring-streaked, speckled, and grizzled.' done, that thou hast stolen away unawares to me,
11 And the angel of God spake unto me in a and carried away my daughters, as captives take7i
dream,^ saying, Jacob and I said. Here am I.''
: with the sword?*'
12 And he said. Lift up now thine eyes and see, 27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and
all the rams which leap upon the cattle are ring- steaH away from me, and didst not tell me, that I
streaked, speckled, and grizzled for I have seen might have sent thee away with mirth, and with
all that Laban doeth unto thee.' songs, with tabret, and with harp?'"
13 I am the God of Bcth-el, where thou anoint- 28 And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons
edst the pillar, and where thou vowedst a vow •and my daughters?'' thou hast now done foolishly
unto me:'° now arise, get thee out from this land, in so doing.
and return unto the land of thy kindred."* 29 It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt
14 And Rachel and Leah answered, and said but the God of your father spake unto me yester-
» Psa. 49:16; Eccl. 4:4; 1 Tim. 6:4. b ch. 4:5. ' Huh. as yesterdai/ aiid aM:IK. n ver. 3; ch. 32:9. o ch. 29: 27 Neh. 5:8. Pch.24:10. qch. 28:21.
the day before, t Dent. 23:54. ^Ich. •2S:15. e ver. 2. 3. fver. 41. ever. I Heb. lerarliim. ' Judg. 17:5; 1 Sam. 19:13; Hos. 3:4. 5 Heb. the heart
41; Num. 14:a-2; Neh. 4:12; Job 19:3; Zeoh. 8:S}. h ch. 20:0; Job 1:10: of Lahan. sch. 15:13. I ch. 4li:23; 2 Kings 12: IT; Luke 9:51. "ch.20:3;
Psa. 37:23; 103:14. t Or, lie-goats, ch. 30:30. 1 oh. 48:16.
i k Exod. Job 33:15. Heb. from good to bail. » 1 Sam. 30:2. 1 Heb. hast stolen
3:4; 1 Sam. 3:4, etc.; Isa. 5S:9. ExoJ. 3:7; Psa. 139:3; Eccl. 5:8. ti ch.
me. "Job 21:11, 12. x 1 Kings 19:20.
he will grant all that will in the end be a blessing to such his father's blessing. We cannot, however, suppose that
as continue to obey him. God would have added his immediate blessing to a course
of conduct for which Jacob had no warrant. It seems
CHAPTER XXXI. more reasonable to conclude that here, as in the case of
2. Not toward him not favorable, but manifested dislike
; his descendants' spoiling the Egyptians, Ex. 12:35, 36, he
and opposition to him. acted by the direction of Him to whom all wealth belongs.
7. Ten times; meaning very often. 15. Hath sold us; alluding to the fourteen years' service
8. All the cattle ; the greater portion of them. which Jacob had rendered him for them. Our money;
9. God hath taken away ; the efficacy of the means em- that is, our prices which he received for us.
ployed by Jacob to increase his property, was due to the 19. Images; in the original, teraphim; that is, small
agency of God. It does not appear that they had in household idols that her father worshipped. Ver. 30.
themselves any natural po'wer to accomplish such a re- 21. Over the river; Euphrates, which lay between Pa-
sult, ilany suppose that he was guided by God him- dan-aram and Canaan. Mount Gilead; a range of high
self in the dream which he relates, to the use of these land cast of the Jordan and south of Bashan.
means. 24. Good or bad ; or, as in tho margin, from good to bad :
The Scriptures record many actions of good men with- that is, take care not to speak any thing with the purpose
out approving of them, as the equivocation of Abraham of harming him. Ver. 29.
and Isaac, and the deception practised by Jacob to obtain 28. Soils; grandsons.
night, payinir, Take thou lipod that thou speak not Abraham, and the Fear of Isaac.'' liad been u ,?; ^:
to .hicoli cither jrood or bad. with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now
30 And now, thmifrh tliou wouldcst needs be empty. God halh seen mine allliction,' and the
gone, because thou .^ore longest after thy father's labor of my hands, ami rebuked Ihir yesterniglit."'
house, yet wiiercforc hast tliou stolen my gods?" 43 '\ And Laban answered, and said unto Ja-
31 And Jacob answered and said to Laban, Be- cob, These daughters are my daughters, and tliese
i-ausc I was afraid: for I said, Peradventurc tliou children ai-e my chililreii, and thrse cattle are my
wouhlcst take by force thy dauglitcrs from me. cattle,and all that llioii seest is mine; and what
32 With wliomsoever tliou iindcst thy gods, let can 1 do this day unto these my daughters, or
iiim not live:'' before our brethren discern thou unto their children which they have borne?
what is thine with me, and take it to thee: for 44 Now therefore come thou, h^t us make a cov-
.lacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them. enant," 1 and thou and let it be for a witness
33 And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into between me and thee."
liCah's tent, and into the two maid-servants' tents; 45 And Jacob took a stone, and set it up /or a
hut he found them not. Then went he out of pillar."
Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent. 46 And Jacob said unto his brethren, Gather
34 Now Rachel had taken the images,'^ and put stones; and they took stones and made a heap:
them in the camel's furniture, and sat upon them. and they did eat there upon the heap.
And Laban searched* all the tent, l)ut found them 47 And Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha;* but
not. Jacob called it Galeed:*
35 And
she said to her father, Let it not dis- 48 And Laban said, This heap is a witness be-
please my
lord that 1 cannot rise up before thee;" tween me and thee this day. Therefore was the
for the custom of women is upon me. And he name of it called Galeed ;
searched, liut found not the images. 49 And Mizpah;^ for he said, The Lord watch
30 And Jacob was wroth," and chodc with La- between me and thee, when we are absent one
Iian and Jacob answered, and said to Laban, from another.''
What is my trespass ? what is my sin, that thou 50 If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or if thou
hast so hotly pursued after me ? shalt take otiier wives besides my daughters, no
37 Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, man is with us; see, God is witness betwixt me
what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? and thee.''
set it here before my brethren, and thy brethren, 51 And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap,
that tiiey may judge betwixt us both.' and behold this pillar, which 1 have cast betwixt
38 This twenty years have I been with thee thy me and thee ;
I'wes and thy she-goats have not cast their young, 52 This heap be witness, and this pillar he wit-
and tlie rams of thy flock have I not eaten. ness,* that I will not pass over this heap to thee,
39 That which was torn of beasts, I brought not and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and
unto thee I bare the loss of it of my hand didst tills pillar unto me, for harm.
; ;
thou require it,'' whether stolen by day, or stolen 53 The God of Aliraliam, and the God of Nahor,
by night. the God of their father,' judge betwixt us." And
40 Thus I was; in the day the drought con- Jacob sware by the Fear of his father Isaac.''
sumed me, and the frost by night and my sleep 54 Then Jacob offered sacrifice' upon the mount,
departed from mine eyes. and called his brethren to eat bread: and they
41 Thus have I been twenty years in thy house: did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount.
I served thee fourteen years for thy two daugh- 55 And early in the morning Laban rose up, and
ters," and six years for thy cattle and thou hast kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed
changed my wages ten times.' them :^ and Laban departed, and returned unto his
42 Except the God of my father,' the God of place.^
« Ver. 19; Judg. 18:24. boh. 44:9. c ver. 19. Heh. fell, d Exod.
Tke heap of witness. 1 Heb. The heap ofwitius^. » That is, A beacon, or
JO: 12; Lev. I«:;j2. e Eph. 4:2(5. t 1 Cor. 8:5. 5 Exod. 22:10. b ch. watch-towrr. q Judg. 11:29; 1 Sim. 7:5. r Judg. 11:10; I .Sam. I2:.'i; Jer.
29:18,30. i ver. 7. J Psi. 121: 1, 2. k ver. 53. IExod. 3:7. m ] Chr. 42:5. 'ver. 45, 48. t Josh. 24:2. " ch. 16:5. v ver. 42. \ Or, kilUd beasts.
12:17; Jude 9. nch. 26:28. o Josh. 22:27; 24:27. Pch. 2S:18. t Chaldee, "ch.28:l. xch. 30:25; Num. 24:25.
31. / u-as afraid; this was .Jacob's answer to the tirst of 53. The Fear of his father; sec note on ver. 42.
Laban's questions, why lie had gone away privately not ; 55. Hts sons; grandsons.
to the last, as to the gods.
42. The Fear of Isaac; the God whom Isaac feared, lov-
ed, and obeyed. 2.Covetousness contracts and debases the soul, lessens
43. 77icse daughters are my daughters is mine; that is, all — natural affection, and tends greatly to injure those who
that thou hast is dear to me as my own. What can I do — exercise it, and those who feel its influence.
unto these; cither, what harm can I do to them, since I re- 9. Things which take place in the course of divine prov-
;^ard thern as my own? or, what shall I do for them? as idence are often, in the Bible, ascribed to God. Good men
the original may be rendered how shall I best secure
; receive all their blessings as coming from him, and give
them from future evil? This he immediately proposes to him the glory.
accomplish a mutual covenant.
b3' 16. When husbands and wives agree in doing what God
47. Jegar-sahadutha ; Chaldee: in Hebrew, Galeed; both commands, they may expect that he will be with thuni,
meaning, the heap of witness. and bestow upon them and their families all needed good.
49. Mizpah ; a watch-tower. 24. That protection of tJod which is secured by obeying
51. Tltis pillar ; \eT. A.5. him, is a better safeguard than all human aid. I'rov. 16:7.
: ;
^li^l CHAPTER XXXII. 13 1 And he lodged there that same night and
and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into will accept 'of me.
two bands; 21 So went the present over before him; and
8 And said. If Esau come to the one company, himself lodged that night in the company.
and smite it, then the other company which is left 22 And he rose up that night, and took his two
shall escape. wives, and his two women-servants, and his eleven
9 And Jacob said,
"T[ God of my father Abra- sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok.'
ham, and God of my father Isaac,' the Lord which 23 And he took tliera, and 'sent them over the
saidst unto me. Return unto thy country, and to brook, and sent over tliat he had.
thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:- 24 H And Jacob was left alone and there wres-
10 *1 am not worthy of the least of all the mer- tled a man witli him until the 'breaking of the
cies," and of all the truth,' which thou hast showed day.'
unto thy servant for with my staff I passed over
; 25 And when he saw that he prevailed not
this Jordan and now I am become two bands. "*
; against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh
11 Deliver me," I pray thee, from the hand of and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint,
my brother, from tlie hand of Esau for I fear : as he wrestled witli him.
him, lest he will come and smite me, and the moth- 26 And he said. Let me go, for the day break-
er *with the children." eth: and he said, 1 will not let thee go, except
12 And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, thou bless me."
and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which 27 And he said unto him, What is thy name ?
cannot be numbered for multitude.P And he said, Jacob.
' Psi. 91:11; Heb. 1:14. I> Josh. 5:14; Psa.34:7; 103:21; 148:2; Luke Psa. 86:5.
2:l:i. • Thit IS, Two hosts. « Josh. 21:33. <1 Luke 14 3 , 32. e Deut. 2:5.
t }Uh.Jietd. t Prov. 15:1. e ch. 33:8, 15. h oh. .35:3; Psa. 107:6. Psa.
50:15; 91:15. jch. 31:3:13. t Keh. I arn less than all, etc. kch. 24:27;
2. Mahanaim ; this was east of the Jordan, and north of
the river Jabbok.
3. Country of Edom; south and south-east of Canaan.
6. Grace; Civor.
; 1
30 And Jacob called the name of the j)lacc drove which I met? And he said, Tluse are to
reuiel:* for 1 have seen God face to face," and sij^lit of my lord.''
find p^race in the
my iile is preserved. 9 And Esau said, I have enough, my brother;
81 And as he passed over reniicl, tlio sun rose keep' that thou hast unto thyself.'
upon him. and lie halted u])on liis tliisxli. 10 And .laeob said. Nay, 1 pray thee, if now I
32 Therefore the cliildren of Israel eat not of liave found grace in tiiy siglit, then receive my
the sinew which slirank, which is upon the hollow jiresent at my hand; for therefore I have seen tiiy
of tlie thiifh, unto this day because he touched the
; face,"' as thougli 1 had seen the face of God, and
hollow of Jacob's thinh in the sinew that shrank. thou wast jileased witii me.
1 Take, J pray thee, my blessing that is brought
to thee ;" because God hath dealt graciously with
CHAPTER XXXIII. me, and because I have 'enough:" and he urged
I The kindness of Jacob and Esau at tlieir meeting. 17 Jacob Cometh
to Succotli. 18 At Shalem he buyetli a field, and buildeth an altar him,'' and he took it.
called El-Elohe-Israel. 12 And he said. Let us take our journey, and
AND JacobEsau
lifted up his eyes,
came, and with him four hun-
and looked, and let us go, and I will go before thee.
13 And he said unto him. My lord knowcth that
dred men.*^ And he divided the children unto the children are tender,'' and the flocks and herds
Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two hand- with young arc witii me; and if men should over-
maids. drive them one day, all the flock will die.
2 And he put the handmaids and their children 14 Let my lord, I pray thee, pass over before
foremost, and Leah and her children after, and his servant; and I will lead on softly, 'according
Rachel and Josepli hindormost. as the cattle tiiat goeth before me and the cliil-
3 And he passed over before them, and bowed dren be able to endure, until I come unto my lord
himself to the <jround seven times,^ until he came unto Seir.''
near to his brother. 15 And Esau said. Let me now ^leave with thee
4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him," soine of the folk that arc with me: and he said,
and fell on his neck,' and kissed him: and they What' needeth it? Let me find grace in the
wept. sight of my lord.*
5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women 16 1 So Esau returned that day on his way
and the children, and said, Who are those with unto Seir.
' Ch. 3.):10; 3 Kiiijs 17:34. • Heb. A prime of God. b Hos. 12:3, 4. 1 Prov. 16:7. m ch. 43:3; 2 Sam. 3:13. n 1 Sam. 35:37; 2 Kings 5:15.
e ch. 31:31; 33:4. i Judg. 13:18. t That is, The face of God. c Exod. M{e\>. all things, o Phil. 4:18. P 2 Kings 5:16. 23. <1 1 Chr. 22:5. "Heb.
•24:11; 33:-i0; Deut. 5:24; 34:10; Judg. U:a2; 13:32, 23; Isa. 6:5; John according to the foot of the work, etc., atut according to the foot of the chil-
1:18; Col. 1:15, Heb. 11:27. ' ch. 33:8. g ch. 18:2; 42:6; 43:26. hob. dren. ' ch. 32:3. t Heb. set, or place. I Heb. Wherefore is this? • ch.
33:28, ich. 45:14. i Ueb. lo thee. J ch. 48:9; Psa. 127:3. S Heb. ICAal 34:11; Ruth 2:13; 2 Sam. 16:4.
is all this band to thee' k ch. .33:5, 16. I Heb. be that to thee that is thine.
28. Israel ; meaning a princely contender with God. As 12. Supplication to God is one of the most sure and
a prince hast thou power witli God; the Hebrew word em- powerful means of influencing men and obtaining from
ployed here, and in the name Israel, has the two mean- them what wc desire. Prov. 16:7; 21:1.
ings of prince and contention, wrestling. It seems to be 20. Prayer does not render needless the most diligent
designedly chosen to unite these two ideas. This verse use of appropriate means, but encourages it, and is in-
gives the meaning of the transaction, Jacob had wrestled strumental in its success.
with God in prayer, and prevailed; and thus hehad also 28. Fervency and perseverance in penitent, believing
prevailed with tlie men whose anger he feared, as Laban prayer, has great influence with God it prepares the way
and Esau, for deliverance from present trials, and fui-nishes the best
29, Wherefore —
ask after my name? implying his exalted preparation for all which are future.
and mysterious nature. Compare Judg. 13:18. The name
of God comprehends all his attributes.
30. Peniel; meaning the face of God. This Jacob says
he had seen, showing that the one with whom he had 2. — —
handmaith Leah Rachel; putting those last that
wrestled was God in human form, the Angel of the cove- were most dear to him. Chap. 32:8.
nant, the Messiah. Hos, 12:3-5, 4. They wept; for joy, at meeting each other in such a
31, Penuel; meaning the same as Peniel, Ver. 30. He kind manner.
halted; limped, or was lame, in consequence of the touch 8. Grace; favor, by their being presented to Esau.
of the Angel. Ver. 25. 10. As though I had seen the face of God; imder circum-
INSTRUCTIONS. stances of great and peculiar favor.
2. Angels are ministering spirits sent forth by God to 11. My blessing; his present, as a token of his kindness
minister to those who are heirs of salvation. Psa. 9 11 : and desire to promote Esau's good.
Matt. 4:11; Heb, 1:14, 12. He; Esau.
7, Past transgressions are often remembered, and cause 13. He; Jacob.
deep and pungent distress long after they have been com- 15. Let me find grace; be permitted to proceed without
mitted, any of Esau's men to accompany him.
; :
S 17
him a
And Jacob journeyed
liouse, and made booths
to Succotli,'' and daughters unto
for his cat- you.
us, and take our daughters unto
tle : therefore the name of the place is called Suc- 10 And ye shall dwell with us: and the land
coth." shall be before you ;" dwell and trade ye therein,
18 IT And Jacob came to Shalem,*" a city of and get you possessions therein.
Shechem/ wliicli is in the land of Canaan, when 11 And Shechem said unto her father, and unto
he came from Padau-aram; and pitched his tent her brethren. Let me find grace in your eyes, and
before the city. what ye shall say unto me I will give.
19 And he bought a parcel of a field,'' where he 12 Ask me never so mucli dowry and gift," and
had spread his tent, at the hand of the children I will give according as ye shall say unto me but :
of Hanior,* Shechem's father, for a hundred -^pieces give me the damsel to wife.
of money. 13 And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem
20 And he erected there an altar,'' and called it and Hamor his father deceitfully," and said. Be-
El-Elohe-Israel." cause he had defiled Dinah their sister
14 And they said unto them. We cannot do this
CHAPTER XXXIV. thing, to give our sister to one tliat is uncircum-
1 Dinah is ravished by Shechem. 4 He sueth to marry her. 13 The cised for that loere a reproach unto us:'
Jacob upon that advantage slay them, 27 and spoil their city. 30 will be as we be, that every male of you be circum-
Jacob reproveth Simeon and Levi.
cised ;
AND Dinah the daughter of Leah,° which she
bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daugh-
16 Then will we give our daughters unto you,
and we will take your daughters to us, and we
ters of the land.' will dwell with you, and we will become one
2 And when Shechem
the son of Hamor the people.
Ilivite, princeof tlie country, saw her," ho took 17 But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be cir-
her, and lay with lier, and defiled her.'' cumcised then will we take our daughter, and
3 And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter we will be gone.
of Jacob," and he loved the damsel, and spake 18 And their words pleased Hamor and Shechem
kindly' unto the damsel. Hamor's son.
4 And Sliechem s]iakc unto his father Hamor, 19 And
young man deferred not to do the
saying. Get me this damsel to wife.' thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daugh-
5 And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah ter:'* and he was more honorable than all the
liis daughter: now his sous were with his cattle house of his father.'
in the field: and Jacob held his peace until they 20 IT And Hamor and Shechem his son came
were come.' unto the gate of their city, and communed with
6 1 And Hamor the father of Shechem went out the men of their city, saying,
unto Jacob to commune with him. 21 These men are peaceable with us; therefore
7 And the sons of Jacob came out of tlie field let them dwell in the land, and trade therein for ;
when they heard it: and the men were grieved, the land, behold, it is large enough for them: lot
and they were very wrotii,'' because he had wrought us take tlieir daughters to us for wives, and let us
with Jacob's daughter;'
folly in Israel in lying give them our daughters.
which thing ought not be done.'" to 22 Only herein will the men consent unto us
8 And Hamor communed with them, saying. for to dwell with us, to be one people, if every
The soul of my son Sliechem longeth for your male among us be circumcised, as they are circum-
daughter 1 pray you give her him to wife.
: cised."
9 And make ye marriages with us, and give your 23 Shall not their cattle, and their substance,
» Josh. 13:27; Judg. S:5. • That is. iooMi. b John 3;23. tActs7:l(;, the heart of the damsel ; 2 Sam. 10:7; 2Chr.30;23; Isi.40:a. >Judg.l4:2.
called Sj(f/«m. ' oh. 23:17; Josh 21:33. I Acts 7:16, called £mmor. S Or, i 1 Sam. 10:27; 2Sam. 13:22.
k oh. 49:7. I Josh. 7; 15; Judg. 20:6 2 Sam.
lambs, i ch. 35:7. I That is, God tlu God of Israel, e ch. 30:21. ! Tit. 13:12. mDeut. 23:17. iich.l3:9. o Exod. 22:17. pProv.26:25. q Josh.
2:5. s JuJg. 14:1; 2 Sam, 11:2. 1 Heb. humbled her ; Deut. 21:11; 23:2-1, 5:9. rGal.4:12. sch. 29:30. 'ch. 4:9; 41 :20; Num.22:15; 1 Kings22:24;
29; Judg. l'J:24,2o; Ezek. 22:10, 11. h Buth 1:14; 1 Sam. \!i:\. • Heb. to 2 Kings 5:1; Isa. 3:3-5; 5:13; 2:3:8,9; Acts 13:50; 17:12. over. 15, 17.
17. Home; or tent. Chap. 27:15. Bootlis; shelters, cov- such measures as he will crown with success. Prov. 3:6;
erings. Succoth ; that is, booths a place east of the Jor-
; Psa. 25 : 9.
this, he came in peace to the city of Shechem. Sliechem consecrated to public worship.
or Sychar, John 4:5, about forty miles north of Jerusalem,
in the part of Canaan afterwards called Samaria. CHAPTER XXXIV.
20. El-Elohe-Israel ; God the God of Israel. Chapter 13. Deceitfully; pretending one thing and meaning an-
32:24-30. other. said; to justify the crime they were plotting.
14. We cannot ; this shows the manner in which the
word cannot is often used in the Bible, referring, not to
4. A soft answer turneth away wiath ; and yielding power, but choice.
pacifieth great offences. Prov. 15:1; Eccl. 10:4. 16. Then will we give; this was false, and designed to
11. Men who
and act right, wiU in all their ways
feel deceive Hamor and Shechem.
acknowledge God, and adore him as the giver of all their 19. Deferred not; did not hesitate to do what they pro-
mercies. In so doing, they may hope for wisdom to adopt posed.
: '
1 God sendeth Jacob to Betii-el. 2 He purgeth his house of idols. 6
He buildeth an altar at Btth-cl. 8 Deborah dieth at AUon-bachuth.
9 G-od blesseth Jacob at Beth-el. 16 Rachel travaileth of Benjamin,
and dieth in the way to Edar. 22 Reuben lieth with Bilhah. 23
The sons of Jacob. 27 Jacob cometh to Isaac at Hebron. 2S Tlie
age, death, and burial of Isaac.
19 And Rachel died," and was buried in the way math bare Reuel
to Ephratli,'' wliich is Beth-lehem. 5 And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and
20 And Jacob set a pillar upon her crravc that Korah:" these are the sons of Esau, which were :
is the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.'' born unto him in the land of Canaan.
21 1 And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent G And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and
beyond the tower of Edar." Ins daughters, and all the persons* of his house.
22 And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his sub-
that land, that Reuben went and lay witli Bilhali stance which he had got in the land of Canaan
his father's concubine and Israel heard it. Now and went into the country from the face of his
25 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid 8 Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir Esau is Edom. :''
Dan, and Naphtali 9 1 And these are the generations of Esau the
26 And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; father of the Edomites^ in mount Seir
Gad, and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz
which were born to him in Padan-aram. the son of Adah the wife of Esau ; Reuel the son
27 1 And Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto of Bashemath the wife of Esau.""
Manire," unto the city of Arba,' which is Hebron, 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar,
where Abraham and Isaac sojourned. Zepho,' and Gatam, and Kenaz.
28 And the days of Isaac were a hundred and 12 And Timnawas concubine to Eliphaz, Esau's
fourscoi'c years. son; and she bare to Eliphaz, Amalek:'' these
29 And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and were the sons of Adah, Esau's wife.
was gathered unto his people, being old and full 13 And these are the sons of Reuel Xahath, ;
of days ;J and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him." and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah: these were the
sons of Bashemath, Esau's wife.
14 1 And these were the sons of Aholibamah,
CHAPTER XXXVI. the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon,
6 His removing to mount Seir. 9 His sons.
1 Esau's three wives.
Esau's wife: and she bare to Esau, Jeush, and
15 The dukes which descended of his sons. 20 The sons and dukes
of Seir. 34 Anah findeth mules. 31 The kings of Edom. 40 The Jaalam, and Korah.
dukes ihat descended of Esau. 15 These leere dukes of the sons of Esau the *\\ :
NOW these are the generations of Esau, who sons of Eliphaz the first-born son of Esau; duke
is Edom.i Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz,
2 Esau took his wives of the daugjiters of Ca- 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke Amalek
naan: Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite,'" these are the dukes that cavu of Eliphaz. in the
and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daugh- land of Edom these were the sons of Adah. :
ter of Zibeon the Hivite, 17 t And these are the sons of Reuel, Esau's
» Lim 2 12. That: is, We son of my sorrow, t That is, TAe son of the 25-30. mch. 26:34. nlChr.l:35. t Ueh. souls, och. 13:6,11. P Deut.
d 1 Sam. •>-5 5 Heb. Edom. q ver. 3, 4; 1 Chr. 1:35. I Or, ZrpM; 1 Chr. 1:36.
rightlmrul. boh. 48:7. « Ruth 1:'J; 4; 11; Mic. 5:2; iMalt. 2;<).
1U:2. =Mic.4:8. ch. 49:4
f ; 1 Chr. 5:1 ; 1Cor. 5: 1, s ch. 4S;S. h ch. r Ex. 17:8, 14; Num. 24:20; 1 Sam. 15:2.
13:18. i Josh. 14:15; 15:13. J ch. i5:S; Job 5:26. t ch. 25:9. 1 ch.
18. Ben-oni; son of my sorrow. Benjamin; meaning, 19. Not a thought, word, or action escapes tlie notice
son of the right hand. of God, or ever passes from his remembrance. Give me
20. Unto this day; the time when Moses wrote this liis- children, said Rachel, or else I die. Chap, 30:1. God
tory. gave her children, and she died. More wise, more safe,
21. Toioer of Edar; that is, tower of the flock. Micah more blessed is it to say. Not my will, but thine be done.
4:8. It is supposed to have been not far from Bethlehem. Matt. 26:39-42; Luke 22:42.
27, Hebron; chap, 13:18; 23:2, 19, 29. The death of a parent should ever awaken new
affection and kindness in children; and while they unite
INSTRUCTIOXS. in paying respect to his memory, they should be grateful
3. When God has graciously appeared for us in trouble,
for his virtues, and so far as he obeyed God, imitate his
answered our prayers, and visited us in mercy, we should example.
hasten to acknowledge his goodness, and render the praise
and thanksgiving which are his due and our reasonable
service. Generations of Esau; a notice of his descendants.
8. Domestics who perform with fidelity their appropri- Edom; chap. 25:30.
ate duties to God and to men, add greatly to the comfort 2, Esau took his wives; chap. 26: 34; 28:9, In the differ-
and usefulness of families, and are justly entitled to con- ent accounts his wives and their parents are called hy
fidence, affection, and respect. By the wise and the good different names, more than one name being often applied
they will be greatly beloved while they live, and deeply to the same person,
lamented when they die. 7, Could not bear them ; they needed more pasturage for
14. Whenever God
especially blesses men, pious grati- their flocks,
tude should lead them publicly to acknowledge and adore 8, Mount Seir; chap. 32:3.
Liu. 15. Dukes; leaders, or princes.
: :
Rcucl, in tlie land of Kdoni these are the sons of: 37 And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth'^ by
Basheniatli, Ksau's wife. the river reigned in his stead.
18 "i And these are the sons of Aholibamah, 3S And Saul died, aud Haal-hanan the son of
Ksau's wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalani, duke Ko- Achlior reigned in his stead.
raii these urrc tlie dukes f/iat came of Aholibamaii
3'.) .Vnd Baal-hanan the son of Achlior died, and
the dau-riiter of Anah, Esau's wife. Hadar'' reigued in his stead: and the name of his
ll) These are tiie sons of Esau, who is Edom, and city was l*au; and his wife's name tro,? Mehetabcl,
tljcse arc tlieir dukes. the daughter of Hatred, the daughter of Mczahab.
20 *i Tiiese are tlie sons of Scir the Horite," who 40 And these are the names of the dukes that
inliabited tiie land; Lotan, aud rfhobal, and Zib- came of Esau,'' according to their families, after
con, and Anah, their places, liy their names; duke Timnali, duke
21 And Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan: these arc Alvah,' duke Jetheth,
the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in 41 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon,
the land of Edom. 42 Duke Keiiaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar,
22 And the children of Lotan were Hori and 43 Duke Magdiel, duke Irani these be the dukes :
Hemam;' and Lotan's sister was Timna. of Edom, according to their habitations in the
23 And the children of Shobal were these; AI- land oi' their possession: he is Esau the father of
Zibeon his father. eth him to visit his brethren. IS His brethren conspire his death.
'JlReuben saveth him. 26 They sell him to the Ishmaelitcs. 3\
25 And the children of Anah were these; Dishon, His father, deceived by the bloody coat, mourneth for him. 36 He
and Aholibamah the dauorhter of Anah. IS sold to Potiphar in l^gypt.
33 Aud Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zerah 6 Aud he said unto them. Hear, I pray you, this
of Bozrah reigned in his stead. dream which I have dreamed
34 And Jobab died, and Husham of the land of
7 For behold, we were binding sheaves in the
Temani reigned in his stead. field, and lo, niy sheaf arose, and also stood up-
35 Aud Husham died, and Hadad the son of right; and behold, youi- sheaves stood round
Bedad, who smote Midian in the field of Moab, about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.J
reigned in his stead: and the name of his city 8 Aud his brethren said to him, Shalt thou in-
was Avith. deed reign over us?" or shalt thou indeed have
» Ch. 14:6; Deut. 2:1-1, 2>. • Or, HoiHam. \ Or. Allan, t Or, Shepkl. 36:7; Heb. 11:9-16. f 1 Sam. 2:23-24; 1 Cor. 1:11; 5:1; 11:1-. S ch.
iOT,Amram. iOr,Jakan. blChr.l:4:). ech.lU;il. 1 1 Chr. 1 :oO; Ha- 44-2U. ! Or. jJicres. h Judg.5:30; 2 Sam. 13:18; Ezek. 10:16. ich. 49:23;
dad Pal. After his death was an aristocracy, d Exod. 15:15. ' Ox^ Allah. Psa. 38:19; B9:4; Tit. 3:5. J ch, 42:6-9; 43:20; 44:14. k Psa. 118:23;
t Heb. Edom I Heb. of his falher's sojounungs. » ch. 17:3; 23:4; 3<:4; Luke 19:14, 27.
20. Sons of Seir; these were the former iuhabitants, given in the Bible to show that the promises of God con-
called Horites. cerning him were accomplished.
24. T/ie mules; prefer to render, the "warm
springs," perhaps those of Callirrho'e, on the east side of CHAPTER XXXVII.
the Dead sea. 2. Som of Bilhah, and— Zilpah ; Dan and Naphtali, Gad
and Asher. Chap. 30 4-13. Tkeir evil report; Joseph
kc.iWx dominion over us? And they liatcd him him out of their hands, to deliver him to his fa-
yet tlie more for his dreams, and for his words. ther again.
9 1l And he dreamed yet another dream, and told 23 T And it came to pass, when Joseph was come
it his brethren, and said. Behold, I have dreamed unto his brethren, that they stri]iped Joseph out of
a dream more; and behold, the sun and tlie moon his coat," his coat oimany colors* that u-as on him ;"
and the eleven stars made obeisance to me." 24 And they took him, and cast him into a pit:"
10 And he told it to his father, and to his breth- and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
ren and his father rebuked him, and said unto
: 25 And they sat down to eat bread:" and they
him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed ? lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a
Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead," with
come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?'' their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh,''
11 And his brethren envied him; but his father going to carry it down to Egypt.
observed the saying.'' 26 And Judah said unto his brethren. What profit
12 1 And his brethren went to feed their fa- is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood ?'
ther's flock in Shechem. 27 Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and
13 And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy let not our liand be upon him ;' for he is our broth-
brethren feed the flock in Shechem ? Come, and I er and our flesh and his brethren ^were content.:
will send thee unto them.'' And he said to him. 28 Then there passed by Midianites," merchant-
Here mn I. men and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of
14 And he said to him. Go, I pray thee, "see the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for
whether it be well with thy brethren, and well twenty pieces of silver:^ and they brought Joseph
with the flocks; and bring me word again. So into Egypt.
he scut him out of the vale of Hebron,' and he 29 1 And Reuben returned unto the pit; and
came to Shechem. behold, Joseph was not in the pit; and he rent his
15 T And a certain man found him, and behold, clothes."'
he was wandering in the field and the man asked
: 30 And he returned unto his brethren, and said,
him, saying. What seekest thou?^ The child is not;'' and I, whither shall I go?
16 And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me,'' I 31 And they took Joseph's coat,'' and killed a
pray thee, where tiiey feed their flocks. kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood
17 And the man said, They are departed hence; 32 And they sent the coat of many colors, and
for I heard them say. Let us go to Dothan. And they brought it to their father; and said, This
Joseph went after his brethren, and found them have we found know now whether it be thy son's :
see what will become of his dreams. ed;" and he said. For I will go down into tlie
21 And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father
out of their hands; and said. Let us not kill him. wept for him.
22 And Reuben said unto them. Shed no blood,' 36 And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto
but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, Potiphar, an officer' of Pharaoh's, and captain^ of
and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid the guard.
a Oh 44:14; 46:29; 50:18. bch. 27:29. » Acts 7:9. d Dan. 7:S8; Luke 18:17; 2 Sam. 12:9. i Heb. hearkened. " Jiidg. 6:3. » Psa. 105:17; Zech.
2:19. 51. e 1 Sam. 17:17; Luke 20:13. * Heb. see the peace of thy brethren, 11:12; Matt. 27:9; Acts 7:9. " Num. 14:6; Judg. 11:35; Job 1:20; Joel
elc. fch. 35:27. f Judg. 4:22; 2 Kings 6:19. hCant.l:7. i2Kings8:13. 2:13. ich. 42:13,36; Jer. 31:15. y ver. 23. Jch. 44:29. a 2 Kings 19:1
JPsa. 31:13; 37-12. :i2; 94:21; Matt.21:.38; 27:1: John 11:53; Acts 23:12. Esther4:1; Isa. 32:11; Jonah 3:5. b 2 Sam. 12:17. I Heb. eunuch, cham-
t Reb. rrmster of dreams, k Prov. 1:11, 16; 27:4. 1 ch. 42:22. "Matt. berlain, or courtier; Esther 1 :1U. % Or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the
27:28. 1 Or, pieces. ' ver. 3. " Psi. 35:7; Lam. 4:2U. p PrOY. 30:2U; slaughter-men, or ezccutioners.
Amos 6:6. q ver. 28. 36. r Jer. 8:22. « ch. 4:10; Job 16:18. t 1 Sam.
9. Sun —moon —
and eleven stars; referring to Joseph's ham's fourth son by Keturah. Hence they are called now
father, mother,and eleven brethren. by one name, now hy the other.
11. Observed the saying; remembered it, and reflected 29. Rent his dollies; a common way in the East of ex-
much ui)on its meaning. pressing deep grief.
12. Shechem; chap. 33:18. 30. The child is not; Reuben was probably absent when
17.Dothan; twelve or fifteen miles north of Shechem. they sold Joseph.
22. That he }night rid him out of their hands; prevent 33. Joseph is —rent in pieces; Jacob, who deceived his
their killing hira, and restore him again to his father. father, is now himself wofully deceived by his children.
24. Into a pit ; that is, a cistern underground. Such cis- 34. Sackcloth; a kind of coarse cloth worn by mourners.
terns are used now, as anciently, to hold water, and some
of them are of great size.
28. Midianites —
hhmaelites; it seems to have been a 3.Parents in the treatment of their children need wis-
mixed company', made up of Ishmaelites, descendants of dom from above, and should carefully avoid making invid-
Ishmael, and Midianites, descendants of Midian, Abra- ious distinctions between them.
The cJiilihtn of .htihih. GENESIS \\\\ 111. Ttirnar tlecfiirth Judali.
(11 A I' IKi: \ X \ and covered her with a veil, and wrap- a. v.booi
\ I I I. her,
ped her.self,andsat in 'an open place," which h >'i;j7
Kr S
1 Juduli l..-.ii..ih Kr, ( ,111,1 Sli.l^li. c, iii.irri.ih Tamar.
The trnpasa of Onan. 1 Tamar nUvrtli for Shclah.
1 iIl- is by the way to Timnath for she saw that Shelah
13 Sho ;
ceirrth JuJah. 27 Sho btanlh twins, I'haroz and Znrah. was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.
AND it c;»nip to jniss at that time, that Judah l.*) When Judah saw her, he thought her to he a
went down from liis brctiiren, and turned in harlot because she had coveretl her face. ;
to a certain Adnllaniite, wiiose name ivas Iliruli. 1(1 And he turned unto her by the way, and saiii.
2 And Judali saw there a dannrlitcr of a certain Go to, 1 pray thee, let me come in unto thee; for
Canaanite, whose name u-as .^huah; and lie tooic he knew not that she? was his daughter-in-hiw.
her, and went in unto her. And she said. What wilt thou give me, that thou
3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and he mayest come in unto me?
caih'd his name Er." 17 And he said, 1 will send thfc 'a kid from the
4 And slie conceived asrain, and bare a son and flock. And she said. Wilt thou give ine a plcdtre.
5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son 18 And he said. What pledge shall I give thee ?
and called his name Shelah and he was at Chezib And she said. Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and
: ''
•when she bare him. thy staff that is in thy hand :'' and he gave it her.
6 And Judah took a wife for Er his first-born, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.
whose name teas Tamar. I'J And she arose, and went away, and laid by
7 And Er, Judah's lirst-born, was wicked in the her veil from her, and put on the garments of her
sight of the Lord; and the Loud slew him.*^ widowhood.'
8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy 2U And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his
brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed friend the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from
to thy brother." the woman's hand but he found her not. :
9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be 21 Then he asked the men of that jjlace, saying,
his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto W'lierc is the harlot that was openly' by the way-
his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, side? And they said, There was no harlot in this
lest that he should give seed to his brother. place.
10 And the thing which he did 'displeased the 22 And he returned to Judali, and said, 1 cannot
Lord wherefore he slew him also.
; find her and also the men of the place said, that ;
11 Then said Judali to Tamar his daughter-in- there was no harlot in this place.
law, Remain a wndow at thy father's house, till 23 And Judah said. Let her take it to her, lest
Shelah my son be grown for he said, Lest per- we *be .shamed :J behold, I sent this kid, and thou
adventure he die also, as his brethren did. And hast not found her.
Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house. 24 1i And it came to pass about three months
12 1[ And *in process of time, the daughter of after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy
Shuah, Judah's wife, died; and Judah was com- daughter-in-law hath played the harlot ;" and also,
forted, and went up unto his sheep-shearers to behold, she is with child liy whoredom. And Ju-
Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullaniite. dah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt.'
13 And it was told Tamar, saying. Behold, thy 25 When she was brought forth, she sent to her
father-in-law goeth up to Timnath' to shear bis father-in-law, saying, By the man whose these are,
sheep. am I with child and she said, Discern, I pray thee, :
14 And she put her widow's garments off from whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff."'
> Ch.4B:12. b ch. 40:13. c vcr. 11,28. d 1 Chr. 2:3. e Deut. 25:5; 1 Or, in Enajim. ' Heb. berome a contempt,
i Prov. 6:33; Kom. G:2I :
Matt. 2:2:24. * Heb. was evil in tkf. eyes o/t/ie Lord, t Heb. i/ie days were Eph. S:12. H Judg. 10:2; Hos. 3:3. Lev. 21:9; Deut. 22:21; 2 Sam.
muUiplied. f Jo.*. 15: lU; Judg. 14:1. 1 Heb. the door of eyes, or of Eim- 12:5. mver. 18.
jim. sProT. 7:12. t Heb. a kid of the goals, h ver. 25. 2 Sam. "14:2, 5. i
8. Children who are especiaUy favored need much wis- 9. Give seal
to his brother; Deut. 25:5, 6.
dom, in order not needles.sly to increase the difficulty 12. Timnath; south-west of Jerusalem.
which the partiality of parents occasions. It. In an open place; or, at the entrance of Enajim.
11. God's dealings with children are full of instruction, 15. Covered her face; that he might not know her to be
and worthy of being carefully observed and seriously his daughter-in-law.
pondered by parents. IS. Signet ; seal. Bracelets ; rather, cord, by which the
18. Envy tends to make men hard-hearted and cruel, to signet was suspended from the neck.
root out even natural affection, and awaken the most ma- 23. Take it ; keep the pledge to herself.
lignant and murderous passions.
24. Great favors of Providence are often accompanied INSTRUCTIONS.
or followed by great trials. 2 Cor. 2:7 Heb. 12: 6. ; 2. Although ordinarily best for young men to be
it is
32. Under the influence of envy or covetousness, men married early in life, j'et it should not be done without
may sell even their own brother into perpetual bondage, earnest prayer to God for his guidance and blessing, that
and rend the heart of an affectionate father with exquisite the connection may be a source of happiness and useful-
anguish. But in doing it, tliey are preparing for exquisite ness.
anguish themselves. 10. Secret as well as open sins are all known to God,
antl unless repented of and forgiven, will be visited with
1. Adullamite; belonging to Adullam, a place north of 20. Judah had been instrumental in deceiving his father,
Hebron, and south-west from Jerusalem. and now he is himself deceived.
2. Shiiah; the name, not of the daughter, but of her 24. Those who are most guilty themselves are often
father. Vcr. 12. most ready to denounce vengeance on others.
; ;
A.jrjibout 26 And Judali acknowledj?ed them, and 8 But lie refused," and said unto his master's
li. said, She hath been more righteous than wife. Behold, my master wotteth not what is witli
I;" because that I gave her not to Shelah my me in the house, and he hath committed all that
son.'' And he knew her again no more.'' lie hath to my hand
27 IF And it came to pass in the time of her trav- 9 There is none greater in this house than I;
behold, twins were in her womb.
ail, tliat neither hatli he kept back any thing from me but
28 And it came to pass when she travailed, that thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I
the one put out his hand: and the midwife took do tills great wickedness," and sin against God?""
and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying. 10 And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph
This came out first. day by day,'' that he hearkened not unto her, to
29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his lie by her, or to be with her.
hand, that behold, his brother came out and she ; 11 And it came to pass about this time, that Jo-
said. How hast thou broken forth ?' this breach be seph went into tlie house to do his business and ;
left his
Andit came to pass, when she saw that he had
garment in her hand, and was fled forth,
1 Joseph adrancpd in Potiphar's house. 7 He resisteth his mistress'
temptation, l.*^ He is falsely accused. 20 He is cast into prison. 21 14 That she called unto the men of her house,
(>od is with hini there. and spake unto them, saying, See, he hath brought
AND Josephanwas brought down
Potiphar, officer of Pharaoh,'^ captain of
to Egypt ; and in a Hebrew unto us to mock us ;" he came in unto
me to lie with me, and I cried with a 'loud voice:
the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands 15 And it came to pass, when he heard that I
of the Ishmaelites, which had brought him down lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his gar-
thither. ment with me, and fled, and got him out.
2 And the Lord was with Joseph,'' and he was 16 And she laid up his garment by her, until
a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his lord came home.
his master the Egyptian. 17 And she spake unto him according to these
3 And his master saw that the Lord u-as with words, saying, The Hebrew servant which thou
him, and that the Lord made all that he did to hast brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me
prosper in his hand.^ 18 And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice
4 And Joseph found grace in his sight,'^ and he and cried, that he left his garment with me, and
served him and he made him overseer over his fled out."
house, and all that he had he put into his hand.' 19 And it came to pass, when his master heard
5 And it came to pass from the time that he had the words of his wife, which she spake unto him,
made him overseer in his house, and over all that saying. After this manner did thy servant to me
he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian's that his wrath was kindled.'"
house for Joseph's sake ;> and the blessing of the 20 And Joseph's master took him, and put him
Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and into the prison,^ a place where the king's prison-
in the field.'' ers were bound: and he was there in the prison.
6 And he left all that ho had in Joseph's hand; 21 IT But the Lord was with Joseph, and ^show-
and he knew not aught ho had, save the bread ed him mercy, and gave him favor in the sight of
which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly pe?-- the keeper of the prison.*'
wn,' and well-favored. 22 And the keeper of the prison committed to
7 IT And it came to pass after these things, that Joseph's hand all the prisoners that we7-e in the
his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph ;'" and prison; and whatsoever they did there, he was
she said, Lie with me." the doer of it.
• 1 Sam. 24:17. Job 34:31, 32; Rom. 13:12; Tit. 2: 11, la.
b ,er. 14. c 20:10; Prov. 6:29, 32. q 2 Sam. 12:13; Psa. .'51:4; Jsr. 2:):16. r Prov.
Or, Vfherefort hast thou made this breach against Iher? t That is, A breach, 22:14:23:27. spror. 7:13. I Eccl. 7:26. u Ezelt. 22:5. I Heh. great.
i Num. 28:20; 1 Chr. 2:4; Matt. 1:3. « ch. 37:36; Psa. 105:17. ' 1 Sam. V Kxod. 23:1; Psa. 37:14; 120:3; Prov. 12:19. w Prov. 6:34, 35; Cant. 8:6.
l(i:18: 18:14, 28; Acts 7:9. S Josh. 1:7,8; 1 Chr. 22:13; Psa. 1:3. h ver. I ch. 41:14; Psa. 105:13. i Heb. extended kindness unto him. y Exod.
21 ; 1 Sam. 16:22. ich.24:2. ich. 30:27. k Deut. 2i:3-8. USam. 16:12; 12:36; Psa. 106:46; Prov. 16:7; Dan. 1:9; Acts 7:10.
17:42. «• Job 31:1; Psa. 119:37. n 2 Sam. 13:11. oProv. 1:10. p Lev.
1 The butler and liakcr of Pharaoh in 4 Joseph hath charge
of them. 5 He interpreteth their dreams. 20 They come to pass
according to his interpretation. 23 The injjratitude of the butler.
a Ver. 2
: : ; : :
6 And behold, seven thin ears and blasted with were still ill-favored, as at the beginning. So I
the east wind sprang up after them. awoke.
7 And the seven thin ears devoured the seven 22 And I saw in my dream, and behold, seven
rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and ears came up in one stalk, full and good
behold, it was a dream. 23 And behold, seven ears, withered," thin, and
8 And it came to pass in the morning, that his blasted with the east wind, sprung up after them:
spirit was troubled " and he sent and called for
24 And the thin ears devoured the seven good
all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men ears: and I told this unto the magicians;'' but
thereof:" and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could declare it to me.
there was none that could interpret them unto 25 IT And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream
Pharaoh.'' of Pharaoh is one: God hath showed Pharaoh
9 IT Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, what he is about to do.'
saying, I do remember my faults this day 26 The seven good kine are seven years and the ;
10 Pharaoh was wroth with his servants," and seven good ears are seven years the dream is one. :
put me in ward in the captain of the guard's 27 And the seven thin and ill-favored kine that
house, both me and the chief baker came up after them are seven years and the seven ;
11 And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be
he; we dreamed each man according to the in- seven years of famine.'"
terpretation of his dream.' 28 This is the thing which I have spoken unto
12 And there was there with us a young man, a Pharaoh: what God is about to do, he showeth
Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard and unto Pharaoh. ;
we told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams 29 Behold, there come seven years of great plen-
to each man according to his dream he did inter- ty thi'oughout all the land of Egypt:"
pret. 30 And there shall arise after them seven years
13 And it came to pass, as he interpreted to us, of famine;" and all the plenty shall be forgotten
so it was me he restored unto mine ofiice, and in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall con-
1-1 T Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and 31 And the plenty shall not be known in the
they ^brought him hastily out of the dungeon:^ land by reason of that famine following; for it
and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, shall he very grievous.''
and came in unto Pharaoh. 32 And for that the dream was doubled unto
> Esth. 6:1; Din.2;l. • Heb./a(. b Dan. 4:5, 19; 7:23; 8:27. c Exod. 2 Cor. 3:5. j ver. 1. iTieh. eome to the inward farts of them. I Or. small.
7:11; Isa. 29:14; Ban. 2:2. <llCor.l:19. ech.4a:2. f ch, 40:5. 1 Heb. k ver. 8; Dan. 4:7. 1 D,in. 2:29, 45; Rev. 4:1. m 2 Kings 8:1. n ver. 47.
made him run. B 1 Sam. 2:8; Psa. 105:20. 1 Or, -when thou hearest a dream Over. 54. Pch. 47:13. ^ Heb. heavj.
thou canst interpret it. h Psa. 25:14; Dan. 5:16. i oh. 40:8; Dan. 2:30;
Pharaoh twice;" it is bocauso llic thing is estab- daughter of Poti-jihcrah priest* of On. VrffTi.
lished liy God," and God will shortly bring it to And .Joseph went out over all tlie land of Egyjtt.
pass."* 4(1 I And Joseph vas thirty years old when he
33 Now therefore let Pharaoli look out a man stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt.'' And Jo-
discreet and wise, and set him over the land of seph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and
Egypt. went tliroughout all the hind of Egypt.
34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint 47 And in the seven plenteous years the earth
officers* over tiic land, and take up the fifth part brought forth by handfuls.
of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years." 48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven
35 And let thcni gather all the food of tiioso years, which were in the land of Egyjit, and laid
gond years tiiat come, and lay up corn under the up the food in the cities: the food of the field
hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the which teas round about every city, laid he up in
cities. the same.
3G And
that food shall be for store to the land 49 And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the
against the seven years of famine, which shall be .sea,' very much, until he left miinbering; for it
in tiie land of Egypt; that the laud *peri,sh not was without number.
througii the famine. 50 And unto Josejih were Ijorn two sons before
37 *r And tiic thing was good in the eyes of the years of famine came:'" which Asenatli the
Pharaoli,'' and in the eyes of all his servants. daughter of Poti-pherah priest' of On bare unto
38 And Piiaraoh said unto his servants. Can wo him.
find such a one as this is, a man in whom the spirit 51 And Joseph called the name of the first-born
of God is !" Manasseh.' For God, said he, hath made me for-
39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch toil, and all my father's house.
get all my
as God hath showed thee all this, there is none so 52 And the name of the second called he Ephra-
discreet and wise as thou art im:' For God hath caused me to be fruitful in
40 Thou shalt be over my house,'^ and according the land of my affliction."
unto thy word shall all my people ^ be ruled only : 53 ^ And seven years of plcnteousncss, that
in the throne will I be greater than thou. was land of Egypt, were ended.
in the
41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have 54 And the seven years of dearth began to come,
set thee over all the land of Egypt." according as Joseph had said :" and the dearth
42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand,'' was in all lands: but in all the land of Egypt
and put it upon Jos(!ph's hand, and arrayed him there was bread.
in vestui-es of 'fine linen, and put a gold chain 55 And when all the land of Egypt was famish-
about his neck;' ed,'' the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and
43 And he made him to ride in the second char- Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto
iot which he had; and they cried before him, Joseph what he saith to you, do.
Bow the knee:'* and he made him ruler over all 56 And the famine was over all the face of thi;
the land of Egyjit.' earth: and Joseph opened *all the storehouses,
44 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I aot Pharaoh, and sold unto the Egyptians;'' and the famine
and w ithout thee shall no man lift up his hand or waxed sore in tlie land of Egypt.
foot in all the laud of Egypt. 57 And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph
45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnath- for to buy corn ; because that the famine was so
paaneah;* and he gave him to wife Asenath the sore in all lands.
Oh. 37:7,9. • 0-!,prepaTtd of God. b Num. 2:3:19; Isa. 46:10. t Or, secrets are revealed. lOr. prince; Emd.2:16; 2Sam.8:18. k 1 Sara. 10:-il :
nturs. c ProvC:0-i: *2:3. i Re\>. be not cut off. d Acts 7:10. e Num. Dan. 1:19; Luke 21:30. 1 ch. 22:17; Judg. 7.12; 1 Sam. 13:5; Pm. 7p:-->7.
27:18; Job 3-2:8; Prov. 2:0; Dan, 4:8, 18; 5:11. f Psa. 105:21. 5 Heb. 6s rach. 4G:2U; 48:5. 4 Or, prince; ver. 43. I That is, Forgetting. 1 That is.
armed, OT kiss, g Dan. 6:.3. h Esth. 3: 10; 8:2, 8, 15. I Ot. silk, i Dan. Fruitful. 1 ch. 49:2-2. o ver. .30. p Jer. 14:1, 2; Lam. 4:4. • Heb. all
i:7, 29. 1 Or, Tender fatker. ' Heb. Alirech. i ch. 45:8,20; Acts 7:10. wherein was. q ch. 42;C: 47:14, 24.
t Which in the Coptic signifies, A revealer of setrets, or The man to whom
34. Of the land; the produce of the land. 52. Ephraim; fruitful.
36. The land perish not; the inhabitants of it. 55. Egypt was famished; the people had consumed all
Put it upon Joseph's hand; in token of his being
42. their food, and were in want.
clothed with authority.
43. The second chariot; the chariot assigned to the man
that stood next in rank to the king, and doubtless second 7. AD future things are known to God, and as far as he
to the king's chariot in splendor. sees best he makes them knoT\Ti to men. Before men had
44. Lift up hts hand or foot ; a proverbial expression, de- the Bible, God often communicated information to them
noting that all the people should be under Joseph's control. in dreams and visions. But now we are not to expect
45. Zaphnath-paaneah ; supposed to mean, saviour of the information in those ways, but to give heed to the Bililo.
world. Priest; a priest at that time, in Egypt, was a civil which is able to make us wise unto salvation, and furnisli
;is well as an ecclesiastical rnler and by this marriage
; us thoroughly for every good work.
.Foseph became connected with one of the great men of 14. God never overlooks the trials of his people, or suf-
the kingdom. On ; called by the Greeks Ileliopolis, or the fers them to continue a moment too long. When the right
city of the sun. It was on the east of the Nile, in the time comes he delivers them, often suddenly, in ways. In
land of Goshen, and not far from the modern Cairo. means, and for purposes wliich they never expected.
47. By handfuls; in great abundance. 25. Those who in all their ways acknowledge God. will
48. Laid up the food; that which was not wanted for find that he directs their paths and those things wliicli
l)re8ent use. they thought to be against them, they will see were order-
.'il. Manasseh , that is, one causing forgctfulness. ed ill such a way as to promote their highest good.
1 ; : : ';
CHAPTER XLII and behold, the youngest is this day with our fa-
ther, and one is not.*^
1 Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt. IG They are im- 14 And Joseph said unto them. That is it that I
prisoned by Joseph for spies. 18 They are set at liberty, on condi-
tion to bring Benjamin. 21 They have remorse for Joseph. 24 Sim- spake unto you, saying. Ye are spies
15 Hereby ye shall be proved: By the life of
eon is kept for a pledge. 2.3 They return witli corn, and tlieir money.
• 29 Their relation to Jacob. 36 Jacob refuseth to send Benjamin.
Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence,'^ except your
NOW when Jacob saw that there was corn in youngest brother come hither.
Egypt," Jacob said unto his sons, Why do 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your
ye look one upon another? brother, and ye shall be kept* in prison, tliat
2 And he said, Behold, I have hoard that there your words may be proved, wiiether there be any
is corn in Egypt: get you down thither, and buy truth in you: or else, by the life of Pharaoli,
for us from thence that we may live, and not die."" surely ye are spies.
3 1 And Joseph's ten brethren went down to 17 And he put* them all together into ward
buy corn in Egypt. three days.
4 But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent 18 And Joseph said unto them the third day,
not with his brethren; for he said, Lest perad- This do, and live; for I fear God:''
venture mischief befall him." 19 If ye be true me7i, let one of your brethren be
5 And the sons of Israel came to buy corn among bound in the house of your prison: go ye, carry
those that came: for the famine was in the land corn for the famine of your liouses
of Canaan. 20 But bring your youngest brother unto me ;
6 And Joseph was the governor over the land,** so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not
and he it was that sold to all the people of the die. And they did so.
land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed 21 T And they said one to another. We are
down themselves before him with their faces to verily guilty concerning our brother,^ in that we
the earth. saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us,
7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew and we would not hear ;^ therefore is this distress
them, but made himself strange unto them, and come upon us.
spake "roughly unto them and he said imto them.
; 22 And Reuben answered them, saying, Spake I
Whence come ye ? And they said. From the land not unto you,' saying. Do not sin against the child
of Canaan to buy food. and ye would not hear? therefore, behold, also
8 And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew his blood is required.™
not him. 23 And they knew not that Joseph understood
9 And Joseph remembered the dreams which he them; for ^he spake unto tliem by an interpreter.
dreamed of them,'' and said unto them. Ye are 24 And he turned himself about from them, and
spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are wept and returned to them again, and communed ;
come. with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound
10 And they said unto him. Nay, ray lord, but iiim before their eyes.
to buy food are thy servants come. 25 "i Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks
1 We arc all one man's sons we are true men, with corn, and to restore every man's money into
thy servants are no spies. his sack, and to give them provision for the way:"
12 And he said unto them. Nay, but to see the and thus did he unto them.
nakedness of the land ye are come. 26 And they laded their asses with the corn,
13 And they said. Thy servants are twelve breth- and departed thence.
ren, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan 27 And as one of them opened his sack to give
>Acts7:)2. b ch. 43: S; Psa. 118:17. c ver. 3S. dch. 41:41. • Heb. Matt. 27:3,4; Acts 19:18. k Prov. 21:13; 24:11, 12; Jer. 34:17: Matt. 7:2.
hard tilings wilh them, e ch. 37:5,9. f ch. 37:30; Jer. 31:15; Lam. 5:7; 1 oh. 37:21. mch. 9:5; 1 Kings 2:32; 2 Chr. 24:22; Psa. 9:12; Ezek. 3:18;
Matt. 2:18. 6 Deut. 6:13; 1 Sam. 1:26; 17:55; Jas. 5:12. t Heb. «0Mm/. Luke 11:50,51; Acts 23:4; Rev. 13:10. 5 Heb. an inttrpreter was MVKen
: Heb. h di. 20:11; Lev. 25:43; Neh. 5:15; Luke 18:2, 4.
ffalAererf. i ver. them, n Matt. 5:44; Rom. 12:17, 20; Eph. 4:2.
:14; oh. 43:5; 41:23. jNum. 32:23; lKing3l7:18; Job 36:8,9; Hos.5;15;
33. The fact that men are dependent on God does not 6. That sold; directed as to the seUing. Bowed down;
supersede the necessity, on their part, of wisdom and dis- chap. 37:7,8.
cretion and tliose who have most of these qualities, will
; 7. Made himself strange ; acted as one that did not know
be most likely to be successful. them.
39. Those who know most of God and his ways will be 9. TTie dreams; chap. 37:5-9. The nakedness of the land
the most wise and discreet. They can be most safely defenceless points, where and how a successful attack
trusted, and in great and diiBcult services may be expect-might be made upon it.
ed to do the most good. 14. Tliat is it that I spake unto you; what I said to you
44. He who shows the most kindness, patience, com- before, ver. 9, is the truth. Compare above, chap. 41:28.
passion, and benevolence in a dungeon, may be expected 15. By the life of Pharaoh; as surely as Pharaoh lives.
to show the most humility, meekness, cquauimi^, and 17. Ward; prison. Three days; this gave them time to
loveliness on a throne. reflect upon their past conduct, their treatment of Joseph
52. God can, in this world, cause his people to forget and Jacob, and upon their present condition and pros-
their sorrows, or so to remember them as to heighten pects. This was what Joseph intended, and he no doubt
their joys, and make them feel that their sharpest trials prayed that it might be for their good.
were not worthy to bo compared with the glory which 20. Be verified; be proved to be true.
shall follow. 21. Guilly concerning our brother ; conscience condemned
them for their treatment of Joseph, more than twenty
CHAPTER XLII. years before. Therefore is this distress; they viewed it as
t. Look one upon another; in perplexity and despair. a punishniciit of their sins.
5 65
:: ;;
:: : : :
Jacob's spjis rcliini home, GENESIS XLllI. and art attain sent to Egypt.
his a«9 provender in the inn, he espied his money CHAPTER XLIII. 1i.?:SI:
for beiiold, it was in liis sacic's moiitli. 1 Jacob i» horilly pcritniulwl t" sonil Benjamin. 1.') Joseph entcrtAinetb
28 And lie said unto iiis brctlircn, My money is his brelhnii. 31 Hu niakllh llicm a feast.
unto the hind of Canaan, and told him all that 3 And Judah spake unto him, saying, The man
befell unto them; saying, did solemnly protest' unto us, saying, Ye shall
30 Tiie man who is the lord of the land spake not see my face, except your brother be with yon.
roughly* to us," and took us for spies of the coun- 4 If thou wilt send our brother with us, we will
try. go down and buy thee food:
31 And we said unto him, We
are true men; we 5 But if tliou wilt not send him, we will not go
are no spies down: for the man said unto us. Ye shall not see
32 We
be twelve brethren, sons of our father my face, except your brother be with you.
one is not, and tlie youngest is this day with our (j And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye so ill with
father in the land of Canaan. me, 0.9 to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother?
33 And tlie man, the lord of tlie country, said 7 And they said. The man asked us* straitly of
unto us, Hereby shall 1 know that ye are true our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your
men: leave one of your brethren htre with me, father yet alive? have ye another brother? and
and take food for the famine of your households, we told him according to the tenor' of these
and be gone words. Could we certainly know^ that he would
34 And bring your youngest brother unto me say. Bring your brother down?
then shall I know that ye are no spies, but that ye 8 And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send
are true men : so will I deliver you your brother, the lad with me, and we will arise and go; that
and ye shall traffic in the land.'' we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, and
35 1i And it came to pass, as they emptied their also our little ones.
sacks, that beliold, every man's bundle of money 9 I will be surety for him;' of my hand shalt
was in his sack:' and when both they and their thou require him: if I bring him not unto thee,
father saw the bundles of money, they were and set him before thee, tlien let me bear the
afraid. blame for ever
36 And Jacob their father said unto them, Me 10 For except we had lingered, surely now we
have ye bereaved of my children:'^ Joseph is not, had returned this second* time.
and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin 11 And their father Israel said imto them, If it
away : all these things are against me.° must be so now, do this: take of the best fruits
37 And Reuben spake unto his father, saying, in the land in your vessels, and carry down the
Slay my two sons if I bring him not to thee de- : man a present,^ a little balm, and a little honey,
liver him into my hand, and I will bring him to spices and myrrh,'' nuts and almonds
thee again. 12 And take double money in your hand; and
38 And he said. My son
go down with
shall not the money that was brought again in the mouth
you ; and he is left alone
for his brother is dead,' of your sacks,' carry it again in your hand per- ;
if mischief befall him by the way in the which ye advcnture it was an oversight.
go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with 13 Take also your brother, and arise, go again
sorrow to the grave.^ unto the man
• Heb. went forth, t Heb. tvitli us hard things, a ver. 7, 12. b cl :!0. 1 Hob. protesting protested, i THeh. asking askid us. llcb.
ch. 4;!;2I. Jch. '13;14. » 1 Sam. 27:1 ; Job 7:7; Eccl. 7:S; Roi HHeb. Knowing could we knowl ich. 44:32; Psa. 119:122; Phile.
ch. 37:33; 44:20, 'iS. 6 ch. 37:35; 44:29, 31; Isi. 3a; lU. t ch •
Ot, twice by this. jProv. 18:10. tch. 37:25. Ich. 42:25.
28. They were afraid; lest they should be charged with Men are often strongly tempted to do evil that good
having stolen the money, and be treated as thieves. God may come, but it is never right and the success of a ;
hath done; in his providence caused to come upon us as a plan no sure evidence of the righteousness of the means
punishment for our sin. used in prosecuting it.
37. Slay my tiuo sons; that is, you may slay them, if I 28. When men have done what they know to be wick-
bring not Benjamin bacli again a rash expression, but it
; ed, and evils come upon them, conscience links the two
showed Reuben's earnestness and sincerity. together, and views the one as a punishment for the
38. His brother; that is, Joseph; his own brother by other.
2.In seasons of danger and distress nothing is gained According to the tenor of these words ; suited our an-
by despondency. The question should be, What shall we swers honestly to these questions of his.
do? and having ascertained, wo should, without delay, 11. Balm; balsam, like that of Gilead. Honey; proba-
and in dependence on God, attempt to do it. He helps bly here honey of grapes, made by boiling down new
those who, in the right way, attempt to help themselves. wine to a third or half. Myrrh ; here probably a fragrant
9. The efforts of men to thwart the plans of God are the gum called ladanum. NvAs; the original word means
means of fulfilling them yet they are as wicked in oppos-
ing him, as if he did not make what they do the occasion 12. Double money; that which they brought back, and
of promoting his cause. enough more to buy the corn which they needed.
: ;
B.ct^: 14 And God Almighty give you mercy 24 And the man brought the men into Joseph's
before the man,* that he may send away your other house, and gave them water, and they washed
brother, and Benjamin. *If I be bereaved of my their feet;'' and he gave their asses provender.
children, I am bereaved." 25 And they made ready the present against
15 IT And the men took that present, and they Joseph came at noon;» for they heard that they
took double money in tlieir hand, and Benjamin should eat bread tliere.
and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and stood 26 ir And when Joseph came liome, they brought
before Joseph. him the present which was in their hand into the
16 And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, house, and bowed themselves to him to the earth."
he said to the ruler of his house," Bring these men 27 And he asked them of fhctr welfare," and
home, and slay,* and make ready; for these men said, Is your father well,* the old man of whom
shall dine' with me at noon. ye spake?' Is he yet alive?
17 And the man did as Joseph bade; and the 28 And they answered. Thy servant our father
man brought the men into Joseph's house. is in good health, he is yet alive. And they bow-
18 And the men were afraid, because they were ed down their heads, and made obeisance.
brought into Joseph's house; and tliey said, Be- 29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother
cause of the money that was returned in our Benjamin, his mother's son,J and said, Is this your
sacks at the first ^me are we brought in; that younger brother, of whom ye spake unto me? And
he may seek occasion against us,^ and fall upon he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son.''
us, and take us for bondmen, and our asses. 30 And Joseph made haste for his bowels did ;
19 And they came near- to the steward of Jo- yearn upon his brother ;' and he sought where to
seph's house, and they communed with him at the weep and he entered into his chamber, and wept
money in full weight: and we have brought it tians might not eat bread with the Hebrews for ;
23 And he said. Peace be to you, fear not:" 34 And he took and sent messes unto them from
your God, and the God of your father, hath given before him:" but Benjamin's mess was five times
you treasure in your sacks I had your money .^ : so much as any of theirs. And they drank, and
And he brought Simeon out unto them. ^were merry with him."
» Neh. 1:11; Psa. 37:5. • Or, Ami I, as I liave been, e 1>Esth. 4:16. toyour father? ch. 42:11, 13. J ch. 35: 17, IS. k Josh. 7:19; 2 Chr. 29:11 j
c ch. 44: 1. t Heb. kilt a kilting. I Heb. eat. 5 Heb. roll Tlself upon us Matt. 9:2. 1 1 Kings 3:26; Jer. 31:2U; Phil. 1:S; 2:1; Col. 3:12. i» ch.
Job 30; 14. XUith. cominq down we mine down, d ch. 42: judj. 6:23; 46:34; Exod. 8:26. d 2 Sam. 11:8. i Heb. drank largeli/. o Prov. 31:6;
19:-20; 1 Sam. 25:6; Luke 24:3(5. 1 Heb. your money Eccl. 9:7; 10:19; Cant. 5:1; Matt. 11:19; John 2:10
18:4; 24:32. Sver. 11. "-' peace, t Heb.
hch. 37:7, 10 • Heb. Is there peace
14. If I be bereaved — I am bereaved; an expression of de- God; and when the time to act comes, decide as truth
eponding resignation. and duty may then require.
23. —
God hath given you treasure; not without human 7. When things seem to go against us, we are apt to
aversion to men whose occupation was that of shepherds. of deliverance, it will make them wretched.
See chap. 46:34. 22. Property that has come into our hands by oversight
33. They sat before him; they were seated according to or mistake, as well as that which we have wrongfully ob-
their difl'erent ages. Marvelled; that he who seated them tained, should be carefully and promptly returned to its
should know, in each case, which was oldest. rightful owners.
34. Messes; portions of food. 2fi. 'When events, long before made known, are accom-
5. As to the future doing of things which are left to our that certainty does not lessen men's freedom, nor dimin-
discretion, it is ordinarily not best to say positively what ish their praise or blameworthiness in performing those
we will or will not do, but to feel our dependence on actions. Acts 2:23.
CHAPTER XLIV. dear ourselves? uww num lumm .lui, luv- «.,:. i;«;,
1 Joseph's policy to stay liin brethren. 1 1 Jtidnh's liiuiible Bupplicntion iniquity of thy servants:' behold, wc arc my lord's
tu Josipll. servants, both we, and he also with whom the cup
A ND he commanded the steward of his house," is found.
_Z~X saying, Fill the men's sacks tmth food, as .17 And he said, God forliid that I should do
niucii as they can carry, and put every man's so;" hut the man in whose iiantl the cup is found,
money in his sack's mouth. he shall be my servant and as for you, get you ;
2 Ami put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's u]) in peace iinlo your father.
moutii of the youngest, and his corn-money. And 1<S 1i Then Juilah came near unto him, and said,
he did according to the word that Joseph had my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a
spoken. word in my lord's cars, and let not thine anger
3 As soon as the morning was light, the men burn against thy servant:' for thou art even as
were sent away, they and their asses. Pharaoh.
•1 And when they were gone out of the city, and 11) My lord asked his servants, saying. Have ye
not yet far olf, Jose])h said unto his steward, Up, a father, or a brother?
follow after the men;" and when thou dost over- 20 And we said unto my lord. We have a father,
take them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye re- an old man, and a child of his old age, a little
warded evil for good'.'"' one and his brother is dead, and he alone is left ;
Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and of his mother, and his father loveth him.'"
whereby indeed he divineth'^* ye have done evil 21 And thou saidst unto thy servants, Bring
in so doing. liim down unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon
6 IT And he overtook them, and he spake unto him."
them these same words. 22 And we said unto my lord. The lad cannot
7 And they said unto him, Wherefore saith my leave his father: for «/he should leave his father,
lord these words'? God forbid that thy servants his father would die.
should do according to this thing :'^ 23 And thou saidst unto thy servants, E.xcept
8 Behold, the money, which we found in our your youngest brother come down with you, ye
sacks' mouths, we brought again unto thee out of shall sec my face no more.
the land of Canaan:'' how then sliould we steal 24 And it came to pass when we came up unto
out of thy lord's house silver or gold? thy servant my father, we told him the words of
9 With whomsoever of thy servants it be found, my lord.
both let him die," and we also will be my lord's 25 And our father said, Go again, and buy us a
bondmen. little food."
10 And he said. Now also it be according M
26 And we said. We cannot go down:'' if our
unto your words: he with whom it is found shallyoungest brother be with us, then will we go
be my servant;' and ye shall be blameless. down for wo may not see the man's face, except ;
11 Then they speedily took down every man hisour youngest brother be with us.
sack to the ground, and opened every )nan his 27 And thy servant my father said unto us, Ye
sack. know that my wife bare me two sons :'^
12 And he searched, and began at the eldest, 28 And the one went out from me, and I said,
and left at the youngest and the cup was found Surely he is torn in pieces ;" and I saw him not
15 And Joseph said unto tliem. What deed is his life is bound up in the lad's life;^
this that ye have done? wot ye not tliat such a 31 It shall come to pass, when he seeth that the
man as I can certainly divine?* lad is not vnth vs, that he will die: and thy ser-
16 And Judah said. What shall we say unto my vants shall bring down the gray hairs of thy
lord? what shall we speak?' or how shall we servant our father with sorrow to the grave.
• Heb. him was ovir his house. •> Deut. 2:l:i. t Prov. 17:13. t Or,
that Prov. 2S:17; Luke 12:2. kProv. 17:15. ch. 1S:30, 32. mch. 37:3.
I n ch.
( Exod. 22:3.
trial, c
Josh. 22:22; 2 Kings S:13.
E ch. 37:29, 34; Num. 14:0; 2 Sa
make trial; ver. 5.. i Ezra 9:10; Job 40:4. J
d ch. 43:22.
' '
e ch. 31:.32. 42:15,20. o ch. 43:2. P Luke 11:7.
37:33; 42:36. • 1 Sara. 18:1 25:29.;
q ch. 30:2;j; 35;lB; 4B: 10. r cli.
tc.'ml' 32 For thy servant became surety for a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives
the lad uuto my father,* saying, If I bring him by a great deliverance.'
not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my 8 So now it was not you that sent me hither, but
father for ever. God :" and he hatli made me a father to Pharaoh,"
33 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant and lord of all his house, and a ruler througli^out
abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord ;'' all the land of Egypt.
and let the lad go up with his brethren. 9 Haste ye. and go up to my father, and say
34 For how shall I go up to my father, and the unto him. Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath
lad be not with me? lest pcradvcnture I see the made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me,
evil'= that shall *come on my father.
tarry not
10 And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen,"
and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy
CHAPTER XLV. children, and thy children's children, and thy
flocks, and thy herds, and all tliat thou hast:
1 Joseph maketh himself known to his brethren. 5 He comforteth them
in (rod's providence. 9 He sendeth for his father. 16 Pharaoh con- 11 And there will I nourish thee; for yet there
firmeth it. 21 Joseph furnisheth them for their journey, and exhort- are five years of famine lest thou, and thy house-
did send me before you to preserve life.' get you unto the land of Canaan
6 For these two years hath the famine been in 18 Alid take your father, and your households,
the laud:J and yet there are five years, in the and come unto me and I will give you the good :
which there shall neither be earing nor harvest." of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of
7 And God sent me before you to preserve you the land.'*
find my father, d Exod. 18:8; Job 31:29: Psa. 110:3; 119:143. t Heb. m John 19:11. n ch. 41:4'3; Jiidg. 17:10; Job 29:16. o ch. 40:29; 47: l-«;
gave forth, kis voice inweeping. e Num. 14:1. 5 Or, terrified, f Job 4:5; Exod. 8:22; 9:20. p ch. 42:23; Luke 24:39. q Acts 7:14. r ch. 33:4;
23:15; Matt. 14:26. B ch. 37:23. h 2 Cor. 2:7. i Ueh. neither let there be 46:29. • Heb. was good in the eyes
of Pharaoh. ' ch. 27:2S; 47:6; Num.
anger in your eyes. ch. 50:20; Psa. 105:16, 17.
' J cb. 47:18. k Exod. 18:29; Deut. 32:14.
33. Let thy servant abide instead of the lad; the feelings evilsfrom coming upon him, and to prolong his life, pro-
of the ten brethren towards their father and towards mote his comfort, and cheer him in old age, is peculiarly
Benjamin, the trial of which seems to have been a chief pleasing to God, and is often followed by some of his
object of Joseph's demeanor towards his brethren, were richest blessings.
fully proved by this last self-sacrificing offer of Judah.
INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Then Joseph; in aU his preceding conduct towards
9. Hasty decisions, and strong, confident assertions are his brethren, which had the appearance of harshness,
often wrong, and bring those who make them into great Joseph had acted by a divine illumination; not for the
perplexity and distress. Prov. 29:11. gratification of his own private feelings, but for the
16. Hearty acknowledgment of the justice of God in accomplishment of the divine purposes, which included
our trials, and humble submission to his will, indicate a the humiliation of his brethren, and the trial of their feel-
preparation for approaching deliverance. ings towards their father and Benjamin. Now the way
18. It is never wise or right, in a world of mercy and was fully prepared for making himself known to hia
grace, to despair, or cease to use appropriate means brethren.
however dark to human appearance may be the prospect, 5. Be not grieved; indulge not excessive anguish, nor
or feeble the means used, God can give speedy and tri- sink into despair, for God is to be seen and acknowledged
umphant success. in all these things.
32. The most touching and efficacious eloquence is often 6. Earinp:; an old English word for ploughing, or tilling.
a simple narration of facts. God's ways are great, and a 8. Not you ; that is, not you merely, or principally. You
true recital of them is suited to produce groat effects. were instruments in fulfilling the infinitely wise and gra-
His ways, like himself, are perfect, and a knowledge of cious purposes of God.
them is suited to make men perfect, and lead them, in 9. God hath made me lord; men had been the means, but
their measure, to imitate him. God had been the cause, and to him belonged the glory.
34. An affectionate and tender regard for one's father, a 10. Goshen; the north-east part of Egypt, nearest to the
readiness to sacrifice, and if need be suffer, to prevent land of Canaan.
Jatob goeth into Eiiupt. GENESIS XLVI. His sons, and their cJiiUren.
1 Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba. 5 Thence he with Iiis
household goeth into ligypC ^ The number of his family tliat went
into Egypt. 29 Joseph meeteth Jacob. 31 He instructeth his breth-
ren how to answer to Pharaoh.
• Heb.
yet alive.
31 And Joseph said unto his brethren, and unto
his father's house, I will go up, and show Pha-
raoh, and say unto him, My brethren, and my
father's house, which were in the laud of Canaan,
are come unto me
32 And the men are shepherds, for "their trade
hath been to feed cattle and they have brought
11 IT And Joseph placed liis father and \\h 21 And as for tho people, ho removed 'ii.i;?„'?^
brethren, and pave tlicm a possession in tiie land them to cities from one end of the borders of
of Ksrypt, in the Ik st of the land, in tlie land of Egypt even to the alhrr end thereof.
Rameses. as Piiar;inli Imd coinnianded." 22 Only the land of the priests' liought he not:
12 And Joscpii noiirirflied liis father, and his for the priests ha<l a portion assigned them of
brethren, and all his father's household, with Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh
bread, accnrdinir to their families.* gave thetn: wherefore they sold not their lands.
13 "i And thirc was no bread in all the land; 2:5 Then Josejih said unto the people. Helndd, I
for the famine xms very sore, so lliat tlie land of have bought you this day and your land for Pha-
Ej^ypt and a'l llic land of Canaan fainted by raoh lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow
whv should wc die in thy presence ? for tlie monev will lie Pharaoh's servants.
faiieth. 20 And .Joseph made it a law over the land of
16 And Josepli said. Give your cattle; and I Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have
will give you for your cattle, if money fail. the fifth part; except the land of the priests*
17 And they In-ought their cattle unto Joseph only,'' ichich became not Pharaoh's.
and Josej)h gave them bread in exchange for 27 IT And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in
horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the country of Goshen and they had possessions ;
the herds, and for the asses and he fed* them therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly.''
with bread for all their cattle for that year. 28 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seven-
18 When that year was ended, they came unto teen years: so the whole age of Jacob' was a
him the second year, and said unto him, Wo
will hundred forty and seven years.
not hide it from my lord, how that our money is 29 And the time drew nigh that Israel must
spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; die:'" and he called his son Joseph, and said unto
there is not aught left in the sight of my lord, him. If now I have foimd grace in thy sight, put,
but our bodies, and our lands I pray thee, thy hand under my tliigh,^ and deal
19 Wherefore shall wo die before thine eyes, kindly and truly with me bury me not, I pray ;
both we and our land? buy us and our land for thee, in Egypt
bread, and we and our land will be servants unto 30 But I will lie with my fathers,"* and thou
Pharaoh:'^ and give us seed, that we may live, shalt carr}' me out of Egypt, and bury me in their
and not die, that the land be not desolate. burying-place. And he said, I will do as thou
20 And Joseph bought all the laud of Egypt hast said.
for Pharaoh for the Egyptians sold every man
; 31 And he said. Swear unto me. And he swarc
his field, because the famine prevailed over them: unto him. And Israel bowed himself upon the
so the land became Pharaoh's. bed's head.'
11. Rameses; the capital of Goshen, about half way from blessingswe enjoy and hope for, it is as needful to use all
the Nile to the Red sea. suitablemeans to obtain these blessings, as it would be if
21. Removed them to cities; where the food was stored, success depended solely on our efforts. Compare Acts
for the greater convenience of supplying them. 28:22-25, 30-32, 44.
22. Priest.^; the priests of Egypt were a very powerful 9. The longest life is but a journey through this world
and influential body, and enjoyed many privileges above to another and as character is the chief thing, our great
the common people. concern should be that it may be such as shall render us
23. Sow the land; as the seven years of famine were most useful and fit us for heaven.
now drawing to a close. 20. ilen will cheerfully give up their property to save
26. The fifth part ; this is supposed to have been the the life of the body and yet, for the sake of property,
tax which they paid for the use of the land and the sup- they will sacrifice the life of their souls. 1 Tim. 6:9, 10;
port of tlie government. Jas. 5:3.
30. r/(C(r 6t/)i/!ng-/)/ace; chap. 23:20; 25:9. This Jacob 25. To be ungrateful to one who has saved our life,
did, not merely he wished to be buried by the would be base how much more so not to be grateful to
side of his fathers, but also as an expression of his faith Him who, by suffering and doath for us, has opened a way
in the promise of God that his posterity should inherit to save the undying soul.
that land. 30. The pious at death wish to have such disposal made
31. Tlie bed'shead; in Heb. 11:21, the Septuagint, or of their bodies as shall be most useful to survivors, and,
Greek translation, is followed: worshipped, leaning upon if consistent, to have them laid with the bodies of pious
the top of his staff. ancestors that at the trump of the archangel they may
1 Joseph with his sons visiteth his sick father. 2 Jacob strengtheneth
himself to bless them. 3 He repeateth the promise. 5 He taketh
Ephraim and Manasseh as his o\\-ii. 7 He telleth Joseph of his mother's
grave. 9 He blesseth Ephraim and Manasseh. 17 He preferreth the
younger before the elder. 21 He propliesieth their return to Canaan.
CHAPTER XLIX. ed as a lion, and as an old lion ;' who shall u ": ^:
1 J&cob calleth his sons to bli 1. '.\ Their blessing in particular. rouse him up?
'jy He ch.\r({elh thill h,s burial. 3;j He dlelh. 10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah,"'
A ND Jacob called unto liis sons," and said, nor a lawgiver" from between his feet," until Shi-
J. VGather yoiir,<elve.s togetlier, tliat I may tell loh come;'' and unto him sliall the gathering of
you that which i^hall befall you'' in tlie last tJays.' the people be.'^
2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sous 11 Jiinding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's
of Jacob; and liearken unto Israel your father. colt unto the choice vine ;'^ he washed his garments
3 "i l{oiil)en, thou art my first-born, my might, ill wine, and his clotlies in the liiood of grapes
and the beginning of my strength,'' the excellency 12 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth
of diiiiiity, and the excellency of power: white witli milk.'
4 Unstaiile as water, 'thou slialt not excel; be- 13 1l Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the
cause tliDU wcntest up to thy fatlier's bed;" then sea; and lie shall he for a haven of ships; and his
detilixist tliou it: he went up to my couch.* border shall be unto Zidon."
5 1l Simeon and Levi are brethren;'' instru- 14 ir Issachar is a strong ass couching down be-
ments* of cruelty are in their habitations.'^ tween two burdens:
6 my soul, come not thou into their secret;'' 15 And he saw that rest was good, and the land
unto tiieir assemljly, mine honor, be not thou that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to
united for in their anger they slew a man, and
: bear, and became a servant unto tribute.
in their self-will they digL^ed down a wall.^ l(j 1l Dan shall judge his people as one of the
7 Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce and ; tribes of Israel.''
their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them 17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder'
in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.' in the path, that biteth the horse's heels, so that
8 [ Judah, tliou art he whom thy brethren shall his rider .shall fall backward.
praise:^ thy hand shall he in the neck of thine 18 1 have waited for thy salvation, Lord.'^
enemies; thy father's children shall bow down 19 [ Gad, a troop shall overcome him but he :
15. However much we may have of this world, and rible to other beasts, so the tribe of Judah would govern
however many may minister to our wants, our daily bread the other tribes, and be a terror to their foes.
comes from God, and he is the giver of all the common as 10. The sceptre; an emblem of power and autliority.
well as special mercies of life. Shiloh ; the Messiah, Prince of peace, sent as a Saviour.
21. Strong confidence in the promises of God, and good Isa. 7:14; 9:6, 7; 11:1-10; Jer. 23:5, 6; Dan. 9:25-27;
hope tlirougli grace that when absent from the body we Matt. 1 21-23.
: To him ; to Shiloh. The gathering of the
shall be present with the Lord, and that he will be the people; or, the obedience of the people. See Deut. 18:18,
God of our children and children's children to coming 19. They shall accept him as their King, and he shall
generations, gives peace and joy in death. reign over them.
of his hands were made sti'ong by the hands of 32 The purchase of tiie field and of the cave
the mighty God of Jacob ;'^ (from thence is the that is therein was from the children of Heth.
shepherd,'' the stone of Israel ;)•= 33 And when Jacob had made an end of com-
25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall manding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the
help thee
and by the Almighty, who shall bless bed, and yielded up the ghost," and was gathered
thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of unto his people."
the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts
and of the womb CHAPTER L.
26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed 1 The mourning for Jacob. 4 Joseph getteth leave of Pharaoh to go
above the blessings of my progenitors'' unto the to bury him. 7 The fimeral. 15 Joseph comforteth his brethren,
utmost bound of the everlasting hills:" they shall who craved his pardon. 22 His ape. 2.3 He seeth the third genera-
tion of his sons. 24 He prophesieth unto his brethren of their return.
be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the 2-5 He taketh an oath of them for his bones. 26 He dieth, and is
head of him that was separate from his brethren.' embalmed.
he shall divide the spoil." 2 And Joseph commanded his servants the phy-
28 1
All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: sicians to embalm his father :« and the physicians
and spake unto them, and
this is it their father embalmed Israel.
blessed them every one according to his bless-
; 3 And forty days were fulfilled for him ; for so
ing he blessed them.' are fulfilled the days of those which are embalm-
29 And he charged them, and said unto them, ed: and the Egyptians mourned* for him three-
I am to be gathered unto my people: bury me score and ten days.''
with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of 4 And when the days of his mourning were past,
Ephron the Hittite,™ Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying.
Heb. daughlers. » ch. 37:4, etc.; 39:20. t" Job 29:20; Psa. 37:14, 15. Rom. 12:6. etc. m
ch. 47:30; 2 Sam. 19:37. » ch. 23:3, etc. ojobl4:10.
c P-i. 1^:32, 34. d ch. 45:10, 11; 50:21. e I=i. 28:16. f Deut. 33:27. 1 ver. 29. 1 ver. 26; 2 Chr. 10:14; Matt. 26:12; Mark 14:8; 16:1; John
SEph. 1:3. liHab.3:(). i Isi. C(i:5. j Judg. 2U:2I, 25. k Ezek. 39:S-10. 12:7. tHeb.roept. r Num. 20:29; Deut. 34:8.
21. A hind let loose; a female deer roaming at large, dis- INSTRCCTIOXS.
tinguished for beauty and fleetness. But some render, 2. We
should desire not only to be useful in life, but in
Naphtali is a slender deer, slender being used in the sense death to inculcate such truth, communicate such instruc-
of graceful. Goodly words ; words graceful and pleasant. and set such an example as
tion, shall be most useful to
He is thus marked as excelling in the gift of speech. Of coming generations.
this the Song of Deborah and Barak, Judges 5, is an ex- 7. We may feel the effects of our sins long after they
Stone of Israel from the God of thy father, who helps tion of a future Messiah is vain.
thee and from the Almighty, who blesses thee, [shall be]
; 18. The fulfilment of the prophecies uttered by Jacob
blessings of heaven above, etc. on his death-bed shows that he spoke as directed by the
25. Blessings of heaven above; the sunshine, and fertiliz- Holy Ghost. But however highly favored a good man
ing rain and dews. Blessings of the deep; the fertilizing may be on earth, however numerous his blessings or those
springs and streams. Blessings of the breasts and of the of his posterity, nothing will fully satisfy him but the sal-
womb ; fruitfuhiess in his posterity, and in their flocks and vation of God.
herds. 2G. The measures which men take in opposing God, are
26. Have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors; made the means of fulfilling his designs; -and those which
have exceeded the blessings which my ancestors pro- are adopted to prevent the exaltation and glory of his
nounced on their children. The spirit of prophecy has people, are made the occasion of promoting them.
made to me a fuller revelation of the good things reserv- 33. Men who have finished the work God gave them to
ed for thee. —
Unto the utmost bound everlasting hdls; so do. and are through grace gathered in peace their bodies —
long as they shall endure. But many prefer to render, to the grave and their souls to the assembly of just men
" Unto the precious things of the everlasting hills ;" that made perfect are unspeakably blessed.— Rev. 14:13.
is, my blessing extends so far as to include aU these, and
as long as they endure. Compare Deut. 33:15.
27. Haven as a u-olf; his posterity would be warlike, 2. Embalm; prepare the body with spices, drugs, and
fierce, and cruel. Ju'dg. 19:22-27; 20:14-25. gums, in order to preserve it.
28. Blessed them ; foretold the blessings God would be- 3. Forty days; the time it took to embalm the body.
stow upon them, and what would take place in future Tlireescore and ten; seventy; the forty days in which they
times with regard to their posterity. were embalming him, and thirty besides.
29. In the cave; chap. 47:30; 23:19; 25:9; 35:27, 29. 4. House of Pharaoh; his chief servants or princes.
Jacob is huritd in CaTuian. GENESIS L. Joseph diclh and is cmhnln:-
I f now 1 liave found pracc in your eyes, speak, I was dead, they said, Josepli -will rtS":
pray you, peradventurc hate us, and will certainly requite
in tlio oars of I'liaraoh, sayinfr,
f) lather made
inc swear." Haying, Lo, I die: us all the evil which we did unto him."
in my grave wliieli I iiave digged for mo in the If) And they sent* a messenger unto Joseph, say-
laud "of Canaan, tlierc shall tiiou bury nie.'' Now ing. Thy father did command before he died, saying.
therefore let nio go up, 1 iiray thee, and bury uiy 17 So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray
father, and I will eonie again. thee now, the trespass of thy lirethren, and their
t) And Pharaoh said, Go np, and bury thy sin; for they did unto thee evil and now, we :
father, aocording as he made thee swear. pray thee, forgive the tres]iass of the servants of
7 1l And Josepii went up to bury his father and the God of thy father.'' : And Josepli wept when
witli liim wont up all the servants of Pharaoh, they spake unto him.
the elders of his house, and all the elders of the 18 And his brethren also went and fell down
laud of Egypt, before his face; and they said. Behold, we be thy
8 And all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, servants.
and his father's house: only their little ones, and 19 And Josepli said unto them. Fear not: for
their flocks, and tiieir herds, they left iu the land am I in the place of God?'
of Goshen.'^ 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me;'
9 And there wont tip witli liim both ehariots hut God meant it unto good,'' to bring to pass, as
and horsemen and it was a very great company. it is this day, to save much people alive.
10 And they came to the threshing-floor of Atad, 21 Now therefore fear ye not I will nourish :
which is beyond Jordan; and there they mourned you, and your little ones.' And he comforted
with a great and very sore lamentation and he them, and spake:kindly unto them.*
made a mourning for his father seven days.'' 22 M And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and his
11 And when the inhal)itants of the land, the father's house and Joseph lived a hundred and :
15 If And when Joseph's bi'cthren saw that their put in a coffin in Egypt.
' Cb. 47;29. b Isl. 22:10; Matt. 27:60. c Exod. 10:9, 26. i Deut. 34:8; Luke
1 .«im. :)I:13; 2Sam. 1:17; Job 2:13; Acts &:2. • That is. The mourning
of IK: Egyptians, ech. 49:29. fch. 23:16. s ch. 27:41 Lev. 26:.30; Job
1.5:21: Prov. 2^:1. f Uib. charged, b Prov. 28:13; Matt. 6:12, 14; 18:3j;
19. Am
I in the place of God ? it was not his business to
punish them ; that belonged to God. Rom. 12:19; Heb.
20. Ye thought evil; in intending that Joseph should live
and die a slave, and that his father should think that he
had been torn in pieces. God meant it vMo good; that he
should be greatly exalted, and be the means of saving his
father, his brethren, and multitudes of others from death,
and of illustrating to all future generations the wonderful
providence of a wonder-working God.
24. Hesware; chap. 15:14; 46:4; 48:21.
: ; ;
Exodus is a Greek word signifying departure, given as a name to this book because it records the
departure of Israel from Egypt under Moses, of whose birth, education, and early history a brief narrative
is given. After the miraculous deliverance of Israel from Egypt, Moses leads the people to Sinai. Here
God by a voice from heaven proclaims the ten commandments, and adds, through the mediatorship of
Moses, a brief code of laws. The remainder of the book is mainly occupied with an account of the struc-
ture of the tabernacle and its furniture. Into the general course of the narrative are interwoven some
interesting historical incidents ;
as the establishment of the passover, the assault of Amalek upon Israel,
the sin of the golden calf, etc.
kl^: CHAPTER I. enemies, and fight against us, and so get them np
out of the land.
1 The children of Israel, after Joseph's death, do multiply. 8 The more
they are oppressed by a new king, the more they multiply. 1-5 The
11 Therefore they did set over them taskmas-
godliness of the midwives, in saving the men-children alive. 22 Pha- ters, to afflict them with their burdens." And
raoh commandeth the male children to be cast into the river.
they built for Pharaoh treasure-cities, Pithom
NOW the names of the children of
tliese are
came into Egypt
Israel, whicli every man ;'^
and Raamses."*
12 But the more they afflicted them, the more
and liis household came with Jacolj. they multiplied and grew.* And they were grieved
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, because of the children of Israel.
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, 13 And the Egyptians made the children of
4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Ashcr. Israel to serve with rigor
5 And all the souls that came out of the loins* 14 And they made their lives bitter with hanl
of Jacob were seventy souls for Joseph was in
i** bondage,' in mortar, and in brick, and in all
Egypt already. manner of service in the field :^ all their service,
6 And Joseph died,'= and all his brethren, and wherein they made them serve, was with rigor.''
all thatgeneration. 15 1 And the king of Egypt spake to tlie He-
7 IT And
the children of Israel were fruitful, brew midwives, of which the name of the one
and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and was Shiphrah, and tlie name of the other Puah
waxed exceeding mighty;'' and the land was fill- 16 And he said. When ye do the office of a mid-
ed with them. wife to the Hebrew women, and see i/iem upon
8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, the stools, if it be a son, then ye shall kill him
which knew not Joseph." but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the 17 But the midwives feared God,' and did not
people of the children of Israel are more and as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved
mightier than we: the men-children alive.
10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them,^ lest 18 And the king of Egypt called for the mid-
they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when wives, and said unto them. Why have ye done
there falleth out any war, they join also unto our this thing, and have saved the men-children alive?
« Gen. 46:8. •Keh.lhigh. b Deut. 10:23. <: Gen. 50:90. d Gen. 46:3; Ikey multiplied. ch. 2:23; G:9; Num. 20:15; Ruth 1:20; Acts 7:19, 34.
Deut. 20:5; Psa. 105:-24. e Eccl. 2:19; Acts 7:18. ' Psa. 83:.3, 4; Prov. iPsa. 6l:G; Nih. 3:14. " Lev. 25:43: Isa. 5S:6; Jer. 50:33. 1 Neh. 5:15;
1:11; 21:30; Acts 23:12; 1 Cor. 3:19; Jas.3:15. f ch. 3:7: Gen. 15:13; Prov. 16:6; Ban. 3:18; 6:13; Acts 5:29.
Deut. 26:6; Psa. 81:6. h Gen. 47:11. t Heb. Andas they afflicted them, so
minisli their number and power. supposed by some to be to a basin of stone, with a stone
11. Burdens; exactions of labor and money. Treasure- lid, used to wash the new-born infant.
19 Andthe inidwivcs said unto Pharaoh, Be- And Pharaoh's daughter said to her,
8 » *'•
cause tlie Hebrew wonien are not as the Ejryptian Go. And the maid went and called the child's
\ronien for they arc lively, and arc delivered ere
; mother.
the iniilwives come in unto them." And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take
20 Therefore God dealt well with the mid- this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will
wives:'' and the people multiplied, and waxed give thee thy wages." And the woman took the
Tcry miiihty. ciiild, and nursed it.
21 An(l it came to pass, because the midwives 10 And tiie child grew, and she brought him
feared God, that he made tliem houses."-" unto Pharaoh's daugliter, and he became her son.
22 And Pharaoli charged all his people, saying, And she called his name Moses:' and she said,
Every son that is born ye shall cast into the Because I drew him out of the water.
river, and every daughter ye shall save alive. 11 1 And it came to pass in those days, when
Moses was grown, tluit he went out unto his
brctiiren, and looked on their burdens:'' and he
spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his
1 Moses IS born, 3 and in an ark cast into the flags. .O He is fountl, bretiircn.
anJ broujjht up by Pharaoh's Jau^jliter. 11 He slayeth an Ejn'ptian.
13 He reproveth a Hebrew. IC) He fleeth into Midian. 21 He mar- 12 And he looked tliis way and that way. and
rieth Zipporah. 22 Gershom is born. 23 God respecteth the Israel- wlicn he saw tiiat there was no man, he slew the
ites' cry.
Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.
there went a man of the house of Levi,
took to wife a daughter of Levi.''
K) And when he went out the second day, be-
hobl, two men of the Hebrews strove together:
2 And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and he said to him that did the wrong. Where-
and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, fore smitest thou thy fellow?
she hid him three months.'' 14 And he said, Who made thee a prince* and
3 And when she could not longer hide him, she a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as
took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared,
slime and with pitch, and put the child tliercin; and said. Surely this thing is known.
and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. 15 Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, ho
4 And his sister stood afar oif, to wit what souglit to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the
would be done to him. face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian
5 1 And the daughter of Pharaoh came down and he sat down by a well.
to wash herself at tlie river; and her maidens 1(> Now the priest' of Midian had seven daugh-
walked along by the river's side: and when she ters: and they came and drew water, and filled
saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid the troughs to water their father's flock.'
to fetch it. 17 And the shepherds came and drove them
6 And when she had opened it, she saw the away but Moses stood up and helped them, and
a Josh. 2:4; 2 Sam. 17:19. b Pror. 11:18; Eccl. 8:12; Isa. 3:10; Heb. is, Drawn out. h ch. 1:11; 3:7; 5:9-14; Isa. 58;G; Luke 4:18; Acts 7:23.
C:IO. c 1 Sam. a:.^; 2 Sam. 7:11; 1 King.3 2:24; Psa. 127:1. d ch. 6:20. 24; Heb. 11:24-26. t Heb. a man. a prince. 1 Or, prince.
Gen. 21:11 ;
• Acts 7:21; Heb. 11:23. f Neh. 1: 11 ; 10S:16. sPsa.27;10. 'That 29:10; 1 Sam. 9:11. ! Called also /t/Aro, or JelAer; Num. 10:29.
B.c'iMi'' 20 And lie said unto his dauirhters, And 7 1 And the Lord said, I have surely seen the
where is he? why is it that ye have left the man? affliction of my people which are in Egypt,"" and
call him, that he may eat bread." have heard their cry by reason of their taskmas-
21 And Moses was content to dwell with the ters;" for I know their sorrows;"
man :'' and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter.'' 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of
22 And she bare him a son, and he called his the hand of the Egyptians,'' and to bring them up
name Gershom ;* for he said, I have been a stran- out of that land unto a good land and a large,''
ger in a strange land. unto a land flowing with milk and honey;' unto
23 If And it came to pass in process of time, the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and
that the king of Egypt died and the children of
: the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites,
Israel sighed by reason of the bondage,'' and they and the Jebusites.
cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children
of the bondage.'^ of Israel is come unto me and I have also seen
24 And God heard their groaning, and God the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress
remembered his covenant with Abraham, with them.
Isaac, and with Jacob.' 10 Come now, therefore, and I will send thee
25 And God looked upon the children of Israel, unto Pharaoh," that thou mayest bring forth my
and God had* respect unto t/mn. people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
11 IT And Moses said unto God, Who am I,
that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should
CHAPTER III. bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt ?
1 Moses keepeth Jethro's flock. 2 God nppeareth to him in a burning 12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee;"
bush. 9 He sendeth him to deliver Israel. 14 The name of God. and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have
15 His message to Israel.
sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the
NOW Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-
Midian and he led the
in-law, the priest of :
people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this
flock to the backside of the desert, and came to 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I
the mountain of God, even to Horeb.^ come unto the children of Israel, and shall say
2 And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me
in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush ^ and ; unto you ; and they shall say to me. What is his
he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, name ? what shall I say unto them ?
and the bush was not consumed. 14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the
see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. children of Israel, I AM
hath sent me unto you."
4 And when the Lord saw that ho turned aside 15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus
to see, God called unto him out of the midst of shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The
the bush, and said, Moses, Moses: and he said, Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
Here am I.' the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent
5 And he said. Draw not nigh hither: put off me unto you this is my name for ever, and this
thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon
; is my memorial unto all generations.^
thou standest is holy ground.^ 16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel together,
6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, and say unto them, The Lord God of your fathers,
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, ap-
God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face for he ; peared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you,
was afraid to look upon God.' and seen that which is done to you in Egypt :="
a ijen. Jl:04.
o Phil,
mil. 4:11.
l:ll. »; 18:2
ch. lo;'.i.
» eft. That A
iftaL is, stranger nere.
here. 18:36; Matt. 22:32. '
d Num. 20:10; Deut. 26:7: Psa. 12:5. e ch. 3:9; " - "
- 22:23, 27; Gen. 18:20
Deut. 24:15; Isa. 6:7. f Gen. 15:14; 46:4; Luke 1:72-74. t Heb. knew
e ch. 1S:5; 1 Kings 19:8. I> Deut. 33:16; Isa. 63:9; Acts 7:30. i Gen
22:1, 11; 46:2. j oh. 19:12; Josh. 5:15; Eccl. 5:1. k Gen. 23:13; 1 King:
15. The efforts of men to perpetuate oppression may
prepare the way for the deUverance of the oppressed.
22. God has a work for each one of his people; and he
bestows upon them such mercies, and leads them through
such trials as are best suited to fit tliem to perform it.
24. The measures which men adopt to thwart the pur-
poses of God or the good of his people, are often made
the means of fulfilling them.
Jethro; chap. 2:18. Horeb; a moimtain in
1. Arabia be-
tween the two arms of the Red sea.
Mosei rod bcto-'nes a serjkiil. Kxours IV He is loiUli to he sent.
1 Moses' rod is turned into a serpent. 6 His hand is leprous. 10 He
is loath to be sent. !! Aaron is appointed to assist lum. IS Moses
departcth from Jetliro. 21 God's message to Pharaoh. 2-1 Zipporah
circumciseth her son. 27 Aaron is sent to meet Moses. 31 The
people believeth them.
ii:l\S 14 And
the anger of tlie Lord was kin-
dled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the
Levito thy brother? I know tliat he can speak
well. And also, behold, he comoth fortJi to meet
thee and when, he seeth thee, he will be glad in
his heart.''
15 And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words
inhis mouth:'' andIwillbewithtiiymoutli,andwith
his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.
16 And he shall be thy spokesman unto the
people and he shall be, even he shall be to thee
2 And Pliaraoh saiJ. Who wcro beaten, and demanded. Wherefore *i. ":"!.?:
is tlic Lord, that I
should obey liis voice to let Israel pro?" I know have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick
not the JjoisD, neither will I let Israel go. both yesterday and to-day, as heretofore?
3 And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath 15 1 Then the officers of the children of Israel
met with us":" let us go, we pray thee, three days' came and cried unto IMiaraoh, saying, Wherefore
journey into the desert, and sacriiice unto the dealest thou thus with thy servants?
Lord our Cfod lest he fall upon us with pcsti-
; IG There is no straw given unto thy servants,
lenee, i)r witli the sword." and they say to us. Make brick: and behold, thy
4 And tlie king of Egypt said unto them, Wherc- servants are beaten but tiie fault is in thine own ;
fire do ye, Moses and Aaron, let the people from peo])le.
tlieir works? get you unto your burdens. 17 But he said, Yc are idle, 1/p arc idle; therefore
5 And riiaraoh said. Behold, the people of the ye say. Let us go and do sacrifice to the Lord.
land now are many, and yc make them rest from 18 Go tiierefore now, and work; for there shall
their burdens. no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the
6 And Pliaraoh commanded the same day the tale of bricks.
taskmasters of the people, and their officers, 19 And the officers of the children of Israel did
saying, sec t/iat they were in evil case' after it was said.
7 Ye shall no more give the people straw to Ye shall not minish aug/U from your bricks of
make brick, as heretofore let them go and gather your daily task.
straw for themselves. 20 1i And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood
8 And the tale of the bricks which they did in the way, as they came forth from Pharaoh
make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them ye shall 21 And they said unto them. The Lord look
not diminish aus:ht thereof:'' for they be idle; upon you, and judge; because ye have made our
therefore they cry, saying. Let us go and sacrifice savor to be abhorred* in the eyes of Pharaoh, and
to our God. in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their
9 Let there more work be laid upon the men,* hand to slay us.*-'
that they may labor therein; and let them not 22 And Moses returned unto the Lord, and said.
regard vain words."' Lord, wherefore hast thou so evil-entreated this
10 11 And the taskmasters of the people went people? why is it that thou hast sent me?''
out, and their officers, and they spake to the peo- 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy
ple, saying. Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give name, he hath done evil to this people neither ;
13 And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, THEN the Lord said unto Moses, Now shalt
thou see what will do to Pharaoh:' for
Fulfil your works, your daily tasks,* as when there I
was straw. with a strong hand shall he let them go,J and
14 And the officers of the children of Israel, with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his
which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, land.''
a 2 Kings 1S:35; Job 21:15; Psi. 12:4. l>ch.3;18. c Deut. 23:21 Ezek. ; 1 Heb. to stink. S Gen. 34:30; 1 Sam. 13:4; 27:12; 2 Sam. 10:6; 1 Chr.
f.ll "11^51.106:41. ' Heh. Let the work be lifctvi/ upon the men. e 2 Kings 19-6. h Jer. 20:7; Hab. 2:3. % Heb- delivering thou hast not delivered.
15:20. ^Keh. a matter of a day in his day. fDeut.32:3S; Eccl.4:l; 5:S i 2 Chr. 20:17; l's3. 12:5. )Psa.S9:13. tch.U:!.
more firm and durable. They were not burned, but dried vah have no real regard for him that their professions
in the sun. are mere pretence, and that if they were not hypocritical,
8. The tale of tlie bricks; the fuU amount which was re- selfish, and idle, they would not wish to spend time in
quired. worshipping him.
Vain words; false pretences, about being required by
9. 23. Good men in pursuing a good object in the right
God to go and worship. way, if not immediately successful, are liable to become
21. Judge; judge you for the evil you have brought discouraged, and to complain not merely of men, but also
upon us, in occasioning an increase of our burdens. Blade of God.
our savor to be abhorred; made us odious to Pharaoh and
his people, and thus disposed them to deal more cruelly
with us. Put a sword in their liarul; giving them a pretext Strong hand; under the judgments of God, Pharaoh
for killing us. would not only consent, but be very urgent to have them
22. Returned unto the Lord; expressed to him his feel-
God reneweth his promise. EXODUS VI. The descent of Moses and Aaron.
v.c:mt 2 And God spake unto Moses, and said of Israel,' and unto Pharaoli king of Egypt, to
unto him, I am the Lord:* bring tlie children of Israel out of the land of
3 And I appeared unto Abraliam, unto Isaac, Egypt.
and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty," 14 IT These he the heads of their fathers' houses
but by my name JEHOVAH
was I not known to The sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel Ha- ;
tlicm> noch, and Pallu, Hczron, and Carmi :"" these be the
4 And I haye also established my covenant with families of Reuben.
them, to give them tlie land of Canaan, the land 15 And the sons of Simeon Jemuel, and Jamin, ;
of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers/ and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the
5 And I have also heard the groaning of tlie son of a Canaanitish woman:" these are the fam-
children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in ilies of Simeon.
bondage J* and I have remembered my covenant." 16 IT And these are the names of the sons of
6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I Levi according to their generations Gershon, ;
am the Lord, and I will liring you out from un- and Kohath, and Merari:" and the years of the
der the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid life of Levi u-ere a hundred thirty and seven years.
you out of their bondage,' and I will redeem you 17 The sons of Gershon Libni, and Shimi, ac-;
with a stretched-out arm, and wath great judg- cording to their families.
ments:' 18 And the sons of Kohath Amram, and Izhar, ;
7 And I will take you to me and Hebron, and Uzziel ^ and the years of the life
for a people, and I :
will be to you a God and ye shall know that I of Kohath were a hundred thirty and three years.
am the Lord your God, wliich bringeth you out 19 And the sons of Merari; Mahali andMushi:
from under the burdens of the Egyptians.'' these are the families of Levi according to their
8 And I will bring you in unto the laud, con- generations.
cerning the wliich I did swear + to give it to Abra- 20 And Amram took him Jochebed his father's
ham, to Isaac, and to Jacob and I will give it sister to wife and she bare him Aaron and Moses
; ;
unto me ;' how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who and Abiasaph: these are the families of the Kor-
am of uncircumcised lips?" hites.
13 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto 25 And Eleazar, Aaron's son, took him one of
Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children the daughters of Putiel to wife; Tind she bare
•Or.jEHOVAH. a Gen. 17:1; 33:11; 48;3. b ch. 3:11; Psa. 6B:4; K3:lrt; i ch 5:21. jver. 9. k ver. 30; Lev. 26:41 ; Jer. 9:26; Acts 7:51. 1 Num.
Isa. 4-2:3; John 8:53; Revr. 1:4. t Gen. 17:7. 8. d ch. 2:21; Psa. 106:44. 27:19, 23; Deut. 31:14. " Gen. 46:9. etc.; 1 Chr. S:3. n 1 Chr. 4:24.
e Psa. 103:8. ' Deut. 26:8; Psa. 81:6. s ch. 15:13; Deut. 7:8; 1 Chr. » Num. 3:17; 1 Chr. 6:1. P Num. 213:57. 1 Num. 16:1. r Lev. 10:4.
17:21; Neh.l:10. h Deut.4:2U; 7:6; 2Sam 7:24; Jer. 3l:')3; Hos.l:10; s Ruth 4:19. I 1 Chr. 6:3; 24:1.
named man Adam, also named himself Jehovah. But in names that he appropriates to himself in his word, are
his revelations to the patriarchs, God had not appropri- made known to men in his providence. Both by what
ated this name to himself in a peculiar way, as he now he says and by what he does, he shows that he is Je-
did. He had said to them, I am God Almighty I am Jeho- ; hovah.
vah, the God of Abraham, etc. but not simply, I am Jeho-
; 12. Even the best of men are strongly tempted to walk
vah. The name of God comprehends the sum of all his by sight, not by faith and if appearances are against
attributes. To manifest God's name to men, is to manifest them, are liable to be discouraged, though all the perfec-
his true character. John 17:6. When it is said that tions of Jehovah are pledged in their behalf.
God keeps believers through his name, the meaning is, 29. The utter insufficiency of men, and their entire de-
that he keeps them through those divine attributes which pendence on God, instead of being a reason why they
his name comprehends. John 17:11. When God says, I should not in all things obey him, are a reason why they
am Jehovah, he means that the fulness of divine perfec- should obey him and in doing his wiU they will find his
tions which that name includes, is a sure pledge that he grace to be sufficient for them, and his strength m;r!i'
will redeem all his promises to his covenant people. perfect in their weakness. 2 Cor. 12:9; Heb. 11:34.
Mosu and Aaron before Pharaoh. EXODUS VII. Ilis heart is hardened.
of tlie Lovites according to tlioir families. Pharaoh, and it .shall become a serpent.
20 Tiiose (irv that Aaron aiui Moses, to whom 10 1 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pha-
tlic LoiU) said, JJrinij out tlie cliiidren of Israel raoli, and they did so as tiic Lord had commanded :
from tiie land of Efrypt accordinji; to their armies. and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and
-7 These are they which spake to Pharaoli kin;^ before his servants, and it iiecamc a serpent.
of Eirypt,'' to liring out tlie children of Israel from 11 Tiien Pharaoh also called the wise men and
Ejrypt:" tliese are that Mose.s and Aaron. the sorcerers:'' now the magicians of ]']gy]>t, they
28 1 And it came to ])ass on the day when the also did in like manner with their enchantments.
Lord spake unto Moses in the land of Ejrypt, 12 For they cast down every man his rod, and
29 Tiiat tiie Lord spake unto Moses, saying, I they became serpents but Aaron's rod swallowed :
Eirypt all tiiat I say unto thee.'' 13 And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he
;5U And Moses said before the Lord, Behold, I hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said."
am of uncircumcised lips," and how shall Pharaoh 14 1 And the Lord said unto Moses, I'liaraoh's
licarkeu unto me? heart is hardened:'" he refuseth to let the people
15 Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo,
CHAPTER VII. hegoeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand
Moses encouraged to go to Pharaoh. 7 His age. 8 His rod is
heart is hardened. 14 God's message to Pharaoh. 19 The river is which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in
turned into blood.
thy hand."
the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have
thee a god to Pharaoh ;'' and Aaron
16 And thou shalt say unto him, The Lord God
of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee,!" saying,
thy brother shall be thy prophet. Let my people go, that they may serve me in the
2 Thou shalt speak all tliat I command thee;*' wilderness:'' and behold, hitherto thou wouldest
and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, not hear.
that he send the children of Israel out of his land. 17 Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know
3 And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and mul- that I am the Lord behold, I will smite with the
tiply my signs and my wonders in the land of rod that is in my hand upon tlie waters which are
Egypt." in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.^
4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that 18 And the fish that is in the river shall die,
I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth and the river shall stink ;
and tlie Egyptians shall
mine armies, and my people the cliildren of Israel, loathe to drink of the water of the river.
out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. 19 If And the Lord spake unto Moses, Say unto
5 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thy hand
Lord, when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt, upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams,
and bring out the children of Israel from among upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon
them.' all their pools of water,' that they may become
6 And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord com- blood and that there may be blood throughout
manded them, so did they. all the land of Egypt, both in vessels o/" wood, and
7 And Moses was fourscore
years old, and Aaron in vessels of stone.
fourscore and three years old, when they spake 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the Lord
unto Pharaoh. commanded : and he lifted up the rod, and smote
8 IT And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto the waters that were in the river, in the sight of
Aaron, saying, Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants;' and
9 When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, all the waters that were in the river were turned
Show a miracle for you:' then thou shalt say unto to blood.
^2:6; Johnl0:35. ech.8:29. l>cli.ll:9. i ch. 14:4, 18; Psa. 9:16. j Matt.
12:39; John 2: IS. k Dan. 2:2; 2 Tim. 3:8. 1 ver. 4. » ch. 8:1.'); 10:1, 27.
1. / made thee a god to Pharaoh thy prophet; as God
liave —
communicates to men his will through prophets, so Aaron
should make known to Pharaoh the messages which Mo-
ses, acting in God's name, should direct him to deliver.
3. Harden Pharaoli's heart ; as a punishment for his sins,
B.c' i«L 2 1 And the fish that was in the river died ments, and brouglit up frogs upon the land of
and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not Egypt.
drink of the water of the river;" and tliere was 8 It Moses and Aaron,
Tlien Pharaoh called for
blood throughout all the land of Egypt. and Entreat tlio Lord, that he may take
22 And the magicians of Egypt did so with their away the frogs from me, and from my people and ;
enchantments :" and Pliaraoh's heart was liardened, I will let tlie people go, that they may do sacrifice
neither did he hearken unto them as the Lord had ; unto the Loud."
said. 9 And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Glory over
23 And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, me:* when' shall I entreat for thee, and for thy
neither did he set his heart to this also.*" servants, and for thy people, to destroy^ the frogs
24 And all the Egyptians digged round about from thee and thy houses, (hat they may remain
the river for water to drink; for they could not in the river only?
drink of the water of the river. 10 And he said. To-morrow.' And he said, Be
25 And seven days were fulfilled, after that the if. according to thy word that thou mayest know
Lord had smitten the river. that there is none like unto the Lord our God.''
11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, and
from thy houses, and from thy servants, and from
CHAPTER VIII. thy people they shall remain in the river only.
1 Frogs are sent. 8 Pharaoh sueth to Moses, 12 anJ Moses by prayer 12 And Moses and Aaron went out from Pha-
removeth them away. 16 The dust is turned into lice, which the
magicians could not do. 20 Tlie swarms of flies. 2-5 Pharaoh in- raoh; and Moses cried unto the Lord because
clineth to let the people go, 32 but yet is hardened. of the frogs which he had brought against Pha-
AND Lord
Pharaoh, and
tlie spake unto Moses, Go unto
say unto him, Tlius saith the
13 And the Lord did according to the word of
Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve Moses and the frogs died out of the houses, out
5 If And the Lord spake unto Moses, Say unto his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the
Aaron, Stretch forth thy hand with thy rod over earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast all ;
the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, the dust of the land became lice throughout all
and cause frogs to come up upon the land of the land of Egypt."
-Egypt. 18 And the magicians did so with their enchant-
(j And Aaron strctclied out his hand over the ments to bring forth lice, but they could not:' so
waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and there were lice upon man, and upon beast.
covered the land of Egypt." 19 Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This
7 And the magicians did so with their enchant- is the finger of God:" and Pharaoh's heart was
aVer. 18. b a Tim. 3:8. c Isa. 26:11 Jer. 5:3; .3l):24i Hag. 1 :5. •Or,
; 2 Sam. 7:23; IChr. 17:20; Psa. 83:18; 86:8; Isa. 40:25; 46:9; Jer. 10:6, 7.
dough. dPsa. 78:45; 105:30; Rev. 16:13. e ch. 9:23; 10:17; Num. !>l :7 ejas. 5.16-18. h Deut. 34:10-12. iEcol.S:Il. i ch. 7:4. kPsa.l05:31.
1 Kmgs 13:6; Acts B:21. t Or, Have tl rer me. i Or, agaimi 1 Gen. 41:8; Isa. 19:12; 47:12; Dan. 2:10. m 1 Sam. 6:3, 9; Psa. 8:3;
when. § Heb. to cut off. Or, Against
D i
t Deut. 32:31; 33:26; Matt. 12:i8; Luke 11:20.
they wish to harden themselves against him, he often suf- and to hide their shame, confessed that it was the effect
fers them to do it, even to their ruin. of divine power.
hardened, and he lioaikoncil not unto them ; as and from his peojilc, to-morrow but let "li.*'. ui?;
the Loiin had said. not Pharaoh deal deceitl'uliy any more in not
20 ^ And the Loud said unto JIoscs, Rise uji letting the people go to saerilicc to the Loud/
early in tiio niorniufr, and stand before Pliaraoh IJO And Moses went out from Pharaoh, and en-
hi, \\v conietii forlli to tiie water and say unto ; treated the Lord.
iiini, Tims saitli tlie Loud, Let my people go, tliat 31 And the Loud did according to the word of
tlicy may
serve me. Moses and he removed the swarms of flies from
know that I am tiie Lord in the midst of the ''T'^IIEN the Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto
earth. 1 Pharaoh, and tell him. Thus saith the Lord
23 And I will jtut a division^ between my peo- God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that tliey
jile and tliy jioojile: to-morrow* shall this sign be. may serve me.
24 And the Lord did so and there came a ; 2 For if thou refuse to let them go, and wilt
grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh, hold them still,
and into his servants' houses, and into all the laud 3 Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cat-
of Egypt: the land was corrupted^ by reason of tle Avhich is in the field, upon the horses, upon the
the swarm of flies. asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon
25 ^ And Pharaoh called for Moses and for the sheep t/icre shall be a very grievous murrain. :
Aaron, and said. Go ye, sacrifice to your God in 4 And the Loud shall sever between the cattle
the land. of Israel and the cattle of Egypt and there shall :
26 And Moses said, It is not meet so to do for nothing die of all Ihat is the children's of Israel.
we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyp- 5 And the Lord appointed a set time, saying-,
tians to the Lord our God lo, shall we sacrifice To-morrow the Lord shall do this thing in the
for me.'' 8 1 And the Lord said imto Moses and unto
29 And Moses said. Behold, I go out from thee, Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the fur-
and I will entreat the Lord that the swarms of nace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven
flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants. in the sight of Pharaoh.
• Or, a mixture
of noisome beasts, t 9:1, etc.; 10:2:J; 11: 3:18.
13:13. t Heb. a rei/emp(io;t. I Or by 4 Or. destroi/ed. b
43:32; 40:34; Deut. 7:23; 12:31; 1 Kings 11 7; 2 Kings 2;J:I:).
6. God can make even the meanest of his creatures in-
struments of punishment to those who rebel against him
and none are so exalted that they can resist him and pros-
per. Though for a time he waits upon them, not willing
b.'c!i«l' 9 And it shall become small dust in all 21 And he that regarded not* the word of tlic
the land of Eorypt, and shall be a boil breaking Lord servants and his cattle in the field.'"
left his
forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, 22 lAnd the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch
tliroughout all the land of Egypt." forth thy hand toward heaven, that there may be
10 And they took ashes of the furnace, and hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon
stood before Pharaoh and Moses sprinkled it up
; beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout
toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking the land of Egypt.
forth uyit/i blains upon man, and upon beast. 23 And Moses stretched forth his rod toward
11 And the magicians could not stand before heaven: and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and
Moses because of the boils ;'' for the boil was upon the fire ran along upon the ground and the Lord ;
the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians. rained hail upon the land of Egypt."
12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pha- 24 So there was hail and fire mingled with the
raoh, and he hearkened not unto tlieui;"^ as the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like
Lord had spoken unto Moses.'' it in all the land of Egypt since it became a na-
13 1" And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up tion.
early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, 25 And the hail smote throughout all the land
and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God of the of Egypt all that teas in the field, both man and
Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. beast and the hail smote every herb of the field, ;
14 For I will at this time send all my plagues and brake every tree of the field."
upon thy heart, and upon thy servants, and upon 20 Only in the land of Goshen, where the chil-
thy people;" that thou mayest know that their is dren of Israel were, was there no hail.''
none like me in all the earth. 27 It And Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and
15 For now I will stretch out my hand, that I Aaron, and said unto them, I have sinned this
may smite thee and tliy people with pestilence;'" time the Lord is righteous, and I and my people :
and thou shalt be cut oflf from the cartii. a)-e wicked.''
16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised 28 Entreat the Lord'^ <for it is enough) that there
thee up,* for to show m thee my power
and that be no more mighty thuuderings* and hail aiid I
not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof mayest know how that the earth is the Lord's.'
even until now. 30 But as for thee and thy servants, I know that
19 Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, ye will not yet fear the Lord God."
and all that thou hast in the field for upon every 31 And the flax and the barley was smitten:"
man and beast wliich shall be found in the field, for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was
and shall not be brought home, tlie hail shall come boiled.
down upon them, and they shall die." 32 But the wheat and the rye were not smitten
20 He that feared the word of the Lord among grown •
the thundors and liail ceased, and the rain was not And Moses
said, We
will go with our ji." mi
jwiired upon the eartli. young and with our okl, with our sons and with oiir
34 And wlien Pharaoh saw that the rain and the daughters, with our Hocks and with our herds will
liail and (he thunders were eeased, lie sinned yet we go; for we must hold a feast unto the IjOKD.
more, and iiardened ids lieart," lie and his servants. 10 And he said unto them, l^ei the Loud be so
35 And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, nei- with you, as 1 will let you go, and your little
ther would he let the ehildreu of Israel go as the ; ones: look to it : for evil i.v lit'lore you.
Lord had spoken by Moses.* 11 Not so: go now ye that arc men, and serve
the Lord for that ye did desire. And they were
2 And tliat thou iiiayest tell in the cars of thy when it was morning, the east wind brought the
son, and of thy son's son,'' what things I have locusts.''
wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have 14 And the locusts went up over all the land of
done among them that ye may know how that 1
; Egypt, and rested in all the coasts of Egypt :' very
am the Lord.'' grievous were they: before them there were no such
And Moses and Aaron eame in unto Pharaoh,
3 locusts as they, neither after tliein shall be such.'"
and said unto him. Thus saith the Lord God of the 15 For they covered the face of the whole earth,
Hebrews, How long wilt thou refuse to humble so that the land was darkened and they did eat ;
thyself before me?'' let my people go, that they every herb of tiie land, and all the fruit of the
may serve me. trees which the hail had left: and there remained
4 Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs
to-morrow will I bring the locusts into thy coast:' of the iield, through all the land of Egypt.
5 And they shall cover the face* of the earth, that 10 1 Then Pharaoh called* for Moses and Aaron
one cannot be able to see the earth and they shall : in haste and he said, I have sinned against the
eat the residue of that which is escaped,'^ which re- Lord your God," and against you.
maineth unto you froui tlie hail, and shall eat every 17 Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin
tree which groweth for you out of the iield: only this once, and entreat the Lord your God,"
6 And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses that he may take away from me this deatli only.
of all thy servants, and the houses of all the Egyp- 1 And he went out from Pharaoh, and entreated
tians;'' which neitlier thy fathers, nor thy fathers' the Lord.
fathers have seen, since the day that they were 19 And the Lord turned a mighty strong west
upon the earth unto this day. And he turned wind, which took away the locusts, and cast' them
liimself, and went out from Pharaoh. into the Red sea;!" there remained not one locust
7 And Pharaoli's servants said unto him, How in all the coasts of Egypt.
long shall this man be a snare unto us?" let the 20 But the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, so
men go, that they may serve the Lord their God that he would not let the children of Israel go.
kaowcst thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed ? 21 T" And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out
8 And Moses and Aaron were brought again unto thy hand toward heaven, that there may be dark-
Pharaoh: and he said unto them, Go, serve the ness over the land of Egypt,'' even darkness which
Lord your God: but who* are they that shall go? may be felt.''
»2Chr.33:a'); aii:13; Rom. 2:4,5. • Hei. btj tht hand of Moses, b ch. Eccl. 7:20. 1 Heb. who and who,elc. i ch. 7:10
7:13:14. » Deut. 4:9; 6:-J0; Psa. 4^:1; 71:1S; 78:5; Joel 1:3. d Psa.
53:11. el Kings 21:20; 2Chr.7:14; 33:12.19; Job 42:6; Jer. 13:13; Jas.
4:10. f Prov. 30:27; Rev. 9:3. t Heb. eye. « ch. 9:32; Joel 1:4; 2:25.
hver. 14, 15; ch. 8:3. ich.2;j:33; Josh. 2:S:13; 1 Sam. 1S:21; Prov. 20:0;
4.Locusts; a species of insect resembling our grass-
hopper, but much larger. They fly with the wind in im-
mense swarms that darken the air, and where they alight
they cover the face of the ground, and devour every green
10. Be so with you, as I will let you go ; may he deal with
you just so as I shall let you go. He means, I will not
let you go and if your God grants 3'our requests in the
same way that I do, you will fare hard. Look to it ; for
evil is before you; that is, according to our version, by per-
: :
with you.
25 And Moses said. Thou must give us* also
sacrifices and burnt-ofTerings, that we may sacri-
fice unto the Lord our God.
26 Our cattle also shall go with us ;" there shall
not a hoof be left behind for thereof must we
I God's message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of their neighbors.
4 Moses threateneth Pharaoh with the dcatli of the first-born.
tll'vvjt 16 And in the first day there shall be a the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And
lioly convocation, and in the seventh day there the people bowed the head and worshipped.""
shall bo a holy convocation to you;'' no manner 28 And the children of Israel went away, and did
of work shall be done in them, save that which as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron, so
every man* must eat, that only may be done of did they.
you. 29 H And it came to pass, that at midnight the
IT And ye shall observe the feast q/" unleavened Lord smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt,'
bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought from the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on his
your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore throne unto the first-born of the captive that was
shall ye observe this day in your generations by in the dungeon;* and all the first-born of cat-
an ordinance for ever. tle.
18 1 In the first moiith, on the fourteenth day 30 And Pharaoh
rose up in the night, he, and
of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened all his servants,and all the Egyptians and there ;
bread, until the one and twentieth day of the was a great cry in Egypt :' for there was not a house
month at even. where there was not one dead.
19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in 31 1 And he called for Moses and Aaron by
your houses :" for whosoever eateth that which is night, and said. Rise up, and get you forth from
leavened, even that soul shall be cut ofl' from the among my people, both ye and the children of Is-
congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, rael and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said."
or born in the land. 32 Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye
20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened in all your ; have said, and be gone; and bless me also.'
habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread. 33 And the Egyptians were urgent upon the
21 IT Then Moses called for all the elders of Is- people, that they might send them out of the land
rael, and said unto them. Draw out and take you in haste;'" for they said. We be all dead men.
a lamb,* according to your families, and kill the 3-1 And the people took their dough before it was
passover." leavened, their kneading-troughs^ being bound up
22 And ye shall
take a bunch of hyssop, and dip in their clothes upon their shoulders.
it and strike the
in the blood that is in the basin, 35 And the children of Israel did according to
lintel and the two side-posts with the blood that the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the
is in the basin and none of you shall go out at Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold,
the lintel, and on the two side-posts," the Lord them such things as they required: and they spoiled
will pass over the door, and will not suffer the the Egyptians.
destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite 37 Tf And the children of Israel journeyed from
you.'- Rameses to Succoth," about six hundred thousand
24 And ye shall observe this thing for an ordi- on foot that icere men, besides children.''
nance to thee and to thy sons for ever. 38 And a mixed multitude' went up also with
25 And it shall come to pass, when ye be come them and flocks, and herds, even very much cat-
to the land which the Lord will give you, accord- tle.
ing as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the
service. dough which they brought forth out of Egypt,
20 And it shall come to pass, when your chil- for it was not leavened because they were thrust ;
dren shall say unto you, Wliat mean ye by this out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had
service?' they prepared for themselves any victuals.
27 That ye shall say. It is the sacrifice of the 40 1 Now the sojourning of the children of Is-
Lord's passover, who passed over the houses of rael, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and
the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote thirty years.'
a Num. 29:12. • Heb. soul, b ch. 23:1.5; 34:18; Deut. 16:3. t Or. kid. 105:36; 135:8; 130:10; Heb. 11:23. 1 Heb. house of the pit. > ch. 11:0;
c Josh. 5:10; 2 Kings 23:21; Ezri 6:20; Matt. 26; Is; Mirk 14:12; Luke Prov. 21:13; Amos 5:17; Matt. 25:6; Jas. 2:13. t ch. 11:1. 1 Gen. 27:34.
22:7, etc. d Lev. 14:6,7; Psa. 51:7; Heb. 9:19; 11:2S. e Heb. 12:24. m Psa. 105:33. i Os. dough, n Gen. 39:21 ch. 3:21;
: 11:3. o Num. *):3,
' 2 Sim. 24:16; Ezek. 9:4, 6; Rev. 7:3: 9:4. 8 ch. 13:8, 14; Deut. 32:7; 5. P Num. 1:46: 11:21. I Heh. a greal mixture, q Ntmi. 11:4. ' Gen.
Josh. 4:0; Psa. 7S:6. h ch. 4:31. i Num. 3:13; 8:17; 33:4; Psa. 78:51 15:13; Acts 7:6; Gal. 3:17.
the evening of the twenty-first day of the month. Ver. 34. Kneading-trougtis ; vessels containing their dough.
18. Cut off from Israel; see note to Gen. 17:14. 35.BonoM'cS; asked, requested. Chap. 3:21, 22 11:2, 3. ;
16. Convocation; an assembling together for public wor- 36. Lent unto tliem; granted them what they desired,
ship. No manner of work; except of necessity and mercy. in order to hasten their departure. Spoiled the Egyp-
Compare Matt. 12:11. tians; by carrying away much of their substance. Gen.
17. For ever; to the end of the Jewish state. 15:14.
21. The passover; the lamb that was to be slain on that 37. Rameses; a city which the Israelites had built, and
occasion. wliere they were now assembled. Chap. 1:11. Succoth;
22. Hyssop; a low shrub, or herb, common in eastern a place of encampment between Rameses and Suez. Six
countries, —
hundred thousand men; this shows that the whole number
32. Bless me; seek of God a blessing for me. of souls was probably over two millions. Psa. 105:37.
33. H'c be all dead; we shall be, if we retain the Israel- 40. Four hundred and thirty years; from the time the
ites any longer. promise was made to Abraham, (ion. 15:13. About half
77ie liitp of tht Passover. EXODl'S XIII. The fint-horn set nparl.
K.c.'iSt 10 Thou shalt therefore keep this ordi- the people repent when they see war,'' and they
nance in his season from 3'ear to year.'' return to Egypt.'"
11 IF And it shall be when the Lord shall bring 18 But God led the people about, through the
thee into the land of the Cauaauites, as he sware way of the wilderness of the Red sea:'' and the
unto thee and to thy fathers, and shall give it thee, children of Israel went up harnessed^ out of the
12 Tiiat thou shalt set apart* unto the Lord all land of Egypt.
that opencth the matrix, and every firstling that 19 And Moses took the bones of Joseph with
cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males him: for he had straitly sworn the children of
shall be the Lord's. Israel, saying, God
will surely visit you and ye ;
in time to come,* saying. What is tiiis?" that thou night in a pillar of fire, to give them light to go :
shalt say unto him, By strength of hand the Lord by day and night.'
brought us out from Egypt, from the house of 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by
bondage day, nor the pillar of fire by night, fro7n before
15 And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would the people.
hardly let us go, that the Lord slew all the first-
born in the land of Egypt, both the first-born of CHAPTER XIV.
man and the first-born of beast therefore I sac- 1 G-od instmcteth the Israelites in their journey. 5 Pharaoh pnrsueth
let the people go, that God led them not through 3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Is-
the way of the land of the Philistines, although rael, They are entangled in the land, the wilder-
that was near for God said, Lest peradventure ness hath shut them in.'
1 Ch. 12: 14, 24. • Heb. cause to pass ovei t Or, kid. I Heb. to-morrou: 24:32; Acts 7:16. h Nu 1.33:0. i Num. 9:15-23; 10:34; 14:14; Deut.
b Deut.
6;20i Josh. 4;6, 21. ' Deut. 26:8. i ch. 14:11, 12; Num. 14:1-4. 1:33; Neh. 9:12, 19; Psa B:14; 99:7; 1U5:.39; Isa. 4:5; 1 Cor. 10:2; Rev.
«Deut. 17:16. fDeut. 32:10. i0i,byjiv, in a Tank, s Gen. 50:25; Josh. 10:1. j Num. 33:7. kj, 44:1. 1 Psa. 3:2;
. 71:11 ; Jer. 20:10. U.
10. In his season; on the fourteenth day of Abib an- 21. Pillarof a cloud ; a cloud in the form of a pillar, to
nually. shield them from the sun and guide them in the daytime,
13. Every firstling of an ass —
and all the first-born of and to give them light by night.
man —slialt thou redeem; Num. 3:46-51; 18:8-18. Shalt 22. Took not away the pillar; it continued with them
break his neck; that they might not appropriate it imre- through the wilderness, as the emblem of the divine
deemed to their own use, this precept was added. presence. Chap. 14:24; 33:9-14.
14. What is this? why are the first-born thus devoted
to God and redeemed? What is the meaning of it?
7. In the Bible the same or similar instructions aro
15. Would hardly; refused.
17. Through the —
land of the Philistines; the direct way often repeated, that the truth may become familiar, and
from Egypt to Canaan. make a strong, abiding impression on the heart.
14. The ordinances of God are designed to increase the
18. lied sea; which separates Egypt from Arabia. It is
about 1,400 miles long, and upon an average about 150
knowledge, perpetuate the remembrance, and extend the
miles wide. It extends from the straits of Babelmandel efficacy of his truth and the proper understanding of
on the soiith, which unite it with the Indian ocean, to the these ordinances is suited to benefit all, especially the
isthmus of Suez on the north, which separates it from the young.
Mediterranean sea. At the north end it divides into two 18. The way through this world in which God leads
arms or gulfs, between which is the wilderness in which his people is often very diflerent from what they expect
the children of Israel spent forty years. The western or desire, and very different from what any finite mind at
arm, called the gulf of Suez, is about 190 miles long and the time would think to be best.
on an average 21 miles wide. It was near the head of ''
But though they go far wandering round,
this gulf, that the Hebrews passed and the Egyptians "T is the right way to Canaan's ground.*'
were drowned. Chap. 14:21-30. The eastern arm, called 22. God the guide and protector of his people. To
the gulf of Akabah. and anciently the ^Elanitic gulf or follow him is perfectly safe. And after he has, by the
gulf of Eiath, is about 100 miles long, and on an average wisest means and in the best way, prepared them for
about 15 miles wide. On this gulf was Eziongeber, a heaven, he will receive them there.
port from which Solomon sent his ships to Ophir for
gold. 1 Kings 9:20. From Rameses to the Red sea was CHAPTER XIY.
about forty or fifty miles. Harnessed; armed, equipped, 2. That theij turn; to the south, and go down on the
and in order. west side of the west arm of the Red sea, instead of
19. Tlw bones of Joseph; Gen. 50:25. passing northward round the head of the sea, as they
20. Etham ; a place near Suez, at the head of the west- —
might have done. Pi-hahiroth Migdol and Baal-zcphon ; —
ern branch of tlu- lied sea. The wilderness; of Etham. places south of Elham, where thev would be shut in be-
Pharaoh pursiieJh Israel.
EXODUS XIV. Po-tsagt nf (he lied sea.
4 And I will harden riianioli's heart," tliat ho 15 1 And the Lonn said unto Moses, u"mJi
shall follow aftor thoin and I will be honored upon
; Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the
Pharaoh, ami that the Egyptians
iii^n all liis host ; ciiildren of Israel, that they go forward:
may know that I am the Lord. And they did so. It) But lift thou uj) thy rod. and stretch out thy
5% And it was told the king of Egypt that the hand over the sea, and divide it: and the chil-
people fled and the heart of Pharaoh and of his
: dren of Israel shall go on dry grou7id through the
servants was turned against the people,'' and they midst of the sea.
said. Why have we done this, that we have let 17 And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of
Israel go" from serving us? the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: and I
6 And he made ready his chariot, and took his will get mc lionor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his
people with him: host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.
7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and IS And the Egyjitians shall know tiiat I am the
all tlic chariots of Egypt, and captains over every Lord, when I have got me honor upon Pharaoh,
one of thcm.'^ upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.
8 And the TiORD liardcned the heart of Pliaraoh 1!) 1 And the Angel of God,' whieii went before
king of Egypt, and lie pursued after the cliildrcn the camp of Israel, removed and went behind
of Israel and the children of Israel went out with
: them ; and the
pillar of the cloud went from be-
a high hand.'' fore their face,and stood behind them:
9 But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the 20 And it came between the camp of the Egyp-
horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, tians and the camp of Israel and it was a cloud
and his army, and overtook them encamping by and darkness to them, but it gave light by night
the sea, beside Pi-hahiroth. before Baal-zephon. to these: so that the one came not near the other
10 1 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the chil- all the night.
dren of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the 21And Moses stretched out his hand over the
Egyptians marched after them and they were ; sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a
sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out strong east wind all that night, and made the sea
unto the Lord." dry land, and the waters were divided.^
11 And they said unto Moses, Because there were 22 And the children of Israel went into the
no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to midst of the sea, upon the dry ground: and the
die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt waters tvere a wall unto them on their right hand,
thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt ? and on their left."
12 Is not this the word that we did tell thee in 23 1 And the Egyptians pursued, and went in
Egypt,' saying. Let us alone, that we may serve after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pha-
the Egyptians ? For it had been better for us to raoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.
serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in 24 And it came to pass, that in the morning-
the wilderness. watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyp-
13 If And Moses said unto the people. Fear ye tians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud,
not,^ stand still, and sec the salvation of the Lord, and troubled the host of the Egyptians,
which he will show to you to-day for the Egyp- :
25 And took ofl' their chariot-wheels, that they
tians whom ye have seen to-day,* ye shall see them drave them heavily ;+ so that the Egyptians said.
again no more for ever. Let us flee from the face of Israel for the Lord ;
14 The LoED shall fight for you,*" and ye shall fighteth for them against the Egyptians.
hold your peace. 26 1[ And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch
«Ch. 4:21, elc. b Psa. 105:25. c ch. 15:4. J Num. 33:3: Deut. 2G:8. I:.30; 3:22; 20:4; Josh. 10:14; 23:3, 10; 2 Chr. 20:29; Neh 4:20; Isa.
eJosh. 24:7; Neh. 9:9; Psi.34:17; 106:44, 107:0. tcli. 5:21 : C:9. g Num 30:15. Num. 20:10: Isa. 63:9. J Josh 3:16; 4:2:j; Psa. 60.6. k 1 Cor
14:9; Deut. 20:3: 2 Kings 6:1S; 2 Chr. 20:15, 17; Psa. 27:1. 2; 46:1-3; 10:1; Heb. 11:29. 1 Or, aiid made th^m to go heavily.
Isa. 41.10, 14. ' Or, for whereas ye kave seen the Egijptians to-day. h Deut.
8. With a high liand; by a high hand that is, by the ; pass away, they rush again into sin, they not unfrequently
hand of Jehovah, lifted up with might for their deliver- become more hardened, reckless, and wicked than ever,
ance. till, given up of God, they sink into ruin.
19. Angel of God; the Angel of the covenant, who was 15. It is the duty of men not merely to pray, but to
afterwards made flesh and dwelt among men. Deut. 1 32, : act and unless they go forward in the way of duty, their
33; Psa. 99:6, 7; Isa. 63:8-16; John 1:14; 1 Cor. 10:9. prayers wiU not avail. God helps those who do what he
Compare ver. 24, 25. He was now present in the cloud ;
requires to help themselves.
and when he removed, the cloud removed with him. 18. The dispensations of Providence, as well as the pub-
20. To Mem,- the Egyptians. TScse; the Israelites. lication of divine truth, are to some, by being improved,
24. The morning-watch; the night was divided into three a savor of life unto life to others, by being abused, a
watches of four hours each. The morning-watch was the savor of death unto death and God is honored in the
last, and began eight hours after sunset. Looked; his salvation of the one and the destruction of the other.
look was accompanied with visible signs of his displeas- 20. Many things are very plain, and give great light
ure. See the following verse. and comfort to those who obey God, which appear ex-
The Egyptians are drowned. EXODUS XV. Song oj Moses and Israel.
B. au9L out thy hand over the sea, that the waters hast overthrown them that rose up against thee :
may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their thou sentest forth thy wrath, which consumed them
chariots, and upon their horsemen. as stubble.'
27 And Moses stretched fortli his hand over the 8 And with the blast of thy nostrils the waters
sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the were gathered together, the floods stood upright
morning appeared and the Egyptians fled against as a heap, and the depths were congealed in the
it; and the Lord overthrew* the Egyptians in heart of the sea.J
tlie midst of the sea. 9 The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake,
28 And the waters returned, and covered the I will divide the spoil my lust shall be satisiied ;
chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of upon them I will draw my sword, my hand shall
Pharaoh that came into the sea after them ;" there destroy* them.
remained not so much as one of tliem. 10 Thou didst blow with thy wind,'' the sea cover-
29 But the children of Israel walked upon dry ed them: they sank as lead in (he mighty waters.
land in the midst of the sea and tlie waters icerc a
; 11 Who is like unto thee, Lord,' among the
wall unto them on their right hand, and on their 1 eft. gods?^ who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fear-
30 Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of ful in praises, doing wonders?
the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the 12 Thou stretchedst out thy right hand, the
Egyptians dead upon the sea-shore. earth swallowed them.
31 And Israel saw that great work* which the 13 Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people
Lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people which thou hast redeemed :" thou hast guided them
feared the Lord, and believed the Lord, and his in thy strength unto thy holy habitation.
servant Moses.'' 14 The people shall hear, and be afraid sorrow :
I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed as a stone ;" till thy people pass over, Lord, till
gloriously the horse and his rider hath he thrown
: the people pass over, which thou hast purchased.''
into the sea. 17 Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in
2 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is the mountain of thine inheritance,"' in the place,
become my salvation:'' he ismy God, and I will Lord, which thou hast made for thee to dwell
prepare him a habitation;'^ my father's God, and in ; in the sanctuary, Lord, which thy hands
I will exalt him. have established.'
3 The Lord w a man of war :'' the Lord m his name. 18 The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.'
4 Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast 19 For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his
into tiie sea his chosen captains also are drowned
: chariots and with his horsemen into tlie sea, and
in the Red sea. the Lord brought again the waters of the sea upon
5 The depths have covered them: they sank them but the children of Israel went on dry land
in pieces the enemy .^ women went out after her, with timbrels and with
7 And in the greatness of thine excellency thou dances.
• Heb. shook off. » ch. 13:10; Psi. 77;l(i-ai; 73;53; 106:11. t HeK. 4:9; 2Thess. 2:S. I Or, repossess, k ch. 14:21; Psa. 147:18. Usa. 40:18.
hand, b ch. 4:13; 19:9; John 2: 11 11:45. c Judg. 5:1; 3 Sam. 22:1 Psa.
; ; S Or, 7nighty ones, m Isa. 63:13. n Josh. 5: 1. o Deut. 2:35; 11:25; Josh.
106:12. i Psa. 1S:2; 27:1; 62:6; 118:14; Isa. 12:2. e 1 Kings 8:13, 27. 2.9. Pi Sam. 25:37. q Psa. 74:2; Acts 20:28. r Psa. 44:2. a Psa. 78:54.
f Paa. 24:8; 45:3; Rev. 19:11. e Psa. 118:15, 16. >> Deut. 3:3:26: Psa. I Psa. 146:10; Dan. 4:3; 7:27. u Judg. 11:34; 2 Sam. 6:5; Psa. 6S:25;
63:33. i
Psa. 59:13; Isa. 5:24; 47:14; Matt. 3:12. J 2 Sam. 22:16; Job 81:2; 149:3; 150:4.
ceedingly dark and perplexing to those who knowingly 12. The earth ; the sea in the depths of the earth. Psa.
disobey him. 77:14-20.
28. The way of transgressors is hard. God is against 13. Thyholy habitation; the land of Canaan, where God
them, and the time will come when they will see this. would delight to dwell with his people. But perhaps
Happy will it be if they see it while he is waiting to be here, and ver. 17, there is a prophetic allusion to moimt
gracious, saying, " Turn ye, turn ye for why will ye ; Zion, which became God's special dwelling-place.
die ?" and hearken to his voice, instead of madly perse- 14. Palestina; that is, the country of the Philistines.
vering in rebellion against him. See note, Isa. 14:29.
15. Dukes; leaders, princes.
CHAPTER XY. 16. Pass over; over the desert and through the inter-
2. A habitation ; a place for his public worship. vening countries, to take possession of Canaan. Pur-
8. Blast of thy nostrils; the wind which made the sea chased; redeemed or delivered from bondage, to be his
go back, chap. 14:21, here represented as the breath of peculiar people.
the Almighty. Ver. 10. The depths were congealed; made 17. The mountain of thine inheritance ; the land of Ca-
to stand upon either side like walls of ice. naan, especially Zion, and the temple where he would
10. Didst bloio with thy wind; a wind opposite to that dwell. See note, ver. 13.
which made the sea retire, and which hastened its return 20. The prophetess; appointed of God to instruct the
to overwhelm the Egypti;uis. wcimen, and lead them in their devotions. Num. 12:1, 2 :
21 And Miriam answered tiicni, Sing ye to the racl came unto the wildernes.s of Sin,'' l..":?;,?;
Lord," lor lie lialli tiiuuipiicd gloriously: the which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth
horse and his rider hath he tiirown into the sea. day of the second mouth after their departing out
'22 So Moses brought Israel from the lied sea, of the land of Egypt.
and tliey went out into the wilderness of Shur;'' 2 And the whole congregation of the children
and they went three days iu the wilderness, and of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron ia
found no water. the wilderness:'
23 *i And when they came to Marali,"^ they could 3 And the children of Israel said unto them,
not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were Would to God we had died liy the hand of the
bitter therefore the name of it was called Marali.'
: Lord in the land of Egyi)t, when we sat by the
24 Anil the people murmured against Moses, flesii-pots,J and when we did eat bread to the full
saying, Wiiat shall we drink? for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness,
25 And he cried unto the Lord and the Lord
; to kill this whole assembly with hunger.
showed liini a when he had cast into
tree, tv/iick 4 1 Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I
tlic waters, tlie waters were made sweet:'' there will rain bread from heaven for you;" and the
lie made them a statute and an ordinance, and
for people shall go out and gather a certain rate
there he proved them, every day,* that I may prove them,' whether they
2C And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to will walk iu my law, or no.
the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that 5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth
which is right in his sight, and wilt give car to day they shall prepare t/iat which they bring in
his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily."'
will putnone of these diseases upon thee, which I 6 And Moses and Aaron said unto all the chil-
have brought upon the Egyptians:" for I am the dren of Israel, At even, then ye shall know tjiat
Lord that healeth thee.'' the Lord hath brought you out from the land of
27 H And they came to Elim, where were twelve Egypt:
wells of water, and threescore and ten palm- 7 And in the morning, then ye shall see the
trees and they encamped there by the waters.
: glory of the Lord;" for that he heareth your
murmurings against the Lord and what are we, :
the Sabbath. 32 An omer of it is preser\'ed. heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against
A » Ver.
they took their journey from Elim,'"' and
the congregation of the children of Is-
b Gen. 16:7. t Num. 33:8.
1. • That is. Bilterness; Ruth 1 :20.
him: and what are we? your murmurings are not
against us, but against the Lord."
kPsa. 78:al; John 6:.31, 32. Mleh. tke portn
•1-2 Kings 2:21; 4:41. e Deut. 23:27, 68. f Psa. 41:4 10.3:3. ENum.33:10.
8:16. n. ver. 22. n ver. 10; ch. 40:.'34; Nun
h Ezek? 30:15. i ch. 1.1:24; Psa. 106:25; 1 Cor. 10:10. J Num. 11:4, 5. 10:40; Luke 10:16.
Micah 6:4. Timbrel; a musical instrument like the tam- 21. Great deliverances should be celebrated with mani-
bourine. festations of hearty gratitude to God, and sincere devo-
21. Miriam answered; she led the women, who sung tion of body and soul to his service.
responsively with the men. 26. The human heart cannot be safely trusted. At one
23. Marah; meaning bitterness; where was a fountain time it will sing praises to God, and at another murmur
of bitter water. against him. All true confidence in God, and all genuine
25. Statute —
ordinance ; rule, direction, or decree, men- love to him, are the fruit of his Spirit and to him belongs ;
outward healing of the body is a symbol of the more visions which they brought with them, or obtained by
glorious healing and sanctifying of the soul by God's the way but as they now entered the wilderness, where
grace. they thought they could not obtain any, they feared they
27. Elim ; a place south-east of Marah, and on the way should perish.
to mount Sinai. 4. Prove them ; put them to trial. For the meaning of
this, see Deut. 8:2, 3, 16.
IXSTRUCTIONS. 5. Tlie sixth day; the sixth working day, the day before
1. Those dispensations of Providence which excite our the Sabbath. The Sabbath is spoken of as an institution
greatest fears, often so result as to call forth our loudest already existing and well known.
praises. 6. Ye shall know; by the Lord's providing you a mirac-
7. They that, being often reproved, continue to harden ulous supply of flesh. Ver. 13.
their hearts, will be suddenly destroyed, and that with- 7. See the glory of the Lord; in the miraculous provision
success, they are often the nearest to destruction. direction. The murmurings of the Israelites against
16. That fear of coming evil which prevents exertion them, were therefore in reaUty murmurings against Ilim
and leads to despair, instead of delivering from danger, who sent them. Compare Matt. 10:40; Luke 10:16;
only increases it, and prevents escape. John 12:44; 13:20.
Quads and manna sent. EXODUS XVI. Directions conccrnin<^ the manna.
13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails any worm therein.'
came up, and covered the camp :'' and in the morn- 25 And Moses said. Eat that to-day for to-day ;
ing the dew lay round about the host. is a sabbath unto the Lord to-day ye shall not
1-1 And when the dew that lay was gone up, be- find it in the field.
hold, upon the face of the wilderness tliere lay a 26 Six days ye shall gather it but on the seventh ;
small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on day, u-hich is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.-'
the ground. 27 1" And it came to pass, that there went out
15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they some of the people on the seventh day for to gather,
said one to another. It is manna :*" for they wist not and they found none.
what it loas. And Moses said unto them, This is 28 And the Lord said unto Moses, How long re-
the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat. fuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?"
16 IT This is the thing which the Lord hath com- 29 See, for that the Lord hath given you the
manded. Gather of it every man according to his sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day
eating, an oraer for every man,* according to the the bread of two days abide ye every man in his
number of your persons;* take ye every man for place, let no man go out of his place on the sev-
them which are in his tents. enth day.
17 And the children of Israel did so, and gather- 30 So the people rested on the seventh day.
ed, some more, some less. 31 And the house of Israel called the name
18 And when they did mete it with an omer, he thereof Manna: and it ims like coriander-seed,
that gatliered much had notliing over, and he that white; and the taste of it teas like wafers made
gathered little had no lack ;'' they gathered every with honey.'
man according to his eating. 32 TT And Moses said, This is the thing which
19 And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the Lord commandeth. Fill an omer of it to be
the morning." kept for your generations that they may see the
20 Notwithstanding, they hearkened not unto bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness,
Moses but some of them left of it until the morn-
; when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt.
ing, and it bred worms, and stank and Moses : 33 And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and
was wroth with them. put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up
21 And they gathered it every morning, every before the Lord, to be kept for your generations.'"
1 Num. 16:16. b Num. 1-1:10; 1 Kings 8: in. ever.", d Num. 11:31; head. JUnh. souls. f2Cor.S:15. gMatt.6:34. h ch. 20:8; 31:15; 35:3;
Psa. 7d:27-31; 105:10. *
Or, What is this? or, /( is a portion, e ver. 31, Gen. 2:3; Lev. 23:3. ver. 20.
i jch. 2U:9, 10. t Num. 14:11 ; 2 Kings
3:1;Num. 11:7; Dent. 8:3, 18; Josh. 5:13; Neh. 9:15; Psa. 7S:a4; 105:40, 17:14; P=a. 78:10, 22; 100:13; Jer. 9:0; Ezelc. 5:6. 1 Num. 11:7, 8. m Heb.
John 0:.31, 49, 53; 1 Cor. 10:3; Heb. 9:4; Rev. 2:17. t Heb. by the poll, or
9. Near before the Lord; near to the cloudy pillar, in one, under all circumstances, was required to eat the
which he dwelt, and from which he spoke. Ver. 10. whole, but no one was allowed to lay up any of it for the
12. I am the Lord your God; of course all their fears in next day, or for future use. This was designed to teach
following his guidance were groundless. them to depend on God, from day to day, for their daily
li. Round thing; rather, scale-like thing. bread. Matt. G: 11, 34.
15. Itismanna; which might be translated, What is this? 23. The Lord hath said; God had told this to Moses,
II). An omer; the tenth part of an ephah ver. 36. Ac- ; ver. and Moses now tells it to the people. Seethe; boil.
cording to a probable computation, the ephah contained Remaineth over; above one omer for a man, or above what
one and one-twelfth bushels English; this would make they would want for the sixth day. To be kept; for their
the omer a trifle less than three and one-half quarts. supply on the Sabbath. It was cooked the day before,
18. 3Iete; measure. Gathered much had nothing over — to jirevcnt unnecessary labor on the Sabbath.
gathered little Imd no lack. These words may be imder- 28. 31 y laws; especially those which required them to
stood in two ways either that when each head of a
: rest from their ordinary employments, and keep the Sab-
family measured out to the members what he had gather- bath-day holy.
ed, it was miraculously brought about that there was just 29.Go out of his place; for needless, worldly purposes.
an omer apiece or, that when the people measured the
; 31.Like coriander-seed ; in shape and size. Wafers; thin
manna with an omer, the superabundance of one man cakes. When cooked it had something of the taste of
went to supply the want of another. This seems to bo sweet oil. Num. 11:6-8.
the view taken by the apostle Paul, 2 Cor. 8:14, 15. Ac- 33. Take a pot ; this command seems to be mentioned
cording to his eating; according to the number of his here by way of anticipation, as the tabernacle was not
household. yet made. Before the Lord; in the ark of the testimony,
19. Let no man leave of it till the mornins; not that each the place of his presence. Ver. 34; chap. 25:16,21; 30;6.
7 91
Water from the rock. EXODUS XVII. Amalek is overcome.
1 The people murmur for water at Repliidlm. 5 God senJeth lliem for
^-ater to the rock in Horeb. 8 Amalek is overcome by the holding
up of Moses' hands. lO Moses buildeth the altar Jchovah-nissi.
Jelhro's visit
EXODUS xviir. mui sacrifiu.
1 Jethro bringeth to Moses his wife and two sons. 7 Moses entertain-
eth him. 13 Jethro "s counsel is accepted. 27 Jethro departeth.
20 And thou nhalt teach them ordinances and the third month, when the children of Israel
them the way wherein they
INwere gone forth out of llie land of Kgypt, the
lawH,'' and .shall t-liow
uiUHt walk, and the work that they do. same day came they into the wilderne.'^s of Sinai.''
21 Moreover, thou Khalt proviile out of all the 2 For they were departed from Kephidim,' and
jieople able men, such as fear God, men of truth, were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched
tiating covetousnesH ;° and ])lace .wcA over them, in the wilderness and there Israel camped before ;
mand thee so," then thou shalt be able to endure, .0 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed,
and all 'this people shall also go to their place in and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar
peace.' treasure unto me above all people:' for all the
2-1: So Moses hearkened to the voice of his fa- earth is mine:
ther-in-law, and did all that he had said. G And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests,""
25 And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and a lioly nation. These are the words which
and made tliem heads over the people, rulers of thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and 7 T And Moses came and called for the elders
rulers of tens. of the people, and laid before their faces all these
26 And they judged the people at all seasons: words which the Loiii> commanded him.
tlic hard causes they brought unto Moses, but 8 And all the people answered together, and
every small matter they judged themselves. said. All that the Loufj hath spoken Ave will do."
27 ^ And Moses let his father-in-law depart; And Moses returned the words of the people unto
and he went his way into his own land.'' the Loud.
«Cll.a«;10: Dout.5:5. bD(!Ut.4:l; «:I,2; Nch.9:H. ' Dcut. l:!!?-!?; 32:11; I«l. 40:31; 63:0. 1 Deul. 7:0; 32:0; 1 Kingn 8:53; Pm. 135:4, I«a.
I9:lb: aSim. 2:!:3; Job29;10; 3I:1X d Num. 1 1:17. elBim.S:?. 'Gen. 1:8; 43:1; Tit. 2:14. m JR^v. 1 :0; 5:10. o ch. -^4:3; Deut. 5:27-29; Jo»h.
30:25. I Num. 10:20, 30. h Num. .33: 15. Ich.l7:l,8. Jch.7,cto. k Dnut. m'.'A; Nch. 10:'20.'
19. God nlwll be witk tlice ; he belicvcil llie jjlan lie pro- ly to discharge their appropriate duties, in order to btnor
posed would be ap])ioved of God. To God-wiird; Moses God and do good to men.
was to inquire of God for them, and make known to them 2C. Division of labor greatly increases useful results.
his will. Our object should be to have others do all the good they
21. Able men; capable men, who are disposed and qual- consistently can, and to do ourselves all we consistently
ified rightly to discharge the duties intrusted to them. can of what they leave undone. •
18. It is not wise, nor is it right for men to labor so is to minister to God in holy things. Though there was
much as to injure their health and shorten their lives, a body of priests set ajjart from their brethren to offer
even for the purpose of doing gooil but they should the literal sacrifices and iterform the other outward ser-
proportion their labors to their ability most usefully to vice of the tabernacle, yet all the Israelites as a holy
perform them. nation were to render to God spiritual service, and oflfer
21. Rulers and all civil officers should be capable men, spiritual sacrifices. Compare 1 I^eter 2:5.
who love God, speak the truth, hate covetousness, and 7. Laid before tlicir faces; fully explained to them, and
are strictly honest men who are able and willing prompt- submitted to their consideration what God had said.
RruoL 9 And till! Loud said nnto Moacs, Lo, I 20 And the Lord came down upon mount Kinai,''
come unto thoc in a thick cloud," that the people on the top a[' the mount: and the Loiu) called
may hear when I speak with tiicc, and believe Moses up to the. top of tlie mount and Moses went ;
thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the up.
people unto the Loud. 21 And the Loud said unto Moses, Go down,
10 1 And the Loud said unto Moses, Go unto charge* the peof)lo, lest they break through unto
the people, and sanctify tliom to-day and to-mor- tlie Lord to gaze, and many of tliem ficrish.'
row,'' and l(!t them wash their eh)tlies, 22 And let tin; priests also, whieli come near to
1And ready a'^ainst the third day: for the the L(jitD, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord hicak
tliird day the Loud will come downtn the sight forth upon them.
of all the people upon mount Sinai." 23 And Mo.scs said unto the Lord, The peofdo
12 And thou shalt set bounds unto the people cannot come up to mount Sinai for thou charg- :
round about, Take heed to yourselves, cdst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and
Ihat ye 2;o not up into the mount, or touch the sanctify it.
border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall 21- And the Lord said unto him. Away, get thee
be surely put to death:'' down, and thou shalt come up, thou, and Aaron
13 Tiierc shall not a hand touch it, but lie shall with thee: but let not the priests and the people
surely be stoned, or shot throuj^h whether it he. break through to come up unto the Lord, lest ho'
beast or man, it sliall not live: wlien the trumpet* brcfik forth upon them.
soundeth lony, ttiey sliall come up to the mount. 2l> So went down unto the people, and
14 IT And Moses went down from tiie mount spake unto them.
unto the people, and sanctified the people; and
they washed their clothes.
1.5 And he said unto the people, Bo ready against
1 The ten commandmentjt. 18 The people are afraid. 20 Mokcr com-
the third day: come not at your wives." forUjth tliern. 22 liiolaLry la forbidden. 1^1 Of what itort the aUar
16 IT And it came to pass on the third day in hhould be.
11:44. 5 vcr. II), IS. ! Ucb. 12:20. • Or, cornel, o 1 Ham. 21:4..';; Joel Matt. 4: 10. m Um. 211: 1
1 Dntit, 4: 1(1. « oh. 23:24 ; Jo.h. 23:7; Jna. 44:1S,
2:IB, ' Hob. 12:21. t Dcut.4:ll; .31:2: Judg, r,:r>\ P«a.(W:«; llab. .");;!. IB. Jo«h.2l:l«i Nahiiral:2. P ch. 34:7; Num. U;IBi Job 21:10; J«r.
Il Neh. 0:13. t Hub. conunt. i ch. a:i;20; 1 Sam. 0:19. J Uciil. .'5:4, <it<j. 2:9; 32: IS.
10. Siinctifij them; cause thern t/j cleanse and i^rcparc or will not do, but Lord will, wo shall live
lo say, " If the
themselves. The outward washing commanded was a and do this or that ;" and while wo resolve in his strength,
sign of the inward cleansing of the heart from sin, which we should di|iiMd on liiiri for wisdom and grace to learn
God ro(|iiired of every one. and do his will.
12. Wliomever lourjwth; the Y>rc8cnoc of O'kI made tlio I :i. To meet (iod with accfptanfc. we must approach him
monntiiin sacred, and it must not he profaned Ijy the feeling that we are sinners, and that he is of purer eyes
toucli of man or heast. Thus tlic Israelites were taught than to behohl inir|iiity but with abhorrence, and striving
that every thing that pertains to God's service must bo to cleanse ourselves from all lilthincHS of the llesh and of
regarded with the deepest reverence. the spirit, and to jierfect Ii(;liiies8 in the fear of God.
VS. To tlie mount ; towards it, but not beyond the bounds 21. All unholy curiosity in approaching God, gazing
prescribed for them. upon what he designed should not be seen, or prying
H. Sanctified tlie people; led them to purify themselves into what is not revealed, is offensive to him and danger-
as directed, verses 10, 15. ous to ourselves.
17. Netlter; lower, outside
Ver. 12.
of tlio prescribed lino.
19. Moses spake, and God answered him; Neh. 9:13; Ilcb. Have no other amis;
'.',. to have a god, is to love an ob-
12:18-21. ject supremely. What a man most loves is his god.
21. Jlreak through; over tlio bounds set for them. Thou shalt not love any object in comparison with .leho-
vah, or worship any but him. lie/ore me; besides me, and
IXSTllCCTIONS. in my sight.
5. If we hearken
to the voice of God, beh'eve his doc- .0. Not Ijow down —
nor serve them ; for that is giving them
and obey his commands, he will delight in us,
laratioiiB, the place of .Jehovah worshipping and serving the crea-
and esteem us as his peculiar treasure. DfMit. 7:0j 32:9; ture in opposition to and defiance of the ('reator. Jcnious
I'sa. i:j5:4; Tit. 2:14; 1 Peter, 2:9; Kev. .0:10. (Iod; displeased with those who bestow upon others what
S. Men arc often much more ready to promise than to belongs only to him. Vmitinp the iriu/uity of tlie fathers
perform : and it is generally not wise to say what we will upon the children; by suffering the sins of parents to bring
: :
The ten commaiulmtnls. EXODUS XX. The people fear and tremble.
6 And showinir mercy unto tliousands of them 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's li" "jf
that love me, ami kcop my connnandmcnt*." house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor
7 Thou shalt not lake the name of tlie Loud tJiy his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox,
Giiil in vain;'' fur tlio Lord will not hold him nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's."
guiltless that takelh his name in vain.*-' is '1 And all the people saw the thunderings,
8Remember tlie sabbath-day, to keep it holy. and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet,
Six days shall thou labor, and do all thy work and the mountain smoking and when the people :
10 But the seventh day is the sabliath of tlie saw it, they removed, and stofid afar off.
LonD thy God :'' in it tiiou shalt not do any work, 19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with
thou, nor thy son, nor thy tlaughter, thy man-ser- us, and we will hear : but let not God speak with
Tant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor us, lest we die.
thy stransrer that is witliin thy gates:' 20 And Moses said unto the people. Fear not:
11 For in six days the Loud made heaven and for God is come to jirove you, and that his fear
earth, tlie sea, and all that in them is, and rested may be before your ye sin not.
faces, lliat
the seventh day:*^ wherefore the Lord blessed the 21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew
sabbath-day, and hallowed it.*-' near unto the thick darkness where God was.
12 If Honor tliy father and thy mother;"" that 22 1i And the Lord said unto Moses, Thus thou
thy days may be long upon the land which the shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have
Lord tliv God givetii thee. seen that I have talked with you from heaven.
13 Tiiou shalt not kill.' 23 Yo shall not make with me gods of silver,
14 Thou slialt not commit adultery.^ neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold.
15 Thou shalt not steal. '^
24 1 An altar of earth thou shalt make unto
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt-offerings,
neighbor.' and thy peace-offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen
»Dout. 7:0; Rom. ll;2!i. b I,ev. 19:1-2; Deut. 29:SS. c Lev. 24:16 ; Psa. 3.5:18, 19; Matt. 15:4, 6; E]*. 0:2. Gen. 9:0. J Malt. 5:27, 23; 19:18;
11)9 20. d ch. 31:13, 14; Isi. 5S:13. e Lev. 2):3; Kzek. 20:12. f Neh. Rom. 13:9. k Eph. 4:28; 1 Thess. 4:«. " Psa, 52:3, 5; Rev. 22:15. "Hab.
13:13,19; Matt. 12:1-12. S Gen. 2:2, 3. h Deut. 27:16; Prov. 1:8; Jer. 2:9; Rom. 7:7; I Cor. 0:10; Col. 3:5.
evil upon children, and often Bufferin<; children, through 13. Not kill; nor take the life of any human being, ex-
the wicked influence of parents, to imitate their example cept when God requires it. Gen. 9:6; Deut. 25:17-19;
and live and die in sin, and bring upon themselves its 1 Sam. 15:1-3, 18, 19. This command forbids not only
awful guilt and punishment. murder, but all those practices and kinds of business
6. Showing mercy uiito thousands —
that love me; not only which tend to destroy human life and requires the per- ;
by forgiving their sins and saving their souls, but often formance of those duties, and the pursuit of such courses
inak ing them ins trumental in leading others, especially their as tend to preserve it and render it useful.
children and children's children, to become pious, and the 14. Not commit adultery; this command forbids all nn-
means of salvation to their posterity to many generations. chastity in thought, word, or deed. It also forbids all
7. Take —
in vain; the highest violation of this command those things which tend to this evil. It is the application
is in false swearing. But it also prohibits every light of the great law of supreme love to God and impartial love
and irreverent use of God's name. Not hold him guiltless; to men with regard to purity in heart and life. Matt. 5 28. :
wiU view and treat him as he truly is, exceedingly guilty 15. Not steal; this command forbids us to appropriate
and deserving divine displeasure. to our own use what belongs to others. It is the appli-
8. Remember ; that God in six days made the heavens cation of the law of love to property, and requires us to
and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and that do to others, in respect to it, as we ougl^t to wish them
the seventh day he made for rest and spiritual duties that ; to do to us. Mic. 6 8 Col. 4 1 2 Peter 2:9.
: ; : ;
on it he himself rested from all his work that he blessed ; 16. Not bear false witness; this is the application of the
it and sanctified it, or set it apart from other days, to be law of love to the reputation of others, and forbids us to
devoted from the beginning to the end of time, not to speak differently of them from what, under similar cir-
Bccular but to sacred duties. Gen. 2:1-3. Keep it holy; cumstances, we ought to wish them to speak of us.
in accordance with the object for which God made it and Matt. 12:37; Rom. 13:10.
gave it to men. As a day not to be devoted to worldly 17. Not covet; not desire what does not rightfully be-
business, conversation, reading, travelling, visiting, or long to us, in any such sense as would incline us wrong-
amusement, nor to sleep, idleness, or worldly thoughts fully to take or retain possession of it. Respect and
and feelings, but to be employed in religious worship, treat the rights of all as you would wish them to respect
and in the promotion of our own spiritual good and that and treat yours.
of our fellow-men. All these ten commands express great moral obliga-
9. Six daiji —
do all thy work; all the worldly business tions, arising from the nature and relations of things.
which men do must bo done in the six working days, and When they prohibit the highest form of any sin, as mur-
what cannot be done in those days must be left undone, der, adultery, and theft, they also forbid every thought
except what is needful to the best discharge of the ap- and word that would lead to it. Thus they extend to the '
propriate duties of the Sabbath. thoughts and feelings as well as the outward actions, and
10. The Sabbath ; the day of rest for men and beasts of are binding in all countries and in all ages.
burden. 18. Saw; personally witnessed the thunderings and
11. Hallowed it; devoted it to sacred, in distinction from lightnings.
secular duties. 19. Lest we die; Judg. 6:22; 13:22.
12. Honor thy father and thy mother; love them, hearken 20. Fear not ; not fear immediate death, but fear to dis-
to their teaching, and oliey their commands. Treat them obey God. Prove you; give you opportunity to show
with respectful and kind attention, assist them when they whether you will or will not obey him.
need, labor to sup])Iy their wants, promote their comfort, 22. Seen tliat I have talked ; they heard his voice, but they
increase their usefulness, and do them all the good in saw no likeness of him ; and this was designed to guard them
your power. Matt. 15:4-6; 19:19; Mark 7:10-13 10:19; against attempting to make any such likeness. Ver. 23.
Luke 18:20; Eph. 6:1-3; Cok 3:20; 1 Tim. 5:4. Days
B.' c:\m\: in all places -where I record my name I shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out
will come unto thee, and I will bless thee." free for nothing.'^
25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, 3 If he came in by liimself,+ he shall go out bv
thou shalt not build it of hewn' stone for if thou ; himself: if he were married, then his wife shall
lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. go out with him.
26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine 4 If his master hath given him a wife, and she
altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. have borne him sons or daughters, the wife and
her children shall be her master's, and he shall
go out by himself.
CHAPTER XXI. 5 And if the servant shall plainly say,' I love
1 Laws men-servants. 5 For the servant whose ear is boretl. 7
for my master, my wife, and my children I will not ;
For women-servants. 12 For manslaughter. 16 For stealers ot" men.
17 For cursers of parents. 18 For smiters. 22 For a hurt by
go out free
chance. 28 For an ox that goreth. 33 For liim that is an occasion 6 Then his master shall bring him unto the judg-
of harm.
es he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the
2 If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he 7 IT And if a man sell his daughter to be a maid-
2Chr :1G: Ma • Heb. butld them with hewing, b Dcut. 6; 1. - Deut. 15:12; Jer. 34:!^17. \ Beb. with his body, t Heh. saying shall sny.
ites himself, and in circumstances of awful solemnity, belongs to others, but to desire to take it. It extends to
God showed their fundamental importance, and took a the thoughts and feelings, requiring us to be content with
course adapted to impress upon all men their obligations such things as we have and can gain by doing right lov- ;
perfectly to obey them. ing Jehovah supremely and our fellow-men as we love
2. Deliverance from bondage is a great and precious ourselves, and pm-suing that course which, under the
blessing, and special praises should be rendered to God direction of his word, this love requires. Psa. 119:96;
by those who enjoy it. Matt. 22:37-40; Rom. 13:7-10; 1 John 3:10; 4:8.
3. By forbidding men to regard any object more than
God, or to worship any other, he would remove the temp- CHAPTER XXI.
tation, and prevent the inclination to break his command- Judgments; rules or laws by which their civO gov-
ments which supreme regard to creatures occasions. ernment was to be conducted. A collection of such rules
5. To
treat creatures, or the likenesses of creatures, as is found in this and the two following chapters, to which
if they were divine, by bowing down to them and wor- this verse serves as an introduction.
shipping them, is to act as if they were gods when they 2. If thou buy; God did not require or justify this, any
are not, and thus by actions to inculcate a falsehood more than the taking of two wives, ver. 10, but both
suited to degrade, debase, pollute, and destroy the soul. were then common, and many evils sprung from them.
7. To use the name of God in a profane, light, or irrev- God gave directions which would tend to lessen some of
erent manner, or to mention it without good reason, tends those evils, and render the case of those servants and
to lesson the reverence which the soul ought to feel for wives less distressing than it otherwise would be. The
him, to render it reckless and increasingly wicked, and is word translated buy, means to acquire, obtain, or possess.
a flagrant ofl'ence against the Ruler of the universe. Gen. 4:1. T/te seventh; one Hebrew should not be bound
10. Men have no right to employ themselves, their to serve another more than six years about the time that
children, servants, or cattle in worldly business more an apprentice among us serves his master. For nothing;
than six days in a week. If they take the Sabbath for however little work he had done during his time of ser-
worldly purposes, they take what is not theirs, and thus vice, he was not to be required to pay any thing for his
show themselves to be dishonest men, taking that which freedom, because at the close of six years it belonged to
does not belong to them, and in opposition to the express him, and his master was bound not only to let him go,
command of Jehovah. but also liberally to supply him. So with a woman-ser-
11. As God has hallowed the Sabbath, or set it apart vant. Deut. 15:12-15.
for sacred purposes, and for this end has blessed it, be 4. A wife; from his female servants. Shall be her mas-
makes it a blessing to all who rightly keep it, and through ter's ; neither her marriage nor the close of her husband's
them a means of rich benefits to others. term of service shall release her from any previous obli-
12. Children are bound to respect, love, and obey their gation to serve her master.
parents, for the purpose of thus honoring and obeying 5. Plainly say; openly, freely, so as to make it manifest
God and if they do not thus honor them, they dishonor that it was his free, deliberate choice; thinking that it
and rebel against him. would on the whole be better for him to continue, than
By taking the life of a human being when not re-
13. to take another course.
quired by God, a man forfeits his own, and ought, in obe- G. Bore his ear; this was to be the evidence, that from
dience to the divine requirement, to be put to death. love to his master, his wife, and his children, he had vol-
H. Unchastity is a sin which greatly corrupts the human untarily engaged to continue through life to work for his
soul, and exposes it to numerous evils in this world, and to master. Forever; through Hfe.
the WTath of God in the world to come. Lev. 20: 10 Prov. ; 7. Sell his daughter; under the expectation that the
6:25; Mai. 3:5; Matt. 5:28; 1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19: Ueb. buyer or his son would marry her and his thus buying
servant," she slifill not fro out as llio mcn-scrvants maid, with a rod, and he die under his B.";ii5ii:
do." hand, he shall bo surely ])uuished.'
8 If slie ploa.^o not' lier master, wlio liatli bo- 21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two,
trotlied her to liiniself, then sliall he let lier l>c he shall not lie punislied lor he is his money.
;iry for a man to buy his wife. 'Nol go out as tlie men-
xervants do; that is, in the seventli year, ver. 2. She
Khoufd be better provided for, as specified, ver. 8-11.
8. JVJio hath betrothed her; by thus buying iier. Let her
he redeemed; cause lier to be redeemed. Unto a strange
nation; in the Hebrew, a strange people, wliicli some
understand to be a foreign nation. But the more proba-
ble meaning is, people who are strangers to him, not
being of his family. So " a strange woman " means an-
other man's wife. He hath dealt deceitfully; in not marry-
ing her himself, or having her married in his family.
9. After the manner of daughters; giving her a dowry,
13. Lie not in wait; had no malice against the man, and
did not intend to kill him. God deliver him; if the act
was wholly providential, without human intention. Whith-
er he shall flee; and stay till the matter could be duly ex-
amined and the man rightly treated.
14. Slay him with guile; intending to murder him. Take
him from mine altar; even if he should flee there for ref-
uge. 1 Kings 2:28-34.
B. c'Sl'32 If the ox shall push a man-servant or 5 1 If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to
a maid-servant, he shall give unto their master be eaten, and shall put in his beast, and shall feed
thirty shekels of silver," and the ox shall be stoned. in another man's field of the best of his own field, ;
;53 IT And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man and of the best of his own vineyard, shall he make
shall dip: ^ pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an restitution.
ass fall therein G If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that
34 The owner of the pit shall make it .sjood," the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the
and give money unto the owner of them and the field, be consumed therewith: lie that kindled the
2 IT If a thief be found breaking up," and be die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man seeing it:
smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed 11 Then shall an oath of the Lord be between
for him.*^ them both,-" that he hath not [)ut his hand unto his
3 If tlie sun be risen upon him, there shall be neighbor's goods and the owner of it shall accept ;
blood shed for him for he should make full resti- thereof, and he shall not make it good.
tution: if he have nothing, then he shall be sold 12 And if it be stolen from him, he shall make
for his theft. restitution unto the owner thereof.
4 If tlie theft be certainly found in his hand 13 If it be torn in pieces, then let him bring it
alive, whetlier it be ox, or ass, or sheep he shall for witness, and he shall not make good that which
32. Thirty shekels; supposed to be about fifteen dollars. for the life of that man, and will be treated accordingly
Some have thought it to be more. at the bar of God.
34. Carelessness is forbidden by the law of God, as
INSTRUCTIONS. well as malice and covetousness and if others suffer loss ;
the way, under the manifestations of increasing light and No blood be "shed ; the man who killed him was' not to be
love, for their ultimate entire removal. Matt. 19:8 Mark deemed guilty of murder, or be punished.
10:5; Acts 17:30. 3. If the sun be risen; if it was in the daytime, the man
10. The giving of regulations to lessen the evils of an could be seen and secured. There was no need of killing
existing practice does not sanction the continuance of him, and the wanton killing of him would be murder. Be
that practice, or afford any evidence that it ought not to sold for his theft; that thus restitution may be made to
be abandoned. the man from whom he has stolen. Among the Jews,
14. As King of the Jews, God adopted into their civil men were sometimes sold or bound out for a time, as a
code many of those moral laws which had been obliga- punishment for their crimes. Their services were sold
tory on all men from the creation of the world, and among till they had made compensation to those whom they had
them was that which required the murderer to be put injured. A poor man sometimes sold his own services,
to death —
a law binding on men under all dispensations. or those of his children, or his creditors sold them for
Gen. 9:6; Num. 35:31. the payment of his debts. Chap. 21:2.
26. A Jew by maiming his servant forfeited all claim to 5. Restitution; a proper compensation to the person
his services and God, by requiring him to be set at injured.
libert\-, and in many other things, showed a regard to the 6. Make restitution; for the injury which his careless-
persons, property, and rights of servants, and to the ness or neglect occasioned.
mutual good of all, far beyond what was then showTi in 7. Stiifl'; furniture or articles of any kind.
the civil code of any other nation. Dent. 4:5-9; Jer. S. Put tiis hand; taken the article himself.
34:8-17. 9. Challengeth; affirms or declares.
29. AVhen a man has reason any thing
to believe that 12. 3Iake restitution ; on the ground of his not having
under his control, if sent out or suffered to go out, will taken proper care to prevent the theft.
endanger the lives of men, he is bound to keep it in. If 13. Bring it for witness; bring the animal, or some part
liedoes not, and a man is killed by it, ho is responsible of it, in proof of the fact.
14 1 And if a man borrow augJd of his ncifrli- shall como to pass, when he crieth unto acuJJ:
bor, and it be liurt, or dii'. tlio owner tlicrcof ici/i/j me, that I will liear;^ for I am gracious."
not with it, lie siiali surely make it jrood. 28 t Tliou shalt not revile the gods,* nor curse
15 But if the owner tiiereof be with it, he shall the ruler of thy people.'
not make it good if it be a hired thing, it cauic
: 2!) 1 Thou shalt not delay to offer llie first* of
for his hire. thy ripe fruits,'" and of thy liiiuors;'^ the first-born
IG ^ And if a man entice a maid that is not be- of thy sons shalt thou give unto ine."
trothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow 30 Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, and
her to be his wife." with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with his
17 If her father utterly refuse to frive her unto dam;" on the eighth day thou shalt give it me.
him, he shall i)ay' money according to the dowry 31 1 And ye shall be holy men unto me:"" nei-
of viririns. tlier shall ye eat any flesh that is torn of beasts in
IS 1l Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'' the field ;'' ye shall cast it to the dogs.
19 IT Whosoever lieth with a beast shall sui-ely
be put to death.'^
20 T He that sacrificcth unto any god,'' save
unto the Loud only, he shall bo utterly destroyed. 1 Of stander and false witness. Of justice. 4 Of charitablenefis.
22 ^ Ye shall not afflict any widow, or father-
shalt not raise' a fahse report:' put not
thy hand with the wicked to be an tmright-
less child.f cous witness."
23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they ciy 2 1" Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil ;'
at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry ;
neither slialt thou speak ^ in a cause to decline
24: And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill after many to wrest judgment:
you with the sword and your wives shall be wid-
; 3 M Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man
ows, and your children fatherless.'"' in his cause."
25 1 If thou lead money to any of my people 4 1 If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass
that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as a going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to
usurer," neither shalt thou lay upon him usury. him again.
26 If thou at all take thy neighbor's raiment to 5 If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee
pledge,' thou shalt deliver it unto him by that the lying under his burden, and wouhlcst forbear to
sun gooth down: help him, thou shalt surely help with him.*
27 For that is his covering only, it is his rai- 6 Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor
ment for his skin: wherein shall he sleep? and it in his cause.'"
» Deut. 22:29, 29. Heb. weigh, b Ler. 20:27; Deut. 18:10; 1 Sim. oLev.22:27. P Lev. 19:2; 1 Pet. 1: 1.5. 16. q Lev. 22:8; Ezek. 4:14 41:31
23:3, 9; Rev. 22:15, Ler. 18:a.3, 2S. d Deut. 13:1-11. e Lev. 19:3:!; I Or. receive. rPisa. 15:3. • Prov. 19:5; Eph. 4:25. I 1 Kings 19: If); Job
Zech. 7:10. f Deul. 24:17; Psa. 94:6, 7; Isa. 1:17; Bzek. 22:7; Jas. 1:27! 31:34. 11 Heb. anstoer. o ver. 6. » Matt. 5:44. • Or, jriUthou aase to
e Jer. 15:8; 18:21; Lam. 5:3. h Neh. 5:7; Psa. 15:5; Ezek. 18:8, 17, help himl or, woutdest cease to leave thy business /or Aim; tliou shall surety
i Deut. 21:6, etc.; .lob 22:0. j ver. 23. t2Chr.30:9. ^Ot. judges. 1 Acts leave it to join with him. w ver. 3.
2J:3. 5; Jude 8. 1 Heb. (Ay/u/iKSJ. mMic. 7:1. « Heb. (eor. nch. 13:2.
14. Make it good; presuming lie had not taken proper heedlessness, bo is bound, as far as may be in his power,
care of it to make him suitable compensation.
1.5. Not make good; because the owner could see how
it Fidelity in the safe preservation and good treat-
it was treated. It came for his hire; the price paid for ment of whatever is committed to us, is required by the
tlie use of the beast was supposed to bo enough not only law of God. We
should regard another's property as wo
to compensate for service, but also to cover the risk to ought to wish him to regard ours.
which it would be exposed. Of course, should the beast 15. When a man hires property, giving a rent sufficient
be hurt or die, the owner was to bear the loss. to compensate not only for its use, but also for the risk
16. Endow Iter; marry her, and suitably provide for her to which it is exposed, and the property without his
as his wife. fault is providentially injured or destroyed, the loss shall
17. According to the dowry; such as would be proper fall on the owner.
according to her rank and condition. 20. The restraints which are needful to keep men from
18. A witch; one who professed to have intercourse with outbreaking iniquity, show that their hearts are deprav-
evil spirits, and from them to receive supernatural power. ed and that all the holiness which there is among men
20. Shall be utterly destroyed; he not only broke the first is the fruit of divine grace. Jas. 1 17. :
commandment of the moral law, but also committed trea- 27. Strangers, widows, orphans, and poor persons are
son against the state, in acknowledging another God instead peculiarly exposed to be wronged bj' the wicked, and on
of .Jehovah, who was then the civil head of the Jews. this account God graciously makes them objects of his
21. A stranger; one who came among them from another peculiar care, and with special severity will punish their
nation. oppressors. Psa. 68:5; Prov. 22:22,23; Jer. 49:11; Matt.
25. Usury; interest. 26:11.
28. The gods; magistrates, judges, and other civil rul-
ers, officers under God. Ciirse; speak evil of.
30. Give it me; this was an acknowledgment of God as Countenance; unduly favor. In deciding causes, they
the rightful proprietor of all. Ex. 1.3:2. were not to favor the rich, the great, or the many nor ;
31. Holy men unto me; separated from others to be were they to be partial towards the poor,- but to decido
pecuharly Jehovah's people. according to evidence, right, and dutj'.
5. Lying under his burden ; fallen, and not able to rise
IKSTRDCTIONS. witliou't help. Help with him; assist the owner in getting
6. When one man injures another through desif^n or the beast up.
: :; ;
The three yearly feasts. EXODUS XXIIL The Angel of the Lord.
I will not justify the wicked.-'' of my sacrifice remain until the morning.
8 IT And thou shalt take no gift:'' for the gift 19 The first of the first-fruits of thy land tliou
blindetli the wise," and perverteth the words of shalt bring into the house of the Lord tliy God.
the rigliteous. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.''
9 T[ Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger for 20 1 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to
ye know the heart* of a stranger, seeing ye were keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the
strangers in the land of Egypt. place which I have prepared .^
10 And six years thou shalt sow thy laud, and 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke
shalt gatlier in the fruits thereof:'' him not lie will not pardon your transgres-
; for
11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and sions: for my name
is in him.
lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: 22 But thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and
and wliat tliey leave the beasts of the field shall do all that I speak then I will be an enemy unto
eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy thine enemies,'' and an adversary unto thine ad-
vineyard, and with thy olive-yard.* versaries."
12 Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the 23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and
seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites,
thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the Pcrizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hi-
and tlie stranger, may be refreshed. vites, and tlie Jebusitcs;' and I will cut tlicin ofl".
13 And in all things that I have said unto you be 24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods,' nor
circumspect:'' and make no mention of the name of serve them, nor do after their works :'^ but thou
other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.*^ shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break
14 il Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto down their images.'
me in the year. •
25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God,"" and
15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread he shall bless thy bread, and thy water;" and I
thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I will take sickness away from the midst of theo.°
commanded thee, in the time appointed of the 26 1 There shall nothing cast their young, nor
month Abib; for in it thou camest out of Egypt: be barren, in thy land p the number of thy days
aCh. 31:7. >> Prov. 17:23; Isl. 33:13. • Ueb. the seeing, t Heb. sou;, i
ch. 33:2; Josh. 5:13. J ch. 20:5. k Lev. 1S:3; Deut 12:30; Psa. 101:3.
c LeT. 2J:3, 4; 20:34. 1 Or, olive-trees, i Dcut. 4:9; Eph. 5:15. = .Josh. 1 ch. 32:20; Num. 33:52; 2 Chr. .34:7. m Josh. 22:5. n Deut. 7:13; Isa.
