Direct Diode Laser Deposition of Functionally Graded Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 Components
Direct Diode Laser Deposition of Functionally Graded Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 Components
Direct Diode Laser Deposition of Functionally Graded Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 Components
Kamran Shah1, Andrew Pinkerton1, Richard Moat2, Lin Li1, Michael Preuss2
Laser Processing Research Centre, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The
University of Manchester, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom
Manchester Materials Science Centre, School of Materials, The University of Manchester, Grosvenor
Street, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom
Sample No.
Period (ms)
Duty Cycle
rate (g/s)
1 600 - - 1 0.358
2 1500 20 50 0.4 0.358
3 857 35 50 0.7 0.358
4 600 - - 1 0.516
5 1500 20 50 0.4 0.516
6 857 35 50 0.7 0.516
7 600 - - 1 0.674
8 1500 20 50 0.4 0.674
9 857 35 50 0.7 0.674 Figure 3 Micrograph of crack free sample 2.
Mean power = 600 W in all cases
Duty cycle = pulse length / period
Other samples developed severe macroscopic cracks Figure 5 Dendritic structures in the Inconel 718 and
during the deposition process. In these the cracking Ti-6Al-4V sides of the wall in Sample 9
Dendrites were generally elongated in the vertically
direction and normal to any clear Ni-Ti alloy
interface. Porosity was observed in all of the samples.
The pores were approximately circular and their size
varied between 10-30 µm. Generally more porosity
was observed in the Ti-6Al-4V than in the Inconel
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continuous wave beam and low powder mass flow the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B
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Mr Kamran Shah obtained an MSc in advanced
[10] Domack, M.S. & Baughman, J.M. (2005) Manufacturing technology and Systems Management
Development of nickel-titanium graded composition from The University of Manchester in 2005. He is
components, Rapid Prototyping Journal 11(1), 41-51. currently a research student, investigating direct
manufacture of functionally graded materials and
[11] Nelson, T.W., Lippold, J.C. & Mills, M.J. combined wire-powder laser deposition.
(2000) Nature and evolution of the fusion boundary
in ferritic-austenitic dissimilar metal welds - Part 2: Dr Andrew Pinkerton is a University of Manchester
on-cooling transformations, Welding Journal (Miami, Research Fellow who has studied laser materials
Fla) 79(10), 267-277. processing for six years. He specializes in laser direct
metal deposition and analytical modelling methods.
[12] Sun, Z. & Moisio, T. (1994) Weld metal/ferritic
Mr. Richard Moat graduated in 2004 and completed
steel interface in laser welded austenitic/ferritic
a MSc in lightweight materials at the Manchester
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Materials Science Centre in 2005. He is currently a
Letters 13(11), 802-805.
research student, investigating superalloy metallurgy
in the DLD process.
[13] Sireesha, M., Shankar, V., Albert, S.K. &
Sundaresan, S. (2000) Microstructural features of Professor Lin Li is Director of the Laser Processing
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Engineering A 292(1), 74-82.
Dr Michael Preuss is a lecturer at The University of
[14] Chatterjee, S., Abinandanan, T.A. & Manchester. His work focuses on metallurgical and
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development during dissimilar welding: Case of laser for aero engines and nuclear application and
welding of Ti with Ni involving intermetallic phase advanced welding techniques.
formation, Journal of Materials Science V41 (3), 643.