Insert Any Customary Preliminary Matters For Opinion Letters in Your Jurisdiction
Insert Any Customary Preliminary Matters For Opinion Letters in Your Jurisdiction
Insert Any Customary Preliminary Matters For Opinion Letters in Your Jurisdiction
Application Date:
---------------- Write date of Client’s Application to DigiCert------------------------------
submitted an Application for Extended Validation (EV) Digital Certificate(s) (Application) to DigiCert,
dated as shown above. We have been asked by our Client to present you with our opinion as stated in
this letter.
------------------------------------------ Insert any customary preliminary matters for opinion letters in your jurisdiction-----------------------------------------------
Client is a duly formed ------------------------- Write type of entity here, e.g. corporation, LLC, etc. -------------------------- that is
“active,” “valid,” “current,” or the equivalent under the laws of the state/province of
registered such name with the appropriate government agency in the jurisdiction of its place of
business below.
has authority to act on
------------Please Provide the exact name for the Client Representative who signed the Application------------
behalf of Client to: (a) provide the information about Client required for issuance of the EV
Certificates, (b) request and approve issuance of one or more EV Certificates and to designate
other persons to request and approve EV Certificates, (c) agree to the relevant contractual
obligations contained in the Subscriber Agreement on behalf of Client and (d) confirm Client’s
ownership of any domain(s) included in Client’s EV Certificate requests. The title, and contact
information where this individual can be reached is as follows:
Title: ________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Client has a physical presence and its place of business at the following location:
Client can be contacted at its stated place of business at the following telephone number,
________________________________, which may be found in a public phone directory.
Client has an active current Demand Deposit Account with the following regulated financial
institution: _______________________________________________.
Client owns or has the lawful right to use the following domain name(s) in identifying itself on
the Internet: _____________________________________________
------------------------------------------------Insert any customary limitations and/or disclaimers for opinion letters in your jurisdiction.--------------------------
Name: ___________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Contact information for licensing agency where this information may be verified:
cc: Client