23:7;Psa.lG:4; Hos.2:17. §Or,/eas(. tch.»4:26. sGen. 4S:10; Isa. 63:0. 33:10; Mai: 3:10, 11. o Psa. 103:3. p Deut. 2S:4. q Josh. 2:9. 11 ; 1 Sam.
hGeii. 12:3; Deut.30;7; Zeoli.2:S. lOt, I wittafflicttkemtliat afflict thee. 14:15; aChr. 14:14. H Heb. neci; Psa. 18:40. r Deut. 7:20; Josh. 24:12.
I.Far from a false matter; not attempt to support a fiftieth, because it commenced on the fiftieth day after the
false accusation. Slay thou not; not be accessory to the passover, and was commemorative of the giving of tho
death of an innocent person. law from mount Sinai, which took place fifty days after
8. Gift ; a bribe offered to induce a magistrate to favor the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Chap. 34:22;
one in judgment. Lev. 23 14-21 Xum. 28 20-31.
: ; The feast of ingathering
over, instituted the night before they left Egypt. It was a humane spirit.
called the feast of unleavened bread because they were 20. An Angel; he who dwelt in the pillar of cloud and
required, during that feast, to eat nothing leavened, and of fire. Chap. 14:19; 32:34; 33:2, 14; Num. 20:10; Josh.
to have no leaven in their houses. Chap. 12:14-20. 5:13-15; 6:2; Isa. 63:7-13.
Empty ; without an offering, or something devoted espe- 21. My name is in him; he possessed and manifested
cially to the Lord. Chap. 34 18-20. the attributes of Jehovah. Mai. 3:1.
IB. Feast of harvest ; so called because the harvest then 23. 3Iine Angel shall —
bring thee in; Josh. 24:2-11.
began to be ripe. It was called also the feast of weeks, 26. Thu days I will fulfil; he would preserve their lives
or of sevens, because it was kept seven weeks after the to a good old age.
passover; also the feast of Pentecost, which means the 28. Hornets; Deut. 7:20; Josh. 24:12.
Mdses huUdtlh an altar, EXODUS XXIV. and ascendclh mount Sinai.
29 I will not drive them out from before tlioe All the words which the Lord hath said u.V-utr
in one year; lest tlie land become desolate, and will wc do.'
tlie bcaJt of the ticld multiply against thee. 4 And Moses wrolc words of the Lord.^
all the
30 By little and little I will drive them out from and rose up early in the morning, and builded an
before thee, until thou bo increased, and inherit altar under the hill, and twelve jiillars, according
the hind. to the twelve triljcs of Israel.
31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea f) Andhe sent young men of the children of Is-
even unto the sea of tlic Philistines," and lVi>iii i-acl, which offered burnt-ofleriiigs. and sacrificed
tiie desert unto tlie river:'' for 1 will deliver the pface-oll'crings of o.xen unto the Lord.
inhabitants of the land into your hand ;'^ and thou And took half of the blood, and put it
shalt drive them out "before thee. in basins; and half of the blood he sprinkled on
32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor the altar.
with their gods.'' 7 And he took the book of the covenant, and
33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they read in the audience of the people: and they said.
make thee sin ai^ainst me: for if thou serve their All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be
gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee." obedient.
8 And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it
on the people,'' and said. Behold the blood of the
CHAPTER XXIV. covenant, which the Lord hath made with you
concerning all these words.
1 Moses is up into the mountain. 3 The people promise obedi-
9 1 Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab,
ence. 4 Moses buiUeth an altar, and twelve pillars. G He sprin-
kleth the blood of the covenant. 9 The glory oi^ Orod appeareth. 14 and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel;
Aaron and Hur have the charge of the people. 1-3 Moses goeth into 10 And they saw the God of Israel:' and there
the mountain, where he contiuueth forty days and forty nights.
was under his feet as it were a paved work of a
AND he said unto Moses, Come up unto the
Lord,' thou and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu,''
sapphire-stone,">and as it were the body of heaven,
in his clearness.'^
and seventy of the elders of Israel ;" and worship 11 And upon
the nobles of the children of Is-
ye afar off. rael he laid not hishand also they saw God, and
» Num. 34:3, etc.; Deut. 11:24. !> Num. 34:.'!; Josh. 1:4; Fsa. 72:8. Deut. 31:9. k Heb. 9:19-21; 13:20; 1 Pet. 1:2. 1 Kings 22:19; Isa.
Josh. 21:44. i ch. 34:12, 15; Psa. 106:35; 2 Cor. IJ:15. e Judg. 2:3. i:l,S. m Ezek. 1:26; 1U:1; Rev. 4:3; 21:19. » iMalt. 17:2; Rev. 1:10.
5ch.2S:l. hNum.ll:l(>. i Deut. 5:27; Josh. •.M:22.
ver. 15; ch. 34:2. 'Gen. 18:8. Pver. 2, IS. q Deut. 5:22. 'Neh. 9:13.
eastern shore of wliich the Philistines lived. The desert; he was yet with God in the mount, chap. 20:21. The
ofShur. r/fc rzucr; Euphrates. Josh. 1:4; 1 Kings, 4:21. meaning is, that he should come up again with the per-
32. No covenant —
with their gods ; not worship them. sons named, after he had iirst descended and done what
33. A snare; it would draw them aw;ty from the wor- is recorded in ver. 3-8. Nadab and Abihu; the two elder
ship of Jehovah, and bring upon them his wrath. sons of Aaron. Chap. 6:23.
3. All the mrds of tlie Lord —
the judgments; those con-
INSTRUCTIONS. tained in the four preceding chapters. The ten command-
2. The majority as
to numbers, wealth, and political ments were spoken by God himself to all the people.
influence are often wrong. If in such cases a person 4. All the uvrds of the Lord ; those which he had pre-
would do right, he must not be governed by public opin- viously communicated to the people.
ion, however it may be expressed, but by the law of God. 7. The book of the covenant; that which he had written.
7. The laws of Moses, as well as those of Christ, re- Ver. 4.
quired men to love others as the^' loved themselves and, ; 8. The blood of the covenant; that by which the cove-
under all circumstances, to do to others as they ought to nant w'hich they had made was ratified. Heb. 9: 19 Matt. ;
wish that others should do to them. Matt. 7:12; 19:19; 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke
22:37-40. 9. Then went up Moses; as directed, ver. 1.
low the directions of God. Nor does their safety or their ble glory. John 1:18; 5:37; 6:46; 14:9; 15:24; 1 John
best interest ever require them, as nations or individuals, 4:12.
to break his commands. Ver. 22-27 chap. 34:24.
; 12. Come up to me; still nearer to the visible glory.
31. Jehovah claims and exercises the right to dispose Tables of stone ; on which were the ten commaudments.
of all parts of the earth according to his pleasure. Chap. 31:18; 32:15, 16; Deut. 5:22.
Offerings for the tabernacle. EXODUS XXV. T/ie form of ike ark
B.c'S' 13 And Moses rose up, and his minister 3 And this is the offering which ye shall take of
Joshua; and Moses went up into the mount of them gold, and silver, and brass, ;
14. Matters to do; controversies to be settled, or cases gave to Moses in the moimt specific directions for the
to be decided. structure of the tabernacle and every thing pertaining to
INSTRUCTIONS. its service. He showed him, moreover, a pattern, by
1. We
should approach God not only with reverence which he was enabled at once to apprehend the mean-
and holy fear, but with filial respect, confidence, and love. ing of all the directions ho received, and to write them
3. We
often find that many who are forward to promise out in full, as is done in this and the six following chap-
are backward to perform, and that nothing but the grace ters.
of God will make those who solemnly covenant with him The tabernacle was God's visible dwelling-place. As
steadfast and persevering in obeying his commands. Num. such it represented to the Israelites the great truth that
14:11-35; Psa. 78: 10-61 106:8-43; 1 Cor. 10:5-12.
; Jehovah dwells spiritually with his people as their king
8. The blood which was shed in sacrifices under the and protector. Thus the tabernacle, with all the services
Old Testament dispensation, was designed to impress belonging to it, was " a shadow of good things to come."
upon all the necessity of an atonement, in order to the It typified the higher blessings of the Christian dispen-
forgiveness of sin and acceptance with God. It pointed sation, as is fully shown in the epistle to the Hebrews.
forward to the blood of Christ, who, in due time, was to 2. That frivcth it willingly; thus God tiiught the people
take away sin by the sacrifice of himself; and who would that he will h.ave willing worshippers.
enter the holy place with his own blood, and thus obtain 4. Bhie, and purple, and scarlet ; these colors were em-
eternal redemption for all who should bohcve on him. ployed as being the most excellent.
Heb. 9:6-28. 5. Badgers' skins; according to some, the original word
12. A right understanding of the law which God wrote means the skin of a species of seal. Shittim-wood ; a spe-
with his finger on tables of stone, is essential to a right cies of acacia, an exceedingly fine and durable wood.
estimate of human character. Ministers should therefore Gum arabic is obtained from the living tree.
be very explicit in teaching it. Without rightly under- 7. The ephod —
breastplate; see the description of these,
standing the law, men will not rightly imderstand the chap. 28:6-30.
gospel, or their need of its blessings. 10. An ark; this is a different word in the Hebrew
18. Moses received his directions from God, therefore all from that rendered ark in Gen. 6:14, and means a chest.
the children of Israel were bound to obey him. If they A cubit; about eighteen inches.
did not, they rebelled againstGod,andwere justly exposed 11. A crown; a comice or border aromid the lid of the
to his wrath. How much more aggravated will be the sin ark.
and doom of men who refuse to obey Jesus Christ. Deut. 13. Staves; poles or rods to go through the rings of the
18:15; John 1:45; Acts 3:22-26; 7:37; Heb. 10:28-31. ark, by which to carry it.
; :
15 Tlip stave.'' shall be in tlio rings of the ark: 27 Over against the liorder shall the *, r.nJ?:
tlicy sliall nut lie taken IVom it. rings be for i)laces of tlie staves to bear the table.
10 And tiioii slialt put into the ark the testi- 28 And tiiou slmlt make the staves of shittiin-
mony wliicli I shall irive tiiee." wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table
17 Anil thou shalt make a mercy-scat of pure may be borne with them.
jrohl:'' two cubits ami a half ,s/;«// he the lenirtii 2*.> And
thou shalt make the di.slies thereof, and
thereof, ami a cubit and a hall' the bread tli tiiereof. spoons thereof, and covers thereof, and bowls
18 And thou slialt make two cherubim o/"gold, thereof, to cover withal:* o/fiurc gold shalt thou
q/" beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two make them.'
ends of the mercy-seat. And thou shalt set upon the table show-bread
19 And make one cherub on the one end, and before me always.'
the otlicr cherub on the other end: even of the 31 IT And thou shalt make a candlestick o/"purc
mercy-scat* shall ye make the cherubim on the gold:" o/" beaten work shall the candlestick be
two ends thereof. made: his shaft, aud his branches, his bowls, his
20 And the cherubim shall stretch forth //(f/rwings knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same.
on hijih, covering the mercy-seat with their wings, 32 And si.\ branches shall come out of the sides
and their faces shall look one to another ; toward of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the
the mercy -seat shall the faces of tiie cherubim be." one side, and three branches of the candlestick
21 And thou shalt put the mercy-seat above upon out of the other side
the ark i*" and in the ark thou slmlt put the testi- 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, tvitk a
mony that 1 shall give thee." knop and a flower in one branch and three bowls ;
22 Aud there I will meet with thee, and I will made like almonds in the other branch, with a
commune with thee from above the mercy-seat, knop and a flower: so in the six branches that
from between the two cherubim which are upon come out of the candlestick.
the ark of the testimony of all things Avhich I ;54 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls
will give thee in commandment unto the children made like unto almonds, with their knops and
of Israel. their flowers.
23 ^ Thou shalt also make a 35 And there shall be a knop under two branches
table of shittim-
wood :^ two cubits length thereof, and of the same, and a knop under two branches of
shall be the
a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the same, and a knop under two branches of the
the height thereof. same, according to the six branches that proceed
2'1 Aud thou shalt overlay it with pure gold,'' out of the candlestick.
and make thereto a crown of gold round about. 36 Their knops and their branches shall be of the
25 And thou shalt make unto it a border of a same all of it shall be one beaten work o/'prn-e gold.
handbreadth round about, and thou shalt make a 37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps there-
golden crown to the border thereof round about. of: and they shall light* the lamps thereof,™ that
26 And thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, they may give light over against it.^
and put the rings in the foui" corners that are on 38 And the tongs thereof, and the snuff-dishes
the four feet thereof. thereof, shall be o/"pure gold.
"Oh. u;:34; 31:1a; 34:39; Num. 17:4; Deut. 10:a,S; 1 Kings 5:U; 2 Kmgs I Kings 7:4S; Heh. 9:2. h 1 Kings 0:20. 1 Or, lo pour oul withal, i ch.
11:1-2; 2Chr. 34:14; Rom. 3:2; Hcb. 9:4. b ch. 37:0; 40:2U; Lev. 16:13; 37:10; Num. 4:7. i Lev. 24:5, 6; 1 Sam. 21:6; .Mai. 1:7, 12; Matt. 12:4.
Horn. 3:2-5; Heb. 9:5. * Or, of the matter o/(A« mercy-sral. c2Chr.3:10. k ch. 37:17; 1 Kings 7:49; 2 Chr. 13:11; Zeoh. 4:2; Heb. 9:2; Rev. 1:12.
d ch. 20:34. e rer. 10. ' ch. 30:0; Lev. 16:2; Num. 7:89; 17:4; 1 Sam. 1 Zech. 4:2; Rev. 1:4, 12. I Or, cause to ascend, m ch. 27:20. 21; 30:7, 6;
4:4; 2Sam.6:2; 2Kingsl9:15; Psa.BO:]; 99:1; Isa. 37:10. S ch. 37:10; Lev, 24:3, 4; Num. t:2; 2 Chr. 13:11. 5 Heb. the face of it.
16. Tlie testimony; the tables of stone, on which were number of the tribes. It was placed on the table, and
written the ten commandments, God's testimony as to the called show-bread, or bread of the presence, because it
duty of men. always stood in the presence of the Lord. It was sprin-
17. A mercy-seat; this was the golden covering or lid, kled with iranldncense. On the Sabbath the bread was
the upper side of the sacred chest or ark, called the taken away, and new bread put in its place. The frank-
mercy-seat because cm it was sprinkled the blood of incense that was on it was burnt as an oblation to God,
atonement, and above it dwelt Jehovah in bis visible and the bread was eaten by the priests. Lev. 24:5-9.
glory, dispensing mercy to men. On one emergency mentioned in Scripture it was given
18. Cherubim; representations of creatures intensely to others. 1 Sam. 21:1-6; Matt. 12:2, 4. This show-
studying, for the purpose of doing the will of God. bread, and all the articles and worship in the tabernacle,
Some have supposed them to resemble the living crea- and afterwards in the temple, pointed forward to the Bread
tures described Ezek. 1:4-14. of God, which was to come down from heaven, and give
20. One to anotlwr ; the cherub on one end looking towards life unto the world. John 6:32-58.
the cherub on the other end of the mercy-seat, both looking 31. A candlestick; it consisted of an upright shaft, with
towards the mercy-seat, and their wings stretched over it. six branches coming out in pairs, three on each side, mak-
Heb. 9 5. Between them, on the mercy-seat, was the she-
: ing a line of seven lamps. Knops; knobs or embossed
kinah, or the visible glory of Jehovah. Hence, he is said to work. These and the bowls and flowers were ornamental
dwell between the cherubim. 1 Sam. 4:4; Psa. 80 1 99 1. : ; : figures on the shaft and 1 iranches.
24. A crown; cornice or rim. 33.Like unto almonds; in the form of an almond. In the
25. Border ; this was to be below the leaf, around the frame six branches; three bowls, knobs, and flowers on each
of the table. Handbreadth ; the width of the four fingers ; branch, and four on tlie shaft of the candlestick, making
about three or four inches. A golden crown; a rim of gold t^venty-two in all.
around the border, like that around the leaf of the table. 35. Of the same; the same material, pure gold.
29. Spoons; or bowls. CoDcrs,- or cans. To cover withal 37. Seven lamps; one for the shaft, and one for each
better, as in the margin, to pour out withal. branch of the candlestick.
30. S.'iou'-bread ; twelve loaves of bread, equal to the 38. The tongs; snuifers or scissors to trim the lamps.
; ;
b.c'iml' 39 0/" a talent of pure gold shall lie make of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second
it, with all these vessels. that the loops may take hold one of another.
40 And look that thou make them after their 6 And thou slialt make fifty taches of gold, and
pattern,'' which was showed thee* in the mount. couple the curtains together with the taches and :
CHAPTER XXVI. 7 1[ And thou shalt make curtains o/" goats' hair,
to be a covering upon the tabernacle : eleven cur-
1 The ten curtains of the tabernacle. 7 The eleven curtains of goats'
tains shalt thou make.''
hair. 14 The covering of rams' skins. X^t The boarJs of the taber-
nacle, with their sockets and bars. 31 The veil of the ark. 30 The 8 The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits,
hanging for the door. and the breadth of one curtain four cubits and :
"A TOREOVER thou shalt make the tabernacle the eleven curtains shall be all of one measure.
_LVJ_ with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and 9 And thou shalt couple five curtains by them-
blue, and purple, and scarlet:" with cherubim of selves, and six curtains by themselves, and shalt
cunning work+ shalt thou make them. double the sixth curtain in the fore-fi'ont of the
2 The length of one curtain shall be eight and tabernacle.
twenty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four 10 And thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge
cubits and every one of the curtains shall have
: of thb one curtain that is outmost in the coupling,
one measure. and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which,
3 The five curtains shall be coupled together couplcth the second.
one to another; and otiier five curtains shall be 11 And thou shalt make fifty taches of brass,
coupled one to another. and put the taches into the loops, and couple the
4 And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the tent* together, that it may be one.
edge of the one curtain, from the selvedge in the 12 And the remnant that remaineth of the cur-
coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the tains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth,
uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle.
of the second. 13 And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the
5 Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one cur- other side of that which remaineth ^ in the length
tain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge of the curtains of the tent, it shall hang over the
IChi. 3S:U; Acts 7:44; Heb.8:o. • Heb. icAifA
) 1 Chr. 17:1. t Heb. the icork of a cunning imrk-
39. A talent of pure gold; estimated by some to be equal of the movable temple described in the present chapter.
to about twenty, and by others, thirty thousand dollars. Psa. 78 60. But in a strict sense, the tabernacle is alwaj-s
The light of these lamps represented the spiritual light the inner set of curtains described in verses 1-6 while ;
•which God in Christ, by his word and Spirit, through the the tent is the covering above it of goats' hair. See
instrumentality of his people, especially his ministers, verses 6, 11-13. Cherubim of cunning work; or rather, the
communicates to the world. work of a cunning deviser. It is generally agreed that
these curtains were woven with different colors and fig-
ures of cherubim, while the hanging for the door of the
2. God most justly requires of men that, whatever they do,
tent, ver. 36, 37, was embroidered.
they should seek to honor him and benefit their fellow-men. 3. Cow;)/ed/og-c//!CT-; in the Hebrew simply joined. Hence
8. Though God is in aU places, yet he dwells especially
a great curtain formed from the union of several smaller
in those which, according to his will, are consecrated to curtains is caUed a joining, or " coupling."
his worship and from them he bestows peculiar bless-
4. The edge of the one curtain ; that is, of the one great
ings on his people. curtain. From tlie selvedge in the coupling; rather, on the
16. What relates to the worship and glory of God, and
edge in the coupHng. The coupling is the compound
to the redemption of men by Jesus Christ, is described curtain made of five single curtains. In the uttermcsl
in the Bible with greater minuteness, and treated as of edge coupling
greater importance, than the temporal interests of king-
of the second ; or, in the edge of the outer-
most curtain in the second coupling. The simple mean-
doms, or all the mere worldly concerns of men. ing is, that in the edge of the outermost curtain of each
22. AU things which, by divine appointment, are con-
coupling (compound curtain) on the adjacent sides should
nected with the sanctuary, were designed by God to im-
be loops, etc., corresponding to each other.
press upon the worshij^pers a conviction of his presence,
5. Coupling of the second; or, second coupling. See above.
and communicate something of those truths which relate Take hold one
of another; or, be opposite one to another.
to the bestowment of mercy and the gift of salvation
6. Taches; clasps to unite the loops, and thus the edges
through Clirist.
of the curtains.
30. It is not enough, in order to salvation, that Christ
9. Double; double it over in an ornamental way.
tasted death for every man, and was made a propitiation
10. Which coupleth the second; or, in respect to the sec-
for the sins of the world but in order to be saved, men
ond coupling. See above.
must receive from him spiritual life, be united to him, and 12. The half curtain that remaineth; that is, the half of
receive from him permanently spiritual nourishment and
the second great curtain made of five single curtains.
support. Heb. 2:9; 1 John 2:2; John 6:32-58; 15:1-11.
The framework of shittim-wood was thirty cubits long
37. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. All men,
and ten cubits high. The two great curtains of goats'
and especially his ministers, are bound to follow him, that hair, when united, made a covering 44 cubits long by 30
they may not walk in darkness, but have the light of life wide. Of this, 4 cubits were doubled over in front 30 ;
and to let that light so shine in godly, beneficent conduct, more were needed to cover the framework leaving 10 ;
The boards, burs, and KXODl'S WVII, rf(7 (if the tahcrimdc
sides of tlic tabernacle, on tliis side and on tliat 28 And the middle bar in the midst of u.cSJJ:
side, to cover it. the boards shall reach from einl to end.
14 And tliou slialt make a 21) And thou shalt overlay tlic boards with gold,
covcrin.2: for tiie tent
of ranis' t^kins dyed red, and a covering above of anil make their rings <f ixnld for places for the
badv'crs' skins. bars: and thou shalt ovcihiy the liars with gold.
\h *. And tlion slialt make boards for the taber- 30 And th<iu shalt rear up ihc tabernacle accord-
nacle f)/'sliittini-\viiod standing nj). ing to tlie fashion thereof whicli was showed thee
10 Ten cubits shall be tlie length of a board, and in the mount."
a cubit and a half «/;«// be tlic breadth of one board. 31 ^ And thou shalt make a veil of blue, and
17 Two tenons* shall there he in one board, set in purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cun-
order one against anotlier: tlius siialt tliou make ning work:'' witli clierubim shall it Ijc made.
for all till-' boards of tlic tabernacle. 32 And thou slialt hang it n])on four pillars of
1> And tliou slialt make the boards for the taber- shittim-n-oori overlaid with gold: their hooks shall
nacle, twenty boards on the south side southward." be of gold, upon the four sockets of silver.
I'.l And thou slialt make forty sockets of silver 33 1 And thou shalt hang up the veil under the
under the twenty boards;" two sockets under one tachcs, that thou niaycst bring in thither within
buard for his two tenons, and two sockets ifbdcr the veil the ark of the testimony: and the veil
anollier board for his two tenons. shall divide unto you between the holy place and
lit) And for the second side of the tabernacle on the most holy."
the north side there shall he twenty boards, 34; And thou shalt put the mercy-seat upon the
21 And their forty sockets ofsilver two sockets ark of the testimony in the most holy place.
under one board, and two sockets under another 35 And thou shalt set the table without the
board. veil,'' and the candlestick over against the table on
'22 And for the sides of the tabernacle westward the side of the tabernacle toward the south and :
thou slialt make six boards. thou shalt ]iut the table on the north side.
2o And two boards shalt thou make for the cor- 3t) And thou shalt make a hanging for the door
ners of the tabernacle in the two sides. of the tent, of blue, and purjile, and scarlet, and
24 And they shall be coupled* together beneath, fine twined linen, wrought with needlework.'
and they shall be coupled together above the 37 And thou shalt make for the hanging five pil-
head of it unto one ring :" thus shall it be for them lars o/'shittini-u'oorf, and overlay them with gold,
both; they shall be for the two corners. a7id their hooks shall be of gold and thou shalt :
2.5 And they shall be eight boards, and their cast five sockets of brass for them.
sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; two sockets
under one board, and two sockets under another
1 The altar of burnt-offering, -with the vessels thereof. 9 The court of
26 IT And thou shalt make bars of shittim--wood the tabernacle inclosed with hangings and pillars. 18 The measure
five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle, of the court. 20 The oil for the lamp.
27 And five bars for the boards of the other
side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards
thou shalt make an altar of shittim-
wood,J five cubits long, and five cubits broad
of the side of the tabernacle, for the two sides the altar shall be four-square, and the height
westward. thereof shall be three cubits.
Heb. hands. ' Num. 3:3G; 4:31, 32. b ch. 27:10. t Jleh. tmimml. Matt. 27:51; Heb. 9:3, 8; 10:20. 6 1 Kings 8:8-10; 2 Chr. 5:7-10. I" ch.
- I Cor.3:lG;
133:1; 1 »jur.
ajL. go-t.t, Pet. 2:5. "
>i:iu, 1iiiti.A.'i.
<i 4:10: u
Eph. 1:11): Col. 2:1'J. e ch. 25:9, 40:22. ich.36:37. J ch 38:1; 2 Chr. 4:1 ; Ezek. 43:13; Heb. 13:10.
" "
40; 27:8; Acts 7:44; Heb. 8:5;
" 8:23. '' ch. 36:33; Le' "2; 2Chr. 3:14;
curtains of tlie inner covering (tabernacle) were 28 cubits made double. Tlie meaning seems to be, that each cor-
long those of the outer covering (tent) were 30 cubits
; ner-plank shall be joined above and lielow to the adjacent
in length. When the two coverings were spread over side-plank, so that the two shall make a pair. Unto one
the framework of shittim-wood, so tliat the curtains, re- ring ; so that one ring shall serve to unite the two.
garded as single, lay across it and hung down on each 26. Bars; these were to run through the sides of the
side, the curtains of the tent must Lave extended just a framework, to increase its strength.
cubit on each side below the curtains of the tabernacle, 33. The holy place and the most holy; these were the two
so as entirely to cover the latter. divisions into which the tabernacle was divided tlie holy ;
15. Boards; with the exceptionofEzek. 27:6, -where the place being twenty cubits by ten, and the holy of holies,
meaning is uncertain, the word here rendered " boards " ten cubits square. Heb. 9:6-9.
is used only of the framework of the sanctuary. It docs 36. The door; the entrance to the tabernacle, which was
not denote common boards, but rather thick planks. See on the east.
on ver. 22-25. INSTRUCTIONS.
17. Tenons; projections tn set into the sockets of silver. 30.In order to be accepted, we must consecrate to God
22. Six boards; it is generally agreed that the width of the best that we have, and be careful in all things to fol-
the tabernacle on the inner side was ten cubits. The low his directions.
.Jewish rabbins agree in representing the planks, or tim- 33. As the veil which separated the holy from the most
liers, of the tabernacle to have been one cubit in thick- holy place, in the tabernacle and afterwards in the tem-
ness. As they were a cubit and a half in width, this ple, was at the crucifixion of Christ rent in twain, to show
would require just eight to reach from outside to outside us that the way to the throne of mercy is open for all, all
on the western end. If they had a less thickness, then should, with believing and grateful hearts, draw near to
the two corner planks, ver. 23, must have extended just God, in that new and living way opened by the death of
so far beyond the side. Christ, that they may obtain mercy, and find grace to help
24. Coupled together; in the Hebrew, twinned, that is, in all times of need. Heb. 9 1-14, 20-22.
1 : :
wisdom, that thoy may make Aaron's frarmcnts to judgment with cunning work;' after the n.rlfSi"?:
consecrate liini, that he may minister unto mo in work of the ephod thou shalt make it; o/'gold, o/
the priest's oflice. lilue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and
of line
4 And these arc tlie trarments wliieh they shall twined linen, shalt thou make it.
make: a breastplate." ami an ephod,'' and a roiie.' 1(1 Foursfpiare it shall be beinf^ doubled a span ;
and a broidcred coat,'' a mitre.'' and a girdle and shall he the length thereof, and a sjtan shall be the
they shall make holy garmcnt.s for Aaron thy breadth thereof.
brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto 17 And thou shalt set in it settings of stones,*
me in the priest's office. even four rows of stones the first row shall be a :
5 And they shall take jrold, and blue, and pur- sardius,* a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the
ple, and scarlet, and line linen. first row.
6 'i And they shall make the ephod o/'gold, of 18 And the second row shall be an emerald, a
blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined sapphire, and a diamond.
linen, with cunning work. lit And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an
9 And thou shalt take two onyx-stones, and with his name shall they be according to the
grave on them the names of the children of Israel twelve tribes.
10 Six of their names on one stone, and the other 22 1 And thou shalt make upon the breastplate
six names of the rest on the other stone, accord- chains at the ends o/" wreathen work o/"pure gold.
ing to their birth. 23 And thou .shalt make upon the breastplate
11 With the work of an engraver in stone, like two rings of gold, and shalt put the two rings on
the engravings of a signet,'^ shalt thou engrave the the two ends of the breastplate.
two stones with the names of the children of Is- 24 And thou shalt put the two wreathen chains
rael thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of
% ver. 36. h ver. 29; ch. 39:6, 7. iJosh 4:7; Zech. 6:14. J ch. 39:8; Lev.
priest. The ephod was a short garment reaching down, was two spans in length. A
span is half a cubit, that is,
according to the testimony of the ancients, to the middle between nine and ten inches.
of the thighs. Originally it seems to have been without 22. Chains at the ends; at the two upper corners on the
sleeves. Each shoulder-piece consisted of two projec- outside were two rings of gold, to which these chains
tions from the body of the ephod, the one coming up were attached, ver. 23, 24.
from before and the other from behind, and united on the 25. The two ouches; the two sockets of the onyx-stones
ehoulder at their extremities by an onyx-stone set in on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod.
gold, which served also for a clasp. 26. Two rings of gold; on the two lower comers of the
8. Shall be of the same, according to the work thereof; these breastplate on the inside, corresponding to the two rings
words seem to mean, that it shall be woven as a part of in the ephod, ver. 27.
the ephod and be of the same materials and texture.
; 27. Two other rings of gold —
ephod; this verse may be
11. Signet; a seal. Ouches; sockets. literally rendered thus: "And thou shalt make two rings
12. For a memorial; to put them in remembrance that of gold, and shall put them upon the two shoulder-pieces
Aaron, as priest, appeared in their behalf before the of the ephod below, in its forepart, over against its
Lord. coupling, above the girdle of the ephod." The coupling
14. Two chains; these are generally thought to be the is that of the shoulder pieces at the onyx-stones, ver. 7.
same chains mentioned ver. 24, 25, their cfinnection with These rings are to be directly opposite to this coupling
The Urim and Thuvimim. EXODUS xxviri. TTie plate of tJte mitre.
ciiAPi i: i: XXIX the inwards, and the caul' i/iat is above u?;hJ?:
1 The lacrifion nnJ ccmnonii'j of consecraling the priasU. 3S The the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is
continual burnt-ofTiTtng. 45 God's promise to dwell among the cliiU ujion them, and burn t/icm upon the altar.
drcn of isniel.
14 15ut the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and
AND tliis is the tliinj; tliat tliou slialt
to hallow thoni," to iniuister unto me
do unto his dung, shalt thou bum with lire without the
cam]) :' it is a sin-o(Tering.
in the priest's oflice: Take one young bullock, and 1.") 1 Thou shalt also take one
ram; and Aaron
two rams witlioiil blemish, and his sons shall put their hands upon the head
2 And unleavened
l)read,'' and cakes unleavened of the ram.''
tempered with oil, and wafers unleavened anointed If) And thou shalt slay tlie ram, and thou shalt
with oil: o/"wheatcn flour shalt thou make them. take his blood, and sprinkle it round about upon
:5 And thou shalt i)ut them into one basket, and the altar.
bring them in the basket, witii the bullock and 17 And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces, and
the two rams. wash the inwards of him, and his legs, and put
4 And Aaron and his sons thou shalt Itriiig untothem unto his pieces, and unto'' his head.
the door of the tabcrnaele of the congregation, 15 And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the
and shalt wash them with water.'' altar: it is a burnt-offering unto the Lord: it 'is a
5 And thou shalt take the garments,'' and put sweet savor,' an offering made by fire unto the Lord.
upon Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, 19 TI And thou shalt take the other ram:'" and
and the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the
with the curious girdle of the ephod: head of the ram.
C And thou shalt put the mitre upon liis head, 20 Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his
and i)ut the holy crown upon the mitre. blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of
7 Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his
pour it upon his head, and anoint him.'' sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand,
8 And thou shalt bring bis sons, and put coats and upon the great toe of their right foot, and
upon them.' sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about."
9 And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron 21 And thou shalt take of the blood that is upon
and his sons, and put' the bonnets on them and the altar, and of the anointing oil," and sprinkle
10 And thou shalt cause a bullock to be brought and his sons, and his sons' garments with him.
before the tabernacle of the congregation; and 22 Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat and
Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the the rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards,
head of the bullock.'' and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys,
11 And thou shalt kill the bullock before the and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoul-
Lord, by the door of the tabernacle of the con- der for it is a ram of consecration. ;
13 And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth foi- a wave-offering before the Lord.''
" Lev. 8:8. etc. b Lev. 2:4; 6:20-22. c ch. 30:19-21; 40:12; Lev.
8:6; j Lev. 4:11, 12; Heb. 13:11. k ver. 10. iOl,upon. 1 Gen. !<:21 Eph. 5:2;
10. Put their hands upon the head of the bullock ; this ex-
CHAPTER XXIX. pressed their conviction of guilt, and their hope that
Aaron and his sons being sinners, it is necessary that through the shedding of the 'blood of that victim, point-
they be first cleansed by washing and expiatory sacrifices, ing forward to the blood of Christ, they should receive
before they can minister to the Lord as his priests. Heb. pardon.
5:3. This typical cleansing represents the purity and 12. 27(6 horns of the altar; chap. 27:2.
holiness of tlie priestly office. The three different kinds 18. Burn the whole; denoting the necessity of an entire
of sacrifice a sin-ofi^ering, a burnt-offering, and a peace- consecration of the whole man to God, as well as the ne-
offering —
signify the completeness of their consecration. cessity of an atonement, in order to salvation.
To hallow; set apart from secular to sacred duties.
1. 19. TTie other ram; this was a peace-offering, on the
Without blemish; this was required in the case of every flesh of wliich the offerer and his friends feasted, after
sacrifice. On the part of the offerer it signified his su- the breast and right shoulder had been given to the
preme love and devotion to God, Mai. 1:8 on the part of
; priests. I,ev. 7 28-34.
: On the present occasion, Moses,
the victim, it prefigured the perfection of Christ's sacri- as performing the priestly office, received for his portion
fice. 1 Pet. 1 : 19. the breast, ver. 26.
Wafers; thin cakes.
2. 20. Tip of the right ear — —
thumb toe; this signified the
Holy crown; the plate of gold. Chap. 28:36, 37.
6. completeness of their expiation and consecration.
Anointing oil; an oil prepared with various spices.
7. 24. Wave them ; move them to and fro. This, as well as
Chap. 30:23-33. heaving upward, was a sign that they were consecrated
9. The bonnets; or turbans. Chap. 28:40. to God.
1 : ;
33 And they shall eat tliose things wherewith 44 And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the
the atonement was made,'^ to consecrate and to congregation, and the altar: I will sanctify also
sanctify them but a stranger shall not eat thereof,'^
: both Aaron and his sons, to minister to mo in tlie
because they are holy. priest's office.
3i And if aught of the flesh of the consecrations, 45 And I will dwell among the children of Is-
or of the bread, remain unto the morning, then raeljP and will be tlieir God.
thou shalt burn the remainder with fire:' it shall 46 And they shall know that I am the Lord
not be eaten, because it is holy. their God, that brought them forth out of the
35 And thus shalt thou do unto Aaron, and to land of Egypt,'' that I may dwell among them I :
his sons, according to all thino-s wliich I have am the Lord their God.
a Ver. IS. b Lev. 8:29. ' Num. 18:11. IS; Deut. 18:3. d Num. 18:8. lChr.l6:40; 2Chr. 2:4; 31:3; Ezri3:3; Dm. 9:21, 27; 12:11; Johiil:29; Rev.
'Kub. he of his sans, e Lev. 8:33 9: 1, f ver. 2, 3, 23. e Lev. lU: 1.3-18;
5:9-12. nch. 25:22; 30:6. 30; Num. 17:4. t Or, Israel, o ch. 40:34; 2Chr.
JoKn 6.33, 53. h Lev 22:10. Lev. 7:18; 8:32,
i J Ezek 43:27; Heb. 5:14; 7:1-3: Kzek. 43:5; Hag. 2:7,9; Mai. 3:1. Pch.a5:8; Lev. 21i:12j
10:11. kch. 30:25-29; 40:10. ch. 30:29; Matt. 23:19.
1 mNum.28:3,4; Psa. 68:13; Zech.2:10; John 14:17, 20; 2Cor.0:16; Rev. 21:3. Ich. 2(1:2.
27, 28. Slialt sanctifij the breast of the wave-offering ; these 42. A continual burnt-offering; representing their con-
two verses contain a general direction respecting all tinual need of the constant efficacj' of the atonement,
peace-offerings. The breast was waved and tlie slioulder righteousness, and intercession of Christ.
heaved, and botli went to tlie priests as their portion. On 45. Dwell among the children of Israel; by his continual
the signification of the different sacrifices see, in Leviticus, presence in the shekinah, or visible glory, on the mercy-
chap. 1-7. seat, where he was worshipped, and from which he made
30. Tliat .son the one who should succeed his father in
,• known his will.
the high-priest's office. Mlten he cometh ; before he should
be permitted to discharge the duties of high-priest.
31. The ram of the consecration; the second ram, men- 1. God that those who minister in holy
It is the will of
tioned ver. 19-26. things, making known the will of God and leading the
33. Eat things wherewith the atonement was maAe devotions of his people, should not only be called of him,
denoting the necessity of union to Him by whom it was but should be publicly set apart to their work.
made. Matt. 26:26; John 6:53-55; 1 Cor. 6:17. 10. Ministers of religion, as well as their people, are
36. Sanctify it ; set it apart to the worship of God. sinners, and need pardon through the atonement of Christ
37. For //le o/tor; upon it. //oil/; devoted to God. Matt. and the purifying influences of his Spirit, in order rightly
23:19. to discharge their duties.
3S. ContinnaUy; each day. This is the morning and 18. The evidence of genuine repentance for sin, faith
evening sacrifice, whicli was offered every day from year in Christ, and pardon through his atonement, is sincere
to year. and hearty consecration of body and soul to his service.
40. A tenth-deal; one tenth of an ephah. The ephah 28. The effects of reconciliation to God are peace and
being about thirty-four and two-thirds quarts, a tenth- communion with him, access to his mercy-seat, and grace
deal would be a little less than three quarts and a half; to help in all times of need.
and a hin, which, according to the Jews, was the sixth 33. Continued union to Christ, by habitual trust in him,
part of an ephah, a little less than six quarts. not only for pardon, but for wisdom, strength, consolation,
CHAPTER XXX when thou numberest them; that there be "nii: "l,
1 The »ltar of incrnsr. U Tl.r ransom of souls. 17 The braion l.ivcr. no jilague among tliem,'' when t/iou numberest them.
22 The holy uunnlin;; oil. ;(l Tlio composition of the pcrfunic.
Vi they shall give, every one that passetli
thou slialt
make an
pliittiui-wood slialt thou
altar to liiirn incciiso
make it.
among them that are numb(M-ed, half a shekel
after the shekel of the sanctuary (a shekel is :
2 A
cubit sfiall be the length thereof, and a culiit twenty gerahs:) a half shekel shaU be the offering
tlie brcadtli thereof; foursquare shall it be, and of the Loud.
two cubits s/ia'l be the height thereof: the horns 14 Every one that passeth among them that are
tiioreof s.'ia'l be of the same. numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall
•i And thou slialt overlay it with pure gold," the give an offering unto the Lord.
top' thorcof, and the sides' tlioi'eof round about, 1.") The rich shall not give more,* and the poor
and the horns tliereof and thou slialt make unto ; .«hall not give less,' than half a shekel, when i/uy
it a crown of gold round about. give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atone-
4 And two golden rings shalt thou make to it ment for your souls.
under the crown of it, by the two corners' there- 16 And thou shalt take the atoncmcnt-moncy of
of, upon the two sides of it shalt thou make it: the childrcMi of Israel, and shalt appoint it for the
and they shall be for places for the staves to bear service of the tabernacle of the congregation
it withal. tliat it may be a memorial unto the children ot'
5 And thon shalt make the staves of shittim- Israel before the Lord, to make an atonement for
wood,'' and overlay them with gold. your souls.
6 And thou shalt put it before the veil that is 17 1 And the Lord spake linto Moses, saying,
by tlie ark of the testimony,'' before the mercy- 18 Thou shalt also make a laver of brass,' and
seat that is over the testimony," where I will meet his foot also of brass, to wash vnthal: and thou
with thee. shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congre-
7 And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense^ gation and the altar, and thou shalt put water
every morning:*' when ho dresscth the lamps, he therein.
shall burn incense upon it. 19 For Aaron and his sons shall wash their
8 And when Aaron lighteth' the lamps ateven,^ hands and their feet thereat.""
he shall burn incense upon it, a perpetual incense 20 When they go into the tabernacle of the con-
before the Loud throughout your generations. gregation, they shall wash with water, that they
9 Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon,'^ die not or when they come near to the altar to ;
nor burnt-sacrifice, nor meat-offering; neither minister, to burn offering made by fire unto the
shall ye pour drink-offering thereon. Lord.
10 And Aaron shall make an atonement upon 21 So they shall wash their hands and their
the horns of it once in a year with the blood of feet, that they die not: and it shall be a statute
the sin-offering of atonements;'' once in the year for ever to them, even to him and to Ms seed
shall he make atonement upon it throughout your throughout their generations.
generations it is most holy unto the Lord.
: 22 1 Moreover the Lord spake unto Moses, say-
11 II And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, ing,
12 When thou takest the sum of the children of 23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of
Israel after their number,*' then shall they give pure myrrh five hundred sheJcels,^ and of sweet
every man a ransom for his soul unto the "Lord,J cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and
»Ch. 37:25. bch. 25;11. • Heb. roof. 1 Heh. waUs. t Jleh. riis. c ch. h Lev. 16:18; 23:27; Heb. 9:7, 25. • Heb. them tkat
are to be numbered.
;13. d oh.20:31; 40:3; Matt. 27:51; Heb. 9:3. = ch. 2.3:21. i Ileb. Num. 1:2; 26:2. J Num. 31:50. k 2 Sam. 24:2-15. t Heb. multiply.
ceme of spices. ' ver. 34; 1 Sam. 2:23; 1 Chr. 23:13; Luke 1 :9. 1 Heb. > Tieh. diminish. 1 ch. 33:8; 1 Kings 7:3S. mPsa. 26:6. oPsa. 45:8.
uscth to ascend, or setteth up. 1 Heb. between the two evens. ? Lev. 10: 1.
and all needed good, is essential to progress in holiness his soul ;a tribute paid to God for the preservation and
and preparation for heaven. blessings of life, and for the support of divine worship.
42. Habitual acknowledgment of God as the author of 13. Half a shekel; in value about twentj'-five cents.
all good, and daily supplication to him for the blessings 15. Not give more —
not give less; teaching that before
which we need for ourselves, our friends, and all our fel- God the rich and poor are of equal worth, and equally
low-men, are the duty of all. They are also a privilege, need the same atonement.
the enjoyment of which should not be sacrificed for any 16. Ttiat it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel;
worldly good. more literally, "that it may be to the children of Israel
for a memorial before the Lord ;" that is, that it may re-
CHAPTER XXX. mind God in their behalf, Gen. 9:16, of the ransom they
3. A
crown; cornice or border. have paid for their souls. To make an atonement for your
The veil; which separated the holy from the most
6. souls; so that God shall send no plague among them.
holy place, so that the altar stood directly over against the Ver. 12.
ark of the covenant, being separated from it by the veil. 18. A laver; large bowl or basin.
7. Sweet mcense; this represented the prayers of God's 20. Wash icith water ; an emblem of the purifying influ-
people made acceptable by the intercession of Christ, ences of the Holy Ghost.
Rev. 8:3, 4, as the burnt-ofiering did his atonement. 23. Principal spices; of the purest and most precious
Strange incense ; other than that prescribed, ver. 34-38.
9. kind. Five hundred shekels; the shekel has been estimated
Once in a year; on the great day of atonement. .Lev.
10. at from ten to ten and three quarters pennyweights. Five
16 18 23 27, 28. Shall—make atonement ; this showed that
: ; : hundred shekels would then be from about nineteen to
atonement was necessary, in order to the efficacy of in- twenty-two and a third pounds, troy weight or, from a ;
Thz holy oin'tntnt and perfume. EXODUS XXXI. Bezakd and A/wliab called.
kv'um: fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two make, ye shall not make to yourselves according
hundred and fifty shekels, to the composition thereof: it shall be unto thee
24 And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the holy for the Lord.
shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil-olive a hin 38 Whosoever shall make like unto that, to smell
25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy oint- thereto, shall even be cut off from his people.^
ment, an ointment compound after tlie art of the
apothecaiy :* it shall be a holy anointing oil."'' CHAPTER XXXI.
26 And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the
1 Bezaleel and Aholiab are called and maile meet for the work of the
congregation therewith,'' and the ark of the tes- tabernacle. 12 The observation of the sabbath is again commanded.
timony. IS Moses receiveth the two tables.
27 And the table and all his vessels, and the can-
dlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense,
AND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
2 See, I have called by name'' Bezaleel the
28 And the altar of burnt-oficriug with all his son of Uri,' the son of Hur, of the tribe of Ju-
vessels, and the laver and his foot. dah:
29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may And I have filled him with the spirit of God,
be most holy whatsoever toucheth them shall be
: wisdom, and in understanding, and in know-
holy.'^ and in all manner of workmanship,-'
30 And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, 4 To devise cunning works, to work in gold,
and consecrate them, that they may minister unto and in silver, and in brass,
me in the priest's office. 5 And in cutting of stones, to set thejn, and in
31 And thou shalt speak unto the children of carving of timber, to work in all manner of work-
Israel, saying, This shall be a holy anointing oil manship.
unto me throughout your generations. 6 And I, behold, I have given with him Aho-
32 Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, liab,"^ the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan
neither shall ye make any other like it, after the and in the hearts of all that are wise-hearted I
composition of it: it is holy, a7id it shall be holy have put wisdom,' that they may make all that I
unto you.* have commanded thee "' :
33 Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or who- 7 The tabernacle of the congregation, and the
soever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall ark of the testimony, and the mercy-seat that is
even be cut off from his people. thereupon, and all the furniture* of the taber-
34 1" And the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto nacle,
thee sweet spices," stacte, and onycha, and galba- 8 And the table and his furniture, and the pure
num these sweet spices with pure frankincense candlestick with all his furniture, and the altar
25. Tlie apothecary; perfumer, or maker of ointments. memorial of his goodness and a testimony of our obliga-
30. Anohit Aaron and las sons; in token of tlie necessity tions for all the blessings of his providence and grace.
of tlieir being endued with the Uoly Spirit, to fit them 21. Purity of heart and life is as needful as the pardon
for their duties. of sin and for it we should look habitually to the Holy
32. Upon man's fiesh; the fiesh of men who were not Spirit, the Author and Finisher of all that is spiritually
priests. good in the children of men.
34. Slacte —
onycha, and galbanum; fragrant spices or 31. All our services must be perfumed with the incense
gums. Some, however, suppose onycha to be a species of Christ's merits, and be the fruit of his Spirit, working
of shell whicli, when burnt, yields a strong odor. in us both to will and also to do, in order to be holy, or
35. Confection ; mixture, to burn on the altar of incense. ascend before God with acceptance. John 15:5; Rev.
INSTRUCTIONS. 38. While we rely on the atonement, righteousness, and
intercession of Christ as the one only and all-sufficient
1. In the Mosaic ritual we are continually reminded
Mediator, and look to his Sjiirit as the only Sanctifier, we
of the priesthood, sacrifice, and intercession of Glirist,
should most carefully abstain from looking to or depend-
through the incense of whose merits alone our prayers
ing on any other for there is none other name under
can ascend with acceptance before God.
8. Our need of Christ's intercession is constant; and
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12.
day by day, morning and evening, continually ouf suppli-
cations should ascend before him as incense, and the lift-
ing up of our hearts in prayer and praise as our habitual
sacrifice. Heb. 13:15. Given with him; as his associate and assistant in
16. A portion of what God has given us should be making the tabernacle and its furniture, according to the
gratefully devoted to the support of his worship, as a pattern and directions which God had given to Moses.
The kcepitif; of the Sabbath. EXODUS XXXII, A golden calf is made.
12 \ Ami tlie LoiU) sjiakc unto Moso?, saying, said unto him, Up, make us gods,'' wJiich H.rul'J;
13 Speak tliou also uuti) the cliildreii of Israel. shall g(j before us ; for as for this Moses, the
Bavin"'. Vcrilv my sabbath.^ ye shall keej):" for man that brougiit us up out of the land of Egypt.'
it ts a sign between me ami you tiirougiiout your we wot not what is become of him.
generations;'' that yr may know that I am tiie And A:min said unto them. Ureak off the
Lord that cloth .^Janctily you. gokieii earrings which are in tlie ears of your
14 Ye shall keep tlie .«abbath therefore; for it wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and
isholy unto you.*^ Every one that defileth it shall bring them unto 1110.*°
1 The people, in the absence of Moses, cause Aaron to make a calf. 7 them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and
God is angered thereby. 11 At the entreaty of Moses he is appeas-
ed. Id Moses comctli down with the tables. 19 He breaketli them.
have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy
20 He destroyeth the calf. 22 Aaron's excuse for himself. 2-5 Moses gods, Israel, which have brought thee up out
causeth the idolaters to be slain. 30 He prayeth for the people.
of the land of Egypt.
AND come
when people saw
the that Moses delayed
out of the mount,-' tiie people
9 And the Lord said unto Moses, I have seen
this people, and behold, it is a stifl'-necked people :"
gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath
» Lev. 19::!. 30; 'Jfi:2. b Neh. 9:14; Ezek. 20:12, 2(1. « ch. 20:S: Deul. 24:22; Juilg. 8:24-27; Ezek. 10:12, I"; Hos. 2:8. nch. 20:23; Deut. 9:18;
5:12; Isi. 5S: 1.3; Ezek. 44:21. i ch. 35:2. • Heb. holiness, e Num. 15:35. Judg. 17:3, 4; 1 Kings 12:28; Neh. 9:18; Psa. 10fi:19; Isa. 40:18. 19; 4S:6;
' ver. 13. e Gen. 1:31: 2:2; Heb. 4:3, 4,10. h Job 33:7; Psa. 101:31. Rom. 1 :23. o 2 Kings 10:20. p 1 Cor. 10:7. q Gen. G;ll, 12; Deut. 4:10;
ch. 21:13; 32:15, 10; 34:2.S, 20; Deut. 4:13; 5:22; 9:9-11; 2 Cor. 3:3. Judg. 2:19; Hos. 9:9. r2Chr. 30:8; Isa. 48:4.
J ch. 24:18; Dent. 9:9. k Acts 7:40. 1 Matt. 24:48; 2 Pet. 3:4. m Gen.
13. A
sign between me and you; a sign of the relation feel their need of each other, and be mutual helpers in
which subsisted between them. By keejiing the Sabbath the discharge of their various duties, and the accomplish-
holy, according to his directions, chap. 20 : 8-11, tliey ment of the work to which he calls them.
would show that they were his people, and that he was 11. The more exactly men follow the directions of God,
their God. It would also be a great means of preserving the greater wisdom and goodness they will manifest, and
among them a right knowledge of God, and thus making the more useful they will be.
them holy and preparing them for heaven. 14. The Sabbath was not given to men for labor, even
14. Hoi ij unto you; set apart; devoted to sacred employ- in preparing houses or furniture for the worship of God,
ments. Defiletk it; by devoting it to worldly business. but for rest, and for religious duties. It is in keeping the
Put to death ; by the magistrate, at the command of God, day holy that men show that they rightly know God,
who was King of that nation, and had a right to dispose belong to his people, and are preparing for the rest of
of life as he saw best. heaven. Heb. 4:9.
17. A sign; an evidence of God's kindness to men, and 17. The holy keeping of the Sabbath is delightful to
a public token that they who rightly keep it are his peo- the pious. It makes them more and more like God, and
ple, that he is their God, and will do for them all that gives them greater views of his goodness, especially in
he has promised. Was refreshed; delighted in his work, the manifestations which on that day he makes of him-
especially in the Sabbath —
which he had provided and set self, and in the everlasting and glorious ends which,
apart as a day of rest for his people and in the benefits through the Sabbath and its means of grace, he will ac-
which the keeping of it holy would confer upon them. complish.
18. Tables of testimony; on which were written, by the
finger of God, the ten commandments, chap. 20:5-17, tes-
tifying his will and the duty of men. Exod. 20:a-l7; 1. Out of the mount; chap. 24:12-18. Gods; idols, or an
24:12; 32:15, 16. idol to represent God. Wot ; know.
6. Play; engage in revelling and wantonness.
IXSTRUCTIONS. 7. Tki/ people, which thou broughtest; he says not, my
3. God bestows various talents on men, not for the pur- people, whom I brought but, thy people, which thou
pose of their lying useless, or being employed only for broughtest; as if he would disown Israel as his people.
the gratification or benefit of their possessors, but for the 9. Stiff-necked; refusing to yield obedience to the com-
promotion of his glory and the good of mankind. mands of God.
6. Different gifts are imparted to men, that they may 10. Let me alone; do not ask me to spare them.
Moses destroyeth the idol, EXODUS XXXII. and inter cedeth for Israel. may wax hot against them, and that I 22 And Aaron said, Let not the anger of my
may consume them:" and I will make of thee a lord wax hot thou knowest the people, that they
17 And when Joshua heard the noise of the peo- you a blessing this day.''
ple as tiiey shouted, he said unto Moses, There is 30 T" And it came to pass on the morrow, that
a noise of war in the camp. Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great
18 And he said, // is not the voice of them thai sin:" and now I will go up unto the Lord perad- ;
shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them venture I shall make an atonement for your sin.'
that cry for being overcome;^ but the noise of 31 And Moses returned unto the Lord, and said,
them that sing do I hear. Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have
19 % And it came to pass, as soon as he came made them gods of gold."
nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf and the 32 Yet now, if thou wilt, forgive their sin and ;
dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he if not, blot me," I pray thee, out of thy book
cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them which thou hast written.'"
beneath the mount. 33 And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever
20 And he took the calf which they had made, hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my
and burnt it in the fire,' and ground it to powder, book."
and strewed it upon the water, and made the 34: Therefore now go, lead the people unto the
children of Israel drink of if. place of which I have spoken unto thee: behold,
21 And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this mine Angel shall go before thee:^' nevertheless,
people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great in the day when I visit, I will visit their sin upon
a sin upon them?'' them.^
> Ch. 2>:-:i. b Num. 14:12; Psa. 106:ai. * Heb. the fare
of Ike Lord. p Num. 25:5. : Mai. 2:4-fi. i Ueh. Fill your hands. I Or,
e Deut. B:lS--.><); Psi. 74;1, 2. d Deut. 3l>:aG,27. e Deut. 13:17; Josh. And RIoses snt'l i!f.t^U-es to-day to the Lord, because every man
7:26;^Ezra 1U:U; Psa. 7>i::iS. f Psa. 90:13. E Gen. 22:16; Heb. 0:13. hath been again .junsthisbrnther.ele. rJoel2:12-14. 1 Sam.
h 2 Sam. 2t:16; I Chr. 21:15; Psa. 10(5:45; Jer. 1S:S; Joel 2:13. i ch. 12:20.23. 1 -N IJ 7,8; Amos 5: 15; Jas. 5:16. " ch. 20:2.3,
3I:IS; Deut. 9:10; Heb. 8:10. t Heb. weakness. J Deut. 9:21. k Gen. V Rom. 9:3. » ni 12:1; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5. x P,a. 69:28.
20:9. 1 Deut. 31:27. mver. 1. o ver. 4. I Ueh. those that rose up against ych. 2:3:20; Nu .63:9. iDeut. 32:35; Amos 3:14.
them, o ch. 33:4, 5; 2 Chr. 23:19; Isa. 47:3; Micah 1:11; Rev. 3:1S.
11. Moses in reply says, Thy people, which thou hast they had solemnly entered, chap. 24:4, 7, and deserved to
brought, and adds also that it was with a mighty luind; be- be destroyed.
cause he means to plead the covenant relation of God to 20. The water; which flowed from the rock, chap. 17:6,
Israel, and the wonders He has already wrought in their and of which the people continued to drink.
behalf, as a reason why He should spare them. In this 25. Naked ; stripped of their ornaments, and exposed.
prayer the one appeal of Moses is to Jehovah's glory; 27. His brother — —
companion, and neighbor; all who had
and this is a prevailing plea. been engaged in this idolatry.
12. Repent of this evil ; not destroy the people, but sp;ue 29. Consecrate yourselves; devote yourselves to the Lord,
them. in the execution of his will in punishing the transgressors.
15. Tables of the testimony; those on which God had 30. Make an atonement ; obtain mercy for theiii.
written the ten eiMnmandments. 32, Blot me—out of thy book; if thou destroy them let me
19. He — brake them show
the people, in a significant
; to die also, and not live to see thy dishonor and their ruin.
manner, that they had broken the covenant into which 34. Visit ; that is, with evils.
. ;: :
Gixi truth the jxrple. EXODIS XXX 111. and talhelh with Moses.
35 Ami tlip L(iin> ])la!rucil tlio it without the camp, afar off from the camp, 1," f^J,;
jwoplc, berau.«L'
they made tlic ciill'. wliii-li Aaron iiuulo. and called it tlie Tabernacle of the congregation.
And it came to pass, t/utf every one wliich sought
the Ixiui) went out unto the tabernacle of tho
(" n A r T i: 11 x x x ii i congregation, which was without the camp.
1 The Lord refusctli to ro as he had promised with the people. 4 The 8 And it came to jias.-;, wlicii Moses went out
pmplo murmur thereat. 7 The tabernacle is removed out of the
camp. 9 The Lord talketh familiarly witli Moses. 12 Moses desjr- unto the tabcrnacli-, t/iat all the jieople rose up,
oth to see the glory of tJoJ. and stood every man at his tent-door, and looked
AND the Lord said unto Moses, Depart, aiid after Jloses, until he was gone into the tabernacle.
<ro lip hence, thou and the ))eo]>lc wliich thou !) And it came to ]iass, as Moses entered into the
ha;:t brought up out of tlio land ol' Kirypt, unto tabernacle, the cloudy ]iillar descended, and stood
tlie land wliich I swaro unto Abraliani, to Isaac, at tiie door of the tabernacle, and l/ie LORD
and to Jacob, sayinfr, Uuto thy seed will I give it: talked with iloses.'^
2 And I will send an Angel before thee
and I 10 And all the people saw the cloudy jiillar
will drive out the Canaaiiite, the Auiorite, and stand at the tabernacle-door: and all the people
the Ilittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivitc, and the rose up and worshipped, every man in his tent-
Jebusite: door.
3 Unto a land iiowing with milk and honey for : 11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face,"*
I will not go up in the midst of thee for thou ; as a man speaketh uuto his friend. And he turn-
art a stiff-necked people: lest I consume thee in ed again into the camp; but his servant Joshua,
the way. the son of Xun, a young man, departed not out of
4 T[ And when the people heard these evil tid- the tabernacle.
ings, they mourned and no man did put on him
: 12 H And Moses said unto the Lord, See, thou
Lis ornaments. sayest unto me, Bring up this people :° and thou
5 For the Loud had said unto Moses, Say unto hast not let mo know whom thou wilt send with
the children of Israel, Yc are a stiff-necked people me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name,''
I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.
and consume thee therefore now put off' thy orna-
: 13 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found
ments from thee," that I may know what to do grace in thy sight, show me now thy way,'-' that I
unto thee. may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight
G And the children of Israel stripped themselves and consider that this nation is thy people.''
of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. 14 And he said. My presence shall go with tliee}
7 And Moses took the tabernacle," and pitched and I will give thee rest.^
>Job 1:20: Isi. 32:11; Ezsk.2G:lG. b ch. 29: 42. 43. c Psa. 99:7. aDeut. 119:33; John 14:21-2:3. h Deut. 9:26. 29; Joel 2:17. i ch. 40:34-38; Is;
M:10. e ch. 32:34. f Isi. 43:1; Jer. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:19. S Psa. 86:11; 63:9. j Josh. 2:1:1; Ji». 0:18.
I will consume thee; this he might justly do; and
this, should they continue their wickedness, he would do.
1. Into whatever engagements men enter to serve the
Lord, if left to their own sinful inclinations they will soon
We may, however, render these words. If I come up into
the midst of thee for one moment, I shall consume thee.
break them, and plunge into wickedness, to their disgrace
Tlicrefore now put off thy ornaments ; he will have diem put
and ruin.
themselves in llie dress of crimuials, while he, as it were,
6. Those forms of religion which gratify the pride, self-
deliberates what he shall do to them.
ishness, and carnal inclinations of men, while they attract
6. By the mount Horeb; or, at a distance from the mount
great numbers, instead of making them better, only make
them worse and ripen them for divine judgments.
7. The tabernacle; not the holy tent for the building of
14. Prayer for sinners, offered from regard to the glory
which directions had been given, for that was not yet
of God, has great influence with him, and is often the
made but probably the public tent of the congregation,
means of changing his conduct towards them so that,
where Moses had been accustomed to hear causes, and
Moses seeth God's glory. EXODUS XXXIY. The name of God proclaimed.
1 The tables are renewed. 5 The name of the Lord proclaimed. 8
Moses entreateth tjod to go with them. 10 Grod maketh a covenant
with them, repeating certain duties of the first table. 28 Moses after
forty days in the mount cometh down with the tables. 29 His face
shiueth, and he covereth it with a veil.
A a
ND tlie Lord said unto Moses, thee two
tables of stone like unto the first: and I
have not been done in nil the cartli, nor in any enth day thou shalt rest:'' in earing-time b.cuJJ:
nation: and all tlie pooido anionir wliieli thou urt and ill harvest thou shaft rest.
eliall see tlie work of tlic Loitn: for it is a terri- And lliou shalt oliserve the feast of weeks,
'22 'i
ble thinir that I will do with tiiee." of the first-fruits of wheat-harvest, and the feast
11 ()l).-;erve thou tiiat wiiieh 1 command thee of ingathering at the year's end.-
this day: behold. I ilrivc out iielbie thee tlie 2:5 • 'i'lirice ill they(\irsiiall all yourmen-diildren
Aniorite, and the Canaanite, and the Uittite, and a])pear before tlie Lord (Jon, the God of Israel.'
the I'erizzite, and the llivitc, and the Jebiisite.'' 24 For I will cast out the nations before thee,
12 Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a cove- and enlarge thy borders :J neither .'^hall any man
nant with the inhabitants of the land whither desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear
thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of before the Lord thy God tliriet; in the year.^
thee:'- 25 Thou shalt not olVer llie blood of my sacrifice
13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their with leaven neither shall tlie sacrifice of the feast
images,' and cut down their groves: of the passover be left unto the morning.
14 For thou shalt worshij) no other god:'' for 2() The first of the first-fruits of tiiy land thou
the Loud, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous shalt bring unto the house of the LoiU) thy God.'
God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk."'
15 Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabi- 27 And the Lord said unto Moses, Write thou
tants of the land, and they go a whoring after these words " for after the tenor of thes(' words I :
their gods, and do sacrifice uuto their gods, and have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.
one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; 28 And he was there with the Lord forty days
16 And thou take of their daughters unto thy and forty nights;" he did neither eat bread, nor
sons," and their daughters go a whoring after drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the
their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after words of the covenant,'' the ten commandments.*
their gods. 29 % And it came to pass, when Moses came
17 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. down from mount Sinai with the two tables of
18 T The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down
keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin
bread,'' as I commanded thee, in the time of the of his face shone while he talked with him.''
month Abib: for in the month Abib thou earnest 30 And when Aaron and all the children of Is-
out from Egypt. rael saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone
19 All that oponcth the matrix is mine;s and and they were afraid to come nigh him.
every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or 31 And Moses called unto them and Aaron and ;
sheep, that is male. all the rulers of the congregation returned unto
20 But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem him and Moses talked with them. :
thy sons thou slialt redeem. And none shall ap- the Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai.''
pear before me empty. 33 And //// Moses had done speaking with them,
21 H Six days thou shalt work, but on the sev- he put a veil on his face.*
«Pii.«5:5. b Dcut. 7:1, 19; 9:4,5. c Jpsh. 23:12, 13. • Tieh. slalues 14:21. n Deut. 31:9. o Deut. 9:9, 18. P ver. 1; Deut. 4:13; 10:2. 4;
i -Malt. 4:10. = Num. 2.5:1,2; Ezra 9:2; 2 Cor. 6:14. t ch. 12:1.'); •iil.'i 2 Cor. 3:7. « Hcb. U'ords. 1 Matt. 17:2; Luke !);2'J; Acts 6:15; 2 Cor.
s ch. 13:2. t Or, kid. h ch. 33:2. I Hfb. revolulion of the year ch. 3:7, i:3; Rev. 1:16. r ch. 21 Num. 15:40. « 2 Cor. 3: 13-10.
: ;
21:14,17. Jver.U. k 2 Chr. 17: 10; Job 1:10. 1 Deut. 20;-.!, 10.
the people had so shamefully and wickedly broken theirs. 1C:9, 10. Feast of ingathering ; of tabernacles, which was
Do marvels; perform wonderful things in giving their chil- observed at the close of the harvest. Chap. 23: 14-1 fi.
dren the land of Canaan. A terrible thing; he would ac- 24. Desire thy land; while all the able-bodied men should
complish, through their means, towards their enemies. be absent, God would not only prevent their land from
11. That which I command ; it is to be noticed that ver. being invaded, but he would keep their enemies from de-
12-20 contain a repetition of that part of chap. 21-23, in siring it. This promise was literally fuliilled. In the
which the duties of the Israelites towards God as his history of the Jews, no instance is known of their ene-
covenant-people are specified. Thus he formally renewed mies' taking advantage of their attendance upon the ap-
with them the covenant which they had broken. pointed feasts to invade the land.
12. A covenant; a treaty of peace. A snare; means of 25. He wrote; the Lord wrote the ten commandments on
leading them into sin. these tables, as he had done on the first, which were
Their groves; or, their images of Ashtaroth, which
13. broken; and the other commands Moses wrote as God
were generally of wood. directed him, ver. 1; Deut. 10:4.
11. A jealous God;
especially displeased with those who 29. His face shone; this was the effect of being with
wor_ship any thing except himself. God, and beholding his glory.
17. Molten ; that is, melted ; idols cast in a furnace. 33. He put a veil on his face; to prevent their being
18. The feast of unleavened bread; that connected with afraid of liim. Tlie shining of his face indicated the glory,
the passover. Chap. 12:14-20. and his veiling it indicated the darkness of that dispensa-
19. Is- mine ; chap. 13:2, 12, 13. tion, compared with the gospel. The veil also fitly illus-
21. Earing; ploughing. Harvest ; in the most busy trated the darkness of the human mind as to spiritual
seasons of the year, wlien they would be most strongly things, without the illuminating influences of the Uoly
tempted to break the Sabbath, as well as at other times, Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:6-18.
they were to rest and keep the day holy.
22. Feast of weeks ; penteoost, which began seven weeks, INSTRUCTIONS.
or the fiftieth day after the passover. Chap. 23:16; Deut. 1. Notwithstanding the indignation of Jehovah against
; ; ; ; ;
kc i'm: 34 But wlicn Moses wont in before the 11 The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering,
Lord to speak with him, he took the veil ofl', until his taches, and liis boards, his bars, his pillars,
he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the and his sockets
children cf Israel i/iat which he was coiumandcd. 12 The ark,!^ and the staves thereof, with the
35 And the children of Israel saw the face of mercy-seat, and the veil of the covering;
Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone and 13 The table, and his staves, and all his vessels,
Moses put the veil upon his face again, until he and the show-broad ;
went in to speak with him. 14 Tiie candlestick also for the light, and his
furniture, and his lamps, with the oil for the light
15 And the incense-altar,' and his staves, and the
CHAPTER XXXV. anointing oil, and the sweet incense, and the hang-
1 Tlie Sabbath. 4 The free gifts for the tabernacle. 20 The readiness
ing for tlie door at tlie entering in of the tabernacle
of the people to offer. 30 Bezaleel and Aholiab are called to the
work. 16 The altar of burnt-offering, with his brazen
them, These ai-e the words which the Lort) hath 17 The hangings of the court,J his pillars, and
commanded, that ye should do them.'' their sockets, and the hanging for the door of the
2 Six days shall work bo done," but on the sev- court
enth day there shall be to you a holy day,* a sab- 18 The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of
bath of rest to the Lord whosoever doeth work :
the court, and their cords
therein shall be put to death." 19 The clothes of service, to do service in the
3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habi- holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest,
tations upon the sabbatli-day.'' and the garments of his sons, to minister in the
4 ir And Moses spake unto all the congregation priest's office.''
of the children of Israel, saying. This is the thing 20 ^ And all the congregation of the children
which the Lord commanded, saying, of Israel departed from the presence of Moses.
5 Take ye from among you an offering unto the 21 And they came, every one whose heart stir-
Lord whosoever is of a willing heart," let him
red liim up, and every one whom his spirit made
bring it, an offering of the Lord gold, and silver, willing,' and they brought the Lord's offering to
8 And and spices for anointing jewels of gold and every man that offered, offered
oil for the light, :
oil. and for the sweet incense, an offering of gold unto the Lord.
II And onyx-stones, and stones to be set for the 23 And every man, with whom was found blue,
ephod, and for the breastplate. and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats'
10 And every wiso-hoarted among you shall come, hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins,
and make all that the Lord hath commanded •/ brought them.
iCh. 34:3-2. bLev.23:3. • Heh. /wliness. c Deut. 5:12-14; Luka 13:14, 2 Sam, 7:2. k ch. 31:10; 39:1,41; Num. 4:5, 7, i , 22, etc. ; ch.
<i Num. 15:32. etc. e ch. 25:2; Mark 12:41-44; 2 Cor. 8:11, 12; 9:7. 25:2; 3(j:2; IChr. 28:3,9; 29:9; Ezri7:27.
h. 31:6. e ch. 25:10, etc. h Lev. 24:5, C. i ch. 30:1, etc. Jch. 27:9;
backsliders, those who repent and seek his mercy he will men, that none shall in the end be losers from conscien-
forgive, renew his covenant with them, and take them tiously and perseveringly obeying him.
again under bis gracious care. 27. It is a great blessing to have the words of the Lord
7. Though God forgives bis penitent believing people, written in a book. And as we have the book which contains
he does not deliver tbem from all the consequences of them, written not in words which man's wisdom taught,
their sins. The evils of tbem they may feel, in numerous but which the Holy Ghost taught, their meaning should
ways, to the end of Ufe, and even transmit to future gen- be communicated in the plainest manner to all the people.
erations while none who do not repent, and turn heartily
33. The meaning and use of the Old Testament are, to
to him, can escape utter and irretrievable ruin. a great extent, explained in the New. They are parts of
11. No repentance of sin or professed reformation will the same revelation, and a knowledge of both is necessary
avail to salvation, which does not lead men to do what in order to a fuU luiderstanding of either. Those, there-
God commands tbem. fore, who think that the Old Testament is out of date, and
14. To regard any object above Jehovah, or pay even
that the study of it can be neglected without sin, or with-
external worship to any but him, is exceedingly offensive out great loss to the soul, do exceedingly err, not know-
in his sight, and exposes those who are guilty of it to his ing the Scriptures.
just indignation.
15. Intimate connection with the openly wicked, and all CHAPTER XXXV.
apparent joining with tbem in their iniquity, or conniving 3.Kindle no fire; for any worldly purpose; not even to
at it, should be carefully avoided. manufacture articles for the tabernacle or sanctuary of the
21. Often, plainly, and expressly, God commands men Lord.
to keep the Sabbath; and no pressure of worldly busi- 4-29. The tabernacle. Chap. 25:2-40.
ness, even in the most pressing season, should lead them 18. Pins of the tabernacle; supposed to be those to which
ever to neglect it. They have no right to do, to attempt, the cords of the sacred tent were fastened, and which
or wish to do any more business than is consistent with were driven into the groimd, to keep it firm in its place.
their remembering the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. 22. Tablets; supposed to be ornaments worn around the
24. God is able so to control the desires and efforts of head or neck.
; ;
Bezalttl and AAoliab. EXODUS XXXVI. The offering; s are too many.
24 Every one tliat did ofTor an offering of pilver (11 A I'TER 1,.?:fli;. XXXVI.
and brass broutrht the Lonn's offering: and every
The ofleringa arc dclivcrnl to Uic workmen. 5 The liberality of the
man, with wlioni was found shittim-Avood for any )>''ople is restrained. 8 The curtains of cherubim. 14 The curtains
work of tlic service, brought it. of goals' hair. 19 The covering of skins. 1>0 The boards with their
BockeU. 31 The bars. 30 Tlie veil. 37 The hanging for tlie door.
25 And all the women that were wise-licartcd
did spin with their hands," and brought that which I^UEN" wrought Bczaleel and Aholiab, and ev-
they had s|inn, both of blue, and of purple, and of ery wise-hearted man,'' in whom the Lord put
scarlet, and nf fine linen. wisdom and iiriderstiinding to know how to work
26 And all the women whose heart stirred them all manncrof work for the service of tlie sanctuary,'
up in wisdom spun goats' hair. according to all that the Lord had commanded.
27 And the rulers brought onyx-stones," and 2 And Moses called Bczaleel and Aholiab, and
stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breast- every wise-]iearted man, in whose heart the Lord
plate ;
had put wisdom, even every one whose heart stir-
28 And spice,'' and oil for the light, and for the red him up to come unto the work to do it.'
anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 3 And they received of Jloses all the offering,
29 The children of Israel brought a willing which the children of Israel had brought for the
offering unto the Lord,'' every man and woman, work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it
whose heart made them willing to bring for all withal. And they brought yet unto him free offer-
manner of work, which the Loud had commanded ings every morning.
to be made liy the hand of Moses. 4 1 And all the wise men," that wrought all the
30 7 And Moses said unto the children of Is- work of the sanctuary,' came every man from his
rael,'' Sec, the Lord hath called by name Bczaleel work which tiiey made;
the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of 5 And they spake unto Moses, saying. The peo-
Judah ple bring much more than enough for the service
31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of of the work, which the Lord commanded to make.™
God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in know- 6 And Moses gave commandment, and they
ledge, and in all manner of w'orkmanship caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp.
32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, saying. Let neither man nor woman make any
and in silver, and in brass, more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So
33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and the people were restrained from bringing.
in carving of wood, to make any manner of cun- 7 For the stuff they had was sufficient for all
ning work. the work to make it, and too much."
34 And he hath put in his heart that he may 8 Tl And every wise-hearted man among tlicni
teach,'^6o/A ho, and Alioliab, the son of Ahisamach, that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten
of tlie tribe of Dan. curtains o/'fine twined linen," and blue, and pur-
35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart,^ to ple, and scarlet with cherubim of cunning work :
and of those that devise cunning work. 10 And he coupled the five curtains one unto
a Ch. 28:3; 2 Kings 23:7; Prov. 31:19. b 1 Chr. 29:6; Ezra2:es. c ch. 2S:3; 31:6; 35:10.35. ch. 25:8; Num. 7:9; Heb. 8:2. J ch. 35:25,20;
30:2J. d Ter. 21; 1 CKr. 29:9. e ch. 31:2, etc. fNeh. 2:12. 6 ver. 31; lChr.29:5. l!lCor.3:I0. 12Chr.24:13. >» 2 Cor. 8:2, 3; Phil. 4:17, 16.
ch. 31:3,6; 1 Kings 3:12; 7:U; 2 Chr. 2:14; Isa. 2S:26; 51:16. h ch. n 2 Chr. 31:10. o ch. 26:1, etc.
25. Wise-hearted ; skilled in curious spinning. offerings may be equally acceptable. If there be a will-
ing mind, it is accepted .according to what any one hath,
INSTRUCTIONS. and not according to what ho hath not. Mark 12:43, 44;
2. The observance of the Sabbath was so essential to 2 Cor. 8:12.
the civil welfare of the Israelites, and to the prevalence 34. Mechanical skill, as really as divine grace, men
and perpetuity of true religion, that it was here placed receive from God but they can obtain and confer the
first among the directions which God gave his people. benefits of neither without their own efforts. And both,
The command to keep it holy was often repeated, and on to be accepted, must be employed in the service and to
a variety of occasions and the open, presumptuous viola-
the glory of the Giver.
tion of it was to be punished with death.
5. Free, voluntary offerings for the purpose of promot-
ing the glory of God and the good of mankind, are pecul- 1. Tlien wro^ighl ; rather,and Bezaleel and Aholiab
iarly pleasing to him. shall work. Accordingly iloses calls them, ver. 2, to this
10. Those whose talents and skill are employed in do- service.
ing what God has commanded, are, in the best sense, INSTRUCTIONS.
wise-hearted while those whose powers are not em-
; 3. Those who are intrusted with public contributions
ployed in obeying him, are, in the most emphatic sense, should conscientiously appropriate them to the object.;
fools. Psa. 14:1; Prov. 17:16. for which they are given, and avoid both the reality and
22. All who are truly wise, both men and women, when the appearance of employing any part of them for other
they know the will of God, will be disposed to do it and ; purposes.
in offering willingly to him of what he has given them, 7. The hearts of men, and all their powers, are so under
they will derive from it greater enjoyment and benefit than the control of God, that he can at any time lead them_ to
if they had hoarded it, or employed it on themselves. devote any portion of what he gives them to his service,
29. In giving to the Lord of what he has given to them, and make them instrumental, in such ways as he sees best,
all may take a part, the poor as weU as the rich, and their of ad^'^ncins: his cause.
: :
The curtains, boards, and bars. EXODUS XXXVII. The veil, ark, and mercy-seat.
The table, candlestirk, and alUirs. EXODUS XX.WIII. The. laver, and the court.
high," and rovcrcd witli tlioir winjrs over tlic iiicrcy- the two sides thereof, to be places for the B.'iiJJJ:
scat, witli tl)oir faces one to another; even to tlie staves to bear it withal.
inercy-suat-ward were the faces of the cheruhiin.'' 2S And he made the staves o/ shiltiiu-wood, and
10 IT And lie made tabic of sliittim-wood :''
tlie overlaid them witii gold.
two cubits n-ns thp lengtli tliereof, and a culiit the 21) 'i And he iiuidc the holy anointing oil," and
breadtli thereof, and a cubit and a half the height th(> pure inciMise of sweet spices,'' according to the
15 And he made the staves o/"s]iittim-wood, and and he overlaid it with brass.
ovei'laid them with gold, to bear the table. 3 And he made all the vessels of the altar, the
IG And he made the vessels which ivere upon the pots, and the shovels, and the basins, and the ilesh-
table, his dishes, and his spoons, and his bowls, hooks, and the fire-pans: all the vessels thereof
and his covers to cover withal,* o/pure gold.'' made he o/" brass.
17 1i And he made the candlestick o/"pure gold :" 4 And he made for the altar a brazen grate of
of beaten work made he the candlestick; his network, under the compass thereof, beneath unto
shaft, and his branch, his bowls, his knops, and the midst of it.
his flowers, were of the same 5 And he cast four rings for the four ends of the
18 And six branches going out of the sides grate of brass, to be places for the staves.
thereof; three branches of the candlestick out of 6 And he made the staves q/" shittim-wood, and
the one side thereof, and three branches of the overlaid them with brass.
candlestick out of the other side thereof: 7 And he put the staves into the rings on the
19 Three bowls made after the fashion of al- sides of the altar, to bear it withal; he made the
monds in one branch, a knop and a flower and ; altar hollow with boards.
three bowls made like almonds in another branch, 8 Ti And he made the laver of brass,J and the
a knop and a flower so throughout the six branch-
; foot of it of brass, of the looking-glasses* of the
es going out of the candlestick. women assembling,* which assembled at the door
2l) And in the candlestick ivere four bowls made of the tabernacle of the congregation.
like almonds, his knops, and his flowers 9 1 And he made the court:" on the south side
21 And a knop under two branches of the same, southward the hangings of the court were of fine
and a knop under two branches of the same, and twined linen, a hundred cubits
a knop under two branches of the same, according 10 Their pillars were twenty, and their brazen
to the six branches going out of it. sockets twenty the hooks of the pillars and their
22 Their knops and their branches were of the fillets were q/" silver.
same all of it icas one beaten work o/"pure gold.
: 11 And for the north side the hangings were a
23 And he made his seven lamps, and his snufi"- hundred cubits, their pillars were twenty, and
ers, and his snuff-dishes, q/"pure gold. their sockets of brass twenty; the hooks of the
24 0/" a talent of pure gold made he it, and all pillars and their fillets o/" silver.
the vessels thereof. 12 And
for the west side were hangings of fifty
25 TI And he made the incense-altar of shittim- cubits, their pillars ten, and their sockets ten; the
wood:'' the length of it ivas a cubit, and the hooks of the pillars and their fillets 0/ silver.
breadth of it a cubit it was foursquare and two
; ; 13 And for the east side eastward fifty cubits.
cubits was the height of it the horns thereof were
; 14 The hangings of the one side of the gate were
of the same. fifteen cubits their pillai'S three, and their sockets
27 And he made two rings of gold for it under 16 All the hangings of the court round about
the crown thereof, by the two corners of it, upon were of fine twined linen.
a Gen. 3:24; Isa. 6;2; Ezck. ch. 10. b ch. 25:20. c ch. 25:23; 3.3:13; 8:3,4. ech.30:23; Psa. 23:5; 92:10; Isa.61:l,3. lich.30:34. ich.a7:l
40:4, 22; Ezek. 40:39; Mai. 1:12. • Or.
(o prar oul withal, i ch. 25:29; ich. 30:18. i Or, brazen glasses, t Heh. assernbling by troops. *ch.27;9
2Tim.2;20. *oh. 25:31; 40:21,25; 1 Chr. 2S:15; 2Chr. 13:11 Zech.4:2, ; 40:8,33; lKings6:36: Fsa.84:2,10.
11; Heb.9:2; Rev.l:12.20; 2:1,5. fch.SOil; 40:27; Luke 1:9,10; Hev.
ed with silver.
18 And the hanging for the gate of the court
was needle-work, of blue, and purple, and scarlet,
and fine twined linen :" and twenty cubits ivas the
length, and the height in the breadth icas five
cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.
19 And their pillars it-ere four, and their sockets
of brass four their hooks o/" silver, and the over-
Tht hreastpl tie, rule, and milrf. EXODl'S XL. The taherrutde mmplelid.
LS And tliey made upon the breastplate chains dren of Israel did according to all that the Lord
at the ends, o/'wreathon work o/" pure jrold. commanded Moses, so diil they.''
16 And they made two ouches o/'gold, and two 33 \ And they brought the tabernacle unto Mo-
gold rinjrs, and pnt the two rings in the two cuds ses, the tent, and all his fiiinitiire, his taches, li's
of the breastplate. boards, his bars, and his jiillars, and his sockets;
17 And they j)ut the two wreathen chains of pold 34 And the cpvering of rains' skins dyed red,
in the two rinijs on the ends of the breastplate.'' and the covering of badgers' skins, and the veil of
18 And the two ends of the two wreathen ciiains the covering;
they fastened in tlie two onclies, and put them on 35 The ark of the testimony, and the staves
the shoulder-pieces of the ephod, before it. thereof, and the mercy-seat;
I'J And they made two rinirs of sold, and put f/ie?n 3() The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the
on the two ends of the lireastplato, upon the border show-bread
of it, -which wo* on the side of the ephod inward. 37 The pure candlestick, u-ith the lamps thereof
20 And they made two other iroldcn rings, and even with the lamps to be set in order, and all the
put them on the two sides of tiie epiiod under- vessels thereof and the oil for light;
neath, toward the forepart of it, over against the 38 And the golden altar, and the anointing oil,
other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of and the sweet incense,' and the hanging for the
the ephod. tabernacle door
21 A nd they did bind the breastplate by his rings 39 The brazen altar, and his grate of brass, his
unto the rings of the epiiod with a lace of blue, staves, and all his vessels, the laver and his foot
that it might be above the curious girdle of the 40 The hangings of the court, his jiillars, and his
ephod, and that the l)reastplate might not be loosed sockets, and the hanging for the court gate, his
from tlie ephod as the Loud commanded Moses.
; cords, and his pins, and all the vessels of the service
22 *! And he made the robe of the ephod of wo- of the tabernacle, for the tent of the congregation
ven work, all of blue." 41 The clothes of service to do service in the
23 And there van a hole in the midst of the robe, holy place, and the holy garments for Aaron the
as the hole of a habergeon, u-ith a band round priest, and his sons' garments, to minister in the
about the hole, that it should not rend. priest's ofiBce.'
24 And they made upon the hems of the robe 42 According to all that the Lonn commanded
pomegranates q/" blue, and Moses,'" so the children of Israel made all the work.
and purple, and scarlet,
twined linen. 43 And Moses did look upon all the work, and
25 And they made bells o/"pure gold,'' and put the behold, they had done it as the Lord had com-
bells between the pomegranates upon the hem of manded, even so had they done it: and Moses
the robe,'' round about between the pomegranates blessed them."
26 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pome-
granate, round about the hem of the
ister in : as the Lord commanded Moses.
robe to min- CHAPTER
1 The biternacle is commanded to be reared, 9 and .anointed. 13 Aaron
27 1 And they made coats of fine linen of woven and his sons to be sanctified. 16 Moses performeth all things accord-
34 A cloud covereth the tabernacle.
work for Aaron, and for his sons,' ingly.
J Zeoh. 14:20. k ,er. 42, 43; ch. 25:40; Dcut. 12:32; 1 Sam. 15:22; 1 Chr.
25:19; Matt, 23:20; Heb. 8:.'). • Heb. the incense of smet spices. 1 ch.
Leviticts is so called from Levi, because the book ismainly occupied with the duties of the priests and
Levites, who belonged to the tribe of Levi. It holds a most important place in the Pentateuch, since it
contains specific directions for the various sacrifices, which fanned the centre of the Mosaic ordinances,
the priesthood of Aaron and his sons having been divinely appointed to prefigure the priesthood of Christ,
wlio with his own blood made atonement for the sins of his people, and now intercedes for them at the
right hand of God. Whatever belonged to the priestly and Levitical service the different sacrifices and —
(jblations ;
the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood, with the various laws for its regula-
tion ; the death of Nadab and Abiliu for violating a priestly ordinance; the rules respecting ceremonial
defilements and purifications, the plague of leprosy, incest, and the release of servants at the year of
jubilee ; various other particulars that came under tlie supervision of the priests — this is all found in the
book of Leviticus. Interspersed with these details are a few short historic notices.
of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.
1 The turnt-offerings, 3 of the herd, 10 of the flocks, M of the fowls.
3 If his offering be a burnt-sacrifice of the iierd,
AND the Lord called unto Moses, and spake
unto him out of the tabernacle of the con-
let him
offer it of his
offer a male without blemish:"^ he shall
own voluntary will at the door of
grcfjation," sayinji', the tabernacle of the congregation before the
2 Speak unto tlic children of Israel, and say Lord.
unto them, If any man of you bring an offering 4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of
» Exod. 19:3: Num. 12:4, 5. b ch. 22:13. c ch. 3:1 aa:-^, 21 Exoii.
; ; 8:14; 1 Pet. 1:19.
12:5; Deut. 15:21; Mai. 1:14; Luke 1:35; John 1:36; Eph. 5:27; Heb.
US of the goodness of God, and our obligations to him for should follow him might be guided by his counsel and
his mercies. And when, according to his will, we begin afterwards be received to glory. John 1:14; 8:12, Heb.
the year with devoutly acknowledging and adoring him, 9 : 2-28.
we may hope that whether we continue to its close in this CHAPTER I.
world, or are removed to another, we shall still be happy
in the service of God. 1. Out of tlie previous directions God
tabernacle; the
15 Such is the nature of men, and such the ways in gave to Moses from the mount ; the subsequent, from the
which they are most usefully impressed, that the setting tabernacle.
apart of particular places for public worship, and of par- 3. A burnt-sacrifice; all the sacrifices signified the expi-
ticular men to conduct it, is suited to promote their high- ation of sin through the shedding of blood, Heb. 9:22;
est good. and since " it is not possible that the blood of bulls and
32. The doing of all things as the Lord commands, is of goats should take away sins," Heb. 10:4, they typified
the sure way ofpromotuig his glory, and of obtaining his the efficacious atonement of Christ's blood, Heb. 9:12-14.
blessing. It is also the way to make our temporary so- When he offered himself on Calvary for the sins of the
journ on earth a preparation for an eternal dwelling with world, the Levitical sacrifices ceased to have any further
God in heaven. office. The first and most important sacrifice was the
33. God's taking forty days to give directions about the burnt-offering, which was wholly consumed on the altar,
tabernacle and its worship, and but six to create the and is, for this reason, sometimes called a whole burnt-
world and his occupying many chapters of the Bible to
; offering, Deut. 33:10; Psa.51:19. Onthei)art of the offerer,
describe the former, and but one to describe the latter, this signified the entireness of his faith and devotion to
should increase our conviction of the superiority of re- God, and on the part of the sacrifice, the completeness of
demption to creation, and lead us to regard principally not the expiation. Without blemish; this was required in all
things seen and temporal, but things unseen and eternal. sacrifices. It indicated, on the offerer's part, that he gave
38. All the preparation that was made to provide a to God the best he had and, on the part of the victim,
dwelling-place for God, and institute his worship among the perfection of Jesus Christ, the great atoning sacrifice.
the Israelites, the glory which filled the tabernacle, his Of his own voluntary will; or, that he may be accepted,
guidance of them by tlie pillar of cloud and fire in all their as in Exod. 28:38, where the same word is used.
journey through tlie wilderness, and his introduction of 4. Put his hand upon the head of the burnt-offering; this
them into Canaan, prefigured his dwelling in human na- also was required in the case of every sacrifice. Thus
ture and becomuig the light of the world, that such as the offerer solemnly devoted it to God, and signified his
: : ;
7 ' And if tliy nl)lation Ar a nicat-ofTorinj» baleen in a male or female, lie sliall offer it without ui! uJJ:
thefVvinjjj-pan, it.-shrill lie made o/Tme Hour witiioil. blemish before the Lord.'''
8 And tliou slialt l)rinf^ llic niout-alTei-ing that is U And he shall lay his hand upon the head of
made of tliesc thiuijs unto the Lord: and wiien it his offering,'' and kill it at the door of the taber-
is presented unto the priest, hesliull bring it unto nacle of the congregation and Aaron's sons, the
tiic altar. priest.?, shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar
9And the priest shall take from the racat-olTer- round about.
inj^ a memorial thereof, and shall burn it upon the 3 And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace-
altar:" it is an olVeriug made by iirc, of a sweet offering an offering made liy (ire unto the Lord ;
savor unto tlie Lord. the fat* that covereth the inwards, and all the fat
10 And that whieh is left of the meat-offering that is upon the inwards,'
shall be Aaron's and his ?ons': it is a tiling most 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on
holy of the olTerings of tlie Ijoni) made l)y iire. them, which is liy the flanks, and the caul above
11 \o meatofl'ering which ye siiall bring unto the liver, with the kidneys,' it shall he take away.
the Loud, sliall be made with leaven :'' for ye shall 5 And Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar
l)iirn no leaven, nor any honey, in any ofifcring of upon the burnt sacrifice, which is upon the wood
the Lord made by lire. that is on the fire :' it is an oflering made by fire,
12 1 As for the oblation of the first-fruits, ye of a sweet savor unto the Lord.
shall offer thorn unto tlie Lord:" but they shall 6 1 And if his offering for a sacrifice of peace-
not be burnt' on the altar for a sweet savor. offering unto the Lord be of the flock, male or
13 And every oblation of thy mcat-ofl'ering shalt female, he shall offer it without blemish."
thou season with salt;"* neither shalt thou suffer 7 If he ofler a lamb for his offering, then shall
tlie salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking he offer it before the Lord.'
from thy meat-offering: with all thine offerings 8 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of
thou shalt otfer salt. his offering,'" and kill it before the tabernacle of
14 And if thou ofter a meat-offering of thy first- the congregation and Aarons sons shall sprinkle :
fruits unto the Lord, thou shalt ofler for tlie meat- the blood thereof round about upon the altar.
oftering of tliy first-fruits green ears of corn dried 9 And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace-
by the fire, even corn beaten out of full cars." offering an offering made by lire unto the Lord ;
15 And thou shalt put oil upon it, and lay frank- the fat thereof, and the whole rump, it shall he
incense thereon it is a meatoffering.
: take off hard by the backbone;" and the fat that
16 And the priest shall burn the memorial of it, covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is upon
part of the beaten corn thereof, and part of the oil the inwards,
thereof, with all the frankincense thereof: it is an 10 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon
offering made by fire unto the Lord. them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above
the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he takeaway."
CHAPTER III. 11 And the priest shall burn it upon the altar:
1 The peace-offering of the herd, G of the flock, 7 either a lamb, 12 or it is the food of the offering made by fire unto the
a goat. Lord.''
»Ch. 6:15.
ing,'' if he offer it of the herd, whether
bch. 0:17; Exod. 12:19, 20; Matt. l(i:ll; Mark 8:13; Luke
it be
12 1 And if his
offer it before the
offering be a goat, then
lie shall
12: 1 ; 1 Cor. 5:8-8. : ch. 2:): lU, 11 Exod. 22:29. • Heb. ascend, d Num.
1:J:19; Ezra 7:32. Ezek. 43:24; Mark 9:49. e 2 Kings 4:42. t ch. 7:11,
29; 22:21. e Num. 6:14; Mai. 1:8, 14; Heb. 10:22. »> ch. 1:4, 5; 8:22;
3. God has ever required that a support be provided
for his ministers. Under the Old Testament, he ordained
that those who waited at the altar should be partakers
with the altar and under the New, that those who preach
I The sin-offering of ignorance, 3 for the priest, 13 for the congregation,
'2'2 for the ruler, 27 for any of the people.
Ch. 7:'.
TA* iinrofferin/i LEVITICUS V. of ignorance.
18 And lie sliall put somf of the blood upon the 30 And the priest shall take of the blood -J,- r ui*:
horns of thi^ altar which is before tlic Loiti)," that thereof will) his finger, and putt/ ujwn the lioriis
is in the tabernacle of tiie conjjregation, and tihall of the altar of burnt-offering, and shall jiour out
pour out ail the blood at the bottom of the altar all the blood thereof at tlu! bottom of the altar.
of the biiriit-oflVriiiir, wliich is at the door of tiic 31 And he shall take away all the fat thereof,"
tabernacli- of the coiiLTCLration. as the fat is taken away from off the sacrifice of
19 And lie sliall take uU from him, and
jieace-offerings and the jiriest shall burn it ujxin
his fat ;
burn it upon tiie altar. the altar for a sweet savor unto the Lord;'' and
20 And ho do with the bullock as he did the Jiriest shall make an atonement for him, and
with the bullock for a sin-offering,'' so shall he do it shall be forgiven him.
with this and the priests shall make an atone-
: 32 And if he bring a lamb for a sin-offering, he
ment for them;' and it sliall lie forgiven them. .'^hall bring it a female without''
21 And he shall carry forth the bullock without 33 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of
the camp, and burn him as he burned the lirst bul- the sin-offering, and slay it for a sin-offering in
lock:'' it is a sin-offerincr for the congregation. the place where they kill the burnt-offering.
22 IT When a rul(v hath sinned, and done some- 34 And the priest shall take of the blood of the
what through ignorance afrainst any of the com- sin-offering Avi til his finger.and put?/ upon the horns
mandments of the Lord his God concerning things of the altar of burnt-oft'ering, and shall jjour out all
which should not be done, and is guilty;" the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar:
23 Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come 35 And he shall lake away all the fat thereof,
to his knowledge;'' he shall bring liis offering, a as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sac-
kid of the goats, a male without blemish: rifice of the jieace-offerings and the jiricst shall ;
2-i And ho shall lay his hand upon the head of the
burn them upon the altar, according to the offer-
goat,'' and kill it in the place where they kill the ings made by fire unto the Lord:"' and the jiriest
burnt-oncriiig before the Lord it is a sin-offering. shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath
25 And the jiriest shall take of the blood of the committed,' and it shall be forgiven him.
sin-offering witli his finger, and put it upon the
horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and shall pour
out his blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt- V. CHAPTER
offering." 1 He that sinneih in concealing his knowledge, 2 in toacliing an un-
clean thin^. 4 or in muking an oath. 6 His trespass-offering, of the
26 And he sliall burn all his fat upon the altar, flock, 7 of fowls, 11 or of flour. 14 The trespassH>frering in sacri-
as the fat of the sacrifice of peace-offerings :' and lege, 17 and in sins of ignorance.
B.aiwa' 4 Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with offerings made by fire unto the Lord : it is a sin-
his lips to do evil, or to do good," whatsoever it offering.
he that a man shall pronounce with an oatli, and 13 And the priest shall make an atonement for
it be hid from him when he knoweth of it, then him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one
he shall be guilty in one of these. of these, and it shall be forgiven him and the :
5 And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one remnant shall be tlie priest's, as a meat-offering."
of these things, that he shall confess that he hath 14 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
sinned in that thing.-^ 15 If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through
6 And he shall bring his trespass-offering unto ignorance, in the holy things of the Lord then :'
the LoiiD for his sin which he hath sinned, a female lie shall bring for his trespass unto the Lord a
from the flock, a lamb, or a kid of the goats, for a ram witliout blemish out of the flocks,™ with thy
sin-offering and the priest shall make an atone- estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of
ment for him concerning his sin. the sanctuai-y," for a trespass-offering
7 And if he be not able to bring a lamb,* then 16 And he shall make amends for the liarm that
he shall bring for his trespass, which lie hath com- he hath done in the holy thing, and shall add the
mitted, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, fifth part thereto, and give it unto the priest: and
unto the Lord one for a sin-offering, and the the priest shall make an atonement for him with
other for a burnt-offering.'' the ram of the trespass offering," and it shall be
8 And he shall bring them unto the priest, who forgiven him.
shall offer that which is for the sin-offering first, 17 ^ And if a soul sin," and commit any of these
and wring off his head from his neck,'^ but shall things whicli are forbidden to be done by the
not divide it asunder : commandments of the Lord though he wist it ;
9 And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin- not,'! yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
offering upon the side of the altar ;^ and the rest 18 And he sliall bring a ram without blemish
of the blood shall be wrung out at the bottom of oul of the flock, with thy estimation, for a tres-
the altar: it is a sin-offering. pass-offering, unto the priest and the priest sliall
10 And he shall offer the second ybr a burnt-of make an atonement for him concerning his igno-
fering, according to the manner:* and the priest rance wherein he erred and wist it not, and it
shall make an atonement for him for his sin which shall be forgiven him.
he hath sinned,' and it sliall be forgiven him.^ 19 It is a trespass offering: he hath certainly
11 IT But if he be not able to bring two turtle- trespassed against the Lord."'
doves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned
shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an CHAPTER VI.
ephah of tine flour for a sin-offering ;" he shall put
1 The trespass-ofi"ering for sins done wittingly. 8 The l<^^v of the burnt-
no oil upon it, neitiier shall he put any franliin- offering, U and of the meat-offering. 19 'The offering at the conse-
cense thereon :
for it is a sin-offering.
cration of a priest. 24 The law of the sin-offering.
aJudg. 11:31; lSam.23:aa; 2Kirgs6:3l; Mark 6:33; ActE23:ia. b ch. f ch. 4:2S.
26:40; Num. 5:7; Joshua 7:19; Ezra 111:11; Psalm 32:5; Dan. 9:4; Rom.
• Heb. his hand cannot reach to the su^iency
10:10. of a lamb, c chap.
12:8; 14.21. dch. 1:15. « Exod. 12:23, 23; Heb. 12:24. \ Qi, ordinance.
For sins dime uillinsly. LEV IT (IS I VI, Jjiirnt- and meatofferinf^n.
tliat which was dolivcrod liim to keep," or in fcl- 15 And he shall take of it his handful, I,.??;;,'.;
low,*lii|),' or in a tliinu; takiMi away by violence, or of the flour of the nieat-oflering, and of the oil
liath (ieceivcd liis ncii^'hlior thereof, and all the fi-ankincense which is upon the
;{ Or have Ibund that wliich was lost,"^ and licth meat-offering, and shall liiirn il upon the ullar for a
roncerninu; it, and swcaretli falsely ;'' in any of all sweet savor, even the memorial of it, unto the Lord.
these that a man doetii, sinning therein: IG And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and
4 Tlien it shall lie, because he hath sinned, and his sons eat:' with unleavened bread shall it be
is frnilty, that he shall restore that wliicii he took eaten in the holy ])lare; in the court of the taber-
violentlv away, or the thing which he hath deceit- nacle of the congregation they .shall eat it.
fully gotten, or that which was delivered him to 17 It shall not be baken with leaven. I have
keep, or the lost thing which he found, given it unto than for their portion of my oft'er-
5 Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely ;
iiigs made by fire; it is most holy, as is the sin-
he shall even restore it in the i)rincipal,'' and shall offering, and as the trespass-oflcring.
add the fifth part more thereto, and give it unto 18 All the males among the children of Aaron
him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever in
trespass-offering.* your generations concerning the offerings of the
6 And he shall bring his trespass-offering unto Lord made by fire every one that toucheth them
the Lord, a ram without blenush out of the flock, shall be holy.'"
with thy estimation, for a trespass-offering, unto I'J And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
him for any thing of all that he hath done in tres- of fine flour for a mcat-ofi'cring perpetual, half of
passing therein.'^ it in the morning, and half thereof at night.
8 *ir And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 21 In a pan it shall be made with oil, aiid vrhen
9 Command Aaron and his sons, saying. This is it is baken, thou shalt bring it in and the baken
the law of the burnt-offering: It is the burnt-offer- pieces of the meat-offering shalt thou offer for a
ing, because of the burning* upon the altar all sweet savor unto the Lord.
night unto the morning,'' and the fire of the altar 22 And the priest of his sons that is anointed in
shall be burning in it. his stead shall offer it: it is a statute for ever unto
10 And
the priest shall put on his linen gar- the Lord;" it shall be wholly burnt.
ment,' and his linen breeches shall he put upon 23 For every meat-offering for the priest shall
his flesh, and take up the ashes which the fire hath be wholly burnt: it shall not be eaten.
consumed with the burnt-otlcring on the altar, and 24 11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
he shall put them beside the altar. 25 Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, saying,
11 And he shall put off his garments, and put on This is the law of the sin-offering:" In the place
other garments,^ and carry forth the ashes with- where the burnt-offering is killed shall the sin-of-
out the camp unto a clean place. fering be killed before the Lord it wmost holy.''
12 And the fire upon the altar shall be burning 2(3 The priest that cffereth it for sin shall eat it:
in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall in the holy place shall it be eaten,'' in the court of
burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt- the tabernacle of the congregation.
offering in order upon it; and he shall burn there- 27 Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof shall
on the fat of the peace-offerings. be holy :' and when there is sprinkled of the blood
13 The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar thereof upon any garment, thou shalt wash that
it shall never go out. whereon it was sprinkled in the holy jilace.
14 ^ And this is the law of the meat-offering :" 28 But the earthen vessel wherein it is sodden
The sons of Aaron shall offer it before the Lord, shall be broken and if it be sodden in a brazen
before the altar. pot, it shall be both scoured, and rinsed in water.
Exod. 25:7, 10. • Hub. pulling of tke hand, or dealing, b Pnv. 24:29;
> 12.13. i
2G:19; Jer, 9:5. c Dent. 22:1-1. d ch. 19:12; Jer, 5:2; 7:9; Zcch. 5:4.
' ch.r,:Ui; Num. 5:7; 1 Sam. 12:3; 2 Sam. 12:0; Luko 19:S. t Heb. in
the day of his trespass, or in the day of his being found guilty, f ch. 5:
16. s Isa. 1:18; Matt. 12:31; 1 Cor. U:9-ll. I Or,/or the burning, h ver.
2. In fellowship ; a deposit.
or, in
5. Add
the fifth part ; this was the case when he volun-
tarily confessed his crime and restored that which was
taken. If he did not confess, but was convicted of the
crime, he was to pay more. Exod. 22:9, 15.
6. Thy estimation ; of the amount which, according to the
LEVITICUS VII. Peice-offerings.
" im
B.- 29 All the males among the priests shall 12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he
eat thereof: it is most lioly. sliall offer witli the sacrifice of thanksgiving un-
30 And uo sin-offering, whereof any of the blood leavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened
is brouglit into the tabernacle of the congregation wafers anointed with oil,' and calces mingled with
to reconcile vyithal in tlie ho\y place, shall be eaten :
oil, of fine flour, fried.
it shall be burnt in the fire. 13 Besides the cakes, he shall offer /or his offer-
ing leavened bread with the sacrifice of thanks-
22 The fat, 26 and the blood, are forbidden. 2S The priests" portion it shall be the priest's that sprinkleth the blood
in the peace-offerings. of the peace-ofl'erings.
TIKE WISE this is the law of the trespass-offer- 15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-
iug :'' it is most holy. offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same
2 In the place where they kill tlie burnt-offer- day that it is ofi'ered ;
lie shall not leave any of
ing shall they kill the trespass-offering := and the it until the morning.
blood thereof shall he sprinkle round about upon 16 But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow,
tlie altar.'' or a voluntary oflering, it shall be eaten the same
3 And he sliall offer of it all the fat thereof;*^ day that he offereth his sacrifice and on the mor- ;
the rump, and tlie fat tliat coveretli tlie inwards, row also the remainder of it shall be eaten :
4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on 17 But the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice
them, which is by the flanks, and tlie caul that is on the third day shall be burnt with fire.'"
above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he take 18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his
away peace-oflerings be eaten at all on the third day, it
5 And the priest shall burn them upon the altar shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed
for an offering made by fire unto the Lord it is : untohimthatofl'erethit: it shall be an abomination,"
a trespass-offering. and the soul tliat eateth of it shall bear his iniquity.
6 Every male among the priests shall eat there- 19 And the flesh that touclieth any unclean thing
of:'' it shall be eaten in the holy place it is most : shall not be eaten it shall be burnt with fire and
; :
holy. as for the flesh, all that be clean shall oat thereof.
7 As the sin-offering is, so is the trespass-offer- 20 But tlie soul that eateth of the flesh of the
ing:^ there is one law for them: the priest that sacrifice of peace-oft'crings, that pertain unto the
maketh atonement therewith shall have if. Lord, having his uncleanness upon him," even that
8 And the priest that offcrcth any man's bnrnt- soul shall be cut ofl" from his people.
offcring, even the priest shallhave to himself the 21 Moreover the soul that shall touch any un-
skin of the burnt-offering whicli he hath offered. clean thing,^ as the uncleanness of man,'' or any
9 And all the meat-offering that is baken in the unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing,''
oven, and all that is dressed in the frying-pan, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-ofler-
and in the pan,* shall be the priest's that offereth it. ings, which pertain unto the Lord, even that soul
10 And every meat-offering, mingled with oil, shall be cut oS' from his people.^
and dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as 22 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, .
h. 6:25,26; 14:13. • Or, on the fiat plate, or slice. tch.3:l; 22:21; Pch. 11:24, 23. q ch. 12, 13, 15. r Ezek. 4:14. ver. 20.
12. As the ijriest was every morning to put wood on was be unleavened, as before prescribed, ver. 12 but
to ;
the altar, that the fire might never go out so we, wlio are ; that himself, in token of tlianksgiving
which the priest ate
called to be kings and priests unto God, should every for mercies, might, like common bread, be leavened.
morning kindle anew the flame of divine love in our hearts, 15. The same day that it is offered; this was probably to
that it may warm all our services, and shine brightly prevent its being reserved by the offerer for his private
through all the duties and events of the day. Matt. 5:10; use. He had devoted it to Jehovah, and now it was no
Jude 21. longer his own. Of it he was to make a feast for his
17. Often, and in various ways, God warns men against friends, and especially for the poor of his people.
insincerity and hypocrisy, and urges upon them the ha- IG. A vow; a sacrifice offered upon the paying of a vow.
bitual practice, in all things, of perfect sincerity and truth. The flesh of this, and of the voluntary offering, might be
1 Cor. 5:7, 8. eaten the second day; but what remained till the third
28. All the directions of God with regard to things con- day was to be burnt with fire. In those warm regions it
nected with his worship, are suited to impress upon men is difficult to keep flesh over the second day in perfect
the conviction of his purity and their pollution, and that purity, which may have been one reason for this injunc-
without holiness no man can see his face in peace. Chap. tion.
19:2; 20:7; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:16. 18. It; his offering. If he ate any of the flesh after the
second day, his offering would be rejected. Jiear his
CHAPTER VII. inigtiili/; be held guilty, and exposed to punishment.
7. which was not burnt
Shall have it; that portion of it 20. tut off; Gen. 17 14. :
on the altar. 23. No manner offat ; of that fat of beasts which was to
I'i. Liavened bread; that which was offered to the Lord be offered in sacrifice to God. Ver. 3-5, 25.
; ; ;
Tht priesls' portion. ij:\ iTicis VIII, Aaron and his sans consecrated.
24 And
the fat of tlio hoasf tliat dieth of itself mcat-offcrinp, and of the sin-offering,'' and ».<'; iu'io:
and tlio fat of tliat wliich is torn witii beasts, may of the tresiiass-olVering,' and of the consecrations,
l>e nsed in any otlior use: but ye shall in no wise and of the sacrifice of the peace-ofl'erings ;J
eat of it." 38 Which the Lord commanded Moses in mount
-5 For wlmsocver oiitclh the fat of tlie beast, of Sinai, in the day that he commanded the children
which men oiler an olVerinii niaile by lire unto liic of Israel to offer their olilations unto the Lord, in
Limi), even the soul that eatcth it shall be cut off the wilderness of .Siuai.
I'roiu his people. I
of lilood, even that soul shall Ije cut off' from his
VND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Take Aaron and his sons with him," and
28 IT And the Lord spake unto Moses, sayinjr, the garments,' and the anointing oil,'" and a Inil-
29 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying. He lock for the sin-oil'ering, and two rams, and a bas-
tliat offereth the sacrifice of his peace-offerings ket of unleavened bread
unto the Lord,'= shall bring his oblation unto the 3 And gather thou all the congregation together
Lord of the sacrifice of his peace-offerings. unto the door of the tabernacle of the congrega-
;UI His own hands shall bring the oltcrings of tion.
the IjOrd made by fire,'' the fat with the breast; it 4 And Moses did as the Lord commanded him
shall he liring, that the lireast may be waved for and the assembly was gathered together unto the
a wavc-oS'ering before the Lord.'' door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
31 And the priest shall burn the fat upon the 5 And Moses said unto the congregation. This
altivr but the breast shall be Aaron's and his sons'.
: is the thing wliich the Lord commanded to be
82 And the right shoulder shall ye give unto the done.
priest for a heave-offering of the sacrifices of your 6 And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and
peace-offerings.' Avashcd them with water."
33 He among the sons of Aaron, that offereth 7 And he put upon him the coat, and girded him
the lilood of the peace-offerings, and the fat, shall with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe,
have the right shoulder for his part. and put the ephod upon him, and he girded him
34 For the wave-breast, and tiie heave-shoulder with the curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it
have I taken of the children of Israel from off the unto him therewith.
sacrifices of their peace-offerings, and have given 8 And he ])ut the breastplate u])on him also he :
them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons, by put in the breastplate the LTrim and the Thunimim."
a statute for ever, from among the children of 9 And he put the mitre upon his head;'' also
Israel. upon the mitre, even upon his forefront, did he put
35 H This is the portion of the anointing of Aa- the golden plate, the holy crown; as the Lord
ron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the commande<;l Moses.''
offerings of the Lord made by fire, in the day 10 And Moses took the anointing oil, and anoint-
tvhen he presented them to minister unto the Lord ed the tabernacle and all that was therein, and
in the priest's office sanctified them.''
36 Which the Lord commanded to be given 11 And he sprinkled thereof upon the altar sev-
of the children of Israel, in the day that he anointed en times, and anointed the altar, and all his ves-
them,'^ by a statute for ever throughout their gen- sels, both the laver and his foot, to sanctify them.'
erations. 12 And he poured of the anointing oil upon
37 This is the law of the burnt-offering, of the Aaron's head, and anointed him, to sanctify him.'-
• Heb, carcass.
» ch. 17:15; Deut. 14:21; Ezek. 44:31. b ch. 3:17; Exod
17:10-14; Gen. 9:4; I Sam. 14:31; Ezek. 3.3:25; John 0:53; Acts 1S:20, 2<J.
tell. 3. djohnl0:l8. = oh. 8:27; 9:21; Exod. 29:24, 37. ' Num. B:20.
e ch. 8:12, 30; Exod. 40:13, 15. t> ch. 6:9,14,25. ver. 1.
j ch. (5-20;
While God requires his ministers to devote their
time and talents to his immediate service, he also re-
quires that their temporal wants be supplied by those for
whose spiritual good they labor. Ver. 31-36; chapter
: : ;
B.^'im' 13 And Moses brought Aaron's sons, and 27 And he put all upon
Aaron's hands, and upon
put coats upon tliem," and girded them with gir- his sons' hands, and waved them for a wave-offer-
dles, and put* bonnets upon them; as the Lord ing before the Lord.
commanded Moses. 28 And Moses took them from off their hands,
14 And he brouglit the bullock for the sin-ofFer- and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt-offer-
ing and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon
: ing they ivcre consecrations for a sweet savor it
: :
tlie liead of the bullock for the sin-offering. is an offering made by fire unto the Lord.
15 And he slew it; and Moses took the blood, 29 And Moses took the breast, and waved it for
and i)ut it upon the horns of the altar round about a wave-offering before the Lord :' for of the ram
with his finger," and purified the altar, and poured of consecration it was Moses' part as the Lord ;
the blood at the bottom of the altar, and sanctified commanded Moses.
it, to make reconciliation upon it."^ 30 And Moses took of the anointing oil, and of
16 And he took all the fat that was upon the the blood which was upon the altar, and sprinkled
inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two it upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon
kidneys, and their fat, and Moses burned it upon his sons, and upon his sons' garments with him;
the altar. and sanctified Aaron, and his garments, and his
17 Bat the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, and sons, and his sons' garments with him.''
his dung, ho burnt with fire without the camp;'' 31 1[ And Moses said unto Aaron and to his
as the Lord commanded Moses. sons, Boil the flesh at the door of the tabernacle
18 IT And he brought the ram for the burnt-of- of the congregation ;' and there eat it with the
fering: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands bread that is in the basket of consecrations, as I
upon the head of the ram. commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons shall
19 And he killed it; and Moses sprinkled the eat it.
blood upon the altar round about. 32 And that which remaineth of the flesh and of
20 And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moses the bread shall ye burn with fire.
burnt tlie head, and the pieces, and the fat. 33 And
yc shall not go out of the door of the
21 And he washed the inwards and the legs in tabernacle of the congregation seven days, until m
water; and Moses burnt the whole i-am upon the the days of your consecration be at an end: for
altar it was a burnt-sacrifice for a sweet savor,''
: seven days shall he consecrate you.™
and an offering made by fire unto the Lord; as 34 As he hath done this day, so the Lord hath
the Lord commanded Moses. commanded to do, to make an atonement for you.
22 ir And he brought the other ram, the ram of 35 Therefore shall ye abide at the door of the
consecration and Aaron and his sons laid their
: ''
tabernacle of the congregation day and night seven
hands upon the head of the ram. days, and keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die
23 And he slew it ; and Moses took of the blood not " for so I am commanded.
of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, 36 So Aaron and his sons did all things which
and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses.
the great toe of his right foot.''
21 And ho brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put
of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and
upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the 1 The first-offerings of Aaron, for himself and the people. 8 The sin-
12 and the burnt-ofFering for himself.
offeriiit^, 1-5 The offerings for
great toes of their right feet and Moses sprinkled
: the people. 23 Moses and Aaron bless tile people. 24 Fire Cometh
tlie blood upon the altar round about.'' from the Lord upon the altar.
9. If the ministers of religion are comely in the sight of
God, or in any measure fitted for their work, it must be
through the comehness which he puts upon them clotli- —
ing them witli his righteousness, aud adorning them with
the graces of his Spirit.
mintrled with oil i"" for to-day the Lord will appear
unto you.
5 T'And they brought t/mt which Moses com-
manded before the tabernacle of the congregation :
ossifrage, and the ospray, weasel, and the mouse," and the tortoise after his
14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind; kind,
»Dsut. 14:3, etc. Ezek. 4:14; Dan. 1:S; Matt. 15:11; Rom. 14:14; Heb.
; hver. 8; ch. 17:15, 16. ich. 14:8; 15:5; Num. 19:10, 22; 31:21; Psa. .Il:'
9:10; 13:9. bPsa.l:l,2. c Isa. 82:11 Acts 10:10-1.5; 2 Cor. 6:17; Col.
; 7; Zech. 13:1; John 13:8; Acts 22:16; Heb. 9:10; 10:22; 1 Pet. 3:21; Rev.
2:21. liDeut. 14:9. e ch. 7:1S. tDeut. 14:12. ? Matt. 3:4; Mark 1:0. 7:14. jver. 21. kisa. 66.17.
ilaim' 30 And and the cliameleon, shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that
the ferret,
and the lizard, and the snail, and the mole. ye should be defiled thereby.
31 These are unclean to you anions all that 44 For I a7n the Lord your God ye shall there- :
creep whosoever doth toucli them, when they be foi'e sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy for
; ;
all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel eaten and the beast that may not be eaten.
shall he unclean.
35 And every thiiig whereupon a7iy part of their XII. CHAPTER
carcass falleth shall be unclean whether it be oven, 1 The purification of women after childbirth. C Her offerings for her
toucheth their carcass shall be unclean. man-child, then she shall be unclean seven days;'
37 And if any part of their carcass fall upon any according to the days of the separation for her
sowing seed wliich is to be sown, it shall be clean. infirmity shall she be unclean.-'
38 But if any water be put upon the seed, and 3 And in the eighth day the flesh of his fore-
any part of tlieir carcass fall thereon, it shall be skin shall be circumcised."
unclean unto you. 4 And she shall then continue in the blood of
39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat, die her purifying three and thirty days; she shall
he tliat toucheth the carcass thereof sliall be un- touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanc-
clean until the even. tuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.
40 And he that eateth of the carcass of it shall 5 But if she bear a maid-child, then she shall be
wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even:'^ unclean two weeks, as in her separation and she :
he also that bcareth the carcass of it shall wash shall continue in the blood of her purifying three-
liis clothes, and be unclean until the even. score and six days.
41 And every creeping tiling that creepetli upon 6 And when the days of her purifying are ful-
the eartli shall be an abomination; it shall not be filled,' for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring
eaten. a lamb of the first year^ for a burnt-oifering, and
42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and what- a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin-ofl"er-
soever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath ing, unto the door of the tabernacle of the con-
more fcet^ among all creeping things that creep gregation, unto the priest:
upon the earth, them ye shall not eat for they are 7 Who shall offer it before the Lord, and make
43 Ye shall not make yourselves* abominable from the issue of her blood. This is the law for
with any creeping thing that creepeth," neither her that hath borne a male or a female.
»Ver. 8; Hag. 2:1D. bch. 15;ia. c ch. 6:2S; Psa. '2:9; Jer. 48:38; 2Tim.
2:01; Rev. 2:a7. • Heh. a gathering together of waters. dch.l7:15; 22:8;
Deut. 14:21 Ezek. 4:14; 44:31; 1 Cor. 10:21. t Heb. doth multiply feet.
2. Unclean ; ceremonially not allowed to enjoy society,
: ; : ; ;
: ; ;; ; ;
8 Ami if .«ho he not able to brine: a lamb," Ihcn 12 Anda leprosy break out abroad « " S*
she shall hrinir two turtles, or two younir pifreons in the skin, and the leprosy cover all the akin of
the one for the burnt-offerinp:, and the other for a him that hath the plague from his head even to his
sin-offerin<x and the priest shall make an atone-
foot, wheresoever the )u-icst looketh
ment for her, and she shall be clean. i:i Then tlic jiriest shall consider: and behold,
1 Thf liTTs anJ tokens whercli r thp priest is to be guided in d 14 But when raw flesh appearcth in him, be
le lejirosy.
shall be unclean.
AND the
Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, 15 And the priest shall sec the
pronounce him to be unclean for the raw :
raw flesh, and
2 When a man
have in the skin of his flesh
shall vi unclean : it is a
a or bright spot, and it be in the
rising,* a scab," ]() Or
the raw flesh turn again, and be changed
skin oi" his flesh like tiie plague of leprosy then ; unto white, he shall come unto the priest
he shall bo brought unto Aaron the priest,"^ or 17 And the priest shall see him: and behold, if
unto one of his sons tlie priests the plague be turned into white; then the i)riest
3 And the priest shall look on the plague in the shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague:
skin of the flesh and wfwn the hair in the plague
: he is clean.
is turned white, and the plague in sight be deeper 18 1 The flesh also, in which, even in llic skin
than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy : thereof, was a boil,"-' and is healed,
and the priest sliall look on him, and pronounce 19 And in the place of the boil there be a white
him unclean. rising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat red-
4 If the bright spot he white in the skin of his dish, and it be showed to the priest
flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, 20 And if, when the priest seeth it, behold, it be
and the hair thereof be not turned white; then in sight lower than the skin, and the hair thereof
the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague be turned white; the priest shall pronounce him
seven days:* unclean: it is a plague of leprosy broken out of
5 And "the priest shall look on him the seventh the boil.
day: and behold, if the plague in liis sight be at 21 But
if the priest look on it, and behold, there
a stay, and tlie plague spread not in the skin be no white hairs therein, and if it be not lower
then the priest sliall shut him up seven days more than the skin, but be somewhat dark then the ;
6 And tlio priest shall look on him again the priest shall shut him up seven days
for his cleansing, he shall be seen of the priest 24 1 Or if there be any flesh, in the skin whereof
again there is a hot burning,'"'' and the quick ^*A that
8 And if the priest see that, behold, the scab burnetii have a white bright spot, somewhat red-
sprcadcth in the skin, then the priest shall pro- dish, or white
nounce him unclean: it is a leprosy. 25 Then the priest shall look upon it: and be-
9 1 When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then hold, if the hair in the bright spot be turned
he shall be brought unto the priest white, and it be in sight deeper than the skin; it
10 And the priest shall see him:" and behold, if is a leprosy broken out of the burning: where-
the rising be white in the skin, and it have turned fore the priest sliall pronounce him unclean it is :
the hair white, and there be quick raw flesh* in the plague of leprosy.
the rising 26 But if the priest look on it, and behold, there
11 It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, be no white hair in the bright spot, and it be no
and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and lower than the other skin, but be somewhat dark
shall not shut him up for he is unclean. : then the priest shall shut him up seven days:
Heh. her hand Jind not
* sufficiency of a lamb. ach. 5:7. 1 OT,sweUins; Ihequickcning of living fcah. ' Isa. 64:0; Jolmfl:41. eExod.9:9; 1.^:26.
i Deut. 2S;a7i I»a. 3:17. e Deut. I7;S. 9; 24:8; .Mai. 2:7; Luke 17:14. li1 Cor. 5:.5. Job .•J4::il PrOT. 28:13; 1 Peter 4:3. )2Cor.2:7. ! Heb. a
4 Num. 12:15. t Num. 12:10, 12; 2Kiliss5:27; 2Chr. 26:19, 20. I Heb. burnins offirt. k ha. 3:21.
it is a rising of tlie burning, and the priest shall his bald head, or in iiis bald forehead, as the lep-
pronounce him clean for it is an inflammation of rosy appeareth in the skin of tlie flesh
29 1 If a man or woman have a plague upon shall pronounce him utterly unclean his plague ;
the head or the beard is in his head."
30 Tiien the priest shall see tlie plague and be- 45 And the leper in whom the plague is, his
hold, if it he in sight deeper than the skin, and clothes shall be rent,"^ and his head bare,'' and he
there he in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall put a covering upon his upper lip," and shall
shall pronounce him unclean : it is a dry scall, cry.Unclean, unclean.'
ei^cn a leprosy upon the head or beard. 46 All tlic days wherein the plague shall he in
31 And if the priest look on the plague of the him he shall be defiled ;J he is unclean: he shall
scall, and behold, it be not in sight deeper than dwell alone without the camp shall his habita-
the skin, and that there is no black hair in it; then tion be.
the priest shall shut up liint, that hath the plague 47 1 The garment also that the plague of lep-
of the scall seven days -^ rosy is in,' whether it be a woollen garment, or a
32 And in the seventh day tlie priest shall look linen garment
on the plague and behold, if the scall spread not,
: 48 Whether it he in the warp, or woof, of linen,
and there be in it no yellow hair, and the scall be or of woollen ;
whether in a skin, or in any thing
not in sight deeper than the skin; made* of skin
33 He shall be shaven, but the scall shall lie not 49 And if the plague be greenish or reddish in
shave and the priest shall shut up him that hath
; the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or
the scall seven days more in the woof, or in any thing* of skin; it w a
34 And in the seventh day the priest shall look plague of leprosy, and shall be showed unto the
on the scall and behold, if the scall be not spread
: priest
in the skin, nor be in sight deeper tlian tlie skin 50 And the priest shall look upon the plague,
then tlie priest shall pronounce him clean and he and shut up it that hath the plague seven days
shall wasli his clothes, and be clean. 51 And he shall look on the plague on the sev-
35 But if the scall spread much in the skin enth day if the plague be spread in the garment, :
hold, if the scall be spread in the skin, the priest fi-etting leprosy ;™ it is unclean.
shall not seek for yellow Jiair ho is unclean.
; 52 He shall therefore burn that garment," wheth-
37 But if the scall be in his sight at a stay, and er warp or woof, in woollen or in linen, or any
that there is black hair grown up therein; the thing of skin, wherein the plague is for it is a :
scall is healed, he is clean: and the priest shall fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire.
pronounce him clean. 53 And if the priest sliall look, and beliold, the
38 1 If a man also or a woman have in the skin plague be not spread in the garment, either in the
of tlieir flesh bright spots, even white bright spots warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin;
39 Then the priest shall look: and beiiold, if 54 Tiien the priest shall command that they
tlie bright spots in the skin of their flesh be dark- wash the thing wherein the plague is, and he shall
ish white, it is a freckled spot that groweth in the shut it up seven days more:
skin: he is clean. 55 And the priest shall look on the plague, after
40 And the man whose hair is fallen off his head,' that it is washed ." and behold, if the plague have
he is bald yet is he clean.
not changed his color, and the plague be not
41 And he that hath his hair fallen off from the spread, it is unclean; thou shalt burn it in the
part of his head toward his face, he is forehead- fire it is fret inward, whether it be bare witMn or
bald ;
yet is he clean. without.^
» 1 Kings i-M; 2 Chr. 6:29; Isa. 1:5. b ver. -l-fi. <:
verses 7, 27; 2 Tim. 1 Cor. 5:5. 13; 2Thess. 3:6; 1 Tim. 6:5; Rev. 21:27; 22:15. 1 Josh. 7:21 ;
2 17; 3:l;i. i Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 7:22, 23; .Tas. 3:2. • Vieh. head is pilled. Eccl. 9:6; Isa. 61:10; 61:6; Zech. 3:3, 4; .Tis. 5:2; Jude 23; Rev. 4:4;
' Isa. 1:5. t 2 Sam. 13;1U; Ezra 9:3; Job 1:2U; Jer. 36:24; Joel 2:13. 10:15. Mleh. work of I Heh. vessel, or inslrumfnl, " ch. 14:44. > ch.
f ch. 10:0; 21:10. h Ezek. 24: 17, 22; Micah 3:7. Job
42:6; Psa. 51 :3, 11:33; Deut. 7:25, 20; Isa. 30:22; Acts 19:19, 20. •> Ezek. 24:13; Feb.
5: Isa. 6:5; 64:6; Rom. 3:23; 1 Cor. 6:11. j Prov. 30:12. * Num. 5:2; 6:4-S; 2 Pet. 1:9; 2:20-22. i Hcb. bald in llie liead thereof, or in the fore-
12:14; 2 Kings 7:3; 15:5; 2Chr. 26:21; Psa. 38:11 Lam. 1:1; Luke 17:12:
; head thereof.
30.Beard ; a disease in the part from which the beard mourning and huraiHation. Ezek. 24:17, 22; Micah 3:7.
grows, and affecting the beard itself. Unclean, unclean; as a warning to others not to approach
31. There is no black hair in it ; the presence of this would him.
be a ftivorable sign, ver. 37. Its absence makes the case 47. The plague of leprosy; some infection that had a
doubtful. general resemblance to
39. Darkish white; or dullish white, in opposition to 51. Afreltinglcprosy; corroding and destroying the clotli.
bri,2;ht white spots. 55. Bare; deprived of its nap. Within or without; on
45. A covering upon his upper lip; this was a sign of the inner or outer side of the garment.
; ;
1 The rites and sacrifices in cleansing of the leper, 33 The signs of
leprosy in a house. 43 The cleansing of that house.
B.aim: 12 And the priest shall take one he-lanib, 27 And the priest shall sprinkle with his righl
and offer him for a trespass-offerin.a;,''' and the log finger so7ne of the oil that is in his left hand sevcm
of oil, and wave them for a wave-offering befoi'e times before the Lord :
most Iioly 29 And the rest of the oil that is in the priest's
14 And the priest shall take some of the blood hand, he shall put upon the head of him that is
of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it to be cleansed, to make an atonement for him be-
npon the tip of the right ear of him tliat is to be fore the Lord.
cleansed,'' and upon the thmnb of liis right hand, 30 And he shall offer the one of the turtledoves,J
and upon the great toe of his riglit foot. or of the young pigeons, such as he can get ;
15 And the priest shall take some of the log of 31 Eve7i such as he is able to get, the one for a
oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left liand sin-offering, and the other for a burnt-offering,
16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in with the meat-offering and the priest shall make :
the oil that is in his left hand, and sliall sprinkle of an atonement for him that is to be cleansed be-
the oil with his finger seven times before the Lord fore the Lord. :
17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand 32 This is the law of him in whom is the plague
shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of leprosy, whose hand is not able to get that
of him that is to be cleansed," and upon the thumb which pcrtainefh to his cleansing."
of his riglit hand, and upon the great toe of his 33 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto
riglit foot, upon the blood of the trespass-offering: Aaron, saying,
18 And the remnant of tlie oil that is in the 34 When ye be come into the land of Canaan,
priest's Iiand he shall pour upon the head of him which I give to you for a possession,' and I put
that is to be cleansed and the priest sliall make the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of
his cleansing unto the priest, unto the door of the spread in the walls of the house
tabernacle of the congregation, before the Lord. 40 Then the priest shall command that they
24 And the priest shall take the lamb of the tres- take away the stones in which the plague is, and
pass-offering, and the log of oil, and the priest shall they shall cast them into an unclean place with-
wave them for a wave-offering before the Lord:" out the city:''
25 And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass- 41 And he shall cause the house to be scraped
ofiering, and the priest shall take some of the within round about, and they shall pour out the
blood of the trespass-offering,' and put it upon dust that they scrape off without the city into an
the tip of the right ear of him that is to be unclean place:
cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, 42 And they shall take other stones, and put
and upon the great toe of his right foot. them in the place of those stones and he shall ;
26 And the priest shall pour of the oil into the take other mortar, and shall plaster the house.
palm of his own left hand 43 And if the plague come again," and break
«Ch. 5;1H; 6:5, b Exod. 29:24. Cch.7:7. d ch. 8.23. e ver. |. Malt. 11:3. 1 Gen. 12:7; 13:17; 17:H; Deut. 32:49. m Prov. 3:33; Amos
4:25^5:0. e ch. 3:7; 12:8. • Heh. his /land nath not. t Hcb./oi Gil. n Psa. 91:10; Prov. 3:33; Zech. 0:4. 1 Or. prepare. » ch. 13:50.
ins- • ver. 12. i ver. 14, 17. J ver. 22; ch. 13: 14. 15. k Psa. 7: p Rev. 22:15. q Heb. 6:4-9; 2 Pet. 2:20. 22; Jude 12.
»Ch. G;a?
: :
The high-priest's yea rly m: viTurs xvi. rnUriii^ the Holy of JIvlies.
shall have the linen breeches upon his (Icsli, and 1() And he shall make an atonement for *,7- fm
shall he fririled with a limn frinlle, and with tlie holy place," liecause of the nnch'anness of the
linen niitro shall he bo attired:* these are holy children of Israel, and because of their transgres-
irarinonts; tlierelbrc shall he wash his flesh in sions in all their sins and so shall he do for the
water, and xo ])nl tiiern on.'' tabernacle of the congregation, that reniaiiieth'
And lie sliall take of the conirrefration of the among tlicm in the midst of tiicir uncleanncss.
children of Israel two kids of the poats for a sin- 17 And there shall be no man in t\w tabernacle
oflerinjr. and one rain for a burnt-olforincr.'^ of the congregation when he goetli in to make an
{) And Aaron shall ofl'er his bullock of the sin- atonement in the holy place," until he come out,
offerinir, which is and make an atone- and have made an atonement for himself, and for
for himself,
ment for himself, and for his house.'' his household, and for all the congregation of
7 And he shall take the two goats, and present Israel.
them iK'fore tiie Loud ai the door of the tabernacle 18 And he shall go out unto the altar tlj^ is
of the con Strega t ion. before the Loud, and make an atonement for it;''
8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; and shall take of the blooil of the bullock, and of
one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the the blood of the goat, and put it upon the horns
scape-goat.* of the altar round about.
9 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the 1!) And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it
Lord's lot fell,' and ofl'er him /or a sin-offering. with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and
10 But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the hallow it from the uucleanness of the children of
scape-goat, siiall bo presented alive before the Israel.''
Loud, to make an atonement with him,'' and to 20 1i And when he hath made an end of recon-
let him go for a scape-goat into the wilderness. ciling the holy place,^ and the tabernacle of the
11 And Aaron shall bring the bullock of the congregation, and the altar, he shall bring the
sin-ofl'ering, which is for himself, and shall make live goat
an atonement for liimself, and for his house, and 21 And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon
shall kill the bullock of the sin-offering which is the head of the live goat, and confess over him
for himself. all the iniquities of the children of Israel," and all
12 And he shall take a censer'' full of burning their transgressions in all their sins, putting them
coals of fire from off the altar before the Loud,'-' upon the head of the goat,' and shall send kim
and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small,'' away by the hand of a fit man*' into the wilder-
and bring it witliin the veil: ness :
13 And lie shall put the incense upon the fire 22 And the goat shall bear upon him all their
before the Loud,' that the cloud of the incense iniquities" unto a land not inhabited:'* and he
may cover the mercy-seat that is upon the testi- shall let go the goat in the wilderness.
mony,-' tiiat he die not: 23 And Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of
14 And he shall take of the blood of the bul- the congregation, and shall put off' the linen gar-
lock,'' and sprinkle it with his finger upon the ments, which he put on when he went into the
mercy-seat eastward; and before tiie mercy-seat holy place, and shall leave them there
shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger 24 And he shall wash his flesh with water in the
seven times. holy place, and put on his garments, and come
15 1 Then shall he kill the goat of the sin-offer- forth, and offer his burnt-ofl'cring, and the burnt-
ing,' that is for the people, and bring his blood offering of the people, and make an atonement for
within the veil,'" and do with that blood as he did himself, and for the people.
with the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon 25 And the fat of the sin-offering shall he burn
the mercy -seat, and before the mercy-seat. upon the altar."
«Ch. 6:10: Exod. 2S:39-43; Ezek. 44:17; Matt. 2-2:11, 12. 1> ch. 8:0; t Heh. dwellelh. o Exod. 34:3; Heb. 9:7. pExod. 30:10. qEzek. 43:16^
Exod. 30:20. £ ch. 4:14. ! ch. 9:7; Heb. 5:2, 3; 7:27, 29; 9:7. • Heb. 2-2. r Ezek. 45:20; Col. 1:20. » ch. 20:40; Psa. 32:5; Prov. 2.-:13; Rom.
Azazet. t Heb. ivent up. e Isi. 53:5, 6; 2 Cor. 5:21: Heb. 7:27; 0:-J3. 2o. 10:10. Ilsa. 53:6. i Reb. a man of opporliinity. u Isa. 63:11. 12; John
' ch. 10:1; Num. 10:18.46. E Isa. 6:6, 7. h Exod. 30:34-35; Rev. H:3, 4. 1:29; Heb. 9:25; 1 Pet. 2:24. lUb. of stparalwn. vPsa. 103:13. >' ch.
Exod. 30:8. JExod. 25:21. kch. 4:5.6; Heb.9:l»-a5. ver. .5-9. m ver.
1 4:S-10.
2; Heb. 6:19; 9:3, 7, 12. « Exod. 29:36; Ezek. 45:18; Heb. 9:22, 23.
5. Two hkls—for a sin-offering; both the goats consti- This beautifully tj-pifies Christ entering into the presence
tuted together one expiatory offering, though but one of of God with his own blood, and presenting it before the
them was g-acrificed. Father as a perfect atonement for the sins of his people.
6. Shall offer his bullock; this is spoken by anticipation; Heb. 9:23, 24.
its actual sacrifice is described ver. 11. 16-19. Became of the uncleanness of the children of Israel;
8. For the Lord; that is, to be sacrificed to the Lord. thus signifying that so deep and universal is the pollution of
9. Offer him for a sin-offering; this also is spoken by sinners, that all their services, and every thing with which
anticipation. See ver. 15. they have to do, needs purifying by the blood of Christ.
10. To make an atonement with him ; in the Hebrew, to 20. Reconciling the hohj place — the tabernacle — the altar;
make an atonement upon him, namely, by typically laying making atonement for them, according to ver. 16.
upon his head the sins of the people, to be borne away by 21. head of the goat ; typically trans-
Putting them upon the
him. Ver. 20-22. ferring them to him as if he were to carry them away,
11. Make an atonement for himself; being a sinner, he ;ind thus the people be delivered from them and their
must first offer his own sin-offering, before he could pre- consequences thus pointing to Christ and his salvation.
sent that of the people. Ileb. 7:27. Isa. 53:-4-12; John 1:29; Rom. 4:25; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18;
15. Bring his blood within the veil; into the Holy of Holies. 1 John 2:2. A fit man ; or, a man ready at hand.
: :
blood.'' and will cut him off from among his people. ness.
1 For the life of the flesh is in the blood ;'' and 8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou
I have given it to you upon the altar to make an not uncover:'' it is thy father's nakedness.
atonement for your souls:'' for it is the blood that 9 The nakedness of thy sister,'' the daughter of
maketh an atonement for the soul.'' thy father, or daughter of thy mother, irhrthir .she
12 Therefore 1 said unto the children of Israel, be born at home, or born abroad, even their naked-
No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any ness thou shalt not uncover.
stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. 10 The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of
13 And whatsoever man thcrv be of the children thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou
of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own naked-
you, which huutcth' and catcheth any beast or ness.
fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out 11 The nakedness of thy father's wife's daugh-
the blood thereof,' and cover it with dust.^ ter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou
14 For it is the life of all flesh ;" the blood of it shalt not uncover her nakedness.
is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the 12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy
children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no father's sister she is thy father's near kinswoman. :
manner of flesh; for the life of all flesh is the 13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy
blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. mother's sister for she is thy mother's near kins- :
water, and be unclean until the even: then shall 15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy
he be clean. daughter-in-law:' she is thy son's wife; thou shalt
IG But if ho wash them not, nor bathe his flesh not uncover her nakedness.
then he shall bear his iniquity." 16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy
brother's wife :' it is thy brother's nakedness.
17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a
CHAPTER XVIII.woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take
1 Unbiwful marririjes. 10 Unlawful lusts. her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to
AND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, uncover her nakedness; for they are her near
2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and kinswomen it is wickedness. :
say unto them, I am the Lord your God.' 18 Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister^
3 After the doings of the land of Egypt,'" wherein to vex Aer,' to uncover her nakedness, besides the
ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of other in her Uk-time.
the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye 19 Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman
not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put
4 Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordi- apart for her uncleanncss."
nances, to walk therein :" I am the Lord your God. 20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy
5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my neighbor's wife, to defile thyself with her/
« Gen. 9:4; oh. 7:28, 27; Deut. 12: IB, 2:3; Ezek. 41:7. b Ezelt. 14:9. 20:7,8; Eph. 5:11. n Deut. 4:1. 2; G: 1; Psa. 119:4; Ezek. 36:27.
1 Heb.
« Ter. H. J Mitt. 28:2-J; Rom. 5:9; Eph. 1:7; Ilcb. 13:12; Rev. 1:5. rtmaimUTofhiafltuh. och. 20: 11, etc.; Ezek. 22: 10. PICor.S:!. q 2 Sam.
« Heb. 9:22. • Ueb. tkat hunteth. any hunting. ' Deut. 15:2:!. f Ezek. 13:11,12. rGen.3S;IS. • Deut. 35:5; Matt. 22:34. « Or. one w//i fo an-
21:7. h ver. II. t Heb. a Mrca.ii. i ch. 22:S; Deut. 14:21; Ezek. 4:14; mlier. t 1 Sam. \:6S; Mai. 2:14, 15. u Ezek. 18:6; ^2:10. » E.i.od.
44:J1. icK. 11:25. k Num. 19:19. 20. 1 Exod. 0:7. " I'si. 10ci:3.5; Ezek. 20:14; Prov. 0:25,33; Matt. 5:27.
a ?' um 21 And
not let any of thy seed
tliou shalt
pass through thefirc'^ to Molecli,' neither shalt thou
profane the name of thy God I am the Lord. :
A repetition of sundry laws.
1 Deut.
A repetition I.K\ ITICrS XIX. r>f sundry laws.
1() ^ Thou slialt not po up and down as a talo- thereof, that it may yield unto you the u.c.uw:
bcarcT amontr tliy people ;" ncitlier shall tliou stand increase thereof: 1 am the Ijdud your God.
ajrainst the blooil ot'tliy neif,'lil)or :''
1 am the liOUii. 2() M Ye shall not eat arii/ thin<r with the blood,''
17 *i 'I'hou slialt not hate tiiy brother in thy neither shall ye use enchantment,' uor observe
heart:'" thou slialt in any wise rebuke thy neijrh- times.
bor,' and not upon hini.'"'
sutler sin 27 Yc sliall not round the corners of your heads,
18 'i Thou shalt not avenge/ nor bear any neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.'"
prudire ajrainst the ehildren of thy jieople, but thou 2S Ye shall not make any cuttings in your llesh
shalt love thy neiirhbor as thy sell":" I am the Lord. for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am
19 1i Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt the Loud.
not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind:'' 29 Ti Do not prostitute' thy daughter, to cause
thou shalt not sow tliy held with mingled seed: her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whore-
neither sliall a garment mingled of linen and wool- dom, and the land become full of wickedness.
len come upon thee. 30 1i Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence
20 If And whosoever lieth carnally with a wom- my sanctuary:" I am the Lord.
an, that is a bondmaid, betrothed* to a husband, 31 1 Regard not tiiem that have familiar s[)irits,"
and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; neither seek after wizards, to be dclilcd by them :
slic' shall be scourged :' they shall not be put to 1 am the Lord your God.
death, because she was not free. 32 H Thou .shalt rise up before the hoary head,
21 And he siiall bring his trespass-offering unto and honor the face of the old man,'' and fear thy
the Lord,' unto tiie door of the tabernacle of the God:'' 1 am tlie Lord.
congregation, tven a ram for a trespass-oifering. 33 IT And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your
22 And the priest shall make au atonement for land,"" yc shall not vex' him.
him with the ram of the trespass- offering before 34 But the stranger that dwellctli with you shall
tiie Lord for liis sin which he hath done; and the 1)0 unto you as one liorn among you, and thou shalt
sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him. love him as thyself; for yc were strangers in tlie
23 1l And when ye shall come into the land, and land of Egypt 1 am the Lord your God. :
shall have planted all manner of trees for food, 35 IT Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judg-
then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircum- ment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure.
cised tiiree years shall it be as uncircumcised
: 36 Just balances,'* just weiglit.s,* a just ephali, and
unto you: it shall not be eaten of. a just hin, shall yc have: 1 am, the Lord your
24 But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof God, whicii brought you out of the land of Egypt.
shall be holy to praise the Lord withal.' '
37 Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes,
25 And in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit and all my judgments, and do them :' I am the Lord.
b KxoJ. -J:!:/, c 1 John 2:9, 1 1; 3: 1.5.
" Pror. -2(1:19. <1 Prov. 27:5; Eph. ing. \lieh. holiness of praises to the hoRB. JProv. 3:9. k Dent.
5:11; Tim. 5:20. • Or, rtal Ikou bear not sin for him. e l Cor. 5:2.
I 12:2.3. Dent. 18:1U-H. mch. 21:5. T Heb. pro/<in«. "Eccl.S:!. o Dent.
' Rom. 12:17, 19. ! Mattf22:;i9, 40. h Deut. 22:9-11. ^ Heh. repioatlied 18:10, 11. P Job 32:4, C. 1 1 Pet. 2:17. ' Exod. 22:21. * Or, oppriss.
by^ ox for man, or abustd by any. 1 Or. they. 5 Heb. there shall be a scourg- 'Prov.ll:!. t Heb. stones. > Deut. 5:1 ; Psa. 119:4, 34.
16. Stand against the blood ; take a course suited to pro- revelations, or accomplish through their aid supernatural
cure the death of the iimocent. 1 Sara. 22:9, 18; 1 Kings deeds. All such practices are essentially idolatrous, as
21.13; Mark 14:.57. they withdraw men's faith and love from God and his
17. Hate Ihy brother in thy lieart —
rebuke thy neighbor ; in- word cannot profit them. See Instruction
to things that
stead of cherishing a secret grudge against our neighbor, to ver. 28.
it is our duty fraukly to reprove him, wherein we think he 3.'). Meteyard; measure of lengths. Measure; of liquids.
has done wrong. Not suffer sin upon him; better, as in 30. Ephah — liin; names of different measures. Chap.
the margin, not bear sin on his account, that is, by neglect- 5:11; Exod. 1G:36; 29:4J.
ing our duty towards him.
20. She shalt be scourged; literally, there shaU be scourg- INSTRUCTIONS.
ing as is supposed, of the man, as well as the woman. 2. As God is holy, so must we be in order to meet his
Not he put to death; Deut. 22:23-27. approbation or enjoy his presence.
23. As uncircumcised; that is, unclean and not suitable 3. Due subordination and affection in families is insep-
to be eaten by them. Ver. 24. arably connected with the right keeping of the Sabbath ;
26. Observe times; or, practise magic arts. See note to and the neglect of the one tends directly and powerfully
ver. 31. to the destruction of the other.
27. Round —
mar the corners; according to the supersti- 4. That men should ever forsake Jehovah for gods of
tious observances of the heathen. their own making, is demonstration of their strong and
28. Cuttings in yourjiesh ; in mourning for the dead. active opposition to him.
31. Them that Imve familiar spirits; those who profess to 8. To meet the approbation of God, men must not only
have intercourse witli demons or the spirits of the dead, be cheerful and hearty in serving him, but must be guided
and by their aid to foretell future events and do other in their efforts by his directions.
supernatural things. Wizards; who profess to have 10. God requires, and holiness leads men, to be not only
supernatural power by the aid of magic arts. Sorcery pious, but benevolent; to be disposed, as there is oppor-
and witchcraft existed among the ancients in a great va- tunity and ability, to help the poor and one of the best
riety of forms. Those who practised them 'are called in ways of helping them, is to lead them to help themselves.
the holy Scriptures, wizards, diviners, enchanters, sooth- 12. Falsehood is intimately connected with theft; and
sayers, etc. Of these, some professed simply to interpret profane swearing with both. Let a man be guilty of one
signs and omens, and thus to draw from them a know- of these sins, and you have no security that he will not
ledge of the future others, by means of certain mysteri-
; commit any sin to which he may be tempted.
ous words and forms, to call up demons or the spirits of Refusing promptly to pay just wages for labor, and
the dead, that they might obtain from them supernatural robbing men by fraud or violence of their dues, are sins
8 '
1 Of him that giveth of his seed to Molech. 4 Of him that favoreth 10 1 And the man that committeth adultery with
such a one. 6 Of goino- to wizards. 7 Of sanctification. 9 Of him
that curseth his parents. 10 Of adultery. 11, 14, 17, 19 Of incest.
another man's wife, even he that committeth adul-
13 Of sodomy. 1.5 Of beastiality. 18 Of uncle.anness. 23 Obedi- tery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and
ence is required with holiness. 27 Wizards must be put to deatii.
the adulteress shall surely be put to death.""
A NDthe Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 11 And the man that lieth with his father's wife
x\. 2 Again, tliou shalt say to the children of hath uncovered his father's nakedness:" both of
Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel,^ them shall surely be put to death; their blood
or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that shall be upon them.
giveth any of his seed unto Molech he shall ; 12 And if a man lie with his daughter-in-law,"
surely be put to death: the people of the land both of them shall surely be put to death: they
shall stone him with stones. have wrought confusion their blood shall be upon
he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile with a woman,P both of them have committed an
my sanctuary, and to profone my holy name. abomination: they shall surely be put to death;
4 And if the people of the land do any ways their blood shall be upon them.
hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of 14 And if a man take a wife and her mother,'' it
his seed unto Molech, and kill him not;'^ is wickedness they shall be burnt with fire, both he
5 Then I will set my face against that man, and and they that there be no wickedness among you.
against his family,'^ and will cut him off, and all 15 And if a man lie with a beast,'' he shall surely
that go a whoring after him,'' to commit whore- be put to death and ye shall slay the beast.
dom with Molech, from among their people. 16 And if a woman approach unto any beast,
6 IT And the soul that turneth after such as have and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman,
familiar spirits,' and after wizards, to go a whor- and the beast: they shall surely be put to death;
ing after them, I will even set my face against their blood shall be upon them.
that soul, and will cut him ofl" from among his 17 And if a man shall take his sister,' his father's
people. daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her
7 1 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a
holy:'' for I am the Lord your God. wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the
8 And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them
sight of their people he hath uncovered his sis-
I am the Lord which sanctify you.^ ter's nakedness he shall bear his iniquity.
9 1 For every one that curseth his father or his 18 And if a man shall lie with a woman having
mother shall be surely put to death;" he hath her sickness,' and shall uncover her nakedness;
a Ch. 18:21. b ch. 17:10; Ezek. 14:3. t Deut. 17:2-5. d Exod. 20:5. 21:17; Prov. 20:20. Iyer. II, 13. m Deut. 22:22. n Dent. 27:20. • ch.
ch. 17:7; Jer. 3:2; Hos. 2:5, 13. 'ch. 19:31. s Rev. 22:15. hch. 19:2. 13:15. P ch. 18:22; Deut. 23:17. q ch. 18:17. r ch. 18:23; Deut. 27:21.
cli.19:37. J ch. 21:8; Exod. 31:13; Ezek. 37:28; 1 Cor. 1:30. k Exod. » Deut. 27:22. t ch. 15:24;
18:19; Ezek. 18:0.
which God abhors, and against which he denounces his only such occupy the attention of men as tend to make
dreadful curse. Jas. 5:2-5. them holy, and lead them to love, trust in, and obey God.
14. or despise men, or to bring any evil
To reproach 30. Stated, regular, conscientious attendance on public
upon them, on account of any natural infirmity or calam- worship, when God gives opportunity, is an essential part
ity, is mean, ungrateful, and wicked. of the right keeping of the Sabbath and highly promo-
15. Partiality in judicial decisions, and injustice under tive of all the social, civil, and religious interests of men.
the cover of law. are an abomination in the sight of Jeho- 31. Those who pretend to wisdom they do not possess,
vah, and expose those who are guilty of them to his ven- especially to receiving it from disembodied spirits, or
geance. intercourse with invisible agents, and thus to be able to
16. Tattlers, those who go about retailing scandal, and reveal secrets and foretell future events, are morally
delight in accusing, ridiculing, or depreciating others, defiled and defihng, and should be treated accordingly.
especially the good, are following Satan the great accuser, 32. Respect to the aged is a mark of wisdom, and essen-
and in a way which leads to his place of torment. tial to virtue a source of comfort, and a means of useful-
18. Real love, such as God requires and holiness of ness an ornament to character, and a passport to influ-
heart produces, leads men to desire and strive to deliver ence, reputation, and honor.
others from all evil, especially from sin, and to do them 34. Kindness to strangers is a dictate of true religion,
all the good in their power. Let this love fill all hearts, and peculiarly grateful to persons in a strange country.
and it will make earth resemble heaven. It so much resembles the kindness of God, that it is one
22. Without repentance and faith in the atoning blood of the best means of leading men to love him, and thus
(if Christ, none to whom he is made known can be for- show their gratitude to him for his love. Eph. 2:19.
given, or escape the just punishment of their sins. 36. Strict honesty in trading, and in all business trans-
25. Jehovah is the God of providence as well as of actions, and the doing to others as we ought to wish
grace the giver of all temporal as well as spiritual bless-
; others to do to us, is a duty required bj' God, by our own
ings, which should be received as from him, and used for good, and the good of all.
his glory and the good of his kingdom.
28. There are means of sin, as well as of holiness. CHAPTER XX.
Among them are all pretended intercourse with evil or 2. Molech ; an idol of the Ammonites to whom children
departed spirits, sorcery, enchantments, jugglery, fortune- were sacrificed. According to the Rabbins his statue
telling, and every thing which tends to lead men away was of brass and hollow and this being heated from be-
from God as their portion, from his word as their guide, low, the children to be sacrificed were put into its arms.
from his service as their employment, and his favor as 8. S(mctify you; separate them from other nations, and
their reward. All such things should be avoided, and set them apart for himeelf. Ver. 24, 26.
Of the priests LEVITICUS XXI. mournins and marriage^.
1 Of the priests' mourning. 6 Of their holiness. 8 Of their estimation.
7, 13 Of their marriages. 17 The priests that have hlemishes must
not minister in the sanctuary.
1 The priests in tlieir uncleanness must abstain from the holy things.
G How they shall be cleansed. 10 Who of the priest's house may
eat of the holy things. 17 The sacrifices must be without blemish.
26 The age q{ the sacrifice. 29 The law of eating the sacrifice of
the Lord.
4 What man soever of the seed of Aaron is a
leper, or hath a running issue ;*'^ he shall not eat
of the holy things, until he bo clean.' And whoso
toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead,"' or
a man whose seed goeth from him;"
» Oh
Sacrifices must be perfect. LEVITICUS Will. T/ic Sabbal/i and l/te Piissnrrr.
ish therein.
22 Blind, or broken, or maimed, or liaving a wen,
or scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall not oiler these unto
the Lord, nor make an offering by lire of tiiem
upon the altar unto the Lord.
23 Either a bullock or a lamb* that hatli any
tiling superlluous or lacking in his parts,'' that
mayest thou oiler for a freewill-offering but for ;
1 The oil for 5 The 10 Shelomith's son blas-
the lamps.
phcmeth. 13 The law of blasphemy. 17 Of murder. IS Of dam-
age. 23 The blasphemer is stoned.
AND Command
Lord spake unto
the Moses, saying,
the children of Israel,' that they
bring unto thee pure oil-olive beaten for the light,
to cause^ the lamps to burn continually.*-'
3 Without tiie veil of the testimony, in the
tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron order
it from the evening unto the morning before the
Lord continually it shall be a statute for ever in
your generations.
4 He sliall order the lamps upon the pure candle-
stick before the Lord continually."
5 T And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake
twelve cakes thereof:' two tenth-deals shall be
in one cake.
6 And thou shalt set tliem in two rows, six on a
row, upon the pure table before the Lord.J
7 And thou shalt put pure frankincense uponeacA
» Exod. -M
: : ' 1 ;
iJ'il,^ 21 And he that killeth a beast, he shall 9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubi-
restore it : and he that killeth a man, he shall be lee* to sound on the tenth day of the seventh
put to death. month,'' in the day of atonement shall ye make
22 Ye have one manner of law, as well for
shall the trumpet sound throughout all your land.''
the stranger, as for one of your own country:'' for 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and pro-
I am the Lord your God. claim liberty throughout all the land unto all the
2;^ IF And Moses spake to the children of Israel, inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you
that they should bring forth him that had cursed and ye shall return every man unto his possession,"
out of the camp, and stone him witli stones and : and ye shall return every man unto his family.
the children of Israel did as the Loed commanded 11 A
jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you
Moses. ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth
of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy
1 The sabbaih of the seventh year. 8 The jubilee in the fiftieth year.
14 Of oppression. 18 A blessing of obedience. 23 The reJeinption
ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.
of land- 29 Of houses. 3-5 Compassion of the poor. 39 The usage 13 In the year of this jubilee ye shall return
of bondmen. 47 The redemption of servants.
every man unto his possession."
AND the Lord spake unto Moses,
Sinai, saying,
in mount 14 And if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor, or
buyest aught of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not
2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto oppress one another :
them. When ye come into the land which I give 15 According to the number of years after the
you, then shall the land keep' a sabbath unto the jubilee thou shalt buy of thy neighbor, ayid accord-
Lord. ing unto the number of years of the fruits he shall
3 Six years thou shalt sow thy iield, and six sell unto thee
years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather 16 According to the multitude of years thou
in the fruit thereof;'' shalt increase the price thereof, and according to
4 But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price
rest unto the laud, a sabbatli for the Lord thou : of it for according to the number of the years of
shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. the fruits doth he sell unto thee.
5 That which groweth of its own accord of thy 17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one another
harvest thou shalt not reap,'-' neither gather the but thou shalt fear thy God:-' for I ain the Lord
grapes of thy vine^ undressed: for it is a year of your God.
rest unto the land. 18 ^ Wherefore ye shall do my statu tes,'' and
6 And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for keep my judgments, and do them ; and ye shall
you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy dwell in the land in safety.'
maid, aud for thy hired servant, and for thy 19 And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall
stranger that sojourneth with thee, eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.
7 And for thy cattle and for the beast that are 20 And if ye shall say. What shall we eat the
in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat. seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather
8 T And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of in our increase
years unto thee, seven times seven years and the ; 21 Then I will command my blessing upon you
space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto in the sixth year,™ aud it shall bring forth fruit
thee forty and nine years. for three years.
' Num. 15:16. • Heb, I. b Exoil. M:1G; 2 Chr. :16:21. " 2 Kings sver 13; Ni.m. 36:4. b vcr. lU; ch. 27:17-24. ver. 17; ch. 19-13; Mic
19.29. t Heb. siparalion Heh. louil of sound. J ch 2-3:24, 2". = Num. 2:2, 3; 1 Cor. 6:8. J Gen. 42:18; Jer. 22:16. 1 1.103:13- IDeut. 12:10
10:10. I Isa. 61:1, " 63:4; Jer. 34:1.5-17; Zech. 9:11,12; Luka 4:16-21.
' Psi. 4:8; Prov. 1:33; Jer. 23:6; Ezek. 34:25-23. >Deut. ii-.S.
enlighten the minds of men as to their duty, and set the sabbatical year.
before them the motives to obedience which God has 9. The day of atonement ; chap. 23:27-32.
revealed. 10. Hallow; keep sacred as a season of rejoicing.
16. Blasphemy against God is great and aggravated 16. According to the multitude — —
ami the fewness; the
wickedness and under the Jewish dispensation, was, as
; price of what they sold -was to be regulated according to
treason, punished with death. the distance of time from the year of jubilee, when it
23. The execution, at the command of God, of notorious would revert to its former o-mier. Ver. 10, 23.
criminals, is a solemn duty, the performance of which is 21. For three years ; these words refer not to the year
suited to give timely warning to the wicked and exercise of jubilee, but to the regular sabbatical year. This must
upon them salutary restraint. By commanding that some have begun, not in the spring, when the crops were yet
should thus be put to death in this world, God gives indi- standing, but in the fall, after the fruits of the year had
cations of the terrible punishment which awaits the per- been gathered in. The day for its commencement seems
seveiingly wicked in the world to come. Hence a reason to have been the tenth of the seventh month. Ti-shri, when
why some who deny punishment in the future world, are the jubilee plainly began, ver. 9. But Moses here com-
opposed to capital punishment in this : because one fore- putes the years from the first month Abib, Esod. 12:2. The
shadows the other. crop, then, so-wn on the sixth year, which is the one that
Redemption of land. LKVmCL'S XXV. Usage of bondmen
22 And ye s-liall pow the eiprlith year," and cat houses of the cities of the Levites are aruiJ:
yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her their possession among the children of Israel.
fruits come in ve shall eat of tht- old store. 34 But the licld of the suburlis of their cities may
23 1 The land shall not be sold for ever :* for the not be sold;'' for it j.v their jierjictual possession.
land i.v mine;'' for yc are strangers and sojourn- 35 *i And if thy brother be wa.xen poor,' and
ers with me.° fallen in decay' with thee; then thou shall re-
24 And in all the land of your possession yc lieve^ him :^ yea, thmtr^h he be a stranger,'' or a
shall grant a redemjition for tJic land. sojourner; that he may live with thee.
25 * If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold 3() Take thou no usury of him,' or increase: but
away some of his jjossession, and if any of his kin fear thy God;'" that thy brother may live with thee.
come to redeem it,'' then shall he redeem that 37 Thou shall not give him tliy money ujjon
•which his brother sold. usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.
2G And if tlie man have none to redeem it, and 38 I am the Loud your God," which Ijrought you
himself 1)0 able to redeem it;* forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the
27 Tiien let him count the years of the sale land of Canaan, and to be your God.
thereof,'^ and restore the overplus unto the man to 39 •[ And if thy brother 'that dwdkth by thee Ije
•whom he sold it; that he may return unto his wa.\en poor, and be sold unto thee; tliou shall
possession. not compel him to serve as a bondservant
28 But if he be not able to restore it to him, then 40 But as a hired servant," and as a sojourner,
that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him he shall be with thee, and shall serve thee unto
that hath bought it until the year of jubilee: and the year of jubilee:
in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return 41 And then shall he depart from thee, both he
unto his possession.' and his children with him, and shall return unto
29 And if a man sell a dwelling-house in a walled his own family, and unto the possession of his
city, then he may redeem it within a whole year fathers shall he return.
after it is sold within a full year may he redeem it.
; 42 For they are my servants, which I brought
30 And if it be not redeemed within the space forth out of the land of Egypt:'' they shall not
of a full year, then the house that is in the walled be sold as bondmen.*
city shall be established for ever to him that bought 43 Thou shall not rule over him with rigor;''
it througliout his generations it shall not go out : but slialt fear thy God."'
in the juljilce. 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which
31 But the houses of the villages which have no thou sliall have, shall he of the heathen that are
wall round about them shall be counted as the round about you of them shall ye buy bondmen
B.c.'im: session; they shall be your bondmen* for the land shall yield her increase,' and the trees of
ever but over your brethren the children of Is-
: the field shall yield their fruit.
rael, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor." 5 And your threshing shall reach unto the vin-
47 IT And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich* tage,^ and the vintage shall reach unto the sow-
by thee, and thy brotlier that dwelleth by him wax ing-time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full,
poor, and sell liiniself unto the stranger or so- and dwell your land safely.
journer by thee,'' or to the stock of the stranger's 6 And I willgive peace in the land,'' and ye
family shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid
48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed and I will rid''^ evil beasts out of tlie land,' nei-
again one of his brethren may redeem him
; sword go through your land.
ther shall the
49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may re- And
ye shall chase your enemies, and they
deem him, or miy that is nigh of kin unto him of shall fall before you by the sword.
his family may redeem him or if he be able, he ; 8 And five of you shall chase a hundred,™ and a
may redeem himself. hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight:
50 And he shall reckon with him that bought and your enemies shall fall before you by the
him from the year that he was sold to him unto sword.
the year of jubilee and the price of his sale shall
: 9 For I will have respect unto you," and make
be according unto the number of years, according you fruitful," and multiply you,"* and establish my
to the time of a hired servant shall it be with him.'' covenant with you.
51 If there he yet many years behind, according 10 And ye shall eat old store," and bring forth
unto them he shall give again the price of his re- the old because of the new.
demption out of the money that he was bought for. 11 And I will set my tabernacle among you:"'
52 And if there remain but few years unto the and my soul shall not abhor you.'*
year of jubilee, then he shall count with him, and 12 And I will walk among you,' and will be your
according unto his years shall he give him again God, and ye shall be my people."
the price of his redemption. 13 I am the Lord your God,'' which brought you
53 And as a yearly hired servant shall he be forth out of tlie land of Egypt, that ye should not
with him: and the other shall not rule with rigor be their bondmen and I have broken the bands ;
over him in thy sight. of your yoke,'" and made you go upright.
54 And if he be not redeemed in these years,* 14 T But if ye will not hearken unto me," and
then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, both he, will not do all these commandments
and his children with him. 15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your
55 For unto me the children of Israel are ser- soul abhor my judgments, so that jq will not do all
vants they are my servants whom I brought forth my commandments, iiii that ye break my covenant f
out of the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God. 16 I also will do this unto you: I will even ap-
YE shall make you no idols nor graven image,"* shall be slain before your enemies :" they that hate
neither rear you up a standing image,^ nei- you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when
ther shall ye set up any image of stone' in your none pursueth you."
land, to bow down unto it for I atn the Lord : 18 And if ye will not yet for all this hearken
your God. unto me, then I will punish you seven times more
2 IT Ye shall keep my sabbaths,^ and reverence for your sins.
my sanctuary I am the Lord. : 19 And I will break the pride of your power;'*
3 IT If ye walk in my statutes,^ and keep my and I will make your heaven as iron, and your
commandments, and do them earth as brass
4 Then I will give you rain in due season,*" and 20 And your strength shall be spent in vain ^ :
•lieb. ye shall serve yourselves ivith Uteyn; ver. 39. a ver. 43. t Heb. his 2 Kings 13:23. o Neh. 9:93. P Psa. 107:38. <l ch. 25:22. r Psa. 76-2;
hand otilain; ver. 20. b Neh. 5:5, 8. « Job 7: 1 Isa. 16:14. I Or, by these
Ezek. 37:26-23; Rev. 91:3. Deut. 32:10; Psa. 7S:50. t 2 Cor. 6:16.
meins. d ver. 42. e Deut. 16:22; 27:15. 8 Or, pi/tar. I Heb. a «oiie o/ "Ezek. 11:20. v ch. 25:3S, 42. w Jer. 2:20. J Deut. 2S: IS, 68. y Ezek.
jiielure, orfigured stone, t ch. 19:30. B Deut. 11 13-15; 28:1-14. h Isi.
16:59. • Heb. i/pon. i Mic. 6:15. » Neh. 9:36, 37. bjer. 19:7. c Prov.
30:2:3; Ezek. 34:38. Psi. 67:6. J Amos 9:13. k Psa. 147:14. Heb.11
28:1. dlsl. 23:11. e Psa. 127:1.
cause to cease. 1 2 Kings 17:9.); Ezek. 5: 17. n. Deut. 32:30. n E.xod. 2:2o;
will punish you yet seven times for your sins. shall have no power to stand before your enemies."
25 And I will bring a sword upon you. that shall 38 And ye shall perish among the heathen, and
avenge the (juarrel of 7ny covenant:'' and when ye the land of your enemies shall eat you up.
are gathered together within your cities, I will 3!) And they that are left of you shall i)inc away
send the pestilence among you;'' and ye shall be in their iniquity in your enemies' lands " and also
delivered into the hand of the enemy. in the ini(iuities of their fathers shall they pine
26 ,'lnd when I have broken the staff of your away with them.
bread,' ten women shall bake your bread in one 40 If they shall confess their iniquity," and the
oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which
by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.*'' they trespassed against me, and that also they
27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto have walked contrary unto me
me, but walk contrary unto me; 41 And that I also have walked contrary unto
28 Then I will walk contrary unto you also in them, and have brought them into the land of their
fury and I, even I, will chastise you seven times enemies; if then their uucircuracised hearts" be
for your sins. humbled,'' and they then accept of the punishment
29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and of their iniquity ;^
the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.'' 42 Then will 1 remember my covenant with Ja-
30 And I will destroy your high i)laces, and cut cob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my
down your images, and cast your carcasses upon covenant with Abraham will I remember;" and I
the carcasses of your idols,' and my soul shall will remember the laud.''
abhor you.J 43 The land also shall be left of them, and shall
31 And I will make your cities waste,'' and bring enjoy her sabbaths,'' while she lieth desolate with-
your sanctuaries unto desolation,' and I will not out them and they shall accept of the punishment :
smell the savor of your sweet odors.'" of their iniquity;" because, even because they
32 And I will bring the land into desolation:" despised my judgments," and because their soul
and your enemies which dwell therein shall be abhorred mj- statutes.
astonished at it." 44 And yet for all that, when they be in the land
33 And I will scatter you among the heathen,'' of their enemies, I will not cast them away,"^ nei-
and will draw out a sword after you: and your ther will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly.,
land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. and to break my covenant with them -.^ for I am
34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths,' as the Lord their God.
long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' 45 But I will for their sakes" remember the cov-
• a a Kings 17:4); Ezck.5:17. l)Lain.l:4.
Or, at alt adl'enlureswil/i me. 8::33, etc.; Neh. 9:2, etc.; Prov. 28:13; Luke 15:18; 1 John 1:9. x Jer.
cP^a. 13:-2(i:
Isi. 6:!:I0. a Dent. 3-2:35; Ezek. -^0:37. ejer.24:10. f Paa. 9:26; Acts7:5l; Rom. 2:29. r 2 Chn.n. 12:0,7,12. 2 Psa. 39:9; 51:3,4;
11)5:16. « Hag. 1:0. h Lam. 4:10. i Ezek. 6:3 13. J ch. 20:2.3. k Neh. Dan. 9:7. a Psa. 106:45; Ezek. 16:60. b Joel 2:18. c ver. 34, 35. dyer.
2::}. I 2Chron. 36:19; Malt. 24:2. misa. 1:13. > Jer. 25:11, 18. o Jer. 41. e 2 Chron. 36:16. t Psa. 94:14; Lam. 3:31 ; Rom. 11:2. g Psa. 89:33,
19 1. P Psa. 44:11. q 3 Chr. 36:21. Ezek. 21:7, 1.5. t Heb. driven.
.34. 1" Rom. 11:28.
sJot)I5:21. tIsa.lU:4. ujudg.2:14. » Lam. 4:9; Ezek. 4:17. w 1 Kings
22. Yoiir highways shall be desolate; men would not travel number of sabbatical years the observance of which they
in them, on account of the danger. Judges 5 : 6 ; 2 Chron. had neglected. 2 Chron. 36:21 Jer. 25:8-11.
15:5; Isa. 33:8. 38. Eat you up ; consume them : many would die in their
25. Avenge tlie quarrel of my covenant; in the Hebrew, enemies' country.
avenge the avenging of my covenant, that is, execute ven- 41. Accept of the punishment ; feel and acknowledge that
geance upon 3-ou for breaking it. God was just in punishing them, and humbly submit them-
26. Ten women bake — —
in one oven; on account of the selves to his disposal.
small quantity tlicy would have to bake. By weight ; each 42. Remember my covenant; granting them the blessings
man shall have a small portion weighed out to him, as is promised in it, Rernemher the land; cause it again to be
the custom in extreme want. inliabited by the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
29. Eat theflenh of your sons, and —
daughters; on account
of the scarcity of food. 2 Kings 6:29; Lam. 4:10; Jose-
phus, Jewish Wars, B. 7, c. 2. 2. One of the most means of preservation from
became it did not rest; in four hundred
35. /( shall rest, idolatry, secret and open, personal and na-
and all sins,
and ninety years, the time from the reign of Saul to the tional, "is the due observance of the Sabbath, with habitual
Babylonish captivity, there would be seventy years of attendance on public worship.
sabbiUhs, and also seventy sabbatical years equal to the — 12. Obedience to divine commands is not only the
number of years the land lay desolate during their captiv- surest, but the only way to personal and national excel-
ity in Babylon and, as some have supposed, equal to the
; lence, and permauent prosperity, happiness, and glory.
; :
B uiia
"enant of thoir ancestors," whom I brought for a bad, or a bad for a good and if he shall at :
forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the all change beast for beast, then it and the exchange
heathen, that I miglit be their God I am the Lord. thereof shall be holy.
46 These arp the statutes and judgments and laws, 11 And iiit be any unclean beast, of which they
which the Lord made between him and the children do not offer a sacrifice unto the Lord, then he
of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses. shall present the beast before the priest
12 And the priest shall value it, whether it be
good or bad as thou vainest it, who art the priest,*
CHAPTER XXVII. so shall it
1 He that maketh a singular vow must be the Lord's. 2 The estima- 13 But if he will at all redeem it,^ then he shall
tion of the person. 8 Of a beast given by vow. 14 Of a house. 16
Of a and the redemption thereof. 28 No devoted thing
field, may be add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation.
redeemed. 32 The tithe may not be changed. 14 1 And when a man shall sanctify his house
AND SpeakLord spake
the unto Moses, saying,
unto the children of Israel, and say
to be holy unto the Lord,'' then the priest shall
estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the
unto them. When a man shall make a singular priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.'
vow,'' the persons shall be for the Lord by thy esti- 15 And if he that sanctified it will redeem his
mation.'^ house, then he shall add the fitthpart of the money
3 And thy estimation shall be of the male from of thy estimation unto it,^ and it shall be his.
twenty years old even unto sixty years old,'' even 16 And if a man shall sanctify unto the Lord
thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after some part of a field of his possession, then thy esti-
the shekel of the sanctuary.'^ mation shall be according to the seed thereof: a
4 And if it he a female, then thy estimation shall homer* of barley-seed shall be valued at fifty shek-
be thirty shekels. els of silver.
5 And if it be from years old even unto twen-
five 17 If he sanctify his field from the year of jubi-
ty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the lee, according to thy estimation it shall stand.
male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels. 18 But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee,
6 And if it be from a month old even unto five then the priest shall reckon unto him the money
years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male according to the years that remain,'' even unto the
five shekels of silver, and for the female thy esti- year of the jubilee, and it shall be abated from thy
mation shall he three shekels of silver. estimation.
7 And if it he from sixty years old and above 19 And if he that sanctified the field will in any
if it be a male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen wise redeem it,' then he shall add the fifth part of
shekels, and for the female ten shekels. the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall
8 But if he be poorer than thy estimation, then be assured to him.
he shall present himself before the priest, and the 20 And if he will not redeem the field, or if he
priest shall value him; according to his ability have sold the field to another man, it shall not be
that vowed shall the priest value him.'' redeemed any more.
9 And if it be a beast, whereof men bring an 21 But the field, when it goeth out in the jubi-
ofi'ering unto the Lord, all that any man giveth lee,"" shall be holy unto the Lord, as a field devot-
of such unto the Lord shall be holy. ed;" the possession thereof shall be the priest's."
10 He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good 22 And if a man sanctify unto the Lord a field
a Luke 1:72, 73. b X,u 2; JuJg. 11:30, eic; 1 Sam. 13. 1 Or, the \a.nd of a homer, k ch. 25:15, 16.
5:4, 5. iJ
Num. 13:10. xod. 30:13. ' Lev. 5:7. o ver. 2S. o Num. 18:14; Ezek. 44:29.
thy estimatioHj O priest. er. 15, 19. h Tsa. 101:2 7.
13. God speaks of deliverance from bondage as a bless- service, will end in deliverance from all evil.and the ever-
ing which lays those who receive it under peculiar obli- lasting enjoyment of all needed good.
gations to love and obey him.
24. The reason why God sets himself against individ-
uals or nations, or ever punishes them, is because they 2. Make a singular vow; in thellebrew, setapart a vow;
oppose him, and act in opposition to what he directs, and that is, set apart one's self or any thing belonging to him by
what their good and the great interests of his kingdom a vow, as given to the Lord. Men might thus devote them-
require. selves to Jehovah, or their children, as Hannah did Samuel,
29. The dreadful evils which sin often occasions in this 1 Sam. 1 28, or a portion of their property.
: By a wise reg-
world, are indications of evils still more dreadfid which it ulation they had the right of redeeming themselves, or the
will occasion in the world to come but neither in this ; person or thing vowed, at a certain estimation, as given in
nor the future world will any sinners suffer more or this chapter. The -persons—for the Lord by thy estimation;
greater evils than their iniquities deserve. the persons thus devoted shall belong to the Lord, to be re-
35. Tlie desecration of Sabbaths, or the neglect to ob- deemed at the estimation ordered by Moses in God's name.
serve them according to divine appointment, is highly 9. Shalt he holy; it could not be reclaimed,but must con-
offensive to God and injurious to men. It is treasuring tinue devoted to the object to which it was consecrated,
up wrath against the day of wrath, and exposes both in- provided it was a thing suitable to be offered in sacrifice
dividuals and nations to desolating judgments. to God. If not, then he must pay the value of it, accord-
39. Children often suffer greatly in consequence of the ing to the estimation of the priest, and one fifth part
sins of their parents but not more than their own sins
; more. Ver. 13-15, 19, 27.
deserve, nor more than, if they repent of and forsake 14. Sanctify; set apart, to be devoted to the service of
them, will be overruled for their good. the sanctuary.
45. A deep conviction and hearty confession of the IG. According to the seed; the seed that it would take to
righteousness of God in all the evils he brings upon us. sow the field, or which the field would produce. homer; A
humble submission to his will, and true devotion to his ten ephahs, or a little less than eleven bushels.
Of things deroletl, LEVITICUS XXVil, and of tithes.
wliicli lie liatli bought, which is not of tlie fields of hath, both of man and beast, and of the *i.rulJ:
his possession field of his possession, shall be sold or redeem-
23 Then the priest shall reckon unto him the ed : every devoted thing is most holy unto the
worth of liiy estimation,'' ivcn unto tiie year of the LoKIi.'
jubilee: and he shall jrivo thine estimation in that 2'J None devoted, which .shall be devoted of men,
day n* a holy thinu: unto the Loud. shall be redeemed ;•• but shall surely be put to
24 In the year of the Jubilee the field shall return death.
unto him of whom it was bought,*^ even to him to 30 And all the tithe of the land,'' ivhether of the
wliom the jKissession of the land did belong. seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the
25 And all thy estimations shall be according to Loud's: it is holy unto the I>ord.
the sliekel of the sanctuary twenty gcrahs shall : 31 And if a man will at all redeem aught of his
be the shekel. tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof.'
20 1\ Only the firstling' of the beasts, which 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of
should l)e the Loiio's firstling,'' no man shall sanc- the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the
tify it, whether it he ox or sheep: it is the Lord's. rod,^ the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord.
27 And if it be of an unclean beast, then he shall 33 He shall not search whether it be good or
redeem it aceonling to thine estimation, and shall bad, neither shall he change it:" and if he change
add a fifth part of it thereto or if it be not re- :"^^
it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall
deemed, then it shall bo sold according to thy esti- be holy it shall not be redeemed.
Gil. 43:45 bver. IS. c ch. •M:4'j. • Hub. Jirxt-born. i Exod. 13:2, Jpr. 33:13; Ezek. 9
. IS:17| Deut. 15:19. ever. 11-13. f Joshui 0:1<). 5 Num. lExod. 19:2,3,25.
:a, 3; 1 Si 15:16-23. b Gen. 23:22; Nnm. 18:41, 24; 4 Chr. 31:5, 6,
25. Twenty geraks; a gerah was about two and a half wisdom and discretion are also needful. Persons some-
cents. times devote themselves or others to services for which
2fi. It w
Lord's; Exod. 13:2, 12-15.
the they are not wanted, or are unfit. In such cases it is bet-
28. Devoted thin^; a thing irrevocably devoted by the ter for them to aid the cause of Christ in some other way.
offorer to God, which could not be redeemed, but must be Their money may be more useful than their personal ser-
applied to the object to which it was devoted. In this vice, or their services more useful in some other employ-
respect it differed from the things previously mentioned, ment than that to which they aspire.
and is expressed in the original by a diflercnt word. 10. Rash promises, and inconstancy in performing such
29. Devoted of men; it is not to be understood that a as are right, should be carefully avoided.
private person could thus devote to destruction a mem- 19. All our possessions belong to the Lord, and should
ber of liis family. The cases mentioned in Scripture are be used in sucli a manner as will please him some part ;
such as that recorded in lumbers 21:2, 3, where the Israel- of them should be devoted especially to the support
ites devoted to destruction a Canaanitisli people that had and extension of his worship. The proportion wliich
made war upon them; or where God himself ordered such should be thus devoted is not now definitively prescribed,
a devotion to be male, as in the case of Jericho and all and the manner in which persons feel, judge, and act in
its jiosaessions. Josh. G: 17-19. the use of property, is one of the prominent indications
31. Tithes; a tenth part of the products of the land, and evidences of their character, and one wdiicli will have
after the first-fruits had been deducted. This the Israel- a momentous influence on their future condition. Matt.
ites were bound to give for the support of the minis- 25 35^6.
ters of religion. Ver. 30-33; Num. 18:21-32. Another 25. Strict integrity towards God and men is a duty, the
tenth of what remained was to be brought to Jerusalem desire and conscientious endeavor to practise which, is
and used for offerings and for the support of the worship- essential, in the sight of God, to the character of an honest
pers while there. Deut. 12:5-7; 14:22-29. man.
32. Tlie rod; which had some coloring matter on the 33. An honest man will not retain, or appropriate to his
end, by which one tenth part was marked as a tithe to be own use, wdiat he knows of right belongs to another, in
devoted to the Lord. opposition to the known will of the owner, whether human
or divine but he will be disposed to render to all what
; ;;
This book receives its name from the two numhcrin^s of tlio Israelites which it records. In it are
found the rules for the order of marching and encamping in the wilderness, with various repetitions of
laws previously recorded, and some new enactments. The book also contains many interesting narra-
tives as the murmuring of Israel at Taberah the sedition of Miriam and Aaron the mission of the
: ; ;
twelve spies, and the consequent rebellion of Israel the rebellion of Korah and his company the sin of
; ;
Moses and Aaron at Zin ; the prophecies of Balaam ; the destruction of the Midianites, etc. The narrative
is brought down to the fortieth year of the sojourn in the wilderness.
tribes. 17 The number of every tribe. 47 The Levites are exempted 10 Of the children of Joseph of Ephraim :
the second year after they were come out of the 13 Of Asher Pagiel the son of Ocran.
2 Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the 15 Of Naphtali; Ahira the son of Enau.
children of Israel," after their families, by the 16 These were the renowned of the congrega-
house of their fathers, with the number of their tion, princes of the tribes of their fathers,' heads
names, every male by their polls of thousands in Israel.'"'
3 From twenty years old and upward, all that 17 1 And Moses and Aaron took these men
are able to go forth to war in Israel thou and which are expressed by their names:'"
Aaron shall number them by their armies. 18 And they assembled all the congregation
4 And with you there shall be a man of every together on the first day of the second month, and
tril)G every one head of the house of his fathers." they declared their pedigrees after their families,
5 1 And these are the names of the men that by the house of their fathers, according to the
shall stand with you: of the tribe o/" Reuben; Eli- number of the names, from twenty years old and
zur the son of Shedeur." upward, by their polls.'
6 Of Simeon Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
; 19 As the Lord commanded Moses,^ so he num-
7 Of Judah Nahshon* the son of Amminadab.' bered them in the wilderness of Sinai.
ch. 7:2; 1 Chr. 27: 16, etc. g Exod. 18:21, 2o. h Rev.
Ch. 10:12; Exod. 19:1. b ch. 20:2, 63; Exod. 30; 12; 2 Sam. 24:2; ed ReKei, cb. 2:14. t
IChr. ai:2. = Exod. 18:23; Josh. 22:14. d oh. 2:10, etc.; 7:.30, etc.; 7:4, etc.; Isi. 43:1 ; John 10:3. iver. 20, e
10:1S, etc. 'Called, A'iKM.TOn, Matt. 1:4; l.uke 3:33. eHuth4:20. t Call-
basis of the military division, 1 Sam. 8:12; 22:7. Tlie 16. Renou-ned of the congregation ; rather, "the called of
present numbering was an enrolment of the men of war in the congregation;" that is, men of standing and influence,
regular military array. A numbering had been made of who were regularly called to the assemblies of the
the people a few months before. Esod. 30:11, 12; 38:25, for these assemblies consisted not of the whole
mass of the
26. The tables prepared on that occasion seem to have people, but of certain representatives from each family.
served for the present enrolment, the men appointed to 18. Their pedigrees; the line of their forefathers.
; ; ; : ; ; ;
son, l)y their frenerutions, iil'tcr their fiimilics, l)y their generations, after their families, by the iiou-c
the house of their fathei's, aceordiny: to the nuiii- of their fathers, according to the number of the
bor of the names. In- their polls, every male from names, from twenty years old and upward, all
twenty years old and upward, all that were able that were able to go "forth to war;
to ffo forth to war; 3o Those that were numbered of them, even of
21 Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of JIanasseh, were thirty and two thou-
the tribe of R(niben, we7-e forty and six thousand sand and two hundred.
and live hundred. 36 1 Of the children of Benjamin, by their gener-
22 1 Of the children of Simeon, bv their jrcner- ations, after their families, by the house of their
ations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names,
fathers, those that were numbered of them, aecord- from twenty years old and u]nvard, all that were
ini^ to the number of the names, by their polls, able to go "forth to war;
every male from twenty years old and upward, all 37 Those that were numbered of them, even of
that were able to go forth to war the tribe of Benjamin, were thirty and five thou-
23 Those that were numbered of them, even of sand and four hundred.
the tribe of Simeon, were fifty and nine thousand 38 ^i Of the children of Dan, by their genera-
and tiireo hundred. tions, after their families, by tlie house of their
21 *i Of tiie children of Gad, by their genera- fathers, according to the number of the names,
tions, after their families, by thehouse of their from twenty years old and upward, all that were
fathers, according to the number of the names, able to go forth to war
from twenty years old and upward, all that were 39 Those that were numbered of them, even of
able to go forth to war; the tribe of Dan, were threescore and two thou-
25 Those that were numbered of them, even of sand and seven hundred.
the tribe of Gad, were forty and live thousand six 40 1 Of the children of Asher, by their genera-
hundred and fifty. tions, after their families, by the house of their
2G 1 Of the children of Judah, by their genera- fathers, according to the number of the names,
tions, after their families, by the house of their from twenty years old and upward, all that were
fathers, according to the number of the names, able to go forth to war;
from twenty years old and upward, all that were 41 Those that were numbered of them, even of
able to go ibrth to war the tribe of Asher, were forty and one thousand
27 Those that were numbered of them, even of and five hundred.
the tribe of Judah," were threescore and fourteen 42 IT Of the children of Naphtali, throughout
thousand and six hundred. their generations, after their families, by the house
28 'i Of the children of Issachar, by their gener- of their fathers, according to tlie number of the
ations, after their families, by the house of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all that
fathers, according to the number of the names, were able to go forth to war
from twenty years old and upward, all that were 43 Those that were numbered of them, even of
able to go forth to war the tribe of Naphtali, were fifty and three thou-
29 Those that were numbered of them, even of sand and four hundred.
the tribe of Issachar, were fifty and four thousand 44 These are those that were numbered, which
and four hundred. Moses and Aaron numbered," and the princes of
30 T" Of the children of Zebulun, by their gener- Israel, being twelve men: each one was for the
ations, after their families, by tlie house of their house of his fathers.
fathers, according to the number of the names, 45 So were all those that were numbered of the
from twenty years old and upward, all that were children of Israel, by the house of their fathers,
able to go forth to war; from twenty years old and upward, all that were
31 Those that were numbered of them, even of able to go forth to war in Israel
the tribe of Zebulun, were fifty and seven thousand 46 Even all they that were numbered were six
and four hundred. hundred thousand and three thousand and five
32 ^1 Of the children of Joseph," namely, of the hundred and fifty.*
childri'n of Ephraim, by their generations, after 47 1 But the Levites after the tribe of their
their families, by the house of their fathers, accord- fathers were not numbered among them.'
ing to the number of the names, from twenty 48 For the Lord had spoken unto Moses, saying,
years old and upward, all that were able to go 49 Only thou shalt not number the tribe of Levi,
forth to war neither take the sum of them among the children
33 Tliose that were numbered of them, even of of Israel
the tribe of Ephraim, were forty thousand and five 50 But thou shalt appoint the Levites over the
hundred. tabernacle of testimony, and over all the vessels
•2 Chr. 17:14. b Deut. 3:1:17. ch. 26:64. ch. 2:3-2,- 26:51; Exod. e ch. Chion. ch. 6; 21:6.
