Locational Arbitrage. Assume The Following Information
Locational Arbitrage. Assume The Following Information
Locational Arbitrage. Assume The Following Information
The large demand for New Zealand dollars at Yardley Bank will force
this bank's ask price on New Zealand dollars to increase. The large
sales of New Zealand dollars to Beal Bank will force its bid price
down. Once the ask price of Yardley Bank is no longer less than the
bid price of Beal Bank, locational arbitrage will no longer be
Quoted Price
Value of Canadian dollar in U.S. dollars $.90
Value of New Zealand dollar in U.S. dollars $.30
Value of Canadian dollar in New Zealand dollars NZ$3.02
The value of the Canadian dollar with respect to the U.S. dollar would
rise. The value of the Canadian dollar with respect to the New
Zealand dollar would decline. The value of the New Zealand dollar
with respect to the U.S. dollar would fall.
Quoted Price
Spot rate of Canadian dollar $.80
90-day forward rate of Canadian dollar $.79
90-day Canadian interest rate 4%
90-day U.S. interest rate 2.5%
The Canadian dollar's spot rate should rise, and its forward rate
should fall; in addition, the Canadian interest rate may fall and the U.S.
To determine the yield from covered interest arbitrage by U.S.
investors, start with an assumed initial investment, such as
Thus, New Zealand investors would not benefit from covered interest
arbitrage since the yield of 1.85% is less than the 6% that they could
receive from investing their funds in New Zealand.
Deriving the Forward Rate. Assume that annual interest rates in the
U.S. are 4 percent, while interest rates in France are 6 percent.
(1 .04 )
p= −1=−. 0189=−1 . 89 %
a. (1 . 06)
ANSWER: No, because the discount is larger than the interest rate
Minzu Sobat
Bank Bank
Bid $0.0224 $0.0228
Ask $0.0227 $0.0229
2. Besides the bid and ask quotes for the Thai baht provided in the
previous question, Minzu Bank has provided the following quotations
for the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen:
Determine whether the cross exchange rate between the Thai baht and
Japanese yen is appropriate. If it is not appropriate, determine the
profit you could generate for Blades Inc, by withdrawing $100,000
from Blades’ checking account and engaging in triangular arbitrage
before the rates are adjusted.
Triangular Arbitrage
· The bank may not fulfill its obligation on the forward contract (the
bank was just recently privatized and does not have a track record
as a privatized institution).
1. Do you think Jim will be able to find a bank that provides him with a
more favorable spot rate than his local bank? Explain.
ANSWER: The quoted spot rate for British pounds will typically be
similar among banks at a given point in time, because locational
arbitrage might be possible if there were significant differences. It is
possible that some banks that rarely provide the foreign exchange
services quote a less favorable exchange rate, and locational arbitrage
will not necessarily correct this if these banks have a large spread
between the bid and the ask quotes. Therefore, it may be worthwhile
for Jim to call other banks to obtain quotes, but Jim will likely find
that he cannot obtain a much better rate than what his local bank
p = (F – S)/S
= ($1.6435 – $1.65)/$1.65
= –.003939