: <1
12:37; 38:26; Deut. 10:32. 2:33; chs. 3, 4; 1
20-25. Rnihen —
Simeon —Gad; the tribes are grouped in were able to go forth to war in Israel were
45, 46. All that —
threes, according to their encampment, as described in six hundred thousand; the number able for war shows that
the following chapters, these three tribes having their the whole people must have amounted to more than two
place on the south side of the tabernacle. millions.
The order of the NUMBERS II. tribes in their tents.
B. c im' thereof, and over all things that belong to 10 IF On the south side shall he the standard of
it:" they shall bear the tabernacle, and all the the camp of Reuben according to their armies:
vessels thereof; and they shall minister unto it, and the captain of the children of Reuben shall be
and shall encamp round about the tabernacle.'' Elizur the son of Shedeur.
51 And when the tabernacle setteth forward, 11 And his host, and those that were numbered
the Levites shall take it down;'' and when the thereof, were forty and six thousand and five hun-
tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set dred.
it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be 12 And those which pitch by him shall be the
put to death. "*
tribe of Simeon and the captain of the children
52 And the children of Israel shall pitch their of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son of Zurishad-
tents, every man by his own camp,'' and every man dai.
by his own standard, throughout their hosts. 13 And his host, and those that were numbered
53 But the Levites shall pitch round about the of them, were fifty and nine thousand and tliree
tabernacle of testimony,' that there be no wrath hundred.
upon the congregation of the children of Israel:''' 14 Then the tribe of Gad: and the captain of
and the Levites shall keep the charge of the tab- the sons of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Rcuel.*
ernacle of testimony.*^ 15 And his host, and those that were numbered
5-1 And the children of Israel did according to of them, were forty and five thousand and six liun-
all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they. droti and fifty.
16 All that were numbered in the camp of Reu-
ben were a hundred thousand and fifty and one
thousand and four hundred and fifty, througliout
The order of the tribes in their tents.
their armies and they shall set forth in the :
AND the Lord spake unto Moses and unto second rank.°^
Aaron, saying, 17 1 Then the tabernacle of the congregation
2 Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in
by his own standard,' with the ensign of their the midst of the camp:" as they encamp, so shall
father's house far oif about* the tabernacle of the they set forward, every man in his place by their
of Helen shall be captain of the children of Zeb- 23 And his host, and those that were numbered
ulun. of them, were thirty and five thousand and four
8 And his host, and those that were numbered hundred.
thereof were fifty and seven thousand and four 24 All that were numbered of the camp of Ephra-
hundred. im ^cere a hundred thousand and eight thousand
9 All tliat were numbered in the camp of Judah and a hundred, throughout their armies: and they
were a hundred thousand and fourscore thousand shall go forward in the third rank."
and six thousand and four hundred, throughout 25 i The standard of the camp of Dan shall be
their armies: these shall first set forth.' on the north side by their armies: and the cap-
Cll. 3-.«. etc.; Exoii. 3^:21. ver. Si. c ch. 10:17-31. J oh. lS:2i against. i Jnsh. 3:4. k ch. 1:7. etc.; 10:14; 1 Chron. 2:10; Matt. 1:4;
1. 2:2; 21:2. 'ver. .W. e ch S:19; 10:46; 1S:5; 1 Sam. C:19. h ch. Luke 3:32, 33. I ch. 10:14. t Called Deuel, ch. 1:14; 7:42, 47; 10:20.
9; :il:30, 47; I Chr. 9.3:32; 1 Chr. l:i:10. i oh. 1:52. • Heb. over moh. 10:i«. n oh. 10: 17, 21. Och. 10:22.
5.'i. Keep the charge of the tabernacle of testimony ; guard CHAPTER II.
the tabernacle from the approach of all improper persons,
and thus keep them from the punishment threatened in
ensign ; the standard was that belonging to
2. Standard —
each grand division, embracing three tribes the ensigns :
ver. 51.
are generally understood to have been those of single
INSTRUCTIONS. tribes, perhaps also of the subdivisions of these tribes.
46. From the great increase of the Israelites in their 9. The camp of JudaJi; a division of the main host, con-
bondage, and from their deliverance according to the di- sisting of three tribes, of which Judah was the head.
vine prediction, we have evidence of the faitlifnlness of 111. The camp of Reuben; the division of which this tribe
God, and are encouraged to trust in him for the fulfilment was the head.
of all his promises. 24. Of Ephraim ; of which Ephraim was the head.
1 The sons of Aaron. 5 The Levites are given to the priests for the
service of the tabernacle, 11 instead of the first-born, 14 The Levites
are nuiiibereJ by their families. 21 The families, number, and charge
of the Gershonites, 27 of the Kohathites, 33 of the Merarites. 38
The place and charge of Moses and Aaron. 40 The first-born are
freed by the Levites. 44 The overplus are redeemed.
Thi number of the Lcrites, NUMBERS III. and their several charges.
B.r.'uw: 20 And
the sons of Morari, b)- their fam- families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail
ilies ;
Mahli, and Mushi. These are the families of these shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle
the Levitcs according to the house of their fathers. northward."
21 Of Gershon wcw the family of the Libnites, 36 And under the custody and charge" of the
and the family of the Shimites: these are the sons of Merari shall be the boards of the taber-
families of the Gershouitcs. nacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof,
22 Those that -were numbered of them, accord- and the sockets thereof, and all the vessels thereof,
ing to the number of all the males, from a month and all that serveth thereto,
old and upward, even those that were numbered of 37 And the pillars of the court round about, and
them were seven thousand and five hundred. their sockets, and their pins, and their cords.""
23 The families of the Gershonites shall pitch 38 If But those that encamp before the taber-
behind the tabernacle westward." nacle toward the east, even before the tabernacle
2-1 And the chief of the house of the father of of the congregation eastward, shall be Moses, and
the Gershonites shall be Eliasaph the son of Lael. Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the
25 And the charge of the sons of Gershon in sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel;''
the tabernacle of the congregation" shall be the and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to
tabernacle,'' and the tent,** the covering thereof death."'
and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of 39 All that were numbered of the Levites, which
the congregation, Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment
26 And the hangings of the court," and the cur- of the Lord, throughout their families, all the
tain for the door of the court, which is by the males from a month old and upward, were twenty
tabernacle, and by the altar round about, and the and two thousand.^
cords of it/ for all the service thereof. 40 IT And the Lord said unto Moses, Number all
27 1 And of Kohath rvas the family of the Am- the first-born of the males of the children of Israel
ramites, and the family of the Izeharites, and the from a month old and upward, and take the num-
family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uz- ber of their names.'
zielites:*^ these are the families of the Kohathitcs. 41 And thou shalt take the Levites for me (I am
28 In the number of all the males, from a month the Lord) instead of all the first-born among the
old and upward, vjere eight thousand and six hun- cliildren of Israel and the cattle of the Levites
dred, keeping the charge of the sanctuary. instead of all the firstlings among the cattle of the
29 The families of the sons of Kohath shall children of Israel."
pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward." 42 And Moses numbered, as the Lord commanded
30 And the chief of the house of the father of him, all the first-born among the children of Israel.
the families of the Kohathites shall be Elizaphan 43 And all the first-born males by the number
the son of Uzziel. of names, from a month old and upward, of those
31 And their charge' shall be the ark,' and the that were numbered of them, were twenty and
table,'' and the candlestick, and the altars,' and the two thousand two hundred and threescore and
vessels of the sanctuary wherewith they minister, thirteen.
and the hanging,'" and all the service thereof. 44 lAnd the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
32 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall 45 Take the Levites instead of all the first-born
be chief over the chief of the Lcvites, and have the among the children of Israel, and the cattle of the
oversight of them that keep the charge of the Levites instead of their cattle;^' and the Levites
sanctuary. shall be mine: I am the Lord.
33 1 Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, 46 And for those that are to be redeemed of the
and the family of the Mushites:" these are the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the
families of Merari. first-boru of the children of Israel,'' which are
34 And those that were numbered of them, accord- more than the Levites;''
ing to the number of all the males, from a month old 47 Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by
and upward, were six thousand and two hundred. the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt
3-5 And the chief of the house of the father of the thou take them;" (the shekel is twenty gerahs:^)
1 Ch. 1:53. b ch. 4:24-'20. = Exod. ao:9. d Exod. 2G:I, etc. e Exod. q ver. 7, 8. ' ver. 10. ' ch. 20:62. 1
27:0, etc. ' Exod. 3.5:18. S 1 Chron. 20:3). t ch. 1:.5:3. oh. 4:15. i» ch. 18:15; Exod. 13:13. « ver. 30-43.
j Exod. 25:10. k Exod. 25:2.3, 31. 1 Exod. 27:1; 30:1. m Exod. 28:32. 30:13; Lev. 27:25; Ezek. 45:12.
o 1 Chr. 6:10. o ch. 1:53. • Heb. the offi'e of the charge. P ch. 4:31, 32.
25. The charge of the sons of Gershon; tlie things com- 43. All the first-born males; that is, since the destruction
mitted to their particular care. of the first-born in Egypt as the smallness of the number,
31. T/ie hanging; the veil that hung immediately before in comparison with the sum of the whole congregation,
the ark, and separated the inner from the outer sanctuary. shows. It was from that event that the first-born were
Exod. 2G: 31-33. to be reckoned as devoted to God.
39. Twenty and tivo thousand; the sum of the Gershon- 47. Five shekels ; about two dollars and a half.
ites, Kohathites, and Meraritcs, as separately given
above, ver. 22, 28, 34, amounts to twenty-two tliousand INSTRUCTIONS.
three hundred. It is supposed that from these Moses 12. The ministers of religion should be in a peculiar
deducted the first-born, amounting to three hundred, who, sense devoted to God not entangling themselves with
as already devoted to God, could not be taken in ex- the affairs of this life, but employing their time and tal-
change for an equal number of first-born from the other ents in the discharge of the appropriate duties of their
tribes. office.
1 The age and time of the Levites' service. 4 The carriage of the
Kohathitcs, when the priests have taken down the tabernacle. 16
The charge of Eleazar. 17 The office of the priests. 21 The car-
riajje of tlie Gershonites. 29 Tlie carriage of the Merarites. 34 The
number of the Kohathites, 38 of the G-ershonites, 42 and of the Me-
the Lord spake unto Moses and unto
2 Take the sura of the sons of Kohath from
among the sons of Levi, after their families, by the
house of their fathers,
3 From thirty years old and upward even until
fifty years old,'' all that enter into the host, to do
the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.
4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath
in the taljeruacle of the congregation,' about the
most holy things.'
5 1" And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron
shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down
the covering veil,^ and cover the ark of testimony
with it:"
6 And shall put thereon the covering of badg-
ers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly
of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof.'
7 And upon the table of show-breadJ they shall
spread a cloth of blue," and put thereon the dishes,
and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover*
withal and the continual bread shall be thereon
kciiit: 20 But they shall not go in to see when 84 1 And Moses and Aaron and the chief of the
the holy thinizs are covered," lest they die. congregatiou numbered the sons of the Kohathites
211 And tiie Lord spake unto Moses, saying, after their families, and after the house of their
22 Take also the sum of the sons of Gershon, fatJiers,
througliout the houses of their fathers, by their 35 From
thirty years old and upward even unto
families fiftyyears old, every one that entereth into the
23 From thirty years old and upward until fifty service, for the work in the tabei'nacle of the con-
years old shalt thou number them;'' all that cuter gregation:'"
in to perform the service,* to do the work in the 36 And those that were numbered of them by
tabernacle of the congregation. their families were two thousand seven hundred
2i This is the service of the families of the Ger- and fifty.
shonitcs, to serve, and for burdens:^ 37 These were they that were numbered of the
25 And they shall bear the curtains of the tab- families of the Kohathites, all that might do ser-
ernacle,'' and the tabernacle of the congregation, vice in the tabernacle of the congregation, which
his covering, and the covering of the badgers' Moses and Aaron did number according to the
skins that is above upon it,'' and the hanging for commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, 38 And those that were numbered of the sons
26 And the hangings of the court,'' and the hang- of Gershon, throughout their families, and by the
ing for the door of the gate of the court, which is house of their fathers,
by the tabernacle and by the altar round about, 39 From thirty years old and upward even unto
and their cords,"^ and all the instruments of their fifty years old, every one that entereth into the
service, and all that is made for them: so shall service, for the work in the tabernacle of the con-
they serve. gregation,
27 At the appointment* of Aaron and his sons 40 Even those that were numbered of them,
shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershon- throughout their families, by the house of their
ites, in all their burdens, and in all their service fathers, were two thousand and six hundred and
and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their thirty.
burdens. 41 These are they that were numbered of the
28 This is the service of the families of the sons families of the sons of Gershon," of all that might
of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation do service in the tabernacle of the congregation,
and their charge shall be under the hand of Itha- whom Moses and Aaron
did number according to
mar the son of Aaron the priest.^ the commandment of the Lord.
29 1 As for the sons of Merari, thou shalt num- 42 1 And those that were numbered of the fam-
ber them after their families, by the house of their ilies of the sons of Merari, throughout their fam-
fathers ilies, by the house of their fathers,
30 From thirty years old and upward even unto 43 From thirty years old and upward even unto
fifty years old shalt thou number them,'' evci-y one fifty years old, every one that entereth into the
that entereth into the service,^ to do the work of service, for the work in the tabernacle of the con-
the tabernacle of the congregation. gregation,
31 And this is the charge of their burden, ac- 44 Even those that were numbered of them after
cording to all their service in the tabernacle of their families, were three thousand and two hundred.
the congregatiou the boards of the tabernacle,
' 45 These be those that were numbered of the
and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and families of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and
sockets thereof,-" Aaron numbered according to the word of the
32 And the pillars of the court round about, Lord by the hand of Moses."
and their sockets, and their pins, and their cords, 46 All those that were numbered of the Levites,
with all their instruments,'' and with all their ser- whom Moses and Aaron and the chief of Israel
vice and by name ye shall reckon the instruments numbered, after their families, and after the house
counted upon each removal. assume the responsibilities of the sacred office. 1 Tim.
47. Service of the ministry; all the other labor belonging 3:6.
to the charge of the Merarites distinct from that of bear- 15. Sacred things should be treated with reverence,
ing the burdens. As their service included the heaviest and we should not attempt to reveal or discover what
articles, four wagons were assigned to them, while the God ilcsigned to conceal.
Gershonites had but two. Chap. 7:7, 8. 19. We should use all suitable means to prevent others
; :
1 The unclean are removed out of the camp. 5 Restitution is to be
made for trespasses. 11 The trial of jealousy.
AND Command
Lord spake unto
the Moses, saying,
the children of Israel that they
put out of the camp every lepcr,'= and every one
that hath an issue,'' and whosoever is defiled by
tiie dead:"
3 Both male and female shall ye put out, with-
out the camp shall ye put them/ that they defile
not tlieir camps, in the midst whereof I dwell."
•i And tlie children of Israel did so, and put
them out without the camp: as the Lord spalvc
unto Moses, so did the children of Israel.
5 "; And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
6 Speak unto the children of Israel, When a man
or woman shall commit any sin that men commit,
to do a trespass against tlie Lord," and that per-
son be guilty
7 Then they shall confess their sin which they
have done :
and he shall recompense his trespass
B." imI)* 22 And this water that cause th the curse CHAPTER VI.
shall go into thy bowels,-' to make thy belly to
The law of the Nazarites. 22 The form of blessing the people.
swell, and thy thigh to rot. And the woman shall
then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.'' the Lord.™
29 This is the law of jealousies, when a wife 9 And if any man die very suddenly by him, and
goeth aside to another instead of her husband,"^ and he hath defiled the head of his consecration; then
is defiled he shall shave his head in the day of his cleans-
30 Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon ing,'' on the seventh day shall he shave it.
him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set 10 And on the eighth day he shall bring two
the woman before tlie Lord, and the priest shall turtles," or two young pigeons, to the priest, to
execute upon her all this law. the door of the tabernacle of the congregation
31 Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, II And the priest shall ofler the one for a sin-
and this woman shall bear her iniquity.'' offering, and the other for a burnt-offering, and
»Psi. 1(W:IS. bDeut. 27:15. = Lev. 8:27. dLev. 2:2. 9. e Dent. 2-::37 rites/lip. i Heh. vine of Ike wine, k Judg. 16:17, 19 ; 1 Sam. 1 :11. I ch.
Ui. 6S:15; Jer. 24:9; 29:1S. 22; 42:1S; Zeeh. 8:13. f Psa. 113:U. 5 vsr 9:6; 19:11, 10; Lev. 21:1, 2, 11. S Heb. separation. •" 2 Cor. 6:17, 13.
19; Isi. 57:8. Ii Lev. 20: 17-2U. Or, make themselves Kazarites. i Judg iActsl8:l8. oLev.5:7; 14:22; 15:14,29.
13:3; Acts 21;ffl, 24. j Jer. 3o;G-S; Amos 2:12; Luke 1 :15. t Or, A'asa
22. Amen; he it so. holy, the curses of God will sooner or later overwhelm
23. In a book; on parchment, or on something from them.
which it could be washed off. Shall blot them out with the 31.Satan tries hard to promote domestic jealousy, be-
hitter water; the original Hebrew implies that he does this cause it tends to destroy family peace, religion, and use-
by dipping the writing into the water, and thus symboli- fulness; all should therefore avoid occasions of producing
cally infusing the curse into it, that she may drink it down it, and withstand all temptations to indulge it. If any
with the water. Compare Psa. 109:18. are unjustly suspected, they should in calmness, patience,
28. She shall be free; from all harm. and well-doing, commit themselves to the disposal of
God, and in due time he will remove suspicions, or over-
INSTRUCTIONS. rule them for the advancement of his glory and the good
of his kingdom.
3. As Jehovah and requires men to be holy, all
is holy,
causes of mental and moral defilement, and especially
whatever tends to increase and extend it, should be care-
fully avoided. 2. A
Nazarite; the Nazarite was one specially conse-
7. Unjustly to obtain or keep possession of another's crated to God by his parents or himself, and that either
property, is a sin which (Jod abhors. No professed re- for life or for a limited term. See note to Lev. 27 2. In :
pentance, which does not lead a man who is conscious of this chapter the case of those only whose Nazariteship
this sin to forsake it, and, if in his power, make restitu- continued for a limited time is considered.
tion, will deliver him from divine wrath. 4. Eat nothing that is made of the vine-tree; this was a
13. Adulterers and adulteresses are highly criminal, and symbol of sobriety, and of abstinence from all the intoxi-
exposed to the vengeance of God. Though their crime cating pleasures of sin.
may be known only to him and themselves, he will reveal 7. He shall not make himself unclean ; by approaching the
it— if not in this world, in the world to come and will — dead body. The Jews add that he was required to ab-
visit them with his terrible indignation. stain from tlie customary signs of mourning, as in the
27. The diseases which the licentious often suffer, and case of the high-priest. This and all the other regula-
with which they infect and torment each other, are a tions were designed to impress upon his mind the sacred-
manifestation of divine wrath against their sin, and a ness of his peculiar relation to God, and the deadness to
warning that, unless they repent and become pure and worldlv jovs and sorrows demanded bv it.
12 177
: : ; :
that were before siiall be lost,' because his separa- saying unto them,
tion was dotiled. 21 The Lord bless thee,' and keep thee:""
13 1 And tins is the law of tlie Nazarite: when 25 The Lord make his face shine ujion thee," and
the davs of his separation arc fullilled,'' lie shall be gracious unto t1iee:°
be brouirlit unto the door of the tabernacle of the 2G 'J'he Lord lift up his countenance upon thee,"
conjrrejration and give thee ]ieacc.''
l-i And he shall offer his ofTerinGf nnto the Lord, 27 And they shall put my name upon tlie chil-
one ho-ianib of the lirst year without bleinisii for dren of Israel,' and I will bless them."
a l)urut-off(M'itig, and one ewe-lanib of the first year
witliout blemish for a sin-oficrinir.'^ and one ram
witliout blemish for peace-offerings,''
1 Tlie offering of princes at the dedication of the Uibernacle.
tlie 10
lo And a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of Their several offering at the dedication of the altar. S9 God speak-
fine flour mingled with oil,'' and wafers of unleav- eth to Moses from the mercy-seat.
16 And the priest shall bring them before the anointed it," and sanctified it, and all the instru-
Lord, and shall offer his sin-offering, and his ments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels
burnt-offering: thereof, and had anointed them, and sanctified
17 And he shall offer the ram /or a sacrifice of them
peace-offerings unto the Lord, with the basket of 2 That the princes of Israel,'' heads of the house
unleavened liread the priest shall offer also his of their fathers, who irere the princes of the tribes,
meat-offering, and his drink-offering. and were* over them that were numbered, offered
18 And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his 3 And they brought their offering before the
separation at the door of the tabernacle of the Lord, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a
congregation,'' and shall take the hair of the head wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an
of his separation, and put it in the fire which is ox and they brought them before the tabernacle.
under the sacrifice of the peace-oflcrings. 4 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
19 And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder 5 Take it of them, that they may be to do the
of the ram,' and one unleavened cake out of the service of the tabernacle of the congregation and ;
basket.^ and one unleavened wafer, and shall put thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every
them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair man according to his service.
of his separation is shaven 6 And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and
20 And the priest shall wave them ybr a wave- gave them unto the Levites.
offering before the Lord: this is holy for the 7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the
priest, with the wave-breast and heave-shoulder: sons of Gershon, according to their service:"
and after that the Nazarite may drink wine. 8 And four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto
21 This is the law of the Nazarite who hath the sons of Merari,'' according unto their service,
vowed, and of his offering unto the Lord for his under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the
separation, besides that, that his hand shall get: priest.
»Lev.5:6. • lUb. fall. bActs21:20. = Lev. 4:3, 28, 32; Mai. 1: 13, 14; 33:19; Mai. 1:9. V Psa. 4:6; b9:15. q Psa, 29:11; Isa. 26:3. 12; Jolin
I 1;19. • Lev. 3:0. e Lev. 2:4. ' Exod. 20:2. e ch. 15:5, 7, 10.
I'et. 14:27; Phil. 4:7; 2 Thess. 3:16. r Dem. 28:10; 2 Chr. 7:14; Isa. 43:7;
!>Acls2I:2l. i 1 Sara. 2:15. i Exod. 29:23-M. k Lev. 9:22; Deut. 10:S; Dan. 9:18, 19. • ch. 23:20; Gen. 12:2,3; Psa. 5:12; 67:7; 115:12, 13; Acts
21:5; Jojh. 8:33; 1 Chr. 2:1:13. I Psa. 134:3. "> Psa. 121:7; John 17:11. 3:26; Eph. 1:3. I Exod. 40:18. u Lev. 8:10, 11. vch. 1:4. etc. t Heb.
» Psa. 31:16; 67:1; 80:3, 7, I'J; 119:1.35; Dan. 9:17. » Gen. 43:29; Exod. who stood, "ch. 4:24-28. xch. 4:29-33.
12. Days —
shall be lost; they would not be counted as a INSTRUCTIONS.
part of tne time of his Nazariteship, but lie must begin 8. Holiness to the Lord is the badge of his people, and
again. should ever be their peculiar characteristic. They should
14. His offering; tliese offerings were an aclcnowledg- abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul,
ment that in liis best services lie needed tlie efficacy of moderate their desires for earthly things, place their
atoning blood and of the purifying Spirit, and also tokens affections on things above, and regulate all their acts by
of gratitude for the goodness of God. the will of God.
15. Meat-offering —
drink-offerings ; those accompanying 20. We are always exposed in this world to moral defile-
the sacrifices mentioned in the preceding verse. See ment, and in our best services need the application of the
chap. 15:3-10. blood of Christ and the purifying influences of his Spirit, in
19. Sodden shoulder ; the boiled shoulder, which was the order that our offerings may be acceptable in his sight.
left shoulder, the right with the wave-breast having been 27. The blessing of Jehovah, in the love of the Father,
given to the priest by a general law. Lev. 7:32, 33. the grace of the Son, and the communion of the Holy
21. That his hand shall get ; such freewill-offerings as he trhost, bestowed upon his believing, obedient people, will
shall be able to make. make them all for ever truly and perfectly blessed.
2-4-26. This threefold divine benediction is supposed
by many interpreters to contain an intimation of the Trin- CHAPTER VII.
ity in the godhead. 2. chap. 1:16.
77(e pi-mccs o/"/srae/,-
27. Put my name; call Israel by my name, and teach 3. Their offering; these were voluntary offerings in ad-
whereof was a hundred and tliirty shekels, one silver son of Deuel.
bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the 48 1 On the seventh day Elishama the son of
sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled
Ammihud,^ prince of the children of Ephraim,
with oil for a meat-offering: offered:
2G One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense 49 His offering was one silver charger, the weight
27 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver
first year, for a burnt-offering: bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the
28 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled
b Dcut. 20; >> ch. 1:5; 2:10. n ver. 13, etc. och. 1:6;
» Ch. 4:4-15. S 1 Kings 8:63; 2 Chron. 7:5,9; Ezra 6:10;
I kver. 13, etc. ch. 1:9; 2:7.
Neh. 12:27; Psa. 3U, title, c ch. 1:7; 2:.'}. <i Exod. 30:13. e Lev. 2:1. 212 P ver. 13. etc. • Called R«i«;, ch. 2: 14. <1 ch. 1 :14 ; 2:14. f vcr.
f Exod. 30:34. eLev. 1:2, 3. l> Lev. 4:43. i Lev. 3:1. ich.l:a;2:5. 13, etc. »ch. 1:10; 2:1?. l ver. 13, etc.
52 One kid of the poats for a sin-offering: whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, ar u'.'
5',\ And for a Faerifico of peace-offerings, two one silver bowl of seventy sliokels, after the shekel
oxen, five rams, live lic-jroats, five lambs of the of the sanctuary;'' botii of thcni full of fine flour
first year: this vas the offering of Elishama the mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
son of Amiiiihud. 74 One golden spoon of ten .y//^7ie/i-, full of incense:
!')4 ; On the eiglith day offered Gamaliel the son 75 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
of Pedali/ur," i)rince of ll\e children of Manasseh first year, for a burnt-oflering:
5.1 His offering teas one silver charger of the 76 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
weight of a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver 77 And forasacrificcof peaee-oflerings,twooxcn,
bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year
sanctuary ;" both of tlicni full of fine flour mingled this was the oficring of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
with oil for a meat-offering: 78 H On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan,'
;JG One golden spoon of ten *Ac/iT/.?,full of incense prince of tlio children of Xaphtali, offered:
57 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the 79 His offering was one silver charger, the weight
first year, for a burnt-offering: whereof was a hundred and tliirty shekels, one silver
58 One kid of tlie goats for a sin-offering: bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the
59 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two sanctuary ;' botli of them full of fine flour mingled
oxen, five rams, five hc-goats, five lambs of the with oil for a meat-offering
first year this was the offering of Gamaliel the
: SO One golden spoon often shekels, full of incense
son of Pedahzur. 81 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
60 H On the ninth dayAbidan thesonof Gideoni,"^ first year, for a burnt-offering
prince of the children of Benjamin, offered: 82 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering
61 His offering was one silver cliarger the weight 83 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two
whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the
bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of tlie first year this was the offering of Ahira the son
67 His offering was one silver charger, the weight a hundred and twenty shekels.
whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver 87 All the oxen for the burnt-offering were twelve
bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first
sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled year twelve, with their meat-offering: and the
with oil for a meat-offering: kids of the goats for sin-offering twelve.
68 One golden spoon of ten sJiekels, full of incense 88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace-
69 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the offerings were twenty and four bullocks, the rams
first year, for a burnt-offering sixty, the he-goats sixty, the lambs of the first
70 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar,
71 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two after that it was anointed."
oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the 89 And when Moses was gone into the taber-
first year this was the offering of Ahiezer the son nacle of the congregation to speak with him,''
73 His offering was one silver charger, the weight he spake unto him.
aCh. 1:10; Si-JO. b, 1:22. i ver. 1 .1. 'ThatiSjeorf. Ich. 12:8; Eiod.a'):9,]l.
:I2; 2:25. r ver. 13, ver. 13, etc.
89. Him ; God, to whom the altar and tabernacle had laborious services God will provide for them, that as their
been dedicated. The voice of one; Exod. 25:22. duties are, their strength and all needful mercies may be.
11. Jehovah would have all things, especially with re-
INSTRUCTIONS. gard to his worship, conducted with propriety, and in
2. Those who are truly devoted to God, and thankful .such a way that the personal responsibility of each wor-
for his mercies, will not be satisfied with doing merely shipper shall be made manifest, and thus the greatest
what is specifically commanded, but will make voluntary blessing upon the whole be secured.
offerings of time, talents, and property, from love to him 13. They whom God has blessed with wealth, or ele-
and his cause, and to promote his glory and the good of vated to stations of honor and influence, should esteem it
their fellow-men. not only their duty but their privilege to be examples of
5. None need be discouraged when called to great and liberality in his service.
5.^S" CHAPTER VIII. 14 Thus shalt thou separate tlie Levites from
meat-oSering," even fine flour mingled with oil, and be no plague among thechildrenof Israel,"^ when the
another young bullock shalt thou take for a sin- come nigh unto the sanctuary.children of Israel
offering. 20 And Moses, and Aaron, and all the congre-
9 And thou shalt bring the Levites before the gation of the children of Israel, did to the Levites
tabernacle of the congregation:'' and tliou shalt according unto all that the Lord commanded
gather the whole assembly of the children of Moses concerning the Levites, so did the children
Israel together.' of Israel unto them.
10 And thou shalt bring the Levites before the 21 And the Levites were purified, and they
Lord and the children of Israel shall put their washed their clothes;^ and Aaron oftcred them as
hands upon the Levites:-' an offering before the Lord and Aaron made i*^
11 And Aaron shall ofler* tlie Levites before the an atonement for them to cleanse them.
LoRD^ybr an offering' of the children of Israel, 22 And after that went the Levites in to do their
that tliey may execute'' the service of the Lord. service in the tabernacle of the congregation be-
12 And the Levites shall lay their hands upon fore Aaron, and before his sons:" as the Lord
the heads of the bullocks: and thou shalt offer had commanded Moses concerning the Levites,^' so
the one for a sin-offering, and the other for a did they unto them.
burnt-off"ering, unto the Lord, to make an atone- 23 II And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
ment for the Levites. 24 This is it that belongrth unto the Levites from :
13 And thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron, twenty and five years old and upward they shall
and before his sons, and offer them ybr an oflfei'ing go in to wait upon the "'
service^ of the tabernacle
aExod. 25:37; 40:ao. b Exod. 25;31. c Exod. 2j:18. dExod. 25:40. cch. 3:45. » verses 11, 13.
19:9,17,eto. • Heb. raiise a razor 10 jiaM orcr, etc. f Lev. 14:8, 9. fLev.
9:1. 1> Exod. 29:4, etc.; 40:12. i
Lev. 8:3. j Lev. 1:4. f Hcb. irat-c
k ver. 15. I Heb. ivave-nffirin^. i Heb. bt to execute. ' oh. 10:9. »> ch.
2. Over ar; tlie caiullestick; the meaning of these
words, whicli occur also in Exod. 25: 37, is doubtful. The
candlestick stood on the south side of the sanctuary over
against the table of show-bread on the north side. Exod.
40:24. Some suppose the direction to be, that the lamp-
cups should be so arranged that their wicks should incline
towards the north, and thus tlirow their light towards the
table of show-bread others, that the sis wicks of the
serve no more
2li Hut shall minister witli tlicii- brctiiren in the
tAberiniclc uf the conL'resiation. to keep the charire,"
and shall do no serviee.'' Thus slialt thou do unto
the Levites touching their charge.
1 The passnver U conimamlctl again. 6 A second passover allowed for
tliem lliat were unclean or absent, l.') The cloud guidith ihe rernov-
1 The use of the silver trumpets. 11 The Israelites remove from Sinai
to Paran. 14 The order of their march. 29 Hobab is entreated by
Moses not to leave them. 33 The blessing of Moses at the removinj^
and resting of the ark.
AND MakeLord 2
spake unto Moses, saying,
thee two trimipets of silver of a ;
»Isa. 40:*3;
TV murmuring of Miriam NUMBERS XII. and Aaron rebuked
35 ^Ind tlie people jonrncyctl from Kibroth-liat- 8 With him willspeak month to mouth," ^m-mw
taarah unto Iluzciotli ;' anil abode at' Hazeroth. oven app;uently, ami nut in dark speeches; and
the siiniiitutle of the Loiso i-liall he behold where- :
and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out yc er's womb.
three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. V6 And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal
And they three came out. her now, O God, 1 beseech thee."
5 And tlie Loiti) came down in the pillar of the 14 • And the Lord said unto Moses, If her father
cloud,' and stot)d in the door of tlie tabernacle, had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed
and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both seven days? let her be shut out from the camp
came forth. seven days,'' and after that let her be received in
6 he said. Hear now my words If there be again.
And :
a prophet among you, / the Lord will make my- 15 And M iriam was shut out from the camp seven
self known unto him in a vision,'-' and will speak days: and the peo)de journeyed not till Miriam
unto him in a dream.'' was brought in again.
7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful' in l(j And afterward the people removed from Ha-
all my house.J zeroth, and jiitched in the wilderness of Paran.
«Ch. 3:1:17. • Ueh. ihti, were in. t Or, Cusliile. tWeh. taken, b ExoJ. iHfb.3:2,5. J 1 Tim. 3: 15; 1 Peter 2:4, 5. k Exod. 33:11 ; Deut. 31:la
2:21. 'Exod. I5;-J0; Micah8:4. d ch. 11:1; P«i. 94:7-9; Isa. 37:4 ; Ezpk. 1 2 Peter 2:10. m Deut. 24:9; 2 Kings 5:27; 2 Chr. 26:19-21. » 2 Sun.
3.5:12.13. trsa.76:9. fch. 11:25. e Gen. 15:1 4r.:a; Job 33:15;
; Kzek. 24: lU; Prov. 30:32. oJas.5:15. PLev. 13:40.
1:1; Luke 1:11,22; Acts 10:11, 17. h Gen. 31:11; 1 Kings 3:5; Job 33: 15.
35. Hazeroth; a place still farther on the way towarils ing to have their own way, and refusing to be guided and
Canaan. governed by him.
IXSTRUCTIOXS. 34. Lust, and the use of things lusted after, are plagues
which have opened and lillod many graves.
1. Discontentment with the dealings of God is unwise
right, wliatever their trials, they would say. All the days
which he communicated with prophets.
8. Mouth to month; the same as face to face, Exod. 33:11;
of my appointed time will I wait, till ray change come.
Deut. 34:10. Apparentli/; in open vision. Similitude;
Not my will, but thine be done. Job 14:14; Luke 22:42.
form, Exod. 33:23; 34:5-8; Ezek. 1:26.
17. God is often kind and gracioius in withholding from
men what in their wickedness they desire, and in giving 14. Spit m
her face; an eastern way of administering a
very severe rebuke. Be ashamed seven days; manifest her
them what they need. If he calls them to great and diffi-
cult services, they have no reason to complain or to de- sense of shame and humiliation by a separation of seven
spond if they trust in him he will provide for them, that days from the ordinary privileges and society of the
33. God may in wrath give men what they desire, to ially displeased with those who, without good reason, talk
show them and others the wickedness and folly of wish- against and find fault with his people.
The twelve spies are sent. NUMBERS XIII. Their evil report of Canaan.
20 And what
the land is, whether it be fat or
1 The names of the men who were whether there be wood therein, or not. And
sent to search the lanj. 17 Their lean,'''
instructions. be ye of good courage,'' and bring of the fruit of
21 Tiieir acts. 2li Their relation.
men were heads of the children of Israel. inai, the children of Anak," were. Now Hebron'
4 And these were their names: Of the tribe of was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.'"
Reuben, Shammua the son of Zaccur. 23 And they came unto the brook* ol'Eshcol,*
5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori. and cut down from thence a branch with one clus-
6 Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Je- ter of grapes, and they bare it between two upon
phunneh. a staft'; and they brought of the pomegranates, and
7 Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph. of the figs.
8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of 24 The place was called the brook* Eshcol,* be-
Nun." cause of the cluster of grapes which the children
9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of Ra- of Israel cut down from thence.
phu. 25 And they returned from searching of the land
10 Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son of after forty days.
Sodi. 26 ir And they went and came to Moses, and to
11 Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children
Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi. of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Ka-
12 Of the tribe of Dan, Animiel the son of Ge- desh;" and brought back word unto them, and
malli. unto all the congregation, and showed them the
13 Of the tribe. of Asher, Sethur the son of Mi- fruit of the land.
chael. 27 And they told him, and said. came unto We
14 Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi the son of the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it
Vophsi. floweth with milk and honey ;° and this is the fruit
15 Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi. of it."
16 These are the names of the men which Moses 28 Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell
sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Hoshea in the land,'' and the cities are walled, and very
the son of Nun Jehoshua.'* great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak
17 ^ And Moses sent them to spy out the land there.""
of Canaan, and said unto them. Get you up this 29 The Amalekites dwell in the land of the
way southward," and go up into the mountain i*^ south:' and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and
18 And see the land, what it is; and the people the Amorites, dwell in the mountains and the :
that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of
weak, few or many Jordan.
19 And what the land is that they dwell in, 30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses,'
whether it be good or bad and what cities they be and said. Let us go up at once, and possess it; for
that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong- we are well able to overcome it."
holds ;
31 But the men that went up with him said, We
» b
Deut. 1;23. c ver. 10. i ver. 8; Exod. 17:9. e ver. 2-J.
Ch. 32:8. I Or, valley, i Ti\it is. a cluster of grapes, n ch. 20:1, 16. o Exod. 33:3.
I Gen. 14:10; Deut. 1:24; Judges 1:9, 19. e Neh. 9:25.3.1; Ezek. ai:U. P Deut. 1:25, etc. <1 Deut. 9:1, 2. r ver. 33. ' ch. 14:43; Exod. 17:8.
* Deut. 31:0, 7, 2:). i Josh. 15:1. J Josh. 19:28. k Josh. 11:21. I Josh. 1 Josh. 14:7, 8. u Rom. 8:37
•Jl:ll. m Psi. 78:12; Isi. 19:11. • Or. valley. ITha-t is, a cluster of grapes.
8. Those who wickedly oppose such as God loves and pe- give directions respecting the manner of executing it.
culiarly favors, have great cause to fear for he views what
; Deut. 1:22,23.
is done to them as in a sense done to him. Matt. 25 40. : 16. Hoshea ; salvation. Jehoshua ; Jehovah is salvation.
10. Sin is sometimes visited with immediate punishment. The Greek form of this name is Jesus, of whom Joshua
H. To commit known sin is foolish, because it always was appointed to be an eminent type.
tends not only to dishonor God, but also to injure those 20. Fat or lean; fruitful or barren. Time of the first ripe
who commit it. grapes; about the month of August.
14. However great the sins of transgressors, when they 21. Wilderness of Zin ; lying south of Canaan. Rehab;
truly repent and turn to the Lord he will forgive them. a city near the north part of Canaan. Hamath ; a city of
His people, so far as they have his Spirit, wtll do the Syria, lying still further north.
same ; and desire for such the greatest blessings. Matt. 22. Hebron; a city in the south part of Canaan, about
18:21-3.5. twenty miles from Jerusalem. Anak; son of Arba, a dis-
tinguished inaii, after whom Hebron was called Kirjath-
CHAPTER XIII. Arba, or tlio city of Arba. Gen. 23:2 Josh. 14:15. ;
1:20, 21. But when the people proposed first to search south border of Canaan, towards Edoni.
the laud, he was pleased to permit the measure, and to 28. Children of Anak; a family of giants.
: 1 ;
be not able to po »ip against tlic poo))lc ; for tlicy us into this land,and give it us; a land B.c.fJJJ:
are .>^tr(iiigei* tlmn wo. which iioweth with milk and honey."
It- And an evil rc|)ort of the
tlioy brouL'lit nj) (Jnly rebel not ye against the liOitn,' neither
land wliicli they had searched unto tlie children fear ye the people of the land "' for they arc bread ;
saw in it are men of a great stature.*'' stones.'' And the glory of the Liiiin appeared in
33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of the tabernacle of the congregation before all the
Anak,' trfiirh come of the giants: and we were in children of Israel.''
our own sight as grasshoppers,"' and so we were in 1 'i And the Lord said nnto Moses, IIow long
their sight. w^iU this people provoke me?' and how long will
it be ere they believe me,' for all the signs which
all the congregation lifted up their voice,
cried and the people wept that niglit.''
And they will
for they have heard that thou Loud art
tell if to the inhabitants of this
2 And all the children of Israel murmured among this people," that thou Loud art seen face
against Moses and against Aaron and the whole : ''
1:22; 2 Cnr. 13:2; 32:<; Psa. 40:7, 11; Isa. S:9, 10; 41:10; Amos 5:14; 23:2. K Psa. 7S:.38. 1 Or. lutluno.
32. Eateth up the inhabitants ; causing them to die from 32. In making excuses for not doing their duty, and say-
the uiihealthiness of the climate, or some other cause. ing that they are not able to do what God requires and is
If this were so, it mu»t have been strange that they were ready to enable them to perform, men are often very in-
80 large and strong. consistent and contradict themselves.
3. God deals with men according to th? measure
of their
faith those counsels that have their origin in an unbe-
; 5. Fell on their faces; as a sign of their deep grief for
lieving spirit must be expected to have a disastrous issue. the sin of the people, and their earnest intercession witli
27. Those who trust the promises of God and follow his God in their behalf.
directions, will find that what he has promised is true, G. Rent* their clothes; thus they expressed deep sorrow
and their own experience will realize its fulfilment. and holy indignation for the unbelieving and rebellious
29. Men may do externally what God directs, and yet spirit of the people.
with such a spirit and for such a purpose as may tend to 9. Are bread for us; food for our swords. Compare
their ruin. chap. 24:8.
30. Different men may unite externally in doing the 16. Therefore he hath slain them; this, Moses thought,
same things, and yet wi'tli a very different spirit and for would be greatly to God's dishonor.
totally different ends. Thus what is done may be to one 17. Let the power of my Lord be great; be greatly mani-
a savor of life unto life, and to another a savor of death fested in forgiving their iniquity, and bringing them into
•unto death. 2 Cor. 2 16. : the land of promise.
: ;
•toniHl. 37 Tlic law of fringes. 1.") One ordinance shall be both for you of the con-
nnto them. When ye he come into the land of your erations: as yc arc, so shall the stranger be before
habitations, whicli I give unto you, the Lord.
3 And will make an offering by fire nnto the 1() One law and one manner shall be for you, and
Loitn," a burnt-oflcring. or a sacriiice in jierform- for the stranger that sojourneth with you.
intr* a vow,'' or in a freewill-ofl'ering, or in your 17 H And the Lord sjiake unto Moses, saying,
solemn feasts,'^ to make
a sweet savor unto the 15 Speak nnto the ciiildrcn of Israel, and say
Loun,'' of the herd, or of tiie flock : unto tliein, When ye come into the land whither
4 Tlien shall lie that offereth liis offering unto I bring you,""
the Lord bring a meat-offering of a tenth-deal of 19 Then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the
flour.'' mingled with tlie fourth part of a hin of oil.'' bread of the land,' ye shall oft'er up a heave-offer-
5 And tlie fourth part of a hin of wine for a ing unto the Lord.
drink-offering slialt thou pre]iare with the burnt- 20 Ye shall ofl'cr up a cake of the first of your
offering or sacrifice, for one lamb. dough ybr a heave-olfering:'" as ye do the heave-
6 Or for a ram, thou shall prepare for a meat- offering of the threshing-floor," so shall ye heave it.
offering two tenth-deals of flour, mingled with the 21 Of the first of your dough ye shall give unto
third part of a hin of oil. the Lord a heave-offering in your generations.
7 And for a drink-offering thou shalt offer the 22 If And if ye have erred," and not observed
third part of a hin of wine,ybr a sweet savor unto all these commandments, which the Lord hath
the Loud. spoken unto Moses,
8 And when thou preparest a bullock /or a burnt- 23 AVn all that the Lord hath commanded yon
offering, or for a sacrifice in performing a vow, or by the hand of Moses, from the day that the Lord
peace-offerings unto the L(jitn;'^ commanded Moses, and henceforward among your
9 Then shall he bring with a Imllock a meat- generations
offering of three tenth-deals of flour, mingled with 24 Then it shall be, if avght be committed by
half a hill of oil.'' ignorance without the knowledge* of the congre-
10 And thou shalt bring for a drink-offering half gation, that all the congregation shall ofter one
a hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a young bullock for a burnt-offering, for a sweet
sweet savor unto the Lord. savor unto the Lord, with his meat-offering,'' and
11 Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for his drink-offering, according to the manner,* and
one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid.' one kid of the goats for a sin-offering.''
12 According to the number that ye shall pre- 25 And the priest shall make an atonement for
pare, so shall ye do to every one according to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and
their number. it shall be forgiven them for it is ignorance " and
; :
13 All that are born of the country shall do these they shall bring their offering, a sacrifice made by
things after this manner, in offering an offering fire nnto the Lord, and their sin-offering before
made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord. the Lord, for their ignorance:
aLev. 1:3,3. • Heb. .upariitin^ ^ Lev. 27:3. b Lpv. 7:16; •>2:1S, 21. n Lev. 23:10. o Lev. 4:2. etc. t Heb. /re
t Lev.23:i. 12. Kxod. 2'J:18. ' Exod. 29:40; Lev. 23:13. f ch. 2n:5,
<1 orilinanct. q ch. 2d: 15; Lev. 4:23; Ezra
etc.; Lev. 14:10. eLev.7:ll. li ch. 2d:12, etc. ich.23. ) ver. 29; ch. 1 Tim. 1:13; Hob. 5:2.
9:14; Exod. 12:49. k Deut. 20:1, etc. Josh. 5: 11, 12. n. Prov. 3:9. 10.
any temporal evils, and desire the promotion of his glory 41. As the Lord never brings evils upon any but for the
mure than the reception of all temporal mercies. wisest and best reasons, when he docs bring them, nom-
righteous are often the means of averting great
20. Tlie should murmur against hira, but all should cheerfully sub-
calamities from the wicked, and bringing upon them un- mit, feeling that he afflicts them less than their iniquities
speakable good. deserve, and saying, It is the Lord let him do as seemeth
21. (lod will bestow mercy only in such a way as is good in his sight.
consistent with justice, wisdom, goodness, and truth
only in such a way as will glorify himself, give a correct CHAPTER XV.
view of his character, and fill the hearts of all holy beings 2. Ye; the children of those who were to die in the
with admiration and delight. wilderness. Chap. 14:31. The land of your habitations;
24. Steadfastness in duty, however unpopular or dan- Canaan. In the wilderness, which was a land not sown
gerous, is the way to glory, honor, and blessedness. nor planted with vineyards, they would not all be able to
28. (!od sometimes takes men at their word, and evils comply with these requirements.
which they wickedly imprecate, he in righteous judgment 4. A tenth-deal —
a hm ; an ephah contained between thir-
brings upon them. ty-four and thirty-five quarts. A tenth-deal was the
33. Many evils come upon children in consequence of tenth, and a hin the seventh part of an ephah.
the sins of parents but. if they do not imitate their par-
; 14. As ye do, so he shall do; not only to prevent the
ents, nor disobey God, lie will overrule these evils for introduction of heathenish rites, but to convey the idea
their highest good. Ver. 31. that there is one religion and one way of salvation for
38. In due time, all will see the difference between the Jews and Gentiles.
righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God 24. According to the manner; the manner above directed
and hira that serveth him not. for the meat-offering, ver. 9, 10.
Oiie is stoned for NUMBERS XVI. violatin'' the Sabbath.
1 Ami wlicn JInsos lioard //. he foil ujion liis l!» And Korah gathered all the congre- a. m. ssi^
tlie service of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to 20 And he spake unto the congregation, saying,
stand before the congregation to minister unto them? Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked
10 And he hath brought thee near to him, and men,"' and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be con-
all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee: and sumed in all their sins.
seek ye the priesthood also ? 27 So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah,
11 For which cause both thou and all thy com- Dathan. and Abiram, on every side and Dathan :
pany are gathered together against the Lord: and and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of
what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?J their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and
12 ^ And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, their little children.
thesonsof Eliab; which said, We will not come up: 28 And Moses said. Hereby ye shall know that
13 Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us the Lord hath sent me to do all these works;* for
up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey,'' / have not dotie them of mine own mind.^
to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thy- 29 If these men die the common death of all
self altogether a prince over us?' men,* or if they be visited after the visitation of
14 iloreover. thou hast not brought us into a land all men;^ then the Lord hath not sent me.
that floweth with milk and honey,'" or given us in- 30 But if the Lord make a new thing,* and the
heritance of fields and vineyards wilt thou put out* : earth open her mouth, and swallow them up," with
the eyes of these men? we will not come up. all that appertain unto them, and they go down
15 And Moses was very wroth, and said unto (juick into the pit;'' then ye shall understand that
the Lord, Respect not thou their offering:" I these men have provoked the Lord.
have not taken one ass from them," neither have I 31 \\ And it came to pass, as he had made an
hurt one of them. end of speaking all these words, that the ground
16 And Moses said unto Korah, Be thou and all clave asunder that was under them
thy company before the Lord, thou, and they, and 32 And the earth opened her mouth, and swal-
Aaron, to-morrow lowed them up,'' and their houses, and all the men
17 And take every man his censer, and put in- that appertai?ied unto Korah, and all their goods.
cense in them, and bring ye before the Lord every 33 They, and all that appertained to them, went
man his censer ,p two hundred and fifty censers down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon
thou also, and Aaron, each of you his censer. them and they perished from among the congre-
18 And they took every man his censer, and put gation.
tire in them, and laid incense thereon, and stood 34 And all Israel that were round about them
in the door of the tabernacle of the congregation fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the
with Moses and Aaron. earth swallow us up also.
« Ch. 14:5; 20:6. b Lev. 21 :G, etc. » Heb. 12:14. J ch. 17:5. e oh. ' Heb. 12:23, 29. 1 ch. 14:5. « ch. 27:16: Job 12:10; Eccl. 12:7; Isa.
i:lO; Lev. 10;:); 21:17, 18; Ezek. 40:46; 44:15. 16. ' Eph. 1:4. g Hub. 57:16; Zech. 12:1; Heb. 12:9. v Gen. 18:32; Josh. 7:1, etc.; Rom. 5:18.
.'5:4. h vcr. W; Isi. 7:1.3. i ch. :!:41. 4.5; 8:14; Dout. 10:8. J Exod. 16:8; "Gen. 19:12,14; Isa. 52:11; 2 Cor. B: 17; 1 Tim. 5:22; Rev. 18:4. > Exod.
1 Sam. 8:7; Acts 5:4; 1 Cor. 3:5. k ver. 9. lExod.2;14. ni Exod. 3:8; 3:12; Zech. 2:9; John 5:36. y Jer. 23:16. t Heb. as every man dieth.
Lev. 20:24. • Heb. bore out. » Gen. 4:5; Isa. 1:10-15. > I Sam. 12:3; 2 Isa. 10:3. \ 'aeh. create a treature. » .lob 31:3. b ver. 33; Psa. 55:15.
Acts 20:33; 2 Cot. 7:2. PlSam.l2:7. 1ch.l4:10. r ver. 45 Rev. 18:4. ; 'ch. 26:10, 11; Deut. 11:6; Tsa. 100:17, 18.
are hallowed."
38 The censers of these sinners against their
own souls,'' let them make them broad plates /or
a covering of the altar for they offered them be-
chililreu of Israel, whereby tlicy niurinur against tiiat they may be joined unto liiee,' and min- hti'
you." ister unto thee:' but tiiou and thy sons with theo
6 1 And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, shaU minister before tlie tabernacle of witness.''
and every one of their princes gave liim a rod :} And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge
apiece, for each prince one,* according to liieir of all the tabernacle: only they shall not come
fatiier's liouses, ci'cn twelve rods: and the rod of nigh the ves.sels of the sanctuary and the altar,'
Aaron i/ws' among tiieir rods. that neither they, nor ye also, die.
7 And Moses laid up the rods before the Lord 4 And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep
in the tabernacle of witness."* the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation,
8 And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses for all the service of the tabernacle: and a stran-
went into the tabernacle of witness; and behold, ger shall not come nigh unto you.
the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was bud- 5 And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary,
ded," and brought forth buds, and bloomed blos- and the charge of the altar;'" that there be no
soms, and yielded almonds. wrath any more upon the children of Israel."
9 And mioses brought out all the rods from be- G And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the
fore the Loud unto all the children of Israel and Levites from among the children of Israel to you
: :
they looked, and took every man his rod. they arc given as a gift for the Lord," to do the
It) T^ And the Lord said unto Moses, Bring service of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Aaron's rod again before the testimony, to be 7 Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall
kept for a token against the rebels;*'' and thou keep your priest's office for every thing of the
shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, altar,'' and within the veil ;'' and ye shall serve: I
that they die not. have given your priest's office vnto you as a ser-
11 And Moses did so: as the Lord commanded vice of gift and the stranger that cometh nigh :
pri portion.
priests out of the
meat-offering of theirs,' and every sin-oflering of
Levites' portion. theirs," and every trespass-oflering of theirs,' which
2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the gift,'' with all the Avave-offerings of the children
»Ch. 16:11. • llith. arod for one prince. a rod for one prinre. b Exod. 29:34.
38:21; Acls7;44. ' Psa. 110:2; Ezek. 19:12, 14. Mlnb. c/iiUren of rebel-
lion. dHeb. 0:4. « Psa. 90:7; Isa. 57:16. t ch. 1:S1, .W; lo:4, 7. e Eph.
2:13; Heb. 10:19-22. t Exod. 2S:33; Isa. 53:6, 11; 1 Pet. 2:24. Gen. i
1. Thou and thy sons and thy father's house; this includes
the Levites with the priests for by his father's house are
ij.cS" of Israel: I have given them unto thee, their service which they serve, even the service
1171. and to thy sons and to thy daua-liters with of the tabernacle of the congregation.
thee by a statute for ever " every one that is clean :
22 Neitlier must the children of Israel hence-
in thy house shall eat of it.'' forth come nigh the tabernacle of the congrega-
12 All the best* of the oil, and all the best of tion, lest they bear sin, and die.*''
the wine, and of the wlieat, the first-fruits of them 23 But the Levites shall do the service of the
which they shall offer unto the Lord,'= them have tabernacle of the congregation,^ and they shall
I given thee. bear their iniquity it shall be a statute for ever :
13 Jlnd whatsoever is first ripe in tlie land, wliich throughout your generations, that among the chil-
they sliall bring unto the Lord, sliall be thine dren of Israel they have no inheritance.
every one that is clean in tliy house shall eat of it. 2-1 But the tithes of the children of Israel, which
li Every tiling devoted in Israel shall be tliine.'' they offer as a heave-offering unto the Lord, I
15 Every thing that openetli the matri.K in all have given to the Levites to inlierit:' therefore I
flesh,*" which they bring unto the Lord, whether it have said unto them. Among the children of Israel
be of men or beasts, shall be thine nevertheless they shall have no inheritance.
the first-born of man shalt thou surely redeem,'' 25 TAnd the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou re- 26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto
deem. tliem, When ye take of the children of Israel the
16 And those tliat are to be redeemed from a tithes which I have given you from them for your
month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine inheritance, then ye shall ofl'er up a heave-offering
estimation,'^ for the money of five shekels,'' after the of it for the Lord, even a tenth part of the tithe."
shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.' 27 And this your heave-offering shall be reckoned
17 But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of unto you, as though it iccre the corn of the thresh-
a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not ing-floor, and as the fulness of the wine-press.'''
redeem ; they are holy thou shalt sprinkle their : 28 Thus yc also shall offer a heave-offfering unto
blood upon the altar," and shalt burn their fatybr the Lord of all your tithes, whicJi ye receive of
an offering made by fire, for a sweet savor unto tlic cliildren of Israel and ye shall give thereof ;
thine inheritance among the cliildren of Israel." when ye have heaved from it the best of it: nei-
21 And behold, I have given tiie cliildren of ther shall ye pollute the holy things of the chil-
Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance," for dren of Israel,"" lest ye die.
a Deut. 13:3. b Lev. •3->:-2 • Heb. /n(. ExoJ, 2!:l'Jj Deut. 1S:4;
Josh. 13:14,
Neh. 10:35, 38. i Lev. a7:-2S. ^
Exod. 13:2; 22:-29. 'E.xod. 13:13; 34:-20.
sLev. a7:'2, 6. h oh. 3: 47. i] ;ek. 45:12. J Deut. 15:19. k Exod. 2'J: IB;
Lev. 3:2, 5; Heb. 12:a4. 1 Ex I. -la-.-X. 23; Lev. 7:34. m vpr. 11. " Lev.
•2:13; -2 Chr. 13:5. o ch. 2i:S p Deut. 10:9; 12:12; 14:27, 29; 19:1,2;
12. The best of the oil^tke best of the wine; the refer-
ence here is to the first-fruits of the wine and oil, of
wliich it was the duty of the Israelites to give a jior-
tion to the priest, and which were to be of the best
14. Devoted; solemnly given to God. Provided it was
any thing that might be eaten or otherwise consumed, it
went to the priest. But vessels of gold, silver, or brass,
went to the service of the sanctuary.
15. Shalt thou redeem; this was done by the priest's re-
ceiving a specified sum of money in exchange for it.
16. That are to be redeemed; that is, of men. The first-
born of unclean beasts were to be redeemed by a lamb.
Exod. 13:13. Accordi7ig to thine estimation; that is, accord-
ing to the valuation prescribed to thee in the law; for
this was not left wholly to the priest's discretion.
19. A covenant of salt ; a perpetual, permanent covenant.
20. No inheritance; no landed property.
21. T/ie tenth ; a tenth part of the produce or increase
of the property of the other tribes.
23. T/iey shall hear their iniquity; if auy thing is done
wrong, they shall bear the blame.
: ;
CHAPTER XIX. tabernacle of the Lonn and that soul shall a. m axi.
of the iisli™ of a ml be cut olV from Israel because the water of Hii"
i.oHi) hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the tent, shall be unclean seven days.
red 1.5 And every open vessel, which hath no cover-
i-hihlreii of Israel, tliat tliey liring tiioc a
heifer without spot, wherein is no," and ing bound upon it, is unclean."
u])on wliich never came yoke.'' 16 And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with
3 And ye shall give her unto Elcazar the priest, a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone
that he may bring her fortli without the camp,'' of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.
and one shall slay her lielbre liis face: 17 And for an unclean person they shall take of
4 And Eleazar the priest sliall take of her blood the ashes' of the burnt heifer of purification for sin,
with his finger, and sprinkle of her Idood directly and running water shall be put' thereto in a vessel
before the tabernacle of tlie congregation seven 18 And a clean person sliall take hyssop,"" and
times.'' dip it in the water, and s]>rinklo it upon the tent,
5 And one sliall burn the heifer in his sight Iter ;
and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons that
skin, and her ilesh, and her blood, with her dung, were there, and upon him that touched a bone, or
shall he burn:'^ one slain, or one dead, or a grave
6 And
the priest shall take cedar-wood, and hys- 19 And the clean person shall sprinkle upon the
sop, and scarlet,' and cast it into the midst of the unclean on the third day, and on the seventh day ;''
burning of the heifer. and on the seventh day he shall purify himself and
7 Then the priest shall wash his clothes,^ and he wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and
shall bathe his flesh in water, and afterward lie shall be clean at even.
shall come into the camp, and tlic priest shall be 20 But the man that shall be unclean, and shall
unclean until tlio even. not purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from
8 And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes among the congregation, because he hath defiled
in water, and bathe his flesh in water, and shall the sanctuary of the Lord " the water of separation
be unclean until the even. hath not been sprinkled upon him he is unclean. ;
9 And a man that is clean sliall gather up the 21 And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them,
ashes of the heifer,'' and lay them up without the that he that sprinklcth the water of separation
camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the shall wash his clothes; and he that toucheth the
congregation of the children of Israel for a water water of separation shall be unclean until even.
of separation:' it is a purification for sin. 22 And whatsoever the unclean person toucheth
10 And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall be unclean;' and the soul that toucheth it
shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the shall be unclean until even.'
even and it shall be unto the children of Israel,
and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, CHAPTER XX.
for a statute for ever. 1 The children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dieth. 2 They
murmur for want of water. 7 Moses smiting the rock bringeth forth
11 *! He
that toucheth the dead body of any water at Meribah. 14 Moses at Kadesh desireth passage through
man' be unclean seven days.'
shall Edom, which is denied him. 2:2 At mount Hor Aaron resigneth liis
place to Eleazar, and dieth.
12 He shall purify himself with it on the third
day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean:'' THEN
came the children of Israel, even the
whole congregation, into the desert of Zin in
but if he purify not himself the third day, then
the seventh day he shall not be clean. the first month :" and the people abode in Kadesh
13 Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man and Miriam died there, and was buried there."'
that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the 2 And there was no water for the congregation :''
» Exod. 12;5; Mil. 1:13, 14; 1 Pet. 1:19. I> Deut. 21:.3; I Sam. 6:7. 21 1;
= Lev. 4:12, 21; 16:27; Heb. 13:11. d Lev. 4:6; 16:14. 19: Heb. 9:13;
12:44. eExod. 29:14. ' Lev. 14:4, 6, 49. S Lev. 11:25; 15:5. h Heb. 9:13.
iverses 13,20, 21; ch. 31:23. •Keb.soulofman. J ch. 5:2; 9:6, 10; Lev.
9. Water of separation; with which to purify those who
had been separated from the congregation on account of
ceremonial uiicleanness.
12. If; the water of separation. Ver. 9.
4. In the Old Testament, as well as tlie Xew, we are
often reminded of the prevalence and evil of sin, and the
necessity of the atonement of Christ, and of purification
by the Holy Spirit, in order to acceptance with God and
preparation for heaven.
10. Though God is the author of spiritual purification,
men do not obtain it without the use of means. They
Water Jlowcth from the rock. NUMBERS XX. Edom refuseth a passage.
6 And Moses and Aaron went from the presence
of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of
the congregation, and they fell upon their faces
and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them.
7 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly
together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and speak
ye unto the rock before their eyes and it shall
died there in the lop of tlio mount:" and Moses 9 And Moses made
a serpent of brass,*" li." uS^
and Kleazar came down from the mount. and j)ut it uj)on a pole; and it came to pass, that
29 And wiicn all the conprcj^ation saw that if a serpent had bitten any man, when be beheld
Aarou was dead, thev mourned for Aarou thirty the serjient of brass, he lived.
days, even all the house of Israel. 10 T And the children of Israel set forward, and
[(itched ill Obolii.^
8 And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a turn into the fields, or into the vineyards ; we will
fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall not drink of the waters of the well but we will go :
come to ])ass, that every one that is bitten, when along by the king's high-way, until we be past thy
he looketh upon it, shall live. borders.''
Ch. 33:33, 39. b ch. 33:40; Judg. 1:18. c ch. 13:21. i Gen. aS:*',
» Acts 8:24 Jas. 5:16. p Psa. 1015:23. q 2 Kings 1S:4 John 3:14, 15. r ch.
Judg. 11:30. « Lev. 27:23; Deut. 13:15. f Psa. 22:4, 5. * Thit is. ITlIer Xi:43,-H. > Or, Heap< of Abarim. "Deut. 2:13. > ch. 22:3« Judg. 11 :1S.
dtslrmlion. e ch. i!0:22; 33:41. h Judg. 11:18. 1 Or, grieved; Ueb. short- i Or, Vaheb in Suphah. u Deut. 2:18, 29. IIleb. /eniielA. » Judg. 9:21.
ened; Exod. 6:9. Psi. 7S:19. J Exod. 10:3 ; 17:3. k ch. 11:6; Psa. wch. 20:8. » Exod. 15:1: Judg. 5:1; Psa. 100:12, 1 Heb. /l.wtid. "Or,
ei:6. 1 Deut. 8:15; 1 Cor. 10:9. m Psa. 73:34. n ver. 5. o Exod. 8:?, answer, y Deut. 33:4; Isa. 33:22. 1 Or. field. I Or. The hill. 5 Or, The
2S; Deut. 9:20,20; 1 Sam. 12:19; 1 Kings 13:0; Job 42:8, 10; Jer. 15:1; wilderness. «ch.2:J:2J. = Deut. 2:2t>, 27; Judg. 11:19, 20. bch. 20:17.
29. The most distinguished and useful must soon die. 13. Anion ; a small stream which empties into the Dead
Their death is a puljUc calamity, and a just cause of gen- sea from the cast.
eral grief and mourning. 14. The book; some book describing the wars referred
to. In the Red sea ; or as the margin, " in Suphah ;" appar-
CHAPTER XXI. ently designed to confirm the statement just made, that
1. In the south part of Canaan. By the wny
the soiitk; the Arnon was the northern boundary of Moab.
of way by which the spies had entered tlie
the spies; the 15. Ar; the capital of Moab. Ver. 28.
land of Canaan, namely, by the south, chap. 13:22. Some, IG. Beer; meaning a well. Ver. 18.
however, render, "by the way of Atharim." 20. And from Bamoth —
to the top of Pisgah; or, "and
3. Hormah ; meaning, utter destruction. from Bamoth to the valley that is in the country of Moab
5. This light bread; the manna. John C:31. by the top of Pisgah." Pisgah; the summit of Nebo, one
6. Fiery; probably so called from the burning heat of of the range of mountains called Abarim, between the
their bite. mountains of Gilead on the north and the mountains of
10. Set forward ; to go round the land of Edom, and up Seir on the south. Deut. 32:49. Jesliimon; meaning, tlie
north, through its eastern border, to the land of Moab. wilderness.
Deut. 2 : 1-8. 21. The Amorites; the tribes so called inhabited the
The valley of Zered ; a valley north-east of the Red
12. south of Palestine, Gen. 14:7, 13; Num. 13:29; also the
Bea, on the way towards Canaan. The Zered empties into region beyond the Jordan, as far south as the river Ar-
the Dead sea. non.
: :
Sihnn is overcome, and Og. NUMBERS XXII. Balak sendeth for Balaam.
pass through his border: but Sihoii gathered all against them, he, and all his people, to the battle
his people together, and went out against Israel at Edrci.J
into the wilderness:" and ho came to Jahaz, and 34 And the Lord said unto Moses, Fear him not
fought against Israel. for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all
24 And Israel smote him with the edge of the his people, and his land ; and thou shalt do to him
sword, and possessed his land from Arnon unto as thou didst unto Sihon king of tlic Amorites,
Jabbok, even unto the children of Ammon:'' for which dwelt at Heshbon.
tiie border of the children of Ammon was strong. 35 So they smote him,'' and his sons, and all his
25 And Israel took all these cities: and Israel people, until there was none left him alive: and
dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Hesh- they possessed his land.
bon, and in all the villages" tliereof.
26 For Heshbon icas the city of Sihon the king
of the Amorites,"' who had fought against the for-
1 B.alak's 6rstmessage for Balaam is refused. 1.5 His second message
mer king of Moab, and taken all his land out of obtaineth Iiim. 22 An angel vouUl have slain him, if his ass had
his hand, even unto Arnon. not saved him. 36 Balak entertaineth him.
of Moab,'a«rf the lords of the high places of Arnon. 3 And Moab was sore afraid of the people, be-
29 Woe to thee, Moab! tliou art undone, peo- cause they irere many: and IMoab was distressed
ple of Chcmosh:' he hath given his sons that because of the children of Israel."
esca))el, and his daughters, into captivity unto 4 And Moab said unto the elders of Midian,"
Sihon king of the Amorites. Now shall this company lick up all that are round
30 We have shot at them Heshbon is perished
; about us, as the ox licketh uj) the grass of the
even unto Dibon," and we have laid them waste field. And Balak the son of Zippor was king of
even unto Nophah, which reachcth unto Medeba. the Moabitcs at that time.
31 ^ Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the Amo- 5 He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the
rites. son of Beor to Pethor,'' which is by the river of
32 And Moses sent to spy out Jazer and they ;
' the land of the children of his people, to call him,
took the villages thereof, and drove out the Amo- saying, Behold, there is a people come out from
rites that were there. Egypt: behold, they cover the face* of the earth,
33 IT And they turned and went up by the way and they abide over against me.
a Deut. aO;7. b Josh. 12, 1, 2; a4:tf. • Heb. daugllUrs. " Song 7:4; Ic. k Deut. 20:7; Josh. 13.12: Psa. 135:10, II; 130:20. 1 ch. -33:48.
Isi. 1J:4. i Hib. 2:6. = Jer 48:45, 40. f Deut. 2:0,18; Isa. 13:1, 2. Judg. 11:25. n Bxod. 15.15; Deut. 2:25. o ch, 31:S; Josh. 13:21,22.
tjudg. 11:34; 2 Kings 23:13. h Jer. 48:13, 22. cb. 32:1.
i j Deut. 3:1, Deut. 23:4; Josh. 24:0; Neh. 13:1, 2; Micah 6:5. t Heb. eye.
23. Jahaz; a city near the northern border of Moab. 16. Though we have many and great trials in this
26. Heshbon; the city in which Sihon lived, about six- world, yet they are never as many or great as our sins
teen miles north of tlie Arnon. Ver. 34. deserve, and the Lord graciously bestows many and great
27. Ill proverbs; that is, in a figurative and poetic st_yle. mercies, which, if gratefully received and rightlj' used, will
The words that follow seem to be a triumphal song of the eventually prepare us for deliverance from all ti'ouble, and
Amorites, celebrating their victory over Moab. the reception of unmingled eternal joy. Eph. 3:10-21.
28. A fire gone out of Heshbon; a fire, that is, a desolat- 31. Li this world we have many enemies, and if we
ing force, has gone out from Sihon, to whom Heshbon now would be saved we must fight, not with flesh and blood
belongs, and who has made it his residence. only, but with principalities and powers, with the rulers
29. Chemosh; one of the idols of Moab. of the darkness of this world, and with spiritual wicked-
30. Dibon —
-Medeba; cities between Heshbon and the ness in high places.
Arnon. 34. Those who trust in God and do his will have no
a country east of the Jordan, between
33. BasJiayi; reason to fear any enemies, however numerous or power-
mount G-ilead and mount Lebanon. Edrei; one of the ful. He will in due time make them conquerors and more
chief cities of Bashan. than conquerors, through Him that loved them and gave
himself for them and to him they will for ever give all
a " ul^ Go with the men " but only the word that
1, 13, 28 Balak's sacrifice. 7, 18 Balaam's parable.
n.lui: 8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; him, l)ut not nigh: there sliall come a Star out of
he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn he Jacob,'-' and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel,'' and
shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall shall smite the corners* of Moab, and destroy all
break their bones," and pierce them through with the children of Sheth.
his arrows." 18 And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also
9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a shall be a possession for his enemies;' and Israel
great lion:'' who shall stir him up? Blessed is he shall do valiantly.
that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth 19 Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have
thee." dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth
10 If And Balak's anger was kindled against of the city.
Balaam, and he smote his hands together and 20 H And when he looked on Amalek, he took:
Balak said unto Balaam, I called thee to cui'se up his parable, and said, Amalek was the first of
mine enemies, and behold, thou hast altogether the nations;* but his latter end shall be that he
blessed the7n these three times/ perish for ever.*
11 Therefore now flee thou to thy place: I 21 And he looked on the Kenites,^ and took up
tliought to promote thee unto great honor but lo, his parable, and said. Strong is thy dwelling-place,
the Lord hath kept thee back from honor. and thou puttest thy nest in a rock.
12 And Balaam said unto Balak, Spake I not 22 Nevertheless the Kenite* shall be wasted,
also to thy messengers which thou sentest unto until" Asshur shall carry thee away captive.
me, saying, 23 And he took up his parable, and said, Alas,
13 If Balak would give me his house full of silver who shall live when God doeth this!"
and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of 24 And ships shall come from the coast of Chit-
the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own tim,' and shall afflict Asshur,'" and shall afflict
mind; Ai/i what the Lord saith, that will I speak? Eber," and he also shall perish for ever.
1-1 And now, behold, I go unto my people come 25 And Balaam rose up, and went and returned
therefore, and I will advertise thee what this peo- to his place and Balak also went his way. :
17 I shall see him,'' but not now: I shall behold 2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices
Psa. 45:5. » ch. 23:24. <1 Gen. l-'::]. = Neh. 1.3:2. (Rev destruction; 'Ey.oi.n-.U; \Sa.m. 15:3. i Gen. 15:19. 5 Heb. A'ain. I Or,
1:7. sRev 16. hPsa. 110:2. • Or, through the princes. iPsa. 60:8-12 Aoiotong-shallitbe ere. kMll.3:2. IDin. 11:30. m Gsn. 10:11. "Gen.
t Or, Ihe ua ! that warred against Israel: Exod. 17:8, 10. 1 Or, even (i 10:21,25. och. 33:49; Mic. 0:5. p ch. 31:16; ICor. 10:8.
8. Eat up the nations; overcome and destroy them. having thus foretold the perpetual triumph of God's peo-
14. Adfertise; iuform. ple and the overthrow of all their enemies, ceases and
15. Whose eyes arc open; to see and foretell many things departs.
that vriU hereafter take place. IXSTRUCTIOXS.
17. See him —
behold him.; the Star and the Sceptre that
I. The Lord men to see
will cause all that it is his un-
shall rise out of Israel. The reference is undouljtedly to changeable purpose to bless his people. Those who re-
the Messiah, but in such a way that it includes David's joice in it will be partakers of his joy, and those who are
kingdom also, which was perpetuated and received a spir-
grieved at it be filled with ever-growing sorrow.
itual form in Christ. Luke 1:32, 33. David's victories 4. However much men may know of God and his ways,
over the Moabites and other enemies of Israel were but and however much they may see of the blessedness of
anticipations and pledges of the final victory which Jesus
his people, if they do not love and obej' him, their know-
Christ, his son according to the flesh and sitting upon
ledge wiU but increase their guilt and aggravate their
his throne, should gain over all the enemies of Ilis people.
See Psalms 2,110; Isa.U: 10-16. The children of Sheth; or,as 9. God will treat men in some measure as they treat his
many prefer, the children of tumult, the tumultuous war- people. The blessings which they bestow, or the curses
riors of Moab. So the word
explained, Jer. 48:45.
which they heap upou them, will return upon themselves.'
21. The Kenites; apparently a Midianitish peojjle dwell-
II. By refusing to please the wicked, men often fail of
ing in near connection with the Amalekites. 1 Sam. 15:6.
those worldly honors which by doing wrong they might
22. A.ishur; the Ass>Tians.
23. Who shall live? who can escape destruction in the
13. Men may feel their dependence on God. that they
midst of such desolations ?
are under his control and cannot escape out of his hands,
24. Ships; armed forces coming in ships. The coast of without rejoicing in their dependence, receiving mercies
Chittim; the countries of the west lying on the Mediter-
with gratitude, or giving him the glory of what they enjoy.
ranean. This prophecy was fulfilled in the conquests of
23. A view of the future, while it awakens gladness in
the Greeks and Romans over the East. Eber ; the pos-
the righteous, fills the wicked with apprehension and dis-
terity of Eber living on the east of the Euphrates. To may.
this people and region Abraham belonged, and thence he
migrateii to the land of Canaan. To this country Balaam
also belonged, so that he who was called to curse Israel 1. a place in the plains of Moab, east of Jor-
Shittim ;
was compelled to foretell the doom of " the children of his dan. Commit whoredom; this was in consequence of the
people." He also; probably, the power that comes from advice of Balaam. Chap. 31:15. 16; 2 Pet. 2:15, 16; Rev.
'Chittim, but some understand the words of Eber. Balaam 2:14.
12 If The sons of Simeon after their fam-
r' i45i' and tiie names of the daugh-
sons, but daughters '
ilies:of Ncmuel,* the family of the Xemuelites: ters of Zelophehad were Mahlah,and Noah, Uoglah,
of Jamin, the family of the Jaminites of Jachin,* Milcah, and Tirzah.
the fomily of the Jachinites. 34 These are the families of Manasseh, and those
13 Of Zerah,* the family of the Zarhites: of that were numbered of them, fifty and two thou-
Shaul, the family of the Shaulites. sand and seven hundred.
1-4 These are the families of the Simeonites, 35 TI These are the sons of Ephraim after their
twenty and two thousand and two hundred. families of Shuthelah, the family of the Shuthal-:
15 1 The children of Gad after their families: hites of Becher,^ the family of the Bachrites of : :
of Zephon,* the family of the Zephonites: of Tahan, the family of the Tahanites.
Haggi, the family of the Haggites: of Shuni, the 36 And these are the sons of Shuthelah of Eran, :
Pharcz, the family of the Pharzites of Zerah, the : 40 And the sons of Bela were Ard* and Naa-
family of the Zarhites. man of Jird, the family of the Ardites and of
: :
21 And the sons of Pharez were; of Hezron, Naaman, the family of the Naamites.
the family of the Hezronites of Hamul, the family
: 41 These are the sons of Benjamin after their
of the Hamulites. families: and they that were numbered of them
22 These are the families of Judah according to were forty and five thousand and six hundred.
those that were numbered of them, threescore 42 ^ These are the sons of Dan after their fami-
and sixteen thousand and five hundred. lies:'' of Shuham,^ the family of the Shuhamites.
are the families of Dan after their fami-
23 "1 0/" the sons of Issachar after their families These
of Tola, the family of the Tolaites of Pua,* the lies. :
Sliimron, the family of the Shimronites. threescore and four thousand and four hundred.
25 These are the families of Issachar according 44 1 0/" the children of Asher after their fami-
to those that were numbered of them, threescore lies:' of Jimna, the family of the Jimnites: of
and four thousand and three hundred. Jesui, the family of the Jesuites: of Beriah, the
26 ? 0/the sons of Zebulun after their families :* family of the Beriites.
of Sered, the family of the Cardites of Elon, the 45 Of the sons of Beriah of Heber, the family
: :
family of the Elonites of Jahleel, the family of of the Heberites: of Malchiel, the family of the
family of the Jeezerites of Helek, the family of lem,» the family of the Shillemites.
tance, and to" few thou shall erivc the less* iiihcri-
tanee:'' to every one shall his inlieritivnce be
piven according to those that were numbered of
5;j Xotwithstandinc: the land shall be divided by
lot: according to the names of the tribes of their
liithers they shall inherit.
5() According to the lot shall the possession
thereof lie divided l)Ctwcen many and few.
57 "l And these are they that were mnnliercd of
the liCvites after their families:'' of Gershoii, the
family of the Gershonitos: of Koiiath. tiie family
of the Kohathites: of Morari, the family of the
58 These are the families of the Levitcs: the
family of the Libuiles, the family of the Hebron-
itcs, ilic family of the Mahlites, the family of the
^lushites, the family of the Korathitcs. And Ko-
hath begat Am ram.
59 And the name of Amram's wife was Joche-
bed,'' the daughter of Levi, Avhom her mother hare
to Levi in Egypt: and she bare unto Amram,
Aaron and iloses and iliriam their sister.
60 And unto Adron was born Xadab and Abihu,
Eleazar and Ithamar."
61 And Nadab and Abihu died, when they of-
fered strange fire before the Lord.''
62 And those that were numbered of them were
twenty and three thousand, all males from a mouth
old and upward :-' for they were not numbered
among the children of Israel," because there was
no inlieritance given them among the children of
63 These are they that were numbered by
i'.v.'u^l 14 For yc rebelled against my command- ing made by fire which ye shall offer unto the
ment in the desert of Zin,'' in the strife of the con- Lord:" two lambs of the first year without spot
gregation, to sanctify me at the water before their day by daj,^ for a continual burnt-offering.
eyes that is the water of Meribah in Kadesh in
: 4 The one lamb shalt thou ofler in the morning,
the wilderness of Zin." and the other lamb shalt thou ofler at even;*''
15 If And Moses spake unto the Lord, saying, 5 And a tenth pcu-t of an ephah of flour for a
16 Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all meat-offering,'' mingled with the fourth part of a
flesh,*^ set a man over the congregation,'' hin of beaten oil."
17 Which may go out before them, and which 6 It is a continual burnt-offering which was or-
may go in before them," and which may lead them dained in mount Sinai for a sweet savor, a sacri-
out, and whicli may bring them in; that the con- fice made by fire unto the Lord.
gregation of the Lord be not as sheep which have 7 And the drink-offering thereof shall be the
no shepherd/ fourth part of a hin for the one lamb in the holy :
18 1" And the Lord said unto Moses, Take thee place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured
Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the unto the LoRDybr a drink-offering.
spirit,' and lay thy hand upon him;'' 8 And the otlier lamb shalt thou offer at even
19 And set him before Eleazar the priest, and as the meat-ofiering of the morning, and as the
before all the congregation and give him a charge drink offering thereof, thou shalt ofler it, a sacri-
in their sight.' fice made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord.
20 And tliou shalt put some of thine honor upon 9 *i And on the sabbath-day two lambs of the
him,-' that all the congregation of the children of first year without spot, and two tenth-deals of
Israel may be obedient.'^ flour j'br a meat-offering, mingled with oil, and the
21 And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, drink-offering thereof:
who shall ask counsel for him' after the judgment 10 This is the burnt-offering of every sabbath,
of U rim before the Lord :'" at his word shall they beside the continual burnt-offering,' and his drink-
go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, offering.
and all the children of Israel with him, even all 11 "i And in the beginnings of your months" ye
the congregation. shall offer a burnt-offering unto the Lord ;'' two
22 And Moses did as the Lord commanded him young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the
and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the first year without spot
priest, and before all the congregation 12 And three tenth-deals of flour for a meat-
23 And he laid his hands upon him, and gave offering, mingled with oil, for one bullock; and
liim a charge, as the Lord commanded by the hand two tenth-deals of flour for a mcat-oflcring, min-
of Moses." gled with oil, for one ram ;
14. Ye rebelled; chap. 20:8-13. the time will soon come when he must die, and leave all
16. Set a man over tlie congregation; to succeed MoseB as the concerns of this world to others.
their leader. 16. A
pious man earnestly desires the spiritual benefit
18. The spirit; the Spirit of God. Lay thy hand upon of those who may survive him, and will be much in prayer
him ; in token of liis being appointed as leader of Israel, that, after his decease, God wiU continue to bless them
;iiif1 endued with the Holy Spirit to fit him for his office. with all needed good.
23. Gave him a charge ; instructed him as to his duties, 21. Rulers who seek the teaching of the Holy Spirit,
:ind exhorted him to the faithful discharge of them. who know their duties,and are faithful in the discharge
of them, are great blessings to the 'people.
3. As the cause of every death and of all our evils is
sui, all our suS'erings should lead us more and more to 2. In their due season; according to the wiU of God,
:ibhor and forsake it. heretofore or hereafter made known,
5. In all cases of difficulty w6 should look to God, and —
An ephah a hin; Exod. 29: 10.
seek that direction from him which we need. 10. Continual; diiily.
13. However much any one may he favored of God, 11. Months; these began with each new moon.
however useful lie may he, or however long he may live. 13. A several tenth-deal; one for each lamb. Vvr. ?1, 2!).
1 ; : : ; ; ;; :: :
Tlu passiver, aiul first-fruits:. Kl' Ml; Kits XXIX, Offerings for the holy d t/i.
16 Ami day of the liist inontli ye shall do no servile work: it is a day ».c:fSi
in tlio fourtecnlli
is till" pussover of the LuUP." iif idiiwing the trumpets unto you.'
17 And ill tlie tifteenth day of lliis month is the 2 And ye shall offer a burnt-oflering for a sweet
fea-st: seven days sliail uideavened liiead 1)0 eaten. savor unto the Lord one young bullock, one ;
18 In tiie first day s/iaJI be a holy eonvoeation ram, and seven lambs of the' first year without
yc sliali do no manner of servile work therein: blemish
l\) 15ut ye shall oflcr a saerificc made l)y fire /or 3 And their meat-offering shall be of flour min-
a burnt-olleriiig unto the Lord; two young bul- gled with oil, three tenth-deals for a "bullock, and
locks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first two tenth-deals for a ram,
year: they shall be unto you without lileinish.'' 4 And one tenth-deal for one lamb, throughout
'20 And their meat-olForing s/iall In-
of Wmw min- the seven lambs:
irlcd with oil: three tenth-deals shall ye ofler for 5 And one kid of the goats /or a sin-offering, to
a bullock, and two tenth-deals for a ram make an atoneuKiiit for you:
21 A several tenth-deal shalt thou ofler for every 6 Beside the burnt-oflering of the month," and
lamb, throughout the seven lambs his meat-offering, and the daily burnt-oflering,''
22 And one goat /or a sin-oflTering,'' to make an and his meat-oflering, and their drink-offerings,
atonement for you. according unto their manner,' for a sweet savor,
23 Ye shall offer these beside the burnt-ofTering a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord.
in the moruiug, which is for a continual burnt- 7 IF And yc shall have on the tenth day of this
offering. seventh month a holy convocation ;J and ye shall
2-1: After this manner ye shall offer daily through- afliict your souls " ye shall not do any work therein :
out the seven days, the meat of the sacrifice made <S But ye shall ofler a burnt-oflering unto the
by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord: it shall Lord for a sweet savor; one young bullock, one
be offered beside the continual burnt-offering, and ram, arid seven lambs of the first year; they shall
his drink-offering. be unto you without blemish.'
2.5 And on the seventh day ye shall have a holy 9 And their mcat-offcring shall be of flour min-
convocation; yc shall do no servile work. gled with oil, three tenth-deals to a bullock, and
26 *' Also in the day of the first-fruits,'' when yc two tenth-deals to one ram,
bring a new meat-offering unto the Lord, after 10 A several tenth-deal for one lamb, throughout
your weeks he out, yc shall have a holy convoca- the seven lambs
tion ye shall do no servile work
11 One kid of the goats /or a sin-offering; be-
27 But ye shall offer the burnt-offering for a side the sin-offering of atonement,"' and the con-
sweet savor unto the Lord two young bullocks, tinual burnt-offering, and the meat-offering of it,
one ram, seven lambs of the first year and their drink-offerings.
28 And their meat-offering of flour mingled with 12 1 And on the fifteenth day of the seventh
oil, three tenth-deals unto one bullock, two tenth- month ye shall have a holy convocation ;" ye shall
deals unto one ram, do no servile work, and ye shall keep a feast unto
29 A several tenth-deal unto one lamb, through- the Lord seven days:
iiut the seven lambs 13 And ye shall offer a burnt-offering," a sacri-
30 Jlnd one kid of the goats, to make an atone- fice made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord :
ment for you. thirteen young bullocks, two rams, and fourteen
3 Ye shall offer them beside the contir.-ual burnt- lambs of the first year; they shall be without
oflering," and his meat-offering, (they shall be unto blemish
you without blemish,) and their drink-offerings. 14 And their meat-offering shall be of flour min-
gled with oil, three tenth-deals unto every bullock
CHAPTER XXIX. of the thirteen bullocks, two tenth-deals to each
1 1 he oiTering at the feast of trumpets, 7 at the day of afflicting their ram of the two rams,
15 And a several tenth-deal to each lamb of the
souls, 12 and on the eight days of the feast of tabernacles.
26. After your weeks ; after seven weeks from the second sons and the beginning of every day, month, and year,
(lay of the passover, when the feast of weeks, or Pente- should remind us of om- obligations to him, and lead us to
cost, was celebrated. devote ourselves anew to his service.
16. In all our religious exercises we should have refer-
IXf^TRUCTIOXS. ence to the atonement of Christ, and place our reliance on
2. No engagements for this world should induce us to him and what he has done for acceptance with God.
neglect the ordinaiice.s of religion, or to fail to observe, at
the proper time, the divinely appointed means of grace. CHAPTER XXIX.
9. While it is our duty daily to read the Scriptures and I. month; hey. 23:2^-43.
Tlie seventh
pray, as individuals and families, we should on the Sab- II.Beside the sin-offering of atonement ; that is, besides
bath give special attention to these duties, and also wor- the special sin-offerings ajipointed for this day,w-hich was
ship God in ptiblic with the assembly of his people. the great day of atonement. See Lev. 16 3, etc., compared
11. The Lord has appointed the sun and moon for sea- with \-er. 29-34.
: ::::
: : : ; : : ;
sity of relying upon it in order to obtain pardon and repent of his sin in promising for the sin in this ca^se is ;
eternal life. in the promise, and not in breaking it. Matt. 14:7-10;
39. True love to God will lead men not only to attend Acts 23:12.
habitually and conscientiously on the appointed means of 4. Shall stand ; be binding on her.
grace, but cheerfuUy to present to him freewill-offerings 5. The Lord shall forgive her; for not doing as she had
wherewith slie lialh liouiul her soul, shall stand niandcd Moses, between a man and liis RrMill
and the Loitn shall iorfxive her, because her father wife, between the father and his daughter, being
disallowed her. yet in her youth in iicr father's house.
G Anil if siie had at all a husliaiid, when she
vowed,' or uttered autrht out of her lips, where- CHAPTER XXXI.
witli she liouiid her t^oul 1 Tlio Midianitea are Kpoilcd, and Balaam slain. 13 Mosei is wroth
7 Antl her husband heard if, and held his peace with tho oiKccrs, for »aring the women alive. 19 How
the soldieri,
wiUi their captives and spoil, are to be purified. 2.5 The proportion
at her in tlic day that he heard it ; then her vows whereby the prey
bo divided.
is to 48 The voluntary oblation unto
shall stand, ancl her bonds wherewith she bound the treasury of the Lord.
the soul, her husljaud may establish it, or her hus- kcm, and Zur, and Hur, and Keba, five kings of
band may make it void. Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew
14 But if her husband altogether hold his peace with the sword.
at her from day to day then he establisheth all
; 9 And the chlldi'en of Israel took all the women
her vows, or all her bonds, which are upon her: of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took
he confirmeth them, because he held his peace at the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks,
her in the day that he heard them. and all their goods.
15 But if he sliall any ways make them void 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they
after that he hath heard them; then he shall bear dwelt,' and all their goodly castles, with fire.
her iniquity. 1 And
they took all the spoil,' and all the prey,
16 These are the statutes, which the Lord com- both of men and of beasts.
• Heb. her vows were vpan her; Psa. 56:12. » Gen. 3:10; Cor. h Josh. 13:21,
1 7:4;
14:34; Eph. 5:22-24. b 1 Cor. 11:3. ' ver. 5, 8; ch. 15:25, 2S. d ch.
2.5:17. c ch. 27:13. t Heb. A thousand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe.
9. Shall stand ; because she had a right to bind herseK, men who make void the commandment of God through
and no one had a right to forbid it. their traditions. Matt. 15 3-6. :
to. If she vowed; if the widow or divorced wife vowed 15. No conjugal, parental, ecclesiastical, or civil author-
before her separation from her husband. ity can in any case bind a person to conmiit sin ; and if
l.i. Make them void; by hindering her from performing any attempt it, they rebel against the authority of God,
wh-at he had previously allowed her to promise. Bear her and expose themselves to his just indignation.
iniquity; be punished as the woman would have been if
she had wilfully broken her promise. CHAPTER XXXI.
of the Midianites; punish them
for tempting
2. A man may solemnlyengage to do a wicked thing, but Israelites to sin, and thus causing their destruction.
no engagement can lay him under any obligation to do it Chap. 25 1-9, 17, 18. :
and if he does it, it will bo at the peril of his soul. But if 3. Avenn;e the Lord; execute his just indignation.
the thing which he has engaged to do is not wicked, and 6. The holy instrummts ; what these were, aside from
is practicible, he must not break his engagement, even if the trumpets, is uncertain. Some propose to render,
the fulfilment of it should injure himself. Psa. 15 4. "with the holy instruments, even the ti-umpets."
8. It is the will of God that there should be in all fami- 7. Slew all the males; that is, all the adult males taken in
lies conjugal and parental government and conti'ol; and war. We cannot understand in this narrative a general
relative duties are so important, that no vows or cove- extermination of the Midianites, since we find them after-
nants into which any one can enter, can release him or wards warring against Israel. The slaughter seems to
her from obhgations to perform them. Those, therefore, have been confined to the five neighboring tribes that
who induce persons to shut themselves up in nunneries, were involved in the sin of Baal-peor. Other and distant
or to neglect relative duties, that they may control their tribes may have been left unmolested.
persons or their monev, are blind leaders of the blind 8. Balaam; chap. 22:5.
; : : ;
20 And purify all your raiment, and all that is score and one.
made of skins,* and all work of goats' hair, and all 40 And the persons were sixteen thousand of ;
things made of wood. which the Lord's tribute was thirty and two per-
21 H xlnd Eleazar the priest said unto the men of sons.
war which went to the battle. This is the ordinance 41 And Moses gave the tribute which uris the
of the law which the Lord commanded Moses Lord's heave-oifering, unto Eleazar the priest, as
22 Only the gold, and the silver, the brass, the the Lord commanded Moses.''
iron, the tin, and the lead, 42 And of the children of Israel's half, which
23 Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall Moses divided from the men that warred,
make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean 43 (Now the half that pertained unto the congrega-
nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of tion was three hundred thousand and thirty thou-
separation:" and all that abideth not the fire ye sand and seven thousand and five hundred sheep,
shall make go through the water. 44 And thirty and six thousand beeves,
24 And ye shall wash your clothes on the sev- 45 And thirty thousand asses and five hundred,
enth day,' and ye shall be clean, and afterward ye 46 And sixteen thousand persons,)
shall come into the camp. 47 Even of the children of Israel's half,*" Moses
25 1^ And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, took one portion of fifty, both of man and of beast,
26 Take the sum of the prey that was taken,^ both and gave them unto the Levites, which kept the
of man and of beast, thou, and Eleazar the priest, charge of the tabernacle of the Lord as the Lord ;
27 And divide the prey into two parts ;J between 48 1 And the officers which were over thousands
them that took the war upon them, who went out of the host, the captains of thousands, and captains
to battle, and between all the congregation. of hundreds, came near unto Moses:
28 And levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men 49 And they said unto Moses, Thy sei'vants have
of war which went out to battle :" one soul of five taken the sum of the men of war which are under
hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, our charge,'' and there lacketh not one man of us.
and of the asses, and of the sheep :' 50 We
have therefore brought an oblation for
29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the Lord, what every man hath gotten,* of jewels
the priest, ybr a heave-offering of the Lord. of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, cai--rings, and
» Ch. 22:1. • Hob. hoa of war. b Deut. 20:13; 1 Sam. 15:3. t oh. .30:24; Psa. a-:12. t Gen. 14:20; Josh. G:19; 2 Sam. 8:11, 12; Prov. 3:9,
25:1-3. d 2 Pet. 2:15; Rev. 2:14. e ch. 25:9. 1 Heh. a male, t Judg. 10. 1ver. 30.47; ch. 13:26. m ver. 42-47. I Or, goats. >> 1 Cor. 9:13,
21:11. ffch.5:2; 19:11, etc. 1 Heb. instrument, or vessel of shins, h ch. 14. och. 3:7, etc. Pch. ls:8, 19. <1 ver. 30. 1 Heb. /laiirf. 'Heb. found.
19:9, 17. > Lev. 11:25. i Heb. of the captivity. 1 Josh. 22:S; 1 Sam.
tablet^, to make an atonement for our souls before 8 Thus did your father.', when I sent u.";SSI
the Lord." them from Kadc'sh-liarnea to see the land.'
51 And "iihifci^ and Kleazar the priest took the II For when they went up unto the valley of
golfl of them, crcn all wrouf^ht jewels. Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged the
52 And all the gold of the offering" that they heart of the children of Israel, that they should not
ofTerod up to the Loitn, of the captains of thou- go into the land which th(' LouD had given them.
Bands, and of the captains of hundreds, was sixteen 10 And the Lohd'.s anger was kindled the same
thou.<and seven hundred and (ifty shekels time,J and he sware, saying,
53 For the men of war had taken spoil," every 11 Surely none of the men that came up out of
man for himself. Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall
54 And iloses and Eleazar the priest took the see the land which I sware unto Aliraham, unto
gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not
and brought it into the tabcrnaclo of tlic congre- wholly followed me:*"
gation, /or a memorial for the children of Israel 12 Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenez-
before the Lord." ite, and Joshua the son of Nun: for they have
wholly followed tlie Lord.
CHAPTER XXXII. 13 And the Lord's anger was kindled against
Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness
1 The Reubenites and G-adites sue for their inheritance on the east of
Jordan. 6 Mnscs reproveth tliem. 16 They offer him conditions to forty years,' until all the generation, that had done
his content. 33 Moses assigneth thorn the hind. 39 They conquer it.
evil in the sight of the Lord, was consumed.""
the children of Reuben and the children
had a very great multitude of cattle
14 And behold, ye are risen np in your father's
stead, an increase of sinful men," to augment yet
and wlicn they saw the land of Jazer,* and the land the fierce anger of the Lord toward Israel."
of Gilcad,'' that, behold, the place was a place for 15 For if yc turn away from after him,'' he will
cattle;" yet again leave them in the wilderness;'' and ye
2 The children of Gad and the children of Reu- shall destroy all this people.
ben came and spake imto Moses, and to Eleazar 16 IT And they came near unto him, and said. We
the priest, and unto the princes of the congrega- will build sheep-folds here for our cattle, and cities
tion, saying, for our little ones
3 Atarotii, and Dibon,'' and Jazer, and Nimrah,* 17 But we ourselves will go ready armed before
and Heslibon,' and Elealch, and Shebam,^ and the children of Israel,"' until we have brought them
Nebo, and Boon,' unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell
4 Even tlie country which the Lord smote before in the fenced cities, because of the inhabitants of
the congregation of Israel,'' is a land for cattle, the land.
and thy servants have cattle 18 We
will not return unto our houses,' until the
5 Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace children of Israel have inherited every man his
in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants inheritance
for a possession, and bring us not over Jordan. 19 For we will not inherit with them on yonder
6 T And Moses said unto the children of Gad side Jordan, or forward because our inheritance
and to the children of Reuben, Shall your breth- is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward.'
ren go to war, and shall ye sit here? 20 1 And Moses said unto them, If ye will do
7 And wherefore discourage'" ye the heart of the this thing, if ye will go armed before the Lord
children of Israel from going over into the land to war,"
which the Lord hath given them? 21 And will go all of you armed over Jordan
>Exod. 30:12, 16. •UA. heave-ofering. b Dent. 20:14. c Exod. 30:16. Jch.l4:ll,29; Deot.l:35. • lUh. fulfilled
after mt. k ch. 14:24, 30; Joah.
t Or, Jaazer; ver. a5; ch. 21:32; Josh. 13:25; 2 Sam. 24:5; Isa. 16:8, 9. 14:8,9. 1 ch. 14:33-35. m ch. 20:131, 65; 1 Cor. 10:5; Heb. 3:16-19.
d Jer. 50:19; Micah 7:14. e Gen. 13:2, 5
; 47:4. ' Isa. 15:2, 4. I Belk- o Psa. 78:57. » Neh. 13:1S: Isa. 65:6, 7. p Dent. 30:17; Josh. 22:16, 18;
MimmA; ver. 36. sjad". 11:26. i Shiimah; yer. 33. t BncU-mean; vet. 2 Chr. 7:19; 15:2. 1 ch. 14135. r Josh. 4:12, 13. sjosh. i:2:4. iver. 33;
33. bch. 21:21, 34. 1 Heb. 6rea4: Acts 21:13. i ch. 13:3-26; Deut. 1:22. Josh. 13:8. uDeut. 3:1S. etc.; Josh. 1:14, etc.; 4:12, 13.
should ever acknowledge God as the giver of
2. Vengeance belongetli unto God. It i.s his preroga- allour mercies, and a portion of aU we obtain by follow-
tive to punish the guilty ; and when he requires a magis- ing his directions should be devoted to his worship and
trate to put the guilty to death, it is not the wrath of the service.
magistrate which is manifested, but the wrath of God 47. God
is the rightful owner of all things, and in tak-
designed for a terror to evil-doers, and a protection and ing, at hiscommand, the possessions of tlieir enemies, the
encouragement to those who do well. Israeliteswere not guilty of robbery, but rightfully ob-
7. It is as really righteous in God to destroy wicked tained from God that portion of his property which he
men by the sword of the magistrate as by earthquake, was pleased in this way to give them. Psa. 44:3.
pestilence, fever, or any other calamity. 50. Special favors from God should be acknowledged
8. He who tempts men, or induces others to tempt men with special thanksgiving, and with hearty reliance on the
to commit sin, must expect a most fearful retribution. atonement of Christ as the meritorious cause of all our
Rev. 2:14. mercies.
17. In putting men to death, magistrates may be obey-
ing God and not to do it when he commands, is rebelUon
against him. 1. land of Jazer, and—nf Gikad; east of Jordan, be-
24. Our best services, even our most hearty obedience tween the rivers Arnon and Jabbok.
to God, are imperfect and polluted with sin and we need ; 8. Thus did your fathers; chap. 13:2-20.
in every thing the purifying influences of the Holy Ghost. 19. Yonder side; the west side.
: : :
B."c!i«i' before the Lobd, until he hath driven out 34 1 And the children of Gad built Dibon,' and
his enemies from before him, Ataroth, and Aroer,^
22 And the land be subdued before the Lord;" 35 And Atroth, Shophan, and Jazer,* and Jog-
then afterward ye sliall return,'' and be guiltless behah,
before the Lord, and before Israel and this land ; 36 And Beth-nimrah,^ and Beth-haran, fenced cit-
shall be your possession before the Lord. ies;'' and folds for sheep.
23 But if yo will not do so, behold, ye liave sin- 37 And Reuben built Heshbon,'
the children of
ned against the Lord and be sure your sin will
: and Elealeh, and Kirjathaim,
find you out." 38 AndNebo,"' and Baal-meon," their names being
24:Build you cities for your little ones, and folds changed, and Shibmah and gave other names unto
Pro». 13:21; Isa. 59:12; 1 Cor. 4:5. d ver. 16,34, etc. e Josh. 1:13, 14. the names of the cities, over.3; Exod. 23:13; Josh. 23:7. P Josh. 13:29-31.
fJosh.4:12. sver.20. h ch. 21 24, 33
: Deul. 3:12-17; 29:S; .Tosh. 12:6.
: qjudg.l0:4. rExod. 12:37. » Exoil. 13:4. t Exod. 14:8. u Exod. 12:29.
i ch.
33:45, 46. JDeut.2::Jfl. • Oi, Jaazer ; yeises I, 3. 1 .Vimra/i; ver. 3. V Exod. 12:12; l3:ll; Isa. 19:1; Kev. 12:7-9. w Exod. 12:37.
23. Your sill will find you out; it will bring punishment and with good reasons, is an indication of sound judg-
upon you. ment, benevolent feeling, and an honest heart.
30. Among you; with the rest of the tribes on the west 23. The idea that men may be selfish and continue in
of Jordan. sin, and yet escape punishment, is vain.
Kingdom of Sihon; lying east of the Jordan near its
33. 27. In promoting the cause of God and of human wel-
mouth. Kingdom of Og; a country north of Gilead, and fare, all should be disposed to bear their proportion of
east of the sea of (jalilee. needful burdens, sacrifices, and labors.
33. When God in liis providence deprives one people
of their possessions and gives them to another, he only
4. In selecting a place of residence, men often regard
does what he will with his own. For all his deaUngs he
land, cattle, merchandise, and other earthly treasures,
more than religious privileges, the favor of God, and has the wisest and best reasons, and he never afflicts in-
dividuals or nations beyond what their iniquities deserve.
treasures in heaven.
15. By discouraging men from pursuing the path of
duty, persons may be the means of destroying not only CHAPTER XXXIII.
themselves, but multitudes of their fellow-men. 1. of the children of Israel; the places men-
Tlic journeys
18. Kind remonstrances and timely explanations remove tioned from the third to the forty-ninth verses of this
misunderstandings, and prevent multitudes of evils. Psa. chapter, are those tlirough which the Israelites passed
Ul:5; Prov. 10:17; 12:1; 13:18; 15:5, 10. 31, 32; 17:10. during their wanderings in the wilderness, and on their
22. Readiness to be satisfied with suitable explanations way irom Egypt to Canaan.
Record of the journey NUMBERS XXXIII. of I.iracJ out of Egypt.
6 And
they departed from Puccotli, and pitched 32 And they removed from Bene-jaakan,
in Ethain," which w in tiie edge of the wilder- and encamped at Hor-hagidgad.'
ness. 33 And they went from Ilor-hagidgad, and
7 And
they removed from Ethain, and turned pitched in Jotbathah.*
attain unto Pi-hahiroth, wliicii is before Baal-ze- 34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and en-
phon:'' and they ]iitched bclbre Migdol. camped at Elironah.
S And they dep;irted from before Pi-hahirotli, 35 And they departed from Ebronah, and en-
and passed through tlie midst of the sea into tiic camjied at Ezion-geber.'
wilderness,'' and went tliree days' journey in the 30 And they removed from Ezion-geber, and
wilderness of Etham, and pitched in Marah. pitched in the wilderness of Zin,'" which is Ka-
9 And they removed from Marali, and came unto desh.
Elim:'' and in Elira loere twelve fountains of wa- 37 And they removed from Kadcsh, and pitched
ter, and tiireescore and ten palm-trees and they ; in mount Hor, in tlie edge of the land of Edom."
pitched there. 38 And Aaron the priest went up into mount
10 And they removed from Elim, and encamped Ilor at the commandment of the Lord, and died
by the Red sea. there," in the fortieth year after the children of
11 Ami
they removed from the Red sea, and Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the
encamped in the wilderness of Sin." first day of the fifth month.
12 And they took their journey out of the wil- 39 And xVaron vas a hundred and twenty and
derness of 8in, and encamped in Dophkah. three years old wlicn lie died in mount Hor.
13 And they departed from Doplikah, and en- 40 And king Arad the Canaanite,'' which dwelt
camped in Alush. in the south in the land of Canaan, heard of the
14 And they removed from Alush, and encamped coming of the children of Israel.
at Ropliidim,' where was no water for the people 41 And they departed from mount Hor,'' and
to drink. pitched in Zalmonah.
15 And they departed from Repliidim, and pitch- 42 And they departed from Zalmonah, and pitch-
ed in the wilderness of Sinai.* ed in Punon.
16 And they removed from the desert of Sinai, 43 And they departed from Punon, and pitched
and pitched at Kibroth-hattaavah."" in Oboth.''
17 And they departed from Kibroth-hattaavah, 44 And
they departed from Oboth, and pitched
and encamped at Hazcroth.' border of Moab.*
in Ije-abarim,' in the
18 And they departed from Hazeroth, and pitch- 45 And they departed from lim, and pitched in
ed in Rithmah.-i Dibon-gad.'
And they departed from Rithmah, and pitch-
19 46 And they removed from Dibon-gad, and en-
ed at Rimmon-parez. camped in Almon-diblathaim."
20 And they departed from Rimmon-parez, and 47 And they removed from Almon-diblathaim,
pitched in Lilanah. and pitched in the mountains of Abarim, before
21 And they removed from Libnab, and pitched Nebo."
at Rissah. 48 And they departed from the mountains of
22 And they journeyed from Rissah, and pitched Abarim, and pitched in the plains of Moab by
in Kehelathah. Jordan near Jericho."'
23 And they went from Kehelathah, and pitched 49 And they pitched by Jordan, from Beth-jesi-
in mount Shapher. moth even unto Abel-shittim ^ in the jdains of
2-1 And they removed from mount Shapher, and Moab.''
encamped 50 1i And the Lord spake unto Moses in the
25 And they removed from Haradah, and pitch- plains of Moab by Jordan mar Jericho, saying,
ed in Makheloth. 51 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say
26 And they removed from Makheloth, and en- unto them, When ye are passed over Jordan into
camped at Tahath. the land of Canaan;^
27 And they departed from Tahath, and pitched 52 Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants
at Tarah. of the land from before you,'' and destroy all their
28 And they removed from Tarah, and pitched pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and
in Mithcah. quite pluck down high places:
all their
29 And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in 53 And ye shall
dispossess the inhabitants of the
Hashmonah. land, and dwell therein for I have given you the
Deut. 10:6. k 1 Chr. 1:42. : audgodah; Deut. 10:7. S Jotbath; Deut. 7:2, 5; 12:3; Josh. 11:11; Judg. 2:2. « ch. 20:5.3-55. Heb. multiply his
10:7. Deut. 2:8; 1 Kings 9:20; 22:48. » ch. 20:1; 27:14. n oh. 20:22,
23; 21:1. o ch. 20:25-2S; Deut. 10:0; 32:50. p ch. 21:1, sic. q ch. 21:4.
55 But if ye will not drive out the inliabitants great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor:'
of the land from before you;'"* then it shall come 8 From mount Hor ye shall point out ycn/r
to pass, that those which ye let remain of them border unto the entrance of Hamath;^ and the
shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad:**
sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye 9 And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and
dwell. the goings out of it shall be at Hazar-ehan :' this
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall shall be your north border.
do unto you, as I thought to do unto them. 10 And ye shall jioint out your cast border from
Hazar-enan to Sheplmm
11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham
CHAPTER XXXIV. to Riblah,J on the east side of Ain and the border ;
1 The borders of the land. 16 The names of the men which shall di- shall descend, and shall reach unto the side* of
vide the land.
the sea of Chinnereth eastward.''
AND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 12 And the border shall go do'wn to Jordan,
2 Command the children of Israel, and say and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea:
unto them. When ye come into the land of Ca- this shall be your land with the coasts thereof
naan this is the land that shall fall unto you for round about.
an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the 13 And Moses commanded the children of Israel,
coasts thereof: saying. This is the land which ye shall inherit by
3 Then your south quarter shall be from the lot, which the Lord commanded to give unto the
wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom,'' nine tribes, and to the half tribe:'
and your south border shall be the outmost coast 14 For the tribe of the children of Reuben ac-
of the salt sea eastward : cording to the house of their fathers, and the tribe
4 And your border shall turn from the south to of the children of Gad according to the house of
the ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin and their fathers, have received their inheritance ; and
the going forth thereof shall be from the south to half the tribe of Manasseh have received their
Kadesh-barnea,'* and shall go on to Hazar-addar, inheritance:"
and pass on to Azmon: 15 The two tribes and the half tribe have re-
5 And the border shall fetch a compass from ceived their inheritance on this side Jordan near
Azmon unto the river of Egypt,' and the goings Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.
out of it shall be at the sea. IG H Ajid the Lord spake unto Moses, saying.
• Heb. diminish his inheritance. » Exod. 23:33; Josh. 23:12, 13; Judg. < ch. .33:37. s ch. 13:21; 2 Kings 14:25; Ezek. 47:46. b Ezek. 47:15.
1:21-36; Psa. 106:31-30; Ezek. 28;S*. b Josh. 15:1. etc.; Ezek. 47:13, etc. i Ezek. 47:17. J 2 Kings £1:33; Jet 39:5, 6. t Heb. shoulder, k. Dent.
« Gen. 11:3. d ch. 13:26; 32:S. e Gen. 15:18; 1 Kings S:63; Isa. 27:12. 3:17: Josh. 11:2; 19:35; Luke 5:1. 1 ver. 1 Josh. 14:2. '»ch..32:33.
55. Pricks —and thorns; sources of vexation and distress. miles a little west of south from the Dead sea. From
56. Do unto you, as I thought to do unto them; expel you this point the border turned westward, reaching the Med-
from your country and destroy you. iterranean at the river of Egypt, that is, the modern El-
Arish and ancient Wiinocolura, south-west of Gaza. See
INSTRUCTIONS. the maps of Palestine.
1. Human life is a journey from the cradle to the grave, 6. The western border; of Canaan, was the Mediterra-
and eacli day carries us one day nearer to our final, our nean, from the river of Egypt, in latitude about thirtj--one
eternal abode. degrees, to a point a little above Zidon, in latitude between
2. It is often useful to look back on the various stages thirty-three and thirty-four degrees north. Its average
of our past life, to recount the goodness of God, and some- length was about one hundred and sixty miles.
times to write down portions of our history for the benefit 7-9. Your north border; from the Mediterranean sea to
of others. mount Hor; supposed to be a summit or spur of mount
49. However long our journey, or whatever be our Lebanon. Hamath; a city and region of Syria on the
course through time, we shall soon come to its close and Orontes, which was approached on the south by a pass in
pass into eternity. the mountain called the entering in of Hamath. 1 Kings
IT Tlicsc arc the nnnics of the men which sliall side two thousand cubits, and on the north -^i.^.; ^JJ;
divide tiie land unto you: Elcazar the priest, and side two thousand cubits; and the city sfuill be in
Joshua the iJon of Nun." the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of
IS And ye shall take one jn-inco of cvei-y tribe, the cities.
to divide the land by inheritance.'' G Aud amoii<r the cities which 3-e shall give unto
1;) And tiio names of the men are these: Of the the Levites //ure shall be si.\ cities for refuge,'^ which
tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneli. yc shall appoint for the manslaycr, that he may
20 And of the tribe of the children of Simeon, flee thither: aud to them ye shall add" forty and
Shemuel the son of Ammiliud. two cities.
21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of 7 So all the cities which ye shall give to the
Chislon. Levites shall be forty aud eight cities: them shall
22 And the prince of the tribe of the children ye give with their suburbs.''
of Dan, Bukki tiie son of Jogli. 8 Aud the cities which ye shall give shall be of
23 The prince of the children of Joseph, for the the possession of the children of Israel:'' from
tribe of the children of ilanasseh, Hanniel the them that have many ye shall give many but from ;
son of Ephod. t/tem that have few ye shall give few:' every one
24 And the prince of the tribe of the children shall give of his cities unto the Levites according
of Ephraim, KomucI the son of Slii])htan. to his inheritance which he inheriteth.*
2.5 And the prince of the tribe of the childi'en 9 ^ Aud the Lord spake unto Moses, sajnng,
of Zebulun, Elizaphan the sou of I'arnach. 10 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say
2G And the prince of the tribe of the children unto them. When yc be come over Jordan into
of Issachar, Paltiel the son of Azzan. the land of CanaaUiJ
27 And the prince of tlie tribe of the children 11 Then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities
of Asher, Ahihud the son of Slielomi. of refuge for you ;" that the slayer may flee thither,
28 And the prince of the tribe of the children which killeth any person at unawares.*
of Naphtali, Pedahel the son of xVmmihud. 12 Aud they shall be unto you cities for refuge
29 These are they whom the Lord commanded from the avenger;' that the manslayer die not,
to divide the inheritance unto the children of until he stand before the congregation in judg-
Israel in the laud of Canaan.^ ment.
13 And of these cities which ye shall give, sLx
cities .shall ye have for refuge."'
CHAPTER XXXV. 14 Ye shall
give three cities on this side Jordan,
1 Eight and forty cities for the Levites with their suburbs, and
and three ye give in the laud of Ca-
cities shall
therL'of. G Six of them are to be cities of refuge. 9 The laws of naan, which shall be cities of refuge."
murder. 21 No satisfaction for murder.
15 These six cities shall be a refuge, both tor the
AND MoabLord spake
by Jordan
the unto Moses in the plains
near Jericho, saying,
children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for
the sojourner among them;" that every one that
2 Command the children of Israel, that they killeth any person unawares may flee thither.
give unto the Levites, of the inheritance of their IG And if he smite him with an instrument of
possession, cities to dwell in;'' and ye shall give iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the mur-
also unto the Levites suburbs for the cities round derer shall surely be put to death.P
about them. 17 And if he smite him with throwing a stone,^
3 And the cities shall they have to dwell in; wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a mur-
and the sul)urbs of them shall bo for their cattle, derer: the murderer shall surely be put to
and for their goods, and for all their beasts. death.
4 And the suburbs of the cities, which yc shall 18 Or if he smite him with a hand- weapon of
give unto the Levites," shall reach from the wall of wood, wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a
the city aud outward a thousand cubits round murderer the murderer shall surely be put to
about. death.
5 And ye shall measure from without the city 19 The revenger of blood himself shall slay the
on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the murderer:'' when he meeteth him, he shall slay
south side two thousand cubits, and on the west him.
» Josh. 14;1; 19:51. bch.l:4-16. c ver. 18. d Josh. 14:3-5; 21:2, etc. heril
Ezek. 4.3, 1. etc.; 48:8, etc. e2Chr.ll:14. f ver. 13, 14; Dent. 4:41-4^:
Josli. 20:2-9; 21:3, 1:3. etc.; Psa. 02:7, 8; Heh. 6:1S. * Het>. aiove thrm
yeshallgm. s Josh.'21 :4l. h Josh. 21:3. i ch. 2(i:54. 1 lleh. titey in-
Suburbs ; the land around and near a city.
4. A
thousand cubits; about fifteen hundred feet.
5. Two thmisand cubits; this may be best understood of
the extent of the sides of the suburb belonging to each
C. Cities for refuge; cities to which he who had killed
a man might flee and be safe, till he could have a fair trial,
and it be proved whether or not he intended to kill the
man. If he did, he was to be put to death, ver. 30-33 if ;
; ; ; ;
8 And every <laiigliter, that posscssctli an inheri- 11 For Mahlah,Tir7.ah. and IToglah, and Vomr
tance in any tril)e of the ehihircn of Israel," sliall and Noali, tlie daiij^iiters of Zelophchad,'
be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her were married unto their father's brothers' sons:
father, that the chiklren of Israel may enjoy every 12 .find tiiey were married into the families" of
man the inheritanee of iiis fathers. llic sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their
!• Neither shall tiie inlieritanec remove fromonr inlieritance remained in the tribe of the family of
tribe to another trilje; l>ut every one of tiic tribes their father.
oi' the ehiklren of Israel shall keep himself to liis 13 These are the commandment.s and the judtr-
own inheritance. ments, which the Lord commanded, by the hand
10 Even as the Lord commanded Moses,'' so did of Moses, imto the children of Israel in the plains
the daughters of Zelophehad of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.''
il Chr. a'!:ft!. b 2 Clir. 30:12. tin famines. J ch. 2a;3; 33:50.
13. The judgments; decisions of the God concerning and as far as practicable, by the use of proper means, to
duties, rights, and privileges of his people. The plains of provide against them.
Monti ; on the east side of Jordan, over against Jericlio. 8.The regulations of the Jews, which were designed
The .Nfoabites had once possessed this country. It was to make and keep them a peculiar people, separate from
afterwards taken by tlie Amorites, and was now in tlie other nations, are in the Christian dis]ieMs;iti()n doiic> away.
]iosscs.sion of the Israelites, yet it still retained its ancient All nations now arc considered as oul- family; njarriago
name. Cliap. 22:1. and other connections maybe formed with the inhatiitants
of different countries, the gospel shoidd be preached to
INSTRUCTIONS. all, and individuals and nations do to others as they ought
5. It is well to foresee evils to which we are exposed, to wish that others should do to them.
; :
Dedteronomy is a Greek word signifying second law, or repetition of the law. The book is so called
because it contains a summary by Moses of the precepts recorded iu the three preceding books, with
earnest exhortations to obedience, and the solemn denunciation of God's wrath as the penalty of disobe-
dience. The last chapter, which contains the record of Moses' death, was added after his decease, probar
bly by the hand of Joshua.
roth, and Dizahab. and possess the land which the Lord sware unto
2 There are eleven dajs' journey from Horeb by your fathers,^ Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give
the way of mount Seir unto Kadesh-liarnea. unto them and to their seed after them.
3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in 9 1 And I spake unto you at that time, saying,
the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, I am not able to bear you myself alone
that Hoses spake uuto the children of Israel, ac- 10 The Lord your God hath multiplied you, and
cording unto all that the Lord had given him in behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for
commandment unto them multitude.^
4 After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amo- 11 (The Lord God of your fathers make you a
rites,'' which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og the king thousand times so many more as ye are,^ and bless
of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei: you, as he hath promised you!)
5 On this side Joi-dan, iu the laud of Moab, be- 12 How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance,
gan Moses to declare this law, saying, and your burden, and your strife?'
Josh. 9:!, 10. • Or, Suph. b Num. 21;a4, 35; Josh. 13:12. c Exod. :1(>-1S; S6:3. 4; •2-J:1.3, 14. fExod. 18:18; Num. 11:14.
J Exod. 19:1; Num. 10:11. 1 Ueb. all his neigUors. i Heh. given. 1.15:5. ha Sam. 24:3. I Kings 3:7-9.
.4. Sihon—and Og; Num. 21:21-35. 9-18. Rulers over you; Exod. 18:17-26.
13 Take' you wise men, and undcrstamliiiff, and and walled up to heaven; and moreover H.crJ^J:
known ainonji your tribes, and I will make them we have seen the sons of the Anakim there."
rulers over you. 29 Then I said unto you. Dread not, neither be
14And ye answered me, and said, The thing afraid of them.
wliicli thou ha.~t spoken is goodybr us to do. oil The Lord your (Jod which gocth before you,
ness,'' which ye saw by the way of the mountain see it, and to him will I give the land that he hath
of the Amorites, as the Lord our God commanded trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath
us and we came to Kadesh-barnea.'
; wholly followed' the Lord.
20 And I said unto you, Ye are come unto the 37 Also the Lord was angry with me for your
mountain of the Amorites, which the Lord our sakes,^' saying. Thou also shalt not go in thither:
God doth give unto us. 38 But Joshua the son of Nun, which standeth
21 Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee, he shall go in thither :'' encourage
before thee go u]) and possess it, as the Lord God
: him;^ for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.
of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, nei- 39 Moreover your little ones,-^' which ye said
ther be discouraged. should be a prey, and your children, which in that
22 1 And ye came near unto me every one of day had no knowledge between good and evil,^
you, and said. We
will send men before us, and they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give
they shall search us out the land, and bring us it, and they shall possess it.
word again by what way we must go up, and into 40 But as for you, turn you, and take your jour-
what cities we shall come. ney into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea.*
23 And the saying pleased me well and I took 41 Then ye answered and said unto me.
; have We
twelve men of you, one of a tribe :' sinned against the Lord,"" wewill goupaud
24 And they turned and went up into the moun- cording to all that the Lord our God commanded us.
tain, and came unto the valley of Eshcol, and And when ye had girded on every man his weap-
searched it out. ons of war, ye were ready to go up into the hill.
25 And they took of the fruit of the land in their 42 And the Lord said unto me. Say unto them,
hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought Go not up, neither fight for I am not among you f ;
us word again, and said. It is a. good land which lest ye be smitten before your enemies.
the Lord our God doth give us. 43 So I spake unto you; and ye would not hear,
26 Notwithstanding ye would not go up, but but rebelled against the commandment of the Lord,
rebelled against the commandment of the Lord and went presumptuously up*" into the hill.
your God:" 44 And the Amorites, which dwelt in that moun-
27 And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Be- tain, came out against you, and chased you, as bees
cause the Lord hated us, he hath brought us forth do,'' and destroyed you in Seir, even unto Ilormah.
out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the 45 And ye returned and wept before the Lord ;
hand of the Amorites, to destroy us.' but the Lord would not hearken to your voice,
28 Whither shall we go up ? our brethren have nor give ear unto you.
discouraged^ our heart, saying. The people is 46 So ye abode in Kadesh many days," accord-
greater and taller than we ;™ the cities are great ing unto the days that ye abode tJiere.
• Heb. Give, a Exod. 18:45. t Heb. gave, t, ch. 16:18; John 7:24. 3:lH;Jude5. ' Exod. 13:21.
22. > Num. 10:33; Ezek. 20:6. I ch. 2:14,
t Lev. •2.1:22. 1 Heb. acknowledgt faas. d Lev. 19:15; Piov. 21:2.'!; Jai. 1.5. uNum. 14:22, etc. Heb fulfilhd to go afur. v ch. 3:23-28; 4:21 ;
2:1. ejer.l:n. r 2 Chr. 19:6. e Num. 10:12. h ch. 8:15; .32:10 ; Jer. 34:4; Num. 20:12; 27:13,14; Psa. 106:32. w Num. 14:30; 27:18:23. i ch.
2:6. i Num. 13:26. J Num. 13:3. etc. k Num. 14:1, etc. ; Psa. 10fi:al, 31:7,2:3. y Num. 14:31. J Rom. 9:11. » Num. 14:25. b Num. 14:40,
25. 1 oh. 9:28. i Heb. metled; Josh. 2:11. m oh. 9:1, 2. n Num. 1.1:28, etc. c Josh. 7:12 13. ^ Ueh. ye wer€ presumptuous and went up il Psa.
33. o Exod. 14:14, 25; Neh. 4:20; Rom. 8:37. P ch. 32:11, 12; E.xod. lls:12. eNum. 14:25; 20:1, 22; Judg. 11:17.
19:4; Isi. 40:11; 46:3; 63:9; Hos. 11:3; Acts 13:18. q Psa. 106:24; Heb.
19-21. Kadesh-barnea ; Num. 13:26. itish tribes. In Num. 14:45, they are called Amalekites
22-45. Ye wcndd not go up; Num. 14:2-4.5. and Canaanites.
44. Tlie Amorites; here a general name fcr the Canaan- 46. In Kadesh many days; Num. 20:1-22.
: :; 3 :
CHAPTER II, sion because I have given Ar' unto the children
of Lot /or a possession.'
1 The story is continued, that they were not to meddle with the Edom-
ites, 24 but
9 nor with the Moahites, 17 nor with the Ammonites, 10 The Emim dwelt therein in times past,'' a peo-
Sihon the Amorite was subdued by them. ple great, and many, and tall, as the Anakim;'
THEN wc turned, and took our journey into 11 Which also were accounted giants, as the
the wilderness by tlie way of the Red sea, as Anakim; but the Moabitcs call them Emim.
the Lord spake unto me:'' and we compassed 12 The Horim also dwelt in Seir beforetime;"
mount Seir many days. but the children of Esau succeeded them,* when
2 And tlie Lord spake unto me, saying, they had destroyed them from before them, and
3 Ye have compassed this mountain long enough:" dwelt in their stead ;^ as Israel did unto the land
turn you northward. of his possession, which the Lord gave unto them.
4 And command thou the people, saying, Ye are 1 Nowrise up, said I, and got you over the brook
to pass through the coast of your brethren the Zcred." And we went over the brook Zcrcd.
children of Esau, which dwell in Seir ;•= and they 14 And the space in which we came from Ka-
shall be afraid of you take ye : good heed unto desh-barnea," until we were come over the brook
yourselves therefore Zered, was thirty and eight years until all the ;
5 Meddle not with them for I will not give you generation of the men of war were wasted out
of their land, no, not so much as a footbreadth from among the host,'' as the Lord sware unto
money, that ye may drink. 16 1 So it came to pass, when all the men of war
7 For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in all were consumed and dead from among the people,
the works of thy hand :" he knoweth thy walking 17 That the Lord spake unto me, saying,
through this great wilderness: these forty years 18 Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast
the Lord thy God hath been with thee ;' thou hast of Moab, this day
lacked nothing. 19 And when thou comest nigh over against the
8 And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor med-
children of Esau,s which dwelt in Seir, through dle with them for I will not give thee of the land
the way of the plain from Elath,"" and from Ezion- of the children of Ammon any possession because ;
geVier, we turned and passed by the way of the I have given it unto the children of Lot for a
wilderness of Moab. possession.*
9 And the Lord said unto me. Distress not the 20 That also was accounted a land of giants:
Moabites,* neither contend with them in battle giants dwelt therein in old time and the Ammon-
for I will not give thee of their land/or a posses- ites call them Zamzummim ,*
a CI,. 1:1(1; I^um. 1-1:2.5. b ver. 7, 14 c, Num. 20:14. • Beh. even to lite them. S Or, room, i Or, valley. "Num. 21:12. o *um. 13:26. H Or. val-
treadhis of the sole of the foot, d Gen. 36:8; Josh. 24:4. e Psa. 90:17. hy. P Num. 14:32, 33; 26:64. q ch. 1:34, 35; N im. 14:35; Psa. 95:11;
I ch. 8:2-4; 29:.5; Neil. 9:21 ; Luke 22:35. f Judg. 11:18. h 1 Kings 9:20. Ezek.20:15. r Psa. 78:33; 100:26. »lCor.lO:5. Gen. 19:36-38. • Zu-
t Or. ['.•!. no hostilit,/ against Moab. Num. 21:23. J Gen. 1U:.3S, 37.
i zim; Gen. 14:5.
k Gen. 14:5. ch. 9:2; Num. 13:22,33.
1 m Gen. 14:6. 1 Hob. inherited
IXSTRUCTIONS. 45. lilen often weep in view of the evils they have
3. Men who havespent their Hfe in the service of God, brought on themselves, when it is too late to escape them.
as they draw near its close may often with great advan- They must trust in and obey God, if they would avoid deep
tage recount the goodness of God, and repeat his com- and unavaiUng sorrow.
mands to tliose aromid them.
11. As good men draw near to heaven, they possess, and
often manifest an unusual degree of the spirit of heaven, 1. We turned ; from Kadesh-barnea. Mount
Seir ; a range
in earnest desires, fervent prayers, and benevolent efforts of mountains ruiming from near the south end of the Dead
for the good of others. sea, towards the eastern branch of the Red sea.
17. Magistrates are God's ministers to execute that part
3-8. Turn you northward passed by from our brethren —
of his government which concerns the temporal riglits of wilderness of Moab; at Kadesh-barnea, Moses requested of
men, and as such are bound to be candid and impartial the king of Edom permission to pass through his country
to decide and act in the fear and love of God, and accord- on the direct way to the plain of Jordan by Jericho. This
ing to truth and duty. would have greatly shortened the route. Being denied his
21. Great courage is needful in order to be willing, request, he marched south through " the plain," that is, the
under all circumstances, to obey God. —
valley of the Arabah see note to chap. 1:1 and passed —
30. None will have courage enough to obey God, except around between moimt Seir and the head of the eastern
those who put their trust in him. arm of the Red sea, on which Elath and Ezion-geber were
34. God is angry with those who are afraid to obey him. situated. Then he turned northward and skirted along
37. To please God, men must be careful not to boast of the desert east of mount Seir, here called " the wilderness
their own power or take the glory of what they do to
; of Moab."
themselves. As they have nothing good but what God 9. Ar; the capital of Moab, about twenty-five miles
gives them, the glory of their doing good all belongs to south of the river Arnon. Num. 21:13-15.
him. 10. Emim ; the ancient inhabitants of the country which
39. Little children are objects of God's peculiar kind- was afterwards possessed by the Moabites.
ness and care and though the sins of parents may occa-
; 14. Zered; a brook which empties into the south-east
sion them great trouble, yet by loving and obeying their part of tlie Dead sea.
Father in heaven they may be delivered from all sorrow, 19. Tlie children of Ammon ; on the east of Jordan, north
and inherit pure and everlasting joys. of the Moabites.
: : :
in battle.
2.5 begin to put the dread of thee
This day will I
and flic fear of thee that are under
upon the nations
the whole licaven,^ who shall hear report of thee,
and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of
26 IT And I sent messengers out of the wilder-
ness of of Heshbon
Kedemoth unto Sihon king
witli words of peace,'' saying,
27 Let me pass through thy land:' I will go
along by the highway, I will neither turn unto
the right hand nor to the left.
28 Thou shalt sell me meat for money, that I
may eat and give me water for money, that I may
Kc.'iSi: gates, aud bars; beside unwalled towns a 18 1 And I commanded you at that time, say-
great many. ing, The LoKD your God hath given you this land
G And we utterly destroyed them," as wc did unto to possess it: ye shall pass over armed before your
Sihou Iving of Heshbon, utterly destroying tliemen, brethren the children of Israel," all thMt are meet''
women, and children, of every city. for the war.
7 But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, 19 But your wives, and your little ones, and your
wo took for a prey to ourselves.'' cattle, (/or I know that ye have much cattle,) shall
8 And wc took at that time out of the hand of abide in your cities which I have given you
the two kings of the Amorites the land that was 20 Until the Lord have given rest unto your
on this side Jordan, from the river of Arnon unto brethren, as well as unto you, and until they also
mount Hermon [jossess the land which the Lord your God hath
9 JV/iich Hermon" the Sidonians call Sirion;'' given them beyond Jordan aud then shall ye re- :
and the Amorites call it Shenir;" turn every man unto his possession, which I have
10 All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, given you.P
and all Bashan,' unto Salchah and Edrei, cities of 21 1 And I commanded Joshua at that time,i say-
the kingdom of Og in Bashan. ing. Thine eyes have seen all that the Lord your
11 For only Og king of Bashan remained of the God hath done unto these two kings so shall the :
remnant of giants ;° boliold, his bedstead ivas a Lord do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest.
bedstead of iron is it not in Rabbath of the chil-
; 22 Ye shall not fear them:'' for the Lord your
dren of Amnion?'' nine cubits was the length God ho shall fight for you.''
thereof and four cubits the breadth of it, after the 23 And I besought the Lord at that time, saying,
culnt of a mau. 24 Lord God, thou hast begun to show thy
12 And this land, which we possessed at that servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand:' for
time, f om Aroer.' which is by the river Arnon, what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can
and half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof, gave do according to thy works, and according to thy
I unto the Reubenites aud to the Gadites. might?"
13 And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being 25 I pray thee, let me go over, and see the good
the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of land that is beyond Jordan," that goodly moun-
Manasscli ' all the region of Argob, with all Ba- tain, and Lebanon.
shan, which was called the land of giants. 26 But the Lord was wroth with me for your
1-4 Jair the son of Mauasseh'^ took all the coun- sakes, and would not hear me :"' and the Lord said
try of Argob uuto the coasts of Geshuri and Maa- unto me. Let it suffice thee speak no more unto ;
chathi;' and called them after his own name, me of this matter.
Bashan-havoth-jair, unto this day. 27 Get thee up into the top of Pisgah,* and lift
15 And
gave Gilead unto Machir.
I up thine eyes westward, and northward, and south-
16 And
unto the Reubeuites and unto the Gad- ward, and eastward, and behold it with thine
ites I gave from Gilead even unto the river Ar- eyes: for thou shalt not go over this Jordan.
non half the valley, and the border even unto the 28 But charge Joshua,'' and encourage him, and
river Jabbok, which is the border of the children strengthen him: for he shall go over before this
of Amnion '" ;
people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land
17 The plain also, and Jordan, and the coast t/wre- which thou shalt see.
of, from Chinnereth even unto the sea of the plain," 29 So we abode in the valley over against Beth-
even the salt sea, under xVshdoth-pisgah* eastward. peor.^
a Ch. 2:34; Psa. 1:35:10-13; 13G:1&--J1. b Josh.11:12,14. cch. 4:48, 49. t Heb. sons of power. P Josh. 22:4. <1 Num. 27:22, 23. • Isa. 43:1, 2.
dPsa. 29:6. e 1 5:23; Ezek. 27:5. f
Clir. Josh. 12:5; 13:11. eAmos2:9. s ch. 1:30; 20:4; Exod. 14:14. t oh. 11:2. u Exod. 15:11; 2 Sam. 7:22:
li2Sam. 12:26. Josh. 12:2, etc.
i 13:9, etc. J Josh. 13:29.
; klChr.2;a2; Psa. 71:19; 86:8; 89:6, 8; Isa. 40:28; Dan. 3:29. » Exod. 3:8. " Num.
Num. 32:39.41. Josh. 13:13 2 Sam. 3:3; 10:6. m Josh. 12: 2, 3. n Num.
1 ; 20:12; 27:13, 14. t Oi, The hill, i ch. 1:3S; 31 :3, 7; Num. 27:18, 23. y ch.
34:11. • Or, under the springs of Pisgah, or the hill, o Num. 32:20, etc 4:46.
Mount Herman ; mount Lebanon consists of two nearly tion of others, and rush on in the same course of trans-
parallel ranges, running over against the shore of the Med- gression, they may expect to come to the same di'eadful
iterranean north of Palestine the eastern of these ranges
; end.
is called Anti-Lebanon. Mount Hermon branches off 11. No human arm however sti'ong, if employed against
from the south end of the Anti-Lebanon range, near the God, can ultimately succeed. God may suffer his opposers
borders of Galilee. to prosper for a time, while he waits to be gracious but ;
11. Of giants; of the rephaim or giants here spoken of. if his goodness does not lead them to repentance, they
Nine cubits; thirteen and a half feet. Four cubits; six feet. will perish.
TIte cubit of a man ; this expression seems to mean, the aver- 18. However great the efforts of the people of God in
age fore-arm of a man from the elbow to the tip of the mid- obedience to his command, their successes are to be
dle finger for from this came the measure of the cubit.
; ascribed to him, not to their own wisdom, goodness, or
12-20. land— gave I; Num. 32 1-33.
Tilts power.
8 And what nation is there so great, that hath 21 Furthermore the Lord was angry with me for
statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, your sakcs,'' and sware that I should not go over
which I set before you this day?'' Jordan, and that I should not go in unto that good
9 Only take heed" to thyself and keep thy soul land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee /or an
diligently,' lest thou forget the things which thine inheritance
eyes have seen,™ and lest they depart from thy 22 But I must die in this land, I must not go over
heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy Jordan but ye shall go over, and possess that
; :
1. Statutes —
and judgments; the laws which God gave
the Israelites concerning his worship and their social and
civil duties. Ver. 14.
3. What the Lord did ; Num. 25 1-9.
«CK. 30:18. 10; Isa. 1:2; Micah6:2. b ch. 28:62-64; Lev. 26:33; Neh. 7:1; 9:1,2. » Isa. 1 :3; Hos. 7:2. t Josh. 2:11 1 Chr. 29:11. "Lev. 22:31.
l:S.fl. cJer.lU:13. d Lev. 26:30, 40; Jer. 3:12-14. eJoel2:12. • Heb. vch 5:16; Eph. 6:3. " ch. 19:4; Num. 35: 11. ijosh.20:8. rPsa.ll9:2.
/met found thee. fjcr. 23:20. e Psai. 116:5; Jonah 4:2. l'JobS:e. Exod. 2Psa.ll9:5. aPsa.ll9:7. l>ch.3:29. ' ch. 1:4; Num. 21:24, etc. dch.
19:18.19. J ch. 29:3. k Exod. 7:3. Exod. 13:.3. m Exod. 6:6. n ch.
1 2:36. tPsa. 133:3. tch.3:17.
34:12: o Hcb. 12:25. P oh. 10: 15; Jer. 31:3. q Exod. 13:3, 9. 14. • ch.
31. The covenant: Lev. 26:42-45; Gen. 15:14-21. dence that godliness with contentment is great gain. 1
34. Assayed; a.ttempted. Je7nj)?o(;o)is,- trials; the mighty Tim. 4:8: 6:G.
works of (iod. intended to prove the faith of his people. 6. Obedience to God is the height of human wisdom,
36. His great fire; Exod. 19:9-19. and all who neglect his commandments are guilty of the
41. Severed; set apart. greatest folly. Psa. 14: 1.
48. Sion ; called also Sirion, which was another name for 10. The object of God in the revelation of liimself, is
Hcrmon. Chap. 3:8, 9. not only to lead tlie present generation to love and serve
49. Sea of tlie plain; the Dead sea. Chap. 3: 17. him, but also to communicate a knowledge of his will to
their children and children's children, and thus perpetuate
INSTRUCTIOXS. to all generations a people to his praise.
1. Obedience to the laws of God is required by interest 16. jlen are strongly inclined to corrupt themselves by
as well as by duty. worshipping idols serving the creature and neglecting
3. AVe should take the testimony of God in his word as he the Creator.
has given it. and not be disposed in any respect to alter it. 22.True benevolence will teach a man earnestly to desire
4. God often makes a difference in this world between and diligently to labor, that blessings of which he is de-
tlu' ri<.'litcfinR and the wicked, and shows by his provi- prived may, if consistent, be given to others.
15 225
\ND jMoscs called all Israel, and said unto 14 Hut the seventh day wthe sabbath of the Lord
them, Hear, Israel, Ihc statutes and judir- thy God:' in il thmi shiilt not do any work, thou,
ments which I sjieak in your cars tills day, that ye nor thy son, nor thy daiighler, nor thy man-ser-
may learu them, and keep and do them.' vant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine
2 The Loud our God made a, covenant with us ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
in Iloreh." within thy gates; that thy man-servant and thy
3 The Loud made not this covenant witli our maid-servant may rest as "well as thou.'"
fathers, hut with us,"" even us, who are all of us here 15 And remember that thou wast a servant in
alive tliis day. the land of Kgyjit," and that the Lord thy (iod
4 Tlio Lord talked with you face to face in the brought thee out thence through a mighty hand
mount out of the midst of the lire,'' and l)y a stretclicd-out arm: therefore the Lord
5 (I stood between the Lord and you at that thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath-day,
time,'' to show you the w-ord of the Lord for ye ; IG 1i Honor thy father and thy mother," as the
were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy
into t!ie mount,) saying, days may be prolonged," and that it may go well
() ^ I am the Lord thy God, wliich brouirlit thee out with thee, in the land which the Lord tliy Goil
of the land of E2ry])t," from the liouse of bondaiie.^ giveth thee.
7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me.' 17 Thou shalt not kill.''
8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image,' 18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.'
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, 19 Neither shalt thou steal.'
or that is in the earth bcacath, or that is in the 20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against
waters beneath tlie earth thy neighbor.'
9 Tliou shalt not bow down thyself unto thorn, 21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife,
nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jeal- neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house, his
ous God.'' visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon tield, or his man-servant, or his maid-servant, his
the children unto the third and fourth generation ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbor's."
of them that hate me,' 22 H These words the Lord spake unto all your
10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire,
that love me and keep my commandments. of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great
11 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord voice and he added no more. And he wrote them
thy God in vain :' for the Lord will not hold him in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me."'
guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 23 And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice
• Heb. ieep to do them. » Exod. 19:5-9; Heb. 8:9. b ch. 29:10-15. I Gen
' Exod. 19:9. 18, 19; 20:18-23. il Exod. 24:2.
3; Gal. 3:19. e Exod. 20:2-
17; Psa.81:10. t Heb. servants. I Matt, 4:10. E ch. 4:1.')-19. h Exod.
31:14. Exod. 31:7; Jer. .32:18; Dan. 9:4-9; .Malt. 23:35, 3G; Rom. 11:28,
29. J Lev. 19:12; Psa. 139:20; Jas. 5:12. k Isa. 58:13; Ezek. 20:12.
2. In Horeh; Exod. 19:3-6.
3. Our fathers; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
and that it maybevreW with you,' and that ye may pro- 15 For the Lord thy God is a jealous God"^
long your days in the laud which ye shall possess. among you;'' lest the anger of the Lord thy God
be kindled against thee,"" and destroy thee from
CHAPTER VI. off the face of the earth.
16 H Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God,'' as
1 The end of the law is obedience. 3 An exhortation thereto.
ye tempted him in 5Iassah.°
^TOW these are the commandments, the stat- 17 Ye shall diligently keep the commandments
J^>| utes, and the judgments, which the Lord of the Lord your God, and his testimonies, and his
your God commanded to teach you, that yc might statutes, which he hath commanded thee.''
do them in the land whither ye go* to possess it:"" 18 And thou shalt do that vhich is right and good
2 That thou mightcst fear the Lord thy God," in the sight of the Lord ;' that it may be well with
to keep all his statutes and his commandments, thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the
which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy good land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers.
son's son, all the days of thy life ; and that thy 19 To cast out all thine enemies from before
days may be prolonged." thee,^ as the Lord hath spoken.
»Exod. 20:13, 19. b ch. 4:ai; Judg. 13:22. »ch.)S:16. • W eh. add to 1 Heb. trhel, or T ch. 11:19; Psa. 7!-:4-0; Eph. 0:4. w Prov.
hear, d Heb. ia:19. e ch. 18:17. ' oh. 32:29-, I'sa. 81:13; Tsa. 48:18: 0:21; 7:3. « Hah. 2:2.
y Josh. 24: 13; Psa. 105:44. ! Heb. iondmen, or
Bzek.a3:31, 32; Matt. 23:37; Luke 19:42. Sch.ll:l. h ch. 4:40. Gal' i servants, z ch.
10:12, 20. a Isa. 65:16: Jcr. 5:2; 12:16. b Jer. 25:6.
3:19. J ch. 17:20; >S:14; Josh. 1:7; Prov. 4:27. k Psa. 119:6; Luke 1:0. ':Exod.20:5. •lAmos3:2. e ch. 7:4; 2 Chr.30:16. 'Matt. 4:7. E Exod.
IJer. 7:2:). 1 Heh. pass over, m Ezek. 37:24. » Eccl. 12:13. "Prov, 3:1, 17:2, 7; 1 Cor. 10:9 h Psa. 119:4. ch. 12:28; Exod. 15:26. J Num.
2. P Eccl. 8:12; Isa. 3:10. q Gen. 22:17. Mark 12:29-32; John 17:3; 33:52, 53.
ICor. S:4, 6. • 2 Kings 19: 15. > 2 Kings 23:25. u Prov. 2:1U, 11 3:3, 5. ;
CHAPTER VI. in the sense of, make yourselves familiar with them and
1. Commandments — —judc^ments statutes ; in this and some remember them.
other places, commandments seem to mean the moral law, 13. Swearname; in taking an oath on any proper
btj his
statutes the ceremonial, and judgments the judicial, or occasion, tliey were not to appeal to idols or false gods,
civil law. In other cases they have a more general mean- but onlv to Jehovah.
ing, and comprehend the whole of God's commandments. 14. The gods of tlie people; idols and imaginary deities.
8. Bind tliem for a sign—frontlets ; figurativclv spoken, IG. As >jc tempted him in Massah; Exod. 17:2-7.
1 All communion with the nations is forbidden, 4 for fear of idolatry,
6 for the jioliness of the people, 9 for the nature of God in his mercy
and justice, 17 for the assuredness of victory which God will give over
14 Then thy heart be lifted uj), and thou forget the wickedness of these nations the Loud dotii
tlic Loud thy Ood, which brouijiit thee forth out drive them out from before thee."'
of the land of H.irypt, from tiie house of bondat'o;" Xot for thy righteousness, or for the upright-
1") Who led tliee through that great and terrible ness of thy heart," dost thou go to possess their
wilderness, ichcrein were licry serpents,'' and scor- land: but lor the wickedness of lliese nations the
1lions, and drougiit,'' wlicre there was no water; Lord thy God doth drive them (nit from before
who brought thee forth water out of the rock of thee, and that he may perform the word which the
Hint;'' Lord sware unto thy fathers, Abraham,' Isaac,"
16 Who fed thee in tlic wilderness with manna,'' and Jacob."
which thy fathers knew not, that he might humljle Understand therefore, that the Lord thy God
thee,' and that he might prove thee, to do thee giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy
good at thy latter end ;'' righteousness for thou art a slifl'necked people."
17 And thou say in thy heart. My power and the 7 ^ Remember, and forget not, how tliou pro-
might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth.'' vokcdst the Lord thy God to wrath in the wilder-
18 But thou slialt remember the Lord thy God: ness: from the day that thou didst depart out of
for it is he that giveth thee |)ower to get wealth,' the land of Kgypt," until ye came unto this place,
that lie may estaljlish his covenant which he sware ye have been rebellious against tlu! Lord.
unto thy fathers, as it is this day. 8 Also in Iloreb ye provoked the Lord to wrath/
19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the so that the Lord was angry with you to have de-
Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and stroyed you.
serve them, and worship them, I testify against 9 When 1 was gone up into the mount to receive
you this day that ye shall surely perish.^ the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant
20 As the nations which the Lord destroycth which the Lord made with you, then 1 abode in
before your face, so shall ye perish;" because ye the mount forty days and forty nights;^ 1 neither
would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord did eat bread nor drink water:
vour God. 10 And the Lord delivered unto me two tables
of stone written with the finger of God;" and on
them was ivritten according to all the words which
CHAPTER IX. the Lord spake with you in the mount, out of the
Moses dissuadeth them from the opii of their own righteousness, by
I midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly.''
rehearsing their se al rebellions.
11 And it came to pass at the end of forty days
HEAR, Israel Thou art to pass over Jordan and forty nights, that the Lord gave me the two
this day,' to go in to possess nations greater tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant.*^
and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced 12 And the Lord said unto me. Arise, get thee
up to heaven, down quickly from hence; for thy people which
2 A
people great and tall, the children of the thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have cor-
Anakim, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou rupted themselves; they are quickly turned aside
hast heard say, "Who can stand before the children out of the way which I commanded them; they
of Anak ™ ! have made them a molten image.''
3 Understand therefore this day, that the Lord 13 Furthermore the Lord spake unto me," say-
thy God is he which goeth over before thee " as ing, I have seen this people, and behold, it is a
a;:ir), 17; Dan. 9:11,12. 1 Josh. 4:19. » Num. 13:2:^33. och. 31:3-6;
Josh. 3:11. o ch. 7:24. P Exod. 2-3:31. q ch. t:17; Rom. 111!.
2(1; 1 Cor.
Hldsex recoun/efh DEUTERONOMY X. their rehdiiims.
The jKojie are counsellal DEUTERONOMY XI. to fear and obey Cii.d.
8 IT At that time (he Lord separated the trilic 22 Thy fathers wont down into Egyyit 'lirfj)?;
of Levi,* to bear tlio ark of the eovenant of tlio with threescore and ten persons;* and now the
LoKD,"' to stand het'oro the LoiU)'- to minister unto Lord thy God hath made thee as the stars of
iiim;' and to bless in his name,'' unto tiiis day. heaven for multitude.
'.tWherefore Levi hatli no i)art nor inheritance
with iiis bretlircn;' the Lord is his iniicritance,
accordinir a^* tlio Lord thy (!od jironiised him.
10 And stayed in the mount, aecordincr to the
1 An exhortation to obedience, 2 by their own experience of God's ^eat
worlis, 8 by promise of God'i great blcssinj^R, IG and by threatcnin;(s.
lirst time,* forty days and forty nights; and the IS A careful study is requireifin God's words. 2G The blewsing and
Lord hearkened unto me at that time also,^ and curRO is set before thcin.
the Luiu) would not destroy thee. THEREFORE thou shalt love the Lord thy
11 And the Lord said unto mo, Arise, take thy God, and keep
his charge, and his statutes,
journey before the people, that they may po in and
and his judgments, and his commandments, al-
possess the laud, which
swarc unto their fathers way.
to cive unto them. 2 And know ye this day: for / speak not Witli
12 And now. Israel, what doth the Lord thy your children which have not known, and which
God require of thee,'' but to fear the Lord thy have not seen the chastisement of the Lord your
God,' to walk in all his ways,J and to love him," God," his gi-eatness, his mighty hand, and his
and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart stretched-out arm,
and with all thy soul,' 3 And his miracles, and his acts, which he did
13 To keep the commandments of the Lord, and in the midst of Egypt unto Pharaoh the king of
his statutes, wiiicli 1 command thee this day for Egypt, and unto all his land
thy good ?'" 4 And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto
i4 Behold, the heaven" and the heaven of heav- their horses, and to their chariots how he made ;
ens is the Lord's thy God," the earth a.'w,'' with the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they
all that therein is. pursued after you,'' and how the Lord hath de-
l.'j Only the Lord had a delight in thy fathers to stroyed them unto this day;
love them, and he chose their seed after them, even 5 And what he did unto you in the wilderness,
you above all people, as it is this day. until ye came into this place;
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your G And what he did unto Dathan and Abiram,
heart,'' and be no more stifFnccked. the sons of Eliab, the son of Reuben: how the
17 For the Lord your God is God of gods,'' and earth o])ened her mouth, and swallowed them up,
Lord of lords,' a great God, a mighty,' and a ter- and their households, and their tents, and all the
rible, wiiich regardeth not persons," nor takcth substance that was in their possession,* in the midst
reward of all Israel
18 He doth execute the judgment of the father- 7 But your eyes have seen all the great acts of
less and widow," and lovetli the stranger, in giv- the Lord whicli he did.
ing him food and raiment. 8 Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments
19 Love ye therefore the stranger -.^ for ye were which I command you this day, that ye may be
strangers in the land of Egypt. strong, and go in and possess the land, whither ye
20 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God him shalt go to possess it
thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave," and 9 And that ye may prolong your days in the
swear by his name.^ land, which the Lord swarc unto your fathers to
21 He is thy praise,'" and he is thy God, that hath give unto them and to their seed, a land that
done for thee these great and terrible things,, floweth with milk and honey.
which thine eyes have seen. 10 1 For the land whither thou goest in to pos-
1 Num. 3;r;-9. b Num. "1:15. c Psa. 135;2. d ch. 18:5; 2 Chr. 29:11 Rom. 2:25. 29. ' Josh 22:22; Dan. 2:4 17:14; 19:10. I Neh.
Horn. 12:7. e ch. 21:5; Num. 6:2'i. f Num. IS:20, 24; Ezek. 44:2i. 'Or, 9:32. " 2Chr. 19:7; Job 34:19; Eph. 6:9. 68:5. w Lev. 19:33.
farmtTdai/s. e Kxo(I.3-2:l'l. t Heb. ffo in journey. •" Mic. 6:8. i oh. 6:1:); I Acts 11:23. y Isa. 45:23, 17:14. a Gen. 46:27. b ch. 8:5.
P-ii. 31:9. j ch. 5:3:3. t oh. 6:5; 11:13; 30:16, 20; Psa. 18:1; 145:20; c Exod. 14:23-31. 1 Or, livii substance which followed tlum, Heb. was
Mut. 22:37. I Job36:ll; Zeph.3:9; Rom. 1:9; Heb. 12:28. m ch.0:24. at thtir feel.
•Paa.llo:16. o Psa. 148:4. P Gen. 14:19; Psa. 24:1 ; 50:12. qjer.4:4;
8. At
that time; while they were at Sinai. Num. 3, 4. 8. It is the will of God that there should be an order of
16. —
Circumcise the foreskin of your heart; break off your men set apart to minister for him, conduct his worship,
Bins,and engage heartily in doing the will of God. Ver. 20. proclaim his will, and set before men the motives which
17. Regardeth not persons; does not regard men accord- he has revealed to induce them to do it.
ing to_ outward distinctions, or appearance merely, but 13. The fear and love of God which lead men cheerfully
according to their true character. and heartily to obey him, promote not only his glory, but
18. The judgment of the fatherless ; God decides and acts their highest good.
rightly, kindly, and graciously concerning them. He opens 17-19. God is no respecter of persons. He looks with
his hand and supplies their wants. tender compassion on the stranger, the widow, and the
21. He IS thy praise; the Giver of their mercies, whom fatherless. He delights to help them, and requires that
they ought to praise. all, in this, should imitate his example.
CllAl'TF I! XII.
1 MonumcnU of idolatry nro to be dt-stroved. 5 The plar.o of God's
siTvioe 10 to be kept. l.'>, -'.'t Blood is'forbiddcn. 17, 20, ','C Holy
thinrs must be cateii in the liolv place. 19 The Lerite is not to be
rorea^en. 'JU Idoliilry is not to Le inquired after.
shall eat of them alike. your God proveth you," to know whether ye love
23 Only be sure* that thou cat not the blood: for "the Lord your God with all your heart and with
the blood is the life
and thou mayest not eat the all your soul.
life with the flesh. 4 Ye shall walk after the Lord your God,^' and
2i Thou shalt not eat it thou shalt pour it upon
; fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his
the earth as water. voice,''' and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him."
25 Tliou shalt not eat it that it may go well with
; 5 And that prophet,^ or that dreamer of dreams,
thee," and witli thy children after tliee, when thou shall be put to death because he hath spoken to
shalt do thai ichich w right in the sightof the Lord.' turn you away from the Lord' your God, which
26 Only thy holy things which thou hast," and brought you out of the land of Egypt, and re-
thy vows, thou shalt take,"" and go unto the place deemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust
which the Lord shall choose: thee out of the way which the Lord thy God com-
27 And thou shalt oflTer thy burnt-offerings, the manded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the
fleshand the blood, upon the altar of the Lord evil away from the midst of thee.^
thy God:' and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be G % If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy
poured out upon the altar of the Lord thy God, son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom," or
and thou shalt eat the flesh. thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee
28 Observe and hear words which I secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods,
all these
command thee,' that it may go well with thee, and which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers
with thy children after thee for ever, when thou 7 Mamdy, of the gods of the people which are
doest that u-hich is good and right in the sight of round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from
the Lord thy God. thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the
29 IT When the Lord thy God shall cut off the other end of the earth
nations from before thee," whither thou goest to 8 Thou shalt not consent unto him,'= nor hearken
possess them, and thou succeedest* them, and unto him neither shall thine eye pity him, neither ;
dwelleat in their land shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him
39 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared 9 But thou shalt surely kill him thy hand shall ;
by following them,*' after that they be destroyed be first upon him to put him to death,'' and after-
from before thee and that thou inquire not after wards the hand of all the people.
their gods, saying. How did those nations serve 10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he
their gods ? even so will I do likewise. die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out
for every abomination to^ the Lord which he hat- of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.^
eth have they done unto their gods for even their 11 And all Israel shall hear, and fear,'' and shall
sons and their daughters they have burnt in the do no more any such wickedness as this is among
lire to their gods." you.
32 What thing soever I command you, observe 12 \ If thou shalt hear say in one of thy cities,'
to do it:" thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish which the Lord thy God hath g^ven thee to dwell
from it." there, saying.
'I Chr. 4:10. 2i:U, Exoil. 31:24. « ver. 1.5, 16. ' Heb. strong. 2918 q 1 Kin<^ 13:18; Isi. 9:15; Jer. S:13; 23:11; Ezek. 13:2, 3, 23;
d Lev. 17:11, 14 4:4U. ( Exod. lorM; 1 Kings 11:38; Ecol. 2:28. Zech. 13:4. r zlch. 10:2. ' Matt. -ZX-.-U 2Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:14. t ch.
19. What belongs to God and his ministers should not CHAPTER XIII.
be withheld or perverted to any other use. Proveth you; by suffering the false prophets to do
25. Subjection of our desires lo the revealed will of God, some strange and wonderful things, and thus to tempt
with habitual obedience to his commands, is the way to them to forsake God and worship idols.
promote not only our own good, but that of all who come 5. Turn you awaij from the Lord; as he was the King of
after us or may feel our influence. the Jews, idolatry was treason, and punishable with death.
32. We should not wish to add to or take from what 9. Kill htm ; when proved to be guilty by legal process ac-
God has said but should take it as it is, and let it have
; cording to divine directions. Befirst upon h im ; the accusers
its proper influence on our hearts and lives. and witnesses were to cast the first stones. Chap. 17:7.
1 God's chiltlren are not U> disfi^re themselves in mourning. 3 What
may, and what may not be eaten, 4 of beasts, 9 of fishes, 11 of fowls.
21 That which dieth of itself may not be eaten. 2'2 Tithes of divine
service. 23 Tithes and firstlinj^s of rejoicing before the Lord. 28 Tlie
third year's tithe of alms and charity.
thy soul desireth :' and thou shalt eat there before 8 But thou shalt open thy hand wide unto him,"
the Lord thy God,^ and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need,
and thy household,'' in that which ho wantcth.
27 And the Levite that is within thy gates thou ; 9 Beware that there be not a thought^ in thy
shalt not forsake him for he hath no part nor
: wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year
28 1 At
the end of three years thou shalt bring against thy poor brother,'' and thou givest him
forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year,' naught and he cry unto the Lord against thee,"*
and shalt lay it up within thy gates and it be sin unto thee."'
29 And the Levite, because he hath no part nor 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thy heart
inheritance with thee,*^ and the stranger,'' and the shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him
fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall
gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied bless thee in all thy works,' and in all that thou
tliat the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the puttest thy hand unto.
work of thy hand which thou doest.' 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the
land " therefore I command thee, saying, Thou
ch. 15:10; Proy. 3:9, 10; 19:17; Mai. 3:10. j Exod. 2:1:10, 11; Lev. Heb. 13:16. u Matt. 26:11. ' Exod. 21:2; Lev. -25:39-11; Jer. 34:14.
33:2-1; Jer. 34:14-17. t Heb. master of the lending of his liand. k ch. «'Psa.6H:10. I Prov. 10:22; Acts 20:35. V ch. 5:15; 10:12; Isa. 51:1.
3i:20. t Or. To the end that there be. 1 ch. 2S:l-8, etc. "> oh. 23:12, 44.
26. TTiy soul desireth; in accordance with the revealed 29. The ministers of religion, the stranger, the widow,
will of God. the fatherless, and all who are destitute should be kindly
INSTRUCTIOXS. remembered, and share in the blessings which God gra-
2. The people of God are called in a peculiar manner to ciouslj- gives us.
lie holy, and should carefully avoid sinful conformity to
Firstlings of the jlod: DEUTEHOXO.MV XVI, T/ic feast of the passorer.
1 The feast of the passover, 9 of weeks, 13 of taberna':les. IG Every
male must offer, as he is able, at these three feasts. 18 Of judges and
justice. 21 Groves and images are forbidden.
» Ch. 15
wliich they of tluit plarc wliicli the Loui) shall the end that he may prolong his days in « r n','
clioosc shall show tlice; and tliou tihalt observe to his kingdom, he, anil his children, in the midst of
do accordinir to all that liicy inform thco: Israel.''
11 AecordinsT to the seiiteucc of the law which
tiiev shall tcacii thee, and according to llio jiidjr-
inei'it which they shall tell thee, thou slialt do: thou 1 The Lord is the pnestg^ and Levitea' inlieriUince. 3 The priest'i duo.
6 The Levite's portion. 9 The abominations of tlic nationi are to bo
shalt not decline from the sentence which they avoided. 15 Christ tlie Trophet is to be heard. 20 The presunip
shall show thee, to the right hand, nor to the left. tuous prophet is to die.
\'l And the man that will do presumjjtously," n[^HE priests the Levites,'' and all the tribe of
and will not hearken' unto the priest that staiul- _L Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with
eth to minister there before the LoRn thy God,'' or Israel: they shall eat the ofl'eriugs of the Lord
unto the judge," even that man shall die:" and thou made by fire, and his inheritance.'
shalt put away the evil from Israel." 2 Therefore shall they have no inheritance among
13 And all the ])eople shall hear, and fear,'' and their brethren the Lord is their inheritance,' as
over me."-' like as all the nations that are about me the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw.
1.') Tliou shalt in any wise set him king over 4 The iirst-fruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and
thee, whom the Loud thy God shall choose:'' one of thine oil, and the first of the fleece of thy sheep,
from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over shalt thou give him."
tlice:' thou mayest not set a stranger over theo,^ 5 For the Lord thy God hath chosen him out of
wiiich is not thy brother. all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of
16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself,'' the Lord, him and his sons for ever."'
nor cause the peoi)le to return to Egypt,' to the G 1 And if a Levite come from any of thy gates
end that he should multiply horses: forasnuich as out of all Israel, where he sojourned," and come
tlic Loud hatli said unto you, Yc shall henceforth with all the desire of his mind unto the place
return no more that way."' which the Lord shall choose;^'
17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, 7 Then he shall minister in the name of the Lord
that his heart turn not away:" neither shall he his God, as all his brethren the Levites do, which
greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. stand there before the Lord.
18 And it siiall be, when he sittcth upon the 8 They shall have like portions to eat,^ besides
throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony.*
copy of this law in a book out of that which is 9 1i When thou art come into the land which the
before the priests the Levites: Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to
19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read do after the abominations of those nations.
therein all the days of his life ;° that he may learn 10 There shall not be found among you any one
to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through
of this law, and these statutes, to do them: the fire,'' or that useth divination, or an observer
20 That his heart be not lifted up above his of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
brethren, and that he turn not aside from the com- 11 Or a eharmer, or a consulter with familiar
mandment," to the right hand or to the left: to spirits, or a Avizard, or a necromancer.
' Num. 15:30; Ezra 10:3; Hos. 4:4. * Heb. not to hearken. I> Jer. 35:3, 13:17; Hos. 11:5. n 1 Kings 11:3. 4. o Josh. 1:S; Paa.
-.;. cch. 18:3, 7. d Heb. 10:23. e oh. 13:S. tch. 13:11. B 1 Sam. 8:5,
I'J, -Jl. h 1 Sam. 9:15-17; 10:12; 1 Chr. 22:10. i Jer. .30:21. j Jer. 2:25.
k IKmgs 10:25-23; P3l.2!):7; H03. 14:3. Usa. 31:1; Ezek. 17:15. mExoJ.
1. The best we have belongs to God, and it should be our
ilc'u™- 12 For all that do these things are an eth thee, and thou succeedest* them, and dwellcst
abomination unto the Lord and because of these : in their cities, and in their houses
abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them 2 Thou shalt separate three cities for thee in the
out from before thee." midst of thy land,' which the Lord thy God giv-
13 Thou shalt be perfect" with the Lord thy God. eth thee to possess it.
14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess/ 3 Thou shalt prepare thee a way, and divide the
hearkened unto observers of times, and unto divin- coasts of thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth
ers but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not
: thee to inherit, into three parts, that every slayer
suffered thee so to do.'' may flee thither.
15 thy God will raise up unto thee
T The Lord 4 And thisM the case of the slayer, which shall flee
a Prophet from the midst of thee," of thy breth- thither, that he may live Whoso killeth his neigh- :
reu, lilie unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;'' bor ignorantly, wJiom he hated not in time past;^
16 According to all that tliou desiredst of the 5 As when a man goeth into the wood with his
Lord thy God in Horcb in the day of the assem- neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a
lily,° saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the
Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire head' slippeth from the helve,' and lighteth upon'
any more, that I die not. his neighbor, that lie die he shall flee unto one of ;
17 And the Lord said unto me, They have well those cities, and live:
spoken that which they have spoken. G Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer,
18 I will raise them up a Prophet"' from among while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because
their brethren,' like uuto thee,'' and will put my the way is long, and slay him;* whereas he u'as
words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them not worthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him
Zeoh. 6:12, 13; Mai. 3:1. S Luke 24:19. h Num. 12:6-S; Heb. 3:2-6. ^ Heb. wood. 'Tieb.Jindelh. 1 Heb. smite kirn in life, t Heb. from j/n-
John 4:25; S:-2i; 12:49,50; 15:15. j Mark 16: 10; Acts 3:22. 23; Heb. 2:3; terday Ihe third day. r Exod. 34:24. > Gen. I5:1S-2I. ' Josh. 20:7, t.
12:25. k ch. 13:1-5; Jer. 14:14, 15; Zech. 13:3. 1 Jer. 23:15-17; Rev. uGcn.9:fl; Exod. 21 : 12, etc.; Prov.2S:17. iHeb.inlife.
or engage in worldly business for gain, it is his will that side of Jordan, as he already had done on the east side.
they should receive a support for themselves and their Chap. 4:41-43.
families, and devote themselves cheerfully and faithfully 12. Deliver him into the hand of the avenger: after he had
to their appropriate work. been proved guiltv of murder.
Itl 241
; :
13 Thine eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt approach day unto battle against your \^ fJJJ:
put away the f^uilt of iiinofont blood from Israel, enemies: let not your hearts faint,' fear not, and
that it may im wclfwitli thee. do not tremble,' neitlier be ye terrified because of
14 1 Tliou shalt not remove thy ncigiibor's land- tliem;'
mark,' wliich they of old time liave set in thine 4 For the Lord your God is lie that goeth with
inheritance, wiiich tliou shalt Inherit in the land you against your enemies, to save
you," to figlit for
that tlie Lnnn thy God friveth thee to possess it. you.
15 1 One witness shall not rise up acainstaman 5 1 And the officers shall speak unto the people,
for any inicjuity.'' or lor any sin, in any sin tliat saying. What man is there that hath built a new
he sinnotU: at tlie mouth of two witnesses, or at house, and hath not dedicated it?'' let him go and
the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be return to liis house, lest he die in tiic battle, and
established. another man dedicate it.
16 H a false witness rise up against any man
If (> And wliat man is he that hath planted a vine-
to testify against him that which w wrong;" yard, and hath not yd eaten of it?* let him also
17 Then botli the men, Ijctwoen whom the con- go and return unto his house,' lest he die in the
troversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the battle, and another man cat of it.
priests and the judges, which shall be in those 7 And what man is there that hath betrothed a
days wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and re-
18 And the judges shall make diligent inqui- turn unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and
sition: and behold, if the witness be a false wit- another man take her.J
ness, and hath testitiod falsely against his brother ;
8 And the officers shall speak further unto the
19 Tlicn shall yc do unto him, as he had thouglit people, and tiiey shall say. What man is there that
to have done unto his brother so shalt thou put is fearful and faint-hearted?'' let him go and re-
the evil away from among you. turn unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint'
20 And those whicli remain shall hear, and fear, as w^cU as his heart.'
and shall henceforth commit no more any such 9 And it sliall be, when the officers have made
evil among you. an end of speaking unto the people, that they shall
21 And thine eye shall not pity; but lik shall go make captains of the armies to lead the peoi)le.^
for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, 10 1^ When thou comcst nigli unto a city to fight
foot for foot.'* against it, then proclaim peace unto it.'"
11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of
CHAPTER XX. peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all
I The priest's exhortation to encourage the people to battle. 5 The the people that is found therein shall be tributa-
officers' proclamation who are to be dismissed from the war. 10 How ries unto thee, and they shall serve thee."
to use the cities that accept or refuse the proclamation of peace. 16
What cities must be devoted. 19 Trees of man's meat must not be 12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but
destroyed in t!ie siege. will make war against thee, then thou shalt be-
WHEN thou goest out to battle against thine
enemies, and scest horses, and chariots,'^ and
And when
the Lord thy God hath delivered
a people more than thou, be not afraid of them it into thy hands, thou shalt smite every male
for the Lord thy God is with thee, whicli brought thereof with the edge of the sword:"
thee up out of the land of Egypt. 14 But the women, and the little ones, and the
2 And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil
the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak thereof,'' shalt thou take* unto thyself; and tliou
unto the people, shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies," which the
3 And shall say unto them, Hear, Israel, ye Lord thy God hath given thee.
Isa. 29:16. t Isa. 51:7, 8. 5 ch. 1:30; 3:22; Josh. 23:10; 2 Chr. 13:12; o Num. 31 :7-!l. P Josh. 6:2. * Heb. spoil. 1 Josh. 22:3.
32:7, 8. h JJeh. 12:27 ; Psa. 30, title. » Heb. made it common; Lev. 19:23,
13. Shall not pity him; ia any such way as to prevent his falsewitness and whether false accusers meet due pim-
It. C- liiL eared nor sown, and shall strike off the heifer's
which are very far off from thee, which are not of neck there in the valley.
the cities of these nations. 5 And the priests the sons of Levi shall come
16 But of the cities of these people, -which the near for them the Lord thy God hath chosen to
Lord thy God doth give thee_/br an inheritance, minister unto him,'' and to bless in the name of the
thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:* Lord;" and by their word^ shall every contro-
17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them namely, ;
versy and every stroke be tried.'^
the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, 6 And all the elders of that city, that are next
and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites unto the slain vian, shall wash their hands over the
as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee heifer that is beheaded in the valley :8
18 That they teach you not to do after all their 7 And they shall answer and say. Our hands have
abominations,'' which they have done unto their not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it.
gods so should ye sin against the Lord your God.
; 8 Be merciful, Lord, unto thy people Israel,
19 ^ When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, whom thou hast redeemed, and lay not innocent
in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not blood unto thy people of Israel's charge."' And
destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against the blood shall be forgiven them.
them for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt
: 9 So shalt thou put away the guilt of innocent
not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's blood from among you,' when thou shalt do that
life) to employ them* in the siege
: which is right in the sight of the Lord.
20 Only the trees which thou knowest that they 10 1 When thou goest forth to war against thine
be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them
them down and thou shalt build bulwarks against into thy hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
the city that maketh war with thee, until it be 11 And seest among the captives a beautiful
subdued.' woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou
wouldest have her to thy wife ;'
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thy house;
CHAPTER XXI. and she shall sliave her head,'^ and pare' her nails
1 The expiation of an uncertain murder. 10 The usage of a captive
taken to w-ife. 15 Tlie first-born is not to be disinherited upon private
1? And she shall put the raiment of her captiv-
affection. IS A stubborn son is to be stoned to death. 22 The male- ity from off her, and shall remain in thy house, and
factor must not hang all night on a tree.
bewail her father and her mother a full month:'
one be found slain in the land which the Lord and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be
IF thy God giveth thee to possess it, lying in the her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
field, aivl it be not known who hath slain him 14 xind it shall be, if thou have no delight in her,
2 Then thy elders and thy judges shall come then thou shalt let her go whither she will Init ;
forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which thou shalt not sell her at all for money,"' thou shalt
are round about him that is slain not make merchandise of her, because thou hast
3 And it shall be, that the city which is nest unto humbled her."
the slain man, even the elders of that city shall 15 If a man have two Avives, one beloved," and
take a heifer, which hath not been wrought with, another hated,'' and they have borne him cliildren,
and which hath not drawn in the yoke both the beloved and the hated and if the first- ;
4 And the elders of that city shall bring down born son be hers that was hated;
the heifer unto a rough valley, which is neither 16 Then it sliall be, when he maketh his sons to
»Ch. 7:1-1; Nom. 21:2, .1.35; Josh. 11: 14. b ch. 12:.')0, 31; Exod. 2.-):a3; 10.; Matt.27:24. 1 Heb.
Psa. 106:31-10; 1 Cor. 15:33. * Heb. to go from before tliee. t Or, for, O
man, the tree of the field is to be employed in the siege. Jer. G:6.
<= I Heb.
comedown, a 1 Ch'r. 23:1:J. e Xiun. li: 22-27. 5 Heb. inout/i. 'eh. 17:8-
inherit that wliicli ln^ lialli, that lio may not make
the son of the lielovoil lirst-liorn before tlie son of
tlie hated." irhicli is iiidad the first-born
17 IJiit he .<hall acknowledtre tlie son of the hated
for the first-born," liy giving him a double portion
"of all thathe hath,* for he is the lieginning of his
strength the right of the first-born is his.""
t Of humanity towards brethren. The sex is to be distinguished by
apparel. 6 The dam is not to be taken with her young ones. 8 The
house must have battlements. 9 Confusion is to be avoided. 12
Fringes upon the vesture. 13 The punishment of him thatslandereth
his wife. 20, 22 Of adultery, of rape, 28 and of fornication.
4 Because they met you not with bread and with gates, where it likcth him best:' thou shalt u.c.SS:
water iu the way," when ye came fortii out of Kjrypt not oppress him.'"
and because they iiired against tiice Bahxaui the son 17 "l There shall be no whore ^ of the daughters
of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse tliee.'' of Israel," nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."
5 Nevertheless, tiie Louii thy God would not IS Thou shalt not firing the hire of a whore, or
hearken unto Balaam; but the Lono tliy God the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy
turned tiic curso into a blessing unto thee,"^ be- God for any vow for even both these are abomi- :
cause the Lord thy God loved thee. nation unto the Lord thy (Jod.
G Tiiou shalt not seek their peace nor their pros- I'J "I Thou upon usury to thy broth-
shalt not lend
perity' all thy days for ever,'' er f usury of money, usury (jf victuals, usury of any
7 1 Thou shalt not abhor an Edomitc for he is ; thing that is lent upon usury
thy brother thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian;
20 L) nto a stranger thou niayest lend upon usury ;'•
because thou wast a stranger in his land,' but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon
8 The children that are begotten of them shall usury that the Lord thy God may bless thee in
enter into the congregation of the Lord in their all that thou scttest thy hand to iu the land whith-
third generation.'' er thou goest to possess it,''
9 ^ When the host goeth forth against thine ene- 21 ^ When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord
mies, then keep thee from every wicked thing,'' thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it:' for the
10 "i If there be among you any man, that is not Lord thy God will surely require it of thee ; and
clean by reason of uncleaimess that chanceth him it would be sin in thee.
by night,' then shall he go abroad out of the camp, 22 But if thou shalt forbear to vow, it shall he
he shall not come within the camp: no sin in thee.
11 But it shall be, when evening cometh on,* he 23 That wdiich is gone out of thy lips thou shalt
shall wash himself with water;-' and when the sun keep and perform;' even a freewill-oifering, ac-
is down, he shall come into the camp again. cording as thou hast vowed unto the Lord thy
12 ^ Thou shalt have a place also without the God, which thou hast promised Avith thy moutii.
camp, whither thou shalt go fortli abroad: 24 If When thou comest into thy neighbor's vine-
13 And thou shalt liavc a paddle upon thy weap- yard, then thou niayest eat grapes thy fill at thine
on; and it shall bo, when thou wilt ease thyself* own pleasure; but thou shalt not put any in thy
abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shall turn vessel,
back and cover that which cometh from thee: 25 When thou comest into the standing corn of
14 For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst thy neighbor, then thou mayest pluck the ears
of thy camp,'' to deliver thee, and to give up thine with thy hand ;" but thou shalt not move a sickle
enemies before thee therefore shall thy camp be
; unto thy neighbor's standing corn.
holy: that he see no unclean thing^ in thee, and
turn away from thee,
1 Of divorce. 5
new married man goeth not to -war. 6, 10 Of
15 IT Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the pledges. 7 Of manstealers. 8 Of leprosy. 14 The hire is to be
servant which is escaped from his master unto thee :
given. 16 Of justice. 19 Of charity.
Ley. 19:34. e Rom. 3:29, 30; Eph. 2:12. h Josh. 6:18. i Lev. 15:16.
t Heb. tiiTneth tmvard. i Lev. 15:5. I Heb. sittesl down, k Lev. 26:12;
2 Cor. 6:16. i V.iih. nakednesi of any tiling. 1 1 Sam. 30:15. 1 Heb. is
Every thing should be avoided by parents which
tends to deprive children of any of the privileges and
blessings of the people of God.
3. Sins committed by parents may, long after they are
dead, entail great evils on their children and sins com-
mitted by rulers, great evils on the people.
: ; : :
b'c'iIl favor in his eyes, because lie hatli found 13 In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge
some uncleanness* in her; then let him write her again when the sun goeth down.J that he may sleep
a bill of divorcement/" and give it in her hand, in his own raiment, and bless thee:" and it shall
and send her out of his house. be righteousness unto thee before the Lord thy
2 And when she is departed out of his house, she God.'
may go and be another man's wife. 14 Thou shalt not oppress a hired servant that
3 And if the latter husband hate her, and write is poor and needy, wliether he be of thy brethren,
her a bill of divorcement, and givcth it in her or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy
hand, and sendcth her out of his house or if the ; gates
latter husband die, which took her to be his wife 15 At his day thou shalt give him his hire, nei-
4 Her former husband, which sent her away, may ther shall the sun go down upon it for he is poor, ;
not take her again to be his wife, after that she is and setteth his heart upon it lest he cry against
defiled ;• for that is abomination before the Lord : thee unto the Lord,™ and it be sin unto thee.
and thou shalt not cause the land to sin,"^ which the 16 The fathers sliall not be put to death for the
Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. children, neither shall the children be jiut to death
5 When a man hath taken a new wife,"^ he shall not for the fathers:" every man shall be put to death
go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any for his own sin.
business:' but he shall be free at home one year, 17 1 Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the
and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.'' stranger, nor of the fatherless;" nor take a wid-
6 *i Xo man shall take tlie nother or the upper ow's raiment to pledge
millstone to pledge for he takcth a man's life to
: 18 But thou shalt remember that thou wast a
pledge. bondman in Egypt,^ and the Lord thy God re-
7 1l If a man be found stealing any of his brethren deemed thee thence therefore I command thee to
thou observe diligently, and do according to all stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow:''
that the priests the Levites shall teach you as I : that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the
commanded them, so ye shall observe to do. work of thy hands.
9 Remember what the Lord thy God did unto 20 When thou beatest thine olive-tree, thou shalt
Miriam by the way,' after that ye were come forth not go over the boughs again:'' it sliall be for the
out of Egypt. stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow.
10 "d When thou dost lend^ thy brother any thing, 21 When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vine-
thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge. yard, thou shalt not glean it afterward :' it shall
11 Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the
whom thou dost lend shall bring out the pledge widow.
abroad unto thee. 22 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a
12 And if the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep bondman in the laud of Egypt :'^
therefore I com-
with his pledge mand thee to do this thing.
• Huh. matter o/iiakediiess.
t Keb. cutting off.
a Matt. 5:31. 3J. b Jer. 112:9; 0^1.4:27; Jas. 2:15-23.
3:1. Lev. 13;'j5-'ii. d ch. 20:7. I heb. not any thing shall pass upon
him. Ptov. 5:18. f Exod. 21:10.
e e ch. 19:19. h Lev. clis. 13, H.
i Num. 12:10. i Heb. Uni the loan of any thing to. 1 Exod, 22:26, 27.
k Job 29:ll-;3; 31:19, 20; 2 Cor. 9:13, 14. 1 Gen. 15:6; Psa. 106:31;
ised thee.
Therefore it shall 1)C when ye he gone over
B-aS" 1 The Lord 22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consump-
shall cause thine enemies
that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy tion, and with a fever, and with an inflammation,
face:'' they shall come out against thee one way, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword,''
and flee before thee seven ways.'' and with blasting,' and with mildew; and they
8 The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee shall pursue thee until thou perish.
in thy storehouses,* and in all tiiat thou settest thy 23 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall
hand unto ;° and he shall bless thee in the land be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be
which the Lord thy God giveth thee. iron.'"
9 The Lord shall establish thee a holy people 24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land
unto himself,'^ as he hath sworn unto thee,'' if thou powder and dust from heaven shall it come down :
shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, upon thee,'' until thou be destroyed.
and walk in his ways. 25 The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten be-
10 And all people of the earth'' shall see that fore thine enemies:^ thou shalt go out one way
thou art called by the name of the Lord;'' and against them, and flee seven ways before them;
they shall be afraid of thee.'' and shalt bo removed' into all the kingdoms of
11 And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in the earth.''
goods,* in the fruit of thy body,* and in the fruit 26 And thy carcass shall be meat unto all fowls
of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground,' in the of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth," and
land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers to no man sliall fray them away.
give thee. 27 The Lord will smite thee with the botch of
12 The Lord shall open unto thee his good treas- Egypt, and with the emerods,** and with the scab,
ure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in and with the itch, whereof thou canst notbe healed.
his season,J and to bless all the work of thy hand 28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and
and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou blindness, and astonishment of heart:"
shalt not borrow." 29 And thou shalt grope at noonday,'' as the
13 And the Lord shall make thee the head, and blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not pros-
not the tail and thou shalt be above only, and thou per in thy ways and thou shalt be only oppress-
' :
shalt not be beneath if that thou hearken unto the ed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save
curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:" rescue them.
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed 32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given
shalt thou he in the field.'' unto another people,^ and thine eyes shall look, and
17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. fail with longing for them all the day long: and
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the there shall be no might in thy hand.
fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kiue, and the 33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labors,
flocks of thy sheep. shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up ;'' and
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway:
cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out. 34 So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of
20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexa- thine eyes which thou shalt see.
tion,'' and rebuke," in all that thou settest thy hand 35 Tlie Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and
unto for to do,^ until thou be destroyed, and until in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed,
thou perish quickly ;' because of the wickedness of from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head.'
thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. 36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king
21 The Lord shall make -the pestilence cleave which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which
unto thee," until he have consumed thee from off neither thou nor thy fathers have known ;' and
the land, whither thou goest to possess it. there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.
37 And thou slmlt liocomc an astonishniont, a shall be.«iege thee in all thy gates through- -5,^. fj!;j:
liroverl), and a liyword," among all nations wliitli- out all thy land, which tJie Lord thy God hath
LT the Loud s^hall lead tliir. given thee.
38 Thou sluilt carry muL-h seed out into tlic field, 53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own
and slialt gather but little in for the locust shall '' liody,' the flesh of thy son*; and of thy daughters,
consume it.' whicli the Lord tliy God hath given "thee," in the
3;) 'I'hou shalt jilant vineyards, and dress them, siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine ene-
but shalt neither drink q/' the wine, nor gather </te mies shall distress thee:
grapes : for the worms sliall eat thcra.'' 54 So that the man that is tender among you, and
40 Tliou shalt have olive-trees throughout all thy very delicate, his eye shall lie evil toward his broth-
coasts, liut thou shalt not anoint thyself with the er," and toward the wife of his bosom,* and toward
oil; for tiiine olive sliall cast his fruit. the remnant of his children which he shall leave:
41 Tliou shalt begot sons and daughters, but 55 So that ho will not give to any of them of the
thou shalt not enjoy them ;* for they shall go into flesh of his children whom he shall cat: liecause
captivity." ho hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the
42 All thy trees and fruit of thy laud shall the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress
locust consume.^ thee in all thy gates.
43 The stranger that is witliin thee shall get up 5() Tlie tender and delicate woman among }'0u,
above thee very high ; and thou shalt come down which would not adventure to set the sole of her
very low.'' foot upon the ground for delicateness and tender-
44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not ness, her eye shall lie evil toward the husband of
lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her
be tlie tail.'' daughter,
45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon 57 And toward her young one,' that cometh out
thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee,'' till from between her feet, and toward her children
thou be destroyed;' because thou hoarkenedstnot which she sliall lioar;™ for she shall eat them for
unto tiie voice of tlie Lord thy God, to keep his want of all things secretly in the siege and strait-
commandments and his statutes which he com- ness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee
manded thee: in thy gates."
46 And
they shall be upon thee for a sign and 58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words
for a wonder,J and u])on thy seed for ever. of this law that are written in this book, that thou
47 Because thou sorvedst not the Lord thy Goil may est fear this glorious^' and fearful name,'' THE
with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart," for LORD'' THY GOD;"
the abundance of all things :^ 59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues won-
48 Tlicrefore shalt thou serve thine enemies,"" derful,"and the plagues of thy seed, even great
which the Lord shall send against thee, in hun- plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sick-
ger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of nesses,and of long continuance.
all things:" and ho shall put a yoke of iron upon 60 Moreover, he will bring upon thee all the dis-
thy nock, until ho have destroyed thee." eases of Egypt,'' which thou wast afraid of; and
49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee they shall cleave unto thee.
from far,P from the end of the earth, as swift as 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which
the eagle flieth ;'' a nation whose tongue thou shalt is not written in the book of this law, them will
not understand;' the Lord bring* upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
50 A nation of fierce countenance,^ which shall 62 And ye shall be left few in number,' whereas
not regard the person of the old, nor show favor ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude;''
to the young : because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the
51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and Lord thy God.
the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed 63 And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord
which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, rejoiced over you to do you good, and to nniltiply
or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy you;^ so the Lord will rejoice over you to de-
sheep, until he have destroyed thee. stroy you. and to bring you to naught;'' and ye
52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates.* shall be plucked from off the land whither thou
until thy high and fenced walls come down, where- goest to possess it.
in thou trustedst, throughout all thy land : and he 64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all
aP3i.44;14. '>Mic. 0:15; Hag. 1:6. cJoell:4. d Amos 7:1, 2. * Heb. 1 2 Kings 0:23. 29; Jer. 10:9; Lam. 2:20; 4:J0. " ch. 15:9; Matt. 20:15.
they sliall not ie thine, e 2 Kings 24:14; Lam. 1:5. t Or, po.<SMS. f Judf. vch. 13:0; Mio. 7:5. 1 Heb. aftcrt/rt/i. w Isa. 49:15. i ver. 53. y Neh.
2:11-15. ever. 12, 13. h ver. 15. i 2 Kings 17:20. J Ezek. 14:8; I Cor. 0:.5; Psa. 72:19. JPsa.lll:9. « Exod. 0:2, 3 ; Psa. 83:18. bExod.20:2;
10:11. kiVeh. 9:3.5-37. Ich. 32:1.5. m a Chr. 12:8; Jer. .5:19; Ezek. 17:3, Psa. 50:''; Isa. 41:10. c Dan. 9:12. dch. 7:15. ' "Reh. cause to asetnd.
7.12. l,am. 5:2-0. ojer. 2S:I4. p Jer. 5:15; 6:22, 23. q Lam. 4:19. e Neh. 7:4; Isa. 1:9. f Neb. 9:23. e ch. 30:9; Jer. 32:41. h Prov. 1:20
1 Heb. hear. ! Heb. strong of face: Prov. 7:13; Ecol. 8:1; Dan. 8:->3. Isa. 1:24.
r 2Chr. 3B:17; Isa. 47:0. > 2 Kings 25:1-4; Isa. 1:7; 82:8. I Heb. belli/.
40. Cast his fruit; it would drop off unripe. 57. She shall eat them; Josephus' Wars of the Jews, b. 5,
42. Thy trees; their leaves. c. 10, 8. 3 ; b. 6, c. 2, B. 4.
46. For ever ; so long as they should continue as a peo- 63.Plucked from off the land; they were by the Romans
ple to transgress his commands. carried off from their land and scattered among all nations ;
48. A
yoke of iron; them with grievous bondage.
afflict and were forbidden again to come within sight of Jeru-
49. Swift as tlie eagle; rapid in their conquests. salem.
: : ;;: : ; :
ilc'iteL' people," from the one end of the earth even 3 The great temptations which thine eyes have
unto the other and there thou shalt serve other
; seen, the signs, and those great miracles;''
gods, which neither thou nor tliy fathers have 4 Yet the Lord hatli not given you a heart to
known, even wood and stone. perceive,' and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto
65 And among these nations shalt tliou find no this day.
ease,'' neither shall the sole of thy foot liave rest 5 And I have led you forty years in the wilder-
hut the Lord shall give thee there a trembling ness your clothes are not waxen old upon you,
lieart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot :'
06 And thy life shall hang in doubt before tlieo 6 Ye have not eaten bread,'' neither liave ye
and thou shalt fear day and niglit, and shalt have drunk wine or strong drink ;' that ye might know
none assurance of tliy life that I am the Lord your God.
67 In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it 7 And when ye came unto this place, Sihon the
were even! and at even tliou shalt say, Would king of Heshbon,"' and Og tlie king of Bashan,
God it were morning !*= for the fear of tliy heart came out against us unto battle, and we smote
wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the siglit of them
thine eyes which thou shalt see. 8 And we took their land, and gave it for an
68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt inheritance unto the Reubenites, and to the Gad-
again witli ships,'^ by the way whereof I spake unto ites, and to the half-tribe of Manasseh.
tliee, Tliou shalt see it no more again :° and there 9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and
ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen do them," that ye may prosper in all that ye do.
and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you. 10 IT Ye stand this "day all of you before the Lord
your God;° your captains of your tribes, your el-
ders, and your officers, vnih all the men of Israel,
CHAPTER XXIX. 11 Your little ones, your wives, and thy stranger
1 iloses exhorteth them io obedience, by the memory of the works they
that is in thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood
have seen. 10 All are presented before the Lord to enter into his
covenant. 18 The great "wrath on him that fiattereth himself in his unto the drawer of thy water:"
wickedness. 29 Secret things belong unto G-od. 12 Tiiat thou shouldest enter* into covenant
THESE are the words of the covenant, which with the Lord tliy God, and into his oath,'' which
the Lord commanded Moses to make with the the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day
children of Israel in the land of Moab, besides the 13 That ho may establish thee to-day for a peo-
covenant which he made with them in Horeb.*^ ple unto himself,'' and that he may be unto thee a
2 T And Moses called unto all Israel, and said God, as he hath said unto thee," and as he hath
unto them. Ye have seen all that the Lord did sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham,' to Isaac"
before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pha- and to Jacob.''"
raoh,^ and unto all his servants, and unto all his 14 Neither with you only do I make this cove-
land: nant and this oath
» Jer. l(i:13; 5U:17; Ezek. ll:lti, 17. b Amoi 9:1. •:
.lob 7:4. ) Hos. 0:45, m Num. 21:23. n Josh. 1:7, 8. o 2 Chr. 23:16; 34:29-32; Neh. 8:2-
>j;13; 9:3. ech.l7:16. fch.5:3,3. eExoJ.^-12. hch.4:rj4. p Josh. 9:21,27 * Heb. pass, q Neh. 10:2!». t ch. 23:9. • Eiod, 6:7.
lU; 03:17; John 8:«. J ch. 8:4. t ExoJ. 16:33; Psa. 78:24, 25. t Gen. 17:7. "Gen. 26:3, 4. » Gen 2S: 13-15.
68. Ye shall be sold —and no man shall buy you ; many were hundred years demonstrates the truth of the predictions
sold into perpetual bondage, and many more were offered contained in this chapter, and conclusively proves that
for sale for whom their conquerors could not find a mar- in uttering them Moses spoke by the direction, and mider
ket, so great were their numbers and multitudes were
; the guidance of the Holy Ghost.
slain or left to perish. See Josephus, Patrick, Basnage,
Xe%vton, Keith, etc. CHAPTER XXIX.
INSTRUCTIONS. 1. JTte covenant ; the declarations of God with regard to
2. No tongue can express nor finite mind conceive the the duty of the Israelites, his blessings on the obedient,
niunber, greatness, variety, richness, or duration of the and his curses on the disobedient. In Horeb; Exod.
blessings which flow from obeying God. 19:3-5; 24:2-8.
15. The miseries comprehended in the curses which 2. Ye have seen; many of the older ones had seen, and
How from continued disobedience to God, as much sur- the rest had heard.
jiass all finite conception as the blessings which flow from 4. To perceive; the spii'itual beauty, excellence, and glory
his favor. of God, and the supreme blessedness of loving, believing,
24. As all the elements arc under the conti'ol of God, he and obeying him. This perception no one has without
can at any time ana them against his foes, and pursue receiving it from God. The great body of the Israelites
tliem with wrath till they perish. did not fcol their need of this, did not seek it, nor desire
28. Diseases of body and mind are God's servants. it, nor obtain it. They rebelled against God, and nearly
They go and come at his bidding, and fasten their deadly all who when they came out of Egypt were over twenty
fangs on such as he commissions them to torment and years old, died in the wilderness.
destroy. 5. Your clothes —
thy shoe; these God so provided and
32. Few calamities are more dreadful than to sec the preserved as to keep them from want.
misery of children and be unable to help them. 6. Not eaten bread, neither —
drtink wine; they lived on
45. What renders calamities vastly more dreadful is, a manna, and drank water from the rock.
conviction that we b}- our own wickedness have occa- 12. Enter into covenant; by engaging to obey him; on
sioned them. the fulfilment of which engagements he promised to blest-
57. The horrors of famine can be but faintly conceived them.
and if the sufferings occasioned by sin are so great in this Neither with you only ; God made this covenant not
woidd, what must they be in the world to come ? only with them, but with their posterity and with all wlm
67. The liistorv of the .Jews for more than eighteen sho'uld obev him. Heb. G: 13-20.
8 :
Death and life are DEUTERONOMY XXXL set hefore the people.
B.' "il"'
return and gather tliee from all the nations,
whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee."
4 If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost
parts of heaven," from tlicnce will the Lord thy God
gather thee, and from thence vrill he fetch thee:
5 And the Lord thy God will bring thee into
the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou
shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and
multiply thee above thy fathers.
6 And the Lord thy God will circumcise thy
heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
that thou mayest live.
7 And the Lord thy God will put all these curses
upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee,
which persecuted thee.''
8 And thou shalt return and obey the voice of
the Lord, and do all his commandments which I
command thee this day.
9 And the Lord thy God will make thee plen-
teous in every work of thy hand, in the fruit of
thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the
fruit of thy land, for good:'* for the Lord will
again rejoice over thee for good,*^ as he rejoiced
over thy fathers
10 If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the
Lord thy God,' to keep his commandments and
his statutes lohich are written in this book of the
law,'^ and if thou turn unto the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul.''
11 1[ For this commandment which I command
thee this day, it is not hidden from thee,' neither
is it far off.
12 It not in heaven, that thou shouldest say,
Who shallgo up for us to heaven,-' and bring it
unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou should-
est say. Who shall go over the sea for us, and bi'ing
it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
li But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy
mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.
15 IT See, I have set before thee this day life and
good, and death and evil;"
s And
Lord, lie it is that doth po before
tiiee:'' he will be with thee, he will not fail thee,
neither forsake thee:" fear not, neither be dismayed.
^ And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it
B "u™' have been rebellious against the Lord;" not the spot of his children:* t/icy are a perverse
and how much more after my death ? and crooked generation.
28 IT Gather unto me all the elders of yourtribes,*" 6 Do ye thus requite the Lord, foolish people
and your officers, that I may speak these words in and unwise ? is not ho thy father"" that hath bought
tlieir ears, and call heaven and earth to record thee?" hath he not made thee, and established
ajrainst them.*^ thee ?
29 For I know that after my death ye will utter- 7 % Remember the days of old, consider the years
ly corrupt yoursch'es,'^ and turn aside from the way of many generations :* ask thy father, and he will
wliicli I have commanded you and evil will befall ; show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
you in the latter days;' because ye will do evil 8 When the Most High divided to the nations
in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger their inheritance," when he separated the sons of
through the work of your hands. Adam,'' he sot the bounds of the people according
31) And Moses spake in the cars of all the con- to the number of the children of Israel.
gregation of Israel the words of this song, until 9 For the Lord's portion is his people;'' Jacob
they were ended. is the lot^ of his inheritance."'
»Exoa.33:9. bGen.4D:l,a. 'oh.3-J:l. J JuJj;. 2: 19. oaChr.34:24. r/iittiren. that is their blot, nt Exod. 15:1G; 1 Co
' ch. 3li:19; Psa. 5U:4. e Fsa. Ti-d; Isa. H;
.55:1U, Mio. 5:7. h 1 Chr.
29:11; Rev. 7:11, 12. i I'sa. l.S:2. J Keel. 3:14. k Dan. 4:37. 1 Psa.
92: 15. • Heb. He hath corrupted to himself, t Or, that they are not his
kc:{-^: 37 And he shall say, Where arc their 46 And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto
gods, their rock in whom they trusted, all the words which I testify among you this day,
38 Which did eat tlie fat of their sacrifices, and which ye shall command your children to observe
drank the wine of their driuk-oiferings ? let them to do, all the words of this law.''
rise up and help you," and bo your protection.* 47 For it is not a vain thing for you; because
39 Sec now that I, even I, am he,** and there is no it is your life:' and through this thing ye shall
god with me: I kill, and I make alive I wound, prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over
and I heal neither is there any that can deliver Jordan to possess it.
out of my hand. 48 And the Lord spake unto Moses that self-
40 For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I same day, saying,
live for ever. 49 Get thee up into this mountain Abarim,^ unto
41 If I whet my glittering sword,'^ and my hand mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is
take hold on judgment I will render vengeance to over against Jericho and behold the land of Ca-
; ;
mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. naan, which I give unto the children of Israel for
42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood," a possession
and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with 50 And die in the mount whither thou goest up,
the blood of the slain and of the captives from the and be gathered unto thy people; as Aaron thy
beginning of revenges upon the enemy. brother died in mount Hor,'' and was gathered
43 Rejoice, yc nations, with his people:* for unto his people
he will avenge the blood of his servants,' and will 51 Because ye trespassed against me among the
render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be children of Israel at the waters of Meribah-Ka-
merciful unto his land, and to people.^ liis desh,^ in the wilderness of Zin
because ye sanc-
43. Witk his people ; in their repentance and deliverance imitate the divine example, or are as true to parental in-
from their oppressors, and in their restoration again in stinct as the eagle, they maj' hope that the objects of their
due time to the privileges of his chosen and redeemed affection will much oftener fly upward towards heaven, and
people. Zech. 12:10; Rom. 11:15. Others prefer to ren- not downward towards hell. Chap. G:7; Prov. 22:6.
der, Rejoice, yo nations who are liis people. 12. The tenderness of God to his people, his unceasing
47. Your life ; that on which their continuance and pros- care for them, and the variety and wisdom of the methods
perity would depend. he takes to lead them to himself, demand their gratitude
49. Abarim; Num. 27:12-14. and renewed devotion to his service.
50. Ill mount Hor ; Num. 20:22-29. 15. The facts that increasing prosperity so often occa-
51. Meribah-Kadesh; Num. 20:11-13. sions increasing wickedness, and that the more outward
blessings God bestows upon a people the more they for-
INSTRUCTIONS. get him and become worldly, proud, sensual, and devihsh,
1. instructions of God through his inspired ser-
The are conclusive proofs of the awful wickedness of the hu-
vants, as recorded in the Scriptures, are worthy of univer- man heart. Ver. 17, 18.
sal attention. 19. For those who have experienced most of God's
2. As the rain and the dew, so the truths of the Bible goodness, and especially for his redeemed people to rebel
are perfectly adapted to produce their appropriate effects. against him, is peculiarly wicked, and he will pursue them
Is:i. 55:10-13. with his indignation till they repent or perish.
4. Nothing could be added to or taken from the char- 29. God desires that men should consider what will be
acter of God, which would make it more perfect and no ; the end of their continuing in sin, and that they should
change in his dealings could make them in any respect turn from it and live. Ezek. 33:11; Matt. 23:37.
better. 43. The mercy of God to those who repent, and the
5. Men are the authors of all their own wickedness, and good which he bestows upon them, ought to occasion
they are wholly to blame for it. The more they have of universal joy, and will give joy to all the good through-
it the more unlike they are to God, and the more guilty out the universe.
in hia sight. 44. Instruction conveyed in poetry is often more im-
6. To live in sin, after all that God has done to deliver pressive, more easily remembered, and more extensively
us from it, is the vilest and basest ingratitude, and exposes useful, than when conveyed in prose. God has therefore
to the most fearful retribution. manifested his wisdom and kindness in using it so much
8. The consideration that God thought kindly and gra- in the Bible.
ciousl}' of us before we were born, and so ordered things 40. To-be benefited by God's communications, men must
that our wants of body and soul may all be supplied, is attend to them, treasure them up in their memories, and
suited to impress our obligation to love and serve him, apply them to the regulation of their feelings, thoughts,
and to show our utter inexcusableness and great guilt if words, and actions.
we neglect it. 47. On the manner in which men treat the commands of
11. God takes a variety of ways to influence men to God, and the book which contains them, depends their
TTie blessings of DEUTERONOMY XXXIII the twelve tribes.
from mount Paran, and he came witli ten thou- shall dwell between his shoulders.
sands of saints:'' from his right iiand went a fiery* 13 *f And of Joseph he said. Blessed of the Loun
law for tiieni. be his land, for the jirccious things of heaven, for
3 Yea, he loved the people;*^ all his saints are the dew," and for the deep that coucheth licneath,
in thy liand:'' and they sat down at thy feet; 14 And for the precious fruits brought forth by
every one shall receive of thy words." the sun, and for the precious things put* forth by
4 Moses commanded us a law, even the inheri- the moon,'
tance of the conffrecration of Jacob. 15 And for the chief things of the ancient moun-
5 And he was king in Jeshurun,' when the heads tains, and for theprcciou.s thingsof the lasting hills,
of the people and tlie tribes of Israel were gather- IG And for the precious things of the earth and
ed together. fulness thereof, andybr the good will of him that
C II Let Reuben live, and not die f and let not dwelt in the bush let the blessing come upon the : ''
his men be few. head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of
7 IT And this is the blessing of Judah and he him that was separated from his brethren.
said, Hear, Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring 17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock.^
him unto liis people: let his hands be sufBcient and his horns are /iVcc the horns of unicorns:^'' with
for him and be thou a help to him from his ene- them he shall push the people together to the ends
Israel thy law: they sliall* put incense before the arm with the crown of the head.
» Exod. 19:ia au; Judg. .5:-!, 5; Hib. 3:3. b Psa. 6^:17; Gal 3.19. I Heb.
•Or. fire of. ' Hoj. 11:1; 1 John 4:19. d Sam. i; 9; Psa. 31:15 John
J ;
17:11-13. e 1 Thcss. 1:6. f E.iod. 18:10. 19. S Gen. 49::i. etc. h Psa.
Uli:.3. EsoJ. 2i:30. J Exod. 3-J:2j-2y. k Mai. 2:-5-7. t Or, (el Mem.
best good and that of their children, for this hfe and the
life to come.
oO. Death is always the fruit of sin. By one man sin
entered, and death by sin. But to tliose who forsake sin
and serve God, lie turns it into a blessing. Often, as death
approaches, tho land of promise, the heavenly city, opens
before them with a beauty, a grandeur, a glory which sur-
pass all conception. Earth and its glories they joyfully
relinquish, though to live on it were Christ because to ;
die and be with Christ, like Christ perfectly and for ever,
is unspeakable gain. Phil. 1:21 1 John 3:2. ;
2. Came from Sinai— Seir — Paran; these mountains in
and around the Arabian desert are here taken collectively,
as the place whence God manifested himself in a special
manner, first to Moses, and afterwards to the whole peo-
ple. SawUs ; his ministering angels are meant. Psa. G8:17;
Acts 7:53; Gal. 3:19. We may render more literally, He
came from the myriads of his holy ones that is. from his ;
ilc'i^' 21 And he provided the first part for Pisgah,^ that over against Jericho: and the
himself,* because there, in a portion of the law- Lord showed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,
giver, was he seated ;* and he came witJi the heads 2 And all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim,
of the people, he executed the justice of tlie Lord, and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, unto the
and his judgments with Israel." utmost sea,
22 1i And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion's whelp 3 And the south, and the plain of the valley of
he shall leap from Bashau." Jericho, the city of palm-trees, unto Zoar.
2:? 1 And of Naphtali he said, Naphtali, satis- 4 And the Lord said unto him. This is the land
fied with favor,'' and full with the blessing of the which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto
Lord, possess thou the west and the south." Jacob," saying, I will give it unto thy seed I have
24 1 And of Asher he said. Let Asher be blessed caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt
with children; let him bo acceptable to his breth- not go over thither."
ren, and let him dip his foot in oil.' 5 1[ So Moses the servant of the Lord died there
2.5 Thy* shoes shall be iron and brass; and as in the laud of Moab, according to the word of the
thy days, so shall thy strength be.^ Lord.
26 1 There is none like unto the God of Jeshu- 6 And he buried him in a valley in the land of
run,'' who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and Moab, over against Bcth-peor but no man know-
in his excellency on the sky.' eth of his sepulchre unto this day.''
27 The eternal God is thy refuge,^ and under- 7 1 And Moses was
a hundred and twenty years
neath are the everlasting arms and ho shall thrust : old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his
out the enemy from before thee and shall sav. ; natural force abated.'"
Destroy them. 8 1 And
the children of Israel wept for Moses
28 Israel then shall dwell in safety"^ alone:' the in the plains of Moab thirty days:' so the days of
fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.
wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. 9 1 And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the
29 Happy art thou, Israel :'" who is like unto spirit of wisdom;" for Moses had laid his hands
thee, people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy upon him :^' and the children of Israel hearkened
help," and who is the sword of thy excellency!" unto him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses.
and thine enemies shall be found* liars unto thee; 10 1 And there arose not a projihet since in
and thou shalt tread upon their high places. Israel like unto Moses," whom the Lord knew face
to face,
CHAPTER XXXIV. 11 In all the signs and the wonders which the
Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pha-
1 Moses from mount Nebo vieweth the land. 5 He dieth there. 6 Hi.s
burial. 7 His age. 8 Thirty days' mourning for him. 9 Joshua raoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land.''
succeedeth him. 10 The praise of Moses. 12 And in all that mighty hand, and in all the
A aNum.
ND Moses went up from the plains of Moab
unto the mountain of Nebo. to the top of
32;l,eto. • Heh. celleil. b Josh. 4: li l:i. c Jo,i,. !•!: j;. d Psa.
great terror which Moses showed in the sight of
all Israel.-^
36:9; 9U:U; Jer. 31:14. c Josh. 19:3-2, etc. f Job 29:1). t Or, Under I/iy;
ch. 8:9. e Isi. 41:10; 1 Cor. 10:13. h Jer. 10:6. i Psa, 6^:4, 3.J. J Psa.
90:1; Isi. 4^:4. tjcr.23:6. INum.23:9. m Psa. 141:15. n Psa. 115:9-
21. The first part for himself; in the country which the
Israelites first conquered, on the east of Jordan. portion A
of tlie lawgiver ; that which Closes, their lawgiver, assigned
to them. He came with the heads of the people; went over
Jordan with the rest of the Israelites and assisted them in
the conquest of Canaan.
22. Leap from Ba-flian ; Bashan was a country east of
Jordan, between the mountains of Hermon and Gilead.
From this country the Danites made successful warlike
excursions. Josh. 19:47; Judg. 18:27:29.
23. West and —
south ; west and south of that which was
conquered by tlie Danites.
25. Thy slioes ; or, thy bars. Iron and brass ; invincible
to the power of the enemy. As thy days, so shall thy strength
be; thy strength shall endure as long as thy days. Some
render. As thy days, so shall thy quietness be.
27. The enemy; the Canaanites.
2.'*. Alone; not incorporated with other nations.
29. Be found liars unto thee; rather, shall crouch to thee
from fear shall be forced to submit themselves to thee.
1. Ministers of God delight in proclaiming the blessings
which will come on his people and though in faithfulness
they must point out the destruction that will come on the
wicked, they do it with earnest desires that they may turn
from their wicked ways and live.
7. Those who have God for their helper will at last tri-
Tnis book records the miraculous passage of Joshua and the people of Israel into Canaan through the
Jordan, the conquest of the land, and its division by lot among the several tribes. It closes with the
account of Joshua's death and burial.
In regard to the authorship of this book, there are difierent views. Tlie Jewish tradition ascribes it to
Joshua himself, with the exception of the some transactions which
last five verses. Hut since it records
occurred after Joshua's death, as the conquest of Hebron, (chapter 15:10-19, compared with Judges
1 12-15,) and the excursion of the Danites, (chapter 19 :47, compared with Judges 18,) we must suj)
citlier that these passages were inserted by a later hand, or as some think, that the book was written
by some inspired Israelite unknown to us not many years after the decease of Joshua.
unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister,'' say- people shalt thou divide for an inheritance* the
ing, land, which I sware unto their fathers to give
2 Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise, them.
go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto 7 Only be thou strong and very courageous,'" that
the land which I do give to them, even to the chil- thou mayest observe to do according to all the
dren of Israel. law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn
3 Every place that the sole of j-our foot shall not from it lo the right hand or to the left, that
tread upon, that have I given unto you,"" as I said thou mayest prosper* whithersoever thou goest.
unto Moses. 8 This book of the law shall not depart out of
4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even thy moutli but thou shalt meditate therein day ;
unto the great river, the river Euplirates,'' all the and night, that thou mayest observe to do accord-
land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea tow- ing to all that i.s written therein for then thou :
• Deot.34:5. bExod.24;13, c Deut. 11:34. d Gen. 15.18; Nam. .'M:-'- > Shalt muse this people lo inlicru. h Deut. 31:7, 23; Eph. 6:10; 2 Tii
e Dent. 7:-^. ' ch. J. 7; 6:27. g Deut. 31:6,8; Heb. 13:5. • Or, f Or, do wisely; Deut. 29:9.
INSTRUCTIONS. work on any of his servants, but they are constant!}' and
1. However long or faithfully the people of God may entirely dependent on him. He raises up one, fits him for
Berve him, they must die. As they approach that momen- his work, sustains him till it is accomplished, and then, in
tous and solemn event, the Lord can. and sometimes does his own way and time, removes him. With equal ease he
give them such views of the glorious things which he has can raise uj) others and fit them for what remains to be
promised, as not only to take away fear, but to lead them done, so that not one jot or tittle of what he has promised
in peace and with delight to yield up their spirit to Him shall fail, till all be accomplished.
who gave it. Moses was an example of true greatness. The more
5. Though
ordinarily a blessing, when called to die.
it is we imitate him in meekness, humility, faith in God, cour-
to be surrounded with kind, sympathizing friends, yet if we age, and perseverance in duty, the more free will be our
die among strangers, or even alone, with no kind hand to access to God, and the greater our likeness to him the ;
smooth a pillow or wipe away a tear, God can so manifest more useful and blessed will be our life, the richer our
himself, that without aid from creatures we shall be filled prospect in death, and the more glorious our condition
to overflowing with the fulness of God. and inheritance in eternity.
8. When friends, especiaUy such as have been eminently
1 ^: 1
b.'"i4sl' shalt make thy '"'ay prosporou?, and then the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came
thou shalt have good success.* into a harlot's house, named Rahab," and lodged^
9 Have not I commanded thee?'' Be strong and there.
of a good courage; be not afraid, neitlier be thou 2 And it was told the king of Jericho, saying.
dismayed:'' for the Lord thy God is with thee Behold, there came men in hither to-night of the
whithersoever thou goest.'' children of Israel to search out the country.
10 1i Tiien Joshua commauded the officers of the 3 And the king of Jericho sent unto Rahab, say-
people, saying, ing, Bring forth the men that are come to thee,
1 Pass through tlie host, and command the peo- which are entered into thy house for they be come :
ple, saying. Prepare you victuals for within three to search out all the country.
days ye shall pass over this Jordan,'' to go in to 4 And the woman took the two men, and hid
possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth them,' and said thus. There came men unto me,
you to possess it. but I wist not whence they were:
12 •[ And to the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, 5 And it came to pass about the time of shutting
and to half the tribe of Mauasseh, spake Joshua, of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went
saying, out whither the men went, I wot not pursue after
: :
13 Remember the word which Moses the servant them quickly for ye shall overtake them. ;
of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord 6 But she had brought them up to the roof of
your God hath given you rest, and hath given you the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax,
tills land." which she had laid in order upon tlie roof.""
li Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, 7 And the men pursued after them the way to
shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on Jordan unto the fords and as soon as they which :
this side Jordan but ye shall pass before your pursued after them were gone out, they shut the
that thou commandest us we will do,*^ and whith- out of Egypt and what ye did unto the two kings ;
ersoever thou sendest us, we will go. of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jor-
17 According as we hearkened unto Moses in dan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.''
all things, so will we hearken unto thee only the : 1 And as soon as we had heard these things, our
Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. hearts did melt,*" neither did there remain^ any
18 Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy more courage in any man, because of you for the :
commandment, and will not hearken unto thy Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and
words iu all that thou commandest him, he shall in earth beneath.''
be put to death:'' only be strong and of a good 12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by
courage.' the Lord, since I have showed you kindness, that
ye will also show kindness unto my father's house,'
CHAPTER II, and give me a true token:'
1 Rahab receiveth an concealeth the two spies sent from Shittim. 13 And that ye will save alive my father, and
The covenant bt-twe her and them.
L 2.3 Tlieir return and relation
my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and
A ND Joshua the son of Nun sent* out of Shit- all that they have, and deliver our lives from
tim two men to spy secretly,^ saying. Go view death.
• Oi, do wisehj ; ver. 7. " 1 Chr. 4-1:20; Hag. •24; Zech. 8:9. b Gen. 2:35.
2=:15; Psa. 27:1; Jer. 1:?^. ' Psa. 40:7; Isa. -l-!:!, 5. i oh. 3:2. e ch.
22:1-4; Num. 32:20-43. t Heb. marshaUtd by five ; Exod. 13:18. f Deut.
5:27. Ever. 5; 1 Sam. 20:13; 1 Kings 1:37. t Rom. 13: 1-5. i ver. 0, 7. 9;
1 Cor, 16:13. lOr, AodsoK. i Num. 13:2. t Matt. 1:3; Heb. 11:31; Jas.
14 Ami tlic men answered licr, Our life for your?,' CHAPTER III.
if ye utter not tiiis our business. And it shall lie,
when llie LoUD luitli given us the land, that wc
will deal kindly and truly with thoc."
15 Then siie let them down by a cord throuprh
the winilow:'' fur her house nas upon the town
wall, and she dwelt upon the wall.
ll) And she said unto them. Get you to the moun-
waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall Jordan, and take you up every man of you a stone
be cut od' from the waters that come down from upon his shoulder, according unto the number of
above and they shall stand upon a heap.'^
; the tribes of the children of Israel:
1-1 1 And it came to pass, when the people re- 6 That this may be a sign among you, that when
moved from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and your children ask their fathers in time to come,*
the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before saying, What 7nean ye by these stones?''
7 Then ye shall answer them, That the waters
the people
15 iVnd as they that bare the ark were come unto of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the cov-
Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the enant of the Lord;' when it passed over Jordan,
ark were dipped in the brim of the water," (for the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these
Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of stones shall be for a memorial unto the children
harvest,)' of Israel for ever.""
16 That the waters which came down from above 8 And the children of Israel did so as Joshua
stood and rose up upon a heap'"' very far from the commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the
city Adam, that is beside Zaretan;* and those midst of Jordan, as the Lord spake unto Joshua,
that came down toward the sea of the plain,'' cvin according to the number of the tribes of the chil-
the salt sea, failed, a7id were cut off: and the peo- dren of Israel, and carried them over with them
ple passed over right against Jericho. unto the place where they lodged, and laid them
17 And the priests that bare the ai'k of the cov- down there.
enant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the {) And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst
midst of Jordan,' and all the Israelites passed over of Jordan," in the place where the feet of the
on dry ground, until all the people were passed priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood
clean over Jordan. and they are there unto this day.
10 IT For the priests which bare the ark stood
in the midst of Jordan," until every thing was fin-
CHAPTER IV. ished that the Lord commanded Joshua to speak
I Twelve men are appointed to take twelve stones for a memorial out
unto the people, according to all that Moses com-
of Jordan. 9 Twelve other stones are set up in the midst of Jordan.
10, 19 The people pass over. 14 God magnifieth Joshua. 20 The manded Joshua and the people hasted and passed
4:2. bver. 13. l(i. c Psa. 7S;13. d Dent. SI:-*: Jer. .3: 1(1: Heb. ) Deut. 27:2. t Heb. k ver. 21; ExoJ. 13:14; Dcu' fi:2U; Psa.
ver. 13. f 1 Chr. 13:15; Jer. 12:5. 6 Psa. 114:3. •
Zarlanah. 41:1; 7S::!-S. I ch.3:13:l(i. m t am. 16:40; Psa. 111:4. n Kxod. 24:12;
4:12; Zarlkan, 1 Kings 7:46. h Deut. 3:17. i Exod. 14:29. 23:21; 1 Kings 1S:31. "ch. 3:13. P Num. 32:20-29. I Or. ready drmed.
12. Twelve men; these were to be selected for a special 10. However dark the path before us, God can make it
purpose. Chap. 4:2, 3. plain and however great the difficulties in the way of
INSTRUCTIONS. God, living and strong faith will overcome thcin and ;
H ^ On
that day the Loud macrnifiod Joslma westward, and all the kings of the Canaan- ^i. " m?:
in the sight of all L-Jrael ;" and they feared liiin, itcs, which mre by the sea,' heard that the LoHD
as they feared Moses,'' all the days of his life. had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the
1') And the Loud sjiake unto .Joshua, t^aying, children of Israel," until we were pas.sed over, that
111 Coninuind the ]>iiisls tiiat lirar the ark of the tlioir heart melted,' neither was there spirit in them
testimony,'' that lliry conic u]) out of Jordan. any more,'" because of the children of Israel.
17 Joshua therefore eoinnuinded the priests, say- 2 *i At that time the Lord said unto Joshua,
ins, Come ye up out of Jordan. Make thee sharp knives,' and circumcise again
18 And it came to pass, when the priests that the children of Israel the second time.
bare the ark of tlie covenant of the Lord were 3 And Joshua made him shar[) knives, and cir-
come up out of the midst of Jordan, and the soles cumcised the children of Israel at tlie hill of the
of (he priests' feet were lifted up" unto the dry foreskins.''
land, tliat the waters of Jordan returned unto 4 And this is the cause why Joshua did circum-
tlieir place, and ilowed* over all his banks, as cise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that
they did before.'' were males, even all the men of war, died in the
li) 1 And the people came up out of Jordan on wilderness by the way, after they came out of
the lentil day of the lirst month, and encamped in Egypt."
Giliral. in tiie east border of Jericho. 5 Now all the people that came out were cir-
20 .Vnd those tw(?lvc stones," which they took out cumcised but all the people that were born in the
of Jordan, did Joshua pitch in Giljral. wilderness by the way as they came forth out of
21 And he spake unto the children of Israel, say- Egypt, them they had not circumcised.
ino:, When your children shall ask their fathers in 6 For the children of Israel walked forty years
time to come,* sayintr. What these stones?'' mmn in the wilderness," till all the people that were men
22 Then ye shall let your children know, saying, of war, which came out of Egypt, were consumed,
Israel came over this Jordan on ilry land.'' because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord:
23 For the Lord your God dried up the waters unto whom the Lord sware that he would not
of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed show them the land,'' which the Lord sware unto
over, as the Lord your God did to tlie Red sea,'' their fathers that he would give us, a land that
which he dried up from before us, until we were (lowctii with milk and honey.
gone over. 7 And their children,'' whom he raised up in their
24 That all the people of the earth might know stead, them Joshua circumcised: for they were un-
the hand of the Loud,' that it is mighty; that ye circumcised, because they had not circumcised them
might fear the Lord your God for ever.^ by the way.
8 And it came to pass, when they had done cir-
mormc. fver. 6. Sch. 3:17. h Exod. 14:21. > 1 Kings S: 4-2, 4.1; 2 Kings 3:11. qNum. 14:31; Deut. 1:.39. • Heb. Hit people had made an rivl to U
19:19; P.^a. 100:8; Jer. 10:8, 7; Dan. 4:*t, 35. 5 Heb. alt days, j Num. circumrised. rOn..14:14; 1 Sam. 17:20. •cli.21:14- Ezek. 20:7,6; 23:3,
13:-.>9. kExoJ. 15:14, 1.3. 1 ch. 2:9, II Psa. 43:6; Ezek. 21:7. ml Kings
; ^. t That is, Rolling.
14. The Lord magnified Joshua j by the manner in whicli gladly, therefore, should each portion pursue the course
he led the Israelites over the Jordan. Chap. 3:7. which is best for the whole, and in so doing they will
19. The tenth day of tlie first month ; forty years, wanting subserve their own best interests.
five days, from the time they left Egypt, and on the day 14. They who most heartily and faithfully follow the
that the paschal lamb was to be set apart for sacrifice. directions of God, will in due time be most highly hon-
Chap. 5:10; Exod. 12:3-42. ored. Matt. 19:28.
20. Pitch; literally, rear up; that is, into a conspicuous 18. What are called laws of nature, are stated modes of
heap. God's operation, which he can continue or change, as he
23. Tlie Red sea; Exod. 14:21, 22. sees best.
INSTRUCTIOXS. 24. When God works wonders, they are not for any par-
All proper care should be taken to keep in mind the
3. ticular people or period merely, but for all people in all
mercies of the Lord and to transmit a knowledge of them
ages, and are designed and adapted to make known hia
to our children and all coming generations. character to the universe for ever.
6. wisely ordered that children should be inquisi-
It is
tive. It opens the way to communicate instruction in a CHAPTER V.
form most interesting and useful. Such opportunities 1. the Mediterranean.
Tlie sea ;
should be diligently improved by parents and all intrust- 2. The second time; not that any who had been cir-
ed with the education of the young. cumcised were to be circumcised again, but that the rite
10. When in obedience to God we have taken the place of circumcision, which had been neglected in the wilder-
and engaged in the service which he has assigned us, we ness, was to be, as it were, established a second time as
should patiently abide in it till he in his providence bids it had been the first time in Abraham's day.
us leave it, and then we should go to any other place and 8. Whole; healed.
engage in any other service to which he calls us. 9. The reproach of Egypt; according to some, the re-
12. The friends of God should rememlier that they be- proach of their having been bondmen in Egypt. Accord-
long to one family, and have one common cause. Most ing to others, the reproach cast upon them by the Egyp-
A. jns',
^ ^YikI
the children of Israel encamped
"I Q And
ye shall compass the city, all ye men of
in Gilgal," and kept the passover on the t'our- war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt
teenth day of the month at even in the plains of thou do six days.
Jericho.'' 4 And seven priests shall bear before the ark
1 And they did eat of the old corn of the land seven trumpets of rams' horns:' and the seventh
on tlie morrow after the passover, unleavened day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the
cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day. priests shall blow with the trumpets.™
1 1[ Aivl the manna ceased on the morrow after 5 And it shall come to pass, that when they make
they had eaten of the old corn of the land;'' nei- a long blast with the ram's horn," and when ye liear
ther had the children of Israel manna any more;'' the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout
but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan with a great shout;" and the wall of the city shall
that year. fall down flat,* and the people shall ascend up
13 IT And it came to pass, when Joshua was by every man straight before him.
Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and 6 1i And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests,
behold, there stood a man" over against him with and said unto them. Take up the ark of the cove-
his sword drawn in his hand:'' and Joshua went nan t,P and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of
unto him, and said unto him, Jirt thou for us, or rams' horns before the ark of the Lord.
for our adversaries? 7 And he said unto the people, Pass on, and com-
14 And ho said, Nay but as captain" of the host pass the city,'' and let him that is armed pass on
of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on before the ark of the Lord.
his face to the earth,*-' and did worship, and said 8 IF And it came to pass, when Joshua had spo-
unto him. What saith my lord unto his servant?*" ken unto the people, that the seven priests bearing
15 And the captain of the Lord's host said unto the seven trumpets of rams' horns passed on before
Joshua, Loose thy shoe from oS thy foot ;' for the the Lord, and blew with the trumpets and the ark :
place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua of the covenant of the Lord followed them.
did so. 9 And the armed men went before the priests
that blew with the trumpets, and the rearward^
CHAPTER VI. came after the ark,"' the priests going on, and blow-
ing with the trumpets.
1 Jericho is shut up. 2 G-od instructeth Joshua how to besiege it. 12
The city is compassed. 17 It must be accursed. 20 The walls fall 10 And Joshua had commanded the people, say-
down. 22 Rahab is saved. 26 The builder of Jericho is cursed. ing, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with
"\ TOW Jericho was straitly shut up* because of your voice," neither shall any word proceed out of
Jl> the children of Israel: none went out, and your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then
none came in. shall ye shout.
2 And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have 11 So the ark of the Lord compassed the city,
given into thy hand Jericho,^ and the king there- going about it once and they came into the camp, :
of,'^ and the mighty men of valor. and lodged in the camp.
>Ch.4;19. bExod. 12:6; Num. 9:5. c E.iod. 10:35; Neh. 9:20. d Rev. t Heb. dill sliut up, and was shut up. i ch. 2:9, 24; 8:1. k Deut. 7:21;
7:16,17. e Gen. :32:21; Exod. 23:2:3. f Num. 22:23; 1 Chr. 21 :27, 30. 'Or, Judg. 11:24. IJudg. 7:16. 22. m Num. 10:8. n 2 Chr. 20:21, 23. o 2 Chr.
Jirince; Exod. 2:3:20; Dan. 10:13, 21; 12:1; Rev. 19:11-14. s Gen. 17:3; 13:14,15. t Heh. undtrit. P ch. 3:6. q ver. 3. i Heb. gathering host.
Num. 16:22. hi Sim. 3:9, 10; Isa.6:8; Acts9:6. iE.xod.3:5; AGts7:.i3. ' Num. 10:25. IHeb. your voice to be heard.
tians, as a race out of favor with God, and left by him to Reproach may for a season rest upon the people of
wander in the wilderness. Compare Exod. 32:12; Num. God, but in due time it shall be done away, and they shall
14:13-16; Deut. 9:28. This reproach God had removed be crowned with honor and glory.
by receiving them again into covenant with himself by 12. When one source of support ceases, God opens an-
circumcision, and by giving them possession of the prom- other, and instead of leaving his people destitute, he will
ised land. Gilgal; that is, rolling away. abundantly supply them with all real good.
10. Fourteenth daij ; just forty years from the time of 14. Jehovah, who took the form of man, is the Captain
their keeping it on the evening before their departure of salvation to his people. Those whom he saves worship
from Egypt. Exod. 12:6-14. him on earth, and will for ever worship him in heaven.
13. A man; One in the form and appearance of a man. Matt. 14:33; Acts 7:59; Rev. 5:8-14.
He was that " Angel of the Lord " who showed himself to
be the Lord himself. Gen. 18. CHAPTER VI.
14. Captain; Heb. 2:10. Did worship; Matt. 4:10; Rev. 2. And the Lord said; this is a continuation of the nar-
rativebegun in ver. 13 of the preceding chapter; the first
15. Loose thy shoe ; Exod. 3:5.
verse of the present chapter being thrown in simply by
INSTRUCTIONS. way of explanation. " The Lord " here is the same as
1. However much those who continue in sin may see of " the Captain of the host of the Lord," chap. 5:14, 15.
their own approaching ruin, they take no proper measures 3. Shall compass the city; this is a sign of its being given
to escape it. by Jehovah into the power of Israel. The number seven,
2. If under special and peculiar circumstances the ordi- here as elsewhere, denotes completeness.
nances of God have been for a time neglected, the earliest 8. Before the Lord ; before the ark, the visible manifesta-
opportunity should be embraced to observe them, and tion of his presence.
thus to secure the benefits they are suited to impart. 9. The armed men; the Hebrew term used here being
3. Whatever be the circumstances of men, it is safe, that which is repeatedly applied to the warriors of the
wise, .ind best for them to obey God. He can protect them tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh,
from all harm, or overrule what they may suffer for their some have thought that these warriors were designated
highest good. as those who should go before the ark, the rest of the
6. By the dispensations of his providence, God fulfils armed men following it. It was only the men of war that
the declarations of his word. compassed the city. Ver. 3.
; P :
1 2 And Josliua rose oarly in tlio morning, and the city,' both man and woman, young and r^.i^;;?;
the pricsU took uji the ark of tlic LoUD." old, and o.\, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of
i:{ And sevi-n [nicsls buariuL' seven trumpets of the sword.
ranjs' liorns before tlie ark of tlie Loud went on 22 JJut Joshua had said unto the two men that
continiiallv, and blew with the trumpets: and the had si)ied out the country, Uo into the harlot's
armed men wi-nt liefore them; but the rearward house, and bring out thence the woman, and all
came after the ark of the Loitn, t/te priexls going that she hath, a,s ye sware unto her.^
on. and blowing with the trumpets. 23 And the young men that were spies went in,
14 And tlic second day tiicy compassed the city and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her
once, and returned into the camj). So they did mother, and her brethren, and all that she had ;"
six days. and they brought out ail her kindred,* and left
1.5 And it came to pass on tiic seventh day," tliat them without the caiiip of Israel.
they rose early about the dawning of the day, and 24 And they burnt the city with fire,' and all
compassed the city after the same manner seven that vas therein only the silver, and the gold, :
times: only on that day they compassed the city and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into
seven times. the treasury of the house of the Lord.'"
li> And it came to pass at the seventh time, when 25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive,"
the priests blew with tiie trumjjets, Joshua said and her father's household, and all that she had;
unto the people, Shout ;'^ for the Loud hath given and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day ;" be-
you the city. cause she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent
IT "i And the city shall bo accursed,* even it, and to spy out Jericho.
all that are therein, to the Lord: only Rahab the 2() If And Joshua adjured them at that time, .say-
harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in ing. Cursed be the man before the Lord, that ris-
the house, because she hid the messengers that we eth up and buildeth this city Jericho :'' he shall lay
sent.'' the foundation thereof in his iirst-born, and in his
18 And ye, in any -wise keep yourselves from the youngest so?i shall he set up the gates of it.
accursed thing," lest ye make yourselves accursed, 27 So the Lord was with Joshua;'' and his fame
when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the was twistd throughout all the country.
camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.'^
11) But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of
brass and iron, are consecrated* unto the Lord: VII. CHAPTER
they shall come into the treasury of the Lord.*-' 1 The Israelites are smitten at Ai. 6 Joshua's complaint. 10 God
20 So the people shouted when t/w priests blew instructeth him what to do. 16 Arhan is taken by the lot. 19 His
confession. 22 He and all he had are destroyed in the valley of Achor.
with thetrumpets: and it came to pass, when the
people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the children of Israel committed a tres-
people shouted with a great siiout, that the wall
T^UT the
!) pass in the accursed thing:* for Achan,' the
icll down flat,*'' so thai the people went up into son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi,^ the son of Zerah,
tlie city, every man straight before him, and they of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing
took the city. and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the
21 And they utterly destroyed all that u-as in children of Israel.
» Vcr. fl; Deut. 31:\.'5. b ver. 4. c ver. * Or. devoted,- Lev. 27:25;
4.<:IU; Rev. 18:21. jch.2:14. k ch. 2:
MLc. .1:13, i oh. 'J:4. « ch. 71; neut. 7:20; 13:17; i Cor. 6:17. ' ch.
7:'25. i lleh. holiness. glKings7:51. t Heb. uiuierit. h ver. 5. i Deut.
7:-.>, 10; aij;10, 17; 1 Sam. 1,5:3, H; 1 Kings 2IJ:4-i; Psi. 137:8, 9; Jcr.
1. If men continue in known transgression, they will
5; 2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to M, according to your tribes :" and it shall be, that the
which is beside Bcth-aven, on the east side of Beth- tribe which the Lord taketh shall come according
el, and spake unto them, saying, Go up and view the to the families thereof;" and the family which the
country. And the men went up and viewed Ai. Lord shall take shall come by households and the ;
3 And they returned to Joshua, and said unto household which the Lord shall take shall come
him, Let not all the people go up; but let about man by man.
two or three thousand men* go up and smite Ai; 15 And it shall be, that he that is taken with the
and make not all the people to labor thither for accursed thing shall be burnt with fire, he and all
they are but few. that he hath because he hath transgressed the :
4 8o there went up thither of the people about covenant of tiie Lord, and because he hath wrought
three thousand men; and they fled before the men folly in Israel.' '
6 ir And Joshua rent his clothes,'' and fell to the was taken
earth upon his face before the ark of the Lord 18 And he brought his household man by man;
until the eventide, he and the elders of Israel, and and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi,
put dust upon their heads. the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.
7 And Joshua said, Alas, Lord God, wherefore 19 And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give,
hast thou at all brought this people over Jordan,''' I pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Israel," and
to deliver us into the hand of the Araorites, to de- make confession unto him ;" and tell me now what
stroy us? would to God we had been content, and thou hast done hide it not from me. ;
dwelt on the other side Jordan! 20 And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed
8 Lord, what shall I say,'' when Israel turneth I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and
their backs* before their enemies! thus and thus have I done:
9 For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of 21 When I saw among the spoils a goodly Bab-
the laud shall hear of it,' and shall environ us ylonish garment,'" and two hundred shekels of sil-
round, and cut off our name from the earth:' and ver, and a wcdge^ of gold of fifty shekels weight,
what wilt thou do unto thy great name?" then I coveted them," and took them ;^ and behold,
10 IT And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent,
up wherefore liest^ thou thus upon thy face?
; and the silver under it.^
11 Israel hath sinned, and they have also trans- 22 11 So Joshua sent messengers, and they ran
gressed my covenant which I commanded them:' unto the tent and behold, it was hid in his tent, ;
for they have even taken of the accursed thing,"" and the silver under it.
and have also stolen, and dissembled also," and 23 And they took them out of the midst of the
they have put it even among their own stuff. tent, and brought them unto Joshua, and unto all
12 Therefore the children of Israel could not the children of Israel, and laid* them out before
stand before their enemies," but turned their backs the Lord.
before their enemies, because they were accursed:'' 24 lind Joshua, and all Israel with him, took
neitlier will I be with you any more, except ye Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the
destroy the accursed from among you. garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and
13 Up, sanctify the people, and say. Sanctify his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his
yourselves against to-morrow :'• for thus saith the sheep, and his tent, and all tliat he had: and they
Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in brought tlicm unto the valley of Achor.
the midst of thee, Israel thou canst not stand
: 25 And Joshua said. Why hast thou troubled us?-''
before thine enemies, until ye take away the ac- the Lord shall trouble thee this day. And all Is-
cursed thing from among you. rael stoned him with stones," and burned them with
14 In the morning therefore ye shall be brought fire, after they had stoned them with stones.
* Heb. about two thousand
jnen, or about three thousand men. a Lev. 10:19; 14: 3S^2. » Trov. 1U:33; Jonah 1 :7. I Or, wickedness. 'Gen. 34:7;
2G;17; Deat. aSi-iS. b Deut. 1:44. 1 Or, in Morad. c Lev. afi:30. d Psa. Judg.20:li; lSam.2li:21. ulSam.0:5; Jer. 13:16. »Nnm. 5:6,7; 2 Chr.
•i-2:H. e Gen. 37:29, 3). f 1 Sim. 4: 1'J: 2 Sam. 1 :> :13: 19; Neh. 9: 1 30:22; 33:12, 13; Ezra 10:10, 11; Psa. 32:5, 51:3; Jer. 3:12, 13; Dan.
Joba:12. SKxod. 5:221 2 Kings 3:10. liHab.2:l. 1 Heb. nfffa. i ExoJ. 9:4; Rom. 10:10; I John 1:8-10. w Prov. 2-J:22. ^ Ueh. tongue, i Hab.
32:12; Num. 14:13. j Deut. 32:20. 27; Psa. 83:4. k Ezek. 3():22, 23. 2:9; Rom. 7:7; 1 Tim. 6:10; Jas. 1:15. yMic.a;l. zlsa. 29:15. 'Heb.
i HAk fallest. Ich. 6:17, IS. m ver. 21. » Acts 5:1, 2. o Num. 14:45; poured, a 1 Chr. 2:7; Heb. 12:15. b Deut. 17:5.
JudL- 2:14. P ch. G:ltf; Ueut. 7:2G; Ilag. 2:13, 14. q oh. 3:5. r 1 gam.
2. Ai; a city north-west of Jericho; the same as Uai. God's disposal, and he has an absolute right to take them
Geu. 12:8; 13:3. when and how he pleases. In the present case he saw
5. Became as water; were utterly discouraged. good to direct that all Achan 's family, as well as liis jios-
C. Put dust upon their heads; in token of deep distress. sessions, should perish with him. We
may reasonably
9. What wilt thou do ? how would God secure his honor suppose that one design of this was to impress more
as faitliful to his promises and able to fulfil them. deeply upon the minds of the Israelites the malignant
14. The Lord taJceth; designates by lot as presently ex- nature of sin, and its tendency to involve in niin not only
plained. the transgressor himself, but all connected with him. For
19. —
Give glory to tlie Lord ; by confessing the truth. the administration of justice by human judges he gave a
24. His sons, and his daughters; the lives of all are at different rule " The fathers shall not be put to death for
20 And
they raised over him a great heap of 8 And it shall be, when ye have taken u " unr
stones nnto liiis day." So the Lokd tui-ncd from the city, t/iat ye shall set the city on fire: accord-
till- tierccness of liis anger.'' Wiiereforc the name ing to the commandment of the Loud shall ye do.
of that place was called, The valley of Achor,* unto See, I have commanded you.''
this day." !) "I Joshua therefore sent tlnin forth; and they
went to lie in ambush, and abode between l!cth-cl
CHAPTER VIII. anil Ai, on tiie
ed that night anifing the jieople.
west side of Ai but Joshua lodg-
drawn* them from the city; for they will say, sucd after Joshua, and were drawn away from
Thoy flee before us, as at the first: therefore we the city.
will flee before them. 17 And there was not a man left in Ai or Beth-
7 Then ye shall rise up from the ambush, and el, that went -not out after Israel and they left :
seize upon the city: for the Loed your God will the city open, and pur.sued after Israel.
deliver it into your hand. 18 And the Lord said unto Joshua, Stretch out
« Ch. 8:-29; 2 Sim. 13:17. b Deut. 13:17. • Tha,t is. trouble, c ver. 4. j Judg. 20:34, etc.; Eccl. 9:12; Isa. 19:11, 13;
24; Isa. 65:10; Hos. 2:1:3. d ch. 0:21. = Deut. 20:14. f Judi;. 20:29. etc.
e oh. 7:5. t Heb. Jil(«erf. 2 Sam. 13: 23. i ver. 5. 1 Or, o/j4i. 5 Heb.
the children, neither shall the children be put to death for indulged, however secretl.v, we cannot expect deliverance,
the fathers every man shall be put to death for his own
: or the protection and blessing of God.
sin." Deut. 24:16. 13. All iniquity is perfectly known to God, and it is a
26. Aclior; meaning trouble. solemn thing to stand before him and have it brought to
light and spread out before the sun,
INSTRUCTIONS. 15, The punishment which God sometimes brings upon
I, Sins known
only to those who commit them and to the workers of iniquity here, is a premonition of the more
God may occasion calamities to a nation, and be the means dreadfid woes which will come upon them hereafter,
of brin<;ing many to an untimely grave. 18. The idea of keeping sin a secret is vain: those who
3. Great prosperity often tempts men to be self-confi- commit it may be sure that, sooner or later, their sin will
dent, and leads them to neglect those means which are find them out. Num. 32:23; Matt, 10:26.
essential to their continued success, 21. I saw, I coveted, and I took, describes the course
4. Wlien men undertake plans in reliance on their own with regard to forbidden objects, of multitudes of trans-
judgment or that of others, without inquiring of God, or gressors and their condition, when their sins are brought
seeking his direction, they will be likely to fail, and to light, is in tot^il contrast to what they expected when
instead of success meet with speedy and sore disappoint- they committed them. Prov. 13:15; Jas. 1:15.
ment. 25. There are cases where God requires transgressors
5. Men are prone to go to extremes, and after being to be put to death, and his anger will not be turned away
highly elated, to sink into despair. from a people unless they execute this punishment. Gen.
7. In trouble we should humble ourselves on account of 9:G; Num. 35:16-21; Deut. 19:11:13.
our sins, and implore pardoning mercy especially inquir-
ing why it is that God contendeth with us, and seeking to
know his will, that we may do it. 4. Ye wait; from ver. 12 below, it seems prob-
shall lie in
9. When we truly desire the honor of God, and wish for able that only five thousand of these were actually placed
success in our elforts that he may be glorified, our pray- in ambush between Bethel and Ai.
ers will be accepted and answered in rich mercy. 12. About Jive thousand; see above note to ver. 4.
II, The cause of all trouble is sin and so long as ; it is 16. All the people; the men of war. Ver. 24.
»; " 1™
the spear that is in thy hand toward Ai 29 And
the king" of Ai he hanged on a tree
for I will give it into thy hand. And Joshua until eventide:' and as soon as the sun was do\vii,J
stretched out the spear that /w had in his hand Joshua commanded that they should take his car-
toward the city. cass down from the tree, and cast it at the enter-
19 And the ambush arose quickly out of their ing of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a
place, and they ran as soon as he had stretched great heap of stones," that remaineth unto this day.
out his hand and they entered into the city, and
: 30 H Then Joshua built an altar unto the Lord
took it, and hasted and set the city on fire. God of Israel in mount Ebal,'
20 And when the men of Ai looked behind them, 31 As Moses the servant of the Lord command-
they saw, and behold, the smoke of the city as- ed the children of Israel, as it is written in the
cended up to heaven,'' and they had no power* to book of the law of Moses,"" an altar of whole stones,
flee this way or that way and the people that fled : over which no man hath lifted up any iron: and
to the wilderness turned back upon the pursuers. they offered thereon burnt-offerings unto the Lord,
21 And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the and sacrificed peace-oflcrings.
ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of 32 t And he wrote there upon the stones a copy
the city ascended, then they turned again, and of the law of Moses," which he wrote in the pres-
slew the men of Ai. ence of the children of Israel.
22 And the other issued out of the city against 33 And all Israel, and their elders, and officers,
them so they were in the. midst of Israel, some on
; and their judges, stood on this side the ark and
this side, and some on that side and they smote on that side before the priests the Levites, which
an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the servant of the Lord had commanded before,'' that
field, in the wilderness wherein they chased them, they should bless the people of Israel.
and when they were all fallen on the edge of the 34 And afterward he read all the words of the
sword, until they were consumed, that all the Is- law,'' the blessings and cursings,'^ according to all
raelites returned unto Ai, and smote it with the that is written in the book of the law.
edge of the sword. 35 There was not a word of all that Moses com-
25 And so it was, that all that fell that day, both manded, which Joshua read not before all the con-
of men and women, were twelve thousand, e^ien all gregation of Israel, with the women, and the lit-
the men of Ai. tle ones, and the strangers that were conversant*
26 For Joshua drew not his hand back,'' where- among them.
with he stretched out the spear, until he had ut-
terly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.
27 Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel
took for a prey unto themselves," according unto the 1 The kings combine attains! Israel. 3 The Gibeonites by craft obtain
a league 13 for which they are condemned to perpetual bondage.
word of the Lord which he commanded Joshua.' ;
plishment depended wholly upon human efforts. then were. The great sea; the Mediterranean.
of their provision was dry and mouldy. 19 But all the princes said unto all the congrega-
6 And they went to Joshua unto the camp at tion, We
have sworn unto them by the LouD God
Gilgal.' and said unto him, and to the men of Is- of Israel now therefore we may not touch them.
rael, We
be come from a far country now therefore : 20 This we will do to them we will even let ;
make ye a league with us. them live, lest wrath be ujion us, because of the
7 And the men of Israel said unto tlio Ilivites,'' oath which we sware unto them.'
Peradventure ye dwell among us; aud how shall 21 And the princes said unto them. Let them
we make a league with yon?'' live; but let them be hewers of wood and draw-
8 And they said unto Josiiua, We
are thy ser- ers of water unto all the congregation;" as the
vants.' Aud Joshua said unto them, Who are ye? princes had promised them.^
and from whence come ye ? 22 IT And Joshua called for them, and he spake
'.)And they said unto him, From a very far coun- unto them, saying, Wherefore have ye beguiled us,
tryj thy servants are come," because of the name saying, We
are very far from you; when ye dwell
of the Lord thy God for we have heard the fame among us ?
of him, and all that he did in Egypt, 23 Now therefore ye are cursed,"' and there shall
10 And all that he did to tlie two kings of the none of you be freed from being' bondmen, and
Amorites, that ivere beyond Jordan, to Sihon king hewers of wood and drawers of water for the
of Ileshbon, and to Og king of Baslian, which was house of my God."
at Ashtaroth.' 24 Aud they answered Joshua, and said. Because
1 Wherefore our eldei's and all the inhabitants it was certainly told thy servants, how that the
of our country spake to us,™ saying, Take victuals Lord thy God commanded his servant Moses to
with you* for the journey, and go to meet them, give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabi-
and say unto tliem, We
are your servants there- tants of the land from before you,-^' therefore we
fore now make ye a league with us. were sore afraid of our lives because of you,'' and
12 This our bread we took hotybr our provision have done this thing.
out of our houses ou the day we came forth to go un- 25 And now, behold, we are in thy hand :" as it
to you but oow, behold, it is dry, and it is mouldy
; seemeth good and right unto thee to do unto us. do.
13 And these bottles of wine, which we filled, 26 And so did he unto them, and delivered them
were new and behold, they be rent and these out of the hand of the children of Israel, that
; :
our garments and our shoes are become old by they slew them not.
reason of the very long journey. 27 And Joshua made' them that day hewers of
14 And the men took of their victuals,* and asked wood and drawers of water for the congregation,
not counsel" at the mouth of the Lord." and for the altar of the Lord, even unto this day,
15 And Joshua made peace witii them, and made in the place which he should choose.**
» .Num. 34:0. b ExoJ. .3:17; S3;a3. ' 2 Chr. -211:1, etc.; I'fa. s:i::i, .'); 2 Sam. 21; 5:19. P ch. 11:19. q 2 Sam 21:2. r ch. 10:-2; lb:2S-28.
Isa. -:0. 10; M:15. • Heb. mouth, d ch. lU:i. e ch, 0:27. f ch. .5: 10. « I'sa. 15:4; Eccl. 5:6. 1 2 Sam. -21:1-0; Ezek. 17:12-21; Zech. 5:3,4;
Cch. 11:19. h ExoJ. a):.3a; Deut. 7:2; Judg. 2:3. iDeut.-2U:ll: 2Kin<;8 Mai. 3:5. « Deut. 29:11; 2 Chr. 2:17, Is. v vrr. 16. w Lev. 27:-2S-29.
10:5. J Deul. 20:15. k 1 Kincs 8:41 Isa. 55:5; Acts 8:27. I ch. 2:10;
; i Heb. not be cut off from you. i ver. 21, 27. y Exod. 23:32; Dent. 7:1, -2.
Kxod. 15:14; Num. 21:35. m Esther 8:17. : neb. in your hanil. 1 Or, zExnd. 15:14-16. « 2 Sam. 24:14; Isa. 47:fl. Heb. gave, oi delivered to
Mev received the men by reason of their victuals, n Num. 27:21 1 Chr. ; be; Ezra 8:20. b Deut. 12; 5; Psa. 132: 13, 14.
10:13. 14; Isa. 30:1, 2. o Judg. 1:1; 20:1.S. -i-i: 1 Sam. 2:1:10,11; 30:M;
3. Gibeon ; a large oity of the Hi vites, a few miles north- 8. A knowledge of the truth, the will, and purposes of
west of Jerusalem. Chap. 10:2. God, leads some to oppose and others to submit them-
4.Wiltly; craftily, deceitfully. Wine-bottles ; these were selves to him. Ver. 25.
made of the skins of animals. 14. If men do not ask counsel of God, and seek his
6. A league; an agreement not to destroy them. direction, they may expect to be habitually and grossly
18. Sworn unto them; that their lives should be pre- deceived.
served. Ver. 15, 20. 19. Solemn engagements to do things which are practi-
21. Hewers of -wood and drawers of water; especially for cable, and not wicked, should be sacredlj' observed. He
the services of religion. Ver. 23, 27. that changeth not, when he swcareth even " to his own
27. In the place which he shoiUd choose; for the sanctuary hurt," shall dwell in God's holy hill, and " shall never be
and for public worship. moved." Psa. 15:4 Eccl. 5:4-6. ;
IXSTRUCTIONS. 27. The sins of men are sometimes overruled for their
2. No
combination or power of wicked men, if they good but this does not lessen the evil of such sins, or the
continue in sin, will save them from ruin. guilt of those who commit them.
; :
stillat the word of Joshua. IG The five kings are immured in a cave.
23 They are brought forth, 24 scornfully used, 2G and hanged. 28 more which died with hailstones than they whom
Seven kings more are conquered. 43 Joshua returneth to Gilgal. the children of Israel slew with the sword.
of Jarmuth, and unto Japhia king of Lachish, and of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel."
unto Debir king of Eglon, saying, 15 TI And Joshua returned, and all Israel with
4 Come up unto me, and help me, that we may him, unto the camp to Gilgal.
smite Gibeon for it hath made peace with Joshua
: 16 But these five kings fled, and hid themselves
and with the children of Israel. in a cave at Makkedah. p
5 Therefore the five kings of the Amoritcs, the 17 And it was told Joshua, saying, The five
king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of kings are found hid in a cave at Makkedah.
Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, 18 And Joshua said, Roll great stones upon the
gathered themselves together," and went up. they mouth of the cave,' and set men by it for to keep
and all their hosts, and encamped before Gibeon, them
and made war against it. 19 And stay ye not, but pursue after your ene-
6 TT And the men of Gibeon sent unto Joshua to mies,'' and smite the hindmost^ of them ; suifer them
the camp to Gilgal,'" saying. Slack not thy hand not to enter into their cities: for the Lord your
from thy servants; come up to us quickly, and God hath delivered them into your hand.
save us, and help us: for all the kings of the Amo- 20 And it came to pass, when Joshua and the
rites that dwell in the mountains are gathered children of Israel had made an end of slaying
together against us. them with a very great slaughter, till they were
7 So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all consumed, that the rest which remained of them
the people of war with him, and all the mighty entered into fenced cities.^
men of valor. 21 And all the people returned to the camp to
8 IT And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear them Joshua at Makkedah in peace none moved his :
not:^ for I have delivered them into thy hand; tongue against any of the children of Israel.'
there shall not a man of tliem stand before thee. 22 Then said Joshua, Open the mouth of the
9 Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and cave, and bring out those five kings unto me out
went up from Gilgal all night. of the cave."
10 And the Lord discomfited them before Israel,'' 23 And they did so, and brought forth those five
and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon,' kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jeru-
and chased them along the way that goeth up to salem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth,
Beth-horon, and smote them to Azekah, and unto the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon.
Makkedah. 24 And it came to pass, when they brought out
11 And it came to pass, as they fled from before those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all
" Ch. 8;-22-2S. 6 ch. 6:21. « ch. 9:15. li E.ioJ. 13: 14-16; Deut. 11:25. 12:12. I Or, The upright, rn 2 Sam. 1:1S. n Isa. 38:8. o Dent. 1-30.
• Ueh.cilits
of t/ie kingdom, e oh. 9:2; Isa. 8:9, 10 tell. 9:6. Ech.ll:6; P JuJe. 6:2; 1 Sam. 13:6; 24:.% 8. <1 Matt. 27:60. r Jer. 48:10. » Heb.
JuJg. 4:14, 15. hjadg. 4:15. i Isa. 25:21. i Kxod. 9:22-26; Psa. 18:13, cutoff Ihetail. » 2 Sam. 20:6: Jer. 8:14. IBxod.lI:7. u 1 Sam. 15-32.
14; Isa. aO:.^; Rev. 16:21. 1 Heb. 6c si&jK. k Job!):7: llah..^:! 1. 1Judg.
the men of Israel, ami said unto the rnptains of (ho 33 ! Then Uoramkingof Oezer came up u.":??:":
men of war wliicli went with liiin, Come near, \m\ to help Lachish; and .loshua smote liim and liis
your feet upon tlic necks" of these kings.** And people, until he had loft him iioiu' roniaiiiing.
they came near, and put their feet upon the necks 34 [ And from Lachish passed unto Eg-
of them/ lon,° and with him; and they encamped
all Israel
2.'> Ami .Tosliua said unto them, Fearnot, nor he against it, and fought against it:
dismaved,'" be strong and of pood courage:" for 35 And they took it on that day, and smote it
thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that
wiiom ye figlit.' were therein he utterly destroyed that day, accord-
20 And afterward Joshua smote them, and slow ing to all tiiat he had done to''
them, and hanged them on live trees:"-' and they 36 And .Joshua went up from legion, and all
were hanging upon the trees until the evoning.'' Israel with him, unto Hebron;'' and they fought
27 And it came to pass at the time of the going against it:
down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they 37 And they took it, and smote it with the edge
took them down off the trees, and cast tiiem into of the sword, and the king thereof, and all the
the cave wherein tlicy had been hid, and laid great cities thereof, and all the souls that were therein
stones in the cave's mouth, which remaiVi until this he left none remaining, according to all that he
very day. had done to Eglon ;" but destroyed it utterly, and
28 T And that day Joshua took Makkedah, and all the souls that were therein.
smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king 38 IT And Joshua returned, and all Israel with
thereof he utterly destroyed,' them, and all the him, to Debir f and fought against it:
souls that were therein; he let none remain: and 39 And he took it, and the king thereof, and all
he did to the king of Makkedah as he did unto the the cities thereof; and they smote them with the
king of Jericho.J edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the
29 Then Joshua passed from Makkedah, and all souls that were therein; he left none remaining:
Israel with him, unto Libnah," and fouglit against as lie had done to Hebron,' so he did to Debir,
Libnah ami to the king thereof; as he had done also to
30 And the Loud delivered it also, and the king Libnah, and to her king.
thereof, into the hand of Israel and he smote it
; 40 1 So Joshua smote all the country of the hills,
with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that and of the south, and of the vale, and of the
were therein; he let none remain in it; but did springs, and all their kings he left none remain- :
unto tlie king thereof as he did unto the king of ing, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the
Jericho.' Lord God of Israel commanded."
31 ^ And Joshua passed from Libnah, and 41 And Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea'''
all Is-
rael with him, unto Lachish,"' and encamped against even unto Gaza,'' and all the country of Goshen,^
it, and fought against it: even unto Gibeon.-'
32 And the Lord delivered Lachish into the 42 And all these kings and their land did Joshua
hand of Israel, which took it on the second day, take at one time, because the Lord God of Israel
and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all fought for Israel.^
the souls that were therein, according to all that 43 And Joshua returned, and all Israel with
he had done to Libnah." him, unto the camp to Gilgal.
> Isa. 26:5, 6; Mai. 4:3. b Psa. 18:40. ' Psa. 107:40; 149:8. 9. d ch. q ch. 14:13; 15:13; Judg. 1:10; 2 Sam. 5:1-5; l.'i:9, 10; 1 Chr. 12:23, 38.
1:9; Deut. 31:6. 8. e Eph. 0:10. f Deut. 3:21; 7:19; Rom. 8:37. e ch. rver.35. "ch. 15:15; Judg. 1:11. 1 ver. ,37. u Deut. 20:10, 17. v Deut.
8:29. h Deut. '21:23. Deut. 7:2, IB. j ch. 6:21. k ch. 15:42; 21 :13; 9:23. w Gen. 10:19; 1 Sam. 6:17. x ch. 11:10. y ver. 2, 12; 1 Kings 3:5.
2 Kings 8:22; ,19:8. 1 ver. 28. m Tcr. 3, 5. o ver, 30. o ver. 3. P ver. 32.
29. Libnah; a city south of Makkedah. 11. All the elements are under God's control, and when
31. Lachish; still further south. he directs will fight against his foes, as in the days of
33. Gezer; in the territory that afterwards fell to the Moses, Barak, etc. Exod. 14:21 Judg. 5:20; Job 20:14-
tribe of Ephraim, about fifteen miles north-west of Jeru- 29; Isa. 45:9; Heb. 2:3.
salem. 14. Those who take the side of God, and follow his
34. Egloti; a few miles west of Lachish. directions, will experience his aid, and through his grace
36. Hebron; a city east of Lachish, and twenty miles will ultimately triumph.
south of Jerusalem. 18. Places to which the wicked flee for safety may be-
38. Dehir ; southwest of Hebron. come their prisons; and measures which they take to
40. Country of the hills; the hill country of Judea and escape destruction, may be the occasion of bringing it
the southern part of Canaan. Luke 1 39, 65. : upon them.
41. Kadesh-harnea ; near the south-east border of Canaan. 22. Those who have been most distinguished by the
Gaza; near the Mediterranean and the south-west border means of doing good, but have employed them in doing
of Canaan. Goshen ; lying south, in the mountainous region be most distinguished in their pmiishmout. Luke
evil, will
of Judea. Chap. 15:51. 12:47,48.
30. Many things which are accomplished by human
INSTRUCTIONS. agency, are in the Bible ascribed to God. In one sense
4. When sinners desert the cause of Satan and join with man is the author, and in another sense God. Acts 2:23;
the people of God, those who continue to be Satan's slaves 3:18.
often unite against them, and would, if they could, utterly 40. By commanding the Israehtes to destroy the Canaan-
destroy them. ites and take possession of their country, God laid them
8.Those who oppose their fellow-men because they under obligation to do it; but no individual or nation, with-
join the cause of God, oppose him, and thus often bring out his command, is authorized to do as they did. Deut.
upon themselves utter ruin. 2:4-9, 19, 30-33.
Divers Jcinss overcome JOSHUA XI. at the waters of Merom.
1 Divers kings overcome at the waters of Merom. 10 Hazor is taken
and burnt. 16 All the country taken by Joshua. 21 The Anakim
cut off.
it came to pass, when Jabin king of Hazor
licard those things, that lie sent to Jobab
king of Madon," and to the king of Shimron," and
to the king of Achshaph,
2 And to tlic kings that were on the north of the
mountains, and of the plains south of Chinneroth,'^
and in the valley, and in the borders of Dor on the
3 And to the Canaanite on the east and on the
west, and to the Araorite, and the Hittife, and the
Pcrizzite, and the Jebusite in the mountains, and
to the Hivite" under Hermon*' in the land of Miz-
4 And they went out, they and all their hosts
with them, much people, even as the sand that is
upon the sea-shore in multitude,'' with horses and
chariots very man}'.
5 And when all these kings were met together,"
they came and pitched together at the waters of
Merom, to fight against Israel.
6 IF And the Lord said unto Joshua, Be not afraid
because of them:' for to-morrow about this time
will I deliver them up all slain before Israel thou :
TTit Analcim cut off. JOSIHA XII. Coasts of Si/ion and Og.
land on the other side Jordan toward the rising tribes of Israel ybr a possession according to their
4" the sun, from the river Anion unto mount lier- divisions;
inon,'' and all the plain on tlie east: 8 In the mountains, and in the valleys, and in
2 Sihon king of the Amorites,' who dwelt in the plains, and in the springs, and in tlie wilder-
ilcshbon, and ruled from Aroer, which is upon the ness, and in the south country; the llittites, the
bank of the river Arnon, and from the middle of Amorites, and the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the
the river, and from half Gilead, even unto the Hivites, and the Jebusites:"
» Deut. 20:16. 17. b ch. 15:13, 14; Num. 13:22, 33j Deut. 9:2. ' I Sam. 21:24; Deut. 3:8, 8. i
Deut. 2:33, 30; 3:6, 16. 17. •Oi.Teman. 1 Or, Tlie
17:4; 2Sim. 31:22; 1Chr.l'8:l. dch. 15:46; aChr.96:6; Neh. 13:23,24. springso/ Pisgah,0TThe hilli Deut. 4:49. J Num. 21 33-35. kDBut.3:ll.
' Num 34:2, etc. ' ch. 14-16; Num. 26:52-55. f ch. 21:44, 45. li Num. 1 Deut. 1:4. m Deut. 3:8-14. n Num. 32:29, 33. o Exod. 2.1:23.
i -iliment for flioir sins, to pursue their own chosen way to 20. When God has determined to desti-oy men, he lets
luin. Exod. 4:21. them pursue their chosen way of folly and sin to their
21. — —Anab; in the southern part of
Hebron Debir tlic ruin.
countrj'. 23. Perseverance in humble, hearty, courageous obedi-
Gaza— Gath — Ashdod;
22. of the Philistines the cities in ence to God, will end in sure and most glorious triumph.
south-west part of Palestine, and near the Mediterranean.
23. Took the whole land; not absolutely every city and
region of it, for there remained yet very much land to be
possessed, chap. J3:l; but he conquered the whole coun- 1. From the river Arnon; on the south. Unto mount Her-
try 80 as to be able to divide it by lot to the Israelites. mon; on the north. All the plain on the east; tliat is, the
eastern half of the valley through which the Jordan flows.
INSTRUCTIONS. 2, 3. Sihon —
Ashdoth-piagah ; tliese verses may be thus
I. The wicked in their distress often pursue courses rendered: Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in
which, instead of relieving them, hasten their destruction. Heshbon, ruling from Aroer, which is upon the bank of
6. However numerous the enemies within and without, the river Arnon, and from the middle of the river and ;
or however mighty the combinations against the people over half of Gilead, unto the river Jabbok, which is the
of God, if in obedience to him they rightly use the means border of the children of Ammon; and [over] the plain
which lie gives them, they have no reason to fear, for at [northward] to the sea of Chinneroth on the eastern side,
his appomted time he will cause them to triumph over all and [southward] to the sea of the plain, tlie salt sea, on
their foes. the eastern side, the way to Beth-jeshimoth, and, on the
7. The aid which God gives is not designed to super- south, under Ashdoth-pisgah.
sede or render needless human eiibrts ; but to encourage The upper Jabbok divided the kingdom of Sihon from
men to make efforts, and to render them successful. the Ammonites the lower Jabbok divided Gilead into two
9. The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain. parts. Beth-jeshimoth seems to have marked the soutli-
Even the briite creation suffer in consequence of the sins eastern corner of that part of the plain which belonged to
of men. Though these sufferings are under the direction Silion, and Ashdoth-pisgah its southern extremity.
of an infinitely wise, holy, and "benevolent God, they are 4. Ashtaroth and —
Edrei; places in Bashan.
the effects of sin, and a just expression of his indignation 5. Salcah; in the eastern border of Bashan. Geshuritea
:igaiiist it. —Maachatlutcs ; north of Bashan. Half Gilead; that half,
II. Men are often called to most self-denying duties, namely, that lay north of the Jabbok, the southern hall'
and those from which the most wise, holy, and benevolent belonging to the kingdom of Sihon, ver. 2.
minds would, if consistent, gladly be excused. Matt. 26: 39. 8. In the mountains valleys — —
plains ; in the original, these
15. Resolute, determined, and habitual obedience to
God's commands, is the only course of wisdom, safety,
words are in the singular number the mountain, tlic —
valley, the plain. "The mountain" is the mountainous
usefulness, and bliss. region of Palestine " the valley " is the low region bor-
18. We must not cease in our efforts to conquer the dering the Mediterranean; '-the plain" is the valley of
spiritual enemies of God and our own souls, till they are the Jordan and the Dead sea. Springs; or low places at
80 effectually subdued as never again to rise up against us. the foot of the mountains.
; ; ;; : ; ; ; + ; ; ;
One and thirty kings subdued. JOSHUA XIII. The bounds of the land.
9 The king of Jericho," one the king of 2 This is the land that yet remaineth:'' all the
v. a ito?'
Ai," which is beside Beth-el, one borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,'
10 The king of Jerusalem,"^ one the king of He- 3 From Sihor,^ which is before Egypt, even unto
el,'' one; nians, them will I drive out from before the chil-
17 The king of Tappuah, one; the king of He- dren of Israel only divide thou it by lot unto the :""
Balaam slain. 24 The bounds of the inlieritance of Gad, 29 and of remnant of the giants for these did Moses smite,
Joshua was old and stricken in years; 13 Nevertheless the children of Israel expelled
the Lord said unto him, Thou art old not the Geshurites, nor the Maachathites ^ but the :
and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet Geshurites and the Maachathites dwell among the
very much land to be possessed. Israelites until this day.
: :
niiin, wiiicii is on the s^outh side of the river and the : unto her, Wiiat wouldest thou?
liordcr passed toward tiic waters of Kn-shenicsh, 1'.) Wiio answered, fiive me a blessing ;' for thou
and tiie goings out tiiercof were at En-rogei :" hast given me a south land; give me also springs
8 And the border went up by the valley of tlie of water. And he gave her tlie upper springs, and
son of llinnotn'' unto tiie south side of tiic Jebu- the nether springs.
sitc ; the same is Jerusalem :° and the border went 20 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
u]i to the to|) of the mountain that lidh before the dren of Judah according to their families.
vaHcy of llinnom westward, wliicii is at tlic cud 21 If And the uttermost cities of the tribe of the
of tin' valley of the giants northward i*^ children of Judah toward the coast of Edom .south-
9 And the liorder was drawn from the top of the ward were Kabzeel. and Eder, and Jagur,
hill unto tlie fountain of the water of Ne])htoah,'-' 22 And Kinah, and Dinionah, and Adadali,
and went out to the cities of mount Ephron and ; 23 And Kcdesli, and Hazor, and Ithnan,
the border was drawn to Baalah,'' which w Kirjath- 24 Ziph," and Telein, and Bealoth,
jearim:' 25 And Hazor, lladattah, and Kerioth, and Hez-
10 And the border compassed from Baalah west- ron, which is Hazor,
ward unto mount Seir, and passed along unto the 26 Amam, and Shema, and Moladah,
side of mount Jearim, which is Chesalon, on the 27 And Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and Beth-
north side, and went down to Bcth-shemesh, and palet,'
passed on to Timnah :' 28 And Hazar-slmal, and Beer-sheba, and Biz-
II And the border went out unto tlie side of jothjah,
Ekron northward:" and the liordcr was drawn to 29 Baalah," and lim, and Azem,^
Shicron, and passed along to mount Baalaii, and 30 And Eltolad, and Che.~il, and Hormah,
went out unto Jabnecl and the goings out of the
; 31 AndZikIag,™andiIadniannah,and8ansannah,
border were at the sea. 82 And Lcbaoth, and Shilhim, and Aiu,'' and Rim-
12 And the west border was to the great sea,' and mon all the cities are twenty and nine, with their
Anak,'" Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the chil- 37 Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdalgad,
dren of Anak. 38 And Dilean, and Jlizpch,'' and Jokthcel,°
15 And he went up thence to the inhabitants of 39 Lachish," and Bozkath, and Eglon,
Debir :" and the name of Debir before icas Kirjath- 40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Kithlish,
sepher. 41 And Gederoth, Beth-dagon, and Naamah, and
If) ^ And Caleb said. He that sraiteth Kirjath- Makkedah sixteen cities with their villages ;
sephcr," and takcth it, to him will I give Achsah 42 Libnah," and Ether, and Ashan,
my daughter to wife. 43 And Jiphtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib,
17 And Othniel the son of Kenaz.P the brother of 44 And Keilah,'' and Achzib,^ and Mareshah;
Caleb, took it and he gave him Achsah his daugh- nine cities with their villages
21-62. The places here mentioned lay in the south part regarded in forming this connection, it may be expected
of Canaan, in that portion which was alloted to Judah a ; to promote the respectability, usefulness, and comfort of
part of which was afterwards given to the tribe of Simeon. all concerned.
: :
1 The general borders of the sons of Joseph. 5 The border of the inher-
itance of Ephraim. 10 The Canaanites not conquered.
the sea.
* Heb. 6y the place of.
frivc us an inlicritaiice nnioiifrourbrctlircii." Tlicre- forasmuch as the Loni) liatli blessed nic u ?•
tbrc, iU'cordin? to the foiniiianclinont of tlic Loui), hithertoVJ
he srave them aa iulieritauce aiuoug the brethrcu 15 And
Jo.shua answered them. If thou be a great
ot their father. people, then get tiieo up to the wood country, and
5 Ami tlierc fell ten portions to Manasseh, be- cut down for thyself there in the land of the Per-
sides tlic land of Gilead and Bashan, which ivere and of tiie
izzites giants,* if mount Ejihraim be too
on the otlier side Jordan; narrow for thee.
G Uecause the daughters of Manasseli bad an in- IG And the children of Joseph said, The hill is
lieritanee among his sons: and tlie rest of Manas- not enough for us: and all the Canaanites that
seh's sons liad the land of Gilead. dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of
7 'i And the coast of iSIanasseh was from Aslier iron," both they who are of lieth-shcan and her
to Michmethah," tbat Ikth before Shcchcni; and towns,' and they who are of the valley of Jezreel.""-
the border went along on the right hand unto the 17 And Joshua spake unto the house of Josej)!),
inhabitants of Enta])puah. even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying. Thou art
8 A'ow Manasseh had the land of Tappuah but a great people, and hast great power: thou shalt
Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to not liave one lot only:
the children of Ephraim ; 18 But the mountain shall be thine; for it is a
9 And the coast descended unto the river Ka- wood, and thou shalt cut it down and the outgo- :
uah,' southward of the river these cities of Ephra- ings of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out
im are among the cities of Manasseh:'' the coast the Canaanites," though they have iron chariots,
of Manasseh also xvas on the north side of the and though they be strong.
river, and the outgoings of it were at the sea
10 Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward
it was Mauassch's, and the sea is his border and ;
1 The tabernacle is set up at Shiloh. 2 The remainder of the land is
they met together in Asher on the north, and in described, and divided into seven parts. 10 Joshua divideth it by lot.
Issachar on the east. 11 Tlie lot and border of Benjamin. 21 Their cities.
1-1 And the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua, go through the land,'' and describe it according to
saying, Why hast thou given me hut one lot and the inheritance of them and they shall come again ;
7:29. e I Sam.31:10; 1 Kings4:12. f 1 Sam. 2S:7; Tsa. e3;10. B Zeoh. 16; Rom. 8:31, 37; Heb. 13:16. " ch. 19:51; Jer. 7:12. P Judg. lS;31j
12:11. t Judg. 1:27. 29. i ch. 16:10. J Gen. J9:2-.'-26; Num. 26:34-:37; 1 Sam. 1:3, 24; 4:3, 4. q Judg. 18:9. r ver. 8.
Deut. a3: 13-17. 1 Ot, Rephaim, Gen. U:5; 15:20; 2 Sam. 5:18, 22. k Judg.
draelon, and also the valley running down from this plain north of Jerusalem, and about fifteen south of Shechem.
to the valley of the Jordan. 2. Seven tribes; Simeon, Benjamin, Dan, Issachar, Zebu-.
18. The mountain ; the hilly country before spoken of. lun, A.sher, and Naphtali.
Drive out this they could do in reliance on God.
; 4. Give out; choose, or appoint.
: :
and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh. 20 And Jordan was the border of it on the east
10 IT And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh side. This ivas the inheritance of the children of
before the Loed :" and there Joshua divided the Benjamin, by the coasts thereof round about, ac-
land unto the children of Israel according to their cording to their families.
divisions. 21 Now the cities of the tribe of the children of
11 And
the lot of the tribe of the children of
IF Benjamin according to their families were Jericho,
Benjamin came up according to their families and : and Beth-hoglah, and the valley of Keziz,
the coast of their lot came forth between the chil- 22 And Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim," and Beth-
dren of Judah and the children of Joseph. el ,'i
12 And their border on the north side was from And Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah,"'
Jordan; and the border went up to the side of 2i And Chephar-haammonai, and Ophni, and Ga-
Jericho on the north side, and went up through the ba; twelve cities with their villages:
mountains westward ; and the goings out thereof 25 Gibeon,^ and Ramah,' and Beeroth,
were at the wilderness of Beth-aven. 26 And Mizpeli," and Clicphirah, and Mozah,
13 And the border went over from thence toward 27 And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah,
Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Beth-el,' south- 28 And Zelah, Eleph, and Jebusi,^" which is Jeru-
ward and the border descended to Ataroth-addar,
; salem, Gibeath, and Klrjath fourteen cities with
near the hill that lieth on the south side of the neth- their villages. This is the inheritance of the chil-
er Beth-horon.' dren of Benjamin according to their families.
14 And the border was drawn thence, and com-
passed the corner of the sea southward, from the
hill that lieth before Beth-horon southward and ;
1 The lot of Simeon, 10 of Zebulun, 17 of Issachar, 24 of Asher, 32
the goings out thereof were at Kirjath-baal, which of Naphtali, 40 of Dan. 49 The children of Israel give an inheritance
is Kirjath-jearim, a city of the children of Judah to Joslma.
2Chr. 23:3; 33:6; Jer. 19:2; 32:35. nch.l5:7. och.l5:C. • Or, T/te plain.
' Gen. 13:17. r Acts 13:19. h Ezek. 47:22; 48:29. Gen. 28:19; lad". t Heb. (ongue, Isa. 11:15. p Gen. 10:18; 2 Chr. 13:4. 1 1 Kings 12:29, 32;
1:23. j eh. 16:3. k 1 Chr. 13:5. 6. lch.lo:9. ni ch. 15:8; 2 Kings 23: lU; rl Sam. 13:17. » I Kings 3:4, 5. IJer. 31:15. ujudg. 10:17. »ch. 15:8, 63.
The lots of Sinutiii, Zcbulun, .losiir.v MX. JssacJiar, As/ier, and Xaphlali.
their villages.
39 Tliis is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
THE2 Speak Lord also spake unto Joshua, saying,
to the children of Israel, saying,
dren of Naphtali according to their families, the Appoint out for you cities of refuge," whereof I
citiesand their villages. spake unto you by the hand of Moses:
40 ^ And the seventh lot came out for the tribe 3 That the slayer tliat killeth any person una-
of the children of Dan according to their families. wares and unwittingly may flee thither and they :
41 And the coast of their inheritance was Zorah,'' shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood.
and Eshtaol,'^ and Ir-shemesh, 4 And when he that doth flee unto one of those
42 And Shaalabbin, and Ajalon,"^ and Jethlah, cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the
43 And Elon, and Thimnathah, and Ekron," city,' and shall declare his cause in the ears of the
44 And Eltekeh, and Gibbethon,'' and Baalath, elders of that city, they shall take him into the
45 And Jchud,andBene-bcrak,and Gath-rimmon, city unto them, and give him a place, that he may
46 And Jlc-jarkon, and Rakkon, with the border dwell among them."
before" Japho.^ 5 And if the avenger of blood pursue after him,"
47 And the coast of the children of Dan went then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his
out too little for them:" therefore the children of hand because he smote his neighbor unwittingly,
Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and hated him not beforetime.
and smote it with the edge of the sword, and pos- 6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand
sessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, before the congregation for judgment, and until
Dan, after the name of Dan their father. the death of the high-priest that shall be in those
48 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil- days then shall the slayer return, and come unto
dren of Dan according to their families, these cit- his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city
ies with their villages. from whence he fled.
49 IT When they had made an end of dividing 7 ^ And they appointed* Kedesh in Galilee in
the land for inheritance by their coasts, the chil- mount Naphtali," and Shechemin mount Ephraim,''
dren of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the and Kirjath-arba which is Hebron i in the moun-
son of Nun among them tain of Judah.""
50 According to the word of the Lord they gave And on
the other side Jordan by Jericho east-
him the city which he asked, even Timnath-serah ward, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness upon
in mount Ephraim:*" and ho built the city, and the plain out of the tribe of Eeuben,* and Ramoth
dwelt therein. in Gilcad out of the tribe of Gad,' and Golan in
51 These are the inheritances, which Eleazar the Bashan out of the trilje of Manasseh."
priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads 9 These were the cities appointed for all the chil-
of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Is- dren of Israel," and for the stranger that sojourn-
rael,' divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh eth among them, that whosoever killeth any per-
before the Lord,-' at the door of the tabernacle of son at unawares might flee thither, and not die by
the congregation. So they made an end of divid- the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood
ing the country. before the congregation.'"'
aVer. 23. b 2 Chr. 11 ;10. cjujg. 18;2. d 1 Sam. 14:31. » 1 Sam. 5:10; 6:18. n Num. 35: 12, 25. > Huh. sanctified, o ch. 21:32; 1 Chr. 6:70. Pch.
.\mos 1:8. f 1 Kings 15:27. • Or, over against, t Or, Joppa, Acts 9:36. 21:21; 2 Chr. 10:1. q ch. 14:15; 21 :11, 13. r Luke 1:.30. «ch. 21:36;
g Judg. 18:1,27-29. h ch. 21:30. i ch. 14:1 Num. 34:17. J ch. 18:10;
; Deut. 4:43; 1 Chr. 6:78. t ch. 21:38; 1 Kings 22:3, 4, G. " oh. 21:27.
Gen. 49:10; Judg. 21:19, 21 1 Sam. 1:3; Psa. 78:00; Jer. 7:12-14. t Exod.
V Num. 35:15. w ver. 6.
21:13; Num. 35:6, 11, 14; Deut. 19:2,9. IRuth4:l,2; Prov.31:23. m Heb.
and condition were such as was predicted, and as it was well as by design, carelessness is a sin which should be
beforehand certain that they would be. most conscientiously avoided, and if it is not, should be
50. They who have been eminent benefactors of their visited with its appropriate punishment.
fellow-men, should bo remembered with gratitude, hon- 9. No person accused of murder should be acquitted or
ored, and if need be, provided for, by those whose inter- condemned till after a full and fair trial; nor should he
ests have been secured bv their sacrifices and efforts. suffi-r death unless proved to be guilty.
Eight and forty eilits JOSHUA XXI. allotted to the Lcvitcs.
CHAPTER XXI. IC) And Ain' with her .suburbs, and Jut- «." i"™;
tall with her subuibs, and Hi'tii-shemesh with her
1 Eijjtit and forty ritic« civ.n by \oU out of tlic other tribes, unto the
L«vitr>. I^t ''Oil (;ave nut unto the Iiravliti-s, accord-
llic lanil, niiil suburbs; nine cities out of tiiose two tribes.
ing to his promise. 17 And out of the tribt! of Hcnjamin, Gibeon
I'^IIEN came near the heads of the fathers of the with her suburbs, Geba' with her suburbs,
unto Elca/ar tlic priest, and unto
Levilt^s IS Anathoth with her suburbs, and Almon^ with
Joshua llio son of Nun, and unto the heads of tlie her suburbs four cities.
fathers of the tribes of the ehiidren of Israel ly All the cities of the children of Aaron, the
2 And they spake unto them at Shiloh in the priests, ivere thirteen cities with their suburl)s.
land (if Canaan," sayinsr. The Lniu) commanded 20 •[ And the families of the children of Kohath."
liy tiio hand of Moses to ffive us cities to dwell in, the Levites wiiich remained of the children of Ko-
with the suburbs thereof for our cattle.' hath, even they had the cities of their lot out of
3 And the children of Israel gave unto the Lc- the tribe of Ephraim.
vitcs out of their iidieritance, at the commandment 21 For they gave them Shechem with her sub-
of tlie LoiiD, these cities and their suburbs. urbs in mount Ephraim, to be a city of refuge for
4 And the lot came out for the families of the the slayer and Gezer with her suburbs,
Kohathitcs: and the children of Aaron the priest,'' 22 And Kibzaim with her suburbs, and Beth-
which vcre of the Lcvites, had by lot out of the lioron with her suburbs; four cities.
tribe of Judah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, 23 And out of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh with
and out of the tribe of JJcnJamin, thirteen cities. her suburbs, Gibbethon with her suburbs,
5 And the rest of the children of Kohath'' had 24 Ajalon with her suburbs, Gath-rimmon with
by lot out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim, her suburbs; four cities.
and out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half- 2o And out of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Taa-
tribe of Manassch, ten'cities. nach with her suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with her
6 And the children of Gershon'' had by lot out suburbs two cities.
of the families of the tribe of Issachar, and out of 2() All the cities were ten with their suburbs for
the tribe of Asher, and out of the tribe of Naph- the families of the children of Kohath that re-
tali, and out of the half-tribe of Manasseli in ]3a- mained.
shan, thirteen cities. 27 IT And unto the children of Gershon," of the
7 The children of iferari^ by their families had families of the Lcvites, out of the other half tribe
out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of of Manasseh they gave Golan in Bashan with her
Gad, and out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities. suburbs," io be a city of refuge for the slayer, and
8 And the children of Israel gave by lot unto Beeshterah with her suburbs two cities. ;
the Levites these cities with their suburbs," as the 28 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishon with
Lord commanded by the hand of Moses. her suburbs, Dabareh with her suburbs,
9 IF And they gave out of the tribe of the chil- 29 Jarmuth with her suburbs, En-gannim with
dren of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children her suburbs four cities. ;
of Simeon, these cities which are here mentioned* 30 And out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal with
by name, her suburbs, Abdon with her suburbs,
10 Which the children of Aaron, being of the 31 Helkath with her suburbs, and Rehob with
families of the Kohathitcs, ivho were of the children her suburbs four cities.
» Oh. 14:1; 17:4. b ch. 18:1. c Nnm. 35:2. a rer. 8, 19; ch. 24:33. 1d:.51.8 Aslian, ch. 15:42: 1 Chr. 6:50. I Uaba. ch. 1M:24. 1 Alcmeth.
e ver. 20. etc. ' ver. 37, etc. e ver. 34, etc. h ver. 3. • Heb. called, t Or, 1 Chr. 6:60. n Tcr. 5; 1 Chr. 6:06. o ver. 6; 1 Chr. 6:71. P ch. 20:,'-
Kirjath-arba; Gen.i3:-2. ilChr. 6:55. j ch. 15:13, 14. k ch. 20:7, etc.; Ich.SO:?. rver. 7; IChr. 6:77. !ch.a0:8.
Lukel:.39. 1 ch. 14:14. m
i chr. 6:56, etc. 1 Hiltn, 1 Chr. 6:53; ch.
The two tribes and a half JOSHUA XXII. luild an altar near Jordan.
B. c'lM? 38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth 5 But take diligent heed to do the commandment
in Gilead with her suburbs, to be a city of refuge and the law,' which Moses the servant of the Lord
for the slayer; and Mahanaim witlx licr suburbs, charged you, to love the Lord your God,' and to
39 Heshbon with her suburbs, Jazer with her walk in all his ways, and to keep his command-
suburbs; four cities in all. ments, and to cleave unto him,"' and to serve him
40 So all the cities for the children of Merari by with all your heart and with all your soul.'
their families, which were remaining of the fami- 6 So Joshua blessed them,'" and sent them away
lies of the Levites, were by their lot twelve cities. and they went unto their tents.
41 All the cities of the Levites within the pos- 7 1 Now to the one half of the tribe of Manas-
session of the children of Israel were forty and seh Moses had given possession in Bashan but unto ;
eight cities with their suburbs.'' the other half thereof gave Joshua among their
42 These cities were every one with their sub- brethren on this side Jordan westward."" And
ui'bsround about them thus icere all these cities.
: when Joshua sent them away also unto their tents,
43 IT And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land then he blessed them,
which he sware to give unto their fathers ;'' and 8 And he spake unto them, saying, Return with
they possessed it, and dwelt therein. much riches unto your tents," and with very much
44 And the Lord gave them rest round about," cattle, with silver, and with gold, and with brass,
according to all that he sware unto their fathers and with iron, and with very much raiment divide :
and there stood not a man of all their enemies the spoil of your enemies with your brethren. p
before them;'' the Lord delivered all their ene- 9 1 And the children of Reuben and the children
mies into their hand. of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned,
45 There failed not aught of any good thing and departed from the children of Israel out of
which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Is- Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto
rael;"^ all came to pass. the country of Gilead,'' to the land of their posses-
sion, whereof they were possessed, according to
the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
CHAPTER XXII. 10 ^ And when they came unto the borders of
1 The two and a half with a blessing are sent home. 10 They
tribes Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, the chil-
build the altar of testimony in their journey. 11 The Israelites are dren of Reuben and the children of Gad and the
offended thereat. 21 They give them good satisfaction.
half-tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by
THEN Joshua called the
Gadites, and the half-tribe of
Reubenites, and the
Jordan, a great altar to see to.''
Ill And the children of Israel heard say,' Be-
2 xind said unto them. Ye have kept all that hold, the children of Reuben and the children of
Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you,'^ Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built an
and have obeyed my voice in all that I command- altar over against the land of Canaan, in the bor-
ed you:' ders of Jordan, at the passage of the children of
3 Ye have not left your brethren these many Israel.
days unto this day, but have kept the charge of 12 And when the children of Israel heard of it.
the commandment of the Lord your God. the whole congregation of the children of Israel
4 And now the Lord your God hath given rest gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go uji
unto your brethren, as he promised them there- : to war against them.
fore now return ye, and get you unto your tents, 13 And the children of Israel sent unto the chil-
ajid unto the land of your possession, which Moses dren of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and
the servant of the Lord gave you on the other to the half-tribe of Manasseh, into the land of
side Jordan."" Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest.'
»Xum.35:7. b Gen. 12:7: 13:1.5; 15:13-21 28:3, 4; 28:4, 13. 14. = ch
; 6:18; Luke 2:31; 24:50. n ch. 17:5. « JJeut. 5:10-14.
1:10-14. p Nu
P i\um. 31:27:
11:23; 22:4. i Deut. 7:23,24. e ch. 23:14; Num. 23:19; 1 Kings 8:50 1 Sam. 30:21; Psa. 6i:12. q Num. 32:1, 20. 29. ' ch. 24:20. 27; Gen.
1 Cor. 1:9; Tit. 1:2. ( Num. 32:20-29; Deut. 3:16-20. s ch. 1:12-18! 28:18; 31:46-52. s Deut. 13:12, etc.; Judg. 20:1, 12. 1 E.\od. 6:25; Num.
liDeut.29:8. i Deut 6:6, 17; 11 :22; 1 Chr. 23:7, 8; Jer. 12:16. J Deut 25:7,11-13.
10:12. kActsll:*!. 1 ch. 24:14; 1! 'Gen. 47:7; 2S
41. Forty and eight cities; according to the direction of 5. There should be ministers of rehgion in all parts of
Moses, Niim. 35:7. the country, that aU the people may have the benefit of
Suburbs; adjacent territory to the extent of two
42. their good instructions and example.
thousand cubits on every side, according to the direction 41. The Lord in his providence appoints to ministers
in Num. 35:5. their various fields of labor, and wherever they are placed
43. Tlieij possessed it; they possessed all that they then it should be their great object to honor him and be most
needed ; ana the rest the Lord would give them, according useful to men.
to his promise, Esod. 23:30. 43. AVhatever may be the promises of God, and however
INSTRUCTIONS. great the difficulties in the way of their accomplishment,
3. It is not left merely to the inclinations of men whether in due time they will aU be fulfiUed.
they will provide for the comfortable support of the minis-
ters of religion, but it is the command of God that those who CHAPTER XXII.
preach the gospel should live of the gospel, and their hear- 1. T/ic Reubenites—Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh ;
ers cannot withhold from them needful support without de- their men of war, who had left their homes on the east
priving them of what is justly their due. 1 Cor. 9 13, 14. : side of Jordan to assist their brethren in the conquest of
4. It is a great convenience for the ministers of religion Canaan.
to live near the place of public worship, and generally it 7. Bashan; the north part of the counti-y possessed by
will be found to be most conducive to their good and the the Israelites on the east of Jordan.
good of the people. 10. liy .Jordan; on its east bank.
ben, and (o th(! children of Gad, and to the half- us an altar, not for burnt-offei'ing, nor for sacriUce
ti'ibc of Manasseh, unto the land of Gilcad, and 27 15ut that it may be a witness between us and
they si>akc with them, saying, you," and our generations after us, that we might
16 Thus saith the whole congregation of tlic do the service of tlie Lord before him with our
Lord. Wliat trespass is this that ye have commit- burnt-offerings,'' and with our sacrifices, and with
ted against the (!od of Israel, to turn away this our peace-offerings; that your children may not
day from following the Lonn, in that yc liave say to our cliildren in time to come, Yc have no
buikled you an altar, that ye might I'ebel this day part in the Loud.
against the Lord?" 28 Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they
17 Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us,'' from should so say to us or to our generations in time
wliich we arc not cleansed until this day, although to come, that we may say again, Behold the pattern
there was a plague in the congregation of the Lori^ of the altar of the Lord,'' which our fathers made,
18 But that yc must turn away this day from fol- not for burnt-offerings, nor for sacrilices; but it is
lowing the Lord? and it wmU be, scci?}g yo rebel a witness between us and you.
to-day against the Lord,'' that to-morrow he will 29 God forbid that we should rebel against the
be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel.'^ Lord,'' and turn tiiis day from following the Lord.
19 Notwithstanding, if the land of your posses- to build an altar for burnt-offerings, for meat-offer-
sion be unclean, then pass ye over unto the land of ings, or for sacrifices, besides the altar of the Loud
the possession of the Lord, wherein the Lord's our God that is before his tabernacle.
tabernacle dwelleth,'^ and take possession among 30 "i .Vnd when Phinehas the priest, and the prin-
us: but rebel not against the Loud, nor rebel ces of the congregation and heads of the thousands
against us, in building you an altar besides the of Israel which were vfith him, heard the words that
altar of the Lord our God. the children of Reuben and thechildren of Gad and
20 Did not Achan the son of Zerali commit a tres- the children of Manasseh spake, it pleased them.*
pass in the accursed thing," and wrath fell on all 31 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest
tiie congregation of Israel? and that man perished said unto the children t f Reuben, and to the chil-
not alone in his iniquity. dren of Gad, and to the children of Manasseh, This
21 TThen the children of Reuben and the chil- day we perceive that the Lord is among us," because
dren of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh an- ye have not committed this trespass against the
swered, and said unto the heads of the thousands Lord: now^ ye have delivered the children of Is-
of Israel, rael out of the hand of the Lord.
22 The Lord God of gods," the Lord God of 32 ^i And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,
gods, he knoweth,' and Israel he shall know ;' if it and the princes, returned from the children of Ren-
lie in rebellion,'' or if in transgression against the ben, and from the children of Gad, out of the land
Lord, (save us not this day,) of Gilead, unto the land of Canaan, to the children
23 That we have built us an altar to turn from of Israel, and brought them word again.'
following the Lord, or if to oifer thereon burnt- 33 And the thing pleased the children of Israel
ofTering or meat-offering, or if to offer peace-offer- and the children of Israel blessed God," and did
ings thereon, let the Lord himself require it:^ not intend to go up against them in battle, to de-
2i And if we have not rather done it for fear of stroy the land wherein the children of Reuben and
this thing, saying. In time to come* your children Gad dwelt.
might speak unto our children, saying, What have 3-1 And the children of Reuben and the children
yo to do with the Lord God of Israel? of Gad called the altar Ed:' for it shall be a wit-
25 For the Lord hath made Jordan a border ness between us that the Lord is God.
Hob. kouse ofthefathe. m. 1:4. b Lev. 17:8,9. » Num. 23:3, n.Nch.2:20. n 1 Kingg 12:27, 2.". o vcr. 34. p Dent. 12:.1, etc. 1 ExoU.
A .1
n.i.i^ 4:3."
Dent. <1
A 1? n
I?zra 9:1-3, 14. = Num. 16:82. f ch. 18:1. S ch. 7:1, 25:40; Ezek. 43:10, U. r Gen. 44:7, 17; 1 Sam. 12:23; 1 Kings 21:3; Roin.
flc. h Deut. 10:17: Psl. 95:3; 1.30:2; Dan. 2:47; 11:36. i 1 KinRS 8:39; 3:6. 1 Heb. tvai good in their eyes. ' Lev. 26:11, 12; Zech. 8:23; I Cor.
Job 3.3:10; Psa. 44:21: 139:1-12; Jer. 12:3; John 2:24, 25; 21:17; Acts 14:25. SHcb. t/iCTi. I Prov. 2.'): 13. u 1 Sam. 25:32, 33; I Chr. 29:20; Neh.
1:24; 2 Cor. 11: 11, 31; Heb.4:13; Rev.2:2.3. JMal.3:18. k 1 Sam. 15:23. 8:6; Dad. 2:19; Eph.l:3. I That is, a witness; ch. 24:27.
1Dcut. lj:19; 1 Sam. 20:16; 2Chr. 24:22. 1 Heb. (o-morrDm; Exod. 13:14.
16. Builded you an altar; to offer sacrifice in anj^ place 25. Make our children eeasefromfearing the Lord; by refus-
except at the tabernacle, was expressly forbidden. Lev ing to let them corae over the Jordan to worship him.
17:8,9. 28. A witness; that they had a right to go over Jordan
17. IniquitijofPenr; Num. 25:3; Deut. 4:3. and worship with the other tribes at the tabernacle.
19. If the land —
be unclean; if they thought it unclean 29. To build an altar; Deut. 12:13, 14.
lidcause there was in it no altar for sacrifice, and no place 31. Ye have delivered the children of Israel ; not exposed
l'.)r public religious worship, they were invited to come them to punishment as they feared, by sinning against the
i>ver and live on the west side of Jordan where was the Lord, but taken measures to perpetuate his worshiji.
taliernacle, rather than tn set up separate worship and 34. Ed ; a witness.
thus rebel against God.
20. Not alone; chap. 7:5, 24, 25. INSTRUCTIOKS.
23. Tlie Lord —
require; let him punish us, if we designed 2. Just commendation is due to those who do well, ;inil
to rebel against him. true gratitude should be exercised towards all who make
5 And the Lord your God, he shall expel them in all your souls," that not one thing hath failed of
from before you,' and drive them from out of your all the good things which the Lord your God spake
sight and ye shall possess their land, as the Lord
: concerning you all are come to pass unto you, and
your God liath promised unto you.^ not one thing hath failed thereof.
6 Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and 15 Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all
to do all that is written in the book of the law of good things are come upon you, which the Lord
Moses," tliat ye turn not aside therefrom to the your God promised you; so shall the Lord bi'ing
right hand or to the left;' upon you ail evil things,^ until he have destroyed
7 That ye come not among these nations,' these you from off this good land which the Lord your
that remain among you neither make mention of
; God liath given you.
the name of their gods,'' nor cause to swear by 16 When ye have transgressed tlie covenant of
them} neither serve them, nor bow yourselves untothe Lord your God, which he commanded you, and
tlicm: have gone and served other gods, and bowed your-
y But cleave* unto the Lord your God,'" as ye selves to them then shall the anger of the Lord be ;
have done unto this day. kindled against you,''^ and ye shall perish quickly
9 For the Lord hath driven^ out from before from off the good land which he hath given unto
you great nations and strong: but as for you, no you.
aCh.U2:4. ''B.e\>. come into days. I>ch.l3:l. c ch. al;L; Deut. 31:28; 15:15. o Exod. 23:27. etc. « Heb. your souLi. p Psa. 135:6; ha. 1:4;
I Chr. 2i:l. i Psi. 44:3. e ch. 13:6,7; 1S:10. t Heb. at tlie sunset. Zeph. 1:6; Heb. 10:3S. 39; 2Pet. 2:20, 21. q 2 Cor. 6:14. r Judg. 2:2,3.
(Dent. 11:23; Psa. 44:9. sNura. 33:53. hch.l:7. iDent. 5:3-2. J Deut. ! 1 Kings 11:4. t 2 Kings 17:22, 23. n ch. 21:45. » Lev. 26:14, etc.;
7:2,3. kPsa. 16:4; Hos. 2:17. IZeph. 1:4-6. > Or, For if ye will rhare.
m ch. 2-2:5. ! Or, Then Ike LoED will drive. " Lev. 26:S; Judg. 7:19-22;
19. "When those who are disturbed at the conduct of of idols would tend to lessen their abhorrence of them.
others, go to them and frankly state their difficulties, and 10. One man of you shall chase a thousand; however few
manifest a readiness to make sacrifices and even to give they might be, and however numerous their enemies, they,
up their own rights, rather than to have God dishonored in obeying God, would be able to overcome them.
or his cause injured, it may be expected that with reason- 11. Take good heed; be very careful.
able explanations they will be satisfied. 14. Going the way of all the earth; about to die. Gen.
22. A consciousness of being and doing right tends to 3" 19
prevent undue excitement under unjust accusations, and INSTRUCTIONS.
to lead to such explanations as will remove needless ap- 1. No fidelity to God, or usefulness to men, can keep off
prehensions and be satisfactory to all concerned. the approach of age, infirmity, or death. This should be
26. It is proper to take all suitable measures to guard borne in all to do with their might what
mind, and incite
our children against evils to which from the selfishness their hands knowing that in the grave, to which
find to do,
of men they will be exposed, and to enable them to know they are hastening, there is no work.
what are their rights, especially their religious rights, and 3. The aged may recount the mercies of the Lord with
successfully to maintain and permanently enjoy them. great advantage to themselves and to their fellow-men.
19 289
1 Joihua MwrnbUth llii- Iribos at Sli.chcm. 2 A brief history of
beneliu from Tcrali. M He rcnewt'tli the covenant between tliem iinil
(j«l. 2(J A
»lono Ibe witiiens of the covenant. 29 Jo»liu:i'i! a;,'e,
death, anil buniil. 32 Joiiepli's bones are buried. 33 Eleaznr dietb.
they fouglit with you :' and I gave them into your
hand, that ye might possess their land; and I de-
stroyed them from before you.
9 Then Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab,
arose and warred against Israel, and sent and
called Balaam the son of Beor to curse you:™
10 But I would not hearken unto Balaam;" there-
>Ch.a3:2. blSim.lO:l9. c Ben. 11:26,6
He reneweth the covenant. JOSHUA XXIV. His dentil and burial.
A.M. 2577. 20 If ye forsake the Lord, and serve heard all the words of the Lord which he spake
u27.°" strange gods," then he will turn and do unto us:' it shall be therefore a witness unto you,^
you hurt, and consume you,"* after that he hath lest ye deny your God.
done you good. 28 So Joshua let the people depart, every man
21 And the people said unto Joshua, Nay but unto his inheritance. ;
we will serve the Lord. 29 If And it came to pass after these things, that
22 And Joshua said unto the people, Ye are wit- Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord,
nesses against yourselves" that ye liave chosen you died, being a hundred and ten years old.
the LoRD,'^ to serve him. And they said. We are .30 And they buried him in the border of his
witnesses. inheritance in Timnath-serah,'^ which is in mount
23 Now therefore put away, said he, the strange Ephraiui, on the north side of the hill of Gaash.
gods which are among you," and incline your heart 31 And Israel served tlie Lord all the days of
unto the Lord God of Israel.'' Joshua,' and all the days of the elders that over-
24 And the people said unto Joshua, The Lord lived' Joshua, and which had known all the works
our God will we serve, and his voice will we of the Lord, that he had done for Israel."
obey .8 32 ll And the bones of Joseph," which the chil-
25 So Joshua made a covenant with the people dren of Israel bi'ought up out of Egypt, buried
that day, and set them a statute and an ordinance they in Shechem, in a parcel of ground which
in Shechein. Jacob bought of tlie sous of Hanior tlie father
26 1 And Joshua wrote these words in the book of Shechem for a hundred pieces* of silver;" and
of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it became the inheritance of the children of Jo-
it up there under an oak,"" that was by the sanctu- seph.
ary of the Lord. 33 And Eleazar the son of Aaron died and they ;
27 And Joshua said unto all the people. Behold, buried him in a hill that pertained to Phinehas his
this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath son, which was given him in mount Ephraim.
a 1 Chi. 2.8:9; Ezra 8:2-2; Isa. (w:ll, 12. b Ezek. 18:24. c Deut. 26:i7. 1 JuJg. 2:7. • R&h. prolonged their days after, m Deut. 11:2, 7.
i Psa. 119:173. e Jndg. 10:15, 16; 1 Sam. 7:3. ' Prov. S:2; Heb. 12:38, 21). 50:25; Exod. 13:19; Heb. 11:22. t Or, lamis. o Gen. 33:19.
sDeut. 5:38, 29. hjudg. 9:6. iDeut. .32:1. i cli. 22:28, 34. kch. 19:50.
26. Tliese words; the eiigagemeuts into which the peo- Of course ministers should present to men the motives
ple had entered to serve the Lord. By the sanctuary; near which are best suited to lead them to do this, and to their
the place where the tabernacle stood. preaching should add the influence of their example.
27. It hath heard ; a strong figure of speech, expressive 19. As Jehovah is holy, it is impossible acceptably to
of the solemnity of the transaction, and of their guilt and serve him without becoming holy and as the cause of holi-
danger should tiiey break their engagements. ness in men is the influence of the Holy Spirit, all should
32. JVIiich Jacob bought ; Gen. 33:19; 50:25; Exod. 13:19. feel their need of this, and sincerely, heartily seek it.
21. Wherever there is a w-illing mind men can tridy
INSTRUCTIONS. serve God, and for Christ's sake be accepted in doing it;
good for all peojjle at times to appear before
1. It is and as a willing mind is the fruit of the Spirit, all who
God, look back on the way through which he hath led possess it should give to him the glory.
them, recount his goodness, renew their engagements to 23. It is the duty of men to incline their hearts to serve
serve him, and seek that grace which they need to do it the Lord. They should avoid those things which tend to
in spirit and in truth. hinder them, and do the things which tend to aid them in
2. Aged men may advantage give the young a
to great this.
history of God's dealings with past generations, point out 24. Persons may, and it is right that they should deter-
the instructions it affords and the duties it inculcates, and mine, resolve, and engage to serve the Lord and they ;
exhort all to fidelity in the service. may freely and heartily trust in him for what they need
6. Things accomplished by human instrumentality and rightly to do this, and to be accepted in it.
the persevering use of appointed means, are in the Bible 27. It is so perfectly reasonable that all to whom Jeho-
ascribed to God as really as if no instrumentality or means vah is known should love and obey him, and they are
had been employed. under such strong and indispensable obligations immedi-
10. Those measures which men take to injure God's ately to do this, that if they do not, all their mercies and
people and stop the progress of his cause, he often over- every thing around and within them will testify to their
rules for its advancement. ingratitude, baseness, and guilt.
13. The mercies by which the friends of God are dis- 31. Aged men and men of influence, especially rulers,
tinguished from his enemies, spring from his unmerited magistrates, and all in authority, are under peculiar obli-
goodness, and are given not as the fruit of their worthi- gations to serve God, and to sot holy examples. If they
ness, but of the abounding riches of his grace. do, many others will be likely to follow them and obtain
14. Peculiar mercies lay men under peculiar obligations eternal life. But if they do not, they will he instrumental
to put away all sin, and to perfect holiness in the fear and in bringing destruction not only on themselves, but on
love of God. multitudes of others.
15. True religion is a matter of choice with all who 33. Rulers and ministers of religion, as well as other men,
heartily embrace it, and no man ever does or can serve will soon die, but their influence for good or evil will live
God, in spirit and in truth, without choosing to do so. and go down to the end of time, and onward to eternity.
The book of Jcdges contains the history of tlic Israelites undor tlio Jiulpfcs, from the death of Joshua
to tlie birth of Samuel. It records the successive oppressions to whicli the Israelites were subjected by
their enemies for their sins against Jehovah, and the successive deliverances which God granted them
through the Judges.
1 The .lots Judah and Simeon. 4 Adoni-bezck jnstly requited. 8 Je-
rusalem taken. 10 Hebron taken. 11 Othniel hath Acbsah to wife
for taking of Debir. 16 The Kenites dwell in Judah. 17 Hormali.
Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron taken. 21 The acts of Benjamin. 22 Of
thehooseof Joseph, who take Beth-el. 30 Of Zebulun. 31 Of Asher.
33 0fNaphtali. 34 Of Dan.
him. and caught him, and cut ofif his thumbs and
his great toes.
7 And Adoni-bezek said. Threescore and ten
kings, having their thumbs and their great toes'
cut off, gathered* their meat under my table: as
I have done,'' so God hath requited me. And they
brought him to Jerusalem, and there he died.
8 Now the children of Judah had fought against
Jerusalem,^ and had taken it, and smitten it with
the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire.
9 1[ And afterward the children of Judah went
down to fig-ht asiainst the Canaanites,'' that dwelt
» Josh. 24:29. b ch. 20:18; Num. 27:21. ' Gen. 40:K, 9. <1 v
against Beth-el: and the Lord vms with them.'' drive them out.''
23 And the house of Joseph sent to descry Beth- 33 1 Neither did Naphtali drive out the inhabi-
el:^ now the name of the city before iras Luz:'' tants of Beth-shemosh,nor the inhabitants of Both-
24 And the spies saw a man come forth out of the anath;'' but he dwelt among the Canaanites, the
city, and they said unto him, Show us, we pray thee, inhabitants of the land nevertheless, the inhabi-
the entrance into the city, and we will show thee tants of Beth-shemesh and of Beth-anath became
mercy.' tributaries unto them."^
25 And when he showed them the entrance into 3-1 And the Amorites forced the children of Dan
the city, they smote the city with the edge of the into the mountain for they would not suffer them
sword but they let go the man and all liis family.
; to come down to the valley
2(j And the man went into the land of the Hit- 35 But the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres
tites,-' and built a city, and called the name there- in Ajalon,' and in Shaalbim yet the hand of the :
of Luz: which is the name thereof unto this day. house of Joseph prevailed,* so that they became
27 % Neither did Manasseh drive out the inhab- tributaries.
itants o/" Beth-shean and her towns, nor Taanach 36 And the coast of the Amorites was from the
and her towns, nor the inhaliitants of Dor and her going up to Akrabbim,* from the rock, and upward.
towns, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam and her towns,
nor the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns:"
but the Canaanites would dwell in that land.'
1 An angel rebuketh the people at Bochim. 6 The wickedness of the
28 And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, new generationafter Joshua. 14 Crod's anger and pity towards them.
that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did 20 The Canaanites are left to prove Israel.
19. Could not; because, terrified by the chariots, they The union of all classes of pious men in doing good,
did not trust in God and use the proper means. is greatly promotive of success.
21. Jcrusahm; this city was on the border between Ju- 6.Pride and cruelty are forerunners of disaster and the ;
d;di and Benjamin, though in the division of the land it peculiar sins of men may often be read in their punishment.
was assigned to t.lie latter tribe. Josh. 15:63. 7. A
true conviction of the evil of sin will lead aU who
22. Home of Joseph ; that is, the tribe of Ephraim and the suffer to feel that their punishment is just.
half-tribe of Manasseli west of the Jordan, thougli what is 14. A wise and affectionate wife wishes the temporal
here said seems to pertain only to tlie territoiy of Ephraim. prosperit}' as well as the eternal good of her husband,
23. Descry; examine and ascertain the state of the city. and wiU use all suitable means to promote it.
Bethel; a place north of Jerusalem. Gen. 28:19. 15. A
wise and affectionate father will take great pleas-
27. Beth-shean ; a place in the valley of the Jordan near ure in complying, as far as may be consistent, with the
the east end of the valley of Jezreel. Taanach; on the requests of his children.
south border of the plain of Esdraelon. Bor ; on the sea, 19. Viewing difBculties with an eye of sense only, men
south of Carmel. Megiddo; near the Kishon. often despond, when, should they use proper means in
29. Gezer ; north-west of .Jerusalem. dependence on God, he would render them successful.
29-33. Towns within the bounds of the tribes, in con- 21. Love of ease, and aversion to great and self-denying
nection with whose names they are mentioned. efforts, often keep men from receiving the variety and
34. The valley ; the plain bordering on the Mediterranean, fulness of good which they might otherwise obtain, and
where the Amorites had chariots of iron. Compare ver. 19. leave them to suffer much evil which tliey might other-
35. Mount Heres ; the mountainous regions about Dor. wise avoid.
Ajalon ; a place between Jerusalem and Ekron. Ver. 18. 25. Assisting the people of God in doing his will, may
The house of Joseph ; his descendants. be the means of delivering us from many trials and bring-
36. The Amorites; these stand here for the Canaanites ing on us great blessings.
generally. Akrabhim ; a line of hills running across the When men neglect their duty, they may expect to
valley al)Out eight mdes south of the Dead sea, here men- meet with trouble and if they are not led to repentance
tioned as the southern border of Palestine. Therock; prob- and reformation, their troubles will never end.
ably Petra, in the mountains of Edom. Upward; northward.
1.However great may have been their past successes, 1. An^el of the Lord; supposed to be the same who ap-
the people of God should not rest till fully triumphant over peared \o Joshua, Josh. 5 13. Bochim ; meaning, the weep-
Tht Israelites art rehukcil. JUDGES II. Thi'y foil into iduLitry.
Notions left to prove Israel. JUDGES III. Othnkl and Ehud are Judges.
1 The nations which were left to prove Israel. 6 By communion with
them they commit idolatry. 8 Othniel delivereth them from Chushan-
rishathaim 12 Ehud from Eglon
; 31 Shamgar from the Philistines.
a .Tosh.
S/uimgar, aiul also Dcburtih JUDGES IV. end liitrak deliver Israel.
and the children of Israel went down willi him slion,' Sisera the captain of Jabin's army, a. m. nnn.
from the mount, and he before them. With his chariots and his inultiludc; and im.
28 And lie ^aid unto them. Follow after me: for I will deliver him into thy hand.
the LoKD hath delivered your cnemie.s the Moah- 8 And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with
ites intf) your hand." And they went down after me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me,
him, and toitk the fords of Jordan toward iloab, t/ioi 1 will not gy.
and sull'ered not a man to pass over. I) And she said, 1 will surely go with thee: not-
29 And tiiey slew of Moab at that time about withstanding the journey that tiiou takest shall not
ten thousand men, all lusty,' and all men of valor be for thine honor; for the Lord sliall sell Sisera
and there esca])ed not a man. into the liand of a woman.'' And Deborah arose,
3(1 So Moab was subdued that day under the hand and went with Barak to Kcdesli.
of Israel. And the land iiad rest fourscore year.s. 10 T And Barak called Zebuiun and Naphtali to
lU T And after iiim was Shamijar the son of Kcdesh;' and he went up with ten thousand men
Anatii," which slew of the Piiiiisfiiies si.x hundred at his feet: and Deborah went up with liim.
men with an oxs^oad:" and he also delivered 11 Now Heber the Kenite,'" w/ikh was of the
Israel.^ children of Hobab the father-in-law of Moses,"
had severed himself from the Kenites, and pitched
CHAPTER IV. his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim,* which is by
1 Debor-ih and Barak deliver Israel from Jabin and Sisera. IS Jael Kedcsh.
kiUeth Sisera.
12 And they showed Sisera that Barak the son
AND the children of Israel asrain did evil in
the sight of the Lord,'' when Ehud was dead.
of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor.
13 And Sisera gathered' together all his char-
2 And the Lord sold them into tiie hand of Ja- iots, even nine hundred chariots of iron, and all the
bin king of Canaan,* that reigned in Ilazor;'' the people that v:ere with him, from Harosheth of the
captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in Gentiles unto the river of Kislion.
Harosheth of the Gentiles.'' 14 And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this
'i And the children of Israel cried unto the Lord : is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sis-
for he liad nine hundred chariots of iron ;' and era into thy hand:" is not the Lord gone out
twenty years he mightily oppressed the children before thee? So Barak went down from mount
of Israel. Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.
4 IT And Deborali, a prophetess, the wife of Lap- 15 And the Lord discomfited Sisera,'' and all /lis
idoth, she judged Israel at that time. chariots, and all his host, with the edge of tiie
5 And she dwelt under the palm-tree of Deborah,'' sword before Barak ;'' so that Sisera lighted down
between Kamah and Beth-el in mount Ephraim off his chariot,and fled away on his feet.
and the children of Israel came up to her for judg- IG But Barak pursued after the chariots, and
ment. after the host, unto Harosheth of the Gentiles:
6 And she sent and called Barak the son of and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of
Abinoam out of Kedesh-naphtali, and said unto the sword and there was not a man' left.''
him, Hath not the Lord God of Israel command- 17 Howbcit Sisera fled away on his feet to the
ed, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite: for
and take with thee ten thousand men of the chil- there teas peace between Jabin the king of Hazor
dren of Naphtali and of the children of Zebu- and the house of Heber the Kenite.
lun? 18 ^ And Jael went out to meet Sisera,' and said
7 And I will draw unto thee,' to the river Ki- unto him. Turn in, my lord, turn in to mc; fear
» Cil. 7:'J, 15. • Hob.
fat: Psa. 17:10. b ch. 5:6. c ch. 5:8; 15:15; 5:18. mch. I:ie. n Num. 10:29. ! Zaannjmim. Josh. 19:33, 37. I Heb.
1 Sam. 17:47. t So part is called Israel, ch. 4:1, 3. etc. It seems to concern gathered by cry, or proclanuition. o Deut. 9:3; 2 Sam. 5:24; Pea. 68:7, 8;
only the country next to the Philistines, d ch. 2:19. 1 1 Sam. 1-2:9; Psa. Isa. 52: 12. P Psa. t8;9, 10; Josh. 10:10. 1 Heb. 11:32. t Heb. unto one.
Bi:!). It seems to concern only North Israel, e Josh. 11:1, lU. fTer.13,10. risa. 43:17. s2Kings6:19.
fob. 1:19. h Gen. 35:8. i Exod. 14:4. J ch. 5:21. k Ter. 18-21. 1 ch.
A. ji not.
2709 And when he had turned 2 Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel,"
in unto her
\i'M.°" into the tent, she covered him with amantle.* when the people willingly offered themselves.'
19 And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, 3 Hear, ye kings ;^ give ear, ye princes; I,
a little water to drink for I am thirsty.
; And even I, will sing unto the Lord I will sing praise ;
she opened a bottle of milk," and gave him drink, to the Lord God of Israel.
and covered him. 4 Lord, when thou wentest out of Scir, wlicn
20 Again he said unto her, Stand in the door of thou marcliedst out of the field of Edom,'' the earth
the tent, and it shall be, when any man doth come trembled,' and the heavens dropped, the clouds
and inquire of thee, and say, Is there any man also dropped water.
here? that thou shalt say, No. 5 The mountains melted^ from before the Lord,J
21 Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Is-
tent, and took* a hammer in her hand, and went rael."
softly unto him, and smote the nail into his tem- 6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath,' in
ples,'' and fastened it into the ground for he was the days of Jael," the highways were unoccupied,"
fast asleep and weary. So he died. and the travellers" walked through by-ways.''
22 And behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael 7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they
came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that
and I will show tliee the man whom thou seekest. I arose a mother in Israel.
And when he came into her te?if, behold, Sisera 8 They chose new gods;" then was war in the
lay dead, and tlie nail was in his temples. gates: was there a shield or spear seen among
23 So God subdued on that day Jabiu the king forty thousand in Israel?"
of Canaan before the children of Israel." 9 My heart is toward the governors of Israel,
24 And the hand of the children of Israel pros- that offered themselves willingly among the peo-
pered, and prevailed* against Jabin the king of ple." Bless ye the Lord.
Canaan, until they had destroyed Jabin king of 10 Speak,* ye that ride on white asses,"" ye that
Canaan. sit in judgment, and walk by the way.
11 They that are delivered from the noise of arch-
ers in the places of drawing water, there shall
CHAPTER V. they rehearse^ the righteous acts* of the Lord,'
The song of Deborah and Barak. even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his
THEN sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abin- villages in Israel then shall the people of the
oam on that day,** saying, Lord go down to the gates.
Oi, rug. or Uanket. a ch. 5;25, 20. t Heb. put. b Psa. 3;7. « Psi. 19:18. 1 ch. 3:31. m ch. 4:17. n Lev. 26:22. I Heb. tt'/l/ters c/ j)af/i,«.
18:47. 1 Heb. going, went and was hard. J E.xod. 1.5:1; Psa. 18, title, ^ Keb. crooked toays. o Deut. 32;17. p 1 Sam. 13:19, 22. q ver. 2. "Or,
e Dent. 32:43; Psa. 18:47. f 2 Chr. 17:18. E Psa. 2:10. b Psa. 68:7,8. meditate, rch. 10:4. spsa. 145:7. 1'Keh. righteousnesses, t] Sam. 12:7.
ia Sam. 22:8; Isa. 64:3; Hab.3:3, 10. 5 Heb./oiiierf, JPsa.97:5. k Exod.
21. Nail of the tent; a large spike or pin, which was CHAPTER V.
driven into the ground to fasten the cords of a tent. 2. Offered Ihemselvci ; to fight against their oppressors.
4. —
Wentest out of Seir Edom ; the mountains of Edom
INSTRUCTIONS. or Seir lay on the north-east of the peninsula of mount
Wlien restraint is removed,not\vithstanding all divine
1. Sinai, Paran on the north of it, and Horeb of which Sinai —
favors men will continue in sin, and often be guilty of the is a summit —
in its bosom. It was in the region which
grossest transgressions. these mountains represent that God first revealed himself
3. Oft-repeated iniquities bring upon their perpetrators to Moses, and afterwards to the children of Israel. Hence
greatly increased calamities. it is here considered as his dwelling-place, whence he
7. When men cry unto the Lord in their trouble, he can, now marches forth in majesty and glory, as he did of
and often does grant them relief; and in receiving it they old, when he came to deliver Israel from the Egyptians.
should hear his voice saying. Sin uo more, lest a worse Compare Deut. 33:2; Psa. 68:7, 8; Hab. 3:3. The heavens
thing come unto thee. John 5:14. dropped; God's presence is accompanied by tempests of
9. Want of confidence in God, and of readiness to un- rain, as well as by thunder and earthquakes. There may
dertake that to which he calls, brings dishonor, and de- be here an allusion to the storm which flooded the Kishon,
prives men of many blessings which they might otherwise and swept away the hosts of Sisera. Ver. 20, 21.
enjoy. C. Shamgar; chap. 3:31. The highways were unoccupied;
13. Men, from pride and the indulgence of wicked pas- on account of the danger of travelling.
sions, often engage in projects which God designs shall 7. The villages ceased; were deserted or, as some render,
be for their ruin. leaders ceased in Israel which agrees well with what fol-
his people say, Peace and safety, sudden destruction may of these the Israelites were very destitute.
come upon them from which there can be no escape. 10. White asses; the kind often used by judges. Sit in
23. Things which God in his providence accomplishes judgment; or sit upon garments or carpets, as is the man-
through the instrumentility of men, are in the Bible as- ner of oriental judges in administering justice.
cribed to him as really as if no agency but his had been 11. From the noise of archers; many prefer to render this
employed and they are also ascribed to men as really
; verse thus: At the noise [triumphal shout] of those tli:it
as if men alone had performed them thus showing that ; divide [the spoil,] at the watering-troughs, there shall
divine and human agency harmoniously cooperate, and they rehearse, etc. The places of drawing water, or water-
that men are workers together with God when they obey ing-troughs, are mentioned as places where the people
him and thus work out their salvation, he working in would natiirall_v assemble. Go down to the gates; into the
them to will and to do of his own good pleasure. Phil. gates of their own cities in peace, after celebrating their
2:12, 13. victory and deliverance.
The triumphal song JUDGES V. of Deborah and Barak.
CHAPTER VI, and said unto him. The Lord is with thee,
man of valor.
thou mighty
1 The by Midian. 8 A prophet
Israelites for their sin are oppressed
rebukelh them. 11 An 13 And Gideon said unto him, O my Lord, if
angel sendeth Gideon for their deliverance.
17 Gideon's present is consumed with fire. '25 Gideon destroyeth
the Lord be with us,J why then is all tliis befallen
Baal's altar, and olfereth a sacrifice upon the altar Jehovah-shalom.
us? and wliere be all his miracles which our fathers
26 Joash defendeth his son, and calleth him Jerubhaal. 33 Gideon's
army. 36 Gideon's signs.
told us of," saying. Did not the Lord bring us up
AND the children of Israel did evil in the sight from Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsalcen us,
of tlie Lord:" and the Lord delivered them and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.
into the hand of Midian seven years.'' 14 And the Lord looked upon him, and said. Go
2 And tlie hand of Midian prevailed* against in this tliy might,' and thou shalt save Israel from
Israel and because of the Midianites the cliildren the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?
of Israel made them the dens which are in the 15 And he said unto iiim, my Lord, wherewith
mountains, and caves, and strong-holds.'^ shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor* in
3 And so it 'was, when Israel had sown, that the Manasseh, and I am, tlie least in my father's house.'"
Midianites came up, and the Amalekites, and the 16 And the Lord said unto him, Surely I will
children of the east, even they came up against be with thee," aud thou shalt smite the Midianites
them as one man."
4 And they encamped against them, and destroy- 17 And he said unto him, If now I have found
ed the increase of the earth,'' till thou come unto grace in thy sight, then show mo a sign that thou
Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither talkest with me.''
sheep,+ nor ox, nor ass. 18 Depart not hence,'' I pray thee, until I come
5 For they came up with their cattle and their unto thee, and bring forth my present,* and set it
tents, and they came as grasslioppers for multi- before thee. And he said, I will tarry until thou
tude ;°yor both they and their camels were with- come again.
out number: and they entered into the land to 19 And Gideon went in, and made ready a kid,*
destroy it. and unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: the
6 And Israel was greatly impoverished because
he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a
of the Midianites ;and the children of Israel cried and brought
it out unto him under the oak,
unto the Lord.'' and presented it.
7 1 And it came to pass, when the children of 20 And the angel of God said unto him, Take the
Israel cried unto the Lord because of the Midian- flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon
ites, this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.
8 Tliat the Lord sent a prophet' unto the chil- 21 *: Then the angel of tlie Lord put forth the
dren of Israel, which said unto them. Thus saith end of the staff that u-as in his hand, and touched
the Lord God of Israel, I brouglit you up from the flesh and the unleavened cakes and there rose ;
Egypt, and brought you forth out of the house of up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and
bondage the unleavened cakes."' Then the angel of the
9 Aud I delivered you out of the hand of the Lord departed out of his sight.
Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppress- 22 And when Gideon perceived that he was an
ed you, and drave them out from before you, and angel of the Lord, Gideon said, Alas, Lord God!
gave you their land ;" for because I have seen an angel of the Lord face
10 And I said unto you, I am the Lord your to face.'
God fear not the gods of tiie Amorites,** in whose
; 23 And the Lord said unto him, Peace be unto
land ye dwell but ye have not obeyed my voice. thee; fear not: thou shalt not die.'
11 IT And there came an angel of the Lord, and 24 Then Gideon built an altar there unto the
sat under an oak which ivas in Ophrah, that per- Lord, and called it Jehovah-shalom:* unto this
taincd unto Joash the Abi-ezrite: and his son Gid- day it is yet in Ophrah of tlie Abi-ezrites.
eon^ threshed wheat by the wine-press, to hide it* 25 1 And it came to pass the same night, that
from the Midianites. the Lord said unto him, Take thy father's young
12 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto bullock, even' the second bullock of seven years
aCh.3:19. bHeb.3:7. • Heb. was strong, c 1 Sam. 13:B. dI,ev.aG:10; 9:21. n ExoJ. 3:12. o
Deut.a^:.30. 1 Or, goat, e ch. 7:12; Jor. 4U:3:!. tHos..'5:15. IHeh.aman
a prophet, s Psa. 44:2, 3. h 2 Kings 17::).5-!9. i Gedeon; Heb. 1I:.32.
I Hfb. cause it to flee. ' ch. 13;3. J Gen. i'j;22. k Psa. 77:7-9; 89:49.
1 Heb. n::i2. • Heb. my thousand is the meanest; Mio. 5:i. m 1 Sam.
1. Midian; the Midianites lived cast of the south part
of Palestine.
3. Amalekites, and the children of the cast; neighboring
BddPs altar c/isl dawn. .iri)(;i:s vii. Gideon's JImcc wel, nvd dry.
olil, and llirow down llio altar of Baal tlmt thy eon,''and he blew a trumpet;'' and Abi- a.m. ros.
fatliLT liatli, and cut down the grove that is l)y it ezer was gathered"' after Iiini. "'i!m/''°"'
'2Ci And build an altar unto the Loud thy God 35 And lie sent messengers throughout all Ma-
U|)()n the top of thi:< rock,' in the ordered place/ nassch; wlio also was gathered after him and ho :
and take tlie second bullock, and offer a burnt- sent messengers unto Asher, and unto ZcbuJun,
saerilice with the wood of the grove which thou and unto Naphtali; and they came uji to meet
shalt cut down. tiiem.
•27 Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, 36 IT And Gideon .said unto God, If thou wilt
and did as the Loito had said unto him and so save Israel by my hand, as thou liast said,
it was, because lie feared his father's houseiiold, 37 Beliold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor
and tiie men of the city, that he could not do il by and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry
day, that lie did it by night. upon all the earth beside, tlien shall 1 know that
28 1 And when the men of tlic city arose early thou wilt save Israel by my hand, as tliou hast said.'
in the morning, ))eliold, tlic altar of Baal Avas cast 38 And it was so: for lie rose up early on tiie
down, and the grove was cut down that iras by it, morrow, and thrust the fleece togetliei-, and wring-
and the second bullock was ofl'cred upon tlie altar ed the dew out of the fleece, a bowl full of water.*
t/iaf. ivas built. 39 And Gideon said unto God, Let not thine
"29 And they said one to another, Who hath done anger be hot against me, and I will speak but this
this tiling? And when they inquired and asked, once:"" let me prove, 1 pray thee, but this once
they said, Gideon the son of Joash hath done tliis with the fleece; let it now be dry only u]ion the
thing. fleece, and upon all the gi'onnd let there be dew.
30 Then the men of the city said unto Joash, 40 And God did so that night:' for it was dry
Bring out thy son, that he may die: because he upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the
hath cast down the altar of Baal, and because he ground.
hath cut down the grove that was by it.
?)1 And Joash said unto allthat stood againsthim,
33 *i Then all the Midianites and the Amalek- of the Midianites were on the north side of them,
ites and the children of the east were gathered by the hill of Moreh, in the valley.
together,'^ and went over, and pitched in the val- 2 And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people
ley of Jezreel. that are with thee are too many for me to give
3-1: But the Spirit of the Lord came upon' Gid- the Midianites into their hands, lest Israek vaunt
» Dent. 7: J. •
H..-b. .sti-on? ptafc. t Or. nn orderly manner. I Thai is, m. 10:3. ^lleh. called, f Exod. 4:1, etc. 6 Isa. 35:7. h Gen. IB: 32.
Lei Baal p'.ead. b 1 Sam. 13:11 2 Sam. ll:ai, Jerubbeshelh, Ihat is, Let
; .107:33,35; Isa. 50:2. j ch t):32.
the sliame/ul thing plead; Hos. 9: 10. = ver. 3. 1 Heb. clothed, dch. 3: lU.
28. T/te grove; here, as often elsewhere, the Hebrew the most perilous services and fit them, notwithstanding
word rendered "grove" seems to mean a wooden image go on in his name and strength from con-
all difficulties, to
of Astarte fixed by a post in the ground. quering to conquer.
31. Joash .'said; though he seems to have been a wor- 18. God is ready to give evidence of his truth to all sin-
shipper of Baal, his views may have been changed by cere inquirers who wish to understand his will for the
what Gideon had told him. Whilst it is yet morning; for purpose of doing it.
lii.s folly in pleading for Baal, who, if really a Ged, ought 24. All the manifestations of God to his believing, obe-
to take care of himself. Joash said this to dissuade the dient people will lead them anew to adore and bless him.
people from their purpose. 25. Strong faith in God's word will be tried, and thus fit
32. Jeruhbaal ; that is, let Baal plead. the believer, by patient continuance in well-doing, to be
34. Abi-ezer ; the family of his father, and his relatives. made victorious and perfect.
31. Idolatry so debases men, and renders them so fool-
INSTRUCTIONS. ish, that they will worship, and sometimes try to help gods
1. Unless the grace of God prevent, men naturally incline that have no power to help themselves.
to sin, showing that in them, without the grace of God, 34. If are to be fitted for good, great, and noble
there is no spiritually good thing. deeds, must be through the influences of the Spirit of
4. Sin tends to misery, and all the calamities which men God. Wisdom, strength, courage, energy, and persever-
suffer are tokens of God's displeasure against it. ance are his gifts, and to him they should, by all who
7. The only hope of deliverance from sin and its conse- possess them, be heartily devoted.
quences is in the Lord and when men feel this, and cry
; 37. Evidence of the presence and favor of God, and a
unto him, he for Christ's sake often appears for their help. conviction of being engaged in his work, support the soul
10. When God is about to grant deliverance to his peo- under trials, arm it for conflicts, and prepare it, notwith-
ple, he first convinces them that sin is the cause of their standing aU difficulties and dangers, in his name to triumph.
troubles and leads them to forsake it.
12. Providence developes human character. Many who CHAPTER VII.
have been buried for a time in obscurity, have afterwards, 1. Jerubbaal; chap, fi 32. Harod; on the borders of Issa-
char, not far from mount Gilboa. Moreh; near the valley
1 GiJeon pacifieth Ephraimites. 4 Succoth and Penuel refuse t"
A. M. 275,'i. 17 And he beat down the tower of Pe- 27 And Gideon made an ephod thereof,'"and put
nuel," and slew the men Ophrah and all Israel went
1243''""' :'^
of the city. it in his city, even in
18 IT Then said he unto Zebah and Zalmunna, thither a whoring after it:^ which thing became
What manner of men were they whom ye slew at a snare unto Gideon, and to his house.''
Tabor ?" And they answered, As thou art, so 28 1 Thus was Midian subdued before the chil-
were they; each one resembled* the children of a dren of Israel, so that they lifted up their heads
IdniT. no more. And the country was in quietness forty
19 And he said. They were my brethren, even the years in the days of Gideon.
sons of my mother: as the Lord livcth, if ye had 29 IT And Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and
saved them alive, I would not slay you. dwelt in his own house.
20 And he said unto Jether his first-born. Up, 30 And Gideon had threescore and ten sons of
and slay them. But the youth drew not his sword his body^ begotten:' for he had many wives.
for ho feared, because he was yet a youth. 31 And his concubine that was in Shechem, she
21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna said. Rise thou, also bare him a son, whose name he called Abim- '
strensrth. And Gideon arose, and slew Zebah 32 T And Gideon the son of Joash died in a
and Zalmunna, and took away the ornaments* good old age,'' and was buried in the sepulchre of
that were on their camels' necks. Joash his father, in Ophrah of the Abi-ezrites.
22 IF Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon, 33 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was
Rule thou over us, both thou, and thy sou, and dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and
thy son's son also for thou hast delivered us from went a whoring after Baalim,' and made Baal-
t Psa. 106:39.
Shechem unto
h Deut. 7:1(
the son of Jerubbaal Tvent to
his mother's brethren,P aud
mei:ts like the inooiij Isa. 3: 18. c 1 Sam. 8:7; 10:19; 12:12; Isa. 33:22; II Heb. sel. J ch. 9:13. k G 1.25:8; Job 5:26. 1 ch. 2:17, 19.
03:1'J. d Gen. 25:13; :!7:-25, fl^. \Qx^ sxocet jewels, ech. 17:5. fch. (i;24. n Psa. 78:11, 42; 106:13,21. 3 ch. 9:16-10. Pch. 8:31.
21. So is his strength; as his age was mature, so was his evil of sin, and of the horrible state of those who are
strength. abandoned power.
to its everlasting
23. The Lord shall rule; he was their chief magistrate, 16. Sin often brings misery in this world of mercy, as it
and Gideon would not be instrumental in changing that will, to all who continue in it, in the world of retribution.
form of government. 21. The dread which men have of a lingering and dis-
24. Ear-rings of his prey; those which they had taken honorable temporal death, should prompt them to imme-
from their enemies. Ishmaelites; the Midianites are some- diate, earnest, and persevering efl'orts to avoid the dis-
times confounded with Ishmaelites; they lived near, and grace and torment of that which is eternal.
often mingled together. Gen. 37 28. : 23. A wise man will not covet an increase of power, care,
27. An ephod; a very rich and costly garment, such as and responsibility nor, unless it appears to be manifestly
was worn by the high-priest. Exod. 28:4. A whoring the will of God, will he consent to receive it.
after it; it became a means of superstition and idolatry. 27. The consequences of men's actions may be very dif-
33. Baalim and— Baat-berith; idol-gods. ferent from what they anticipate they should not, there-
• Hp
Abimekch taketh Sliccliem, JUDGES IX. and is slain at T/iebez.
A. M. 2T9S. ren,and went oyer to Shechem and the : 39 And Gaal went out before the men of She-
law' menofShecliemputtheirconfidonccinhim. chem, and fought with Abimelech.
27 And they went out into the fields, and gath- 40 And Abimelech chased hini, and he fled before
ered their vineyards, and trode the grapes, and him, and many were overthrown and wounded,
made merry,* and went into the house of their god,'' even unto the entering of the gate.
and did eat and drink, and cursed Abinielech. 41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah and Zebul :
28 And G-aal tlie son of Ebed said, Wlio is Abim- thrust out Gaal and his brethren, that they should
elech, and who is Shechem, that we sliould serve not dwell in Shechem.
him?'' is not he the son of Jerubbaal? and Zebul 42 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the
his officer? servo the men of Hamor tlie father of people went out into the field and they told ;
30 1 And when
Zebul the ruler of the city heard smote them.
the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, his anffcr was 44 And Abimelech, and the company that was
kindled/ with him, rushed forward, and stood in the enter-
31 And he sent messengers unto Abimelech priv- ing of the gate of the city and the two other com-
32 Now therefore np by night, thou and the that day and he took the city,' and slew the peo-
people that is with thee, and lie in wait in the ple that loas therein, and beat down the city," and
field: sowed it with salt."
33 And it shall be, that in the morning, as soon 46 1 And when all the men of the tower of She-
as the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, and set upon chem heard that, they entered into a hold of the
the city and behold, ichen he and the people that
: house of the god Berith.'
is with him come out against thee, then mayest 47 And it was told Abimelech, that all the men
thou do to them as thou shalt find^ occasion. of the tower of Shechem were gathered together.
34 IT And Abimelech rose up, and all the people 48 And Abimelech gat him up to mount Zal-
that were with him, by night, and they laid wait mon,J he and all the people that were with him;
against Shechem in four companies. and Abimelech took an axe in his hand, and cut
35 And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and stood down a bough from the trees, and took it, and laid
in the entering of the gate of the city and Aliim- : it on his shoulder, and said unto the people that
elcch rose up, and the people that were with him, were with him, What ye have seen me do,* make
from lying in wait. haste, and do as I have done.
36 And when Gaal saw the people, he said to 49 And all the people likewise cut down every
Zebul, Behold, there come people down from the man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put
top of the mountains. And Zebul said unto him. them to the hold, and set the hold on fire upon
Thou seest the shadow of the mountains as if they them so that all the men of the tower of Shechem
have descended from Hamor the father of Sliechem, and Middle of the land; rather, height of the land that
37. ;
former prince of that country. Ver. 28 Gen. 31:2. ; is,from the high hills bordering Shechem. See note to
27. Their god; their idol-god. Chap. 8:33. ver. 1. The plain of Meonenim ; rather, the oak of Meone-
28. Who is Abimelech; that he should reign over the nim that is, in EngUsh, the enchanter's oak,
ancient and renowned city of Shechem. Zebul ; the gov- 41. Arumah; a place near Shechem.
ernor of Shechem
durina; Abimelech's absence. Ver. 30. 43. He; Abimelech. Took; had taken.
29. Said to Abimelech; that is. by messengers, for Abim- 45. Sowed it with salt; in token of its desolation.
elech himself was absent from the city. Increase come — 4S. Zalmon ; meaning shady supposed to be so called
out ; a challenge to Abimelech to make hi.i army as strong from its being covered wth forests.
as possible, and meet him on the field of battle. 50. Tliebez; a city of Ephraim.a few miles north-east of
31. Sent messengers —
privily; because he was not strong Shechem.
enough to offer direct resistance to Gaal, who had won hi. A strong tmcer; such towers in or near cities, to
over the people of the citv to his side. which the people fled in time of danger, were common.
20 305
Told and Jair are jutl/^rs. jri)(ii;s X. Israel oppressed for its sins.
53. A
millstone; the upper stone of a hand-mill, in which to others, will ordinarily meet with others who will be
the women ground their grain. Matt. 24:41. All-to; an treacherous and cruel to them.
old English term meaning, wholly, entirely. 26. Men may rebel against one set of wicked rulers, and
.04. woman slew him; to be slain by a woman was con-
A yet choose another who are no better and, by so doing,
sidered disgraceful. may only increase their distress and hasten their ruin.
56. Rendered; requited or punished. Ver. 5, 18, 24. 27. Dissipation, rioting, and licentiousness are not true
57. The curse of Jotliam; ver. 20. liberty, and those who indulge in them can never enjoy it.
2S. Boasting, pride, and self-esteem are forerunners of
IXSTIU^CTIOXS. defeat, degradation, and contempt.
2. ilen who earnestly desire power, and flatter their
38. Those who pretend to despise their enemies when
fellow-men to obtain it, are not worthy to be trusted, and at a distance, are often afraid of them when tliey come
should not be chosen to rule over otliers. near and the most reproachful in time of safely, are often
.3. Men are easily flattered, and their judgment, feelings, most cowardly in time of danger.
4.5. The men who aid and exalt the wicked, are often
and conduct often biassed towards those who are related
to or connected with them. the men wlio are injured and destroyed by them.
Tain and light persons, the vicious and the worthless 46. The courses which wicked men take to secure their
of descriptions, will prostitute their poHtical influence
safety not unfrequently accelerate their ruin; and often
to the support of those flatterers who like themselves arc by those whom they have aided in slaying others, they
vicious, and who will furnish them with money. are themselves slain.
62. Success often renders men reckless, and when they
5. Ambitious men, who are given up of God to the grat-
ification of their lusts, will commit any crime to secure are most confident they are nearest to destruction. They
their selfish objects. may escape the greatest apparent dangers, and then fall
6. When a people choose immoral men as their rulers, by such as are not thought of.
they will generally be made instruments of mutual pun- 54. Men, especially warriors, think much about an hon-
ishment to each other. orable death, and sometimes are peculiarly sensitive of
8. Parables may be a most clfoctive and useful method their reputationwhen sinking into shame and everlasting
of inculcating divine truth, and he who wisely employs contempt.
them li'^ an eminent benefactor of mankind. 56. Jehovah is a God that judgeth in the earth, and often
9. Wise men will not be anxious to leave here proclaims the sins of men in their punishment.
the safe, quiet,
and useful pursuits and enjoyments of private life, for the
sake of becoming rulers, especiallv over the wicked. CHAPTER X.
15. Those wlio arc most unfaithful and worthless in pri- 1. He dwelt in Shamir; after he became judge as ;
vate life, are often most anxious for promotion to public was a more central part of the country, and a more con-
life; and those who thus promote them, may expect venient place for a judge than any in his own tribe.
through them to reap the fniit of their folly. 3. A Gileadite; he" was the first judge from the cast
19. Teachers of divine truth in all ages have maintained of Jordan.
that godliness is profitable unto all things, and that the 4. Havoth-jair ; the villages of Jair.
way of transgressors is hard that righteousness tendeth
; 7. Phdistines; they lived on the west of the Israelites,
to life, and that those who continue in wickedness do it and the cJiildren of Amman on the east.
to theirown death. 8. Tliat year; the oppression of both began about the
28. The wicked have no permanent bond of union, safety, same time. Tliat of the Ammonites lasted eighteen years,
or peace and those who have been treacherous and cruel
; and that of the Philistines forty. Chap. 13:1. Other; east.
1.5 ir And the children of Israel said unto the
1 The covenant between Jephtliah and the Gileadites, that he should be
their head. T^ The treaty of peace between him and the Ammonites
is in vain. 29 Jepholiah's vow. 33 His conquest of the Ammonites.
34 He perfoi'meth his vow on his daughter.
Jephthah' the Gileadite was a mighty
man of valor," and he was the son of a har-
und came to Kadcsli;'' day between the children of Israel and the chil-
17 Tiien Israel sent messengers unto the kinj^ of dren of Animon.'"
Kdom. sayintr. Let me, I pray tlieo, pass throufrli 28 llowbeit the king of the children of Amnion
ihv land: but tiic king of Edom would not heark- hearkened not unto the words of Jephthah wiiich
en' //wnyo. And in like manner they sent unto the lie sent him.
2'.> *i Then the Spirit of the Lord" came upon
king of Moah: but he wc^uld not consent: and Is-
rael abode in Ivadesh. Jephthah," and he passed over Gilead, and Ma-
18 Tiien they went along through the wilder- nassch, and passed over Miz]peh of Gileail, and
ness, and compassed the land of Edom, and lie from Mizpch of Gilead he passed over tmto the
land of Moab,'' and came by tlie east side of tiie children of Amnion.
hmd of Moab, and pitclied on tlie other side of ?,() And Jephthah vowed avow unto the Lord,"
Arnon, but came not within tlie border of Moab :'' anil said, If thou slialt without fail deliver the
for Arnon was the border of Moab. children of Amnion into my hands,
19 And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king 31 Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh
of the Amorifes, the king of Heshbon;" and Is- forth* of the doors of my house to meet me, when
rael said unto him. Let us })ass, we pray thee, I return in peace from tlie children of Amnion,
through tliy land into my place. shall surely be the Lord's,'' and* I will offer it up
20 But Siiion trusted not Israel to pass through for a burnt-offering.
his coast but Sihon gatlicred all his people togeth-
: 32 li So Jephthah passed over unto the children
er, and pitched in JaJuiz, and fought against Israel. of Ammon to fight against them and the Lord ;
21 And the Lord God of Israel delivered Sihon delivered them into his hands.
and all his people into the hand of Israel, and 33 And he smote them from Aroer, even till
they smote them: so Israel possessed all the land thou come to Minnith,'' even twenty cities, and un-
of the Amorites, tlie inhabitants of that country. to the plain of the vineyards, with a very great -^
22 And tliey possessed all the coasts of the Am- slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon were sub-
orites, from Arnon even unto Jabbok, and from dued before the children of Israel.
the wilderness even unto Jordan. 34 1 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his
23 So now the Lord God of Israel hath dispos- house,' and behold, his daughter came out to meet
sessed the Amorites from before his people Israel, him with timbrels and with dances:" and she was
and shouldcst thou possess it? Ms only child beside her he had neither son nor ;
the Lord our God*-' shall drive out from before he rent his clothes,* and said, Alas, my daughter!
us," them will we possess. thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one
2.5 And now art thou any tiling better than of them that trouble me for I have opened my :
Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab?' did he mouth unto the Lord, and I cannot go Ijack."
ever strive against Israel, or did he ever fight 36 And she said unto him, My father, if thou
against them, hast opened thy mouth unto the Lord, do to me
26 AVhile Israel dwelt in Heshbon and her towns,^ according to that which hath proceeded out of
and in Aroer and her towns,'' and in all the cities thy mouth forasmuch as the Lord hath taken ven- ;
that be along by the coasts of Arnon, three hun- geance for thee of thine enemies," even of the chil-
dred years? why tliereforc did ye not recover dren of Ammon.
them within that time? 37 And she said unto her father. Let this thing
27 Wherefore I have not sinned against thee, be done for me let me alone two months, that 1 :
a Num.
14:25; Deut. 1:40; Josh. 5:6. b Num. 20:1, 14. etc. ' Num. 1:11 ; Bed. 5:2, 4. 5. t Heb. llmt which cmnrth forlk. u-lnth shall rome
21:4, et«. d Num
22:36. e Num. 21:21, etc.; Deut. 2:26, etc t Num. forth. P Lev. 27:2, 3; 1 Sam. 1:11,2?; Psa. 66: 13, 14. 1 Or. or. q Kzek.
21:28; 1 Kings 11:7; Jer. 4t:7. e Mic. 4:5. h Deut. 18:12; Psa. 78:55. 27:17. S Or, AM. ' ver, 11. « Exod. 15:20; I Sam. I&:6; Psa. 6,-<:25;
Num. 22:2, etc. J Num. 21:25. k Deut. 2:30. I Gen. 19:25; Psa. 75:7; 150:4 ; Jer. 31:4. I Or, he had not of his own either son or daughter; Heb.
EccI, 12:14. m Gen. 16:5; 31:51; 1 Sim. 24:12, 15. n ch. 3:10. • Jeph- of himself, t Gen. 37:29, 34. u Num. 3U:2j Psa. 15:4. v 2 Sam. IB: 19, 31.
•oah seems to have been judge only of North-east Israel, o Gen 23: 20 ; 1 Sam.
lands than had Balak, who was king of Moab when Israel other way.
took them? He did not take them back; and as the 33. Aroer; a town near the river Arnon. Minnith; a
Ammonites had not attempted it, but suffered the Israel- place north of Aroer, in the tribe of Reuben.
ites to possess it unmolested for three hundred years, it 35. Opened my mouth; made a vow. Ver. 30. Cannot
was evident that they had lost all title to it, and the Isra- go back; he could not, without breaking his engagement,
elites did not wrong them in possessing it. and thus, in his view, doing wrong.
27. The Lord —
be judge; decide, by giving the victoiy 37. My
virginity; that she was to live and die without
to those who were right. being married and having children, which Jewish women
29. ITie Spirit —
came upon Jephthah ; furnishing him with very much regretted. If, as some suppose, she was not
'; ;
A. M. 2SM.may go up and down* upon the mountains, 4 Then Jephthah gathered together all the men
liu and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.
of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim and the men :
38 And he said, Go. And he sent her away /or of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said. Ye
two montiis and slie went with her companions,
Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the
and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains. Ephraimites, aiid among the Manassites.
39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, 5 And the Gileadites took the passages of Jor-
that slie returned unto her father, who did with her dan before the Ephraimites:'' and it was so, when
according to his vow which he had vowed :" and slie those Ephraimites which were escaped said. Let
knew no man. And it was a custom^ in Israel, mo go over, that the men of Gilead said unto him,
40 That the daughters of Israel went yearly* to Jlrt thou an Ephraimite? If he said. Nay;
lament'^ the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite 6 Then said they unto him. Say now Shibboleth :*
four days in a year. and he said Sibboleth for he could not frame to
put my life in n;y hands,'= and passed over against 12 And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was bur-
the children of Ammon, and the Lord delivered ied in Aijalou in the country of Zebulun."
them into my hand wherefore then are ye come : 13 1 And after him Abdou the son of Hillel, a
up unto me this day, to fight against me? Pirathonite, judged Israel.*
literally offered to the Lord as a burnt-offering, it is plain, 27. A disposition in the use of proper means to commit
from the language of the sacred writer, that she was de- all our concerns to the guidance and disposal of God, is a
voted to God in such a way as required her to remain good preparation for obtaining his favor, and receiving
unmarried and childless. Fellows ; female companions. from him all needed aid.
3y. According to his vow ; he devoted her to tlic Lord in 31. We sliould be careful to promise nothing but what
a manner consistent with his promise, whatever that was. is practicable, lawful, and right, that all we promise may
She knew no man ; was never married, and had no children be faithfully performed.
a thing bewailed and lamented both by herself and her 35. This life is a mixed scene of trials and mercies.
companions. Great blessings are often followed by great distresses
40. Lament; this word in the original means, to cele- and if uncalled of God and without good reason we have
brate, or rehearse, and is so translated in chap. 5: 11. The brought them upon ourselves, tlie poignancy of them is
daughters of Israel, from j'ear to year, commemorated the thereby increased.
case of Jephthah's daughter.
INSTRUCTIONS. Went northward; towards Mizpeh, on the east side of 1.
their whole conduct according to the revealed will of danger of attempting to obtain deliverance.
God. 4. Fugitives of Ephraim ; the Gileadites belonged to the
7. In prosperity men often despise and reject those to tribe of Manasseh. Josh. 17 1. The Ephraimites reproach :
whom in adversity they are glad to apply for help. them as a remnant who had fled Viefore themselves across
9. Arrangements in which different parties are con- the Jordan, and who were miworthy to be ranked with
cerned should be plainly and correctly stated beforehand, their brethren of Ephraim and Manasseh.
that there may be afterwards no misunderstandings and 6. Foi-ty and two thousand ; supposed by many to mean
contests about them. two thousand and forty, as the Ephraimites when numbered
12. For the wiclied courses which wicked men pursue amoimted only to thirty-two thousand five hundred. Num.
they can give no good reason and a correct statement of 26:37. But this reason cannot be regarded as conclusive,
facts shows that for their pretended reasons there is no since the numbering referred to took place three hundred
just foundation. years before.
21. The agency of God should never be excluded
our in 10. Bethlehem; there were two places of this name, one
contemplations of the affairs of men, and his goodness in Zebulun. and one in Judah where our Saviour was born.
should always be acknowledged as the source of all the 13. A Pirathonite; so called from Pirathon the place
blessings which we enjoy. where he lived.
14 And lie liad forty sons and tliirty ncplicws,' '.» And God
liearkcned to the voice of a. m. 2>o.
tliut rodo on tlirecsi'oiT and ten ass colts :" and he Manoah and the angel of (jod came again nii"*"''
jiuliTi'd Israi'l ciirlit voars. unto the woman as she sat in the field: but Ma-
) And Alulon tlic'son of Hillel the Pirathonitc noaJi her husband ivas not with her.
died, and was Iniiiud in Piratium in the land of 10 And the woman made haste, and ran, and
E]iliraiMi. in tlir niounl of the Anialckites.'' showed her husband, and said unto him. Behold,
the man hath appeared unto me, that came unto
CHAPTER XIII. me the other day.
And Manoah
hand of ihe
11 arose, and went after his wife,
1 Iirael is in tlic Philistines. 2 An ixngcl appi'ardli to
Manonli's wile. 8 The an^al appptirfth to Manoal" \.> Jlanoahs and came to the man, and said unto him, Jlrt thou
Mcrilice, whereby the anjjel is iliscovereJ. 21 Samson is born. tiie man that gpakest unto the woman? And he
AND the children of Israel did* evil attain in
the sijjht of the Lord ;" and the Loiii) deliv-
I am.
And Manoah said, Now let thy words come
ered thcni into the hand of the Philistines forty to pass. IIow shall we order* the child, and how
years.''' shall we do unto him?'
2 T And there was a certain man of Zorah," of the angel ol'tlic LoKD said unto Manoah, 13 And
the family of the Danites, -whose name icas Ihi- that 1 said unto the woman let her beware. Of all
noah; and his wife u-as barren,
and bare not. 14 She may not cat of any thing that comelh
3 And the anicl of the Loud apjicarcd unto tlie of tlie vine, neither let her drink wine or strong
woman,'' and said unto her. Behold now, thou art drink, nor cat any unclean thing:'' all that 1 com-
barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, manded her lot her observe.
and bear a son. 15 If And Manoah said unto the angel of the
4 Now therefore beware, 1 ]iray tliee, and drink Lord, 1 pray thee, let us detain tliec,' until wc
not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any un- shall have made ready a kid for^ thee.
clean thing: 16 And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah,
5 For lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son Though thou detain me, 1 will not cat of thy
and no razor shall come on his head :" for the bread and if thou wilt offer a burnt-oflering, thou :
child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the must offer it unto the Lord. For Manoah knew
womb:" and lie shall bcjiin to deliver Israel out not that he was an angel of the Lord.
of the hand of tiio Piiilistincs. 17 And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord,
6 Then the woman came and told her liusband, What /* thy name,'" that when thy sayings come
saying, A
man of God came unto me,' and his to pass we may do thee honor?
countenance was like the countenance of an angel IS And the angel of the Lord said unto him,
of God,-! very terrible: but I asked him not whence askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is Why
he was, neither told he me his name: secret?*
7 But he said unto mo. Behold, thou shalt con- 19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat-offering,
ceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord :" and
nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: the angel did woudrously ; and ]\Ianoah and his
for the ciiild shall bo a Nazarite to God from the wife looked on.
womb to the day of his death. 20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up
8 1 Then Manoah entreated tlie Lord, and said, toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel
my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst of the Lord ascended in the (lame of the altar:
send come again unto us, and teach us what we and Manoah and his wife looked on it, and fell on
shall do unto tiie child that shall be born. their faces to the ground."
ans' sons, i ch. .5:10; 10:4. b oh. H. IKeb.
:): 13. 127; 5: atldrd of. I Oi. v;ha.t slMtt he do! Heb. what shall be A/.! wmri-? k ver.
: Rom. 2:0. » Jer. 13:23. I This seems a partial captivity. (i:!.-!. etc. 1 Heb. Uforg. m Gen. 3-J:-.». • Or, wonderful: Isa.
2:9 e Josh. 19:41. ' Luke 1 :11, etc. elSara. 1:11. h Vum. ch. 0:19-23. » Lev. 9:24; 1 Chr. 21:16. 26; Ezck. 1:2:;; Matt.
1 Kings 17:-21. J .Watt. 3S:3; Acts (i:1.5. S Heb. ll'Aat shallbc
14. Nephews; in the original, sons' sons, or grandsons. judgment, the great object of all should be so to live as
15. Mount of the Amalekites; supposed to be a place in to be iitted, through grace, to give up their account with
Ephiaim called by that name. Chap. 5:14. joy, and enter into that rest which reiiiains for the people
of God.
1. Personswho have refused to engage in great and
difficult services themselves, often most bitterly envy CHAPTER XIII.
those who liave successfully performed them. 1.Forty years; chap. 10:7.
3. Men are sometimes called, instead of depending on
2. Zorah; a city in the south part of the tribe of Dan.
others, to take themselves the responsibility, meet the 3. The angel of the Lord ; supposed to be the Angel-Je-
dangers, and iierform the labors of great and trying emer- hovah, in the form of man, and the same who api:)eared to
gencies. In such cases they should not shrink, but in Moses, Joshua, and Gideon. Ver. 21-23.
dependence on God go forward in duty, and leave the 5. Nazarite; for the law of the Nazarite, which Manoah 's
result to him. wife was herself to observe till the birth of the child, see
4. Family contentions are most bitter and disastrous. Num. 6:2-21.
The beginning of them should be most carefully avoided, 12. How slmll we order the child ? or, as in the margin. What
for when once begun no one can tell where they will end. shall be the manner of the child ? The question relaleg
6. Those who wickedly begin a quarrel, would often
to the motlier's deportment before his birth, as immedi-
be struck with horror should they foresee all its conse- ately explained by the angel.
quences. 18. Secret; wonderful; the same in the original as in
7. As death is to all persons near, and after death is the Isa. 9:6.
Samson marrklh i
JUDGES XIV wift of Iht I'
burnt-offering and a meat-offering at our hands,'' told not his fatlier or his mother what lie liad done.
neither would he have showed us all tliese things, 7 And he went down, and talked with the wom-
nor would as at this time have told us such things an and she pleased Samson well.
AND Samson went down to Timnatli,*' and saw they brought thirty companions to be with him.
a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the 12 1 And Samson said unto them, I will now
Philistines." put forth a riddle unto you:'' if ye can certainly
2 And ho came up, and told his father and his declare it me witliin the seven days of the feast,"^
mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Tim- and find it out, tiien I will give you thirty sheets,^
nath of the daugliters of the Philistines: now and thirty change of garments:'*
therefore got her for me to wife. 13 But if ye cannot declare it me, then shall ye
3 Then his father and liis mother said unto him, give me thirty sheets and thirty change of gar-
/* there nev'er a woman among the daughters of ments. And they said unto liim, Put forth thy
thy brethren," or among all my people, tliat thou riddle, that we may hear it.
goest to take a wife of tlie uncircumcised Philis- 14 And he said unto them. Out of the eater camo
tines?^ And Samson said unto his father, Get forth meat, and out of tlie strong came forth
her for me; for she pleasetli me well.* sweetness. And they could not in three days
4 But liis father and his mother knew not that expound the riddle.
it was of the Lord,'' that he sought an occasion 15 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that
against the Pliilistines: for at that time the Phi- they said unto Samson's wife, Entice thy husband,'
listines had dominion over Israel.' that he may declare unto us the riddle, lest we
»ExoJ. 3:i:'0; Dent. 5:20. bPaa.a5:l4; >l:Vi, Pror. .3::)->; Jolin 15:15. I ch. r!:I. : Heb. iVi meeting him. m ch. 13:25; 1 ,?ain. 11:6. 1 Sam.
Hsb. ll:3J. d ISim. ••):19. « ch. 3:10. • Heb. ilaliant/i-dan. as ch. 17:34.35. "1 Ram. 14:25-30; Prov.2o:16. P Esth. 1 :5; 2:ls; Eccl. 10:19.
SAi. 'ch. 1S:11; Jo3h.l5::33. g Gen. .'!-i:13; Josil. 15: 10. h Gen. 34:1, qProv. 1:0; Ezek. 17:2; Luke 14-7. r Gen. 29:-27; 2 Chr. 7:8. S Or, shirU.
:. i Gen. 24:3, 4. J Gen. 34:14; Exod. 31:1-2, l(i; Dent. 7:3. t Heb. is • Gen. 45:22. > oh. 16:5; Prov. 1:10.
igkl in mine eyes, t Josh. Il:a0; aKing3fi:M; 2 Chr. 10:15; 22:7; -25:20.
other's counsel, and thus unite their efforts, especially in us not only with reverence and awe, but with admiration,
every thing pertaining to the temporal and eternal wel- confidence, and love.
fare of their children.
8. One of the most important and difficult duties of par- CHAPTER XIV.
ents is the right education of children and no one will ; I.Timnath; then held by the Philistines.
ever properly perform it, unless in the habit of daily seek- 4. Of the Lord; to overrule this transaction for aveng-
ing wisdom from God. ing the wrongs inflicted by the Philistines, and beginning
9. When parents ask direction from God how to treat to deliver the Israelites from their power. Chap. 13:5.
their children, in order most to honor him, to benefit them, II. Theij; the people of Timnath.
and make them useful to others, God is ready to hear and 12. Put forth a riddle; this was a common amusement on
to aid them in training their children in the way they such occasions. Thirty sheets; the word in the original
should go. means shirts or linen, worn next the body. Garments; the
13. To be successful in the right education of children, outer garments, worn over the shirts.
parents must give heed to the directions of God on this 15. Called us; invited us to the feast.
Samson vtitth and JUDGES XV. shiyHh the PliUistlnei.
16 And Samson's
wife wejit before liiin, and said, I'hilistinea. 7 Salmon iiniU'th liiein hip and ihii;h. 9 He ii bound
Thou dost but hate me, and lovest nic not:" tiiou
by the men of Jud:Ul, and delivered to the rhilistlnen. lie killelh M
Ihein with a jawbone. 18 God makctli the fountain Enhakkore for
hast put forth a riddle unto tiie children of my him in Lehi.
people, and hast not told it me. And he said
unto her, Behold, I iiuve not told it my father nor
BUT it carac to pass within a while after, in
the time of wheat-harvest, that Samson vis-
my motlier, andthee? shall I tell it ited his wife with a kid; and he said,I will go
IT And she wei)t before him the seven* days, in to my wife into the chamber. But her father
while their feast lasted: and it came to pass on would not suffer him to go in.
the seventh day, that he told her, because she lay 2 And her father said, I verily thought that
sore upon him:"" and she tohl the riddle to the thou hadst utterly hated her; therefore 1 gave
children of her people. her to thy companion is not her younger sister:'-'
IS And the men of the city said unto him on the fairer than she? take her,* 1 pray thee, instead
seventh day before the sun went down, What is of her.
sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than 3 "I And Samson said concerning thcnn. Now
a liou? And he said unto them. If ye had not shall 1 be more blameless than the' Philistines,
ploughed with my heifer, ye had not found out though I do them a displeasure.
my riddle. 4 And Samson w<'nt and caught three hundred
ly 1i And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him,'' foxes, and took firebrands,'' and turned tail to tail,
and he went down to Ashkelon. and slew thirty and put a firebrand in the miilst between two tails.
men of them, and took their spoil,' and gave ehaiigi! /) And when he had set the lirands on lire, he
of garments unto them which expounded the rid- let t/um go into the standing corn of the Philis-
dle. And his anger was kindled, and he went up tines,'' and burnt u]) both the shocks, and also the
to his father's house. standing corn, with the vinf^ards and olives.
20 But Samson's wife was given to liis compan- "^
6 Then the Philistines said, AVho hath done this?
whom he had used as his friend.
ion,'' And the}' answered, Samson, the son-in-law of the
» Ch. ISiG. * "Atiti. possess uSy or impoverish us. b ch. IC:15. t Or, iho fJer. 9:1; Mic. 7:5; John."JiaO. Sch.)J:SO. t \Uh. letlier be Ihine. I Or,
rest of the. ' Luke 11:8; 18:4, S. <1 vcr. C. I Oi, apparel, e ch. 15:2. iVoio shaU I be blameUss from the. 1 Or, torches, h 2 Sara. 14:30.
17. The seven days; that is, the rest of the seven days of 10. Marriage is a joyful occasion, and it is proper grate-
the feast that remained after the tliird. it by feasting. But in feasting there is
fully to notice
IS. Ploughed with my heifer; persuaded his wife to tell peculiar danger, not only of being betrayed into excesses,
them. but of forgetting God and sinning against him. All there-
lU. Ashkelon; a city of the Philistines, southwest of lore, when so exposed, should seek his protection and
Timnath and nortli'of Gaza. guidance.
20. His friend ; the person who had the direction at the 1 1. Virtuous companions are great blessings, and vicious
marriage-feast called by way of eminence the friend of ones are great curses.
the bridegroom. John 3:29. 12. When in company with the frivolous and wicked we
are tempted, especially after feasting, to become like them,
INSTRUCTIONS. and to engage in their frivolous or even wicked sports.
1. On no subject connected with human welfare does a But nothing should receive the sanction of our example,
young man need divine guidance more than in selecting a except what is moral in its nature and useful in its effects.
wife. 13. The pledging of property on contingencies the re-
2. It is ordinarily wise for a young man, before engag- sults of which we cannot foresee, and which render us
ing to marry any one, to consult his parents and avail him- liable to give or receive an amount without an equivalent,
self of the benefits of their advice. is wrong. By encouraging idleness, and leading ukmi to
3. All wise parents will desire that their children should the wide extremes of liigh expectation and sore disap-
marry those who are pious and who are connected with pointment, it tends greatly to injure them, and should be
religious families. conscientiously avoided.
4. While parents should advise their children and give 15. The hope of gain without laboring or rendering an
them good counsel on the subject of marriage, yet after equivalent, the fear of loss, and tlie desire to prevent it,
they become of age they should not undertake to control have tempted many to the commission of enormous crimes.
them. They do not know enough about the designs of 17. We
caimot be sure that others will keep a secret
God with regard to such connections, to render such con- which we cannot keep ourselves, as their temptation to
trol either safe or proper. divulge it may be greater than ours. If we would there-
5. When the course of children with regard to marriage fore not have a thing known, we should not reveal it.
is settled, parents should endeavor to make the best of it, 18. Intimate companionship with the wicked exposes to
and to render it as useful and comfortable as possible. the most disastrous results, and by it, from the highest
6. If a young man is under the direction of the Spirit of mirth, men may be plunged into the deepest sorrow.
God, and is aided by him, though he may meet with great 20. One wrong step opens the way for another, and
difBculties and dangers, he will be enabled to overcome when a woman betrays her husband, lie has no security
them. that she will not forsake him. There is no safety but in
8. It is often useful to review the scenes in which God avoiding the begiiming of evil.
has especially favored us and enabled us to overcome the
dangers to which we were exposed.
9. A generous mind does not wish to enjoy its blessings
alone, and its happiness is increased by imparting them 1 .time of wli^at-harvest ; in May.
Tlie kid ; as a present, A
to others, especially to parents, relatives, and friends but ; and in token of reconciliation.
there are some things the knowledge of which a wise man 4. Foxes ; the original word includes also jackals, which
will keep to himself and not impart to any one. are abundant in Palestine, and easily caught.
Works of Samson at JUDGES XVI. Lehi and at Gaza.
5 And tlif lords of the Philistines came up unto 1() And it camp to pass, when she press- a. m. 2bm.
brake the withs, as a thread of tow is broken gan to alllict him, and his strength went from him.
when it toucheth^ the lire. So his strength was 2U And she said. The Philistines be upon thee,
not known. Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said,
10 And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou I will go out as at other times before, and shake
hast mocked mo. and told me lies: now tell me, J myself.' And he wist not that the Loud was
jiray thee, wherewith thou mightcst be bound. departed from him.'^
1 And he said unto her, If they bind me fast 21 If But the Philistines took him, and put out*
Avilh new ropes that never were occupied,' then his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and
shall I be weak, and be as another man. bound him with fetters of brass ;'' and he didgrind
12 Delilah therefore took new ropes, and liound in the jirison-house.
liim tlierowith, and said unto him, The Philistines 22 Ilowlicit the hair of his head began to grow
be upon thee, i^ain-on. And f/iere were Hers in wait again after* ho was shaven.
abiding in the cliamixn-. And he brake them from 23 Then the lords of the Philistines gathered
off his arms like a thread. them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto
13 And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto Dagon their god,' and to rejoice :J for they said,
thou hast mocked me, and told mc lies: tell me Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into
wherewith thou mightcst be bound. And he said our hand.
unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my 24 And when the people saw him, they praised
head with the web. their god :'' for they said, Our god hath delivered
II And she fastened it with the pin, and said into our hands our enemy, and the destroyer of
unto him. The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. our country, which slew many of us.*
And he awaked out of his sleep, and went away 2-5 And it came to pass, when their hearts were
with the pin of the beam, and with the web. merry,' that they said. Call for Samson, that he
15 "i And she said unto him. How canst thou may make us sport."" And they called for Samson
say, I love thee, when thy heart is not with me?'' out of the prison-house and he made them^ sport
Tiiou hast mocked me those three times, and hast and they set him between the pillars.
not told me wherein thy great strength liefk. 26 And Samson said unto the lad that held him
» Ch. 14:15; ProT. 2:lli-I9; .'5:3-11; fi:J4--28; 7:-2\-27; 1 Cnr. 0:15-18. t Hos. 7:9. c Num. 14:42, 43; 1 Sam. 2i:l.'5. Heb. iorirrf oaf. h Jer.
• Or, humb't. t Heb. moist, or new cords. 1 Heb. ont. \ Heb. smelUth. 2:19. t Ot, as when. > 1 Sam. 5:2, etc. J Job .30:!!, 10; Psa. K:\5, 10;
I Heb. wkerewith work hatk not bun done, b ch. 14:10. H Heb. shortened. Prov. 24:17. IS. k Dan. 5:4. t Heb. and who muUiptied our slain. 1 ch.
Frov. 1J:J:); iMic. 7:5. <1 cb. l:i:5; Num. 6:5. e Prov. 7:-'0; Eccl. 7:20. 9:27. "Heb. ll:3fi. i Heh. before Ihem.
And when
he had restored the eleven hundred
pillars whereupon the house standeth, that shekels of silver to his mother, his mother said, I
I may lean upon them. had wholly dedicated the silver unto the Lord
27 Now the house was full of men and women from my hand for my son, to make a graven image
and all the lords of the Pliilistiues iccre there and a molten image :" now therefore I will restore
and there were upon the roof about three thousand it unto thee.
men and women, and beheld while Samson made 4 Yet lie restored the money unto his mother;
sport. and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver,
28 And Samson called unto the Lord," and said, and gave them to the founder,'' who made thereof
Lord God, remember me,'' I pray thee, and a graven image and a molten image: and they
strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, God, were in the house of Micah.
that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines 5 And the man Micah had a house of gods, and
for my two eyes. made an ephod,' and tcraphim,^ and consecrated'
29 And Samson took hold of the two middle one of his sons, who became his priest.
pillars upon which the house stood, and on which 6 In those days there was no king in Israel,'' but
it was borne up,* of the one with his right hand, every man did that which was right in his own eyes.'
and of the other with his left. 7 If And there was a young man out of Beth-
30 And Samson said. Let me* die with the Phi- lehem-judah of the family of Judah,"' who was a
listines. And he bowed himself with a/l /lis might Levite, and he sojourned there.
and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all 8 And the man departed out of the city from
the people that ivere therein. = So the dead which Beth-lehem-judah to sojourn where he could find
he slew at his death were more than they which a place: and he came to mount Ephraira to the
he slew in his life. house of Micah, as he journeyed.^
31 Then his brethren and all the house of his 9 And Micah said unto him, Whence comest
father came down, and took him, and brought him thou? And he said unto him, I a7n a Levite of
up, and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol'' Beth-lehem-judah, and I go to sojourn where I may
in the burying-place of Manoah his father. And find a place.
he judged Israel twenty years. 10 And Micah said unto him. Dwell with me,
and be unto me a father and a priest," and I will
give thee ten shekels of silver by the year, and a
CHAPTER XVII.suit of apparel,' and thy victuals. So the Levite
1 Of the money that Micah first stole, then restored, his mother maketh
imager 5 and he ornaments for them. 7 He hireth a Levite to be went in.
his rr.est. 11 And the Levite was content to dwell with
wasaman ofmountEphraini,'' whose the man ; and the young man was unto him as one
of his sons.
2 And he said unto his mother. The eleven hun- 12 And Micah consecrated the Levite ;° and the
dred shekels of silver that were taken from thee, young man became his priest,'' and was in the house
about which thou cursedst, and spakest of also in of Micah.
mine ears, behold, the silver is with me I took it. 13 Then said Micah, Now know I that the Lord
And liis mother said, Blessed be thou of the Loed,' will do me good," seeing I have a Levite to my
my son. priest.
iiPsa. 1)1:15; Lam. 3:31, 3-J; Jon. 2:1,2, 7. 1> I'sa. 74:lP-23; Jer. 15:15. j Gen. 31:19, 30; Hos. 3:4.
Or, /u Uarud on thtm. t Heb. my soul. » Job 20:5; Psa. C2:3; Eccl.
£1:12. a ch. 13:25. e Josh. 17:14-13. f Gen. 1J:19; Ruth 3:1U; Neh.
13:25; 2John 11. s ExoJ. 20:4, 2:3; Lev 19:4. h ha. 40:0. i ch. 8:27.
to the guilty, not willing that they should perish, but that
they should come to repentance.
14. Though lying may relieve a man for a moment, yet
instead of getting him out of ti'ouble, or in the end bene-
fiting him, it will only plunge him into deeper sorrows,
IG.Importunity has great influence both with man and
with God, and much depends upon resolute, earnest, untir-
ing perseverance. Luke 11:8.
17, Those who persist in a course of sinning, will soon
find themselves weak, helpless, and undone.
20. Men without the aid of God, are not aware of their
helpless condition till they learn it by experience.
21. Those senses which have been the inlets of iniquity
often become the organs of punishment.
23. The fall of the professed friends of God greatly dis-
honors him, injures his cause, and gives the wicked occa-
sion to reproach and triumph.
27. The triumph of the wicked is short, and the lieight
of their joys is the prelude of their ruin. Psa. 73: 18-20.
28. Even the loss of eyesight, great as is the calamity,
may be to a man the means of uns])eakable good. If it
lead him to repentance of his sins and faith in Jesus Christ,
though his grave be with the wicked, his resurrection
will be with the just.
The upedUion of the JUDGES XVIII. Daniles as^aiiisl Laish.
I Thf nanito f..nJ five intn to stik out ;in inhcritnncr. 3 At ihc house
of Mic:ih tii.v cfiiKiik wiihJonaihan.aiiJnreencouragea in their -wny.
7 'Ih'V x'.ii' II l-'Xi-h. anil bring li:iclc news or good hope. II Six iiun-
drol iiK n ;tr.' v nl lo surjiri-e iu M In the wny they rob Micnh of l<is
pri.-.t nnJ hi> r..n»ecnil«l things. -'7 They win Lni>h, and call it Dm.
The Daniies at Laish. JUDGES XIX. The Levile and his conculine.
that ye say unto me. What ailcth tliec? 3 And her husband arose, and went after her, to
25 And the children of Dan said unto him, Let speak friendly unto her,' and to bring her again,""
not thy voice be heard among us, lest angry* fel- liaving his servant with iiim, and a couple of asses:
lows run upon thee, and thou lose thy life, with and she brouglit liim into her father's house; and
the lives of thy houscliold. when the father of the damsel saw him, he re-
26 And the chiklreu of Dan went their way: and joiced to meet him.
when Micah saw that they were too strong for him, 4 And his father-in-law, the damsel's father, re-
he turned and went back unto his house. tained him and he abode with him three days ;
27 And tliey took the things which Micah had so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.
made, and the priest which he had, and came 5 ^ And it came to pass on the fourth day, when
unto Laisli, unto a people that were at quiet and they arose early in the morning, that he rose up
secure :" and thej^ smote them with the edge of tiie to depart: and the damsel's father said unto his
sword, and burnt the city with fire. son-in-law. Comfort' thy heart with a morsel of
28 And thei-e was no deliverer,'^ because it was bread,' and afterward go your way.
far from Zidon, and tliey had no business with a«y 6 And they sat down, and did eat and drink both
man and it was in tlie valley that lieth by Beth- of them together for the damsel's father had said
; :
rehob.'' And they built a city, and dwelt therein. unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry
29 And they called the name of the city Dan,'' all night, and let thy heart be merry.
after the name of Dan their fatlier, who was born 7 And when the man rose up to depart, his father-
unto Israel: howbcit the name of the city was in-law urged him: therefore he lodged there again.
Laisli at the first. 8 And he arose early in the morning on the fifth
30 If And the cliildrcn of Dan set up the graven day to depart: and the damsel's father said. Com-
image: and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son fort thy heart, I pray thee. And they tarried
of Manasseh.heand his sons were priests to the tribe until afternoon,* and they did eat both of them.
of Dan until the day of the captivity of the land.' 9 xVnd when the man rose up to depart, he, and
31 And they set them up Micah's graven image, his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law,
which he made, all the time that the house of God the damsel's father, said unto him. Behold, now
was in Sliiloh.' the day draweth toward evening,^^ I pray you
' Gen. 21:17; aKingsG:'!?; Psa. 114:5; Isa. a>:l. •
Ueb. an gathered t Heb. a icoman a concubhie, t wife a concubine, i Or, a year, and
logetlur. 1 Heb. inter of soul; 2 Sam. 17:8. b ver. 7, lU; Deiit. .3:3:22. four months; Heb. days four Ihs. I Heb. to her heart, Gen. 34:3.
^ver.l,?. J Num. 13:21; 2 Sam.
10:6. e Gen 14:14; Josh. 19:47; 1 Kings h Jer. 3:1. H Heb. Strenq'tlien, u,
.^,. 8; Gen.
uc... 18:5.
au.„. Psa. 104:15.
i • Heb.
12:29, aO; 15:20. f 1 Sajn. 4:2, etc. ; Psa. 78:60. e ch. 19:18; Josh. 18:1. till the day declined. ^ Hah. is weak. J Luke 24:29,
21. The carriage; the baggage, consisting of such mov- that God approves of their conduct. He may in wrath
ables as men emigrating with their families must take suffer them to rob others, and that robbery may prepare
with them. Before tliem; in the front part of their train, the way for their own ruin.
that thus they might be secure against an attack ou the 14. Consideration and cool deliberate calculation in
part of Micah and Ms friends. iniquity increase its guilt, and manifest great hardness of
28. Z;(/on,- a populous city on the Mediterranean. Beth- heart.
rehoh; a place west of Laish. 17. Rebellion against God and injustice towards men go
30. Set up the graven image; thus idolatry was first pub- together, and no ties of relationship or experience of kind-
licly established in Israel. ness will lead the wicked ever to make it their object to
INSTRUCTIONS. do to others as they would that others should do to them.
2. If men were as sensible of their spiritual wants as they 20. The great object of false teachers is worldly good;
are of their temporal, and as earnest and persevering in the prospect of this, though by conniving at and sharing
providing for them, they might all be made rich for eter- in flagrant wickedness, makes them glad.
nity. Prov. 2:3-5. 24. Idols can afford theu" worshippers no help and ;
5. Wicked men often have some conviction of their were not the human mind a'svfully blinded, and the heart
dependence on God, and ask others to seek for them his besotted by sin, no one would expect it from them.
blessing. 25. Robbery prepares men for murder, and those who
7. Those who are without civil government are desti- feel and act as if might gave right, will commit any enor-
tute of the means which God has appointed to restrain mity.
the wicked and encourage the good, and to protect the 30. Satan, in his worship, is willing men should use
one from tlie aggressions of the other. robbery for burnt-offerings but Jehovah in his worship ;
9. Power to take possession of a good land does not abhors it. Idolatry begun by few may sjircad to many,
give men a right to it, nor is their success any evidence and ultimately prove the ruin of all.
tarry all day growelh to an which is with thy servants there is no want * m sm.
niplit: Itoliold, the :
end,'" lod^re licre, llmt thy heart may bo merry; of any tiling. nw.
and to-ni(irrow pet you early on your way, tliat 20 And llie old man said. Peace be with thee;*
thou niayest jro lioinc* howsoever, let all thy wants lie upon me; only
10 IJut the man wouhl not tarry tliat nijrht. but lodge not in the street.''
lie rose u|) and ih>iiart(>d, and eamc over airainst- 21 So he Virouglit him into his house,' and gave
Tclms,'' whicli is Jerusalem; and tlnre vrre with provender unto the asses: and they washed their
him two asses saddled, his couculiiue also was I'eot,^ and did eat and <irink.
witli him. 22 1 JVow as they were making their hearts
1 Jliid when tliey were by Jebus, the day was merry," behold, the men of the city, certain sons
far spent; and tlie servant said unto his master, of Belial,' beset the house round about,"" arid beat
Come, 1 |n-ay tlicc, and let us turn in into this city at the door, and spake to the niaslor of the house,
of the Jehusites, and lodije in it. the old man, saying. Bring forth tiio man that
12 And his master said unto him, We will not came into thy house;, that we may know him."
turn aside hither into the city of a stranger, that 23 And the man, the master of the house, went
IS not of the children of Israel wc will pass over out unto them, and said unto them. Nay, my breth-
13 And he said unto his servant, Come, and let that this man is come into my house, do not this
us draw near to one of these places to lodge all folly."
niglit, in Gibeali, or in Ramah.'^ is my daughter a maiden, and
24 Behold, here
1-1 And tliey passed on and went their way: and them I will bring out now, and
his concubine;
the sun went down upon tliem when they were by humble ye them,'' and do with them what secmeth
Gibeah, which be/ongrfh to Benjamin. good unto you but unto this man do not so vile :
l(j ^ And l)cliold, there came an old man from the night until the morning: and when the day
liis w'ork out of the field at oven,'' which vms also began to spring, tliey let her go.
of mount Ephraim; and he sojourned in Gibcah 26 Then came the woman in the dawning of the
but tlie mon of the place were Bcnjamites. day, and loll down at the door of the man's house
17 And wiien he had lifted up his eyes, he saw where her lord uvs, till it was light.
a wayfaring man in the street of the city and the 27 And her lord rose up in the morning, and
old man said. Whither gocst thou? and whence opened the doors of the house, and went out to go
comest thou? his way: and behold, the woman his concubine
18 And he said unto him. We are passing from was fallen down at the door of the house, and her
Bethdehem-judah toward the side of mount Ephra- hands wei-e upon the threshold.
im; from thence a??i I: and I went to Botli-leliem- 28 And he said unto her, Up, and let us be go-
judah.but I am M0(« going to the house of tlioLoitn ;' ing: but none answered. Then the man took her
and there is no man that receiveth* mc to house. up upon an ass, and the man rose up, and gat him
19 Yet there is both straw and provender for unto his place.
our asses and there is bread and wine also for
; 29 T And when he was come into his house, he
me, and for thy handmaid, and for the young man took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and
• Heb. it is Ihe piu/img time ofl/ie day. a Jer. 6:4. t Heb. lo thy tent. 43:2:3,21. h Gen. 19:2. i Gen. 24::i2. JGen. 1!-:1
MU\,. to ovr.r against, b Josh. 15:8, 63; 1S:28; 2 Sara. 5:6. t Josh. 18:-i5i
1 Sam. 7:17. d Matt. 25:43; Heb. 13:2. e Psa. 101:23. ' Josh. 18:1;
1 Sam. 1:.3, 7. S Heb. galhereth, ver. 15; Jolm 15:6. S oh. 6:2:3; Gen.
12. A .stranger; the city was then inhabited
to a con-
siderable extent by Jebiisitcs, one of the nations of Canaan
that had not been driven out. Giheah; this was a few
miles north of Jerusalem, and on the way towards mouut
13. Ramah; a place near Gibeah.
15. To lodge; there were then no taverns, and travellers
were dependent for lodging on private hospitality.
18. The house of the Lord; this was in Shiloh, and prob-
ably not far from the place where the Levite dwelt.
19. A'o K'oraf except for lodging. He mentioned his pro-
1. When
there is no regular, efficient civil government,
such is human
nature, that crimes of all descriptions will
:il)ound and the wicked triumph.
^ ;
''T^IIEN all the children of Israel went out,* and ed at that time out of the cities twenty and six
the congregation was gathered together as
1 thousand men that drew sword, besides the inhab-
one man, from Dan even to Bcer-sheba,'= with the itants of Gibeah, which were numbered seven hun-
land of Gilead, unto the Lord in Mizpeh.*^ dred chosen men.
2 And tha chief of all the people, fw?i of all the 16 Among all this people there were seven hun-
tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the as- dred chosen men left-handed:" every one could
sembly of the people of God, four hundred thou- sling stones at a hair breadth, and not miss.
sand footmen that drew sword. 17 And the men of Israel, besides Benjamin, were
3 Now tiio cluldrcn of Benjamin heard that the numbered four hundred thousand men that drew
children of Israel were gone up to Mizpch. Then sword all these were men of war.
said the cliildreu of Israel, Tell us, how was this 18 I And the children of Lsrael arose, and went
wickedness?" up to the house of God,'' and asked counsel of
4 And the Levite,* the husband of the woman God,'' and said, Which of us shall go up first to
that was slain, answered and said, I came into the battle against the children of Benjamin ? And
Gibeah that belongeth to Benjamin," I and my con- the Lord said, Judah shall go up first.
cubine, to lodge. 19 And the children of Israel rose up in the
5 And the men of Gibeah rose against me, and morning, and encamped against Gibeah.
beset the house round about upon me by night, 20 And the men of Israel went out to battle
and thought to have slain me: and my concubine against Benjamin and the men of Israel put them-
have they forced,* that she is dead. selves in array to fight against them at Gibeah.
6 And I took my concubine, and cut her in pieces, 21 And the children of Benjamin came forth out
and sent her throughout all the country of the of Gibeah, and destroyed down to the ground of
inheritance of Israel ;* for they have committed the Israelites that day twenty and two thousand
lewdness and folly in Israel."^ men.''
7 Behold, ye are all children of Israel give here 22 And the people the men of Israel encouraged
your advice and counsel.' themselves, and set their battle again in array in
8 "i And all the people arose as one man, saying. the place where they put themselves in array the
We will not any of us go to liis tent, neither will first day.
we any of us turn into his house. 23 And the children of Israel went up and wept
y But now tills shall be the thing which we will before the Lord until even, and asked counsel ol'
do to Gibeah we will go up by lot against it
the Lord,' saying, Shall I go up again to battle
10 And wo will take ten men of a hundred against the children of Benjamin my brother?
tliroughout all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred And the Lord said. Go up against him.
of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, 24 And the children of Israel came near against
to fetch victuals for the people, that they may do, the children of Benjamin the second day.
when they come to Gilieah of Benjamin, according 25 And Benjamin went forth against them out
to all the folly that they have wrought in Israel. of Gibeah the second day, and destroyed down lo
«Ch. 20:6, 7; 1 Sam. 11:7. boh. 20:7. = Prov. 11 :14 '24:8. dver.ll;
; 7:15. I ch. 19:30. tHeb./eHoiM. m De 13:14; Josh. 22:13, etc. n
ch. 21:5; Josh. 22;12; I Sara. 11:7. e 1 gam. 3:20; 2 Sam. 3:10; 21:2. 1U:22. o Deut. 17:12. Pch. 3:15;lCh . 2:2. q ver. 23, 20; Joel 1:
' ch. 11:11; 1 Sam. 7:5; 10:17. ech.8:10. h ch. 19:2i-27. * Heb. I/i£ rch. 1:1; Num. 27:21. » (Jen !7; Hos. 10:9. t vet. 26.
27; Psa. K:
itmn the Levile. i ch. 19:15, etc. t Heb. /lamWerf. J ch. 1D:29. k .Tosh. Hos. 5:15.
wicked they will be; and apostate professors of religion, of Jordan. Mizpeh; a place south-west of Gibeah, ami
who become openly vicious, are among the worst of man- near the border of Judah and Benjamin.
kind. 11. Knit; united.
25. Habitual wickedness makes men inexpressibly cruel, 18. miich of v^ shall go np first ; they did not ask, as they
and none are so dead to pity and compassion as those who should have done, whether they should go up. This, in
;irc given up to its power. It is the spirit of hell, and those reliance on their own wisdom and strength, they had re-
who pursue it are ripening for that place of torment. Tsa. solved to do, and they only asked who should go first. The
Lord told them, but did not by this insure tlieir success.
25. Destroyed — —
of the chddrcn of Israel eighteen thousand;
CHAPTER XX. the Israelites had themselves been guilty of various crimes,
1. Dan; in the northern extremity of the land. Beer- and God saw fit thus to punish them before he used them
ihAa; in the southern extremity. Gilead; on the east side as instruments of punishing Benjamin.
tlic LTouiul (if tin- c'liililroii of Israel ai^ain ciglitccn 37 And the liers in wait liastcd, and a. mst.!*.
tliciii-aiid tin'ii ;" all tlicso drew tlic sword. rushed upon (Jibeah; and the liers in wait im
'H\ • Then children of Israel, and all the drew t/icm.trims along,' and smote all the city with
all the
l>c<)]ili', went np, and came unto the iioiisc of God,'' the edge of the sword.
and we|it."" and sat there liefore the Loiui, and fast- 38 Now there was an ai)pointed sign' between
ed that day until even, and offered burnt-oflferings the men of Israel and' the liers in wait, that they
and peaee-olVerinjrs before the Loud. should make a great flame" with smoke rise up
27 And the children of Israel inquired of the out of the city.
LoKii. (for the ark of the covenant of God uas 3".) And when the men of Israel retired in the
there in those days,'' battle, !?enjamin began to smite, and kill* of the
28 And Phinehas,'' the son of Eleazar, the son of men of Israel about thirty persons: for they said,
Aaron, stood before it in those days,') sayincr, Shall Surely they are smitten down before us, as in the
1 yet airain pro out to battle against the children first battle.
of Iienjamiu my brother, or shall I cease? And 40 But when the flame began to arise up out of
the Lop.n said, Go u|i; for to-morrow I will de- the city with a ])illar of smoke," the Benjamites
liver them into thy haiul.*-' looked bcliiiid them, and behold, the (lame* of the
21) And Israel set licrs in wait round about city ascended up to heaven.
Gibeah." 41 iVnd when the men of Israel turned again,
30 And the children of Israel went up against the the men of Benjamin were amazed:' fpr they saw
children of Benjamin on the third day, and putthein- that evil was come upon' them.
sclves in array against Gibeah, as at other times. 42 Therefore they turned their backs before the
31 And the childrenof Benjamin wentout against moil of Israel unto the way of the wilderness but :
the people, and were drawn away from the city the battle overtook them;'" and them which came
and they began to smite of the people, and kill," out of the cities they destroyed in the midst of
as at other times, in the highways, of which one them.
goeth up to the house of God,* and the other to 43 Thus they inclosed the Benjamites round
Gibeah in the field, about thirty men of Israel. about, and chased them, and trode them down with
32 And the children of Benjamin said, They are ease,' over against^ Gibeah toward the sunrising.
smitten down before us, as at the first. But the 44 And there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand
children of Israel said. Let us flee, and draw them men all these tcere men of valor. :
from the city unto the highways. 4.5 And they turned and fled toward the wilder-
33 And all the men of Israel rose up out of their ness unto the rock of Rimmon :" and they gleaned
place, and put themselves in array at Baal-tamar of them in the highways five thousand men and
: ;
and the liers in wait of Israel came forth out of pursued hard after them unto Gidoni, and slew
their places, even out of the meadows of Gibeah. two thousand men of them.
3-1 And there came against Gibeah ten thousand 46 So that all which fell that day of Benjamin
chosen men out of all Israel, and the battle was were twenty and five tliousand men that drew the
sore but they knew not that evil was near them.' sword
: all these icere men of valor. ;
35 And the Lord smote Benjamin before Israel 47 But si.x hundred men turned and fled to the
and the children of Israel destroyed of the Ben- wilderness unto the rock Rimmon," and abode in
jamites that day twenty and five thousand and a the rock Rimmon four months.
hundred men: all these drew the sword. 48 And the men of Israel turned again upon the
36 So the children of Benjamin saw that they children of Benjamin, and smote them with the
were smitten: for the men of Israel gave place to edge of the sword, as well the men of every city,
the Benjamites,J because they trusted unto the liers as the beast, and all that came to hand :" also they
in wait which they had set beside Gibeah. set on fire all the cities that they came to.*
» Ver. a;, b ver. IS. M. • Heb. the womuhd. k Gen. 19:28; Joel 2:30. t Heb. whole eonsiimplion.
' Joel 2:12-1?. li Jo-^h. 18:1; 1 Sira. 4:3,4.
« Num. 45:7-13; Josh. •il:S3. f Deut. 1U:.9; 18:5. e 2 Clir. 20:17. hjosh. 1 ha. 13:8; 3:i:14. I Heh. lourhed. ""Lam. 1:3. I Or, from Menuthah.
b:1; 2 Sam. 5:23. • Hub. womided. ^ Or, Beth-el. i Jnsh. 8:14; Eccl. 1 Heb. unio over against, o Josh. 15:32; I Chr. 6:77; Zech. 14: 10. o ch.
»: 12; Ii3. 47:11 ; 1 Thess. 5:3. J Josh. 8:15, etc. 1 Or, made a long sound 21:13. ' Heh, was found. 1 Heb. were found.
with the trumpets; Josh. 0:5. iOx,tinu. 1 Heb. wilA. 1 Heb. e/cradon.
28. Phinehas —
stood before it in those days; this shows that Men should carefully inquire into the facts, and obtain
these transactions took place not long after the death of fullproof of guilt, before they undertake to punish.
.Toslnia or the elders that outhved him. Chap. 17:1. Or When men, in reliance on their own wisdom and
shall I cease ? this shows that tliey were now in Bome meas- strength, determine what they will do without asking di-
ure humbled, ready to commit themselves to the guidance rection of God or seeking his blessing, they should not
and disposal of God, and thus were better prepared for think it strange if he does not give them success. Deut.
success. I will deliver them; not without their use of 1:40-44.
means, but by such means. 12. Men who protect criminals and screen them from
33.Baal-tamar; a place near Gibeah. punishment, become partakers of their guilt, and often of
45. Rode of Rimmon; supposed to be a place north-east their woes.
of Gibeah. 17. The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle
47. In the rock ; in its fastnesses. to the strong. Men are dependent on God, and numbers
merely can never insure success.
INSTRUCTIONS. 23. Men may externally seek the Lord without forsaking
1. The sins of others, especially when great and aggra- their sins, and in righteous judgment he may suffer them
vated, may be condemned but without divine grace men
; to take a course which shall end in their ruin.
will not abhor and forsake their own. 28. A disposition to be governed in all things, not by
The Benjamilcs ohtain wires JUDGES XXI. from Jabesh and ^'hikh.
1 The people bewail the desolation of Benjamin. 8 By the destruction
of Jabesh- ,'ilead they provide them four hundred wives. 16 They
advise them to surprise the virgins that danced at Shiloh.
Tms brief book has its name from Ruth a Moabitess, and daughter-in-law to Naomi, a Hebrew woman
of the tribe of Judah. From her marriage, after the death of her first husband, to Boaz, a kinsman of
Naomi, sprang Obed the grandfather of David. Thus the book connects itself innnediatcly with "the
hduse and lineage of David;" and may be regarded as supplementary to the history of his family. At
the same time it contains a charming picture of Hebrew life in the days of the Judges.
panieth her. Lord deal kindly with you,' as ye have dealt with
19 They two come to Beth-lehem, where they are gladly
the dead, and with me.
NOW it came to pass in tlie days when the 9 The Loud grant you that ye may find rest,
judges ruled,'" that there was a famine in each of you in the house of her husband. Then
the laud. And a certain man of Beth-lehem-judah she kissed them and they lifted up their voice, ;
had lieard in the country of Moab how that thcLoKD Ruth clave unto her.'
had visited his people'' in giving them bread.'' 15 And she said. Behold, thy sister-in-law is gone
7 Wherefore she went forth out of the place back unto her people, and unto her gods :J return
where she was, and her two daughters-in-law with thou after thy sister-in-law.''
»Jua?. a:lG. bjudg. 17:8, I Heb. I have much bitterness, h Judg. 2:1.5; Job 19:21; Psa. 32:4;
Gen. 51): A); Exod. A:M Luke !:(«. e Psa. 132:15: Matt. fl;.'JI-34. 39:9,10. i Prov. 17:17. J Judg. 11:24. k Josh. 24:15.
J \
f 2 Tim. I: [iMt. e Gen. 9^:11 Deut. 25:5. 1 Or, were with. S Heb. hoTt.
often suffers them to do indirectly, and under circumstan- has occurred, and cannot be revoked, it is usually wise for
ces which greatly increase their guilt. friends cheerfully to acquiesce, and strive to make the con-
18. Men may be so blinded by sin as to think that the nection as useful as possible.
giving of one wife, with her own consent and that of her
parents, to one man is a crime and that being accessory
by robbery and violence to the giving, without their con- 1. Tlie land; Palestine. Moab; a country south-east of
sent or that of their parents, two hundred wives to two Palestine.
hundred men, is a worthy deed. Surely, he that trusteth 2.Ephrathites ; Bethlehem was called Ephratah, and its
in his own heart is a fool. Prov. 28:26. inhabitants Ephrathites.
23. Persons may sometimes be married very improperly, Her gods; the
15. idols which her coimtrymen wor-
and without the consent of friends yet after their marriage
IlulL at Bethlehem, IIUTII 11. glcandh in Boaz's fields.
1 Ruth gleaneth in the fields of Bonz. 4 Boaz taking knowledge of
lier, 8 showeth her great favor. IS That which she got, she carrieth
to Naomi.
ANDa mighty
Naomi had a kinsman of her
man of
of wealth, tlie family of
liaiiilniiiicl, fliougli I be not like unto one of tliy glean unto the end of barley -harvest and * >* »95
lianilniaideiis. nf wheat-harvest; and dwelt with her "ii
14 And Hiiaz said unto her, At meal-time come motiier-in-law."
tliou iiitlier, and oat of tiic bread, and di]i lliy
morsel in llie vineirar. And she sat beside the CHAPTEU 111.
reaiiers: and lie readied her jiarelied corn, and 1 By Naomi'» instruction, !i Ruth liitli at Bon?.'* fi-el. 8 Boai scknow.
she did eat, and was sulliced, and left." ledgeih the righl of a kinsman. 14 He iiciidt'lh hir away with >ix
iiiua^ures of barley.
15 And when slie was risen up to glean, ]]oaz
conunanded lli;^ young men, saying. Let her glean ''T'^HEN Naomi her mother-in-law said unto her,
even among the sheaves, and reproach' her not.'' L My
daughter, shall 1 not seek rest for thee,''
that it may be well with thee?
It) And let fall also some of the liandfuls of pnr-
p<ise for her, and leave them, that she may; glean 2 And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with
them, and rebuke her not. wliose maidens thou wast?' Behold, he winnow-
1 7 So she gleaned in the field until even, and beat
eth barley to-night in the threshing-floor.
out tiiat she had gleaned: and it was about an 3 Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee,^ and
cphali of barley. put thy raiment npon thee, and get thee down to
IS '\ And she took it up, and went into the city;the floor: hut make not thyself known unto the
and her mother-indaw saw wliat she had gleaned man, until li(> shall have done eating and drinking.
and she brouglit forth, and gave to her that she 4 And it sliall be, when he lietli down, that thou
had reserved after she was sufficed. shalt mark tiie place where he shall lie, and thou
19 And her mother-indaw said unto her, Where shalt go in, and uncover^ his feet, and lay thee
hast thou gleaned to-day? and where wronghtest down and he will tell thee what thou shalt do.;
tiiou? blessed be he tiiat did take knowledge of 5 And she said unto her, All that thou sayest
tliee.'' And she showed her mother-in-law with unto me I will do.
whom slic had wrought, and said. The man's name G *i And she went down unto the floor, and did
witli whom I wrought to-day is Boaz. according to all that her mother-indaw bade her.
20 And Naomi said unto her daugliter-indaw, 7 And when ]]oaz had eaten and drunk, and his
Blessed be he of the Lord,* who hath not left off heart was merry,'' he went to lie down at the end
his kindness to tlie living and to the dead." And of the heap of corn and she came softly, and un- :
Naomi said unto her, The man is near of kin unto covered his feet, and laid her down.
us, one of our next kinsmen.^ 8 *i And it came to pass at midnight, that the
'1\ And Ruth tlie Moabitess said, He said unto man was afraid, and turned' himself: and behold,
me also. Thou shalt keep fast by my young men,*^ a woman lay at his feet.
until they have ended all my harvest. 9 AndhesaidjWiioar/thou? And she answered,
22 And Naomi said unto Ruth her daughter-in- lam Ruth thyhandmaid: spread therefore thy skirt
law, It is good, my daughter, that thou go out with over thy handmaid ;' for thou art a near kinsman.^
his maidens, that they meet thee not' in any other 10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my
field. daughter for thou hast showed more kindness in :
23 So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz, to the latter end than at the beginning,"" inasmuch as
"Psi.SiiS. • Ileb. .lAame. bjas.l;5. «Psa.41:l. il ch. 3:10; 2 Sam. S Or, lift up tlie dotlies tliat are an. k Judg. 19:6,9, 22: 2Sam. 13:2«; Ksth.
2:">; JobSi):13. eo Sam. 9:1. 1 Or. thai lialli right lo rtdeem/ Lev. 2.5:25. 1 :10-; Eccl. 8: 15; 9:7; 10: 19. I Or, took hold on. 1 Ezek. 10:8. 1 Or, ont
f.Song 1:7, 8. t Or, fall not upon thte. e Prov. 1:3:20; 1 Cor. 15:33. h ch. that Iiat/ia right to redeem; ch. 2:20. m ch. 1:8.
1:0; I Cor. 7:30; 1 •lira. 5:8. i ch. 2:8, 23. J 2 Sam. 14:2; Eccl. 0:8.
14. Vinegar; a kind of sour wine or sauce used in those proud and self-conceited. Thus the modest Ruth became
days. the wife of "a mighty man of wealth," and the ancestor of
17. An
cphnh; nearly a bushel. David and of Ilini who is greater than David. All this
20. One of our next kinsmen ; one who according to the earthly favor was but the earnest and jdcdge of that heav-
law had a right to redeem. Lev. 25:25. enly exaltation which is reserved for the meek and lowly
23. Wlicat-karvest ; in May. in spirit.
15. A generous mind will avoid reproaches and every
thing calculated to wound the feelings of the poor, and
True piety
2. will lead those who have
it to be indus- will delight to aid them in their efforts, by industry and
trious, and to engage in any honest, useful employment to economy, to provide for themselves and those dependent
which they may hi the providence of God be called. upon them.
3. With a fatherly kindness God watches over and 19. In answer to the prayers of the pious poor for bless-
directs tlie concerns of the poorest, most obscure, and ings on those who supply their wants, the rich often re-
defenceless of his people, and directs them in such a man- ceive treasures better and more abundant than all which
ner as to promote their highest good. they bestow.
4. Love to God inspires good-will to men, and promotes
22. When in a course which we find by experience to
kind affection and true politeness in all conditions and be safe and useful, and in which the Lord blesses us, it is
relations of life.
ordinarily wise to persevere and not he disposed to change.
Kindness to the destitute, especially to the stranger,
This the aged and experienced feel more deeply than the
the widow, the fatherless, and those who have no earthly
inexperienced and young.
helper, is peculiarly pleasing to God and endearing to men.
11. Afiectionate regard to ])arent8 and other relatives,
and sacrifices for their benefit from love to God and his CHAPTER III.
cause, are always remembered by him, and often even in 1. Seek rest; bj' procuring a husband and a home for her.
this life receive a great reward. 9. —
Spread thyskirt; this was a request to him to redeem
13. The humble, who esteem others better than them- her husband's property and marry her, according to the
selves, are often exalted by God's providence above the directions in Deut. 25:5-10.
: :
iai2. pool" or rich. and said, Sit ye down here. And they sat down.
11 And now, my daugliter, fear not; I will do 3 And he said unto the kinsman, Naomi, that is
to tliee all that thou requirest: for all the city* of come again out of tlie country of Moab, sellcth a
my people doth know that thou art a virtuous parcel of land, which was our brother Elime-
woman." lech's
12 And now it isthy near kins- true that I am 4 AndI thought to advertise thee,* saying. Buy
man: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I." itbefore the inhabitants,' and before the elders of
13 Tarry this night, and it shall be in the morn- my ])eople.^ If thou wilt redeem it, redeem it:
ing, that if he will perform unto thee the part of but if thou wilt not redeem it, then tell me, that I
a kinsman,'' well let him do tiie kinsman's jjart:
; may know for there is none to redeem it besides
but if he will not do tlie part of a kinsman to tliee, thee; and I am after thee. And he said, I will
then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee, as redeem it.
the Lord liveth :'' lie down until the morning. 5 Then said Boaz, What day thou buyest the field
1-4 1[ And she lay at his feet until the morning of the hand of Naomi, thou must buy it also of
and she rose up before one could know another. Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise
And he said. Lot it not be known that a woman up the name of the dead upon his inheritance."
came into the floor.'' 6 And the kinsman said, I cannot redeem it for
15 Also he said. Bring the veil* that thou hast myself, lest I mar mine own inheritance: redeem
upon thee, aud hold it. And when she held it, thou my right to thyself; for I cannot redeem
he measured six measures of barley, aud laid it on it.
her: and he went into the city. 7 Now this icas the manner in former time in Is-
16 And when she came to her mother-in-law, rael concerning redeeming and concerning chang-
she said. Who art thou, my daughter? And she ing,' for to confirm all things a man plucked off ;
told her all that the man had done to her. his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor aud this :
17 And she said. These six measures of barley was a testimony in Israel.
gave he me; for he said to me. Go not empty 8 Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy it
unto thy mother-in-law. for thee. So ho drew ofl' his shoe.
18 Then said she, Sit still, my daughter,uutil thou 9 1 And Boaz said unto the elders, and unto all
know how the matter will fall for the man will not the people. Ye are witnesses this day, that I have
: ''
be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day. bougiit all that teas Elimelech's, and all that icas
Chilion's and Mahlon's, of the hand of Naomi.
10 Moreover Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of
IV. Malilon, have I purchased to be my wife, to raise
1 Boaz calleth into judgment the next kinsman. 6 He refuseth the up the name of the dead upon his inheritance, that
redemption according to the manner in Israel. 9 Boaz buyeth the
inheritance. 11 He marrieth Ruth. 13 She beareth Obed the grand- the name of the dead be not cut oif from among
father of David. IS The generation of Pharez. his brethren, and from the gate of his place: ye
THEX went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him
down there and behold, the kinsman of whom
are witnesses this day.
11 And all the i>eople that were in the gate, and
Boaz spake came by;''' unto whom lie said, Ho, the elders, said. We are witnesses. The Lord make
suclia one turn aside, sit
! down hei'e. Aud he the woman tliat is come into thy house like Rachel
turned aside, and sat down. and like Leah," which two did build the house of
Heb. gale. » Proi 12:4; 31:1(1. b ch. 4:1. c ch. 4:5; Deut. 25:5; ch. 3:13. 1 Deut.
Mitt. Hi-.M, 25. d Je . 4:2. e Rom. 14;1«; 1 Cor. 1U:32. t Or. s/itet, or
npron. I Psa. 37:3, 5. S ch. 3:12. h 1 Kings 21 :8. t Heb. / said I XL-ill
13. Perform — the part of a kinsman; redeem the property should also, as far as consistent, avoid all appearance of
and marry her. doing wrong, all occasions of misapprehension, and of
14. it not be known; lest false reports should be having our good evil spoken of Rom. 14: IG; 1 Thess.
raised. 5:22.
15. Veil ; Ruth was in full dress, ver. 3, of which a veil
of large size constituted a part. CHAPTER IV.
INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Tlie gate ; towhich men resorted to transact business.
I. Wise and pious parents
will desire that their children 2. He took ten men; to witness the transactions. Ver.
should, the Lord open the way for it, be well settled in
if 9-11.
married as most conducive to their usefulness and
life, To
5. up the name of the dead; he nmst marry Kuth,
comfort, antl that of those around them. as well as redeefn or buy the land.
5. The directions of parents should be followed by chil- C. Cannot redeem it; that is, upon the condition just
dren, even when they have arrived to mature years, so added bv Boaz, which would impose upon him the burden
far as they accord with the revealed will of God. Prov. of maintaining Ruth and Naomi, in addition to his own
1:8; 23:22. family.
II. A readiness promptly to comply with the known (. A lestimoni/; that the man who gave the shoe trans-
will of God, and to promote the highest good of men, ferred his right to the one who received it.
especially of the poor and needy, is peculiarly pleasing 10. Raise up the name of the dead; the eldest son would
in his sight, and prepares us for the reception of his inherit the estate, and thus the name and inheritance of
choicest blessings. the family would be preserved.
14. Many things may be proper in one country or gen- 11. Build the house ; had a numerous posterity. Ephra-
eration which would not be proper in another and while ; tah —Bethlehem ; different names of the place in which they
our great object should be in all things to do right, we lived.
Israel:" and do thou wortliily* iu Ephratah," and And Naomi look the child, and laid a. m. anra
be fainous* in ncth-lcliein: it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it. 'uia
lli Ami let thy lioiise he like tlie lioiisc of Pliarcz, 17 And the women her neighbors gave it anamc,"
wliDiu 'ruiiKir h:iie unto Judali,'' of the seed wliich saying, There is a son born to Naomi ; and they
the Loui) slmll izivc thee of this young woman. called his name Obed he is the father of Jesse, :
13 "l So iioaz tooiv Kuth, and she was liis wife: the father of David.
and wlieu lie went in unto her, the LoKi) gave her 18 If Now these are the generations of Pharez:
coneeption, and she bare a son.'' Pharcz begat Hezron,''
14 And the women said nnto Naomi, Blessed be 19 And Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat
the Lditu,'' which hath not left tlicc' this day with- Aniniinadab,
out a kinsman," that his name may bo famous in 2(1 And Aniniinadab licgat Nahshon,' and Nah-
Israel. shon begat Salmon,'
15 And he shall be unto thee a restorer o? thy 21 And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat
life,and a nourisher of thine old age:^ for thy Obed,
daughter-in-law, which loveth thee, which is better 22 And Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat Da-
to tiice than seven sons,' hath borne him. vid,
,. chs. 29, 30. • Or, gel Ihee riches, or power, b Mic. 5:2. t Hcb. P«a.55:22. ^ )le\, thy gray hairs. flgam.l:8 sLnk»l:58. h Malt
Ithyn.jmf. c Gen. .)-f:29. il Gen. 20:17, IS; 33;o. e Rom. 12:1.'>. 1:3, etc. 1 Num. 1:7. • Or, Salmah. i 1 Chr. 8:15.
austd to cease unto, i Or, redeenur. i Heh. to nourish; Gen. 45:11;
12. Pliares; from whom Boaz and the Bethlehemites 6. It is not wise for a man to purchase more property
descended. than he can pay for. Nor, if he has one wife, is it right
14. A kinsman; one who should perpetuate the name for him to take another. If he does, he violates the orig-
and inliei'itanco of her family. inal law of marriage, and will find the way of transgres-
17. Obcd; meaning a servant, or one who would be ser- sors to be hard.
viceable. From him descended David and Christ. 11. Marriage is an ordinance of God, which should be
entered into in his fear, be solemnized before witnesses,
INSTRUCTIONS. and its duties so discharged that it may be a blessing to
1. Punctuality in the transaction of business, and a habit all concerned.
of having every thing done at the right time and in the 14. The birth of a child is a just cause of rejoicing, and
right way, are highly conducive to prosperity, usefulness, all interested should unite in supplication to God that it
and enjoyment. may live, be sanctified, and mailc a blessing to itself and
2. In the sale and conveyance of property, great care its friends, to the church of God and the world.
should be taken that the case be fairly stated and correct- 17. Those who honor God he will honor, and make them
ly understood by all concerned, that it be dul}' witnessed, blessings to all generations, even to the end of time and
and 80 conducted in all respects as to cut off all occasion onward to eternity. Blessed supremely, for ever blessed,
of future misunderstanding and coutcution. are all who trust in and obey him.
translators as a matter of mere convenience, so as to close the first book with the death of Saul, and begin
the second with the accession of David to the throne. To the original work the name of Samuel was given,
because it opens with the history of his birth and labors and this name has been generally retained for
both parts since its division. The Greek Septuagiut, however, designates the books from their contents,
" The first and second
of Kings." They are a continuation of the history of God's covenant people from the
close of Eli's administration as judge to that of David's reign. Thus they embrace a most interesting
period, that of the change of the government to a kingly form, and the successi%'e inauguration of the first
two monarchs of Israel by God's immediate appointment. This change was so conducted as to manifest
in the clearest light God's absolute sovereignty over Israel. First He gave the throne to Saul but when ;
he refused to yield obedience to God's commands, he was set aside, and David appointed in his stead.
Nor was it till David's obedience had been fully tested, that God confirmed the throne to his family.
The author of these books is not known. We read, 1 Chron. 29 29, 30, " Now the acts of David the :
king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the
prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer, with all his reign and his might, and the times that went over
him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the countries." Whoever was the author, it is reasona-
ble to suppose that he drew largely from the books here mentioned and since we find both Gad and ;
Nathan active at the close of David's reign, the work may have been completed by one of these two
inspired men.
That these books were composed after the death of David is manifest from the fact that they record
the years of his reign, 2 Sam. 5 4, 5 and also his last words, 2 Sam. 23 1. But it is remarkable that
: ;
they do not record his death, a circumstance that may perhaps be explained upon the supposition that
they were composed very soon after that event, when it was sufBcient to assume it as universally known,
without expressly mentioning it. The graphic style of the narratives contained in these books, and the
minuteness of their details, show that they were written by contemporaries and eye-witnesses.
B. <*;. about U71. CHAPTER I. teas Elkanah,*" the son of Jeroham, the son of
Elihu, the son of Tohu, the sou of Zuph,"= an Eph-
1 E Ikanah a Levi te, having two wives, worshippeth yearly at Shiloh. 4 He
cherisheth Hannah, though barren, and provoked by Peninnah. 9 Hannah rathite:
in grief prayeth for a child. 12 Eli first rebuking her. afterwards bless-
eth her. 19 Hannah having borne Samuel, stayeth at home till he be 2 And he had two wives ; the name of the one
weaned. 24 She presenteth him, according to her vow, to the Lord. teas Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah
same as the Ramah where Samuel lived antt was buried. been south of the tribe of Ephraim. An Enhrathite; Sam-
1 Sam. 1:19; 7:17; 25:1. Its position is uncertain. Some uel was of Levitical descent, and belonged to the family
: :
1 Hannah's song in thankfulness. 12 The sin of Eli's sons. 18 Sam-
uel's ministry. '20 By Eli's blessing Hannah is more fruitful. 22
Eli reproveth his sons. 27 A prophecy against Eli's house.
our God.°
3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly let not ;
A prapkeey apainst Eli's 1 SAMUEL II. house, for the puilt of his sons.
\S 1 But Samui'l niiiiistercd before the Lord, offerings made by fire of the children of a h ac9.
IK Moreover his niotiier made him a little coat, 2'.) Wherefore kick yc at my sacrifice and at
and brouiiht (7 to him from year to year, when she mine offering,'' which 1 have commanded in my
came iip with her husband to oiler the yearly habitation; and lionorost thy sons above me, to
sacriliee." make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the
20 • And Kli blessed Elkanah and his wife,my people?
and offerings of Israel
said. The Loud give thee seed of woman for
HO Wherefore the Loeid God of Israel saith, I
the loan which is lent* to the Lord. And they
said indeed t/iat thy house, and the house of thy
Went unto their own home. father, should walk before me for ever:' but now
21 And the Lord visited Hannah,'' so that she the Lord saith. Be it far from me;'" for them that
conceived, and l)arc three sons and two daughters. honor me 1 will honor," and they that despise me
And tlic child .'^aiuuel grew before the Loud. shall be lightly esteemed."
22 IT Now Eli was very old, and heard all that 31 Behold, the days come, that I will cut off
his sous did unto all Israel and how they lay
; thine arm, and the arm of thy father's hous<\ that
with the women that assembled* at the door of there shall not be an old man in thy house.''
the taberuacic of the congregation. 32 And thou shalt see an enemy in my habita-
23 And he said unto them, Why do ye such tion, in all the wealth which God shall give Israel :'
things? for I hear of your evil dealings' by all and there shall not be an old man in thy house
"this people. for ever.
24 Nay, my sons for it is no good report that I
; 33 And the man of thine, whom I shall not cut
hear yc make tlie Lord's people to transgress.^
: off" from mine altar, s/ialt be to consume thine eyes,
23 If one man sin against another, the judge shall and to grieve thy heart: and all tlie increase of
judge hiiu; but if a man sin against the Lord,'' thy house shall die in the flower of their age.''
who shall entreat for him?'' Notwithstanding, they 34 And this shall be a sign unto thee, that shall
hearkened not unto the voice of their father, be- come upon thy two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas
cause the Lord would slay them.' in one day they shall die both of them.''
26 And the cliild Sanmol grew on, and was in 35 And I will raise me up a foithful priest, that
favor botli with the Lord, and also with men.'^ shall do according to that whicli is in my heart
27 1[ And there came a man of God unto Eli, and in my mind:' and I will build him a sure
and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Did I house; and he shall walk before mine anointed
plainly appear unto the house of thy father," when for ever.
they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house? 36 And it shall come to pass, that every one that
28 And did I choose him out of all the tribes of is left in thy house shall come and crouch to him
Israel to he ray priest to offer u])on mine altar, to for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread, and
burn incense, to wear an ephod before me?' and shall say. Put* me, I pray thee, into one of the
did I give unto the house of thy father all the priests' offices,* that I may eat a piece of bread.
» Exod. 23:1. b ch. 1:3. • Or, ptlition wJiirk she asked, c Gen. 21:1. n Psi. 91:11; Prov. 3:9, 10. o Mai. 2:S, 9. P 1 Kings 2:27, 35. t Or, the
1 Keh, assembled by iroops; Exod. 3S:H, I Or. evil loords of you. 4 Or, cry afflictionof the tabernacle, for alt the wealth which God would have given
d Num. 15::iU; Psa. 51:4, 16. e l Tim. 2:5; Hob. 7;2.i. t Josh. 11:20.
0111. Israel. 1 Ileb. m,-n. 1 ch. 4:11. r Ezek. 44:15, 16. * Heb. Join, t Or,
sProv. 3:4; Luke 2:52. h Exod. 4: 14, 27. Exod. 2S:1, 4. JLev.7:7.8,
i somewhat about the priesthood.
34; Num. 5:9, 10; 18:S-19. 110001.32:15. Exod, 29:9. m Jer. 18:9, 10.
18. A
linen ephod; a garment like that which was worn 29. Kick; dishonor, by profaning them or suffering them
by the priests. to be profaned.
20. The loan ; chap. 1 : 28. Walk before me; Exod. 28:43; 29:9; Num. 25:10-13.
24. Ye make the Lord's people to transgress; by tempting For ever ; to the end of the Jewish dispensation. Lightly
them to sin. esteemed; rejected and punished.
25. The judge shall judge him; if it were an offence of a 31. Cat off thine arm; cause his power and authority to
man against his fellow-man, he might be punished accord- cease.
ing to the law or by offering the appointed sacrifice, he
; 32. An enemy in my habitation; or, according to the mar-
might through faith in Christ be forgiven. But this was ginal reading, the atniction of the tabernacle, on account
a sin not only against men, but against God it profaned ; of the ark being taken by the Philistines, and other calam-
the sacrifice which typified the sacrifice of Christ, and ities.
there remained no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain 34. A sign; an evidence that all which he had foretold
fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation. would be accomplished. Chap. 4:11.
Such was probably the meaning of Eli, but he did not 35. A faithful priest;
Zadok, a descendant not of Eli, but
convey it with clearness and power to the minds of his of Eleazar. 1 Kings 2:27, 35; 1 Chron. 29:22. Build him
profligate sons. Nor did he, as he should have done, act a sure house; continue his posterity in the priesthood.
it out, by not only reproving them, but expelling them 3Iine anointed; the kings of David's line who would bo
from their office and visiting them with condign punish- anointed by him to their office, and from whom Christ
ment, as a warning to all of the guilt and danger of such would come. For ever; as long as the kings of Israel
wickedness. He was a judge as well as a father, and should continue.
should have been a terror to those evil-doers. But he 36. Li thy house; of Eli's descendants. Shall say; on
regarded his sons in this matter more than he did the account of their great poverty and degradation.
honor of God. Because; on account of their sins.
26. In favor —
with the Lord; God may have given him INSTRUCTIONS.
renewing grace in his infant years, in answer to the pray- 1. Whenever we receive new mercies, let who wiU be
ers of his niother. the instrument, we should feel that they come from God,
27. Appear unto the house of thy father; Eli descended and give him the praise.
from Aaron. Exod. 4 14, 27 28 1-4 Le v. 7 7-35.
: ; : ; : 3. A conviction of the constant, all-pervading presence of
6 And
the Lord called yet again, Samuel and : 17 he said, What is the thing that the
Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said. Here am LORD hath said unto thee? I pray thee hide it
I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I not from me:' God do so to thee, and more also,'
called not, my son : lie down again. if thou hide a7iy thing* from me of all the things
7 Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither that he said unto thee.
was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.* 18 And Samuel told him every whit,* and hid
8 And the Lord called Samuel again the third nothing from him. And he said, It is the Lord -J
time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said. let him do what seemcth him good.
Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli per- 19 1 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with
ceived that the Lord had called the child. him, and did let none of his words fall to the
9 Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: ground.''
and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt 20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba
say. Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. So knew that Samuel was established* to be a prophet
Samuel went and lay down in his place. of the Lord.
10 And the Lord came, and stood, and called 21 And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh for :
as at other times, Samuel, Samuel.'^ Then Samuel the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by
answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth. the word of the Lord.
» Psa. 74:9. b Exod. 27:20:21. * Or. Thus did Samuel before he knew 43, etc. I Ueb. frowned not upon them, h Num. 15:.30; Psa. 51:16; Isa.
the Lord, and before the word of the Lokd was revealed unto him. c ver. 22:14; Heb 10:4-10. iRuthl:17. H Heb. so add. • Or, word, t Heb. o/J
4,5.6,«. d 2Kings21:12; Jer. 19:.'). e ch. 2:20, etc. t Heh. beginning the things, or words, i Job 121; Psa. 39:9; Isa. 39:6. k oh. 9.6. I Or,
andemling. t Or, An'J I will tell. fEzek. 7:3. i Or. accursed, ech. 2:12, faithful.
God tends to keep us from sin, excite us to duty, and make the service of Christ, and continue in it to the end of life.
us humble, grateful, and better fitted for every good work. Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4.
Changes in the condition of individuals, families, and
6. 27. Great favors shown to any one lay him under great ob-
nations, though brought about by human instrumentality, ligations to be faithful in the discharge of his appropriate
are ordered by the Lord, and his agency in them should duties, and will aggravate his guilt if he neglect them.
always be acknowledged. 29. It is a great sin for parents to regard their children
9. However great the opposition of the wicked, theright- more than they do God, and the continued indulgence of
eous shall finally overcome, and the temporary successes this sin will bring upon them fearful punishment.
of the wicked will end in their final and everlasting defeat. 31. The sins of parents may deeply affect not only their
11. God is greatly pleased when little children devote children, but their distant posterity, even to the end of
themselves to his service and the smallest child who
; time and onward to eternity.
loves him has more true spiritual knowledge than the 34. When God makes declarations with regard to the
greatest and most learned man who neglects his service. future, he furnishes such evidence of the certainty of their
12. Men may be (Jailed priests, or ministers of religion, accomplishment as ought to produce universal conviction.
may conduct the forms of public worship, and have the 35. The providence of God is a commentary on his
best opportunities of knowing God, and yet hate him and word, and the more we see of the operations of the one,
be guilty of the most enormous wickedness. the more we shall see of the truth ofthe other.
17. A covetous, self-indulgent, and licentious ministry
is one of the greatest curses to the souls of men. It leads CHAPTER III.
multitudes to despise the ordinances of religion and sink 1. Precious; rare, uncommon. No open vision; literally,
into the darkness and pollution of infidelity. " vision was not spread abroad," that is, revelations from
20. A freewill-offering to the Lord, even of that which God were not common.
is his, he receives with dehght, and bestows upon the 7. Did not yet know the Lord; did not know him in the
ofterer an abundant reward. way of receiving revelations from him.
22. When those who have the right and the power to put 14. Not be purged; not so done away as to prevent the
licentious men
out of the ministry, neglect to do it, they threatened punishment.
become partakers in their sins, and will share their woes. 17. Do so to thee; punish thee.
26. Parents who
receive their children as the gift of 19. Let none ofht.'i words fall; let none of his predictions
God, and train them up in the way they should go, may fail of their accomphshment.
hope that, through the renewing and sanctifying influences 20. From Dan even to Beer-sheba; from one end of the
of the Holy Spirit, they will early devote themselves to land to the other.
Tht Philistines ortraimt. 1 SAMUEL IV. Israel at Ehen-tztr.
The IinwlitM »ro ovftcomc by
llic PhiliBtincj at Eben-mer.
aj^in, the uric t.iken. niul Kophni and Phinehus arc slain. 12 Eli lit the
newi, fallinc backward, breakelh hii neck. 19 I'binehu' wife, du-
God is come into the canii). And they said. Woe
cuura^'ed in h'r imv.iiI with Ichahod, dieth. unto usl for there hath not been such a thing
\XD word of Piunucl came' to all I.-^rael. heretofore.'
Now Israel went out ajiaiiist the I'liili.-^tiney 8 Woe unto us! who .shall deliver us out of the
to battle, and pitched csidc Ebeu-czer: and th(5 hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods
Philistines pitciied in Ajiliek. that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in
"2 And the riiilistincs put themselves in array the wilderness.
!) Be strong, and quit yourselves
aifainst Israel: and when they joined battle,* Is- like men,''
rael was smitten before the Philistines: and they ye Philistines, that ye be not servants unto the
slew of the army' in the field about four thousand Hebrews, as they have been to you:'' quit your-
men. selves like mcn,^ and fight.
3 IT And when the people wore come into the 10 '', And the Philistines fought, and Israel was
camp, the ciders of Israel said, Whereroio hath smitten,'' and they Hod every man into his tent and :
bim:'' and the two sons of Eli, Ilophni and Phiu- 13 And when he came, lo, Eli sat upon a seat by
ehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of the way-side watching: for his heart trembled for
God. the ark of God.^ And when the man came into
5 the ark of the covenant of the Loud
And when the city, and told it, all the city cried out.
came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a 14 And when Eli heard the noise of the crying,
great shout, so that the earth rang again. he said. What intandh the noise of this tumult?
6 And when the Pliilistiues heard the noise of And the man came in hastily, and fold Eli.
the shout, they said, What imaneth the noise of lo Now Eli was ninety and eight years old and ;
this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews? his eyes were dim,* that he could not sec.
Or. ram^ lopats; Heb. wax. t Heb. Ill', batlle wax spread. 1 Heb. l/ic
array, i Heb. take unto us. a Exod. 25:18. 'li; '2 Sam. f>:'i\ Psa. aU:l.
Xiieh. yeuerilay,ct the third day. b Cor. Ili: 13.
1 «Judg.l3:I. H Heb. 6e
INSTRUCTION'S. feeling that what God says must be true, and what ho
1. Those who are blessed with a fulness of divine in-
does must be right and good.
struction and with all the means of grace, but very faintly 19. When men follow the directions of God
so far as
realize tlie sad condition of such as are without them, they know thern, he will communicate to them an increas-
wandering in darkness and the shadow of death. ing knowledge of his will, and by experience they will
2. Eyesight is a great blessing, which should bo care-
acquire the habit of readily understanding and promptly
fully preserved and wisely employed that in case of its
obeying it.
to be instructed by God, he will communicate to them a is far distant from Eben-ezer. It seems rather to have
knowledge of his will and though it may be trying, yet
; been situated in the tribe of Judah, jierhaps south-west
in doing it they will be accepted of him and receive a of Eben-ezer on the road to Ashdod. Chap. 5:1.
great reward. 'i. Let lis fetch the ark; the emblem of the divine pres-
Vi. Parents, to please God and escape his indignation, ence. They hoped to receive from the emblem what
must not only pray with and for their children, and coun- could only come from God as many now hope, from the
sel and advise them, but must also govern them; and if image or figure of the cross, to receive what can come
they are disposed to be openly vicious, must inflict such only from Him who bled upon it.
punishment as will eftoctiially" restrain them. Nor must f. Between the cherubim ; the Shekinah, or visible glory
fear or favor hinder them from exercising the authority of God, was manifested over the mercy-scat between the
and power which God has given them for this purpose. cherubim, and that was regarded as his special dwelling-
Parents should encourage their children freely and
17. place.
fully to communicate with them on all things in which 8. Gods; God. Though this word in the original is in
they are interested, especially on the subject of religion the plural number, yet when applied to Jehovah, it should
and whatever pertains to the jierformance of duty. be, as it usually is, translated in the singular.
18. When the will of God is made known, true piety in 9. Quit yourselves; do your duty.
vigorous exercise will lead the soul to acquiesce in it, 12. His clothes rent; in token of great mourning.
The death of Eli. 1 SAMUEL V. Dagnn falls before the ark.
A.M .2WX 16 And the man said unto Eli, I am he 3 1 And when they of Ashdod arose early on
that came out of tlie army, and I fled to-
°ii4i'''°"' the morrow, behold, Dagon zoas fallen upon his face
day out of the army. And he said. What is there to the eartli before the ark of the Lord. And
done," my son? they took Dagon, and set him in his place again.'
17 And the messenger answered and said, Israel 4 And wlien they arose early on the morrow
is fled before the Philistines, and there liath been morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face
also a great slaughter among the people, and thy to the ground before the ark of the Lord and ;
two sons also, Hophni and Phinelias, arc dead, and the liead of Dagon and both tlie palms of his hands
the ark of God is taken." were cut off upon the tlireshold ;" only the stump
18 And it came to pass, when he made mention o/' Dagon" was left to him.
of the ark of God, that he fell from ofl" the seat 5 Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor
backward by tlic side of the gate, and his neck any that come into Dagon's house, tread on the
brake, and ho died for ho was an old man, and thresliold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day.
heavy. And lie had judged Israel forty years.* 6 But tlie liand of the Lord was heavy upon
19 T And liis daughter-in-law, Phinehas' wife, them of Aslidod,'' and he destroyed them, and
was with child, near to be delivered:* and when smote them with emerods,' even Ashdod and the
she heard the tidings tliat the ark of God was coasts tiioreof.
taken, and that her fatlior-in-law and lier husband 7 And when the men of Ashdod saw that it icas
were dead, she bowed herself and travailed for so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall
her pains came* upon lier. not abide with us: for his hand is sore upon us,
20 And about the time of her death the women and upon Dagon our god.
that stood by licr said unto her. Fear not;" for 8 They sent therefore and gathered all the lords
thou hast borne a son. But she answered not, of the Piiilistines unto them, and said. What shall
neither did she regard it.' we do with the ark of the God of Israel? And
21 And she named the child Ichabod,' saying. they answered. Let the ark of the God of Israel
The glory is departed from Israel because the be carried about unto Gath. And they carried
ark of God was taken, and because of her father- the ark of tlie God of Israel about thither.
in-law and her husband. 9 And it was so, tliat, after they had carried it
22 And she said. The glory is departed from about, the hand of the Lord was against the city
Israel := for the ark of God is taken. with a very gi-eat destruction :' and he smote the
men of the city, both small and great, and they
CHAPTER V. had emerods in their secret parts.
1 The Philistines having brought the ark into Ashdod, set it in the
10 11 Tlierefore they sent the ark of God to
house of Dagon. 3 D^on is smitten down and cut in pieces, and Ekron.'' And it came to pass, as the ark of God
they of Ashdod smitten with emerods. 8 So God dealeth with them
of (jath, when it was brought thither: 10 and so with tliem of Ekron,
came to Ekron, that tlie Ekronites cried out, say-
when it was brought thither. ing, Tliey have brought about the ark of the God
AND the Philistines took the ark of God, and of Israel to us, to slay us and our* people.
brouglit it from Eben-ezer unto Ashdod.** 11 So they sent and gathered together all the
2 When the Philistines took tlie ark of God, lords of the Philistines, and said, Send away the
they brought it into the house of Dagon," and set ark of the God of Israel, and let it go again to his
it by Dagon. own place, that it slay us not, and our* people:
• Heb. Ilie t/iing. ' cb. •2:'i'2. t He seems to have been a judge to do jus- e Judg. 10:21; 1 Chr. 10:10. ' Isi 19:1; 40:1, 2, 7. e Jer. 50:2; Ezek.
tice only,and that in South-west Israel. 1 Or, rri/ out. S Heb. roer^ turned. 6:4, B; Mio. 1:7. • Or. fishy part.I ver.7,11; Exod.9:3: Psa. 32:4; Acts
b Gen. SJ; 17. I Heb. set not her heart. 1 That, is, Where is the s:lory1 or, 13:11. iDeut. 28:27; Psa. 78:00. J :h. 7:13; 12:15; DeutI 2:15. k 2 Kings
There \s no glory, c Psa. 78:G1; 100:20; Jer. 2:11; Hos. 9:12. J ch. 7:12. 1:2. t Heb. me, to slay me. and my. I Heb. me not, and my.
18. He fell; Eli. 18. The dishonor of God, and his frown upon the peo-
21. Ichabod; uo glory. ple, are more distressing to good men than the death even
INSTRUCTIONS. of their nearest earthly friends.
(iod in liis word are often shown 21. The chief glory of a nation is the presence and favor
1. The declarations of
to be true by his providence, ami those who had disbe- of God, for the loss of which no earthly good can be an
lieved them are tluis made to see their truth. adequate compensation.
3. !Men often expect from the mere forms of religion
what can come only from its power: from senseless wood
or stone they expect what can come only from the one 1.Ashdod; one of the cities of the Philistines.
living and true God. 2.Dagon ; from dag, signifying a fish. It was the namo
5. Ignorant and false zeal in immoral and wicked teach- of an idol, the upper jiart of which was in the form of a
ers is apt to be noisy and vain-glorious, to be fond of man, and tlie lower part in that of a fish.
show, and to abound in appeals to the senses and pas- 4. Only the .slump ; in the original, the dagon, that is, the
for there was a tlcadly (1(\<I ruction tlirougliout all coast to Bclh-shemesh,'' thai he"' hath done a. m jwh.
12 Anil the men tiiat died not were smitten with know that it is not his hand t/iat smoto us;'' it
the diviners,'' sayin]i, What .shall we do to the ark Philistines went after Ihcm unto the border of
of the Loud? tell us wherewith we shall send it Beth-shemesh.
to his place.'' K3 And they o/" Beth-shemcsh vxre reaping their
3 And they said, If ye send away the ark of the wheat-harvest in the valley and they lifted up :
God of Israel, send it not empty ;" but in anj' wise their eyes, and saw the ark, ajid rejoiced to see it.
return him a trespass-offering:'' then ye shall be 11 And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a
healed, and it shall be known to you why his hand Beth-shemite, and stood there, Mhere t/tere teas a
is not removed from you.''' great stone: and they clave the wood of the cart,
4 Then said they, Wliat«Aa//6e the trespass-offer- and offered the kine a burnt-offering unto the
ing wiiich we shall return to him? They answered, Lord.'
Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, accord- 15 And the Levites took down the ark of the
inp; to the number of the lords of the Philistines :'" Lord, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the
for one jtlague icas on you* all, and on your lords.' jewels of gold uxrc, and put t/um on the great
Wherefore ye shall make images of your em- stone and the men of Beth-shemesh offered burnt-
.'J :
erods, and images of your mice that mar the land offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day
and ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel :' unto the Lord.
peradventurehewill lighten his hand from off you, IC) And when the five lords of the Philistines
and from off your gods, and from off your land.'' had seen ?V,' they returned to Ekron the same day."
6 Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the IT And these are the golden emerods which the
Egy]itians and Piiaraoh hardened their hearts ?' Philistines returned for a trespass-offering unto
when he had wrought wonderfully* among them, did the Lord for Ashdod one,'' for Gaza one,"' for
they not let the people* go, and they departed?"' Ashkclon one," for Gath one,-'' for Ekron one
7 Now therefore make a new cart," and take two 18 And the golden mice, according to the num-
milch kine, on wiiich there hath come no yoke, and ber of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to
tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves the five lords, both of fenced cities, and of co.iutry
home from them villages, even unto the great .v/o?!eo/" Abel, 'where-
8 And take the ark of the Lord, and lay it upon on thej' set down the ark of the Lord: which stone
the cart and put the jewels of gold," which ye rcmaincth unto this day in the field of Joshua, the
A. M. 2.K.U.
even he smote of the people fifty thousand
'^uw!'""and threescore and ten men: and the peo-
ple lamented, because the Lord had smitten many
of the people with a great slaughter.
20 And tlie men of Beth-shcmesh said, Who is
able to stand before this holy Lord God?* and
to whom shall he go up from us?''
211 And they sent messengers to the inhabitants
of KirjatlKJearim,"= saying, The Philistines have
brought again the ark of the Lord come ye down, ;
1 They of Kirjath-jearim bring the ark into the house of Ahinadab, and
sanctify Eleazar his son to keep it. 2 After twenty years 3 the Isra-
elites, by Samuel's means, solemnly repent at Mizpeh. 7 While Sam-
uel prayeth and sacrificeth, the Lord discomfiteth the Philistines by
thunder at Eben-ezer. 13 The Philistines are subdued. 15 Samuel
peaceably and religiously judgeth Israel.
ICi And lie wont from yoar to year in circuit' Lord unto the people that asked of liim a m jors
Israel ill all those ]ilai'Cs. 1 1 And he said, Tiiis will be the manner of the
17 And his return iras to Raniali ;" for there vas king tiiat shall reign over you lie will take your
bis house; and there he judged Israel; and there sons, and appoint t/inn for himself, I'or his chariots,
lie built an altar unto the Loud. and to be his horsemen and .lomc shall run Infore
his chariots.
CHAPTER VIII. \'2 And he will him captains over thou-
1 By occ&aion of (he ill government of SamucPs sons, the Israelites ask a sands, and cajitains over liflies; and vill sd limn
kin'T. G Samuel praying in grief, is comforted by God: 10 he tell-
etli'the manner of a king. 1!) iJod willeth Samuel to yield mito the to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to
importunity of the people. make his instruments of war, and instruments of
AND it
came to pass, when Samuel was
he made his sons judges over Israel.
old, his chariots.
1:5 And he will take your daughters to be con-
2 Now the name of his first-born was Joel ;* and feetionarics, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.
the name of his second, Abiah: tlicy twn' judges 14 And he will take your fields, and your vine-
in Beer-slicba. yards, and your olive-yards,'-' even the best of them,
3 And his sons walked not in his ways, but and give them to his servants.
turned aside after lucre,'' and took bribes,"^ and 15 And he will take the tenth of your seed, and
perverted judgment. of your vineyards, and give to his officers,^ and to
4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered them- his servants.
selves together, and came to Samuel unto llamali, 16 And he will take your men-servants, and your
5 And said unto hiin. Behold, thou art old, and maid-servants, and your goodliest young men, and
thy sous walk not in thy ways: now make us a your asses, and put them to his work.
king to judge us like all the nations.'' 17 He will take the tenth of your sheep : and ye
6 1i But the thing displeased* Samuel, when they shall be his servants.
said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel 18 And ye day because of
shall cry out in that
prayed unto the Loud. your king which ye shall have clioscn you; and
7 And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the Lord will not hear you in that day.'
the voice of the people in all that they say unto 19 IT Nevertheless tlio people refused to obey the
thee for they have not rejected thee, but they have
: voice of Samuel ;J and they said. Nay but we will
rejected me,*" that 1 should not reign over tiiem. have a king over us;
8 According to all the works wiiich they liave 20 That we also may be like all the nations ;
done since the day that I brought them up out of and that our king may judge us, and go out before
Egyi)t oven unto this day, wherewith they have us, and fight our battles.
forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they 21 And Samuel lieard all the words of the peo-
also unto thee. ple, and lie rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord.
9 Now therefore hearken unto^ their voice: liow- 22 And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken unto
beit yet protest solemnly unto them, and show' them their voice, and make them a king.' And Samuel
the manner of tlie king that shall reign over them.*^ said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto
10 H And Samuel told all the words of the his city.
• Heb. ami hf r.ircuHed.
' ch. S:A. t Vashni: 1 Chr. 0:aS. b Exod. shou
19:31; I Tim. d Deut. 17: 1; Hos. 13: lU.
:!::). «Prov.2<J:4. 1 1 Heb. was
evil in the. Exod. VhS; ]\Iatt. l(i:4(). S Or. obey. I Or, notwith-
eyes of. e
standing when thou hast solemnly protested aizainst them, then thou shalt
IG. Betliel was nortli, and Mizpch (in the original Miz-
pah) north-west from Jerusalem.
17. Ramah; in Benjamin, generally supposed to be the
same as Ramathaim-zophim.
1. The ordinances of God will benefit all who rightly
observe them, but none who contimie to neglect them.
3. By the right use of means which God has provided,
men are bound to prepare their hearts for his service.
5. Penitent confession of sin, and humble prayer for
divine mercy, ara essential to forgiveness, and are a sure
preparation for the reception of divine favors.
8. All who have right views of God and of themselves,
will place a high value on the prayers of his people, and will
earnestly desire them. Esth. 4:16; Job 42 8, 9 Jas. 5:16. : ;
Lucre; gain. Bribes; gifts to induce one wrongly to
favor those who offer tliem.
Saul seeling his father's 1 SAMUEL IX. asses, is led lo Samuel.
"\TOW there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was beforetime called a Seer.^)
_LN sou of Abiel, the son of Zeror,
icas Kish," the 10 Then said Saul to his servant. Well said;""
the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiali, a Bcnja- come, let us go. So they went unto the city where
niitc,* a mighty man of power.* the man of God v-as.
2 And he had a son, whoso name ims Saul, a 11 IT JInd as they went up the hill to the city,*
choice young man, and a goodly and there tvas they found young maidens going out to draw wa-
not among the children of Israel a goodlier per- ter,"^ and said unto them. Is the seer here?
son than he: from his shoulders and upward he 12 And they answered them, and said. He is:
was higher than any of the people.'' behold, he is before you make haste now, for he :
'6 And the asses of Kisli Saul's father were came to-day to the city for there is a sacrifice* of ;
lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now the people to-day in the high place.J '
one of the servants with thee, and arise, go seek 13 As soon as ye be come into the city, ye shall
the asses. straightway find him, before he go up to the high
4 And he passed through mount Ephraim, and place to eat for the people will not cat until he :
passed through the land of Shalisha,'' but they come, because he doth bless the sacrifice and after- ;''
found them not: then they passed through the wards they eat that be bidden. Now therefore get
land of Shalim, and there they were not: and he you up for about this time* ye shall find him.
passed through the land of the Benjamites, but 14 And they went up into the city: and when
they found them not. they were come into the city, behold, Samuel came
5 ./Ind when they were come to the land of Zuph, out" against them, for to go up to tlic high place.
Saul said to his servant that was with him. Come, 15 t Now the Lord had told Samuel in his ear^
and let us return lest my father leave caring for
; a day before Saul came,' saying,
tlie asses, and take thought for us. 16 To-morrow about this time I will send thee
6 And he said unto him. Behold now, there is in a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt
this city a man of God," and he is an honorable anoint him to be captain over my people Israel,"'
man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass :" now that he may save my people out of the hand of
let us go thither peradventure he can show us
the Philistines: for I have looked upon my peo-
our wajf that we should go. ple, because their cry is come unto me."
7 Tiien said Saul to his servant. But behold, ifvre 17 And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said
go, what shall we bring the man'?' for the bread unto him, Behold the man whom I spake to thee
is spent in* our vessels, and there is not a present of this same shall reign over' my people."
to bring to the man of God: what have we?^ 18 Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate,
8 And the servant answered Saul again, and and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where the seer's
said, Behold, I have here at hand" the fourth part house is.
«Ch. 14:51. • Or. Ike son of a man of Jemini. f Or, substance. i> ch. • Heb. in the ascent
of the citi/. h Gen. 24:11. tOr./fa.!(. i
ch. lti:2; Gen.
10:23. c 2 Kings 4:42. d Deut. 33:1; 1 Kings 13:1. c ch. 3:19. 'Gen. 31:51. J 1 Kings3:2. k Mark 6:41; Luke 24:30. 1 Heb. to-dai/. t Heb.
43:11; Jodg. 0:18; 1 Kings 14:3; 2Kings8:8. t Heh. gone out of. JHeb. revealed the ear of Samuel ; ch. 20:2. lAraos3:7; Acts27:a3. mch.lO:!.
is wil/i us. I Heb. t/iere is found in viy hand, s 2 Sam. 24: U ; 2 Kings nElod. 2:2:1-25; Psa. 106:14. I Heh. restrain in. oAcls 13:21.
17:13; 2 Chr. 16:7, 10; Isa. 30:10; Amos 7:12. 1 Heb. T/iy Kord is good.
own fault; but when the government is hereditary, and would show that their will was wiser and better than his,
descends from parents to children, whether good or bad, as Satan tempts them to believe. Hence God, in vindica-
wise or foolish, it is often unjust and cruel, for wise and tion of his owncharacter, disappoints them.
good parents maj' be followed by foolish and wicked chil- 20. Men whoare enclianted with the trappings of roj--
dren. alty, and carried away by a thirst for military glory, are
5. When men in trouble follow their own judgment not safe guides for themselves nor their fellow-men.
merely, as to the way of getting out of it, they often take
a course which tends only to increase it and if they wiU ;
not be dissuaded from such a course, God in righteous 2. A choice young man; these words relate chiefly to his
judgment sometimes suffers them to pursue it, and thus personal appearance.
dreadfully to punish themselves. Jer. 2 19. : 4. Mmint Ephraim; see note to chap. 1:1.
5. When in new and difficult circumstances men go to 6. In this city; it has been commonly assumed that this
God for direction, choosing rather to be governed by his was Ramah, the home of Samuel. But Saul, on his return
will than their own, he will guide them, and in the proper home, passed by Rachel's sepulchre, which was south of
use of their own faculties will lead them to right decisions. Jerusalem near Beth-lehcm. This circumstance has led
9. God delights to communicate to men all needed infor- some to suppose that the city where Saul and his servant
mation, so that if they will follow his directions, they may fomid Samuel was not Ramali, but some place near Beth-
be saved from suffering, the fruits of their foil}-. lehem, whither he had gone in the discharge of his public
18. When men with their eyes open go on in wicked- duties.
ness, regardhig their feelings more than the testimony of 7. A present; such as it was then, and in the East is
Jehovah, and thus bring themselves into trouble, God now, customary to offer.
leaves them to endure it till they are convinced of their 8. A shekel; about fifty cents.
sin and turn to him, or sink into utter ruin. 12. Before you ; in the city to whicli thcj' were going. The
19. When men by word or deed say to God, Not thy high place; the eminence on which they offered sacrifices.
will, but mine be done, let them prepare for trouble, if 13. Tliey eat; that portion of the offering which was
in that way they should succeed and be finally blessed, it allowed them in the Levitical law.
Samuel feasteth Saul, 1 SAMUEL X. and anoitUeth him.
found. And on whom is all tiie di'siie of Israel'.'" 1. ujioii liis head,' and kissed liiiii,^ and said, Is
Is it not on thee, and ou all thy fatiier's house? not because the Loud hath anointed thee to be
» John4:-29. • ne^,. to-day three days, b ver. 3. cch. 12:13. li Judg. 7tc!.5s. oGen.2«:19. 1 Hub. a.«i 1A« o/'peact; Judg. 18:15. Pyer.lO. qch.
aO:46-4i; P.-;a.6S:27. ejudg. 6:15. ^ K^h. according to this loord. 'Lev. 13:3. rch.9:12. 'Exod. 15:20. liCor.l4:l. " ch. 16:13; Num. 11 :2S,
7:32, Ezek. 24:4. I Heb. reserved, e ver. 13. b Acts 10:9. 1 Heb. to-
3:j; 20. • Heb. it shall come to jiass that, t Heb. do for thet ai thy hand shall
day, ch. 9:16: 16:13: 2 Kings 9:.3, 6.
i j 2 Sam. 19:39: 1 Thcss. 5:26. find; Judg. 9:33.
k 2 Sim. 5:2. iPsa. 78:71. m Gen. 35:19, 20. n Josh. 19:28. I lleb. iKsi-
24. Left ; rather, as in the margin, reserved, in anticipa- 20. While men in their actions seek one object, God
tion of Saul's coming. often by them accomplishes another; and no one, when
25. The top of the house ; a retired place, to wliich they he performs any act, can tell what great results may be
often went for conversation, and where also they fi-e- connected with it.
quently slept. 22. Those who are selected by God as rulers should,
INSTRITTTOXS. for their office' sake, receive all due honors, and when
the wiU of (jod with regard to them is known, all should
2. A
sound mind and a well-ronned, healthy, and vigor-
acquiesce in it.
ous body are rich gifts of God, which lay those who pos-
27. Ministers should make known to rulers as well as
sess them under pecuhar obligations of distinguished use-
others the will of God, and none are ever so exalted as not
fulness in his service.
to be imder sacred obligations in all things to obey it.
3. All earthly possessions are liable to be lost and this ;
6. If men were as anxious to be saved from sin as they apparently in the tribe of Benjamin. Men going up lo God;
are to find lost property, they would seek all needful to worship God.
information, and when they learned the waj' would let 5. Tlie hill of God; an eminence on which he was wor-
nothing liinder them from walking in it. Prov. 2:4, 5. shipped, and on which was a school of the prophets.
13. Those who eat, drink, and enjoy the good things of They sliall prophesy ; praise God, under divine inspiration,
life without thanking God or imploring his blessing, act with the voice and instruments of music.
in this respect like atheists, and the language of their 6. Prophesy with them; compare Exod. 15:21; 1 Chron.
practice is, No God. Psa. 14: 1 53: 1. ; 25:3. Turned into another man ; so changed by the influ-
15. The Lord makes known to those who do his will ence of God's Spirit as to be fitted to become king.
many things of which others are ignorant, and which no 7. As occasion serve; as he should judge best; or as cir-
one without obeying him will ever know. cumstances might require.
1 :
A.M. 2909. 8 And tliou slialt co do'wn before me to 19 And ye have this day rejected your God,"
iiw'.""" Gilgal;" and behold, I will come down who himself saved you out of all your adversities
unto thee, to and to sacrifice and your tribulations;" and ye have said unto
offer burnt- oiferings,
seven days shalt thou him, Jfay, but set a king over us. Now there-
sacrifices of peace-offerings :
tarry," till I come to thee, and show thee what fore present yourselves before the Lord by your
thou shalt do. tribes,' and by your thousands.
9 H And it was so, that, when he had turned his 20 And when Samuel had caused all the tribes of
back* to go from Samuel, God gave* him another Israel to come near, the tribe of Ben jamin was taken.
heart and all those signs came to pass that day.
: 21 When he had caused the tribe of Benjamin
10 And when they came thither to the hill, be- to come near by their families, the family of Matri
hold, a company of prophets met him and the was taken, and Saul the son of Kish was taken
.Spirit of God came upon him,'^ and he prophesied and when they sought him, he could not be found.
among them. 22 Therefore they inquired of the Lord further,
1 And it came to pass, when all that knew him if the man should yet come thither. And the
bcforetime saw that, behold, he prophesied among Lord answered. Behold, he hath hid himself
the prophets, then the people said one to another,* among the stuff.
What is this that is come unto the son of Kish? 23 And they ran and fetched him thence: and
Is Saul also among the prophets?'^ when he stood among the people, he was higher than
12 And one of the same place^ answered and any of the people from his shoulders and upward.^
said, But who is their father? Therefore it became 24 And Samuel said to all the people. See ye
a proverb, Is Saul also among the prophets? him whom the Lord hath chosen, that there is none
13 And when he had made an end of prophesy- like him among all the people? And all the peo-
ing, he came to the high place. ple shouted, and said, God save the king.'
14 IT And Saul's uncle said unto him and to his 25 Then Samuel told the people the manner of
servant. Whither went ye? And he said. To seek the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it
the asses: and when we saw that they were no- up before the Lord. And Samuel sent all the peo-
where, we came to Samuel. ple away, every man to his house.
15 And Saul's uncle said. Tell me, I pray thee, 26 H And Saul also went home to Gibeah ;^ and
what Samuel said unto you. there went with him a baud of men, whose hearts
16 And Saul said unto his uncle, ITe told ns God had touched.
jilainly that the asses were found. But of the 27 But the children of Belial' said. How shall
matter of the kingdom, whereof Samuel spake, he this man save us? And they despised him, and
told him not. brought him no presents.'" But he held his peace.^
17 1 And Samuel called the people together
unto the Lord to Mizpeh;°
18 And said unto the children of Israel, Thus
1 Nahash oifereth them of Jabesh-gilead a reproachful condition. 4 They
saitli the Lord God of Israel, I brought up Israel send messsengers. and are delivered by Saul. 12 Saul thereby is con-
out of Pjgypt, and delivered you out of the hand firmed, and his kingdom renewed.
oh. 11:6. I Heb. a man to his neighbor, i ch. 10:-2U-24; John Jl:12. k oh. 11:4 Deut. 13:13; 2 Chr. 13:7. m 2 Sam. 8:2; 1 Kings
5 Heb. from l/ienet. e ch. 7:5. 6. I JuJg 2:-2: 0:8. 9; Neh. 9:9, 4:21; 10:25: 2 Chr. 17:5; Psa. 72:10. 1 Or, was as t/iough lie liad teen
:h. P:7. 10; 1-.>:1'J. h Psa. 106:8-10; Isa. 03:9; Jpr. :!:-i'J.i Josh. deaf. nch. 12:12. Judg. 21 :g, etc.
9. Anollier heart; one tliat fitted liim to govern the people. willshow them what he would have them do, and furnish
11. h Saul also among the prophets? they were surprised them for the duties to which he calls them.
tliat, without having been instructed, he should be able 7. If men are under the guidance of God and seekliis glory,
thus tn join witli tliem. they will be able to judge, in view of all circumstances,
12. 3'//f(V/o?/icr; the father of the prophets. This was what should be done to render themselves most useful.
God, who eould endow whomsoever lie pleased with tlie 9. All the qualifications of men for the formation and
gift of prophecy. It ought not tlien to surprise tliem that accomplishment of great and useful plans come from God,
Saul was among tlie propliets. and lay them under increased obligations of devotion to
19. Rejected yoiir God; by insisting on a change in the his service but enlarged views and great talents may be
government which he had establislied. given, and men may join externally in the worship of God,
20. Benjamin was taken; they cast lots, and the lot fell without the renewing and sanctifying influences of his
upon the tribe of Benjamin. Spirit.
22. Should yet come thither; or, had yet come thither. 19. The reception from God of an object which is sought
Stuff; the baggage and other furniture of the assembled is no certain evidence of his approbation. He may give
people. it in wrath. Chap. 12:12, 13, 19. We
should therefore
. 23. Higher than any of the people; personal size and rely upon his wisdom rather than our own, saying. Not
strength were much valued by the ancients in their kings. my will, but thine be done.
God was pleased, in the iirst instance, to give the people 25. Kings, and men in authority, as well as in all other
a king after their own ideas, before he gave them one conditions of life, are bound to be acquainted with and
after his own heart. to be governed by the revealed will of God.
25. The manner of the kingdom ; the regulations which 27. The best way to treat difficulties often is, for a time
God had prescribed for its government. Dent. 17:14-20. at least, to say and do nothing about them.
26. Had touched; inclined by his Spirit to follow Saul
and support liis authority. CHAPTER XI.
INSTRUCTIONS. Jahesh-gilead ; a city in the tribe of Slanasseh, on the
2. If men wait upon God and follow his directions, he cast side of Jordan.
iiionof Jabcsli saiil 1111(0 Xaliasli, Make a cove- 13 And Saul said, There shall not a man * /? »^
nant with lis," anil we will sorvo liice. be put to death tiiis day:" for to-day the i<«t
2 And Naha.^li tlio AiiiiiKMiitc answered them, Luiii) hath wrought salvation in Israel."
On will 1 maker; corcnanl witli you,''
tliisro;it//7(t<;i 14 Then said Samuel to the pi'ojile, Come, and let
that I may
thrust out all your ritrlit eyes, and lay us go to Gilgal,'' and leiiew liie kingdom there.
it for a reproaeh ujion all Israel.' \^i And all the people went to Gilgal; and there
3 And the elders of Jabesh said unto liim, Give they made Saul king before the Loiti) in Gilgal
us' seven days' res])itc, tliat we may send messen- and (here they sacriticcd sacrifices of peace-oll'er-
gers unto all the coasts of Israel and then, if //«'?«
: in.irs before the Loud; and there Saul aud all the
be no man to save us, we will come out to thee. men of Israel njoiced greatly.
4 ^ Then eaine the messengers to Gibeah of Saul,''
and told the tidings in the ears of the peojdc and
all the jjcoplc lifted up their voices, and wept.
Simucl testificth liis intcRrity. 6 He renroveth the people of in;r.nti-
5 And behold, Saul came after the herd out of
6 And the Spirit of God came upon Saul when ye said unto me,'' and have made a king over you.''
lie heard those tidings," and his anger was kindled 2 And now, behold, the king walketh before you
greatly. and I am old and gray-headed; and behold, my
7 And he took a yoke of oxen, and hewed them sons are with you: and I have walked before you
in pieces, and ^Qiii't/mn throughout all the coasts from my childhood unto this day.
of Israel by the iiands of messengers,'' saying, .3 IJehold, here I am: witness against me before
"Whosoever cometli not forth after Saul and "after the Lord, and before his anointed whose ox have :
Samuel, so shall it be done unto his oxen.'' And I taken ? or whose ass have I taken ?'* or whom have
the fear of the Loud fell on the people, and they I defrauded? whom have I oppressed? or of whose
came out with one consent.* hand have I received any bribe,* to blind mine eyes
8 And when he numbered them in Bezek,** the therewith?" and I will restore it you."
children of Israel were three hundred thousand, 4 And they said, Thou hast not defrauded us,
and the men of Judali thirty thousand. nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken aught
9 And they said unto the messengers that came. of any man's hand.
Thus shall ye say unto the men of Jabesh-gilead, 5 And he said unto them. The Lord is witness
To-morrow, by that time the sun bo hot, ye shall against you, aud his anointed is witness this day,
have help.* And the messengers came and showed that ye have not found aught in my hand.'' And
it to the men of Jabesh and they were glad.' ; they answered, He is witness.
10 Therefore the men of Jabesh said. To-morrow 6 1 And Samuel said unto the people, It is the
we come out unto you,J and ye shall do with
will Lord that advanced^ Moses and Aaron, and that
us all that seemeth good unto you. brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.
11 And it was so on the morroAV, that Saul put the 7 Now^ therefore stand still, that I may reason
people in three companies ;'' and they came into the with you before the Lord of all the righteous
midst of the host in the morning-watch, and slew acts* of the Loud,'"' which he did to* you and to
the Ammonites until the heat of the day: aud it your fathers.
came to pass, that they which remained were scat- 8 W^hen Jacob was come into Egypt, and your
tered, so that two of "them were uot left together. fathers cried imto the Lord, then the Lord sent
12 IT And the people said unto Samuel, Who is Moses and Aaron," which brought forth your fa-
he that said, Shall Saul reign over us?' bring the thers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this
men, that we may put them to death.™ place.
» Isa, 36:16; Ezek. 17:i;i, Prov. 1-2:10. c ch. 17:26. • Keh. Forbtar
1) 10:24; 11:14,15. > Num. 15:15; Acts 20:33; 2 Cor. 12: 14. 5 Heb. ransom.
us. lch.l5:.^^; 2Sam. 21:6. ech. 10:10. (Judg.I9:29. gjudg. 21:5-10. IOr. thai I should hide mint eyes at him. ' Deut. 16:19. < Exod. 22:4.
t Heb. one man; Judg. S0:1.
a,5 hjudg. 1:5. I Or. deliveranct. ch.
i >Acts 21: 16, 20. 1 Or. made. • Heh. righteousnesses, or btnejits ; Judg. 5:11.
:il:ll. iver.3. kjudg.7:l6. ch. 10:27.
1 m Luke 19:27. n ch. 14:45; "Isa. 1:18; Mio. 6:2, 3. 1 Heb, toilA. i Exod. 3:10.
2 Sim. 19:22. och. 19:5; Isa. 5:1:10. Pch. 10:8. q ch. B:S. 19. 20. r ch.
Lord sent thunder and rain that day and all the :
4 And all Israel heard say that Saul iiad siiiit- over his people, because thou hast not kept a. m. »ii.
ten a parrisoii of tin' PhilLstiiies. and that Israel that whicii the Lord commanded thee. iws.*
also was had in abomination' with the I'iiilistines. 1") And Samuel
and gat him up from Gil- arose,
And the iiet>i)le gal unln (Jibeah of Benjamin. And Saul number-
were called together al'ter Saul to
Gilgal. ed the peo])le that were present' with him, about
5 1 And the Philistines gathered themselves to- si.x hundred men.''
gether to fight with Israel, thirty thousand ehar- 16 And Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the peo-
iots, ami six (Iiousand horsemen, and people as ple that rrerc present with them, abode in Gibcah'
the sand which is on the sea-shore in multitude: of Benjamin but the Philistines encamped in
tlic Loud thy God, which he commanded thee:*^ people. 47 Saul's strength and family.
for now would the Lord have established thy "XTOW it came to pass upon a day,^ that Jona-
kingdom upon Israel for ever. J_>l than the son of Saul said unto the young
14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue the man that bare his armor, Come, and let us go over
Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart,'-' to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other
and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain side. But he told not his father.
•'Heh. diJ slink; Gan. 34:30; ExoJ. 5:il > Josh. 7: -2.
b -J Sim. 24:14. 18:23. J Josh. 1(>;3. k Gen. 14:2; Neh. 11:34; Hos. 11:8. 1 2 Kings
= ch. 14:11; Judg. 6:2. t Heb. trembled after him. i ch. 10:8. t Heb. 24:14; Isa.54;l(i; Jer. 24:1. •
MA, .file with mouths t Heb. «(.
. "Judg.
bless, Huh. entreated the fare. eaChr. 10:9. f ch. 15:11, 38. e Psa.
5:S. \0t. standing camp. njsa. 10:28. iOt, there was a day.
b9:20; Acts 13:2-2. IHeb./ounrf. hch. 14:2. 1 Heb. GeJo. ver. 3. i Josh.
Tliy father strnitly cliartrod the poo])lo with an 40 Then said he unto all Israel, Be yo a.m.wi:
'».<?. .tout
on one side, and1 J. andIt
.1 1
oath, sayiiisr, Curscii br the man (hat catotli any .Jonallian my son iu«.
tooil this liny. Anil the people were faint.* will be on the other side. And the people said
2".t Tiien said .lonatliaii. My father liath troubled unto .*^aul, Do what seemcth good unto thee.
the land .-Jee, I pray you, how mine eyes have been
: 41 Tiierefore Saul .'^aid unto the Ijmh God of
inliihtened, beeausel ta.<;ted a liltleof this honey. Israel, Give a jierfect"' lot.^ And Saul and Jona-
:{(l How much more, if haply the people had eat- than were taken: but the peo]ilc escaped."
en frei'ly to-day of tiie s])oil of their enemies whieli 42 And Saul said. Cast lots between me and Jon-
ihev found? for had there not been now a much athan my sou. And Jonathan was taken.
jrreater slaiijjiiter among the Philistines? 43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, 'i'dl me what
:5I And they smote tlie Piulistines tliat day from thou hast done." And .lonathan lold him. and
Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were very said, I did but taste a little honey wilii the end of
faint. tiic rod that ivas in my hand,'' and lo, I nmst die.
:]2 And the people flow upon the ppoil, and took 44 And Saul answered, God do so and more
sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew l/icm on the also:' for thou shalt surely die, Jonathan.^
ground and the pcoplcdidcat tJiemw'ith the l)lood.
: 45 And th(> ]ieoj)Ie said unto Saul, Shall Jona-
33 •: Then they told Saul, saying, Dciiold, the than die, who hath wrought this great salvation
people sin against the Lord," in that they eat with in Israel? God forbid: as the Lord liveth, there
the blood. And he said, Ye have transgressed:^ shall not one hair fif his head fall to the ground;"
roll a great stone unto me tlus day. for he hath wrought with God this day.' So the
34 And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among people rescued Jonathan, that he died not."'
the people, and say unto them. Bring mo hither 46 Then Saul went up from following the Phi-
every man his ox, and every man his sheep, and listines: and the Philistines went to their own
slay them here, and eat; and sin not against the place.
Loud in eating with the blood. And all the peo- 47 So Saul took the kingdom over Israel, and
ple brought every man his ox with him' that night, fought against all his enemies on every side, against
and slew t/icm there. Moab. and against the children of Ammon," and
3,5 And Saul liuilt an altar unto tlie Lord:"' the against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah,"
same was the first altar that he built unto the and against the Philistines: and whithersoever
LORD.^ he turned himself, he vexed them.
36 'I And Saul said, Let us go down after the 48 And he gathered a host/ and smote the Ama-
Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morn- lekites," and delivered Israel out of the hands of
ing light, and let us not leave a man of them. them that spoiled them.
And they said. Do whatsoever seemeth good unto 49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and
thoc. Then said the priest, Let us draw near Ishui, and Melchi-shua:'' and the names of his two
hither unto God. daughters xrtre Ihcsc; the name of the first-born
37 And Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go Merab, and the name of the younger Michal
down after the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them 50 And the name of Saul's wife ivas Ahinoam,
into the hand of Israel? But he answered him the daughter of Ahimaaz: and the name of the
not that day.'= captain of his host was Abner,* the son of Ncr,
38 And Saul said, Draw ye near hither,* all tlie Saul's uncle.
chief of the people; and know and see wherein 51 And Kish was the father of Saul ;" and Ner
this sin hath been this day the father of Abner teas the son of Abicl.
39 For, as the Lord liveth,"' which savcth Israel, 52 And there was sore war against the Philis-
though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely tines all the days of Saul and when Saul saw :
die. But there was not a man among all the peo- any strong man, or any valiant laan, he took him
ple that answered him. unto him."
• Or, WMry. " Lev. 3:17; 17:10; Deut. ia:23, 24;
Kzek. 33:25. t Or. iRiithl:!7. i»er.39. k 2.Sain. 14:1 1 ; I Kings 1 ;5a; Luke 21 : 18. 12Chr.
deall trear/teroiahj. t Heb. tn his hand. 1> » Heb. that altar he
Hos. 8:14. 19:11; Isa. I3:S; 2Cor.0:I; Phil. 2:12, 13. m Isa. 29:20, 21. i>ch. 11:11.
began to buiU unto the Lord. ' eh. 28:6. d ch. 10:1'J; Josh. 7:14, etc. 2 Sam. 10:6. t Or, wrought mightily. P ch. 15:3, 7. 1 ch. 31 :2; 1 Chr.
I Heb. corners; Judg. 20:2. ' 2 Sam. 12:5. 1 Or, Show the innocent. 8:33. 1 Heb. iliincr. roh. 9:1, 2. "ch. 8:11.
' Prov. 10::M; Acts 1:21. yleh. went forth, r Jon. 1:7-10. h ver. 27.
31. Aijalon ; in the tribe of Dan, towards the land of the hira, and expect, in following his directions, to meet with
PhilisUncs. success.
32. Did cat Ihcm with the blood; in a manner forbidden by 12. Right views of dependence on God will lead men to
their law. use means to obtain his blessing, and when it is obtained,
36. Draw near—unto God; inquire of him whether they to acknowledge his goodness and give him the glory.
should go after the Philistines or not. 20. When God sets himself against a people, he can
38. This sin; the sin which prevented the answer to his cause them to fall, not only before their enemies, but liy
inquiry. the hands of one another.
41. God do SO; inflict greater evil upon me, if I do not 24. There is neither wisdom nor piety in forbidding
put thee to death according to my oath. Ver. 24. men to partake of those bounties of providence the proper
47. Zobah ; a part of Syria north-east of Canaan. use of which is conducive to their comfort, and to the
48. Amalekites; south and south-east of Canaan. best discharge of their appropriate duties.
32. Forbidding men to do what God allows, increases
IXSTRUCTIONS. their temptations to do what he forbids, and thus to bring
6. When men in the fear and love of God engage in trouble not only on themselves, but upon all with whom
duties to which he calls them, they may safely trust in they are connected.
Saul, sent to destroy the 1 SAMUEL XV. AmalekUes, sparet/i some.
sheep, camel and ass. the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the Lord
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and thy God ;'' and the rest we have utterly destroyed.
numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand 16 Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will
footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah. tell thee what the Lord hath said to me this night.
5 And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid And he said unto him. Say on.
wait* in the valley. 17 And Samuel said, When thou ivast little in
6 H And Saul said unto the Kenites,"^ Go, depart,"^ thine own sight,' uast thou not made the head of
get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee
destroy you with them for ye showed kindness king over Israel?
to all the ehildreu of Israel,^ when they came up IS And the Lord sent thee on a journey, and
out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed from among said. Go, and utterly destroy the sinners the Ama-
the Amalekites. lekites, and fight against them until they be con-
7 And Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah'' sumed.*
until thou comest to Shur,' that is over against 19 Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice
Egypt. of the Lord, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst
8 And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites evil in the sight of the Lord?
alive,' and utterly destroyed all the people with 20 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obey-
the edge of the sword." ed the voice of the Lord, and have gone the way
9 But Saul and the people spared Agag.' and the which the Lord sent me, and have brought Agag
best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fat- the king of Amakk, and have utterly destroyed
lings,* and the lambs, and all that iras good, and the Amalekites.
would not utterly destroy them but every thing 21 But the people took of the spoil, sheep and
that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed ut- oxen," the chief of the things which should have
terly. been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the Lord
10 "[Then came the word of the Lord unto thy God in Gilgal.
Samuel, saying, 22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great de-
lilt repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be light in burnt-oflferings and sacrifices, as in obeying
king:'" for he is turnetl back from following me," the voice of the Lord?"' Behold, to obey is better
and hath not performed my commandments." And than sacrifice,""' and to hearken than the fat of rams.
»Ch.9:16. b Exod. 17:S, 14; Deut aS: 17-19. = Lev. aTiSS; Josh. B: 17, 13:13. Pi Kincs 18:42. qjudg. 17:2. r Prov. 2S:13; 30:13. ' ver. 9, 21.
21. <1 Num. -24:20 • Or, fought, e Jud». 1 :16; 4:11. tRev.l8:4. s Num. > ch. 9:21. 1 Heb. cojisume. u ver. 15. v Psai. 50:8, 9; 51 :!«. 17; ProT.
10:20-52; aTim. 1:16. Gen. 2:11; 23:18.
ii Gen. 10:7. J 1 KinRs 20: 30,
i 21:3; Isa.Ml-l': Jer. 7:22, 23; Mic. 6:6-8; Heb. 10:4-10. "Ecol.5:lJ
etc. kch. 30:1. ver. 3, 15.
1 : Or. second sort. >> ver. 35; Gen. C:C, 7; Hos. 6:6; Mark 12:*).
2Sim. 21:16; Jer. 1S:8. 10. n 1 Kings 9:6; Heb. 10:3S. o ver. 3, 9; ch.
35. Education, the goadings of conscience, the hope of procuring for them blessings which lay them under new
gain, and many other motives may lead men to attend to obligations to honor him, and to do good, as they have
some of the externals of religion, wlio never make it their opportunity, to their fellow-men.
great object in all things to obey God, and who have no
real love to his character or ways.
39. Those who axe least sensible of their own sins are
often most ready to denounce the sins of others, and while 2. Tltatwhich Amakk did; Exod. 17:8-16.
they openly disobey God's commands, to kill those who 4. Telaim ; supposed to be a place in the southern part
disobey theirs. of Judah.
44. Reckless zeal, profane swearing, and great cruelty, 6. Kenites; supposed to have been descendants of Je-
may all be united, and under cover of regard for truth thro. Ye showed kindness; Exod. 18:9-19; Number 10:29-
and duty, stille even natural affection and lead to the 32.
commission of the most abominable crimes. 7. From HavilaJi; in the east border of their country.
45. The most solemn engagements to commit sin can To Shur; in the west border.
never be binding on the conscience, and should never in Jll the people; all who fell into his hands.
any case be fulfilled. The guilt in such cases is not in 11. It repenteth me; he would change his conduct tow-
breaking the engagement, but in making it and the fulfil- ; ards Saul on account of his sins, and would reject him
ment of it would only increase the sin. from being king. Ver. 23-28.
48. Civil government, though administered by wicked 12. To Carmel; a city in the south part of Judah. A
men, may be the means of protectmg God's people, and place ; a monument of his victorv.
God rtjfctelh Saul. 1 SAMIKI. XVl, Sumutl seal to Btthrlehem.
thou Imst rejceted the word of the LoHD, he lialh .And Samuel eunie no mine to see Saul until
also ii'Jeeted thee from buiii^ kinjr.'' theday of hisdt'ath ncvcrihi'ji'.-s Samuel mourned
fill- Saul :' and the Loud rcpcnlnl tiiat he had made
21 •! And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned :
for 1 have trans<rrcsscd the coiiiinandnient of tlie Saul king over Israel.
LoRH, and thy words: because 1 feared the pco-
and obeyed their voice.
Now therefore, I pray thee, ]iardon my sin, and
1 Samuel sentby God, under pretence of a sacrifice, cometh to Beth-
turn airain with ine. that 1 may worsliip the Loud. lulifin. C His Imiiiun judgment ift reproved. 11 lleanointetli David.
2(1 And Sanuiol said unto Saul, I will not return 1.'5 Saul sendeth for David to quiet his evil spirit.
30 Then he said. I have sinned: yet honor me anoint unto me him whom I name unto thee."
now,= I pray thee, before the elders of my people, 4 And Samuel did that which the Lord spake,
and before Israel, and turn again with me, that 1 and came to Beth-lchcm. And the elders of the
may worship the Lord thy God. town trembled at his coming,*^ and said, Comest
31 So Samuel turned again after Saul and Saul thou peaceably?'' ;
Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Jesse
came unto him delicately. And Agag said, Surely and his sons, and called them to the sacrifice.
Ihc bitterness of death is past. 6 II And it came to pass, when they were come,
33 And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made that he looked on Eliab," and said. Surely the
women childless," so sliall thy mother be childless Lord'.s anointed is before him.
among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on
before the Lord in Gilffal. his countenance, or on the height of his stature;''
• Heb. divination; Dent. 1»:1U. a 2 Cor, ():16; Gal. S-.-M); Rev. ; k ch. 15:2:!. 1 2 Kin;;.s 'J: m P..=a. 7^:70; SB: I'.l. -iO; I>a. 55:4. 1 Heb. in
1 .
2-2:15. b ch. 13;U. c Exod. 2:J:2; Prov. 29:25; Isa. 51:12; Gal. I:1U. Ihy hand, n ch. B:1J: 20:29. o Dcut. 17:15. » Heb. WKedng-. P 1 Kincs
<i2 John 11. e 1 Kings 11:30. 31. t Or, Eternity, or Victory. I Num. 2:!: lU; 2:13. q Exod. 19:10; Num. 11:18; Josh. 3:5; Job 1:5- 1 Cor. 11:28. I Call-
Ezek. 2J:U; 2 Tim. 2:l:|; Tit. 1:2. e Jo!in 5:44; 12:43. h Judg. 1:7, ed Elihu, 1 Chr. 27:18; ch. 17:13. r Psa. 147:10.
i ver. U; Psa. 119:130; Jer. 13:17. J ch. 15:35; Jer. 7:10; 11:14; 14:11
23. As the sin of witchcraft ; in its guilt. only external, and has extended only to a part of his com-
27. He laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle ; Saul laid hold mands. Ver. 20.
upon the skirt of Samuel's mantle, as if forcibly to detain 11. Facts often show the falsehood of men's professions,
liim. and that liowevcr high they nuy stand in their own esti-
28. To a neighbor; David. mation, they are rebels in the sight of God.
29. who had given Israel the
The Strength; Jehovah, 16. The Lord's messengers must point out and condemn
victory. Nor repent ; he would not reverse the sentence the sins of rulers as well as of people and let nothing ;
he had pronounced against Saul. hinder them from declaring with plainness and fidelity tho
32. Delicately; or, witli pleasure. Bitterness is past ; he — whole revealed will of God.
thought that as Saul had spared his life, he should not 21. Wicked men when convicted of sin often try hard
now be slain. to throw the blame of it on others.
22. No external attention, even to things whicli God
has commanded, can be accepted as a substitute for an
1. The reception of special favors lays men under spe- obedient heart. He is a Spirit, and to be accepted, men
cial obligations to hearken attentively to the directions of
must obey him in spirit and in truth.
God, and in all things to follow them. 2.5. Multitudes are more anxious to stand well with
2. Though God may delay
for a time to punish the wick- their fellow-men than with God, and often look for pardon
ed, yet he does not forget their sins, and unless they re-
to them rather than to him.
pent, he will in due time punish them according to their 32. When
wicked men most confidently imagine that
deserts. all danger, they may be the nearest to
they have escaped
6. Intimate associations with the wicked are dangerous, ruin. There is and can be no security except in the
and we must separate ourselves from their sins, or we friendship and protection of Jehovah.
shall share in their punishment.
9. God requires that some men should be put to death ;
and in sparing them we may as really rebel against him 1. The Beth-lehemite ; so called from his residing in Beth-
on the outward appearance,*'' but the Lord look- 19 1i Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto Jesse,
eth on the lieart.'= and said. Send me David thy son, which is with
8 Tlien Jesse called Abinadab, and made him the sliee]).
pass before Samuel. And be said, Neither hath 20 And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and
the Lord chosen this. a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by
9 Then Jesse made Shammah* to pass by. And David his son unto Saul.
he said, Neither hath the Lord chosen this. 21 And David came to Saul, and stood before
10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass him " and he loved him greatly and he became
before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The his armor-bearer.
Lord hath not chosen these. 22 And Saul sent to Jesse, saying. Let David,
11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found
hemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of
valiant man,-' and a man of war,'' and prudent in brass.
ilsi. 55:9, 9. "Heb. eyes, b 2 Cor. 10:7. « 1 Kings 8:39: 1 Ciir. 49:9; k 2 Sam. 17:8, 10. 1 Or, ,!peec/i. 12Sam. 14:20. m ver. 12. > oh. 18:12-14.
Psa. 7:9; Jer. 17:10; Rev. 3:-i5. t ShhiKali, 2 Sam. 13:3; Shimma. 1 Chr. oProv. 22:29. Pver.l4,l(i. q 2 Clir. 28: 18. rjosh. 15:35. ' Oi, Tiie toast
2:13. daSam. 7:8; Psa. 78:7U-72. 1 Heb. round. = ch. 17:42; SongS: 10. of Dammim; called Pas-dammim, 1 Chr. 11 : 13. f Heb. ranged tke bailie.
i Heb. fair of eyes. I ch. 10:6,9,10; JuJg. 11:29; 14:6. e Jadg. l(i:20; t'Heb. clothed.
Psa. 51:11. I Or, lerrijied. h oh. 18:10; 19:9. i ver. 23. 1 oh. 17:32-30.
11. Sit dou-n; to feast on the sacrifice. according to their real character, the great object of aU
13. of the Lord came upon David; to fit him to
TIte Spirit should be, not outward appearance or external accom-
become king of Israeh plishments merely, but internal purity and the exercise
14. Departed from Saul; thus he lost the qualifications of such feelings as are pleasing to God.
whicli God had before given him for tlie successful dis- 11. Those who are faithful in the duties of private life,
charge of pubhc business. An evil spirit from tlie Lord will be most likely to be so in the duties of public life.
troubled him ; the meaning seems to be that tjod gave him 17. expedients may for a time lessen one's sor-
up to the power of an evil spirit, which from time to time row yet there is no permanent relief from the sad effects
assailed him, filhng him with melancholy suspicion and of sin but in heartily forsaking it, and believing in Jesus
ungovernable anger. Christ, who died, the just for the unjust, that he might
16. Thou sha/l be well; they hoped that music would bring us to God.
cheer up his spirits, and remove his difficulties.
INSTRUCTIONS. 1. a place in Judah between fifteen and eigh-
Sliochoh ;
1. No sorrows should ever lead us to murmur at the teen miles south-west from Jerusalem, having a valley
dealings of God, or to neglect the duties to which he north of it. which is believed to be the ancient valley of
calls us. Elah. Azekah and Ephes-dammim were near to Shochoh.
2. When God requires men to engage in perilous ser- 2. Bfi the valley of Elah; on the north side of it.
vices, they need not fear if they trust in him and follow
; 4. Whose height was six cubits and a span; a cubit was
his directions, he will protect them and give them all about eighteen inches, and a span about nine inches.
desirable success. t>. Coat of mail ; in the original, a coat of mail of scales;
7. As God looks upon the heart, and judges of men that is, made of thin plates of metal overlapping each
fi And
he had proavcs of bras? upon his legs, and
a tarircf of brass bi^twccn liis sliouldors.
7 And tlio stall' of liis spear iras like a weaver's
beam;" and liis spear's iiead wnsxhcd six liinidred
sliekels of iron : and one bearing a sliield went
before iiini.
and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be Lord savcth not with sword and spear:' for the
A. M. 2911.
1063° ""
as one of tiieni, seeing he hath defied the battle is the Lord's,'" and he will give you into our
armies of tlie living God. hands.
37 David said moreover, The Lord that deliv- 48 And it came to pass, when the Philistine
ered me ont of the paw of the lion, and out of the arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David,
])a\v of the bear," he will deliver me out of the that David hasted, and ran toward the army to
liand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, meet the Philistine.
Go, and the Lord be with thee." 49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took
38 1 And Saul armed David with his armor," thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philis-
and he put a helmet of brass upon his head also tine in his forehead," that the stone sunk into his
he armed him with a coat of mail. forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth.
39 And David girded his sword upon his armor, 50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with
and he assayed to go for he had not; proved it. a sling and with a stone," and smote the Philis-
And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these tine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the
for I have not proved t/mn. And David put them hand of David.
oil" him. 51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the
40 And he took his staff in his hand, and chose Philistine, and took his sword,'' and drew it out
him five smooth stones out of tlie brook,* and put of the sheatli thereof, and slew him, and cut oft'
them in a shepherd's bag' which he had, even in his head therewith. i And when the Philistines
a scrip and his sling was in his hand and he saw iheir champion was dead, they fled."
; :
drew near to the Philistine. 52 And the men of Israel and of Judah arose,
41 And the Philistine came ou and drew near and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until
unto David and the man that bare the shield thou come to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron."
we?it before him. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by
42 And when the Philistine looked about, and the way to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto
saw David, he disdained him:'-' for he was but a Ekron.
youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance." 53 And the children of Israel returned from
43 And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled
dog,"" that thou comcst to me with staves? And their tents.'
the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 54 And David took the head of the Philistine,
44 And the Philistine said to David, Come to and brought it to Jerusalem but he put his armor
me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the in his tent.
air, and to the beasts of the field.'' 55 IT And when Saul saw David go forth against
45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou the Philistine, he said unto Abner, the captain of
comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and the host, Abner, whose son is this youth?" And
with a shield : but I come to thee in the name of Abner said, As thy soul liveth, king, I cannot
the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,''' tell.
whom thou hast defied." 56 And the king said. Inquire thou whose son
4(3 This day will the Lord deliver thee^ into the stripling is.
my hand ; and I will smite thee, and take thy head 57 And as David returned from the slaughter of
from thee;' and I will give the carcasses of the the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him
host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his
the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth ;' that hand."
all the earth may know that there is a God in 58 And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou,
Israel."^ thou young man? ^Vnd David answered, / am the
47 And all this assembly shall know that the son of thy servant Jesse the Betli-lehemite.^"
» Psa. 11:1; 1S:17; 77:11; 2 Cor. 1:10; aTim. 4:17. 13. b ch. 20:13; Matt
1 Chr. a-3:ll. 10. ' KA.
rlolhed David uiUA his clothes. IOt, valley. 1 Heb.
i-M.«i. c Psi. 1^3:4; 1 Cor. 1:27-29. dch. 16:12. e 2 Sam. 3:8, 2 Kings
.'-:13. M Kings 20:10, 11. e 2 Sam. 22:33, 35; Psa. 124:8; 125:1 ; 2 Cor.
SS: Heb. 11:33. b ver. 10. i Heh. shut thee up. iver. 61. JDeut. a<:20;
him in Ins lury, fcnrcili Iniii Tor liis i-wA succiis. 17 oircrolh
I'.' and h(! went out and came in bel'ori; the people.
his J»u;4hl<T» lor a snarf. >'J tliiviJ, pcrsuuleil to be the tune's »on-
in-l.itr. '^n-rih two humlrid furcskjiiH of the IMiilisi im-s for Michal's
14 \ni\ David behaved' himself wisely in all his
Jo« rv. 'JS Saul's hatred, and LlaviJ's jjlory increaseth. ways; and the Loud iras with him.
A XI) it came to pass, when he liad mailc an l;j Wherefore when Saul saw that he behaved
_Z V (Mul of s]>eakin<i; unto Saul, tliat llic soul of himself very wisely, he was afraid of him.
.fonatliaii was knit with the soul oi' David," and 10 Hut all Israel and Judah loved David, because
Joiiallian loved him'' as his own soul.'' he went out and caiue in hel'iire Iheiii.'"
2 And Suul took him that day, and would let 17 •! And Saul said to David, Behold my elder
him tro no more home to his father's liousc. daughter Merab," her will I give thee to wife;
3 Then Jonathan and David made a eovcnant, only be thou valiant^ for me, and light the Lord'.s
because he loved him as his own soul. battles." For Saul said, Let not my hand be upon
4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the rolte him, but let the hand of the Philistines be ujion
that ims u])on him,'' and frave it to David, and his him."
garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and 18 And David said unto Saul, Who am I?'' and
io his irirdle. what is my life, or my father's family in Israel,
5 1 And David went out wliitlicrsocver Saul that I should be son-in-law to the king?
sent him, and behaved' himself wisely: and Saul 19 ]]iit it came to pass at the time when Merab
set him over the men of war, and he was accepted Saul's daughter should have been given to David,
in the sight of all the people, and also in the sight that she was given unto Adriel'' the Meholatliite'
of Saul's servants. to wife.
6 And it came to pass as they came, when David 20 And MichalSaul's daughter loved David;
was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine,^ and they and the thing pleased him.'
told Saul,
that the women came out of all cities of Israel, 21 And Saul said, I will give him her, that she
singing and dancing," to meet king Saul, with tab- may be a snare to him,' and that the hand of the
rets, with joy, and with instruments of music' Philistines may be against him." Wherefore Saul
7 And the women answered one another as they said to David, Thou shalt this day be my son-in-
phiyed, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, law in the one o/the twain.
and David his ten thousands.' 22 And Saul commanded his servants, saying,
8 And Saul was very wroth,^ and the saying Commune witJi David secretly, and say, Behold,
displeased him;* and he said. They have ascribed the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants
unto David ten thousands, and to me they have love thee now therefore be the king's son-in-law.
aseriljed hit tliousands: and what can he Lave 23 And Saul's servants spake those words in
more Imt tiie kingdom?'' the ears of David. And David said, Scemeth it
y And Saul eyed David from that day and for- to you a light thing to be a king's son-in-law,^' see-
ward. ing that I am a poor man, and lightly esteemed?"
10 T And it came to pass on the morrow, that 24 And the servants of Saul told him, saying.
the evil spirit from God came upon Saul,' and he On this manner spake David.
prophesied in the midst of the house -J and David 25 And Saul said. Thus shall ye say to David,
played with his hand, as at other times and there : The king desireth not any dowry,-'' but a hundred
ivas a javelin in SauFs hand.'' foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the
11 And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will king's enemies.^' But Saul thought to make David
smite David even to the wall with it. And David fall by the hand of the Philistines.
avoided out of his presence twice.' 2G And when his servants told David these
12 IF And Saul was afraid of David, because the words, it pleased David well to be the king's son-
Lord was with him, and was departed from Saul. in-law and the days were not expired.*
» Gen. 44;30. b ver. 3; ch. 19:2i 2U:17; -2 Sam. 1:26. c Deal. 13:6. 3:7. nch. 17:25. H Heb. oMn f>/wi/or. och.25;2j'. p ver. 21,2i; 2 Sam.
1 Gen. 41:42. • Or, prospered, ver. 14,
15, 30; Psa.l:3. t Or, P/ii/i'.t(ines. 12:9. 1 ver. 23; ch. 9:21; 2 Sam. 7:18. r a Sam. 21:.S. » JuJg. 7:22.
e Exod. 1.5:20; Judg. II :34. : Heb. three-slrin^ed inslrumenls. 'ch. 21:11. •
Ilet. Ktts right in his eyes, t Exod. 10:7; Prov. 29:5. u ver. 17. v l John
e Prov. 27:4; Eccl. 4:4. 5 Beb. was euil in Ins eyes, h ch. I.';:a3. i
ch. 3:1. w Psa. 119:141. t Heb. According to these words. « Exod. 22:17.
16:11. J ch. 19:24; Acts 15:16. k ch. !<):«, 10; 20:33. 1 Psa. .37:32. 33; ych. 14:24. fUeh. fulfilled.
Isa. 54:17. 1 Or, prospered ; ver. 5. ni Num. 27:17; 2 .''am. 5:2; 1 Kings
43. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit 9. Said eyed David; he watched him with jealous feel-
before a fall. Prov. 16:18. ings.
46. One great design of Jehovah in all his dealings, is 10. Prophesied; under the influence of the evil spirit,
to make known his character, and show to the universe the king imitated the maimer of speaking that belonged
that there is no one but himself who governs and controls to the true prophets when they were under the inspira-
in the kingdoms of nature, providence, and grace. tion of the Holy Spirit. A javelin; a light spear pointed
51. The strongest as well as the weakest are dependent with metal.
upon God, and that expectation which rests on creatures 18. What is my life; what is my condition of life? or, as
is liable at any time to be disappointed. we sa_y. What are my circumstances? He intimates that
55. Services performed for men may by them be forgotten, they are too humble to allow him to think of such an
and those 'who render them pass out of mind but services ; alliance. Compare ver. 23.
done for God he always remembers, and will graciously 25. Dowry; among the Hebrews, and generally, in the
reward. East, a compensation or present made by the bridegroom
A. M. 2941. 27 Wherefore David arose and went, lie and David went8 IT And there wars war again :
'1063° "
and liis men," and slew of the Philistines and slew them
out, and fought with the Philistines,
two hundred men and David brought their fore- with a great slaughter; and they fled from him.*
skins,*" and they gave them in full tale to the king, 9 And the evil spirit from the Lord was upon
that he might be the king's son-in-law. And Saul Saul," as he sat in his house with his javelin in his
gave him Michal his daughter to wife. hand: and David played with his hand.
28 IT And Saul saw and knew that the Lord was 10 And Saul sought to smite David even to the
with David, and that Michal Saul's daughter loved wall with the javelin but he slipped away out of ;
forth and it came to pass, after they went forth, Michal David's wife told him, saying. If thou save
that David behaved himself more wisely than all not thy life to-night, to-morrow thou shalt be slain.
the servants of Saul f so that his name was much 12 1 So Michal let David down through a win-
set by.* dow:'' and he went, and fled, and escaped.'
13 And Michal took an image,^ and laid it in
XIX. the bed, and put a pillow of goats' hair for his
4 He per- bolster, and covered it
1 Jonathan discloseth his father's purpose to kill David.
with a cloth.
suadeth his fatlier to reconciliation. 8 By reason of David's good suc- 14 And when Saul sent messengers to take David,
cess in a new war, Saul's malicious rage breaketh out against him.
12 Michal deceivetli her father with an image in David's bed. 18
she said. He is sick.
;• David Cometh to Samuel in Naioth. 20 Saul's messengers sent to 15 And Saul sent the messengers again to see
take David, 22 and Saul himself, prophesy.
David, saying, Bring him up to me in the bed, that
AND Saul spake to Jonathan his son, and to
that they should kill David.
all his servants,
I may slay him.
16 And when the messengers were come in, be-
2 But Jonathan Saul's sou delighted much in hold, there uas an image in the bed, with a pillow
David /and Jonatlian told David, saying, Saul my of goats' hair for his bolster.
fatlier seeketh to kill thee: now therefore, I pray 17 And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou
thee, take heed to thyself until the morning, and deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that
abide in a secret yj/ace, and hide thyself: he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul," He
3 And I will go out and stand beside my father in said unto me. Let me go why should I kill thee?""
the field where thou art, and I will commune with my 18So David fled, and escaped, and came to
David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as in said. Where Samuel and David? And one
times past.+° said, Behold, they be at Naioth in Eamah.
• Ver.l:). b2Sim.3:14. » Psa. 37:12, H. d 2 Sam. 11:1. ever.SiPsa. 16:21
119:99, Heb. predtms/ ch.'iH-.-iX; 2 Kings 1:13; Psa. 116:15; 1 Pel. 2:7.
I. Real excellence of character forms the surest basis for
ardent and durable friendship, and those wlio rightly cul-
tivate it on earth may hope to enjoy it for ever in heaven.
5. The presence and favor of God are the grand source
of all true wisdom, and the surest guarantee of durable
8. An envious disposition tends to torment him who
indulges it, and all who feel its influence.
II. There is no wickedness so great but the liuman
heart, uiu'estrained by divine grace, may commit it.
: :
2:} Ami lie wont lliiliior lo Xaintii in Kaniali covenant of IheLnnn with thee:'' notwith- a, m ?<H2
\v(Mit on. and itroithesicd, until he came to Xai(jUi me thvsclf; for whv shouldest thou bring me to
in {{ainali. thy father?
•1\ And stripped off liis clothes also," and
lie '.) And Jonathan said, Far beit from thee: for
pri)l>lii'sicd before Sanincl in like manner, and if I knew certainly that evil was deteimined by
lav' down naked all that day and all that night. mv father to come ujwu thee, then would not i
AVhcroforo they say, Is Saul also among the tell it thee?
proplicts?'' 10 Then said David to Jonathan, Who
shall tell
me? or what if thy father answer thee roughly?
11 1 And Jonathan said unto David, Come, and
CHAPTER XX. let us go out into the field. And they went out
1 Darid consuUeth with Jonathan for In's safety. 11 Jonathan and both of them into the field.
P.avid renew their covenant by oath. IS Jonathan's token to L)avid.
24 Saul, niissinpf David, seckotli to kill Jonathan. 3-3 Jonathan lov- 12 And Jonathan said unto David, LoiiD God
ingly takctli his leave of I'avid. of Israel, when I have sounded' my father about
AND David
came and
fled from Naioth in Ramah, and
said before Jonathan, What have
to-morrow any time, or the thiid dai/. and behold,
if there he good toward David, and 1 then send
I done? what is mine iniquity? and what is my not unto thee, and show it thee;*
sin before thy father, that he seeketli my life? 13 The Loud do so and much more to Jonathan
2 And he said unto him, God forbid thou shalt ; but if it please my father to do thee evil, then i
not die: bcliolil. my fallior will do nothing cither will show it thee, and send thee away, that thou
great or small, but that he will show it me:* and maycst go in peace: and the Lord be with thee,'
why should my father hide this thing from me? as he hath been with my father.''
it is not so. 14 And thou shalt not only while yet I live show
3 And David sware moreover, and said. Thy me the kindness of the Lord, that I die not:
father certainly knoweth that I have found grace 15 But also thou shalt not cut off" thy kindness
in thine eyc.^; and he saith. Let not Jonathan from my house for ever:' no, not when the Lord
know this, lest he be grieved: but truly, as the hath cut off the enemies of David every one from
Lord liveth, and as thy soul livcth, there is but a the face of the earth.
step between me and death." 16 So Jonathan made* a covenant with the house
4 Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever of David, saying, Let the Lord even require t7 at
thy soul desireth,* I will even do* it for thee. the hand of David's enemies.™
,.5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, to-mor- 17 And Jonathtro caused David to swear again,
row is the new moon,'' and I should not fail to sit because he loved him:' for he loved him as he
with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may loved his own soul."
hide myself in the field unto the third day at even." 18 Then Jonathan said to David, To-morrow is
6 If thy father at all miss me, then say, David the new moon :° and thou shalt be missed, because
earnestly asked kave of me that he might run to thy seat will be empty .^
Beth-lchem his city for there is a yearly sacrifice'
: 19 And when thou hast stayed three days, tfieu
there for all the family. thou shalt go down quickly,' and come to the place
7 If he say thus. It is well; thy servant shall where thou didst hide thyself when the business
have peace but if he be very wroth, then be sure
: was in hand,''' and shalt remain liy the stone Ezel.*
that evil is determined by him.'' 20 And 1 will shoot three arrows on the side
8 Therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy ser- thereof, as though I shot at a mark.
vant;" for thou hast brought thy servant into a 21 And behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go,
»Isa.20:2. • Heb./e«; Num. 34:4. bch. 10:10, 12. tHeb.
wr; vcr 12;ch.9:ia. c ch. 27:1 ; 2 Cor. 1:9. 10. IHeb. speaktth. or think-
elk. S Or, Say what is thy mind, and I will da. <1 Num. 10: 10; aS: U. = eh.
10:2. I Or,/ea.i(,- ch. 9:12. t ch. 2.);17; Esth. 7:7. f Josh. 2:14. h ver.
Hi; ch. 13:3; 23:18. 2 Sam. U.Si. 1 Hcb. searched. • Heb.
the new moon was come, the king sat him down
to eat moat.
2.5 And the king sat upon his seat, as at other
is present.'
4 And llie auswercd David, and said, Tkcrc
is no common bread under my hand, l)ut there is
hallowed bread;" if tlic younir men have kejil
themselves at least from women.''
5 And David answered the jtriest, and said unto
him, Of a truth women have been kept from us
about these three days, since I came
out, and the
vessels of the young men arc and the bread
Saul slaydh the pricsls. 1 SAMUEL XXIII. David rescudk Kulah.
less or more.^
16 And the king said, Thou shalt surely die,
Alumelech, thou, and all thy father's house."
17 1 And tlie king said unto the footmen' that
stood about him. Turn, and slay the priests of the
Or. grove in a high place, a ch. 18:14. t Heb. uncoveret/t mine ea
David cscaptlh to Ziph. 1 SAMUEL XXIII. He is pursued by Saul.
David sparcth Saul's life. 1 SAMUEL XXIV. Saul cmifcsselh his fault.
CHAPTER XXY. four hundred men : and two hundred abode * m ivu
1 Siunurl difth. r.iran jcnaelh lo Nsbil.
2 DaviJ 10 ProToked by by Ihe .sintl.'" lucu
Iniriei liiiii in his at Hainah." Ami David were not Jiurt,'" neither missed we any thing, as
arcso. and went down lo tlie wilderness of Paraii.'' long as we were conversant with them, when wc
2 Anil i/icre mas a man in Maoii,'' wliosc po.sses- were in tlie fields.
sions' iccrc in Carinel and tlio man icas very great,
; U) Tiiey were a wall unto us both by night and
and he iiad three thousand slieep, and a tiiousaiul day," all tiie while wc were with tlicm keejiing
goats: and l>o was sliearing his siieep in Carmel. tlie slicep.
3 Now the name of tiic man was Nahai, and the 17 Now tliereforc know and consider what thou
name of iiis wife Abigail; and she was a woman wilt do; for evil is determined against our mas-
of good umlerslaiidiug,'' and of a beautiful coun- ter, and against all his houst-liold for he is sut/i :
tenance; but the man ?m.? ciiurlish and evil in his a son of Belial,'' that a ma?) cannot speak to him.
doings;" and lie ivas of the of Caleb. IS "[Then Abigail made haste, and took two
•4 T And David hoard in tlie that hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and live
Nabal did shear liis sheep/ sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched
5 And David seat out ten young men, and David corn, and a hundred clusters* of raisins, and two
said unto the young men, Get you np to Carmel, hundred cakes of figs, and laid f/i(?n on asses.''
and go to Nabal, and greet him in my name :
19 And she said unto her servants. Go on before
6 And thus sliall ye say to him that livcth in me;'" behold, I come after you. But she told not
prosperity, Peace be botli to tlice, and peace be to her husband Nabal.
thy house, and peace be unto all tliat thou liast." 20 And it Avas so, as she rode on the ass, tiiat
7 And now I have heard tliat thou hast shearers she came down by the covert of the hill, and be-
now thy shei)herds wliich were with u.s, we hurt* hold, David and his men came down against her;
them not, neitiicr was tlicre aught missing unto and she met them.
them, all the while tlioy were in Carmel. 21 Now David had said, Surely in vain have I
8 Ask thy young men, and they will show thee. kept all that this felloio hath in the wilderness, so
Wherefore let tlic young men find favor in thine that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto
eyes; for we come in a good day:'' give, I pray him; and he hath requited me evil for good."
thee,' wliatsoever comctli to tliy hand unto thy ser- 22 So and more also do God unto the enemies
vants, and to thy son David.J of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by
9 And when David's young men came, tliey the morning light any that pisseth against the
spake to Nabal according to all those words in wall.
the name of David, and ceased.^ 23 And when Abigail saw David, she hasted,
10 And Nabal answered David's servants, and and lighted off the ass,' and kU before David on
said. Who is David?" and who is the son of Jesse? her face, and bowed herself to the ground,
there be many servants nowadays that break 2-1 And fell at his feet, and said. Upon me, my
away every man from his master. lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let thy hand-
11 Shall I then take my liread,' and my watei-, maid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience,* and
and my flesh' tliat I have killed for my shearers, hear the words of thy handmaid.
and give it unto men, whom I know not whence 25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard^ this man
they be? of Belial, even Nabal for as his name is, so is he :
12 So David's young and Nabal' is his name, and folly w with him: but I
men turned their way,
went again, and came and told him all those sayings. thy handmaid saw not the young men of my lord,
13 And David said unto his men, Gird ye on whom thou didst send.
every man his sword. And they girded on 26 Now therefore, my lord, as the Lord liveth,
every man his sword and David also girded on and as thy soul liveth, seeing the Lord hath with-
his sword : and there went up after David about holden thee from coming to shed blood," and from
» Ch.2S:3; Num. 20:29; Beut. b Gen. 21:21; Num. 10:12; l.'):3,
3-1:9. mch. .30:24. t Hob./fw upon. • lleb. shamed, n ver. 7. o Exod. 14:2-3;
96. cch. 23:21. • Or, business, d Prov. 14:1; 31:2G, 30. f ver. 10, II, 17. Job 1:10; Jer. 15:20. p 2 Sam. 23:(). 7. t Or, lumps, q Gen. 32:13; Prov.
Gen. 33:13; 2 Sam. 13:2:J. t Heb. ask him in my
name of peare ; ch. 1S:10; 21:14. r Gen. 32:10, 20. « Psa- 109:5; Prov. 17:13. 1 Josh. 15:18.
17:22. B 1 Chr. 12:1S; Luko 10:5. 1 Hcb. shamed; ver. 15, 21. I> Neh. ! Heb. ears, i Hc-b. fey i> to his heart. I That is. Foot. " ver. 33; Gen.
3:10-12; Esther 9:19. iEc<:1.11:2. jl.ukell:41. » Heb. rrsted. k Judg. 2;l:6.
fl:-i3; Psi. 73:7.8; l-i3:3, -1; 32:5, 7. ' Judg. 8:0. I Heb. slaughter.
A. M. 2944. avenging* thyself with thine own hand," 35 So David received of her hand that which
" enemies, and they that seek she had brought him, and said unto her. Go up in
liJeo.™ now let tiiino
evil to my lord, be as Nabal.'' peace to thy house ;™ see, I have hearkened to thy
27 And now this blessing* which thy handmaid voice, and have accepted thy person.
iiath brought unto my lord,'' let it even be given 36 T And Abigail came to Nabal and behold, ;
unto tlie young men that follow* my lord. he held a feast iu his house," like the feast of a
28 I pray thee, forgive the trespass of tliy hand- king and Nabal's heart was merry within him,"
maid: for" the Lord will certainly make my lord for he icas very drunken wherefore she told him
27. This blessing; the present she had brought. and profanely resolve to commit such enormous crimes as
28. Make my lord a sure house; estabHsh and prosjier would cover them with deserved and perpetual disgrace.
him ill his kingdom. 26. All the wisdom needful in conducting a difficult con-
29. ^ man Saul. Soul;\i{e. Bound in the bundle; Burely
; cern, and all the success of human efforts in accomplishing
be preserved. Sting out ; destroy or reject them. it, come from God, and lo him the wise and the good will
37. Hisheartdied; he was overcome and became senseless. give the glory.
30. When one is raised by God to a station of great
INSTRUCTIONS. influence, it is a source of much {pleasure to
power and
1. The removal by death of the wise and good be able to look back and see that he has not swerved from
is a just
cause of lamentation to the living, and should lead to fer- the path of truth and duty in order to obtain it.
vent prayer that God would raise up others to fill their 32. However great the blessings which come through
places, and carry forward his work. the instrumentality of creatures, we should not overlook
6. Kind feelings manifested in kind words and actions, the Creator, or fail to acknowledge his gracious agency in
even towards the evil and unthankful, are means of great the affairs of men; nor while we acknowledge him as the
good to those who indulge them, and tend to the good of source of all good, should we fail to be grateful to the
all who feel their influence. voluntary and benevolent instruments through which his
10. Unkindness and reproaches torment those who in- goodness is bestowed.
dulge in them, and often tempt others to commit sin. 34. None but God knows how many evils may be avert-
14. Servants are often wiser and better than their mas- ed from a foolish and wicked husband by a pious, prudent,
ters, arc more grateful for kindness, and more disposed to and energetic wife.
treat as it deserves.
it 36. A iierson when drunlc is ordinarily not in a cnmlition
15. A
iinidcnt wife is from the Lord, and may be the tobe benefited by conversation, and it is not usually wise,
means hands of unspeakable good to her husband.
in liis while he is iu that state, to attempt to converse witli him.
22. .Men who have nobly withstood great and sore temp- 38. Many a drunkard, after lying for a time as dead, has
tations, may meanly give way to those which are small, been smitten by the Lord, and in less than ten days has
David again spareih 1 SAMUEL XXVI. lU lift of the king
1 Ssul, by the ili»co»rry of the Ziphitcn, comotli to Kscliilah njpiinst
DkviJ. S UnriJ coiniiiK into (Jlo trench Btayi'th Abialmi from killing;
Saul, but tAki'th hia apfar anJ cruse. 13 L>avid reprovetli Abnt-r,
18 anJ cxhorU'th Saul. 21 Saul Bcknowlcdgelli his lin.
1 Saul lie.iriii!; David seeketh no more for him. 5 David
to lie in G-ath,
beg^'ctli Ziltiag of Achisli. S He, invadmj; otiier countries, persuadeth
Acliish he fought against Judah.
AND David
one day by
said in his heart, I shall now per-
the hand of Saul:'' there is
nothing better for me than that I should speedily
escape into tlie land of the Philistines ; and Saul
shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any
coast of Israel so shall I escape out of his hand.
mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way. and David his ten thousands?"
23 But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But Then Achish called David, and said unto him,
his servants, together with the woman, compelled Surely, as the Lord liveth, thou hast been upright,
him and ho hearkened unto their voice. So he and thy going out and thy coming in with me in
rose from the earth, and sat upon the bed. the host is good in my sight:' for I have not
24 And the woman had a fat calf in the house found evil in thee since the day of thy coming
and she hasted, and killed it, and took flour, and unto me unto this day -J nevertheless the lords
kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof: favor thee not.'
25 And she brought it before Saul, and before 7 Wliercfore now return, and go in peace, that
his servants and they did eat. Then they rose thou displease not* tlie lords of the Philistines.
up, and went away that night. 8 And David said unto Achish, But what have
CHAPTER XXIX. so long as I have been with* thee unto this day,
1 David marching witli (lie Philistines, 3 is disallowed hy tlieir princes. that I may not go fight against the enemies of my
6 Achish disniisseth him, with commendations of Ins fidelity. lord the king?
NOW the Philistines gathered together all 9 And Achish answered and said to David, I
their armies'' to Aphek:'' and the Israelites know that thou art good in my sight, as an angel
pitched by a fountain whicli is in Jezreel. of God:" notwithstanding, the princes of the Phi-
2 And the lords of the Philistines passed on by listines have said, He shall not go up with us to
hundreds, and by thousands: but David and his the battle.'
men passed on in the rearward with Aeliish. 10 Wherefore now rise up early in the morning
3 Then said the princes of the Philistines, What with thy master's servants that are come with
do these Hebrews here? And Achish said unto thee and as soon as ye be up earlj' iu the morn- :
the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, ing, and have light, depart.
the servant of Saul the king of Israel, which hath 11 So David and his men rose up early to depart
been witli me these days,"* or these years, and I in the morning, to return into the land of the
Jiave found no fault iu him since he fell unto me Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jez-
unto this day?'' reel."
>Ch. 19:5. bch. a8:I,3. «ch.4:l. d oh. 27:7. f oh. 25:28; Dan. 6:5. in the eyes of. t lleb. before, k 2 Sam. 14:17; 19:27. li
I 1 Chr. 12:19. e ch. 14:21. h ch. 18:7. > 2 Sam. 3:2.i; 2 Kings 19:27.
J ver. 3. • Heb. tliau art not goodin the eyes of the lords, t Heb. do .lot evil
often commit sins which they once had earnestly opposed, now found himself in a very embarrassing situation. He
and go from one degree of iniquity to another, till they must accompany Achish to the war against Israel, and
become own destroyers.
their there either betray the man who had honored him with
10. Men who wish to commit crimes themselves are his highest confidence, or fight against his own country-
often ready to connive at them in others, and if need be, men. From this dilemma it pleased God to deliver him
to bind themselves by awful imprecations to secure them through the distrust of the lords of the Philistines a ;
into the friendship and confidence of Achish, and been which he had in view, they behold new manifestations of
made keeper of his Ufc. The consequence was that he his wisdom, kindness, and grace.
I Thp Am»lckilcii «roil JCitln-. •! P^vicl mVin" counncl ii cncourngrd
by God to piirtur Uuin. II Kv thv iiuans ol n rt-virrd Ecyplinn ho
is brou^'lit to tliv fiiriiiii's, mill rccovcroUi ull iKu kpoil. '£1 L)avi(l'ii
law to (livjili' iJlc «i<«i1 fqiinlly bctM'ren tliiin that licht and thciii thnt
kri'P thr &iutr. 'JC lit' stndi-ih presents to his rricnus.
AND it came
were come
to pass, wlicn
to Ziiclag
David and
on the third day, that
liis men
1 Saul having army, and his sons slain, he and his armor-bearer
lost his
kill themselves.7 The Philistmes possess the forsaken towns of the
Israelites. 8 They triumph over the dead carcasses. 11 They of
Jabesh-gilead. recovering the bodies by night, burn them at Jabesli,
and mournfully bury their bones.
CHAPTER I. me, and slay me for anguish is come upon u. ": iSm:
NOW came
when David was
it to pass after the death of Saul,
returned from the slaugh-
fallen and I took the crown that uas upon his
est thou? And he said unto him. Out of the camp Vi 1\ And David said unto the young man that
of Israel am I escapsd. told him, Whence art thou? And he answered, I
4 him, How went* the mat-
And David said unto am the son of a stranger, an Amalekite.
ter? I pray me. And he answered, that
thee, tell 14 And David said unto him, How
wast thoii
the people are fled from the battle, and many of not afraid to stretch forth thy hand to destroy the
the i)eople also are fallen and dead ; and Saul Lord's anointed ?''
and Jonilhan his son are dead also. 15 And David called one of the young men, and
5 And David said unto the young man that told said. Go near, and fall upon him. And he smote
him, How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan him that he died.
his son be dead? IG And David said unto him. Thy blood he upon
6 And the young man that told him said, As I thy head;'' for thy mouth hath testified again.^t
happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, thee,8 saying, I have slain the Lord's anointed.
Saul leaned upon his spear;'' and lo, the chariots 17 IT And David lamented with this lamentation
and horsemen followed hard after him. over Saul and over Jonathan his son:
7 And when he looked behind him, he saw me, 18 (Also he bade them teach the children of
and called unto me. And I answered, Here ajn I.* Judah the use o/"tho bow: behold, it is written in
8 And he said unto me. Who art thou? And I the book of Jasher:'*')
answered him, I am an Amalekite. 19 The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high
9 He said unto me again. Stand, I pray thee, upon places:' how are the mighty fallen I^
« 1 Sim. 30:17-26. b l Sam. 4;1-.', IB. •
Heb. What was, etc.: 1 Sam. 13:31. e 1 Sam. a):6; 26:9; 105:1.5. f 1 Kings 2:32, 33, 37. g vcp
4:16. <: 1 Sam. :31:1.9, etc. t Heb. Behold me; 1 Sam. 23:12. 1 Or. nij 10; Luke 19:22. 5 Or, the upright, t Josh. 10:13. i Lam. 2:1. i Lani
coat ofmaily or my
emhroidered coat, hindereth me, t!iat my, etc. d ch. 3:31
It. The Lord's anointed; him whom God had anointed is, Saul and .Jonathan, here called the beauty or glory of
to ))e kincr. Israel.
David's lamentation. SAMUEL II. David made king nf Judah.
high places.
26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jona-
than very pleasant hast thou been unto me thy
: :
1 David, by God's direction, with his company goeth up to Hebron,
where he is made king of Judah. 5 He commendeth them of Jabe^h-
gilead for their kindness to Saul. 8 Abner maketh Ish-bosheth king
of Israel. A mortal skirmisli between twelve of Abiier's and twelve
of Joab's men. IS Asahel is slain. 25 At Abner's motiorx Joab
souiideth a retreat. 32 Asahei's burial.
13 And .loiib tlic under the fd"th r//*," that tlio spear came out am s^r
son of Zcrniali, an<l llic Hcr-
vuiits of l);i\iiJ, went mil, and mot toj^ctlior* hy lieliinil him: and lie fell down there, and luJ*
Itio pool of IJiln'on: and they sat down, tli(> one died in the siime jjlace: and it came to pass, t/ial
on tlic one side of llie pool, and tlie otlier on the iis nuuiy as came to the place where Asahel fell
other side of the pool. !ind died, stood still. down
14 And Aimer said to Joab, Let the yonni; men 21 .loab also and Abi.-hai pursued after Abner:
now arise, and play before us." And Joab said, and the sun went (hnvn when they were come to
Let th(Mn arise. the hill of Annnah, that liit/i before Giah by the
1.') Tiieii there arose and went over by number way of the wilderness of Gibeon.
twelve of IJenjaniin, whicii pertained to Isii-bosheth 2.5 * And the children of Benjamin gathered
tlie son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of Ihemselves together after Abner, and became one
the head, and t/inist his sword in iiis fellow's the sword tlcvour for ever?'' knowest thou not
side; so they fell down together: wherefore that that it will bo bitterness in the latter end?' how
place was called Helkatli-hazzurira,* wiiich is in long shall it be then, ere thou bid the people
Gibcon. return froiu following their brethren?
17 And there was a very sore battle that day; 27 And Joab said, JJs God liveth, unless thou
and Abner was beaten/' and the men of Israel, hadst spoken,' surely then in' the morning the
before the servants of David. people had gone up* every one from following his
18 And tliere were tlirec sons of Zcruiali there,
"li brother.
.loab, and Abishai, and Asahcl:'' and Asaliel was 28 So Joab blew a trumpet, and all the people
as liglit of foot' as a wild roe.''' stood still, and pursued after Israel no more,
19 And Asahol pursued after Abner; and in neither fought thoy any more.
going lie turned not to the riglit hand nor to the 29 And Abner and his men walked all that night
left iVoni following' Abner. through the i)lain, and passed over Jordan, and
20 Then Al)ner looked behind liini, and said, went through all Bithron, and tlicy came to Maha-
Jlrt thou Asahol? And he answered, I am. naim.''
21 And Abner said to him. Turn tiioc aside to 30 And Joab returned from following Abner:
thy right hand or to tliy left, and lay thee hold and when he had gathered all the people together,
on one of the young men, and take thee his armor there lacked of David's servants nineteen men and
Ibit Asahol would not turn aside from following Asahel.
of liim. 31 But the servants of David had smitten of
22 And Abner said again to Asahol, Turn thee Benjamin, and of Abner's men, so that three hun-
aside from following me: wherefore should I smite dred and threescore men died.
thee to the ground? how then should I hold up 32 1 And they took up Asahel, and buried him
my face to Joab thy brother?' in the sepulchre of his father, which was in Beth-
23 Howbeit he refused to turn aside: wherefore lehem. And Joab and his men went all night, and
Abner with the hinder end of his spear smote him they came to Hebron at break of day.
• Keh. thrm together. ajer.41:l2. b Prov. lO:*!. f That is. T/ie/fWo/ nfler. ^ Or, .:poil; Juig.M-.ia. fch.3:a7. S ch. 3:27: 4:6; 20:10. Iich.
strong men. cch.3:l. J 1 Clir. 2:IG. t lleb of his feel. ( iUb. as one Il:i5; Isi. 1:-.J0; Jer. 4U:10,14. i ver. 16; Prov. 17:14. JIsa.47:7. *
of the roes thai \3 in the field, e 1 Chr. 1-2:S; Songs'2:17; S:H. I Ileb. from, t Or, awaij. k ver. 12.
14. Plaij before us; the meaning of this proposal was, ance, will see the path of duty, and in walking in it will
that a chosen number from each army should make a trial find great reward.
of their strength in fighting. 3.Those who have befriended and assisted us in ad-
16. Helkath-hazzuriin ; meaning, according to some, the versity, should be gratefully remembered and duly hon-
field of the strong men according to others, the field of
; ored by us in prosperity.
the swords. 5. Gratitude and kindness to benefactors are not only
18. Zeiitm/i. a sister of David. iChron. 2:1R.
,• but the surest means of securing gratitude and
21. Take thee hia armor; he means to say, that if Asahel kindness in return, and thus promoting the good of all
is determined to fight, he should choose some one over concerned.
whom he could prevail. 8. Men who aspire to power, and grasp at the posses-
26. Bitterness in tlie latter end; the unrelenting persecu- sion of it without asking counsel of God or inquiring
tion of your brethren will exasperate them and drive tliem whether it is right, though they may for a time succeed,
to extremities, and thus bring great calamities on you as will in the end find it to be a source of vexation, bitter-
well as on them. ness, and sorrow.
27. Unless thou hadst spoken ; tliat is, according to some, 14. Warriors often treat the butchering of men as a
c;hallenged the young men to combat, ver. 14. Iladst thou matter of sport, and thus show themselves to be children
in the morning of to-day shown a disposition for peace, of him who was a murderer from the beginning, and who
my followers would have retired from thee in peace. as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may
Others suppose him to mean, Unless thou hadst now spo- devour. .Tohn8:44; 1 Pet. 5:8.
ken, the pursuit would not have ended till the morning of 21. Ambition to be distinguished as a warrior has often
to-morrow. Gone up; to the higher region of Hebron. proved a man's ruin, and from the height of expectation
29. Bithron ; a hilly country between the .Jordan and and effort he has fallen suddenly into an untimely grave.
Mahanaim. 26. Want of success in war often disposes men to peace,
INSTRUCTIONS. and leads them to speak very differently about the evils
of war from what they did when it began and though ;
1. Men who in all their ways acknowledge Ood. seek they have been the cause of their own troubles, they often
direction from him, and are disposed to follow his guid- try to throw the blame of them on others.
1 Durin'T the war David waxeth
still 2 Six sons were born to
hirii in Hebron. 6 Abner, displeased with Ish-bosheth, 12 revolteth to
Daviil. 13 David requireth a condition to bring him his wife Michal.
17 Abner, having communed with the Israelites, is feasted by David,
and dismissed. 22 Joab, returning from battle, is displeased with the
kiu". and killeth Abner. 28 David curseth Joab, 31 and mourneth
for Abner.
Ippor," or tli.1t Ii'aiictli on a stafT, or that fallcth on 2 And Saul's son had two mon l/iat were * m mm.
tlicswonl. or that hicki'th liroad. captains of bands: the iiaiiic of the one i"<"'
33 And the king lamented over Abner, and said, to pass, as she made haste to (lee, that he fell, and
Died Abner as a fool diethV liecanie lame. And his name was Jlejihibosheth.'
34 Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet put into 5 And the sons of Riminon the Bcerothite. Re-
fetters as a man falleth before wicked men,* w fell-
: chab and Baanah. went, and came about the heat
est thou. And all the people wept again over him. of the (lay to the house of Ish-bosheth, who lay on
35 And when all the jieople came to cause David a bed at noon.
to cat meat while it was yet day,'' David sware, 6 And they came thither into the midst of the
saying. So do God to me, and more also, if I taste house, as though they would have fetched wheat;
bread, or aught else, till the sun be down.'' and they smote him under the fifth rib:° and Re-
36 And all tlie people took notice of it, and it chab and Baanah his brother escaped.
pleased them * as whatsoever the king did pleased
: 7 For when they came into the house, he lay on
all the people. his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him,
37 For all the people and all Israel understood and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his
that day that it was not of the king to slay Abner head, and gat them away through the plain all
the son of Nor. night.
38 And the king said unto his servants. Know 8 And they brought the head of Ish-bosheth unto
ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen David to Hebron, and said to the king. Behold
this day in Israel? the head of Ish-bosheth the son of Saul thine ene-
39 And I am this day weak,^ though anointed my, which sought thy life;'' and the Lord hath
king and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too
; avenged my lord the king this day of Saul, and
hard for me:"^ the Lord shall reward the doer of of his seed.
iBvil according to his wickedness.'' 9 11 And David answered Rechab and Baanah
his brother, the sons of Rinimon the Beerothite,
and said unto them, Jis the Lord liveth, who hath
redeemed my soul out of all adversity,"
The Israelites being troubled at the death of Abner, 2 Baanah and
10 When one told me, saying. Behold, Saul is
» Lev. n:2, etc. 1> ch. 1:2, 11; Josh. 7:0. c Gen. 37:34. • Heb. bed. 1 Sam. 29:1, II. H Or, MeWi-iaa/. 1 Chr. 8:34; 9:40. ocb.2:23. P 1 Sara.
4 Prov. 18:7; Jer. 17:11. tKeb.cliildrtnofiniquiUj. ech. 12:17. '.Tudg. .9:2, 10. 11; 23:15; 25:29; Psa. 63:9. 10; 71:24. 1 Gen. 48:16; 1 Sam.
20:26. illeb.-uias goodinlhiireyrs. iUeh. tender. ech.l9:6,7- h I Kinjs >6:24; 1 Kings 1:29; Psa. 31:7; 34:0, 7, 17. rch. 1:2-16. • Heb. At tool
2:.'), 6. 33: Psa. 7:10; 28:4; (52:12; 2 Tim. 4:14. Ezra 4:4; Isa. 13:7. '.n his own eyes as a bringer of. t Or, which was the reward I gave him.
i Matt, 2:3. I Heb. second, k Josh. 1»:25. ' Neh. 11:33. " ch. 9:3.
34. Sofellest thou; by the hand of an assassin. become our friends, them as such, yet wo
we may treat
39. Weak —
too hard ; David was not able then to punish cannot and ought not to repose full confidence in them
the murderers, on account of their great influence with till by their conduct.
their professions are verified
the army. 25. Men may appear very anxious to accomplish one
INSTRUCTIONS. object, when they are looking principally at another and ;
1. Though the accomplishment of divine promises may may denounce others for deception, while they are seek-
for a time be delayed, yet all things will conspire to their ing to practise it themselves.
ultimate fulfilment. power that they
39. None are so high in authority and
2. Men who
depart from the original constitution of God can commit murder with imiJunity. Though they should
with regard to marriage, will find the way of transgressors not be punished by men, the vengeance of God in duo
hard, and may expect, through life, to reap the sad fruits time will overtake them, and they will sink under his
of their folly. indignation. 1 Kings 2:5, 6, 32-34.
8. Men often revolt from the charge, and even from the
Buspicion of crime, who have no hesitation in commit- CHAPTER IV.
ting it. Beeroth; a city near Gibeon.
12. Selfish and ambitious men when disappointed in 4. The tidings came; of the death of Saul and Jonathan.
one quarter will turn to another and in prosecuting their
6. v4.s though they would hove fetched wheat ; more literally,
objects will sell themselves to the highest bidder. fetching wheat. To conceal their guilty purpose they
18. Such is the wickedness of men, that they will often fetcheri wheat, as though this was their business.
act in opposition to what they know to be the revealed 7. Tlie plain ; the Jordan valley, which lay between Ma-
will of God. hanaim and Hebron.
20. When those who have been our enemies profess to 10. One told me; chap. 1:2-16.
2 Also in time past, when Saul was king over born to David.
us, thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest 14 And these be the names of those that were
in Israel:'' and the Lord said to thee, Thou slialt born unto him in Jerusalem; Shammuah,' and
feed my people Israel,'^ and thou shalt be a cap- Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,
tain over Israel.'' 1.5 Ibhar also, and Elishua,"' and Nepheg, and
anointed David king over Israel. had anointed David king over Israel, all the Phi-
4 1 David was thirty years old when he began listines came up to seek David and David heard ;
to reign, and he reigned forty years.J of it, and went down to the hold."
5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years 18 The Philistines also came and spread them-
and six mouths: and in Jerusalem he reigned selves in the valley of Rephaim.''
thirty and three years over all Israel and Judah. 19 And David inquired of the Lord,i saying.
6 IT And the king and his men went to Jerusa- Shall I go up to the Philistines? wilt thou deliver
lem unto the Jebusites,'' the inhabitants of the them into my hand? And the Lord said unto
land: which spake unto David, saying. Except David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the
thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt Philistines into thy hand.
not come in hither: thinking, David cannot* come 20 And David came to Baal-perazim, and David
in hither. smote them there, and said. The Lord hath bro-
7 Nevertheless, David took the strong-hold of ken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the
Zion the same is the city of David.'
breach of waters. Therefore he called the name
8 And David said on tliat day. Whosoever get- of that place Baal-perazim.*
»(;en 9:3,6. bch.I:15. » ch. 3:32. dlChr.ll:!. ejudg.9:2. ( 1 Sam. the house. I Heh. going and growing, ml
Kings 5:1. i Hei. hewers of
18:13. e Psa. 73:70-72. Iilsa.55:4. 2 Kin?3 11 :17; Neh. 9:3ti. j 1 Chr.
i theslom of the wall, n Deut. 17:17; 1 Chr. 14:3. I Or. Shimea, 1 Chr.
29:27. k Josh. 15:03. • Oi, saying, David shall not. U Kings 8:1. t Or, 3:5. 1 Or, Elishama, 1 Chr. 3:6. • Or, Beeliada, 1 Chr. 14:7. o ch. 23:14.
Because they had said, even the blind and the lame. He shall not come into P Josh. 15:8; 1 Chr. 11:15. qjaines4:15. \ T\\z.t. is, The plain of breaclies
11. A righteous person; inuocent as to his murderers, mission of sin, wiU meet with sure and woful disappoint-
one who had done them no wrong. ment.
1. A common method by which God overthrows nations 1. Then came all the tribes; David had before reigned
and parties that oppose themselves to liis rigliteous cause, over only the tribe of Judah. Yer. 5.
is to take from them the wise and strong men to wliom 2. Feed my people; this is the first time a ruler is spoken
children are exposed, and the kindness of God in their inhabited by the Jebusites. Except thou take the blind and —
preservation and comfort is constant and great. the lame ; rather thus Thou shalt not come in hither but
: ;
C. Rulers who depend for support only on soldiers, can the blind and the lame shall take thee away that is, though
never be safe many who for a time fight for them will,
; we had only the blind and lame, they could repel thee.
when they hope to be gainers, fight against them and 8. Tlie lame and the blind; the Jebusites themselves, with
1 David fetcheth the ark from Kiriatli-jt-arim on a new cart. 6 Uzzah
is smitten at Perez-uzzah. 9 G-od blesseth Obed-edom for the ark.
12 David bringing the ark into Zion with sacrifices, danceth before it,
for which Michal despiseth him. 17 He placeth it in a tabernacle
with great joy and fea-sting. '20 Michal reprovmg David for his relig-
ious joy. is childless to her death.
and set it in his place," in the midst of the See now, I dwell in a house of cedar,'' but the ark
tabernacle that David had pitched* for it: and of God dwolleth within curtains.'
David offered burnt-oifcrings and peace-offerings 3 And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that
before the Lord." isin thy heart; for the Lord is wilh thee.
18 And as soon as David had made an end of of- 4 1 And it came to pass that night, that the
fering burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, he blesS' word of the Lord came unto Nathan, saying,
ed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts." 5 Go and tell my servant David,* Thus saith the
19 And he dealt among all the people, even Lord, Shalt thou build me a house for mc to
among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to dwell in?™
the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in avy house since
and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.^ the time that I brought up the children of Israel
So all the people departed every one to his house. out of Egypt, even to this day, but have walked
20 1 Then David returned to bless his house- in a tent and in a tabernacle.
hold." And Michal the daughter of Saul came 7 In all the places wherein I have walked with
out to meet David, and said. How glorious was all the children of Israel" spake I a word with
the king of Israel to-day, who uncovered himself any of the tribes' of Israel, whom I commanded
to-day in the eyes of the handmaids of his ser- to feed my people Israel," saying. Why build ye
vants,'' as one of the vain fellows shamelessly* not me a house of cedar?
uncovereth himself 1 8 Now therefore so shalt thou say unto my ser-
21 And David said unto Michal, It was before vant David, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I took
the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and thee from the sheepcote, from following^ the sheep,
before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the to be ruler over my people, over Israel
people of the Lord, over Israel :'> therefore will I 9 And I was with thee whithersoever thou went-
play before the Lord. est,'' and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy
came to pass, when the king sat in his
and the Lord had given him rest
12 *[[ And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou
shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed
round about from all his enemies ;' after thee," which shall proceed out of thy bowels,
2 That the king said unto Nathan the prophet, and I will establish his kingdom.
alChr.l6:l. • Hfsh. stretched, b I Kings 9:5. 63. » F.xod. 39:43; 1 Kings 23 14; 2Cor- 6:10. i Judges, I Chr. 17:6 o ch. 5:2; Psa. 78:71, 72; Jer.
8:55. d2Chr. 30:21; 35:7, 8, 1-2; Neh. 8:10. e Psi. 3(1, title; lUl :2. tver. 3:15; Matt. 2:0; Acls20:28; 1 Pet 5:2, 1 Heb. a//er. Poh,5:ld; 1 Sam.
14, IC; 1 Sim. 19:24. 1 Oi. openly. E 1 Sam. 13: 14; 15:28. I Or, of the 18:14. •Heb. from thy faee. q Psa. 18:37-42. r Gen, 12:2. » Psa. 44:2;
handmaids of my servants, h 1 Sam. l.i;35. 1 Chr. 17:1.
i > Fsa. 18, title. Jer. 24:6. I Ezek. 28:24 ; Ecv. 21:4. » 1 Kings 11:38. vlKings8:20;
n ch. 5:11. 1 Exod. 2li:l, etc.; 40:21. S Heb. to my servant, to David. Psa. 132:11,12.
n 1 Kings 5:3; 8:1G-19; 1 Chr. 22:8; 28:3, etc. " Lev. 26:11, 12; Deut.
20. Uncovered himself; he had laid aside his royal robes ion be disconnected from those of the family and the closet;
fur the ephod of the priests, ver. 14. but regular attendance on the one should be a prepara-
21. It was before the Lord; for the purpose of honoring tion for the conscientious and habitual performance of the
him. Will I play; or, I did play. other.
Those who know by experience the pleasure and
INSTRUCTIONS. benefit of ferventlyworshipping God in spirit and in truth,
Rulers and people should without any unnecessary
2. will not be deterred from it by the sneers and scoffs of
delay establish the worship of God, and regularly attend, friends or foes; but will resolve in his strength, whatever
according to his will, upon all the ordinances of his ap- others may do, to be more and more devoted, for time
pointment. and eternity, to his service.
6. Irreverence and rashness in our approaches to God
and confer the hi.ghest and most durable honor upon per- son of David according to the flesh, to whom God gave
sons of all descriptions. the throne of his father David. Luke 1 32, 33. The com-
18. Acts of pitty should never be dissociated from those plete fulfilraent, therefore, of this prophecy can only be in
of charity and mercy nor should the public duties of relig-
; Christ's everlasting kingdom.
13 Tie shall build a Imii^o for my name, and I pie Israel tohc a people unto thee for ever :'
u. ? JJ2;
will c'stalilisli tlio tindiif <it' his kinj^doin lor ever. and thou, LoitD, art liccmiic their God.'
14 I will l>i' his lallu'r, and ho shall be my son." l!5 And now, O Loud God, the word that thou
If he commit inii|uity, I will chasten him with the hast spoken concerning tliy servant, and concern-
rod of men, and with the stripes of the children ing his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou
of men. hast said.
15 But my mercy shall not depart away from 26 And let thy name be magnified for ever, say-
liim.'' as I took it from Saul, wliom I put away ing. The Lord of hosts is the God over Israel
before thee. and let the house of thy servant David be estab-
16 And thy and thy kingdom shall be lished before thee.
established for ever before thcc: thy throne shall 27 For thou, Lord of hosts, God of Israel,
be established for ever." hast revealed* to tliy servant, saying, I will build
17 According to all these words, and accord- thee a therefore hath thy servant found in
ing to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto his heart to pray this prayer unto thee.
David. 28 And now, Lord God, thou art that God,
18 *! Then went king David in, and sat before and thy words be true,'' and thou hast promised
the Lord, and ho said. Who am I, Lord Gon?'' this goodness unto thy servant:
and what is my house, that thou hast brought me 29 Therefore now let it please thee to bless* the
hitherto? house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever
19 And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, before thee;: for thou, Lord God, hast spoken
Lord God; but thou hast spoken also of thy it: and with thy blessing let the house of thy ser-
servant's house for a great while to come. And vant be blessed for ever.'
is this the manner* of man, O Lord God?
20 And what can David say more unto thee? for
thou, Lord God, knowest thy servant.
David subdueth tlie Philistines and the Moabites. 3 He smiteth
21 For thy word's sake," and according to thine 1
Hadadezer, and the Syrians. 9 Toi sendeth Joram with presents to
own heart, hast thou done all these great things, bless hiin. II The presents and the spoil David dedicateth to God.
to make thy servant know them. 14 He putteth garrisons in Edom. 16 David's officers.
besides thee," according to all that we have heard and David took Metheg-ammah* out of the hand
"with our ears. of the Philistines.
23 And what one nation in the earth is like thy 2 And
he smote Moab," and measured them with
people, even like Israel," whom God went to redeem a line, casting them down to the grotmd ;° even
for a people to himself, and to make him a name, with two lines measured he to jiut to death, and
and to do for you great things and terrible, for with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moab-
thy land, before thy people, which thou redeem- ites became David's servants," and brought gifts."
edst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and 3 ^ David smote also Hadadezer,' the son of
their gods? Rehob, king of Zobah, as he went to recover his
24 For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy peo- border at the river Euphrates.
» Psa. 89:20-37. 1 Kings 11
b 13, 34. c John 12:34; Heb. 1:8.
d Gen. bf thou pleased andbtess. 1 ch. 22:51. I Chr. 18:1. § Or, Tht bridle of
33:10: Eph. 3:8. Heb. toio. e Psi. 138:2; Ezek. 36:22. 32. fjer.
• 10:6, Ammah. n Num. 24:17. o ch. 12:31. 'ver. 6, 14. q 1 Sam. 10:27; Psi.
7. hPsi. 147:20. "Deut. 26:18. iPsi 48:14. t
5 Isa. 45:5. IS, 22. Ueb. 72:10. I Or, HaJareztr, 1 Chr. 13:3.
openedMe for; Ruth4:4; 1 .Sam. 9:15; Psa. 40:8. k John 17:17. 1 Heb.
expected to result to them, to their children, and to all ing them to lie down upon the ground. The meaning
who may feel their influence. seems to be, that he compelled the captives to lie down
8. A faithful review of the goodness of God to us is upon the ground in regular order, and then measured off
suited to fill us with humility and self-abasement, and two portions of them to be slain, and one to be preserved.
also with adoring gratitude and praise. 3. Zobah; a part of Syria north-east of Palestine.
1 ; :
food to cat: l>iit Mopliilmslicth thy master's Bon TAnd whonthechiMrcnof Ammonsaw a.miwit.
sliall cat alway at my tabic." Now Ziba that tiicy stank bclorr liiivid.'' tJir children 'lo-v'""
had lit'lccn fioii'^ ami twenty servants.'' of Aniinon sent and hired the Syrians of Bcth-
11 Then said Zil)a unto the kinij, According to reliob, and the Syrians of Zoba, twenty thousand
all that niy lord the king hath connnandcd liis footmen,' and of king Maacali a thousand men, and
servant, ."^o shall thy servant do. As for Mcpliilj- of Ish-tob* twelve thousand men.
oslieth, said the Icing, he shall eat at uiy table, as 7 And when David heard of it, he sent Joab, and
one of the kini^'s sons. all the host of the mighty men.-'
12 .Vnd ^lopliiboshetli Iiad a young son, whose 8 And the children of Amnion came out, and
name was Miclia." And all tliat dwelt in tlie put the battle in array at the entering in of tin;
house of Ziba were servants unto Jlcphibosiicth. gate and the Syrians of Zoba, and of Kehob, and
13 So Mcphiboslicth dwelt in Jerusalem: for he Ish-tob, and Maacah, were by themselves in the
did cat continually at the king's table;'' aud was fleld.''
lame on both his feet. 9 When Joab saw that the front of the battle
was against him before and behind, he chose of
all the choice men of Israel, and put them in array
CHAPTER X. against the Syrians:'
David's messenjers, sent to comfort Hcvnun the son of Nahash, are \ril-
lanously entreated. 6 The Ammonites, strengthened by tlie Syrians,
10 And the rest of the people he delivered into
are overcome by Joab and AbisKai. \^i Shob-icb, makin^^ a new sup- the hand of Abishai his brother, that he miglit put
ply of the Syrians at H'jlam, is slain by David.
them in array against the children of Amnion.
AND it came to pass after this, that tiie king
of the children of Amnion died, and Hanun
1 And he said, If the Syrians be too strong for
me, then thou shalt help me: but if the children
his sou reigned in his stead.'' of Amnion be too strong for thee, then I will come
2 Then said David, I will show kindness unto Ha- and helj) thee.
nun the sonofNaliash, as his father showed kindness 12 good courage,'" and let us play the men
IJe of
unto me. And David sent to comfort hiin by the for our people," and for the cities of our God
hand of his servants for his fatiicr. And David's ser- and the Lorti do that which scemeth him good."
vants came into the land of the children of Amnion. 13 And Joab drew nigh, and the people that
3 And the princes of the children of Amnion were with him, unto the battle against the Syrians:
said unto Hanun their lord, Thiukest thou tiiat and they fled before him.''
David doth* iionor thy father, that he hath sent 1-1 And when the children of Ammon saw that
comforters unto thee? hath not David rather sent the Syrians were fled, then fled they also before
his servants unto thee, to search the city, and to Abishai, and entered into the city. So Joab re-
spy it out, and to overthrow it?' turned from the children of Ammon, and came to
4 Wherefore Hanun took David's servants, and Jerusalem.
shaved off the one half of their beards, and cut 15 1 And when the Syrians saw that they were
off their garments in the middle, even to their but- smitten before Israel, they gathered themselves
tocks," and sent them away. together.
5 When they told it unto David, he sent to meet 16 And Hadarezer sent, and brought out the
them, because the men were greatly ashamed and : Syrians that were beyond the river;* and they
the king said. Tarry at Jericho until your beards came to Ilelam and Shobach ^ the captain of the
• Ueh In. thine eyes dotli David. ( Gen. 42:9. « Isa. 20:1; 47:2. i Gen. 9. Nch. 4:14. n 1 Sam. 4:9; 1 Cor. 10:13. o JuJg. 10:15; 1 Sam. 3:1?.
34;:i0; Exod. 5:21; 1 Sara. 13:4. ich.8:3,5. t Ot, Tlie men of Tot, ; J aig. PPsa. 0S:1, 12. I That is, £upAm(e». 1 Or, S/iop/mcA, 1 Chr. 10: 16.
sat at the king's tabic, he needed a suitable provision for of the East, the mutilating of the beard is considered a
his household. great disgrace.
13. Was tame; chap. 4:4. 5. Jericho; one of the first towns to which they came,
1 While Joab besieged Rabbah, David committeth adultery with Bath-
sheba. 6 Uriah, sent for by David to cover the adultery, would not
go home neither sober nor drunken. 14 He carrieth to Joab the letter
of his death. IS Joab sendeth the nevre thereof to David. 26 David
taketh Bath-sheba to wife.
21 Who smote Abiniclech (lie son of .TcniMip- anil i( grew up together with him, and with a. m z>:o.
shctli?'" did not a woiiiiiii cast a piece ofa iiiillslone his chihlrcii: it did eat of his own meat,' 'iu«'
upon him from the wall, that he died in Theljc/.V ami drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom,*'
whv went ye niirh the wall? Then say thou, Thy and was unto him as a daughter.
servant Uriah the Ilittite is dead also. 4 And there came a traveller unto the rich man,'
22 •. So the messenger went, and came and show- and he spared to lake of his own Hock and of his
ed David all that Joab had sent him for. own herd, to dress for the wayfai-ing man that
23 And the messenger said unto David, Purely was come unto him; but took the poor man's
the men prevailed against us, and eamc out unto lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come
us into the held, and wo were upon them even to him.
uuto the entering of the gate. 5 And David's anger was greatly kindled against
2-i And the shooters shot from off the wall upon the man and lie said to Nathan, Jh the Lord
tortureth the people thereof. and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to
AND the Lord sent Nathan unto David. And be tliy wife.
he came unto him,' and said unto him,'^ There 11 Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will raise up
were two men in one city the one rich, and the evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will
other poor. take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them
2 The rich man had exceeding many flocks and unto thy neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives
herds in the sight of this sun."'
3 But the poor man had nothing, save one little 12 For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this
ewe-lamb, which he had bought and nourished up thing before all Israel, and before the sun.
• JeruMaat, laie.
6:3-2. "JudK0:53. 1 Heb. be evil in Mneeyes. I Heb. thy to die, or is a son of death; 1 Sam. 20:16. J Exod. 22:1 Luke 19:S.
io and
such, b Eccl. 9:2, 3, la. » ch. 12;26. i ch. 12:!); Deut. aai-iS. k 1 Sam. 16:13. 1 Psa. 18, title. n> ch. 5:5. « 1 Sam. 15:19. o Num.
iTl^i,. was
evil in the eyes of. elChr. 21:7. f Psa. 51, title. S ch. 14:5, 15:31; Isa. 5:2-1; Amos 2:4. P ch. 11: 15-27. q Amos 7:9; Matt. 26:52.
et«.; 1 Kings 20:35. 41; Isa. 5:1-7; Matt. 21:.33, etc.; Luke 15:11, etc.; rch. 16:22; Deut. 28:30.
16:19,etc. W.A.Tnorsel. h Prov. 5:18, 10. iGen.lS:2,7. 1 Or, is wor-
21. Jerubhesheth ; Jerubbaal, Gideon. Judg. 6:32; 8:35; from the guilt of shedding, with cool dehberation, a bene-
9:53. factor's blood.
25. This thing; the loss of his men. 25. Death-like moral insensibility is one of the fruits of
allowed and continued iniquity the soul under its influ- ;
to commit anotlier and another, and, without the grace of 9. Thou hast killed; a man is said to do, and is held
God, the soul will go on adding sin to sin for ever. responsible for doing, wliat he causes to be done.
8. All attempts to hide iniquity, and to prevent the final 10. The sword shall never depart; there would be war and
disclosure of it, are vain. They may for a time screen it various distresses in liis family to the end of his life.
from the view of men, but God will at length bring it all Ver. 11. Thoit hast despised me; by regarding his own
to light. Matt.lO:2C. sinful gratification more than tlie will of God.
14. The soul under the blinding, polluting, and harden- II. / untl take thy wives; chap. 16:21, 22.
ing power of sin, can plot the ruin of a most devoted and 12. I will do this thing; it would take place in the course
self-denying friend, and no generous emotion keep it back of God's providence,"through the wickedness of Absa-
1 :
1 Aninnn loving TBiiiar. liy counsel fi'igning himiclf •ick,
' I Ch
hath slain all the king's sous, and there is not one
of them left.
Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that
the king's heart icas toward Absalom."
31 Tlien the king arose, and tare his garments," 2 And Joab sent to Tekoah," and fetched thence
and lay on the earth/ and all his servants stood a wise woman, and said unto her, I pray thee, feign
by with their clothes rent. thyself to be a mourner, and put on now mourn-
32 And Jonadab,'^ the son of Shimeah David's ing apparel, and anoint not thyself with oil, but
brother, answered and said, Let not my lord sup- be as a woman that had a long time mourned for
jjose that they have slain all the young men the the dead
king's sons for Amnon only is dead for by the
; 3 And come to the king, and speak on this man-
appointment* of Absalom tliis hath been deter- ner unto him. So Joab put the words in her
mined" from the day that he forced his sister mouth.
Tamar. 4 IT And when the woman of Tekoah spake to
33 Now therefore let not my lord the king take the king, she fell on her face to the ground," and
the thing to his heart,'" to think that all the king's did obeisance, and said. Help,* king.
sons are dead for ximnon only is dead.
: 5 And the king said unto her, What aileth thee?
3-1 But Absalom fled.' And the young man that and she answered, I am indeed a widow woman,
kept the watch lifted up his eyes, and looked, and and my husband is dead."
Prov. aOra-l-ao. b Judg. 19:0, 9, '2i: Ruth 3:7; 1 Sam. a5:.3r),- Esth.
a settled,hch. 19:19. ver. 38. ^\{e\). according to the word of thy servant.
tion, will be disregarded by those who surrender them- some pretext to bring him back.
Belvos to its power. 2. Tckoali ; in Judah, a few miles south-east of Bethlehem.
Joab's dtrirt to 2 SAMIKI. XIV. irin^' bade Ahsnlnm.
b.c.'mIi' ed the hair of his head at two hundred 2 And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside
shekels after the king's weight. the way of the gate and it was so, that when any
27 And unto Absalom there were born three man that had a controversy came^ to the king for
sons/ and one daughter, whose name was Tamar judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said,
she was a woman of a fair countenance. Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant
28 1 So Absalom dwelt two full years in Jeru- is of one of the tribes of Israel.
salem, and saw not the king's face.'' 3 And Absalom said unto him. See, thy matters
20 Therefore Absalom sent for Joab,to have sent are good and right but there is no man deputed of ;
if there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me. 8 For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode
33 So Joab came to the king, and told liim and at Geshur in Syria,' saying, If the Loud shall bring
when he had called for Absalom, he came to the me again indeed to Jerusalem, then I will serve
king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground the Lord.
before the king and the king kissed Absalom."
: 9 And the king said unto him. Go in peace. So
he arose, and went to Hebron.
10 IT But Absalom sent spies throughout all the
CHAPTER XV. tribes of Israel, saying. As soon as ye hear the sound
1 Absalom, by fair speeches and courtesies, stealeth the hearts of Israel.
of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigu-
7 Under pretence vow he obtaineth leave to go to Hebron. 10
of a
He niaketh there a great conspiracy. 13 David upon the news fleeth eth in Hebron. "^
from Jerusalem. 19 Ittai would not leave him. 2A Zadoic and Abi- 11 And with Absalom went two hundred men
atiiar are sent back with the ark. 30 David and his company go up
mount Olivet weeping. 31 He curseth Ahithophel's counsel. 32 out of Jerusalem, that were called and they went
Hushai is sent back with instructions. in their simplicity," and they knew not any thing.
2. When great men and those in authority are set upon by mere external accomplishments, while the most beau-
accompUshing their selfish objects, they will generally find tiful form and graceful exterior may cover a polluted and
agents deceitful and wicked enough to aid them. murderous heart.
4. Flatterers and those who are engaged in artful projects, 30. Connivance at crime, or an utterly inadequate pun-
are often most complaisant and respectful to those whose ishment, tends to increase haughtiness, pride, and self-
favor they seek, and whom they are aiming to deceive. will in criminals, and to lead them on from one crime to
5. Compassion towards the distressed and desires to another till they perish.
grant relief should be regulated by correct knowledge 33. Parents who only kiss their children when they
and sound judgment. should punish them, have reason to fear that God, in
S. It is ordinarily unwise to decide a case on the testi- righteous judgment, will suffer their children by their
mony of one party, especially one that is interested and wickedness to become instruments of punishing their
likely to be strongly biassed in his own favor. parents. Chap. 16:11, 21, 22; 18:9, 14, 33.
13. After persons are committed on the wi-ong side,
those who are interested will endeavor to take adv'antage CHAPTER XV.
of that commitment to lead them still further into error 2. Tlie vaijofthe txate; where the people assembled/or
and transgression. judgment, or to obtain the king's decision of their cases.
14. Those who so sympathize with murderers as to try 3. No man deputed nf the king; he spoke as if David was
to screen them from the punishment which God has di- negligent of his duty in not appointing him or some one
reeled, often refer to his mercy as a reason why his direc- to hear them.
tions should not be followed as if his justice were at war
; G. Stole the hearts; led the people to admire him.
with his mercy, or as if they were more merciful than God. 9. Go in peace; he probably hoped that Absalom was
21. When rulers, through fear or favor, natural affection, becoming better.
or improper sympathy, fail to punish murderers, or par- 11. Called ; invited to go with Absalom, supposing his
don and receive them into favor, they take a course which object was, as he stated, a religious one.
tends to increase crime, and to bring upon themselves 12. Ahithophel; he had been a great friend to David, but
and others great distresses. now deserted him. Chap. 17:23. Giloh; in the moun-
25. Men are prone to regard and be greatly influenced tainous parts of Judah. Josh. 15:51.
spiracy was stioiip; for the people increased con- 2.5 And Iho king said unto Zadok, Carry l.^JSi:
tiiiualiy witli Absalom." back the ark of (Jod into the city: if 1 shall find
V.\ Ami there came a messenger to Pavid, say- favor in the eyes of the Lord, lu.' will bring me
inir. The hearts of the men of Israel arc after again, and show nie both it and his habitation:'
Absalom." 20 Hut if he thus say, I have no delight in thee ;""
It Ami David .«aid unto all his servants that i/Trt' behold, hire am I, let him do to nic as seemeth
with him at Jerusalem,, and let us flee ," for good unto him."
we siiall not else escape from Absalom: make speed 27 The king said also unto Zadok the priest, Jlrt
to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and briii}^* not thou a seer?" return into and
tlie city in ]>eace,
evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of your two sons with you, Ahiniaai; thy son, and
the sword. Jonathan the son of Abiathar.
15 And the king's servants said unto the king, 28 See, I will tarry in the jdain of the wilder-
Behold, tliy servants are ready to do whatsoever ness," until there come word from you to certify inc.
my lord the king sliall appoint.* 29 Zadok therefore and Aliiathar carried the
iC) And the king went forth, and all his house- ark of God again to Jerusalem and they tarried :
hold after him.' And the king left ten women, there.
which were concubines,'' to keep the house. 30 % And David went up bythe ascent of mount
IT And the king went fortli, and all the people Olivet, and wept as he went up,^ and had his head
after him, and tarried in a place that was far ofl'. covered,'' and he went barefoot:'' and all the peo-
18 And all his servants passed on l)esidc liini ple that was with him cohered every man his head,'
and ail the Cherethites, and all the Pelothites,'' and they went up, weeping as they went up.'
and ail the Gittitcs, six hundred men wiiich came 31 * And
one told David, saying, Ahithophel is
after him from Gatii, passed on before the king. among the conspirators with Absalom." And
• Tlieu said tiic king to Ittai the Gittite,'' David said, Loud, I pray thee, turn the counsel
Wherefore goest thou also with us? return to thy of Ahithophel' into foolishness.''
place, and abide with the king: for thou art a 32 1; And it came to pass, that when David was
stranger, and also an exile. come to the top of the jtunmt, where he wor.ship-
2(J Whereas thou earnest but yesterday, should I ped God, behold, Ilushai the Architc'' came to
this day make thee go up and down^ with us? meet him with his coat rent, and earth upon his
seeing I go whither I may,''' return thou, and take head:-''
back tliy brethren: mercy and truth be with thee. 33 Unto whom David said. If thou passest on
21 And Ittai answered the king, and said. As the with me, then thou shalt be a burden unto me:^
Lord livcth," and as my lord the king livetli, surely 34 But if thou return to the city, and say unto
in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in Absalom, I will be thy servant," king as I have ;
death or life, even there also will tliy servant be. been thy father's servant hitherto, so will I now also
22 iVnd David said to Ittai, Go and pass over. be thy servant: then niayest thou for me defeat the
And Ittai the Gittite passed over, and all his men, counsel of Ahithophel."
and all the little ones that were with him. 35 And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and
23 And all the country wept with a loud voice,' Abiathar the priests? therefore it shall be, that
and all the people passed over the king also him-
: what thing soever thou shalt hearout of the king's
self ])asscd over the brook Kidron,' and all the house, thou shalt tell it to Zadok and Abiathar
people passed over, toward the way of the wil- the priests.'^
derness.^ 36 Behold, they have there with them their two
24 ^ And lo, Zadok also, and all the Levites were sons, Ahimaaz Zadok's son, and Jonathan Abia-
with him, bearing tlie ark of tlio covenant of God:'' thar's son;'^ and by them ye shall send unto me
and they set down the ark of God and Abiathar every thing that ye can hear.
went up, until all the people had done passing out 37 So Hushai," David's friend,' came into the
of the city. city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.
"Psa. 3:1,2. b ver. 6; Judg. 9:3. c oh. 19:9. ' U A. thrust, t Heb. 3:18. o 1 Sam. 9:9. P ch. 17:16. 1 Heb. going up. and weeping, q ch.
choos'. 1 Heb. o( Au /ij(. d ch. 12:11 ; 16:21, -ia. ech. B:18. f ch. 18:2. 19:4 Esther 0:12. r Isa 20:2, 4. • Jer. 14:3, 4. t Psa. 120:0. » Ter. 12.
I Heb. wander in going. S I Sam. 2:1:13. h Ruth 1:16. 17: Pro'- 17:17; vch. 10:23, 17:14,23, >»Job5:13. "Josh. 16:2. rch. 1:2. « ch. 19:35.
18:24; Matt. 8:19, 20; John 6:6li-6J; Acts 11:23; 21 :13; Rev. 2:10. Rom. i a ch. 16:19. b ch. i; :5-14. c ch. 17:15, 10. J ver 27. e ch. 16:16, 17.
12:15. I Called Cedron, John 18:1. job. 10:2. k Num. 4:15. Psa. 43:3,
1 f 1 Chr. 27:33.
4j 63:1, 2; Isa. 38:22. m ch. 22:20; Num. 14:9; 1 Kings 10:9. a 1 Sam.
David deceived by Ziba, 2 SAMUEL XVI. and cursed by Shimei.
1 Ziba, by presents and false suggestions, obtaineth his master's inher-
itance. 5 At Bahurim Shimei curseth David. 9 David with patience
abstaineth, and restraineth others, from revenge. 1.5 Hushai insinu-
17 And
Alisnlom paid to Ilufshai, Js this thy kind- f) Then said Ab.«alom, Call now Ilushai n
" itS'
ness to thy friend? why wcntcst thou not with thy the Architc also, and let us hear likewise what lie
friend?* saith.'
18 And Ilusliai paid unto Absalom, Nay; but tj And when Ilushai was come to Absalom, Ab-
whom till" LouK, and tliis peopU', and all the men
salom spake unto him, saying, Ahithophel hath
of Israel, choose, his will 1 be, spoken after this manner: shall we do after his
and with him will
1 ai)ide. saying?' if not, speak thou.
19 And again, whom should I serve? should I not 7 And Ilushai said unto Absalom, The counsel that
serve in the |)resence of his son? as I have served Ahitlioplicl hath given' ii not good at this time.
in Ihy fatiier's presence, so will I he in thy ])rcson('(\ knowcst thy father and
8 For, said Ilushai, thou
121) "i Then said Absalom to Ahithophcl, Give his men, that they he mighty men, and they be
counsel amonfif you what we sliall do.'' chafed^ in their minds, as a bear robbed of her
21 And Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Go in wiiel])s in the field:'' and thy father w a man of war,
unto tliy father's concubines, whicli he hath left to and will not lodge with tlie pcojile.
kco|) the house; and all Israel shall hear that thou 'J Behold, he is hid now in some pit, or in some
art abhorred of thy father:'' then shall the hands other place: and it will come to pass, when some
of all that are with thee be strong.*" of them be overthrown' at the first, that whoso-
22 So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top ever heareth it will say. There is a slaughter among
of the house and Absalom went in unto his father's
; tlie people that follow Absalom.
concubinos in the sight of all Israel. 10 And he also that is valiant, whose heart is as
23 And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he coun- the heart of a lion, shall utterly melt:' for all
selled in those days, rcas as if a man had inquired LsracI knoweth that thy father is a mighty mau,^
at the oracle' of Goil so icas all the counsel of and they which he with him are valiant men.''
Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom. 11 Therefore I counsel that all Israel be gener-
ally gathered unto thee, from Dan even to Bcer-
shcba, as the sand that is by the sea for multitude ;'
and that thou go* to battle in thin(> own person.
1 Ahithophel's counsel is overthrown by Hushai's, according to God's
12 So sliall we come upon him in some jilace
appointment. 15 Secret intelligence is sent unto David. 23 Ahitho-
phel hangeth himself. S."} Ainasa is made captain. 27 David at where he shall be found, and we will liglit upon
Mahanaim is furnished with provision. him as the dew falleth on the ground and of him :
OREOVER Ahithophel said unto Absalom, and of all the men that are with him there shall
Let me now choose out twelve thousand not be left so much as one.
men, and I will arise and pursue after David this 13 Moreover, if he be gotten into a city, then
night: shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, and we
2 And I will come upon him while he is weary will draw it into the river, until there be not one
and weak-handed,' and will make him afraid: and small stone found there.
all tlie people that are with him shall flee; and I li And Absalom and all the men of Israel said,
will smite the king only:^ The counsel of Hushai the Arcliite is better than
3 And I will bring back all the people unto thee tlie counsel of Aliithoplicl. For the Lord had
the man whom thou is as if all returned appointed*'" to defeat" the good counsel of Ahith-
so all the people shall be in peace. ophel," to the intent that the Lord might bring
4 And the saying pleased^ Absalom well, and evil upon Absalom.
all the elders of Israel. 15 1l Then said Hushai unto Zadok and to Abi-
» Oh. 15:33, .34. b ch. 15:1-2. c l gam, S7:l-2. d ch. 2:7; Zeoh. 8:13. som;,- Judg. 18:25. h Prov. 17:12; Hos. 13:8. • Heb./a«en. i
Josh. 2:11.
' oh. 12:11, 12; 15:16: 20:3. • Heb. word, t ch. 16:14; Deut. 25:18. j 1 Sam. 18:17, Heb. 11:34. t Song 3:7. 1 Josh. 11:4; 1 Kings 20:10.
si Kings22:31; Zeoh. 13:7. Heb. was ris/it tn Ihe eyes of: lSim.l8:20.
1 i Heb. thy face, or presence go. I Heh. commanded, m ch. 15:31, etc. ojob
! Heb. IS in his mouth, i Heb. word. I Heb. counselled. 1 Heb. bitter of 5:12,1:). o Luke lli:3.
17. Thy friend; David. understood as meaning one thing or another according to
21. Thy father's concubines; c\ia.T[i.'l5:U. Abliorred of thy the situation of different parties, and which, in the sense
fatlier; for his
wickedness, so that his father woultl not in which they design to be understood, is positively false.
again be reconciled to him. Chap. 12: 12. 21. The wickedness of the wicked is made instrumental
by God in correcting and sanctifying his people, and thus
INSTRUCTIONS. in fulfilling his declarations of judgment and mercy con-
2. Sympathy and kindness under trials deeply affect the cerning them. Chap. 12:11, 12; Acts 2:23.
generous heart, and sometimes the pretence of them is
used to conceal the basest selfishness. CHAPTER XVII.
4. Hasty decisions under the influence of strongly ex- Pursue after David this 7Uf;ht ; with the intent of kill-
cited feelings, without taking time for deliberation, or ask- ing him. He understood that the success of the conspir-
ing direction of God, are generally wrong and often are acy depended on a decisive stroke at the beginning, and
exceedingly unjust and cruel. that the death of David could alone make the throne sure
7. A mahgnant heart rejoices in the calamities of those to Absalom.
it hates, and is gratified in tormenting them. II. Tliat all Israel be —
gathered; Hushai proposed this
10. A penitent soul will never overlook the hand of God magnificent but foolish plan, which flattered the vanity of
in its trials,whoever and whatever may be the instru- Absalom, to gain time for David, and prevent the execu-
ments of them and when we heartily submit to his cor-
; tion of Ahithophel's purpose.
rections, without any wrong feelings towards the instru- 14. TIte Lord had appointed; he so ordered events that
ments of them, they will in the end promote our good. Absalom should prefer the counsel of Hushai to that of
ICi. Men who undertake to deceive others are strongly Ahithophel, and thus penitent, believing David be saved,
tempted to use language which is equivocal, and may be and impenitent, unbelieving Absalom be destroyed.
^ ;
7 Where the people of Israel were slain bi-forc other day but this day thou shalt bear no tidings, :
liie servants of David, and there was there a great because the king's son is dead.
slaipjrhter that day of twenty thousand mm. 21 Then said Joab to Cushi, Go tell the king
8 For the liatlle was there scattered over the what thou hast seen. And Cushi bowed himself
face of all the country: and the wood devoured* unto .Joab, and ran.
niitre |>eo]ilo that day than the sword devoured. 22 Then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok yet again
11 ' And Absalom met the servants of Itavid. to Joab, But howsoever,* let me, I jiray thee, also
And AI)salom rode upon a mule, and the mule run after Cushi. And Joalj said, Wherefore wilt
went under the thick Iwughs of a jjreat oak, and thou run, my son, seeing that thou hast no tidings
his head caught hold of thi^ oak, and he was taken ready?*
up between tlie heaven and tlie earth ;'^ and the 23 But howsoever, said he, let me run. And ho
mule tiiat tons under him went away. said unto him, Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by the
10 And a certain man saw it, and told Joab, and way of the jilain, and overran Cushi.J
said, Bciiold, I saw Absalom hanged in an oak. 2-1 And J)avid sat between the two gates: and
11 And Joab said unto the man that told him. the watchman went nj) to the roof over the gate
And Ijehold, thou sawest him, and why didst thou unto the wall,'' and lifted up his eyes, and looked,
not smite him there to the ground? and I would and behold a man running alone.
have given thee ten shekels of silver, and a girdle. 2.5 And the watchman cried, and told the king.
12 And the man said unto Joab, Though I should And the king said, If he be alone, there is tidings
receive* a thousand sMcels of silver in my hand, in his mouth. And he came apace, and drew near.
yet would I not put forth my hand against the 26 And the watchman saw another man running
king's son: for in our hearing the king charged and the watchman called unto the porter, and said,
thee and Abishai and Ittai,'' saying. Beware* that Behold anol/icr man running alone. And the king
none fourh tlu; young man Absalom. said, Ho also bringeth tidings.
13 Otherwise I should have wrought falsehood 27 xVnd the watchman said, Methinketh the run-
against mine own life for there is no matter hid ning^ of the foremost is like the running of Ahim-
from the king,'^ and thou thy.self wouldest have aaz the son of Zadok. And the king said. He is
set thyself against me. a good man, and coraeth with good tidings.'
14 Then said Joab, I may not tarry thus wifh- 28 And Ahimaaz called, and said unto the king,
tliec. And he took three darts in his hand, and All is well.' And he fell down to the earth upon
thrust them through the heart of Absalom, while his face before the king, and said, Blessed be the
he was yet alive in the midst- of the oak. Lord thy God,"" which hath delivered up^ the men
15 And ten young men that bare Joab's armor that lifted up their hand against my lord tlie king.
compassed about and smote Absalom, and slew 29 And the king said. Is the young man Absa-
him. lom safe?* And Ahimaaz answered, When Joab
16 And Joab blew the trumpet, and the people sent the king's servant, and me thy servant, I saw
returned from pursuing after Israel for Joab held a great tumult, but I knew not what it was.
back the people. 30 And the king said unto him, Turn aside, aiid
17 And they took Absalom, and cast him into a stand here. And he turned aside, and stood still.
great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap 31 And behold, Cushi came; and Cushi said.
of stones upon him ^ and all Israel fled every one Tidings,* my lord the king: for the LoRn hath
to his tent. avenged" thee this day of all them that rose up
18 IT Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and against thee."
reared up for himself a pillar, which is in the king's 32 And the king said unto Cushi, Is the young
dale;S for he said, I have no son to keep my name man Absalom safe? And Cushi answered, The
in remembrance:" and he called the pillar after enemies of my lord the king, and all that rise
his own name;' and it is called unto this day, against thee to do thee hurt, be as that young
Absalom's place. man w.p
»Ver. la. b Josh. 17:15, 18. • lieb. multiplied to devour, c Deut 21 r-i"!; t 2Kings 9:17; Isa. 21:11, 12; Ezek. 33:2-7. § Heb. / see
2,: 18. 20: Jobl<:S-10; 31:3; Psa. B:i:9, 10; i'rov. 20:20; Jer. 48:44. t Heb. 1 1 Kings 1:42; Prov. 25:13; Isa. 52:7. I Or, Peace be to Ihee; Heb. Peace.
meigh upon my liand. J ver. 5. 1 Heb. Beware wltosoever ye be of. ' ch. mPsa. 124:1). I Heb. jAudip; Fsa. 31:8. • Heb. Is there
Jjra«» t Heb.
14:19,20. i-Aah. before. I Heb. AcaM. fJo3h.7:26. BGen. 14:17. k ch. Tilting.^ is brought, n Psa. 144:7, 10; Luke 18:7, 8. o Psa. 124:2, 3. pjudg.
14:27. . Psa. 49:11. 1 Heb. judged him from the haiul, elc. • Heh. be a 5:31; Dan. 4:19.
man of tidings. 1 Heb. be lohat may. 'l Or, convenient, i John 20:4.
through the wood.'!, than had been slain in the open field. / knew not wliat it was ; not having been entrnsted
13. Wrought fatselwod ; acted in such a manner as to by Joab with the message concerning Absalom's death, he
endanger his own life. does not venture to communicate it, though he was fully
18. TAe Amg-'s da/e; near Jerusalem. Gen. 14: 17, 18. / aware of it, ver. 20.
have no son; he had had three scjns, who it is supposed 32. The enemies of my lord — be as that young man is; imply-
were dead. Chap. 14:27. ing that he was dead.
; ! :
B.c' iS 33 1l And much moved, and fortably unto^ thy servants: for I swear by the
the king Tvas
went up to the chamber over tlie gate, and wept Lord, if thou go not forth, there will not tarry
and as he went, thus he said, my son Absalom, one witli thee this night: and tliat will be worse
my son, my son Absalom !" would God I had died unto thee than all tlie evil that befell thee from
for thee,'' Absalom, my son, my son thy youth until now.''
8 Tlien the king arose, and sat in the gate. And
CHAPTER XIX. they told unto all tiie people, saying, Behold, the
king doth sit iu the gate. And all tlie people
1 Joab causeth the king to cease his mourning. 9 The Israelites are
earnest to bring the King back. 11 David sendeth to the priests to came before the king: for Israel had fled every
incite them of Judah. 18 Shimei is pardoned. 24 Mephibosheth man to his tent."^
excused. 32 BarziUai dismissed, Chimham his son is taken into the
king's family. 41 The Israelites expostulate with Judah for bringing 9 IT Andthe people were at strife throughout
home the king without them. all the tribes of Israel, saying. The king saved us
AND it was told Joab, Behold, the king wcep-
eth and mourneth for Absalom.''
out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered
us out of the hand of the Philistines and now he
2 And the victory* that day was turned into is fled out of the land for Absalom.''
mourning unto all the people: for the people 10 And Absalom, wliom we anointed over us, is
heard say that day how the king was grieved for dead in battle. Now therefore why speak ye not
his son. a word' of bringing the king back?
3 And the people gat them by stealth that day Ill And king David sent to Zadok and to Abi-
into the city, as people being ashamed steal away Speak unto the elders of
atliar the priests, saying.
Avhen tiiey flee iu battle. Judah, saying. Why are ye the last to bring the
4 But the king covered his face,* and the king king back to his house? seeing the speech of all
cried witli a loud voice, my son Absalom ! Israel is come to the king, even to his house.
Absalom, my son, my son !" 12 Ye are my lu'cthren, ye are my bones and my
5 And Joab came wherefore then are ye the last to bring back
into the house to the king, flesh :'
or servants are 7iot to tlut. § Heb. to the heart of; Gen. 31:3. f Prov.
33. Died for thee; instead of thee, iu thy place. 27. Our wishes have a great influence on our judgment,
and high expectations of good are liable to be followed
INSTRUCTIONS. by distressing accumulations of evil.
33. None fully know the sufferings of affectionate par-
3. All should consider in what way they can be most
produce the best results. doing it through his messages to Zadok and Abiathar.
David restortd to 2 SAMUEL XIX. his kingdom in peace.
I'.l And said unto the king, Let not my lord im-
RvwS: Judah, and said, We have ten parts in the after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape
king, and wc have also more rig/it in David than us.^
ye why tlion did ye despise us,* that our advice
: 7 And there went out after liim Joab's men, and
should not be first had bringing back our king? the Ciioretliites, and the Pelethites,' and all the
And the words of the men of Judah were fiercer mighty men: and they went out of Jerusalem, to
than the words of the men of Israel." pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri.
8 When they were at the great stone which is in
CHAPTER XX. Gibeon, Amasa went before them. And Joab's
1 By occasion of the quarrel, Sheba maketh a party in Israel. 3 Da- garment that he had put on was girded unto him,
vid's ten concubines are shut up in perpetual prison. 4 Amasa, made and upon it a girdle with a sword fastened upon
captain over Judah, is slain by Joab. 14 Joab pursueth Sheba unto
Abel. 16 A wise woman saveth the city by Sheba's head. 23 Da-
his loins in the sheath thereof; and as he went
vid's officers. forth it fell out.
Israel. in the fifth r?i,' and shed out his bowels to the
2 So every man of Israel went up from after ground, and struck him not again ;* and he died.
David,'' and followed Sheba the son of Bichri but : So Joab and Abishai his brother pursued after
tlie men of Judah clave unto their king, from Jor- Sheba rhe son of Bichri.
dan even to Jerusalem.'' 11 And one of Joab's men stood by him, and
3 1[ And David came
to his house at Jerusalem said. He that favoreth Joab, and he that is for
and king took the ten women his concubines,"
tlie David, let him go after Joab.
whom he had left to keep tlie house, and put them 12 And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst
in ward,**^ and fed them, but went not in unto them. of the highway. And when the man saw that all
So they were shut up* unto the day of their death, tlie people stood still, he removed Amasa out of
living in widowhood.^ the highway into the field, and cast a cloth upon
4 IF Tlien said the king to Amasa, Assemble' me him, when he saw that every one that came by
the men of Judah within three days, and be thou him stood still.
here present. 13 When he was removed out of the highway,
5 So Amasa went to assemble the men of Judah t"^ all the people went on after Joab, to pursue after
but he tarried longer than the set time which he Sheba the son of Bichri.
had appointed him. 14 II And he went through all the tribes of Israel
6 And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba unto Abel, and to Bcth-maachah, and all the fie-
the son of Bichri do us more harm than did Absa- ri tes :'" and they were gathered together, and went
lom: take thou thy lord's servants," and pursue also after him.
Heh. set us at tiglit. aJudg, b:1 Jas. 3:2-10. bch. 19;4.1i lKingsia:16;
; hoodofli/e. 1 Heb. Ca/i. Bch.l9:13. h ch. 11 :ll 1 Kings 1 :-33. 1 Ileb.
Lukel9:14. cPaa.6>:9. J oh. !9:41 2 Chr. 10: 17. e ch. 15:16; 16:2l,2->.
; deliver himselffrom our eyes, i I Kings l::la. JLuke 22:47. klKings2:5.
1 Heh. a house of ward, f Gen. 40:3, 4, ". IKeb.bound. S Heb. tn wirfoid- 1oh. 2:23. • Heb. doubled not his stroke, "n 2 Kings 15:20; 2 Chr. 10:4.
slanderer, though he often escape punishment from men, 12. Stood stdt; to gaze, and were thus hindered from
is and ought to be regarded as among the basest of sinners. going forward to Joab and Abishai.
32. Kindness and active benevolence are peculiarlv 14. Ahel and —
Beth-maadtah ; called also Abel of Beth-
agreeable in the aged, and should ever be met with grate- maachah, to distinguish it from several other places that
ful and active kindness in return. As their tastes for the bore the name of Abel. It was on the east of the Jordan,
comforts of this life are diminishing, their desires for those at the foot of Anti-Lebanon.
: : : ;
1() " Then cried a wise woman ont of the city, I^IIEN there was a famine in tiic days of David
Hear, hear pray you, unto Joab, Come near
; say, I _ three years, year after year; and David in-
hither, tliat I may sjieaic with thee. f|uiri'il* of the Loud. And the Loud answered, 7<
IT And when he was come near unto her, the is ibr iSaul,and for hin bloody house, because he
woman said, .Irt thou Joab ? And he answered, I slew the Gibeonites."
am he. Then slic said unto him, Hear the words 2 And the king called the Gibcouites, and said
of thy handmaid. And lie answered, I do hear. unto them; (now the Gibeonites were not of tiic
IS Then she spake, saying, They were wont to children of Israel,'' Init of the remnant of the Amo-
sjieak ia old time, saying. They sliall surely ask rites; and the children of Israel had sworn unto
coumvl at Abel and so tiiey ended the matter.*
: them and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal
r.) I am om of them that are iicaecablc and faith- to the eliildren of Israel and Jiidali ;)
ful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a 3 Wherefore David said unto the Gibeonites,
mother in Israel:'' why wilt thou swallow up the What do for you? and wherewith shall I
shall I
inheritance of the Loud? make the atonement, that ye may bless the inher-
20 And Joab answered and said, Far be it, far itance of the Lord?'
be it from me, that I should swallow up or de- 4 And the Gibeonites said unto him, will We
stroy. have no silver nor gold of Saul,J nor of his house ;
21 The matter is not so: but a man of mount neither for us shalt thou kill' any man in Israel.
Epiiraim, Hheba the son of Bichri by namc,^ hath And he said. What ye shall say, tJiat will I do for
lifted up his hand against tiic king, even against you.
David deliver him only, and I will depart from the
: 5 And they answered the king. The man tliat
city. And tlie woman said unto Joab, IJehoId, his consumed us, and that devised against us,^ that we
liead sluill be thrown to thee over tiie wall. should be destroyed from remaining in any of the
22 Then the woman went unto all the i)caple in coasts of Israel,
her wisdom:'^ and they cut off the head of iSheba 6 Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto
the sou of Bichri, and cast it out to Joab. And he us," and we will hang them up unto the Lokd in
blew a trumpet, and they retired' from the city, Gibcah of Said,' who7n the Lord did choose.' And
every man to his tent. And Joab returned to the king said, I will give them.
Jerusalem unto the king. 7 But the king spared Mephiboslieth, the son of
23 1i Now Joab was over all the host of Israel :'' Jonathan the son of Saul, because of the Lord's
.and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cher- oath that was between them, between David and
ethites and over the Pelethites Jonathan the son of Saul."
24 And Adoram was over the tribute ^ and Je- 8 But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the
ioshaphat the sou of Ahilud was recorder:"' daughter of Aiah," whom she bare unto Saul,
25 And Sheva icas scribe and Zadok and Abi- Armoni and Mephiboslieth and the five sons of
.athar were the priests MichaP the daughter of Saul, whom she brought
2G And Ira also the Jairite was a chief ruler* up for Adriel* the son of Barzillai the Mehol-
about David. athite
* '3 Kings 19:3"i. ' Or, against the outmost
walL t Heb. inaTred to throw b Josh. 9:3-21. ich. 20:19. j Psa. 49:6, 7. 1 Or, It is jio( JiViicr nor g-o/d
down. X Ur, They ptainiy spake in the hcginning, saying. Surely they will that we have to do with Saul or his house, neither pertains it to us to hill, etc.
ask of Abel, and so make an end; Deut. 2U:11. b Judg, '5:7. | Heb. his i Ot, rut us off', k Ezek. 18:19. 1 1 Sam. 111:20. I Or, rAoKTt o/r/w: l.oHD.
nam,. » Keel. 9:11-10. I Heb. were scattered, d ch. 8:10-18. e 1 Kings m 1 Sam, 2U:1.5. n ch. 3:7. V Or, Michars sister. • lleb. bare to Adriel
f Kings 4:3. • Or. a prinee, ch. 8:18; Gen.
1 1 Sam. IS: 19.
sought the face; Num. e 1 Sam. 2-2:19.
15. /( stood in the trench; or, he (Joab) stood on the outer tion of a whole city, and the wisdom of one woman may
'Wall. This was a low wall with a trench, encomijassiug do more than all its men of war towards saving it.
the inner wall. 22. Magistrates, by putting to death one criminal, may
IS. To speak; in proverbs. Ask counsel at Abel; as a save the lives of many who are innocent.
place celebrated for wisdom. And so ; by listening to the
counsel of its wise men. T/iey ended the matter; brought CHAPTER XXI.
it to a successful termination. Joab ought not therefore In his zeal to the children of Israel and Judah; ho would
to destroy such a city without a hearing. have destroyed them, not for any wrong act on their part,
19. A mother m
Israel; one of its chief cities. but simply because they were remnants of the Canaanites,
in direct violation of the oath of Joshua and the elders of
INSTRUCTIONS. Israel, Josh. 9 15-27. : The sin was therefore one of the
1. Many difficulties might be amicably settled, did not nation whom Saul represented, and God punished it by
some wicked man take occasion to fan the flame, and lead a national calamity.
on to acts of rashness destructive, it may be, to himself 3. Bless the inheritance ; that the famine might cease, and
and to his fellow-men. the Israelites have the blessings of harvests.
10. Many
a bold and successful warrior has the heart 7. Ilie Lord's oath; 1 Sam. 20: 15-17.
of an assassin, and will without scruple murder even his 8. Michal ; it was Merab, the sister of Jlichal, who mar-
own relatives who stand in the way of his advancement. ried Adriel the Meholathite, 1 Sam. 18:19. Some suppose
Chap. 3:27; i: 6. they are here called Michal's sons because she had the
15. The presence of one man may endanger the destruc- education of them.
1 : " ;
Kvum. 9 And he delivered them into the hands again a battle with the Philistines at Gob then :
of the Gibeouites, and they hanged them in the Sibbechai the Hushathite slew Saph,* which was of
hill before the Lord ^ and they fell all seven to-
: the sons of the giant. "^
gether, and were put to death in the days of har- 19 And there was again a battle in Gob with
vest, in the first days, in the beginning of barley- the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaare-
harvest. oregim,^ a Beth-lehemite, slew t/ie brother of Goliath
10 IT And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sack- the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a
clotli, and spread it for her upon the rock, from weaver's beam.
tlie beginning of harvest until water dropped upon 20 And there was yet a battle in Gath, where
them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds was a man oi great stature, that had on every hand
of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts sis fingers, and on every foot si.x toes, four and
of the field by night. twenty in number and he also was born to the
with Israel; and David went down, and his ser- 3 The God of my rock in him will I trust he : :
vants with him, and fought against the Philistines is my shield,' and the horn of my salvation,™ my
and David waxed ftxint. high tower," and my refuge," my saviour; thou
16 And
Ishbi-benob, which was of the sons of the savest me from violence.
giant,* the weight of whose spear* weighed three 4 I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be
hundred s/wkels of brass in weight, he being girded praised so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
with a new sword, thought to have slain David. 5 When the waves ^ of death compassed me, the
17 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succored him, floods of ungodly men' made me afraid
and smote the Philistine, and killed him. Then 6 The sorrows' of hell compassed me about; the
the men of David sware unto him, saying. Thou snares of death pi-evented me.
shalt go no more out with us to battle," that thou 7 In my distress I called upon the Lord, and
quench not the light* of Israel.' cried to my God " and he did hear my voice out
18 And it came to pass after this, that there was of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears."
a I .Sim. 15;33. b| Sam. 31:11. c Josh. 19:3S. d ch. 24:33. • Or, fia- 16:9. hPsa. lli;:2. 3. i Psa. IS. title. J Dent. 32:4. kPsa. 01:2. 1 Gen.
jiha. t Heb. the staff, or tlie head, e ch. 18:3. I Heb candle, or lamp. 15:1; Psa. t>l:ll. "Luke 1:69. n Prov. 1S:1U. » P.=a. 46:1,^ II ; Jer.
t 1 Kings 11 :.36. 5 Or. Sippai. 1 Or, Kapha. S 1 Chr. 20:4. H Or, .Tair. 16:19. i Or, pangs, t Heb. Belial. ^ Or, cords, p Jon. 2:2. q Psa. 34:6,
* Or. Kapha, t Or, reproached; 1 Sam. 17:10, 35, -26. t Shammah, 1 Sam.
Barley-harvest; in March.
9. 14. The common blessings of life all come from God,
10. Water dropped upon them ; the rain was a token of and every new harvest lays men under new obligations
God's reconciliation. If it fell at the usual time, it was to love and obey him.
about the middle of October. 17. The life, health, and reputation of good rulers are
12. The boms of Saul; 1 Sam. 31:11-13. great blessings to the people, for the possession and con-
14. Was entreated for the land; removed the famine by tinuance of which they should earnestly pray, and, when
sending raiu. granted, be especially grateful.
17. Quench not the light; not deprive the nation of the 19. Great bodily strength and vigor are apt to be idol-
blessings of David's reign. ized, and when they are, often prove occasions of ruin to
their possessors.
Temporal calamities are the consequences of sin, and
should lead those who suffer them to self-examination,
rei)entance, and reformation. 2. Rock, and—fortress ; support and protection.
6. The wickedness of parents may bring great calamities 3. The God of my Shield; de-
rock; ver. 47
2 Cor. 1:3. ;
on their children, and the wickedness of rulers great calami- fence from enemies, /forn; the emblem of power. Tower;
ties on their people, long after such parents and rulers are source of security.
dead. Though the Lord delays, he docs not forget, and in 5. Waves of death ; calamities breaking in upon him like
due time will manifest his just indignation against sin. the waves of the sea, and threatening to destroy him.
10. The condition of children is often a source of great Floods of ungodly men ; this figure expresses both their
distress to parents, and occasions them troubles under multitude and their impetuous force.
which none but God can comfort, and from which none 6. Prevented; this word originally meant, to go before,
8 Then tlic onrtli slionk and frcniblcil ;" the foun- and with the upright man thou wilt li."; iS5.
cifiil ;'
dations of licavcu moved and shook,'' because lie shiiw lliyself u])right.
was wrotli. 27 With the pure thou wilt show thyself pure;
9 Thoio went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and with the froward thou wilt show' thyself un-
and lire out of his mouth devoured:*' coals were savory.'
kindli'd liy it. 28 And the afllieted people thou wilt save: but
1(1 heavens also, and came down ;''
lie Itowed the thine eyes arc njion the haughty," that thou nuiy-
and darkness wax under his feet." est Ijriiig thim down.
11 And he rode mion a cherub, and did fiy / and 2',l For thou art my lamp,' Lord: and the
he was seen upon flie wings of tlie wind." Lord will lighten my darkness.
12 And he made darkness ])avilions round about 30 For by thee I have run' through a troop: by
him, dark waters.* and tluck clouds of tlio skies. my God have I leaped over a Avail.
1;J Tliroufjli the brightness before hiiii were coals 31 ./is for God, his way is perfect; the word of
of lire kindled. the Lord is tried:* he is a buckler to all them
14 The LoitD thundered from heaven,'' and the that trust in him.
Most High uttered his voice. 32 For who is God, save the Lord? and who is
15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them a rock, save our God? ;
lightning, and discomfited them. 33 God is my strength and power and he mak- ;
1(5 And the channels of the sea appeared,-' the eth' my way perfect.
foundations of the world were discovered, at the 34 He maketh^ my feet like hinds'/cf<,' and set-
rebuking of the LoiU), at the blast of the breath teth me upon my high places.
of his nostrils.* 35 He teacheth my hands to war ;* so that a bow
17 He sent from above, he took me, he drew me of steel is broken by mine arms.
out of many'* waters." 3C Thou hast also given me the shield of thy sal-
18 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and vation and thy gentleness hath made me great.' :
myself from mine iniquity. unto the Lord, but he answered them not."
2-5 Therefore tiie Lord hath recompensed me 43 Then did I bent them as small as the dust of
according to my righteousness according to my the earth :' I did stamp them as the mire of the
8-16. A
highly poetical description of God's appearing 27. Show thyself unsavory ; he would contend with, op-
for the deliverance of his servant, and the destruction of pose, and punish them.
his enemies. 29. My
lamp; showing him the way in which he should
13. Through the brightness —
kindled; or, from the bright- go.
ness that was before him burning coals proceeded. 30. Run through; broken. Leaped over a wall ; scaled
16. Cliannek —
appeared, the foundations of the world irere the wall of the enemy.
discovered; the waters are represented as fleeing at God's 34. Like hinds' feet ; very swift, and able to stand in
presence, so that the deep channels of the sea are laid safety on the most dangerous places.
bare to human vision. 35. A bow of steel is broken; or, according to some trans-
17. Many waters; great afflictions. See note to ver. 5. lators, is bent; showing that God had given him great
19. Prevented; see note to verse 6. strength.
20. Into a large place; where I had freedom from my 36. Gentleness; condescending kindness and teaching.
enemies and the distresses they brought upon me. The 37. Enlarged my steps; given me full liberty and enabled
figure is taken from military life, where notliing is bo me to walk in safety.
dangerous as to be hemmed in among narrow defiles. 41. The necks of mine enemies; the meaning of the orig-
21. Righteousness—ckanness of my hands; his innocence inal is, Tliou hast caused mine enemies to turn their backs
of the sins charged upon him, and his hearty devotion to before me.
the service of God. 42. Answered them not; their cry to him was that of dis-
24. Upright; honest, sincere, and merciful. Mine ini- tress merely, after they were given up to ruin as a pun-
quity; that to which he was most tempted. ishment for their sins. Prov. 1:28.
1 David, in his last words, professeth his faith in G-od's promises to be
beyond sense or experience. 6 The different state of the wicked. 8
A 'catalogue of David's mighty men.
ATO W these be the last words of David. David
_L\ the son of Jesse said, and the man %vho was
raised up on high,'' the anointed of the God of
Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel,!^ said,
»CK. 3:1| 19:9, 14; 20:1,2
1 ! ;
hand was weary, ami liis liaiul olave unto tlic (lipwn :ilsoand slew a lion iu the midst of u.JviSl
Bwortl: and the' liOHi) wroujrht a jri-oat victory a pit in time of snow.
that day and tlie ]iec)plc retuined al'lor him only
21 And he slew an Egyptian, a goodly maii:^
to spnil. and the l']gyptian had a spear in his hand hut he :
1-1 And David was then in a hold, and the gar- Tekoite,
rison of the Pliilistines was then in Bcth-lohcm. 27 Aliiezer the Auethothite, Mcbunnai the II u-
15 And David longed, and said. Oh that one shathitc,
woidd give me drink of the water of the well of 28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai the Netojiha-
Beth-lehem, which is by the gate thite,
IG And the three mighty men brake through the 29 Ileleb the son of Baanah, a Netophatliite,
host of the Philistines, and drew water out of Ittai the son of Ribai out of Gibeah of the chil-
the well of Betli-lchem, that was by the gate, and dren of Benjamin,
took it, and brought it to David nevertheless he : 30 Benaiah tliePiratlionite,Hiddaiof the brooks*
would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto of Gaash,
the Loiu). 31 Abi-albon the Arbathite, Azmaveth the Bar-
17 And he said, Be it far from me, Lord, that hnmitc,
I should do this is not this the blood of the men
: 32 Eliahba the Shaalbonitc ; of the sons of Ja-
that went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he shen, Jonathan,
would not drink it. These things did these three 33 Sliammah the Hararite, Ahiam the son of
mighty men. Sharar the Hararite,
18 And Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of 3-1 Eliphelct the son of Ahasbai, the son of the
Zeruiah, was chief among three. And he lifted Maaehalhitc, Eliam the son of Ahithophel the
up his spear against three hundred, ajid slew* them, Gilonite,
and had the name among tliree. 35 Hczrai the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite,
19 Was he not most honorable of three? there- 36 Igal the sou of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the
fore he was their captain: howbeit he attained Gadite,
not unto the first three. 37 Zeiek the Ammonite, Nahari the Bcerothite,
20 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of armor-bearer to Joab the son of Zeruiah,
a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many 38 Ira an Ithrite,'' Gareb an Ithrite,
acts,^ he slew two lion-like men of Moab he went
' : 39 Uriah the Hittite:'' thirty and seven in all.
Or. for foraging, t Or, the three captains over the thirty, a 1 Sam.
• afjle among the thirty. 1 Or. over council; Hi'b. at kis command;
22:1. 1 Hcb. sfain. iUA.' great of a^ts. fRi-h. linns of Gad. H Heb. a 14. t Or, valleys, bch. 2U:26. c ch. 11:3, etc.
man of countenance, or sight; called, 1 Chr. llril, a man of great stature.
11, Lentiles; a species of pulse or pea. 4. Rulers who obey God and so rule as to please him, are
iX Atlallam; 1 Sam. 22:1. licpJtaim; chap. 5:18. great blessings to themselves, their families, and the world.
17. The blood of the men; water for which they had haz- 5. Parents, however exalted, cannot with certainty se-
arded their lives, cure the piety of their children, nor masters of their ser-
20. Kabzccl; in the south part of Judah. Josh. 15:21. vants, nor rulers of their people and even for their own ;
Lion-like; fierce, strong, courageous. piety and salvation they are dependent upon the rich grace
goodly man; one of warlike appearance, and of
21, of God in Jesus Christ. The everlasting covenant made
great strength and stature. 1 Cliron. 11 23, : with him and his people is their only security. In this
they delight, and the salvation it proffers they supremely
1, The last words of good men often make
a deep im- 6. Though the wicked may here for a time prosper, and
pression on survivors, and their past labors, directed and the righteous be in ti-ouble, yet their condition will soon
aided bj' the Spirit of God, may to the end of time assist be reversed the righteous through grace will be com-
others in preparing for heaven. forted, and the wicked through their persevering wicked-
2, As the Spirit of God spoke by David, the words which ness will be tormented, Mai, 3:18; Luke 16:25.
under His guidance he uttered were the words of God 8. Different men have different talents, both in kind and
and Peter, in declaring that the Holy Ghost spoke by the degree but all their capacities and powers they receive
mouth of David, uttered nothing but what was true. Acts from God, and should employ in learning and doing his
1:16, will. They will thus best secure their own welfare, and
3, Parents, masters, magistrates, and rulers of every do the most good of which they are capable to others.
description, are under sacred obligations to be in all things 13-17, We
should ever be ready to deny ourselves and
strictly just ; they are forbidden by Jehovah to exercise endure privation, rather than jeopard the lives or injure
the least injustice towards any whom they govern. the souls of our feUow-men, 1 Cor. 8:9-13.
David numhtrcth Israel. 2 SAMUEL XXIV. He repenteth thereof.
even to Beer-slieba.
8 So when they had gone through all the land,
they came to Jerusalem at the end of nine months
and twenty days.
9 And Joab gave up the sum of the number of
the people unto the king: and there were in Israel
eight hundred thousand valiant men that drew the
sword and the men of Judah wei-e five hundred
thousand men.
10 "I And David's heart smote him after that he
had numbered the people." And David said unto
the Lord, I have sinned greatly in that I have
done:' and now, I beseech thee, Lord, take
away the iniquity of thy servant ;' for I have done
very foolishly.''
li For when David was up in the morning, the
SacriJUts being offend, 2 SAMUEL XXIV. the plague is stayed.
2li All these //ii;i/r.? diil Araunali, as a kiiif^," give tho threshing-floor and the o.xen for fifty u.oim?:
unto the Ami
AiMiiiiali said uuto tlic king,
kiiiir. shekels of silver.
The aeeept lliee.''
L(iui) tliy (Jod 2.5 And David built
there an altar unto the Lord,
24 And the king said unto Araunali, Nay; l)ut and offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings.
I will surely buy // of thee at a ))rice: uuilhor will So the Loud was entreated for the laud," and the
I offer burnt-oflerings unto the Lokd my God of plague was stayed from Israel.''
that whieh doth cost uic nothing. So David bought
:0. b Job 4i:8, 9; Ewk. 4():40, 41. JNum. 10:47,48; 21:7-0.
The two books of the Kixgs, like the two of Samuel, properly constitute but one work. That they
were composed at one time and by one author is generally agreed. The division into two books was
first made bj' the Greek translators, who named them respectively, Second and Third Book of the Kino-s.
than four hundred and fifty years. See the marginal dates. Evil-merodach, who released Jehoiachin
from prison, reigned, according to Josephus, two years. Whether Jehoiachin survived him and if so
how long, we have no means of determining.
The author of these books constantly refers, for the history of the kingdom of Judah, to " the book of
the Chronicles of the kings of Judah," except in the case of Solomon, where he names " the book of the
acts of Solomon." For the history of the kingdom of Israel, he
manner, to "the book of the
refers, in like
books of annals, from which he took such extracts as suited his purpose, while he referred the reader to
the works themselves for fuller details. These two books of chronicles must not be confounded with the
books of Chronicles contained in tlie sacred canon, which are of later date, and also themselves refer to
fuller annals. See the introduction to the books of Chronicles.
The exact character of the annals to which the author of the books of Kings so constantly refers, it
is not necessary that we should determine ; since it is certain that he was divinely illuminated, so as to
present the historic facts contained in these annals in their true light. His history faithfully and impar-
tially records alike the sins of the pious kings, and the acts of the wicked kings that were in their out-
ward form right and conducive to the prospcj'ity of the people. It goes below the surface of things, and
traces, as it should, the prosperity of God's people, and the calamities which befell them, to his blessing
and his curse, measured out to tlicm according to the immutable principles of the covenant made with
their fathers.
And since the general principles upon which God deals with nations are the same for aU ages and
countries, this histoi-y of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel is a clear mirror into which the rulers of the
present day and their people may look, if they will, It is only by
and see the destiny that awaits them.
righteousness and the fear of God that they can attain to true freedom and prosperity.
The idea that
by any increase of their outward power and wealth they can be made permanently happy and tranquil,
while they despise God's word, break his laws, and administer their governments upon unrighteous prin-
ciples, is a miserable delusion. They who indulge in it will sooner or later be awakened from their
foolish dream by the stern hand of God's providence, and made to understand, by their own bitter expe-
rience, that "righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people."
CHAPTER I, thy son shall reign after me, ami he shall n nlfj;
1 Abithsg cheriihfth l>»riJ in hi» citroinc nge. 5 Adonijah, Dsrid'n sit u])on my tlirone?^ why then doth Adonijah
darlini;. uiurpcUi Uie kingjom. II Uy tlio counsel of Nathnn. lO reign?
Bnth-ihcbs niovrtli ilu- kiuK, '-.>-.>
ruid Nathnn sccondelh hi-r. 2S iH-
TiJ rcnrwrlli his o^iih to lluili-sht'h.i.3..' St^lomon, by Davitl'a apimnit- 14 Behold, while thou yet talkest there with the
ment, bnn^ anoint^'d tiing by Zadolc and N;ithan, thu people triumph. king, 1 also will come in after thee, and conlirm*
41 Jonathan brinj^ing these news, Adonijah's guests fly. SU Adoni-
jah, tlyint; to thu horns of the altar, upon his good behavior is dis-
thy words.
missed by Solomon. 15 "il And Bath-shcba went in unto the king into
NOW kiiifT David was old and stricken inycars ;* the chamber and the king was very old and .\bi-
and they covered him with clothes, but he gat sliag the Shunammite ministered unto tlic king.
: :
nammite, and brought her to the king. now, my lord the king, thou knowest it not
4 And the damsel was very fair, and cherished 19 And he hath slain oxen and fat cattle and
the king, and ministered to him: but the king sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons
knew her not. of the king, and Abiatliar the priest, and Joab the
5 TT Then Adonijah the son of Haggith" exalted cajjtain of the host:'' but Solomon thy servant
himself,'' saying, I will be king:' and he prepared hath he not called.
him chariots and horsemen, and lifty men to run 20 And thou, my lord, king, the eyes of all
before liim." Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldest tell lliem
6 And his father had not displeased him at any who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king
time^ in saying. Why hast thou done so? and he after him.
also icas a very goodly man; and his motlier bare 21 Otherwise it shall come to pass, when my lord
him after Absalom. the king shall sleep with his fathers,' that I and
7 And he conferred* with Joab the son of Zeru- my son Solomon shall be counted oifenders.'
iah,'^ and with Abiatliar the priest:" and they fol- 22 IT And lo, while she yet talked with the king,
lowing Adonijali helped him.^ Nathan the prophet also came in.
S But Zadok the priest, and Benaiali the son of 23 And they told the king, saying,Behold Nathan
Jehoiada, and Nathan tlie proiihct, and Shiraei,'' the propliet. And when he was come in before the
and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to king, he bowed himself before the king with his
David,- were not with Adonijah. face to the ground.
9 And Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and fat 24 And Nathan said. My lord, king, hast thou
cattle by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by En- said, Adonijali shall reign after me, and he shall
rogel,* and called all his brethren the king's sons, sit upon my throne?
and all the men of Judah the king's servants: 25 For he is gone down this day, and hath slain
10 But Nathan the prophet,'' and Beuaiah, and oxen and f\it cattle and sheep in abundance, and
the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he call- hath called all the king's sons, and the captains
ed not. of the host, and Abiathar the priest;™ and behold,
11 1 Wherefore Nathan spake unto Bath-sheba they eat and drink before him, and say, God save
the mother of Solomon, saying. Hast thou not heard, king Adonijah.""
that Adonijah the son of Haggith doth reign, and 26 But me, even me thy servant, and Zadok the
David our lord knoweth it not? priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and thy
\'l Now tlierefore come, let me, I pray thee, give servant Solomon, hath he not called.
thee counsel, that thou mayest save thine own life, 27 Is this tiling done by my lord the king, and
and tlie life of tliy son Solomon. thou hast not showed it unto thy servant, who
13 Go and get thee in unto king David, and say should sit on the throne of my lord the king after
unto him, Didst not thou, my lord, king, swear him?
unto thy handmaid,' sayings Assuredly Solomon 28 1 Then king David answered and said, Call
^f^h. entered into days, t Heb. them seek. I lleh. a damsel, a virgin, etc. Or, the well Rogel; 2 Sara. 17:17. h 2 Sam. 12:1, etc.
1 ver. 30.
t Hub. be a rherMer unto, a 2 Sam. 3:4. l>Lukel4:]l. i Hub. reign. J 1 Chr. 22:(i-13. i Heb.jill up. I Heb. What to thee? k ver. 7-9. I ch.
c-JSam. lo:l. ^ H-h. from his days. • Heb. his words were, d ch. 2:23. 2:10. %Heb. sinners, ni yer. 19. • Heb. Let king Adonijah live, n 1 Sam.
« 2 Sam. 20:25. t Ueb. helped after Adonijah. t ch. 4: IS. s 2 Sam. 2:3:8,
12. Save thine own life, and the life of thy son; had Ado-
CHAPTER I. nijah succeeded, it would have been his policy to put
5.Ha^sith ; one of David's wives. Solomon, and probably his mother also, to death as the ;
6. Bare him after; he was next in age to Absalom, whose people knew that David intended that he should be his
mother's name was Maacah. 2 Sam. 3:3, 4. successor, and there would have been a strong party in
.S. Hhimei; supposed to have been Shimei the son of Elah, his favor. See ver. 21.
afterwards one of Solomon's officers. Chap. 4:18. 21. I and my son Solomon shall be counted offender.^; we
9. Ett-rogel; a fountain on the south-east of Jerusalem, shall be regarded and treated as persons deserving to
in the valley of Kedron. die-
Solomon is anointed kin^. 1 KINGS I. Adonijah is spared.
CHAPTEU II. to do unto him; but his hoar head bring u.c wJJ;
thou down to the grave with lilood.
1 Darid, h.iring pvcn a r.lii»ri;r to Solomon, 3 of rcligiouintM, of .')
therefore, and siiow thyself a man ;" 13 "I And Adonijah the son of Ilaggith came to
3 And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to Bath-sheba the mother of Solomon. And she said,
walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his Comest thou peaceably?" And he said. Peaceably.
commandments, and his judgments, and his testi- 14 He said moreover, I have somewhat to say
monies, as it is written in the law of .Moses,'' that unto thee. And she said, Say on.
thou mayest i)rosper" in all that thou doest,'^ and 15 And he said. Thou knowest that the kingdom
whithersoever thou turnest thyself: was mine,^' and that all Israel set their faces on
4 That the Loud may continue his word which me, that I should reign howbeit the kingdom is :
ho spake concerning me, saying, If thy children turned about, and is become my brother's: for it
take heed to their way, to walk l)eforc me in truth was his from the Lord.''
with all their heart and with all their soul,' there 10 And now I ask one petition of thee, deny mc
shall not fail thee, said he, a man on the throne of not.' And she said unto him, Say on.
Israel.*^ 17 And he said, Speak, I pray thee, unto Solo-
5 Moreover thou knowest also what Joab the mon the king, (for he will not say thee nay,) that
son of Zcruiah did to me,'' and what he did to the he give me Abishag the Shunammite to wife."
two cajitains of the hosts of Israel, unto Abner the 18 And Batli-.sheba said, Weil; I will speak for
son of Ner,' and nnto Amasa the son of Jether,-' tliee nnto the king.
whom he slew, and shed* the blood of war in peace, 19 1j Bath-sheba therefore went unto king Solo-
and put the blood of war upon his girdle that teas mon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. And the
about his loins, and iu his shoes that were on his king rose up to meet her,"" and bowed himself unto
feet. her," and sat down on his throne, and caused a
6 Do therefore according to thy wisdom,'' and let seat to be set for the king's mother and she sat ;
not his hoar head go down to the grave in peace.' on his right hand.''
7 But show kindness unto the sons of Barzillai 20 Then she said, I desire one small petition of
the Gilcaditc,'" and let them be of those that eat thee / pray thee, say me not nay. And the king ;
at thy table: for so they came to me when I fled said unto her, Ask on, my mother; for I will not
because of Absalom thy brother." say thee nay.
8 And behold, thou hast with thee Shimei the son 21 And she said. Let Abishag the Shunammite
of Gera," a Benjamite of Bahuriin, which cursed be given to Adonijah thy brother to wife.
me with a grievous' curse in the day when I went 22 And king Solomon answered and said unto
to Mahanaim but he came down to meet me at
: his mother. And why dost thou ask Abishag the
Jordan,'' and I sware to him by the Lord, saying, Shunammite for Adonijah? ask for him the king-
I will not put thee to death with the sword. dom also for he is mine elder brother; even for ;
9 Now therefore hold him not guiltless « for thou him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the
art a wise man, and knowest what thou oughtest son of Zeruiah.'^
a Gen. 47:29; Deut. 31:14; Job 7:1. b Josh. 2.'J:14; Psa. S9:48; lUh. P 2 Sam. 19:18-2.3. q Exod. 20:7; Job 9:28. f ch. 1:21; Acts 13:36 'Acts
9:27. c Eccl. 12:13; 1 Cor. 10:13. d Deut. 17:16-20. • Or, do wisely; 2:29. t2Sam..'j:7. " I Chr. 29:27. v 1 Chr. 29:23; 2 Chr. 1 :1. "Psa.
1 Sam. 18:5, 14, 30. e Deut. 29:9. ' Psa. 1.32: 12. t Heb. be cut off from 72:8, etc. « 1 Sam. 16:4,5. ych. 1:5. ' 1 Chr. 22:9, 10; Jer. 27:5-S; Dan.
thee from the throne. saSam. 7:16. h 2 Sam. 19:5-7. i 2 Sam. 3:27. 2:21. I Heb. turn not away my face; Psa. 132:10. » ch. 1:3,4. 1> Lev.
c Exod. 20:12. <i Psa. 45:9. ech. 1:7.
I 2 Sam. 20:10. 1 Heb. put. k ver. 9. 1 ver. 31, 34; Gen. 42:38; 44:31. 19:32.
» 2 Sitn. 19:31-10. n2Sam. 17:27. o 2 Sam. 16:5, etc. 8 Heb. slrong-.
postponed, lest the opportunity of doing it be lost but ; David judged it jiroper, at the time when Shimei met him,
should be undertaken with promptness, and prosecuted to give him his oath that he would not put him to death ;
with energy till it is accomplished. but he felt that for the good of his kingdom such conduct
37. When God is duly acknowledged as the author of ought to bo punished with death, and Solomon was tree
all good, men may reasonably expect that their blessings to treat him according to his deserts.
will be increased. 10. The city of David; Zion. 2 Sam. 5:7.
49. The most sanguine projects of the wicked are des- 15. The kingdom was mine; his meaning was, that it be-
tined to disappointment; and from the heights of expec- longed to him as David's oldest living son. His second
tation they may suddenly be thrown into the depths of son Chileab, 2 Sam. 3:3, seems to have been already dead.
despair. 22. Ask for him the kingdom; by this Solomon intimated
to his mother, that, considering the relation Abishag had
CHAPTER II. sustained to David, Adonijah's request for her implied
Continue; more literally, establish; that is, continue
4. an assertion of his right to the kingdom; for this was,
to his promise, which was made conditional upon
fulfil according to the custom of those days, the way in which
the obedience of David's successors on the throne. an usurper proceeded in resisect to the concubines of his
9. With blood; put him to a violent death for his crimes. predecessor.
The death of Adonijah, 1 KINGS II. of Joab, and of Shimei.
he died.
26 1 And unto Abiathar the priest said the king,
Cict thee to Anathoth,'' unto thine own fields; for
tliou art worthy of death :* but I will not at this
time put thee to death, because thou barest the ark
of the Lord God before David my father," and
because thou hast been afflicted in all wherein my
father was afflicted.'
27 So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being
priest unto the Lord ; that he might fulfil the word
of the Lord, which he spake concerning the house
of Eii in Shiloh.s
28 1 Tiien tidings came to Joab for Joab liad
45 And kini; Soluiiioii s/iall he blessed,"" and tlic 9 Give tiierefore thy servant an understanding'
tlirone of David sliaii be cstablisiied before tiic heart'- to Judge thy people," that J may discern
Loni) for ever.'' between good and bad:'' for who is able to judge
46 So tlic kins connnandcd Bcnaiali the son of tills thy so great a jieoplc?
Jehoiada; which went out, and fell upon iiini, that 10 And the s|ieccli ])leased the Lord, that Solo-
he died. And the kingdom was established in the mon had asked this thing.
hand of Solomon.*^ 11 And God said unto him, Because thou hast
asked this tiling,'' and hast not asked for thyself
long life;* neither hast asked riches for thyself,
CHAPTER III. nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast
1 Solomon marrieth Pharaoh's daughter. 2 High places being in use, asked for thyself understanding to discern'' judg-
Solomon sacrificeth at Gibeon. 5 Solomon at Gibeon, in the choice
which (joJ gave him, preferring wisdom, obtainctli wisdom, riches,
ment ;
and honor. 16 Solomon's Judgment between the two harlots maketli 12 I3ehoId,I have done according to thy word :''
him renowned. lo, Ihave given thee a wise and an understanding
\ ND Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king heart so that there was none like thee before
Jrx. of Egypt, and took Pliaraoh's (Uuigiiter,' and thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto
brougiit iier into the city of David,*-' until ho had thee."
made an end of building his own house,'' and the 13 And I have also given thee that which thou
house of the Lord,' and the wall of Jerusalem hast not asked,'' both riches, and honor :^ so that
round about.-' there shall not be any among the kings like unto
'2 Ouly the people sacrificed in liigh places,'' thee all thy days."
becau.<e there was no house built unto the name 14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep
of the Lord, until those days. my statutes and my commandments, as thy father
3 And Solomon loved the Lord,' walking in the David did walk, then I w'ill lengtlien thy days.'
statutes of David his father "' only he sacrificed
15 And Solomon awoke; and behold, it was a
and burnt incense in high places. dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood
4 And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and
there ;" for that was the great high place :" a thou- offered up burnt-offerings, and offered peace-offer-
sand burnt-offerings did Solomon otl'er upon that ings, and made a feast to all his servants.'
altar. IG IT Then came there two women, that were liar-
.5 1 1n Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon'' lots, unto the king, and stood before him.''
in a dream by night:'' and God said. Ask what 1 17 And the one woman said, my lord, I and
shall give thee.'' this woman dwell in one house and I was deliv- ;
6 And Solomon said, Thou hast showed unto ered of a child with her in the house.
thy servant David my father great mercy,* accord- 18 And it came to pass the third day after that
ing as he walked before thee in truth, and in I was delivered, that this woman was delivered
righteousness,'' and in uprightness of heart with also and we were together f/ure was no stranger : ;
thee ' and thou hast kept for him this gi'cat kind- with us in the house, save we two in the house.
ness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his 19 And this woman's child died in the night;
throne," as it is this day. because she overlaid it.
7 And now, O Lord ray God, thou hast made 20 And she arose at midnight,' and took my son
thy servant king instead of David my father and from beside me, while thy handmaid slept, and
I am but a little child :" I know not how to go out laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in
or come in.^ my bosom.
»2Sam. Rom.
le:.';-^; 2:15; Ijohn3:a0. b Ezek. 17:19. cPsa. 72:17. 1 Heh. hearing, z Prov. 2:3-9; Jas. 1 :5. » Psa. 72:1. 2; John 5:30. b Heb.
i ver. 33. :51. e2Chr.l:l. f ch. 7:S; 9:21. e2Sam.5:7. lich.7:l. i ch. 5:14. t Rom. 8:26; Jas. 4:2: I Ueb. many days. iUeb hear, il ] John
B. Jch. 9:1.5,19. k ch. 23:43; Lev. 17:3. 5. 1 Deut. .)0:I(!, 2U: Psi. 31:23; 5:14. e ch. 4:29-31
5:12; 10:23, 24;
; Eccl. 1 l:i, 16. f Matt. 6:3:3; Eph.
.Matt. 22:37; Rom. 3:2-1. m ver. 6, 14; John 14:15, 21. n 2 Chr. 1:3, etc. 3:10. e ch. 4:21, 24; Prov. 3:16. I Or, hath not been, h ch. 10:23-29.
» 1 Chr. 10::39. Pch.9:2. q Num. 12:0 ; Matt. 1 20. r Matt. 7:7; John
: i Deut. 25:15; Psa. 21:4; 91:16; ProT. 3:2; 1 Tim. 4:8. J ch. 8:65; Esth.
I6:-24. • Or, bounty. " ch. 2:4; 9:4; 15:5. I 2 Kings 20:3; Psa. 15:2. 1:3; Mark6:21. kNum.27:3. 1 Job !M:16; Psa. 139:11.
•1 ch. 1:43. V 1 Chr. 29:1. w Psa. 121:8. » Dent. 7:6. y Gen. 13:18.
22. No filial respect or affection, and no promises or rificed, as here, to Jehovah, must be distinguished from
engagements, should ever lead men to do what is morally the high places devoted to the worship of idols. The law
wrong. of Moses required that all offerings should be made at the
No elevation or official sanctity should be permitted
26. tabernacle. Lev. 17:5; but previously to the building of
to cover the guilt of crime, nor should the openly criminal the temple this rule was not strictly observed, even by
or vicious be continued in any public employment. such eminent prophets as Samuel, 1 Sam. 9:12-14.
39. By a too eager desire that others should servo them, 5. A dream; before men had the Bible to guide them,
men may occasion their own ruin. God sometimes made known to them his will in dreams.
7. A little child; young and inexperienced. Go out or
come in act as ruler in Israel.
k^lwu: 21 And
wlien I rose in the morning to
give my child suck, behold, it was dead but when :
1 Solomon's princes. 7 His t«'elve officers for provision. 20, 24 The
peace and largeness of his kingdom. 22 His daily provision. 26
His stables. 29 His wisdom.
28 Barley also and straw for the horses and drom- the name of the Lord my God,'' as the Lord spake
edaries^ brought they unto the place where (he offi- unto David my father,'' saying, Thy son, whom 1
cers were, every man according to his charge. will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build
29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and under- a house unto my name.
standing exceeding mucli, and largeness of heart/ G Now therefore command thou that they hew
even as the sand that is on the sca-sliore. me cedar-trees out of Lebanon and my servants ;
30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom shall be with thy servants; and unto thee will I
of all the children of the east couuti'y,^ and all give hire for thy servants according to all that
the wisdom of Egypt."* thou shalt appoint:" for thou knowest that (here
31 For he was wiser than all men than Ethan ; is not among us any that can skill to hew timber
the Ezrahite,' and Heman,-' and Chalcol, and Dar- like unto the Zidonians.'*
da, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all 7 IT And it came to pass, when Hiram heard the
nations round about. words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and
32 And he spake three thousand proverbs:" and said. Blessed be the Lord this day,' which hath
his songs were a thousand and live.' given unto David a wise son over this great
33 And ho spake of trees, from the cedar-tree people."
that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that spriug- 8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have
eth out of tlie wall he spake also of beasts, and
: considered* the things w'hich thou sentest to me
of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. for: and I will do all thy desire concerning tim-
3-i And there came of all people to hear the wis- ber of cedar, and concerning timber of fir.
dom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which 9 My servants shall bring (hem down from Leb-
had heard of his wisdom.™ anon unto the sea and I will convey them by sea
• Heb. briad. t Heb. cars. = I Clir. •Jrl:'3. 1 Hob. confidently, b Jer. 9: 1, 23; Isa. 2:2, 3; Col. 2:3. I Hitram, 2 Chr. 2:3; ver. 10, IH. o 2 Sam.
2!:6. c Mic. 4:4; Zcch. 3:10. d Deut. I7:lr5. c ch. 10:20; 2 Chr. 1:14. 5:11; Amos 1:9. « 1 Chr. 22:3; 28:3. p Psa. 72:7; Isa. 9:7. 1 Hfib. say.
• Or,inu/«,ors!«i/I4easU; Esth.8:14; Mic.l:13. ' ch. 3:13. eJobl:3; q 2 Chr. 2:4, etc. r a Sam. 7: 13; 1 Chr. 17:12. • Heb. ioy. »lCor.l2:14,
Matt. 2:1, 10. h Acts 7:22. i 1 Chr. 15:19; Psa. 89, title. J 1 Chr. 2:6; etc. 1 Dan. 2:20, 21. uProv. 13:1. t ITeb. /learrf.
6:33; Psa. 88, title, k Prov. 1. etc. ; Eccl. 12:9. Song 1:1, etc. >i2Chr.
24. This side the river; the west side. Tiphsah; a city the fulfilment of his promises may be long delayed, in due
on the Euphrates. Azzah; Gaza; on the south-west of time they will be accomplished. Gen. 15:18.
Canaan towards Egypt. 25. The true glory of rulers is not the extent of their
26. Forty thousand stalls of horses; Solomon had " a thou- conquests, nor the splendor of their establishments, but
sand and four hundred chariots," 2 Chron. 1 14, for which : the happiness and prosperity of their people.
four thousand stalls would be a suitable proportion, ac- 29. Jehovah has infinite fulness, and he can so replenish
cording to the number given in 2 Chron. 9: 25. It has been the minds and hearts of his people with knowledge, wis-
the opinion of some expositors from ancient times that dom, and grace, that they will shine as lights in the world,
this latter number was the original reading. and pour forth the richest blessings on all generations, to
Dromedaries; a species of camels, remarkable for
28. the end of time.
speed but others understand the original word of a breed
; 33. All the works of God manifest his infinite power, wis-
of swift horses. The place where the officers were; the words, dom, and goodness, and may suitably engage a measure of
"the ofBcers," were supplied by the translators. might We the thoughts and investigations of the wisest among men.
better render, either the place where they the horses and — CHAPTER
dromedaries were or, the place where Solomon was.
1.Tyre; a city of the Phenicians on the Mediterranean,
INSTRUCTIONS. north of Canaan.
2. A
wise and good ruler, in the appointment of officers 6. TVif I/,- the subjects of Hiram. ZidontoTW,' inhabitants
to take part in the administration of his government, will of Zidon, a city north of Tyre.
Solomon raiseth a levy. 1 KINGS VI. lie Jjuilddh the temple.
B "ST in floats unto the place that thou shalt CHAPTER VI.
appoint* me, and will cause them to be discharged 1 The building of Solomon's temple. .5 The chambers thereof. 11 God's
there, and thou shalt receive them: and thou shalt promise unto it. 15 The ceiling and adorning of it. 23 The clieru-
bim. 31 The doors. 36 The court. 37 The time of building
accomplish my desire, in giving food for my house- it.
10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar-trees and fir-
AND it came to pass in the four
eightieth year after the children of Israel
hundred and
trees according to all his desire. were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth
11 And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month
measures* of wheat /b;- food to his household, and Zif which is the second month, that he began to
twenty measures of pure oil thus gave Solomon : build' the house of tlic Lord.
to Hiram year by year. 2 And the house which king Solomon built for
12 And the Loud gave Solomon wisdom as he the LoRD,'^the length thereof tras threescore cubits,
promised him:'' and there was peace between Hiram and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the
and Solomon and they two made a league together.
; height thereof thirty cubits.
13 1[ xlnd king Solomon raised a levy* out of all 3 And the porch before the temple of the house,
Israel and the levy was thirty thousand men.
; twenty cubits u-as tlie length thereof according
14 And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand to the breadth of the house and ten cubits was the ;
were over the work, three thousand and tiiree hun- 6 Tiie nethermost chamber was five cubits broad,
dred, which ruled over the people that wrought and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third
in the work. was seven cubits broad: for without in the icall of
17 And the king commanded, and they brought the house he made narrowed rests ^ round about,
great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to that the beams should not be fastened in the walls
lay the foundation of the house. of the house.
18 And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders 7 And the house, when it was in building, was
did hew them, and the stone-squarers :^ so they pre- built of stone made ready before it was brought
pared timber and stones to build the house. thither:'' so that there was neither hammer nor
• Heb. semi. » Ezra 3:7; Ezek. 27:17| Acts 12:20. t Heb. rors. b ch. hout; or, skejreU and closed. * Or, upon,
3:12. 1 Heb. IrrtuJeof men. « ch. 4:0. d oh. 9:21. e Josh. 9:21. 5 Or, t Heb. /oor,!. f Ezek 41:6. t Heb. njs. 8 Heb.
GMiles: Ezek. 27:9. 1 Heb. built, f Ezek. oh. 40,41. 1 Or, windows Its. h ch. 5:17, IS; Deut. 27:5, 6.
11. Twenty thousand measures; in the Hebrew, twenty other, to rejoice in each other's prosperity, and seek each
thousand cors, and so also below, thirty thousand cors. other's good.
For the cor, see note to chap. 4:22. Peace is the gift of God. It should be received with
13. Levy out of all Israel; this levy of thirty thousand gratitude, and employed by rulers and people in the pros-
men consisted of Israelites. ecution of such works, and such only, as will be for his
15. Threescore and ten thomond fourscore thousand ; these glory and their highest prosperity.
one hundred and fifty thousand men were of the remnants 9. The difference in the climate, soil, and productions
of the Canaanites, chap. 9 20 2 Chron. 2 17, 18. It should
: ; : of difi'erent countries, renders an interchange of commodi-
be borne in mind, (1) that every piece of timber had to be ties a mutual benefit and this should ever be so con-
carried chiefly, if not entirely by hand, from Lebanon to ducted as to benefit all concerned.
the sea; (2) that those hewers and bearers prepared and 13. The building of suitable houses for public worship
collected timber not only for the temple, but also for Solo- is essential to the highest prosperity of the community,
mon's own house, and for many other sumptuous edifices and all should be disposed to do their part towards the
which he was engaged in building. See chap. 9:15-23. It accomplishment of this work.
is reasonable to suppose that a portion of them were employ-
ed in hewing and transporting stones also, as well as timber.
16. Three thousand and three hundred ; the number of chief
officers set over the one hundred and fifty thousand men 1. Zif; the second month of their ecclesiastical year,
is here stated at three thousand three hundred while in answering to a part of April and May.
chap. 9 23, the chief officers over Solomon's work are
2. Threescore cubits —
tiventy cubits; the proportion of the
given as five hundred and fifty. The sum of these two length of the temple to its breadth was the same as that
numbers is three thousand eight hundred and fifty. In of the tabernacle but each dimension was twice as great. ;
2 Chron. 2 17, the chief officers set over the one hundred
: 4. Windows of narrow lights; or, windows with fixed
and fifty thousand are stated at three thousand six hun- lattices.
dred; while in 2 Chron. 8:10, the chief officers that bare 5. The oracle; the inner apartment of the temple, twenty
rule over the people are given as two hundred and fifty. cubits square, situated at its west end, and answering to
These two numbers again make three thousand eight hun- the holy of holies " in the tabernacle. The chambers
dred and fifty. It is evident that the apparent discrepancy were thus built around the house on its two sides and end,
between the two accounts, in Kings and in Chronicles, arises the front, wliich was towards the east, remaining open.
simply from different modes of classifying these oflicers. 6. The nethermost chamber; here put collectively for the
18. Stnue-sfjuarers; in the margin, Giblites; inhabitants whole lower range of chambers, of which there were three
of Gebal, a town near Zidon. Josh. 13:5; Ezek. 27:9. stories. — —
Five cuhils six cubits seven cubtts ; the walls of
the temple were thickest at the bottom, with ofisets on the
INSTRUCTIONS. outside, making horizontal ledges a cubit in width. On
1. Kings as well as subjects are bound to love one an- these ledges the timbers of the chambers rested on the
2 :
axe nor any tool of iron licard in tiic house, while 22 And
the whole house he overlaid with \^. tlS:
it was in luiiiclins- gold, until he had linishcd all the house: also the
8 The middle chamber was in the
(hior tor llie whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid
risrht side* of the house: and they went up with with gold."
wintiinj^ stairs unto the middle c/iamlwr, and out 23 '! And within the orailc he made two cher-
of the middlo into the tiiird. ubim o/' olive-tree,"'' each ten cubits high.
So 111' liuilt tlic houso, and finished it; and cov-
'.) 24 And
live cubits was the om- wing of the cher-
ered till- house wilii heanis and boardsof cedar.* ub, and
five cubits the other wing of the cherub:
10 And //loi he built cliambers against all the fidiii the ntterinost part of the one wing unto the
house, five culnts higli: and they rested on the uttermost part of the other iccre ten cubits.
house with timber of cedar. 25 And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the
11 * And the word of the Lokd came to Foiomon, cherubim were of one measure and one size.
sayinir, 20 The height of the one cherub uas ten cubits,
1 Conrcrninr; this house which thou art in build- and ,so 2vas it of the other cherub.
hi^, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute 27 And he set the cherubim within the inner
my judgments, and keep all my connnandmcnts tu house: and they stretched forth the wrings of the
walk in tlicm ;" then will I my word with
perform cherubim,* ,so that the wing of the one touched the
thee, which I s])ake unto David thy father:" one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched
13 And I will dwell among the ciiildren of Is- the other wall and their wings touched one an-
rael,'' and will not forsake; my pco])lc Israel.'' other in the midst of the house.
14 So Solomon ])uilt the house, and liiiished il. 28 And he overlaid the cherubim with gold.
15 And lie built the walls of tiie house within 29 And he carved all the walls of the house
with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, round about with carved figures of cherubim and
and the walls* of the ceiling: and ho covered i/iem palm-trees and open* flowers, within and without.
on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of 30 And the floor of the house he overlaid with
liic house witii planks of lir. gold, within and witiiout.
10 And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the 31 IT And for the entering of the oracle he made
house, both the floor and the walls with boards of doors o/" olive-tree: the lintel and side-posts were
cedar: he even built them for it within, even for a fifth part^ of the wall.
the oracle, even for the most holy place." 32 The two doors' also iwre o/" olive-tree ; and
17 And the house, that is, the temple before it, he carved upon them carvings of cherubim and
was forty cubits long. palm-trees and open^ flowers, and overlaid tliem
18 And the cedar of the house within was carved with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubim,
with knops* and open' flowers: all was cedar; and upon the palm-trees.
there was no stone seen. 33 So also made he for the door of the temple
1!) And the oracle he prepared in the house posts o/" olive-tree, a fourth part* of the wall.
within,' to set there the ark of the covenant of 34 And the two doors were o/" fir-tree: the two
the Lord. leaves of the one door were folding, and the two
20 And
the oracle in the forepart zcas twenty leaves of the other door iccre folding.'
cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, 35 And he carved thereon cherubim and palm-
and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he trees and open flowers: and covered them with
overlaid it with pure" gold; and so covered the gold fitted upon the carved work.
altar which was o/' cedar. 30 IT And ho built the inner court with three
21 So Solomon overlaid the house within with rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams.
pure gold and he made a partition by the chains of
: 37 In the fourth year was the foundation of the
goldbefore theoracle; andheoverlaid itwithgold. house of the Lord laid, in the month Zif
" Heb. skouktrr. t Or, the vault-beams and the ceilings with cetlar. * ch. f ver. 5. IG; Psa. 2-^:2. T Heb. shut vp. E Kxod. 30:
9:4. b 2 Sam.7:13. t Exod. 25:S; 2 Cor. (i: Iti; Rev. 21:3. dDeut. 31:6;
Heb. l:!:5. Or, from the floor of the house unto the walls, etc., and so, ver.
10. tch. 8:0; Exod. 2«:3:j; Ezek. 4.J;:). i Or, gourds. I Heb. openings of.
; ;
ished throughout all the parts thereof, and accord- it teas covered with cedar from one side of the
ing to all the fashion of it.* So was he seven floor to the other.'
6 TT And he made a porch of pillars the length in brass and he was filled with wisdom, and un-
thereof was fifty cubits, aud the brcadtli thereof derstanding, and cunning to work all works in
thirty cubits: and the porch icas before' them: brass.'' And he came to king Solomon, and wrought
and the other pillars and the thick beam were all his work.
before' them. 15 For he cast* two pillars of brass,'' of eighteen
Or, with all the appurLenancts thereof^ and with all the ordinance!! there-
' . 40. tHeb. t/ie son of a widow woman.
of. 1 ver. 1, 9. >> ch. li: lU; a Chr. S: I. t Heb. ribs. I Heb. sight against Exod.31:3, 4; 36:1. 1 Ueh. fashioned.
sight. 5 Or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect. 11 Or. according to. al; 2Kingsao:17; 2 Chr. 1:15, etc.; 4:ia, etc. ; Jer. 5a:a!, etc.
1 Heb. from floor to floor, c ch. 3:1; -J Chr. S:1I. d J„|in m.-a-, Acts
38. Tlte eighth rows of cedar pillars ; in accordance with the general style
month; answering to a part of October
and November. of oriental palaces, it is probable that it was constructed
INSTRUCTIONS. without of massive hewn stones, ver. 9-11, and ixsting
1. The successful accomplishment of a great and diffi- within on rows of cedar pillars, which were four in number,
cult undertaking depends much on the proper preparation arranged around the four sides of a hollow oblong area.
for it; and the time, money, and labor so spent are as 3. Beams; the Hebrew word here used is elsewhere
needful and as useful as those spent in any part of the rendered chambers, chap. 6:5, 6, and this seems to be the
work. preferable rendering here. We
may then render the whole
12. However much may be expended in building and verse thus: And it was covered with cedar above upon
ornamenting houses for the worship of God, none of the the chambers which lay on the pillars forty and five —
worshippers will be accepted but those who worship him [chambers,] fifteen to a row. may understand the We
in spirit and in truth. rows of chambers, as successive stories of fifteen cham-
19. Although Jehovah dwells not in temples made with bers each built round the open area.
hands, yet he is peculiarly present where his people as- 4. /)( three rows; that is, according to the above inter-
semble to acknowledge, adore, and praise him and there, pretation, three rows, one for each story. Light was against
by the proclamation of his truth, he will communicate to light; either the lights of the middle story were directly
them a knowledge of his will. above those, of the lower, and so of the third; or the
30. (.lold, although among the most precious things of lights on one side of the area were directly opposite to
earth, is nevertheless worthless and fit only to be trodden those of the other side.
under foot, compared with that holiness of heart and life 5. Square, icith the windows ; or, were squared with beams
without which no man can see the Lord. covered above with straight beams, bo as to make a square
37. That which is undertaken in the fear and love of and not a vaulted opening.
God, and is prosecuted according to his will, may be ex- 6. A porch of pillars; generally supposed to have been
pected in due time to be successfully and joyfully accom- in front of the structure just described. And the porch —
phshed. were before them ; or, and [another] porch was before them,
[the pillars of the porch of pillars,] and pillars and a
VII. threshold before them.
2. He built also the house; literally. And he built the 9. All these; all these several structures that have been
house, etc. It is probable that verse 1 refers to the struc- described.
ture of Solomon's house as a whole, consisting of several 12. The great court round about ; plainly enclosing all the
divisions while the particular description of the parts various structures above described, which, taken as a
begins with ver. 2, thus And he finished all his house whole, seem to be what is meant by Solomon's house, ver.
and [as a part of it) he built the house of the forest of 1. Both for the inner court and for the porch; or, even ac- —
Lebanon, etc. This seems to have been in Jerusalem, cording to the inner court and according to the porch. —
and to have been so called from the multitude of cedar 14. Bnits; this term was ajiplied to various metals, com-
pillars and timbers employed in making it. Upon four posed chiefly or wholly of copper.
73« lico pillers, the multen 1 KINGS VII, sea, and the ten lavers.
ciiMts liijrh npiorr: and a line of twelve cubits diil 7irr; they had borders, and the borders were li.cvwS eithor of tliciii about. between till- ledges:
U) And li(> niadi! two chapiters o/" molten V)rass, 2'J And on the borders that ircre between the
to set ui)oii till' to])s of the i>iliars: tiie liei^iit of ledges were lions,'' o.\en,and cherubim :" and u])on
the one eliapiter u-as live cubits, and the height of the ledges //htc wa* a base jiliove: and beneath
the oliicr chajjiter xvas live cubits: the lions and o.xcn wrrc certain adilitioiis made of
17 ,'ind nets of checker-work and wreaths of thin work.''
chain-work, for tiie chapiters which ?cprf upon the 30 And every base had four brazen wheels, and
top of tiie jjillars seven for the one chapiter, and ]ilates of brass: and the four corners thereof had
seven for tlie other diapitcr. uiulersetters: under the laver tvcre undcrsctters
18 And he made the pillar.'?, and two rows round molten, at the side of every addition.
about upon the one network, to cover the chapi- 31 And the mouth of it within the chapiter and
ters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: above was a cubit: but the mouth thereof was
and so did he for the other chapiter. round after the work of the base, a cubit and a
19 And the chapiters that were upon the top of half: and also upon the mouth of it M-cre gravings
the pillars iccrc of lily-work in the porch, four with their borders, fours(]uare, not round.
cubits. 32 And under the borders u'cre four wheels ;" and
20 And the chapiters upon the two pillars had the axletrees of the wheels were joined to the base :'
pomegranates also above, over against the belly and the height of a wheel icas a cubit and half a
which wox by the network: and the pomegranates cubit.
icere two hundred in rows round about upon the 33 And the work of the wheels was like the work
other cha])iter. of a chariot wheel their axletrees, and their naves, :
'2\ And he set up the pillars in the porch of the and their felloes, and their spokes, mre all molten.
temple :" and he set up the right pillar, and called 34 And fhirc vrre foiir undersetters to the four
the name thereof Jachin :* and he set up the left corners of one base: a7id the undersetters were of
pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.* the very base itself.
22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily-work 35 And in the top of the base vas there a round
so was tlie work of the jiillars finished. compass of half a cubit high and on the top of :
23 "1 And he made a molten sea," ten cubits from the base the ledges thereof and the borders there-
the one brim to the other :* it icas round all about, of mre of the same.
and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty 36 For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and
cubits did compass it round about. on the borders thereof, he graved cherubim, lions,
21 And under the brim of it round about there and palm-trees, according to the proportion' of
were knops compassing it," ten in a cubit, compass- every one, and additions round about.
ing the sea round about the knops were cast in
: 37 After this manner he made the ten bases: all
two rows, when it was cast. of them had one casting, one measure, and one
25 It stood upon twelve o.\en, three looking tow- size.
ard the north, and three looking toward the west, 38 IF Then made he ten lavers of brass:'' one
and three looking toward the south, and three laver contained forty baths and every laver was :
looking toward the east and the sea was set above four cubits and upon every one of the ten bases
: :
upon them, and all their hinder parts one laver. were in-
ward. 39 And he put five bases on the right side^ of
26 And it was a handbreadth thick, and the the house, and five on the left side of the house
brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, and he set the sea on the right side of the house
with flowers of lilies it contained two
: thousand eastward, over against the south.
baths. 40 1 And Hiram" made the lavers, and the shov-
27 1 And he made ten bases of brass four cu- els, and the basins.; So Hiram made an end of
bits was the length of one base, and four cubits doing all the work that he made king Solomon
the breadth thereof, and three cubits -the height for the house of the Loud :
16. Chapiters; capitals or heads of the cohimns. They from the description here given, any thing more than a
had a swel] in their central part called " the belly," ver. 20, general idea of their form and parts.
which was surrounded with checker-work and chain-work, 28. Borders; the word in the original seems to mean
ver. 17, with two rows of pomegranates around each, be- pannels, on the four sides, that were ornamented with fig-
sides an ornament of lily-work, ver. ]9, 22. ures of lions, oxen, and cherubs. Ledges; raised work
21. Jachin ; meaning, he shall establish, or make it stand. around the edges of the borders.
Boaz; in strength. 29. Certain additions made of thin work; the original
23. Molten sea ; a very large vat or basin for water. seems to mean, festoons of flowers hanging down.
26. Two thousand batlix; a bath is supposed to have been 30. Undcrsctters ; literally, shoulders, that is, projections.
about seven and a half gallons. 31. TAc mowrto/ /(/ of the laver. The mouth of the laver
27. Bases; tables or platforms for the vessels of water seems here, from its position, to be the lower part of the
to stand on. These bases were complicated in their struc- laver, through which its waters were discharged. The
ture and highly ornamented, so that it is difBcult to obtain, chapiter; the head of the base above described.
; ;
n.llifm: and the two networks," to cover the two CHAPTER VIII.
bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of I The feast of the dedication of the temple. 12, 54 Solomon's Messing.
the piUars 2'2 Suloiiion's prayer. 62 His sacrifice of peace-offerings.
46. Succoth and Zarthan ; places near the Jordan, and not should endeavor so to act as a steward of God, that when
far from Jericho. called to give up his account, he may do it with joy, and
INSTRUCTIONS. not with grief.
1. While convenient and comfortable dwellings are
blessings for which men should be grateful, their great CHAPTER VIII.
concern should be to secure a house not made with hands, 1. Bring up ark; from mount Zion in the south-west
eternal in the heavens. part of Jerusalem, where David lived, to the temple on
8. The more husbands and wives are united in their mount Moriah, an elevation in the east part of the city.
views, judgments, and efforts, dwelling together as heirs 2. The feast ; of tabernacles. Ethanim; answering to a
of the grace of life, the more happy they will be, and the part of September and October.
more useful to all who may feel their influence. 4. The tabernacle of the congregation ; as this was the pe-
14. All natural endowments, as well as all spiritual culiar name by which the tabernacle constructed by Moses
graces, come from God. He bestows them in different in the wilderness was known, it is probable that it had
measures upon different individuals, and in his service been brought from Gibeon, where it was at the beginning
requires of each according to that he hath, and not accord- of Solomon's reign— 1 Chr. 16:39; 21:29— to be deposited
ing to that he hath not. in the temple. Some, however, suppose that we are here
23. The method of divine worship prescribed under to understand the tabernacle which David had prepared
every dispensation, the preparations for it, the mode of for the ark when he brought it from the house of Obed-
conducting it, and the truths inculcated by it, have all edom. 2 Sam. 6:17.
tended to impress upon the worshippers a conviction of 6. Under the wings of the cherubim ; the two cherubim of
their moral pollution, and the necessity of spiritual puri- olive-wood that Solomon had placed in the holy of holies,
fication in order to preparation for heaven. chap. 6:23-28.
persons need
48. In order to the right use of wealth, all 8. The staves; those by which the ark was borne, Exod.
and should habitually seek wisdom from above. How 2.5: 13-15. They wore drawn partly out, so that their ends
much, or what proportion, is to be employed in one way, projected into the holy place. Unto this day; an expression
and what in another, in order most to honor God and do which the author of the books of Kings seems to have re-
good, he has not definitely prescribed. But each one tained from " the book of the acts of Solomon." Chap. 11 41. :
1 : ;
10 And it came <o pass, when the priests wore in my sight" (o sit on the throne of Israel *;, "
coino (Pia of (lie hdly /jlticc, that the cloud tilled so that' thy ciiildreii take heed to their way, liiat
the house of the LoitD," they walk before mc as thou hast walked before
1 So that the priests could not stanjl to min- me.
ister lieeause of the cloud: for the fflory of the 2(j And now, God
of Israel, let thy word, I
LoitP hail filled the house of the Loui). pray thee, be verified, which thou spakest unto
'I'iieii spake Solomon, The LouD said tliat liiy servant David my father.''
ho would dwell in the thick darkness.'' 27 ]5ut will God indeed dwell on the earth?
13 1 have surely liuilt thee a house to dwell in,'' behold, the heaven and heaven of hea^ens can-
a settled place for thee to abide in for ever.*' not contain thee;"' how much less this house that
14 And the kin<^ turned his face about, and I have builded?
blessed all the conpjregation of Israel :*= and all 28 Yet have thou respect unto the prayer of thy
the conffre.ijation of Israel stood servant, and to his supplication, Lord my (iod,
15 And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer, which
Israel/ which spake with his mouth unto David thy servant prayeth before thee to-day:
my father,''' and hath with his hand fulfilled it, 21) That thine eyes may be o]ien toward this
he spake, and I am risen up in the room of David eous,' to give him according to his righteousness.
my fatlier, and sit on tiie throne of Israel, as the 33 II When thy people Israel be smitten down be-
Lord promised/ and have built a house for the fore the enemy," because they have sinned against
name of the Lord God of Israel. thee, and shall turn again to thee," and confess thy
21 And I have set there a place for the ark, name, and pray, and make supplication unto thee
wherein is the covenant of the Lord," which he in^ this house:
made witli our fathers, when he brought tlicm out 34 Then hear thou in licavcn, and forgive the
of the land of Egypt. sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto
22 T And Solomon stood before the altar of the the land which thou gavest unto their fathers.
Lord in the presence of all the congregation of 35 T When heaven is shut up,-'' and there is no
Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven rain, because they have sinned against thee; if
23 And he said. Lord God of Israel, there is no they pray toward this place, and confess thy name,
God like thee,"" in heaven above, or on earth be- and turn from their sin, when thou afflictest them :
neath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy 36 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the
servants" that walk before thee with all their sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, that
heart:" thou teach them the good way wherein they should
21 Who
hast kept with thy servant David my walk,^ and give rain upon thy land, which thou
father that thou promisedst him: thou spakest also hast given to thy people for an inheritance.
with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thy hand, 37 1 If there be in the land famine," if there bo
as it is this day. pestilence, blasting, mildew, locust, or if there be
25 Therefore now, Lord God
of Israel, keep caterpillar if their enemy besiege them in the
10. The cloud ; the symbol of God's presence, Exod. 19: 16 2G. Verified; shown to be true, by its fulfilment.
20:21; 40:34, 35; Isa. 6:4; Rev. 15:8. 29. May be open; look with favor. Toward; in, ver. 33.
22. Stood before the altar ; he presented himself before 31. An oath be laid upon him; this oath he was required
the altar, standing with his face towards the congregation, to take before the altar.
and then kneeled down and spread out his hands as he 33. /n,- toward, ver. 30. The word in the original means
prayed, ver. 54. in, or toward, accordinar to the connection.
; : ; ; : : ;
; : :
44 T" If thy people go out to battle against their his good promise," which he promised by the hand
enemy, whithersoever thou shalt send them, and of Moses his servant. p
shall pray unto the Lord toward the city* which 57 The Lord our God be with us, as he was
thou hast chosen, and toward the house that I have with our fathers let him not leave us, nor forsake
38. The plague o/"A/.s own heart; the sorrow that is his
own special burden, and which he feels to be the chas-
tisement from God for his sin.
41. For thy name's sa/ce ; on account of what he had heard
about God, and for the purpose of worshipping him and
sharing in the blessings of his people.
63. A sacrifice of peace-offerings —
two and twenty thousand
oxen twenty thousand sheep; certain prescribed portions of
Go^i antnant vith Solomon. 1 KINGS IX. The cities given to Iliram.
AND it eame to pass, when Solomon had fin- hold upon other gods, and have worshipped them,
ished the building of the house of the Loud,' and served them therefore hath the Loud brought :
and the king's house,' and all Solomon's desire upon them all this evil."
which he was pleased to do," 10 IT And it came to pass at the end of twenty
2 That the Lord appeared to Solomon the sec- years,''" when Solomon had built the two houses,
ond time, as he had appeared unto him at Gibeon.'' the house of the Loud, and the king's house,
3 And the Loud said unto him, I have heard thy 11 (JVbt/j Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished
prayer and thy su])plication,' that thou hast made Solomon with cedar-trees and fir-trees, and with
Defore me I have hallowed this house, which thou gold, according to all his desire,) that then king
hast built, to put my name there for ever;^ and Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the laud
mine eyes aud my heart shall be there perpetu- of Galilee.
ally.^ 12 And Hiram came out from Tyre to see the
4 And if thou wilt walk before me, as David cities which Solomon had given him; and they
thy father walked,' in integrity of heart, and in pleased him not.^
uprightness, to do according to all that I have 13 And he said, "What cities are these which thou
commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and hast given me, my brother? And he called them
my judgments ;'" the land of Cabul* unto this day.™
k?mP I'i And Hiram sent to the king sixscore offer burnt-offerings and peace-offerings upon the
talents of pjold. altar which he built unto the Lord, and he burnt
15 ir And this is the reason of the levy which incense upon the altar^ that was before the Lord.
king Solomon raised;" for to build the house of So he finished the house.
the Lord, and his own house, and Millo," and the 26 Tl And king Solomon made a navy of ships in
wall of Jerusalem," and Hazor,'' and Megiddo,'' Ezion-geber,'' which is beside Eloth,"' on the shore*
and Gczer/ of the Red sea, in the land of Edom.
16 For Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and 27 And Hiram sent in the navy his servants,
taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain the shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the
Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and given it servants of Solomon.
for a present unto his daughter, Solomon's wife. 28 And they came to Ophir,'' and fetched from
17 And Solomon built Gezer, and Beth-horon thence gold,' four hundred and twenty talents, and
the nether,^ brought it to king Solomon.
18 And Baalath,'' and Tadmor in the wilderness,
in the land,
19 And all the cities of store that Solomon had,
1 The queen of Sheba admireth the wisdom of Solomon. 14 Solomon's
and cities for his chariots,' and cities for his horse- gold. 16 His targets. 18 The throne of ivory. 21 His vessels.
men, and that which Solomon desired" to build '24 His presents. 26 His chariots and horse. 20 His tribute.
the laiid,J whom the children of Israel also were to Solomon, she communed with him of all that
not able utterly to destroy,'' upon those did Solo- was in her heart.
mon levy a tribute of bondservice unto this day.' 3 And Solomon told her all her questions :^ there
22 But of the children of Israel did Solomon was not any thing hid from the king, which he told
make no bondmen:'" but they ivere men of war, her not.
and his servants, and liis princes, and his captains, 4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solo-
and rulers of his chariots, and his horsemen. mon's wisdom, and the house that he had built,
23 These were the chief of the officers that ivere 5 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of
over Solomon's work, five hundred and fifty, which his servants, and the attendance of his ministers,
bare rule over the people that wrought in the and their apparel, and his cup-bearers,' and his
work. ascent by which he went up unto the house of the
2-1 \ But Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the Lord there was no more spirit in her.
city of David" unto her house which Solomon had 6 And she said to the king. It was a true report*
built for her;" then did he build Millo." that I heard in mine own land of thy acts* and of
25 IT And three times in a year did Solomon thy wisdom.
• eh. 5:13. basim5:9. cPsi. 51:18. d Josh. 19: Mi. = Josh. 17: II. o ch. 7:8. P ver. 15; ch. 11:27; 2 Chr. 32:5. t Heb. upon it. q 2 Chr.
' JosK. 16:10; Judg. ISO. B Josh. 18:3. h Josh. 19:44; i Chr. t-:4, 6, etc. S: 12, etc. 'Deut. 2:8. 1 Heb. //p. •ch. 10:11. I Job 22:24. "2 Chr. 9:1,
' ch. 4:-26. • H?b. the d^^sirc
of Solomon which he desired, i Judg. 3:1. etc.; Matt. 12:42. vProv. 1:5.6. J Heb. tt'ords. t^e^. standing. T Or,
k Josh. 15:63; 17:12. 1 Judg. 1:2S; Ezra, 2:58. m Lev. 25:39. » oh. 3:1. butlers. ' Heb. word, t Or, sayings.
be distinguished in their punishment. ern part of Arabia near the south end of the Red sea.
12. Different men have different tastes, which lead them Heard oftliefame; probably by the ships that went down
to follow different occupations and live in different places. from Ezion-geber. Prove hun ; ascertain whether he was
Some are attracted by the noise and bustle of cities, others as wise as he had been represented to be.
by the stillness and quiet of the country, and both may be 5. No more spirit; she was utterly astonished.
1 Solomon's wives and concubines. 4 In his oU a;;e they draw him to
idolatry. 9 God threateneth him. 14 Solomon's adversaries were
Had:id, who was entertained in Eg^pt, 23 Rezon^ who reigned in
Ditnascus, '2G and Jeroboam, to whom Ahijah prophesied. 41 Solo-
mon's acts, reign, and death: Rehoboam succeedeth him.
Aliijah tlio Shilonilo fcuiiul liim in tlio way;" and 40 Solomon sought therefore to kill Jer- a.*i.»i24.
ho had chid hinisidl'wilh a new ganiiciit ; and tlicy olioam." And Jcroimani arose, and flod i«>'
two irrrr ahmi' in the field: into Egypt, unto Shishak king of Kgypt, and was
30 And Aiiijah i'aii,irhl tiic new garment that u-oi in Kgypt until the death of Solomon.
on him, and rent it in twelve pieces:'' 41 *] And the rest of iho ads' of Solomon, and
31 And he said to Jori)l)oaMi, Take thee ton all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not writ-
piceos: lor thus saith the LdiU). tiie God of Israel, ten in the Iwok of the acts of Solomon?"
Behold, I will rend the kinj^doni out of the liaud of 42 And the lime' that Solomon reigned in Jeru-
Solomon, and will give ten tribes to thee:" salem over all Israel vas forty years.
32 (But he shall have one tribe for iny servant 43 And Solomon slept with hi.s fathers, and was
David's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake, the city buried in the city of David his father: and Keho-
which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel:) boam* his sou reigned in his stead.
33 Because that they have forsaken mo, and have
•worshi|i]i('d Aslitoretli the p;odili'ss of the Ziiloni-
ans, Chemosh the goil of the Moabites, ami Mil-
com the god of the children of Ammon,'' and have 1 The Israelites, assembled at Shcchcm to crown Rehoboam, by Jero-
boam make a suit of relaxation unto him. G Rehoboam, refusing the
not walked in my ways, to do ihal which is right olJ men's counsel, by the advice of young men, unswcreth them rough-
in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judg- ly. 16 Ten tribes revolting, kill Adoram, and make Rehoboam to fl.'p.
38. Build thee a sure house; cause his posterity to reign away from God, and subjects the soul to his just indignation.
after him. No previous favors, and no fulness or variety of earthly
41. The bpok; a record which was kept of the transac- blessings, can then preserve it from trouble and sorrow.
tions of his reign. 25. The wickedness of rulers tends greatly to corrn])t
INSTRUCTIONS. their people, and often brings on them numerous long and
1. The union for hfe of one man with one woman, ac- dreadful calamities.
cording to t!ie appointment of God, is essential to the 31. When rulers and people become corrupt, public
highest excellence, usefulness, and happiness in life and ;
peace and prosperity will decline, and divisions, revolu-
the neglect or violation of the original institution of mar- tions, and bloodshed maj' be expected to follow.
riage is a source of many of the most direful evils to which 34. God is merciful and gracious, not willing that men
men on the earth are exposed. should perish, but that they should come to repentance ;
2. However great the blessings which any one may have and punishments are sometimes delayed, and children suf-
enjoyed, and however weh he may in times past have im- fered to live in the enjoyment of manifold blessings, out of
proved them, yet, if left to himself, he is liable to depart regard to the piety and faithfulness of parents.
from God, and to fall into the most abominable h-ansgres- 38. The promises of God are connected with obedience.
sions. If men walk in his ways, blessings will be granted, and
4. Licentiousness weakens the understanding, corrupts may go down increasing to their children. But if they
the affections, stupefies the conscience, hardens the heart, rebel against him, they forfeit his favor, and may deprive
and debases all the jiowers of tlie human soul. No talents, not only themselves, but their posterity, of his mercies.
acquisitions, or renown, can keep the soul which is under
its power from the practice of the most degrading and CHAPTER XII.
destructive sins. 1. Shechem ; Ephraim. Ver.
in the tribe of 25.
9. The practice of iniquity shows that the heart is turned 7. Be a servant; comply with their wishes.
: :
hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise fight against your brethren the children of Israel
you with scorpions." return every man to his house; for this thing is
12 T^ So Jeroboam and all the people came to from me." They hearkened therefore to the word
Rehoboam the tliird day, as the king had appoint- of the Lord, and returned to depart, according
ed, saying. Come to me again the third day. to the word of the Lord.
13 And the king answered the people roughly,*'' 25 IT Then Jeroboam built Shcchem in mount
and forsook the old men's counsel that they gave Ephraim,'' and dwelt therein; and went out from
him;'' thence, and built Ponuel.''
14 And spake to them after the counsel of the 26 And Jeroboam said in his heart. Now shall
young men,' saying. My father made your yoke the kingdom return to the house of David:
heavy, and I will add to your yoke my father 27 If this people go up to do sacrifice in the
also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise house of the Lord at Jerusalem,"' then shall the
you with scorpions. heart of this people turn again unto their lord,
15 Wherefore the king hearkened not unto the even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they fhall
people; for the cause was from the Lord,'' that he kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.
might perform his saying, wliich the Loud spake 28 Whereupon the king took counsel, and made
by Ahijah the Shilonito unto Jeroboam the son two calves of gold,^ and said unto them, It is too
of Nebat." much for you to go up to Jerusalem behold thy :
16 1 So when all Israel saw that the king heark- gods, Israel, which brought thee up out of the
ened not unto them, the people answered the king, land of Egypt.'
saying. What portion have we in David?' neither 29 And he set the one in Beth-el," and the other
have we inheritance in the son of Jesse to your put he in Dan."" :
15. The cause was from the Lord; he so ordered events in the supposed interests of his own family above the author-
his providence as to fulfil his declarations. Yer. 24. ity of God and the religious welfare of the people. Ttieu
IS. The tribute; the revenue of the kingdom. shall kill me; this was in direct contradiction to what God
25. Penucl ; east of Jordan, on the river Jabbok. had said, showing that he did not believe him. Ch. 11:38.
27. If this people go up to do .mcrifice ; according to the 29. Bcth-cl ; in the south part of his kingdom. Dan; in
Mosaic law all the males throughout Israel were required the north part.
to go up to Jerusalem three times a year to the national 31. A house of high places; a temple for the idolatrous
feasts. Jeroboam feared the influence of these annual worship at Dan, wliich the sacred writer first describes.
visits upon the people, and determined to prevent them 32. Ttic eighth month; called Bui, and answering to a part
by corrupting the public worship of God. Thus he sot of October and November. Like unto the feast; the feast
: :
Botli-cl the pricrits of the liigli places which he of Cud. Kntreat now the face of the LORD ^j,",. ",!??:
hinl iniuli'." thy God,' and ])ray for nir, ijuit my hand may be
33 So lie ofTorcilwhicli he had
upon llie, altar' restored me again. And the iiiaii of God besought
made the liftecnfli day of the eighth
in Jicth-el the Loud,' and the king's hand was restored him
month, even in the month which he had devised again, and became as it vas before.
of his own heart;'' and ordained a feast unto the 7 And the king said unto the man of God, Come
children of Israel and he offered upon tlie altar,
: homo witii me, and refresh thyself, and 1 will give
and burnt* incense." thee a reward.'
8 And the man of God said unto the king. If
thou wilt give me half thy liouse,'' I will not go
CHAPTER XIII. in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink
1 Jeroboam^s hand, that offered violcnco to him that prophesied a^inst
his altnr at Beth-el, withereth, 6 and at tiie prayer of the propTiet is
water in this place:
restored. 7 The propitet, refusing the king's entertainment, departeth 9 For so was it charged me by the word of the
from Beth-el. 11 An old prophet, seducing him, bringetlt him back.
20 He is reproved by G-oa, 23 slain by a lion. 26 buried by the old
Lord, saying, Eat no bread,' nor drink water, nor
prophet, ^l who ronfinneth his prophecy. ,33 Jeroboam's obstin.icy. turn again by the same way that thou camest.
Judah by
behold, there
came a man of God out of 10 Bo he went another way, and returned not
word of the Lord unto Beth-el by the way that he came to Beth-el.
and Jeroboam stood by the altar to iKirii' in- 11 If Now there dwelt an old prophet in Beth-
cense.'' el ; and came and told him all the works
his sons'
2 he cried against the altar in the word of
And that the man of God had done that day in Bethel
the Lord, and said, altar, altar, thus saith the the words which he had spoken unto the king,
Lord Behold, a cliild shall be born unto the
them they told al.=o to their father.
house of David, Josiah by name and upon thee ; 12 And their father said unto them. What way
shall he offer the priests of the high places that went he? For his sons had seen what 'way the
burn incense upon thee, and men's bones shall be man ot God went, which came from Judah.
burnt upon thee." 13 And he said unto his sons, Saddle me the
3 And he gave a sign the same day,' saying, This ass. So they saddled him the ass; and he rode
is the sign which the Loud hath spoken Behold, : thereon,
the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon 14 And went after the man of God, and found
it shall be poured out. him sitting under an oak and he said unto him.
4 And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam Art thou the man of God that camest from Judah ?
heard the saying of the man of God, which had And ho said, I am.
cried against the altar in Beth-el, that ho put forth 15 'J'hen he said unto him. Come home with me,
his hand from the altar, saying. Lay hold on him.*'' and cat bread.
And his hand, which ho \)\\t fortli against him, 10 And he said, I may not return with thee, nor
dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to go in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink
39:7, 22; John 2:1^; I Cor. 1:22. S 2 Chr. 16:10; 18:25. etc.; 25:15, 16;
Pia. lOJ:!.?; .Ter. 20:2-1; Amos 7:10-17; Matt. 23:^0; John 13:20; Acts
Governments should exist for the good of the people,
and this should be sought in all their acts.
7. No enlightened and patriotic people can permanently
be governed by mere force or fear. Every wise ruler will
therefore endeavor to conciliate his people, and secure
their confidence and love. This, old men who have long
observed the course of events and are well acquainted
with human nature, feel much more deeply than young
10. Young men, especially those who have grown up in
luxury and disjipation, without restraint, and under the
influence of bad examples, are ;ipt to be proud, self-confi-
dent, and overbearing not only fond of power, but of
sav unto Jicr; for it sliall be, wiien siie conietii in,
tliaf she shall feiu'n herself /o hr unotlier icoman."
6 And it was so,when Aiiijah iieard the sound
of her feet, as she came in at the door, that he
said, Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam why fcigii- ;
f,',;;'!' imanjes,' and groves,* on every high hill, not perfect with the Lord his God, as the heart
and niider every green tree.'' of David his father.'
24 And there were also sodomites in the land:'^ 4 Nevertheless for David's sake did the Lord
and they did according to all the abominations of his God give him a lamp^ in Jerusalem,J to set up
tlie nations which the -Lord cast out before the his son after him, and to establish Jerusalem:
children of Israel. 5 Because David did that which was right in the
25 1 And it came to pass in the fifth year of king eyes of the Lord, and turned not aside from any
Rehoboam, that Shiskak king of Egypt came up thing that he commanded him all the days of his
against Jerusalem life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Ilittite.
26 And he took away the treasures of the house 6 And there was war between Rehoboam and
of the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house Jeroboam all the days of his life.
he even took away all and he : took away all the 7 Now the rest of the acts of Abijam, and all
shields of gold wliich Solomon had made." that he did, are they not written in the book of
27 And king Rehoboam made in their stead bra- the Chronicles of the kings of Judah? And there
zen shields, and committed thejii unto the hands was war between Abijam and Jeroboam.
of the chief of the guard,* which kept the door of 8 And Abijam slept with his fathers and they ;
the king's house. buried him in the city of David and Asa his son :
28 And it was so, when the king went into the reigned in his stead.''
house of the Lord, that the guard bare them, and 9 H And in the twentieth year of Jeroboam king
brouglit them back into the guard-chamber. of Israel reigned Asa over Judah.
29 1 Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and 10 And forty and one years reigned he in Jeru-
all tliat he did, are they not written in the book salem. And his mother's* name was Maachah, the
of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah? daughter of Abishalom.
30 And there was war between Rehoboam and 11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes
Jeroboam all their days.*^ of the Lord, as did David his father.
31 And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and 12 And he took away the sodomites out of the
was buried with his fathers in the city of David. land, and removed all the idols that his fathers
And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammon- had made.
itess. And Abijam* his son reigned in his stead. 13 And also Maachah his mother, even her he
removed from bei7ig queen, because she had made
an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed* her idol,'
CHAPTER XV. and burnt it b}^ the brook Kidron.™
1 Abijam's wicked reign. 7 Asa succeedeth him. 9 Asa's good reign. 14 But the high places were not removed :" nev-
16 The war between Baasha and hiin causeth him to make a league
ertheless Asa's heart was perfect with the Lord
with Ben-hadad. 23 Jehosiiaphat succeedeth Asa. 25 Nadab's wick-
ed reign. 27 Baasha conspiring against him executetii Ahijah's proph- all his days.
. ecy. 31 Nadab's acts and death. 33 Baasha's wicked reign.
he brought in the things* which his fa-
NOW king Jeroboam ther had dedicated, and the things which himself
in the eighteenth year of
the son of Nebat, reigned Abijain over Ju- had dedicated, into the house of the Lord, silver,
dah.^' and gold, and vessels.
Three years reigned he in Jerusalem. And
2 16 'i And there was war between Asa and Baasha
his mother'sname was Maachah,^" the daughter of king of Israel all their days.
Abishalom.' 17 And Baasha king of Israel went up against
3 And he walked in all the sins of his father, Judah," and built Ramah," that he might not suffer
which he had done before him and his heart was any to go out or come in to Asa king of Judah.'
ward from bad to worse, and the most higlily exalted by 13. 3Iade an idol in a grove; rather, an idol to Asherah,
privileges and blessings, when not restrained by divine that is, Ashtoreth. Kidron; a torrent-bed on the east side
grace, will become the most wretched and debased by of Jerusalem, between the city and the mount of Olives
their crimes. the same as Cedron, John 18:1.
14. The high places were not removed; of both Asa and
CHAPTER XV. Jehoshaphat his son it is said that they took away the
2. Maachah, the daughter of Abislialom; in 2 Oiron. 13:2, high places, 2 Chron. 14:3; 17:6; and yet it is said of both,
the mother of Abijam (Abijah) is said to be Michaiah, the that during their reign the high places were not taken
daughter of Uriel. This may perhaps be explained on away. See, besides the present verse, chap. 22:43; 2 Chr.
the supposition that Michaiah is another name borne by 15:17; 20:33. Some have supposed that in one case the
Maachah and that she was the granddaughter of Abisha-
; reference is to high places where idols were worshipped,
lom, and the daughter of Uriel. and in the other to high places for the worship of Jeho-
3. Perfect; sincerely devoted to God. vah. But perhaps the more probable meaning is, that
4. A lamp; continue to Iiim the kingdom. while these two kings did what lay in their power to
5. Turnal not aside from any thing; not in such a wicked remove the high places, they could not wholly extirpate
and notorious manner in any thing else and for that he ; them.
heartily condemned himself, and most sincerely repented. 17. Built Ramah; commenced the work of fortifying it.
Psa. 51. Ramah was in the tribe of Benjamin, a short distance north
10. His mother's name; that is, as we must necessarily of Jerusalem. Baasha's object in doing this was to com-
understand, his grandmother's name, ver. 2. mand the road to and from Jerusalem on the north.
Aia'i waneitA natisha. 1 KINGS XVI. Nadah ami Baasha.
18 Tlicn Asa took nil tlic >;ilvor and the pild he smote all the house of Jeroboam; he *ji" *™;
that urre left in llie trunsiuTS of the house of tlio left not to Jeroboam any that breathed, until lie
Loun, and tlie treasures of tlic kiiit,''s liouse, and had destroyed him, according unto the saying of
tlie Loitii, which he spake by his servant Ahijah
delivered them into the hand of his servants: and
king Asa sent them to Hen-liadad, tlic son of Tab- the Shihniite:"
;50 Because of the sins of Jeroboam which he
rimon, tiio son of llezion, king of Syria, that
dwelt at Itaniascus," saying, sinned, and whidi he made Israel sin. by his jirov-
19 T/icrc is a league between nic and thee, and ocation wherewith he provoked the LuiiD God of
between my father and thy father: behold, 1 have Israel to anger.'
sent unto tiiee a present of silver and gold eome
311^ Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, and all
and break tiiy league with Baasha king of Israel, that he did, are they not written in the book of
that he may depart' from me. the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
•20 So Ben-hadad liearkencd unto king Asa, and 32 And there was Avar between Asa and Baasha
sent the captains of the hosts wliieli he had against king of Israel all their days.'"
the cities of Israel, and smote Ijon,'' and l)an,'= and 33 In the third year of Asa king of Judah began
Abel-beth-maachah,'' and all Ciiinueroth, with all Baasha the son of Ahijah to reign over all Israel
the land of Naphtali. in Tirzah, twenty and four years.
21 And it came to pass, when Baasha heard there- 34 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, and
of, that he left off building of Ramah,
and dwelt walked in the way of Jeroboam," and in his sin
in Tirzab. wherewith he made Israel to sin."
22 Then king Asa made a proclamation through-
out all Judah none ivas exempted :* and they took
smote him at Gibbcthon,' which belonged to the 5 Now the rest of the acts of Baasha, and what
Philistines ;J for Nadab and all Israel laid siege he did, and his might, are they not written in the
to Gibbethon. book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?"
28 Even in the third year of Asa king of Judah 6 So Baasha slept with his fathers, and was
did Baasha slay him, and reigned in his stead. buried in Tirzah and Elah his son reigned in his:''
18. Damascus; the capital of Syria. 18. "When men, instead of trusting in God and doing his
20. Ijon — — —
Dan Abcl-heth-maadiah Chinncroth; places in will,apply to the wicked for help and devote to them what
the north part of Israel, next to Syria. should be devoted to him, though they may sometimes
27. Gibhethon; in the tribe of Dan, but occupied by the gain temporary relief, j-et it will in the end be very likely
Philistines. to increase their trouble.
29. The saying of the Lord; chap. 14:14. 23. However long any may live, and however much in
the providence and by the grace of God they may be
INSTRUCTIONS. favored, they are constantly liable to disease and death.
8. Sometimes very pious parents are followed by very Nothing should hinder them from being habitually ready
wicked children, and very wicked parents by very pious to close life, and enter upon the retributions of eternity.
children. Eccl. 8:G-13; 12:1.
13. No affection or regard for earthly relatives or friends, 29. One set of wicked men, in the prosecution of their
however exalted, should lead us to encourage or connive wicked objects, may without intending it bring on other
at their sins, or hinder us from using all proper means to wicked men punishments which God has denounced. Isa.
prevent their injurious influence. 44:28; 45:1-5; Dan. 5:30, 31.
ill:''.;''" 7 And also by tlie hand of the prophet treason tliat he wrought, are they not written in
Jehu the son of Hanani came the word of the Lord the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
against Baasha," and against hi^ house,'' even for 21 ^i Then were the people of Israel divided into
all the evil that he did in the sight of the Lord, two parts:" half of the people followed Tilmi (he
in provoking him to anger with the work of his son of Ginath, to make him king; and half fol-
hanils,'' in being like the house of Jeroboam; and
lowed Omri.
because he killed him." 22 But the people that followed Omri prevailed
8 1l In the twenty and sixth year of Asa king against the people that followed Tibni the son of
of Judah began Elah the son of Baasha to reign Ginath: so Tibni died, and Omri reigned.
over Israel in Tirzah, two years. 23 If In the thirty and first year of Asa king of
9 And his servant Zimri," captain of half his Judah began Omri to reign over Israel,'' twelve
chariots, conspired against him, as he was in Tir- years: six yeai-s reigned he in Tirzah.
zah, drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza,*^ And he bought the hill Samaria of Shemer
steward of* his house in Tirzah. two talents of silver, and built on the hill, and
10 And Zimri went in and smote him, and killed called the name of the city which he built, after
him, in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king the name of Shemer, owner of the hill, Samaria.*'
of Judah, and reigned in his stead. 25 If But Omri wrought evil in the eyes of the
11 IT And it came to pass, when he began to Lord,'' and did worse than all that ivere before
reign, as soon as he sat on his throne, that he slew him.
all the house of Baasha ho left him not one that
: 26 For he walked in all the way of Jeroboam
pisseth against a wall,^ neither of his kinsfolks, nor the son of Nebat, and in his sin wherewith lie made
of his friends.* Israel to sin,' to jirovoke the Lord God of Israel
12 Thus did Zimri destroy all the house of Baa- to anger with their vanities.'
sha, according to the word of the Lord, which he the rest of the acts of Omri wliich he
27 Now
spake against Baasha by* Jehu the prophet,'' might that he showed, are they not
did, au,d his
13 For all the sins of Baasha, and the sins of written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings
Elah his son, by which they sinned, and by which of Israel?
they made Israel to sin, in provoking the Lord 28 So Omri slept with his fathers, and was bur-
God of Israel to anger' with their vanities.' ied in Samaria and Ahab his sou reigned iu his :
14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all that stead.
he did, are they not written in the book of the 29 IT And in the thirty and eighth year of Asa
Chronicles of the kings of Israel? king of Judah began Ahab tlie son of Omri to reign
15 IT In tlio twenty and seventh year of Asa king over Israel and Ahab the son of Omri reigned :
of Judah did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah." over Israel in Samaria twenty and two years.
And the people ivere encamped against Gibbethon, 30 And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight
wliich belonged to the Pliilistines.' of the Lord above all that 7rcre before him."
16 And the people that were encamped heard say, 31 And it came to pass, as if it had been a light
Zimri liath conspired, and hath also slain the king thing' for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
wherefore all Israel made Omri, the captain of the the son of Nebat," that he took to wife Jezebel'"
host, king over Israel that day in the camp. the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians,''
17 And Omri went up from Gibbethon, and all and went and served Baal, and worshipped him.''
Israel with him, and they besieged Tirzah. 32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in the
18 xVnd it came to pass, when Zimri saw that house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
the city was taken, that he went into the palace 33 And Ahab made a grove f and Ahab did more
of the king's house, and burnt the king's house to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than
over him with fire,'" and died, all tiie kings of Israel that were before him."
19 For his sins which he sinned in doing evil in 34 T In his days did Hiel the Beth-elite build Jer-
the sight of the Lord, iu walking in the way of icho he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram :
Jeroboam, and in his sin which he did, to make his first-born, and set up the gates thereof in his
Israel to sin." youngest son Segub, according to the word of the
20 Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and his Lord, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun."
» Ver. 1. Exod. 20:5. c ver, 13. d oh. 15:27-29. e a Kings n;.31.
i Heb. Shomeron. qch. 13:32; 2Kingsl7:24i John 4:4; Acts8:5-*. r Mio.
f Nilium 1:10. • H.jb. wliirk was over,
s 1 Sim 25:22. Heh. was il a light
t Or. both his 0:16. s ver. 19. < ver. 13; Acts 14:15. " ver. 33. 1
kinsmen and his friends. I Heb. by the hand of. b ver. 3. ch. 15-30 i
thing. V Ezek. 6:17; 1C:47. » Deut. 7:3; Josh. 23:12, 13. « Jndg. 18:7.
j Deut. 32:21; 1 Sam. 12:21; Isa. 41:29; Jon. 2:8; Rom. 1:21-23: 1 Cor. « 2 Kings 13:0; 17:10j 21:3-
y oh. 21:25, 26; 2 Kings 10:13, etc.; 17:16.
B:4: 10;19. k ver. 8. ch. 15:27. m 2 Sam. 17:23; Psa. 9:16.
nch. 12:28- Jer. 17:1, 2. 'Ter. 30; oh. 21:25. b Josh. 6:26; Matt.24;3S.
15:2li, 34. o Frov. 23:2; Isa. 9:19-21 ; 19:2; Matt. 12:25. p 2 Chr. 22-2
1 Elijkh, hnvini proplirtioJ nsniint Alinb, ii Bent lo Chcrilh, where
rarciH Ur-i hiiii. S He i« KMit lo the wiJaw of Znrephatli. 17 He
raitetli llie widow'i ton. '-ii The woiiwii kelicvcth him.
1 In the extremity of famine Elijah, sent to Aliab, mceteth good Oba-
diah. 9 Obadiah bringcth Ahab to Elijali., 17 Elijah, reproving
Aliab, by fire from heaven convmceth Baal's prophets. 41 Elijah, by
prayer obtaining rain, foUoweth Ahab to Jezreel.
ANDword came
it to pass after many days,'^ that the
of the Lord came to Elijah in the third
year, saying. Go, show thyself unto Ahab; and I
will send rain upon the earth.''
2 And Elijah went to show himself unto Ahab.
And t/m-e was a sore famine in Samaria.
3 And Ahab called Obadiah," which was the
governor f^f his house.* Now Obadiah feared the
Lord greatly
4 For it was so, when Jezebel* cut off the proph-
ets of theLord, that Obadiah took a hundred
and hid them by fifty in a cave,'' and fed
them with bread and water.''
.5 said unto Obadiah, Go into the
And Ahab
land, unto all fountains of water, and unto all
brooks pcradventure we may find grass to save
he is in a journey, or peradventure he slecpeth, took tliom and I]lijah brought tliem down to the
of the evening sacrifice, that i/iere icas neither voice, himself down upon the earth," and put his face
nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.^ between his knees,
30 And Elijah said unto all the people. Come 43 And said to his servant. Go up now, look
near unto me. And all the people came near unto toward the sea. And he went up, and looked,
him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that and said, There is nothing. And he said. Go
was broken down. again seven times.
31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to 44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that
the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out
unto whom the word of the Lord came,' saying, of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said. Go
Israel shall be thy name: up, say unto Ahab, Prepare^ thy chariot, and get
32 And with the stones he built an altar in the thee down, that the rain stop thee not.
name of the Lord: and he made a trench about 45 And it came to pass in the mean while, that
the altar, as great as would contain two measures the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and
of seed. there was a great rain. And Ahab rode, and
33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the went to Jezreel.
bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood,^ and 46 And the band of the Lord was on Elijah ,
"Ch. 10:10, 14. b iChr. 21:36; aChr. 7:1. 3. • Ueh. T/ie word is good. 1:0-8. tHeh.went. h ver 32, 38. i Exod. 3:0. jch. 8:43; 2Kings 19:19;
t Or, antxoer. c Pm. 115:5-9; Jer. 10:5; 1 Cor. 12:2. 1 Or, htaril. i Or, up Psa. 83:18; Ezek. 30:23; 39:7. k Num. 1U:'.'S. Lev. 9:24; Judg. 6:21:
and down at the altar. I Heb. witk a great voice, i Isa. 41 :23. t Or, med- lChr.21:26; 2Chr. 7:1. i>iver.24. 1 Or, Apprehend. > Deut. 13:5; 18:20;
' Heh. hath
itatetlt. a pursuit, e Lev. 19:29. t Heh. they poured out blood 2 Kings 10:23. • Or, o noise, o Jas. 5:17, 18. Mleb. Tie, ot Bind.
upon tktm. I Heb. aseending. i Heb. attention. ' Gen. 32:28. s Lev.
22. I only; he was the only prophet of Jehovah who was Acre near the foot of mount Carmel. Slew them ; according
present, or appeared before the people. command of God. Deut. 13:5; 18:20; Jer. 48:10.
to the
24. Let him be God; let him be acknowledged and adored Went up; from the brook Kishon to a place where
as God. refreshments were provided for him.
26. Leaped; as was the custom with idolaters. 44. Get thee doum; from the mountain where he was, and
27. He IS a god ; spoken in irony, intimating the absurd- return to his palace at Jezreel.
ity of idol- worship. 40. The hand of the Lord was on Elijah; imparting to him
29. The time of the offering; about three o'clSok in the supernatural strength. Girded up his loms ; put a girdle or
afternoon, or between that and sunset. belt around his outer garments, as was the custom when
32. Two measures; a measure was about ten quarts. about to travel. Ran before Aliab ; after the manner of
37. 7'«rnc(i^/^ei)/l^a?•f, to worship Jehovah as the true God. royal attendants, that he might thus pubUcly honor him
40. The brook Ktshon; which emptied into the bay of as the king of Israel.
A. M. 2ms. and he girded up his loins," and ran before 7 And the angel of the Lord came again the
m" Ahab to" the entrance of Jezrcel. second time, and touched him, and said. Arise and
eat; because the journey is too great for thee.
8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went
CHAPTER XIX. in the strength of that meat forty days and forty
1 Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, 4 In the wilder-
fleeth to Bcer-sheba.
nights'' unto Horeb the mount of God.'
ness, beingweary of his life, he is comforted by an angel. 9 At Ho-
reb <Tod ;ippeareth unto him, sending him to anoint Hazael. Jehu, 9 IT And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged
and Elisha. 19 Elisha, taking leave of liis friends, foUoweth Elijah. there and behold, the word of the Lord came to
prophets with the sword." 10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the
2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, Lord God of hosts :^ for the children of Israel
saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also,'' have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine
if I make not thy life as the life of one of them altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword
l)y to-morrow about this time.* and I, even I only, am left and they seek my life, ;
'6 And when he saw that, he arose, and went for to take it away.
his life, and came to Bcer-sheba, which helongeth 11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the
to Jiulah, and left his servant there. mount before the Lord.' And behold, the Lord
4 IF But he himself went a day's journey into the passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the
wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper- mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before
tree and he requested for himself^ that he might
: the Lord;" but the Lord iras not in the wind:"
die; andsaid,Itisenougli; now, Lord, take away and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord
my life;'^ for I am not liettcr tlian my fathers.' icas not in the earthquake
5 And as he lay and slept under a juniper-tree, 12 And after the earthquake a fire but the Lord ;
behold, then an angel touched him,'' and said unto was not in the fire and after the fire a still small
'i Kings 4:29; 9:1; Job 38:3; Jer. 1:17; Eph. 6:14; 1 Pet. 1:13. • Heb. 1:14. I Heb. bolster. hExod. 34:28; Deut. 9:9, 18; Matt.4:a. iExod.3:l;
ill t/ioumnulo. bch, 18:40. c ch. 20:10; Ruth 1 17; -J Kings 0:31. < Psa.
: Mai. 4:4, 5. j Num. 25:11, 13; Psa. 09:9. k ch. 18:4, 13; Mic. 7:2; Eom.
)7;:W,:!3. t Heb. Ais/i/e. e Num. 11 15; Jon. 4:3, S.
: fPaa. 39:12. S Heb. 11:2-4. lExod. 24:12. mEzek. 1:4. nZeoh.4:(i. o Exod. 3:6; Isa. 0:2.
INSTRUCTIONS. pers, and often leads to the infliction of great bodily pen-
3. The fidelity and usefulness of truly religioijs persons ances and sufferings. Such sufferings please the torment-
sometimes lead very wicked men to employ them in pref- ors, but do the tormented no good and are an abomina- ;
duty, he will make it plain and enable them by his grace 43. Not only sincerity and earnestness, but persever-
to perform it. ance in supplication and obedience to God, are essential
17. Persecutors are apt to represent those who condemn to the highest success. However small the number or
them for their wickedness as disturbers of the public peace trying the condition of the friends of Jehovah, let them
and troublers of the people, and to contend that their lib- trust in him, seek of him what they need, and follow his
erty is inconsistent with the public good, and that they directions, and they shall in due time gloriously triumph
should be banished or put to death. over all their foes.
18. The troubles which come upon rulers and people
are a punishment from God on account of their sins. Not
those who condemn these sins, but those who commit 2. So let the gods do to me; let them kill me, if I do not
them, are the real troublers of the country. kill thee.
21. As Jehovah has in various ways shown conclusively 4. Into the wilderness; which lay south of Canaan, and in
that he is the only living and true God, reason, interest, and which Israel had wandered forty years.
duty require that all to whom he is revealed should, with- 8. Forty days and forty nights; lieing miraculously sup-
out hesitation or reserve, love, worship, and obey him. ported. Horeb; where God appeared to Israel and gave
22. Which is the right way is not to be determined by them the l;iw. Deut. 1:6.
the numbers, wealth, and power of those who follow it. 10. Jealous for the Lord; desirous of honoring him by
God's friends may be few, poor, feeble, and despised, leadhig the people to obey him. I only; no other prophet
while Satan's may be many, rich, powerful, and respected. openly appeared to stem the torrent of iniquity.
It is better, in such cases, to be of the few than of the 11, 12. Tlie Lord was not in the wind earthquake fire; — —
many. Psa. 138:6; Prov. 3:34; 1G:19; 28:6. indicating that he would not reform Israel by terrific out-
27. The worship of images, and of all false, imaginary ward displays of his power, but by the quiet persevering
deities, is mean, base, and foolish. labors of his servants, under the invisible and silent influ-
28. "The worship of false gods is cruel to the worship- ences of his Spirit.
The caU of Elisha. 1 KINGS XX, The fugc of Samaria.
to take
1.') And
it away.
tlie Loud said unto him. Go, return on
AND Ben-hadad the king of Syria gathered all
and l/iirc vtrr thirty ami
his host together:
tliy WMV wilderness of Damascus: and when
to the two kings with him, and horses, and chariots and :
20 And ho left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, be, f/iat whatsoever is pleasant" in thine eyes, they
and said. Lot me, I pray thee, kiss my father and shall put it in their hand, and take it away.
my mother, and then I will follow thee.' xVud ho 7 Then the king of Israel called all the elders
said unto him. Go back again:' for what have I of the land,' and said, Mark, I pray you, and see
done to thee? how this ma7i sceketh mischief; for he sent unto
21 And he returned back from him, and took a mo for my wives, and for my children, and for my
yoke of oxen, and slew them, and boiled their flesh silver, and for my gold; and I denied him not.'
with the instruments of the oxeu,^ and gave unto 8 And all the elders and all the people said
the people, and they did eat. Then he arose, and unto him, Hearken not imto him, ilor consent.
went after Elijah, and ministered unto him. 9 "Wherefore he said unto the messengers of Bcn-
• Ver.O.IU. l)Jor.aj:9. c 2 Kings 8: 1-2, I:), a -i Kingi 9:1-3. -Called 02. 1 Heb. Go, return. 12 Sam. 21:22, .10:13,14. i Hob. dMiraWe.
Elistm. Luke 4:27. e 2 Kings 9:14, etc.; 10:8, etc.; W-.J. t Hos. 0:5. 1 2 Kings 5: 7. « lleb, kept not back froi
t Or, wiUlmve. s Rom. 11:4. b Hos. ia:2. i Mitt. 8:21, 22.; Luke 9:61,
10. Ahd-meholah; a town in the plain of Jordan, between 10. Men are never more likely to boast of their past
Beth-sliean and Shechem. when they are neglecting their present duty;
labors, than
— — —
Hazael JeJiu and ElisJta; they would all be in-
17. nor ever more likely to complain, iind fault with others,
strumental in the punishment of idolatrous Israel. and sink into despair.
18. Seven tliousand; who were still worshippers of Jeho- 12. It is not always that wliich is most visible and tan-
vah. gible, or which makes the most noise, that is most effica-
19. Cast his mantle upon him; indicating that he should cious in doing good.
follow him. when fearful, discouraged, and
15. If the people of God,
20. Go back again; probably said to try the firmness of desponding, would get out of trouble, they must go to
his purpose. work what their hands find to do, they must do for the
21. Took a yoke of oxen ; to provide for himself and friends purpose of honoring God and doing good, committing
a feast before lie' left them. Ministered unto him ; waited themselves and all their interests to Lis guidance and
on and assisted hiin. disposal.
18. Some good men are at times tempted to think that
INSTRUCTIONS. there are none who labor in the right way to sustain
the cause of God but themselves, and that when they are
2. No miracles or means of grace will of themselves
lead persecutors and liaters of God to cease from their
gone it must sink. But he will show that it is not as
eflforts to overcome and destroy his people.
dependent on them as they thought it was.
20. God can at any time so touch the hearts of men that
3. However bold, courageous, and successful the people
they will voluntarily and cheerfully leave all for him and
of God may liave been under his influence, unless that is
continued they will become timid and cowardly, desert
his cause. But in doing this, he wiU not lessen their nat-
ural affection, or lead them to neglect any of the proper
their duty, and in despair even wish to die.
kindnesses and courtesies of life. 1 Pet. 3:8.
5. God knoweth the frame of his people and remember-
eth that they are dust. He compassionates their infirmi-
ties and sympathizes in their sorrows, and when they duly
feel their weakness and wants, appears for their relief. 1. Kings; rulers of cities and the adjoining districts of
9. Men are made not merely to be acted upon but to act, country.
and should never voluntarily go where they have nothing 4. lam thine; meaning, that he would be tributary to
to do, or can do nothing. the king of Syria.
ac'w™ my
lord the king, All that
liadad, Tell and said unto him. Go, strengtlien thyself, and
thou didst send for to thy servant at the first I mark, and see what thou doest:'' for at the return
will do: but this thing 1 may not do. And the of the year the king of Syria will come up against
messengers departed, and brought him word again. thee.'
10 And Ben-hadad sent unto him, and said, The 23 And the servants of the king of Syria said
gods do so unto me, and more also," if the dust of unto him. Their gods are gods of the hills ;J there-
Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the peo- fore they Avere stronger than we; but let us fight
ple tluxt follow me." against them in the plain, and surely Ave shall be
11 And the king of Israel answered and said, stronger than they.
Tell /urn, Let not him that girdeth on his harness 21 And do this thing. Take the kings away,
boast himself as he that putteth it oif.'' every man out of his i)lace, and put captains in
12 And it came to pass, when Ben-hadad heard their rooms
this message,^ as he was drinking, he and the kings 25 And number thee an army, like the army that
in tlie pavilions,* that he said uuto his servants, thou hast lost,* horse for horse, and chariot for
Set yourselves in array. And they set themselves chariot: and we will fight against them in the
in array' against the city. l)lain, and surely we shall be stronger than they.''
13 IT And behold, there came' a prophet unto And he hearkened unto their voice, and did so.
Ahab king of Israel, saying, Tiius saith the Lord, 26 And it came to jiass at the return of the year,
Hast thou seen all this great multitude? behold, that Ben-hadad numbered the Syrians, and went
I will deliver it into thy hand this day ;° and thou up to Aphek,' to fight against Israel.*
shalt know that I am the Lord. were numbered,
27 And the children of Israel
II And Ahab said, By whom? And he said. and were
and went against them and all present,^ :
Thus saith the Lord, Even hj the young men'' of the children of Israel ]iitchcd before them like two
the pri.ices of the provinces. Then he said. Who little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the
shall order* the battle? And he answered. Thou. country.
15 Tlien he numbered the young men of the 28 T And there came a man of God, and spake
princes of the provinces,'' and they were two hun- unto the king of Israel, and said. Thus saith the
dred and thirty-two: and after them he numbered Lord, Because the Syrians have said. The Lord
all the iieoplo, fwe7i all the children of Israel, being is God of the hills, but he is not God of the val-
seven thousand. leys, therefore will I deliver all this great multi-
16 And they went out at noon. But Ben-hadad tude into thy hand," and ye shall knoAV that I am
was drinking himself drunk in the pavilions,' he the Lord."
and the kings, the thirty and two kings that help- 29 And they pitched one over against the other
ed him.' seven days. And so it was, that in the seventh
17 And the young men of the princes of the day the battle was joined ° and the children of
provinces went out first; and Ben-hadad sent out, Israel slew of the Syrians a hundred thousand
and they told him, saying. There are men come footmen in one day.
out of Samaria. 30 But the rest fled to Aphek,'' into the city and ;
18 And he said, Whether they be come out for there a wall fell upon twenty and seven thousand
peace, take them alive or whether they be come of the men that ircre left.''
; And Ben-hadad fled,
out for war, take them alive. and came into the city, into an inner chamber.'
11) So these young men of the princes of the 31 If And his servants said unto him, Behold
provinces came out of the city, and the army which now, we have heard that the kings of the house
followed them. of Israel are merciful kings " let us, I pray thee, :
21} And they slew every one his man:" and the put sackcloth on our loins,^ and ropes upon our
Syrians fled and Israel pursued them and Ben- heads, and go out to the king of Israel peradven-
; : :
hadad the king of Syria escaped on a horse with ture he will save thy life.
the horsemen. 32 So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and
21 And the king of Israel went out, and smote put ropes on tlieir heads, and came to the king of
the horses and chariots, and slew the Syrians with Israel, and said. Thy servant Ben-hadad saith, I
a great slaughter. pray thee, let me live. And he said, Is he yet
22 1 And the prophet came to the king of Israel, alive? he is my brother.
a Ch. 19:2. • Heb. ire at my feet; Exod. 11:8; Judg. 1:10. b I'rov. 27:1. 42:S. Heb. was fallen, k Psa. 10:3.
t 1 Sam. 4:1; 29:1
I 2 Kings 13:17.
^ Heb. word. \ Or, tents, t Or. Plar.e the engines: and titeii placfd engines. I war wiih Israel, i Or, victualled, m Isa. 37:29-')6. over. 13;
I Heb. approached, c ver. 2S. 1 Or. servants. ' Heb. bind, or tie. d Jmig. Job 12:16-19. oPsa.lO:16. pPsa.l8:45 q Jer. 43:44; Luke 13:4. I Or,
/:-. 12; ch. 16:9; Prov. 21:2iK!-Ji Hos. 4:11. flsa. 54:15. « Judg.
c ver. from rliambcr to chamber; Heb. a chamber within a chamber; ch. 22:35.
7:21,22; Eccl. 9:11. h 2 Kings (J: 12. i2Sam. 11:1. J Psa. 115:2, 3; Isi. rjsa. 16:5. • Gen. 37:34.
10. If tlie dust of Samaria sliall svffice; meaning) that he the idea was, that different gods ruled over different pla-
would come with such a multitude of people that the sand ces, and that they must fight the Israelites in places where
of >Samaria would not give to each a handful. their gods did not govern.
11. Girdeth on his harness; puts on his armor for battle, 26. Aphek; in the tribe of Issachar. It seems to have
or begins a war. Putteth it off; victoriously closes it. been in the valley of Jezreel.
The young men ; those who waited upon the princes
14. ;
31. Go out to the king of Israel; as prisoners of war. lia-
their servants.The princes of the provinces; these seem to ble, according to the then prevalent custom, to be put to
have been the rulers who governed in the different dis- death.
tricts of the kingdom. 32. On their heads; about their necks. brother; auMy
23. Gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger tlian we; king.
AAab sparetA Ben-kid nd. 1 KINGS XXI. and cord el A N.iboth's nneyard.
33 Now the men diil (lili;ri'ntly ohscrvo wliedior I'J unto him. Thus saith the V'l.^ilU;
.Villi he .said
emy thin^ inm'.d come IVoiii him, and liiil liastily Loup, jjecauso thou hast let go out of thy Jiand
catch it: aiul thi-y .-^aiil, a man whom I ajijiointeil to
Tliy lirothiT Beii-hailaJ. utter destruction,
Then hu saiti, Go ye, bring him. Then JJen-iiaihid tluTeforc thy life shall go for his life,'"and thy
came Ibrtli to liim; and lie caused liim to come u]i people for his people.
into thi' chariot." 43 And the king of Israel went to his liouso
31 And Hi n-hadad said unto him, Tiic cities which heavy and displeased," and came to Samaria.
my father took from tliy fatiier," 1 will restore;
and thou shall make streets for thee in Danuiscus,
as my father made in iSamaria. Then said Jlhab, (' II A V T E II XXI.
I will send thee away with this covenant. So he 1 Ahab bein^ Jenii'il Nnbotli'i vinrytird
is grievej. 5 Jezebel wriling
made a covenant with liini," and sent him away. letters against Nabotli, he is condemned of blasphemy. 1.') AhaB
thy life 1)0 for his life,J or else thou shalt pay* a away his face, and would eat no bread.
talent of silver. 5 % But Jezebel his wife came to him, and said
40 And as thy servant was busy here and there, unto him, "Why is thy spirit so sad,' that thou eat-
he was gone.* And the king of Israel said unto est no bread?
him, So shall thy judgment ie;" thyself hast de- 6 And he said imto her, Because I spake unto
cided it} Naboth the Jezreelite, and said unto him. Give
41 And he hasted, and took the ashes away from me thy vineyard for money or else, if it please ;
his face and the king of Israel discerned him that thee. I will give tlieo another vineyard for it: and
35. In the word of the Lord ; by his command. very different from their object in doing it. They design
40. Tkijself hast decided ; tliat according to his own state- to promote their own glory, and he designs to show his
ment, which was designed to represent the case of Ahab, perfections and advance his cause.
he had forfeited his life. Ahab decided that he should be 16. Under the influence of intoxicating liquor, men are
put to death, and thus virtually condemned himself for self-confident and reckless, and they often speak and act
letting Ben-hadad go when he had him in his power. as if all things were under their control, and are urged on
42. Appointed to utter destruction ; required that he should by Satan and their own lusts from one crime to another
be destroyed. Thy life—for his life; Ahab would himself till they perish.
bo destroyed. Chap. 22:31-37. 22. God knows and can reveal what men will do before
they think of doing it, and yet leave them as free and ac-
INSTRUCTIONS. countable as if he had not revealed what they would do.
4. Wickedness persevered in not only prevents men 28. God hears all that wicked men say, sees all that they
from receiving any saving benefit from divine judgments do or intend to do, and can adapt his providence to meet
and mercies, but renders them mean, cowardly, base, and their cases, and make them the occasion of advancing his
contemptible. glory and the welfare of his people. None therefore who
6. Success in wickedness often increases men's pride, put their trust in him, and follow his directions, need to
arrogance, haughtiness, and rapacity, emboldens them in fear. Psa. 4 2. :
Bin, and thus ripens them for ruin. 35. No feelings or considerations should ever hinder
10. For men to boast of what they have done, is vain men from obeying God, and when they save from death
and foolish to boast of what they will do, presumptuous
those whom God requires to be slain, they incur his dis-
and wicked. It is glorying in the creature, and rebeUing pleasure, and expose themselves to be destroyed.
against the Creator.
13. The object of God in suffering wicked rulers to as- CHAPTER XXI.
semble great multitudes for war and go forth to battle, is 1 . The palace of Ahab king of Samaria ; see note to ver. 18.
;; :
Dost now govern the kingdom of Israel? of Naboth, whither he is gone down to possess it.
and eat bread, and let thy heart be merry:
arise, 19 And thou shalt speak unto him, saying. Thus
I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jez- saith the Loud, Ilast thou killed, and also taken
reelitc.-' possession? And thou slialt speak unto him, say-
8 So she wrote letters in Ahab's name,'' and seal- ing, Thus saitli the Loud, in the place where dogs
ed them with his seal, and sent the letters unto the licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy
elders and to the nobles that icere in his city, blood, even thine.'
dwelling with Naboth. 20 And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found
9 And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim me, mine enemy?'" And he answered, I have
a fast, and set Naboth on high among' the people found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work
10 And set two men, sons of Belial,'= before him, evil in the sight of the Lord."
to bear witness against him, saying, Thou- didst 21 Behold, 1 will bring evil upon thee," and will
blaspiieme God and the king.'' And then carry take away thy posterity, and will cut ofl" from
him out. and stone hini,'^ that he may die. Ahab him that pisselli against the wall,'' and him
11 And the men of his city, even the elders and that is shut up and left in Israel,
the nobles who were the inhabitants in his city, 22 And will make thy house like the house of
did as Jezebel had sent unto them, and as it was Jeroboam the son of Nebat," and like the house
•written in the letters which she had sent unto of Baasha the son of Ahijah,'' for the provocation
them. wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger, and
12 They proclaimed a fast,'' and set Naboth on made Israel to sin.
high among the people. 23 And of Jezebel also spake the Lord, saying,
13 And tiiere came in two men, children of Be- The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall* of Jez-
lial, and sat before him and the men of Belial
: reel.'*
blaspheme God and the king. Then they carried fowls of the air eat.
him forth out of tlie city, and stoned him with 25 \ But there was none like unto Ahab, which
stones, that he died.'' did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight
1-4 Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is of the Lord,' whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.*"
stoned, and is dead. 26 And
he did very abominably in following
15 1 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard according to all things as did the Amorites,''
that Nab(itli was stoned, and was dead, that Jeze- whom the Lord cast out before the children of
bel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the Israel.
vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite,' which he re- 27 And it came to pass, when Ahab heard those
fused to give thee for money: for Naboth is not words, that he rent his clothes," and put sackcloth
alive, but dead. upon his flesh,'' and fasted, and lay in sackcloth,
16 And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that and went softly.
Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down 28 And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the
to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take Tishbite, saying,
possession of it. 29 Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself be-
17 *i And the word of the Lord came to Elijah fore meV because he humbleth himself before me,"
the Tishbite,-' saying, I will not bring the evil in his days:" but in his
18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, sou's days will I bring the evil upon his house."
' Mic. -ia.a. b aSam. 11:11, 15; Esth. 3:1-2. 13. • Hub. in the top
of. 18:17. iiver.25; 2 Kings; 17:17; Isa. 50:1; 52:3; Rom. 7:14. " ch. ^4:10.
<:Deut. 13:l:J. d Bxod. -ii-.-iS; Lev. 2»:15,16| Matt. 26:59-68: Acts(i:ll. P Exod. 20:5, 0; 2 Kings 9:8. q ch. 15:29. r ch 10:3, II. f Or. itilch.
e LeT. 21:U. ( Isa. 58:4. 8 E.xod. 20:10; Psa. 27:12; Prov. 25:IS; Mai ' 2 Kings 9:36, 37. l ch. 16:30, 31 : ver. 20. t Or, innled. u Josh. 23:12,
3:5. li2KiiigsO:2(); Eocl. 4:1 Acts 7:57-59.
; Prov. 1 :ia-ll); 4: 17. J I'sa.
13; Ecol. 7:26. v Gen. 15: 16; 2 Kings 21 :11. w Joel 2: 12, 13. x Jon.
9:12. t ch. l.!:32; 2 Chr. 22:9. 1 ch. 22:3^; Psa. 7:10; Matt. 7:2. m ch. 3:0-10. y Exod 10:3. «Isa.60:2. > 2 Kings 20:19. b 2 Kings 9:25.
8. Wrote letters ; from Samaria. Scaled thetn with his seal INSTRUCTIONS.
this gave them the king's authority, and required all to 4. Covetousness is idolatry and if the heart be under
obey on pain of his displeasure. its power, and cannot obtain its wishes, it may at any time
9. Proclaim a fast; to make an impression that Naboth he rendered miserable. Even little things that cannot be
had committed some great wickedness, which required obtained, but are inordinately desired, may make a man
him to be put to death. wretched.
10. Sons of Belial ; wicked, abandoned men. Stone him; 7. Despotic power in the hand of man or woman under
stoning was the punishment which God commanded for the control of wickedness is a terrible curse, and liable
blasphemy, the crime of which Naboth was falsely accused. at any time to be employed in the commission of the most
Lev. 24:15, IG. outrageous and abominable injustice and cruelty.
16. To go down; from Samaria to .Tczreel. 9. No plans are so wicked that men who are disposed
18. Which i.i in Samaria ; whose customary residence is may not find some wicked enough to aid in executing
in Samaria. Samaria was the capital of Ahab's kingdom, them and no forms of injustice and cruelty are more
and his proper residence, ch. 22:37-39; but he had also execrable, and none will receive a deeper condemnation,
a palace at .Jezreel, and sometimes resided there. Ver. 1 than those which are perpetrated under the cover of relig-
2Chr. 22:6. ion and law.
20. Sold thi/self; abandoned himself to wickedness. 16. Men who have the power and the right to prevent
21. ShxU up and left; a proverbial expression originally crime, and yet suffer it for the sake of sharing its gains,
denoting bond and free, but put here to represent aU are partakers in the guilt of those who commit it, and will
classes of persons. share in their plagues.
28 433
Jduakapkat visits Ahah. 1 KlNliS XXH. rrediction of Micaiah.
Loud, Willi these shait tli<.ii \n\A\ tlie Syr- •*iiVw:
thou have consuiiH'd them,
ians, until
I Ahab. MtlucrJ by UUe
prophrU, ncrordjti^' to the v.-or<l of Micaiah,
12 And all the pro|(hi'ls prophesied so,^ saying,
u (lain at Kaiiioih.'jilraJ. 37 The >lo;t» lick up hit blooJ, and Ahii-
iah •urcrrjt'th hinj. 41 Johoiimphai'a ^ooil reign. -IS Hia acu. Go u]) to Ranioth-gilead, and prosper:" for the
au ji'horaiii auccrctlolli him. 51 Ahaziah s evil reign. Loud
it into the king's hand,
shall deliver
kiiiL' of l.-racl." the word of one of them, and speak that which is
3 And the kinsr of Is;rael said unto lii.s ?crvant?, good,'
Know ye that Ramoth in Ciilead is ours," and wc 14 And Micaiah said, As the Loun livcth, what
Af still, and take it not' out of the liand of the the Lord saith unto me, that will 1 speak,'"
kinir of Syria? 1.') ", .So he came to the king. And the king
4 And lie said unto .lehoshaphat. Wilt thou go said unto hiin, Micaiah, shall we go against Ra-
with me to Ijattlc to Ramoth-gilead'.'"' And Je- moth-gilcad to battle, or shall we forbear? An<l
hoshaphat .said to the king of Israel. I can as thou he answered him. Go, and prosper: for the Lord
art, my people as thy people, my horses as thy shnll deliver it into the hand of the king.
horses.'' 1() And the king said unto him, How many times
5 And .lehoshaphat said luito the king of Israel, shall 1 ailjurc thee that thou tell me nothing but
Inquire, 1 pray thee, at the word of tlu' Loud to- that which is true in the name of the Lord?
day." 17 And he said, 1 saw all Israel scattered upon
G Then the king of Israel gatliered the prophets the hills, as.slieep that have not a shepherd:" and
together,'' about four hundred men, and said unto the Lord said, These have no master: let them
them, Simll I go against Ramotli-gilead to battle. return every man to liis house in peace.
or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up ;'' for 18 And the king of Israel said unto Jeho.shaphat,
the LoKD shall deliver it into the hand of tiie Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no
king. good concerning me, but evil?
7 And Jehoshaphat said, h there not here a 19 And he said. Hear thou therefore the word
prophet of the Lord besides, that we might inquire of the Lord 1 saw the Lord sitting on his throne," :
by wiioMi wo may inquire of the Lord: liut 1 hate Ahab, tliat he may go up and fall at Ramoth-
him;' for he doth not prophesy good concerning gilead? And one said on tliis manner, and an-
me, but evil. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the other said on that manner.
king say so. 21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood be-
9 Tiien the king of Israel called an officer,* and fore the Lord, and said, I will persuade him.
said. Hasten hither Micaiah the son of Imlah, 22 And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith?
10 And tlie king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying
king of Judah sat eacii on his throne, having put spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he
on their robes, in a void place' iu the entrance said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also:
of the gate of Samaria and all the prophets proph- go forth, and do so.
esied before them, 23 Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a
11' And Zedekiah tlio son of Chenaanah made lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets,''
him horns of iron and he said. Thus saith the and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee.
1H:19. eJer. 5:)!. h a Kings :!:ll. 'Psa. 34:21. t Or. eimi/fA. 1 Heb. dmive. q Judg. 9:23; Job 12:10; Ezek. 14:9; 2 Thess. 2:10. 12.
floor. J Ezek. !:J:6-9: Mo. 3:11. kJ'>b'J:4. I tsa. 3U:10. m Num. 22:3.-<;
24 But Zedekiah the son of Chenaanali
37 T So the king died, and was brouglit* to
went near, and smote Micaiali on the elicck," and Samaria and they buried the king in Samaria.
said, Whieli way went tlie Spirit of the Loed 38 And 07ie washed the chariot in the jiool of
from me to speak unto thee? Samaria and the dogs licked up his blood and
; ;
25 And Micaiah said, Bcliold, thou shalt see in they washed his armor; according unto tiie word
that day, when thou shalt go into an inner cham- of tlic Lord which he spake.'
ber'" to hide thyself. 3'J Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all
2(i And tlic king of Israel said, Take Micaiah, that he did, and the ivory house which he made,J
and ('arry him back unto Amon the governor of and all the cities that he built, are they not writ-
tlie city, and to Joash tlic king's son ten in the book of tlie Chronicles of the kings of
27 And say, Tims saith the king. Put i\\K fellow Israel?
in tlie prison,^' and feed him Avitli bread of afflic- 40 So Ahab slept with his fathers and Ahaziah ;
tion and witli water of affliction,'' until I come in his son reigned in his stead.
peace. 41 IT And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to
28 And Micaiah said. If thou return at all in reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king
peace, tlic Lord iiath not spoken by me." And he of Israel.''
said, Hearken, peo])le,'' every one of you. 42 Jehoshaphat ivas thirty and five years old
29 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty
king of Judali went up to Ranioth-gilead. and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother'.s
30 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.
I will disguise myself,* and enter into the battle; 43 And he walked in all tiic Avays of Asa his
but j)ut thou on thy robes. And the king of Israel father;' he turned not aside from it, doing that
disguised himself, and went into the battle.'' u'hich icas right in the eyes of tiic Lord never- :
31 But the king of Syria commanded his thirty theless the high places were not taken away for :
and two captains that had rule over his chariots, the people ofl'ered and burnt incense yet in the
saying, Fight neither with small nor great, save high places.
only with the king of Israel. 44 And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king
32 And it came to pass, when the captains of of Israel."'
the chariots saw Jehosliaphat, that they said, Sure- 45 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and
ly it is the king of Israel. And they turned aside his might tiiat he showed, and how he warred, are
to light against him and Jehoshaphat cried out. they not written in the book of the Chronicles of
35 And the battle increased^ that day: and the were liroken at Ezion-geber.''
king was stayed up in his chariot against the Syr- 49 Then said Ahaziah the son of Ahab unto
ians, and died at even and the blood ran out of Jehoshaphat, Let my servants go with thy ser-
the wound into the midst' of the chariot. vants in the ships. But Jehoshaphat would" not.
36 And there went a proclamation throughout 50 1[ Then Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers,
the host about the going down of the sun, saying. and was buried Avith his fathers in the city of
Every man to his city, and every man to his own David his father and Jehoram his son reigned in :
country.'' his stead
51 *i Azahiah (ho son of Aliali Ijopan to reign of iiis mother, and in the way of Jerolioani *ii"c."J(S:
over Israel in Samaria llic soventecnlli year of the son of NeViat, who made Israel to sin i**
Jchosliajiiiat king ol'Judali, and reigned two years r)li For lie served Baal, and worsiiipped him,
over Israel." and ]n'ov()lved to anger the Ijoiii) God of Israel,
52 And he did evil in the siglit of the Lord,'' and according to all that his father had done."
walked in tlie way of his faiher," and in the way
X.-OSJ. t ell. 1G.3U, He. <1 cl,. l:.':i:-33; 'J Clil 11:11, IS. • JuJg. -2:11; ch. 21:23, -JU.
B.' C.'about S93, (j HA1 saith the Lord,' Is it not because there is not a
i £i It 1 .
Go, inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron," And he said. It is Elijah the Tishbito.
whether I shall recover of this disease." 9 Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty
3 But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the with his fifty. And he went up to him: and be-
Tishbito, Arise, go up to meet the messengers of hold, he sat on the top of a hill. And he spake
the king of Samaria, and say unto them. Is it not unto him. Thou man of God, the king hath said.
because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to Come down.
inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron?'' 10 And Elijah answered and said to the captain
4 Now therefore tlnn saitli the Lord, Thou shalt of fifty, If I ie a man of God, then let fire come
not come down from that had on which thou art down from heaven," and consume thee and thy
gone up," but shalt surely die. And Elijah de- fifty. And there came down fire from heaven,'
parted. and consumed him and his fifty.'
5 M And when the messengers turned back unto 11 Again also he sent un(o him another captain
him, he said unto them. Why are yc now turned of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said
back? unto iiini, man of God, thus hath the king said.
Q And they said unto him. There came a man up Come down quickly.
to moot us, and said unto us. Go, turn again unto 12 And Elijah answered and said unto them, If
the king that sent you, and say unto him. Thus I 6e a man of God, let fire come down from heaven.
!.Sam. S:-2. b 1 Sam. .':in. ' ch. 8:9, 10; 1 Kings 14:3. was the manner of the t S Zech. l.'):4; Matt. 3:4. h Num. 16:35;
liMark :!:->3 • Heb. T/ie bed whit/ier Ihau art gone up, thou slialt not rome I.uke 9:54: Heb. 12:ti9. Kings 18:24; Dan. 3:25. j ch. 2:24; Acts
down from i = Isa. 41:J3, -21. ' 1 Chr. 10: l:J; Psa. 10:4. t Heb. IFAal 5:5,9.
1. Moab rebelled; tliey had before, from the days of Da- 2. The constant men to sickness and death
liability of
vid, been tributary to the Israelites. Chap. 3:4,"5. should lead all so to live, as to be at all times prepared
2. Lattice; or balustrade; a light fence, or not-work. for these events. They will then have no occasion for
Baal-:chub ; an idol god. Ekron ; a city of the Philistines. anxiety, and no inclination to turn away from Jehovah in
8. A hairy man; in his per.son probably also dressed ;
applying for help.
in a garment made of hair. Matt. 3:4. 3. "Applying to false gods, is acting as if Jehovah wcro
10. L'-t fire come down; this was designed to show that not the only living and true God anti is highly provoking
Jehovah was the only living and true God, and able to to Him, who will not give his glory to another, nor his
protect all who put their trust in him. praise to graven images.
Tkalh f Ahixlah.
II 2 KlXdS [I. lllijah talitn to heaven.
lU H Ami
sent again a cajitain of tlic third
1 Elijah, taking his leave of Elisha, with his m.antlc dividcth Jord.ln,
9 and, granting Elisha his request, is taken Tip by a fiery chariot into
heaven. 1*2 Elisha, dividin;^ Jordan with Elijah's mantle, is acknow-
ledged his successor. 16 The voung propiiets, hardly obtaininjj leave
to seek Elijah, could not find liini. 19 Elisha with salt healeth the
unwholesome waters. 23 Bears destroy the children that mocked
had smitton the waters, tlier parted hither
and cursed them in the name of the Loud.' And
and thither :' and Elislia went over. there came forth two she bears out of the wood,
15 And when tlie sons of tlie prophets which and tare forty and two children of them.
were to view at Jcriciio saw liiin,'' tlioy said, Tlie 25 And \w went from thence to mount Carmel,
spirit of Elijali doth rest on Elislia. And they and from thence he returned to Samaria.
came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the
ground before him.
16 1 And they said unto him, BehoUl now, there CHAPTER III.
b? with tliy servants lifty stroni;; men;' lot them I Jehoram's reign. 4 Me-sha rebelleth. 6 Jehoram with Jthoshaphat,
and the king of Edom, being distressed for want of w.ater, by Elisha
go. we pray thee, and seek (hy master: lest per-
obtainetli water, and promise of victory. 21 The Moabites, deceived
adventure the Spirit of th;; Lord hath taken him by the color of the water, coming to spoil, are overeome. 26 The
king of Moab, by sacrificing the king of Edom's son, raiseth the siege.
up," and cast him npon some mountain,* or into
some valley. And ho said, Yc shall not send. N"OW Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign
17 And when they urged him till he was ashamed, over Israel Samaria in the eighteenth
he said, Send. They sent therefore fifty men year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned
and they sought tliroc days, but found him not. twelve years.^
18 And when they came again to him, for he 2 And he wrought evil in the sight of the Lord ;
tarried at Jericho, he said unto them, Did I not but not like his father, and like his mother: for
say unto you. Go not? he put away the image^ of Baal that his father
19 1 And the men of the city said unto Elisha, had made.''
Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is 3 Nevertheless he cleaved unto the sins of Jero-
pleasant, as my lord seeth but the water is naught, boam the son of Nebat, which made Israel to sin ;'
hiui,'' and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head to battle? And he said, I will go up: I am as
go up, thou bald head. thou art, my people as thy people, and my horses
2'1 And he turned back, and looked on them, as thy horses.'"
aVer.8. b vcr. 7. • ileh. sonx of strength, c 1 Kings 18:1-2; Acts 8:39. e Job 19: 18 30: 1 , 8, etc. h Matt. 27:29,
; i
c. Gen. 9:25; JuJg. 9:20, it;
t Heb. 07U of the mountains. 1 Heb. causing to mismrry. d Lev. '2: n Malt.
; Lam. 3:G5. jch. 1:17. M:lc\j. statue, kl Cings 10:32. I I Kings l2:2S-:52.
o 13; Mirk 9:511. <=ch. 4:41; Exod. 15:25; Ez'ik. 47:S, 0. t Psi. 107::!3, 34. »>2Sara.«:2; Psa. 108:9, 10. nLsa.lG:!. »ch. 1:1; 8:20. PlKings22:4.
15. Bowed themselves; acknowledging him as their teach- 14. Though the wisest and best of men are removed
er in the place of Elijah. from earth, God can make their successors wiser and bet-
17. Was aslmmed; any longer to refuse. tor than they ; so that the light, not only of his ministers
19. Nauglit; bad. and individual Christians, but of his church, sliall be as
23. Little children ; young persons. Go up, thou bald head ; the light of the morning, growing brighter and brighter
an expression of tlie contempt of these young idolaters for to the perfect day.
the presence and office of the aged prophet. 16. The wisdom of age and experience cannot by any
24. Cursed them in the name of the Lord; this was intended methods of instruction be imparted to the young. There
to show God as the protector of his people and the pun- is much, very much, which they need to know, that noth-
isher of idolatry. ing but experience will effectually teach them. Job 15 8- :
moved from this world, it is God who removes them and externally very pleasant, and yet are internally barren
although his reasons may not be known by creatures, yet and bitter.
21. Divine kindness, power, and grace, can make a wil-
they are always the wisest and the best, and wo should
bow submissively and cheerfully to liis holy will. derness become like Eden, and a desert like the garden of
2. It is a great privilege to be with wise and holy men
23. The wickedness of parents is often followed and
who realize that they are near the close of life, and who
are expecting soon to exchange earth for heaven. sometimes exceeded by that of their children, and the
8. No obstructions will meet a soul that is ripe for
curse of God on the children becomes the means of pun-
heaven, which true faith will not overcome. It can, when ishing the parents, till those who have been mutual and
called to do so, go through Jordan on dry ground, and rise
successful tempters become mutual and dreadful tor-
to God in a chariot of fire.
9. It is right to desire a double portion of the spirit
9 So the kinp of Israol went, and the king of tlie mcat-odering was oiVered,'' that beiiold, there
Judah, and tiic kinj; of Edoni and tlicy fetclicd came water by the way of Edom, anil the country
a compass of seven days' journey and there was was iilled witli water.
no water for the host, and for the cattle that fol- 21 •: And when all the Moabites heard that the
lowed lliem.' kings were come uj) to fight against them, they
10 And the kinp: of Israel said, Alas, that the gathered' all that were able lo put on armor.*
Lord halh called these three kinjrs together, to and upward, and stood in IIk; liorder.
deliver tlicni into the hand of Moab! 22 And they rose up early in the morning, and
11 Hiit.Tehoshaphatsaid,/,s//if7Tnotherea proph- the sun shone upon the water, and the Moabites
et of the Lord, that we may inijiiirc of the Lord by saw the water on the other side as red as Idood
him?" And one of the kin;;: of Israel's servants 23 And they said. This is blood the kings are :
answered and said, Here m Elisha the sou of Slia- surely slain,' and tliey have smitten one another:
phat, wliich ]iourcd water on tlie hands of Elijah." now therefore, Moab, to the spoil.
12 And Jehoshaphat said. The word of the Loud 24 And when they came to the camp of Israel,
is with him. So the kins of Israel and Jehosha- the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so
phat and tlic king of Edom went down to him. that they fled before them: but they went forward
13 And Elislia said unto the kingof Israel, What smiting" the Moabites, even in their country.
have 1 to do with thee?'' get tliee to the ])ropiicts 25 And they b(!at tlowii the cities,' and on every
of thy father, and to the prophets of tliy inotiicr.'' good piece of land east every man his stone, and
And the king of Israel said unto iiim. Nay for : iilled it; and they stopped all the wells of water,'"
the Lord hath called those three kings together, and felled all the good trees: only in Kir-hara-
to deliver them into the hand of Moab. seth left they the stones thereof;'" howbcit the
14 And Elisha said, Jls the Lord of hosts liveth," slingers went about it, and smote it.
before wliom I stand, surely, were it not that I 26 1 And when the king of iloab saw that the
regard the ])resence of Jehoshaphat tiie king of battle was too sore for him, lie took with him seven
Judah,' I would not look toward tiiee, nor sec tliee. hundred men that drew swords, to break through
15 But now bring mc a minstrel.'"' And it came even unto the king of Edom but they could not. :
to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand 27 Then he took his eldest son that should have
of the Lord came upon him.'' reigned in his stead," and oflcred himybr a burnt-
16 And he said. Thus saitli the Lord, Make this ofl"eriiig upon the wall." And there was great
valley full of ditches.' indignation against Israel and they departed
17 For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see from him, and returned to their own land.'
wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley
shall be liiled with water, that ye may drink, both
ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.
18 And this is hut a light thing in the sight of 1 Elisha muU.iplietli the widow's oil. 8 He giveth a son to the pood
Shunammite. 18 He r.iiseth .^a:un her dead son. 38 At he
the Lord he will deliver the Moabites also into
healetii the deadly pottage. 4'.^ He satislieth a hundred men witll
f Fsi. 15:4.
25. Kir-liarasetli ; a strongly fortified place in the land favors, which they would otherwise never obtain.
of Moab called also Kir-haresh. Isa. 16:7, 11.
; The stones 16. God requires men in their troubles, not only to seek
thereof; thatis, the stones of which the wall was built. his help, but to show by their actions that they believe
26. To break through ; through the forces of the king of him and are willing to follow his directions ; and unless
Edom, and so perhaps escape. they do this, they cannot reasonably expect that he will
27. Offered him; as a sacrifice to his idols, hoping in grant thorn relief.
that way to obtain their help. 23. Things often appear to the wicked to be very differ-
ent from ^vhat they really are and as they do not feel
INSTRUCTIONS. their need of divine guidance, and do not seek it, they
3. Men may
refuse to commit, or may break off some have no security against fatal deception.
Bins, and yet continue to practise others but without a ; 27. The devices of men to atone for their sins and obtain
heart to hate and forsake all known sins, they must perish. help from idols, are sanguinary and cruel. They leave the
7. When men engage in projects without acknowlcdg- heart wedded to its lusts, and arc utterly vain.
The widow's oil multiplied. 2 KINGS lY. The woman of Shunem.
34 And ho wont up. and liiv upon llio ohild, and -13 And his servitor said, What, should *i," "!"'
put lii.s nututli upon his nioutli, and liis oyos upon I sot tills before a hundred men?'' JIo said again.
fcis ovcs. and liis hands upon liis liands: and In- (Jive the people, that they may cat: for thus saith
streti'hod hinisoir upon tlic cliiki ;" and tlic flosh of the Loud, Tlioy shall cat, and sliall leave t/ifnoJV
the cliild waxed warm. 44 So he set it before tlioni, and they did eat.
35 Then lie rotuincd. and walked in the house and left thereof, according to the word of the
to and IVo;* and went up, and strotohed himself LnUli.
upon him: and the ehild sneezed seven times, and
the child opened his eyes.
30 And he called Gehazi, and said. Call this
Shunannnite. So he called iier. And when she 1, by the report of n csplive maiJ, ia sent to Samaria to be
cureii of his leprosy. 8 Elisha, sending him to Jordan, cureth him.
was come in unto him, he said, Take up thy son. IT) He refusinj; Nnanian's gifls, granletli him sonic of the earth. W
37 Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and Gehazi, abusing his master's name unto Naaman, is smitten with
bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son,
and went out.'' "XTOW Naaman,"" captain of the host of the king
38 "i And Elisha came again to Gilgal:'' and XN
of Syria, was a great man with* his master,
there was a dearth in the land ;''
and the sons of and honorable,' because by him the Loui) had
the prophets" were sitting before him :' and he said given deliverance^ unto Syria: lie was also a
unto his servant. Set on the great pot, and seethe mighty man in valor, hut he was a leper.
pottage for the sons of the prophets. 2 And the Syrians had gone out by companies,
3!) And one went out into the field to gather and had brought away captive out of the land of
herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered there- Israel a little maid and she waited on" Naaman's
of wild gourds his lap full," and came and shred wife.
t/iem into the pot of pottage for they knew them
: 3 And she said unto her mistress. Would God
not. my lord were with* the prophet that is in Samaria !
40 So tliey poured out for the men to eat. And for he would recover him of his leprosy.
it came to pass, as they were eating of the pot- 4 And one went in, and told his lord, saying.
tage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of
God, there is death in the pot. And they could Israel.
not eat thereof. 5 And the king of Syria said, Go to, go, and 1
41 But he said, Then bring meal.'' And he cast will send a letter unto the king of Israel. And
it into the pot and he said. Four out for the peo- he departed," and took with him^ ten talents of
ple, that they may cat. And there was no harm* silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten
in the pot. changes of raiment.
42 'i And tliere came a man from Baal-shalisha,' 6 And he brought the letter to the king of Israel,
and brought the man of God bread of the first- saying. Now when this letter is coinc unto thee,
fruits,J twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of behold, I have therewith sent Naaman my servant
corn in the husk thereof.* And he said, Give to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leji-
unto the people, that they may eat. rosy.
A.M. .'.111).
7 And it came to pass, when the king pray thee, be given to thy servant* two mnles' bnr-
'8W.° of Israel had read the letter," tliat he rent den of earth? for tliy servant will henceforth oiler
his clothes, and said, Jim I God,'' to kill and to neither burnt-offering nor sacrifice unto other
make that this man doth send nnto mc to
alivc,"^ gods, but unto the Loud.''
recover a man
of his leprosy? Wherefore con- 18 In this thing the Lord pardon thy servant,
sider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quar- that when my master goeth into the house of Him-
rel asainst me.'' mon to worship there, and he leaneth on my hand,"
8 'i And it was so, wlion Elisha the man of God and I liow myself in the house of Rimmon when :
had heard that the king; of Israel had rent iiis I liow down myself in the house of Rimmon,' the
clotlics, that he sent to the king, saying. Where- Lord pardon thy servant in this thing."
fore hast thou rent thy clothes? let him come now 19 And he said unto him. Go in peace." So he
to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet departed from him a little way.^
in Israel.'' 20 IT But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man
9 So Naaman came with his horses and with his of God, said. Behold, my master hath spared Naa-
chariot, and stood at the door of the house of man this Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that
Elisha. which he brought: but, as the Lord liveth, I will
10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto liim, say- run after him, and take somewhat of him."'
ing. Go and wash in Jordan' seven times,-' and 21 So Gehazi followed after Naaman. And
thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shall when Naaman saw him running after him, he light-
be clean. ed down from the chariot to meet him, and said.
11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and Is all well?'
said. Behold, I thought,* He will surely come out 22 And he said. All is well. My master hath
to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord sent me, saying, Behold, even now there be come
his God, and strike* his hand over the place, and to me from mount Ephraim two young men of the
recover the leper." sons of the prophets give them, I pray thee, a :
12 Jire not Abana* and Pharpar, rivers of Damas- talent of silver, and two changes of garments.
cus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I 23 And Naaman said. Be content take two tal- ,''
not wash in them, and be clean? So he turned ents. And he urged him, and bound two talents
and went away in a rage. of silver in two bags, with two changes of gar-
13 And his servants came near, and spake unto ments, and laid them upon two of his servants;
him, and said. My father,' if the prophet had bid and they bare them before him.
thee do some great thing, wonkiest thou not have 24 And when he came to the tower,^ he took
ilone it ? how much rather then, when he saith them from their hand, and bestowed them in the
to thee. Wash, and be clean ?J house : and he let the men go, and they departed.
14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven 25 But he went in, and stood before his master.'-
times in Jordan,'' according to the saying of tlie And Elisha said unto him. Whence earnest thou, Ge-
man of God: and his flesh came again like unto hazi? And he said, Thy servant went no whither.'
the flesh of a little child,' and he was clean.™ 26 And he said unto him. Went not my heart
15 H And he returned to the man of God, he and u-ith thee,'' when the man turned again from his
all his company, and came, and stood before him chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive
and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no money, and to receive garments, and olive-yards,
God in all the earth, but in Israel:" now there- and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and men-ser-
fore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant." vants, and maid-servants?
16 Bat he said, ^is the Lord liveth,'' before whom 27 The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave
I stand, 1 will receive none.'' And he urged him unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever." And he
to take it : but he refused. went out from his presence a leper as lehite as
17 And Naaman said. Shall there not then, I snow.''
• Ua. 37:14. b Gen. .J0:2 c Beut. 33:39; 1 Sam. 2:6. d | Kings 20:7; Acts 20:33-35. r l Theas. 1 :9. • ch. 7:2. ' Exod. 20:5. u 2 Clir. 3U:IS. 19.
I.uke 11:54. « 1 Kings 18:36, .37; Ezek. 2:5; 33:3.3. t John 9:7. « Josh. » Mark 5: 34 Luke 7: 50. S Heb. fiece of ground, as fien 35: 6. " Hab.
; . 1
0:-l-IC. • Or, said with myself; Heb. said, t Heb. move up and down. 2:9; 1 Tim. 6:9, 10. I Heb. Is there place? » ch. 6:3. 1 Or, secret place.
• Heb. not hilktr or thitlttr.
h John 4:43. 1 Or, Amana. i cli. 2:12; Gen. 41:4.3. j I Cor. 1:21. 27. y Josh 7-21; Isa. 29:15. z Ezek. 3:3:31.
k Ezek. 47:1-9, Zech. 13:1; 14:S. m b Isa. 50:2, 3; Hos. 10:13. c ch. 15:5; Num. 12:10.
1 Job 33:25. Luke 4:27. n Dan. a Prov. 12:19, 22.
2:47; 3:29; 6:26, 27. oGcn.33:ll. Pch.3:14. q Gen. 14:23; Matt. 10:8;
15. A
blessing; a gift or present. and for the blessings they obtain by their own efforts, or
17. Two mit/cs' burden of earth; with this supposedit is those of others, they are indebted to God.
lio intended to build an altar or mound, on which to offer ?,. Servants may be the means of great blessings to their
.laorifices to Jehovah, considering the earth of Israel more masters and the good infiuenco even of a pious child may
sacred than that of his ovm country. be felt through a nation, and to distant countries and times.
18. Rimmon; an idol god. When I bow down myself; 6. Despotic rulers often feel and act as if ministers of
it has been supposed that he meant not as himself wor- Cod in the discharge of their duties were to be subject to
shipping the idol, but only in attending on, and perform- tlioir control.
ing a civil duty to the king. 10. Mini.sters who understand and do their duty, will
22. My master hath sent me; this was false. not be elated nor overawed by the presence of the rich and
25. Went no U'hither; another falsehood. great; but Avill make known to them with plainness and
26. Went not my heart ; did I not perceive. fidelity the will of God, whether they will hear or forbear.
27. For ever; as long as thev should live. 13. "Servants are sometimes wiser and better than their
INSTRUCTIOXS. masters, and give them advice which it would be well for
1. No honors or successes can secure men from trouble them tr. follow.
P ::
durniMed in peace. 24 The rnmine in Samnria raiincth women to Alas, my master! how shall we do?
e»t their own cliilJren. 30 The kiii^ senJeih lo ^lay ICIisha. It) And he answered. Fear not: for they that he
thence every man a beam, and let us make us a saw: and behold, the mountain ico.v full of horses
place there, where wo may dwell. And he an- and chariots of lire round about Elisha."
swered, Go ye. 18 And when they came down to him, Elisha
3 And one said, Be content," I pray thee, and go prayed unto the Loud, and said, Smile this jicople.
with tliy servants. And he answered, I will go. 1 pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them
4 So lie went with them. And whcu tiiey came with Itlindness according to the word of Eiisha.'
to Jordan, they cut down wood. 19 \ And Elislia said unto them. This is not
5 But as one was felling a beam, the axe-head* the way, neither is this the city: follow me,^ and
fell into tho water: and he cried, and said, Alas, I will bring you to the man whom ye seek.™ But
master! for it was borrowed. he led them to Samaria.
6 And tlio man of God said,Where fell it? And 20 And it came to pass, when they were come
he showed him the place. And Ik; cut down a into Samaria, that Pllisha said. Lord, open the
stick, and cast it in thither ; and liie iron did eyes of these me?}, that they may see. And the
swim.'' Lord opened their eyes," and they saw; and be-
7 Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And hold, they n-cre in the midst of Samaria.
he put out his hand, and took it. 21 Anil tho king of Israel said unto Elisha, when
8 If Tlien the king of Syria warred against Israel, ho saw them. My father, shall I smite them? shall
and took counsel with his servants, saying. In such I smite them?
and such a place shall be my camp.* 22 And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them:
9 And the man of God sent unto the king of wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken
Israel, saying. Beware that thou pass not such a captive with thy sword and with thy bow? set
place; for thither the Syrians are come down. bread and water before them," that they may eal
10 And the king of Israel sent to the place which and drink, and go to their master.
the man of God told him and warned him of, and 23 And he prepared great provision for them
saved himself there,'' not once nor twice. and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them
11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was away, and they went to their master. So the
sore troubled for this thing ;'' and he called his bands of Syria came no more into the land of
servants, and said unto them. Will ye not show Israel.
me wliich of us is for the king of-Isracl? 24 \ And it came to pass after this, that Ben-
12 And one of his servants said. None,* my lord, hadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and
king: but Elisha, the prophet tiiat is in Israel,' went up, and besieged Samaria.
telleth the king of Israel the words that thou 25 And there was a great famine in Samaria
speakest in thy bed-chamber.'-' and behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head
13 1 And he said, Go and spy where he is, that was sold for fourscore picas of silver, and the fourth
1 may send and fetch him." And it was told him, part of a cab of dove's dung for iive pieces of sil-
saying, Behold, he is in Dothan.' ver."
14 Therefore sent ho thither horses, and chariots, 26 And as the king of Israel was passing by
and a great^ host and they came by night, and
: upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him, say-
compassed the city about. ing, Help, my lord, king.
• Ch. 4:3-<. b ch. S;i3. • Heb. iron. ' ch. 2:21. t Or, cnmiiiping. .'!.-)
i aChr. 20:00. e Psi, 4t<:4, r,; Malt. 2:3, etc. 1 Heb. jYo. ' Amos 3:7.
« Psa. 1.39:1-1; Jer. 2:J;24. b I'sa. 37:32, 3:3; Jer. 30:2G; Acts 23:12-27.
i Gen. 37:17.
i Heb. heavy. I Oi, minister, j 2 Chr. 10:9; 32:7. 8; Psa.
1 Elisha prophesieth incredible plenty in Samaria. 3 Four lepers, ven-
turing on ihe host of the Syrians, bring tidniss of their flight, l^ The
king, iinjing by spies the news to be true, spoileth the tents of the
Syrians. 17 The lord who would not believe the prophecy of plenty,
having the charge of the gate, is trodden to death in tile press.
THEN Elisha
Lord thus
saith the
Hear ye the word of the
Lord, To-morrow about
no man tlirro, noithor voiro of man, lint horses Cn APT Ell VIII. ...-^..iLJ'yf:
lioii. and asses tied, and llic (ciils as llicy mrc. 1 Till- Shunnmmiti!, Imv'nir \rh licr coiinlry »<vi'n yciirii, to nvoij llie
11 And lie calliii llie |)oiti'is; and llicy told it fiiriwiirmd rmiiinr, for blialui'n iiiiriii'l< 'k »alir Ijntli licr Uiid rntorcd
hy the kin;-. 7 Haziu'l. Wiri^' »ini wiili » (.resent by Bin Irndnd to
to the kind's house witliin. I'.lialia lit Linmuciiii, nrtrr lie Imd heard llic propliecy, killelli liiii niiu.
ll! "j And the king arose in the nitrht, and said ti-r and miccefdelh liiin. 10 Jeliornin'ii wiollcd rci|,'n in Judiili. V.>0
spoken to the king,"" saying, Two measures of bar- him, saying. The man of God is come hither.
ley for a shekel, and a measure of lino Hour for a 8 And the king said unto Hazael,' Take a ]ires-
shekel, shall be to-morrow about this time in the ent in thy hand,'" and go, meet the man of God,
gate of Samaria and inquire of the Lord by him," saying, Shall I
I'd And tiiat lord answered the man of God, and recover of this disease?
said. Now, behold, if the Lord should make win- 9 So Ilazael went to meet him, and took a pres-
dows in heaven, might such a thing be?. And he ent with him,* even of every good tiling of Damas-
said. Behold, thou slialt see it with thine eyes, but cus, forty camels' burdcm, and came and stood be-
shalt not eat thereof." fore him, and said. Thy son Ben-hadad king of
2t) And so it fell out unto him for the people : Syria hath sent mc to thee, saying. Shall I recover
trode upon him in the gate, and he died. of this disease?
•Heb.mi't. » Psa. n-i:ia; Isa.. :j:i:l,4, at. b ver. 1. c ver. a. d Gen. JMatt.a:8; Luke 0:9; S3;8; John 9:27. kch.4::W. t Or. t
18:14;Nam 11:«; a3:19. e Num. SU; 1-J Jcr. 17:5. 6; Heb. .1:10. t „h.
: 19:15. n. 1 Kings 14:3. n eh. 1 ->, C.
: I Heb. in Ai'i Aarid.
11:4, etc.e P»a.. 105;1U; Hasgii 1:11. h Gen. 41 :a7. ich. 5:30. 27.
13. Behold, theij are; or, they will be; the horses and to obtain it, men must use the means which God has ap-
horsemen will be exposed to no worse calamity in explor- pointed for that purpose.
ing the Syrian camp than that which awaits the besieged 9. When men are blessed with abundance, true wisdom,
in the city. They can but die, and death awaits them if as well as real gratitude, and even self-interest, require
they sit still. that they should desire others to enjoy it with them.
17. The people trade upon him ; in their haste to get food. IG. However great the improbability, or to human ap-
pearance the imiiossibility, the word of the Lord will in
INSTRCCTIOXS. due time be perfectly accomplished.
IS. The fulfilment of divine declarations is to some the
1. However great the calamities which any people suf-
fer, the Lord can remove them and interest as well as duty
means of salvation, and to others of destruction.
require all to wait upon him in the way of his appointment,
till they obtain relief.
2. Disbelief of the promises of God cuts men off from The land nf the Philistines; on the Mediterranean,
the blessings of their fulfilment. south-west of Canaan.
4. Though deliverance comes from God, it is ordinarily 7. Damascus; the capital of Syria.
granted through the instrumentality of human efforts and ; 8. Hazael; an officer of the king of Syria.
Ilazacl slaydh his master. 2 KINGS VIII. Fuign cf Jorc.m and Ahuziah.
Hc'S^' And
Elisha said unto liini, Go, say
10 20 In his days Edom revolted from under
niito Inni, Thou mayest certainly recover :" liowbeit the hand of Judah,'' and made a king over them-
the Loud luitli showed me that he siiall surely die." selves."
11 And he settled his couiilcnancc steadfastly,* 21 So Joram went over to Zair, and all the
until he w;is ashamed and tlie man of God wept."^ : chariots with him and he rose by night, and smote
12 And Hazael said, Why weepeth my lord? the Edoinites which compassed him about, and the
And he answered. Because I know the evil that captains of the chariots: and the people fled into
thou wilt do unto the children of Israel:'' their their tents.
stronir-holds wilt thou set on lire, and their younj^ 22 Yet Edom revolted from under the !i;ind of
men wilt thou slay with the sword, and wilt dash Judah unto this day.' Then Libiiah revolted at
iheir children,'' and rip up their women with child.' the same time.''
13 And Hazael said, But what, is thy servant a 23 And the rest of the acts of Joram, and all
don^, that he should do tliis p;''cat thinji'V" And that he did, are they not written in the book of
Elisha answered. The Lord hath showed nic that the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
thou shall be kinj;' over Syria.'' 2'1 And Joram slept with his fathers, and was
14 So he dopai-ted I'roni Eli~ha, and came to his buried with his fathers in the city of David and :
uuister; who said to him, Wh;it said Elisha to Ahaziah-' his son I'cigned in his stead.'
thee? And he answered, lie told me thai thou 25 1( In the twelfth year of Joram the son of
shouldcst surely recover.' Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jeho-
15 And it came to pass on the morrow, that he ram king of Judah begin to reign.
took a thick cloth, and dip|)cd it in water, and 2tJ Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when
spread it on his face, so that he died and Hazael he began to reign and he reigned one year in
: ;
rei(>-ued in his stead.J Jerusalem. And his mother's name wa.? Atlialiah,
1() 1 And in the fifth year of Joram the son of the daughter' of Oniri king of Israel.
Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat beingr then king 27 And he walked in the way of the house of
of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the Lord, as
of Jiidali began to reign.
did the house of Ahab lor he icas the son-in-law :
17 Thirty and two years old was he when he of the house of Ahab.
began to reigu; and he reigned eight years in 28 IT And he went with Joram the son of Ahali
Jerusalem. to the war against Hazael king of Syria in Ra-
18 And he walked in the way of the kings of motli-Gilead and the Syrians wounded Joram." ;
Israel.' as did the house of Ahab; for the daugh- 29 And king Joram went back to be healtd in
ter of Ahab was his wife:'" aad he did evil in the Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had
sight of the Lord. given' him at Ramah,* when he fought against
19 Yet the Lord would not destroy Judah for Hazael king of Syi-ia. And Aliaziah the son of
David his servant's sake," as he promised him to Jehoram king of Judah went down to see Joram
give him always a light,* and to his children." the son of Ahab in Jezreel,^' because he was sick.^
> 1 Kini;- a-Jtla. b ver. 1.5. • Heb. aiid stt k. c Luke l'J:Jl. J ch. Ih.lB; 15:4; Psa. VVl-.r,. V Gen. 27:411. q 1 Kmps 22:47. ' ver. 20.
10:32; 12:17; 1:)::!, 7. e Psa. 137:d, !1; Amos
l;:i^. ( ch. 15:l(i; Hos. s Joshua 21: l:!. « Called JrnriaA, 2 ChT. 22:6; and J<r/ioaA<2=. 2Chr. 21:17;
2:1. t Heb. rei>ii-rf. k -2 Chr. -il:.?. ere.1 1 Kings 2J:.W. S). ra ver. 2li. u'/iereicith thf Syrians had wounded. ' Called Ramot/t, ver. 2S. v ch. 9:16.
oJer. 3!:25, 2li; Hos. 11:9. t Heb. miulte, or lamp. o2Sim.7:13; 1 Kings t Heb. wounded.
10. —
Thou muijest recover; his disease was not in itself gone in alliance with Joram. Thus, by the providence of
mortal, and would not cause his death. He s'lalt surely die ; God, the king of Judah, being one of Ahab's descendants,
because, as the event showed, Hazael would Icill him. was brought to Jezreel. to meet his death there with Joram
Such is the common, and perhaps the preferable inter- at the hand of Jehu.
pretation of tliis passage. But the original Hebrew test IXSTRUCTIONS.
may be read, Go, say unto him, Tliou shalt sm-ely not AVhen the Lord is about to chastise a people for their
recover; for the Lord hath showed me that lie shall surely sins, he remembers his children and supplies their wants
die. According to this reading, Hazael directly falsiiied or sanctifies their privations to their highest good.
the prophet's words. According to the common inter- 6. The goodness of God is often manifested tow;irds his
pretation, he suppressed the second part of them. people, by inclining those in authority to do them justice
11. He settled his countenance ; on Hazael. Until lie was and show them favor.
nshamel ; till Hazael was put out of countenance. Wept; 8. Men who in health pay no regard to God or his peo-
foreseeing tlie cruelties Hazael would commit. ple, in sickness or distress often them for help. apply to
13. But u-luit, is thy servant a dog; probably meaning, 10. Of many blessings which God would otherwise be-
What is thy servant, who is but a dog? that is, a man in stow, men are often deprived by the wickedness of their
a very humble position. This great thing; a work which fellow-raen.
could be performed only by one invested with royal power. i:}. A change of circumstances often shows that men
14. Tiiou s'lO'ildest surely recover; see note to ver. 10. are much more wicked than they imagined, and that noth-
15. He
; Hazael did. this.
took ing but the grace of God keeps them from the commission
21. the Edomites which compassed him about; this
Smote of the most enormous crimes.
seems have been not so much a decisive victory on the
to 14. A slight change in the words of a communication
jiart of .Ichoram, as an escape from destruction. Hence may entirely alter its meaning, and convey to the hearers
it is added in the next verse that the revolt of the Edom- a false impression.
ites was permanent. 18. A
man's character and conduct are greatly influenced
22. Libnah ; one of the cities of Judah. by his wife and no one should marry a woman who will
28. Ramoth-gilead ; east of Jordan, in the tribe of Gad. draw him away from the service of God.
29. Je^reel; west of the Jordan, in tlie tribe of Issachar. 27. The evil example of parents and those in authority
Ahaziah went down; from Ramoth-gilead, whither he had may extend its mischievous intluence not only to their
' ;
9 And I will make the house of Ahab like the chariot, and they went out against Jehu, and met'
house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,'" and like the hiin in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite.
house of B.ia?ha the son of Ahijah:" 22 And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu,
10 And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion that he said. Is it peace, Jehu ? And he answered,
of J.ezreel," and there shall be none to bury her. W'hat peace,^ so long as the whoredoms of thy
And he oponcd the door, and fled. mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?-''
11 IT Then Jehu came forth to the servants of his 23 And Joram turned his hands, and fled, and
lord and one said unto him. Is all well? wherefore said to Ahaziah, There is treachery,
: Ahaziah.
came this mxdfelloM to thee?!" And he said unto 24 And Jehu drew a bow with his full strength,'
theai, Ye know the man, and his communication. and smote Jehoram between his arms, and the
12 Anl tiiey said, /; is false; tell us now. And arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down '
ment,'' and put it under him on the top of the stairs, I and thou rode together after Ahab his father,
and blew with trumpets, saying, Jehu is king.* the Lord laid this burden upon him;'
"1 Kinu's-JI)::)). b oh. 4:«J; Jer. :17. ' ch. K-.-ii. dyer. 5, 11. • Heb.
1 1.5:10. Heb. reigneth. ! Heb. Jelioram. ! Heb. smote. I ch. 8:38, 39.
chamWr ,a a chimier. t \ Kings H):10 ' 1 Sam. 10:1. r 2 Chr. •ii-.l. 1 Heb. no esmper go. u 3 Sam 18:34; Isa. 31:0. etc. v
let ] Sam. 16:4;
h Psa Tjifi; Dan. i:i\: 4:17. :3-i; .'5:30. 31. i Luke 18:7, 8: Rev. 6:9, 10. 17:33; Kings 3:13. 1 Or, marrhinf;. ' Heb. in mwlness. v liab. 1:6.
J 1 King* 1~:4; -^1:1.5. -21. k l Kings 14: 10. Dent. 33:30. m 1 Kings
1 t Heb. B/nrf. Heb./.iiinrf.
! » Isa. 48:33. y Rev. 2:20-33. J Hcb./Hed
15:30. "I Kings 10:5, II. o ver. :J5. 30; 1 Kings 31 :3:). P Jer. 89:30; his hand Willi a bow. i\{c\>. bowed, i 1 Kings 31:29.
9:7; John 1(1: ;u; Ans 30:31; 1 Cor. 4:10. q ver. 0. r.Matt.3l:7. '3Saiii.
children, but also to their distant posterity and long after ; belongs. His communication ; his discourse. As much as
they are dead be instrumental in ruining" their fellow-men. to say. When a prophet comes you expect him to dis-
course on religious duties. This was an attempt to evade
CHAPTER IX. their question, and they so understood it.
I. One of the
children of tlie prophets; a young man who 22. Whoredoms; this word is used in the Old Testament
was under the instruction of Elisha and preparing to be a to denote idolatry. —
Her witchcrafts many; expressive of
prophet of the Lord. the various superstitious and deceitful practices which
10. The portion of Jezreel ; the portion of land that had Jezebel used to draw the people into idolatry.
belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite, ver. 25. 25. Laid this burden; denounced this judgment against
II. Ye know the man ; that is, to what class of men he him and his family. 1 Kings 21:19, 29.
33 And lie said. Throw her down. So they good in thine eyes.
threw her down: and some of her blood was 6 Then he wrote a letter the second time to them,
sprinkled on tlic wall, and on the horses: and he saying. If ye be mine," and if ye will hearken unto
trode her under foot. my voice, take ye the heads of the men your mas-
3-4 And when he was come in, he did eat and ter's sons, and come to me to Jezreel by to-morrow
•Irink and said, Go, see now this cursed xcoman, this time. Now the king's sons, being seventy per-
and bury her for she is a king's daughter .°
: sons, were with the great men of the city, which
35 And they went to bury her but they found : brought them up.
no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and 7 And it came to pass, when the letter came to
the palms oi her hands.' them, that they took the king's sons.'' and slew
36 Wherefore they came again, and told him. seventy persons,' and put their heads in baskets,"
And he said. This is the word of the Lord, which and sent him ttiem to Jezreel.
he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, say-
' 8 IF And there came a messenger, and told him,
ing, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the saying, They have brought the heads of the king's
flesh of Jezebel.^ sons. And he said, Lay ye them in two heaps at
37 And the carcass of Jezebel shall be as dung the entering in of the gate until the morning.
upon the face of the field in the portion of Jez- 9 And it came to pass in the morning, that he
reel ;" so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel. went out, and stood, and said to all the people.
Heh. Wood,!, t Or, portion. » 1 Kings 21:19 b Josh. 17:11; Judg. 21:23. h Psa. f3:10; Jer. 8:2; 16:4. T Heb. nimrisher.l. ch. 9:44, 27.
1:27; aChr.2-i:9. cch.8:35; 2Chr. 22:1,2. t Heh. pul lier eyes in patJit- J 1 Kings 20:4, 32. • lleh. for me. k 1 Kings 21:21. 1 Judg. 9:5, etc.
m?; Ezek. 23:40. d 1 Kings 16:9-20. i Or:, cliamierlaitts. = 1 KinRS l(i:31. mMatt. 14:8, 11.
f Keel. 6:3; Isi. 14:13-20; Jcr. 22:19; 36:30. iHeb by the hand of. e 1 Kings
27. Smite him also in the chariot ; Abaziah at first escaped it are laid under peculiar obligations to employ it accord-
to Samaria and concealed himself there. But being found, ing to his will.
he was brought to Jehu, and by his command slain at the 21. The declarations of God in his word are fulfilled in
ascent of Gur, by Ibleam. See 2 Chron. 22 9. : liis providence and though the fulfilment may be long
30. Painted Iter face, and tired her head; intending by her delayed, in due time it will be perfectly accomplished.
royal attire and demeanor to overawe Jehu. 27. Those who associate with the wicked are in danger
31. Had Zimri peace ; as much as to say. You may expect of partaking in their punishment.
Zimri's fate. See 1 Kings 21:19. SC. Men may have a conviction of the truth of divine
36. In tlte portion of Jezreel; Elijah had said, By the wall declarations, and even see their fulfilment in the destruc-
of Jezreel, 1 Kings 22:23, which was literally fulfilled, since tion of the wicked, and yet not forsake their sins, or floe
Ahab's palace stood by the wall at the entering of the gate, from the wrath to come.
ver. 31. As Naboth's vineyard was " Iiard by the palace
of Aliab." Jezebel's body may have been taken up and CHAPTER X.
cast into it, as Joram 's had been. Or Jehu may have
spoken of her as devoured by the dogs in the portion of 9. Said to nil the are in noway
Ye be righteous;
Jezreel, because he regarded this as simply a part of the concerned in my master's death, and are therefore impar-
royal establishment. tialjudges, in a condition to understand the meaning of
this transaction. He then proceeds in the next verse to
INSTRUCTIONS, show that it is a pledge of the fulfilment of all Jehovah's
8. God
claims and exercises the riglit of giving author- threatenings against the house of Aliab, 1 Kings 21 19- :
ity to such as lie choo.sos and all who arc intrusted with
: U.
H''ors/iippfTS of BimI slain. 2 KINCS X, IVideilness of Jehu.
14 And he said, Take them they alive.'' And and the captains cast them out, and went to the
took them alive, and slew them at the pit of the city of the house of Baal.
shearing-house,' even two and forty men ; neither 2G And they brought forth the images' out of
left he any of them. the house of Baal,' and burned them.''
1.5"i And when he was departed thence, he light- 27 And they brake down the image of Baal, and
ed on^ Jehonadab'' the son of ilechab' coming to brake down the house of Baal, and made it a
meet him; and he saluted* him, and said to liiui. draught-house unto this day."
Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thy heart ? 28 Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.
And "Jehonadab answered. It is. If it be, give me 29 *l ]lowbeit./;-o?n the sins of Jeroboam the son
thy hand.J And he gave him his hand and he ; of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, Jehu departed
took liim up to liim into the chariot. not from after them, to wit, the golden calves that
16 And he said, Uome with me, and see my zeal for wc7-e in Beth-el, and that ivcre in Dan.^
the Loud.'' So they made him ride iu his chariot. 30 And the Lord said unto Jehu, Because thou
17 And wlien he came to Samaria, he slew all hast done well in executing t/iat which is right in
that reuiained uuto Ahab in Samaria,' till he had mine eyes,^ a?id hast done unto the house of Ahab
destroyed hiiu, according to the saying of the according to all that ivas in my heart, thy chil-
Lord, whieii he spake to Elijah.'" dren of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne
18 •[ And Jehu gathered all the people together, of Israel."
and said unto them, Ahab served Baal a little;" 31 But Jehu took no heed' to walk in the law
but Jehu shall serve him niucli. of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart:''
19 Now
therefore call uuto me all the prophets for he dcinirted not from the sins of Jeroboam,'"
of Baal," all his servants, and all his priests; let which made Israel to sin.
none be wanting for I have a great sacrifice to
; 32 1 In those days the Lord began to cut Israel
do to Baal whosoever shall be wanting, he shall short:" and Ilazael smote them in all the coasts
not live. But Jehu did it iu subtlety," to the intent of Israel
that he might destroy tlie worshippers of Baal. 33 From Jordan eastward,* all the land of Gil-
20 And Jehu said. Proclaim* a solemn assembly cad, the Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the
for Baal. And they proclaimed it. Manassitcs, from Aroer, which is by the river
21 And Jehu sent tiirough all Israel: and all Arnon, even Gilcad and Bashan.*'*
the worshippers of Baal came, so that there was 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and all
not a man left that came not. And they came that he did, and all his might, are they not writ-
into the house of Baal;'i and the house of Baal ten in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of
was full from one end to another.* Israel?
»Ch.9;H,21. blSarn. 3:19; jRr. 14:-.'8, a), c l Kings ril: 10. etc. • Heb. 10:32. 1 Or, so full tliat they stood mouth to mouth, r ver. 15. » Matt.
by the hand of t Ot, acquaintance, tl Psa. 125:5; Prov. I;J:20. c 1 Kin^s
. 13:30, 41 25:32,3:1. t 1 Kings 20:39. " Exod. :)2:27; Deut. 13:6-11; Ezek.
Jelwash is crowned, 2 KINGS XI. and Athaliah slain.
1 Jehoash, being saved by Jehosheba his aunt from Athaliali's massacre
of tlie seed royal, is hid six years in the liouse of God. 4 Jehoiada,
giving order to the captains, in the seventh year anointetli hnn king.
1 J Atii.aliah is slain. 17 .Telioiada restoreth the worship of G^od.
the captains, ami tlio fiuard, ami all tlio iipoplo of ance, but deliver it for the breaches of the ^u^;.'^.
the land; and thov liioiiglit down the king from house.
tlie house of tiio Loiin, and came by the way of 8 Ami
the priests consented to receive no inore
the pate of the iraard to the king's house. And money of the people, neither tO repair the breaches
he sat on tin" throne of the kings. of tlio house.
20 And all the people of the land rejoiced," and i) But Jehoiada the priest look a chest, and bored
2 And Jehoash did that which teas riglit in the upon the liouse of tiie Lord,
sight of the LoiU) all iiis days wherein Jehoiada 12 And to masons, and hewers of stone, and to
the priest instructed him. buy timber and hewed stone to repair the breach-
3 l>ut tlic high places were not taken away :" es of the house of the Lord, and for all that was
the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the laid out' for the house to repair it.
high places. llowbeit tliere were not made for the house
4 ^ And Jehoash said to the priests, All the of the Lord bowls of silver, .snuflers, basins, trump-
money of the dedicated things' that is brought into ets, any vessels of gold, or vessels of silver, of
the house of the Lord, even the money of every one the money that was brought into the house of the
that passeth the areoitnf,'' the money that every man Lord :
is set at,* and all the money that eoiiiefh into any 14 But they gave that to the workmen, and re-
man's heart' to bring into the house of the Lord,' paired therewith the house of the Lord.
5 Let the priests take it to thcin, every man of 15 Moreover they reckoned not with the men,
his acquaintance: and let them repair the breach- info whose hand tiicy delivered the money to be
es of the house, wheresoever any breach shall be bestowed on workmen: for they dealt faithfully.^
found. IG The trespass-money and sin-money was not
6 But it was so, that in the three and twentieth l^rought into the house of the Lord:'' it was the
year^' of king Jelioasli the priests had not repaired priests'.'
the breaches of the house. 17 Then Hazael king of Syria went up, and
7 Then king Jelioash called for Jehoiada the fought against Gath, and took it :' and Hazael set
priest,'' and the other priests, and said unto them, his face to go up to Jerusalem.
Why repair ye not the breaches of the iiouse? now 18 And Jelioash king of Judah took all the hal-
therefore receive no more money of your acquaint- lowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and
»Prov. 11:10; •»):2. 1> 2Chr. 21:1, etc. cch. 14:4; 1 Kings 15:14; 23:4:!; f 2Chr. 24:5. etc. I Heb. threshold. 1 Or, secretary. Heb. bound up.
Jer. 2:20. •
Or, Ao/y tilings; Heb. Aolinesses. i ch. 22:4; Exod. 30:1.3. t Heb. brought it forth, t Heb. went forth. B ch. 22:1 bLev. 5:15, 1?.
t Heb. of the souts of his estimation; Lev. 27:2. I Heb. aseeitdelh upon the iLev. 7:7; Num. 1S:9. Jch.8:l2.
heart of a man, eExoi. 35:5. iHeh. in the tttxntiet/i year atid third year.
Wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him; after the and its vicinity.
death of Jehoiada lie was seduced by the princes of Judah 8. Consented to receive no more money; tliey had before
into idolatry, as recorded in 2 Chron. 24:17, 18. received what was offered, but had not appropriated it to
4. Money of the dedicated things; literally, money of the the object for which it was given.
holy things that is, the various incomes immediately af-
; 10. And the high-priest; cither personally, or by his offi-
terwards specified. The money of every one tliat passeth the cer. See 2 Chron. 24 11. Told tlie money; counted it, and
Money that every man is set at; the redemption money to ple was finished, when the rest of the money was devoted
be paid, according to the estimation of the priest, for per- to the making of these vessels.
sons dedicated to the Lord, as prescribed in the twenty- 17. Gath ; a city of the Philistines that had been taken
seventh chapter of Leviticus. Money that cometh into any and was in possession of the Israelites.
man's heart to bring; that is, freewill-offerings not pre- 18. Took all the Imllowed things ; this was after he had suf-
scribed by the law, but left to every man's choice. fered a severe defeat, as we learn from 2 Chron. 24:23, 24.
5. Everyman of h/s acipiaintance ; as there was a large
body of priests to receive, each would naturally take the INSTRUCTIONS.
above-named sums from those belonging to the circle of 2. Wlien young rulers select pious counsellors and give
bis acquaintance. Besides, as wo learn from 2 Chron. due heed to their instructions, they may expect to pros-
24:5. the priests and Levites were sent throughout all per, and be instrumental of great good to the people.
1 Jehoaha,z'swicked reign. 3 Jelioahiiz, oppressed by Hazael, is re.
licved by prayer. 8 Joash succeedetli him. 10 His wicked reign.
12 Jeroboam succeedeth him. 14 Elisha dyinL,s propilesieth to Joasll
tliree victories over the Syrians. '20 Tlie lloabites invading tlie land,
Elislia's bones raise up a dead man. '22 Hazael dying, Joash getleth
three victories over Ben-hadad.
also in Samaria.)''
7 Neither did he leave of the people to Jehoahaz
but fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thou-
sand footmen; for the king of Syria had destroy-
"Ch. 18:15, 16; 1 Kings 1.5:19. •
1 Amaziah's good reign. 5 His justice on the murderers of his father.
7 His victory over Kdom. 8 Amaziah, provoking Jehoash, is over-
come and spoiled. 15 Jeroboam succeeueth Jeho.-ish. 17 Amaziah
stain by a conspiracy, '.^l Azaiiah succcedeih him. 23 Jeroboam^s
wicked reij^n. 2S Za^^tiariah succeedcth him.
year of Joash son of Jehoahazking
INofthe secondreigned Amaziah
Israel,*^ sou of Joash
king of Judah.^
2 He was twenty and five years old when he
began to reign, and reigned twenty and nine years
in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jcho-
addan of Jerusalem.
3 And he did that ir/iich teas right in tlie sight
of the Loud, yet not like David his father: he did
according to all tilings as Joash his father did.
4 Howbeit the high places were not taken away :"
as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense
on the high places.
• Heb. wen
iir a "u
14 And ho took all the gold and silver, out the name of Israel from under heaven :> but
>*2o and all the vessels that were found in tiie he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son
house of the Lord," and in the treasures of the of Joash.''
king's house, and hostages, and returned to Sama- 28 Now
the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and
ria. all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and
15 1 Now
the rest of the acts of Jehoash which how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which
lie did, his might, and how he fought with
and belonged to Judah,' for Israel, are they not written
Ainaziali king of Judah, are they not written in the in tlie book of the Chronicles of the kings of
book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?" Israel
16 And Jehoasli slept with his fathers, and was 29 And Jeroboam slept with his fathers, even
buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel and with the kings of Israel ; and Zachariah his son
after hiai to Lachish, and slew him there. the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king
20 And they brought him on horses: and he was
of Israel began Azariah' son of Amaziah king
buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the city of Judah to reign.'"'
of David. 2 Sixteen years old was he when he began to
21 "f And all the people of Judah took Azariah," reign, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jeru-
•which was sixteen years old, and made him king salem. And his mother's name icas Jecholiah of
instead of his father Amaziah. Jerusalem.
22 Ho built Elatli,<= and restored it to Judah, 3 And he did that irhich was right in the sight
after that tiie king slept with his fathers. of the Lord, according to all that his father Ama-
23 IF In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the son of ziah had done;
Joash king of Judah, Jeroboam the son of Joash 1 Save that the high places were not removed :"
king of Israel began to reign in Samaria,^ and the people sacrificed and burnt incense still on
reigned forty and one years. the high places.
24 And he did that lohich was evil in the sight of 5 1 And the Lord smote the king," so that he
the Lord he departed not from all the sins of Jero-
: was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt
boam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.' in a several house. And Jotham the king's son
25 He restored the coast of Israel from the enter- was over the house, judging the people of the land.
ing of Hamath^ unto tlie sea of the plain,'' accord- 6 And the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all
ing to the word of the Lord God of Israel, which that he did, are they not written in the book of
he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah,* the the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
son of Amittai, the prophet, which was of Gath- 7 So Azariah slept with his father.^ and they ;
called Uzziah. ch. 15:13; 2Chr. 40:1. e ch. 1G:6. T Now he begins to reign nership in the kingdom with his father, who made him consort at his going
alone, f I King.5 12:43, etc.; Psa. 103:20. E Num. 34:S. hDeut. 3:17. 10 the Syrian wars. It is the sixteenth year of Jeroboam's monarchy, m ch.
1 Called Jonas, Matt. 12:30, 40; Jonah 1:1. i Deut. 32:36. JDeut.0:t4; 14:21; 2Cnr.26:l. n ver. 35. o2Chr.20:19. • There having been ao in-
Rom. 11:2, etc. k ch. 13:5. 1 2 Sam. 8:0; 1 Kings 11:24; 2 Chr. 8:3. terregnum for eleven years.
i After an interregnum of eleven years; ch. 15:S. i Called Uzziah, ver. 13,
3:3. The sea of tlie plain; the Dead sea, at the south part and accomplish towards his people his own benevolent
of the country. Gath-Iiepher ; a tomi in the tribe of Zeb-
28. Damascus, and Hamath; these cities, which were taken CHAPTER XV.
from the Syrians in the time of David and Solomon, 2 Chron. 5. Smote the king; for his pride and presumption in
8:3, 4, and had been retaken by the Syrians, were now attempting to burn incense to the Lord in the temple.
taken from them again by Jeroboam, and restored to 2 Chron. 26:16-20. A several house; a retired building,
Israel. where he was separated from the rest of the inhabitants.
throne of Israel unto the fourth generation.'^ And that he did, lieliold, they are written in the book
so it came to pass. of tiie Clironicles of tiie kings of Israel.
i:? *! Shallum tJie son of Jabc.«h began to reign 27 "i in tho two and fiftieth year of Azariah
in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah^ king of king of Judaii, Pekah the son of Penialiali began to
Judaii and he reigned a full month'' in Samaria. reign over Israel in Samaria,''' and reigned twenty
reigneil in his stead. biiani the son of Xehat, who made Israel to sin.
15 And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his 29 In the days of Pi'kaii king of Israel, came Tig-
conspiracy winch he made, behold, they are written lalh-pilcser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and
in the book of tlie Chronicles of the kings of Israel. Abel-beth-maacliah, and Janoah, and Kcdesii,and
16 1 Tiien Menalicm smote TiphsaJi,'' and all Ilazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all tiie land of
that were therein, and the coasts thereof from Tir- Naphtali,'' and carried tiicni captive to Assyria.
zah: they opened not to him, therefore he 'iO And Ilosliea liie son of Klaii made a conspir-
smote it ; and all the women therein that were acy against Pekali tho son of Keinaliah, and smote
with child he ripped up.'' him, and slew him, and reigned in iiis stead,' in the
17 In tlie nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king twentietli year of Jotiiain the son of Uzziah.^
of Judaii began Menaliem tiie sou of (Jadi to reign 31 And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all
over Israel, and reigned ten years in Samaria. that he did, behold, they are written in the book
18 And lie did that which ivas evil in the sight of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
of tlie Lord he departed not all his days from the
: 32 *\ In the second year of Pekaii the son of
sins of Jeroboam the son of Ncbat, who made Ilemallah king of Israel, began Jotham the son
Israel to sin. of Uzziah king of Judah to reign.'
19 And Pul tlie king of Assyria came against 33 Five and twenty years old was he when he
tlie land:'' and Menalicm gave Pul a thousand tal- began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in
ents of silver,'' tliat liis hand iniglit bo with him Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jerusha,
to eoiilinii tiie kingdom in liis liaud.'' the daughter of Zadok.
20 And Menaiiom exacted* tlie money of Israel, 34 And lie did that which was right in the sight
even of all the mighty men of wcaltii, of eacli man of the LoiiD lie did according to all that his fa- :
fifty shekels of silver, to give to tiie king of As- ther Uzziali liad done.
syria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and 35 Howbeit the high places were not removed:
stayed not there in the land. the people sacrificed and burned incense still in
21 •; And the rest of the acts of Menaliem, and the high places. He built the higher gate of the
all that lie did, are they not written in the book house of tiie Lord.
of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel? 36 1i Xow the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all
22 And Menahem slept with his fathers; and that he did, are they not written in the book of
Pekaliiali his son reigned in his stead. the Clironicles of the kings of Judah'?
23 1; In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Ju- 37 In those days* the Lord began to send
As prophesied, Amos 7:9. > ch. 10::)0. t Called Ozias ,
Matt. 1:8:9; forth. E Isa. 7:1. 4. 9. hlsa. 9:1. IAfler an anarchy for some years, c!
artoA. vet. 1. 1 HeD. a month of days, b 1 KinRS -1:2 ,
c ch 8:lj; '17:1; Hos. IU:.1, 7^ 15. 1 The fourth yearof Ahaz. Ihetnemieth after Jolha
QOs 1:13. i 1 Chr. 5:26. e Hos. B:9. f ch. 14:5. S Heb. catisiui to come had begun to reign. Usher, 2Chr. 27:1, etc. " At the end of Jotham'sreif
11. Zachariah; lie was the fourth of the descendants of writer here means, in the twentieth year from the time
Jehu. Ver. 12; chap. 10:30. when Jotham came to the throne Ahaz his successor not
14. Menahem ; supposed tohave been one of the gener- being named, because the history of his reign has not
als of Zachariah. Tirzah ; a city of the tribe of Ephraim, yet been reached. See the marginal note.
for a time the capital of the ten tribes. 1 Kings, chaps.
Tiphxah; supposed to have been in Ephraim. A
16. The sins of rulers and distinguished persons are often
place of tliis name was situated on the Euphrates, and the means of destruction to their distant posterity, and to
was taken possession of by Solomon. 1 Kings 4:24. multitudes of others who imitate their wicked example.
29. Ijon —
Naphtali; the places here mentioned were in 29. When the people of God rebel against him, the
the north part of the land of Israel. wicked are sufferedto overcome and oppress them nor ;
30. The twentteth year of Jotham ; as Jotham reigned but without repentance and reformation can they escape de-
siiteen years, ver. 33, it has been supposed that the sacred struction.
Jsi' tlie son of Remaliaii.''
and Pelvah
38 And Jotluim slept with his fathers, and was
buried with his fathers in the city of David his
father and Aliaz his son reigued in his stead.
1 Ahaz's wicked reign. 5 Ahaz, assailed by Rezin and Pekah, hireth
Tiglatli-pilcser against them. 10 Ahaz, sending a pattern of an .altar
from Damascus to Urijah, diverteth the brazen altar to his own devo-
tion. 17 He spoileth the temple. 19 Hezekiah succeedeth him.
come him.
6 At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered
Elath to Syria," and drave the Jews from Elath:'
and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there
unto this day.
7 So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser+
king of Assyria,' saying, I am thy servant and thy
son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the
king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of
Israel, which rise up against me.
8 And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was
found in the house of the Lord,-' and in the treas-
ures of the king's house, and sent it for a present
to the king of Assyria.
9 And the king of Assyria hearkened unto him
for the king of Assyria went up against Damas-
cus,* and took it,^ and carried the people of it cap-
tive to Kir, and slew Rezin.
»Ch. 10:.5. I>ver. 27. c 2 Chr. SS: 1, etc. ! Lev
! : ;
CHAPTER XVI 1. 12 For they served idols, whereof the Lord '^j,*',-'?!!?
had said unto them, Ye shall not do this thing.'
1 Hothw'i wioknl reign. M Briii^; >utHlui.'J by Sliiilmnnrtcr, lie con- i;5 Yet the liOitD testified against Israel, and
pircUi againkt him wiih So kins of li{,7pt. •) Sanmria for tlioir »iii«
ii uptivalnl. 'J4 The triin;;p nnlioiii, which wore trantplitntrd into against .Jinlali, by' all the pro|iliets, and by all the
Saniiru, bring wiUi liout, iiiikc a iniituro of rcligioni.
seers, saying. Turn ye from your evil ways, and
tlic twolflli year of Aliaz king of Jiidah, bc- keep my idinmaiidnienls and my statutes, accord-
I\paii llnslica tlio t^Dii of Klali lo rcifrn in Sama- ing to all the law which 1 c<iiiiiiiaiided your fa-
ria over Israel nine years.* thers, and which 1 sent lo you by my servants the
2 And lie iliil that which iras evil in the siglit of prophets.^
the Loitn, but not as the kings of Israel that were 14 Notwithstanding, they would not hear, but
before him. hardened their necks,'' like to tiie neck of their
3 'i Against liira came up Shalmancser king of fathers, that did not believe in the LoiMi their God,
Assyria;" and lloshca became his servant, and 15 And they rejected his statutes,' and his cov-
gave* him ])resonts.' enant that he made with their I'allieis,'" and his
4 And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in testimonies which he testified against them ;" and
Hoshea; for he had sent messengers to So king they followed vanity," and became vain,'' and went
of Egypt, and brought no present to the king of after the heathen that lare round about them, con-
Assyria, as he had done year by year therefor(; cerning wlioni the Lord had charged them, that
the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in they should not do like then'."
prison. IG And they left all the commandments of the
5 "i Then the king of Assyria came up througli- Lord their God, and made them molten images,"'
out all the land, and went up to Samaria, and be- ivin two calves,' and made a grove,' and wor-
sieged it three years. shipped all the host of heaven," and served I5aal.^
6 In the ninth year of IToshca, the king of As- 17 And they caused their sons and their (laugh-
syria took Samaria,'' and carried Israel away into ters to pass through the lire,"' and used divination
Assyria.'' and placed tiiem in Ilalali ami in Habor and enchantments.-'' and sold themselves to do evil
by the river of Gozan,'' and iu tlic cities of the in the sight of the Lord, to jirovokc him to anger
Medes. 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Is-
7 For so it was, that the children of Israel had rael, and removed them out of his sight: there
sinned against the Loud their God, which had was none left but the trilie of Judah only.'-
brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from 19 Also Judah kcjit not the conimandmcnts of
under tlie hand of Piiaraoh king of Egypt, and the Lord their God," Init walked iu the statutes
liad feared other gods, of Israel which Ihey made.
8 And walked in the statutes of the heatlien,'' 20 And the Lord rejected all the seed of Israel,''
whom the Lord cast out from before the children and afflicted them, and delivered them into the
of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which tlicy hand of spoilers,"" until he had cast them out of
had made. his sight.
9 And the children of Israel did secretly those 21 For he rent Israel from the house of David;''
things that were not right against the Lord their and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king:
God,'- and they built them high places in all their and Jerolioam drave Israel from following the
cities, from the tower of the watchmen to tiic Lord, and made them sin a great sin.''
fenced city.*^ 22 For the children of Israel Avalked in all the
10 And they set them up images' and groves in sins of Jeroboam which he did they departed ;
every high hill,''' and under every green tree:'' not from them
11 And there they burnt incense in all the high 23 Until the Lord removed Israel out of his
places, as did the heatlien whom the Lord carried sight, as he had said by all his servants the proph-
away before them and wrought wicked things ets.' So was Israel carried away out of their own
After all iiiv.;iic^iiuiii,,ch.
uii. iu:.n'. io:y. 1 neo-
» oh. 18:9.
15:30. "ori. rcmJmd; i.: cam.
Heh. Teniirrfuf
i I Prov, 29:1: Isa. 4d:4; .ler. 7;2fi. 1 Jer. S:9. m Deut. 29:2.'), 26. • Dent.
S:2. : Or, Iriiule. S Foretold in Hos. 1.3:lfi; ch. 16:10. 11. 1> Lev. -Mi-.m, 8:17. 13; Jer. 44:2.-). oDeut. 32:21; ISam. 12:21; 1 Kings 16:13. pjonih
33; Dent. -.i:j:.>o,
2:1:38, o^
. 61; 2!):-i7,
xic-i/, -j-i.
; -if. c j1 unr. 5:28. u
Chr. o:*Jti. d ch. Hi::s\ Lev.
oh. 18:3; l-::j; Doul.
Liev. l-:3; Lieut. 2:8; Rom. 1:21. q Deut. 12:31), 31. r Exnd. :)2:4, H. 1 Kingi 12:28.
1S:0; Psa. 1U6::!5. eEzek.8:12. fch.IS:S. I Heb. .WnlBM. Sch.IG:!; 1 1 Kins 14:15, -23; 15:13. " Jcr. 8:2. v 1 Kings 16:31; 22:53. w ch.
Deut. 12:2; 1 Kings U:2:J: ha. 57:5. h Deut. 18:21: Mic .'5:14. i Jixnd. 16:3; Lev. 18:21 : Ezek. 21:37. x Deut. 1S:1U. y 1 Kings 21:21). « 1 Kingi
20:3, 4; Lev. 20:1; Deut. 4: 19; 5:7. .S. 1 Heh. ty the liand of. JTsa.Mli. 11:13, 32. » Jer. 3:.-*. b Jer. 6:30. « ch. 1.3:3; l.>:29; Neh. 9:27, 2e.
17; 53:7; Jcr.lS:ll; 25:3; :M:I5; EEek.lS:31; 2Pet.3:9. '06^.31:27; <l I Kings 11:11. e 1 Kings 12:2(1. 28. f 1 Kings 14:10. e ver. 0.
16. Wicked rulers have ordinarily been aided by wick- province situated on this river. Some, however, placo
ed ecclesiastics, and the corrupt projects of the one been Habor and Gozan farther east.
supported by the ready and zealous cooperation of the 9. From tower of the watchmen, to the fenced city ; that
other. is, from the least to the greatest of their dwelling-places,
the tower of the watchmen being a solitary building, where
CHAPTER XYII. only the watchman and his de])eiidents lived.
2. Not as the kings of Israel ; he did not so rigidly enforce 10. Groves; here, as often elsewhere, the original word
idolatry. means an image of Astarte. So below, ver. 16; chap.
6. Halah; probably one of the northern provinces of 18:4, etc.
Assyria. In Habor by the river of Gozan ; or, by Habor, l.*). Vanity; here used, as frequently elsewhere, to de-
the river of Gozan. Habor is generally thought to be the scribe idolatry.
ancient Chaboras, a river of Mesopotamia, which flows 18. The tribe of Judah only; comprehending at this time
into the Euphrates, (the modern Khabur,) and Gozan, a the tribe of Benjamin.
The idolatrous xhip 2 KINGS XVIII. of the Samaritans.
2 Twoiity and five years old was lie whfii lie unto Ilczi-kiah king of .Fiidah three hun- '^ii*','^?^';i
bcjrUn to icifrii; ami Im- n-i^nicd tws'iity and iiiiii; dif'd tah'nts of silver and thirty talents of iro],l.
years in Jcrusali'iii. His nmllicr's name also icas l.j And Hezekiah gave /lim all the silver that
Abi,' tiie dauiriiier of Zathariali. was found
in the house of the LuuD, and in the
3 And lie did titaf w/iich was rifjlit in tlie sight treasures of the king's house.''
of tlio Loud, according to all that David his father 10 At that time did Hezekiah cut olV (/le f^o/d
did. from the doorsof the tem|ileof the Lord, andyz-wn
4 " lie removed the high places, and brake the the pillars which Ilezekiah king of Judali had
imaires.' and cut down the groves, and brake in overlaid, and gave it* to the king of A.^syria.
pieces the lirazen serpent tiiat Mose^ liad made: 17 'i And the king of A.-syria sent Tartan' and
ibr unto tliosc days the children of Israel did burn Rabsaris and Rab-shakeh i'rom Lachisli to king
incense to it: and lie called it Nehnslitan.* Hezekiah with a great* host against Jerusalem:
5 He trnsted in the Lord God of Israel; so and they went up and came to Jerusalem. And
that after him was none like him anK)ng all the when they were come u]), they came and stood by
kings of Judaii,'' nor anij that were bcfoi-c him. the conduit of the njiper pool, which is in the high-
G Fov he clave to the Loito,'' and dc|)arted not way of the fuller's lield.'"
from following him,^ but kcjit his commandments, 18 And when they had called to the king, there
wliicli the LoKD commanded Moses. came out to them Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, which
7 And the Lohd was with him;'' a?id he pros- teas over the household, and Shebna the scribe,*
pered wliitiiersoever he went fortii:'' and he re- and Joali the son of Asaph the recorder.
belled against the king of Assyria, and served 1!) And Rab-shakeh said unto them, Speak ye
him not.' now to Hezekiah, Thus saith the great king, the
8 He smote thcPiiilistines, even unto Gaza,' and king of Assyria, What coniidencc is this wherein
the borders thereof, from the tower of the watch- thou trustest?
men to the fenced city. 20 Thou sayest,* (but fhey are but vain words,')
9 M And it came to pass in the fourth year of / /lave counsel and strength ibr the war.^ Now
king Ilezekiah, which was the seventh year of on whom dost thou trust, that thou rcbellest
Hoshca sou of Elah king of Israel, f/ial Shalmane- against luc?
ser king of Assyria came up against Samaria, and 21 Now, behold, thou trustest* upon the staff of
besieged it.^ this bruised reed," even upon Egypt, on which if a
10 And at the end of three years they took it: man lean, it will go into his hand and pierce it:
even in the sixth year of Ilezekiah, tliat is, the ninth so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust
year of Iloshea king of Israel, Samaria was taken. on him.
11 And the king of Assyria did carry away Is- 22 But if ye say nnto me. trust in the Lord We
rael unto Assyria," and put them in Halah and in our God is not that he, whose high places and :
Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away," and hath
the Mcdes: said to Judah and Jerusalem, Ye shall worship
12 Because they obeyed not tlie voice of the before this altar in Jerusalem?
Lord their God,' but transgressed his covenant, 23 Now therefore, I pray thee, give pledges* to
and all that Moses the servant of tiie Lord com- my lord the king of Assyria, and I will deliver
manded, and would not hear them, nor do them. thee two thousand horses, if thou be able on thy
13 1l Now in the fourteenth year of king Heze- part to set riders upon them.
kiah did Sennacherib' king of Assyria come up 24 How
then wilt thou turn away the face of
against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took one captain of the least of my master's servants,
tlicm.' and put thy trust ou Egypt for chariots and for
14 And Hezekiah king of Judah sent to the king horsemen?
of Assyria to Lachisli, saying, I have oflendcd 25 ;
I now come up without the Lord against
return from me: that Avhich thou puttest on me this place to destroy it? The Lord said to me,
will I bear. And the king of Assyria appointed Go up against this land, and destroy it."
' Aiijali.-'Cttr.-XIA.
1 Heb. statues, a Num. 31:0. ITh-jt is, A pica of t/iem.
brass, boh. aivM. c Deut. 10:21); Josh. 2:):a i Heb. after /lim. ! 1 Sam.
ls:14; 2Cnr. I5:i e Psa 00: 1-2: Rom. 8:31. f ch. 1():7. I Hub. Azzah.
tch. 17:!, etc. h 1 Chr. 5: -.'B. i Neb. 8:26, 27; Psa. 107: 17; Dan. 0:0. 10.
1 Heb. Sanherib. i 2 Chr. 32:1. etc.; Isa. 36:1, etc. k ch. 16:M. * Heb.
2. Twenty anil five years old;
he was, accordingly, born
when Ahaz was eleven years old, or perhaps, making al-
lowance for portions of years, when he was twelve years
old. See chap. 1G:2. This is not impossible, though some
think an error of transcribing has found its way into the
account respecting either Ahaz or Hezekiah.
4. Neku-i'ttan; meaning a piece of brass.
9. In the fourth year of king Hezekiah ; if we suppose that
32 Until I come and take you away to a land 6 IF And Isaiah said unto them. Thus shall ye
like year own land, a land of corn and wine, a say to your master. Thus saith the Lord, Be not
land of bread and vineyards, a land of oil-olive afraid of the words which thou hast heard, with
and of honey that ye may live, and not die: and which the servants of the king of Assyria have
34: Where arc the gods of Hamath, and of Arpad ?" in his own land.'*
where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivah ?' 8 IT So Rab-shakeh returned, and found the king
have they delivered Samaria out of my hand? of Assyria warring against Libnah: for he had
35 Who are they among all the gods of the coun- heard that he was departed from Lachish.'
tries, that have delivered their country out of my 9 And when he heard say of Tirhakah king of
hand,*" that the Lord should deliver Jerusalem Ethiopia, Behold, he is come out to fight against
out of my hand ? thee;" he sent messengers again unto Hezekiah,
36 But the people held their peace, and answered saying,
him not a word for the king's commandment
' 10 Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of
was, saying, Answer him not. Judah. saying. Let not thy God in whom thou
37 Then came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, which trustest deceive thee,^' saying, Jerusalem shall not
was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria.
and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder, to Heze- 11 Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of
kiah with their clothes rent,J and told him the Assyria have done to all lands, by destroying them
words of Rab-shakeh. utterly: and shalt thou be delivered?
» Lam. 4:5; Ezek. 4:15. • Heb. l/ie water of titeir feet, b Psa. 73:S, 9. ilsa. 33:7. kisa. 37:1, etc. H Called £soia«, Luke 3:4. I Jer. 30:7. 'Or.
< Psa. 11:1; 2-2:7, 8; 12.5:1, 2. d 2 Thess. 2:4,8. t Or. Seek my favor provocation.
— _..„„-_,n
n> ch. 18:17.
Psa. 74:18.
,. .
o Psa. 50:21. t Heb. found.
Hab. Make with >m a blessing; Gen.32:2U; 33:11; Prov. 18:16. 1 Or. pi!, . _
35-37. t oh 1S:14. " l Sam.
t Deal. 8:7,8. i Or, deceivelli. fch. 19:12, 13; Isa. 10:10, 11. ejer. 49:23.
I Ava, ch. 17:34. h ch. 19:17, IS; Dan. 3:15. i Pro». 20:4; Amos 5:13.
27. Eat their own dung; in the extremity of the famine 35. Ascribing to creatures or to false gods what be-
which he threatened to bring upon them. longs only to Jehovah, and pretending that it is as vain
to trust in him as in them, is a sure way to provoke his
12 lliivo the pods of tlio nations dclivi'ied tlicin (he tall' eedar-trees tliereof and the choice ^n'V'm
wliii'li my I'litlKTs Iimvc tic.-tmycil
;' as (io/an.and lir-trees thereof: and 1 will cntir into the lodgings
Uiiraii, and Ifozcpli, and tlic cliildrcn of Kden of his borders, and into the forest of his Carmel. •
wliii'h were in 'riiclasar?'' 24 I have digged and drunk strange waters, and
i;{ Wliorc is the kinir of Hanialli, and tlic kinj? with the sole of my feet have 1 dried up all the
of Arpud. and tlii^ king of tiic city of Sci)iiarvaini, riv(>rs of besieged places.
2.'3 Hast thou not heard long ago hoio I have done
of UniM. and Ivah?.
It *i And Ili'zckiah received tlie lottor of llic it,'' a7id of ancient times that have formed it?
liand of llic ni('-;*on<rcrs, and read it: and lleze- now iiave I brought it to pass, that thou siiouldcst
kiuh went np into the iiouse of tlic Loud, and be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous lieaps.^
spread it before Lord. tlie 2(\ Therefore their inhabitants were of small
paid. LoiiD God of Israel, which dwellest 6c- were as the grass of the field, and as the green
(irri/tilie eherubiin,'' thou art the (lod, ivoi thou herb, as the grass on the house-tops,'' and as corn
alone, of all the kinirdoni.s of the eartii ;'' thou hast blasted before it be grown np.
nuulo heaven and earth.' 27 But I know thy abode,* and thy going out.
1() Loud, bow down thine ear, and hear :" o])en, and thy coming in, and thy rage against me.
Loud, thine eye?, and see:'' and hear the words 28 Because thy rage against me and thy tumult
of Sennacherib, which hath sent him to reproach is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put
the living God. my hook thy nose,'' and my bridle in thy lips,
IT Of a truth. Lord, the kings of Assyria have and I will turn thee back by the way by which
de.-troyed the nations and their lands, thou camest.
18 And have cast* their gods into the fire: for 29 And this shall be a sign unto tliee. Ye shall
they tcere no gods, but the work of men's hands, eat this year such things as grov^ of themselves,
wood and stone:' therefore they have destroyed and in the second year that which springeth of the
tlieni. same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and
ly Novr therefore, Loud our God, 1 l)cseech plant vineyards, and eat the fruits thereof.
thee, save thou us out of his hand, tiiat all the 30 And the remnant that is e.-caped of the house
kingdoms of the eartli may know that thou art the of Judali* shall yet again take root downward,
LoKD God, even thou only.-" and bear fruit upward.
20 T Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to llezc- 31 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a rem-
kiah, saying. Thus saith tlie Loud God of Israel, nant," and they that escape^ out of mount Zion:
That whicli thou hast prayed to me against Sen- the zeal of the Loud of hosts shall do this.
nacherib king of Assyria I have licard." 32 Therefore thus saith the Loud concerning the
21 This is the word that the Lord hath spoken king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city,
concerning him: The virgin the daughter of Zion nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with
hath despised thee,' and laughed thee to scorn; the shield, nor cast a bank against it.
daugliter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at 33 By the way that he came, by the same shall
thee.'" he return, and shall not come into this city, saith
22 Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed? the Lord.
and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice, 34 For I will defend this city, to save it, for
and lifted up thine eyes on high? even against the mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.'
Holy One of Israel." 35 T And it came to pass that night, that the
23 By * thy messengers thou hast reproached the angel of the Loud went out, and smote in the camji
Loud, and hast said. With the multitude of my of the Assyrians a hundred fourscore and five thou-
chariots I am come up to the height of the moun- sand and when they arose early in the morning, :
tains," to the sides of Lebanon, and will cut down behold, they were all dead corpses."
« Ch. 1«:33, 34. b Ezek. 27:2:1. ' 2 Chr. .32:20. d 1 Sam. 4:4; 2 Clir. thou not heard Iiow / have made it long ago. and formed it of ancient tiniest
5:7.8. e Kins3l3:.39; Ua. 44:6.
1 ' Psi. 102:25. ePsa, 31:2. h 2 Clir. now firing it to be laid waste, and fenced cities to be ruinous heaps?
.'should I
«:40. •
lleh. given, i Psa. 115:4, etc.; Isa. 44:10, etc. J 1 Kini;s 2U:2a. •
Heh. short of hand, q P.-ia. 120:6. 1 Oi, silling. rEzek.:W:4. ! Heb.
kPsa.65:2. lLam.2:13. m Job lli:4: Lam. 2: 15. n Isa. 5:24; Jcr. 51:5. the escaping of the house of Judah that remaiiielh. » ver. 4. J Heb. the
t Heb. Bi/ Ike /land of. o Psa. 20:7. 1 Heb. the taltness. i Or. ihe forest escaping, t ch. 20:6. u 2 Chron. 32:21; Isa. 37:36.
and hisfruitfulfieU; Isa. 10:18. I Or, fenced, p Isa. 45:7. 1 Or, Hast
thy father, I have heard thy prayer,' I have teon house? And Hezekiah answered, All the things
thy tear,?:' behold, I will heal thee:'' on the third that are in my house have they seen:"" there is
day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord. nothing among my treasures that I have not
6 And I will add unto tliy days fifteen years; showed them.
and I will deliver thee and this city out of tlie 16 And Isaiah said unto Hezekiah, Hear the
hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend word of the Lord.
this city for mine own sake, and for my servant 17 Behold, the days come, lliat all tiiat is in thy
David's sake.' house, and that which thy fathers liave laid up in
7 And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they store unto this day, shall be carried unto Baby-
took and laid it on the boil, aud he recovered. lon nothing shall be left, saith the Lord.
19:34. m Judg. 6:17, 37; Isa. 7:11,14. n Josh. 10:12. I Heb. degrees.
? Ot, Meroctach-baladan. o Isa. 39:1, etc. ' Or, spicery.
P 2Chr. 32:27.
house; 2 Sam. 17:33. e Neh. 13:2i fGen. 17:1; 1 Kings 3:6. ech. 18:3- \ Or, jeioets; B.<ih. vessels, q Prov. 23:5. r ver. 13. » ch. 24:13; 25:1.1;
6. I K'ti. with a great weeping. % Or, city, h 1 Sam. 0:1G; 1U:1. ch.
i Lev. 26:19; Jer. 27:21 j 52:17.
19:20; Fsa. 6li:19, 20. J Psa. 39:12; 56:8; 126:5. k Deut. 32:39. 1 ch.
dead; those who had, the night before, been smitten by 25. The exploits of the wicked are onlj' a fulfilment of u
tlie angel of the Lord. part of the plan of Jehovah and when he sees fit he can
37. Ntsroch; an idol god. dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel, or cause them in
his own way and time to come to an ignominious and
INSTRUCTIONS. miserable end.
God 29. To his people God affords evidence that it is safe to
1. the unfailing resource of his people. In times
of trouble they repair to him, and find him to be a very trust in him, and to wait upon him in humble supplication :
present and all-sufficient helper. for in due time all his promises will be fulfilled.
4. Jehovah is a prayer-hearing God
35. Armies are as dependent on God as individuals he ;
and his people not;
only call on him themselves, but desire the prayers of keeps the breath in their nostrils, and can at any time
others, especially such as are distinguished by his pres- take it away and leave them all dead corpses.
ence and favor.
6. Those who trust in the Lord, and so fear as to obey
him, have no reason to fear any others, but may expect in 1. with a deadly disease.
Sick unto death;
due time his effectual aid. 7. The boil; with which Hezekiah was afflicted, and which,
12. Because the idols in which the wicked trusted have if God had not interposed, would have been mortal.
not delivered them, some conclude that Jehovah will not 9. The sliadow; the shadow on the sun-dial, ver. 11; Isa.
deliver his people, and treat him as if he could do no more, 38:8.
for or against them, than gods of wood and of stone. 13. Showed litem all tlie house of his preciom thitigs — all that
19. Jehovah will show tiiat he is the one only living and he was manifestly elated
um.<<fottnd in hix treasures; in this
true (Jod, and that those who exalt themselves he is able with vanity, and God accordingly forewarned him of the
to abase and will cfToctually protect and provide for all
; judgments that should come from Babylon upon his fam-
who trust in him. ily. Compare 2 Chron. 32:31.
18 And of tliy sons lliat sliall issue frnin Hipp, (> .Viid he made his son pass through
the .^.M. .•««:,
thev sliall he (ninuchs in tlio paiacc of the king of cliantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and
Babylon.'' wizards:" he wrought iiiiicli wickedness in the
1!) TliPu said Uezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the siglit of the LoitD, to provoke /lim to anger.
word of the Loun, which thou hast spoken." And 7 And he set a graven image of the grove that
he said, Is it not good, if peace and truth be' in he had made in the lioiise, of which IIk; Lord said
my days? to Oavid," and to Solomon his son,'' in this house,
20 'And the rest of the acts of Uezekiah, and and in .Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all
all Ids niiLdit, and how he made a ])Ool,'' and a con- the tribes of Israel, will I put my name for cvci-:
duit, and brouirht water into the city," are liiey 8 Neither will I make the feet of Israel move
not wiiitiMi in the book of the Chronicles of the any more out of the land which gave their fa- I
IS. TAf/sojJs; that is, thy descendants. The threatening 19. However trying the dispensations of Providence,
was Utemlly fulfilled in the case of Daniel and his compan- pious men will submit to them; knowing that God has
ions, who were " of the king's seed." Dan. 1 3. : the best of reasons for all which he does, and doeth all
INSTRUCTIONS. things well.
In every situation men are liable to sickness and
death. They should therefore have all their affairs so
arranged, as to be habitually prepared to leave this world Observed times; or, practised divination. Divination
and enter on the retributions of eternity. and witchcraft, in all their varied forms, were parts of the
5. Prayer is often a means of removing sickness which ancient system of idolatry, as they are of modern systems.
would otherwise prove mortal, and inducing the Lord to 12. Botit hif: ears sliall tingle; at the dreadfulness of the
continue life when he would otherwise have taken it away. judgments which God would bring upon them.
7. The fact that diseases are God's servants, and that 13. The line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of
they come and go at his bidding, should never supersede Altab; the line and the plummet are here the symbols of
the use of appropriate means, or lead us in any measure God's exact justice in the judgments he inflicts on the
to neglect them. wicked. Compare Amos 7:7-9. The meaning of the figure
II. The Lord gives abundant evidence of the truth of is, that God will execute upon Judah and Jerusalem the
his promises, that his people may trust his word without same righteous judgments that he has sent upon Samaria
fear of being disappointed. and the house of Ahab. Wipe Jerusalem; wipe out its
13. Even good men are liable to be elated with their inhabitants and its wealth, and utterly overturn it.
lilessings, to seek applause, and so display their acquisi-
tions as to displease the Lord. INSTRUCTIONS.
IC. The Lord will cifcctually humble the pride of his 2. Men from
religious families sometimes commit wick-
people, take off their hearts from transitory, uncertain edness far beyond others who have not had pious instruc-
riches, and lead them to trust alone in Him who giveth tion and example.
them richly all things to enjoy, and who can at any time 9. Those who break over the restraints of a pious edu-
take av.-av what he has given. cation and become abandoned in wickedness, often go to
Reigns of Anion and Josiah. 2 KINGS XXII. The hooli vf the law found.
Ma* "
evil in my sight, and have provolced
me to anger, since the day their fathers came
forth out of Egypt, even unto this day.
16 Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very
much," till he had filled Jerusalem from one end
to another;* besides his sin wherewith he made
Judah to sin," in doing that which was evil in the
sight of the Lord.
17 1[ Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and
all that he did, and his sin that he sinned, are
they not written in the book of tlic Chronicles of
the kings of Judah?''
18 And Manasseh slept with his fathers, and was
buried in the garden of his own house, in the garden
of Uzza and Araon his son reigned in his stead.
1 Josiah's good reign. 3 He taketh care for the repair of the temple.
8 Hilkiah having found a book of the law, Josiah aendeth to Huldah
to inquire of the Lord. 15 Huldah prophesieth the destruction of Je-
rusalem, but respite thereof in Josiah's time.
to me.
IC Thus sailh the Loud, Bcliohl, I will briiifr
evil upon this jilacc, and upon the inhabitant-
thereof, urn all tiic words of the book which the
kiiiir of Jiulah hath read:
17 15ecaiise they liuve for.sakon me, and liave
burned incense unto other frods," that they niiy:lil
provoke me to anscer with all the works of their
hands therefore my wrath siiall be kindled against
1 Jo5i:ih causeth the book to be read in a solemn assembly. 3 He re-
newerh the covenant of the Lord. 4 He destroyeth idolatry. 15 He
burnt dead men's bones upon the altar of Beth-el, as was before prophe-
sied. 21 He kept a most solemn passover. 2-1 He put away witclies
and all abomination, 2G God's final wrath against Judah. 29 Jo-
siah, provoking Pharaoh-necho, is slain at Megiddo. 31 Jehoahaz,
succeeding him. is imprisoned by Pharaoh-necho, who made Jehoia-
kim king. 30 Jehoiakim's wicked reign.
is, r's™' but they did eat of the unleavened bread that were in the cities of Samaria,' whirh the kings
among their brethren." of Israel had made to provoke the LORD
to anger,
10 And lie defiled Topheth/' whicii is in the val- Josiah took away, and did to thein according to
ley of the children of Hinnoni,' tiiat no man miijlit all the acts that he had done in Betli-el.
make his son or his daughter to pass through the 20 And he slew' all the jiriests of the high places
lire to Molech.'' that we}-e there upon the altars,"' and burned men's
11 And he took away the horses that the kings bones upon them," and returned to Jerusalem.
of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in 21 If And the king commanded all the people,
of the house of the Lord, by tlie chamber of Na- saying, Keep the passover unto the Lord your God,
than-melech the chamberlain,* which ivas in the as it is written in the book of this covenant."
suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with 22 Surely there was not holdcn such a passover
fire. from the days of the judges that judged Israel,
12 And the altars that it-ere on the top of the nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, nor of
upper chamber of Ahaz,*^^ which the kings of Judah the kings of Judah ;''
had made, and the altars which Manasseh had 23 But in th.c eighteenth year of king Josiah,
made in the two courts of the house of the Lord,' wherein this passover was holdcn to the Lord in
did the king beat down, and brake them down from Jerusalem.
thence,^ and cast the dust of them into the brook 2-1 H Moreover the ivorkers with familiar spirits,i
Kidron. and the wizards, and the images,* and the idols,
13 And the high places that were before Jerusa- and all the abominations that were spied in the
lem, which icere on the right hand of the mount of land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah jiut
corruption,^ whieli Solomon the king of Israel had away, that ho might perform the words of the law."'
builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zi- which were written in the book that Hilkiah the
donians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the priest found in the house of the Lord.
Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the 25 And like unto him was there no king before
children of Amnion, did the king defile.^ him,'' that turned to the Lord with all his heart,
14 And he brake in pieces the images,^ and cut and with all his soul, and with all his might.' ac-
down the groves," and filled their places with the cording to all the law of Moses;" neither after him
bones of men. arose there «?)?/ like him.
15 1 Moreover the altar that was at Beth-el, and 26 11 Notwitlistanding, the Lord turned not from
the high place which Jeroboam the sou of Nebat, the fierceness of his great wrath, wherewith his
who made Israel to sin, had made,' both that altar anger was kindled against Judah, because of all
and the high place he brake down, and burned tiie the provocations* that Manasseh had provoked
high place, and stamped it small to powder, and him withal.*'
burned the grove. 27 And the Lord said, I will remove Judah also
16 And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the out of my sight,"" as I have removed Israel,^ and
sepulchres that were there in the mount, and sent, will cast off this city Jerusalem which I have cho-
and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burn- sen, and the house of which I said. My name shall
ed them upon the altar, and polluted it, according be there.y
to the word of the Lord which the man of God 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and all
proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.J that he did, are they not written in tlie book of the
IT Then he said. What title is that that I see? Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
And the men of
the city told him, It is tlie sepul- 29 [ In his days Pharaoh-necho king of Egypt
chre of the man
of God, which came from Judah, went up against the king of Assyria to the river
and proclaimed these things that thou hast done Euphrates:'' and king Josiah went against him;
against the altar of Beth-el." and he slew him at Megiddo," when he had seen
IS And he said. Let him alone let no man move : him.
his bones. So they let his bones alone,' with the 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot
bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria. dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusa-
19 And all the houses also of the high places lem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And
» 1 Sam. 2:36. b Isa. 30:3.3; Jer. 7::31. = Jnsh. 15:8. <1 Lev. \^:i\; 22:20; 1 Kings 1S:4U. •2Chr. 34:5. oExod. 12:3. etc.; .Num. 9:2; Dent.
Deul. 1S:10; Ezek. a:3:37, 39. • Or, eunuch, or officer, e Jer. 19:13; Zeph. 16:2,etc. p 2Chr. 3o:lS. 19. q ch. 21 :6; Rev. 22:15 "
Or. (erapAi'm. Gen.
1:5. f ch. 21:5. 1 Or, ran from tlience. : That is. the mount of Olives. 31:19. 'Lev. 19:31: 20:27; Dent. 18:11. « ch. l--;5. I 1 Kings ?:4b; .ler.
Si Kings 11:7. i Keb. statues. Ii Exod. 23:24; Num. .33:.i2; Dent. 7:5. 29:13. " i\eh. 10:2!!. lUeb. angers. » ch. 21 ;11, 12; 24:3, 1; Jer. 15:1.
25; Mio. 1:7. 1 Kings 12:4^, 33. J 1 KinRS 13:2. k 1 Kings 13:30. 31. "ch. 21:13. ich. 17:1S, 20; 1S:11. y 1 Kings 9:3. » 2 Chr. 35:20. etc.
I Heb. to escape. 2 Chr. 34:6, 7. H Or, sacrificed, m ch. 11:18; Exod.
1 »Zech. 12:11.
1 Jehoiakim, firstsubdued by Nebucluidnezzar, then rebelling against
him, procureth his own ruin. 5 Jehoiachin succeedeth him. 7 The
king of Egypt is vanquished by the king of Babylon. 8 Jehoiachin's
evil reign. 10 Jerusalem is taken and carried captive into Babylon.
17 Zedekiah is m.ade king, and reigneth ill unto the utter destruction
of Judah.
2 And Lord sent against him bands of the
Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of
the Moabites, and bands of the children of Am-
a2Chr. 30:1,
:^' smitlis:" none reir.ainocl, save the poorest about: and the king went the way toward the
sort of the people of the huid.'' plain.''
15 And he carried away Jehoiacliin to Babylon, 5 And the army of the Chaldees pursued after
and the king's mother, and tiie king's wives, and the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jer-
his officers,' and tiie mighty of the land, those car- icho and all his army were scattered from him. :
ried he into captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon. 6 So they took the king, and brought him up
16 And all the men of might, even seven thou- to the king of Babylon to Riblah;' and they gave
sand, and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, all judgment upon him.*
that were strong and apt for war, even tiiem the 7 And they slew the sons of Zedekiah before his
king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon. eyes, and put out the eyes of* Zedekiah,^ and
17 IT And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah bound liim with fetters of brass, and carried him
his father's brother king in his stead, and changed to Babylon.
his name to Zedekiah.'^ 8 IT And in the fifth month, on the seventh day
18 Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when of the month, which is the nineteenth year of king
he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzar-
in Jerusalem.'' And his mother's name was Ha- adan, captain of the guard ,^ a servant of the king
mutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah." of Babylon, unto Jerusalem:
19 And he did that which ivas evil in the sight 9 And he burnt the house of the Lord,'' and the
of the Lord, according to all that Jehoiakim had king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and
done. every great man's house burnt he with fire.'
20 For through the anger of the Lord it came 10 And all the army of the Chaldees, that were
to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast with the captain of the guard, brake down the
them out from his presence, that Zedekiah rebel- w^alls of Jerusalem round about.™
led against the king of Babylon.'' 11 Now the rest of the people that were left in
the city, and the fugitives that fell away' to the
CHAPTER XXV. king of Babylon, with the remnant of the multi-
tude, did Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard
1 Jerusalem is besieged. 4 Zedekiah taken, his sons slain, his eyes put
out. 8 Nebuzar-adan defaceth the city, carrieth the remnant, except carry away.
a iew poor laborers, into captivity, 13 spoiletli and carrieth away the 12 But the captain of the guard left of the poor
treasures. 18 The nobles are slain at Riblah. 22 Gredaliah. who
was set over them that remained, being slain, the rest flee into Egypt. of the land to be vine-dressers and husbandmen."
27 Evil-merodach advanceth Jehoiachm in his court. 13 And the pillars of brass that wei-e in the house
AND it came to pass in the ninth year of his
month, in the tenth day
reign, in the tenth
of the Lord, and the bases, and the brazen sea
that ivas in the house of the Lord," did the Chal-
of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby- dees break in pieces, and carried the brass of them
Ion came, he, and all his host, against Jerusalem, to Babylon.
and pitched against it;" and they built forts 14 And the pots, and the shovels, and the snuff-
against it round about. ers, and the spoons, and all the vessels of brass
2 And the city was besieged unto the eleventh wherewith they ministered," took they away.
year of king Zedekiah. 15 And the fire-pans, and the bowls, and such
3 And on the ninth day of t\io fourth month the things as wei-e of gold, in gold, and of silver, in
famine prevailed in the city, and there was no silver, the captain of the guard took away.
bread for the people of the land. IG The two pillars, one^ sea, and the bases which
4 IT And the city was broken up, and all the Solomon had made for the house of the Lord the ;
men of war fled by night by the way of the gate brass of all these vessels was without weight.
between two walls, which is by the king's garden 17 The height of the one pillar was eighteen
now the Chaldees were against the city round cubits,'' and the chapiter upon it was brass: and
»Jer. 21:1. b ch. 45:1-2. • Or, eunuc/is. c Jer. .37:1, etc. d Jer. 5-2:1, 12:1:3, etc. i Or, rhiefmarsliat. k 1 Kings 9:8; Psa. 79:1; Isa. 64:10. 11.
etc. e ch. •2:i:3l. ' -2 Chr. 36:1.3; Ezek. 17:15. P 2 Chr. .36:17. etc.; Jer. lAmos'2:5. mNeh. 1:3; Jer. 5-2:14, etc. 1 Heb. /a/fen ait-oy och. 34:14;
34:-2. etc.; .39:1, etc.; 5-2:4. etc.; £zck. •24:-2. etc. Ezek. l'2:l-.
1> Jer.4U:7. o Exod. -27:3; Jer. '27:19, etc.; IKings 7. 15--27. PlKings7:47,
2.3:3.3. t Heb. spakr. judgment with hin Heb. made blind, i Ezek. 50. 1 Heb. the one. 1 I Kings 7:15.
16. Men of might ; the warriors. Seven tliousand a thoiir — required and those who are distinguished by outward
sand; the sacred writer specifies certain classes of the ten privileges and blessings, if they abuse them will be dis-
thousand beforenamed. The other two thousand may tinguished in their punishment.
have been nobles and other principal men. The number
of ten thousand includes onlj- adult males, the women and CHAPTER XXV.
children that accompanied them not being reckoned. —
Between Iwo tvalls Ini the Icing's jiarden; this gate was
INSTRUCTION'S. in the southern part of the city, near tlie pool of Siloani,
2. The Lord is never at a loss for instruments to punish Neh. 3:15. The double wall here mentioned was proba-
his rebellious people and though the wicked act out
; bly built across the valley that lies between Zion and
their enmity to him in opposing them, yet through them Ophel, at the mouth of which valley is the pool of Siloam.
he fulfils his declarations and accomplishes his wise and 5. T/ic plains of Jericho; the deep valley through which
holy designs. tlie Jordan flows and in which the Dead sea lies.
10. TliC Lord sometimes permits one class of wicked 10. Brake down the units; to prevent the inhabitants of
men to prevail against his people, and at other times an- .lerusalem from giving the king of Babylon any further
other but their own sins are the cause of their troubles, trouble.
and whoever may be their oppressors, he never suffers 16. The two pillars sea — —
bases; see the description of
them to inflict evils greater than their iniquities deserve. these in 1 Kings 7 15-47. Witluntt weight ; in such abun-
lii. To whom much is given, of them much will be dance, that the quantitj- and its value were not estimated.
was set over the men of war, and live men of Iheiii
that were in the kiu'j's presence.' which were found
in the city, and the pri-ncipal gcribe of the host,*
wjiich mustered the i)eo])le of tiie land, and threc-
^core men of tiie people of tlie land t/iat wire found
in the city
20 And Xebuzar-adan c;i])taiu of 1he<ruard took
these, and brouj^ht them to tlie king of Babylon
to Kiblah:
'2\ And the king of Babylon smote them, and
It is generally agreed that the two books of the Chronicles were written after the return of the Jews
from the Babylonish captivity by Ezra, to whom the Jews unanimously ascribe the completion and arrange-
ment of the canon of the Old Testament. In the Hebrew canon they stand last in order. Whatever use
Ezra may have made of the books of Samuel and Kings, it is plain that these were not his chief sources,
for lie records many things not found in them. He compiled his narrative from the public records of the
two kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the same, in part at least, that were used by the writer of the books
of Kings. How far the particular works mentioned by him the book of Samuel the seer, the book of —
Nathan the prophet, the book of Gad the seer, 1 Cliron. 29:29; the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite,
2 Chron. 9:29; the visions of Iddo the seer, mentioned under various titles, 2 Chron. 9:29; 12:15;
13 22 the book of Shemaiah the prophet, 2 Chron. 12:15; the book of Jehu the son of Hanani, 2 Chron.
20 34 the writings of Isaiah the prophet, 2 Chron. 26:22; 32 32 the sayings of Hosai, 2 Chron. 33 19—
: ; : ; :
how far the above-named works were incorporated into these public annals, it is impossible to determine.
That the book of Jehu was thus inserted is certain. Sec note to 2 Chron. 20 34. :
That there are a few discrepancies between the books of Kings and of Chronicles, arising from errors
in transcribing, is generally admitted. These relate, however, mainly to dates, and do not affect the
general integrity of the works. Most of the apparent disagreements, however, between the two histories,
arise from their brevity, and from the fact that the two authors frequently select from the same reign
different events, the one passing by in silence what the other records or that, where they record the ;
same event, various accompanying circumstances are omitted. See, for example, 2 Kings 9 27, com- :
The first nine chapters of the present book are made up principally of genealogies, probably designed
to point out the descent and location of the different tribes and families before the captivity and thus to ;
enable those who returned from Babylon to regain their former inheritance, and to establish the worship
of God according to his appointment. They appear also to have been designed to show the origin of the
human race ; that all men sprung from one human pair according to the account in Genesis, and that
according to the prophecies contained in Scripture our Saviour was the son of David, of Judah, and of
Abraham. These and subsequent genealogies were kept by the Jews with great care, and have been
and still are important to the ends for which they were written. They first trace the descendants of
Adam to Abraham ;
David and to Christ. But as these
and then give the line of his descendants, to
chapters are occupied principally with names, and suggest inquiries more particularly interesting to the
learned and critical student than to common readers, we shall not further notice them. The recapitulation
of the history of the Israelites commences with the tenth chapter.
A i
Sheth. Enosh,
2 Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered,
7 And (ho .^on? of Javau ; Elisliah, and Tartiliisli, 37 The pons of Uimel ; Naliath, Zcrah, a m 21.M.
8 T TIr' soui cil" Ham; Cutih, and Mi/.raim, I'ut, 3.S And sons of Scir; Lotan, and Shobal,
and Canaan. anil Zibeon, and Anali,and Dishon, and Ezar, and
9 And tlio sons of Cusli; St-lia, and llavilali, ami Di.-lian.
Sabta. and Raaniali, and Sabtoi-lia. And the sous 3'.l And the sons of Lotan Hori, and Homam:^ ;
Lehabiui, and Naphtuhim, 41 The sons of Anah; Dishon. And the sons
12 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (of whom of Dishon; Amram,* and Eshban, and Ithran, and
came tlie Philistines,) and Caphtoriin." Cheran.
13 And Canaan begat Zidou his lirst-born, and 42 The sons of Ezcr Bilhan, and Zavan, and
14 The Jobusite also, and the Anioritc, and the 43 IT Now these are the kings that reigned in
Girgashite, the land of Edom before any king reigned over
15 And the Hivite, and the Arkitc, and tlio fin- the children of Israel Bela the son of Bcor and
; :
19 And unto Eber were born two sons the name : city was Avith.
of the one was Peleg ;* because in his days the earth 47 And when Hadad was dead, Samlah of Mas-
was divided: and his brother's name was Joktan. rekah reigned in his stead.
20 And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, 48 And when Samlali was dead, Shaul of Echo-
and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, both by the river reigned in his stead.
21 Hadoram also, and Uzal, and Diklah, 49 And when Shaul was dead, Baal-hanan the
22 And Ebal, and Abimael, and Shcba. son of Achbor reigned in his stead.
23 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. All 50 And when Baal-hanan was dead, Hadad'
these were the sons of Joktan. reigned in his stead: and the name of his city
24 1 Shem," Arphaxad, Shelah, luas Pai ;^ and his wife's name was Mehetabel, the
25 Elier, Peleg, Reu, daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab.
26 Serug, Nahor, Terah, 51 1 Hadad died also. And the dukes of Edom
27 Abram;'^ the same is Abraham. were; duke Timnah, duke Aliah,* duke Jetheth,
28 The sons of Abraham ; Isaac,'' and Ishmacl." 52 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon,
29 1 These are their generations The first-born : 53 Duke Kcnaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar,
of Ishmael,'^ Nebaioth ; then Kedar, and Adbeel, and 54 Duke ilagdiel, duke Iram. These are the
Mibsam, dukes of Edom.
30 Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad,' and
31 Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These are CHAPTER II.
the sons of Ishraael. 1 The sons of Israel. 3 The posterity of Judah by Tamar. 13 The
32 1 Now the sons of Keturah,^ Abraham's con- children of Jesse. 18 The posterity of Caleb the son of Hezron. 2i
Hezron's posterity by the daughter of Machir. 25 Jerameel's posteri-
cubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Me- ty'. 34 Sheshan's posterity. 42 Another branch of Caleb's posterity.
dan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And oO The posterity of Caleb the son of Hur.
the sons of .Jokshan Sheba, and Dedan. ;
are the sons of Israel + Reuben, Sim- ;
33 And the sons of Midian Ephah, and Epher, ; eon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun,
and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these 2 Dan, Joseph, and Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad,
arc tlie sons of Kcturah. and Asher."
34 And Abraham begat Isaac.'" The sons of 3 1 The sons of Judah Er, and Onan, and She- ;
Isaac: Esau and Israel.' lah:' which three were born unto him of the
35 11 The sons of Esau Eliphaz, Reucl, and daughter of Shua the Canaanitess.
; And Er, the
Jeusli, and Jaalam, and Korah.J first-born of Judah, was evil in the sight of the
36 The sons of Eliphaz; Tcman, and Omar, Lord, and he slew him.
Zeplii,' and Gatam, Kenaz, and Timna, and Ama- 4 And Tamar his daughter-in-law bare him Pha-
lek. rez and Zerali.™ All the sons of Judah were five.
Or, Rodanim, according to some copies, a Dent. 2:*23. t Or. Mask, Gen. 36:23. t Or. Shtpho, Gen. 36:23. 1 Or, Hemdan, Gen. 36:26. J Or,
Gen. 10:2.3. 1 That is, ZMcijion; Gen. 10:25. b Gen. 11:10, etc. t Gen. Alcan, Gen. 36:27. I Or, Hadar, Gan. 36:30. 1 Or, Pau, Gen. 30:39.
17:5. dGen. 21:2,3. e Gen. 16:11, 15. 'Gen. 25:13-16. SOr, iforfar, Gen. Or, Alrah. t Or, Jaeoi. n Gen. 29:32, etc.; 30:5, etc.; 35:18, etc.; 46:8,
25:15. E Gen. 25:1, etc. h Gen. 21:2,3. Gen. 25:25, 28. j Gen. 3(i:9, etc 1 Genesis 3d:3, etc.; 46:12; Numbers 26:19. n> Genesis 38:29, 30j
etc. I Or, ZepAo, Gen. 36:11. 1 Or, Hemon, Gen. 36:22. • Or, Alvan, Matthew 1:3.
1 : :
A. M. 2275.
B. V. 1729,
5 The sons of Pharez ;
Hezron, and Ha-
32 And the sons of Jada the brother of Sham-
, „
<"' mul." mai Jether, and Jonathan and Jether died with-
; :
6 And
the sons of Zerah; Zimri,* and Ethan, out cliildren.
and Hcman, and Calcol, and Dara:* five of them 33 And the sons of Jonathan Peleth, and Zaza. ;
18 "[ And Caleb the son of Hezron begat children tlier of Hebron.
of Azubah his wife, and of Jerioth: her sons are 43 And the sons of Hebron Korah, and Tap- ;
21 IT And afterward Hezron went in to the daugh- was the father of Beth-zur.
ter of Machir the father of Gilead,J whom he mar- 46 And Ephah, Caleb's concubine, bare Haran,
ried' when he was threescore years old; and she and Moza, and Gazez: and Haran begat Gazez.
bare him Segub. 47 And the sons of Jahdai Regem, and Jo- ;
22 And Segub begat Jair, who had three and tham, and Geshan, and Relet, and Ephah, and
twenty cities in the land of Gilead. Shaapli.
23 And he took Geshur, and Aram, with the 48 Maachah, Caleb's concubine, bare Sheber. and
towns of Jair, from them, with Kenath, and the Tirhanah.
towns thereof, even threescore cities." All these 49 She bare also Shaaph the father of Madman-
belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead. uah, Slieva the father of Machbenah, and the fa-
24 And after that Hezron was dead in Caleb- ther of Gibea: and the daughter of Caleb was
ephratali, then Abiah, Hezron's wife, bare him Achsa.""
Ashur the father of Tekoa.' 50 "S These were the sons of Caleb the .son of
25 ^ And the sons of Jerahmeel the first-born Hur, the first-born of Ephratah;^ Shobal the fa-
of Hezron were, Ram the first-born, and Bunah, ther of Kirjath-jearim,
and Oren, and Ozem, and Ahijah. 51 Salma the father of Beth-lchom, Harcph the
26 Jerahmeel had also another wife, whose name father of Beth-gader.
was Atarah she was the mother of Onam.
; 52 And Shobal the father of Kirjath-jearim had
27 And the sons of Ram the first-born of Jerah- sons; Haroeh,' and half of the Manahetliites.^
meel were, Maaz, and Jamin, and Eker. 53 And the families of Kirjath-jearim the Ith- ;
28 And the sons of Onam were, Shammai, and rites, and the Puhites, and the Shumathites, and
Jada. And the sons of Shammai; Nadab, and the Mishraites of them came the Zareathites, and ;
Ablhail, and she bare him Ahban, and Molid. phatliites, Ataroth, the house of Joab,* and half of
30 And the sons of Nadub Seled, and Appaim ; the Manahcthitcs, the Zorites.
but Seled died without children. 55 And the families of the scribes which dwelt
31 And the sons of Appaim; Ishi. And the at Jabcz; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and
sons of Ishi Sheshan. And the children of She- Suchathites.
; These are the Kenites that came of
shan ;™ Ahlai. Hemath,i the father of the house of Rechab."'
> Genesis 46:12; Ruth 4:18. • Or, Zairfi, Joshua
7: 1
. f Or, Carrfo. I Or, 27:1. I Heb. look, k Numbers 32:41; Deuteronomy 3: 14 Joshua 13:.10.
ofGeJor, and of the Aiimluuiit-s in mount Seir.
2 The tiiird, Alisaioin the son of Maaelmh the and Jahath begat Ahiiniai, and Lahad. These
of Talniai Icing of Gcsiiur: the fourtii,
daiiL'liter arc the families of the Zoratiiites.
Adoiiijah tlic son nf Ilairfrith :
3 And these were of the father of Etam ;
3 The fifth. Shejiiiatiah" of Abital: tlic sixtli, Itli-
and Lshma. and Idbash: and the name of their
ream by Eghiii his wife. sister was Ilazelelponi:
4 These six were born unto him in Hebron and 4 And Peiiuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the
tlierc he reigned seven years and six niontlis father of Iliishah. Tlu.'se are the sons of Hur, the
and in Jerusalem lie reigned thirty and tlirec iirst-born of Ephrataii, the father of Beth-lehem.
years.'= 5 '\ And Ashur the father of Tckoa had two
5 And these were born unto him in Jerusalem; wives, Helali and Naarali.
Shiniea,* and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, () And Naarali bare him Ahuzam, and Hepher,
four, of Bath-shua' the daughter of Aiiiniiel:-^ and Tenicni, and Haahashtari. These were the
6 Ibhar also, and Elishama,' and Eliphelet, sons of Naarali.
7 And Xogah, and Nc|)lieir, and Japhia, 7 And the sons of Helah were, Zereth, and Jezo-
8 And Elishama, and Eliada,^ and Eliphelet, ar, and Etlinan.
nine. 8 And Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the
9 These were all the .sons of David, besides the families of Aharhel the son of Harum.
sons of the concubines, and Tamar their sister.'' 9 1i And Jabez was more honorable than his
10 If And Solomon's son %vas Reholjoam, Abia* brethren :' and his mother called his name Jabez,^
his son, Asa his son, Jchoshaphat his son, saying, Because 1 bare him with sorrow.
11 Joram his sou, Ahaziah* his sou, Joash his 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, say-
son, ing. Oh that thou wouldcst* bless me indeed, and
12 Amaziah his son, Azariah* his son, Jotham enlarge my coast, and that thy hand might be
his son, with mo. and that thou wouldcst keep me* from
13 Ahaz his son, Ilezekiah his son, Manasseh his evil, that it may not grieve me! And God grant-
son, ed him that which he requested.
14 Amon his son, Josiah his son. 11 tAnd Chelub the brother of Shuah begat
15 And the sons of Josiah were, the first-l)orn Mehir, which u-as the father of Eshton.
Johanan,^ the second Jelioialcim,' the third Zede- 12 And Eshton begat Beth-rapha, and Paseah,
kiah.' the fourtli Shalliim. and Tohinuah the father of Irnahash.* These are
16 And the sons of Jehoiakim; Jeconiah* his the men of Rechah.
son, Zedekiah his son. 13 And tlie sons of Kenaz Othniel, and Sera- ;
17 % And the sons of Jeconiah Assir, SalathieP iali: and the sons of Othniel; Hathath.
the sons of Obadiah, the sons of Shechaniah. Siiammai, and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa.
22 And the sons of Shechaniah Shemaiah and 18 And his wife Jehudijah* bare Jered the fa-
the sons of Shemaiah; Hattush, and Igeal, and ther of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho,
Bariah, and Ncariah, and Shaphat, six. and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these
23 And the sons of Neariah Elioenai, and Heze- are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh,
tlio sons of Ishi tverc, Zoheth, and Bcn-zoheth. their captains Pelatiah, and Ncariah, and Repha-
21 1 The sons of Shelah the son of Judah were, iah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi.
Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of 43 And they smote the rest of the Amalekites
Mareshah, and the families of tiie house of them that were escaped,'' and dwelt there unto this day.
tluit wroun;ht fine linen, of the house of Ashbca,
22 And Jokim, and the men of Chozeba, and Jo-
ash, and Sara])h, wlio had the dominion in Moab, CHAPTER V.
and Jashubi-lehem. And these are ancient things. 1 The line of Ucuben (wlio lost his birthright) unto the captivity. 9
Their habitation and conquest of the Hagarites. 11 The rhief men
23 These were the potters, and tiiose that dwelt
and habitations of Gad. IS The number and conquest of Reuben,
among plants and hedges there they dwelt with
: Gad, and the half of Manasseh. 23 The habitations and chief men of
the king for his work. that half tribe. 25 Their captivity for their sin.
25 Shalluni his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his much as he defiled his father's bed,'' liis birthright
son. was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of
2G And the sons of Mishma; Hamuel his son, Israel and the genealogy is not to be reckoned
; ''
neither did all their family multiply, like to* the was Joseph's
children of Judah. 3 The sons, I say, of Reuben the first-born of Is-
28 And they dwelt at Beer-sheba, and Moladah, rael iccre, Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.''
and Hazar-shual, 4 The sons of Joel Shemaiah his son, Gog his ;
2'J And at Bilhah,* and at Ezem, and at Tolad,' son, Shimei liis son,
30 And at Bethuel, and at Hormab, and at Zik- 5 Micah his son, Reaia his son, Baal his son,
lag, 6 Beerah his son, whom Tilgath-pilneser' king
31 And at Beth-marcaboth, and Hazar-susim,' of Assyria carried away captive : he was prince of
and at Beth-birei, and at Shaaraim. These were the Reubenites.
their cities unto the reign of David. 7 And his brethren by their families, -when the
32 And their villages luere, Etam," and Ain, Rim- genealogy of their generations was reckoned, were
mon, and Tocheu, and Ashan, five cities the chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah,
33 And all their villages that were round about 8 And Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shenia,*
the same cities, unto Baal.^ These ivere their hab- the son of Joel, who dwelt in Aroer,' even unto
itations, and their genealogy.* Ncbo and Baal-meon
34 And Meshobab, and Jamlech, and Joshah the 9 And eastward he inhabited unto the entering
son of Amaziah, in of the wilderness from the river Euphrates:
35 And Joel, and Jehu the son of Josibiah, the because their cattle were multiplied in the land of
son of Seraiah, the son of Asiel, Gilead.^
36 And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jeshohaiah, 10 And in the days of Saul they made war with
and Asaiah. and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and Benaiah, the Hagarites,'' who fell by their hand and they :
37 And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, dwelt in their tents throughout all the cast* la7id
the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of of Gilead.
Shemaiah ;
11 1l And the children of Gad dwelt over against
38 These mentioned ^ by their names were princes them, in the land of Bashan unto Salcah:'
in their families: and the house of their fathers 12 Joel the chief, and Shapham the next, and
increased greatly. Jaanai, and Shaphat in Bashan.
39 1 And they went to the entrance of Gedor, 13 And their brethren of the house of their fa-
even unto the east side of the valley, to seek pas- thers were, Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba,
ture for their flocks. and Jorai, and Jachan, and Zia, and Heber, seven.
40 And they found fat pasture and good, and 14 are the children of Abihail the son of
the land icas wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the
t/ici/ of Ham had dwelt there of old. son of Michael, the son of Jesliishai, the son of
41 And these written by name came in the days Jahdo, the son of Buz ;
of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, 15 Ahi the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, chief
and the habitations that were found there, and of the house of their fathers.
destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt 16 And they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan. and in
in their rooms:" because there was pasture thei'e her towns, and in all the suburbs of Sharon,™ upon
for their flocks.'' their borders.*
•Or, Jemuei, Genesis 46:10; Exodus6:I5; Numbers 26: 12, t Or. JufAm, d Genesis 29:32. e Genesis 35:22. f Genesis 48:15. s Genesis 49:8, 10;
Zo/inr. ! Helirow, uiilo » Or, B(i(a/i, Joshua ID;). I Or. Eilotorf, Joshua Psalm 60:7; Micah 5:2; Hebrews 7:14. I Or, prince, h Genesis 46:9;
10:1. 1 Or, Hiinr-JlwaA, Joshua 19:5. Or, £lAer, Joshua 19:7. t Or, Exodus 6:14; Numbers 26:5. 1 Or, Tiglath-piUser. 2Kings 15:29; 10:7.
i5(w^a//i';«r, Joshua 19:9. 1 Or, a* they divided themselves by nations among • Or, 5*«naiVi, ver. 4. Joshua 13: 16. J Joshua 22:9. k Genesis 25:12;
them, t Heh. coming. » 2 Kings 18:?', etc. 1> Numbers 32: 1-1. 'Exodus Psalm 8:1:6. t Heb. vjton all the fare of the east. Joshua 13:11. » chap. '
17:16; Deuteronomy 25:17, 19; 1 Samuel 15:S; 3U:I7; 2 Samuel 8:12. 27:29; Song 2:1. Hi^h. goings forth.
Israelites btiforul Jurdan. I ("imONICLES VI. T/if sons of Levi.
17 All tlii'sf wfiv rcckniicil l>y gcuciiloj^Mi's in (i And Uzzi liegatZerahiah,andZerahiali ^ »" koi.
tho (lays olMotliiun kiiii; ot'.ludali," and in the days begat Meraioth, iriui. iw.
sand seven hundred and threescore, that went out gat .lohanan,
to the war. 10 And .lohanan begat Azariah; he it is that
I'.t And they made war with the Ilagarites,'^ with executed the priest's oflice in the temple'' that
Jettir. and Nephish, and Nodab. Solomon built in Jerusalem:"
20 And they were helped against them, and the 11 And Azariah begat Amariah,'' and Amariah
Ilagarites were delivered into their hand,"' and all begat Ahitub,
that icerc with them: for they cried to God in the 12 And Ahitub begat Zadok, aud Zadok begat
battlc.*^^ and he was entreated of them; because Shallum,"
they put their trust in him.' 13 And Shallum begat Hilkiah,and Hilkiah be-
121 And they took away' their cattle; of their gat Azariah,
camels fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundi'cd 14 And Azariah begat Seraiah," and Seraiah
and lifty thousand, and of asses two thousand, begat Jehozadak,
and of men' a hundred thousand. 15 And Jehozadak went into captivity, when the
22 For there fell down many slain, because tho Lord carried away Jiidah aud Jerusalem by the
war was of God." And they dwelt in their steads hand of Nebuchadnezzar.'
until the captivity.'' 16 1 The sons of Levi; Gershom,' Kohath, and
23 1 And the children of the half tribe of Ma- Merari.
nasseh dwelt in the land they increased from
: 17 And these be the names of the sons of Ger-
Bashan unto Baal-Hermon and Scnii", and unto shom Libni, and Shimei.
26 And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit Korah his son, Assir his son,
of Pul king of Assyria,J and the spirit of Tilgath- 23 Elkanah his son, and Ebiasaph his son, and
pilnescr king of Assyria, and he carried them Assir his son,
away, even the Reubeuitcs, and the Gadites, and 24 Tahatli his son, Uriel his son, Uzziah his son,
the half tribe of Manasseh, aud brought them unto and Shaul* his son,
Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river 2.5 And the sons of Elkanah Amasai, and Ahi- ;
THE sons
of Levi;' Gershon,' Kohath, and Shimei his son, Uzza his son,
30 Shimea his son, Haggiah his son, Asaiah his
2 And the sons of Koliath ; Amram, Izhar,"' and son.
Hebron, and Uzziel. 31 And these arc they whom David set over the
3 And the children of Amram ; Aaron, and service of song in the house of the Lord, after that
Moses, and Miriam. The sons also of Aaron; the ark had rest."
Nadab aud Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar." 32 And they ministered before the dwelling-
4 1i Eleazar begat Phinehas," Phinehas begat place of the tabernacle of the congregation with
Abishua, singing, until Solomon had built the house of the
5 And Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki begat Lord in Jerusalem and t/ien they waited on their
«2KiaKS 15:32. b a Kines 14:10. •Keh.sonsofralor. f ver. 10 d ver 8:17. ^ Heb. house, q 2 Chr. 26:17. ' Ezra 7:3. • Or. Meshullam. ch.
22. e 2Chr. 18:31. f 2 Chr. 14:11; Psa.
2>:4, 5; 84:11. 12. t Heb. led 9:11. 'Neh. 11:11. I 2 Kings 25:18. t Or, GjriAon, ver. 1. \ Or, Elhan,
aiplwe. 1 Heb. soi/iso/meii; as Num. 31:35. e Josh. 23:10, 2 Chr. 3a:8. ver. 42. Or, Adaiah, ver. 41.
5 I Or, Ethni, ver. 41. 1 Or, Jzhar. ver.
2 Kings 15:29; 17:B. iKeb. nun of names, i 2 Kings 17:7-18. J 2 Kinja 2, 18. •
Or, Zephaniah, Ai.aria/i, Joel, verso 35. t Or, Zupk, ver. 35-
p:19. k2Kingsl8:ll. ' Gen. 40:11 ,\um. 26:57. I Or, GcwAom, ver.
; 1 Samuel 1:1. 1 Toah, ver. 34. 8 CaUed also Joel, ver. 33; 1 Samuel 8:2.
16. "ver.22; Exod.6;21,24. n Lev. 10:1, 16. o Nam. 25:11, 13.
P 2 Sam. u chap. 16:1.
: :: :
A. M. 2721 33 And
these are tliey that waited* with 58 And Hilen' with her suburbs, Debir with her
\-!ii).'"w. their children. Of tlie 8ons of the Ko- suburbs,
hathites, Heman a singer,'' the son of Joel, the son 59 And Ashan* with her suburbs, and Beth-she-
of Shemuel, mesh with her suburbs:
34 The son of Ellcanah, the son of Jeroham, 60 And out of the tribe of Benjamin Geba with ;
the sou of Eliel, the son of Toah,* her suburbs, and Alemeth* with her suburbs, and
35 The son of Zuph,* the son of Elkanah, the son Anathoth with her suburbs. All their cities
of Mahath, the son of Amasai, throughout their families u-ere thirteen cities.
36 The son of Elkanah, the son of Joel,^ the son 61 And unto the sous of Kohath, v^fiich were left
of Azariah, the son of Zephaniah, of the family of that tribe,' were cities given out
37 The son of Tahath, the son of Assir, the son of the half tribe, namely, out of the half tribe of
of Ebiasaph," the son of Korah, Manasseh, by lot, ten cities.
38 The son of Izhar, the son of Kokath, the son 62 And to the sons of Gershom throughout their
of Levi, the son of Israel. families out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of
39 And his brother Asaph,"^ who stood on his the tribe of Ashcr, and out of the tribe of Naph-
right hand, even Asaph the son of Berachiah, the tali, and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan,
sou of Shimea, thirteen cities.
40 The son of Michael, the son of Baaseiah, the 63 Unto the sous of Merari ^ were given by lot,
son of Malchiah, throughout their families, out of the tribe of Reu-
41 The son of Ethni, the son of Zerah," the son ben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the
of Adaiah, tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.
42 The son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah, the son 64 And the children of Israel gave to the Le-
of Sliimei, vites these cities with their suburbs.
43 The son of Jahath, the son of Gershom, the 65 And
they gave by lot out of the tribe of the
son of Levi. children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the
44 And their brethren the sons of Merari stood children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the
on the left hand Ethan ''' the son of Kishi,' the
: children of Benjamin, these cities, which are called
son of Abdi, the sou of Malluch, by their names.
45 The sou of Hashabiah, the son of Amaziah, 66 And the residue of the families of the sons of
the son of Hilkiah, Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe
46 The son of Amzi, the son of Bani, the son of of Eiihraim."
Shamer, 67 And they gave unto them, q/"the cities of ref-
47 The son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son uge, Shechem in mount Ephraim with her sub-
of Merari, the sou of Levi. urbs; they gave also Gezer with her suburbs,
48 Their brethren also the Levites were appoint- 68 And Jokmcam with her suburbs,^ and Beth-
ed unto all manner of service of the tabernacle horon with her suburbs,
of the house of God.' 69 And Aijalon with her suburbs, and Gath-
49 1 But Aaron and his sons ofiFered upon the rimmon with her suburbs
altar of the burut-ofl'ering." and on the altar of 70 And out of the half tribe of Manasseh Aner ;
incense,'* and were appointed for all the work of the with her suburbs, and Bileam with her suburbs,
place most holy, and to make an atonement for for the family of the remnant of the sons of Ko-
Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of hath.
God had commanded. 71 Unto the sons of Gershom were given, out of
50 And these are the sons of Aaron;' Eleazar the family of the half tribe of Manasseh, Golan in
his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his son, Bashan with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with her
51 Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son, suburbs
52 Meraioth his son, Amariah his son, Ahitub 72 And out of the tribe of Issachar; Kedesh
his son, with her suburbs, Daberath with her suburbs,
53 Zadok his son, Ahimaaz his son. 73 And Ramoth with her suburbs, and Anem
54 ?[ Nowthesearctheir dwelling-places through- with her suburbs
out their castles iu their coasts, of the sons of 74 And out of the tribe of Asher Mashal with ;
Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites:^ for her suburbs, and Abdon with her suburbs,
theirs was the lot. 75 And Hukok with her suburbs, and Rehob
55 And they gave them Hebron in the land of with her suburbs
Judah, and the suburbs thereof round about it. 76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali Kedesh in ;
56 But the fields of the city, and the villages Galilee with her suburbs, and Hammon with her
thereof, they gave to Calel) the son of Jephunneh.'' suburbs, and Kirjathaim with her suburbs.
57 And to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities 77 Unto the rest of the children of Merari were
of Judah, namely, Hebron, the city of refuge, and given, out of the tribe of Zobulun, Rimmou with
Libnah with her suburbs, and Jattir, and Eslite- her suburbs. Tabor with her suburbs:
moa, with their suburbs. 78 And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on
Heb. stood. « Psa. 88, title, t Naliath. ver. ?B. : Or, Zopliai. t S/iaul. fc Exodus 30:7. i ve'r. 4-8. J Joshua 21. k Joshua 14:13: 15:13. • Or,
Vzziak. Uriel, ver. al. Exodus 0:41. « Neliemiah 7:44; Psalm
1> 7.i, etc., Holon, Joshua 'Jl 15. t Or, Ain, Joshua 21 :16. I Or, Almon. Joshua 21 18.
: :
titles, i ver. il. I Called Jedulliun, chap. 8:11); -iSA. 3, 6. t Psalm ^(1, 1 ver. (iG. m Numbers 3:20. a ver. 61. 5 Joshua 21:21-35, where many of
title. 1 Or, KusAaiaA. chap. 15.17. ' Numbers 8:5-11. e Leviticus 1 9.: these cities have other names,
. :
llioOMst side of .lonliiii, mrv triim them, out of 14 •The sons of Manassch; Ashriel. }, »V f^'*"-
the liil)e of Heiilien. Jic/cr in ttic wil(ienics.s with whom she bare; (but iiis conculiine the "c
liiT suluirlis, anil .lali/.ali witii iier suljurbs," Arainitess bare Macliir tiie fatiier of (lilead
T'.l KeiieniDtli alsii witii her suburbs, and Mc- l.'j And Macliir took to wife the sister of lliijipiin
(lileail with her t^uburbs,'' and Slahanaini with her Zelophehad had daughters.
suliurbs," 1() And Maachali the wife of Macliir bare a son,
,si And rieslibon with her s^ubuibs, and Jazcr and she called his name I'eresh and the name of ;
witii her suburbs. his lirother was Sheresh; and his sons wire Ulam
and Rakcra.
17 And the sons of Ulam; Bcdan.' These wwe
CHAPTEU VII. the sons of Gilead, the son of Macliir, the son of
1 The sons of Issschsr, 6 of Benjamin, 13 of Napluali, 14 of Manassch, Manasseh.
~' "
20, 24 and. of- Ephraim.
2\ The calamity ot Ephraim by the men
of Gath. 23 Beriah is born. 128 Ephraim's habitations. 30 Tlie 18 And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and
sons of Ashcr. Abiezer,' and Malialah.
Xy W tiie sons of Issachar jwre, Tola, and Puah,' 19 And the sons of Shemidah wei-e, Ahian, and
jL\ Jaslnib, and Siiimroii, four.'' Shechem, and Likhi, and Aniam.
2 And Uzzi, and Rephaiah,
the sons of Toki ; 20 11 And the sons of Ephraim ;'' Shuthelah, and
and Jeriel, and and Jibsani, and Shemuel,
.Jahniai, Bered his son, and Taliath his son, and Eladali his
heads of their fatiier's liouse, to wit, of Tola: they sou, and Taliath his son,
wire valiant men of might in their generations; 21 And Zabad his son, and Shuthclah his son,
whose nunil)er was in the daj-s of David two and and Ezer, and Elead, whom the men of Gath that
twenty tliousand and six Innidred.'' were born in that land slew, because they came
3 And tlie sons of Uzzi Jzrahiali: and the sons; down to take away their cattle.
of Izrahiali Michael, and Obadiah, and Joel, Ishi-
; 22 And Ephraim their father mourncil many
ali, five: all of them chief men. days,' and came to comfort him.'"
his brethren
4 And with tliem, by their generations, after the 23 T And when he went in to his wife, she con-
house of their fathers, were bands of soldiers for ceived and bare a son, and he called his name Be-
war, six and thirty thousand men: for they had riah,^" because it went evil with his house."
many wives and sons. 24 (And his daughter was Sherali, who built
.5 And their brethren among all the families of Bcth-horon the nether, and the upper, and Uzzen-
Issachar were valiant men of might,*^ reckoned in shcrah.)
all by their genealogies fourscore and seven thou- 25 And Rcphah icas his son, also Resheph, and
sand. Telah his son, and Talian his son,
6 T The sn7is of Benjamin ;« Bela, and Becher, 26 Laadan his son, Aminihud his son, Elishama
and Jediael, three. his son,
7 And and Uzzi, and
the sons of Bela; Ezbon, 27 Non* his son, Jehosliuah his son.
Uzziel, and Jerimoth, and Iri, five; heads of the 28 \ And their possessions and habitations were,
Jiouse of their fathers, mighty men of valor and Beth-el and the towns thereof, and eastward Naa-
were reckoned by their genealogies twenty and ran,'' and westward Gezcr, with the towns* there-
two tliousand and tliirty and four. of; Shechem also and the towns thereof, unto
8 And the sons of Becher Zemira, and Joash, Gaza* and the towns thereof:
and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Omri, and Jeri- 29 And by the borders of the children of Ma-
moth, and Abiah, and Anathoth, and Alameth. nassch,'' Beth-shean and her towns, Taanach and
All these are the sous of Becher. her towns, Megiddo and her towns. Dor and her
9 And the number of them, after their geneal- towns. In these dwelt the children of Joseph the
ogy by their generations, heads of the house of son of Israel.
tlieir fathers, mighty men of valor, was twenty 30 TT The sons of Asher ;" Imnah, and Isuali, and
thousand and two hundred. Ishuai, and Beriah, and Serah their sister.
10 Tiie sons also of Jediael Billian: and the sons 31 And the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Mal-
teen thousand and two hundred soldiers, fit to go hal, and Ashvath. These are the children of
out for war and battle. Japhlet.
12 Shuppim also, and Huppim,* the children of 34 And the sons of Shamer ;" Ahi, and Rohgah,
Ir,' and Hushim, the sons of Aher.^ Jehubbah, and Aram.
13 1 The sons of Naphtali Jahziel, and Guni, 35 And the sons of his brother Helem Zophah,
; ;
and Jezer, and Shallum, the sons of Bilhah. and Imna, and Shelesh, and Amal.
" Deuteronomy 4:41-1.3. b ] Kings 22:3, etc. <: Ginesis
32:2; 2 Samuel S6:.30. k Numbers 26:35. 1 Genesis .37:34. m Job 2:11. T That is, /n
1T-J4. 27. • Pfiuvah. Job. ^l
Genesis 4«: 13; Numbers 28:2:1. e cliap. t?: 1 evil, n Genesis 3o;lS; 1 Samuel 4:21. o 2 Samuel 2.3:o. * Or, Nun,
'ciap. 12:32. s chap, b:!, etc. Genesis 46:91; h 2 Clironioles 17:13, etc.
. Numbers 13:8, 16. P Joshua 16:7. t Hebrew, daughters. I Or. Arlasa.
1 S/tiipham and Hupham, Numbers 26:39. J Or. Iri. verse 7. S Or. Alti- q Joshua 17:7, 11. r Genesis 46:17; Numbers 26:44. ! Shamer, verse 34.
ram. .Numbers 26: 3S. verse 12.
i 1 Samuel 12:11. I Jezer. Numbers I Shomci .32.
; ; : ; : ;
37 Bezer, and Hod, and Sliamma, and Sliilshah, 26 And Shamshcrai, and Shehariah, and Atha-
and Itliran, and Beera. liali,
38 And tlie sons of Jether; Jepliunneh, and 27 And Jaresiah, and Eliah, and Zichri, the sons
Pispali, and Ara. of Jcroliam.
3U And
the sons of Ulla Arah, and Haniel, and ; 28 These were heads of the fathers, by their
Rozia. generations, chief men. These dwelt in Jerusa-
40 All these were the children of Asher, heads lem.*^
of their father's house, choice and mighty men of 29 And at Gibeon dwelt the father^ of Gibeon
valor, chief of the princes. And the number whose wife's name was Maachah
throughout the genealogy of them that were apt 30 And his first-born son Abdon, and Zur, and
to the war and to battle was twenty and six thou- Kish, and Baal, and Nadab,
sand men. 31 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zachcr.'
32 And Mikloth begat Shimeah.' And these
also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, over
CHAPTER VIII. against them.
1 The sons and chief men of Benjamin.
33 IT And Ner begat Kish, and Kish begat Saul,
33 The stock of Saul and Jon-
athan. and Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi-sliua, and
"\TOW Benjamin begat Bela his first-born, Ash- Abinadab," and Esh-baal.*
34 And the son of Jonathan was Mcrib-baal;*
J^ > liel the second, and .;\.harah the third,
2 Nohah the fourth, and Raplia the fifth.
and Mcrib-baal begat Micah.
35 And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, and Me-
3 Ami the sons of Bela were, Addar,* and Gera,
lech, and Tarea,^ and Ahaz.
and Abihud,
4 And
Abishua, and Naaman, and Ahoah, 36 And Ahaz begat Jehoadah;' and Jehoadah
begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and
5 And
Gera," and Shephuphan,* and Huram.
these are the sons of Ehud these arc the
Zimri begat Moza
G :
heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Geba, 37 And Moza begat Binea Kapha' was his son, :
14 And Ahio, Shashak, and Jeremoth, all Israel were reckoned by genealogies and
15 And Zebadiah, and Arad, and Ader, behold, they were written in the book of the
SO ;
16 And Micliael, and Ispah, and Joha, the sons kings of Israel and Judah,M'/io were carried away
of Beriah to Babylon for their transgression.
17 And Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and Hezeki, 2 1" Now the first inhabitants that dwelt in their
and Heber, possessions in their cities ii-ere, the Isz'aelites, the
18 Ishmerai also, and Jezliah, and Jobab, the priests, Levites,^ and the Nethinim.*"
sons of Elpaal 3 And in Jerusalem dwelt of the children of
19 And Jakim, and Zichri, and Zabdi, Judah, and of the children of Benjamin, and of
20 And Elienai, and Zilthai, and Eliel, the children of Ephraim, and Manasseh ;'
21 And Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrath, the 4 Utliai the son of Ammihud, the son of Omri,
sons of Shimhi;* the son of Imri, the son of Bani, of the children
22 And Ishpan, and Heber, and Eliel, of Pharez the son of Judah.
23 And Abdon, and Zichri, and Hanan, 5 And of the Shilonites Asaiah the first-born, ;
6:2; H-.K. e vcr. 21. ! Or, .S7iemn. ver. 13. f Joshua 1^:23; Nehemiah rah, chap. 9:42. 1 Repliaiah, chap. 9:43. S Ezra 2:7U; Nehemiah 7:73.
11:1. S CalleJ Jehitl, chap, i).^l. I Or, Zechariah, chap. 9:37. 1 Or, Sltun- li Joshua 9:27; Ezra 2:43; Si;20, i Nehemiah 11:1,
; ; ; ; ; ;
their fathers, a thousand and seven hundred and set office* over the things that were made in the
tlireescore very able men * for the work of the pans."*'
service of the house of God. 32 And other of their brethren, of the sons of
14 And of the Levites; Shemaiah the son of the Kohathites, were over the show-bread,^ to pre-
Hasshub, the sou of Azrikain, tlic son of Hasha- pare it every sabbath.
biah, of the sons of Merarl 33 And these are the singers,*" chief of the fa-
15 And Bakbakkar, Hercsh, and Galal, and Mat- thers of the Levites, who remaining in the cham-
taniah the son of Micah, the sou of Zichri, the son bers v:ere free; for they were employed in* that
of Asaph work day and night.
1() And Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, the son of 34 These chief fathers of the Levites were chief
Galal, the son of Jeduthun, aud Bercchiah the son throughout their generations these dwelt at Jeru- ;
20 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was the Merib-baal begat Micah.
ruler over them in time past,'' and the Lord ivas 41 And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, and Me-
with him. lech, and Tahrea, and Jihaz.^
21 And Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah was 42 And Ahaz begat Jarah; and Jarah begat
porter of the door of the tabernacle of the con- Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri
gregation. begat Moza
22 All these which were chosen to be porters in 43 xlnd Moza begat Binea; and Eepbaiah his
the gates were two hundred and twelve. These son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.
were reckoned hy their genealogy in their villages, 44 And Azel had six sons, whose names are
whom David and Samuel the seer* did ordain* in
these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Shea-
their set office.' riali, and Obadiah, and Hanan. These were the
23 So they and their children had the oversight sons of Azel.
» Neiiemiah 11:10, et( • SeraiaM. Nehsmiih 11:11. t Hebrew, mighty out by tale, t Or, vessels.
f Exodus :3(l:a3, -W i Ol. trust. I Or, on flat
the Pliilistines fouglit against Israel;"
men of Israel fled from before the
14 And inquired not of the Lord therefore he
slow him, and turned the kingdom unto David the
the archers* hit^ him, and he was wounded of the THEN all Israel gathered themselves to David
archers. unto Hebron,*-' saying, Behold, we are thy bono
4 Then said Saul to his armor-bearer, Draw thy and thy flesh.
sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest 2 And moreover in time past,* even when Saul
these uncircumcised come and abuse' me. But was king, thou wast he that leddcst out and
his armor-bearer would not for he was sore ; broughtest in Israel: and the Lord thy God said
afraid. So Saul took a sword, and fell upon it. unto thee. Thou shalt feed*' my people Israel, and
5 And when his armor-bearer saw that Saul was thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel."
dead, he fell likewise on the sword, and died. 3 Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the
6 So Saul died, and his three sous, and all his king to Hebron and David made a covenant wilh
house died together. them in Hebron before the Lord and they anoint- ;
7 And when all the men of Israel that ivere in ed David king over Israel, according to the 'word
the valley saw that they fled, and that Saul and of the Lord by^ Samuel.'
liis sons were dead, then they forsook their cities,'' 4 1i And David and all Israel •went to Jerusa-
and fled: and tiie Philistines came and dwelt in lem, which is Jebus;^ where the Jebusites were,
them. the inhabitants of the land.
8 And it came to pass on the morrow, when the 5 And the inhabitants of Jcbus said to David,
Pliilistines came to strip the slain, that they found Thou shalt not come hither. Nevertheless David
Saul and his sons fallen in mount Gilboa. took the castle of Zion, which is the city of David.
9 And when tiiey had stripped him, they took 6 And David said. Whosoever smiteth the Jeb-
his head, and his armor, and sent into the land of usites first shall be chief and captain. So Joab
the Philistines round about, to carry tidings unto the son of Zeruiah went first up, and -was chief.
their idols, and to the people. 7 And David dwelt in the castle; therefore they
10 And they put his armor in the house of their called it the city of David.'
gods, and fastened his head in the temple of Da- 8 And he built the city round about, even from
go n.= Millo round about: and Joab repaired* the rest
11 IT And when all Jabesh-gilead heard all that of the city.
the Philistines had done to Saul, 9 So David waxed greater and greater :* for the
12 Tliey arose, all the valiant men, and took Lord of hosts was •with him.
away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, 10 IT These also are the chief of the mighty men
and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their whom David had, who strengthened themselves
bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven with him* in his kingdom, and with all Israel, to
days. make him king, according to the word of the
13 IT So Saul died for his transgression which Lord concerning Israel."
« 1 Sam. 31:1, wounded, t Or, ftAui. 1 Sam. 14:49. 1 Heb.
etc. • Or, etc. t Heb. both yesterday and the third day. I Or, rule, h Tsa. 78:71 Jer. ;
battle, wiiere was a parcel of ground full of liar- .Vsahel the brother of Joab, Elhanau the son of
ley ; and the ])eoplc lied from before the Philis- Dodo of Beth-lehem,
tines. 27 Bhammoth' the Harorite," Ilelcz the Pelu-
1-1 And themselves in the midst of that
tlicy set* nite,'
parcel, and delivered
it, and slew the Philistines; 28 Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite, Abi-czer
and tlie Loud saved Hum by a great deliverance.'^ the Antothite,
1.5 T[ Now tlirec of the thirty captains' went 29 Hibbecai"' the Hushatliite, Ilai* the Ahohito.
down to the rock to David, into the cave of Adul- 30 Maharai the Netophathite, lieled' the .-on of
1am ;" and the host of the PJiilistincs enc^ampcd Baanah the Netophathite,
in the valley of Rephaim.'' 31 Ithai the son of Ribai of Gibcah, that per-
16 And David was then in the hold, and the tained to the children of Benjamin, Benaiah the
Philistines' garri.son was then at Bethdehcra. Pirathonite,
17 And David longed, and said, Oh that one 32 Ilurai* of the brooks of Gaasli, Abicl' the
would give me drink of the water of the well of Arbathite,
Bcth-lchem, that is at tiie gate!'' 33 Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaal-
18 And the three brake through the host of the bonitc,
Philistines, and drew water out of the well of 34 The sons of Hashem- the Gizonite, Jonathan
Beth-lehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and the son of Shage the Hararite,
brought it to David but David Avould not drink: 35 .\hiam the son of Sacar^ the Hararite, Eli-
of\i, but j)oured it out to the Loud,'' phal* the son of Ur,*
19 And said, My (lod forbid it me, that I should 30 Ilepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the Pelo-
do this thing: shall 1 driidc tlie blood of these nite,
incn° that have put their livcs^ in jeopardy?' for 37 Hezro* the Carmelite, Naarai^ the son of
with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it: Ezbai,
therefore he would not drink it. These things did 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibliar the son
these three mightiest. of llaggeri,"
20 11 And Abishai the brother of Joab, he was 39 Zelek the Ammonite, Naliarai the Berothite,
chief of the three :» for lifting up his spear against the armor-bearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah,
three hundred, he slew them, and had a name 40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
among the three. 41 Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ahlai,
21 Of the three, he was more honorable than 42 Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a cap-
the two; for he was their captain: howbeit he tain of the Reubenites, and thirty with him,
attained not to i\\Q first three. 43 Hanan the son of Maachah, and Joshaphat
22 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a val- the Mithnite,
iant man of Kabzccl, who had done many acts;* 44 Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama and Jehiel the
he slew two lion-like men of Moab also he went sons of Hothan the Arocrite, :
down and slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day. 45 Jediael the son of Shimri,^ and Joha his
23 And he slew an Egyptian, a man of great brother, the Tizitc,
stature,* five cubits high; and in the Egyptian's 4() Eliel the Mahavite, and Jeribai and Josha-
hand was a spear like a weaver's beam and he viah the sons of Elnaam, and Ithmah the Moabite, ;
went down to him with a staff, and plucked the 47 Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel the Mesobaite.
' Or, son
of Hachmoni. 1 Or. Epiits-d/i in. 1 Si Shnmmali
S Or, salcation. I Or, three eapia' lliirly.
ch. 14:9. c psa. 107:5. i 1 Sim. 7:6. = Lev. 17:10,11: Psi. 7-2:14.
1 Keh. icith their lives, r .Tadg. 5:13; 9:17; 1 Sam. 19:5. r 2 Sam. 2:i:lS,
etc. • Ueb. great of deeds. : Keh. of measure, h 1 Sam. 17:51. 1 Or,
B. <. nboul IOr«. CHAl illilt All. swered and said unto them, If ye be come peace-
1 The companies that came to DaviJ at Ziklag. 23 The armies that ably unto me to help me, my heart shall be knit*
came to him at Hebron. unto you but if ye be come to betray me to mine :
ATOW these are they that came to David to enemies, seeing there is no wrong* in my hands,
±\i Ziklag," while he yet kejit himself close* be- the God of our fathers look theremi, and rebuke
cause of Saul the son of Kisli and they were among it.
the mighty men, helpers of the war. 18 Then the spirit came upon^ Amasai,' who was
2 They were armed with bows, and could use chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we,
both the right hand and the left in hurling stones David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace,
and shooting arrows out of a bow,'' even of Saul's peace be unto thee, and peace be to thy helpers
brethren of Benjamin. for thy God helpeth thee. Then David I'cceived
3 The chief ivas Ahiezer, then Joash, the sons of them, and made them captains of the band.
Shemaah* the Gibeathite; and Jezicl, and Pelct, 19 And there fell some of Manasseh to David,
the sons of Azmaveth; and Berachah, and Jehu when he came with the Philistines against Saul
the Antothite, to battle ' but they helped them not for the :
4 And Ismaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man lords of the Philistines upon advisement sent him
among the thirty, and over the thirty and Jere- away, saying. He will fall to his master Saul to
miah, and Jahaziel, and Johauan, and Josabad the the jeopardy of oiiv heads.'
Gederathite, 20 As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him of
5 Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and Bealiah, and Shcm- Manasseh, Adnah, and Jozabad, and Jcdiael, and
ariali, and Shephatiah the Haruphite, Michael, and Jozabad, and Elihu, and Zilthai, cap-
6 Elkanah, S^nd Jesiah, and Azareel, and Joezer, tains of the thousands that wwe of Manasseh.
and Jashobeam the Korhites, 21 And they helped David against the band^ of
7 And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the sons of Jcro- the rovers:'^ for they were all mighty men of valor,
hara of Gedor. and were captains in the host.
8 And of the Gadites there separated themselves 22 For at that time day by day there came to
unto David into the hold to the wilderness men David to help him, until it was a great host, like
of might, and men of war\/5'^ for the battle, that the host of God.
could handle shield and buckler, whose faces u-ere 23 1 And these are the numbers of the bands*
like the faces of lions, and loere as swift as the roes that were ready armed to the war, arid came to
upon the mountains;**^ David to Hebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul to
9 Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab the him," according to the word of the Lord.
third, 24 The children of Judah that bare shield and
10 Mislimannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth, spear were six thousand and eight hundred, ready
11 Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh, armed* to the war.
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth, 25 Of the children of Simeon, mighty men of valor
13 Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the» eleventh. for the war, seven thousand and one hundred.
14 These were of the sons of Gad, captains of 26 Of the children of Levi, four thousand and
the host: one of the least was over a hundred, and si.x hundred.
the greatest over a thousand.' 27 And Jehoiada was the leader of the Aaron-
15 These are they that went over Jordan in the ites, and with him were three thousand and seven
first month, when it had overflown'' all his banks hundred ; "^
and tiiey put to flight all them of the valleys, both 28 And Zadok,' a young man mighty of valor,
toward tiie east, and toward the west. and of his father's house twenty and two cap-
16 And there came of tlie children of Benjamin tains.
and Judah to the hold unto David. 29 Andof the children of Benjamin, the kindred'
17 And David went out to meet them,* and an- of Saul, three thoussand for hitherto the greatest :
a I Sam -^7:3, 0. • Heh.hemg yet shul up. b J„dg. 2(i;l0. t Or, Hhj- G:34; Isa. 59:17. eSSam. 17:25. ' 1 gam. 20:2, 3. iHeh. on our heads.
1 Or, with a band, e 1 Sam. 3U: I-IO. * Or, captains, or men; Heb. heads.
manh. t Heb. of the host. 5 upon the mountains to make
Heb. as the roes
hasle. c 3 gani. 2:18; Song 8:14. 1 Or, one that was least coulj resist a h chap. 11:1. i Or. prepared. ' 2 Samuel 8:17. 1 Heb. ireMren/ Genesis
huniired, and the greatest a thousand. 1 Heb. Jilled over, d .To^h. :J:15. 31;2:i.
Heb. before them. 1 Heb. be one. I Or, violence, i Heb. clothed ; Jndg.
them not; David and his men helped not the Philistines
CHAPTER XII. against Saul.
Ziklag; the town assigned by Achish, king of Gath,
1. 20. Went to Ziklag; went back on his return from the
to David while lie sojourned among the Philistines, 1 Sam. army of the Phihstines. Tliere fell to him of Manasseh;
27: 6. It lay south-west from Jerusalem. these seven men seem to be the same as those of Manas-
2. Of Saul's brethren of Benjamin ; belonging to the tribe seh referred to in ver. 19.
of Benjamin, which was Saufs tribe. The list, verses 3-7, 21. The band of the rovers; the Amalekites who had
apparently includes some of the tribe of Judah, as the spoiled Ziklag, 1 Sam. 30.
Korhites, chapter 2:43, and those from Gedor, chapter 22. The liost of God ; very numerous and powerful. Com-
4:4. pare Psa. C5:9; 104:16.
15. Went over Jordan ; the Gadites dwelt on the eastern 27. The Aaronites; the priests of the house of Aaron.
side of Jordan. Many suppose that the event recorded in This consisted of two main branches, the family of Elca-
this verse took place when they were on their way to join zar, and that of Ithamar. Abiathar, tlic high-jiriest under
David in Ziklag. The valleys; tlie valleys that lined the David, was of the family of Ithamar Zadok, here mention-
Jordan on either side. ed as " a young man mighty of valor," and the successor
19. Cam: Kith the Philistines; 1 Sam. 23. Lul they helped of Abiathar the sou of Ahimelcch in the office of high-
h'ing David's army. 1 ClllioXIClJ.S XIII. Removal of the ark of God.
33 Of Zebulun, sueh a? went fortli to battle, ex-
jiert in war,' with instruments of war, fifty
thousand, which could keep rank:* they were not
of <lonble heart.'
34 And of Najilitali a thousand captains, and
with them with shield and spear thirty and seven
35 And of the Danites expert in war twenty and
I'iu'lit thousand and six hundred.
: :
David ckfcaUlh the r/iilis tines. 1 CHRONICLES XV. lie. removctk the ark to Jerusalem.
tlifS: 12 And David was afraid of God that 12 And when they had left their gods there,
day, saying, How shall 1 bring the ark of God David gave a commandment, and they were burn-
home to me? ed with tire.
13 So David brought* not tlio ark hn?nc to liini- 13 And the Philistines yet again spread them-
self to tlic city of David, but cari-icd it aside into selves abroad in tlic valley.'^
the house of Obcd-edom the Gittito. 14 Therefore David inquired again of God and ;
1-1 And tlie ark of God remained with, the fam- God said unto him. Go not up after them turn ;
ily of Obcd-edom in his house three months. And away from them, and come upon them over against
the Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom, and all the mulberry-trees.
that he had." 15 And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound
of going in the tops of the mulberry-trees, that then
CHAPTER XIV. thou shalt go out to battle for God is gone forth
and Solomon,
And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet,
David, and prepared a place for the ark of
David made him houses in the city of
6 And Nogah, and Ncpheg, and Japhia, God, and pitched for it a tent.''
7 And Elishaina, and 15oeliada,* and Eliphalet. 2 Tiien David said. None ought to carry the ark
8 1 And when the Philistines heard that David of God but the Levites:* for them hath the Lord
was anointed king over all Israel, all the Philis- chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister
tines went up to seek David. And David heard unto him for ever.'
(if if, and went out against them. 3 And David gathered all Israel together to
i) And the Philistines came and spread them- Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the Lord unto
selves in the valley of Rephaim.'' his place, which he had prepared for it.'
10 And David inquired of God, saying. Shall I 4 And David assembled the children of Aaron,
go up against the Philistines? and wilt thou de- and the Levites:
liver them into my hand? And the Lord said 5 Of the sons of Kohatli ; Uriel the chief, and
unto him. Go up ; for I will deliver them into thy his brethren* a hundred and twenty:
hand. 6 Of the sons of Merari
Asaiah the
; chief, and
came up to Baal-perazim and David
11 So they ; his brethren two hundred and twenty:
smote them there. Then David said, God hath 7 Of the sons of Gershom ; Joel the chief, and
broken in upon mine enemies by my hand like the hundred and thirty his brethren a
breaking fortii of waters therefore they called 8 Of thesonsof Elizaphan;" Shemaiah the
: chief,
the name of that place Baal-perazim.^ and his brethren two hundred
• Hfb. remomd. » ch. aU:5: Gen. .•3U;a7; Trov. 10:22. 2 Sam. 5;11,
1) aChr. 20:S; Psa 1S:44. S Deut. 2:a5; II :25. Heb. It is not
fXc. filnh. yet. c ch. 3:5, etc;. I Or, B/inda, 2 Sam. 5:1G. dch. ll:1j. to carry the ark of God, but for tke Levites. ' -15; Deut. 10:B;
JThit IS, .4p.'ofeo/4reoc/rM. « ver. 0. 1 Ge6n, 2 Sam. 5:25. f Josh. 0:27; 31:9. jch. 13:3; 1 Kings b:l. t Or, kinsmen. k Exod. 6:22.
Vi. The cit y of David ; Zion. 10. Go up; to the head-quarters of the Philistines, from
regard to his commandments, is essential to secure his careful inquiry as to the will of God, and a readiness when
approbation, or avoid his displeasure. it is known to obey it, will secure his aid, and in due time
give deliverance from trouble, and victory over every foe.
2. Lifted up on high; greatly strengthened and pros- CHAPTER XV.
pered. 5-7. Kohath —Merari— Gershom the three sons of Levi.
Dat'id's festival 1 CHRONICLES XVI. iind sacrifices.
9 Of (lie sons of IIclirDn;' Elicl tlie chief, and song:' he instructed about the song, bo- am sn
his lirt'lhron foursroro : cause he i/v(,v skilful. mz
10 Of thr sons of Tzzii'l; Annninsidiib tiiC chief, 211 And Bcrcchiah and Elkanah M'ere door-kcep-
anil Ills Itrolhren a Imndrod and twelve. crs for the ark.
U And David called for Zadok and Abiathar 24 And Shebaniah, and Jehoshaphat, and Nctli-
tiie priestH. and for the Levitcs, for Uriel, Asaiah, ancel. and Aniasai, and Zechariah, and Bcnaiah,
and .loci. Sheniaiali, and Elicl, and Aniniinadab. and Eliezcr, the jn-iests, did iilow with the trum-
12 said nnto them, Ve arc the ciiief of tlie
And pets iiefore the ark of God :" siiid Obcd-cdoni and
fatliers of the Levitcs: sanctify yourselves,'' both ye Jehiali were door-k<'Cpcrs for tiic ark.
and your iiretiiren, tliat ye may liring up the ark 25 "i So Daviil. ami the elders of Israel, and the
of the LoRP God of Israel unto the place that 1 ca|)taiiis over thousand.*, went to bring up the ark
have prepared for it.
of the covenant of the Loud out of the house of
13 For because ye did it not at tiic first, the Obcd-edoin with joy.'
LoiiD our God made a l)reacli u])on us,° for that 20 And it came to pass, when God helped the
we sought him not after the due order.'' Levites that bare the ark of the covenant of the
1-i So tlic priests and tlic Levitcs sanctified them- LoKD, that they offered seven bullocks and seven
selves to bring up tlic ark of the Lord God of rams.
Israel. 27 And David icas clothed with a robe of fino
And tlic children of the Levitcs bare the ark
\i> linen, and all the Levitcs that bare the ark, and
of God upon their shoulders with the staves there- the singers, and Chenaniah the master of the song*
on, as JIoscs commanded, according to the word with the singers: David also /tad upon him an
of the Lord." epliod of linen.
lf> And David spake to the chief of the Levites 28 Tiius all Israel brought up the ark of the
to appoint their brethren to he the singers with covenant of the Lord with shouting, and with
instrument.s of music, psalteriesand harps and sound of the cornet, and with trumpets, and with
cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with cymbals, making a noise with psalteries and
joy.^ harps.'"
17 So the Levites appointed Heman the son of 29 1 And it came to pass, as the ark of the cov-
Joel ;^ and of his brethren, Asaph the son of Bere- enant of the Lord came to the city of David, that
ehiah;'* and of the sons of Meruri their brethren, Michal the daughter of Saul looking out at a win-
Ethan the son of Kusliaiah ;' dow saw king David dancing and playing;" and
18 And with tliem tlieir brethren of the second she despised hini in her heart."
degree, Zechariah, Hen, and Jaaziel, and Shemira-
nioth, and .Jchiel, and Unni, Eliab, and Bcnaiah,
!ind Maasciah, and Mattithiah, and Eli])helcli, and CHAPTER XVI.
Miknciah, and Obed-edom, and Jeiel, the porters. 1 David's festival sacrifice. 4 He ordcreth a choir to sing tljanks'^ir-
19 So the singers, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, iiig. 7 Tlie psalm of thanksgiving. 37 He appoiiiteth minister?,
porters, priests, and musicians, to attend continually on the ark.
were appointed to sound with cymbals of brass;
20 And Zechariah, and Aziel,* and Shemiramoth,
and Jehiel, and L^nni, and Eliab, and Maasciah,
brought the ark of God, and set in
of the tent that David had pitched
and Bcnaiah, with psalteries on jVlaraoth;^ for it and they offered burnt-sacrilices and peace-
«Exod.6:lS. b -2 Chr. 5:11 29:5; Ezek. 43:11. « ch. 13:9. 10; 2 Sam.
; riage
HI, a. d 2 Chr. 13:17-20; 1 Cor. 11:2; 14:40. e Exod. 25: 14; Num. 4:15;
7:9. f2Chr. 5:13. «oh. G:3.3. hch. 0:30. ich. 6:41 • JaaiiW, ver. 18.
J rsi. 4ii, title, t Or, eighth, to oversee: Psi- 0. title- 1 Or, was /or tlie ear-
A M 2%2. 3 And
he dealt to every one of Israel, 23 Sing unto the Lord, all the earth;' show
iiiii.'"" both niau and woman, to every one a loaf forth from day to day his salvation.
of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagou 24 Declare his glory among the heathen his ;
Jeiel,and Shemiranioth, and Jehiel, and Mattithi- and gladness arc in his place.
ah, and Eliab, and Benaiaii, and Obed-edom and : 28 Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the peo-
Jeiel with psalteries and with harps;* but Asaph ple, give unto the Lord glory and strength.
made a sound with cymbals ;
29 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his
Benaiah also and Jaliaziel the priests with
(3 name bring an offering, and come before him
trumpets continually before the ark of the cove- worship the Lord in tlie beauty of iioliness.
nant of God. 30 Fear before him, all the earth the world :
7 If Then on that day David delivered first this also shall be stable, that it be not moved.
psalm to thank the Lord into the liand of Asaph 31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth
and his brethren.'' rejoice and let men say among the nations, The
8 Give thanks unto the Lord,"" call upon his Lord reigneth.
name, make known his deeds among the people. 32 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let
9 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.
of all Ids wondrous works.'' 33 Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at
10 Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of : the presence of the Lord, because he cometh to
tliem rejoice that seek the Lord. judge the earth.
11 Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face 3-i Oh give thanks unto the Lord;" for he is
continually. good for his mercy endureth for ever.
12 Remember his marvellous works tliat he hatli 35 And say ye. Save us, God of our salvation,
done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth and gather us together, and deliver us from the
13 ye seed of Israel his' servant, ye children heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy
of Jacob, liis chosen ones. name, and glory in thy praise."
1-1 He is tlie Lord our God; his judgments ai-e 36 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever
in all the earth. and ever."' And all the people said, Amen, and
15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the praised the Lord.""
word tckich he commanded to a thousand genera- 37 If So he left there before the aik of the cove-
tions; nant of the Lord Asaph and his brethren, to min-
l(j Eveji of the covenant which he made with Abra- ister before the ark continually, as every day's
ham,' and of his oath unto Isaac ' ;
work required:
17 And hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a 38 And Obed-edom with their brethren, three-
law,s and to Israel ''_/br an everlasting covenant," score and eight; Obed-edom also the son of Jedu-
18 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of thun and Hosah to be porters :
30. The world also shall he .liable ; in the original, the same
CHAPTER XVI. as Psa. 93:1."The world also is established, that it cannot
This psalm ; composed by David, and now first given
7. be moved ;" wliere see note.
to the musicians to be sung in public worship. 33. To judge the earth; deal righteously with men accord-
12. T/ie judgments of his mouth ; those decisions and stat- ing to their character.
utes which he liad made known for the benefit of the people. 37. The ark; this was carried to Jerusalem; and a part
14. Ill all tlie earth; the Lord reigns among all people, of the priests resided there with David to niini.stfr before
and so manifests himself by bis providential dealings with it. Another part resided at Uibeou. where tlie tabernacle
men as to leave them without excuse if they do not love and brazen altar still remained, and where was offered the
and obey bim. daily sacrifice. Ycr. 39, 40, and chap. 21:29.
15. A thousand generations ; a definite for a long indefi- 41. With them; with Zadok and his brethren at Gibeon.
nite period. I See note to ver. 37.
tlic rest tliat were clio.-on, wlio wore exijrcsscd l)_v and will jjlant them,^ ami they shall dwell a.m ams.
to jrivo timiiks to
ruiiiio, the Loud, because liis in their ]ilace, and shall
movetl no iimJbtr
inerev (itdtinllt for over;" more;'' m'ithor shall the children of wickedness
\1 Ami witli llioiii Heiiuiii ami Jedutliun witli waste lliein any more,' as at the beginning,
Irimiiiets ami oviiihals for tiioso that .-houki make 10 And since the time that 1 conimandcd judges
a soiiinl,'' ami with musieal instruinouts of God. lo be over my people Israel.'" Moreover 1 will
And the sons of Jedutliun xccrc porters.'*' subdue all thine enemies." Furthermore I tell
4:5all the people departed every man to his
And thee, that the Lord will build the(! a house.
iiouse and David returned to bless his house.''
11 •; And come to pass, when thy days
it shall
be expired that thou must go lo lie with thy fathers,
that I will rai.^e up thy seed after Ihcf. which shall
('llAPTi:it XVII. be of thy sons; and I will establish his kiiigihuii.
1 Nathan first approving the purpose of David U» build God a house, 3 12 He shall build me a house, and I wWi stablisli
.ifuT by (be word of God forbidderli him. 11 lie proiniRetb him
hlessin;r3 and benelils in iiis seed. IG David's prayer and thanksj^iv* his throne for ever.
13 will be his father, and he shall be my sfin :"
"\yOW iteamo David sat in iiis iionso, and I will not take my mercy away frcun him,'' as
to pass, as
L\ said to Nathan tlie pro|iiiet, Lo, I took it from /lim that was before thee
tliat David :
I dwell ill a house of cedars, lint tiie ark of the 14 ]>ut I will .«ettle him in my Iiouse and in my
covenant of the Lord rcmainrfh under curtains.'' kingdom for over and his throne shall be estab- :''
2 Tiien Nathan said unto David, Do all that is lished for evermore.''
in thy heart for God i"^
with thee. /.? 1.5 According to all these words, and according
3 •[ And it caino to pass the same night, that the to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David.
word of Go came to Nathan, saying,
1 10 •] And David the king came and sat before
4 Go and tell David my servant, Thus saith (he the Lord, and said. Who ajn I, Lord God,' and
Lord, Thou slialt not build inc a house to dwell in wdiat is my house, that thou hast brought mc hitli-
9 Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and terribleness, by driving out nations from bc-
•; l-;zr.i :J: 11P»i. 10:i;17; Jcr. 33: 1. b Psa. 15U:5.
; 1
• Heb. /br n Psa. is:. 1(1. etc.: 1 Uor. 1 2Sam. 7:14, 15. I> Psa. 69:28, etc. Isa.
43. Blex his house; instruct and implore blessings upon ment, it should never supersede, or be suffered to hinder
iiis houseliold, and engage with tliem in tlie worsliip of the regular observance of family duties.
1. As David sat in his house; for the exposition of this
2. Love to God and generosity to men go well togctlier,
and mutually aid each other. chapter, see the notes on 2 Sara. 7.
7. Singing the praises of God and calling upon his name INSTRUCTIONS.
have ever formed an important part of his worship, and 1. A godly man is not content merely to receive bless-
arc well suited to the devotions of his people. ings himself, but wishes to do all he can for the honor of
15. The covenant which God hath made in Christ with (jod and the good of mankind.
his people, is an everlasting covenant, and its blessings 7. The elevation of rulers is from God; and the higher
are sure to all who put their trust in him. they are raised in power and influence, the greater is their
2.'S. Praising God for his salvation, and praying that all obligation to love and serve him, and the greater will be
may be made partakers of it, should form an important part their guilt, and the more dreadful their condemnation, if
of our daily duties. they rebel against him.
34. The mercy of God in Christ is the only ground of 16. The goodness of God to his people deeply humbles
hope for lost and guilty men. On this they should depend, them on account of their unworthiness, and leads them to
while they glory in him as their righteousness, wisdom, feel that for all their mercies they are indebted to the
and strength. riches of his grace.
43. While the public wor.'hip of God should not be neg- 24. The righteous wish to have the promises of God
lected, but statedly observed according to divine appoint- fulfilled, not merely that it may be well with them, but
; ;
David defeats l/ic rh'dhlines, 1 C 11 R N I C L E S XVIII. Moabiles, Syria ns, and Edomiks.
house of tliy servant, that it may bo before thee and idth him all manner of vessels of gold and
for ever: for thou blessest, Lord, and it shall silver and brass.
be blessed for ever." 11 *! Tiiem also king David dedicated unfo the
Lord, with the silver and the gold that he brought
from all these nations ;" from Edom, and from jMoab,
CHAPTER XVIII. and from tlie children of Amnion, and from the
1 David subJueth tlie Philistines and the Moabites. 3 He smiteth Had- Philistines, and from Amalck.
arezer and the Syrians. 9 Tou sendeth Hjidorani with presents to
bles5 Divfid. 11 The presents and the spoil Darid dedicateth to God. 12 Moreover, Abishai* the son of Zeruiah slew
13 He putteth garrison-! in Edom. 14 David's officers.
of the Edomitcs in the valley of salt eighteen
NOW afterto pass, that David
this it
smote the Piiilistines, and subdued them,
came thousand.'
13 1[ And he put garrisons in Edom; and all
and took Gath and her towns out of the hand the Edomitesbecame David's servants. Thus the
of the Philistines.' Lord preserved David whithersoever he went.
2 And he smote Moab and the Moabites be- ; 14 'i So David reigned over all Israel, and exe-
came David's servants, and brought gifts. cuted judgment and justice among all his people.J
3 *r And David smote Hadarezer* king of Zobah 15 AndJoabthosonof Zeruiaii icasoxQv the host;
unto Hamath, as ho went to stablish his dominion and Jehoshaphat the son of Aliilud, recorder;*
by the river Euphrates. 16 And Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Abimc-
4 And David took from him a thousand chariots, lech * the son of Abiathar, were the priests and ;
and .-icven thousand' horsemen, and twenty thou- Sliavsha^ was scribe;
sand footmen David also houghed all the chariot
: 17 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over
horses, but reserved of them a hundred chariots. the Cherethites and the Pelethites and the sons ;
5 And when the Syrians of Damascus' came to of David were chief about the kins-. '
» ExoJ. igrS. 8; 1 .Sail. li:ii; Rom. 9:4, 5; 11:1, 3. etc. b Psa. 119:-I0; sa'.itle. I Heb. W«s. ^ Tieh. was the man of wars. hjnsli.6;l9. • Heb.
•Ter. « Hab. 8: 10; 11 :1«; JRev. -Jl ::j.
11:5. d I'sa. 9U:17. • l\eh. revealed
Abshai. i Sam. i-.Vi, 14; Psa. 00. J Gen. 18:19; 1 Kin"s 10:9; Psa.
tke earof thy seroxiit. t Or, it luilh pleased, e 14nm.ll:-29. f 2Sim..S:l, l^-.-ii; 69:14; l.=a. 9:7; 32:1. t Or, rtmembraneir. 1 Called Ahimeledl,
etc. I Or. Hadadezer.-'Si'n.S:^. f Seven /iimdred, -2 S3.ia. 8:4. I Hcb. i Sam. S:17. 8 Called Seraiah, 2 Sam. B:17; and SAi's/io, 1 Kings 4:3.
Darmesek. 1 Called Betah, ! Sim. 8:tf. • Called Berot/iai, i Sam. .<:S. I Heb. at the hand of.
tl Kings 7: 15, etc. t Or, rot, 2 Sam. 8:9. 1 Or. Jomm, -JSam. S: lU. « Or,
that he may be glorified, and multitudes be led to adore ber is given as twelve thousand. It may be that twelve
him for ever. thousand were slain in one decisive battle, and six thou-
sand more in one or more other engagements. When the
CHAPTER XVIII. events of a whole campaign are crowded into single sen-
tences, it is not surprising that in different narratives there
The narratives in this and the folio wini; chapter arc for
should be apparent (lisa.sreenients, which a full knowledge
substance the same as those contained in 2 Samuel, chap. 8
of ihe details wniiM (ii;il)le us to reconcile. "The valley
and 10, and the reader is referred to the notes on these
of salt" here nirnti<iniMl lies at the southern extremity of
the Dead sea, where there is a salt mountain, and where
3.A^ he wsnt; the narrative leaves it doubtful whether
the streams are salt as brine.
it was David or Hadarezer who was on his way to the
river Euphrates. INSTRUCTIOXS.
12. AbiAai ; in 2 Samuel, the victory is ascribed to David, I. ^VTieu a man's ways please the Lord, he often makes
because whatever was done by his servants was done by his eneuiies to be at peace with him, or gives him the vic-
him. In the title of Psalm 80, .Joab is mentioned as flic tory over all his foes.
leader. Perhaps Joab was the commander-in-chief of Da- 8. The spoils of the enemies of the Lord when they
vid's forces, while Abishai led the division that gained come into the possession of his people, instead of being
this victory. Of tite Edomitc%; in 2 Sam. 8:1.3, they are used for their own aggrandizement, should be consecrated
called Syrians. Probably the Syrians and Edomites were to his service and to the good of mankind.
in alliance. Eifxhtecn thoiLvind ; in the title to Psalm fiO, 13. The preservation of the people of God amidst the
which seems plainly to refer to the same event, the num- dangers to which tliev arc exposed, and all the successes
for tiie men were greatly ashamed. And the king Israel, and passed over Jordan, and came upon
said. Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, them, and set the battle in array against them. So
and f/nn return. when David had jmt the battle in array against
• .\iid when the children of Ammon saw that
t) the Syrians, they fought with him.
they had made themselves odious* to David, Ha- 18 i>ut the Syrians lied before Israel and Da- ;
nun and tlie children of Ammon sent a thousand vid slew of the Syrians seven thousand mev which
talents of silver to hire them chariots and horse- fought in chariots, and forty thousand footmen,
men out of Mesopotamia,'' and out of Syria-maa- and killed Shophach the captain of the host.
chali, and out of Zobah.'' 19 And when the servants of Hadarezcr saw
7 >So they hired thirty and two thousand char- that they were put to the worse before Israel,
iots, and the king of Maachah and his people; they made peace with David, and became his
who came and ])itched before Medeba. And the servants:' neither would the Syrians hel^) the
children of Ammon gathered themselves together children of Ammon any more.
from their cities, and came to battle.
8 And when David heard of it, he sent Joab,
and the host of the mighty men.
1 Rabbah is besieged by Joab. spoiled by David, and the people thereof
9 And the children of Ammon came out, and put tortured. 4 Three giants are slain in three several overthrows of the
the battle in array before the gate of the city: Piiilistines.
against him before and behind, he chose out of all wasted the country of the children of Amnion, and
the choice^ of Israel, and put them in array against came and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried
the Syrians. at Jerusalem. And Joab smote Kabbah, and de-
1 And the rest of the people he delivered unto stroyed it."
»a Sam. 10:1, etc. • Heh. In Ihine ei/ts dolk Dapid. b Gen. 42:3. = Psa. g JuJg. 10:15. Ii Jer. 40:15. 16. 1 That is. Euphrates. • Or, Sliobach,
03:12; im):4, 5. 1 Heb. lo .«mt. Gen. :i4::JU. li Psa. 40:9. c ch. IS:-'), i). J Sun. 10:10. Psa. 19:39, 44. i Beb. at the return of the year, j 2 Sam.
: ileh. face of the battle, i Or, young men. I Heb. AMiai. ' Neh 4:11. 11:1. k 2 Sam. 1-2:20, etc.
with which they are favored, come fioin him and lay ; ing friendship, may be made the occasion of enmity and
them under new obligations to love and obey him. strife.
13. In a good should be of good courage;
cause, men
and while they use with fidelity all appointed means, they
CHAPTER XIX. should feel their dependence on God, and commit the
16. The. river; Euphrates. result of their eflbrts to him.
18. All I'tVorts of the wicked to prevail against God and
INSTRUCTIONS. his people will in the end prove ineflectual, and be the
Gratitude sliorild ever be manifested for favors and
2. ;
means of hastening and aggravating their own ruin.
cannot be shown toward.s the benefactors themselves,
if it
itshould be towards their cliihlren or odiers who were CHAPTER XX.
connected with them. 1. Rabhali ; the capital of the Ammonites. Tarried at
3. Our best intentions may be misunderstood and mis- Jerusalem; that is, as explained in 2 Sam. 12:27, 28, till
represented evil may be returned for good, and that
; Joab sent for him, when he had nearly completed the
which sliould have been the means of forming and cement- conquest of the Ammonites.
Philistine sir.nts slain. 1 CHRONICLES XXI. David numlcrelh Isr'.el.
A. M. 2971. 2 And David took tl\e crown of tlieir king my lord the king, are they not all my lord's ser-
luM."" from ofl" his head, and found it to weigh* a vants? wliy then dotli my lord require this tiling?
talent of gold, and i/urc n-erc precious stones in it; why will he bo a cause of trespass to Israel?
and it was set upon David's head : and he brought 4: Nevortheh:'ss the king's word prevailed against
also exceeding much spoil out of the city. Joab.' Wherefore Joab departed, and went through-
3 And he brought out the people that tccre in out all Israel, and came to Jerngalem.
it, and cut f/iem with saws, and with harrows of 5 II And Joab gave the number of the
the sum of
iron, and with axes. Even so dealt David witli people unto David. And all they o/" Israel were
all the cities of tlie children of Amnion. And a thousand thousand and a hundred thousand men
David and all the people returned to Jerusalem. that drew sword: and Judah iva.f four hundred
4 ITxVnd it came to pass after tliis, tiiat tliere threescore and ton thousand men that drew sword.
arose* war at Gezcr* witli the Philistines;" at 6 But Levi and Benjamin counted he not among
which time Sibljcchai tiie Hushathite slew Sippai,^ them :^ for the king's word was abominable to Joab.
that was of tlio cliildrcn of the giant;' and tliey 7 And God was displeased with' this thing;
were subdued. therefore he smote Israel.
5 And there was war again with the Philistines ;
8 And David said unto God, I have sinned
and Elhanau the son of Jair' slew Lahmi the broth- greatly, because I have done this thing: but now,
er of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear-staff was like I beseech thee, do away the iniquity of thy ser-
a weaver's beam. vant;" for I have done very foolishly.'
And yet again there was war at Gatli,'^ where 9 * And the Lord spake unto Gad, David's seer,J
was a man of great stature," whose fingers and toes saying,
were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on Go and
David, saying. Thus saith the
10 tell
each foot: and he also was the son of tlic giant.* Lord, choose thee one
I offer thee^ three things:
7 But when he defied* Israel, Jonathan tiie son of them, that I may do it unto thee.
of Shimca,^ David's brother, slew him. 11 So Gad came to David, and said nnlo him,
8 These were born unto the giant in Gatli and Thus saith the Lord, Clioose thee* ;
they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand 12 Either three years' famine; or three months
of his servants. to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the
sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee : or else
CHAPTER XXI. three days the sword of the Lord, even the pesti-
I DaviJ, tempted by Satan, forceth Joab to number the people. 5 The lence, in the laud, and the augcl of the Lord de-
number of the people being brought, David repenteth of it. 9 David stroying tliroughout all the coasts of Israel.
having three plagues propounded by Gad, chooseth the pestilence. 11
After the death of seventy thousand, David by repentance preventeth therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring
the destruction of Jerusalem. 18 David, by Gad's direction, purchas- again to him that sent me.
eth Oman's threshing-floor: where having built an altar, God giveth
a sign of his favor by fire, and stayeth the plague. 28 David sacri- 13 And David said unto Gad, I am in a great
ficeth there, being restrained from Gibeon by fear of the angel.
strait:'' let me fall now into the hand of the Lord;'
A ND Satan stood up against Israel,'' and pro- for very great* are his mercies:™ but let mo not
Jtx. voked David to number Isi"ael.'' fall into the hand of man."
2 And David said to Joab and to the rulers of 14 1 So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel:"
the people, Go, number Israel from Beer-sheba and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
even to Dan and bring the number of them to
; 15 And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to de-
me, tiiat I may know if." stroy it: and as he was destroying, the Lord be-
3 And Joab answered, The Lord make his peo- held, and he repented him of the evil,'' and said
ple a hundred times so many more as they be: but, to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, stay now
3. Brought out the people; see note on 2 Sam. 12:31. 2. Beer-sheba — to Dan; one end of the land to the other.
4. Gezer; a city in the western part of the tribe of 3. A
cause of trespass to Israel ; a means of leading them
Ephraim, bordering upon the Philistines. into sin, and of thus bringing judgments upon them. Joab
6. Gath; a city of the Philistines. seems to have understood that David was influenced by
foolish pride in requiring this thing.
5. A thousand thousand and a hundred thmi-wnd; this sum
1. Reference to the sin of David in the matter of Uriah,
differs from that given in 2 Sam. 24 9. For some reason :
which took place while Joab was besieging Kabbah, is not explained, a portion of the armed men perhaps those
here entirely omitted and it is alw.ays proper to be silent already enrolled for military service before this number-
about the sins of others, unless the cause of God and of ing seem to be included in one account, and not in the
truth requires the mention of them. other. Four hundred threescore and ten thousand ; for which
4. This is a world of trial, and one trouble will succeed
we have, in 2 Sam. 24 9, tlie round number of five hundred :
23 The sons of Mushi; Mahli, and Eder, and
Jeremoth, three.
24 TT These ivere the sons of Levi after the house
of their fathers even the chief of tiie fathers, as
The four and lucnty orders. 1 CHRONICLES XXV. Singers and oUier musicians.
the scribe, one of tlic Levites, wrote tliem before Slioiiam, and Zaccur, and Iliri.
the kiiifi^, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, 28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, who had no sons.''
and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and before tlie 29 Concerning Kisli the son of Kish was Jc- :
and one taken for Itiiamar. and Jerimoth. These were tlie sons of the Levites
7 Now the first lot came forth to Jehoiarib, the after the house of their fathers.
second to Jedaiah, 31 These likewise cast lots over against their
8 The tiiird to Ilarim, tlie fourth to Seorim, brethren the sons of Aaron in the presence of Da-
9 The fifth to Malchijali, the sixth to Mijamin, vid the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the
10 The seventh to Ilakkoz, tlie eighth to Abijah," cliief of the fathers of the priests and Levites, even
11 The ninth to Jeshuah, the tenth to Shecaniah, tlie principal fatiiers over against their younger
12 The eleventh to Eliashib, the twelftli to Jakim, brethren."
13 The thirteenth to Hiippah, the fourteenth to
14 The fifteenth toBilgah,the sixteenth tolmmer, CHAPTER XXV.
15 The seventeenth to Ilezir, the eighteenth to 1 Tlie number and offices of the singers. 8 Their division by lot into
Of the sons of Amram; Shubael:* of the sons of and Zcri,"^ and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Matti-
Siiubael Jehdeiah.
; tliiali, six,* under the hands of their father Jedu-
•-Eeh. house of Ike father, a Neh. ia;4, 17; Luke 1 :5. bch.9:ia. 1 She-
6uei, ch. 23:10. \ SHclamitk, (-W. -ii:\a. t Exod. B:19. dch. a3:2-3. e ch.
25:8. f ch. 0:33, etc. S Otherwise ciUed .Tesarelah, ver. 14. I Heb. ii/ the
6. One — —
takenfor Eleazar, andone for Itiiamar ; onecourse in the place which God assigns them, attend with punctu-
of the house of Eleazar was drawn, and one of the house ality and perseverance to the duties of their oifice.
of Ithaniar alternately, till the latter house was exhausted,
when the remaining eight of Eleazar were drawn. But CHAPTER XXV.
Bome think that the original text implies that a double lot Asaph; he was descended from Gershon orGershom.
was drawn for Eleazar to a single lot for Ithamar. the eldest son of Levi. Chap. 6:39-43. //fmajj , the grand-
19. Uader Aaron their father ; all the priests were con- son of Samuel, and a descendant of Kohath, Levi's second
sidered as successors of Aaron, and he is spoken of as son. Chap. 6:33-38. Jeduthnn ; supposed to be the same
their father. as Ethan, a descendant of Merari, the youngest of Levi's
20. Tae rest of the sons of Levi ; that is, who were not sons. Chap. 6:44-47. Jeduthun signifies " praising," or
priests. " celebrating," and seems to have been a name given him
31. Over against their brethren; that is, as the original from his office. •Prophcxy with harps cymbals; they not —
seems to imply, so that course answered to course, there only sung inspired songs, accompanying them with instru-
being twenty-four courses of the Levites, corresponding mental music, but themselves received, at times at least
with the twenty-four of the priests. T/ie principal fathers the spirit of prophecy. To Asaph, twelve psalms 50, —
over against their younger brethren ; so that no preference was and 73-83 —
are in all probability to be ascribed. Heman
given in casting the lots, to one division above another. is called " the king's seer," verse 5 and both Heman ;
of Cioil, ncronlinir to tlic kiiifrV oidfi" to Asaph, :50 The three anil twentieth to Mahazioth, a.m.
11. t".
, . • 1 1
and Ins lirctlni'ii, mre twelve:
I 1
thai wore iiistriu'lod iii tiie songs of the Lord, his sons, ami his brethren, were twelve.
vvm all that were eimning, was two liuiidred four-
score and eijjflit. CHAPTER XXVI.
8 •; And cast lots," ward against ward, as
liiev 1 The divisions of the porters, 1.1 The Kales nsKigiica by lot 20 The
well tli(! small as the great, liie teacher as the bcvitf.i thiit had chargp of the trta.«iiri«. L'O OIHcers and judges.
CONCERNING the divisions of the porters:
*.» Now the first lot came forth for Asiiiili to VJ Of the Korhites vas Mesheleniiah' the son
Joseph: ti>c second to Gedaliali, wlio
willi his of Kore, of the sons of Asa])li.''
brethren and sons ivere twelve: 2 And the sons of Jleshcleiniah tare. Zecliiuiali
It) The third to Zaccur, he, his sons, and his the first-born. .lediacl the second, Zcbadiah the
lirethreii, were twelve: third, .lathniel the foniili,
11 The fourth to Izri./ie, his sons, and his breth- '.^ Elani the fifth, Jehohanau the sixth, Elioenai
ren, icere twelve the seventh.
12 The fifth to Ncthaniah, he, his sons, and his 4 Jloreover the sons of Obed-edom were Shcma-
brethren, were twelve: Jchozabad the second, Joah the
iah the first-born,
13 The sixth to Bukkiah, Ite, his sons, and liis thiitl, and Sacar the fourth, and Ncthaneel the
brethren, were twelve: fifth,
14 The seventh to Jcsarclah, he, his sons, and 5 Aniniiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Peul-
his bretiiren, wor twelve : tliaithe eighth:'' for God blessed him.'
15 The eighth to Jcshaiah, Jie, his sons, and his G Also unto Sheniaiah his son were sons born,
l)rethren, were twelve: that ruled throughout the house of their father
U> Tlic ninth to Mattaniah, he, liis sons, and his for they trere mighty men of valor.''
brethren, xvere twelve 7 The sons of Sheniaiah: Othni, and Rcphael,
17 The tenth to Shimei, he, his sons, and his and Olied, Elzabad, whose brethren were strong
l)i'ethrcn, loere twelve: men, Elihu, and Semachiah.
18 Tlio eleventh to Azareel,* he, his sons, and S All these of the sons of Obed-edom: they and
his brethren, were twelve: their sons and their brethren, able men for strength
19 Tlic twelfth to Hashabiah, he, his sons, and for the service,'' were threescore and two of Obed-
liis brethren, icere twelve: edom.
20 The thirteenth to Shubael, he, his sons, and 9 AndMe.shelemiahhad sons andbrethren, strong
his brethren, icere twelve: men, eighteen.
21 The fourteenth to Mattithiah, he, his sons, and 10 Also Hosali, of the children of Merari, had
his brethren, were twelve : sons;' Simri the chief, for thoitgh he was not the
22 The fifteenth to Jeremotli, he, liis sons, and lirst-born, vet his father made him the chief;
his brethren, were twelve : 11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, Zecli-
215 The sixteenth to Hananiah, he, his sons, and ariah the fourth all the sons and brethren of Ho-
29 The two and twentieth to Giddalti, he, his the liouse of Asuppim.'^
sons, and his brethren, icere twelve 10 To Shuppim and Hosah the lot came forth
• Heb. by Ike hands of the king, ver. 2. » ch. 24:5. b aChr. 2-5: 13. t Uz- 11:14. c Matt. 25:1.5; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; 2 Cor. 3:0; 1 Pet. 4:11. f ch, 16:38,
ziel.ver.i. t Or, SMemlah. ver. U. i Or, EimsnpA, ch. (i:!!7; 9:19. « ch. ^ Or, as %iieU for tlit smalt as for Iht great. ' Called Meslittemiah, ver. 1.
l.1:l=.-JI: 10:5. i- IThatia, Ot«;-edom,asch.l.'!:14; Psi.l2a:l,2. <lNeh.
7. All that were cunning; these two hundred and eighty- sons or daughters, the great object of parents should be
eight twelve times twenty -four were the teachers men- — to train them up for his service.
tioned in the following verse. The remainder of tlie four
thousand were the scholars. CHAPTER XXVI.
8. iVard; here put for a course of singers.
1. The porters; these had charge of the gates leading to
the temple. The temple was not yet built in David's day.
INSTRUCTIONS. but the porters wore assigned in anticipation of it; and
1. To praise God is one of the noblest services in which their offices arc here described as they existed under
men can engage and where it is done from the heart it is
; Solomon and onward.
acceptable to God, and raises the affections to him. 4. Obed-edom ; who took charge of the ark after the death
5. Children are the gift of God and whether they be ; ofUzzah. 2 Sam. 6:10-12.
Various officers of the lemp/e. 1 CHRONICLES XXVII. Tweke captains for each month.
after him : and in liis cour^iC were twenty and four aji:ainst Israel;' neitlier was' the number *,>> »^
tlli>us:ill(i. ])ut in the account of the Chronicles of luin-
.s The liftli c:i|itain for tlip fifth montli u-osSham- kini; David.
liiilhthe l/raliili': and in liis course were twenty 25 II And over the kinu:'s treasures was Azma-
and four tliousand. vcth the son of Adiel: and over the storehouses
9 Tlie sixth iniilnin fnr tlic sixth month was Ira in the lields, in the cities, and in the vil]a;res, and
the son of Ikivt-'sli the Tekoitc:" and in iiis course in the castles, teas Jehonathan the son of Uzziah :
were twenty and four thousand. • 20 And over them that did the work of the lield
II) TlicscviMitli cajdtiin for tiic sovonth nionlli was foi- tillage of the ground was Ezri the son of Che-
Sibbecai the Hushathite, of tiio Zariiites:" and in the wine-cellars was Zabdi the Shiphmite:
his course were twenty and four tliousand. 28 And over the olive-trees and the sycamore-
12 The nintli captain for the ninth month was treesJ that were in the low ])lains iras Baal-hanan
Abiczor tlie Anetothite, of the ]>enjaniites:'' and the Gederite and over the cellars of oil was Joash
: :
in his course were twenty and four iJiousand. 29 Anil over the herds that fed in Sharon was
1:3 The tenth captain for the tenth month was Shitrai the Sharonitc: and over the herds t/mt
Maharai the Netophathite, of tlie Zarhitcs :° and were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai
in his course were twenty and four thousand. 30 Over the camels also was Obil the Ishmael-
1-i The eleventh captain for the eleventli month ite: and over the asses was Jehdeiah the Mcroii-
was Benaiah tlie Pirathonitc, of the children of otiilte:
E])hraim:'' and in his course were twenty and four 31 And over the flocks was Jaziz the Ilagerite.
thousand. All these were the rulers of the substance which
15 The twelfth captain for the twelfth month was was king David's.
lleldai' the N(!to])hatliite, of Othniel and in his : 32 Also Jonathan David's uncle was a counsel-
course ivere twenty and four thousand. lor, a wise man, and a scribe and Jehiel the son :
16 1 Furthermore over the tribes of Israel: the of Ilachinoni^ was with the king's sons:
ruler of the llcubcnites was Eliezer the sou of 33 And Ahithophel was the king's counsellor:"
Zichri: of the Simeonites, Shephatiah the sou ofand Ilnsliai the Archite was the king's companion :'
Maachali 34 And after Ahithophel vms Jehoiada the son
IT Of the Levitos, Hashabiah the son of Kemu- of Benaiah, and Abiathar :'" and the general of the
elr' of the Aaronitcs, Zadok : king's army ii:as Joab."
18 Of Judali, Elihu/ one of the brethren of Da-
vid: of Issacliar, Omri the son of Michael:
19 Of Zebuluu, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah of :
Naphtali, Jerimoth the son of Azriel 1 David a solemn assembly having declared God's f.ivor to him, and
promise to his son Solomon, exhortetli them to fear God. 9, 20 He
20 Of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son encourageth Solomon to build the temple. 11 He giveth him patterns
for the form, and gold and silver for the materials.
•of Azaziah of the half tribe of Manasseh, Joel
»Ch.U:-2?. bch.ll:'2-. c di. 11 :-J9; 2Sarn. 21 :1S. dch. 11:38. « ch. secretary. 1 Or, Harlmonite. k 2 Sam. 15:12. 2 Sam. 1.5:37; 18:10.
11::)0; aSam. 23;-«». fch. ll::n. * Or, HcW, cli. 11 ::30. F ch. afitSO. nlKinpsl:7. "cli.lhe. och.27:16. Pch.27:l,2. • Or. m(«e. q oh.
h Gen. 15:5. ch. iJI :?; 2 Sam. ai: 15.
i I Heb. and lUs sons.
27:25. ^ Or, I Or, eunuclis. >•
ch. 11:10, etc. 2Sam.7:2;
IS of the vineyards. J 1 Kings 10:27. I Or, Psa. 132:2-7.
division, which retained the name of Asahel's division. safety, all should be willing to take part ; and as far as
When David —how early in his reign we are not informed consistent, these services should be so divided as to bear
divided the army into the twelve divisions here mention- equally upon all according to their ability.
ed, Asahel's came in as the fourth. 2a. It may sometimes be expedient and useful for the
23. From twenty years old and under; these being unfit people of a country to be numbered but this should be ;
for military service, an<l exceedingly numerous, he did not done for useful purposes, and not to gratify pride, or lead
attempt the labor <if numbering them. men to glory in their numbers, prosperity, or strength.
24. Began to number ; that is, to number the men of war 25. The division of labor, and the appointment of suit-
who were twenty years old and upward. able persons to superintend every department of business,
are essential to that regularity, diligence, and dispatch,
INSTRUCTIONS. which the highest prosperity and usefulness indispens-
1. In those services which are needful for the public ably require.
5 : : : : :
A. M-^^89. and had made and of the treasuries thereof, and of the upper
for the footstool of our God,"
1015° ready for the building: chambers thereof and of the inner parlors there-
3 But God said unto me, Thou shalt not build a of, and of the place of the mercy-seat,
house for my name, because thou hast been a niau 12 And the pattern'' of all that he had* by tlic
of war," and hast shed lilood.* Spirit,'^ of the courts of the house of the Lord, and
4 Howbeit the Lord God of Israel chose me be- of all the chambers round about, of the treasuries
fore all the house of my father to be king over of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the
Israel for eyer:"" for he hath chosen Judah to be dedicated things:^
the ruler;* and of the house of Judah, the house 13 Also for the courses of the priests and the
of my father;" and among the sons of my father Levites, and for all the work of the service of the
he liked me to make me king over all Israel house of the Lord, and for all the vessels of ser-
5 And of all my sons, for the Lord hath given vice in the house of the Lord.''
me many sons,'' he hatli chosen Solomon my son to 1-1 He gave of gold by weight for things of gold,
sit upon tlie throne of the kingdom of the Lord for all instruments of all manner of service silver ;
over Israel. also for all instruments of silver by weight, for all
G And he said unto me, Solomon thy son, he shall instruments of every kind of service
build my house and my courts:" for I have chosen 15 Even the weight for the candlesticks of gold,
him to be my son, and I will be liis father. and for their lamps of gold, by weight for every
7 Moreover I will establish his kingdom for candlestick, and for the lamps thereof:" and for
ever, if he be constant* to do my commandments the candlesticks of silver by weight, both for the
and my judgments,
as at this day.' candlestick, and also for the lamps thereof, accord-
8 Now
therefore, in the sight of all Israel the ing to the use of every candlestick.
congregation of the Lord,^ and in the audience of 16 And by weight he gave gold for the tables of
our God,'' keep and seek' for all the command- show-bread, for every table; and likevnse silver
ments of the Lord your God;™ that ye may pos- for the tables of silver
sess this good land," and leave it for an inherit- IT Also pure gold for the flesh-hooks, and the
ance for your children after you for ever." bowls, and tiie cups:" and for the golden basins
9 IF And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the he gave gold by weight for every basin and like- ;
God of thy father,"* and serve him" with a perfect wise silver by weight for every basin of silver:
heart and witii a willing mind:*" for the Lord 18 And for the altar of incense refined gold by
searcheth all hearts," and understandeth all the weight; and gold for the pattern of the chariot
imaginations of the thoughts:' if thou seek him, of the clicrubim,'' that spread out their irings, and
he will be found of thee ;" but if thou forsake him, covered the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
he will cast thee off for ever. 19 All this, said David, the Lord made me un-
10 Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen derstand in writing by his hand upon me, even all
the works of this pattern.*
thee to build a house for the sanctuary " be strong,
and do it. 20 And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong
Ill Then David gave to Solomon his son the and of good courage,'^ and do it: fear not, nor be
pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof. dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, vAll be
»Psa. 9D:3; Lam. a:!, b Kings 5:3.1 Heb. itood.i. c 1 Sam. 16:7-|:i. 1:9; Heb. 12:26. • 1 Sam. 16:7; Psa. 7:9; Jcr. 17: 10; Rev. 2:2). 1 Psa.
oh. 5;a; Gen. 49:8, lU; Psa. 0IJ:7; 7S:6n; Heb. 7:14. e 1 Sam. lfi:l. 1.39:2. u2Chr. 15:2. ' ver. 6. w Exod. 31 :2. 3. t Heh. was with him.
f ch..3:l,etc. e ch. 2J:9, 10. h aSam. 7:13, 14. \ Keh. strong. ich.a2:l:!. I Exod. 25:40; Heb. 8:5. y ch. 26:20. « 1 Kings 7:13. etc. »Zech.4:2;
J Deal. 4:6: Matt. 5:14-16. k Deut. 29:10, 15. 1 Isa. 34:16; Acts 17:11. Rev. 1:13,20. b 1 Sam. 2:13, 14. ' Exod. 25:ls-22; 1 Sam. 4:4; I Kings
m Psa. 119:4, 10. n Deut. 6:1-3. > Ezra 9:12; Prov. 13:22. P Jer. 9:21; 6:23; Heb. 9:5. d ver. II, 12. e ch. 22:13; Deut. 31:7, 8; Josh. 1:6-9.
Johnl7:3. qjob 36:11, 12. r2Kings20:3; Psa. 101:2; JjhD4:24; Horn.
See notes on 2 Sam. 12:16. cherubim ;" that is, the chariot of God consisting of the
7. If he be constant ; had Solomon and his successors cherubim. Compare Psa. 18:10. The reference is to the
been constant in God's service, he would have established two cherubim of olive-wood overlaid with gold, which
the earthly kingdom of David without interruption till it Solomon placed in the holy of holies, and under the shallow
should have been merged in Christ, of whom the angel of whose wings the ark was placed. 2 Chron. 3:10-13;
Gabriel said, " The Lord God shall give unto him the 5:7, 8.
throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the 19. In writing; what God showed David with regard to
with tlicc; ho will not fail tlioo, nor forsake thee," gave them to the treasure of the house of * /? „^,""
until thou hast tiiiisluHl all the work for the ser- the Lord, by the hand of .lehiel the Ger- loio!
alone God hath clioseu, is yet young and tender," might and in thy hand it is to make great,"" and
and the work is great: for the palace is not for to give strength unto all.''
man, but for the Lord God. 13 Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and
2 Now I have prepared with all my might for praise thy glorious name.
tlie house of my God the gold for things to be made 14: But who am I, and what is my people, that
of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the we should be able^ to offer so willingly after this
brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own'
and wood for things of wood onyx stones,'' and have we given thee."
stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers 15 For we arc strangers before thee, and sojourn-
colors, and all manner of precious stones, and mar- ers, as were all our fathers :' our days on the earth
ble stones iu abundance. are as a shadow," and there is none abiding.^
8 Moreover, because I have set my aifection to 16 Lord our God, all this store that we have
the house of my God, I have of mine own proper prepared to build thee a house for thy holy name
good, of gold and silver, which I have given to cometh of thy hand, and is all thine own.''
tiie house of my God, over and above all that I 17 I know also, my God, that thou triest the
have prepared for the holy house, heart," and hast pleasure in uprightness." As for
4 Even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly
of Ophir,''' and seven thousand talents of refined offered all these things and now have I seen with :
silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal: joy thy people, which are present" here, to offer
5 The gold for things of gold, and the silver for willingly unto thee.
things of silver, and for all manner of work to be 18 Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel,
made by the hands of artificers. And who then is our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination
willing to consecrate his service" this day unto of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and
the Lord? prepare^ their heart unto thee:''
6 1 Tiien the chief of the fathers and princes of 19 And give unto Solomon my son a perfect
the tribes of Israel,'' and the captains of thousands heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimo-
and of hundreds, with the rulers of the king's nies, and thy statutes, and to do all things,
work, offered willingly,' and to build the palace, ^or the which I have made
7 And gave, for the service of the house of God, provision.^
of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand 20 lAnd David said to all the congregation.
drams, and of silver ten thousand talents, and of Now bless the Lord your God." And all the
brass eighteen tliousand talents, and one hundred congregation blessed the Lord God of their fa-
thousand talents of iron. thers, and bowed down their heads, and worship-
8 And they with whom precious stones were found ped the Lord, and the king.
»Heb. 13:5. bch.a4-a6. c Exod. 35:25, 26; SB: I, 2; Rom. 13:1. <! Tit, 'Lsa. 40:29. 1 Kei. retain, or obtain streiii;lh. ilJeh.hnnd. » Rom. 11:36;
3:1. e
ch. -il-.i; 1 Kings 3:7; I'rov. 1:3. f Exod. 2H:2II; 39:15, etc.; Isa. 1 Psa. 39:12; Heb. 11:13; " Job 14:2; Psa. 90:9;
Jas. 1:17. 1 Pet. 2:11.
.14:11,12; Rev. 21 :1S. S 1 Kings 9:2»: Job 2o: 10. •
Ueh. fill '^i'^ hand 102:11; 114:4; Isa. 40:6-3; .las. 4:14. S Heb. trpertnlion. v Psa. 24:1.
bch. 27:1, etc. i2Cor.9:7. jch. 28:21. kProv. 23:15. 12Chr.2U:a6- "ch. 88:9. x Prov. 11:20. I Or,/oBBrf. ^ Or, stablisk, Fsa.. 10:17. y Prov.
• - Psa. H9:52; I Tim. 1:17; Rev. 5:12, 13. n Gen. 33:20. " Matt, 16:1. 2 ch. 22:14. > Psa. 145:1.
6:13. P "'"" "8:13;
" Deut. '" Prt
" 1:18; Eccl. 5:19; Rom. 11:36. q Psa. 75:6, 7,
19. The Lord will show his believing people all that the Israelites in David's time, but is employed by the
they need to know and in following his directions, how-
; author of the books of Chronicles, as a coin well known
ever great or difficult their work, they may undertake it to the Jews of his day.
with resolution and go forward with cheerfulness, expect- 9. Perfect heart
; sincere, upright, for the purpose of
ing that in due time he will give them success. honoring God. \'er. 17.
18. Keep this; this same disposition to offer willingly of
CHAPTER XXIX. their substance to the Lord.
7. Drams; or, as some prefer, darics, a Persian coin 20. The king; before whom they bowed, and thus paid
estimated at about three dollars. It was not iu use among civil obeisance.
A.M.a)s9. 21 And they sacrificed sacrifices unto the him such royal majesty as had not been on any
11)15 Lord, and ofl'ered burnt-offerings unto the king before him in Israel."
Lord, on the morrow after that day, ewM a tliou- 20 1 Thus David the son of Jesse reigned over
sand bullocks, a thousand rams, and a thousand all Israel.
lambs, with their drink-offerings, and sacrifices in 27 And the time that he reigned over Israel was
abundance for all Israel forty years ;' seven years reigned he in Hebron,
22 And did eat and drink before the Lord on and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusa-
that day with great gladness. And they made lem.
Solomon the son of David king the second time, 28 And he died in a good old age,'' full of days,
and anointed him unto the Lord to be the chief riches, and honor:" and Solomon his son reigned
governor," and Zadok to be priest. in his stead.
23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord 29 Now the acts of David the king, first and last,
as king instead of David his father, and prosper- behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the
ed and all Israel obeyed him.
; seer, and in the book* of Nathan the prophet, and
24 And all the princes, and the mighty men, and in the book of Gad the seer,
all the sons likewise of king David, submitted 30 With all his reign and his might, and the
themselves unto* Solomon the king. times that went over him,*^ and over Israel, and
25 And the Lord magnified Solomon exceeding- over all the kingdoms of the countries.
ly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon
a 1 Kings 1:34, etc. * Heb. gave the liand under; Gen. 24:2; 47:39; 2 Chr. : Job 5:26. t Or, kistory ; Yleh. words. (Dan. 4:23,
30:8; Ezek. 17:18. b ver. 11, 12; 1 Sam. 2:30; Eocl. 2:9. " 1 Kings
22. King the second time ; his first anointing to tlie kingly its best affections and choicest treasures to the Lord, it is
office was on the occasion of Adouijah's attempt to usurp filled with gladness and exceeding joy.
the throne. 1 Kings 1 : 39. 11. None can offer any thing good and acceptable to
25. Magnified Solomon; caused him to appear great in God, except what they have first received from him. For
tlie eyes of the people. all blessings, and for a disposition rightly to use them,
men are indebted to his grace. To him belongs, and to
INSTRUCTIONS. him, so far as they feel right, they will give, all the glory.
1.The Lord chooses such as lie sees fit, to possess 17. Sensible that God looks upon the heart, and that
power and exercise authority among men on him they ; nothing is acceptable to him except what is done in sin-
are dependent, and to him they must give account for the cerity and truth, good rilen will seek from him a prepara-
manner in wliich they use the blessings with which they tion of heart not only for themselves, but for their children
are favored. and all who come after them.
3. If a man's affections are set on God and bis service, 20. However greatly men may be honored in being
he will willingly offer a portion of what God has given instrumental of good to others, the glory they will give to
him to establish and maintain his worship among men. the Lord, whose is the greatness, and the power, and the
9. Such is the nature of the human soul, that in offering victory, for ever. Amen.
The two books of the Chronicles originally constitutod but one history, the division into two parts
being simply a matter of convenience. The reader is referred to the introductory remarks prefixed to the
first book.
1 The solemn offering of Solomon at Gibeon. 7 Solomon's choice of
unto David my father be established : for thou
wisdom IS blessed by God. 13 Solomon's strengtli .\nd wealth. hast made me king over a people like the dust of
VXD Solomon tho son of David was strength- multitude. tlie cartli^ in
and the congregation sought unto it. 14 And Solomon gathered chariots and horse-
6 And Solomon went up thither to the brazen men:'' and he had a thousand and four hundred
altar before the Lord, which was at the taberna- chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, whicli he
cle of the congregation, and oflered a thousand placed in the chariot cities, and with the king at
burnt-offerings upon it. Jerusalem.
7 *i In that niglit did God appear unto Solomon, 1-5 And the king made* silver and gold at Je-
and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee. rusalem as plenteous as stones,'' and cedar-trees
8 And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast showed made he as the sycamore-trees that are in the vale
great mercy unto David my father, and hast made for abundance.
me to reign in his stead.' 16 And Solomon had horses brought^ out of
"1 Kings 2:40. b Gen. Mia. c i Chr. 29:25.
. dl
Chi. 27:1. e 1 Kings !l:22| Eccl.2:9; Jas. I:.?, n .Matt. (i:3.3. o Chr. 29:2.5. P 1 Kinps 1U:10,
3:4, etc. I I Chr. 16:39. e 1 Chr. 15:1, etc. h Exod. 33:1. 2. * Or, was etc. IMfih.gavt. q 1 Kings 10:27, etc. Job 22:24. ^Heh. t/ie going forth
Ihcre. 1 1 Chr. 23:5. t Heb. muth as tht dust of the earth, i PrOT. 4:7; of the horses which was Solomon's.
Jas. 1:5, 6. k Nam. 27:17; Deut. 31:2. 1 Prov. 2:3:7; Heb. 4: 12. "» ch.
22:1. 1. When the Lord is with his x^eople they wiU be strong,
Solomon^s contract with IIu,ram 2 CHRONICLES II. for lemj)/c
B r'lmT Egypt, and linen yarn: the king's mer- with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David
chants received the linen yarn at a price. my father did provide.'
17 And they fetched up, and brouglit forth out 8 Send me
also cedar-trees, fir-trees, and algum-^
of Egypt a chariot for six hundred shekels of sil- trees, out of Lebanon for I know that thy ser-
ver, and a horse for a hundred and tifty and so vants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon; and
brought they out horses for all the kings of the Hit- behold, my servants shall he with thy servants,
titus, and for the kings of Syria, by their means.* 9 Even to prepare me timber in uluindunce: for
the house which I am about to build shall be won-
derful great.*
CHAPTER II. 10 And behold, I will give to thy servants, the
1, 17 Solomon's laborers for the buiUing of the temple. 3 His embas- hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures
sa;;e to Huram for workmen and provision of stuff. 11 Huram send- of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures
etii him a kind answer.
of barle}', and twenty thousand baths of wine, and
AND Solomon
Loud, and
the of the
to build a house for
a house for his
twenty thousand baths of oil.
Ill Then Huram the king of Tyre answered
kingdom. in writing, which he sent to Solomon, Because the
2 And Solomon told out threescore and ten Lord hath loved his people,^ he hath made thee
thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore king over them.
thousand to hew in the mountain, and three thou- 12 Huram said moreover. Blessed be the Lord
sand and six hundred to oversee them. God of Israel, that made heaven and earth,'' who
3 lAnd Solomon sent to Huram^ the king of hath given to David the king a wise son, endued
Tyre," saying. As thou didst deal with David my with^ prudence and understanding, that might
father,'' and didst send him cedars to build him a build a house for the Lord, and a house for his
house to dwell therein, even so deal with me. kingdom.
4 Behold, I build a house to the name of the V.i And now I hare sent a cunning man, endued
Lord my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn with understanding, of Huram my father's,
before him sweet incense,*" and for the continual 14 The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan,'
siiow-brcad,'' and for the burnt-offerings morning and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work
and evening, on tiie sabbatlis, and on the new in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone,
moons, and on the solemn feasts of the Lord our and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen,
God.'^ This is an ordinance for ever to Israel. and in crimson any manner of grav-
; also to grave
5 And the house which I build is great: for ing, and which shall be
to find out every device
great is our God above all gods.'' put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the
(3 But who is able' to build hlni a house,^ seeing cunning men of my lord David thy father.
the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain 15 Now therefore the wheat, and the barley, the
him?'' who am I tlien, that I should build him a oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of,
house, save only to burn sacrifice before him? let him scud unto liis servants:
7 Send me now therefore a man cunning to work 10 And wc will cut wood out of Lebanon, as
in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, much as thou shalt need:* and we will bring it to
and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and tliat thee in floats by sea to Joppa;^ and thou shalt
can skill to grave' with the cunning men tliata?-e carry it up to Jerusalem.
Heb. hand, t (Jr. Hiram,
1 Kiiigi .3:1. » I Kings :i;-J. oic. 1 Ciir.
I> i 1 i
Threescore and ten thousand men
2. three thousand and six —
hundred; for this passage, and verses 17 and 18 below, see
notes to the corresponding narrative, 1 Kings 5:15, 16.
6. Should build him a house; that is. a house that can
17 T And
Solonioii mniihoroil iill tlif t;lningcrs' 9 And the weight of the nails was fifty i'!:'^
tliat were in the laiiil of Isiai'l," after tlic uuinlicr- shekels of gold. And he overlaid the upper cham-
iii<r wliiTewith Uavid liis fatliiT had niiinl)('rc(l bers with gold.
tliein:'' ami tliev wen? found a liundi'cil and lifly 10 • And in the most holy house he made two
tlioiinand and tiiiei' llioiisand and .six iiundrcd. cherubim of image work," and overlaid them with
18 And lie set threescore and ten tliousand of gold.
tiiein to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thou- 11 And the wings of the cherubim ircre twenty
sand to he hewers in the mountain, and tiiree thou- cubits long: one wing of the one cherub «a.v live
sand and six hundred overseers to set the people cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the
aworii. other wing was likewise five cubits, reaching to
the w-ing of the other cherub.
12 And 07ie wing of the other cherub uas five
cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the
1 The place, and time of building the temple. 3 The measure and orna-
other wing wasiiwc cubits a/*o, joining to the wing
ments of tlie house. 11 The cherubim. 14 The veil and pillars.
of the other cherub.
'"P^IIEX Solomon began to build the house of 13 The wings of these cherubim spread them-
_L the Loud at Jerusalem'' in mount Moriah,'' selves forth twenty cubits: and they stood on
wliere t/ie LORD
a])iM'ared unto David his father,*'^
their feet, and their faces were inward.*
ill the place that J)avid lia<l jiroparedin the thresh-
14 1 And he made the veil of blue, and purple,
ing-lloor of Oman* the Jcimsitc.
and crimson, and fine lineu,^ and wrought* cher-
2 And he lici^an to build in the second day of the
ubim thereon.
second inontli, in the fourth year of his rei<rn.
1.5 Also he made before the house two pillars of
3 ^ Now these arc the things wherein Solomon was
thirty and five cubits high,"' and the chapiter that
instructed^ for the Imilding of the house of God.''
ii-as on the top of each of them teas five culiits.
The length by cubits after the first measure vms IG And he made chains, as in the oracle, and
threescore cubits, and the breadth twenty culiits.
put the7n on the heads of the pillars aud made ;
his father. eIChr,21:18. 1 Or. ilroanaA, 2Sam. 24:18. iHeb./oMrfed. shall establish. lTh:kt is, In it is strength. 1 Exod. 27:1, 2: 2Kings 16:14;
' IChr. 23:11, f John 10:23; Acts 3:11 ; 5:12. I Heb. covered, b 1 Chr. Ezek. 43: 13-17. 1 Heb./rom his brim to his brim, m 1 Kings 7:23, etc.
29:2, S; Isi. 51:11, 12; Rev. 21 :1S-21. > Heb. 9:.3-9. 1 Or, is some think,
more abundant his labors and offerings for Him, the more Some have supposed that the height of each pillar was
humble will be his views of himself, and the more entire seventeen cubits and a half, with a base of half a cubit,
his sense of dependence on the riches of divine grace. making eighteen in all; and that here the joint height of
10. Not only the mutual exchange of kind offices, but both pillars is given. Five cubits; in 1 Kings 7:15, the
the exchange of the labor and productions of different height of the chapiters is given at three cubits. In Jer.
countries, may be of service to all. 52 22, it is stated at " five cubits, with net-work and pome-
17. With a proper division of labor and union of effort, granates upon the chapiters round about." It has been
and with the blessing of God on well-directed diligence supposed that, in Kings, only the tliree cubits below the
and perseverance, the most difficult undertakings may in net-work are reckoned.
due time be accompUshed.
CHAPTER III. 1. However great or difficult the work to which God
1. Mount Moriah; an elevation in the eastern part of calls men, in his name and strength they should undertake
Jerusalem. it,with confidence that he will give them all needed aid.
Parvaim; perhaps a general name for the eastern
6. To those who are disposed to learn and do their
regions whence the gold came. whole duty, God will gr.ant all needful instruction; so
14. The veil; between the holy and the most holy place. that they will see not only what to do, but also how to
15. Thirty and five cubits ; inlKin^sT -.15, and Jer. 52:21, do it in order to meet his approbation, secure his blessing,
the height of these pillars is stated at eighteen cubits. and be made benefactors to mankind.
; ;
Go<rs ploryfiUeth the trmpk. 2 CHRONICLES VI. luiij' Solomon blesselh God.
Also kin;; tSoloinnn. iiml all (lie conirrcffiition have built a house of habitation "u^
2 IJiit I
of Israel that were asseinlileil unto him ipct'onr the for thee, and a ))lace for iliy dwelling for ever.
ark, sacrilieed sheep ami oxen, wliieli coulil not ;J .Viid the king turned his lace, and blessed the
be told nor niiinliereil for multilmle. whole congregation of Israel:' and all the con-
7 And the |iriests broiifrht in the ark of (he cove- gregation of Israel stood.'"
nant of tlic Ijinw unto his place," to the oracle of 4 And he said. Blessed be the Loun God of Isra-
the house, into the most holy place, even under the el, who hath with his hands fuliillcd that which he
winirs of the cherubim :'• spake with his mouth to my father David," .•-aying,
8 Tor the cherubim pprcad forth t/ieir wings 5 Since the day that I brought forth my ]ieople
over tlie jjlaee of the ark, and the eliorubim cov- out of the land of Egypt 1 chose no city among all
ered the ark and the staves thereof above.'' the tribes of Israel to build a house in, that my
;) And they drew out the staves ofl/te ark, that name might be there ;" neither chose I any man to
thc^ ends of the staves were seen from the ark bc- be a ruler over my ]ieople Israel:
Ibre the oracle; but they were not seen without. f) But 1 have chosen Jerusalem,'' that my name
And there it is* unto this day. might be there; and have chosen Havid to be
10 There wa.^ nothing in the ark save the two over my people Israel.''
tables whicli Moses put tlwrein at Horeb,'' when* 7 Now it was in the heart of David my father
the Loim made a covenant with the children of Is- to build a house for the name of the Lord God of
rael, when they caine out of Egypt. Israel.
Ill And it came to jiass, when the priests were 8 But the Lord said to David my father. Foras-
come out of tlie holy ^jfacc- (for all the ]ii-icsts that much as it was in thy heart to build a house for
vxrc present' were sanctified, and did not then wait my name, thou didst well in that it was in thy
by course :° heart
12 Also the Lcvites which were the singers,'' all 9 Notwithstanding thou shall 110 tbuild the house;
of them of Asaph, of Henian, of Jcduthun, with but thy son which shall come forth out of thy loins,
their sons and their brethren, being arrayed in he shall build the house for my name.
white linen, having q^vmbals and psalteries and 10 The Lord therefore hath performed his word
harps, stood at the cast end of the altar, and with that he hath spoken for I am risen up in the
them a hundred and twenty priests sounding with room of David my father, and am set on the throne
trumpets:") of Israel,'* as the Lord promised,' and have built
13 It came even to pass, as the; trumpeters and the house for the name of the Lord God of Israel.
singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard 11 And in it have I put the ark," wherein is the
in praising and thanking the Lord;" and when covenant of the Lord, that he made with the chil-
they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and dren of Israel.
cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the 12 1 And he stood before the altar of the Lord
Lord, saying, For he is good for his mercy endur-
ill the presence of all the congregation of Israel,^
eth for ever that then the house was filled with
' and spread forth his hands
a cloud, even the house of the Lord ;
13 For Solomon had made a brazen scaftbld, of
14 Ho that the priests could not stand to minis- five cubits long,** and five cubits broad, and three
ter by reason of the cloud for the glory of the
: cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the
Lord had filled the house of God.J court: and upon it he stood,"' and kneeled down
upon his knees before all the congregation of Is-
rael, and spread forth his hands toward heaven,
CHAPTER VI. 14 And said, Lord God of Israel, there is no
1 Solomon, liaving blessed the people, blesseth God. 12 Solomon's God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth ;^
prayer in the consecration of tiie temple, upon the brazen scaffold. which keepest covenant,*' and showest mercy unto
THEN said Solomon, The Lord hath said that
he would dwell in the thick darkness.''
thy servants, that walk before thee with all their
» Psa. 13-2:8. b Exod. 37:7-9; Heb. 9:4, 5. c Exod. 37:15. • Or, they 1 Num. 6:23-27. m Neb. 8:5. n Luke 1 :0e^70. o Dent. 12:5, 11. p cb.
are tkere, as 1 Kings 8:S. d Deut. 10:2-5. t Or, xokere. 1 Heb. found. 12:13. ql Chr. 28:4. f 2 Sam. 7:2. etc. 1 Chr. 28:2. etc.
; 1 Chr. 29:23.
e ch. 3o:4. ' 1 Chr. 25:1. e 1 Chr. 15:24; Psa. 0d:25. h Rev. 5:8-14. <1 Chr. 17:11. »ch. 5:7, 10. » 1 Kings 8:22, etc. t Heh. the length there-
i 1 Chr. 10:34-41; Psa. 130. J ch. 7:2; E.\od. 40:35; Ezek. 10:4; Rev. of, eta. "Neh. 8:4. i Exod. 15:11 Deut. 4:39; 7:9. y Neh. 1:5; Dan.
15:8. k Lev. 10:2; 1 Kings 8:12, etc.; Psa. 18:11; Nah. 1:3; Heb. 12:18.
7. The cherubim ; the two cherubim of olive-wood over- their offerings, and give evidence of his approbation by
laid with gold. Chap. 3: 10-13. delightful manifestations of his presence and favor.
9. [/»(o this day; see note to 1 Kings 8:8.
10. Tlie two tables ; on which were engraved the ten com- CHAPTER VI.
mandments. 2. dwelling for ever; the place where he would per-
petually manifest his special presence.
5. Neither chose I any man; to establish in him and his
2. When a whole people assemble, and with united
hearts engage sincerely in the worship of God, they may posterity a hereditary authority, as he chose David.
expect that their service will be acceptable to him and INSTRUCTIONS.
greatly beneficial to themselves. 4. What God promises in his word, he will in his provi-
10. The ten commandments express the will of God, and dence and by his Spirit faithfully perfonn.
are the measure and the rule of human duty, under all 8. Those who wish to do good, may in such wishes be
dispensations, and in all ages. accepted of God, when it is not his will that they should
13. When the ministers of religion heartily unite in accomplish the particular object on which their hearts
praising and adoring God for his mercies, he will accept are set.
; : ;
n.c.S: 15 Thou whicli hast kept witli thy ser- 2G 1 When the heaven is shut up, and there is
vant David my father that which thou hast prom- no rain, because they have sinned against thee;''
ised him;" and spakest with thy moutli, and hast yet if tliey jiray toward this place, and confess thy
fullilled it witli thy hand,** as it « this day. name, and turn from their sin, when thou dost
1(3 Now therefore, Loud God of Israel, keep afflict them
with thy servant David my father that whicli thou 27 Then hear thou from heaven, and forgive the
hast promised him,'' saying, There shall not fail sin of tliy servants, and of thy people Israel, when
thee a man' in my sight to sit upon the throne of thou hast taught them the good way, wherein they
Israel yet so that thy children take heed to their should walk
and scud rain upon thy land,' which ;
way to walk in my law,* as thou hast walked be- thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance.
fore me. 28 If there be dearth in the land, if there be
17 Now then, Lord God of Israel, let thy word pestilence,'" if there be blasting or mildew, locusts
be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy ser- or caterpillars;" if their enemies besiege them in
vant David. the cities of their land ;* whatsoever sore, or what-
18 But will God in very deed dwell with men soever sickness there be;"
on the earth?'' Behold, heaven and the heaven 29 Then what prayer or what supplication soever
of heavens cannot contain thee;' how much less shall be made of any man, or of all thy people Is-
this house which I have built! rael, when every one shall know his own sore and
19 Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy his own grief," and shall spread forth his hands
servant, and to his supplication. Lord my God, in'' this house
to hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy 30 Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling-
servant ])rayeth before thee : place, and forgive, and render unto every man
20 That tliiue eyes may be open iipon this house according unto all his ways,'' whose heart thou
day and night,*"' upon the place whereof thou hast knowest; (for thou only knowest the hearts of
said that thou wouldest put thy name there to the children of men;) ;
hearken unto the prayer which thy servant pray- 31 That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways,
etli toward* this place. so long as* they live in*' the land which thou gavest
'Jl Hearken therefore unto the supplications of unto our fathers.
thy servant, and of thy people Israel, which they 32 1; Moreover concerning the stranger,' which
shall make* toward this place: hear thou from is not of thy people Israel, but is come from a far
thy dwelling-place, even from heaven ;''
and when country for thy great name's sake, and thy mighty
thou hearest, forgive. hand, and thy stretched-out arm if they come and ;
12. When we have finished a work, we should in earnest 28. Temporal calamities are God's servants and are ;
bcheving prayer commend it to the blessing of God, with- sent to remind men of their sins, and lead them to repent-
out which it will not accomplish any good. ance, that they may escape everlasting punishment.
D). The promises of God are often so connected with 32. God is no respecter of persons but the prayer of
the faithfulness of his people, that their conditions must the penitent, of whatever nation, kindred, or tribe, offered
be fulfilled, in order to obtain their blessings. Chap. in faith, he will hear and answer according to the riches
7:17-22. of his grace.
20. Prayer is a chief means of obtaining that forgiveness 34. The event of wars is in the hands of God: wlienhis
of sin, without which there can be no deliverance from its people rebel against him, he often suffers the wicked to
power. prevail against them but if thej' become penitent, and
24. Sin is the cause of all sorrow and unless it ; is con- turn heartily to him, he will deliver them and grant them
fessed and forsaken, it will cause sorrow eternal. his salvation. Chap. 7:14.
; ; 1
tlicv carry tlu'in nway captives' unto a land fur and two thousand oxen, and a hundred and ),
off or near twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the
if tlioy liclliink tlicnisclvcs* in tlio land
people dedicated the house of (iod.
t> And
wliitlicr tlicy aic c;iiric<l captive, and turn and the priests wailed mi their offices: the
prav iintu tliec in tlie ianii of tiicir captivity, say- Leviles also witli instruments of music of the
inir! We liave sinned, wo have done amiss, and Loud,' which David the king had made to praise
have dealt wickedly ;
the Lord, because his mercy nidureth for ever,
3S It'thev return to thee with all their heart and when David prai.sed by their ministry;' and the
with all tlieir soul in tiie land of tlieir captivity," jiriests sounded trumpets before them,'" and all
whitlier they have carried tlieni captives, and ]iray Israel stood.
tiiward their land, whicli tliou Liavest unto liieir Moreover Solomon hallowed the middle of the
failicrs.and toward tiiecity wliicii thou hast <'1ios(mi,'' that was before the house of the Loud: for
and toward tiie house wliich 1 iiave built for tliy tliero he oflcred burnt-offerings, and the fat of tlie
name: peace-offerings, because the brazen altar which
39 Then hear thou from the heavens, nrn from Solomon had made was not able to receive the
tiiy dwelling-place,' their prayer and their sup])li- burnt-offerings, and the meat-offering.s, and the
cations. and maintain their cause,' and forgive thy fat.
people which have sinned against thee. 8 I'Also at the same time Solomon kept tlie
40 Now, my God, let, I beseech thee, thine eyes feast seven days, and all Israel with him, a very
be open, and /<>/ thine ears/jc atteut uuto the pray- great congregation, from the entering in of Ha-
er that is made in this place." math unto the river of Egypt."
41 Now therefore arise,'' Lord God, into thy 9 And in the eighth day they made a solemn^
resting-place,'' thou, and the ark of thy strength: assembly: for they kejit the dedication of the
let thy priests, O Lord (Jod, be clothed with sal- altar seven days, and th(! feast seven days.
vation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness/ 10 And on the three and twentieth day of the
42 Lord God, turn not away the face of thine seventh month he sent the people away into their
anointed remember the mercies of Uavid tliy ser-
: tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness
vant>' tiiat the Lord had showed unto David, and to
Solomon, ami to Israel his people.
1 Thus Solomon finished the house of the Loud,
C II A P T K 11 VII. and the king's house:" and all that came into
1 God having given testimony to Solomon's prayer by fire from heaven, Solomon's heart to make in the house of the
and glory in the temple, tlie people worship him. 4 Solomon's sol-
emn sacrifice. 8 Solomon having kept tlie feast of tabernacles, and
Lord, and in his own house, he prosperously ef-
the feast of the dedication of the altar, dismisseth the people. \'2 G-od fected.
appearing to Solomon giveth him promises upon condition.
12 lAnd the Lord appeared to Solomon by
NOW when Solomon had made an end of pray- night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer,
ing,'' the fire came down from heaven,' and and have chosen this place to myself for a house
consumed the burnt-ofifering and the sacrifices and ; of sacrifice.''
the glory of the Lord filled the house.J 13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or
2 And the priests could not enter into the house if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if
of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had I send pestilence among my people;*
filled the Lord's house. 14 If my people, which are called by my name,"
3 And when all the children of Israel saw how shall humble themselves,'' and pray," and seek my
the tire came down, and the glory of the Lord face,' and turn from their Avicked ways ;° then will
upon the house, tliey bowed themselves with their I hear from heaven,^' and will forgive their sin,
faces to the ground upon the pavement, and wor- and will heal their land.
shipped, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears
good for his mercy endureth for ever."
; attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.*
4^ Then the king and all the people offered IG For now have I chosen and sanctified this
sacrifices before the JjORD. house, that my name may be there for ever and :
And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually.
" Heb. thty that take
thtm captives carry them away, t Heb. bring bade to 103:17; 130:1; Heb. 7:24, 25. I 1 Chr. 15:16; Psa. 87:7. I Heb. Iiaml.
thfir heart. » Jer. -29:13-14. bDin. tj:IO. « Dan. 9:16-19. \ Or, rigkl. mch. 5:12. n Josh. 13:3, 5. ^ Hei. restraint, o 1 Kings 9:1. etc. p Deiil.
i nch. to the prayer of this place, d Psa. 132:S, etc. e 1 Chr. '23:2; Isa. 12:5. 11 ch. 6:26, 2S; Psa. 107:34. • Heb. upon whotn my name is called.
60:1. f Neh. 9:*); Psa. G5:4, 11; Zcch. 9:17. elEa.55:3. h 1 Kings 8:54, 'Jas.4:10. >Acts9:ll. t Isn, 45: 19; Lam. 3:40, 41. i'lsa.59:30. v ch.
etc. i Exod. -Xl-.n: Lev. 9:^4; Juci;;. B:'.'l; 1 Kings 13:38; 1 Chr. 21:«; (J
: 27, 30. t Heb. to the prayer of t/iis place.
Mil. 3:1, 2. jch. 5:1.3, 14; Kzek. 1U:3. 4. kch. 20:21; IChr. lfi:41; Psa
41. When tlio rainiBtera of God faithfully proclaim his 9. Tlie dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven
salvation, and show
its living power in their example, they days; the feast here referred to is the feast of tabernacles,
may expect that many will embrace it, and rejoice in it which began on the fifteenth day of the seventh month,
with exceeding joy. and lasted seven days, Lev. 23:34-36. The seven days of
the dedication of the altar preceded the seven days' feast
CHAPTER VII. of tabernacles. Compare 1 Kings 8:62.
IG. Sanctified tliis liouse; devoted it to a holy use.
Fire came don-n from heaven; this was evidence that
from the north to the south part of the land. his people is such as to fill them with awe of his justice,
Go(Vs promises to Solomon. 2 CHRONICLES VIII. His servants and sacrifices.
1 Solomon's buildings. 7 The Gentiles which were left Solomon made
tributaries; but the Israelites rulers. 11 Pharaoh's daughter remov-
eth to her house. 12 Solomon's yearly solemn sacrifices. 14 He
appointeth the priests and Levites to their places. 17 The navy
fetcheth gold from Ophir.
AND it
came to pass at the
wherein Solomon
end of twenty
liad built the house
of the Lord, and his own house,'^
That the cities which Huram had restored to
Solomon, Solomon built them, and caused the
children of Israel to dwell there.
3 And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah,** and pre-
vailed against it.
4 And he built Tadmor in the wilderness, and
all the store-cities, which he built in Hamath.
5 Also he built Beth-horon tlie upper, and Beth-
horon the nether,'' fenced cities, with walls, gates,
and bars;
6 And Baalath, and all the store-cities that Sol-
• Heb. he cut ojf to thf:e.
1 The queen of Shcba adinireth the wiwlom of Solomon. 13 Solomon's
15 His torgets. 17 The throne of ivory. 20 His vesaels. 2.3
i» presents. 25 Hi« chariot* and horse. 26 His tributes. 29 His
reign and death.
in her.
5 And she said to the king. It tvas a true report*
which I heard in mine own land of thine acts,*"
> 1 Kir
Death of king Solomon. 2 CHRONICLES X. Rehohonm repels the ten trihes.
than the prophet, and in the proi)hecy of Ahijah unto them, My little ^Hg-cr shall be thicker than
the Shilonite,'^ and in the visions of Iddo the seer my father's loins.
against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?" 11 For whereas my father put^ a heavy yoke
30 And Solomon reigned iu Jerusalem over all upon you, I will put more to your yoke: my fa-
Israel forty years. ther chastised you with whips, but I will chastise
31 And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he you with scorpions.
was buried in the city of David his father: and 12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to Re-
Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead. hoboam on the third day, as the king bade, say-
ing.Come again to me on the third day.
13And the king answered them rouglily; and
CHAPTER X. king Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old
1 The Israelites, assembled at Shechem to crown Rehoboam, by Jeroboam men,"
make a suit of relaxation unto him. 6 Rehoboiim, refusing the old
men's counsel, by the advice of young men answereth them roughly. 14 And answered them after the advice of the
16 Ten tribes revolting kill Hadoram, and m;ike Rehoboam to flee. young men, saying. My father made your yoke
ND Rehoboam went
Shechem were all Israel
to Shechem:*" for to heavy, but I will add thereto my father chastised
come to make him you with whips, but I uiil chastise you with scor-
e 1 Kings 12:1, etc. t I Kings 11:26, 40. i FroT. 12:15; 19:20. j Job 12:12,
18 Then kiii-r Hcliolionm pent Iladorain* that for Jerolioam and his sons had cast them '*it"-^:
u-as over tla- trilmte; and tin- children of Issnu'I ofl' from executing the jiriest's office unto the
stoni'd wiiii stones, that he died. But king LolU):^
Rehoboani made speed' to get him up to Aw char- 1.5 And he ordained him priests for the high
iot, to tleo lo Jerusalem. places,"and for the devils,' and for the calves
19 .\nd Israel rebelled against the house of Da- which he had made.'"
vid uulo this day." And after them, out of ;ill the tribes of Isra-
and wine.
12 And in every several city he put shields and
AND it came to pass, when Rchoboam had
established the kingdom, and had strength-
spears, and made them exceeding strong, having ened himself he forsook the law of the Lord, and
Judah and Benjamin on his side. all Israel with him.""
13 And
the priests and the Lcvites that were
1[ 2 And it came to pass that, in the fifth year of
in all Israel resorted* to him out of all their coasts. king Rchoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up
1-4 For the Lcvites left their suburbs and their against Jerusalem, because they had transgressed
possession,' and came to Judah and Jerusalem: against the Lord,
• Adonimm, Kings J:G; 5:14. t Heb. sirengthened himself. » Tsa.
1 17-7
89:3U, etc. b l Kings 1-2:21, etc. cProv. 21:3U. d ch. 12:5. « Gen. 13;S.
' ch. 10:1.';; Psa. :i:i:ll. g Isi. 22: 1(1, 11. hch. 17:19. t Heh. presenltd
themselves. Num. 3o:2, etc. ich. 13:9. k 1 Kings 12:31 13:3:!. 'Lev.
ence from the people, than force and the longer men live,
15. Devils; demons, to which idolaters rendered relig-
ious worship. Compare 1 Cor. 10:20.
" oT?' 3 With twelvehundred chariots, and three-
score thousand horsemen and the people ivere with-
Abijiih's tear tcith Jrrobanm. 2 ('III!()X1("IJ;S XIV. T/ie good reign uf Asa.
ii.ra^''three hundred chariots;" and came unto the Lord God of Israel, and sought him, he was
Mareshah.'' found of them."
lU Then Asa went out against him, and they set 5 And in those times tliere icas no peace to him
the battle in array in the valley of Zephathah at that went out, nor to him that came in,P but great
Mareshah. vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the
1 And Asa cried unto the Lord his God,"^and countries.
Lord, it is nothing with thee to help,
said, whether 6 And nation was destroyed' of nation.^ and city
with many, or with tiiem that have no power:'' of city : for God did vex tliein with all adversity
help us, Lord our God; for we rest on thee, Be ye strong therefore,'' and let not your hands
and in thy name we go against this multitude." be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.
Lord, thou art our God; let not man' prevail 8 And when Asa heard these words, and the
against thee. prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage,
12 So the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa, and put away the aboniinalde idols' out of all the
and before Judah;'' and the Ethiopians fled. land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities
13 And Asa and the people that were with him which he had taken from mount Ephraim,' and
pursued them unto Gerar:"^ and the Ethiopians renewed the altar of the Lord, that was before
were overthrown, that they could not recover the porch of the Lord.
themselves; for they were destroyed^ before the 9 And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and
Lord, and before his host; and they carried away the strangers witli them out of Ephraim and Ma-
very much spoil. • nasseh, and out of Simeon:" for they fell to him
14 And they smote all the cities round about out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that
Gerar for the fear of the Lord came upon them
the Lord his God icas with him.
and they spoiled all the cities for there was ex- 10 So they gathered themselves together at Je-
ceeding much spoil iu them. rusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year
15 They smote also the teuts of cattle, and car- of the reign of Asa.
ried away sheep and camels in abuudanee, and 11 And they offered unto the Lord the same
returned to Jerusalem. tiine,'^ of the spoil ichich they had brought, seven
but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.' with their whole desire;'^ and he was found of
3 Now for a long season Israel hath been with- tiiem aud the Lord gave them rest round about. :
out the true God," and without a teaching priest," 10 IT And also concerning Maachah the mother*
and without law. of Asa the king, he removed her from being queen,"
4 But when thev in their trouble did turn unto because she had made an idoP in a grove: and
» Ch. 16:8. b Josh. lo;41, » ch. 13:14; Exod. 14:10; Psa. 1S:6; 120:1. 4:29; Psa. 100:44. Judg. 5:6; 1 Sam. 13:6.
p « Heb. beaten in pieces.
<11 Sam. 14:6. e 1 Sam. 17:45; Prov. 18:10. • Or, mortal man. I ch. q Matt. 24:7. 3:6. r Amos
s Josh. 1:7. 9; 1 Chr. 2S:20. I Heb. oiomiao-
1.3:15. f(5en.90:l. IHeh.broken. h ch 17:10; Gen. 35:5; Josh. 2:9. 24; tions. 1 ch. 13:19.
11:10. 5 Heb. in that day.
« ch. » ch. 14:13, IS.
Isa.3l:9. ch. 20:14; 24:20; Num. 24:2; Judg. :l:10. IHeb.*f/ore. j Jas.
i " ch. 34:31; Kmgs
23:3; Neh. 10:29.
2 x Acts 21:14, J Exod. 22:20;
4:8. k ver. 4. 15; ch. 33:12, 13; 1 Chr. 2^:9; Jer. 29:12. 13; Matt. 7:7, .8. Dcut. 13:5-15: 17:2-5. 2 ver. 12. * That i%, grandmother ; 1 Kings 15:2,
1 ch. 24:20; Heb. 10:3S. m Hos. 3:4. n Lev. 10: 11; Mai. 2:7. o Deut. lU. i 1 Kings 15: 13, etc. t Heb. horror.
li. Tkey smote all tlie cities round about Gerar ; probably season Israel was without the true God," etc. According
as being confederates with Zerah, as would naturally be to this interpretation, the third verse would describe the
the case if he was an Egyptian king. general ignorance of the people. The mass of them were
witliout the true knowledge of God and his law and, ;
God, they prepare the way for him to bless them with all " Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true
needed earthly good. God," etc. The fourth verse will then refer to the pious
9. Although it is our duty in times of trouble to use all remnant among the ten tribes. Compare ver. 9.
suitable means to help ourselves, yrt our dependence for 7. Be ye strong therefore; he applies the past history of
deliverance should be upon God. He can save by few or God's people to the case of Asa and his kingdom. If they
by many, and is ready to help all who truly trust in him. will believe in God and serve him steadfastly they shall
be delivered, as their fathers have been.
CHAPTER XV. 8. Oded tite prophet; or, as in ver. 1, Azariah the eon of
Asa out down lior idol, and stamped /7, aiid liunil liiou hast relied on the king of Syria, and *a',;."u?l;
ilat tlio lirook Kiilroii. not relied on the Loud thy God," therefore is
17 IJut ilio hiirli pliires were not taken away out the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thy
of l.-;iael :•' ne\eitlieloss llic licart of Asa was pcr- hand.
fcft all his days. 8 Were not the Ethiojiians and the Lubim a
IS *.he liroujrht into the house of God the
And huge host,* with very many chariots and horse-
ihinjrs that his father had dedicated, and that he menV yet, because thou didst rely on the Loud,
himself had dedieated.silver, and gold, and vessels. he delivered them into thy hand.
19 And there was no more war unto the five and 1) For the eyes of the Loud run to and fi'o
thirtieth year of the reign of Asa. throughout the whole earth," to show himself
strong ill the behalf of them'' whose heart is per-
fect toward him. Herein thou lia-t done fool-
CHAPTER XVI. ishly: therefore from henceforth thou shall have
1 Asa, by the aid of the Syrinns, ilivcrteth B:i;is)ia from building of Ra- wars."
mah. 7 Being reproved thereof t>y Han.ini, he pultetil him in prison.
1 1 Among his other acts in his disease he scelceth not to God, but to 10 Then Asa was wroth with the seer, and ]iiit
the physicians. 13 His death and burial. him ill a prison-house;' for he was in a rage with
the six and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa, him because of this thing. And Asa oppressed'
TN Baasha king of Israel came up against Judali, some of the peoiile the same time.
and Imilt Raraah,'' to the intent that he might let Ill And behold, the acts of Asa, first and last,
none go out or come in to Asa king of Judah." lo,.they arc written in the book of the kings of
2 Then Asa brought out silver and gold out of Judah and Israel.
the treasures of the house of the Loun and of the 12 And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his
king's house, and sent to Ben-liadad king of Syria, reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease
that dwelt at Damascus,* saying, was exceeding great: yet iu his disease he sought
3 T/icre is a league between me and thee, as there not to the Lord, but to the physicians.
was between my father and thy father: behold, 1 13 If And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in
have sent thee silver and gold; go, break thy the one and fortieth year of his reign.
league with Baasha king of Israel, that he may 14 And they buried him in his own sepulchres,
depart from mc. which he had made"' for himself in the city of
4 And Ben-iiadad hearkened unto king Asa, and David, and laid him in the bed which was iilletl
sent the captains of his armies* against the cities with sweet odors and divers kinds of spices jire-
of Israel ; and they smote Ijon, and Dan. and Abel- pared by the apothecaries' art: and they made u
maim, and all the store-cities of Nai)htali. very great burning for him.
.'i And it came to pass, when Baaslia heard it,
that he left off building of Bamah, and let his
work cease. CHAPTER XVII.
(> Then Asa the king took all Judali and they ;
1 Jehoshaphat, succeeding Asa, reigneth well, and prospereth. 7 He
sendeth Levites with the princes to teach Judah. 10 His enemies
carried away the stones of Ramah, and the timber being terrified by God, some of them bring him presents and tribute.
thereof, wherewith Baaslia was building; and he 1- His greatness, captains, and armies.
cause she had made an image of Astarte. Kidron ; a tor- vent us from taking decided measures to resist their evil
rent-bed between Jerusalem and the mount of Olives, influence.
which ran through the valley of Jehoshaphat into the
Bead sea.
17. But the high places were not taken away ; see note to In the six and thirttetli year of the reign of Asa; Baaslia
1 Kings 15:14. began to reign in the third year of Asa, and he reigned
19. Unto the five and tliirlieth year «f the reign of Asa; see twenty-four years. 1 Kings 15:33. Thus he died in the
note to chap. 16 1. : twenty-seventh year of Asa's reign. It has been supjiosed
INSTRUCTIONS. that an error has occurred in the number here given.
Qf ju(jaij^ and set garrisons in the land of
Judah, and in the cities' of Ephraim, which Asa his
father had taken.''
3 And the Lord was with Jchoshaphat, because
lie walked in the first ways of his father David,*
and sousiht not unto Baalim ;
10 And now,hohold, the children of Amman out before the army, and to say, Praise the ^i^r'aS;
and MoiiW and niouiil Soir, wliom thou wouldcst Lord;'' for Ids mercy cndureth for ever.''
not lit IsiMil invade," when they enmc out of the 22 *l And when' they began to sing and to
land of Klvi'I. ''"' *^''^y tui""cd from them,'' and jiraise,' the Lord set aiiiliiisimuMits against the
destrovfd lln'in not; children of Aiiimon, Moab, ami mount Heir, which
11 Behold, I say, how they reward us, to conic were come against Judah and they weje smit-
JIattuniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, came 25 And when Jeiiosha]iliat and his people eamc
the Sjjirit of the Lord in the midst of the congre- to take away the spoil of them, they found among
gation;" them in abundance both riches with the dead
1,5 And he said. Hearken ye, all Judah, and l)odies, and precious jewels, which they stripped
ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Je- oft' for themselves, more than they could carry
hoshapluit, Thus saitli the Lord unto you, Be away
and they were three days in gathering of
not afraid nor disinayi^d by reason of this great the spoil, it was so mucli.'
multitude ;'^ for the battle is not yours, but 20 • And on the fourth day they assembled them-
God's. selves in the valley of Berachah;* for there they
16 To-morrow go ye down against them be- blessed the Loud: therefore the name of the same
hold, they come up by the cliff' of Ziz; and ye place was called, The valley of Berachah, unto
shall fincl them at the end of the brook,* before this day.
the wilderness of Jeruel. 27 Then they returned, every man of Judah and
17 Ye sliall not 7ieed to fight in this battle: set Jerusalem, and Jcliosliafihat in the fore-front* of
yourselves, stand ye st'd','^ and see the salvation of them, to go again to Jerusalem with joy for the ;
the Loud with you, Judah and Jerusalem: fear Lord had made them to rejoice over their eue-
not, nor be dismayed to-morrow go out against mies."
» Dcut. •J:4,9, 19. b Num. 20:31. cpsa. 83:12. d Psa. 12:): 1, 2. ' ch.
15:1, 2; 21:20; Num. 11:25, 26; 21:2; Isa. 65:24; Dan. 9:20. 21.
Pch. 7:3, 0. <1 Psa. 136. i Heh. in the time that. I Heb. m
f ch. praise. 1 Ox, smote one another, p Judg. 7:22; 1 Sam. 14:20. Heb. for
32:7, 8; txod. 14:13, 14; Deal. 1:29, 30; 31:0, 8; Isa. 43:1, 2. ' Heb.
the destruction. 'Bxod. 14:30: 1 Chr. 5:22; Isa. 37:36. t Heb. there was
ascent. MJ,, valUy. B Isa. 30:7, 15; Lam. 3:26. Ii Num. 14:9; Rom. 8:31. not an escaping, Ezra 9:14. > Ezek. 39:8-10. I That is. Blessing, i Heb.
iEiod.4:31. J Job 1:20; Psa. 95:0. k Neh. 12:42, 43. Psa. hi :1; 93:1,
1 head. " Neh. 12:43. » ch. 17:10. " ch. 15:15; Job 34:29. i 1 Kings
2. n Isi. 7:9; Heb. 11:6. n ch. 5:13. \ Keh. praism of. olChr. 16:29. 22:41, ych. 17:6. I ch. 12:14; 19:3; Deut. 29-4.
10. Mount
Seir ; a mnunt.ainous country south of the bushments cannot be clearly determined. Some have sup-
Dead by the Edomites.
sea, inhabited posed that they consisted of bands of angels others, that ;
16.Ziz; a pass at Engedi, by which the enemy would through the influence of a spirit of jealousy and discord,
go up to the interior of Judah. Brook; or ravine. one portion of the allied forces set ambushments against
20. Tekoa ; a place south of Bethlehem, on the border of the rest; others still, that, by a delusion sent upon them
the desert. It lay on the route from Jerusalem to Engedi, from God, the ambushments which they had set for Judah
and appears to have been connected with " the wilderness fell upon their own allies. Were smitten; rather, as in the
of Jeruel," ver. 16. margin, " smote one another."
22. The Lord set ambiidiments ; the nature of these am- 26. Berachah; that is, blessing.
R "s™"' 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehosha- 5 IT Jehoram was thirty and two years old when
phat, first and last, behold, they are written in the he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in
book* of Jehu the son of Hanani, who is men- Jerusalem.
tioned* in the book of the kings of Israel. 6 And he walked in the way of the kings of Is-
35 If And after this did Jelioshaphat king of rael, like as did the house of Ahab for he had :
Judah join himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, the daughter of Ahab to wife:*^ and he wrought
who did very wickedly: that v'/iich was evil in the eyes of the Lokd.
36 And he joined himself with him to make 7 Ilowljoit the Loud would not destroy the
ships to go to Tarshish " and they made the ships
house of David, because of the covenant that he
in Ezion-gcber. had made with David, and as he promised to give
37 Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah a light* to him and to his sons for ever.'''
prophesied against Jelioshaphat, saying, Because 8 f In his days the Edomites revolted from un-
thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord der the dominion'' of Judah, and made themselves
hath broken thy works."* And the ships were bro- a king.
ken, that they were not able to go to Tarsliish.'= 9 Then Jehoram went forth with his princes,
and all his chariots with him and he rose up by :
NOW Jelioshaphat slept with his fathers, and cause he had forsaken the Lord God of his fa-
was buried with his fathers in the city of thers.
David.'* And Jehoram his son reigned in his stead. 11 Moreover he made high places in the moun-
2 And he had brethren the sons of Jehoshapliat, tains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Je-
Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zochariah, and Azariah, rusalem to commit fornication,'' and compelled
and Michael, and Shephatiah: all these were the Judah thereto.
sons of Jelioshaphat king of Israel. 12 1 And there came a writing to him from Eli-
3 And their father gave them great gifts of sil- jah the prophet, saying. Thus saith the Lord God
ver, and of gold, and of precious things, with of David thy father, because thou hast not walked
fenced cities in Judah but the kingdom gave ho in the ways of Jelioshaphat thy father, nor in the
34. Wko is mentioned; or, who is brought into; that is, 12. The less we depend upon ourselves or creatures,
whose writings are inserted. and the more entire our dependence is on God, the more
go to Tarshish; in 1 Kings 22:4S, it is said
36. Skips to certainly will help come from him.
that Jehoshaphat " made ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir 15. When God undertakes to fight for his people, how-
for gold." The ships were made at Ezion-gcber, on the ever numerous or powerful their foes, he will give his
eastern arm of the Red sea, which was tlie port fur Ophir. people the victory, and in such a manner as to manifest
It has been supposed that by "ships of Tarshish" are his own glory.
meant ships of a particular construction fitted for navi- 20. Faith in God is an earnest of success, and prepares
gating the open sea, such as tliose originally emplf)yed in the soul to liail his interposition with gladness and jo}-.
the trade with Tarsliish and that in process of time all
; 23. God can grant deliverance to his people, by leaving
ships of this form and size were called "ships of Tarshish," their enemies to fight against and destroy one another
without regard to their destination. But in the present so that while his people stand still, they see the salvation
passage the ships are made " to go to Tarshish." How of God.
this statement is to be reconciled with that in Kings is 29. The fear of the Lord is the best security of his peo-
not agreed. Some have assumed the existence of a sec- ple, and when he gives them rest and quietness none shall
ond Tarshish in the direction of Ophir; others, that the make them afraid.
fleet was expected to circumnavigate Africa, taking Ophir 35. Good men who unite with the wicked, dishonor God,
on its way, and returning by Tarshish in Spain. II is injure his cause, and bring disappointment, trouble, and
possible, however, that, in the days of tlie author of the distress upon themselves.
Chronicles, "Tarshish" had come to be an indefinite term
for remote regions that must be approached by sea. CHAPTER XXI.
1. TIic city of David; the of Zion, chap. 5:2.
INSTRUCTIONS. 4. Slew ail his brethren; lest they should rebel against
This is a world of trials, and none in passing through
3. his authority.
it can escape them but if they, in despair of all human
; 10. Libnah; in the south-western part of Judah.
help, look to the Lord and depend upon him, he will in 12. A writing ; it is commonly supposed that Elijah pre-
due time appear for them and grant them relief. pared this awful message before his death by God's direc-
7. The past mercies of God should be remembered with tion, and left it to be communicated to .Ichonim at the
gratitude, and may be pleaded as reasons for the continu- proper time just as he fulfilled the command to anoint
ance of his favors and for the bcstowment of future bless- Jehu king over Israel and Hazael king over Syria, not in
ings. his own person, but by the ministry of others.
.IMoram'i wntcXtti end. 2 ( IIIIUNICKKS XXII. Al/rilii/i u^uryclli the thront.
tliy lircthron of thy fiitlier's house," whidi were Aliab: for his mother was his counsellor ^"c.'eaX:
belter thiiii thvsfll':
to ilo wickedly.'
4 Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord
14 Urhol.l. witli a t' phifruc' will the Lonn
smile tiiy ].eople, ami thy children, uud thy wives, like the lioiist; of Ahab: for they were his coun-
sellors, after the deatii of his father, to his destruc-
and all thv l' is:
of thy Ixiwels," initil thy bowels fall out by reason .5 ^ He walked also alter their couusel,'' and went
of th(« sickness day by day. with Jehoram the son of Aliali king of Israel to
1(> ^ Moreover the Loui) stirred up against
Jo- war against llazael king of Syria at Kamoth-gil-
horam the spirit of the Philistines, and of the ead: and the Syrians smote .loram.
Aralii^iiis. that mrc near the Ethiopians:'-' And he returned to be healed in Jczreel be-
17 they cantc up into Jndaii, and brake
And cause of the wounds which were given him' atRa-
into it, and carried away* all tlic substance tliat mali, when he fought with llazael king of Syria.'
was fmind in the kin;^''s house, and his sons also, And Azariali' tiie son of Jehoram king of Judah
ami his wives; so that there was never a son left went down to see Jehoram the sou of Ahab at Jcz-
jiiui, save Jehoahaz,' the younsest of his sons. reel, because he was sick.
IS •] And after all this' the Lord smote him in 7 And the destruction' of Ahaziah was of God
his bowels with an incurable disease.** by coming to Joram:"' for when he was come, he
I'.l And it came to pass, that in process of time, went out with Jeiioram against Jehu the son of
after the end of two years, his bowels fell out by Nimslii," whom the Lord had anointed to cut off
reason of his sickness so he died of sore diseases.
the of
And his people made no burning for him, like the 8 Andcame to pass, that, when Jehu was ex-
burning of his fathers." ecuting judgment u])oii tlie jioiise of Ahab," and
20 Thirty and two years old was he when he be- found the princes of Judah, and tiie sons of the
pjan to reijrn, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight brethren of Ahaziali, that ministered to Ahaziah,
years, ami departed without being desired.^'' How- he slew them.''
bcit they buried him in the city of David, but not 9 And he souglit Ahaziah :'i and they caught liim,
in the sepulclu'cs of the kings. for he was hid in Samaria, and brought him to
Jehu: and when tiiey had slain him, they buried
iiim Because, said they, he is the son of Jeliosha-
CHAPTER XXII. phat,"' who sought the Lord with all his heart."
So tiie house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still
1 Ahaziah succeeding rci^neth wickedly. 5 In liis confederacy with
10 Athaliah, destroying
the kingdom.
Joram the son of Ah^b, he is slain by Jehu.
all the seed royal, save Joash, whom Jchoshabeath his aunt hid, usurp- 10 •} But when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah
eth till- kingdom.
saw tiiat her son was dead, she arose and destroy-
AND the inhabitants of Jerusalem
ziah his youngest son king in
made Aha- ed
his stead :°
all the seed royal of the house of Judah.'
11 But Jchoshabeath,^ the daughter of the king,
for the band of men that came with the Ara- took Joash the sou of Ahaziah, and stole him from
bians to the camp had slain all the elders. So among the king's sons that were slain, and ]iut
Ahaziah the sou of Jehoram king of Judah him and his nurse in a bed-chamber. So Jeho-
reigned. slialieatli, the daughter of king Jehoram, the wife
2 Forty and two years old icas Ahaziah when he of Jeiioiada the priest, (for she was the sister of
began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jeru- Ahaziah,) hid him from Atlialiah, so that she slew
salem. Uis mother's name also icas Athaliah the him not.
daughter of Omri.'" 12 And he was with fheiii hid in the house of God
3 He also walked in the wavs of the house of six years: and Athaliah reigned over the land.
» Vcr. -1. •\IA. stroke, b vt-r. Is, 19. c 1 Kings 11 :14,SJ; Isa. 10:5, B. whcrewillt they wounittd liitn. 2 King^ i):l.'i. ^ Called Ahaziah, ver. 1;
t Heb. mptive, cli. 'ii-.l. i Or, Ahaziah^ ch. '22;1; or, Azariah^ ch. 2d:G. and Je/iofl/ms. ch. 21 17. ' Hfh. tTeadingtioivn. mch. 10:15; Deut. 32:35;
•Iver. 15-, Aclsl-ii-it. ech.l6:14. 5 Heb. rfesire. fjer.22:18. Kch.21:17; Juds. 14:4; I Kings 12:15; Hos 14:9. n 2 Kings 9:21. o 2 Kings 9:6, 7.
T«. 0; 'JKingi 8:44, etc. h ch. 21:8. " Gen. 27:12. W; Deut. 7:9. 4; P 2 Kings 10:12-14. q 2 Kings 9:27. r 1 Kings 14:13. 'ch. 17:4. t 2 Kings
13:8-10; Matt. 10:37; Acts 4:19. J Prov. 12:5. k Miclh 6:16. I Heb. 11:1. etc. t Jebosheha, 2 Kings 11:2.
19. .Vo burning ; of sweet spices, as a mark of honor. two," which must be the right reading, since Jehoram his
20. Without being desired ; the people did not desire that father was but forty years old when he died. See chapter
ho should live, nor did they mourn his death. 21:20.
9. He was hid in Samaria; see note to 2 Kings 9:27.
10. Destroyed all the seed royal; that they might not dis-
Divine grace is not inherited; and no parent know
turb her in reigning over the people.
what will be the state of his children after he is dead.
C. Intimate connections with the openly wicked tend to IXSTRUCTIOXS.
corrujit the heart, debase the character, and ripen the soul 3. Those parents who counsel their children to do wrong,
for the ven;;caiif-e of Hod. are often the means of their destruction, temporal and
12. Tht; wickedness of the wicked is all known to Jeho- eternal.
vah, and in <lue time he will punish it as it deserves. 5. Those who knowingly do wrong are not unfrequently
18. The effects of sin are often terrible in this world, and given up of God to pursue such courses as involve them-
dreadful warnings of the misery which awaits it in the selves and their connections in irretrievable ruin.
world to come. 10. The judgments of God upon the wicked, instead of
being improved as a warning against sin, are sometimes
CHAPTER XXII. made the occasion of greater transgressions, which bring
2. Forty and two; in 2 Kings 8:2C, we find " twenty and down heavier divine judgments.
» -i Kill
TJ>c Umplc U repaired. 2 CII HO NICLES XX I V. Idolatry and dcUh of Joash.
as did the w^ork of the service of the house of the they left him in great diseases,) his own servants
Loud, and hired masons and carpenters to repair conspired against him for the blood of the sons of
tlie liDuso of the Lord, and also such as wrought Jehoiada the priest," and slew him on his bed, and
iron and brass to mend the house of the Lord" he died: and they buried him in the city of Da-
»-iKmgilI:'Jl; 12:1, etc. b ch. 28:5; I«a. 29:13. '
Heb. renru: c Exnd. 25:4; 20:5. P Psa. 95:7. fe; Acts 7:51. 1 Hcb. ctolAerf, Judg. G:.34. q Nam.
30:12-16. li Num 1:50; Acts 7:44. ech. 21:17. r Eiek. 16:17-10; Hos. H:41. r ch. 15:-'. > Jcr. H:I8. t Mitt. 21:.35; 23:3.5; Acts 7:58, 59.
2:8,13. tHcb. coiM. s ver. «. ho Cor. 9:7. i Cor. IB: 2. t Heb. (/i« 1 " I'rov. 17:l:l.» Psa. 10:14; Jer, 51 :56; Luke 11 :51 ; 2 Tim. 4:16. 1 Heb.
/lealing went up upon the icork. < Or, ptslits. i ch. 23; vcr. 2, 12, N. intliertvohuianof. w 2 Kings 12:17. • Heb. DnrmMcA". i Lev 26:37;
k I'rnv 26:y. iPro». 29:12. » 1 Kings 14:23. o ch. 28:13: 29:1:'; 3(!:I4- Dent. 32::!0; I,a. :)0:17. y Lev. 26:25; Deut. 28:25, 48. » ch. 22:8; Isa.
10; JuJs- 5:9; Hos. 5:10. 14; Zcph. l:4-<i; Eph. 5:0. o Jor. 7-2.5. 20: 10:5. >ver. 21,12.
17. Made obeisance to the kinsr rendered him homage, Joash for liis sins.
: :
K.v.:m!'' vid, but they buriod liim not in tlic sepul- able to go forth to war, that coukl handle spear
chres of tlic kings. and sliield.
2() And are they that conspired against
tliese hired also a hundred thousand mighty men
iiini: Zabad' tlie sou of Sliimoatli an Aminonitess, of valor out of Israel for a hundred talents of silver.
and Jchozabad the son of Siiimrith* a Moabitcss. 7 But tiiere came a man of God to him, saying,
27 1^ Now concerning his sons, and tlie greatness king, let not the army of Israel go witii thee;
of the burdens laid upon him, and the repairing* for the Lord is not with Israel, to wit, with all the
of the house of God, beliold, they arc written in children of Ephraim.
the story^ of the boolc of the Icings. And Ama- 8 But if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for tlie
ziali his son reigned in his stead. battle God shall make thee fall before the enemy
27. Burdens; either burdens in the sense of heavy judg- their conduct that their appearance of religion sprung
ments from God, or as the same word is rendered in from regard to men, not to God.
chap. 17:11, burdens of tribute impcsed on him by the 19. Apostates who have cast off the fear of the Lord,
conquerors. are exceedingly averse to being reproved for their sins,
and often hate, persecute, and even kiU those who reprove
2. It is a great blessing for men, especially when young, 22. Though God sometimes suffers the wicked to kill
to be surrounded with wise and pious counsellors and his servants, and their punishment may be for a while
in following their advice they will find the ways of wis- delayed, it will, unless they repent, in due time overtake
dom to be ways of pleasantness and her paths to be paths them.
of peace. 24. With a very small company God can easily overcome
4. JIany are zealous in the externals of religion who and desolate the counti-y of those who rebel against him.
have no real piety; and wlio, when left to the Hattery of and show them, by their punishment, his wrath against
the wicked, will cast off the appearance of religion and be their iniquity.
guilty of the most abominable iniquity.
7. Wicked rulers, by their profane ti-eatment of sacred
(hings, corrupt the hearts of the people and bring down 2. He did tliat wliicli u-as riglit ; extcrnalij', and for a time,
u|)on them the just judgments of (iod. He liired also n livndred titousand miglity men; to assist
10. When rulers and those in MUtlioritj' set the example him in a war which he proposed against tJie Edomites.
I'f outward respect for divine things, multitudes are ready 11. Children of Seir ; Edomites.
to follow and many will give of their .substance to repair
; 12. Unto tlie top of the rock; the word in the original for
and decorate houses of worshiji. who will not give their rock is Scia, the same as that used in 2 Kings 14:7. Sela
hearts to God. is generally considered to have been the same as Petra,
17. When pious persons who have been instrumental in (rock,) a celebrated city of Edom lying in ;i v:\lley sur-
keeping up public worship are removed by death, sur- rounded by precipices of rock, from which it received its
vivors who have no love for it often renounce it, and show name.
(llodncminst Amaziiili.nml hoscnt UIl(ollilnuflropll- God with Oiied-edotn, and the treasures *k', 'S:
.i. wliirli >:ii.i unto him, Why Imst thou HOUjrht of tlie king's house, the hostages also, and return-
after tho goils of \\\o pniph-. which coiilil not de- j
ed to Samaria.
liver their own iK-ojih- oiil 25 • And .\iiiaziah the son of Joasli king of Ju-
of thy hanii?" I
that the kinfr said unto iiini. Art tliou made of tlio haz king of Israel liftcen years."
kinir's counsel? forliear; why phouldest tliou bo 2(1 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, first
smitten? Then tho |iro|iliel forliare, and said, 1 an<l last, behold, are they not written in the book
know tliaf God hath delenninod* to destroy thee, of the kings of .ludah and Israel?
hecaiise tiiou iiast done this, and hast not iieark- 27 IT Nr)w after tiie time that Amaziah did turn
oned unto my counsel.'' away from following" the Lokd'' they made a con-
17 • Then Amaziah king of Jiidah took advice, s|)iraey' against him in Jerusalem and he lied to ;
jind sent to Joash, the son of Jehoaiiaz, the son of Lachish but they sent to Lachisli after him, and :
Jehu, king of Israel, saying. Come, let us see one slew him there.
anotlier in the face.'' 28 And they brouglit him upon horses, and buried
IS And .loash king of Israel sent to Amaziah him with his fathers in the city of Judah.'
king of .luilah, saying. The thistle* that was in Leb-
anon sent to tlie cedar that leas in Lebanon, say-
ing. Give thy daughter to my ,«on to wife: and
I Uzziah succeeding, antl reijcning well in the days of Zechariah, pro»-
there passed by a wild beast* that was in Lebanon, pereth. !15 Waxing proud, lie invadetli the priest's ofiice, and is smit^
and trodo down the thistle. ten with leprosy. 22 He ciieth, and Jotham succeedeth him.
God.'' that ho might deliver them into the hand of to reign, and he reigned lifty and two years in
t 'icir enemies, because they sought after the gods of Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Jecoliah
Edom. of Jerusalem.
21 So Joash the king of Israel went up; and 4 And he did that which was right in tlie sight
they saw one another in the face, both ho and Ama- of tlie Lokd, according to all that liis father Ama-
ziah king of Judah, at Beth-shemcsh, which belong- ziah did.
ct/i to Judah. .5 And he souglit God in the days of Zechariah.'
22 And Judali was put to the'' before Is- who had understanding in the visions^ of God
rael, ami they fled every man to his tent. and as long as he sought the Lord, God made
2:5 And .loash the king of Israel took Amaziah hiin to prosper."
king of .ludali, the son of Joash, tlic son of Jehoa- 6 And he went forth and warred against the Phil-
iiaz," at Beth-shemesh, and brought him to Jeru- istines, and brake down the wall of Gath, and the
salem, and brake down the wall of Jerusalem from wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built
tli(! gate of Ephraim to the corner-gate,' four hun- cities about Ashdod,' and among tho Philistines.
dred cubits.' 7 And God helped him against the Philistines,'
24 And he took all the gold and the silver, and and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gur-baal,""
all the vessels that were found in the house of and the Meliunim.
Ihallooketh. fch. 20:9. e 2 Kings 14:17, etc. ^ Veb. after, h ch. 15:2.
17. Let ii.% see one anotlier ; let us try our strength togetliiT
in battle.On tliis whole narrative, verses 17-24, see 2 Kings
14:8-14, and the notes upon that passage.
2. Many for a time do that externally which is right,
who have no supreme regard to God, and whose services
for this reason are not accepted of him.
5. When men engage in projects without asking coun-
sel of the I^ord, they may expect them to be sources of
trouble, if not of ruin.
7. >fen, out of regard to their own interests merely,
sometimes do externally as tho Lord directs, and thus
save themselves from many of the evils which would
otherwise come upon them.
9. Men are often very reluctant to do what is right, on
B.'c'sw'*' 8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uz- passed ; neither shall it he for thine honor from the
ziah:'' and his name spread* abroad even to the Lord God.J
entering in of Egypt: for he strengthened /w'otsp//" 19 Then Uzziah was wroth,'' and Aarf a censer in
exceedingly. his hand to burn incense and while he was wroth :
9 Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at with the priests, the leprosy even rose up in his
the corner-gate,'' and at the valloy-gate, and at the forehead before the priests in the house of the
turning of the wall, and Ibrtilicd* them. Lord, from beside the incense-altar.'
10 Also he built towers in the desert, and dig- 20 And Azariah the chief priest, and all tlie
ged many wells :* for he had much cattle, both in priests, looked upon him, and behold, he uas lep-
the low country, and in the plains husbandmen rous in his forehead, and they thrust him out from
a'so, and vine-dressers in the mountains, and in thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out,"' be-
Carmol:^ for he loved husbandry.' cause the Lord had smitten him.
11 Moreover Uzziah had a host of fighting men, 21 And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the
that went out to war by bands, according to the day of his death," and dwelt in a several* house,
number of their account by the hand of Joiel the bein^ a leper ;° for he was cut off from the house of
scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the hand of the Lord and Jotham his son was over the king's :
Hananiah, one of the king's captains. house, judging the people of the land.
12 The whole number of the chief of the fathers 22 IT Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and
of the mighty men of.valor ircre two thousand and last, did Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, write.P
six hundred. 23 So Uzziah slept with his fathers,'' and they
13 And under their hand was an army,'' three buried him with his fathers in the field of the
hundred thousand and seven thousand and five burial which belonged to the kings for they said, ;
hundred, that made war with mighty power, to He is a leper and Jotham his sou reigned in his :
14. Habergeons ; armor covering the neck and breast. and are angry at just rebukes, may expect to be visited
21. Several house; one separate from all others. with the sore judgments of heaven.
21. Sin is a source of great calamities here, and if not
INSTRUCTIONS. repented of, will cause endless misery hereafter.
Those who rightly seek the Lord will not want any
good thing, hut may expect to prosper both for this life CHAPTER XXVIL
and the life to come. 2. He entered not into the temple; as Uzziah rashly did to
7. Help from God is needful in all human undertakings, burn incense. Chap. 26:16.
and those who receive it may hope to triumph over all 3. Ophel ; a ridge on the eastern side of Jerusalem run-
their foes. ning in a southern direction from Moriah, and terminating
10. Husbandry
is a most healthful, honorable, and use- at the junction of the valley of Hinuom with the valley of
ful ciii]iloymrntand one which has engaged the attention
; Jehoshaphat.
and some of the wisest and best of mankind.
tlie lalior.s of INSTRUCTIONS.
14. Dependence on God, when rightly viewed, will not 2. Men who imitate the virtues and avoid the vices of
prevent the diligent use of means, or hinder one from those who have gone before them, may expect the bless-
making all proper efforts to accomplish his ends. ing of God.
16. When men are greatly prosjiered, unless kept lium- 6. Those who in all their ways acknowledge God, and
ble by divine grace they will be lifted up with pride, and whatever they do, do it heartily from love to his name
in the gratification of it work out their ruin. and service, will rise to groat eminence in spiritual life,
19. Men who refuse to hearken to friendly warnings, be blessed in death, and glorious to eternity.
Uileiil.s of silver, ami t«'ii lliniisiiKi nifiisiin's of women, sons, ami daughters, and took also *ii"-.'?I?:
wlioal, anil ten thoii.-and of liaili'v. So' iiiucli did away much spoil from them, and brought the spoil
llio cliildrcn of Amnion pay unto liiin, Lotli the to Samaria.
."iiH-ond yt'ar, and tlu' third. Lord was there, whose
9 Hut a projihct of the
6 So Jothain licranif niijjhty," because lie pre- name u-as Oded and he went out before the host
imicd' his ways before the Loitl) his God.'' that came to Samaria, and said unto them. Behold,
7 * Now the rest of the acts of .Jothani, and all because tlie Louu God of your fathers was wroth
his wars, and hi.s ways, io, tliey are written in the with Judah, he hath delivered them into your
liook of the Jvinirs of Israel and .ludah. hand, and ye have slain them in a rage //<«/ reach-
S He was five and twenty years ohl wlien he eth u]) unto heaven.'
bepan to reign, and reigned sixteen years in Jeru- 10 And now ye purpose to keep under the chil-
salem. dren of Judah and Jerusalem for liondmen and
;> * .\nd Jothain slept with liis fathers, and they bondwomen unto you:'" but are there not with
liiiiii'il him in tlie city of David and Aliaz his son : you, even with you, sins against the Lord your
roigned in his stead. God?"
1 Now hear me therefore, and deliver the
cajitivcs again," which ye have taken captive of
CHAPTER XXVIII. your brethren : for the fierce wrath of the Loiti)
1 Ahiz reining very wickedly is greatly alTlicted by the Syrians. C isupon you.''
.rud.-ih being made
captive by the Ismelitus, is sent home by the counsel 12 Then certain of the heads of the children of
of Oded tlie prophet. IG Ahaz sending for aid to Assyria is not helped
ihcrebv. 22 In his distress he groweth more idolatrous. 2G He dy- Ephraim, Azariali the son of Jolianan, Berechiah
ing, liezekiah succeedelh him. the son of Jlcshillemoth, and Jehiskiah the son
AHAZ wasandtwenty years old when he beiran
he reigned
reign, years Jeru- si.xteen in
to of Shalluin, and Amasa the son of Iladlai, stood
up against them that came from the war,
salem :" but he did not that which was right in the 13 And said unto them. Ye shall not bring in
sight of the Loud, like David his father: the captives hither: for whereas we have offended
2 For he wallccd in the ways of tlie kings of Is- against the Loud already, ye intend to add more
rael, and made also molten images'' for Baalim. to our sins and to our trespass for our trespass
'd Moreover he burnt incense' in the valley of the is great, and there is fierce wrath against Israel.
son of IIinnom,'^and burnt his children in the lire," 14 So the armed men left the captives and the
after the abominations of the licathcu whom the spoil before the princes and all the congregation.
IjORI)had cast out before the children of Israel. 1.5 And the men which were expressed by name
4 IIo sacrificed also and burnt incense in the rose up,"" and took the captives, and with the spoil
high places, and on the hills, and under every green clothed all that were naked among them, and ar-
tree. rayed them, and shod them, and gave them to cat
Wherefore tlie Loud his God delivered him
5 and to drink,'' and anointed them, and carried all
into the hand of the king of Syria;'' and they the feeble of them upon asses," and brought tlieiii
smote him, and carried away a great multitude of to Jericho, the city of palm-trees,' to their breth-
tliein captives, and brought them to Damascus.^ ren then they returned to Samaria. :
And he was also delivered into the hand of the IG 11 At that time did king Ahaz send unto the
king of Israel, who smote him with a great slaugh- kings of Assyria to help him."
ter. 17 For again the Edomites had come and smit-
6 For Pckah the son of Remaliali slew in Judah ten Judah,^' and carried away captives.*
a hundred and twenty thousand in one day,' which 18 The Philistines also had invaded the citiea
were all valiant men;' because they had for.saken of the low country, and of the south of Judah, and
the Loiii) God of their fathers.^ had taken Beth-shemesh, and Aijalon, and Gede-
7 And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, slew roth, and Soco with the villages thereof, and Tim-
Maasciah the king's son, and Azrikam the gover- nah with the villages thereof, Gimzo also and the
nor of the house, and Elkanah that was next^ to villages thereof:"' and they dwelt there.
tlic king. 19 For the Lord brought Judah low because of
8 l^And the children of Israel carried away Ahaz king of Israel ;'' for he made Judah nakcd,^
captive of their brethren two hundred thousand," and transgressed sore against the Lord.
• Hfh. This. »ch. 20:5. 1 Or, eslaitished. b ch. 19:3. c -2 Kings 16i2, Isa. 10:5-7; 47:8; Jer. 50:17, 13: Ezek. 25:12-17; 26:2, 3: ObaJ. 10, etc.;
'tc. "lEiod.IU;!?; Lev. 19:4. » Judg. 2:11; Hos. a;^, 17. I Or, o/Tercrf Zech. 1:15; Rev. 18:5. m Lev.'25:39, etc. " Jer. 25:29: Matt. 7:2-J
MUTlfiee. l2KinEs23:10. s ch. 33:0; Uv. 18:21 Psa. 106::)7; Jer. :i-2:35;
; Isa. .18:6; .Ter. 31:14. p Jas. 2:1.3. q ver. 12. r 3 Kirgs 6:22; Prov.
Kr.ek. lfi:20, 21; Micah 0:7. h I<a. 7:1. ! Heb. BaTTtlesek. > 2 Kings 2.5:21,22; Luke 6:27, 35. sRom.l5:l. I Deut. 34:3; Judg. 1: 16. ''2Kings
1.1:27. I Heb. .tons of valor, i Deut. 31:16, 17; Jojh. 21:20; Isa. 1:2S; 16:7. V Obad. 10. 13. 14. •
Heb. a eaptivUy. " Ezek. 10:27, 57. « Psd.
Jer.I5:0. 1 Heb. Ilit second. kch.ll:4. Gen. 4:10; Ezra9:6:Psa. 69:20;
I 100:4:). y Exod. 32:2.3; Rev. 3:17, IS; 16:15.
tains a full history of all the events that took place. Each
XXVIII. writer gives those incidents which he was guided by the
;;. Uinnom ; a valley commencing on divine Spirit to record, and the order in which they hap-
Valley of the son of
the western side of Jerusalem, sweeping round it to the pened cannot be certainly determined. It is probable,
.south, and so entering the valley of Jehoshaphat, which however, that the great slaughter recorded in verse 6 of
runs on the eastern side. this chapter took place before the attempt to besiege
5. The kinp; of Syria : who was confederate with Pekah Jerusalem mentioned in Kings and Isaiah.
king of Israel. 2 Kings 16:.^; Isa. 7:1, 2. Of the three 18. Cities of the low country; towns of Judah lying in the
ilifferent accounts which we have of this war 2 Kings — eastern part of the plain that borders on the Mediterranean.
in: 5-9, Is.i. 7:l-!i. and the present passage no one con- — 10. yalcerl ; weak and defenceless.
1 : : :
B.c:\v& 20 And Tilgatli-pilneser king of Assyria vites, and gathered them together into the east
camo unto him, and distressed liim,* but strength- street,
ened him not. 5 And said unto them, Hear me, ye Levites, sanc-
21 For Ahaz took away a portion out of the tify now yourselves,^ and sanctify the house of the
house of the Lord, and out of tlie house of the Lord God of your fathers, and carry forth the
king, and of the princes, and gave it unto the king filthiness out of tlie holy place.^
of Assyria but he helped him not.
6 For our fathers have trespassed, and done that
22 1' And in the time of liis distress did he tres- ichich u-as evil in the eyes of the Lord our God,'
pass yet more against the Lord this is that king and have forsaken him, and have turned away
they were the ruin of him, and of all Israel." the God
of Israel.
24 And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of 8 Wherefore the wrath of the Lord was upon
tlie house of God, and cut in pieces the vessels of Judah and Jerusalem," and he hath delivered them
the house of God, and shut up the doors of the to trouble,^ to astonishment, and to hissing,'' as ye
house of the Lord,* and he made him altars in see with your eyes.
every corner of Jerusalem. have fallen by the sword,"!
9 For, lo, our "fathers
25 And in every several city of Judah he made and our sons and our daughters and our wives are
high places to burn* incense unto other gods," and in captivity for this.
provoked to anger the Lord God of his fathers. 10 Now it is in my heart to make a covenant
26 1 Now the rest of his acts and of all his with the Lord God of Israel,'' that his fierce wrath
ways, first and last, behold, they are written in the may turn away from us.
book of the kings of Judali and Israel. 1 My sons, be not now negligent for the Lord :
27 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they hath chosen you to stand before him,'' to serve him,
buried him in the city, even in Jerusalem but they ;
and that ye should minister unto him, and burn
brought him not into the sepidchresof the kings of incense.^
Israel and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead.
12 IThen the Levites arose, Mahath the son of
Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah, of the sons
of the Kohathites:' and of the sons of Merari
CHAPTER XXIX. Kish the son of Abdi, and Azariah the son of Je-
1 Hezekiah's good reign. 3 He restoreth religion. 5 He exhorteth the halelel: and of the Gershonites; Joah the son of
Levites. \2 They sanctify themselves, and cleanse the house of Ciod.
20 Hezekiah otTereth
Ziinmah, and Eden the son of Joah
solemn sacrifices, wherein the Levites were more
forward than the priests. 13 And of the sons of Elizaphan Shimri, and ;
HEZEKIAH began to reign when he was five Jeiel and of the sons of Asaph Zechariah, and : ;
2 And he did that which was right in the sight 15 And they gathered their brethren, and sanc-
of the Lord, according to all that David his father tified themselves," and came, according to the com-
had done. mandment of the king, by the words' of the Lord,
3 IT He in the first year of his reign,*" in the first to cleanse the house of the Lord.''
month, opened the doors of the house of the Lord,' 16 And the priests went into the inner part of
and repaired them. the house of the Lord, to cleanse it, and brought
4 And he brought in the priests and the Le- out all the uncleanness that they found in the tem-
a 2 Kings 15:i!9; 16:7-9. • Heb. Barme.wi. b Jer. 10:.5; 44; 17-4S. « Isa. modon, Deut. 2S:25. P 1 Kings 9:8; Jer. 1-<:15, 10; 25:9, 1*. 1 ch. a-i:5,
8, etc.; Lam. I Or, deceived. • Num. 3:0. 7; 18:2-6.
1:23; Hos. 13:9. d ch. 29:.3, 7. 1 Or, offer, e Jer. 11:1.3. 'a Kings 18:1, 5:7. r ch. 15:12.
s ch. 26:5. h Psa. 101:3; Gal. 1:16. H Or, offer sacrifice. ' JInm 4:2, etc. u ver. 5. • Or, in. tke business.
etc. i ver. 7. j ch 33:0; 1 Chr.
15:12. k Ezek. 8:3, 9, etc. I Neh. 9:10. m Jer. 2:27; Ezek. 8: 16. 1 Heb. » 1 Chr. 23:28.
gictn the luek. n ch. 28:24; ver. 3; Mai. 1:10. o oh. 24:18. § Heb. coin-
20. Distressed him; by the heavy tribute which he ex- sins, instead of leading them to repentance, wiU, if they
acted of him. are themselves, lead them to trespass more and
left to
INSTRUCTIONS. more, they being often reproved, and hardening their
Loudinto (ho court of the liotisc of tlic with the trumpets,'' and with the instru- *ii"o.'?i5:
tie of the
.<»iin.* thf Li'viios took it, to carry it out
Ami incuts^ nrduimd by David king of Israel.
nliroiid into the l)rook Kiilron. 28 And all tiic congregation worshipped, and
17 Now tlii'v lifpiii on the first day of the first the singers' sang, and tiie truiii|)cters sounded:
niontli to .siiiiiiry, mul on tlie cij^lith day of the and all this contintud until the burnt-offering was
niontli came they to the porch of tlie Loud:'' so finished.
tlicy sanctified "tlie house of the Lokd in eight 2'J -Viid wiii'n they had made an end of offering,
davs; and in tiie sixteenth day of the iirst mouth tlie king and all that were present^ with liini
tliey made an end. bowed themselves,' and worshipped.
IS Then they wont Hezckiali tlie king, and
in to ?A) Moreover Ilezekiah the king and the princes
gaid, We have' cleansed all the house of the Lord, commanded the Levites to sing praise unto the
and the altar of buriit-offering, with afll the vessels Lord with the words of David, and of Asaph the
tliereof, and the show-bread table, with all the ves- seer. And tliey sang praises with gladness,'" and
sels thereof. they bowed their iicads and wor.-^hipped."
19 Moreover which king Ahaz in
all the vessels, 31Then Ilezekiah answered and said. Now ye
his reign did cast away in his transgression,'" have have consecrated yourselves* unto the Lord, come
we prepared and sanctified, and behold, they are near and bring sacrifices and tiiank-ofl'erings into
before the altar of the Loud. the house of the Lord." And tiie congregation
20 ?[ Then Ilczckiah the king rose early, and brought in sacrifices and thank-offerings; and as
gathered the rulers of the city, and went up to the many were of a free heart, burnt-offerings.
house of the Loud. 32 And
the number of the burnt-offerings, which
21 And they brought seven bullocks, and seven the congregation brought, was threescore and ten
rams, and seven lambs, and seven he-goats, for a bullocks, a hundred rams, a7id two hundred lambs
sin-offering for tlie kingdom, and for the sanctuary, all these icere for a burnt-offering to the Lord.
and for Judah.'' And he commanded the priests 33 And the consecrated things were six hundred
the sons of Aaron to offer tliem on the altar of the oxen and three thousand sheep.
Lord. 34 But the priests were too few, so that they
22 So they killed the bullocks, and the priests coulil not flay all the burnt-offerings: wherefore
received the blood, and sprinkled it on the altar f their brethren the Levites did hclp^ them,'' till
likewise, when they had killed the rams, they the work was ended, and until the other priesta
sprinkled the blood upon the altar: they killed had sanctified themselves: for the Levites were
also the lambs, and they sprinkled tlic blood upon more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than
the altar. the priests.''
23 And they brought forth* the he-goatsybr the 35 And also the burnt-offerings irere in abun-
sin-offering before the king and the congregation dance, with the fat of the peace-offerings,'' and
.and they laid their hands upon them: the drink-offerings for every burnt-offering.' So
24 And the priests killed tlicni, and they made the service of the house of the Lord was set in
reconciliation with tiicir blood upon the altar, to order.
make an atonement for all Israel for the king : 36 And Hezekiah rejoiced,' and all the people,
commanded that tiie burnt-offering and the sin- that God had prepared the people:" for the thing
offoring should be made for all Israel. was done suddenly.
2o And he set the Levites in the house of the
Lord with cymbals, with psalteries, and with
harps, according to the commandment of David,'
Hezekiah proclainieth a solemn passover on the second month for Ju-
and of Gad the king's seer,"^ and Nathan the 1
dah and Israel. 1.3 The assembly, having destroyed the altars of
prophet: for so was the commandment of the Lord idolatry, keep the feast fourteen days. 27 The priests and Levites
bless the people.
by' his prophets."*
2G And the Levites stood with the instruments
of David,' and the priests with the trumpets.-'
AND Hezekiah
and wrote
sent to all Israel and Judah,
letters also to Ephraim and Ma-
27 And
Hezckiali commanded to offer the burnt- should come to the house of the
nasseli, that they
offering upon the altar. And when* the burnt- Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the passover unto the
offering began, the song of the Lord began also Lord God of Israel.
• Matt. ai:ia, 13. blKingse:3. c ch. 28:31. d Lev. J:3, 14. « Lev. fo,
e-.H, etc.; Heb. 0:21. • Heb. near. » ch. 8:14; 1 Chr. 16:4; 23:5; 25:1,
«tc. S aSim. 21:11. 1 n<>b. by the hand of. h oh. 3U:12. i 1 Chr. 23:5;
P»a. 8T:7; 150:-!-5; Isa. .3-J:20. J 1 Chr. 16:6. 1 Heb. in the lime, k ch.
23: IS; Pia. 137:3, 4. i Beb. haTidi of instruments. I Heb. Jonjr. T Heb.
17. Bep;an —
to sanctify; they began apparently with the
courts of the temple, and came to the temple proper on the
eij^hth day, occupying eight days more in cleansing it.
Tiie first month; Kisan, part of >[arch and April.
3. In entering on a new eituiition, it is of great impor-
tance to begin right for the first actions may have a lead-
B.' r-'l'' 2 For the king had taken counsel, and his
princes, and all the congregation in Jerusalem, to
keep the })assover in the second month.
3 For tliey could not keep it at that time,'' be-
cause the priests had not sanctified themselves
sufficiently," neither had the people gathered them-
selves together to Jerusalem.
4 And the thing pleased' the king and all the
5 8o they establislied a decree to make procla-
mation throughout all Israel, from Beer-sheba even
to Dan, that they should come to keep the pass-
over unto the Lord God of Israel at Jerusalem
for they had not done it of a long time in such sort
as it was written."*
6 So tiie posts went with the letters from* the
king and his princes throughout all Israel and
Judah, and according to the commandment of tlie
king, saying. Ye children of Israel, turn again
uuto the Lord God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Isra-
el,'' and he remnant of you,''
will return to the
that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of
7 And be not ye like your fathers,'^ and like
your brethren, which trespassed against the Lokd
God of their fathers, who therefore gave them up
to desolation,'' as ye see.
8 Now be ye not stiff-necked,*' as your fathers
were, but yield yourselves^ unto the Lord,^ and
enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sancti-
fied for ever: and serve the Lord your God, that
the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from
9 For if ye turn again unto the Lord, your
brethren and your children shall Jind compassion
before them that lead them captive,' so that they
shall come again into this land for the Lord your
'22 And Iliv.ckiali spako coiiiforlalily iiiilo all' •1 Moreover he commanded the people *ii"'fS
Levitcs that laiiL'lit tlie piod kiiowJiMlfre of
till- that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the jHution of the
tiio LoiM':" ami lli<'_v diil cat tlirouirjidut the feast jiricsts and the Levilc.s.'' that they might bu en-
^^L•vl'll days, olloriuir jicaei'-olTcriiiirs, and making in the law of the Lord.' couraged
confostiioii to the Lmtn Godof (licir fatiit-rs.'' 5 1i And as .<oon as the commandment came
23 And liie whole usscni My took counsel to keep abroad,* the children of Israel brought in abun-
other seven days and they kept other seven days
: dance the first-fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and
with trl!>di>''''s. honey,* and of all the increase of the field ;J and
:;i For llezekiah king of Judah did give* to the the tithe of all M/zj^r.v brought they in abundantly.
congregation a thousand bullocks and seven thou- 6 And concerning the children of Israel and Ju-
sand sheep; and the princes gave to the congre- dah, that dwelt in the cities of Judah, they also
gation a thousand bullocks and ten thousand sheep brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep," ai'id the
anda groat number of priests sanctified themselves. tithe of holy things which were consecrated unto
'2'i And all the congregation of Judah, with the the Lord tiieir God, and laid them by heaps.'
priests and the Levites, and all the congregation 7 In tlic third month tiiey began to lay the foun-
that came out of Israel, and the strangers that dation of the heaps, and finished them in the
came out of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in seventh month.'
Judah, rejoiced. 8 And when Hezekiah and the princes came and
2G So there was great joy in Jerusalem for since saw the heaps, they blessed the Lord,"' and his
the time of Solomon the son of David king of Is- people Israel.
rael there was not the like in Jerusalem. 9 Then Hezekiah questioned with the i)ricsts
27 f Then the priests the Levites arose and and the fievitos concerning the heajjs.
lilessed the people: and their voice was heard, II) And Azariah the chief priest of the house of
and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling- Zadok answered him, and said, Hince the people he-
place,* even unto heaven. gan to bring the oficrings into the house of the
Lord, we have had enough to eat, and have left
CHAPTER XXXI. plenty " for the Lord hath blessed his people
1 The people is for«-ard in Jestroviug iilolatry. 2 Hezekiah ordereth and that which is left is this great store.
the courses of the priests anJ Levites, and providelh for (heir work and 11 'i Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare
maintenance. 5 The people's forwardness in offerings and tithes. 1
Hezekiah appointeth officers to dispose of the tithes. 20 The sin- chambers^ in the house of the Lord; and they
cerity of Hezekiah. prepared them,
NOW when
was finished, all Israel that
all this
went out to the cities of Ju-
present ^
12 And brought in the offerings and the tithes
and the dedicated things faitiifuUy :" over which
dah, and brak(i the images' in pieces, and cut Cononiali the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his
down the groves,*^ and threw down the high places brother was the next.
and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in 13 And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Naliath, and
Ephraim also and Manassch,'' until they had utter- Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel,and
ly destroyed them all."' Then all the children of Ismachiah, and Mahatli, and Benaiah, were over-
Israel returned, every man to his possession, into seers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his
1. In Ephraim also and Manas^eh ; in the weak and ruin-
tv.vS^' tereth into the house of the Lord, his 5 Also he strengthened himself, and built up all
daily portion for their service in their charges the wall that was broken,' and raised it up to the
according to their courses towers, and another wall without, and repaired
IT Both to tlie genealogy of the priests by the Millo in the city of David,J and made darts' and
house of their fathers, and the Levites from twen- shields in abundance.
ty years old and upward," in their charges by their G And he set captains of war over the people,
courses; and gathered them together to him in the street
18 And to the genealogy of all their little ones, of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to
their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, them,' saying,
through all the congregation for in their set of- : 7 Be strong and courageous," be not afraid nor
fice* they sanctified themselves in holiness: dismayed for the king of Assyria,' nor for all the
19 Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which multitude tiiat is with him for there he more with
icere inthe fields of the suburbs of their cities," in us than with him.'"
every several city, the men that were expressed 8 With him is an arm of flesh;" but with us is
by name," to give portions to all the males among the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our bat-
the priests, and to all that were reckoned by gen- tles." And the people rested * themselves upon the
ealogies among the Levites. words of Hezekiah king of Judah.''
20 1[ And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Ju- 9 1 After this did Sennacherib king of Assyria
dah, and wrought that ivhich was good and right send his servants to Jerusalem, (but he himself
and truth before the Lord his God."* laid siege against Lachish, and all his power* with
21 And in every work that he began in the ser- him,) unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all
vice of the house of God, and in the law, and in Judah that were at Jerusalem, saying,
tlie commandments, to seek his God, he did it 10 Thus saith Sennacherib king of Assyria,
with all his heart," and prospered/ Whereon do ye trust, that ye abide in the siege*
in Jerusalem?
CHAPTER XXXII. 11 Doth not Hezekiah persuade you to give over
1 yourselves to die by famine and by thirst, saying,
Sennacherib invading Judah, Hezekiah fortifieth himself, and encour-
9 Against the blasphemies of Sennacherib, by mes-
agetft his people.
The Lord our God shall deliver us out of the
sage and letters, Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. 21 An angel destroyeth
hand of the king of Assyria?
the host of the Assyrians, to the glory of Hezekiah. '24 Hezekiah
4 So there was gathered much people together, was able to deliver his people out of my hand, and
who stopped all tlie fountains, and the brook that out of the haud of my fathers how much less shall :
ran" through the midst of the land, saying. Why your God deliver you out of my hand?"'
should the kings of Assyria come, and find much 16 And his servants spake yet inore against the
water? Lord God, and against his servant Hezekiah.
» 1 • Or, (rus(.
Chr- 23:a4, 27. b Lev. 25:34; Num. 35:2. t ver. 12-15. 9:24.
i 2Kings 20:3; John 1:47; Acts 24:l(i; 1 Thcss. 2:10; 3 John 5. e Psa.
1" Isa. 22:9, II. i Heb. ovtrfloxced. i ch. 25:2.3. i 2 Sam. 5:9; 1 Kings
17 Ho wrote iilso letters to rail on the LiiUD 2S Storehouses also for tlie increase of %", '-jJ:
Go.l of Ii«niel, aixi to speak a^'aiiist liiiii, sayiii<r, corn, and wine, and oil and stalls for all manner
As the jroilsof the nations of oZ/kt lainls have not and cotes for flocks.
of lieasts,
deiivereil tlieir people out of niv hand, so slnill 2!) Moreover he j)rovideil him cities, and pos-
in>t the (Joel of He/ckiah deliver his jieople out of sessions of flocks and herds in abundance:'' for
niyhnml!* God had given iiini substance very much.
is Then they eried witli a loud voice, in the liO Tills same Hezekiah also stopped the upper
Jews' speeeh. unto the people of Jerusalem that of Gihon,' and brought it straight
\trre on the wall, to alTrijijhl them,'' and to trouble down to the west side of tlie city of David. And
them: that they miirht take the city. Hezekiah prospcreil in all his works.
19 And they spake ai^ainst tiie God of Jerusa- 81 1 Howbeit, in the i«4w.Mo/" the ambassadors^
lem." as ajrainst the <^ods of the people of the of the princes of Jiabylon. who sent unto him to
earth, ichich uere the work of the hands of man. inquire of the wonder that was dove in the land,"
20 And for this cause Ilezckiah the king,** and God left him, to try him, that he might know all
the prophet Lsaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and that iras in his heart.'
cried to heaven.'' 32 It Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and
•Jl " And the LoRP sent an angel.^ which cutoif his goodness,' behold, they are written in the vis-
all the mighty men of valor, and tiie leaders and ion of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz," and
captains in the camp of the king of Assyria.'' So in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.^'
he returned with shame of face to liis own land. 33 And Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they
Ami when he was come into the house of his god, buried him in the cliiefest* of the sepulchres of the
iliey that came forth of his own bowels slew him' sons of l):ivid and all Judah and the inhabitants
there with the sword. of Jerusalem did him honor at his death.'^ And
22 Thus tlie Loud saved FTezekiah and the in- Manasseli his son reigned in his stead.
habitants of tl(,'rusalem from the hand of Senna-
cherib the king of Assyria,'' and from the hand of
all others, and guided tliem on every side.'
1 Manas-seh's wicked reign. 3 He sctteth up idolatry, and w»uld not
23 And many brouglit gifts unto the Lord to be admonished. 11 He is carried into B.ibylon. 12 Upon his prayer
Jerusalem, anil presents* to Ilezekiah king of Ju- to God he is released, and puttcth do«-n idolatry. 18 His acts. 20 He
dyin^. Anion succeedeth liiin. 21 Amon reifying wickedly is slain
dali so that he was magnified in the sight of all
by his servants. 25 The niorderers being slain, Josi&h succeedeth
nations from thcncefortli. hnn.
24 1 In those days Hezekiah was sick to the ]\ rANASSEHuas twelve years old when he
death, and prayed unto the Lord:' and he spake l.V_L began and he reigned fifty and five
to reign,
unto iiim, and he gave him a sign.* years in Jerusalem:"
2-5 Hut Hezekiah rendered not again according 2 But did that which was evil in the sight of the
to the benefit done unto him;'' for his heart was Lord, like unto the abominations of the heathen,^
lifted up:' tlierefore there was wrath upon him, whom the Lord had cast out before the children
and upon Judah and Jerusalem."" of Israel.
26 N'otwithstanding. Hezekiah humbled himself 3 1 For he built again' the high places which
for the pride^ of his heart, both he and the inhabit- Hezekiah his father had broken down,'' and he
ants of Jerusalem," so that the wrath of the Lord rcartMl up altars for Baalim, and made groves," and
came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah." worsliip[i('(l all the host of heaven,'' and served them.
27 And Hezekiah had exceeding much riches 4 Also he built altars in the house of the Lord,
and honor:!' and he made himself treasuries for whereof the Lord had said. In Jerusalem shall my
silver, and for gold, and for precious stones, and name be for ever.
for .spices, and for shields, and for all manner of 5 And he built altars for all the host of heaven
pleasant jewels;' in the two courts of the house of the Lord.
» 2 Kings 19:9, etc b Neh. 0:9. c ] Sam. 17:36; Job 15:25, 28; Psa. 21:19. P Prov. 10:22 Heb. in.<lni»im(s o/ (/e.iire. q Job 1 :3, 9; 42:11.
111:13, 14; 7:):8-ll; 139:19, 20. d la. 37:1. etc. e Psa. 50:15; 91:14, 15. r l«a. 22:0, 11. 1 Heb. inlerprelers. > 2Kings 20:12. etc.; Isa. 39: 1, etc.
'JS.irn.2):l8; Psa. 18:50; Dan. 3:25; fi:22. « Isa. 10:16-18; 42:8 *
H'-b ' Deut. 8:2, 16; Jas. 1 13.:
' Heb. kindnesses. " Isa. ch. 36-39. » 2 Kings
mi,U kirn fall, h P»a. 37:39, 40; Hosea 1:7. Psa. 48:14; 71:20. 21. ch. 18-20. 1 Or. highest. wProv. 1(1:7. x 2 Kings 21 1. etc. ych.2t-:3;
24. He gave him a sign; 2 Kings 20:4-11. 25. Even good men, if left to themselves when greatly
30. Gihon; a fountain ou the west side of Jerusalem. blessed of God, instead of rendering to him gratitude and
See note to ver. 3. praise, will be lifted up with pride, and thus draw down
31. The business of the ambassadors; 2 Kings 20: 12, 13. upon themselves his chastisements.
29. As all earthly substance comes from God, men should
INSTRUCTIONS. receive it as his gift, view it as his property, and use it
7.Those wlio have God for their helper have more for according to his will.
them than can ever he against them. 31. God often leaves men to themselves to try them,
10. ImpHcit confidence in God often appears to worldly that they and others may know what is in their hearts,
men foohsh and absurd and they expect no more from
; and to lead them to trust in him. They will then be as
him, than they do from the idols of the heathen. mount Zion that cannot be moved, and in seeking him as
16. Speaking against the Lord is a preparation for expe- their jjortion they will not want any good thing.
rienci:ig his wrath.
20. I'rayer to God in trouble is the never-failing resource CHAPTER XXXIIL
of his peopla 3. Groves; images of Astarte. See chap. 34:4.
B "ess* 6 And he caused his cliildrcn to pass 17 Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still in
through the fire in the valh^y of tiio sou of iliii- the high phices,J yet unto the Lord tlieir God only.
nom:" also he observed times, and used eucliant- 18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and
ments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a famil- his prayer unto his God, and the words of the seers
iar spirit, and with wizards he wrought much evil
tliat spake to him in the name of the Lord God of
in the sight of tlie Lord, to provoke liini to anger. Israel, behold, they are written in the book of tiie
7 And he set a carved image, the idol which he kings of Israel.
had made, in the house of God, of which God had 19 His prayer also, and hmv God was entreated
said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house, of him," and all his sins,' and his trespass, and the
and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen before all places wherein he built high places, and set up
tlie tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever groves and graven images, before he was hum-
8 Neither will I any more remove the foot of bled:"" behold, they are written among the sayings
Israel from out of the land whicli I have appointed of the seers.^
for your fathers so that they will take heed to do
; 20 So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they
all that I have commanded them, according to the buried him in his own house: and Amon his son
whole law and tlie statutes and the ordinances by reigned in his stead.
the hand of Moses. 21 1[ Amon was two and twenty years old when
9 So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants he began to reign, and reigned two years in Jeru-
of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the hea- salem."
then, whom the Lord had destroyed before the 22 But he did that which was evil in the sight of
children of Israel. the Lord, as did Manasseh his father for Amon :
10 And the Lord spake to Manasseh, and to his sacrificed unto all the carved images which Ma-
people: but they would not hearken. nasseh his father had made, and served them;"
11 1l Wherefore the Lord brought upon them the 23 And humbled not himself liefore the Lord, as
captains of the iiost of the king" of Assyria, which Manasseh his father had humbled himself; but
took Manasseh among the thorns," and bound him Amon trespassed more and more.""
with fetters,* and carried him to Babylon.'' 24 And his servants conspired against him, and
12 And when he was in affliction, he besought slew him in his own house.
the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly 25 1 But the people of the land slew all them that
before the God of his fathers,'' had conspired against king Amon .'^ and the people
13 And prayed unto him: and he was entreated of the land made Josiah his sou king in his stead.
of him,' and heard his supplication, and brought
him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then CHAPTER XXXIV.
Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God.'^ 1 Josiah's good reign. 3 He destroyeth idolatry. 8 He taketh order
14 Now
after this he built a wall without the for the repair of the temple. 14 Hilkiah h.aving found a book of the
law, Josiah sendeth to Huldah to inquire of the Lord. 23 Huldah
city of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the
prophesieth the destruction of Jerusalem, but respite thereof in Josiah's
valley, even to the entering in at the fish-gate, and time. 29 Josiah, causing it to be read in a solemn assembly, renew-
eth the covenant with Grod.
compassed about Ophel,' and raised it up a very
great height, and put captains of war in all the JOSIAH
ivas eight years old when he began to
fenced cities of Judah. reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem one and
15 And he took away the strange gods, and the thirty years."'
idol out of the house of the Lord,"" and all the al- 2 And he did that ifliich was right in the sight of
tars that he had built in tlie mount of the house of the Lord, and walked in the ways of David his
the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of father, and declined neither to the right hand, nor
the city. to the left.'
16 And
he repaired the altar of the Lord, and 3 For in the eighth year oHiis reign, while he
sacrificed thereon peace-offerings and thank-offer- was yet young,' he began to seek after the God of
ings,' and commanded Judah to serve the Lord David his father and in the twelfth year he began :
God of Israel. to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places,"
» Ezek. 3J:37, 39. b Dent. )S:ll), 11. • Heb. ic/iic/i were the king's. 5- 16. >> Psa. 119:67. 71, 75. i Or, Homi. >
c Lim. 3:7. t Or, chains, d Psa. IU7: 111-14. e Hos. 5:15; 1 Pet. 5:6.
I 1 Chr. 5:'>0; Ezra 8:2:). C Psa. 9:16; Dan. 4:31, 35. 1 Or, the lower, ch.
27:3. liyer.3,5,7. iL«v.7:12. J 2 Kings 15:4. lilJohnl;9. 1 Rom.
aiiil tlio proves, and tlie tarvfd images, auU thf that was committed to* tliy ecrvants, they ^u^c^Sl
uiolic'ii iniagoy.* do it.
I Ami tiny brake down the altars of Baalim in 17 And they have gathered' together the money
his |ir»'si'nc(': and llio tare on liipli
iniugcs,* that that was found in the house of tlie Lord, and have
above llieni, he eut down
and tlio jrrovcs, and the
hand of the overseers, and to
delivei'i'd it into the
curved iinajres, and tlic molten images, he brake in the hand of the workmen.
|)ieees, and made dnst ttf l/icm,'' and strewed it upon 18 Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, say-
the praves* of llicm that liad saerificed unto thcni. ing, Hilkiah the priest hath given me a book. And
Ami lie burnt tlie bones of the jiriests upon
;"» Shaphan read it- before the king.
their altars,'' and cleansed Judah and .Jerusalem. And it came to pass, when tlie king had heard
when he had purged the land, and tliehonse,he8cnt great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out
Siiaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the gov- upon us, because our fathers have not kept the
ernor of the city, and Joah tlic son f)f Joahaz the word of the Lord, to do after all that is written
recorder, to rcjtair the house of the Lord his God. in this book."
9 And when they came to Ililkiali the high-priest, 22 And Hilkiah, and they that the king had ap-
they delivered the money that was brought into pointed, went to lluldah the projjhetess, the wife of
the house of God,*^^ which the Levitcs that kept tlie Shalluin the son of Tikvath, the son of Hasrali,'
doors had gathered of the hand of Manasseh and keeper of the wardrobe;'' now she dwelt in .Jeru-
Epiiraim, and of all the remnant of Israel, and of salem in the college;" and they spake to her to
all Judaii and Benjamin and they returned to Je-
; that effect.
rusalem. 23 Andshe answered them, Thus saith the Lord
Ill And they put it in the hand of the workmen God of Israel, Tell ye the man that sent you to me,
that had the oversight of the house of the Lord, 2-1 Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil
and they gave it to the workmen that wrought in upon this place," and upon the inhabitants thereof,
the house of the Loud, to repair and amend the even all the curses that are 'written in the book
house: which they have read before the king of Judah
II Even to the artificers and builders gave they 25 Because they have forsaken me, and have
it, to buy hewn stone, and timber for couplings, burned incense unto other gods, that they might
and to floor' the houses which the kings of Judah provoke me to anger with all the works of their
had destroyed. hands; therefore my wrath shall be poured out
12 And the men did the work faithfully Z and the upon and shall not be quenched.
this place,''
overseers of them were Jaliath and Obadiah, the 20 And
as for the king of Judah, who sent you
Levitcs, of the sous of Merari and Zcchariah and ; to inquire of the Lord, so shall ye say unto him.
.Meslmllam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it Thus saith the Lord God of Israel cemcerning the
forward; and other of the Levites, all that could words which thou hast heard;
skill of instruments of music. 27 Because thy heart was tender,'' and thou didst
13 Also they were over the bearers of burdens,
humble thyself before God,'' when thou heardest
and were overseers of all that wrought the work his words against this jilace, and against the in-
in any manner of service :- and of the Levites there
habitants thereof, and humbledst thyself before
were scribes, and officers, and porters.'' me, and didst rend thy clothes and weep liefore
14 H And when they brought out the money that me; I have even heard thee also,* saith the Lord.
was brought into the house of the Lord, Hilkiah 28 Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and
the priest found a book of the law of the Lord thou shalt bo gathered to thy grave in peace,
given by^ Moses.' neither shall thine eyes see all the evil that I will
1.5 And Hilkiah answered and said to Shaphan bring upon this place, and upon the inhabitants of
the scribe, I have found the liook of the law in the same.' So they brought the king word again.
the house of the Lord. And Hilkiah delivered 29 *i Then the king sent and gathered together
the book to Shaphan. all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem."
16 And Shaphan carried the book to the king,J 30 And the king went up into the house of the
and brought the king word back again, saying. All Lord, and all the men of Judah, and the inhabi-
I-ev. 20:30.
/ Ike Or, sun iirajts, ch 11:5. b •> Kinrs -a-A. t lUh. face etc; Deut.2*:1.5.etc.; 29:18-23; 30:17-19; :Jl:16-22; 32:15-2.'); Rom. 1:18;
of graves. 'lKlng!.Ut:2. I O,. maul.1.
i Heh. lo make powder. 2:8-12. Or. Harhas. 2 Kings 22:14.
I V Heb. garments. ' Or, srhool, or
' 0, rafter, f ch. 31:12; Neh. 7:2; 1 Cor. second part, o Jer. 0:19; 19:3, 15; 35:17. P Isa. 42:25; Jer. 7:20; Lam.
A S"', K^^-o ,'J £'°u8'/^-„«-
2:4; 4:11. q ch. :J3:12, 13; Psa. 34:18; .51:17; Isa. 57:15; 60:2; Ezek.
Dcut_.l,:1.9.I9; Jo,h.l:». J Jer. 36:20,21. •
" lieh. to the hand of t Heb. 9:4. r Jas. 4:0. 10. Psa. 10:17; Isa. 66:24. t l Kings 21:29; 2 Kings
' 'Horn. 7:7. 9. « Or, >4c/i4or, 2 Kings 20:19. u 2 Kings 23:1, etc.
:.;2U:1. etc. m Isa. .37:4. nLev. 20:14,
12. T/iat could sii7/ of instruments of music; that were skilful iu playing upon the inatruments used in the temple.
Josiah obscrvtth 2 CHRONICLES XXXV. a sokmn passbver.
uaeli"' tants of Jerusalem, and the priests, and cording to the word of the Lord by the hand of
the Levites, and all the people, great and small :* Moses.
and he read in their ears all tlie words of the 7 And Josiah gave' to the people, of the flock,
book of the covenant that was found in the house lambs and kids, all for the passover-oiferings, for
of the Loud. all that were present, to the number of tliirty
31 And the king stood in his place,* and made a thousand, and three tiiousand bullocks these were :
covenant before the Lord," to walk after the Lord, of the king's substance.''
and to keep his commandments, and his testimonies, 8 And his princes gave* willingly unto the jieo-
and his statutes, with all his heart, and with all his ple, to the priests, and to the Levites: Ililkiah
soul," to perform the words of the covenant which and Zcchariah and Jchicl, rulers of the house of
are written in this book.'' God, gave unto the priests for the passover-ofier-
32 And he caused all that were present* in Je- ings two tiiousand and six hundred small cattle,
rusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the and three hundred oxen.
inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the cov- 9 Conaniah also, and Shemaiah and Nethaneel,
enant of God, the God of their fathers. his brethren, and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Joza-
33 And Josiah took away all the abominations bad, chief of the Levites, gave* unto the Levites
out of all the countries that pertamed to the chil- for passover-offerings.five thousand small cattle,
dren of Israel,'^ and made all that were present in and five hundred oxen.
Israel to serve, even to serve the Loud their God. 10 So the service was prepared, and the priests
And all his days they departed not from following' stood in their place, and the Levites in their
the Lord, the God of their fathers.' courses,' according to the king's commandment.
11 And they killed the passover, and the priests
CHAPTER XXXV. sprinkled the blood from their hands, and the Le-
vites flayed them.'
1 Josinh keepeth a most solemn passover. 20 He, provoking Pharaoh-
necho, is slain at Megiddo. 25 Lamentations for Josiah. 12 And they removed the burnt-offerings, that
MOREOVER, Josiah kept a passover unto the they might give according to the divisions of the
Lord in Jerusalem:^' and they killed the families of the people, to offer unto the Lord, as
passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.'" it is written in the book of Moses.^ And so did
2 And he set the priests in their charges,' and they with the oxen.
encouraged them to the service of the house of the 13 And they roasted the passover with fire ac-
Lord, cording to the ordinance :' but the other holy offer-
3 And said unto tlie Levites that taught all Is- ings sod they in pots, and in caldrons, and in pans,"
which were holy unto the Lord, Put the holy
rael,-' and divided thern^ speedily among all the people.
ark in the house which Solomon the son of David 14 And afterward they made ready for them-
king of Israel did build it shall not he a burden ; selves, and for the priests because the priests the
upon your shoulders:" serve now the Loud your sons of Aaron irere busied in offering of burnt-
God, and his people Israel, offerings and the fat until night; therefore the Le-
4 And prepare yourselves by the houses of your vites prepared for themselves, and for the priests
fathers, after your courses, according to the writ- the sons of Aaron.
ing of David king of Israel,' and according to the 15 And the singers the sons of Asaph were in
writing of Solomon his son:™ their place,** according to the commandment of
5 And stand in the holy place according to the David,'' and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun the
divisions of tiic families^ of the fathers of your king's seer and the porters icaited at evei'y gate ;^ ;
brethren the people," and after the division of the they might not depart from their service for their ;
33. Made all— to serve ; made them conform externally to 21. All who truly believe the Bible, will be anxious to
what was required in the law of iloses. know what they must do to escape that wrath of God to
INSTRUCTIONS. which on account of their sins they are exposed.
2. Piety in early youth saves from many troubles, and 28. Although tlie true penitent shall not perish, he may
is a preparation for great enjoyment and usefulness in nevertheless be exjiosed to a violent death.
riper years. 31. When rulers t;ikc the lead in reformation, many may
5. True reformers will treat vice with abhorrence, and be expected to follow, and to continue externally in the
endeavor in all suitable ways to render it contemptible. ways of the Lord as long as those in authority set them
8. The preparation of suitable houses, and the regular the example.
establishment of public worship, is one of the essential
means of general and permanent reformation. CnAPTER XXXY.
14. If the Scriptures are lost, or the people are not in 3. hohjnrk inthe house; it is commonly suiipcsed
Put the
the habit of reading or hearing them, great degeneracy that some time before the reign of Josiah, the ark had been
and wickedness will follow; and there is no way of effect-
ually reclaiming men, but in bringing them to an acquaint-
removed from tlie most holy place perhaps because it
was out of rejiair and committed to the custody of the
ance with the word of God. Kohathites, as before the temple was built.
Dmth nf Jotiah. 2('iiH()M('LES xxxvr. llts three suettssors.
burnt-ofTorin7;» upon tlio nitnr nf tlio Lord, accord- CHAPTER XXXVI. VcTo:
iiiL' to the ((iiiiiimiiiltncnl of kiii^: .'"siali.
1 JelioAlmz •ucccfdiny in (Ji'poiieJ iiv I'har.i'ih, nnd carried into K^jj-pt.
17 And tlio oliildicn of Isniol that were present* r> Ji'hniiikim rt'i^iiing ill ii ciirnrd bound intn li.ihylon. 9 JrhoLv^hm
succeeding rci^rni'tli and i« brou;;tit into Babylon. 1 1 ZtNl<-kiab
kept the pns.-ioviT at tliat time, and llie feast of
in Israel from tlie days of Samuel the prophet; ^"^IIEN the people of the land took Jehoahaz
neither did all the kings of Israel keep sueii a the son of Josiah, and made him king in his
passover as Josiali k(>pt. and the ]>riests, and the father's stead in Jerusalem."'
Leviti's, and all .hidali and Israel that were pres- 2 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when
ent, ami the inhaliitants of .It'rusaleni. lie began to reign, and he reigned three months
who is with me, that he destroy thee not. in the sight of the Lord his God.
'I'l Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his faee C Against him came up Nebuchadnezzar king of
from him, but disguised iiimself, tiiat he might fight Babylon,"^ and bound him in fetters,* to carry him
witii him, and hearkened not unto the words of to Babylon.
Neclio from the mouth of God, and came to fight Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of
in the valley of Megiddo. the house of the Lord to Babylon, and put them
23 And the archers sliot at king Josiah and the ; in Ids temple at Babylon.
king said to his servants. Have mc away; for I 8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his
am sore wounded.* abominations which he did, and tliat which was
24 His servants therefore took him out of tliat found in him, behold, they are written in tlicbook
chariot, and put him in the second chariot that he of the kings of Israel and Judah. And Jelioia-
had and they brought him to Jerusalem, and he
; chin* his son reigned in his stead.
died, and was buried in one o/" the sepulchres' of 9 IT Jchoiachin was eight years old when he began
his fathers. And all Judah and Jerusalem mourn- to reign, and he reigned three months and ten
ed for Josiah. days in Jerusalem:'-' and he did that which was
25 ^ And Jeremiah lamented for Josiah:'' and evil in the sight of the Lord.
all the singing-men and the singing-women spake 10 And when the year was expired,' king Nebu-
of Josiah in their lamentations to this day.'^ and chadnezzar sent, and brought him to Babylon,
made them an ordinance in Israel:'' and behold, with the goodly vessels' of the house of the Lord,''
they are written in the lamentations. and made Zedekiah his brother* king over Judah
2(i Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his and Jerusalem.'
goodness,"' according to that which wis written in 11 *i Zedekiah teas one and twenty years old
the law of the Lord, when he liegan to reign, and reigned eleven years
27 And his deeds, first and last, behold, they are in Jerusalem.^
written in the book of the kings of Israel and 12 And he did that which teas evil in the sight
Judah. of the Lord his God, arid humbled not himself be-
• llpb./oumJ.
tHeb.AoKjs. » 2Kings a3:29. etc.; Jer. 46:2, etc. I Heb r 2King8 2t:l, etc. I Or, chain.':; foretold, Hab. 1:0, etc. ( Or, J«.
of my war. I Heb. made sick. Kings 22::M. I Or, among the seputrlires.
I 1 Chr. 3: IC; or, Coniah, Jet. .•-':24. S 2 Kings 24:8, etc. I Heb,
oZech. 1-.>;11; Lam. 4:2U c Matt. 9;2:J. d Jer. T Heb. ii)id;ifS.t«, turn of the year. 1 Heh. vessels of desire, i'Dan. 1:1, 2; 5:2. • Or. Mat-
ch. 3i:3-i. t 2 King« 23:30, etc. • Heb. rinwvtd him. t Heb. mulctfj. laniali, his father's brother, 2 Kings 24:17. 37:1. jjer. 52:1, etc.
20. Ptepnred the temple; for the observance of divine hazardous to engage in any enterprise, without
22. It is
worship, according to the law of Moses and the command- firstasking counsel of God and obtaining his approbation.
ments of David and Solomon. Cliarchemish ; a strongly Many lament the removal cf great and good men,
fortified city on the river Euphrates. who liave not given heed to their instructions while they
22. Valleij of Mci^iddo; near the river Kishon, in tlie were living, nor imitated their example after they were
tribe of Manasseh it formed a part of the great jjlain of
; dead.
2. Rulers should ever encourage good works ; and labor To carry him to Babylon ; either Nebuchadnezzar did
to unite all classes, especially ministers of religion, in the not carry out his purposeof transporting Jehoiakim to Bab-
regular and habitual worship of God. ylon, or he restored him again to Jerusalem, and permitted
B. Due preparation is necessary to acceptable worship. liim to reign there as his tributary. See 2 Kings 24:6.
10. When those in authority set the example, and min- 9. Eifrht years old; in 2 Kings 24:8, he is said to have
isters of religion faithfully do their duty, many may be been eighteen years old. This latter is generally thought
e.xpected to engage in the service of God. to be the true reading.
iic'sia"' fore Jeremiah the prophet speaki from the Lord, and the treasures of the king, and of
the mouth of the Lord. his princes all these he brought to Babylon.
13 And he also rebelled against king Nebuchad- 19 And they burnt the house of God,^ and brake
nezzar," who had made him swear by God : but he down the wall of Jerusalem, and burnt all the
stiffened liis neck,'' and liardened his heart from palaces thereof with lire, and destroyed all the
turning unto tlic Lord God of Israel. goodly vessels thereof.
14 1 Moreover all the chief of the priests, and 20 And them that had escaped from the sword'
the people, transgressed very much after all the carried he away to Babylon where they were ;
abominations of the heathen and ]iolluted the ; servants to him and his sons until the reign of the
house of the Lord which he had hallowed in Jeru- kingdom of Persia
salem. 21 To fullil the word of the Lord by the mouth
15 And the Lord God of their fathers sent to of Jeremiah,'' until the land had enjoyed her sab-
them by' his messengers, rising up betimes,* and baths:' for as long as she lay desolate she kept
sending;" because he had compassion on his sabbath, to fulfil tlirecscore and ten years.
people, and on his dwelling-place: 22 If Now in the first year of Cyrus king of
16 But they mocked the messengers of God,'' Persia,J that the word of the Lord spoken by the
and despised his words,'' and misused his prophets, mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the
until the wrath of the Lord arose against his Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Per-
people, till there was no remedy.* sia,'' that he made a proclamation throughout all
17 Therefore he brought upon them the king of his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
the Chaldees,'' who slew their young men with the 23 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the
sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord God of
compassion upon young man or maiden, old man, heaven given me and he hath charged me to build
or him that stooped for age he gave them all into : him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who
his hand. is there among you of all his people ? The Lord
18 And all the vessels of the house of God, his God be with him, and let him go up.
great and small, and the treasures of the house of
. .Wia; Ezek. 17:15, 18 b 2 Kings 17:14. * Heb. by the hand e Psa. 74:()-S; Isa. fi4:ll. 5 Heb. tlie remainder from the sword.
{a,continuaUti aiul carefully. Jer. 25::J, 4; 35:15.
<= d Isa. '28:22. . 25:9-12; 26:0, 7; 2B:10. Lev. 20;y4, 43; Dan. 9:2. JEzral:!,
. l:2t-JU. t Heb. healing. I Deut. 23:49; 2 Kings 25:1, etc. ;Ezra kisa. 44:28; 45:1, etc.
13. Made him swear; swear allegiance to the king of succeeded by those who are foolish and wicked, it is a
Babylon. punishment of the people for their sins and where it ;
15. Betimes; often, seasonably, continually. does not produce reformation, it forebodes approaching
17. T/ie Chaldees; the Babylonians. destruction.
20. Until the reign of the kingdom of Persia; about seventy 7. God sometimes suffers the wicked to obtain great
years. power, that they may be scourges of his people on account
21. The word of the Lord; Jer. 25:9-11. Until the land of tlieir sins.
had enjoyed her sabbaths the sabbatical year occurred every
,- 12. No trials, without the grace of God, will humble and
sevt'iitli year. Lev. 25:2-7. In four hundred and ninety purify the human lieart, or lead men to forsake their sins
j'ears there would be seventj' sabbatical years. It has and turn to the Lord.
been supposed that the observance of the sabbatical year 16. When men mock the messengers whom God sends
had been omitted for about that space of time before the to reclaim them, and despise their words of mercy and
Babylonish captivity that is, from about the time of the
; love, they are ripening for wrath against which there will
establishment of the monarchy. be no remedy.
21. The providence of God manifests the truth of his
IXSTRUCTIOXS. word ; and shows that when a declaration has once gone
1. When wise and pious rulers are removed and arc out of his mouth, it will in due time be accompHshed.
; ;
Tnis book, of which Ezra was undoubtedly the author, gives a brief sketch of the history of the Jews
from their return to Palestine under Zerubbabel and Joshua till the time of his arrival at Jerusalem and ;
closes with an account of the reformation cflected by him in respect to the intermarriage of the Jews willi
their heathen neighbors. Certain portions of the book of Ezra, which arc mainly occupied with documents
respecting the rebuilding of the temple and the orderly arrangement of its service, are written in the
Chaldee language ; and chapter 7 12-26.
namely, eliapters 4 8 to 6
: : 18, :
In respect to the Persian nionarclis mentioned in this and the two following books, there is not an
entire agreement among learned men. Tlie f(jllowing table, formed in accordance with the view that
seems to be best supported, will be useful to the reader. It contains, arranged in three parallel columns,
first, tlie names of the Persian kings in their order of succession, as given by profane historians secondly, ;
their scriptural names thirdly, the dates of their accession to the throne, according to the received
Cyrus, -- Cyrus, Ezra 1 : 1, etc., -B.C. 536
Ciimbyses, Ahasuerus, Kzra 4:6, - " 629
Smerdis,° - Artaxerxcs, Ezra 4 7-23, :
- " 522
Dnrhis llystajjpis, Uarius, Ezra 4:24 to 6: 15,t - " 521
Xerxes, Ahiusucrus, Esther throughout, J - " 485
Artaxerxcs Longimanus, Artaxerxcs, Ezra 7 :1, etc. Neh. 2:l,etc.,-
; - " 464
* Heb. caused a voit tlopass. d ch. 5:l:), 14. e Dan. 2:21. f Isa. 44:2S; them. ich.S:14; 6:5. J 2 Kings 24:13; 2Chr.36:7; Dan. 5:2.
4S:l, 13. S Psa. 63 18; Isa. 45:.5; Jer. 10:10; Dan. 6.28. t Heb. lift him
B.'"'.^^''9 And this is the number of them thirty : 13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty
chargers of gold, a thousand chargers of silver, and six.
nine and twenty knives, 14 The children of Bigvai, two thousand fifty
10 Thirty basins of gold, silver basins of a sec- and six.
ond sort four hundred and ten, and other vessels a 15 The children of Adin, four hundred fifty and
thousand. four.
11 All the vessels of gold and of silver were five 16 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and
tiiousand and four hundred." All these did Shesh- eight.
bazzar bring up with them of the captivity' that 17 The children of Bezai, three hundred twenty
were brought up from Babylon unto Jerusalem. and tlirce.
18 The children of Jorah,* a hundred and twelve.
19 The children of Hashum, two hundred twenty
and three.
1 The number that return, of the people, 36 of the priests, 40 of the 20 The children of Gibbar,* ninety and five.
Levites, 43 of tlie Ncthinim, 55 of Solomon's servants, 62 of the priests
which could not siiow their pedigree. 64 The whole number of^ them, 21 The children of Beth-lehem, a hundred twen-
with their substance. 68 Their oblations. ty and three.
whatever difficulties may, to human view, stand in the way for example, Daniel and Belteshazzar, Zerubbabel and
of the fulfilment of his declarations, they will in due time Sheshbazzar. It is not certain upon what principle the
all be accomplished. differences in numbers are to be explained. The sum
Tiiough the offers of mercy are freely made to all,
5. both catalogues is the same, namely, forty-two
total of
none will accejjt them and thus avail themselves of the thousand three hundred aud sixty from which it is plain ;
benefits, except those whose spirit God stirs up for that that the lists are in both cases partial, since neither of
purpose. them amounts to this sum. ' The sum of the mmibcrs, as
separately detailed, will correspond, if to the twenty-nine
CHAPTER II. thousand eight hundred and eighteen specified by Ezra, we
1. T/ie children of the province; those who had been car- add the seventeen hundred and sixty-five persons reckoned
ried away from Judca here spoken of as a province of liy Nehemiah which Ezra has omitted and, on the other ;
the Persian empire and their descendants, who now re- hand, to the thirty-one thousand and eighty-nine enumer-
turned. This catalogue is repeated in Neh. 7 C-C9, with ated by Nehemiah, add the four hundred and ninetj--four,
various difTerenccs, however, in respect to names and nuiii- which is an overplus in Ezra, not noticed by Nehemiah;
: ;
AWiiniM nnd Solomon't icrranls. KZKA II, Offerings of the dinf men.
39 The children of Ilurim," a thousand and seven- nion's .servants, trere three hundred ninety a m wo*.
Kadinu'l, of the children of llodaviah," seventy Tel-harsa, Cherub, .Vddaii,' and Ininier:
41 The sinpcrs: llie children of Asaph, a hun- their seed,' whether they were of Israel
dred twenty and eijrht. (JO The children of Dclaiah, the children of To-
4'J The cIiiliircM of the ])0rterH!: tlic cliildren of biah, the children of Nekoda, six hundred fifty and
Shalltiiii, the children of Ater, the children of Tal- two.
nioii. the children of Akkuli, the children of llatita, Gl T And of the children of the priests: the chil-
tlie children of Shobai, in all a hundred thirty and dren of Ilubaiah, the children of Koz, the children
nine. of Barzillai; which took a wife of the dauL'hters
•13 IThe Nothiniin:" the children of Ziha, the of Barzillai the Gileadite," and was called after
children of llasujiha, the children of Tuhbaoth, their name :
44 The children of Keros, the children of Siaha,* ()'2 These sought their register ammig those that
the chihlren of I'adon, were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not
4') The children of Lebanah, tiic children of found :' therefore were they, as polluted, put from
the children of Gazzani, and two thousand three hundred and threescore,'
49 The children of Uzza, the children of Paseali, G5 Besides their servants and their maids, of
the children of Besai, whom there were seven thousand three hundred
50 The children of Asnah, the children of Me- thirty and seven : and there were among them two
huuini, the children of Neiiluisim,* hundred singing-men and singing-women.
.51 The children of Bakbuk, the children of Ha- 66 Their horses were seven hundred thirty and
ku])ha, the children of Harhur, si.x; their mules, two hundred forty and five;
52 The cliildren of Bazluth,' the children of Mc- 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and five
hida, the children of Harsiia, their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twen-
53 The children of BarkoSjtlie cliildren of Sisera,
the children of Thainah, 68 1 And so/nc of the chief of the fathers, when
54 The children of Neziah, the cliildren of Ha- they came to the house of the Loud which is at
tipha. Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to
55 \Thc children of Solomon's servants :"= the set it up in his [dace.^
children of Sotai, the children of Sophereth, the 69 They gave after their ability unto the treas-
children of Peruda,^ ure of the work threescore and one thousand drams
56 The children of Jaalali, the children of Dar- of gold, and five thousand pounds of silver, and
ken, the children of Giddel, one hundred priests' garments.''
57 The children of Shephatiah, the children of 70 So the priests, and the Levites, and some of
Hattil, the children of Pocherctii of Zebaim, the the people, and the singers, and the porters, and
children of Ami.' the Nethinim, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel
58 All the Nethinim,'' and the children of Solo- in their cities.
a 1 Chr. 24:8. • Or, Jutlah, ch. 3:9; called also Hudevak, Neh. 7:4:). 1 Or
b ver is. 1 Or. Sia. I Or, Shamlai. ( Or, Nepkishesim. I Or, Baztilh,
Neh. 7:54. « 1 Kings 9:31. 1 Or, Perida, Neh. 7:57. • Or. Amon. Neh.
7:59. J Josh. 0:21, •-'7; 1 Chr. 9:2; Neh. 3:26. t Or, /((Won, Neh.' 7:01.
59. could not show Iheir father's house, and their seed;
their names were not found in the genealogies or records
of Israel.
62. Put from the prie.'Uhood; because there was nothing
to show that they were descendants of Aaron
The. new (cmpk leg un. EZRA IV. The Jews' adversaries.
CHAPTER III. 9 Then stood Jeshua with his sons and his breth-
1 The altar is 3 Offerings frequented. 7 Workmen prepared.
set up.
ren, Kadmicl and his sons, the sous of Judah,* to-
8 liie foundations of the temple are laid in great joy and mourning. forward the workmen in the house
gether,* to set
people gathered themselves together as one man 10 And when the builders laid the foundation of
to Jerusalem. the temple of the Lord,' they set the priests in
2 Then stood up Joshua" the son of Jozadak, and their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the
his brethren the priests, and ZcrubbabeP the son of sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the Lord,
Sliealtiel,* and his brethren, and builded the altar after the ordinance of David king of Israel.-'
of the God of Israel, to ofl'er burnt-oflerings there- 11 And they sang together by course in praising
on, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of and giving thanks unto the Lord ; because he is
God." good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Is-
3 And they set the altar upon his bases ; for fear rael.'' And all the people shouted with a great
rcas upon them because of the people of those shout, when they praised the Lord, because the
countries and they offered burnt-oflerings thereon foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.'
unto the Lord, even burnt-offerings morning and 12 But many of the priests and Levites and chief
evening. of the fathers, who were ancient men, that had seen
4 They kept also the feast of tabernacles,'' as the first house,'" when the foundation of this house
it is written, and offered the daily burnt-offerings was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice ;"
by number, according to the custom, as the duty and many shouted aloud for joy:"
of every day^ requii'cd;'^ 13 So that the people could not discern the noise
5 And afterward offered the continual burnt-offer- of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping
ing, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the people
for the people shouted with a loud
of the Lord that were consecrated,'' and of every shout, and the noise was heard afar off.
one that willingly offered a freewill-ofi'ering unto
the Loud.
6 From the first day of the seventh month began
1 The adversaries, being not accepted in the building of the temple with
they to offer burnt-ofl'crings unto the Lord. But the Jews, endeavor to hinder it. 7 Their letter to Artaxerxes. 17
the foundation of the temple of the Lord was not The decree of Artaxerxes. 23 The building is hindered.
yet laid.'
7 They gave money also unto the masons, and to
when the adversaries of Judah and Ben-
jamin heard tiiat the children of the captiv-
tlie carpenters
and meat, and drink, and oil, unto ity* builded the temple unto the Lord God of
them of Zidon, and to them of Tyre, to bring cedar- Israel;'*
trees from Lebanon to the sea of Joppa," accord- 2 Then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief
ing to the grant that they had of Cyrus king of of the fathers, and said unto them. Let us build
Persia.' with you for we seek your God, as ye do : and we ,•"'
8 1 Now in the second year of their coming do sacrifice unto him since the days of Esar-had-
unto the house of God at Jerusalem, in the second don king of Assur,'* which brought us up hither.
month, began Zerubbabel the sonof Shealtiel, and 3 But Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the rest of
Jesliua the son of Jozadak,^ and the remnant of the chief of the fathers of Israel, said unto them,
their brethren the priests and the Levites, and all Ye have nothing to do with us to build a house
they that were come out of tlie captivity unto unto our God;' but we ourselves together will
Jerusalem and appointed tlie Levites, from twentj' build unto the Lord God of Israel, asking Cyrus
years old and upward," to set forward the work the king of Persia hath commanded us."
of the house of the Lord. 4 Then the people of the land weakened the
Or, /osAiM, Hig. 1 1 2:ai Zech. .):!. t Called ZoroSaiei, Matt. 1:1-2;
• : ; 4:1U. J IChr. 6:31, etc. ; 16:4, etc.; 25:1, etc.; Neh. 12:24, etc. k 1 Chr.
Luke 3:27. 1 Called Sa(alAie(, Matt. 1;1:>; Luke3:-J7. a Num. W:.^, etc.; 10:31. 41; Psa. 136: 145:1-11; Jcr. 33:11. 1 Rev. 21:10-14. m Hag. 2:3.
Deut. 12:5,6. b Neh. 8:14, 17; Zech. 14:10. 5 Heb. Ihe matter of the day n Psa. ]-J6:6; Jer. 31:S. 9. « Psa. 5:11. P Judg. 2:5. 1 Heb. sons of the
in his day. c Exod. 29:3.-i. •> iNum. ch. 28, 29. 1 Heb. the temple of the transportation, q ver. 7-9. r 2 Kings 17:24, etc. » 2 Kings 19:37. 1 Neh.
LORD teas not yet founded. ^ Or. tmrkmen e 1 Kings 5:6, 9. f ch. 6:3. 2:-2U; AclsS:21; 3John9,10. uch.l:l-3.
ever. 2. I> 1 Chr. 23:24. • Or, HorfauiaA, ch. 2:40. t Heb. as on«. i Zech.
2. The establishment of and ordinances of of persons of various provinces -whom the king of Assyria
the worship
God is the surest safeguard against enemies, and the best had removed and ])laced in Samaria. Ver. 7-10.
preparation for all the dispensations of Providence. 2. Assur; Assyria.
in luiildinir.''
fi Ami liirod <-.)uii;=cllor.« atrainist llioni,'" to frii?-
v.c.'^f*' 2 Then
rose up Zerubhabel the son of
Shealtiel, and Jesliua the son of Jozadak, and be-
gan to build the house of God which is at Jeru-
salem: and with thein were the prophets of God
helping them.
3 IT At the same time came to them Tatnai, gov-
ernor on this side the river, and Sliethar-boznai,
and their companions, and said thus unto them,
Wlio hath commanded you to build this house,
and to make up this wall?
4 Then said we unto them after this manner,"What
are the names of the men that make" this building?
5 But the eye of their God was upon the elders of
the Jews,* that they could not cause them to cease,''
till the matter came to Darius :and then they re-
turned answer by letter concerning this matter."
6 1 The copy of the letter that Tatnai, governor
on this side the river, and Shethar-boznai, and his
companions the Apharsachites, which were on this
side the river, sent unto Darius the king
7 They sent a letter unto him, wherein* was writ-
ten thus Unto Darius the king, all peace.
new tirnhcr: nnd let the expenses be given out of prophet ami Zochariali son of Iddo.J *i,"c'!!!j;
again inilo tlic temple wliich is at Jerusalem, every of the month Adar. which was in the sixth year of
one to ids place, and place l/iem in the house of the reign of Darius the king.
God. Itj "i And the children of Israel, the priests, and
did speedily.
11 And the elders of the Jews buildcd,and they
New after these things, in the reign of Arta-
xerxes king of Persia,'- Ezra the son of Se-
prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the raiah," the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah,
6. Now therefore ; this is the direction of Darius to the who have bitterly opposed his cause may be led to unite
Samaritans, and others who had sympathized and acted with his people in promoting it; and thus by the labors
with them. of both, great and good works may be speedily accom-
11. Word; decree. plished.
14. Artaxerxes; one who succeeded Darius as king of 20. The holy character and conduct of ministers is inti-
Persia. mately connected with the prosperity of religion and the ;
22. Assyria ; Persia, of which Assyria then formed a p i rt. establishment of the worship and ordinances of God ac-
cording to his appointment, is, to his people of every coun-
IXSTRUCTIONS. try and name, an occasion of joy.
1. Diligence and fidelity in searcliing for and obtaining
a correct knowledge of facts, will show that opposition to
the people of God in the estaWishment of his worsliip, is
1. Artaxerxes ; Artaxerxes Longimanus, the second king
unreasonable and wicked. in order after Darius. He must not be confounded witli
6. As the hearts of kings and rulers are in the hand of the Artaxerxes mentioned in chap. 4:7, etc. See the intro-
the Lord, he can lead them to favor his people and use ductory remarks. Ezra; he was grandson of the high-
their power and influence to advance his cause. priest who was slain at the taking of Jerusalem, 2 Kings
13. Under the superintending providence of God, those 25:18-21, and was a descendant of Aaron.
; ;
4 ?S^f 2 Tlie son of Sliallum, the ?on of Zadok, money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat-offer-
the son of Aliitub, ings and their drink-offerings,'' and offer them upon
3 The son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, tlie the altar of the house of your God which is in
son of Meraioth, Jerusalem."
4 The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son 18 And whatsoever sJiall seem good to thee, and
of Biikki, to thy brethren, to do with the rest of the silver
5 The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas," the and the gold, that do after the will of your God.'
son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest :" 19 The vessels also that are given thee for the
6 This Ezra went up from Babylon and he was ; service of the house of thy God, those deliver thou
a ready scribe in tlie law of Moses,'^ which the before the God of Jerusalem.
Lord God of Israel had given: and the king 20 And whatsoever more shall be needful for
granted him all liis request, according to the hand the house of thy God, which thou shalt have occa-
of the Lord liis God upon him.'' sion to Ijcstow, bestow it outrjf the king's treas-
7 And there went up some of the children of Is- ure-house.
rael," and of the priests, and the Levites, and the 21 And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make
singers, and the porters, and the Nethinim,*^ unto a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond
Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the the river, that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the
king. scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall re-
8 And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, quire of you, it be done speedily,
which was in the seventh year of the king. 22 Unto a hundred talents of silver, and to a
9 For upon the first day of the first month began hundred measures* of wheat, and to a hundred
he to go up* from Babylon, and on the first day of baths of wine, and to a hundred baths of oil, and
the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according salt without prescribing how much.
to the good hand of his God upon him.'' 23 Whatsoever is commanded' liy tlie God of
10 For Ezra had prepared his heart'' to seek the heaven," let it be diligently done for the house of
law of the Lord,' and to do it,' and to teach in the God of heaven:'' for why should there be
Israel statutes and judgments.'' wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?
Ill Now this is tiie copy of the letter that the 24 Also we certify you, that, touching any of the
king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest, the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinim, or
scribe, even a scribe of the words of the command- ministers of this house of God, it shall not be law-
ments of the Lord, and of his statutes to Israel. ful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.
12 Artaxerxes, king of kings,' unto Ezra the 25 And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God,
priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, that is in tliy hand, set magistrates and judges,"'
perfect peace,* and at such a time. which may judge all the people that are beyond
13 1 make a decree, that all they of the people the river, all such as know tlie laws of thy God
of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my and teach ye them that know them, not.'^
realm, which are minded of their own free will to 2fi And whosoever will not do the law of thy
go up to Jerusalem, go with thee. God, and the law of the king, let judgment be
14 Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king,* and executed speedily upon him, whether it he unto
of his seven counsellors,"" to inquire concerning death, or to banishment,^ or to confiscation of
Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy goods, or to imprisonment.
God which is in thy hand 27 IT Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers,^'
15 And to carry the silver and gold, which the which liath put such a thing as this in the king's
king and his counsellors have freely ofiered unto the heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is
God of Israel," whose habitation is in Jerusalem," in Jerusalem:^
16 And all the silver and gold that thou canst 28 And hath extended mercy unto me before the
find in all the province of Babylon,'' with the free- king," and his counsellors, and before all the king's
will-offering of the people, and of the priests, oftcr- mighty princes. And I was strengthened as the
ing willingly for the house of their God which is hand of the Lord my God was upon me,*" and I
in Jerusalem:'' gatliered together out of Israel chief men to go
17 That thou mayest buy speedily with this up with me.
a Num. a5;ll-13. b Heb. 5:4. e ver. 11, 12. SI. i vcr. 9; ch. 8:22, 31; 63:29; 76:11. o 2 Chr. 6:2; Psa. 9:11 26:S; 135:21. Pch.8:2S. 1 1 Chr.
Neh. 2:8, 18; Proir. 3:6. e ch. 8:1, 15, etc. f ch. 2:43. • Heb. was the 29:6,9. r Num. 15:4-13. • Dent. 12:5-11 t Eph. 5:17.
. 5 Chald. cor,!.
foundation of the gain? up. e ver. B. li2Chr.l9:3. Psi. 119:4.5. i DBut. I Heb. of the decree. » ver. IS. » Psa. 119:4. " Exod. 18:21. 22; Deul.
li;:la; Dan. 6:5. k Doul. 3:i:10; Mil. 2:7; Tilus 2:1, 15. I Ezek. 26:7; 16:18. X ver. 10; Rom. 10:14-17. 1 Chald. rooting out. y 1 Chi. 29:10.
Dan. 2:37. t Or, to Ezra the priest, a perfect snibe of the law of the God of ich.6:22. ach.9:9. b ver. 6; ch. 8:18.
heaven, ^ice, etc. t Ch3.U. from before' the king. mEslh. 1:14. of
6. Scribe in tlie law ; one skilful in writing the law and IXSTRUCTIONS.
in instructing tlie people in its meaninfc, ver. 10. 6. To be
scribes well instructed in the things of the
8. In the seventh t/ear of the king; consequently thirteen kingdom of God. and able to teach others, men must devote
j-ears before the mission of Nehemiali. Neh. 2:1. themselves to this work, and seek that preparation which
20. Bestow it out of the kind's treasure-house; from the comes from him onlj'.
tribute and customs paid into the king's treasury, by the 12. 'When rulers and those in authority are led to pro-
people west of the PiUphrates. Vcr. 25. mote the cause of God, his people should view it as the
27. Blesseii he the Lord God; the exclamation of Ezra in fruit of his grace, and render to him their tribute of grat-
view of what (Jod had done for him and the Jews, espe- itude and praise.
cially in inclining the king to favor them. 21. Rulers who not only favor the cause of God, hut use
: ; w ;
(HA TIER VII I iddo the rhief at the place f'asipliia, and * «
n. .f I'/r. >' nun, lUl.vlon.
t.t, t. I He «pnd- I told Ihotn what they should say* unto
]•'• w"
•Jl Ho Iti-i-prlh B fiul. 'Jl Iddo, and to his brethren the Nethiniin, at tlie
Wf ,-,v ly of pricsUi. 'U From
Ali»n ireiuuru ii weighnl in llic place Casipliia, that they should bring unto us
t«m|i! ' '
ministers for the house of our (iod.'
''T^ilESK are now the ciiicrof tlicir fatliors, and is And by the good hand of our Ood upon us
\. this is the L'enealojry of them that went up they brought us a man of understanding," of tlie
with nie from Babvlou, in the reign of Artaxcrxes sons of ^lahli, the son of Levi, th(( son of Israel
liie kiiijr. and Shercbiah, with his sons and his brethren,
2 Of the sons of Phinclias;" Gcrshom: of the eighteen.
}!nns of Ithamar; Daniel: of the sons of David; 19 And llashabiah, and with him .leshaiah of
llattu^h.'' the sons of Alerari, liis iirclhren and their sons,
bud,* and with them seventy males. and fifty talents of silver, and silver vessels a hun-
15 *^
And 1 gathered them together to the river dred talents, and of gold a hundred talents
that runneth to Ahava; and there al)ode' we in 27 Also twenty basins of gold, of a thousand
tents three days and I viewed the people, and the drams; and two vessels of fine copper,' precious^
Elnathan, men of understanding.'^^ 29 Watch ye, and keep them, until ye weigh them
17 And 1 sent them with commandment unto before the chief of the priests and the Levites, and
* I Chr. 0:4, etc. b 1 Chr. 3::22. c ch. 2:3. ' Or, youngest son. t Or, 42:16
Zomir, M
lome read. XOt,pitehed. <lch.7:7. e IChr. 1-2:3J; Prnr. 20:5;
28:2. i Heb. / put words in their mouth,
2 Sam. 14:3. 19. f Tit. 1:5.
«*'«h, 8:7; 9:4, 5. hch. 2:43. iPhil. 4:.3. J 2 Cliron. 20:3. k Lev. 16:29;
23:29; Isa.5-J:3,5; Joel 2:13. lPEa.5:8; 143:8,10; ProT.3:6; l8a..'J0:21;
15.Ahava; in Assyria, on a river of the same name,
which emptied into tlic P^uplirates. Ver. 21.
17. Casiphia; supposed to have been not far from Ahava.
15.Ministers are sometimes backward to engage in diffi-
cult and perilous services, and need, by the exhortation
£:ra mourncth the Jews' EZRA IX. affindy with heathen.
three days."" ties are increased over our head," and our tres-
33 1 Now on the fourth day was the silver and pass* is grown up unto the heavens.'
the gold and the vessels weighed in the house of 7 Since the days of our fathers have we been in a
our God by the hand of Meremoth the son of great trespass unto this day ;" and for our iniqui-
Uriah the priest;" and with him was Eleazar the ties have we, our kings, and our priests, been de-
sou of Phinehas and with them was Jozabad the
; livered into the hand of the kings of the lands,"
sou of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son of Binnui, Le- to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to
vitcs ;
confusion of face, as it is this day.
34 By number and by weight of every one and : 8 And now for a little space* grace hath been
all the weight was written at that time. showed from the Lord our God, to leave us a rem-
35 ^ilso the children of those that had been car- nant to escape, and to give us a nail^ in his holy
ried away, which were come out of the captivity, place, that our God may lighten our eyes,'' and
oflcred burnt-olTerings uuto the God of Israel,*'
give us a little reviving in our bondage.
twelve bullocks for all Israel, ninety and six rams, 9 For we wo-e bondmen / yet our God hath not
seventy and seven lambs, twelve he-goatsybr a siu- forsaken us in our bondage,^ but hath extended
ofiferiug: all this was a burnt-offering unto the mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia,
Lord. to give us a reviving, to set up the house of our
36 1 And they delivered the king's commissions God, and to repair' the desolations thereof, and
unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem."
on this side the river:'' and they furthered the 10 And now, our God, what sliall we say after
people, aud the house of God. this? for we have forsaken thy commandments,
11 Which thou hast commanded by'' thy ser-
vants the prophets, saying. The land, unto which
CHAPTER IX. ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the
1 Ezra mourneth for the affinity of the people witli strangers. He pray- iilthiness of the people of the lands, with their
eih unto God with confession of sins. abominations, which have filled it from one end to
NOW when
these things
to me, saying, The people of Israel, and
were done, the princes another" with their uncleanness.
12 Now therefore give not your daughters unto
the priests, and the Levites, have not separated their sons, neither take their daughters unto your
themselves from the people of the lands,"^ daing ac- sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever
cording to their abominations,'' ew?iof the Canaan- that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the
ites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your chil-
Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the dren for ever.
Amorites. 13 And after all that is come upon us for our
2 For they have taken of their daughters for evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that
themselves, and for their sons:' so that the holy thou our God hast punished us less than our iniq-
seed^ have mingled themselves with the people of uities deserve* and hast given us such deliverance
those lands:''yea, the hand of the princes and as this;"
rulers hath been chief in this trespass. 14 Should we again break thy commandments,'*
3 And when I heard this thing, I rent my gar- and join in affinity with the people of these abomi-
ment and my mantle,' and plucked off the hair nations? wouldest not thou be angry with us till
of my head and of my beard,"" and sat down aston- thou hadst consumed us," so that there should be no
ished." remnant nor escaping?
>Ver. 33. Iich.7:-J6. » Neh. 2:11. d ver. 20, 30. ech. 6:17. fch. 7:21. "0601.28:36,64. lUeb. morrunt. i Or, a pin: Ih^l h, a conslant and sun
ech. 0:21; Neh. 9:2; aCor.0:17. t Deut. 12:30, 31 Rom. 2:17-25. iExod.
; abode, U3L. ia-.-il. " Psa. 13:3. xPsa. 85:6. y Neh. 9:36. i Psa. 136:23;
34:16; Neh. 13:2:3. J Deut. 14:2; Isi. 6:13. k2Cor.6:14. 12KinEsl9:l. Ezek. 11:16. I Heh. set up. acli. 6:8, 14. 1B.eb. by the hand of. • Hcb.
m Isi. 15:2. n Psi. 60:3. o oh. 10:3; Psa. 119:130; Isi. 66:2; Ezek. 9:4. mouth to mouth, 2 Kings 21:16. b Dent. 23:6. t Heb. withheld beneath our
PBxod. 29:39. • Or,nfflirtion. q I Kings 8:22. "-Dan. 9:7, 8. Psa. 38i4. iniquities, c Psa. 103: 10. J John 5:14; 2 Pet. 2:20, 21. e Deut. 9:8.
f Or, guiltiness. ' 2 Chr. 28:9; Luke 15:21; Rev. 18:5. u Psi. 106:6.
1") (1 Lord Goil of Isrnol, thou art rifrlitoous;" in three days. It was the ninth month, *i,*','5f,;:
for wc remain vol ( s(;i|ii'(i,'' as iV is tlii.s day : bc- on the twentieth day oi tlie mnntii and all the ;
liold, wc art before our trespasses;" lor tlioe in we I)eoplesat in the street of the house of God, Ireni-
cannot stand before ihco because of tiiis.'' iiling because of this matter,'" and for the great
10 And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto
niAl'TKi! X. them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken'
1 Sh«^ . Kzra to r« T'Tm \hv Rtran;;r marriages. C strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel.
.ml promise amomlment. The care to per- 1 Now tluacforc make confession unto the Lonn
15. Thouart righteous; in the punishment he had inflicted 13. Eowever great the calamities which God inflicts on
on them for tlieir sins ; and their dehverance was all of his people, they feel that he is righteous, and that he pun-
grace. ishes them less than their sins deserve.
1. However great
the judgments of God on men for their
Sins, or hismercy in their deliverance, they are prone to CHAPTER X.
lorget him, and even to repeat the sins
for which they 14. Come at appointed times; to have their cases duly
liave been called to suffer. investigated and decided according to the truth.
2. Marriages with the openly
wicked have ever been a
powerful means of public corruption, and a fruitful
of calamity to both rulers and people. Those who would lead others
1. to repentance, must
6. Ingenuous confession of sin, with
hearty supplication show that they are deeply affected with their sins, and
to God for pardon, is a more sure means
of relief than any earnestly desire their good.
application which can be made to creatures True repentance
3. will always be accompanied with
Mattaniah, and Jeremotli, and Zabad, aud Aziza. 41 Azareel, and Shelcmiah, Shemariah,
28 Of the sons also of Bcbai Jehohauan, Hana- 42 Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph.
niah, Zabbai, and Athlai. 43 Of the sons ofNebo; Jciel, Mattithiah, Za-
29 Andof the sons of Bani; Meshullam,Malluch, bad, Zebina, Jadau, and Joel, Benaiah.
and Adaiah, Jashub, and Slieal, and Ramoth. 44 All these had taken strange wives :'' and som£
30 And of the sons of Pahath-moab Adna, and of them had wives by whom they had children.
' Nehemiah 7:41. • Or, Mabnadebai. : copies, b Deuter- onomy7;3,4; Joshua 23:12, 13; Judges .'5:5-8; Proverbs 5:20.
thorough reformation ; and no sin they must not only resolve to do it, but with his help must
is repented of, that is
not heartily forsaken. carry their resolutions into effect; actually doing what
7. Those who undertake public reformations need en- they know and acknowledge to be their duty.
couragement from their brethren, and the cooperation of 17. Courage, resolution, activity, and perseverance, with
many will effect what no one can accomplish alone. dependence on God, will enable his people, for the good
9. If men would forsake their sins and turn to the Lord, of his church, to accomplish objects otherwise impossible.
This book, of wliich Nchcmiah was the author, chap. 1:1, continues the history of the Jewish people
from the time wlicn Nehemiah was connuissioncd by Artaxcrxce to go to Jerusalem in the capacity of
civil governor, that he might rebuild its walls, and regulate the affairs of the province. The last event
that it records is the expulsion from Jerusalem of one of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the higli-
pricst, because ho had married the daughter of Sauballat. This occurred during Nchemiah's secoiul
administration, the duration of which is not known.
it came to pass in the month Chisleu, in 7 Wehave dealt very corruptly against thee,'
the twentieth year, as I was in Shusiian the palace, and have not kept the commandments, nor the
2 That Ilauaui, one of my brethren, came, he statutes, nor the judgments, which thou command-
and certain men of Judali and I asked them con-
; edst thy servant Moses.-i
cerniniT the Jews tiuit had escaped, wliich were 8 Remember, 1 beseech thee, the word that thou
left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. commandedst thy servant Moses, saying, //"ye trans-
3 And they said unto me, The remnant that are gress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations :"
left of the captivity there in the province are in 9 But if ye turn unto me, and keep my com-
great affliction and reproach ;'' the wall of Jerusa- mandments, and do them though there were of ;
lem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven,'
bm"ncd with fire." yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring
4 •[ And it came to pass, when I heard these them unto the place that I have chosen to set my
words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned name there."'
certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the 10 Now these are thy servants and thy people,
God of heaven, whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power, and
5 And said, I beseech thee, Lord God of by thy strong hand."
heaven, the groat and terrible God,'' that kcepeth 110 Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be
covenant and mercy for them that love him and attentive to the prayer of thy servant," and to the
observe his commandments:" prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy
6 Let thine car now be attentivc,'^ and thine name " and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this
eyes open,'^ that thou mayest hear the prayer of day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.
thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day For I was the king's cupbearer.''
• Ch.lO;l.b Psa. 137:1-3; Lam. 1:7; 3:B1; 5:1 2Kings25:10; Isa. 26:33, etc.; Deut. 4:25, etc.; 28:64. I 1
64:10,11. d Dan. 9:4, etc. «Esod. 20:6. flK 6. u. 23, 29; 2Chr. 6:40. 11:12; S6:S; Jer. 12:15; .TO:19, 20. » De;
»P»l. 34:15. h Psa. 32:5; 1 John 1:9 Psa. 106:0. JDeut. 23:15. t Lev. 86:6. Pisa. 26:8; Heb. 13:18. qch.2:l.
1 Artaxences understanding the cause of Nehemiah's sadness sendeth
him with letters and commission to Jerusalem. 9 Nehemiah, to the
grief of the enemies, Cometh to Jerusalem. 12 He vieweth secretly
the ruins of the walls. 17 He incitetli the Jews to build in despite
of th,
niAi'Tr.i: in built it, and set up the doors thereof, the ^"c.'ms:
locks thereof, and the bars thereof.
l.O But the gale of the fountain repaired Phallum
piIEN* Klia.-'liili llic liigh-priest ro.*c up witli his the son of Coi-hozeh,'' the ruler of jiart of Mizjiah ;
1. Itrc'tliion tlio prii'sL'^," and llicv built tlie sliccp- he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors
pito;'' tlicv sanclilifti it, and t^et uj) the duors of thereof, the loiks thereof, and the bars thereof,
it; ovfii iiiito till' towor of Mcaii they saactiliod it,'' and the wall of the pool of Siloali by the king's
unto the tower of llauaiieel.' garden,' and unto the stairs that go down from
2 And next unto iiim" buildcd the men of Jeri- the city of David.
cho.'' And next to tiieiu builded Zaccur the son IG jVfter him repaired Nehemiah the .^on of Az-
of Irnri. buk, the ruler of tlie half i)art of Bcth-ziir, unto the.
;j Hut tiic fisli-gate did the sons of IIas?enaah place over against the sejiulchres of David, and to
build/ who aho hvid tlie beams thereof, and set uj) the ])ool that was made,'" and unto the house of the
the door:? tiiereof, the locks thereof, and tiio bars mighty.
tliereof. 17 After him repaired the Levites, Rehum the son
4 And next unto them repaired Mercmoth the of Bani. Next unto him rc})aired liashabiali, the
son of Urijah, the son of Koz. And next unto ruler of the half part of Kcilah, in his part.
them repairi'(l Mcshiillam the son of Bcrecliiah, 18 After him reiiaired their brethren, Bavai the
the son of Meshezaboel. And next unto them son of llenadud, tlie ruler of the half part of Kei-
repaired Zadok the son of Baami. lah."
5 And next unto tlieni the Tekoites repaired; I'J And next to him repaired Ezer the son of
but their nobles put not their necks to the work Jesliua, the ruler of Miz])ali, another piece over
of tiieir Lord."-' against the going up to the armory at the turning
6 Moreover tlie old gate repaired Jehoiada the of tlie wall."
sonof Paseali,and MeshuUam the son ofBesodeiah; 20 After him Barucli the son of Zabbai^ earnest-
they laid the beams thereof, and set up the doors ly repaired the other piece, from the turning of
thereof, and the locks tliereof, and tlie bars thereof. the wall unto the door of the house of Eliashib the
7 And next unto them repaired Melatiah the high-priest.
Gibeonite, and Jadon tlie Meroiiothite, the men of 21 After him repaired ilcremoth the son of Uri-
Gibcon, and of JIiz])ali, unto the throne of the jah the son of Koz another piece, from the door of
governor on this side the river.'' the house of Eliashib even to the end of the house
8 Next unto him repaired Uz/icl the son of Har- of Eliashib.
haiah, of the goldsmiths. Next unto him also re- 22 And after him repaired the priests, the men
paired Ilananiah the son of on« of the ajiothecaries, of the plain.''
and they fortified* Jerusalem unto the broad wall.' 23 After him repaired Benjamin and Hashub over
9 And next unto them repaired RepJiaiah the against their house. After him repaired Azariah
son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem. tlie son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah by Lis
10 And next unto them repaired Jedaiah the son house.
of Ilarumaph, even over against his house. And 24 After him repaired Binnui the son of Henadad
next unto him repaired Hattush the son of Hash- another piece, from the house of Azariah unto the
abniali. turning of the wall,'^ even unto the corner.
1 Malchijah the son of Harim, and Hashub the 25 Palal the son of Uzzai, over against the turn-
son of Pahath-moab, repaired the other piece,* and ing of the wall, and the tower which lieth out from
the tower of the furnaces. the king's high house, that ivas by the court of the
12 And next unto him repaired Shalhim the son prison."' After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh.
of Ualohesh, the ruler of the half ])art of Jerusa- 20 Moreover the Nethinim'' dwelt in Ophel,"
lem, he and his daughters. uiito^ the place over against the water-gate toward
13 The valley-gate repaired Ilaniin, and the in- the east," and the tower that lieth out.
habitants of Zaiioali they Imilt it, and set up the
; 27 After them the Tekoites repaired another
doors thereof, the locks tliereof, and the burs there- piece, over against the great tower that lieth out,
of, and a thousand cubits on the wall unto the even unto the wall of Ophel.
dung-gate.^ 28 From above the horse-gate repaired the
14 But the dung-gate repaired Malcliiah the sou priests,^ every one over against his house.
of Recliab, the ruler of part of Beth-haccerem ; he 29 After them repaired Zadok the son of Immer
"Ch.lailO. bJohnS:'. tch. 12:39. i Jer. 31:33; Zech. 14: 10. • Heb. 20:20; Isi. 7:3; 22:11. nl Sam. 23:1, etc.
nlAwAnnd. >!Ezn2:34. '2 Chr. 33:14; Zeph. 1; 10. e Jiide. 3:23; Jer.
;., 1 5; ICor. 1:2«; ITlm. 0:17, 18. b ch. 2:8. 1 Or, k/t. i ch. 12:38.
MU\>. Ktond mtasure. J ch. 2:13. kch. 2:14. 1 John 9:7. > 2 Kings
1. The sheep-gate; in tlio eastern part of the city
near the
temple, where sheep were sold for the sacrifices. Com-
pare ver. 32; ch. 12:39; John :>:2, margin.
Plots of the enemies NEHEMIAH IV. of the Jews lujjlal.
H."«S^' over against his house. After him repair- sin be blotted out from before thee -J for they have
ed also Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah, the provoked thee to anger before the builders.
keeper of the east-gate. 6 So built we the wall and all the wall was
30 After liim repaired Hananiah the son of Shel- joined together unto the half thereof: for the peo-
omiah, and Ilanim the sixth son of Zalaph, another ple had a mind to work."
piece. After him repaired Meshullam the son of 7 1 But it came to pass, that when Sanballat,
Berechiah over against liis cliambcr. and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammon-
31 After liim repaired ilalcliiah the goldsmitli's ites, and the Ashdoditcs, heard that the walls of
son unto tlie place of the Nethinim/' and of the Jerusalem were made up,^ and that the breaches
merchants, over against tlie gate Miphkad, and to began to be stopped, then they were very wroth,
the going up of the corner.* 8 And conspired all of them together to come
32 And between the going up of the corner unto and to fight against Jerusalem,' and to hinder it.'
tlie sheep-gate repaired the goldsmiths and the 9 Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our
merchants." God,'" and set a watch against them day and night,"
because of them.
CHAPTER IV. 10 And Judah said. The strength of the bearers
of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish;
1 While the enemies scoff, N ehemiah prayeth and continueth the -work.
7 Understanding the wratli and secrets of the enemy, he setteth a so that we are not able to build the wall.
watch. 13 He armeth the laborers, 19 and j,'iveth military precepts. 11 And our adversaries said, They shall not
BUT it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard know, neither see, till we come in the midst among
that we builded the wall,'-' he was wroth, and them, and slay them," and cause the work to cease.
took great indignation,'' and mocked the Jews.'' 12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews
2 And he spake before his brethren and the army which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten
of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews?*^ times, From all places whence ye shall return unto
will they fortify themselves?* will they sacrifice? us^ they loill be upon you.
will they make an end in a day? will they revive 13 If Therefore set I in the lower places* behind
the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the
are burned? people after their families with their swords, their
3 Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he spears, and their bows.
said. Even that which they build, if a fox go up, 14 And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the
he shall even lireak down their stone wall.''' nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the
4 Hear, our God for we are despised :*'' and people. Be not ye afraid of them:^ remember the
turn their reproach upon their own head,' and give Lord, ivhich is great and terrible,'' and fight for
them for a prey in the land of captivity : your brethren, your sons, and your daughters,
5 And cover not their iniquity, and let not their your wives, and your houses.'
» Ver. 26. • Ot, corner chamber, b yer 1. = ch. 2:10, 10. d Acts 5: 17. 50:15; 55:16-22. >Luke21:36; Acts4:24-29. o2Sam. 17:2: Aots23:12,
Heb. 11:36. f Zech. 12:8. \ Heh. leave to themselves, e 2 Kings 1S:2.3. 21. 1 Or, That from all-places ye must return to us. • Heb. /rom the lower
Heb. rfespi(€. 1> Psi. 123:3, 4. i Psa. 79:12; Prov. 3:34. j Psa. 09:27; parts of the place. P Deut. 1:29, 30; Matt. 10:28. q Dent. 10:17; Psa.
r. 18:23; 2 Tim. 4:14. k 2 Chr. 29:36; Psa. 110:3. 5 Heb. ascended. 00:3, 5; Nahuml:6, 7. r 2 Sam. 10:12.
Psa. 83:3-5. 1 Heb. make an error to it; Jer. 20:10; Dan. 0:4, S. oi Psa.
32. Tlie sheep-gate ; the place where they began to build. will they, by worshipping their God through sacrifices,
Thus they had surrounded tlio whole city. obtain such help from him as to finish the work in a single
INSTRUCTIONS. day ? But we may, perhaps, better render, " Shall they
sacrifice? shall they at this time make an end?" that is,
1. In works of public reformation and such as are re-
shall tliey be allowed to go on sacrificing to their God,
quired for the protection and prosperity of the church,
and building the walls, till they are completed ?
ministers of religion should take the lead, and set an ex-
6. Unto the half thereof ; that is, the half of its intended
ample which may be safely and usefully followed.
5. Men of rank often excuse themselves from the per-
12. From all places whence ye shall return tinto us; ap-
formance of those labors which the public good requires,
parently meaning that the enemy are ready to assail them
and in which others are engaged and thus neglect the ;
tliiit it wns known iiiilo us, and (iod had Imiufrlit. our lands and vineyards.
wo returned of T) Yet now our llesli is as the our breth- flesh of
their counsfl to naught," that all
ren," our children as their chililri'ii: mid lo. we
us to tlie wall, every one unto his work.
Iti And it came to pass from thai time forth,
bring into bondage our sons and our daughters to
Ma/ the half of mv servants wrouirhl in tiic work, be servants,and sotae of our daughters are lirought
luid the other half of them held both the spears, into bondage ainadi/:'' neither is it in our
the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; to redeem llitm ; for other men have our lands and
and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah. vineyards.
17 'I'liey whieh builded on the wall, and they G *! And I was very angry when I heard their
that bare burdens, with those tiiat huled, every one cry and these words.
with one of his hamls wrought in the work, and 7 Then 1 consulted with myself,* and I rebuked
willi the other hand held a weapon.** the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them,
is For the builders, every one had liis sword Ye exact usury,' every one of his brother. And
_'irdi'd by his side,* and so builded. And he that 1 set a great assembly against them.
Hiunded the trumpet was by me. 8 And I said unto them. We, after our ability,
IK * And I .''aid unto the nobles, and to the have redeemed our brethren the Jews,* which were
rulers, and to the rest of the ])eoplo. The work w sold unto the heathen and will ye even sell your ;
great anil large, and we arc separated upon the brethren? or shall they be sold unto us? Then
wall, one far from another. held they their peace, and i'oiiud nothing to an-
held the spears from the rising of the morning till 10 I likewise, and my brethren, and my servants,
the stars appeared. might exact of them money and corn I pray yoti, :
22 Likewise at the same time said I unto the let us leave off this usury.
people. Let every one with his servant lodge within 11 Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day,
Jerusalem, tliut in the night they may be a guard their lands, their vineyards, their olive-yards, and
to us, and labor on the day. their houses, also the hundredth part of the money,
2ii ."^o neither I.'' nor my brethren, nor my ser- and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that ye
vants, nor the men of the guard which followed exact of them.
me, none of us put off our clothes, saving that every 12 Then said they. We will restore them, and
one put them off for washing.* will require nothing of them so will wc do as ;
' L«v. -25:35-09; Deut. 13:7. s Isa. 55:7. hExod. 21:7. I lleb. mj, AMr( o Deut. 27:15, etc.
or void, P 2 Kings 23:3. qch. 13:0. f 1 Cor. 9:4, 15.'
contend with enemies, they may expect that he will fight derstood to mean a hundredth part per month, or twelve
for them and with God on their side they may both work
; per cent, interest per annum.
and fight without fear, till their work is done. 14. From the twentieth year —
unto the tu-o and thirtieth
year; these twelve years include the period of his first
CHAPTER V. a<lmii]istration. lie then returned to the Persian court,
2. Take up corn ; that is, upon usury, liaving no money and afterwards came back to Jerusalem and assumed the
with which to purchase it. Thus they brought themselves administration of the affairs of the Jews a second time.
into the power of their creditors. Chap. 13:6, 7. Tlie bread of the governor; the maintenance
4. The king's tribute; the taxes wliich they which the people whom he governed might, according to
were obliged
to pay to the king of Persia. established usage, have been required to furnish him. lie
5. We bring into bondage our sons ; by the had not required the people to support him, but had sup-
sore exactions
to which they were subjected in their poverty. ported himself
7. Uxury; interest. INSTRUCTIONS.
II. Thehundredth part of the money; this is generally un- The
1. rich, instead of relieving the poor, often taKe
Devices of the enciiiy NEHEMIAH VI. The wall completed.
kc.'Si^' 15 But the former governors that had the Jews think to rebel for which cause thou
been before me were chargeable unto the people, buildest the wall, that tiiou niaycst be their king,
and had taken of them bread and wine, besides according to these words.
forty shekels of silver; yea, even their servants 7 And tiiou hast also appointed prophets to
bare rule over the people: but so did not I,''' be- preach of thee at Jerusalem, saying. There is a
cause of the fear of God.'' king in Judah: and now shall it be reported to
IG Yea, also I continued in the work of this wall, the king according to words. Come now
neither bought we any land: and all my servants therefore,and let us take counsel togelhcr.
luere gathered thither unto the work. 8 Then I sent unto him, saying. There are no
17 Moreover t/m-e were at my table a hundred such things done as thou sayest, but thou feiguest
and fifty of the Jews and rulers, besides those that them out of thine own heart.
came unto us from among the heathen that are 9 For they all made us afraid, saying, Their
about us. hands shall be weakened from the work, that it
18 Now thai which was prepared for me daily be not done. Now therefore, God, strengthen
was one ox and six choice sheep also fowls were ; my hands.'
prepared for nie, and once in ten days store of all 10 Afterward I came unto the house of She-
sorts of wine yet for all this required not I the
: maiah the son of Delaiah the son of Mehetabeel,
bread of the governor, because the bondage was who was shut up and he said, Let us meet to-
heavy upon this people." gether in the house of God, within the temple, and
19 Tliiuk upon me,* my God, for good, accord- let us shut the doors of the temple: for they will
ing to all that I have done for this people." come to slay thee yea, in the night will they come
to slay thee.™
11 And I said, Should such a man as I flee?"
CHAPTER VI, and who is there, that, being as I am, would go
1 Sanballat practiseth by craft, by rumors, by hired prophecies, to ter-
into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.
rify lo The work is finished to the terror of the enemies.
17 Secret intelligence passeth between the enemies and the nobles of 12 And lo, I perceived that God had not sent
Ju,lah. him but that he pronounced this prophecy against
ATOW came to pass when Sanballat, and To- me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.
_L 1 and Geshem" the Arabian, and the rest
biah, 13 Therefore was he hired, that I should be
of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall, afraid, and do so, and sin,° and t/tat they might
and that there was no breach left therein (though have matter for an evil report, that they might
at that time I had not set up the doors upon the rcproacli me.''
gates;) 14 My God, think thou upon Tobiah and San-
2 That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, say- ballat according to these their works,'' and on the
ing. Come, let us meet together,^ in sojne one of prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets,
the villages in the plain of Ono." But they thought that would have put me in fear.
to do me mischief.' 1.5 T So the wall was finished in the twenty and
3 And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am fifth day oi the month Elul, in fifty and two days.
doing a great work, so that I cannot come down 16 And it came to pass, that when all our ene-
why should the work cease, while I leave it, and mies heard thereof and all the heathen that were
come down to you? about us saw these things, they were much cast
4 Yet they sent unto me four times after this down in their own eyes: for they perceived that
sort and I answered them after the same manner.^
; this work was wrought of our God.''
5 Tlien sent Sanballat his servant unto me in 17 1 Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah
like manner the fifth time with an open letter in sent many letters unto Tobiah,* and t]ie Utters of
Ids hand; Tobiah came unto them.
6 Wherein icas written, It is reported among 18 For there icere many in Judah sworn unto
the heathen," and Gashmu* saith it, that thou and him, because he was the son-in-law of Shechaniah
' Prov. 16:6; 2 Cor. 11:9: 12:13. b ver. 9. » Psa. 37:31. 26. d Psa. 71:1. n> Job 24:16. o Psa. 11:1 112:6, »; Luke 13:31-a: Acts 20:24;
40:17; ch. 13:22. e Matt. 25:40; Mark 9:41. • Or, Gashmu, ver. 6. toh. 21:13. oJas.4:17. p Ezek. 13:17, etc. q ch. 13:29; Psa. 36:11. 12. r Psa.
2:10. 19; 4:1,7. S Prov. 26:24, 2.5. h 1 Chr. 8:12; ch. 11:3.5. iPsa.37:12, 126: 2 Acts 5:38, 39.
; I Heb. mulliplicd their tellers passing lo Tobiah.
32. J Prov. 14:15. kjer. 20:10. t Or. GesAem, ver. 1 I I Sam. 30:6; Psa.
advantage of their necessities to obtain their property, 19. Those who from love to God and to men have made
iind sometimes to bring them and their children into bond- pecuniary sacrifices for liis cause, will not in the end be
age thus violating the duty of doing to others as they
; losers but wiU receive from God a gracious and an abim-
without delaj', as far as may be in his power, devise and CHAPTER VI.
execute means to bring it to a speedy and perpetual end. 2. Hie plain of Ono; in the tribe of Benjamin.
ti. Those who oppress their brethren will have nothing Gash/nu; the same as Geshem.
to answer when God shall call them to account. 7. The king ; the king of Persia.
U. Those who have wrongfully taken any thing from 9. Made us afraid; attempted to make us afraid.
)thers are bound to make full restitution, and always to 11. Being as lam; having a good conscience, and being
do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. engaged in the work of the Lord.
15. fear of God will often lead the rich to relinquish
The K;. W(ui wrought of our God; that he was with the peo-
what justly due to them, especially when those from
is ple and blessed them in their work.
whom due are poor, and unable to pay their honest
it is 18. Slieclianiah —
and —
Meshullam ; foreigners whose
debts without distressing themselves. daughters Tobiah and Jobanan had married.
; 1
antl the singers and the Levites were appointed, and eight.
2 That I gave my brother llanani, and Ilana- IG The children of Bebai, six hundred twenty
niah the rnler of (lie palace, charge over Jerusa- and eiglit.
li'iii for ho icas a faithful man,'' and feared God
: 17 'i'he children of Azgad, two thousand thre<'
above many.'^ hundred twenty and two.
3 And I said unto them, Let not the gates of Je- 15 The children of Adonikam, six hundred tlircf-
rusalem be opened until the sun bo hot and wliile scorc and seven. ;
they stand by, let tiieni shut the doors, and l)ar li) The children of Bigvai, two thousand three-
G These are the cliildrcn of the province, tliat 2G Tlie men of Bcth-lehem and Nctophah, a hun-
went up out of tho captivity.'' of those that Iiad dred fourscf)re and eight.
been carried away, whom Xcbuchadnezzar tlie king 27 The men of Anathoth, a hundred twenty and
of Babylon liad carried away,^ and came again eight.
to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one unto his 28 Tho men of Beth-azmaveth," forty and two.
city 29 Tlie men of Kirjath-jearim,* Chephirah, and
7 Who
came with Zerubbabel,'' Jeshua, Nehe- Becrotli, seven hundred forty and three.
miali, Azariah,* Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordccai, 30 The men of Ramah and Gaba, six hundreil
Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nchum, Baauah. The twenty and one.
number, / say, of the men of the people of Israel 31 Tho men of Michmas, a hundred and twenty
was this : and two.
8 The children of Parosh, two thousand a hun- 32 The men of Betli-cl and Ai, a Jiundred twenty
dred seventy and two. and three.
"Or, wioHwj. ach. 6:1. «> Acts 6:3, S. c Exod. 1S:21. t lleb. iroad in
ijxiat. i Em I .XI. e l Chr. 9:1, etc. fEzra2:l. S 2 Kings 24: 14-15.
2. Wlicn the efforts of •wicked men
to hinder the •work
of Godare disappointed in one •ivay, they are often tempt- 2. For he; Hananiah.
ed to try another. .S. Let not tlie gates of Jerusalem be opened; this was de-
9. Fear of men is unbecoming in the people of God, and signed to guard against enemies.
when threatened, they should look up to him for the cour- 4. Tlte city was large; the walls, having been built on
age, -wisdom, and strength which they need, go forward the old foundations, enclosed more than -was inhabited.
in duty, and let nothing hinder them from learning and 5. A re^ster; containing the names of those who came
doing his will, committing themselves and their cause to up from Babylon to Judea. For tho remainder of this
his wise and gracious disposal. chapter, see notes on Ezra 2.
Sometimes, if need he, it is proper in a good cause
to endanger one's own life, but it is never proper to do INSTRUCTIONS.
wrong in order to save it; for he who tints saves his life 2. Power and authority should be committed to those
shall lose it, and he who his life in doing right shall •who fear God, and will employ their talents for his cause.
keep it to life eternal. 3. AVc shotild sho-w our trust in God by the proper use
15. Sometimes (jod so manifestly appears in support of of means, and not tempt him by the neglect of them.
his cause, that even its enemies see his hand, and arc 5. Every good thought is from above; and while " '
convinced that their efforts to stop it will be unavailing. diligently improve it to tho best advantage, God shoull
Genealogy of those who NEHEMIAII VIII. returned from Balylon.
536. two.
3-1 The children of the other Elam,^ a thousand
two luindred fifty and four.
35 The children of Harim, three hundred and
36 Tlic children of Jericho, three hundred forty
and five.
37 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven
hundred twenty and one.
3S The children of Senaah, three thousand nine
hundred and thirty.
39 II The priests: the children of Jedaiah," of the
house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy and three.
40 The children of Immer, a thousand fifty and
41 The children of Pashur,'' a thousand two hun-
dred forty and seven.
42 The children of Harim, a thousand and sev-
43 1 The Lcvitcs the children of Jeshua, of
a Ver. 1
TV /()» is fullicly NEIIKMIAII VIII. rend and erpLinrd.
2 Anil K/.ni the jiriost lirouplit IIk' law bcroro (hiyIS holy unto our Lord: neither bo ye
a.m. si-o.
O. •bull!
,t ,• p ., t . 11.
tho coiigri'L'iitioii lioili iif im-ii uiiil wonioii," and sorry; lor the joy of tho JiORD is your <«•
4 .Vnd Kzra the scribe stood upon a jjulpit* of words that were declared unto them."^
wood, which they had made for the purpose; and 13 T And on the second day were gathered to-
beside him stood .Mattithiah, and Shema, and Ana- gether the chief of the fathers of all the people,
iah.and Urijah, and Ililkiali, and Maasciaii, on his the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe,
right hand; and on his left hand, Pedaiah, and even to understand^ the words of the law.
Mishael, and Malcliiah, and llashum, and Hash- 14 And they found written in the law which the
badana. Zechariah, and Mesliulhun. Lord h;ul commanded by i\losos, that the children
•J And Kzra opcni'il the bonk in the sight^ of all of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of tho
the people ;' for he was above all the ])eople; and seventh month:"
when he opened it, all the people stood up:'' 15 And that they should publish and proclaim in
t) And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God." all their cities, and in Jerusalem, saying. Go forth
And all the people answered, Amen, Amcu,'^ with unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine
lifting up their hands:''' and they bowed their branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branch-
heails, and worshipped the Lord with tlieir faces es, and branches of thick trees, to make booths, as
to tiiy ground.'' it is written.
7 Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Shercbiali, Janiin, 16 : So the people went forth, and brought them,
Akkub, Shabbethai, Ilodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, and made them.selves booths, every one upon the
.Vzariah, Jozabad, llanan, Pelaiali, and the Le- roof of his house,' and in their courts, and in tho
vites, caused the people to understand the law:' courts of the house of God, and in the street of
ami the people stood in their place. the water-gate, and in the street of the gate of
8 So they read in the book in the law of God Ephraim."
tlistinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them 17 And all the congregation of them that were
to umlerstand the reading.^ come again out of the captivity made booths, and
9 ^ -Ind Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha,' and sat under the booths for since the days of Joshua :
Vj'.yo. the priest the scribe, and the Levitcs that the son of Nun unto that day had not the children
taught the people, said unto all the people, This of Israel done so. And there was very great glad-
day is holy unto the Lord your God;" mourn not, ness."'
nor weep.' For all the people wept, when they 18 Also day by day, from tho first day unto the
heard the words of the law."' last day, he read in the book of the law of God."
10 Tiien he said unto them, Go your way, eat And they kept the feast seven days; and on the
the fat, and drink the sweet," and send portions eighth day was a solemn* assembly, according
unto them for whom nothing is prepared :" for this unto the manner.^
«Aotsl5:2l. ' Reb. understood in the hearing. bLev.23:2-l. flUh. light. .5:1. » E.«th 9:19, 22; Rev. 11:10. P Psa. 149:2; Isa. 12:2, 3; 35:1, 4;
neb. lower, t Hub. ei/es. e Luke 4:1S, etc. d Jade. 3:20; 1 Kings y:14. 61:10; Joel 2:23; Phil. 3:3. q Psa. 126:1-3. ' ver. 7, 8; Rom. 7:1, 8.
'2Chr.6:4. flCor. 14:16. s Psi. 63:4; Lam. 3:41 ; 1 Tim. 2:8. S Exod. ^ Or, that they might instruct in. • Heb. by the hand of. • Lev. 2J:34, 42;
12:27; 2Chr. 20:1S. i Deut. .'W:IU; 2Chr. 17:7-9; 30:22; Mai. 2:7. i Luke Deut. 10:13, etc. ' Deut. 22:8. " 2 Kings 14:13; ch. 12:37, 30. v 2 Chr.
21:27, 45; AoU 8:30, etc. I Or, governor, k Lev. 23:24; Num. 29:1. 30:21. w Deut. 31:10-13 t Heb. rcslraml. x Num. 29:35.
1 Deut. 16:14; Bed. 3:4; Isi. 01:3. m 2 Chr. 34:19, 21 ; Rom. 7:9. n Song
3. The law; tlic law of Moses. when men desire to hear, ministers should ever be ready
8. Gave t/ie sense —
caused them to understand; this may to communicate to them a knowledge of the word and will
moan simply that they expounded to the people the mean- of God.
ing of what was read. But as it is certain that soon after 6. Proper attention to the word of God will lead a peo-
tlie captivity the old Hebrew ceased to be a living lan- ple to liless him for his goodness, and to worship him in
guage among tlie Jews, and the Aramsean or Clialdee took tho way of liis ajjpointment.
Its place, it is probable that for this reason all but the 9. Sorrow for sin, however great or long continued,
lietter educated among the Jews needed an interpretation should never prevent humble trust in God, or hinder any
of what was read. from using the bounties of Pro\'idence with cheerful grat-
JVr.sA<rf/Mi,- governor.
9. 77iepco;)/cK'cp(; invievtofthoir itude, ami imparting liberally to those who are destitute,
transgressions and tlie imnishnient which they deserved. that all may rejoice together.
14. In th£ feast of the scvenllt month; tho feast of taber- 13. Due attention to the word of God will lead men to
nacles. Lev. 23:34. have respect to all his commandments nor will attention ;
17. Made booths; in remembrance of their fathers' hav- to one set of duties prevent them from promptly engag-
ing dwelt in tents forty years in the wilderness. There ing in and faithfully performing others to which they arc
Ufa.'.- very great gladness; in view of their
being settled again called.
in Canaan, as there was in the days of Joshua, when they 17. Readiness to engage in all known duty, and fidelity
took possession of it. in the performance <if i(, fill the soul with gladness; and
The Lcvites' confession NEHEMIAII IX. at the solemn fast.
twenty and fourth day of this and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest
iu the
tlie children of Israel were as.sembled them right judgments, and true laws,* good stat-
with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon utes and commandments:-^
them." 14 And madest known unto them thy holy sab-
2 And the seed of Israel separated themselves bath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes,
from all strangers,'^ and stood and confessed their and laws, by the hand of Moses thy servant:
sins, and the iniquities of their fathers. 15 And gavest them bread from heaven for their
3 And they stood up in their place, and read in hunger,'' and broughtest fortb water for them out
the book of the law of the Lord their God mie of the rock for their thirst," and promisedst them
fourth part of tlfe day " and another fourth part that they should go in to possess the land which
tliev confessed, and worshipped the Lord their thou hadst sworn^ to give them.
God. 10 But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and
4 IT Then stood up upon the stairs,* of the Le- hardened their necks,*" and hearkened not to thy
vites, Jeshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bun- commandments,
ni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Clienani, and cried with 17 And refused to obey, neither were mindful
a loud voice unto the Lord their God.'' of thy wonders that thou didst among them f but
5 Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, hardened their necks, and in their rebellion ap-
Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Sliebauiah, and pointed a captain to return to their bondage :'' but
Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless the Lord your thou art a God ready to pardon," gracious and
God for ever and ever " and blessed be thy glo- merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and
rious name,' which is exalted above all blessing forsookest them not.
and praise.' 18 Yea, when they had made them a molten calf,'^
Thou, even thou, art Lord alone;'' thou hast and said, This is thy God that brought thee up
made heaven,' the heaven of heavens, with all out of Egypt, and had wrought great provoca-
their host, the earth, and all things that are there- tions ;
in,' the seas, and all that is therein, and thou pre- 19 Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest
servest them all;'' and the host of heaven wor- them not in the wilderness the pillar of the :'^
shippeth thee.' cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them
7 Thou art the Lord the God, who didst choose in the way neither the pillar of fire by night, to ;
Abram,"' and broughtest him forth out of Ur of show them light, and the way wherein they should
the Chaldees, and gavest him the name of Abra- go.
ham :" 20 Thou gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct
8 And foundest his heart faithful before thee,° them,''' and withheldcst not thy manna from their
and madest a covenant with him to give the land mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst.
of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and 21 Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in
the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girga- the •wilderness,'' so that they lacked nothing their ;
sliites," to give it, I say, to his seed, and hast per- clothes waxed not old, and tiieir feet swelled not.'
formed thy words ;i for thou art righteous: 22 Moreover thou gavest them kingdoms and
9 And didst see the affliction of our fathers in nations, and didst divide them into corners: so
Egypt/ and heardest their cry by the Red sea;'* tliey possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of
10 And showed st signs and wonders upon Pha- the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of
raoh, and on all his servants, and on all the peo- Bashan.J
ple of his land for thou knewest that they dealt 23 Their children also multipliedst thou as the
proudly against them." So didst thou get thee a stars of lieaven, and broughtest them into the land,
name,^' as it is this day. concerning which tliou hadst promised to their
11 And thou didst divide the sea before them, fathers, that they should go in to possess it.
so that they went through the midst of the sea on 24 So the children went in and possessed the
the dryland;"' and their persecutors thou threw- land," and thou subduedst before them the inhab-
est into the deeps, as a stone into the mighty itants of the land,' the Canaanites, and gavest them
•waters. into their hands, with their kings, and the people
12 Moreover tliou leddest them in the day by a of the land, that they miglit do with tiiem as they
cloudy pillar and in the night by a pillar of fire, would.'
j Deut. 10:14. k Psa. 3B:6. 1 Rev. 5:11-13. >" Gen. 12:1. n Geu. 17:5. lo. d Num. 14:4. I Heb. o/parrfonj. e Exod. 32:4. f 1 Sam. 12:22: Isa.
o Gen. 15:6. 18. P Psa. 105:S. q Josh. 2:3:11. r Exod. 3:7, 8. « Exod. 41:21. f Isa. 63:11. h Deut. 2:7. i Deut. 8:4. J Num. 21 :21, etc. k Num.
14:10. tExod.7-14. «Exod.l9:ll. » Isa. 6:1:12-14; Jer. 32:20. wExod. 14:31; Josh. 21:43. 45. iPsa. 44:2,3. fKeb. according lo their tciU.
through grace prepare it to rejoice for ever with j iv un- 13. Judgments; especially judicial decisions. Statutes;
speakable and fuU of glory. what he ordained.
17.Appointed a captain; resolved to do it. Num. 14:1—4.
CHAPTER IX. 20. Thy good Spirit to instruct them ; by tlie mouth of his
1. Tlds month Tishri, the seventh month servants. Ver. 30.
36 661
; ;
niah, Binnui of the sons of Henadad, Kadmicl; all the work of the house of our God.
10 And tlieir brethren, Shebauiah, Hodijah, Ke- 34 And we cast the lots among the priests, the
lita, Pehxiah, Hanan, Levites, and the people, for the wood-oflering," to
11 Micha, Rcliob, ITashabiah, bring it into the house of our God, after the houses
12 Zacciir, Sherebiali, Sliebaniah, of our fathers, at times ai)poiutcd year by year,P
13 Hodijah, Bani, Beninu. to burn upon the altar of the Lokd our God, as it
14 The chief of the people; Parosh," Pahath- is written in the law:''
nioab, Elam, Zatthu, Bani, 35 And to bring the first-fruits of our ground,
15 Bunui, Azgad, Bebai, and the first-fruits of all fruit of all trees, year
IG Adonijah, Bigvai, Adiu, by year, unto the house of the Lord :''
17 Atcr, Hizkijah, Azzur, 36 Also the first-born of our sons, and of our
18 Hodijah, Hashum, Bezai, cattle, as if is written in tlie law," and the firstlings
19 Hariph, Anatlioth, Nebai, of our herds aud of our flocks, to bring to the hou-^e
20 Magpiash. Mesliullam, Ilezir, of our God, unto the pi'icsts that minister in the
21 Meshezabeel, Zadok, Jaddua, house of our God
22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah, 37 And that we should bring the first-fruits of
23 Hoshca, Hananiah, Hashub, our dough,' and our offerings, and the fruit of all
24 Hallohesh, Pileha, Shobck, manner of trees," of wine andofoil, unto the priests,
25 Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah, to the chambers of the house of our God and the ;
26 And Ahijah, Hanan, Anan, tithes of our ground unto the Levites,^ that the
27 Malluch, Harim, Baanah. same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities
28 1 And the rest of the people, the priests,'' the of our tillage.
Levites, the porters, the singers, tlie Ncthinim, and 38 And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with
all they that had separated themselves'^ from the the Levites, when the Levites take tithes and the :
people of the lauds unto the law of God,* their Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto
wives, their sons, and their daughters, every one the house of our God, to the chambers into the
having knowledge, and having understanding f treasure-house."'
29 They clave to their brethren, their nobles, 39 For the children of Israel and the children
and entered into a curse, and into an oath,' to of Levi shall bring the oflering of the corn, of the
walk in God's law,^ which was given by' Moses new wine, and the oil, unto the chambers, where
the servant of God, and to observe and do all the are the vessels of the sanctuary,^ and the priests
commandments of the Lord our Lord, and liis judg- that minister, and the porters, and the singers and :
ments and his statutes we will not forsake the house of our God.^
30 And that we would not give our daughters
unto the people of the land,** nor take their daugh-
ters for our sons
1 Tlie rulers, voluntary men, and the tenth man chosen by lot, dwell at
31 And people of the land bring ware or
//"the Jerusalem. 3 A catalogue of their names. 20 The residue dwell in
any victuals on the sabbath-day to sell,' that we other cities.
would not buy it of them on the sabbath, or on the A ND the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusa-
holy day: and that we would leave the seventh JrX- lem the rest of the people also cast lots,' to
year,J and the exaction of every debt.* bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy
32 Also we made ordinances for us, to charge and nine parts to dwell in other cities.
ourselves yearly with the third part of a shekel for 2 Aud the people blessed all the men, that will-
the service of the house of our God ingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem.''
aEzra2:3. etc; ch.7:3, etc. bEzri2:36. « Ler. 20:31; Ezn lU:ll-li); 1 Lev.
ch. 9:2; 13:3. J Rom. 1:1. « ch. 8:2; Psa. 47:7. f Deut. 29: 1-2, 14; oh.
.1:1-2. 13; Psa. ll9:l(Hi. S 2 Chr. 34:31. * Heb. hy the liand of. h Exod.
31:16; Deut. 7:3; Ezra 9:12, 14. i Lev. 23:3; Deut. 5:12; ch. 13:15, etc.;
Isa. 5H:13, 14. J Lev. 2J:4. t Heb. hand, t Deut. 15:2; oh. 5:1-13.
the same covenant into which their chief men had entered
to serve the Lord. See note to ver. 1.
37. Might have tlie tithes; rather, might give the tithes,
and so in verse 38 for the Levites gave to the priests a
of Jmlali. and of the children of Benjamin.'' Of 19 Moreover the jiortcrs, Akkub, Talmon, and
tln« children of .Fndali Athaiah the son of Uzziali,
; their brethren that kept the gates,*'' were a hun-
the son of Zechariah, the son of Aniuriah, the son dred seventy and two.
of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalaleel, of the chil- 20 1[ And the residue of Israel, of the priests, and
dren of I'erez ;* the Levites, tcere in all the cities of Judah, every
And Maasi'iah the son of Barueh, the son of
.") one in his inheritance.
Col-hozch, the son of Ilazaiah, the son of Adaiali, 21 But the Nethinim dwelt in Ophel:" and Ziha
the son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, the son and Gispa wire over the Nethinim.
of Shiloni. 22 The overseer also of the Levites at Jerusa-
6 All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jerusalem lem icas Uzzi the son of Bani, the son of Hasha-
xocre four hundred threescore andeightvaliantmen. biah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micha. Of
7 And these are the sons of Benjamin Sallu the ; the sons of Asaph, the singers were over the busi-
son of Mesliullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pc- ness of the house of God.
daiah. the son of Kolaiah, tlie son of Maaseiah, the 23 For it was the king's commandment concern-
son of Ithicl, the son of Jesaiah. ing them,^ that a certain portion^ should be for
8 And after him Uahbai, Sallai, nine hundred the singers, due for every day.
twenty and eight. 24 And Pethahiah the son of Meshezabeel, of the
9 And Joel the son of Zichri u-as their overseer children of Zeiah" the son of Judah, nas at the
and Judah the son of Senuah was second over the king's hand in all matters concerning the people.''
city. 25 And for the villages, with their fields, some
10 Of the priests:'' Jedaiah the son of Joiarib, of the childi'en of Judah dwelt at Kirjath-arba,'
Jachin. and in the villages thereof, and at Dibon, and in
11 Seraiah the son of Ililkiah, the son of Me- the villages thereof, and at Jekabzeel, and in the
sliullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the villages thereof,
son of Aliitub, was the ruler of the house of C.od. 26 And at Jeshua, and at Moladah, and at Beth-
12 And tlieir lu-ethron tliat did tlie work of the phclet,
house iivrc eight hundred twenty and two: and 27 And at Ilazar-shual, and at Beer-slieba, and
Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, in the villages thereof,
the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the sou of 28 And at Ziklag, and at Mekonah, and in the
Pashur, the son of Malchiah, villages thereof,
i:} And iiis brethren, ciiicf of the fathers, two 29 And at En-rimmon, and at Zareah, and at Jar-
hundred forty and two and Amashai the son of : muth,
Azareel, the son of Ahasai, the son of Meshille- 30 Zanoah, Adullani, and in their villages, at
moth, the son of linmer, Lachish, and the fields thereof, at Azekah, and in
14 And their brethren, mighty men of valor, a the villages thereof. And they dwelt from Beer-
hundred twenty and eight and "their overseer was : sheba,"' unto the valley of Hinnom."
Zabdiel, the son of one o/" the great men.* 31 The children also of Benjamin from^ Geba
15 Also of the Levites: Bhemaiah the son of Ha- du-elt at* Michmash, and Aija, and Beth-el, and in
shub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, their villages,
the son of Bunni; 32 ^ind at Anathoth, Nob, Ananiab,
16 And Shabbethai and Jozabad, of the chief of 33 Hazor, Raniah, Gitfaira,
the Levites, had the oversight of* the outward 34 Hadid, Zeboini, Neballat,
business of the house of God.'' 35 Lod, and (Jno, the valley of craftsmen."
17 And Mattaniah the son of Micha," the son of 36 And of the Levites were divisions in Judah,
Zabdi, the son of Asaph, was the principal to be- a7)d in Benjamin.
; ; ; ; : ;;
The priests, S and the Levites, which came up with Zerubbabel. 10
The succession of high-priests. 22 Certain chief Levites. 27 The
solemnity of the dedication of the walls. 44 The offices of priests and
Levites appointed in the temple.
miah, Hananiali
13 Of Ezra.Meshullam of Amariah, Jeliohanan; ;
40 So Stood tlio two companies of tin in that franc was found written, the Aminonife and ^i", *?«:
tliaiiks in the lioupo of God, and 1, and llie iialf of the Moaliite should not come into the congrega-
tlif rnlors with \w. tion of God for ever:''
•II And the luicst^; Kliakiin,
Maasi'iali, Minia- 2 Hccaiisi' they met not tlu! children of Israel
inin, Mii'liaiaii. Kiioenai, Zccliariaii, aiul ilanauiali, witii bread and with water,' but hired Balaam
vith trunipi'ts; against them, that he .sliould curiae Iheni :' howbcit
42 And Mnaseiaii, and Slicinaiali, and Elcazar, our God turned the curse into a bles.sing.''
and Uz/i, and Jehohanan, ami Mak-hijali, and 3 Now it came to pass, wlicn thi'y had heard the
Elnm, and K/.or. And the singers sang loud,*" law, that tliey scparatcil from Israel all thenii.\ed
with Jezrahiali tfidr overseer. multitude.'
43 Also that d;iy they olViMcd great sacrifices, and 4 ^i And before this, Eliashib the priest, having
rejoiced; for God liad made them rejoice with the oversight of^ the cliamber of the house of onr
great joy: the wives also and the children re- allied unto Tobiah:
God, ims
joiced so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard
5 And ho had pre]iared for liim a great cliam-
even afar off.'' ber, where afoietime they laid the meat-oflering.s,
44 U And at that time were some appointed over the frankintieiise, and the vessels, and the tithes of
the chambers for the treasures," for the offerings, the corn, the new wine, and the oil,'" which was
for the iirst-fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into commanded to be given to the Levites,' and the
them out of the liclds of the cities the portions of singers, and the porters;" and (he oflerings of the
the law^ for the priests and Levites; for Judah priests.
rejoiced* for the priests and for the Levites that 6 But in all this time was not 1 at Jerusalem:
waited.' for in the two and tliii'tioth year of Artaxerxes
4o And
both the singers and the porters kept the king of IJubylon caino I unto the king," and after
ward of God, and the ward of the purifica-
their certain days" obtained 1 leave of the king:
tion, accordi ng to the commandment of David," and 7 And 1 came to Jernsalem, and understood of
of Solomon his son. the evil that Kliashil) did for Tobiah, in ])rej)ar-
46 For in tl>c days of David and Asaph of old ing him a chamber in the courts of the house of
there u-ere chief of the singers, and songs of praise God.
and thanksgiving unto God.' 8 And it grieved me sore therefore I cast forth
47 -Vnd ail Israel in the days of ZeruLbabel, and all the household stuff of Tobiah out of the cham-
in the days of Xelieniiah, gave tlic portions of the ber.
singers and the porters, every day liis portion :' and 9 Then
commanded, and they cleansed the
they sanctified' /loly things unto the Levites; and chambers and thither brought I again the vessels
the Levites sanctified them unto the children of of the house of God, with the meat-oflfering and
Aaron. the frankincense.
10 T And I perceived that the portions of the
CHAPTER XIII. Levites had not been given thim: for the Levites
1 Upon the reading of the law sppitration is made from the mixed mul- and the singers, that did the work, were fled every
titude. 4 Nehemiuh at his return causeth the chambers to be cleansed.
10 He
reformeth the offices in the house of God. 15 The violation ona to his field.
of the sabbath, 23 and the marriages with strange wives. 11 Then contended
I witli the rulers, and said.
o •
Hfb miuU
that day they read^ in the book of Moses
in the audience' of the people and therein
their voice lobe heard. » Psa. 81 : 1 ;
the house of God forsaken?
is And I gath-
ered them together, and set them in their place.''
Num. 1M:10; Deut. 23:5; Josh. 24:B, 10; Mic. 0:,'!. I ch. !l:2.
^ -h 13:1-2. 13. t That
oppoinled 6y («« /aw. > Hub. for Iht joy of Ju-
is. t Heb. being set over, m
a Chr. 31 11 ; ch. 12:44.
: 1 Heb. the rommandment
•lik. h Hub. stood, d 1e 2 Chr. '.'9:30. f Num. 1S:21, 20.
Clir. cli. -23, 20. iftheLevites.
uj t'lc i^,;i/(ico. n Num. lS:j;lj
- iiuiii. i^.i», 24.
iit. o till.
- 5:14.
ch. ,J. i Ueb. at the end of days.
Tliat i«. Ml apart. 1 Heb. there was read. '
Heb. tart, g Deut. 31 :11, U Or, / earrustly requested. 1 Heb. standing.
I-.': 2 KinjTi 23:2; ch. 8:3, 8. h Deut. 23:3, 4. Matt. 25:40. J .Num. i
best course, not only to honor God and advance the inter- supposed to have taken place during his absence. Came
ests of true religion, but also to secure a comfortable sup- I unto tite king; the king of Persia, who reigned also over
port for themselves and their families. Babylon, and is here called the king of I3Mii3'lon. Nche-
30. To be made instrumental in purifying others, minis- miah'g return was twelve years after he first left Persia
ters of the gospel must seek purification themselves, and and went to Jerusalem. Obtained I leave of the king ; leave
endeavor in all things to set before the people a safe and to go back again to Jernsalem. How long he now contin-
u.scful example. ued in Persia is not known, but from the account which
40. Thanks should be rendered to God at the conclusion he gives of the evil practices that had arisen during his
of every great and goo'l work and all the glory of success ; absence, verses 4, 5, 10, 15, etc., it is probable that his
by all classes should be given to him. absence was prolonged through several years.
45. The influence of good men is felt long after they are 10. Were fed; because they ilid not receive their sup-
dead and each one should be careful to set an example
; port. It is probable also that they were wanting in zeal
which will be useful as long as it shall be remembered, for God's service. Compare Mai. 1:10.
This book rclutcs the wonderful manner in wliich the plot of Ilaman the Agagitc, to destroy the Jews
tlinnij^houl the whole empire of Persia, was not only overthrown, but turned to their enlargement and hoixir.
Till- author, whose name is unknown, manifestly designs to represent this deliverance as eflccted by the prov-
idiMK-e of God in answer to the prayers of the Jews, though he refrains throughout from mentioning the
name of Jehovah, preferring, as it would seem, to let the facts narrated speak for themselves. For the
]ieri.Hl in Persian liistory to wliich this narrative belongs, see the introductory reniarkK to the book of Ezra.
CHAPTER I. women
in the royal house which belonged b.'?' «S
king Ahasuerus. '"
1 Ahiuuerus maketh royal feasts. 10 Vashti, sent for, refusetli to come.
13 Ahuuerus, by the counsel of Memucan, maketh the decree of men's 1 On the seventh day, when the heart of the
wvvr.ii;'")-- king was merry with wine,''' he commanded JIcliu-
AT OW it came
to pass in the days of Aliasuerus," nian, Biztha, Ilarboua," Bigtha, and Abagtha. Ze-
_L>| Ahasuerus which reigned from India
(this is thar, and Carcas, the seven chamberlains^ that
even unto Etliiopia, over a hundred and seven and served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king,
twenty provinces,'') 11 To bring Vashti the (juecn before the king
2 That in days, when the king Aliasuerus with the crown royal, to show the people and
sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look
Shuslian the palace,'' on.'
3 In tlic third year of his reign, he made a feast 12 But the queen Vashti refused to come at the
unto all his princes and his servants;'' the power king's commandment by his chamberlains:* there-
of Persia and Media, the nobles and jirinces of the fore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned
provinces, being before him: in him.
4 Wlien he showed the riches of his glorious 13 Then the king said to the wise men,' which
kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty knew the times,^ (for so was the king's manner
many days, even a hundred and fourscore days. toward all that knew law and judgment:
5 -Vnd when these days were expired, the king 14 And the next unto him was Carshcna, She-
made a feast unto all the people tiiat were pres- thar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and
ent' in Shushan the palace, both unto great and Memucan, the seven princes of Persia and Media,"
small, seven days, in the court of the garden of which saw the king's face,' and which sat the first
the king's palace in the kingdom,)
6 Where were white, green, and blue* hangings, 15 What shall we do* unto the queen Vashti
fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to sil- according to law, because she hath not performed
ver rings and i)illars of marble: the beds were of the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the
gold and silver,'' upon a |)avement of red, and chamberlains?
blue, and white, and black marble.* IG And Memucan answered before the king and
7 And they gave t/mn drink in vessels of gold, the princes, Vashti the queen hath not done wrong
(the vessels being diverse one from another,) and to the king only, but also to all the princes, and
royal wine'' in abundance, according to the state' to all the people that are in all the provinces of
of the king. the king Ahasuerus.
8 And the drinking was according to the law 17 For this deed of the queen shall come abroad
none did compel :" for so the king had appointed unto all women, so that they shall despise their
to all the officers of his house, that they should do husbands in their eyes, when it shall be reported,
according to every man's pleasure. The king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen
9 Also Yashti the queen made a feast for the to be brought in before him, but she came not.
• Ezn4:6; Dan. 9;1. «> ch. fe:9; Dan. 6: 1. cNchlrl. •< r,en. W-.-iU; l:J:-2^; Eccl. 10:10. Iich.7:9. tOt.eunurlls. • nA. good of c
ch. 2;18; Mlrk0:->1. •Heb./ouiirf. t Or, r/Wel, ch, 8: 15. c Ezek. 2.-3:41 1 S,im. 25:3. t Heb. which was by the hand of his eunuchs, i Jer. 10:7.
Amos 6:4. 1 Or, 0/ porphyry, and marble, ami alabasln, and stmt of Hue JlChr. 12:32. k Ezra 7:14. I 2 Kings 25:19. I Heb. HAa< (o rfo.
color. \nt\,.u>mtof Ik', kingdom. I Heb. Aan/i. fHai>. 2:13. I! 2 Sam.
to gratify the caprice and vanity of the king and this the
CHAPTER I. king himself would have seen, had not his mind been
: ; ;
B o'aS'
^^ Likewise shall the ladies of Persia and 6 Who had been carried away from Jerusalem
519. Media say this day uuto all the king's prin- with the captivity which had lieen carried away
ces, which have heard of the deed of the queen. Thus witli Jcconiah* king of Judaii,' whom Nebuchad-
shall there arise too much contempt and wi'ath. nezzar the king of Babylon had carried away.
19 If it please* 7 And he brought up* lladassah, that is, Esther,
tlie king-, let tliere go a royal com-
mandment from and let it bo written among his uncle's daughter for she had neither father
him.* :
the laws of the Persians and the Modes, that it be nor mother, and tlie maid was fair and beautiful ;'
not altered,* That Vashti come no more Ijcforc whom Mordecai, when her fatlier and mother were
king Ahasuerus and let the king give hor royal dead, took for his own daughter.
estate unto another* that is better than she. 8 1[ So it came to pass, when the king's com-
20 And when the king's decree, which he shall mandment and his decree was heard, and when
make, shall be published throughout all his em- many maidens were gathered together unto Shu-
pire, (for it is great,) all the wives shall give to shan the palace, to the custody of Hegai,''' that
their husbands lionor," lioth to groat and small. Estiicr was brought also uuto the king's house, to
21 And the saying pleased' the king and tlie the custody of Hcgai, keeper of tiie women.
princes and the king did according to the word
; y And tlie maiden pleased him, and she obtain-
of Momucan ed kindness of him;'' and he speedily gave her
22 For he sent letters into all the king's prov- her things for purification,' with such things'' as
inces,'' into every province according to the writ- belonged to her, and seven maidens, which were
ing thereof, and to every people after their lan- meet to be given her, out of the king's house and :
guage, that every man should bear rule iu his own he preferred* her and her maids unto the best place
house,'' and that it sliould be published according of the house of the women.
to the language of every people.'' 10 Esther had not showed her people nor her
kindred for Mordecai had charged her that she :
ge* the king's chamberlain, keeper of the women she returned into the second house of the women,
and let tlieir things for purification be given them: to the custod}- of Shaashgaz, the king's chamber-
4 And let the maiden which pleaseth the king be lain, which kept tlie concubines she came in unto
queen instead of Vashti." And the thing pleased the king no more, except the king delighted in her,'
the king and he did so.
; and that she were called by name.""
5 1 JYow in Shushan the palace there was a cer- 15 IT Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter
tain Jew whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken
the sou of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the
• Heb be good with. 1 Heh. from before him. I Keh. pass jwt away ; ch, 2Kings24:C. f 2 Kings
8:8; Dan. 6:8-15. i Heb. her companion, a Kph. 5:.'i3: Col. 3:18. I Heb.
teas goodin the eyes of. bch. 8:9. = Eph. .'):i!-J-a4; 1 Tim. 2:12. 1 Heb.
one should publish it according to the language of his people, d ch. 1:19, 20.
'Heh.hand. t Or, Hegai, vm. 8. e Mm.
30:1(); 2-3:ll. t Or, Jehoiachin,
kiuL', slio loquiri'd notliinir Init what Ilocrai the CHAPTER III. ...e*..2„.ru.
20 Esther had not yd sliowed her kindred nor 5 And wlicn ilaman saw that Mordecai bowed
her people, as Mordecai had charged her: for not, nor did him reverence," then was Haman full
Esther did the conniiandinent of Mordecai," like of wrath.'
as when she was brought uji with him. 6 And he thought scorn to lay hands on Morde-
'21 " Inthoscdays,wliil(']\lord('caisatin the king's cai alone; for they had showed him the peojile of
gate, twi) of the king's ciiainlicrlains, Bigtlian* and Monlecai: wherefore Hainan sought to destroy
Teresh, of tiiose which kept the door,' were wroth, all the Jews that were tiiroughout the whole king-
and souglit to lay liand on the king Ahasucrus. dom of Ahasucrus, even the people of Mordecai.'"
"I'l And the thing was known to Mordecai, who 7 1 In the first mouth, that is, the month Nisan,
told it niito Esther the queen ;'^
and Estlier certi- in the twelfth year of king Ahasucrus, they cast
fied the king thereof \n Mordecai's name. Pur," that if, the lot, before Haman from day to
-'.] And when inquisition was made of the mat- day, and from month to month, to the twelfth 7ftOTi//j,
ter, it was found out; therefore they were both that is, the month Adar.
hanged on a tree: and it was written in the book 8 T And Haman said uuto king Ahasuerus, There
of the chronicles before the king. is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed
• S"ns«:9; ,S:10; Acts 7.10. * Or, kmJnesx. t Ueh. before him. b ch.
1:3. I llcb. rM(. eNoh.«:l'2. dch.3:a. ' Kf\\. O:\~1. i Or, Biglliana,
cb. fl:3. I Hcb. threshold. I ch. 0:1, 2. t Num. i4;7j 1 Sim. lo:S, :«.
l(i. Ill tlie seventli year ofliis reign; about four years after complishment of his own most wise and righteous coun-
the divorce of Vashti, cliap. 1 3. : sels. Thus the divorce of Vashti prepared the way for
18. A release; a remission of tribute. the elevation of Esther to the royal dignity, with all its
19. Were gathered together the second time; tho meaning important consequences to the Jewish people.
of Ihese words is not certain; they may refer to a second 17. When God sees best, he can give his people favor
gatliering of fair virgins from whom concubines for the king even v/ith those who rebel against him and all the influ-
wore to be selected, after that first gathering for tlic clioice ence he gives to any should be employed to promote his
of a queen. Sat in the king's gate ; tliose words imjjly that glory and the good of men.
he liad received an office in tlie lcing'.s jialace, and sat in his 21. While the wicked are devising wicked devices and
gate, according to the custom at tlio Persian court, ready seeking the ruin of others, God may be preparing to over-
to discharge whatever duties might l)e required of liini. rule it for their own destruction, and for the salvation of
21. .%'tg/ir(o/(((//(«nrfo»iMcAmg-; conspired against his hfe. his people.
23. The book of the chronicles ; the register of the affairs
of the kingdom, kept in the royal palace. Chap. 6:1. CHAPTER III.
INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Haman; supposed to have been an Amalekite, and a
descendant of one of their ancient kings. Esod. 17 : 14
1. What is done
in a passion is often a source of deep re- Deut. 25:17-19.
gret ;
and if men do not change
their conduct, but continue 2. Bowed not ; it was not contrary to the laws and usages
in sin andchoosing rather to do this than to aclcnow-
folly, of the .Tews that they should render to riders the custom-
ledgc their error, they must in the end be miseral)Ie,eat the ary marks of honor, even to prostration on the earth,
fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. where these would not be misunderstood. But Mordecai
1. Sin in prospect appears to those who love
it very seems to have felt that he could not, in the present cir-
different from wliat it does after it has been committed. cumstances, render homage to this vile favorite of the
It promises good; but at last, bites like a serpent and
king, without degrading his character and his religion
stings like an adder. before the eyes of the heathen.
7. Kindness to orphans is well-pleasing to God,
and he 4. He had told them that he was a Jew; he seems to have
often follows it with s])eeial manifestations of his favor. excused himself from bowing before Haman on the ground
10. Ability and disposition to keep
secret what should of his religion as a Jew.
nut be published, is a valuable trait of character,
bIk.mM be cultivated by all who are intrusted with great
and 7. Caxt Pur —
the lot; to determine the time when the
Jews sluuild be destroyed. This was done in accordance
and important concerns. with the heathenish idea that one day is more lucky than
10. God is able to overrule those actions of men that
another fcjr the accomplishment of an undertaking.
are in themselves neither wise nor rigliteous, for the
ac- 8. To suffer them ; suffer them to live.
^ ;
^•i^ong tlie people in all theprovincesof thy sackcloth with ashes,'' and went out into tlie midst
B r'a'»ut
510. kingdom and their lawstrrediversefromall of the city, and cried with a loud and a bitter cry ;"
people;" neither keep tliey the king's laws: there- 2 And came even before the king's gate; for
fore it is not for the king's profit" to suffer them. none might enter into tlie king's gate clothed with
9 If it please the king, let it be written that they sackcloth.
may be destroyed :* and I will pay* ten tliousand 3 And in every province, whithersoever the
talents of silver to the hands of those that have the king's commandment and his decree came, there
charge of the business, to bring it into the king's was great mourning among the Jews,' and fasting,
treasuries. and weeping, and wailing; and many lay in sack-
10 And the king took liis ring from his hand," and clotli and ashes.^
gave it unto Hanian the son of Hammedatha tiie 4 ^ So Esther's maids and her chamberlains*
Agagite, the Jews' enemy. came and told 'it her. Then was the queen ex-
11 And the king said unto Haman, The silver is ceedingly grieved and she sent raiment to clothe;
given to tiiee, the people also, to do with them as Mordecai, and to take away his sackcloth from
it seemeth good to thee. him but he received it not.J
12 Then were the king's scribes' called on the 5 Then called Esther for Hatach, one of the
tliirteenth day of the first month," and there was king's chamberlains, whom he had appointed * to
written according toall that Haman had command- attend upoai her, and gave him a commandment to
ed unto tlie king's lieutenants, and to the govern- Mordecai, to know what it was, and why it was.
ors that were over every province, and to the rulers 6 So Hatacli went forth to Mordecai unto the
of every people of every province according to tlie street of the city, wliich wo? before the king's gate.
writing thereof, and to every people after their lan- 7 And Mordecai told him of all that had hap-
guage in the name of king Ahasuerus was it writ- pened unto him, and of the sum of tlie money that
ten, and sealed with the king's ring.'' Haman had promised to pay to the king's treasu-
13 And the letters were sent by posts into all the ries for the Jews, to destroy them.''
king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause 8 Also he gave him the copy of the writing of
to perisli, all Jews, both young and old, little chil- the decree that was given at Shushan to destroy
dren and women, in one day, even upon the thir- them,' to show it unto Esther, and to declare it
teenth day of the twelfth month, which is tlic month unto her, and to charge her that she should go in
Adar, and to take tlie spoil of them for a prey. unto the king, to make supplication unto him,"' and
14 The copyof tlie writing for a commandment to to make request before him for her people.
be given in every province was published unto all 9 And Ilatach came and told Esther the words
people, that they should be ready against that day. of Mordecai.
15 The posts went out, being hastened by the 10 \\ Again Esther spake unto Hatach, and gave
king's commandment, and the decree was given in him commandment unto Mordecai
Siiuslian the palace. And the king and Haman sat 11 All the king's sci-vants, and the people of the
down to drink but the city Shushan was perplexed.'' king's provinces, do know, thatwhosoever, whetiier
WHEN Mordecai perceived all that was done, unto the king these thirty days.
Mordecai rent his clothes,' and put on 12 And they told to Mordecai Esther's words.
a Ezra 4; 13; Acts 16:2Q. • Heb. mett, f Heb. todestroy tlitm. r,
or equal,
1 Heb. weigli. I> Gen 41:42; ch. 6:3, 8. 5 Or, oppressor, ch. 7:6. I Or,
sirretaries. » oh. 1^:11, etc. d 1 Kings 21:8. « Prov. 29:2. f2Sara.I:ll;
Jobl:2U. 6 Josh. 7:6; Ezek. 27::J0; Jon. 3:6. 1> Gen. 27:34. i Isa 22.4,
1 Esther, adventuring on the king^s favor, obtaineth the prace of the
coMen sceptre, and inviteth the king and Hainan io a banquet. 6
She, being encouraged by the kin^ in her suit, inviteth them to an-
other banquet the next d.%y. 9 Hanian, proud of his advancement,
repincth at the contempt of Mordecai. 14 By the counsel of Zeresh
he buildeth for him a pair of gallows.
I MO. CHAPTER VI. that they may array the man withal whom the king
delighteth to lionor, and bring him* on horseback
1 Ahasuerus, reading in the chronicles of the good service done by Mor-
d<.'cai, talceth care for his reward. 4 Haman, coming to sue that through the street of the city, and jtroclaim before
Mordecai miglit be hanged, unawares giveth counsel that he might him. Thus shall it be done to the man whom the
do hini honor. 12 Complaining of his misfortune, his friends tell him
of his final destiny. king delightetli to honor.''
10 Then the king said to Hainan, Make haste,
ON that night could not the Icing sleep,* and he
commanded to bring the book of records of and take tlie apparel and the horse, as tliou hast
said, and do even so to Mordecai the Jew, that
the chronicles;" and they were read before the
sitteth at the king's gate: let nothing fail' of all
that thou hast spoken.
2 And it was found written, that Mordecai had
11 Then look Haman the apparel and tlie horse,
told of Bigthana* and Teresh, two of the king's
chamberlains, the keepers of the door,* who sought and arrayed Mordecai, and brought him on horse-
to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus. back through the street of tlie city, and proclaim-
3 And the king said, What honor and dignity ed before him, Thus shall it be done unto the man
hath been done to Mordecai for this? Then said whom the king delighteth to lionor.
the king's servants that ministered unto him, There 12 IT And Mordecai came again to tlieking's gate.
is nothing done for him."
But Haman hasted to his house mourning," and
4 1 And the king said, Who is in the court ? Now having his head covered.
Hainan was come into the outward court of the 13 And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his
king's liouse, to speak unto the king to hang Mor- friends every thing that had befallen him. Then
decai on the gallows that he had prepared for him. said his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him,
5 And the king's servants said unto him, Be- If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before
hold, Hainan standeth in the court. And the king- whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not pre-
said, Let him come in.
vail against him,'-' but shalt surely fall before him."
C So Haman came in. And the king said unto 14 And while they tt'f/c yet talking with liim, came
him, What shall be done unto the man whom the the king's chamberlains, and hasted to bring Ha-
king delighteth to honor?^ Now Haman thought man unto the banq^uet that Esther had j^repared.'
in his heart. To whom would the king delight to
do honor more tlian to mj'self 'F"^ CHAPTER VII.
And Haman answered
7 the king. For the man 1 Esther, entertaining the king and Haman, malteth suit for lier own
life and her people's. 5 She accuseth Haman. 7 The king in his
whom the king delighteth to honor,' anger understanding of the gallows which Haman had made for Mor-
8 Let the royal apparel be brought^ which the decai, causeth him to be hanged thereon.
1 Hob. tlireskoU. b Heel. 9: ]5. S Heb. in whose honor the king delighteth? fall, e a Chr, 2G:20. ( 2 Sam. 15:30; Jer. 14:3, 4. S Job 15:24. h PrOT.
Prov. IS: l->. 1 Heb. in pilose lionor the king delighteth. H Heb. then bring 23:18; Hos. 14:9. ich.5:S. i Heb. drini.
the royal apparel. ' Heb. wherewith the king clotheth himself, t Heb. cause
keep them of one mind as long as the good of bis people denness with which the king transferred his affections
requires. Cliap. 7:2. from one favorite to another, they surely gathered the
Though delays are often dangerous, yet sometimes they approaching
8. fall of Ilaman.
are essential to success and wisdom from above is needful
in order to judge rightly as to the time as well as the manner
of attempting to execute difficult and important designs. Sleep is a blessing which comes from God and when
1. ;
11. No favors of mere creatures can satisfy the wants permitted quietly and safely to enjoy it, we should recog-
of the soul, or keep it from being wretched while seeking nize his goodness and render him thanks for his mercy
supremely its own glor3', regardless of the glory of God and if kept awake during the night, we should so occujiy
and the good of mankind. our minds as to honor God, and advance our growth in
11. The measiu'es which men take for the destruction grace and our highest usefulness.
of others often prove the means of their own and while ; 3. Ingratitude is acomnKm sin, and we may perform for
they glory in anticipated victory, they sink into irretriev- others the most important services and yet receive from
able ruin. them no reward. But actions performed for God will
never be forgotten even the giving of a cup of cold water
God of heaven," towards his covenant people and the}' ; he often ready to overwhelm them in ruin.
had noticed the efficacy of his favor towards those who God in his providence taketh the wise in their own
were his faithful worshippers perhaps, also, they were : craftiness, the counsel of the froward he carrieth head-
acquainted with the history of Daniel and his companions. long ; and he may so evidently work against a man, that
From all this, as well as from their knowledge of the sud- even worldly sagacity may foresee his downfall and ruin.
;: : : :
tlu'c: and wluit is tliy rpquosf? niid it sliall bo anil ftdl down at Ins leet, and besought a. m.sim.
iMTriiniu'ii. rren to the liuir<>f tlic kiiijjrdom. liim with tears to jiut away
mischief »io tlic
:i 'riu'ii Kstlior tlic (|Uorn answcrt'd and said, Tf of Hainan the Apagite, and his device that lie
1 iiavo fomid fiivor in tiiy sijriit. O kinjr, and if it had devLsed against the Jews.
jilease tlie kin^', let niv lilV lie {riven nie at my 4 'J'lien the king held out the golden sceptre
IM'titinn, anil my |ici)|il(' at my rci|uest: toward Esther.'' So Esther arose, and stood be-
1 For we are sold. 1 and my jieoplc, to be de- fore tiie king,
stroyed, to jje slain, and to perish.*" liut if we had 5 And said. If it please the king, and if I have
been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had iield found favor in his sight, and the thing seem right
mv loiiiriie, altiioujih the enemy could not counter- before the king, and I be pleasing in his eyes, let
vail the king's damage. it be written to reverse the letters* devised by
b • Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said Hamaii tlie son of Ilamiiiedatha the Agagite, which
unto Esther the (lueon, Who is he, and where is he wrote' to destroy the Jews which are iu all the
he, that durst presume in his heart' to do so? king's provinces
(> And Esther said. The adversary' and enemy 6 For how can I endure to see* the evil that
is this wicked Haman. Tiien Human was afraid shall come unto my people?' or how can I endure
before' the king and the queen." to see the destruction of my kindred?
7 ' And the king arising from the banijuet of 7 Ti Then the king Ahasuerus said unto Esther
wine in his wrath went into the palace garden the queen and to Mordecai the Jew, Behold, I
and llanuin stood up to make request for his life have given Esther the house of Haman,'" and him
to Esther the queen for ho saw that there was they have hanged ujion the gallows, because he
evil determined against him by the king. laid his hand upon the Jews.
8 Then the king returned out of the palace gar- 8 Write ye also for the Jews, as it likcth you, iu
den into the place of the banquet of wine; and the king's name, and seal it w'ith the king's ring
Human was fallen u])Ou the bed whereon Esther for the writing which is written in the king's name,
i/v/.v. Tiien said the king. Will ho force the queen andsealed with the king's ring, may no manreverse."
also before' me in the house? As the word went out 9 Then were the king's scribes called at that
of the king's raoutli, they covered Hamau's face.*^ time in the third month," that is, the month Sivan,
y And Uarbonah,'' one of the chamberlains, said on the three and twentibtli day thereof; and it
before the king. Beiiold also the gallows^ fifty was written according to all that Mordecai com-
cubits high," which Haman had made for Mordc- manded unto the Jews, and to the lieutenants, and
cai, who had spoken good for the kiug, standcth in the deputies and rulers of the provinces whicii arc
the house of Haman. Then the king said. Hang from India unto Ethiopia,'' a hundred twenty and
him thereon. seven provinces, unto every province according to
10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that the writing thereof, and unto every people after
he had prepared for Mordecai.' Then was the their language, and to the Jews according to their
king's wrath pacified. writing, and according to their language.
10 iVnd he wrote in the kiug Ahasuerus' name,
CHAPTER VIII. and sealed it with the king's ring,'' and sent letters
by posts on horseback, and riders on mules, camels,
1 Mordecai is advanced. 3 Esther maketh suit to reverse Haman 's let-
ters. 7 Ahasuerus granteth to the Jews to and young dromedaries
defend themselves. 15
Mordecai's honor, and tlie Jews' joy. 11 Wherein the king granted the Jews which
0\ that day did the king Ahasuerus give the were in every city to gather tlicmselves together, and
house of ilanian tlic .Jews' enemy unto Esther to stand for tlieir life, to destroy, to slay, and to
the queen." And Mordecai came before the king cause to perish,'' all the power of the people and
for Esther had told what he was unto her.'' province that would assault them, both little ones
2 And the king took ofl" his ring,' which lie had and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey,
taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai. 12 Upon one day in all the provinces of king
And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.-' Ahasuerus, namely, upon the thirteenth day of the
3 *! And Esther spake yet again before the king, twelfth month, which is tlie month Adar.^
• Heb. tlutt Uuy should destroy, and IciU, and cause a ch. 3:9; Tim
to perish,
4:7. 1 Heh. whose heart hath JUUU him. 1 iifth. The man adversary. S Or,
at the presenre of. b ProT. 1G:1J. I Heb. with, c Job 9:-li. i ch. 1:10.
1 Heb. (r<«. « ch. .5:H Psa. 7: 15, 16; 3.5:8; 141:10; Prov. 11:5. 0.
f Dan.
0:d4; Psa. 37:3.3,30. g Prov. 13:3i h ch. v>:7. ch. 3:10. J Psa. 37:34;
4. Hie king's damage ; by making so large a number of
his siil>jects slaves.
8. T/tey covered Haman's face; a token that he was con-
demned by the king.
4. Persecution is always detrimental to rulers and sub-
6. When the doings of the wicked are brought to light,
they see that they have reason to fear and that nothing ;
but mercy can save them from ruin. The fear of the
The Jews arc sucwrcd, ESTHER IX. atul their enemies slain.
A. >i.
B. C. about
3194.The copy
' ° for a com-
of tlic writinpr
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and honor."
17 And in every province, and in every city,
whithersoever the king's commandment and his
decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a
feast and a good day.** And many of tlie people
of the land became Jews j for the fear of the Jews
fell upon them.'^
1 The Jews (the rulers, for fear of Mordecai, helping them) slay their
enemies, with the ten sons of Haman. 1'2 Ahasuerus, at the request
NOW Adar,''
in the twelfth month, that is,
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